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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  October 28, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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majority of the freedom caucus, absolutely. >> reporter: wolf, we'll see how long that lasts. particularly if he starts to make she's big decisions in the coming weeks. >> manu, thanks very much. that's all the time we have. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, u.s. fighter jets scrambled across the northeast, a massive military surveillance blimp donald trump out in the front and center in tonight's dedate. the school officer caught on tape throwing the student and cross the room. tonight he's fighting back and says he did nothing wrong. we have a special guest. let's go "outfront." ♪ good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, breaking news. a massive military blimp out of control. the blimp crash landing after a
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frantic chase by f-16 fighter jets. it was heading for heavily populated new england when it lost control and wreaked havoc on a pennsylvania town and cutting power lines to 30,000 people. the military kobt shoot the nearly $200 million blimp down out of fear the 7,000 pound air ship would have exploded. it landed successfully this evening. you can see it there. that was, let me say it again, nearly $200 million. loaded with high-powered radar designed to protect the east coast of the united states from enemy missile attacks. >> reporter: a high-tech military blimp tethered to the ground at an air base in maryland drifted away uncontrolled. norad jay lens is a highly sophisticated aircraft. it helium-filled blimp uses
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radar that can track missiles and aircraft for up to 340 miles away in any direction. it slipped from the moorings just before noon and began a slow drift north over pennsylvania. two f-16 fighter jets from a national guard station in new jersey scrambled to clear the way for commercial aircraft. >> it's going down. >> the biggest worry, the 67-00 foot cable that kept the blimp tied down was dragging along the ground, taking out power lines and causing massive power outages. at one point, as many as 30,000 people were without power. the blimp has an automatic deflation system but it's unclear whether or not it worked. after a little more than 3 1/2 hours, the badly damaged blimp finally came down in the woods near central pennsylvania. >> i mean, it's stunning here to figure out what could have gone so wrong.
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boris is on the line. >> reporter: erin, authorities are working to secure the area. we know there was a military recovery team that was deployed here a few hours ago. it might be difficult because the conditions are rough. the whole way over to where it went down, it appears that it landed in the field so it was a very dark and rural area. you can imagine this is going to be a very big investigation and it's simply not supposed to happen. the blimp is supposed to remain tethered down even through hurricane-force winds so it will be interesting to see how it got loose. >> boris, thank you. barbara starr at the pentagon, boris saying that this blimp was designed to handle hurricane-force winds. this is not a balloon. it's part of a billion dollar
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missile defense program. how did it get loose? >> well, that's the $2 billion question, isn't it? the investigation, as boris said, is just beginning. they want to figure out, was there a working deflate mechanism which is supposed to work when it comes loose? was this in fact reality? was there one, did it work, did it not work? what made it deflate after 3 1/2 hours floating at 16,000 feet? what made it come loose from the mooring? it was, as we were told -- the weather parameters, it was raining but the weather parameters were fine. it was completely within the range of operational conditions. now a major investigation is under way. >> and they couldn't get it down right away. obviously it's $200 million. they wouldn't have wanted to shoot it down. it could have headed for a heavily populated area. it was full of 7,000 pounds of
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helium? >> well, you know, if in fact it had headed towards a significantly populated area, this was going to be the key question that might have gone all the way to the white house. you have two armed f-16s trailing it and the faa trying to cheer out air space ahead of it. would you be prepared to bring this down using military force? would you shoot it down to get it on the ground as quickly and safely as possible if it was headed for a populated area. we're told by the officials, the decision was, how could you get it down as quickly and safely as possible and they tracked it all the way and it began to deflate and, by all accounts, come down on it is own. >> barbara, thank you very much. in just a moment, we're going to find out more about what is on this blimp. it's part of a missile defense system to track enemy missiles if they were coming in to the eastern united states. it's massive. and it's cable dragged for miles. it hit power lines.
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with me now is the department of public safety thank you for being with me. it was a 6700-foot cable. what did you go through today? >> well, basically, we got notified by the 911 centers about this blimp drifting up to pennsylvania and at the time we didn't believe it was going to be a threat but just before 2:00 this afternoon our 911 system received hundreds of calls from the eastern end of our county. at that point, it was coming down pretty low and the cable was basically dragging across power lines and people's property and that went on for probably a better part of 40 minutes for a 20-mile stretch across our county. >> that's pretty incredible. and i know incredible in many ways that there were not any
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kind of injuries or fatalities. there was a rural area. thank you very much, i appreciate your time, sir. i want to go now to a defense one reporter. this blimp -- you heard barbara talking about it, it's nearly $200 million. this is supposed to be a crown jewel for the east coast of the united states in the missil defense program. it's as long as a football field. you have a lot of equipment on it. what is on this nearly $200 million blimp? >> it's a big radar up in the sky and designed to track stuff like cruise missiles or even small drones or, for instance, the gyrocopter that landed on the capitol lawn a few months ago. the idea is having a radar in the sky unlike on the ground, you can see around mountain ranges. there's a faction that wants to use this technology to defend the united states against cruise missile attacks.
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>> how could something like this have happened? you know, it's supposed to withstand hurricane-force winds and all of a sudden it gets loose and now there's $200 million of taxpayer dollars down a toilet? >> right now it's in a test program and in year one it's about to enter its second year of a three-year test program and you can be certain that something like this is really going to weigh in on the pentagon decision on whether or not to keep buying these blimps to put around perhaps other cities in the united states. >> yeah. so marcus, what could have happened in a blimp like this were to get in the wrong hands? >> well, say, if it went out to sea and crashed in the ocean, the fear is that u.s. technology -- so in this case, the sensitive radar technology, could be picked up by a potential adversary, so russia or china. we saw this in abadabad in the
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raid that killed osama bin laden. what happened? the chinese ended up getting a piece of the helicopter that remained after the special forces destroyed the rest of it. >> marcus, thank you very much. "outfront" next, republican debate round three tonight in colorado. will donald trump attack ben carson now that he's number one in a few key polls? plus, ben carson says he was a violent teen before he became a renowned brain surgeon. it's an american story on steroids. he's still an enigma. and a school officer has been thrown off the job. could he face criminal charges? guess what, someone is coming to his defense from the police department, that's "outfront" tonight. (gasp) shark diving!
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tonight, the republican presidential candidates are facing off in colorado. we are now less than 100 days from the iowa caucus. donald trump remains the focus. perhaps he has the most to lose. he's fallen behind ben carson in a few key polls. he's a leader in iowa and one national poll. what will happen on the debate stage tonight? dana bash is "outfront." >> this crap stops. >> reporter: four republican candidates who won't make the main stage already debated and tried hard to break through. >> i am tired of losing. good god, look who we're running against. the number one candidate on the other side though she was flat broke after her and her husband were in the white house for eight years. the number two guy went to the soviet union on his honeymoon and i don't think he ever came back. >> reporter: certainly not the way the candidate who talked constantly about winning wanted to go into tonight's debate.
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>> iowa, will you get your numbers up, please? >> now, if i lose iowa, i will never speak to you guys again. that i can tell you. >> reporter: for ben carson being on top, that means he has more to lose. aides say carson prepped hard on policy, in-depth q & a on economy and jobs. the fight further down the field is red hot. >> republicans and conservatives win when we have a hopeful, optimistic message. >> reporter: jeb bush has to prove he can turn things around. a source tells cnn the fiscal issues likely to dominate the debate is in the policy wheel house but on communicating his message, the source said he's not going to be someone he's not. >> what about bush? because he's been kind of quiet
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this year but you never know with this guy. >> reporter: marco rubio released this light-hearted predebate video. >> let's keep an eye on all of those guys and let me know. >> reporter: less funny for rubio? a hometown paper that endorsed him in 2010 for senate says he's missed so many votes, he should resign. >> taxpayers provide you with $174,000 a year to do your job. do you know how many florida families would kill for a third of that money each year along with that pay? >> dana, the first debate with graham, santorum, pitaki and jindal just ending. did you learn anything? >> reporter: lindsey graham sort
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of stole the show with not just his red hot rhetoric but with his humor. and george pataki says his favorite app is uber because he doesn't have a driver anymore. we heard a lot about the issues before but it's important to note that a lot of the candidates in any other year when there were not so many candidates would be really on the main stage, a sitting governor, a sitting senator, a former governor of new york. these are serious people and it's just because, again, there are so many people running that they are relegated to the undercard. >> dana, thank you very much. and i want to go now to the former director of the congressional budget office john mccain and former council of economic advisors for president obama austin goolsbee. great to have you with me. the panels go back many, many
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years. doug, who has the most to prove tonight in the debate? >> i think the person who has the most to prove is ben carson. once your name gets to the top of any poll, people start looking closer and the question is, can you be the person who got to the top and stay at the top or does that change things for you, the focus of attacks and more scrutiny? the expectations are a lot higher. there's a lot of pressure on him. >> for sure. austin, donald trump is now fighting against ben carson. he wants to remain the front-runner. the focus is the economy. that's what donald trump sells himself as the master of the economy, the art of the deal. that's how he introduces himself. >> yes, self-described. >> i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created, i tell you that. there's not a country that we
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negotiated with that doesn't make a better deal. everybody, we lose money with everything. everybody is ripping us off. every single country. we're not going to let it happen anymore. >> we need somebody that can go to china and say, folks, it's time. it's time. you can't keep taking our money. you can't keep taking our jobs. >> all right. he brought god into it. there was religion. is there something to be said, though, for his argument? >> well, there's something when you -- when i heard you describing that there was a militaristic vehicle full of hot air threatening to do major damage to the country and cost us millions of dollars, i could not help of donald trump. but what donald trump i think is going to do is go back to what got him to number one before.
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you saw him over the last couple of weeks toning it down a little bit. >> yes. >> and then ben carson floated over him. i think he's going to come up barrels shooting and talk about the economy. >> doug, when he does that, this is a guy worth billions. most of it made by donald trump himself. you can't take that away from donald trump. does he understand the economy better than anyone else on that stage, better than hillary clinton? >> he's the only one with four bankruptcies, too, and the track record is not outstanding. it's an open question. one of the things you'll see tonight is really outsiders versus insiders. there are people who like sitting governors. kasich, former governor bush, sitting senator rubio, policy heavy wonky types and then there's carly fiorina. they are going to try to pivot the discussion and say, do you really know what you're talking
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about? do you really know about how complicated the government is? what do you know about health care and trade? it's showing, you do you have command of these issues or not? >> austin, who do you think has the most to command on that? obviously you know that carly fiorina and donald trump are going to say, we're business people. we're understand these things. >> exactly. i think with the dynamic which will play out, which is not going to go well for most of the establishment and wonky candidates is jeb bush is going to propose his tax plan and say, i have an intricate policy that does a, b and c and donald trump is going to say my policy cuts the rate 10% for everyone and will grow the economy 6% a year and even though the fact checkers are going to go back and say, no, that doesn't make any sense, it's going to put jeb bush in a very uncomfortable
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position and take into account all of the subtleties and the other candidates are disregarding that. >> i think austin is on to something. if this gets too wonky and they go into the weeds, they are going to lose. say they have command without going into all of the details. the safe spot for all of these guys is when they are not sure what to say, they are going to say, we're not going to be like barack obama and that's what hillary clinton is going to be. we have sluggish recovery. the biggest thing you'll hear about is the candidate not on the stage and why growth will come from their plans and why growth hasn't come from theirs. >> all eyes on donald trump and ben carson. thank you both. "outfront," next, ben carson is a retired surgeon and he's topping the polls in the republican race.
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who is he? when he talks, he's so calm. you say, could this really be real? well, it is real and we have a special report on things you don't know about this doctor who suddenly has found himself number one in the race for the most powerful job in the world. authorities reacting quickly firing the officer seen in this video. now he is saying he did nothing wrong and someone on that police force is defending him and we have that, coming up. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again with aleve pm. well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. that's 5 extra gigs for the same price. so five more gigs for the same price? may i? 50% more data for the same price. now get 15 gigs for the price of 10. why pause to take a pill
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tonight, all eyes are on ben carson and a crucial moment heading into tonight's republican debate. carson's team said he took a nap and ate a veggie lunch. he's strangely calm. suzanne malveaux is "outfront" tonight. >> reporter: dr. ben carson, the retired neurosurgeon now a political lightning rod for political statements that have,
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in part, catapulted him to the top. >> i would say obamacare is the worse thing since slavery. >> reporter: his views about abortion and slavery have not hurt him but carson's new outspoken persona has also alienated some in the black community who revered him, particularly african-american doctors inspired by his story. >> dr. carson is the reason that i chose to go to john hopkins for medical school and see him embrace a platform harmful to the health of many in this country is very hurtful. >> it's so offensive to african-americans. >> reporter: before carson announced his candidacy, he was touted as a hero, growing up in poverty in detroit.
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>> roaches, leaky roofs, barely food on the table but his mother loved him. >> ben carson struggled as a teen with a temper including a knife fight that also hurt a friend. >> that incident forced him to turn his life around. >> reporter: he found god and went on to become one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. he wrote about his remarkable turnaround in his own books made into a movie. >> if someone doesn't operate on this man soon, he will die. >> reporter: he set up a scholarship program for poor high school students challenging them to go to college saying he will never forget where he came from. >> there's been no one on this side apart from martin luther king who has meant that much to
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the community. >> reporter: despite his controversial statements, friends who have known him for decades say carson and his message has not changed >> dr. carson has talked about slavery for years. it's really nothing new. >> reporter: dr. ron anderson, who has known carson and worshipped with him as a seventh day adventist talks about his devotion and giving back. >> ben realizes where he came from. >> reporter: and carson's closest friends say his calm confidence comes from his fact in good which gives him his self-worth and esteem which is not something trump can take away from him. since he made it through tremendous odds with faith and support, so can others. he enjoys beating the odds and his goal going into the debate is to show those who support him that they've made the right
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decision. >> i want to go to ryan rhodes, republican strategist for the bush/cheney campaign, terry holt is also with me. the thing that so many people are fascinated by and don't understand about ben carson is how can someone be as calm as he is, right? i've been with him in person. he's so calm. you can't rattle the guy. and yet this is a guy who talks about he beat people with bats and tried to stab people when he was younger. is that guy still in there? you know him. >> look, ben is a very passionate person and i think his passion got directed because, as he said, he had a faith conversion. and only god can actually do that in somebody's life. you just don't turn around by yourselves and i think that's evident and you see that every day in him. >> you just also heard him in
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suzanne's piece that many in the black community feel alienated from his slavery comments. does it concern you when you hear him making comments like he's made about slavery or like he's made about if they just had more guns than adolph hitler would not have become adolph hitler? >> i think you can take little snippets of what has been said and miss the whole of what he's trying to say because ben is somebody who really thinks deeply and teaches a lot as he's talking and i think when you look at the whole message of what ben is saying, it has a lot -- there's a lot more people it connects with than people turned off by it which is obviously what you're seeing here in iowa. >> and you are. there's no question about it. the des moines register when it asked about those comments, people in iowa overwhelmingly approved them. to be fair, i should point that out.
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terry, when you see carson moving up in the polls and people talking out, i want to note, by the way, she did try to talk to other neurosurgeons and they ran away from her in the parking lots so a lot of people didn't want to talk. >> politics, right? >> so let me ask you. do you think he can sustain this? >> it's going to be tough. this is a long and brutal test. ben carson is a great man and his demeanor and thoughtfulness have been a blessing to this nominating process in the early stages. but washington is a shark tank. it's full of sharks. and if you want a president prepared to come in and fix this, this mess we have here in washington, d.c., then you're going to need to see some more overt leadership ability and maybe some experience. he needs to demonstrate to the
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american people that he fits inside the white house, that you can see him behind the big desk. that's always a fundamental question voters have. it's why barack obama's original nomination in 2008 in denver, it was a white house, remember that. so ben carson, as he takes on this mantel of a front-runner, is going to be tested and people are going to be looking for those leadership attributes and some of those qualities of toughness and discipline that the american people come to expect in a strong, determined leader. >> so ryan, one thing, though, that has derailed many people, and two nominees, john kerry, mitt romney, has been a perception of being a flip-flopper and ben carson has changed his mind on crucial issues, abortion, medicare, vaccines and a litmus test for
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the white house. how big of a problem is that? john kerry lost because he was labeled a flip-flopper. >> well, ben carson has gone out there and articulated as we go through what he believes and how he's going to fix this. he says he's opening up to ideas that will help it go. if anybody is going to set in stone just instantly that i can't hear something else and grow, then that's probably not who you want in the white house anyway. you want people that are going to bring people together, unite people and actually get something done. i don't think john kerry and mitt romney's problem was simply that they changed their mind on one issue. i think the problem was much deeper than that and i think ben, in this case, as you look to the general election, is the strongest candidate because he's going to bring those people out that didn't show up last time. >> okay. i appreciate both of you taking the time as we get to know ben carson better and better. next, the deputy fired today
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in this video, the teacher and the principal say he acted appropriately. so what happens next? somebody is going to say students could be a big part of this problem. next, our report on school resource officers. school violence on the rise. this is not the first takedown. we're going to show you others that will shock you. your credit is in pretty good shape. chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score, thanks to kaboom... get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score. it's a housewife who's in control of the finances. actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressive's name your price tool to take control of their budget. and while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the car insurance options her little heart desires. or the women might do the hard work of making money.
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breaking news, the south carolina's sheriff deputy fired after yanking a 16-year-old from her desk is speaking out tonight. the school released a statement saying we believe his actions were justified and lawful. he was fired because he threw the student across the room. she refused to leave her math class. we're live in columbia, south carolina. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: this single, violent jolt ended the career of
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school resource officer ben fields. >> approximately 20 minutes ago, school resource officer was fired from the police department. >> reporter: the confrontation started over a cell phone that the 16-year-old was using in the classroom and was rude and disruptive when asked to stop. >> she started this whole incident with her actions. >> reporter: the student refused to leave the class as ordered by the teacher, an african-american administrator, as well as the sheriff's deputy. when ben fields was asked to remove her, the sheriff said everything he did was win policy until this. >> when i see that video, the fact that he picked the student up and threw the student across the room, that is not a proper technique and should not be used in law enforcement. >> reporter: fields could still face charges.
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in a statement, his attorney says his actions were carried out professionally and he was performing his job duties within the legal threshold. the sheriff's swift action, meant to quell any possible concerns about a racial motivation behind this student's arrest in the majority of african-american community. >> everything that happens is not race-related. i think you have to be sure before you cite race as a problem. just because somebody disobeyed the police officer, the administrator and a teacher doesn't make it a racial issue. >> reporter: now, the sheriff's quick action seems to have ended this chapter of the story but the lawyer for the young woman arrested says she was injured during that arrest even though the sheriff says there was no sign of serious injuries when she was taken into custody that day, on monday. the deputy himself has lawyered
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up. so i think that there is more stories to come. erin? >> miguel, thank you. and "outfront" now, lieutenant curtis wilson, the public information officer for the richland county sheriff's offices. let me ask you the question here point a blank. deputy ben fields was fired quickly, less than 48 hours after this incident. was there a rush to judgment or pressure because of this media coverage? >> ma'am, what it was was the sheriff made sure he took his time on purpose to make sure that he saw the video and then, of course, had investigators look into what took place and even our internal affairs as well and took the time to have a training division look at our policies and procedures and how we're trained before he made his decision in the determination of the future of ben fields. >> and i think everybody looks at that video, it's a disturbing video. you see into the video the teenage girl punched the
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sheriff, the sro. what should he have done differently? >> reporte >> well, you know, we can do the monday morning quarterback thing as to what he should have done. but he should not have tossed her at the end. once he had the takedown, which, of course, was a bit aggressive as well, once he took her down, he could have effected that arrest. the tossing to the other side of the room is where the sheriff couldn't really -- >> so it wasn't the takedown but the toss specifically. an important distinction for people to understand. i was talking to a member of the school board yesterday, african-american, and i asked him whether he thought race was relevant here, certainly in terms of the national attention this has gotten. that is part of the reason it's getting such jscrutiny. he said he didn't look at it like his own daughter, his own niece. he's an african-american would
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have seen someone that he knew that he loved when he saw this girl. do you think this was about race at some point? >> not at all. not at all. i've been hearing a lot about the fact that race played a role in this. i know ben fields, i've talked to ben fields. the sheriff has mentioned the fact that ben fields, his girlfriend is african-american. that tells you right there, it wasn't a race issue. it was an issue of being noncompliant, a student who refused to listen to the teacher, to the instructions of the assistant principal and then to even not comply with the deputy's orders to just be removed from the school, now what we're getting is now we're opening up the doors for more students to act up in class and what is an officer going to do? you can't do anything to me now. i'll sue. these types of things we're getting on the other end of this spectrum. >> what was ben fields' reaction when you all told him today that he was fired, he was losing his
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job? >> you know, for ben, of course, he regretted the situation, what happened, because he didn't mean to cause all of this attention to come upon the richland county sheriff's department. that never was his intent. he regrets that it happened but he's grateful for the opportunity that he had to work for the richland county sheriff's department, which is what he told me and he feels he's going to be okay. just a little, as anyone would be, bummed out as to what has taken place over the last couple of days. >> officers, i appreciate your time. thank you so much. >> not a problem. thank you. all right. and after that video, you're going to be surprised, shocked, at how violent confrontations like this one are between students and teachers. how far should school resource officers be allowed to go? (vo) what does the world run on?
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district about. mybe that should have been handled by the teacher and that school administrator without ever calling the deputy. >> reporter: former deputy ben fields was called to the classroom after the 16-year-old student refused repeated to leave by both her teach every and a school administrator. just this week in sacramento, a resource officer called to help break out a fight involving about a dozen students. this school's principal tossed during the fight, police end l up arresting three teenagers. breaking up school fights or trying to manage a dee fie yant student are part of the responsibilities. >> we want them involved in counseling and knowing students and building relationships. >> reporter: part counselor, part enforcer, according to the
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national association of school resource officers, their numbers grew in the late '80s under the d.a.r.e. program to help children stay away from drugs and violence. growing more following the shooting in columbincolumbine, in 1999 after schools felt the need to have access to armed officers. now some 82,000 sros are working full or part time at 43% of public schools and with more officers, more cameras, comes more scrutiny. a school resource officer in kentucky faces federal charges for handcuffing two misbehaving children with disabilities. in this video, a third grade boy struggles with the cuffs. and now in south carolina an officer fired from his job and under a federal investigation that could result in even more punishment. >> all right. so i mean, some of these very disturbing but the video we're
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seeing in south carolina, you heard the pio say to me, the take down, this part, is okay. that is okay with procedure. it's that part when he pulls her across the room and throws her out that isn't. the take down itself is okay, what then, jason, was he supposed to do next? >> i think that's what a lot of people are asking. you when you speak to the national association of sros, they say before that initial take down and before that deputy flipped her over that desk, he says there is something that officer could have done and that's basically to have told the classroom, everyone in the clo classroom has to leave. isolate that student there. what you're doing, taking the ego out of the equation. so it's not like anyone is trying to perform in front of anyone else. they found often times when they isolate the student in a classroom in a situation like that tends to deescalate the situation. >> that's something i think a lot of people wouldn't have thought of as we try to look what could have been done. thank you very much. next, young men with little
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tonight on the front lines against isis, rare and exclusive access and poorly articled and prepared fighters trying to save it from isis. >> reporter: weeks ago these dusty plains were held by isis, this is what is left of its presence now. the charred remains of the training camp hidden in a pine forest, it's where isis trained an elite unit of suicide bombers that attacked kurdish positions with devastating effect. kurdish fighters took this area from isis in august but holding it along a front line more than
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400 miles long is a huge challenge. in the shadow of mount, he said he lost 30 of his fighters in a recent battle when isis came down from the mountain. >> translator: the enemy attacked us with large fighters using heavy weapons that took control of three villages and after that, the clashes lasted for hours until we were in control again. >> reporter: he is a battalion commander but this is the size of his battalion. a hand full of poorly equipped men and the nearest friendly forces are miles away. the cost of pushing isis out has been enormous, streets here are draped with the flags of fighters killed in battle, a long roads through abandoned villages we seen scene upon scene of devastation. the wreckage of months of fierce fighting and relentless coalition air strikes. dozens of villages like this one
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that were liberated from isis months ago are now still completely deserted. that's partly because the isis militants before they retreated planted land mines and traps across this area and many people here aren't convinced that isis won't be coming back. in the tiny village we met one who lived here all her life. she told us she was too afraid to leave home when isis was in control, that they beat and killed people and brought mystery upon the community. there were no air strikes before they arrived and then the strikes started. there was one next to me. we were scared of everything, not just isis. are you still afraid i ask? she says not but glances warily at the kurdish fighters with us. the kurds question the loyalty of many villages claiming they harbor isis sympathizers,
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killing may have stopped but there is no peace here. clarisa ward, cnn, syria. thank you so much for joining us. be sure to set your dvr to record "outfront" to watch us any time. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. thanks very much for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news. we are just learning about a shooting at a mall in indianapolis. according to cnn affiliate, it happened on the city's east side. three maybe four people were struck by gunfire. their conditions right now are not known. we are working to get more information and will bring that to you as soon as we can. there are now report, early reports a gunman was seen wearing a mask at the mall. we do not know the number of those injured or their condition. there are conflicting reports. it often takes time to work through details of this a