tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN November 14, 2015 1:00am-3:01am PST
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hello, and welcome to our continuing coverage to the breaking news out of paris. i'm amber walker in atlanta. >> i'm george howell. it is 10:00 a.m. in france right now. that country is under a national state of emergency. this after friday night's highly coordinated and unprecedented terror attacks. >> threes 153 are dead from six shooting and bomb attacks. you are looking at the heavy security presence outside the concert hall which saw the most carnage. >> authorities say eight attackers are dead, seven blew themselves up. some were armed with ak-47s, and some reportedly had explosive belts. it's still unclear how many attackers were involved in total. [ explosion ]
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[ speaking french ] >> if we heard correctly, those were three explosions. that is where the french president was among thousands of spectators at a football march between france and germany. at least four people died outside the stadium. >> you were watching the game whether it happened. >> i was, yes. we actually didn't hear it over the air, but the announcer did talk about the fact that there were explosions that were heard. he understood this the president of france was being escorted out. he mentioned that it was awkward for him to be broadcasting live a football match during a time of uncertainty. >> right. parisians are being asked to stay indoors, although some are determined not to let terror win and opened their markets. french president francois hollande said his country will be ruthless in its response to the horrific attacks and praised first responders.
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>> translator: i've spoken to the prime minister and the elected members, the mayor of paris, in order to measure this tragedy, this abomination, in several places of the capital. he tried to kill as many people as possible. i'm expressing myself my horror of the dead and express my compassion to the families of those who have been struck by this. france, which is determined and united, and which will not be stopped with this emotion with regards to this drama and this tragedy of the population. >> and just within the last hour, president francois hollande convened his defense council in paris to discuss what's next. as we mentioned earlier, football fans were terrified at france's national stadium just outside paris. a match between france and germany ended in chaos.
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[ explosions ] >> you hear it there. the sound of that blast that went off near the stadium. >> a source told cnn at least one of the three explosions appears to have been a suicide bombing. one eyewitness says spectators didn't understand what was happening, and then things got pretty scary. you see the fear in the people's faces there. [ speaking french ] >> translator: there was confusion. we heard two explosions, but at the beginning, i thought that they were agricultural bombs. and there had been lots of rumors inside the stadium. we were at gate e. it exploded just nearby. it's true that it was noisy, but i thought that it was only agricultural bombs. then there were rumors. we heard about a shooting. there was a lot of confusion inside the stadium a very frightening crowd crush happened with people on the ground.
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>> senior international correspondent frederick pleitgen is standing by live. he is joining us now from paris. and obviously a traumatizing and shocking last few hours, fred. if you can set the scene. it's about just after 10:00 in the morning there. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. people here in paris certainly are shocked. many certainly are very much afraid. as you've note, the french president has called on people to stay inside their houses unless they absolutely need to go outside. judging from what we're seeing on the streets of paris, not everybody is adhering to that advice. there are many people whom we're seeing out. we've even seen market stalls being set up. however, there are also a lot of shops that remain closed. i think one of the things that really gets to people at this point in time is that they aren't sure at this point whether or not all of the attackers that were involved in these incidents, whether all of them have been killed or whether or not there might still be some
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who are at large. certainly if you talk to people, very few will believe that these were isolated incidents. they believe that this was something that was far more coordinated, especially if you look at the fact that these were attacks that happened in various locations at six different locations, some of them, of course, in the center of paris. if you look at the sophistication of the weaponry that was involved. assault rifles, of course, military-grade equipment, walls seven of the eight attackers who were killed actually having suicide vests and being able to detonate the suicide vests. that is something that does concern people a great deal. and then on top of that, we have to keep in mind that this is a city that was ravaged by terror only a few months ago. the memories of "charlie hebdo" are certainly something, of course, that still weighs very heavily on many people here. and then to see something similar happen again on an even greater scale is certainly something that if you look at the media here, if you look at
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the newspapers here, if you look at the public opinion here, people are just absolutely shocked and certainly also very concerned at what might be going on. >> and because they are concerned, are you seeing a beefed up security presence there? i mean, some extraordinary security measures are being implemented. >> reporter: yeah. you certainly are. i mean, the security is certainly tight. and anybody who visit paris during normal times, you know that you see a considerable police force on the ground. you also see the occasional soldiers patrolling the streets, especially the tourist destinations, but that is something that has increased drastically over the past hours. we've already note that some 1,500 soldiers have been mobilized to beef up security here and at other locations. also going through the streets, you see the police presence is something very much increased. when you drive around, when you walk around town, very often you'll see police vehicles drive past with their lights flashing.
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clearly, the authorities here are trying to create the impression that they are in control of the situation, in command of the situation. that they can guarantee the security of the people here. at the same time, of course, you do have those warnings to the people not to take this lightly and not to venture out if, in fact, they do not have to which is certainly something almost unprecedented for this city going back for years. such a warning would have to be issued. >> yeah. it was also striking to see president hollande in his remarks. he did seem visibly shaken. a very tense time indeed. great having you out there. thank you very much, fred pleitgen in paris. there were six different locations, the deadliest scene at a concert hall. hundreds of music fans came together just to watch a performance. now at least 112 are dead. earlier cnn spoke with julian pierce. >> he was inside the theater. we spoke with him as some of the fans were being held hostage.
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after that, s.w.a.t. stormed the venue. at least 100 people brought out. he described his harrowing experience. take a listen. >> reporter: the show was about to end, the band was playing for almost an hour. suddenly we heard gunshots behind us. when i looked back, i saw at least two men, unmasked men -- maybe there were three. the confusion i can't tell you, but they were holding assault rifles, ak-47s. i'm sure about it. they were firing randomly into the crowd. obviously we all lied down on the floor to not get hurt.
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it was a huge panic. the terrorists -- sorry -- shot at us in like 15 minutes. it was like -- it was a bloodbath. they shot at us, and they reloaded again several times. multiple times. and it's actually what -- i escaped because they reloaded basically. i wait for the time they reloaded to run from the scene and to hide. i tried to help people around me. and it was -- it was shocking. i mean, it was panicking, huge panic. and so shot at us for 10 to 15 minutes. it was long. it was very, very long.
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and it's not a huge rue. about 1,000 people can gather in it. but it was overcrowded. i mean, there were no empty rooms. it was sold out basically. it was easy for them. >> so two to three men. cnn has confirmed two men were killed -- this is the earliest report. we're told two gunmen were killed inside the theater. you're saying you saw two, possibly three gunmen with ak-47-style long rifles shooting into the crowd. this went on for 10 to 15 minutes. were they standing and shooting? were they moving around? >> reporter: they were not moving actually. they were just standing at the back of the scene, at the back of the crowd. and they were just shooting on the floor because everybody was on the floor.
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and i seen one of the guys, very young, like 18, 19 years old, 20 maximum, and he was executing people on the floor, persons around him. [ inaudible ] shooting people. so they were not moving actually. they were standing at the back of the concert room and shooting at us like people were birds. >> were they saying anything? >> reporter: i hadn't heard anything about them. i haven't heard something. i have some friends who escaped who heard them talking about ir iraq, but i'm not quite sure about it. i hadn't heard anything but the
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screaming of the people. >> the gunmen, do you remember what they were wearing? did they have heavy clothing? i mean, there had been some concern about possible suicide vests. did you see anything -- >> reporter: not from what i seen. they were wearing like a black jogging -- black stuff. i mean, they were all wearing black. no tactical vests. nothing like this. they were just holding ak-47s, that's all. i haven't seen grenades. i haven't seen bombs or whatever. it happened so fast. i mean, we were just trying to hide and save our lives. so i looked to one guy a few times, the one i described to you, very young. he wasn't wearing tactical
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stuff. he was a random guy. i could have met him two minutes before and never thought he was terrorist. >> again in the interview, he says that he felt that the gunmen were shooting at them like they were birds. >> yeah. like their lives didn't matter at all. at least 14 people were killed at le petitcambodge. >> and a bar across the street in the 10th district reportedly hit by gunfire. one patron said people thought they were hearing firecrackers. >> one witness at the epicenter of the terror attacks spoke to radio france about the moment the gunman entered the concert hall. >> he said the shooter came in firing assault rifles and shooting "alla akbar," god is great. [ speaking french ]
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>> you can certainly hear the terror and shock in that man's voice. the victims in these attacks were all civilians. the crime scenes were all soft targets. let's get more on what happened and the challenges posed in finding out who's behind it with terrorism expert and international security director for the asia-pacific foundation, joining us live from london. good to have you with us this hour. so, look, we're talking six different locations, all carried out within the same window of time. this doesn't seem like the sort of thing that happens without a great deal of coordination. what is your sense about what happened? >> well, certainly this does look like a well planned, synchronized attack. it must have taken weeks if not months to plan, to do logistics,
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reconnaissance. this was a marauding attack. now the last time we saw something like this was in mumbai in 2008 where gunmen roamed the streets of the city targeting hotels, restaurants, a jewish cultural center. similar in this attack again with specific soft target locations being hit, a rock concert, football stadium, a restaurant. the aim, it seems, was to kill as many people as possible, waits for the police, and then die in the ensuing shoot-out with those individuals. >> and the response from french authorities, something we haven't seen that hasn't been seen really since world war ii. we're talking about closed borders. we're talking about a curfew where the french president asked people to stay indoors. how does all of that help investigators as they try to determine whether there were more people involved in these attacks? >> this is unprecedented, what's happened in a western democracy where borders are being shot.
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now think about what took place in the aftermath of the "charlie hebdo" shootings and then the followup incidents that were carried out by coulibaly who killed a french woman and held a woman hostage at the jewish kosher supermarket. his girlfriend managed to escape in the aftermath. authorities are all too aware from lessons learned from those incidents that if they do not patrol the borders, if they don't monitor who is leaving, who is coming in, there could be followup plots, there could be individuals trying to escape because the gunmen who have been killed in this attack, they can't have planned this alone. they have to be -- there have to be individuals on the periphery who provide assistance, cooperated with them. those individuals have to be found because they could potentially be tied to other followup plots in the future. that's the concern the french authorities have. >> there's a great deal of concern and worry for the wounded, of course, in these attacks. talk to us about investigators looking into people that may
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have been wounded, for instance the simple fact that there is concern that there may have been more people involved in these attacks. is it a poblssibility that somef them could have blended in to the wounded to get away? >> that's a worrying proposition and certainly can't be ruled out. keep in mind that these individuals were not dressed in a specific uniform. they were able to disperse themselves within the civilian fabric of society which is often why they go undetected. one of the individuals was at the rock concert said the people who were firing just looked like ordinary individuals. that's a huge concern because they're the invisible identify, not easily identified. the worry is there could be followup plots. we've seen too often that one attack is designed to hit,
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create economic and political consequences. then you could have a followup incident designed to create social economic consequences. unfortunately, this is becoming the new normal. i disturbing reality for europe. >> thank you so much for your insights. >> pleasure. as you'd imagine, fear and mourning gripping paris in the wake of unprecedented horror. >> coming up, a closer look at the sites targeted in these terror attacks. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®.
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there is shock and mourning in france this day following a sears -- a series of troyer attacks. 153 dead, dozens more wounded. officials say eight suspected attackers are dead. it's unclear if more may have been involved. six locations were targeted. >> this is what we're hearing about the number of casualties according to officials. 112 people were killed at the bataclan concert hall. 14 at the rue restaurant. 19 outside of labellee equipe,
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and four at respecte. >> four people were killed outside the national stadium north of paris. >> diners ducked behind each other as the gunmen shot through the restaurant windows. >> here's what one witness saw from the street. listen. >> i was watching out the apartment building. i believe the shootings occurred, must have while i was in the elevator. i didn't actually hear them. as soon as i get outside, there's a man crouched inside the gate of the apartment building with a bleeding hand. my first thought was this guy got into a bar fight or punched a window. he was bleeding from his hand, dripping. i kept walking. about five steps later, i see a bunch of police. again, it looked like normal police activity at this time. it was impossible to tell what was really going on. there were tons of onlookers taking photos. nobody was clearing out the streets. and then i saw cops with guns huddled behind vans.
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it looked like a scene from a movie. there were about three dozen firefighters that came out of nowhere and blocked the streets for vehicle traffic. still, there were onlookers everywhere. they weren't telling people to -- they were trying to ask what was going on, what did they see. then there was a drip, drip, drip of information. somebody said this was a shooting. okay, there's a shooting. but that's -- somebody says, no, more than one person got shot, and it was a machine gun. and he's still out there. then you realize that there's a machine gun and he's in the neighborhood, and that's when you run. i got out of there, let me tell you. >> did you stay around to see how the situation ended, or did you leave? >> i got out once i realized there was a guy with a machine gun. i would recommend do the same. i needed to get back to my apartment building at some point, so i did a circuitous
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route. it was only about 30 feet from the apartment i was staying in. those were 30 feet i did not want to cross. i was way too close as it was. i did not want to be near there. >> quite a frightening situation. we're continuing to hear details from some of the people who witnessed friday's attacks in paris. joining us by phone is barry mozowski, near the epicenter of the carnage, the bataclan concert hall. tell us where you were and describe what you saw and what you heard. >> caller: last night i finished an air bnb conference at the concert in paris. on friday to get out of the subway to where i was staying. ironically, i walked through the area where the batalan area is. 20 minutes after getting to my hotel room, i heard sirens outside the window.
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instinctively, i hit the street. i walked to rue, the adjoining street. and there were squadrons of police cars, s.w.a.t. teams coming in vans. all descending in the area. it was actually very scary because without understanding the context of what was going. on the people around, french people, were saying there was a shooting. sporadic information started coming through. there was a lack of context. i saw a woman and her daughter talking to the s.w.a.t. team. and they weren't responding to her. then she crossed the road because the police were like moving people toward me. i said to her, "are you okay?" in broken english, she said that her son was in the street that the police had cordoned off. and she was very scared. i put my arm around her. we went into one bar. while we were moving, the police began screaming and guns drawn. we couldn't really see what they were looking at. i found myself in a bar with
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this woman and her daughter and a couple of others. we were scared, and the door was locked. in broken english, i snounderst that i was going to get her a battery charger. i ran it my hotel down the street. when i got in, i grabbed the charger. as i tried to run back, the police had already cordoned off the street. someone explained there were lone gunmen. it was a tense situation. i went into my hotel and realized there was a film crew and police outside. i wanted to give them water. the lobby assistant in the hotel gave me a couple of bottles. i found about six or seven people in their 30s, young people, sitting like -- trying to look out. i said, who are you doing? they explained they live on the side where they can't get to, where the trouble is. they were stranded. i handed out the water to police and film crew and came back
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inside. all seven of us huddled in my it was a harrowing experience being are locals. their story is more amazing. none of them knew each other really. there were two couples and a single woman. they were having dinner at a nearby restaurant. when they heard gunshot, the restaurant owner turned the lights off and asked them to leave. they had nowhere to go. they sought refuge in this hotel. that's when i found them. about 3:30 to 4:00 in the morning, we were huddled in the room watching the news. amazingly forming friendships that i hope to last for a long time to come. >> great getting your perspective. it sounds like you're visiting paris. we wish all the best. appreciate your time, thank you. the people of paris waking up to devastating headlines. six terror attacks all in one night. we bring you the latest from the
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glad to have you back on "cnn newsroom." i'm amara walker. >> i'm george howell. we continue with the terrorist attacks in paris. it is 10:30 a.m. saturday in the city where people are waking up to their city torn apart after a series of terror attacks, and the threat may not be over. >> this hour, france is under a state of emergency. security is heightened. at least 153 people were killed in shootings and suicide bombings at six locations across the country.
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>> the most deadly attack, an ambush at a concert hall that was filled with fans. at least 112 people died there when gunmen opened fire. >> police later stormed the building and brought out some 100 hostages. eight terrorists are dead, but more may have been involved. >> cnn is live in paris this hour. our senior international correspondent, fred pleitgen, standing by for us. people are waking up, reading about the headlines today. even people who might have been in one of these six locations. what is the sense, you know, given what happened? >> reporter: i think many people are, frankly, afraid and absolutely shocked at what happened. i was able a couple of minutes ago to speak to a gentleman who was inside the theater as all of this was going on. he was going to the rock concert. he said as it started he was dancing. at the beginning, he didn't
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notice that this had been a terror attack. at some point, he realized people were opening fire and managed to get himself and a few others into a small room. he said it was an excruciating wait of several hours that he was in there hearing these gunshots. of course, an absolute terror as all of this was going on. let's listen in to what some of what he had to say. >> well, i was upstairs, the policemen were telling us how to go. and there was especially on the ground floor a lot of dead bodies and blood. and some people had been -- had to stay for several hours among the dead corpses. they went out covered with blood. i think i was lucky to be upstairs. most of the shooting was
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downstairs because the place was really crowded. >> reporter: and of course on top of that at this point, it still is, as we've note, unclear whether or not all of the attackers who were involved in these incidents, whether all of them have actually been killed at this point or whether some might still be at large. as you said, eight of the attackers were killed. four of them in that theater alone. it's unclear whether or not this is part of a larger plot, whether or not there are some who are still behind this. that certainly is something that authorities here want to find out as fast as possible, george. >> one can only imagine the terror for people who might have been in that -- in one of the buildings, one of those locations when all this happened. and they survived. i know there's a news conference later set by the french prosecutor. what's the latest? >> reporter: exactly, there's a
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news conference later where we expect to find out more about what the authorities at this point know. an investigation was launched almost immediately. there were some fact that the prosecutor -- some facts that the prosecutor put out saying there were six sites in total targeted, but not saying whom they believe might be behind all of this. and that certainly is going to be the direction into where this investigation is going to go. one of the things that will be analyzed is the weapons. deadly weapons, military-grade weapons, assault rifles as well as at least seven suicide belts that were used. theydetonated. they're trying to find out if there was a wider network and who might be part of the wider network. >> there is chat or line from different terrorist groups. no official confirmation about who might have been responsible for this terrible tragedy that happened in the city of paris. fred pleitgen live, thank you very much for your reporting.
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we want to give you a sense now of where the attacks happened within paris. >> cnn's tom foreman has an overview. >> reporter: all of the attacks took place north of the traditional tourist areas in paris along the champs e'lysee, notre dame area. the bataclan was a short distance from the old "charlie hebdo" offices, as you see. the bataclan thee n theater hol0 people, maybe more. it's a medium sized venue. the bass player from the american band from california tweeted this photograph of the eve venue so you get a sense of what it was like. from street level, you see most of the buildings were a little taller than the theater itself. you see the view where victims came out as they tried to flee and later as they tried to
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triage people to see who had been hurt and killed. as we move further, not terribly far away, a short car ride and not a bad walk even, you get to this restaurant, le pet le petitcambodge, a tourist site. crowded with young people, cambodian food offered. and a densely populated neighborhood here in the 10th neighborhood or arrondissement. further north, you're getting to a much bigger crowd. a modern stadium, had an event underway, the soccer match. 80,000 people at this stadium. this is where we know there was a suicide bomber, according to the authorities. why that suicide bomber did not find the opportunity to strike more people we don't know. it is a good thing that they did
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not. that will be one of the many things they try to sort out as authorities go over the geography of where the attackers came from, how they wound up where they did, and how they staged these attacks. again, it is still unclear who is behind these attacks. joining us now is peter newman, director of the international center for the study of radicalization and political violence. he is also a security studies professor at kings college in london. peter, great to have you on the program. i wanted to start with the fact that we don't know who is behind these attacks. what do you make of the fact that there's been no claim of responsibility yet? >> i wouldn't necessarily read too much into that. the past few weeks we have seen different patterns. some attacks were very quickly claimed like the one in egypt. others were not claimed at all. what's certain is that want supporters of the islamic state are celebrating on the internet.
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we've been following these guys, and there are a lot of -- a lot of enthusiasm out there about this attack. they are not in a position to make an official claim. they clearly believe it fits into their narrative. it is something that they are happy to take responsibility for. >> what do you make of the way that these attacks were carried out? i mean, clearly this was -- they were highly coordinated. this is obviously something that must have been planned way in advance. also the fact that you have a suicide bomber detonating right outside a football stadium while the president of france is inside. i mean, your thoughts on the fact that this happened so close to president hollande. >> yes. so it's not surprising that these attacks happened. a lot of security agencies have been very nervous in all western european countries for a number of months. it's not a surprise they happened. the facts that they happened on this scale and on this level of sophistication is, i think, a
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surprise to everyone. no one expected such a coordinated attack. this is very complicated to carry out. i think it indicates that at least some of the people that have been involved and had training or instruction from somewhere else. it is than easy to construct, for example, a functioning suicide vest. never mind seven of them. and to set them off at more or less the same time, also the nature of the attacks. they were completely random with previous attacks, you could read some kind of rationale into these attacks. but with these, everyone must be thinking this could have been me, this was an ordinary restaurant. this was a football match. this was a heavy metal concert. it really was much more random than in previous instances. >> that's a good point. we should mention that the most carnage happened inside the bataclan theater. you know, this is a country that has had terror attacks.
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we saw earlier at the beginning of this "charlie hebdo." and also the train attack just over the summer. and of course, there was also beefed up security of presence because the climate talks that are scheduled in the next month or so. i mean, this is a country that has been vigilant when it comes to security. i mean, what could be done to keep the citizens safe? >> it's very difficult because in all european countries, but in france in particular, the scale is vast. you have seen over 1,500 people trying to travel to iraq from france alone. this is indicative of the level of support that groups like the islamic state or other jihadist groups are enjoying in the country. security agencies are driving on fifth gear. it is quite impossible to monitor everyone that they suspect of wanting to become involved in acts of violent
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extremism. keep in mind that in order to monitor one person, it takes about 20 people. this is a huge scale that all european security agencies are completely overwhelmed by. so it's going to be very, very difficult for france. by the way, also for a lot of other european countries in the months to come. >> yeah, it's frightening when you hear analysts like you who say that this is the new normal. very vulnerable time indeed. peter newman, appreciate your per spktive. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. we'll have more breaking news coverage from paris just ahead with the world stunned by what's unfolded there. leaders offering their condolence and one canceling his trip to france. we'll have the details next.
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soft targets across paris or even if there are more accomplices still on the streets this hour. >> police officials have given us an updated death toll. 128 people confirmed killed. a number we're told that may likely rise. the french president himself among those in attendance at one of the targets that were hit has convened his defense council to talk about how to respond to the attacks. >> the most devastating attack was at the bataclan concert hall. a paris journalist who was inside described it as ten horrific minutes as gunmen opened fire. >> concertgoers were watching an american rock band when terrorists stormed the building. >> four attackers died when police raided the concert hall. another man who was inside during the ambush explains what he saw. >> translator: the concert started for half an hour when we heard the noise like firecrackers. we turned around and saw two young guys. they were pretty far away, but
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they were two guys with rifles shouting at the crowd. we laid down on the floor. there were panic and screams. they kept shouting again and again. on the right side of the stage, one door was opened. we all tried to rush in. there was a staircase. we got stuck behind five to ten minutes, and then up there, we saw some doors that people tried to force open. those doors just entered into some dressing rooms. someone managed to finally open the access for the roof, and then we rushed to the roof where we were waiting. then a man who had his apartment facing the roof opened his window and let us crawl through. we stayed in there in the dark, waiting for things to pass. we could keep on hearing the noise of explosions, shouting, guns, and screaming without really knowing what was going on. >> to hear the fear there, and he was waiting to crawl through to escape for his life. >> so many terrifying stories.
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french president francois hollande calls the attacks unprecedented. they're not the only acts of terrorism to strike france this year. 16 people were killed when islamic extremists attacked the satirical magazine "charlie hebdo" and a kosher grocery store over the span of three days in january. a police officer was also killed during a traffic stop. >> less than a month later, an attacker stabbed two soldiers on the streets of nice. french intelligence had been aware of the attacker were and alerted when he had flown to turkey days before and was turned back. >> in april, a student called an ambulance after he had injured himself only to have french authorities arrive and discover weapons, ammunition, and evidence of plans to target churches under the direction of someone in syria. >> then two months after that, a delivery employee who'd been on a terror watch list drove a van to a factory setting off a blast. a severed head was found hanging from a fence. >> in august, two members of the u.s. military and a french
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national overpowered a gunman on board a high-speed train. he had reportedly met twice with french isis fighters in turkey just months before. >> several world leaders have condemned the attacks including german chancellor angela merkel who responded in the past couple of hours. listen -- >> translator: i would like to tell all the french people, we the german friends, we are so close for you. we cry for you. we will fight the battle against terror. in my thoughts there are 160 people whose lives have been taken and their families. iran has also condemned the attacks, and president rue annie
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has postponed a trip to france. he told state-run news it avenues best to focus on -- it's best to focus on fighting terrorism and rouhani will travel to france. >> and, "i am shocked by the events in paris tonight. our thoughts and prayers are with the french people. we will do whatever we can help." nato's secretary general saying, "i am deeply shocked by the horrific terrorist attacks across paris. we stand strong and united in the fight against terrorism which will never defeat democracy." >> russian president vladimir putin has also condemned the attacks and offered assistance with the investigation. people across france are waking up to a national state of emergency and a national day of mourning. after a break, we'll look at how the country is grieving yet another massacre this year. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and french president francois hollande just had a making with his defense council to discuss his country's response. here he is speaking. >> translator: i have made a decree for national mourning of three days, all measures to protect our citizens and territory in the framework of the state of emergency. the internal security forces and the army to whom i pay respects will take -- took the action yesterday in order to neutralize
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the terrorists. the army and internal security forces will be mobilized at the highest level and i've ensured that all measures are strengthened at the maximum scale, the military will patrol in the middle of paris throughout the coming days. france because she was attacked in cowardice and shame and violently, france will be pitiless concerning and using all its means in the framework of law and all means and on the whole, internal and external territory together with our allies who are aimed at -- in this serious painful decisive
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prayer for life. i call on unity. joining together to keep our cool, and i call on the parliament and versailles congress on monday to bring the nation together in this trial. france is strong, particularly wounded, but always -- deeply wounded but always rises up again, and nothing can damage her despite the grief. france is solid, is active. france is valiant and will triumph over this barbarity. history talk of the strength we have to mobilize. dear compatriots, what we're defending is a country, the
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values of humanity. france will undertake her responsibilities, and i call on you for this essential unity. long live republique, long live france. >> the french president francois hollande basically calling for unity, saying that france is strong, saying that france, nothing can damage her. and saying that france will stand firm and pitiless, as she'd, in the pursuit of law. >> in terms of security, you heard the president say in the framework of the state of emergency that has been declared, he has mobilized the military at the highest level, and that citizens should see more manpower out this in the streets as they will be patrolling paris in the coming days to give the citizens a sense of security that they are being protected in this fearful and vulnerable time. >> we thank you for watching this hour. i'm george howell. >> i'm amara walker.
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hello, everyone, and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. are you watching breaking news coverage of the terror attacks in france. i'm amara walker. >> i'm george howell. it is 11:00 a.m. in france. the entire country is under a state of emergency. we're getting new death toll numbers from authorities. 128 people killed in half a dozen highly coordinated terror attacks. a police spokesperson says 180
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people were wounded. just a few moments ago, the french president spoke to the nation. listen. >> translator: it's an act of war that has been declare d -- planned from the outside an inquiry will make it possible to establish. this moment, 127 people have died, and there have been numerous wounded. families are in grief and distress. the country is in pain. i have made a decree of national mourning for three days. all measures to protect our citizens and territory in the
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framework of state of emergency. >> and you're taking a live look now. this is outside the bataclan concert hall. the worst site -- the site of the worst carnage. you see there, a pretty large police presence. dozens were killed when gunmen started shooting inside the packed venue. >> authorities say eight attackers are dead, seven of them blew themselves up. some were armed with ak-47s, and reportedly had explosive belts. it's still unclear how many attackers were involved in total. [ explosion ] >> three explosions in total were heard at the stadium, the president was inside watching. >> espn reports fans were
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initially told to avoid certain stadium exits because of out events. they weren't told just exactly what was going on in the city. one eyewitness says he was in awe. >> translator: there was confusion. we heard two explosions, but at the beginning, i thought that they were agricultural bombs, and there had been lots of rumors inside the stadium. we were at gate e. it exploded nearby. it's true that it was noisy, but i thought that it was only agricultural bombs. then there were rumors. we heard about a shooting. there was a lot of confusion inside the stadium. a frightening crowd crush happened with people on the ground. meanwhile, parisians are being asked to stay indoors. some are determined to not let terror win and opened market stalls this morning. we're live in paris this hour.
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center international correspondent fred pleitgen is with us live. obviously this is a country still reeling from the shock and also the grief. >> reporter: reeling from the shock, reeling from the grief, but also asking a lot of questions, as well. there are certainly a lot of people quite concerned about the situation, who wonder how a plot that appears to be so sophisticated could have happened without any of the intelligence services here or security services finding out about it beforehand. i mean, we're talking about attacks that appear to be coordinated at six sites as the prosecutor said. using assault rifles with seven of the eight having suicide belts that they managed to detonate. that does seem to indicate to many people that there was some sort of coordination and certainly some sort of planning. frankly, many people are also asking whether this is the end of it or whether there might be
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people in some network that might be behind this, other attackers that might have gotten away. there are still a lot of questions that people are asking. at the same time, people are quite concerned about the situation, about the safety here. we heard from francois hollande saying that additional unit of the military and security forces had been deployed to beef up security here in paris and other locations, as well. as you've said, many people are defyinging the fear, coming out here to a location we're in, as well, and saying they will not be intimidated by terrorists. >> in the meantime, we've been hearing really and truly horrifying accounts from people held hostage inside the bataclan concert hall. and you talked to one man. >> reporter: i did talk to one man. we were standing out here and doing our live reports earlier today. a man, denis, came here. turns out he was inside that venue as it was being raided. he said at the beginning, he
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didn't really understand that this was a terrorist attack unfolding. let's listen. >> it was the bataclan for the concert of eagles of death metal. around 10:00, i heard some noises. and i. like there was something -- and i felt like there was something dangerous. i just ran to little room, i was upstairs. the -- it was crowded downstairs, and i just was with several people get inside the small room, and we waited until police came. >> reporter: when the policemen came, what but see as you left that building? >> -- what did you see as you
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left that building? >> they told us not to look around. the feeling was like a bloodiness. like there was blood everywhere, even people alive were covered with blood. so the policemen made us go out, and we went to some yard, to the place which was safe. and we waited. then this was a kind of solidarity, and one of the people living in this yard proposed me to sleep for the night. this morning, i went and saw the police to give what i heard. >> reporter: how do you feel that paris has been attacked, and how do you feel yourself? >> well, i feel -- i think i'm
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still in shock. there was some psychological -- right now i'm going to see my family. >> reporter: when you leave, when you left, what kind of feelings did you have? >> inside it was -- we tried doing three hours ton make noise which was the -- not to make noise which was very difficult because we could hear the sound of the machine guns like we were very close, like the walls were shaking. and that made us -- some girls were very scared. we tried to make them calm down. >> reporter: how many were there? >> we were like 15 people inside a small little room. there was some water.
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the water was going down. maybe something had been broken down. i was staying there for three hours. and then we were in the dark, and when then we wanted people -- they said ton look around, keep straight. >> reporter: when did you realize that police were in the building? >> we heard them, but we were not sure -- i don't know like there was this -- that this was safe. we wait while police were searching and we were assured that it was safe. >> reporter: then you left the building. what did you see? >> well, i was upstairs so the
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policemen were police were telling us how to go. and there was especially on the ground floor a lot of dead bodies and blood. some people had been alive and had to stay for several hours among dead corpses and went out covered with blood. i think i was lucky to be upstairs. most of the shooting was downstairs because the place was really crowded. [ inaudible ] >> so the policemen were still trying to make the place safe. so we were working very close to the wall, and we went to --
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[ inaudible ] i didn't think -- i just followed the instructions. i was just listening because before the events came, i was danci dancing. i just left. when i got out -- there was solidarity like trying to get clothes -- >> reporter: how did you realize this was a terror attack, and how are you feeling now? >> i think i'm still in shock. so if there is some few days after some things, there's that psychologic hurt. >> reporter: i can imagine -- it was a concert, very loud. when but realize that this was a terror attack? >> it was at the end of a tune.
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there was like -- i thought it was a joke at first. then there was something -- i don't know, it's difficult to explain. something not natural. so i just left all of my things and tried to get somewhere where i could wait. >> i imagine it must have scary. i mean, to hear all of that going on outside -- >> especially the first hour. we didn't see anything, but we could hear very precisely the sounds of the machine guns. they were very loud like the walls other -- where we were were shaking. i think this is one of the reasons why the water began to flow on the floor. there were some women inside, and they were crying.
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we said try to keep still, take your time. and we wait. >> and did the attackers say anything? did you hear them anywhere? >> no. no. it was amid sounds of shooting. it was really loud the first hour. then there was less sounds. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: thank you very much. >> all right. >> reporter: as you can hear, there must have a lot of confusion, a lot of fear, a lot of despair. and those horrible, as he described, several hours that these people were holed up in the tiny room hoping that that siege, that that attack would end and that they would get out of all of that alive. >> it really is incredible to hear him just play by play describe you know what happened and his perspective, and the
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sound of the guns. it's astounding to understand the types of weapons used in the attacks. suicide belts along with military-grade weapons. this investigation, we still don't know, you know, if there are more attackers that were able to get away. we don't know if, you know, these attackers were linked to any particular group. also investigators are going to be looking into how they obtained these kinds. weapons. >> reporter: certainly. that certainly is going to be one of the main things in this investigation is how the weapons were obtained. it's one of the things to keep in mind. we've seen throughout the year, if you remember recently the incident on a french train when three americans managed to disarm an attacker. that man had a gun on him. if you recall "charlie hebdo," those people had ak-47s, as well. there was an incident shortly after "charlie hebdo" where ak-47s were involved. it will be one of the things
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that the security services here in france and other countries will be looking at to try and get a grip on how many of these weapons are around, how many are available to the kinds of circles that would perpetrator something like that and how these weapons can be brought into -- into the custody of authorities so that they can't cause the kind of harm that they've caused here. >> absolutely. fred pleitgen. thank you very much for that live for us in paris. appreciate you bringing us that interview. thanks. >> that interview told the story. i mean, for three hours, you know. those people, they waited in a small room. they heard the gunshots not knowing whether they would make it out alive. >> he thought it was a bad joke at first. i mean -- look what it turned out to be. we'll take a short break. back after this. [ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles,
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welcome back. the world is shocked after the deaths in france. france mourning 128 people. some victims were outside a soccer game. others went out for dinner while most of the victims died while attending a rock concert. [ shooting ] >> eight of the attackers are dead. seven blew themselves up. the french president just declared three days of national mourning. in the u.k., the british prime minister will hold an emergency cabinet meeting given what happened. one witness at the epicenter
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of the terror attack spoke to radio france about the moment the gunmen opened the concert hall. >> he said the shooters came in firing assault rifles and shotting "allahu akbar," god is great. >> translated in english. you can hear the terror in his voice. there were six different targets across the city. all attacked in 30 minutes' time. the level of coordination suggests long-term planning capabilities and command structure. let's get more on the tactics used overnight in paris with our terrorist expert who joins us live from london. good to have you with us. again, these targets, they weren't necessarily tourist
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spots. these were soft targets. what do you make of the targets, why they were chosen? >> george, the locations were primarily targeted because they were soft, symbolic. also because there was a large concentration of people. whether at the football stadium or the rock concert. and unfortunately that would mean that an attack would result in a high level of fatalities. these events were synchronized, well planned which meant that coordination reconnaissance must have weeks in the making if not potentially months. this was something the individuals had long thought out. the question remains, was this entirely located within france, or is it a larger international connection directing these individuals. >> my colleague, amera walker, asked an interesting question that i'd like to put you to, as well. how did they get these weapons? we're talking ak-47s, suicide bombers with explosive belts. certainly that's part of the
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investigation. >> france is part of the free movement of people across various e.u. borders. often that means that sometimes things can be concealed and passed through borders from, say, belgium to france or germany to france, and weapons in particular have become a major problem with terrorist activity in france especially. keep in mind what happened with the "charlie hebdo" shootings. and what's happening is also that there's a huge stockpile of weapons in the aftermath of the collapse of yugoslavia. and a lot of those weapons have been circulating on the black market by criminal enterprise, and they've been found in the hands of extremists including the "charlie hebdo" kouachi brothers who carried out the attack at that newspaper. >> at this point, the borders have been closed. we know there was a curfew overnight. something that hasn't been seen really since world war ii.
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how about how the investigation moves forward, and how do they piece together as much information as they can given what we saw overnight? again, six targets. a coordinated effort at locations that really aren't spots that you'd think tourists at. these are every day spots for parisians. >> very much so. unfortunately that becomes the primary target for an attack. the last time there was a marauding act of terrorism was the mumbai siege attacks in 2008 when you had diverse locations being hit such as restaurants, hotels, a jewish cultural center. similar to this in the sense that it was in multiple locations. but the aim was to target civilians to create as much damage as possible. the authorities need to see if there could be followup plots, whether there's a larger cell. individuals who assisted the gunmen on the periphery.
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this after the attack by the kouachi brothers and the attack on the supermarket. there's a lot more to be discovered. a lot more improvement that's required at a security level. were there bits and pieces of information of these gunmen? had they appeared on the french intelligence radar? in the past we've seen failures in french intelligence. i fear that we may see another in this instance. >> i want to talk more about french intelligence, just given your expertise in this arena. we've heard many experts say that french intelligence is solid, very good. but do you get a sense that they will be challenged when it comes to pulling together the pieces in this case? >> french intelligence is very good. but more in a post-operation event. they're very good also at dealing with siege situations like hostage taki-taking. when it comes to preemptive plots, they've had problems. there have been limitations. as i mentioned, the kouachi
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brothers who carried out the "charlie hebdo" shooting, they were on the radar of the authorities. the plot on the train in august of this year from brussels to paris in which one individual had a large array of weapons but was disarmed by off-duty u.s. service men, again, he was on the radar. there are too many incidents of people that have been on the knowledge of french intelligence, but there hasn't been any followup operations to stop and foil plots. that needs to be looked at urgently. this incident has left a very dangerous point of where individuals could carry out followup plots. not just in france but elsewhere in europe. it sets a worrying precedent. >> the french president, francois hollande, vowing to be pitiless in comments that he just made a few moments ago in the pursuit of law and pieces of the puzzle to determine who's behind this. thank you for reporting live from london. thank you. >> pleasure. coming up, a night of terror turns into a day of shock and
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devastation. we will have the latest from paris next. plus, the horrifying moments for scores of people inside a paris concert hall. one man shares what he saw as gunmen riddled the bataclan theater with bullets. well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. that's 5 extra gigs for the same price. so five more gigs for the same price? yea, allow me to demonstrate. do you like your pretzel? yea. okay, uh, may i? 50% more data for the same price. i like this metaphor. oh, it's even better with funnel cakes. but very sticky. now get 15 gigs for the price of 10. ♪ just look at those two. happy. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico... well, just look at this setting. do you have the ring?
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i'm george howl. >> i'm amara walker. thanks for joining us. let's update you on the terror attacks in france. france is under a state of national emergency this hour. half a dozen coordinated attacks on soft targets across paris killed at least 128 people.
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>> i want to give a live look at the police presence outside the concert hall, site of the deadliest attack. gunmen using ak-47s and bombs targeted that hall. also restaurants and areas near the national stadium. eight attackers died, seven in suicide blasts. no one has yet claimed responsibility. security experts say signs point to an organized terrorist group. after meeting with his defense council, french president francois hollande declared three days of national mourning. he vowed to hunt down the terrorists, calling them barbarians. in the meantime, border security has been increased. authorities in paris are warning residents to stay inside. 1,500 soldiers have been mobilized to help protect the city of paris. we want to go live to paris where senior international correspondent fred pleitgen is standing by for us. fred, so we are expecting to hear from the french prosecutor in the coming hours. a news conference about this investigation. but can you tell our viewers
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where things stand right now? >> reporter: at this point in time, we already have some information that we got from the prosecutor's office late last night. them saying that there were at least six targets that were hit or six areas that were hit by these attackers. of course, most of the bombings happened outside the football match between germany and france. that was something that shocked many, not least of which was of course the president himself, francois hollande, who was on hand and needed to be evacuated from that stadium. the other thing that became clear quickly, and the prosecutor was saying that eight attackers had been killed by the authorities here. and that seven of them were wearing suicide vests at the time and apparently were able to dedetonate one of the -- to detonate one of the suicide vests. the investigation is moving forward. we haven't heard yet from the prosecutor's office is who they believe might be behind all of
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this. that certainly is something very troubling to many citizens here in paris. they, of course, want to know whether or not those eight attackers who were killed was everyone who was involved in this plot or whether or not there might still be people at large or whether there might be some sort of larger network behind all of this. of course, that is something that is of the highest priorities of the investigators and, of course, also of the french government, as well. >> i'm still struck by the interview you shared a short time ago about the man inside the concert venue and feared for his life. three hours not knowing whether he would get out alive. talk about what you're hearing from people who might have been in one of these locations and just people on the streets who are reading these headlines, to learn what happened -- >> reporter: yeah, there's -- there is a big feeling of uncertainty here among many, especially since they're not clear on the fact whether or not this is actually over, whether
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or not there might still be people who are at large. the other thing, of course, is there's a lot of people who frankly are very angry because this is the second major terror attack here in the city in the course of -- of a few months. the last one was, of course, in january. the "charlie hebdo" attacks. it's certainly something that's hit the city right in its core. if you look at the paper, the newspaper headlines, they speak of a massacre right in the heart of paris. and that man that i spoke to, he said that he was obviously absolutely terrified as all of this was going on. he said he was dancing to the music as the rock concert was going on. all of a sudden, shots were fired. at the beginning, he didn't know what was going on. he realized it was a terror attack and managed to hunker down with other people, as you said, for several hours. of course, also absolutely terrible -- terrified and also with a feeling of complete vulnerability. it was clear to they at any point in time one of the
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attackers could pop into the room and all -- and kill all of them. he said it was a horrifying scene as they were finally evacuated. he said he saw many people severely wounded, many people who were killed. that, of course, is something that's traumatized him, that's traumatized anybody else who was inside that building and managed to get out alive. and certainly has traumatized the city. having to deal with the fact that you have these mass casualty events that have taken place here, these terror attacks that appear to be coordinated in various places. the one that killed most people took place behind me at the theater. >> just before the top of the hour, the french president addressed the nation and vowed to be pitiless in the pursuit of law. also made mention that the military will patrol paris in the coming days. is there any reaction from folks of what they've heard? >> reporter: they welcome the
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fact that this is happening. i think they are quite open to it, as well. and this is not only troops being deployed on the street, but a general reaction to what's going on many levels. we have the increased border controls that people are saying, for instance, at airports. at other ports, as well. also at the borders of the european -- to other european union countries. of course, france is -- it shouldn't have border controls to other countries, but that is happening. they have the natured security presence on the streets. you have 1,500 additional soldiers brought in for more security on the streets as the authorities here are trying to show people that they are in control and command of the situation and that they can keep people here safe. at the same time, though, they've been saying anybody who doesn't need to go outside shouldn't go outside. from what i'm seeing here on the streets, it seems as though many people are defying that, sending a clear message saying they are not going to be intimidated by terrorism. >> fred pleitgen live for us in paris. thank you for your reporting. we are hearing another story
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from inside the batd clan theater. a paris journalist -- bataclan theater. a paris journalist, julien pearson explained his experience. >> reporter: the show was about to end, the band eagles of death metal player for almost an hour. and suddenly we heard gunshots coming behind us. when i looked back, i saw -- at least two men, unmasked men. maybe there were three. but the confusion that i can tell you exactly -- there were -- they were holding assault rifles, ak-47s, i'm sure of it. they were firing random to the crowd. and so obviously we -- we all lied down on the floor to not
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get hurt, and it was a huge panic. and the terrorists -- sorry -- shot at us or -- for 10 or 15 minutes. it was a bloodbath. and they shot at us and reloaded again several times. multiple times. and it's actually -- i escaped because they reloaded basically. wait for the times they reloaded to run, to climb the scene, and to hide behind it. and i tried to help people around he, and it was -- it was shocking. i mean it was panicking, huge panic.
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it was 10 or 15 minutes, it was very long. and there was not a huge room. it's about 1,000 people can gather in it. there were no empty rooms. it was sold out basically. so it was easy for them. the irish rock band u2 has canceled its show saturday night in paris after news of the attacks. >> the band released this statement saying, "we watched in disbelief and shock at the unfolding events in paris. our hearts go out to all the victims and families across the city tonight. we hope and pray that all of our fans in paris are safe." there's no word yet on when that show might be rescheduled. a concert hall, a football stadium, we've all been there. >> what should have been a fun time ended horrifically for many
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welcome back, everyone. we have some new information for you. french president francois hollande is directly pointing at isis for the attacks in paris, calling it an act of war. so far, there have been no claims of responsibility. >> that's right. a national state of emergency is also in place after six bombing and shooting attacks that were carried out in the space of 30 minutes' time on friday night. and in the meantime, 1,500 soldiers have been mobilized to patrol the streets. it's not completely clear if more suspects may be at large. let's get more on the
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challenges posed by this kind of terror attack and how authorities can hope to secure so-called soft targets. our terrorism expert and national security director for the asia-pacific foundation is joining us from london. great to have you back. i want to start with these developments with president francois hollande blaming isis for these attacks. first off, does it surprise you, and did the attacks bear the hallmarks of something isis would do? >> clearly president hollande has access to information that has led him to believe that. that means the french authorities are on the case in ascertaining the culprits and international collections. in terms of type of attack, this is a departure of the isis ploots we'plots we've seen in the west. previously they were attacks going after individuals, not a sophisticated or coordinated plot, more associated with al qaeda.
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nevertheless, we have seen isis issuing messages that they would carry out the type of attack, active on social media platforms. this is the type of attack that europe has been bracing itself, a marauding attack. unfortunately, the fears have been realized. >> these attacks are very difficult to prevent, aren't they? soft targets by definition are unprotected targets. by nature it would seem extremely challenging to prevent something like this from happening. >> very much so. soft targets are difficult to protect. the british authorities earlier this year rehearsed a marauding attack on the streets of london to counter it and deal with. it ultimately, if an attack like this unfolds, there's nothing one can do at the initial stages. it's the followup that's important.
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what's important is to see whether the gunmen are dwoen to the authorities, whether there's intelligence that could have been put together and result in a plot that's unfoiled or disrupted. that's something to look at urgently because there have been failures of intelligence in the past such as with the shootings at the "charlie hebdo" magazine. >> that underscores how challenging it is to keep track of would-be extremists, right? it's difficult to prevent these gaps in security, so what is the solution here? i'm sure the fact that these attacks seemed well thought out and planned, they're probably looking at where the gaps were and how it could be prevented. >> this attack illustrates a level of synchronization and coordination that we've not seen before with isis. they're raising the stakes in the type of fear factor they want to perpetrator in western countries. means that the authorities are going to have to pay more
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attention to individual cells. are these individuals who have been trained in syria or iraq by isis, or are they inspired by the group, where did they procure weapons? are there followup plots that could be activated? is there greater coordination from other individuals that play the role on the periphery? a lot of different questions will come into play. we can ill afford another event like this taking place. unfortunately, these type of incidents are becoming the new normal. and the scars of what took place on the friday the 13th of november will be long felt. >> you make a good point saying that questions will be asked about whether there were any failures in intelligence when it came to this particular series of attacks looking at the attack at "charlie hebdo." the kouachi brothers were known to authorities, so were the thwarted attacker on the train. he was known to european intelligence officials. yet, they were able to obtain
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weapons and either carry out attacks or attempt to do so. great having you, thank you very much. >> pleasure. >> again, the headline we're hearing this hour, that francois hollande, the french president, blaming isis for these attacks. we will continue to gather information at a news conference set later there in paris. u.s. president barack obama spoke with french president francois hollande just after the attacks. >> mr. obama said the united states will give france our "oldest ally and friend" steadfast, unwavering support. >> we stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of france need to respond. france is our oldest ally, the french people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the united states time and again. we want to be clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism. paris itself represents the
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timeless values of human progress. those who think that they can terrorize the people of france or the values that they stand for are wrong. the american people draw strength from the french people's commitment to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberte and egalite and fraternite are values that not only the french people care so deeply it, but values we share. >> the reaction from world leaders continued to come in. the aftermath of the attacks. german chancellor angela merkel responded within the past couple of hours. listen. >> translator: i would like to tell all the french people, we, the german friends, we are so close to you. we cry for you.
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we will side in the battle against terror. in my thoughts, there are 160 people whose lives have been taken and their families. iran has also condemned the attacks. president rouhani backs the measures taken in france. >> british prime minister david cameron will hold an emergency cabinet meeting in the coming hours following the attacks. he tweeted this, "i am shocked by the events in paris tonight. our thoughts and prayers are with the french people. we will do whatever we can to help." and nato's sect general also released this statement. "i am deeply shocked by the
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horrific terrorist attacks across paris tonight. we stand strong and united in the fight against terrorism. terrorism will never defeat democracy." >> and russian president vladimir putin has also condemned the attacks and offered assistance with the investigation. our breaking news coverage of the paris terror attacks will continue after a short break. we'll have the latest details ahead including how you can help. we'll be right back. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. this holiday season, gi see you brought a friend? i wanna see, i wanna see. longing. serendipity. what are the... chances. and good tidings to all. hang onto your antlers. it's the event you don't want to miss.
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2:52 am
2:54 am
welcome back, everyone. it is just before unanimous in france. a day after the worst terror attacks paris has ever seen. >> police now confirm 128 people were killed friday at six different locations. french president francois hollande directly pointed at isis and called it an act of war. he declared three days of mourning. >> france is under a national state of emergency right now. and the president says the military will be mobilized at the highest levels and will soon be patrolling the streets. authorities say eight attackers are dead, although it's unclear how many there were in total. so far, no one has claimed responsibility. >> now on twitter, "pray for paris" is one of the top hash tags worldwide.
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looking at the twitter heat map, you see the prayers coming in from every continent. >> about 3,500 tweets a minute using the hashtag, many saying they are heartbroken for france and thinking of the victims and their families. we want to show images that people are tweeting. "pray for paris" with the eiffel tower as is the peace somebody with the eiffel tower in the middle. >> many posting photos of the landmarks little up in the french colors. this person writes, "when the lights of a city are turned off, the other cities turn on their lights for support." "pray for paris" is not the only sentiment being expressed. there's also "cry for paris." >> cnn's impact your world website has more details on the worldwide response we've seen to the sears of shootings and bombings in the french capital. >> and we will continue to update you with the ways that viewers and readers can help
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3:00 am
this is cnn breaking news. >> france under a state of emergency today and just in, the country's president says isis is to blame. >> paris is grieving this morning as 128 people were killed in the second terror attack in less than a year. one of the things trending is social media, prayers for terrorists. >> i'm victor blackwell, cnn is using our world wide resources to cover this story from every
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