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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  October 31, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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-- captions by vitac -- the following is a cnn special report. a tight-knit family. >> these are people that really loved each other. >> living a dream. >> they were the perfect of example of how you live life. >> until the unthinkable. >> this is one of the worst kinds of crimes that could possibly happen. >> the family and their housekeeper held hostage, tortured, and left for dead. >> only a psychopath could do slide. >> then the unexpected clue. >> that is what broke this case.
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>> the desperate manhunt. >> command was given, go, go, go. >> right here? >> right there. >> and the search for answers. >> these people had a plan. it's sadistic, it's horrific. >> tonight, a cnn special report -- the d.c. mansion murders. sunday, may 3rd, near phoenix, arizona. a race day for philip. the 10-year-old son of saba and amy selopolis. >> he was passionate beyond belief. no matter how he did on track, he'd be smiling ear to ear. >> james howard is philip's coach. in this exclusive cnn interview he recalls their last race. >> a typical day we would get up in the morning. breakfast. go to a track. >> amy and sava followed his races all over the country,
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completely devoted to their son and his sport. >> i think it was the third time on track that day when philip had his accident. >> during the race philip crashed his go cart. >> i and sava went onto the track to go see philip. and he was in typical good spirits. was not faze the by his accident in any way, shape or form. >> philip suffered a concussion and doctors sent him home for bed rest. >> he was going to stay home. kind of schedule what the doctors have laid out, rest for a few days, a little bit of homework. >> home was a sevopolis family mansion in one of the wealthiest parts of washington, d.c. not far from several embassies and the vice president's house. >> woodland drive is known for having the biggest, most expensive houses in the entire city. >> but home would be no safe haven. ten days after philip's race, a
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series of strange events begin at the mansion. first, on wednesday at 5:56 p.m. the security company monitoring the sevopolis gets an alert for broken glass on the french doors on the side of the house. >> i'm lucky that i'm still here. >> shortly after, a voice mail is left for the family's second housekeeper, nolisa gutierrez, telling her not to come to work as planned. she played the message for abc. >> it's sava. i hope you get this message. amy is in bed sick tonight and she was sick this afternoon and vera offered to stay and help her out so she's going to stay the night here. >> to this former director of the fbi it sounds suspicious. >> if you were an investigator listening to that, what's that going to tell you?
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>> it's telling me i'm going to get that recorder analyzed to see if there are extraneous noises spiking up in the background. is there someone in the background, under duress? >> a few hours later gutierrez get aztecs from amy. i'm making sure you do not come today. >> so when you got that text, were you thinking that that was strange or unusual to get a text like that? >> yes. >> what did you first think when you got it? >> i called her right away. >> did she answer? >> no. >> hi, you've reached my cell phone, i cannot answer right now -- >> later at 9:00 p.m., amy orders two pizzas from domino's but gives unusual strucks. ring the bell and leave the pies on the front porch. when the driver arrives the porch lights are on but the house is dark. >> it's just so eerie to think about little did that pizza driver know. >> right. so he's walking up, feet away
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from torture, from sadism, from mayhem inside that house. >> from the outside, things would seem quiet here on woodland drive overnight. until the next morning. when housekeeper vera figueroa's husband comes looking for her. >> knocking, knocking, ringing the bell. my feeling was that somebody wasn't there. >> a short time after, he gets a call from savvas sevopolis. >> i'm sorry because i didn't call you that night, she had to stay with my wife because she was feeling bad, she has to go to the hospital and asking vera to go with her. >> vera's husband goes home. a talk hours later, a mysterious delivery is made to the mansion. a package containing $40,000. court records reveal savvas
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texted his assistant jordan wallace instructing him to bring the money to the house. wallace lifts stacks of hundred dollar bills in one of the family's cars and leaves. at 1:30 p.m., the d.c. fire department gets a call reporting a fire on woodland drive. flames are pouring from the second floor, coming from philip's bedroom. >> we do know at this point that the fire apearce to be intentionally set. >> once the flames are out, firefighters discover the grisly murder scene. savvas, amy, philip, their bodies bloodied and burned. vera is rushed to the hospital but doctors can't save her. a gruesome end to a nearly 20-hour nightmare. >> this is really excessive, gratuitous violence. it goes well beyond just doing it for money. >> when we come back -- the
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savopol of the ous family. why would anyone want them dead? >> it's really gut-wrenching. >> and their suspected killer. how did he slip through the cracks? >> there's a breakdown in the system somewhere. love shrimp like i love shrimp, come to red lobster's endless shrimp... ...for as much as you want, any way you want it... sweet, buttery, and creamy. like new pineapple habanero coconut shrimp bites... ...and teriyaki grilled shrimp. and yeah, it's endless, but it won't last forever.
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once inside the property, firefighters doused the flames. they quickly found four bodies. >> three of the four victims killed yesterday suffered blunt force trauma before the fire began. >> there were injuries discovered, appear to be blunt force or sharp object injuries. >> it's a nightmare end to a fairy tale life. >> he tortured them, he killed them, even setting their home on fire. >> shocking to all who knew this family like mike, who met saavas savopoulos decades earlier as a church altar boy. >> this kind of thing only happens in the movies, not to
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somebody you know in real life. particularly to someone you know. and particularly to a couple and family so well liked and well respected in the community. >> and that is what is so shocking about this. they aren't shady people. these are really family-oriented good people. >> lori diamond went with saavas to his formal. he had eyes for somebody else. >> he said there was somebody that he always had a crush on. and that all she had to do was say yes. >> that someone was amy martin, the daughter of an army colonel. they first met in high school, and both went to the university of maryland where savvas seriously pursued amy for years. >> i think he'd asked her out a lot. she finally did say yes. >> what was he like after that? >> the happiest person you've ever seen. >> from then on, they were inseparable. after graduation, savvas went to
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law school, amy went to work. they married in 1994. >> she was his whole world. and off they went on their journey. >> a journey that quickly led to children. abigail was the first, katerina next, then philip. the son of a wealthy greek chris aristocrat, savvas soon joined his father's business, american iron works. >> he was excited about it.aris his father's business, american iron works. >> he was excited about it. he wanted to help his dad and be successful right along with it. >> a partnership that brought wealth and abiding friendship. >> we went to dinner one night, and him and his dad were like the two kids that needed to be separated in class. and they were so close. and so funny. and i think he really looked up to his dad. >> and followed in his philanthropic footsteps. savvas and amy were active in washington charities. amy was a regular volunteer at the kids' school. >> they just seemed like a very
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nice, quiet, washington couple who had lived under the radar. if anything, they deliberately kept a very low profile. >> this guy didn't care about wealth. he would have given money away. he was all about the experience. >> a tight-knit family, whether it was amy leading them on hikes or savvas taking them on a year-long getaway to the caribbean. >> family to him was the most important thing. he was just the kind of person that wanted to be in love and have a family and grow old with them. >> and as the summer of 2015 approached, the savopoulos family was certainly growing up. abigail was graduating from high school. caterina was searching for colleges with her mother. savvas was opening up a martial arts studio, something he had dreamed of doing when he was a teenager when he began training in the self-defense art known as aki akito. >> he used to joke with me. i'd put up a hand and he'd just
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touch a nerve. and i would say, uncle, uncle, stop! he knew how to defend himself. he really did. and philip was living his dream. as a go-cart racer. >> very fast learner, definitely no fear, he wasn't scared of it at all. >> philip's coach jay howard spoke to cnn exclusively about his young student with an old soul. >> he was -- the best way to describe it, 10 years old going on 35. i mean, he was so mature. so well spoken, very clear he had a great education. great parenting and savvas was great with him. >> howard remembers one of the last dinners they had together. >> the waiter comes over and says, would you like a bread basket? and he goes, i think i'm going to have to pass on the bread. i'm trying to watch my carbs this week. you know. >> 10 years old. >> i'm like, you're 10. >> philip was inseparable from his dad.
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especially since sisters abigail and caterina were away at boarding school. >> he was with him 24/7. wherever we went, savvas was with him. >> savvas was someone who was always in control of situations. he would have done anything. his only son, his beloved wife. he would have done anything for them. he was a proctor. for him to not be able to protect? it must have been awful. >> an awful end. when we come back, the terror inside the mansion. >> the body was so charred, they couldn't even determine gender. more "sit" per roll.
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. as the smoke clears and the
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days pass, we learn much more about the brazen killings that took place in this wealthy washington, d.c., neighborhood in broad daylight. >> we're looking at this occurring somewhere around 6:00 in the evening. so this is probably a relatively active street. >> and right next door, the ambassador to australia. his residence right next door to this. >> right. right. so that's taking a fair amount of risk. >> a huge risk. the victims savvas and amy sa voep husband, their 10-year-old son and housekeeper vera figaro were, were held hostage for almost 20 hours and tortured. >> imagine how sadistic you have to be to slowly wring the life out of somebody or beat it out of somebody or cut them over and over again so that they are slowly bleeding to death. it's the product of an incredibly sick mind.
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>> former fbi profiler mary ellen o'toole spent her career studying the criminal mind. >> this individual who's doing this or these individuals have a leader, a primary person. this person is getting off on hearing the screams and the cries, and is enjoying the power, enjoying the thrill, and i think being able to come in there, control this family, inflict these injuries, was something he actually enjoyed doing. >> but who did these things? solving the crime depends heavily on unearthing physical evidence at the scene. >> when you have a quadruple homicide, this is in effect an all hands on deck. you want your best forensic people in this house. >> some of the first clues they find, a shattered lock. and this shoe print on the french doors on the side of the house. suggesting whoever held the family and their housekeeper hostage forced their way in. >> that picture we have seen of
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the shoe print, how telling could that be? >> could be very telling if the police can locate a shoe of the same dimensions, particularly if they can identify brand. it may put a person into that shoe. >> and inside the estate, possible murder weapons. a samurai sword like this one taken from savvas' martial arts collection. veteran forensic scientist lawrence kobilinsky. >> a medical examiner would have to look very carefully at the blade. is it honed on both sides or one side? how wide is it? how long is it? >> and a bloody baseball bat, similar to this, found in the upstairs bedroom where the three adults' bludgeoned bodies are discovered. >> with blood at that thick surface, at the thick end of the bat, tells me that that was what was used to inflict that blunt trauma.
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striking these poor people on the back of the head. >> a knife is discovered in the trash behind the house. and police find fingerprints and hair fibers. >> that would establish a direct linkage between a suspect or an individual and the crime scene. >> police find duct tape believed to have been used to restrain the victims, and matches thought to have been used to start the fire. and then the family's porsche missing from the garage, found 13 miles from the mansion, engulfed in flames. inside the burning car, a green construction vest, similar to vests worn by workers at savvas' company, aiw. >> was this part of some sort of ruse? that the offenders came in under so some, i'm the representative of a utility company, trying to get access to the house? >> later that vest will provide another critical clue.
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the mystery deepens as police find thousands of dollars of cash left behind in the house. why would the killers leave money behind? >> it was not just about the money, it was not just about all the jewelry that probably was there. that really goes to the motivation of the offender, that these murders themselves were very important. >> and the autopsies show the murders were horrific. >> they had to be restrained, or else they couldn't have been tortured and treated the way they had. they would have fought back. mr. savvas savopoulos was a healthy young man, 46 years old. he certainly would have fought back if he had not been restrained. >> even after the ransom money was dropped off, the horror continues for several more hours, until the house is set ablaze in the early afternoon. >> the subjects probably
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administering additional pain to the victim. that gap of time is, i want more, you can get more. >> savvas and vera were beaten, stabbed and strangles. >> that's a very close-in injury. it's not like a gunshot where you could shoot a gun from a distance. this strangulation, you have to be right in and at your victim. there's a psychological overlay here to what's going on in that home. >> amy died from sharp force trauma, and 10-year-old philip stabbed and burned beyond recognition. >> i think it became pretty clear to the first responders that the child had been tortured. multiple stab wounds. the son was engulfed in flame, to the point where the body was so charred that they couldn't
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even determine gender. >> first responders find the three adults in a bedroom upstairs, vera and amy bound in chairs, and savvas on the floor. >> the 10-year-old was handled separately. >> philip is discovered in his bedroom, alone. >> he was the bargaining chip, the threat was made against him while getting the adults to do whatever the perpetrator wanted. >> the unknown of, where is my son? i want to see my son, or what pain andsiving the son was going through at that time, it's all in the mind of a killer. >> clearly this is where the fire started. philip's bedroom where his body was found. why do you think they started the fire there, which could easily be seen on the street? >> i think this is a mistake of a killer who is not particularly
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organized. a killer who thought that the use of an accelerant, gasoline presumably in this case, bite burn faster, it would burn hotter, and it would burn more completely. >> but the killer's assumptions were wrong. >> this resulted in the potential discovery of much physical evidence that could be preserved, tested, people eliminated, people included in the suspect hunt. coming up, an unexpected clue breaks the case wide open. >> that looks like the pivotal piece of evidence. it's back t-mobile's most popular family plan. get 4 lines with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data, each. no sharing just $30 bucks a line need new phones for the family? get the samsung galaxy s6 for zero upfront, and just ten bucks a month. plus, get a samsung 4g lte tablet on us when you get a new data plan
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a city in shock. a neighborhood in fear.
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>> i've never seen anything like this. >> a family devastated. as washington, d.c. mourns for the family and their housekeeper, vera figueroa, investigators begin their search for who could be behind such a horrific crime. >> there was almost prolonged suffering and torture for the sake of suffering and torture. >> hours after the bodies are discovered, the family's porsche is found miles away on fire in a church parking lot. >> i did see smoke, fire coming out from the front side of the car. >> anybody who may have information about the blue 2008 porsche, please call us with what information you may have. >> then a mysterious figure emerges. police release grainy surveillance video that shows someone running from the burning porsche. could this be the killer? but the most important break comes from an unlikely source --
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a piece of pizza. >> it just so happens that the fire never really hit that slice of pizza. that is what broke this case. >> for dna experts like lawrence kobilinsky, it's a pot of gold. >> you have a lot of cheek cells that tend to slough off into your saliva. there's a lot of dna in saliva. every time you bite into something, you are leaving small amounts of saliva behind. >> the pizza is taken to a forensic lab and immediately tested for dna. >> they compare that developed dna to a database, and out pops darrell wint. >> police have their suspect. a 34-year-old maryland man who worked for savopoulos at american iron works ten years before. almost a week after the quadruple homicides, daron
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wint's face appears everybody. >> you need to stop what you're doing and look closely at your screen. >> the manhunt is on. >> the suspect is 34-year-old daron dillon wint. >> he's a very violent man and the violence probably started when he was very young. >> he was born in guyana, for a short time was a u.s. marine recruit before dropping out of the basic training. wint has a violent criminal past, including arrests for domestic violence, assault and burglary. mary ellen o'toole is a former fbi profiler. >> when you have an offender whose family is afraid of him, who beats up on his girlfriend, that's the kind of violence that people look at and they're afraid of him and that type of violence is not going to go away. >> in 2010, he was arrested behind a dumpster near american iron works, carry a two-foot-long machete. >> i think that's very significant. because that occurred this 2010, which is five years after he
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left american iron works. so he's back at the same company with a may shechete, behaving i very threatening manner. >> wint was only convicted of a misdemeanor in that case, but now thanks to the dna evidence on that piece of pizza, he's the main suspect in a horrific quadruple murder. >> it's a giant olympic-sized broad jump from a piece of pizza to four homicides. >> wint's former attorney robin ficker, who represented him in past run-ins with the law, says police have the wrong guy. >> i know him to be a kind, gentle, nonaggressive person, someone you wouldn't mind your grandmother going to lunch with. >> right now it does not appear this was just a random crime, but there is a connection through the business of the suspect and the savopoulos family business. >> wint was a welder at aiw from
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2003 to 2005, and sources say he had a reputation as a problem employee. but is wint capable of of torturing and murdering four people by himself? >> how do you restrain multiple people? i mean, these things can happen, but the simplest explanation is there's somebody else there committing the crime, you know, actually holding these other people down while a knife is held to the throat of the son. >> for now, police only tie wint to the crime. a team of federal agents begin a massive manhunt. they track wint to his girlfriend's home in brooklyn, new york. next, the high-stakes manhunt comes to a boiling point and wint is not alone. >> it was really intense. we made everybody come crawling out one at a time. to a happy n these modern times?
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family and their housekeeper, a major break in the case. >> a suspect has identified in a brutal quadruple homicide. >> authorities identifying a suspect through an unusual clue. >> dna on a pizza crust. >> atf forensic specialists recover dna at the mansion that pins a suspect. >> you find the pizza that was ordered the night before the murders, you find the pizza was eaten, and it is a crucial piece of evidence. >> daron wint is the prime suspect, and a wanted fugitive. he flees the d.c. area. police track him to new york. he's hiding out at his girlfriend's apartment in brooklyn. just before they move in to arrest him, wint disappears again. >> how much did they miss him by? >> not long. minutes, probably.
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wint had happened to see himself on the news named as the suspect. he fled before our people were able to get to the location. i was the first car. >> marshal bob fernandez leads the team of federal agents tasked with capturing wint. >> my concern is since he wasn't an american citizen that he was trying to get himself some sort of i.d. or passport to get out of the country. >> as fernandez and his team scramble to find wint, they worry he's got nothing to lose. >> he's an incredibly dangerous person to be out on the street. especially for a patrol officer who might pull him over or try and stop him. >> the clock ticking, police get a tip wint's on his way back to d.c. >> he had gone up on a bus. so we assumed he was coming back on the chinatown bus. >> you boarded these buss to try to find him? >> we probably boarded four or five buses that arrived from
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brooklyn, but he wasn't on any of them. >> wint, they later learned, pays a cab driver $1,000 to take him from new york to this hotel in a washington, d.c. suburb. >> two of our experienced investigators were parked side by side. they came up with information that led us here. so we sent an advance team to figure out which room he was in. we were putting on our tactical gear, getting prepared to go into the hotel room where he was, and make the arrest. >> the timing is incredibly fortunate. they spot wint leaving the hotel. but he's not alone. >> while the advance team told us, hey, they just took off, they're going up route 1. >> fernandez and a fleet of police cars chase two vehicles. the white chevy cruze, along with a truck of unknown associates. >> i could see the truck and the car, so we pulled in right behind.
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>> after the suspects's vehicles perform a bizarre u-turn, fernandez radios for helicopter backup and makes his move. >> i decided we had to take the cars down. >> it was right here, right? >> that's right. command was given, go, go, go, and we did it just like we practiced, pinched the car in, another car came around on the side, blocked it off. >> fernandez and husband team move quickly to pull everyone from both vehicles. inside the cars, wint and four others, two of them women. what was wint like? was he combative at all? was he compliant? >> when he came out, his body posture and look on his face was like he was thinking about running. but we were right on top of him, and he never got a chance. >> finally, after a painstaking 48-hour manhunt, wint is captured. >> it was such a horrible situation, he's such a monster. i felt great. >> what did you see when you opened up the car doors? >> well, i saw the passenger
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door of the truck was open after we pulled the occupants out, and i just glanced. and i could see a big wad of hundred-dollar bills. it had to be thousands of dollars in the side compartment of the passenger door. >> officers find at least $10,000 in the vehicles. hundred-dollar bills, the same denomination as the stacks of money dropped off at the mansion. one of the women in the car with wint admitted she purchased more than $10,000 in money orders after the murders. so far, investigators have recovered 30 of the $40,000 ransom. >> i would think the rest of that money went to wint spending it on a cab ride to new york, spending it on himself. >> for now, only wint is charged with the murders. the people traveling with him are all released from custody. we now learn more about daron wint. his green card was already in
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jeopardy when he was arrested in march for allegedly receiving stolen property. but immigration officials were never notified. >> if daron wint is arrested in march and i.c.e. never received those fingerprints until after he's arrested for the quadruple murders, then it tells me that there's a breakdown in the system somewhere. >> this time wint is going nowhere, held without bond in a washington jail. next, more damning evidence against wint, but this case may not be a slam dunk. >> we believe he was set up. plus new clues raise suspicions about whether someone else might be involved. >> wint may have had an accomplice. the radiant glow of being in love.
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no, mr. wint is now incarcerated and he's held without bond, our work is not done. >> may 22nd, daron wint, the lone suspect in the grisly washington, d.c. mansion murders, is captured and behind bars. >> he's been isolated for some time. he's kept on an administrative wing. for a time he was in suicide watch wing. these are highly segregated locations, which are cement floor, paper gown, nothing else. >> wint's former attorney in this case, sean handover. >> he helped us by being open with us. we believe he was set up and that there are more people involved with this. >> but more than two months pass and no one else is arrested. in fact, the case against wint only heats up.
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prosecutors reveal damning new evidence at a pretrial hearing. >> we at the u.s. attorney's office will use the full force of the law to make sure justice is served. >> savvas' daughter abigail who was away at boarding school when the family was murdered braves the courthouse to stare down their accused killer. in court, wint won't look her way. his arms and legs shackled, he sets silently as prosecutors reveal for the first time they found wint's dna on a second piece of evidence, a green construction vest discovered inside the family's blue porsche miles away from the mansion. forensic expert lawrence kobilinsky. >> now so we've got some crucial linkage, not only with the pizza crust that was found in the mansion, but now we have an item in the porsche that was
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apparently torched by whoever committed the crime. now a juror is looking at two critical pieces of evidence that says daron wint was involved in these killings. >> savvas' dna is found on the vest tooable with dna from a third unidentified person. could this be an accomplice? >> yes, it could mean that. one way to get around this is elimination specimens. who might have had contact with the vest? fining a match on the database would be really a major finding. >> so far, though, no match. but there's more on the prime suspect. at wint's father's home, investigators find an $1100 receipt for an immigration attorney for wint dated four days before he was ever named a suspect. did wint know police were coming for him? in court, wint's lawyers argue their client could not possibly
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have acted alone and raise questions about savvas' assistant, 28-year-old jordan wallace who delivered the $40,000 to the mansion as the victims were being held hostage inside. police say wallace, who had only been working for savopoulos for a couple of months, sent a picture to a friend showing two bub dells of cash inside a red bag. but four bundles were taken from the bank. >> where are the other two? this is before the drop was ever made. isn't that interesting? huh. >> and court records show in wallace's backpack, his passport, checkbook and the registration for one of savvas' sports cars valued at more than $300,000. >> what disturbs me is that his passport was present in the bag. what does that tell you? i don't carry a passport around with me. was he going to flee? was he going to leave the country? escape?
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i think the police are very curious about mr. wallace. >> and could there be a connection between jordan wallace and daron wint? our research shows in 2006 wint lived in the same maryland apartment complex as wallace's father. >> i don't think that's a coincidence at all. i think that's very strong evidence that the two very likely ran into each other and knew each other. that very likely was the place where these two men first met. >> what's still not clear is if jordan wallace actually lived in the same building as wint or just visited. and we found no other indication wint and wallace knew each other. >> i'd say about five years the technology has been there, especially in the electric company-garts -- >> wallace, a race car enthusiast, seen here during a radio talk show, raised suspicions early on because investigators say he changed his story several times about the money drop. >> are these inconsistencies based on his being nervous with
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all of the story about quadruple homicide and him as the delivery person, does the excitement and the risk of his involvement in that case play with his memory? is it all innocent? >> have you seen this before in other cases? >> sure. sure. and it happens in high pressure cases, and certainly here the pressure is on because four people are dead. >> despite their suspicions, police have not found any evidence implicating wallace in the murders and they have not charged him in this case. cnn tried to get wallace's side of the story but neither he nor his family would comment. d.c. police have also been looking at daron wint's cousin who also happened to work here at american iron works. he was fired around the same time wint left. and sources say the company had to take out a restraining order against the cousin because he allegedly threatened to burn the place down. though he has not been named a suspect in this case and cnn has not been able to reach him for
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comment. why only wint? why is he the only one behind bars right now do you think? >> i don't know why he's the only one behind bars, i really don't. i'm amazed that they have not brought somebody else in. >> so many questions still linger. was revenge the motive? >> it could have been he was angry about losing his job ten years ago, he resented losing his job. >> if the motive was money, why leave expensive art, jewelry and thousands of dollars in cash behind? >> there is an element here that seems personal. there are indicators of anger in this. there certainly are indicators of torture in this. all over a relatively small amount of money. >> i'm sure that savvas would have given everything away to save his family. >> and could someone have saved the family? >> you look at opportunities for people to have called the
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police, to have alerted the police that something isn't right at the house, whether that's the other -- the housekeeper's husband, the other housekeeper who was waved off in an unusual way, the assistant, people at work. is this a story of opportunity lost? >> as family and friends say good-bye to philip, amy, savvas and vera, all are left to wonder why anyone would want to hurt this family. >> we may never know the true story. >> we may never know. we may never know. >> i just picture the three of them together, and that's the only thing that makes me feel
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better, is that at least they're together. good evening, i'm kyra phillips. you have seen the videos countless times. images caught on tape. amazing rescues, death-defying acts, killer weather, and outrageous criminals. what are the real stories behind those pictures? what really happened before and after that camera started rolling? find out in "videos gone viral." >> close calls, unexpected brushes with death, and when


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