tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 19, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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thanks for joining us for another live hour of "360." we begin in south carolina where trump is touting poll numbers to make america great again. a lot of people are buying what he's talking about, poll numbers are proving that. a new nbc wall street journal poll shows trump with the highest level of support yet, 25% but ben carson is essentially tied for first 22% within the margin of error. marco rubio in third with 13% with the rest of the field in single digits. trump spoke at a civic center in south carolina. sarah murray is there and joins me now. what was the atmosphere like at the event? >> reporter: you know, i think it was fired up. there were thousands of people crammed into this arena a little earlier. the interesting thing about donald trump's crowds is how many of these people who show up are trump fans, solid trump
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voters, how many are checking him out or the checking out the celebrity. they were supporting democrats or other republicans in the race but wanted to see what the fuss was about. they wanted to see donald trump in person. like you said, he still leads in the polls so definitely gives us an idea how he's able to draw so many people and would be happy to have a couple hundred voters, anderson. >> did trump talk about his feud with jeb bush and comments about 9/11? >> you know, trump usually does not shy away from a controversy but when it comes to the 9/11 comments especially suggesting that george w. bush was to blame bu because he was president at the time, trump made no comment about that and a number of reporters followed him out of the event, shouting questions, trying to get him to address the issue and dodged them and as we know, donald trump is not a guy who is camera shy in any way, so this was sort of a strange move for him and look, anderson, a
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number of voters i talked to were not particularly happy to see trump going after bush. they said it was no one's fault and nothing they felt like the former president could have done to prevent this. >> as trump is stumping, there is something happening on twitter and talk shows, a feud as we mentioned with jeb bush in the darkest days with donald trump pointing fingers and bush defending his brother. dana bash reports. >> reporter: a political dual about america's catastrophe on 9/11, 2001 playing out in a very 2016 way, on twitter. donald trump tweeting today at jeb bush i'm fighting to make sure it doesn't happen again. jeb is too soft. that after bush had tweeted donald trump talks about foreign policy as though he's still on the apprentice. at issue. trump suggestions that jeb's brother george w. bush could have done more as president to prevent the september 11th terror attacks.
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>> don't blame him or don't blame him but he was president. the world trade center kacame dn during his reign. >> a response to one of his passionate moments. >> such a disaster abraham lincoln couldn't have been elect elected. >> you know what? as it relates to my brother, one thing i know for sure, he kept us safe. >> reporter: trump is even suggesting he could have stopped the 9/11 hijackers from getting into the u.s. in the first place. >> i'm extremely tough on people coming into this country. i doubt those people could have come in the country. >> reporter: for the record, the 9/11 commission said two of the 19 hijackers over stayed visas but others gained the immigration system and commission said the attack was a shock but should not have come as a surprise. still, jeb bush's campaign thinks trump's latest rant handed them a winning issue. >> next week mr. trump will say fdr was around when japan attacked pearl harbor.
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it's what you do after that matters and that's the sign of leadership. >> reporter: jeb bush's aids knew his brother's legacy would be a challenge, especially jeb bush's position on the iraq war which he bungled early on but 9/11. >> i can hear you. >> reporter: this was not something team bush ever dreamed would be relitigated but they are happy to do so using it to broaden criticism of trump as commander in chief. >> it looks as though he's not taking the possibility of being president of the united states really seriously. >> reporter: the push campaibus is asking to vote $5 and fight back against donald trump. dana bash, cnn, washington. >> the press secretary when the 9/11 attacks happened and the ten-year search for bin laden. peter, you say it actually is donald trump whose in the right here. explain why you say that. >> he's certainly in the right with the notion that president bush and senior advisers could
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have done more in the summer of 2001. in the nine months in office, they had one cabinet meeting about al qaeda and terrorism and 32 cabinet meetings about other issues and if you look on the public record, bush and cheney never once mentioned al qaeda or bin laden in the nine months and if they thought it was a problem, they would have said so publicly and they simply didn't. matter of public record george w. bush took the longest presidential vacation in more than three decades during the summer of 2001 despite the fact the cia was constantly warning of some kind of imminent potential attack. >> and in a column you wrote for, you go so far to say the problem was quote the bush administration's inability to comprehend an attack by al qaeda on the united states was a real possibility. >> they were preoccupied by state base so if you go back to that time there was a lot of discussion about having an anti boll ballistic offense.
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>> how do you respond to that? is it fair to point out as peter does that the president that the vice president didn't talk about al qaeda previously? >> let me just for argument sake grant his argument, his logic, none of what he said would stop 911 from taking place. that's what donald trump suggested it was bush's fault 9/11 took place on his watch. nobody concluded that. not even the 9/11 commission had access to the information concluded that. it's troubling what donald trump is saying is when america is attacked like that, terrorists are ones to blame, not the americans. this is where trump's logic would say bill clinton is to blame for the attacks in the '90s or ronald reagan is to blame for the attack and marine barracks. we're in a long war against terrorism and when you win the war against terrorist is focus on the people that commit
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attacks against us, not turning against each other. >> peter, you point out the most intelligence, where, when, that is not known. >> right. >> sure, but the point, there's a point of comparison useful with the clinton administration you may recall during the ma ly mill lynn yum there was attack on the united states and they convened meetings of the national security counsel on a daily basis in the two-week period during that time period. condoleezza rice did nothing to pulse the committee about the threats that were out, the potential threats out there. those, if the community had been pulsed, maybe al qaeda recruit who is in prison in minnesota whose trying to fly a 747, that might have been picked up. there is a lot of might have beens. i agree overall we don't know but we do know for a fact that
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the bush administration was basically -- was very unconcerned about this matter both in their public and private statements and meetings and actions. >> the problem i have here, this is with hindsight misreading what took place in the summer of 2001 and in the summer of 2001, the system was blinking red about terrorists attacks to the embassies overseas, which did get the attention of everybody in the administration that led to closings of embassies and security measures to protect abroad and nothing happened in the summer of 2001. in large part because intelligence was wrong or because the protective measures that we took. then you had the issue of the presidential daily brief that said bin laden determined to attack in the united states, which opponents of bush used to say you see, he knew. the issue here is like anybody ever worked with intelligence, frustrating because it doesn't say where. it doesn't say when. it doesn't say how. and the context of those
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briefings was entirely about arab terrorists, muslim terrorists, hijacking aircraft done for decades to negotiate ransoms in a traditional hijacking sense. that was intelligence information we had that people said shows that bush should have known. >> i mean, donald trump is saying that if he were president in 2001, his tougher immigration policies would have prevented hijackers from being able to enter the country. they were in this country for awhile. >> let's grant donald trump he builds a wall with mexico and mexico pays for it. would donald trump say no muslims are allowed to fly in the united states? that this is donald trump's immigration policy, that if you're from an arab nation, you're not allowed to board a jet and fly to america? this is what you have to believe to believe donald trump could have stopped anything. another issue, legitimate issue changed with the patriot act is the fbi and cia were not allowed to talk to each other, which was a reform and that was indeed a
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problem that everybody recognized post 9/11. now cia and fbi are allowed to share information. >> peter, you still believe kind of had condoleezza rice or others shaken the trees, something might have popped up? >> indeed. there was two al qaeda recruits in the united states who turned out to be two of the hijackers and given that information to the fbi. and i will say that i spoke to the person who wrote that presidential daily brief, a veteran cia analyst and she said the intent of that was very much to say hey there is a strong possibility bin laden and al qaeda will attack in the united states and there was information about fbi investigations going on domestically and in the united states. again, we are not completely disagreei disagreeing. it's a matter, the bush administration didn't see this in any shape or form.
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the very first cabinet meeting that the bush administration had when it came into office is about iraq. that shows the priorities. it took them 32 more feelings that took place a week before 9/11. again -- >> let's also remember iraq was shooting at the united states aircraft and forcing the no fly zone on behalf of the entire western world. there was a shooting war that should have taken the attention of the administration. nothing to do with what happened in 2003 with iraq but 2001 the air force was being fired on. >> three months earlier, al qaeda bombers blew up an american ship killing 17 american soldiers. that's a real shooting war just before the bush administration -- >> in the year 2000. >> right. >> so al qaeda was already clearly a serious threat. iraq, as we know, wasn't. so anyway, i mean, you know, historians will continue to judge this issue but i think donald trump put it into the public domain. it's a debate worth having.
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and -- >> ari, let me ask you the politics of this. does it benefit jeb bush to go to bat for his brother like this? do you think it benefits donald trump to link jeb bush to his brother? >> first of all, every attempt to catalog the politics of anything involved when donald trump is proved to be wrong, donald trump has this interesting and odd ability to be impervious to politics. my sense of it here, it is not a smart thing to attack somebody very popular among republican primary voters, george w. bush and the reason he's very popular is because he kept us safe after 9/11. so he is really picked, i think, an odd fight to make inside a republican primary and that might be a reason he walked away from reporters today and went on what he typically would have. >> good discussion. thank you. you can hear the latest what trump has to say tomorrow at 6: 00 a.m. here on cnn.
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hillary clinton testifies before the house on benghazi this week but are they committed to finding the truth or sham to hurt the clinton campaign? we'll look at that next. also ahead, hundreds of thousands of people fleeing violence and poverty risking their lives to go to europe. a closer look what they are going through. i speak with refugees and migrants that made it to greece in a report i just did for "60 minutes" coming up. alka-seltzer plus day cold & flu has three cold symptom fighters to relieve your tough symptoms. stay unstoppable. (truck horn) alka-seltzer plus.
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clinton will testify about the attack in benghazi and libya, left four americans dead and left a can of political worms no one could have predicted. the thursday appearance on benghazi comes at a time when there are serious accusations about the intentions, whether it wants the truth or to take down clinton's presidential campaign. john dickerson asked the committee chairman what he wants to know from clinton when she testifies. >> what i want to know is while violence was going up in libya, why was our security profile going down? it wasn't even staying the same. it was going down. why did certain things make it to your inbox but the plaintiff pleadings of our ambassador you put in place never bothered to make it to your inbox. that's a fair question. >> he spoke to elijah cummings and asked whether this is political and if the outcoming
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performance is a sham. >> it's a sad day for all of us, the families came in with tears in their eyes literally and said please do not make this a political football. they said find out for information what did happen and asked us to do one other thing and that is try to make sure you figure out how this does not happen again and i think we failed in all three. >> with me again, democratic strategist paul begala and joining me, former regan white house political director jeffly lord. paul, in recent interviews chairman gowdy, his approach may quote shock you with fairness. do you take him at his word for this -- >> no. >> you don't? >> no. i take him at his word when he told chris wallace of fox news
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when chris asked what does this e-mail stuff have to do with benghazi? he said not much of anything. i certainly take that air force major who was an investigator on the committee and says it's a partisan witch hunt and now trey gowdy is saying these are the worst few weeks of my life, using taxpayers's money to hound and attack servants and poll lit size -- >> paul, there is an fbi investigation going underway and i mean, as i said to the secretary during the debate, president clinton himself said this is a legitimate issue, president obama. >> so why are the republicans politicalizin politicalizing it? if they had a lick of sense, they would allow the investigations to go forth or look at the seven previous investigations, most of them done by congress, one of them done by an independent review board secretary clinton set up
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that had scathing assessments. 29 assessments, 29 criticisms, all of which hillary adopted but there have been tough investigations on this and this is pure poll tings as even the people on the committee are admitting. i don't know how much more proof we need this is not on the level. >> jeff, is this pure politics? >> yeah, i mean, what's pure politics is what you're hearing from paul if you want to know if this is fair, i'll take the word of cheryl mills secretary clinton's chief of staff that told congressman gowdy she was treated fairly. look, what is going on here, this is what the clintons singular and plural do. they are trying to make trey gowdy to aggressively go out of their way to delegitimize the committee and this is how they play politics and i might add when we were in the regan
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administration, we had the business going on not out there slamming the special prosecutor, we were not out there going after people like this. this is something that's unique to the clintons. they are doing it here again and have a youtube commercial video ready to go to defend her. you know, all we want is the truth here, just the facts, ma'am, from that old television series and that's it, and i think trey gowdy is situated to get them. >> it's a paid ad for my super pact and i hope you watch it. >> there you go, paul. appreciate it -- >> i rest my case. >> one at a time -- >> let paul answer. >> wait a minute, jeffrey. she has a right to defense and i'm going to help to provide it. this is not on the level. i'm not making the charges, by the way. i'm repeating what the house majority leader said and chairman said and investigator on the committee. i haven't gotten to congressman hanna, another republican congressman that admitted this
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is a partisan investigation. those are republicans doing this and admitting it. forgive me for believing republicans are telling the truth -- >> jeff -- >> so -- >> there have been seven previous investigations what happened. this is the eighth. people say what will this investigation find, what was wrong with the other previous seven? >> sure, anderson because the others were not conducted by select committees of the house and as we well know in the world of washington and i realize this is sort of in the weeds for a lot of folks, but other committees standing committees of the house or the senate for that matter have multiple responsibilities. when you create a select committee like this, it is their job to focus on one subject and one subject only, in this case benghazi. that's the way to get to a point where as congressman gowdy said, the e-mails weren't even looked at. that's going to be done here. that's new.
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so we're going to see what other new facts will be uncovered and to be very candid here. either congressman gowdy will get this done or not. if it doesn't, this will fall of it own weight. we need to know the truth. those four americans deserve that. >> thank you. we'll be covering it. inside europe's refugee crisis. the flood of people seeking safety. many from syria. tonight, we take you inside the dangerous and uncertain journey. hey, tom. small job? no, doing the whole living room. hey you guys should come over later. the exclusive one-coat color collection from behr® marquee interior. every color covers in one coat, guaranteed. turning a two-coat job into an easy marquee® afternoon. sfx: phone chime they're still at it. ♪ behr® marquee. behr's most advanced interior paint and primer. exclusively at the home depot.
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tonight one of the worst refugee crisis is deepening. 10,000 are stranded in serbia facing short tashortages of aid. officials are calling the situation desperate, not to mention winter is approaching. with that backdrop, tonight we're bringing you a report i filed for cbs's "60 minutes." hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war are risking lives to seek asylum in new york, doing it for months.
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most come from syria hoping to make it to germany. last month german chancellor surprised the world announcing her country would not stop anyone from seeking asylum after that, the number of asylum seekers doubled, tripled. how is europe deals with the wave of people? we started where most of the new arrivals first step foot in europe, the island ofle. worry and desperate, packed into rubber boats never meant to cross such a sea. the boats are supposed to hold 12 but 40 to 50 men, women and children are squeezed on board. most have traveled for days or weeks from syria, iraq, or afghanistan just to reach the turkish coast. then, for the six-mile journey across, they paid turkish smugglers a small fortune, as
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much as $1500 a piece. half price for kids. when they finally land scared, exhausted, many have no idea where they are. we noticed one of the first things they do is unwrap cell phones protected in plastic. they want to call their relatives to let them know they didn't drown. he and his wife and son left syria just six days ago. where are you hoping to go? >> germany. >> reporter: why germany? so this is your son? do you hope he gets a new life in germany?
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. >> translator: we hope a better life for him and never suffer like his father. all these marks from the boom. the barrel. >> reporter: barrel bombs. so you feel safe now? >> translator: thank god. i can just kiss the ground. >> reporter: in the hour and a half we were on this stone stretch of beach, 15 arrived and elsewhere on the island, there were plenty more. some 4,000 people land here each day, nearly three-quarters are syrian. and they don't stay on the beach very long. >> they have an internal clock and desperate to get to europe as quickly as possible. >> reporter: the international rescue committee onle.
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>> they leave behind life jackets. >> it says not for use in boating and our main concern is you're going to continue to have high numbers of refugees coming and we'll have more capsized boats and more drownings, because this is not going to save anyone's life. >> reporter: while we were there, four people who drowned and washed ashore were buried. no one knew their names. more than 3,000 people have drowned trying to reach europe so far this year. engines often fail and overcrowded boats capsize. that's how this 3-year-old syrian boy drowned in september after these photographs of his body on a turkish beach were seen around the world, volunteers started showing up to help more arrivals make it on shore. but for months, it's been private aid groups like the
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international rescue committee doing what the greek government was not able to do. governments aren't giving you money? >> no, and it's as if there is a strategy, make it as difficult for people to come, make them risk their lives and live in unsanitary conditions and fewer and fewer will come. nothing could be further from the truth. >> reporter: who are the people coming? >> in the beginning mostly syrians. mostly they were men. everybody was saying they are all young men, they are all young men. where is the families? over the course of the past three months, you've had a higher percentage of women and children and male members of families went first to see it was safe and get settled and calling for their families to come. >> reporter: syrians and others have to get fingerprinted and registered before they can leave l . it's so fast when we went to the port where a ferry departs daily
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for athens, we were surprised to see him and his little boy ten hours after arriving on the island, they had ferry tickets ready to leave. you got registered? >> yeah. >> reporter: you got the ticket. their journey won't be easy. the route to germany keeps changing, as borders open and close along the way and greater controls are put in place. from greece, most travel through macedonia, slovenia to austria. we found hundreds sleeping in tents waiting to be allowed to cross. german authorities had just slowed down the entrance process, only a hand full at a time were being allowed in. not far away at the central train station, hundreds more waited in an under ground garage. >> the maximum capacity here in
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the shelter is 800. but we had nights where we had 1,300 here. >> reporter: he's mayor and has no idea each day how many people he'll have to find shelter for. do you get advanced notice when germany decides to slow the number of people coming through? >> i don't get advanced notice but i notice right away. >> reporter: can you imagine what would happen if germany closed borders? >> i don't want to imagine that because we will have a situation that's a humanitarian catastrophe. >> we'll have part two of the report. so many people that travel risk so much and what awaits those who make it to germany? we'll find out ahead. may raise your blood pressure. that's why there's coricidin® hbp. it relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. so look for powerful cold medicine with a heart. coricidin® hbp.
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here is part two of the report i filed. do you get advanced notice when germany decides to slow the number of people coming through? >> i don't get advanced notice but i notice right away. >> can you imagine what would happen if germany closed the boa borders? >> i don't want to imagine. we will have a situation that's a humanitarian problem. >> do you know where these people are, where they are from? >> i'm not worried about security and if a terrorist really wants to come to our country or to germany or anywhere in europe, they find their ways. they don't need refugees and certainly do not march along with refugees from turkey through southern europe. >> when a train for germany is expected, many who waited for days rush to lineup, hoping their chance has finally come.
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but while we were there, just one train left for germany. on board we found mohamed and his mother. >> do you know much about germany? >> no. >> what do you think it's going to be like? >> better than anything. >> better than anything. >> yeah. >> what are you most looking forward to? >> i just want to have a good life with my mother in peace. >> it was octoberfest, there was music and brats and plenty of beer. a culture shock for anyone but for muslims from a war zone, it must seem especially strange. do they have a real sense of what life in germany is going to be like? >> i often hear germany is
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paradise and obviously that's not the case. >> the streets are paved with gold. >> yes. >> she runs save me munic that helps new arrivals adjust to germany. >> they think it will be easy to find a job and housing. >> sure, but the relatives in germany could call home and tell them it is amazing here, i'm having a good life and i'm very successful. obviously, in most cases that is not true. >> more than 500,000 new arrivals have already crossed into germany in the last nine months. the german government expects half a million more by the end of the year. they are placed in shelters throughout the country where they have to wait for months to be granted asylum. if they are, they get free language classes, full government benefits and can start looking for a job. what are the biggest challenges?
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>> the biggest challenge definitely is to find housing. at the moment we're having a huge influx, the community shelters are overcrowded. people are sharing rooms with five, six, seventh other men, you know. there is no, there is no space for privacy. >> in berlin, fights have erupted as frustrated asylum seekers wait days in lines to register and smaller is the ee struggling to find shelter. the mayor of a town of 24,000 has been told to expect at least 1,000 new arrivals. he says he welcomes them but for now can only put them in temporary shelters like this. do you have other spaces if more people come? >> no. that's our problem. we have no spaces. >> is germany being asked to do too much compared to the rest of
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europe. >> translator: from my point of view, yes, especially when it comes to the amount of people. but our government did is led to these masses coming to us. >> many germans agree. chancellor merkel's approval rating has dropped. while germany with the ageing population needs new workers, absorbing so many so fast is a $6 billion burden with in end in sight. a lot of people don't want them here. >> they would say yes, we have to take them in. we have to integrate them but please not in my neighborhood and not because these people are racist, it's often the fear of the unknown, you know. >> one of the syrians is trying to help is this man, a doctor whose been in a shelter since august. he gets about $160 a month from the german government.
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it will take him months to get asylum and it could take him more than a year to be allowed to bring his wife and five daughters from turkey. so it's much harder than you had realized? >> translator: when it became a year, a year and a half, that was something i did not expect at all. >> the doctor is desperately lonely but won't allow his family to take the dangerous journey by boat as he did. >> translator: i might risk my own life for my children, but there is no way i could risk my children's lives. >> the number of new arrivals may drop in the next few months because crossing by sea in winter is especially dangerous. but come spring, a new wave of asylum seekers is once again expected to wash up on lesbos' shores. >> israel on edge after a string
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of attacks. we'll get the latest from the live report from jerusalem. the cold truth is... [coughing] okay kids, let's go. no one can really fill your shoes when you're sick. [toy car electric motor] [toy car horn beeping] alka-seltzer plus hot drink mix has four cold symptom fighters to relieve your tough symptoms. [whoosh of steam] [deep breath] stay unstoppable. alka-seltzer plus. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name yes, we are twins. of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people, but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story.
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another violent attack. ten were wounded when a gunman opened fire. the attacker was killed. people running from the scene and the chaos, a horrifying case of mistaken identity. a security guard thought he saw a second would be terrorist. the crowd gripped by fear kicked the innocent man that later died at a hospital. ben wedeman joins us with more. obviously a tense situation for weeks now, what's the latest, ben, tonight? >> reporter: well, the latest anderson is for more than 24 hours there has been no attack and these days you take every day at a time. that's not only the case in the troubles are over but perhaps that there's a lull. the leaders on both sides really continue to play this blame game for what's going on but the fact of the matter is that this phenomenon of lone wolf attacks has both sides stumped worried that elements are at play that no one has any control of.
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people who decide to go and launch these attacks not under the orders of hamas or so it seems to be something that has the security services stumped, as well as the political leaders. >> and israeli officials are encouraging citizens with gun licenses to carry guns with them. how difficult is it to get a gun license in israel? >> it's more difficult than in the united states. you have to apply for a license and you have to prove that you have a need to have a weapon. it's, for some reason, you need to protect yourself. and then you have to go through a training course and you have to renew your license every year which involves traening. so it's not as loose as the united states. but the end result is that lots of people already have guns and many more are applying for guns
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and the worry is that the atmosphere is such that people are a little loose on the trigger. now, the understand you referred to in your introduction, that was the air trainman was shot by a security guard. so we haven't had an incident where somebody just happens to have a gun and shoots somebody, but the atmosphere is so charged that the worry is that could very well happen soon. >> you've obviously, ben, spent a lot of time there over the years, you've been witness to a lot of the serious conflicts there. how does this situation feel compared to others? >> this is somewhat reminiscence of the second in defadda in terms of just the anger and the hatred between the two sides. certainly the residual good will that existed from the 1990s following the signing of the oslo peace accords, that's well
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gone. and you have now a generation, a younger generation on the israeli side and the palestinian side, all they can recall is violence. and it's created a very dark atmosphere, the likes of which i haven't seen in years. anderson. >> ben, be careful. up next, breaking news, new images of lamar odom where he was found unconscious and some encouraging news about his recovery. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again with aleve pm.
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i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose.. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. breaking news on lamar odom, the daily mail has received new images reportedly showing him in his room at a nevada brothel. they say he's slumped in bed there. we don't know who took them or when they were taken or how they got them. also, the los angeles daily news is reporting that odom has
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started physical therapy. meanwhile, sources tell cnn he's getting closer to leaving the las vegas hospital and will continue his recovery in las vegas. joining the addiction medicine specialist, dr. drew pinsky. i talked to someone last week who knows lamar odom and knows him for a long time. they said he has a hard time saying no to people. how critical for somebody in recovery is it to be surrounded by the right people? >> right. i saw that interview and i thought it was rather insightful that you sometimes have to pull yourself out of the environment you're in and not to back until you have a secure base to operate from. i've got a lot of people that do great when they're in the recovery community, but as soon as they drift outside of it, they fall. >> and yet, you know, he decided to move to los angeles and, again, somebody i talked to who knows him scoffed when they heard that lamar odom was moving to vegas because he wanted to change things up. vegas isn't the kind of place you would think to go to to get
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straight. >> exactly. they had a lot of good recovery in that town, but if you're looking to get straight, i'm not sure that's the direction you go. it really is interesting. as i'm thinking about it, i'm thinking my patients that have had difficulty, you know, staying sober or -- unless they stayed connected with the community and they're oftentimes some of the nicest, most gentle, lovely people i've taken care of. those are the ones that are their worst enemies sometimes. that allows them to manipulate and get away, and we wish they were doing well, but they don't. >> and is it good for people to try to maintain the relationships that have been healthy for them? clearly, khloe kardashian has been by his bedside. what do you do with somebody who had a relationship with you and you've broken up with? how does it -- >> it's all different. but i'll tell you what, i don't know if you saw that article, "the daily news," somebody was was reported that kardashians are responsible for lamar odom's condition. that is nonsense. he's a big boy.
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he's made some choices. maybe it didn't help his recovery, but addicts -- the story is all different, but addicts are addicts. the people around them aren't responsible for them. to the extent people around them with do something, there's only so much you can do. getting them to participate in treatment is very difficult. >> is being a celebrity, being in the spotlight, being somebody that people recognize, can it help a recovery or does it make it harder that people are kind of watching them all the time saying, woeb look, you know, this person is that i bar, this person -- >> sure. and there's more shame if you're public with it, right? they carry that weight. but more than anything, and this is what people don't understand, the most difficult time i had treating celebrities was they wanted to return to work p prematurely. robert downey is most characteristic of this. repeatedly, back to work, relapse. and then he disappeared for years and contemplated -- didn't even discuss whether he would ever work again, just focused on his recovery. that's what somebody like lamar
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needs to do. he needs to go away, focus on his recovery, not worry about anything else and stay there for an extended period of time. >> but a lot of people can't do that. you need to work, you need to earn money. >> it's very difficult. it's a conundrum. about somebody who has life threatening addiction, listen, if that person had cancer, they would manage to find a way to get their cancer treated and not work. >> dr. drew, thanks. >> you bet. >> that does it for you. cnn tonight with don lemon starts now. >> trump versus bush, which one? this is cnn tonight. i'm brook baldwin sitting in for my friend, don lemon. the feud between jeb bush and donald trump heating up tonight and how the george w. bush white house responded to terror threats in the days before the attacks. meanwhile, yeah, it's not all kumbaya on the democrat side. hillary clinton
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