tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN November 22, 2015 10:04pm-1:01am PST
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perhaps could have acted more swiftly after the attack. if that was the case. right now it seems as though everyone is trying to work together as closely as possible and asking the public to get involved as well. asking them to be their eyes and ears. so what information they can release they are releasing. but they're being very careful about giving too much away at the same time, isha. >> yeah, the threat level is still incredibly high there in france. max, it's just past 7:00 in the morning monday where you are. i got to ask you, as the workweek begins, what's the mood like there in paris? >> well, it's interesting. people are just sort of getting up and starting to go back to work. i think today is going to be a very interesting test really. it is the day where everyone is expected to go back to work and back to school. there's a real sense of defiance that must carry on and people very much of the intention to live their normal lives. they're not going to succumb to the fear that isis are trying to
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spread in this city. but you cannot get away from the fact that there are armed soldiers on the streets. and many more police, 100,000 police have been deployed across france. so that is there. with the exception tans it needs to be there and children are going to have their bags checked shs isha, in school today. they're going to be asked to not gather in groups. when they want to smoke, smoke away from buildings. parents being asked to drop their kids off at school, not to gather outside the school. there's that sense of fear that's still there but a sense of defiance that life must carry on. it's going to be interesting to see how many people do go in to work today and how many kids go to school. certainly a sense of fear as well about exposing themselves in crowded places. >> yeah. no doubt. max, let me ask you about that french town that had a nighttime curfew imposed. tell us more about why that happened? >> reporter: after the attacks
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the nighttime curfew was put in place. small town in france. the curfew is in sens. it's over but as nic robertson reports from there, some residents really understand why their town was singled out. >> reporter: southeast of paris the sunday market in sens is busy. a few hours earlier it would have been illegal to be here. there was a curfew. and that upset some residents. they're making this all too dramatic, this trader tells me. there are no problems here. the curfew between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is the first of its kind in france in some emergency powers were imposed last week and applies only to this, the pleasant fields neighborhood of sens. area that includes low cost housing, has a reputation on fairly locals say for low-end crime and very occasional confrontation with police. the new powers are prompting
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debate. >> compared to the rest of the town. >> that's not good? >> no. i find it's not good. that's exactly controversy -- contrary of what we should do. >> reporter: the curfew was posed here after police raids turned up weapons and false documents. several people were taken into custody but most of those have been released now. ♪ at the city center kat leets celebrating one of the world's oldest gothic cathedrals all thoefr several hours from paris, all in this tiny tourist city. fear another isis attack. the curfew was intended to make place raids easier. when i meet the mayor, however, she seems unsure if the curfew that ends monday is worth the division it's causing. i want to guarantee the tranquility of the entire
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population, even if it means limiting the liberties of some, she says. but the curfew was not my decision. it was a decision of the state. back in pleasant fields, ahmed zena who runs a cafe was shocked how fast the curfew was imposed. but worked to support it. we respect the curfew, he says. it was necessary for the police to do their work safely. most here feel the same but worry in the rush to follow terror leads jobs pay be lost. more problems created. >> you don't have to be afraid to come here. you know? around the nice place in this country. >> reporter: so far no terrorists have been found and few here expect they will. nic robertson, sens, france. in terms of wider response, isha, to what happened here in paris it's going to a very high level indeed. as you can imagine, david
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cameron flying in to meet president hollande today. president hollande has aer isry of high level meetings over the course of the week with key allies. build a grand coalition against isis to attack them in their homeland. so he's meeting obama, meeting merkel, even meeting president putin in moscow later on this week. the ultimate response really to attack here in france is to go against isis in their homeland. and that's going to be a very interesting course of events over this week. whether or not he can bring together military cooperation effectively between the u.s. and russia to fight the attackers here on french soil. >> international diplomacy taking the forefront in this fight against isis in the coming days. max foster there in paris. thank you, max. u.s. president barack obama is headed back to washington after his visit to asia last week. he landed at joint base andrews in maryland a short time ago. malaysia sunday, sharpened his
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rhetoric about isis slamming the terror group. cnn's jim acosta has the details. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: overseas for more than a week but well aware of a fearful nation back home, president obama sounded more like a leader at war. >> our coalition will not relent, destroying isil is not only realistic goal, we're going the get it done and we're going pursue it with every aspect of american power and with all the coalition partners that we've assembled. it's going to get done. >> reporter: at a news conference in malaysia the president once again defended his strategy for defeating isis. but instead of brushing off questions about his policy as he did last week, he acknowledged americans are deeply worried. >> we're not afraid. to not elevate them, to somehow buy in to their fantasy that they're doing something
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important. they're a bunch of killers. and we fight them and we beat them. >> reporter: the president said he just may be able to join forces with russian president vladimir putin to wipe out the terror group after the attacks in paris and on the metrojet airliner. >> i discussed with president putin in a brief pull aside his need to recognize that he needs to go after the people who killed russian citizens. >> reporter: and he called on americans to show compassion to the thousands of syrian refugees he wants to welcome into the u.s., despite poll numbers showing americans are resistant to the idea. >> refugees who end up in the united states are the most vetted, scrutinized, thoroughly investigated individuals that ever arrive on american shores.
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>> reporter: the president also appeared to have choice words for donald trump. >> i want surveillance of these people. >> and the gop front-runners' proposal to conduct more surveillance on the muslims in the u.s. >> we must absolutely reject that we are somehow at war with an entire religion. prejudice and discrimination helps isil. >> reporter: knocked back on his heels after initial response to paris attacks was widely panned to sometimes more cerebral president ended this foreign trip speaking from the gut, urging americans to avoid giving in to fear. >> how are you all doing? >> reporter: a point he punctuated with a stop to a refugee center in malaysia. a visit mr. obama reflected on as he left the country. >> if you are a parent and you saw those kids, and you thought about what they had gone through, the notion that we couldn't find a home for them anywhere in the united states of america?
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that's -- that is contrary to our values. the most powerful tool we have to fight isil is to say that we're not afraid. >> reporter: as soon as the president returns to washington he's scheduled to welcome french president francois hollande for a critical meeting at the white house on the war against isis. it's a war the french president wants to ratchet up. the key question is whether president obama will join him. jim acosta, cnn, with the president in malaysia. the front-runners of the u.s. republican presidential race are speaking bluntly about the plan to bring more syrian refugees to the country. that story is just ahead. plus, more than a dozen people are injured when shooting breaks out in a new orleans park. details coming up.
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and craftsman hand tools are protected by a lifetime full warranty. this holiday season put craftsman extreme grip tools at the top of your wish list. a developing story from the u.s. this hour. 16 people were injured in a shootout in new orleans sunday night. police say hundreds of people were gathered at a playground to film a music video when two groups began firing at each
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other. >> this event took place in a number of people were in the playground. several hundred people. we were advised of that. the commander here, commander goalie, assigned people to come to close the park down because it was not permitted. and as the officers or approaching they were about a block away when they heard gunshots. >> witnesses tell police that both groups immediately took off after the shooting. detectives are searching for surveillance video of the suspects. donald trump once again tops the field of u.s. republican presidential candidates. a new poll shows him holding a considerable lead over his nearest rival brsz. this despite piece comments about a u.s. plan to take in more refugees from syria. cnn's chris has the details. >> reporter: a new abc "washington post" poll out today thoughs donald trump continues to lead the gop field and he has a double digit lead with 32%
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support. ben carson 22%. and the other only republican with double digits is marco rubio, at 11%. over whether to allow 10,000 syrian refugees into the united states amid fears that isis terrorists could be among them. carson compared some refugees to rabid dogs and trump said he considers shutting down mosques and endorse tracking u.s. muslims in a database, an idea he doubled down on sunday. >> i want databased for the refugees that if they come into the country. we have no idea who these people are. when the syrian refugees are going to start pouring in to this country we don't know if they're isis, we don't know if it's a trojan horse. i want a database and other checks and balances. >> reporter: it hasn't seem to hurt trump or carson's standing. more than half of the surveys oppose taking in refugees from syria. despite the paris attacks the economy still tops the list of issues most important to voters.
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followed closely by terrorism. among republicans polled, most important attribute they want in a candidate is someone who can change washington. and that's a measure where trump dominates. at trump rally in alabama on sunday at least a half a dozen white attendees shov zrks shove and kicked a black protester. on sunday trump suggested the violence was justified. >> maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing. >> reporter: police told cnn three people were asked to leave the event. no arrests were made. protester did not require medical attention. >> cnn reporting there. professor at california state university, san bernardino and director at the center for the study of hate and extremism. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> it's worth pointing of it that while gop presidential
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candidates are clearly making a political calculation with their statements, their statements are in line with more than half of the u.s. population that don't favor letting in syrian refugees. >> that's true. i also think there's a difficulty with regard to the analysis. i think people are confused. so let's step back. >> okay. >> we're not talking about people who are coming right off a boat somewhere and we don't know anything about them. there's an 18- to 24-month vetting process. many of these folks are people singled out for terrible abuse and intimidation because of who they are. many of them are oftentimes people who have been supporters of the united states and our allies. so let's get that straight. >> men and women and children. >> absolutely. absolutely. let's stop and i'm someone involved in counter terrorism analysis for many, many years. a 3-year-old child washes up
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dead on a beach in turkey with little sneakers. i'm a father. my father was a p.o.w. john mccain was a p.o.w. these folks know what war can. >> do. we have a moral obligation for what a pluralistic democracy america is to take in this minimal number of refugees who are at the most vulnerable. are there things we can do to improve this? absolutely. vetting perhaps can be done a little better. can we get more information? will absolutely. let's look at data. that's my job as a professor and someone running the center and testified before congress on things like this. where i brought up the issue last month about refugees. 784,000 since 9/11. three cases out of 784 cases i defy you to find a risk similar to that. is the risk going to increase because, a, the depth -- >> you say it will somewhat.
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>> yes, yes. imagine everyone raising questions about this is a bigot or anything like that. but let's look at people like john mccain who, like my mother, said, all children are god's children. are we going to make the same mistake we made with respect to japanese-americans and with regard to turning away ships of jews who then were sent back? we have to do something. we have countries like lebanon increased their population by 25 frs. >> i was going to say. you have to put this in context. we're talking about 10,000 syrians when countries like germany are taking closer in a million by the end of the year. >> yes. look, there's a risk in anything in life. absolutely. but it's a suboptimal choice for isis to try and use this very lengthy route to get people in. could they? yes. maybe? perhaps. but let's look at the risk. 3 out of 784 thousand
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retrospectively. don't just rely on retrospective data. isis is expanding. >> you're not underplaying the isis threat here. you're not, you know, trying to say people shouldn't be concerned about national security. >> sure. we've had 55 arrests, at least 55 arrests so far this year in the united states. 71 since 2014 involving isis. isis is a big and expanding threat. when i testified before congress i said jihadists led by isis are at the top of our threat matrix. we went from nine people a month traveling over seas to six a month. we're in a big battle, a war with isis. absolutely. >> let many we ask you this. this kind of rhetoric playing out has an impact not just on those trying to come in in the sense that they may not be allowed to flee terror but also on those already here. refugees and muslims already here, correct? >> look, we have mr. trump talking about closing down mosques. we have him talking about not a database for refugees which is just talk agent today. a database of all muslims.
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perhaps he should read the constitution and what happened during world war ii. we have ted cruz, accomplished lawyer, by the way, and princeton grad talking about a religious test for the entry of refugees? how about a test for who is the most vulnerable and the least risk? how about elderly, children, things like that. we have ben carson, a neurosurgeon. educated people saying, well, this is like looking at a rabid dog. we have to tone down the rhetoric and look at where the threat is. where the threat is is let's look at our visa waiver program and not trashing it but making enhancement to it. the 19 hijackers that did 9/11 came here on visas, not refugees. looking a the tefr reporter watch list and the ability of over 2,000 purchases over 90% of the people on the terror watch list being able to buy weapons here in the united states. people who are here on the terror watch list buying weapons in the united states. let's talk about that as well. we have bipartisan support.
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peter king from new york, a republican. dianne feinstein, a democrat, wanting to look at that as well. >> it's good to have you here to break down the data. we're pleased you were able to do that for us. thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you again for paying at tenks to these people who are so desperately suffering. we have a moral obligation as a beacon to the world to take in these minimal number of people. >> great to have you with us. >> thank you. ahead on "newsroom l.a.", a mother's agonizing wait for news about her son after the paris terror attacks. >> you looked for your son for three days? >> translator: we always had hope, until the very last minute. even until we went to go see him, and then it was over. quiet! mom has a headache! had a headache! but now, i...don't excedrin® is fast. in fact for some, relief starts in just 15 minutes.
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you're watching "cnn newsroom" live from los angeles. i'm isha sesay. police are investigatinge ing it that left 16 people injured in new orleans on sunday. several hundred people gathered at a playground to film a music video when two groups began firing at each other. detectives are searching for surveillance video of the suspects. police in belgium carried out 20 antiterror raids on sunday, nine day afters the deadly attacks in paris. officers arrested 16 people but they did not find any gun or explosives. the city of brussels remains under the country's highest level of terror alert. french police have released this photo of another dead paris attacker. they say he's the third suicide bomber at the stade de france but they didn't give a name. police are urging the public to come forward with any
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information about him. now let's go back to paris. it's the city on the mebd dealing with a new reality when it comes to security. our max foster is there. max, it's a city filled with families coming to terms with the loss of their loved ones. >> they have. there's a moment today where there's a sense of defiance within paris, certainly, that life should carry on. social media built around that, going out to the bistros to show that they will be in defiance of these isis attackers and they will carry on as normal. so today, children for example going back to school. but a difference this week is they will have their bags checked and parents will have to drop them off at the school gates so there are not crowds gathering outside school which can potentially be attractive to attackers. they're living in this new environment of police and soldiers walking around with guns as well just through areas
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of paris where you wouldn't have seen them in the past. one step taken today. also trying to digest still what happened two fridays ago here in paris. so more information coming out all the time. a lawyer representing one of the drivers of abdeslam, eighth attacker, still on the run, suggesting that he has a suicide belt on and that he was very upset on the way back to brussels as they drove him and could have set it off. that man is still on the run. possibly with a suicide vest over in brussels. and his brother was speaking to belgian tv as well, saying that he thinks probably his brother abdeslam decided not to carry out the attack in parisnd left inside. the fact that he's still alive and still on the reason. extraordinary situation here in paris as well. still under a state of emergency. david cameron arriving today, the prime minister of the uk, in
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what's been described as a diplomatic darby the french president. he's described a war on isis. he described that after the attacks. and now he's building a coalition against it eve effectively. he's meeting david cameron, one of the key allies. go on to meet president obama on tuesday in brussels. the french chancellor will be coming here to paris for another meeting with president hollande. then goes to moscow to meet with president putin on thursday. even next sunday he's going to be meeting president xi jinping on sunday. they will fight isis in syria and iraq. there are diplomatic efforts that need to be smoothed over. particularly the relationship between the u.s. and russia. but this is president hollande's moment to bring together that coalition. his ratings, isha, have actually gone up in the past week because he's being seen as a strong leader at this time of crisis
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that france. >> while diplomacy takes center stage we must not forget about the victims of the terror attacks. so many people whose lives were tragically cut short. we're hearing from the mother of one victim who is basically sharing her anguish. >> absolutely. the mother of one of the paris attacked victims. this search for her son for three days, she did before learning he had been killed. the bataclan theater. she spoke in her first u.s. interview with cnn's poppy harlow. >> nelly weeps as she recalls her sons a a touching, caring, sensitive man, always ready of help his family. he was magnificent, she tells me. he and the love of his life marianne went out for an evening of fun on that friday night. taking this selfie inside the theater, waiting for the band to play.
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it would be their last picture together. jill through her body over him saving his life but word on jill's condition alluded the family for three days. >> you looked for your son for three days. >> translator: we always had hope until the very last minute. even until we went to go see him and then it was over. it was very hard. >> you can't believe it's over. >> translator: we always hoped during last three days. >> you always had hope during those three days. >> reporter: the 32-year-old florist and adventurer died that night in the at the ak on the bataclan. >> tell me about the love between guill and marianne. >> translator: they were very, very two beings that were very compatible. >> reporter: nelly says her son and marianne were soul mates, two loves that had found each
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other and never shared a harsh word. if you were to look the person in the eye who killed your son, what would you say to them? >> translator: i would tell him, he doesn't even deserve that we consider him a human being. it's not a human being. it's not possible. he isn't part of humanity. it's not possible people like this. even animals don't do this between themselves. it's not possible. it's a monster. >> reporter: but in the face of evil, there is also pure beauty. tell me about those flowers. >> translator: it was something that he was planning on doing for her before this all happened. >> reporter: his sister alexander told us about the 200 roses his brother ordered for his girlfriend on their anniversary. they were delivered just days after he died. >> translator: it was to share his love for her. unfortunately he did not have the time to give it to her
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himself because he died before then. we were the messengers for him and his last gift. marianne said even when he's not there he still manages to surprise me. >> what do you want the world to know about your brother? >> my brother was very special boy. >> translator: he did things but not sought of self interest. he did it naturally because he liked to and because it made him happy to help people or to share. he was always there for everyone. >> reporter: she tells me she will write a letter to for him, to tell him everything that he didn't have a chance to say. >> what is in your heart? >> translator: at the bottom of my heart that i'll never be able to touch him again. >> reporter: nelly still can't believe she won't hold her son again. >> he was your baby. . it's not just. it's not just.
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>> no. >> it's unbelievable. >> reporter: poppy harlow, cnn, paris. >> the victims still very much in memory here. this is the focal point for many people who didn't know them, come to this memorial and put a candle, flowers around it. they just stand and look at it. there will be a national memorial on friday. it's going to be a very emotional of series of memorials leading up to that big national moment on friday. >> so much pain. max foster joining us there from paris. max, thank you. two members of the american rock band eagles of def metal are giving a firsthand at account of what they witnessed at the bataclan theater. with vice, the men recounted the horror and selfish reasons why
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so many people lost their lives. >> several people hid in our dressing room. and the killers were able to get in and kill every one of them except for a kid who was hiding under my leather jacket. >> killers got in your dressing room? >> yeah. people were playing dead. they were so scared. a great reason why so many were killed because so many people wouldn't leave their friends. so -- and so many people put themselves in front of people. >> take a look at this photo with me. this photo was taken in the moments before the shooting began. 89 people were killed in the balt bataclan attack including the band's merchandise manager and three representatives from their record label. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved
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risen to 22 according to the u.n. the country's president declared three days of national mourning. our david mckenzie sat down with one american survivor who described her harrowing ordeal. >> in the wake of mali's terrifying terror attack new stories of survival are emerging. i spoke to an american specialist of the center for disease control. she was about to check out when the shooting began. >> i e-mailed my husband. and i just -- i said something like, there is something going on. i want you to know that i love you. and then when a few hours later when the fire down the hallway, i wrote another e-mail and i said, i do believe there are shooters here. if i don't make it i want you to know i love you and my family and my cdc. but i am coming home. i do this because i love doing this work. and where we are in the world that we need to continue on. >> you committed to the work no matter what? >> no matter what.
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this wasn't about mali. this is about what i call idiots. i'll be back. >> was there any point really, any moment where you thought, okay, this is it. this is the end of the road? >> when the shooting came down the hallway, i was more nervous. i wasn't sure. but it was -- it wasn't going to end. i was going home. i knew i was going home. that's the end of it. >> so when the signal came, what went through your head? >> oh, gosh. i'm so glad to see you guys. i don't know much french but i could say [ speaking french ] . these guys every one of them that i mentioned put their lives on the line for me that day. and i so appreciate that. and there's a group of people who didn't make it out. and my heart goes out to their families. but i believe they were here doing what they love and what
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they're committed to. and if that day were to come for me, someone would be saying that about me as well. >> the presidents of mali and senegal toured the radisson hotel on sunday and vowed that they will be unbowed be i the terror threat. david mckenzie, cnn, mali. juliet joins me now. great to have you on the show. a week after the paris terror attacks we saw a attack on the radisson blue hotel in mali. in your view was the mali attack tied to local politics or an attempt to capitalize on the recent terror that played out in par paris? >> it was actually a combination of both. i mean, anyone who had been following what was going on in mali knew the terrorism that they were facing, the rise of islamic tensions, terrorists organizations. france had clearly come in to clean them out in the last couple of years. but also an attack like that was timed to sort of correspondent
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or follow up on what happened in paris. and the reason why that is true is because it was a relatively simple attack in the hotel. i mean, very few people were involved. they just walked into a room, killed as many people as possible. and so in some ways it's simplicity, put it together relatively quickly to feed off of everyone's fear. >> this wasn't an attack carried out by isis, claimed responsibility for what happened in france. this was, in fact, carried out by an al qaeda affiliate. which has claimed responsibility. what can you tell us about this african jihadi group? >> well, this is a -- let me tell you about al qaeda more generally and its affiliations now. for some time, studying al qaeda also knows they have been waiting for moments to sort of assert their relevance because they are not the same as isis
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and are vying for the same people, for recruitment, access to money, and in some kays access to geography and relevance in various countries. so their sort of rise in africa is very much linked to the fall of libya and we see them acting out consistently with what they'ved to told us in the past. al qaeda is still relevant. they're not dead yet, so to speak. aligning with local islamic terrorist organizations to launch a attack. so you are seeing this split amongst organizations to the outside person they may all look the same but really what this is is a strategic fight amongst various groups. >> the fact this group struck a high profile western hotel with an international clientele, the concern has to be that groups like isis and al qaeda will increasingly turn their attention to western interests beyond europe's borders as we see security being stepped up in europe. how do you see it?
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>> i think that's very true. and looking at this from afar it's hard to sort of make a judgment call. but it did not appear to be that there is extensive security at the hotel. a lot of these are western chains. so they're going to have to be responsible for increased security. maybe even bringing in people from other countries so to ensure that there is actually buttressing of the hotel and physical security for an international clientele. so i think that that is going to be very important in the future because these targets that western symbol iism, a hotel chain, maybe a foreign sporting team coming in to a european country, all of them are going to be targets at this stage. it doesn't mean they're all at risk. it doesn't mean we're all -- everything is horrible. i mean, that honestly. it just means that isis or al qaeda is focused on what might be called the sort of urban
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targets. right? that this matters to them now to have an audience and to have large density of people so that the impact of even just two guys walking into a hotel or just a few people is quite significant. >> kayyem there with great insight. thank you so much. next on "newsroom l.a.," book stores across paris are quickly selling out out of "a move valuab moveable feast."
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you got this. since the terror attacks in paris one particular novel has been flying off the shelves in book stores across the french capital. "a movable feast" by hemingway. ivan watson has more on the book's recent resurgence. >> reporter: all of the sadness of the city came sudden with the first cold rains of winter. that's a line from "a moveable feast", a memoir about paris in the 1920s written by ernest hemingway. the book is a love letter to the
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city of light celebrating cafes and cobble stone streets in a book shop where you can find a first edition copy of the american writer's iconic book. thanks. hemingway's book is pretty much required reading for most visitors to paris. what's unexpected is that it has also become a source of comfort or many of the french in the wake of the deadly paris attacks. at book shops across paris owners have seen a sudden spike in sales of french versions of hemingway's 51-year-old novel. >> what is your number one selling book right now? >>" it's a move valuable feast" from ernest hemingway. >> do you have any more copies? >> not more. it's all sold out now. >> sold out? >> completely. >> reporter: part of the appeal is clearly sicymbolic. the french title translates back into english as "paris as a party." he says he's buying the book to
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remind himself that the city of light is also a city that loves to party. we have to live. we have to go out, he says. and we have to stick out our tongues at the terrorists. shop owners say they've also seen a surge of interest in books about islamist radicalism but those sales don't compare to the rediscovery of hemingway's book. no doubt boosted by the fact that paris has also become a hashtag slogan of defiance on french social media. as many honor the dead, others are determined to live up to hemingway's immortal words, if you are lucky enough to have lived in paris, he writes, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for paris is a movable feast. ivan watson, cnn, paris.
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you are watching "cnn newsroom" live from los angeles. i'm isha sesay. the "newsroom" continues with rosemary church right after this. (patrick 1) what's it like to be the boss of you? (patrick 2) pretty great. (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done? (patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like... ...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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the manhunt intensifies, 16 people are arrested in raise across brussels, but the suspect linked to the paris terror attacks remains on the run. france releases images of a suicide bomber involved in the deadly stade defrance blast, but his identity remains a mystery. tackling terror, the french president prepares for a week of counterterrorism meetings. starting with uk leader david cameron. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. thank you for joining our two-hour block. this is "cnn newsroom." and we begin in brussels,
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authorities there have extended the highest terror alert level, they are worried about the threat of more coordinated attacks like the one in paris. >> meanwhile a manhunt is now under way for this man, salah abdeslam, authorities say he dropped off some attackers. >> and this is one of the men abdeslam is believed to have dropped off. police say he's one of the suicide bombers that don't have a number and they're asking the public for any information about just who he might be. cnn's max foster is in paris, he joins us now live, so, max, much to cover here, let's start with the latest from brussels on the lockdown and the raise that resulted in 16 arrests. >> yeah, absolutely. those raids are now over. but state of alert is still at its highest level over there in
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belgium, police staging antiterror raids. they have arrested 16 people but didn't find any explosivexplosi. prosecutors described the raids. >> the brussels investigating the terror case, ordered 19 house searches in the brussels region, these searches took pla place. there were also three house searches carried out. in total, 16 persons were arrested. the investigating judge will decide tomorrow about further -- possible further detention. >> reporter: let's bring in cnn's fred pleitgen who's live in brussels. you had those arrests, fred. it makes you feel as if they
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don't fully understand the threat here if they're still asking people to stay inside effectively. >> yeah, absolutely, and max, we have to keep in mind all of this comes well over a week since the attacks that happened in paris and of course well over a week since the belgian authorities, the belgian police and belgian military have been conducting raids not only here in brussels but elsewhere as well. nevertheless, it seems even at this point in time, they have been conducting these raids, they don't know where salah abdeslam, they haven't apprehended him. he wasn't one of the 16 people taken into custody. fuzzy feeling of an imminent threat around the brussels area. we were here in this area last
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night, it was full of police and soldiers. they were conducting a search operation. we spoke to some of the officers there and the authorities there and they were quite edgy when they were speaking to us. they were fairly nervous about the situation. making sure they have taps of who is going in and out. you feel they're not exactly where this threat is coming from and if you listen to the prosecutor here there could be a paris-style attack, something they fear, that goes to show they still are very much on the edge. you can still here it this morning, people are on the streets, but public transport by and large isn't working. the subway system isn't working. i'm in the main square, i'm standing in front of the brussels christmas tree, just lit up yesterday, pretty much
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the only people standing here are soldiers who are guarding this main square here in brussels, max. >> this threat level isn't lingtd to abdeslam, who we think is in brussels as well. what do we know about his movements and the investigation there? >> reporter: well, it's not clear where he's exactly is. one of the reasons why they believe he's in brussels area, because the last place he was actually seen when he was traveling apparently from paris and was then shortly apprehended by the french authorities in a border town, very close to the border with belgium, we went through yesterday. there are still police checks still going on shortly before the border. that's where he was seen with two associates. it's still very much unclear where he's, whether he's in brussels, certainly there have
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been as we have seen a lot of searches conducting over the past couple of days and they haven't found him at this point of time. they believe he's in the brussels area. even under this heightened state of alert, authorities looking at other countries as well, movement here is not that restricted. at this point in time, it's unclear where he's and what kind of intelligence they have. >> okay, fred there in brussels, thanks for bringing that. muslims here in france have denounced the attacks. jim bittermannn has the tensions and the fears in the communities here. >> reporter: at a mosque in a paris suburb those who gathered
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for friday's prayer were filled with indignation. how their religion has been hijacked with terrorism. >> translator: we firmly condemn these cowardly and outrageous acts that plunge france into tragedy. we're at war with an invisible enemy, terrorism has no religion, no boborders, no nationality. >> reporter: it was a message that was delivered to the faithful across the nation, islamic leaders like these who met in another suburb to coordinate their sermons know they have a fight on their hand not only radicals, but also against those who can't or won't make a distinction between terrorists and true believers. in the weeks since the terror, a
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12-fold increase against terrorism. mosques have been vandalized and people beaten up. a further measure of the tension, police canceled a rally of muslims against terrorism because they couldn't guarantee they could assure the safety. islam islamic associations worry it will widen the gap between muslims and others in france. >> translator: our souls were struck and the feeling of fear is understandable. the fear that we'll be stigmatize as well as the fear of the nation that we fully belong. >> reporter: furious about what the radicals have done to muslim, they have expressed sympathy. visiting the memorials and laying wreaths and speaking out angrily as the rector of the
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mosque did to christiane amanpour. >> muslims know that none of these things can be found in their holy book. increase fwli aggravated that some here are so quick to link their religion with vicious crimes. jim bittermannn, cnn, paris. paris is planning to stop up the fight against isis this week. david cameron is expected to make a case for bombing isis in syria, he'll soon meet with the french president francois hollande for a breakfast meeting. meanwhile u.s. president barack obama toughening up his rhetoric, vowing to hunt down isis and destroy them. but mr. obama's former defense secretary told jake tapper it's important to define a clear
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strategy in syria. >> the russians have to be a part of it. >> we need to align ourselves with russia -- >> it's not alliance, jake. let's seem on the common interest. what's the common interest -- >> isis. >> isis and you build around that. you build out and into the next series of steps and so on. i don't think you're going to find a resolution to assad until you figure out you're going to deal with isis. you bring leaders together on some unification. you can't let the differences dictate, you can't become captive to the differences. let's center on the core threat, the common threat. >> perhaps, the biggest threat of the recent air strikes has been isis self-proclaimed
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capital of raqqah. we get extremely close to the isis headquarters. >> reporter: air strikes repeatedly pound raqqah, it's here that any ground offenses by kurds would have to begin and still a chemical dependence of stalemate, their ultimate goal of raqqah, visible on a good day in the far distance. in the past few days, hit by isis mortars. >> don't miss nick's full report from syria monday morning on "new day" starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern, that's 11:00 a.m. in london. joining me now to discuss the campaign against isis is a political scientist and analyst at the university of versailles and university of paris. david cameron arriving as we speak at the palace, this is a first round of diplomacy to
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build more unity against isis in the war against isis. >> it all started with u.n. resolution 2249, stating that this state have to take all necessary measures against terrorism, the trouble that we have here we have an international unity on that but we have to define what is terrorism and second, who are the terrorists, because some e are -- the pyd, the u.s. and france -- hamas might be for qatar but terrorist for israel. we have a problem defining the terrorists. we have to understand that isis spread because of a failed state, because of political turmoil that we have to regulate. the military tool is very important and we have to use it. but first, more bombs will not
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solve this solution. it didn't solve it in afghanistan. it won't in syria and iraq. we have to have a political deal in the region, so i'm afraid that the fact that we detract from a political solution, that assad would go and define the concept -- >> the complication, isn't it, he very clearly, president hollande wants the u.s. and russia want to work closely militarily. obama was said, he doesn't see a future in syria with assad, that's the divide hollande has to bridge with moscow, isn't it, he needs to find a compromise between putin and obama on that before they're going to work together militarily. >> french and russia, took a step toward each other, vladimir
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putin recognizing that the plan in sinai was actually because of a isis bomb. russia still bombs moderate forces. we have to get a political ground on that. >> can hollande be the mediator between obama and putin on that, to find the middle ground? >> the third way that we have between a superpowers -- >> that's what he's aiming at this week. >> it sounds like the cold war, he's aiming that, but that's regarding to military matters and mainly about the bombing campaign and we want to have a solution against isis, even military ones without boots on the ground. >> david cameron who's meeting president hollande right now, very clearly wants to join french air strikes in syria, but
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he needs to get parliamentary support on that. what kind of help can he offer on that? >> i think that the support of the french president is always is signal showing that we have some support regarding our eu partners and so on. that's very important to get the vote of the uk parliament. but still, like i said, i mean what is it all about? it's a more air campaign. >> okay, thank you very much. we're watching that meeting between president hollande and prime minister cameron and we'll bring you the pictures. there's a statement expected in an hour or so. >> we'll is certainly do that. max foster live in paris. we'll join you in about a quarter of an hour. coming up, a woman who survived the mali hotel siege talks about the moment she first
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heard gunfire down the hall, her emotional interview after this break. and a u.s. journalist is sentenced in iran, but the mystery and outrage over his case intensifies. more on that after this. understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families who've supported them, we offer our best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ♪ innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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a developing story from the united states now, 16 people were injured in a shootout in new orleans on sunday night. >> now police are saying hundreds of people were gathered at a playground and this was to film a music video, when all of a sudden two groups began firing at each other. >> this event took place in a number of people in the playground, several hundred people, we were advised of that, the commander here assigned people to come to close the park down because it was not permitted and as the officers were approaching, they were about a block away when they heard gunshots. >> this happened not too long ago. witnesses tell police that both groups took off immediately after the shooting and police are searching for surveillance video. to mali now, the deadly
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attack has risen to 22 according to the u.n. the country is under a state of emergency. the country's president has declared three days of national mourning for the victims of the brutal siege. >> our david mckenzie sat down with an american survivor who described her harrowing ordeal. >> reporter: in the wake of mali's horrifying terror attack new stories of survival are emerging. i spoke to an american specialist at the centers for disease control, she was about to check out when the shooting began. >> i e-mailed my husband and i just said something like, there is something going on and i want you to know that i love you. and then, when a few hours later when the fire down the hallway, i wrote another e-mail and i said, i do believe there are shooters here. and if i don't make it i want you to know i love you. and my family and my cdc. but i am coming home. i do this because i love doing this work. and where we are in the world that we need to continue on.
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>> you committed to the work no matter what? >> no matter what. this wasn't about mali. this was about what i call idiots. i'll be back. >> was there any point really, any moment where you thought, okay, this is it, this is the end of the road? >> when the shooting came down the hallway, i was more nervous. i wasn't sure. but -- it wasn't going to end. i was going home. i knew i was going home. that's the end of it. >> so when the signal came what went through your head? >> oh, gosh. i'm so glad to see you guys. i don't know much french but i could say merci beaucoup these guys, every one of them that i mentioned, put their lives on the line that day and i so appreciate that. and there's a group of people who didn't make it out. and my heart goes out to their
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families. but i believe they were here doing what they love and what they're committed to. and if that day were to come for me, somebody would be saying that about me as well. >> the presidents of mali and senegal toured the radisson hotel on sunday and vowed that they will be unbowed by the terror threat. david mckenzie, cnn, mali. truly incredible story from that survivor there. nigeria now, eight people were killed when a fee mall suicide bomber debt naded her explosives in the northeastern city. >> the victims were mostly women and children were going through screening at a military check point. maiduguri has repeatedly been targeted by group boko haram. a jade mine collapses in e
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meen mar. >> only five huts were spared. the military is working with local residents in rescue and recovery efforts. well, there's word from iran that a journalist from the washington post has been sentenced on espionage charges. >> he's been detained in iran since july of 2014, the newspaper has insisted he's innocent and should be released immediately. >> reporter: washington post bureau chief has been sentenced to prison according to iran judicial spokesman. he was tried on espionage charges. he's been detained in a prison for almost 500 days. what we don't know is the verdict against or the length of the sentence. this comes between ongoing tension between rouhani and
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hard-liners in the government. there was also hope that following the iran nuclear deals that tensions would thaw leading to his release. now, the washington post says they're aware of this development and added every day that jason is in prison is an injustice, he has done nothing wrong. even after keeping jason in prison 487 days so far, iran ran has produced no evidence of wrong doing. his sentencing comes amid crackdown on other journalists in iran. they have called on iran to cease on arresting journalists. 'ian lee, cnn, kay row. still to come this hour on cnn newsroom, we'll get you back to europe with live reports with
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the latest in the situation in belgium. stay with us. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select volkswagen models. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi, and streaming entertainment.
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a warm welcome back to those of you watching here in the u.s. and all around the world. this the is cnn newsroom. >> it's time to check the main headlines for you this hour. authorities in belgium have extended their highest terror alert, schools and subways in brussels are closed monday. as police watch for possible coordinated attacks. officers conducted 20 anti-terror raids on sunday
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arresting 16 people. >> french police are asking the public for information about one of the dead paris attackers, they released this image of him via twitter, they say he's the third suicide bomber at the stade de france. >> eight people were killed when a female suicide bomber detonated her explosives in southeastern nigeria sunday. the victims were mostly women and children were going through security screening at a military check point. the city has repeatedly been attacked by boko haram terrorists. argentina has elected a new leader. the mayor mauricio maciri won. meanwhile his opponent conceded defeat late sunday. the vote marks the end of a political dynasty and a conservative shift for argentina.
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let's get you back to our max foster who's standing by live for us in paris this morning. max, we're standing by as the uk prime minister david cameron is set to meet president holland there at the pals will, you wonder if they'll be comparing notes before holdlande heads to the u.s. to meet with obama. >> reporter: this is the first step in meeting his key allies, plus russia, in building alliance in this war as he described it against isis. and france often plays this role where it works between the world powers and brings them together and he's got a tough job in doing that between russia and washington. i had a note from downing street here, they told us, the two >> reporter: expected to focus on counterterrorism operation and the fight against isil.
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david cameron very much wants to join france in those air strikes against isis in syria, but he hasn't gotten parliamentary support yet. meanwhile in brussels, hundreds of soldiers deployed across brussels in this heightened state of alert. so, what is next, let's get some perspective from a senior fellow at a think tank in brussels. interesting we heard from the authorities, searches in brussels are over, be you still have the heightened alert, what does that suggest to you? >> that suggests that there's an imminent threat, there are several people that could commit terrorist attacks here in brussels and that's why, today, all schools are closed, the metro, the subway is closed. all libraries are closed.
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even today, i'm not at the office, our office is closed. so i'm calling you from at home. >> the concern there, though, is that everyone's been told to stay at home, or stay away from crowded places. but there's still an imminent threat. they don't know where they're going from here, or am reading too much into it? >> we don't have too much information because the process is now ongoing, i think there's a network of jihadis or potential jihadis that want to attack the city in a comma commando-style like they did in paris. yesterday, they arrested 16 persons, they didn't find weapons, they didn't find explosives, but still there's an imminent threat because there are several people that aren't yet arrested and of course, one of the prep pray or thes in paris hasn't been found yet,
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salah abdeslam. >> and we don't know if it's connected that this eighth paris attacker hasn't been found yet? >> there's a clear link actually, but i think more is going on, i think there are other terror cells that would have been potentially dangerous that are now tracked down, but still we don't have enough information because this operation is ongoing and our security forces and our polymakers don't give us the information at this moment for the sake of this operations of course. for security of the belgians that they don't give too much information to still have this surprise attack on these cells, but it is serious. >> okay. we'll leave it there. thank you for joining us from brussels. the other story unfolding
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this morning is the diplomatic effort being sparked today by the president of france, president hollande, it starts today with a meeting with david cameron, who's arrivesing there as you can see right there. now the two of of them are going to discuss the fight against isis and president holland, has described this now as a war. this is just the first of his meetings with key allies. tomorrow he goes to washington to meet president obama. on wednesday, he comes back to paris to meet chancellor angela merkel of germany. he meets russian president vladimir putin. so, as those two meet for the breakfast meeting, also crucial day for david cameron, he's looking for support before the house of commons to get involved in air strikes in syria to join
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france in that. it's expected to include air strikes. david cameron doesn't have the support he needs right now, he hopes bringing president hollande onboard he can build support. now after the attacks, the night-time curfew was put in place actually in one town outside of paris. it's over. as nic robertson reports, some residents still don't understand why their town was singled out. >> reporter: few hours, it would have been illegal to be here, there was a curfew and that upset some residents. they're making this all too dramatic, this trader tells me, there are no problems here. the curfew between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is the first of its kind in france since
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emergency powers were put in place last week. this area includes low-cost housing and has an reputation for low-end crime and occasional confrontational with police. >> compared to the rest of the towns. >> reporter: that's not good? >> i find it not good. that's exactly -- >> reporter: the curfew was imposed here at police raids turned up some weapons and false documents. several people were taken into custody, but most of those have been released now. the city center, catholics celebrate in one of the world's oldest gothic cathedrals. several hours from paris, all in the tiny tourist city fear another isis attack.
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the curfew was intended to make police raids easy. the mayor seems unsure whether the cure few is worth the division it's causing. i want to guarantee the tranquility of the entire population even if it means limiting the liberties of some, but the curfew wasn't my decision, it was the decision of the state. back in pleasant fields, this man was shocked how fast the curfew was imposed but worked to support it. we respect the curfew, he says, it was necessary for the police to do their work safely. most here feel the same. jobs may be lost, more problems created. >> you don't have to be afraid to come here, you know, it's a
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tourist city, we have a nice place in this country. >> reporter: so far, no terrorists have been found and few here expect they will. nic robertson, france. some frustration there. we'll have to say, generally, people here in paris have been very accepting of any requests that have been made of them as far as security services. >> you just wonder how long though the french people will be accepting of that. as we wait to see what happens between this meeting with hollande and cameron, you wonder what prime minister cameron will be able to walk away with a thumbs-up that air strikes will do the trick, do you think that's what he's aiming to get? >> i think certainly david cameron wants support from a key
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european ally in his efforts to get parp limit, uk parliament to sign up for air strikes in syria, uk still very much having the iraqi crisis in their minds in the way it wasn't probably thought the attack on iraq. that's the context from cameron's point of view. in terms of president hollande he has this round of diplomacy, he wants to be seen as the one who brings the coalition together against isis. he can reach some political common ground between russia and u.s. that will allow them to work together. president obama said he can't work militarily with the russia until they come to an agreement on president assad in that country.
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whether holdlande can bring them together. in that case, you would have quite an international coalition against isis on the home turf. >> the prime minister, uk prime minister said he stands shoulder to shoulder with the french president. we're seeing that solidarity, they're meeting now. next hour, if they address the media we'll bring that to you. max foster live in paris for us. we'll take a short break. the u.s. republican presidential race heats up. that story next. had a headache! but now, i... don't. excedrin® is fast. with 2 pain fighters, plus a booster, excedrin® ends headaches fast. in fact for some, relief starts in just 15 minutes. excedrin®. wow, that was fast.
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the u.s. house passed a bill aimed at limiting syrian and iraqi refugees. president obama is promising to veto it. although there may be enough votes to override that. cnn has the latest on how this issue is shaping the republican presidential race. >> reporter: donald trump continues to lead the gop field and he has a double-digit lead with 32%. ben carson, running a close second behind trump with 22%. the only other republican with double-digit support here is marco rubio. he's coming in at 11%. now, this poll comes after a week of really heated rhetoric on the campaign trail. over whether to allow 10,000 syrian refugees into the united states amid fears that isis terrorists could be among them. carson compared some refugees to rabid dogs and trump said he considers shutting down mosques and endorse tracking u.s. muslims in a database, an idea he doubled down on sunday. >> i want database with the
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refugees that if they come into the country. we have no idea who these people are. when the syrian refugees are going to start pouring in to this country we don't know if they're isis, we don't know if it's a trojan horse. and i definitely want a database and other checks and balances. >> reporter: the controversial comments haven't seem to hurt trump or carson's standing. in fact, more half of the surveys oppose taking in refugees from syria. and despite the paris attacks, the economy still tops the list of issues most important to voters, followed closely by terrorism. and among republicans polled, the most important attribute they want in a candidate is someone who can change washington, and that's a measure where trump dominates. at a trump rally in alabama, at least half a dozen attendees kicked a black protester who disrupted trump's speech. on sunday trump suggested the violence was justified. >> maybe he should have been roughed up because it was disgusting what he was doing.
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>> reporter: police told cnn that three people were asked to leave the event. no arrests remained and the protester did not require medical attention. >> several u.s. governors have refused to take in refugees, this came after reports one of the paris attackers entered europe fleeing syria. >> why posing as a refugee might hinder a terrorist entering the u.s. >> refugee comes into the u.s. from syria and even from iraq. there's a number of politicians who have raised alarm bells that terrorists might be able to infiltrate the ranks of refugees coming into the country. >> we can't take them, folks. we can't take them. it could be a trojan horse. >> reporter: in fact, if you're a terrorist, you probably don't want to come to the country through the refugee country because it takes 18 to 20 months
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at minimum for a refugee to get to a point to be considered by the country. it involves background checks to interviews to cross-checking refugees' various stories with information on the ground and information given by other refugees and it's really the toughest way for any foreigner to get into the united states. through the visa waiver program, a foreigner can get their passport, buy a plane ticket and come through the united states and come through customs. if you need a visa, that process involves one in-person interview at a consulate and it can take a few days to a couple months. this week the house of representatives passed a bill that would stop the flow of any refugees coming in from iraq or syria. some momentum gaining on capioll hill.
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senator dianne feinstein,sp co-sponsoring a bill that would lim limit. add additional security measures to ensure all of these people coming into the u.s. are fingerprinted and make sure their passports are the most modern and secured as possible. one-on-one side, you have folks that refugees are the problem, by keeping them out of the country are going to make america safer. on the other side, you have people on capitol hill saying, well, the real problem is actually this visa waiver program, you need to strengthen that to keep the country safer. it's unclear now which one is going to prevail. >> we're still standing by to see what comes of the meeting between french president holl d
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hollande and the uk prime minister. stay with us. we'll be back after this short break. understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families who've supported them, we offer our best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ♪ when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better. like limiting where you earn bonus cash back.hings. why put up with that? but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple.
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paris, one particular novel has been flying off the shelves in bookstores across the french capital. a moveable feast by earnest hemingway, the writer's ode to paris. >> reporter: all of the sadness of the city came sudden with the first cold rains of winter. that's a line from "a moveable feast", a memoir about paris in the 1920s written by ernest hemingway. the book is his love letter to the city of light, celebrating cafes and cobblestone streets in a bookshop where you can find a first edition copy of the american writer's iconic book. thanks. hemingway's book is pretty much required reading for most visitors to paris. what's unexpected is that it has also become a source of comfort for many of the french in the wake of the deadly paris attacks.
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at bookshops across paris owners have seen a sudden spike in sales of french versions of hemingway's 51-year-old novel. what is your number one-selling book right now? >>" it's a moveable feast" from ernest hemingway. >> do you have any more copies? >> not more, it's all sold out now. >> sold out? >> completely. >> reporter: part of the appeal is clearly symbolic. the french title translates back into english as "paris as a party." he says he's buying the book to remind himself that the city of light is also a city that loves to party. "we have to live. we have to go out," he says. "and we have to stick out our tongues at the terrorists." shop owners say they've also seen a surge of interest in books about islamist radicalism but those sales don't compare to the rediscovery of hemingway's book.
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no doubt boosted by the fact that paris has also become a hashtag slogan of defiance on french social media. as many honor the dead, others are determined to live up to hemingway's immortal words, if you are lucky enough to have lived in paris, he writes, then, wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for paris is a moveable feast. ivan watson, cnn, paris. >> a book giving strength to the frefshlg there. fantastic. thanks for watching cnn newsroom. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. our second hour begins after this break. has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one.
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american classic about the city of lights. hello there and welcome to our viewers here in the states and those of you watching from all around the world. i'm errol barnett. >> and i'm rosemary church. thank you for joining us, as we kick off our second hour of "cnn newsroom." brussels is on edge, authorities there understandably concerned about coordinated terror attacks. like the ones in paris. all of this based on intelligence. they have extended their country's maximum terror alert now, now schools and subways in the country are shut down for the day, as you see here soldiers patrolling the streets. >> belgian authorities are also an extensive manhunt. they're looking for this man, salah abdeslam, he's believed to have drive three suicide bombers to the stade de france on
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november 13th. >> a prosecutor described the raids at a light-night news conference. listen. >> the fellow prosecution office and the brussels investigating judge specializing in terror cases ordered 19 house searches in the brussels region, these searches took place. there were also three house searches carried out. in total, 16 persons were arrested. let's bring in our fred pleitgen, he joins us from plus else is. the so-called capital of europe there, housing the eu, is sud n suddenly shut down based on this threat. that in and of itself is pretty remarkable. >> reporter: yeah, it's
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absolutely remarkable, errol, i have been to brussels a bunch of times in the past. i'm standing in the main square. two days ago that lit up the christmas tree and it's absolutely eerily quiet here on the streets. the only people we're seeing out are with authorities, either soldiers or police officers that have been patrolling the streets here around the center of town. we came in here last night and there was actually a search operation going on around the vicinity of the area. we spoke to some police officers as well they were quite edgy and quite nervous about the situation. of course, one of the reasons is, authorities have warned, if there's still this threat for this capital city of belgium of possible paris-style attacks, which would mean gunmen attacking various locations with a fear of what could be some pretty heavy weapons as well. certainly there's a lot of
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concern among authorities and concerns among the population. some people are trying to go about their daily business. for them, the big problem is less the fact they're afraid of the situation they simply can't get to work because paub lick transport is all but shut down, the bus system is working but certainly there's a lot viewer buses going than on a normal day. so, it's difficult to get around. and you have the fact that a lot of shops are closed and schools are closed. for this being the administrative capital of the european yuan is it quiet on this monday morning. which normally see a rush hour going on, errol. >> it's also troubling, if you're a belgian living there, you have to consider, first of all, they there's an imminent threat ongoing and the prime suspect abdeslam is still on the run despite the raids.
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i mean, you wonder where the status of this investigation is and if this prime suspect could still be a threat? >> reporter: yeah, you're absolutely right. i think you put your finger on it as well, the fact that the prime suspect is still on the run, now that the paris attacks have been nine, ten days ago, they have had raids pretty much every day, a place that has seen extremists go to syria in the past, but everyone with all of that law enforcement activity going on with the intelligence obviously trying to get up to speed that person is still at large. the authorities seem to believe he could very well be in the brussels area, one of the
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reasons why the terror threat level for brussels is even higher than the rest of the country. you have terror threat level 4, of course the threat, the imminent threat of a terror attack. the rest of the country is one stage lower, 3, which is still pretty high. they believe he could be -- at this point in time it's still unclear. where the raids were taking place, some were taking place in the brussels, they're certainly trying to look at other places as well and again, you said it, 16 people apprehended overnight, placed under arrest. salah continues to be at large. >> i know it's a difficult question to answer definitively, fred, realistic, schools and subways shut down, how long can this state of emergency really continue? >> reporter: yeah, that's a very, very good question. certainly at this point in time, authorities aren't answering
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yet, they're saying at this point in time, they're taking it day by day, they're continually reassessing the situation. the last thing they want is for think city's transport to be sidelined or shut down because they wa they. they want the kids to be able to go to school again. at this point in time, they're assessing the security situation here in a way they need to keep these measures in place. judging by what we saw here in the center of city last night with that security operation going on with some of the streets around here getting cornered off by soldiers it's not clear when they're going to be able to get things back to normal. they say, of course, at this point in time, the security and the safety of the residents of brussels is something that's paramount to them ebb though it's a very, very difficult to uphold, putting the city life on hold in this way for such an extended period of time.
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>> that's right, president obama said in the wake of paris attacks he said this heightened state of alert is not the new normal, folks in brussels certainly hope that's the case. cnn's max foster is in paris for us, he joins us live now and max it's just after 9:00 in the morning, the big news out of paris this morning is uk prime minister david cameron has arrived there for talks with president hollande. what is expected out of those discussions. >> reporter: well, david cameron here very much to show support with president hollande, we actually saw a picture that they put out just before the meeting, they didn't tell the media about this. david cameron went with president hollande to stand shoulder to shoulder as he described at one of the attacks, at the ball clan theater, that's the main message coming from david cameron today.
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he then goes into this meeting, which was largely spear headed by president hollande, because this is a first in a understood ro of meetings with key allies around the world in forming a coalition against isis in this war against isis as president hollande described it last week. he's meeting david cameron today, a key ally in europe. tomorrow he goes to washington to meet president obama and then he meets angela merkel. so, this is large round of meetings and crucial to president hollande's battle really against isis. also, another photo from the french authorities being published as well over the weekend, police in france posting this photo one of the stadium bombers. we're not been given any information about this picture at all. not even his name. they do need public support in
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getting to the bottom of this investigation and they want their public to be their eyes. a political scientist at the university of server psi and the university of paris. he talk about this renewed efforts against isis. >> it all started with u.n. resolution 2249, stating that this state have to take all necessary measures against terrorism, the trouble that we have here is that we have an international unity on that, but we have to define first, what is terrorism, and second, who are the terrorists, because some are -- the pyd, the u.s. and france is terrorist for turkey for instance. hamas might be for qatar but terrorist for israel. we have a problem defining the terrorists. regarding to the fight against isis in itself, we have to understand that isis
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spread because of a failed state, because of political turmoil that we have to regulate. of course, the military tool is very important and we have to use it. but first, more bombs will not solve this solution. it didn't solve it in afghanistan, for instance. it won't in syria and iraq. we have to have a political deal in the region, so i'm afraid that the fact that we retract from a political solution, meaning that assad would go and define the concept between his regime and the opposition forces. >> the complication, isn't it, he very clearly, president hollande wants the u.s. and russia want to work more closely militarily, doesn't he, in syria. obama was said, he doesn't see a future in syria with assad, that's the divide hollande has to bridge with moscow, isn't it, he needs to find a compromise between putin and obama on that
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political solution before they're going to work together militarily. >> french and russia, took a step toward each other, because fighting isis, and vladimir putin recognizing that the plane in sinai was actually crashed because of a bomb by isis. russia still bombs moderate forces. we have to get a political ground on that. >> can hollande be the mediator between obama and putin on this, do you think, to find the middle ground? >> that the third way that we have between superpowers -- >> and that's what he's aiming at this week? >> yeah, it sounds like the cold war, he's aiming that, but that's regarding to military matters and mainly about the bombing campaign and we want to
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have a solution against isis, even military ones without boots on the ground. >> david cameron who's meeting president hollande right now, or will be in the next few minutes, very clearly wants to join french air strikes in syria, but he needs to get parliamentary support on that. what sort of help can president hollande offer on that? do you think he'll do something like that? >> i think that the support of the french president is always a signal showing that we have some support regarding our eu partners and so on. that's very important to get the vote of the uk parliament. but still, like i said, i mean, what is it all about? it's a more air campaign. we won't defeat isis like that. rosemary, when they come out, we'll stand in complete unity with each other in this fight
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against isis. >> we saw that literal and figurative photo of them standing shoulder to shoulder. you mentioned then, you have been reporting that david cameron wants to join forces with president hollande in these air strikes against isis but needs parliamentary support from the british parliament, how likely is it that he'll get that, what is the sense at this point? >> reporter: well, it's very unlikely before the french attacks. but certainly, since the paris attacks, the uk has seen potentially this could happen in the uk. there's solidarity with france on this. david cameron doesn't have to go to parliament to get support for military action but he wants to get that. he did get it in terms of iraq, working with the iraqi government. but he's failed in that vote before. he wants to make sure he's not going to fail in a vote in parliament again. that's his big challenge.
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a few things have changed there, his opposition in parliament largely came from the scottish national party who said she's willing to speak with cameron on that. there are those in the labour party that don't support him on that. behind the scenes, the military defense for example, working hard trying to assess if they can get the numbers in parliament and i think since the paris attacks it's more likely and by standing shoulder to shoulder with the french president today, sends another message back to london, so david cameron this week will make his personal case to parliament to support air strikes in syria and he then is going to see if he has enough support from parliament to get it through. >> max foster joining us live there, it's 9:15 in the morning in paris.
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and of course max, we'll go to that news conference that will be held between the british prime minister and the french president when it happens. many thanks to you. now, just a few hours ago, u.s. president barack obama landed back in washington and this is after a visit to asia last week. >> now, during his time in malaysia sunday, he toughened his stance on isis calling them with killers with good social media. jim acosta has the details. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: overseas for more than a week but well aware of a fearful nation back home, president obama sounded more like a leader at war. >> our coalition will not relent. destroying isil is not only a realistic goal we're going to get it done and we're going to pursue it with every aspect of american power and with all of the coalition partners that we have assembled. it's going to get done.
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>> reporter: at a news conference, the president once defended his strategy for defeating isis. instead of brushing off questions about his policy like he did last week, he acknowledged americans are deeply worried. >> we are not afraid to not eleva elevate, to somehow buy into their fantasy that they're doing something important. they're a bunch of killers and we fight them. and we beat them. >> reporter: the president said he just may be able to join forces with russian president vladimir putin to wipe out the terror group after the attacks in paris and on the metrojet airliner. >> i discussed with president putin his need to recognize, he needs to go after the people who killed russian citizens. >> reporter: he called on americans to show compassion to the thousands of syrian refugees
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he wants to welcome into the u.s., despite poll numbers showing americans are resistant to the idea. >> refugees who end up in the united states are the most vetted, scrutinized, thoroughly investigated individuals that ever arrive on american shores. >> reporter: the president also appeared to have choice words for donald trump. >> i want surveillance of these people. >> reporter: and gop front-runner's proposal to conduct more surveillance on muslims in the u.s. >> we reject that we're at war with an entire religion. prejudice and discrimination helps isil. >> reporter: widely panned to more cerebral president speaking from the gut, urging americans to avoid giving into fear.
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>> how are you all doing? >> reporter: a point he punctuated with a stop at a refugee center in malaysia. >> if you're a parent and you saw those kids and you thought about what they had gone through, the notion we couldn't find a home for them anywhere in the united states of america, that's -- that's contrary to our values. the most powerful tool we have to fight isil, is to say that we're not afraid. >> one french town was signaled out for an extra level of security for the paris attacks. plus, we'll hear from a survivor of the brutal mali hotel siege. you want to hear her story.
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. welcome back. apologies for that small technical glitch, but we appreciate you staying with us. there's a developing story out of the u.s. 16 people were injured in a shootout in new orleans late sunday night. >> police say hundreds of people were gathered at a playground to film a music video when two groups began firing at each other. >> this event took place and a number of people were at the
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playground. we were advised of that. the commander here assigned people to come to close the park down because it was not permitted and as the officers were approaching, they were about a block away when they heard gunshot and witness tells police both groups immediately took off after the shooting. after the shooting and police are searching for surveillance video. to mali now, the deadly attack has risen to 22 according to the u.n. the country is under a state of emergency. but the president said mali won't shut down in the fight in terror. >> for the latest, we want to go to cnn's david mckenzie, he joins us live from bamako in mali. you have had some talks with survivors, one in particular, a woman who really talks about a
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terrifying experience that she had. >> reporter: rosemary and errol that's right. this specialist from the centers of disease control was here to set up a new system here for them in mali to hem prevent diseases. many of those people in that hotel were here to coordinate with mali, to help with the peace process, to help this country rebuild after tragic circumstances of several years of insurgency, but she was targeted like many others and she described to me her harrowing story. >> i e-mailed my husband and i just said something like, there is something going on and i want you to know that i love you. and then, when a few hours later when the fire down the hallway, i wrote another e-mail and i said, i do believe there are shooters here. and if i don't make it i want you to know i love you. and my family and my cdc. but i am coming home. i do this because i love doing
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this work. and where we are in the world that we need to continue on. >> she certainly had high praise for the malian forces that came in quickly to is situation as well as the u.s. security teams to get them out. many people were saved. but tragically more than a dozen innocent civilians lost their lives. rosemary. >> it's just horrifying to think what people went through through that attack and our david mckenzie joining us from bamako in mali, many thanks to you we're still standing by for that possible press conference out of paris. first, nigeria, eight people were killed when a female suicide bomber debt naded her explosives in the northeastern city of maiduguri on sunday. the victims mostly women and children were going through a security screening at a military
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check point. argentina has elected a new leader in its first-ever presidential runoff. the mayor mauricio macri won the majority. his opponent conceded defeat late sunday. the vote marks the end of a political dynasty and a conservative shift for argentina. myanmar, state-run media reporting at least 104 people dead at a landslide at a jade mine. this happened while they collapse on huts. workers are helping with recovery efforts. right now, french president hollande is meeting with british prime minister david cameron.
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let's connect once again with max foster, he's tracking this live for us from paris this morning. some high hopes and expectations out of this meeting, max. >> reporter: there are. david cameron showing solidarity with this french counterpart. british very much afktded by this. the football match between england and france, you got that sense of solidarity with france. a sense of realism as well. a city that brits no so well. this a joint struggle. i think david cameron's really going to explain that to president hollande and throw his support to hollande. david cameron is very committed to what president hollande has committed to, and that's air strikes in syria. this is a first in a understood are of meetings with key allies this week for hollande, as he
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tries to gather an international coalition together which includes russia and the u.s. in the fight against isis. in the war against isis. we'll see them standing shoulder to shoulder and saying they're going to work together the next stage in this process will be president hollande going to washington and doing the same with president obama tomorrow. here on the ground after the attacks a night-time curfew was put in place at one town. the curfew is now over. as nic robertson reports, some residents don't understand why their town was singled out. >> reporter: few hours, it would have been illegal to be here, there was a curfew and that upset some residents. they're making this all too dramatic, this trader tells me,
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there are no problems here. the curfew between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is the first of its kind in france since emergency powers were put in place last week. it applies only to this. this area includes low-cost housing and has an reputation unfair locals say, for low-end crime and occasional confrontational with police. the new powers are prompting debate. >> -- compared to the rest of the towns. >> reporter: and that's not good? >> no, i find it not good. that's exactly the opposite of what we should do. >> reporter: the curfew was imposed here at police raids turned up some weapons and false documents. several people were taken into custody, but most of those have been released now. at the city center, catholics celebrate in one of the world's oldest gothic cathedrals. although several hours from paris, all in this tiny tourist
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city fear another isis attack. the curfew was intended to make police raids easy. when i met the mayor however, she seems unsure if the curfew is worth the division it's causing. "i want to guarantee the tranquility of the entire population, even if it means limiting the liberties of some, she says, "but the curfew wasn't my decision, it was the decision of the state." back in pleasant fields, this man who runs a cafe was shocked how fast the curfew was imposed but worked to support it. "we respect the curfew," he says, "it was necessary for the police to do their work safely." most here feel the same. but worry in the rush to follow terror leads, jobs may be lost, more problems created. >> you don't have to be afraid
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to come here, you know, it's a touristic city, we have a nice place in this country. >> reporter: so far, no terrorists have been found and few here expect they will. nic robertson, france. >> well, meanwhile here in paris, try to move forward, today's the first full day back at work and school for many people really since the crisis last week. joining me now is agnes, a political commentator and a journalist. you just dropped off your daughter at school, didn't you. >> you know, since january, we have lived in highest state of alert, there's no higher level. but basically, there's obviously some recommendations, but only
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jewish schools are guarded by armed forces. in a way you can't put armed forces in front and behind every citizen, that is not possible. really what we are experiencing is just the continuation of something that started in january. >> which was the charlie hebdo attacks, that was a targeted attacks against a specific target. this was a random attack, anyone at a cafe. >> you're right. different targets. different scale. the horror much higher than what we experienced. except it's affected us exactly in the same way as a nation. you kill our jews our youths, it's the same, we are affected. we are one nation. >> something unifying about this. president hollande's approval
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ratings have gone up. because that's what happens when a country feels under crisis. they need strong leadership. >> yes, it was expected. the reason why he's popular as a french president is because of employment and domestic, because on the international stage in terms of what he did, going to mali two years ago really, has been appreciated by the french people at large. >> we'll see that today, his first meeting with key allies today. last week the focus was on internal security, this week it's about international diplomacy, meeting with david cameron as we speak. but, then meeting obama, meeting merkel. >> it's a very busy week for him. >> his thinking is a coalition -- >> he's trying to bring russia
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and the u.s. together. >> perhaps, too many people are there in the coalition, perhaps we need to ask a few questions about the terrorists, the questions that are being asked in france now, not only france but britain. so, perhaps, we need to be coherent and then of course, it's the question of strategy the air strikes yes, we know so far, they have hardly contained daesh. >> that's going to be his challenge bringing the russian position and the u.s. position clos closer together. it's politics ahead of the military action, actually. >> yes. and turkey, don't forget that turkey actually entered the fight against daesh, a bit like russia with its own agenda,
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quite happy to bomb the kurds, the kurds fighting that war, if we have to use that term on our behalf as troops on the ground. >> okay, agnes, thank you very much indeed. rosemary, president hollande describing it as war against isis and today, he's building his coalition to fight that. >> all right, many thanks to you, max foster there live in paris. and of course, as you mentioned, we'll go to that news conference that will be held by the leaders of britain and france and actually they're coming out now. they're standing a to the podium. we'll go to that now. >> translator: ladies and gentlemen, personally i would like to thank david cameron for being here this morning. once again, he showed his
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affection to france. i still have the images and not just the images of the sound of this ma sa kerr and the colors of the match at wembley and david cameron like the british people have shown great solidarity faced with this drama which has affected paris and france, the french people. and he placed flowers to show his solidarity to the victims in front of the bataclan theater, the meeting that we had this morning was further strengthen, reinforce this system against terrorism. in the fight against terrorism. and to see what we have to do in
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our fight against daesh, because this is the organization which is fighting war against us, we have an agreement between france, the united kingdom, which goes back a long time concerning questions about defense, what is common beyond what we can do between the european governments. we want to act in the name of france. concerning the protection and also concerning the territory, syria, as far as our territory and our populations are concerned, again, we exchanged our information about how to further strengthen, make more efficient our systems of information, but also on the european level decisions be made that's why it's very important that the interior ministers met on friday concerning the
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questions of the control of borders in the fight against arms trafficking, decisions to act as quickly as possible. we also need to coordinate our efforts externally. the united kingdom as with france are participating in the coalition in iraq. and we're insuring our strikes are useful. but we also have to act in syria, france has made this decision in september. about how it can commit -- they're convinced that we have to continue in striking daesh in syria. we're going to intensify our strikes, we're going to choose targets that will make as much damage as possible. this terrorist army and our
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aircraft carrier which is soon going to arrive in the area which is adapted to strike and strike harshly against daesh. we're also going to base ourselves on the unit ed securiy council, because it laid down its objectives very well from an international point of view. as far as daesh is concerned. we can find a political solution in syria, this political solution is one we're working on together with david cameron, we have been working on this for three years, this political solution is to be able to constitute a government of unity in syria. and we know that assad can't be the future that he's contributed and what he's done in massacring and therefore, this seems to be
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the good framework and good formula, we have to act that all the countries who are associated can have this on jektsive to find a political solution in syria. at the same time, striking daesh. we also want to on the european level, make new decisions -- i'm thinking about the control of air traffic, everything concerning exchange of information, entries and exits, in other words, external borders we need to have certainty that the people who come to us cannot be accomplices of terrorism and we have the absolutely certainty again that verifications are taking place at the entry and exit, certain information for
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theselveses. and again, i want to emphasize the link that we have not just between france and the united kingdom, but also concerning the responsibilities that we need in order to determine our choices faced with terrorism and the protection of our populations because it's today our responsibility for the future. >> it's good to be back in paris a city whose people have shown such courage and determination and resilience. a city where millions came out on friday night to live their lives and send a very clear message to the terrorists that you will never win, you will never beat us. >> >> translator: a week after the terrorist attacks, these people close to them, i want to offer
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my support for the actions being taken against terrorism. it's absolutely necessary indeed to take decisions in order to stop the terrorists when they attack innocent people of the united kingdom will do everything it can to support france and its fight against these criminal -- the strengthening of our cooperation in the fight against terrorism and our work in the fight against daesh in iraq and syria and in words, this fight is common, we need to share this information, this intelligence, in order to fight against these terrorists.
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>> information and intel jebs to better protect ourselves from brutal terrorists. the uk and france are already doing this. today we agreed to step up our efforts even further and work closely with our european neighbors. we must do more to return foreign fighters. this requires a european effort. we need a stronger external eu border. with security checks and greater data sharing. we must without further delay finally agree to the rules that will enable us to share passenger name records. it's frankly ridiculous that we can get more information from countries outside the eu from each other. we need to crack down on illegal firea firearms who get into hands of terrorists.
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now, we got to turn those words into actions. we simply can't afford to wait any longer. while we do more to protect ourself hooser in europe, we also do more to defeat isil in the heart land of syria and iraq. the eu is already doing it its part. striking parts in syria and helping our allies with vital refueling. on friday the united national unanimously backed action against isil in syria and iraq. i firmly support the action that president hollande has taken to strike isil in syria and it's my firm conviction that britain should do so. today, i offered holland the
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aircraft and additional assistance with air to air refueling. we discussed ongoing efforts for solutions against isis. bring all parties to the table to end the bloodshed in syria. these have been important talks this morning. later this week, president holland will hold discussions with president obama, president putin and chance lor merkel. it's clear the world is coming together to tackle this evil threat. one week after the brutal terrorists murdered people here nor in paris and sought to divide us, the world united in new york. we showed our firm resolve and together we'll destroy this evil threat. thank you.
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>> the world united to fight isis. we heard that from david cameron. the prime minister of britain there staying shoulder to shoulder with the french president hollande and we heard from hollande, he talked about syria, they very much agree that all of the coalition partners, all of the members of that must turn their backs of assad, he's not to be politically in charge there. they're looking for some unity government and they have been working on this for some time. we heard very much from the two leaders there are on the same page when it comes to the leadership in syria and striking isis in syria. >> that's the key point what to do with bashar al assad. david cameron saying that he'll have to get back to london this week and get approval from parliament in order to approve the strategy he will present.
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our max foster was also listening to this from paris. your thoughts on what you just heard. much we expected. the key question is, what comes next. >> reporter: interesting. hollande takes the case over to president obama, trying to create common ground in this growing unity as they described it against isil in the international community. hollande -- france often steps in a unifier between the superpowers of the world. it's happened in the past and he's now stepping up to that on this occasion as well. david cameron said he's very much support those french air strikes which are ramping up as we speak in syria. he wants the uk to follow suit. he's going back to london this week to make the case in parliament. he's not going to get the votes
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in parliament until he gets 100%. but that was the uk's perspective on it. the french perspective is very much showing that president hollande's got the support of a key european ally as he heads over to the u.s. and he has that big backing by chancellor merkel that will be expressed on wednesday. then he meets with president putin in moscow to see if they can find the common ground particularly with the u.s. maybe that's not agreeing on the future of assad. president putin stands by his allies, but maybe the solution there is some sort military solution which is carving up the isister toir into different areas, russia attacks some areas and the other coalition attacks other areas, at least they're
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coordinating there. maybe that's the solution there. maybe president hollande can deliver in the fight against isis by the end of the week. on friday, he has the big memorial for france. last week was about tackling domestic security. this week is about tackling international security. >> we're certainly what amounts to a game change as a result of the paris attacks and of course we'll see whether it is a unifying force as we move forward and our max foster joining us there live from paris. he'll of course take us into the next hour. thank you so much for watching cnn i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. we'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. but cnn newsroom with max foster begins after the break. stay with cnn.
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highest terror alert. french authorities release the photo of the third stadium attacker, but his identity is a mystery. and an attack on the hotel in mali, we hear an emotional account of a survivor. i'm maxwell foster and this is "cnn newsroom." >> it is mid-morning in france. country on high alert. the focus to prevent another terror attack. children's bags are searched as they arrive for school. brussels schools are closed. in paris, francois hollande meets with david cameron to discuss the attacks ten days ago and fight against isis. earlier, mr. cameron tweeting a picture in f
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