tv Wolf CNN November 19, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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hello, i'm wolf blitzer. it's is:00 p.m. here in washington, 7:00 p.m. in paris, 8:00 p.m. in damascus. wherever you're watching from around the world, thank you for joining us. let's get right to the breaking news. yet another new threat issued by isis. just a little while ago. the video, paris, before rome threatens more attacks. much more on this coming up. other developments. french officials say the ringleader in the paris attacks was killed in the predawn raid
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yesterday in saint-denis. they used fingerprint technology to confirm his identity. france's lower house of parliament voted to extend the state of emergency for three months. a vote is expected tomorrow. rap raids in belgium targeted people connected to one of the suicide bombers in friday's attacks. police looking for associates of bilal hadfi. they arrested nine people. that new video just released, threatening attacks in france, italy, the u.s. and beyond. cnn has chosen not to show the actual video. just a few still images from the video. let's bring in our national security analyst peter bergen. this is another very chilling video. it's one thing as you've said to me over the years to produce a video like this. it's another though to deliver. >> yeah, they're threatening to attack rome but i think we need to sort of in their view rome is
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a synonym for the west. referred to the prophet muhammad which they believe within as early as 2020 there will be the final showdown and they're the vanguard of the final showdown that will lead to the victory. >> they go after targets here in the united states and most specifically in washington, d.c. they say they're going after the white house. they're going to blow it up they say like they blew up monuments, archaeological gems whether in syria or iraq. they say they're going to do the same thing right here in the u.s. capital. >> this is a third in the series where they threatened attacks. you know, i mean, the worry here is not that isis has a huge network as they do in france and belgium and other european countries that could excuse. the worry here is more this might incite violence for people who are isis sympathizers who are in contact with isis but not
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trained by isis. >> when a video like this surfaces, isis sympathizers here in the united states, what are you saying, could be inspired to go ahead, do something on their own? >> sure. in a way, this is crowd sourcing jihad. just send a message out to your sympathizers. you're not necessarily in touch with them. and you say this is what we hope to achieve. >> to go after targets like monuments in washington or the white house. in this video they say they're going to make the white house black, they're going to burn it. >> or new york city, or choose your city. >> yesterday, that video that was sort of recycled from april that was a rap video that came out. they issue add new video saying they were going after new york city. they showed manhattan scenes. they showed the video obviously of potential suicide bomber wearing a leather jacket with a vest underneath. >> yes, let's go back to this. it's easy to mick a video. it's hard to execute. for people watching this show and concerned about travel to new york city. new york city officials have
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said there's nothing concrete in this video. there's no concrete evidence there's some plot brewing in washington. >> peter bergen, stand by. be aware but do not be afraud. those words from new york police commissioner after isis released that video threatening an impending attack on times square and other locations in manhattan. our national correspondent deborah feyerick. the city is about to go into full holiday mode, thanksgiving next week, the big parade. people are going to be traveling, flying. how are officials reacting in new york city, first all, to this video? >> it's interesting because it's not only the thanksgiving day parade, it's also the christmas tree lighting, the holiday windows that tourists, millions of them, will come to see. clearly, this is going to be a very busy six weeks for law enforcement. new york officials are really acting very defiantly. they're saying, we've got police, they are doing their job. we're working with federal law enforcement. we've got tactical teams out. but they're also telling people do what you normally do but just
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be a little bit more vigilant. they're basically saying complacency is not just an option anymore. take a listen to what bratton said. >> we cannot be intimidated. that's what terrorists seek to do. they seek to create fear. they seek to intimidate. we will not be intimidated and we will not live in fear. >> and that was the new york police commissioner william bratton. again, he called that press conference very late last night at 11:00 actually because he does want to send the message that this is a very big city. but there is a lot going on behind the scenes to keep the city safe. and so that is the message. isis can continue to put out these videos again and again and again. but again, everybody's involved in making sure they are safe and police are doing their job to make sure that the risk is minimized. >> since the paris bombings friday night, there have been, what, three videos, two of them
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targeting washington, d.c. here in the united states among other places, including rome, italy. one video specifically targeting new york city. you're speaking to federal law enforcement officials, fbi agents and owns. what are they saying to you? >> officials in law enforcement are basically saying, look, these are old videos. what isis is doing is they're updating it. they're adding new images. they're flushing it out. they're making sure it's relevant to the time, you know, that they're doing these things. that's why the one we saw yesterday had a lot of the french president francois hollande in it. showing them that, look, france is still a target. britain's still a target. the u.s. is still a target. these are all aspirational. just as peter said, they've got this apocalyptic vision of what the future holds for everyone. there's a collective effort now, one probably we have never seen following these paris attacks. where every single country is simply shaking the branches to see who they've got in the pipeline and coordination is going to be improved accord to
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law enforcement. you know, talking to other people. sharing different passenger lists and manifests. and if the u.s. has intelligence on one individual, they'll be passing that to relevant countries. so all of this. you know, isis right now, they may have a very strong propaganda message. but there's a collective will. and that's what the sense we're getting from talking to officials and to law enforcement. that this is not a fight that isis is going to win if at all easily. they've got a very strong force they're going up against, wolf. >> deborah feyerick, thank you. peter bergen, you're still with me. there's one school of thought in washington that says isis is losing on the battlefield. so this new stage of their attacking paris, or sinai or beirut, making threats against new york and washington, acts of desperation on their part, as they suspect they might be going down. do you buy that? >> i mean, two things can be simultaneously true. they're certainly being contained on the battlefield of
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iraq and syria. yet at the same time they're able to launch attacks not only against the russian jet and egypt and also in paris and also in beirut and also in turkey and libya and, i mean, they are expanding their sort of geographical reach. at the same time they're being, you know, impacted by the coalition efforts in iraq and syria. the loss of sinjar was a tactical loss for them. it wasn't strategic but it was important. >> and jeep hadi john, mohammad emwazi who was killed in a u.s. drone strike. john, thanks. the late-breaking developments. the state department spokesman john kirby. first of all, the upz government's reaction, since you speak for the state department, to this latest isis video saying they're going after targets here in washington, d.c. as well as in new york, but specifically the white house, they want to go after the white house, what do you make of this? >> well, we're still examining the video itself to determine the veracity of it. obviously, we're paying
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attention to this. this is not a surprise to us that this group has desires and aspirations to attack western targets whether it's here, at home, the united states or across europe. it's a threat that we have taken seriously since more than a year now of operations against this group. it's not a surprise that they would use videos and social media to try to propagate these threats. obviously, everybody here in the united states government are taking these threats seriously. i would say the same thing that officials in europe are saying to their citizens. you know, we have to continue with our lives. we still have to move on. and be vigilant, be aware. but certainly we need to not let them win this propaganda war here of getting us to change our behavior and our conduct in every way possible. >> the paris so-called mastermind was a belgian citizen, as you know. can the u.s. screen europeans, whether french, belgians, italians, or anyone else for that matter, to come into the united states properly and prevent potential foreign fighters from entering the
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united states? >> there is no group of trave r travelers to the united states that are screeneded more heavily than refugees -- >> i'm not talking about refugees, i'm talking about foreign citizens who may want to come to the united states as tourists or business men or business women. not as refugees but they have this visa waiver program so if you're a citizen of france or belgian, you can just fly into jfk and go into new york. >> visa waiver program does allow for more ease of travel but it's a program we're always monitoring and always looking at to see if there's ways we need to improve it. i know there are concerns about that. we're going to be consulting with them as we move forward and see if there needs to be changes to that program. obviously that's something the secretary would certainly be open to considering. and he'll work with members of congress in that regard. >> i just want to be precise, you are ready to take another look at that entire program that's been in business now for years, designed to encourage
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tourism between the u.s. and friendly european and other countries, and at the same time, make it easier for business associates to go back and forth, right? >> the program has a real purpose, wolf. and it works. that said, it's a program we always look at. it's not just in the wake here of the paris atacks. this is a dynamic program that the state department's constantly looking at and we'll continue to do that going forward. >> i notice the state department issue advisory today saying no longer will u.s. citizens be allowed to get extensions in their u.s. passports. in other words, if you do a lot of traveling around the world and you're stamped, all those pages, you're going to have to get a brand-new passport. you can no longer get an additional 24 pages put into your existing passport. why is that? >> that's a decision long in coming. nothing to do with the attacks in paris. it is a security issue because we want to make sure those pages are adequately bound in the book. i think in general we felt like it was just better to make somebody, you know, go get a new
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passport so it's properly all bound together. it's really a physical security thing. again, has nothing to do with the attacks in paris. >> but the timing coming out today, this announcement, obviously that raises eyebrows. you understand. >> no, i certainly understand that people might have concerned about that. this was a decision that was long in coming. but it doesn't mean it still doesn't make sense in light of the threats and challenges around the world. again, we want everybody -- we want people overseas to be vigilant. we feel like we've got to be vigilant too and do what we can on our part. this is one measure that they'll allow us to do that. >> i understand you're sending more marine guards to protect the u.s. embassies in paris and brussels, other cities in western europe. are there specific threats to those american embassies? >> not aware of any specific threats, wolf, but obviously, we have to make decisions that are in keeping with good prudent safety measures. i will tell you in paris
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specifically, they were really more about getting in advance of the climate conference next month in paris. that decision was kind of already in train before the paris attacks. obviously, in light of the paris attacks, we certainly are going to press forward with that decision to augment the marine staff there at the embassy. but elsewhere around the world, we always -- again, it's a dynamic process. we always take a look at threats and challenges and make decisions as best we can. >> one very quick question. i'm going to give you a chance to explain something controversial kerry said. he said of the attacks in france, and then he used that word rationale. there might have been a rationale for the charlie hebdo massacre, that tear right attack against that satirical magazine and the editors there for publishing caricatures, if you will, of the prophet muhammad. it's caused a lot of concern.
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the suggestion that there might have been some ration nale for that attack. go ahead and explain. >> the secretary was referring to the rationale the terrorists themselves tried to apply to the hebdo attacks and the notion that the hebdo attacks were in retaliation for a specific thing published in a magazine. he was absolutely not at all justifying the senseless taking of innocent lives and the violence and the terrorism that groups like isil inspire and conduct and plan. he talked about this again yesterday. there's no rationale, there's no justification for terrorism. >> john kirby is the state department spokesperson. john, thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf, good to be with you. >> horrifying new surveillance video of a gunman spraying the front of a cafe with bullets. including one woman's maizing escape. plus, a live report on the death of that terrorist ringleader and other plots he's now been linked
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better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. we're going to show you some chilling new video capturing the isis attack on a paris cafe and one woman's breathtaking escape from certain death. comes from our chris cuomo walks us through it. >> you can see glass windows shattering as the gunman starts firing from outside. people running in to escape the bullets. everyone diving out of the way and hiding behind walls, desperately looking for cover. the gunman showing no signs of mercy, coming right up to the edge of the cafe, aiming at a woman defenseless on the ground. but in one of the more miraculous moments, either the gun malfunctions or the gunman misfires, and the woman gets up and runs away. you can see two employees ducking behind the bar as bullets start flying. one of them managing to flee
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down the flight of stairs as fear grips the cafe. the other helped a woman who runs inside after the siege began. people tossing chairs and tables out of the way to find safety. the glass and dust clouding the cameras view of the cafe. terror rocking the city of paris, bringing a lively friday night to deadening silence. >> wow. chilling. that was our chris cuomo reporting from paris. we're also learning more new detail also about the death of the terrorist mastermind in the paris attacks who was killed in the raids in saint-denis. police say the body of abdelhamid abaaoud was found inside an apartment there riddled with bullets but they're still not sure whether he died from the hail of gunfire or whether he blew himself up. our senior international correspondent clarissa ward is on the scene for us in saint-denis. clarissa, we're going to get to the death of the ringleader in a moment. first, i understand french police were involved in a new operation today. what can you tell us about that?
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>> that's right, wolf. french authorities may have succeeded in killing abaaoud but the search continues not just for the eighth attacker, salah abdeslam who is still at large but also for this network that likely would have been necessity to facilitate these attacks. we know there was a major raid in another city and our affiliate france 3 has told us there was an explosion according to neighbors and residents. possibly a controlled explosion from the authorities. those residents also told france 3 the entire area was closed off. we know french authorities have searched the house of the mother of the female suicide bomber. that woman, the 26-year-old cousin of abaaoud, who blew herself up when the french authorities began that raid. and it's not just limited to france, wolf. we know in belgium there have been a series of raids.
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nine people arrested. we've also heard now from german authorities that abaaoud spent time in germany as recently as january. and even the spanish interior minuister has come out and said he was actively trying to recruit spaniards. what we're looking at here is really a cross-continental, an effort across europe, the entire continent, to try to go back over abaaoud's movements and get a better sense of who may have been involved with this network, wolf. >> clarice is, the authorities believe abud was connected to other plots besides the paris massacre. what can you tell us about that? >> that's right, wolf. so the interminister came out and said of the past six attacks that have been foiled, abaaoud was directly involved with four of them. we already know of two other major attacks he was involved with in belgium.
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clearly this was a very prolific, very dangerous terrorist. but beyond that, i think it also gives you a sense, wolf, that for every attack that we talk about, that we go into so much detail covering, there are many more that french authorities have successfully thwarted such as six attacks, wolf, six attacks since spring french authorities have successfully thwarted. >> is there a sense of a relief in that neighborhood where you are now, that abaaoud is confirmed dead? because that raid, the other night, was really amazing. >> well, you know, it's such a strange thing, wolf, because you talk to people and it is really a mixed bag of emotions. people say of course they're relieved he's killed, that the nightmare of having their neighborhood turned into a war zone for the night is over. but you do also get a lot of disbelief. i spoke to a number of people on the streets who said we don't believe he's dead. yesterday, it was said he's in syria, there's no way he's dead. and think that really, you know,
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that gives you the sense of how little trust there is often in neighborhoods like this, inner city, tough neighborhoods, between the regular people and authorities. and we also spoke to some people who said, you know what, radicalization is a major problem in neighborhoods like this. it's not going to stop. and up until this point, authorities have really turned a blind eye. >> clarissa ward in the french suburb of saint-denis, thank you very much. up next, we're going live to syria. we'll show you what's going on there in the wake of the paris attacks. lots more of the breaking news right after this. other wireless carriers make families share data. some way to say happy holidays. switch to t-mobile now and get 4 lines with up to 6gb each, and no sharing. just $30 bucks a line. that's 6gb each plus unlimited streaming with binge on. stream netflix, hbo now, hulu, and many more without using data. get 6gb each just $30 bucks a line, plus free video streaming.
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says was being used by the group. russia, france and the u.s. have been hitting the city of raqqah. the uptick in air strikes comes as many are calling for the united states to strengthen its military strategy against isis. nick paton walsh is joining us now. he's inside syria. from your vantage point, you're on the scene there, what are you seeing? >> well, has clearly been a substantial uptick as you mentioned over raqqah and that persists until tonight. in the last hours, activists in raqqah again reporting air strikes in their city as there were during the day. we don't know the total numbers at this stage. we know last night was the first time they said an attack on a fuel truck, seven people were killed. different people are actually saying that was in fact six. that is the first civilian casualties we're hearing. at the same time, we don't know
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who's bombing what. we know the russianings have said they will go after fuel trucks in that area. also been targets of the coalition and the french. who is behind those civilian casualties unclear. eyewitnesses even tens of kilometers away from raqqah reporting the sound, the rumbling, incessant rumbling, 20 thuds, lengthy deep booms, heard about 3:00 this afternoon. eyewitnesses we spoke to said. definitely raqqah under strain. there are some activists that has caused the leadership to flee towards mosul and iraq. others denying that. so hard to tell what the precise reaction on the ground is. we know the french talk about targeting command and recruitment of training centers there. we know many are also asking quite how many targets have suddenly come into view in the past few days that weren't hit in the months of air strikes the u.s. put together in the past. but still civilians inside that city, still definitely isis
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present venting their movement out and fears that this is just the beginning. >> it looks like they're stepping up at least in recent weeks, since the paris attacks strikes against the oil that isis is trying to sell. a lot of their money and they're make a lot of money. they've stolen oil fields in iraq and they're using these tankers to take oil fields. they're even selling some of this oil clandestinely to the government in damascus, that according to the u.s. secretary of state john kerry. so they're really going after the oil transport right now, aren't they? >> yes, and most notably, 116 explosions targeting a number of oil trucks which the u.s. says they leafletted from the skies beforehand, saying, look, we're not after you, driver, we're after your trucks. apparently many fled. and the machines were then destroyed. it's a fundamental part of their
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revenue gather. estimates suggesting getting as many as $1 million a month for selling oil on the black market here. turkey state news today that that is often sold to the syrian government. for a lengthy period of time. a complicated relationship with isis. many suggesting in fact they allowed some of the hard-core jihadists who made nuclear devices early on. very little proof to back that up but still general feeling the regime hasn't been attacking isis as hard as they can. across northern syria, their oil industry here is a fundamental part of the black economy and in particular given the volumes generated in iraq clearly at this stage isis still trying to make money from that, wolf. >> nick paton walsh in syria for us. we'll stay in close touch with you. thanks very much. coming up, we'll talk about the syrian refugee debate with republican presidential candidate rand paul. he's standing by live. also, the restrictions he's now
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calling for. plus what strategy he'd use to defeat isis if he were president of the united states. stay with us. (vo) what's your dog food's first ingredient? corn? wheat? in new purina one true instinct grain free, real chicken is always #1. no corn, wheat or soy. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. if you struggle you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c.
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introducing real time delivery notifications. sign up at the terror attacks in paris certainly have thrust a lot of issues into the spotlight. among them the backlash here in the united states against syrian refugees. the focus on national security and foreign affairs and the race for the white house. joining us now to talk a little bit more about this, kentucky senator republican presidential candidate rand paul. he's at george washington university. clearly some students there supporting his campaign. senator, you're on the homeland security committee. there's now another threat from isis, a specific threat we've been reporting, a new video specifically targeting the white
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house. is isis really capable of an attack like that within the united states? >> i don't know that that is completely certain but i think we do have to protect ourselves. the number one way we protect ourselves is by being careful and about who comes to visit us. i think having rules and requirements for coming to america are very reasonable things we ought to do and the first thing we ought to do. >> what would you want to do to prevent potentially terrorists from coming into the united states? how far would you go? >> well, you know, in my town, bowling green, kentucky, we had two people come from iraq. they posed as refugees but they were on a watch list already. they had fingerprints on a bomb fragment from iraq and we just didn't do a good enough screening process. i'm still not convinced -- i think that the system is overwhelmed. and that we don't have the ability to even go through what we had currently in our country. so we do need to press pause and
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make sure we have a good system. when a whole section of the world is saying they want to come here and attack us, there are obviously many good people who live there who are our friends but we have to be careful. it's hard to tell friend from foe. even in france, a country that's been our friend for so long, there are many people within france who are french citizens that wish the government of france harm and they also wish us harm. having rules about how people travel to the united states or who can emigrate to the united states i think are very reasonable things to ask for. >> because most of the terrorists in the paris massacre were either french or belgium citizens. they easily could come to the united states. just get on a plane under the visa waive er program, they're tourists, let's say, they can show up at jfk easily. you want to prevent all french and belgium citizens from coming to the u.s.? >> for the visa waiver countries, these are our friends, our allies, england,
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germany, france, i would say yes, you can come and visit us. come through global entry. that means you do a background check. if your a business man or woman from france, you come here all the time, we want you to come. we want to do business with france. but i don't think it's asking too much to go through global entry. i went through the frequent flyer program to be able to fly in a less molested way in the united states. i think french travelers could do the same kind of thing. i think if we don't do that, we have to have a waiting period. because i think many of the attackers in france could have actually gotten on a plane. some of them will probably turn out to be have been on a watch list but i think some of them will turn out to be people for whom we did not have any suspicion. but i think making people go through a process to visit our country, it's the only thing we can do. it's actually a lot less expensive than sending a half a million young american sons and daughters back there for another war. i think another big land war in iraq is a mistake and i'm not
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for it. >> how do you destroy isis in iraq and syria, senator, because air power by all accounts is not going to do it, ground troops are necessary. under what circumstances would you, as president, order u.s. ground forces into syria, let's say, to destroy isis? >> i think a long-lasting victory in the u.s. and a long-lasting peace that means something ultimately will have to be that the civilized parts of islam, which are 90% of islam, they need to rise up and they need to stamp out this aberration. i've met so many good people of the islamic faith. they need to rise up and they need to say what isis is doing does not represent our religion. if america goes over there and we win the war again and america occupies sunni muslim city, it will be another generation that will rise up to battle us. if it's local people, particularly sunni muslims, who
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stand up and say, enough's enough, isis doesn't represent my religion, that's when the ultimate victory comes. but it will be in a completely and entirely annihilating not just people that are part of the isis movement but the ideology that i don't think represents islam but i can't be the spokesman for that. people who believe in islam need to rise up, they need to be loud, and they need to be the boots on the ground. >> senator paul, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. coming up, the growing debate about syrian refugees coming to the united states. the fbi director james couply now expecting concerns about a new house piece of legislation. we're going to go live. we'll get a full report. more on the breaking news when we come back. are you on medicare?
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we got some breaking news. the fbi director james comey now weighing in over the huge debate involving syrian refugees coming to the united states. he says he has concerns about pending legislation in the house of representatives. the bill would require national security officials to certify whether an approved refugee is a threat to the united states. our justice reporter evan perez is joining us now with more. so what are the major concerns that the fbi director has? >> he has really some grave concerns here that this legislation would allow anyone into this country, any refugee. and even perhaps affect travel by people coming from visa waiver countries. these are three dozen countirie where citizens are allowed to travel to the united states with
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easier process because they have a waiver on visa requirements. we're told comey has expressed this view to the administration officials and some members of congress who have asked for his views and he simply is saying this requirement where he would have to personally sign off on every individual refugee coming from syria and iraq is just frankly impossible. the issue here is there's always risk in allowing anyone, any foreigner into this country, and comey believes essentially the process that's in place where the fbi works with intelligence agencies, homeland security department, to try to vet these refugees, a process that takes a couple of years right now, that that process is pretty much the best we can have. as you know, wolf, there has been some really big concerns that for instance refugees who are let in from iraq in the past decade, that some of those people have committed crimes, including been charged with terrorism, but that was a different problem. right now, the fbi thinks they
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frankly have as good a process as they can have and so comey's letting that be known now to members of congress and to the white house, wolf. >> so he's basically, correct me if i'm wrong, on the same page as the homeland security secretary jay johnson who also has concerns about this pending legislation? >> exactly, exactly. jay johnson said last night he thought this bill would micromanage what national security officials here are doing as far as trying to vet the refugees that are coming from syria and iraq. he thinks the process they have is pretty good. obviously, there's no process that's going to be 100% guarantee. this bill, according to comey and accord to johnson would require them to give a 100% personal guarantee that they just don't believe they can meet. >> a lot of the critics, they point to the stsarnaev brothers who came to the united states,
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and they're looking back at that, and that's one of the sources of their concern. have you heard that? >> absolutely, that is a concern. we have to remember also the tsarnaev brothers came in as children. so they turned radicalized, they turned to terrorism much later after they were here. again, there was no process really that would have prevented them from coming in here. there's no vetting vetting that have stopped that. there are other examples. for instance, there was a case a couple years ago out of bowling green, kentucky, where men were charged with terrorism charges because their fingerprints were found on ieds taken from iraq. in other words, they were being used against members of the u.s. military and later on their frinlts were found on those ieds. that's a failure of the vetting process as it existed then. frankly, those people were allowed in and nobody checked
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databases that the u.s. already had. so what the fbi and dhs says is the process they have right now makes sure that people like that would not come through. >> evan perez, thank you very much. right now the house of representatives, by the way, they are voeting on increased screening for refugees. as soon as the tally comes down, we'll bring it to you. standby for that. i'll speak to one member of congress who has taken a refugee e into his own home. the congressman of massachusetts standing by to join us live. stop streaming. s ot i don't even want to think about the overages. it's okay. t-mobile now has binge on, so you can stream all the movies, tv and sports you want without using your data. it's so it's okay that i binged an entire season during my kid's piano recital? i've done that. yeah. i'm binging right now. you know, i think we've made a real breakthrough here today. what? aw, he dies in this episode. introducing binge on. with t-mobile, stream video free without using data from netflix, hbonow, hulu and many more.
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legislation. let's listen in quickly to hear what he says. we just heard from the president pro tem of the house of representatives that the legislation has passed overwh m overwhelmingly. joe johns was monitoring it. what's the final tally? >> it looks like 289 people voted for the legislation. the question right now is how many seats are open in the house of representatives because we are trying to see -- there we go. this is a veto-proof majority. but because john boehner, who left the house of representatives, his seat has not been filled. it means that if this bill were to come back to the president of the united states vetoed it, then the house would be able to override that veto. so that's the important.
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nonetheless, there are other factors to consider on this legislation that would block refugees from syria and iraq from coming in the united states until the certain members of the administration are able to certify that those individuals are not terrorists. but the other important consideration here is that the white house has threatened a veto. the senate today we heard from senate minority leader harry reid saying democrats will do everything in their power to try to block this legislation from ever reaching the president's desk. so huge questions about what will happen to this legislation and down the road the possibility, we're told, that republicans might consider putting this on the big spending bill that has to be passed around december 11th setting up at least in theory the possibility there could be a showdown that led to parts of the government being shut down if this it were pushed through by republicans.
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a lot of questions here. the important thing is that it is passed by a huge majority in the house of representatives. pushed through by the new speaker of the house paul ryan. >> paul ryan was clearly in favor of this. he made it in a statement yesterday he wanted this it pause, as they say, in the vetting process as far as letting refugees coming into the united states from syria and iraq. all the republicans with the exception of three, three republicans voted against the legislation. but the republicans were joined by about 45 democrats who voted in favor. as a result, there would be that potential veto-proof majority in the house of representatives. a two-thirds majority if the president were to veto it. before that process goes forward, still fwot to go. to the u.s. senate. it goes from the house to the senate. the question is are there 60 members in the u.s. senate that will support this now house approved legislation? >> and wolf, the other thing you have to say and while people will say the issue of politics
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ends at the water's edge here on capitol hill, we are approaching an election season and there will be some heartburn as we get closer to the idea of voting against a national security bill if you're up for reelection in a a particular house district or up for reelection in a state. so that's a thing that's going to have to be considered down the road. we do know, also, that a couple top officials from the administration, the chief of staff as well as the homeland security secretary, met with some house democrats today to try to talk them through the reasons for voting against this bill. there are a lot of concerns that the administration's positions were not thought out that well because typically in many cases, administration officials actually have to certify other things to congress. why not certificay on the important. issue of not letting iraqi and syrian individuals who might be
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terrorists get through into the united states. so there are some questions about this bill and a little bit of heartburn demonstrated on the house side about whether this thing should be shot down because the administration doesn't like it. >> joe johns, thank you very much. that's all the time we have. the news continues next on cnn. i'm brooke baldwin and you're watching cnn's special live coverage of the attacks in paris. we now have breaking news. the fbi warning of potential militant attacks at terrorist hot spots in italy. >> i'm jake tapper live in paris, france, six days after the shootings and bombings that ravaged this beautiful city. we can now tell you the isis figure in charge of the attacks is
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