tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 25, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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new york. >> you know what? that mother did the right thing. he never should have told her if it tasted better than hers. have a wonderful and safe thanksgiving. record your dvr and "ac 360" with john berman starts right now. good evening, john berman in for anderson tonight. a lot happening from concerns with security at home in the wake of killings in paris to fresh questions about america's favorite thanksgiving sport, pro football on news one of the greats suffered from the brain-wasting disease that many associate with the game. we begin, though, in chicago in a new night of street protests over the killing of an african american teenager by a white police officer. the protest peaceful again tonight by the looks of it now yet intense all at the same time as we saw it late today in confrontations like this one.
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just a few minutes ago, president obama weighed in posting on facebook like many americans i was deeply disturbed by the footage of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old laquan mcdonald and the president says this thanksgiving i ask everyone to keep those who suffered tragic loss in our thoughts and prayers and to be thankful for the overwhelming majority of men and women in uniform and i'm personally grateful to the people in my hometown for keeping protests peaceful. this is coming more than a year after officer jason van dyke fired 16 shots into mcdonald holding a small knife but appears to be making no threatening moves on the dashcam video just hours after officer van dyke was charged with first-degree murder. in a moment, officer januavan d attorney joins us what cannot be
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seen that he says exonerates his client. rosa flores on what it shows and says about the 15 seconds it took to end a life. >> reporter: the final moments of a chicago teen's life down to 16 shots fired by police officer jason van dyke. 16 shots in 15 seconds according to court records. it all unfolds on the night of october 20th of last year. it was all caught on the dashcam video released by chicago police. at 9:57:25 laquan mcdonald is walking in the middle of the street after allegedly slashing the tire of a car. he is holding a knife in his right hand. soon eight police officers roll on scene. >> five seconds later officer van dyke and his partner park their vehicle and immediately draw their weapons. >> reporter: as we pause the video, you can clearly see the two officers on the left side of
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the screen with guns drawn. according to the police union spokesperson, at the time of the shooting, mcdonald lunged at the officers. >> going at one of the officers at a that point the officer defends himself. >> reporter: the cook county state's attorney says the video captures quite the opposite. >> this officer went overboard, you know and he abused his authority and i don't believe the force was necessary. >> reporter: at 9:57:33 mcdonald is seen moving slightly away from the officers, but three seconds later. >> officer van dyke has taken at least one step toward mcdonald with his weapon drawn. >> reporter: as we pause again, you can see mcdonald is about ten feet from the officers still walking away when van dyke starts unloading his .9 pistol. his body jerks, spins and falls to the ground.
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the camera angle changes taking the police officer out of frame. two seconds after the first shot at 9:57:38 two puffs of smoke around mcdonald's body. >> they were clouds of debris caused by the fired bullets. >> reporter: the 16th shot is fired at 9:57:51 according to court documents, only 21 seconds after van dyke arrived on scene and 15 seconds after the first shot was fired. >> van dyke's partner reported there was a brief pause in the shots when he looked at van dyke and saw that he was preparing to reloads his weapon. >> reporter: the officer's attorney says he was acting in self-defense. >> rosa flores joins us now live from chicago. rosa, i believe you were among some of the protesters on the streets right now. tell us what it looks like to you and what you're hearing from
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them. >> reporter: let me set the scene. these protesters are marching through the loop. there is between 150 and 200 protesters and john, i got to tell you, people here say that this is more than just about laquan mac dcdonald. they are also protesting for other cases not only here in chicago but around the country and i have to share something i observed because this really speaks to how peaceful this protest has been. i've seen two teens walking alongside a chicago police officer. they were chatting. they were laughing. they waved good-bye and said happy thanksgiving, and that's what people here are hoping that these protests end up being, just peaceful protests where people are allowed to demonstrate and police are there to serve and protect. >> indeed, we heard from president obama tonight, thanking the people of chicago for keeping the protests peaceful.
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rosa flores with the protesters tonight. we'll keep an eye on that and let us know if anything develops. in the meantime, joining us now officer van dyke's attorney dan herbert. mr. herbert, you say this video does not tell the whole story. what doesn't it show in your mind that exonerates your client? >> it doesn't show quite a bit. it's a limited video. it does not show what was happening before my client arrived. it does not show the incidents that occurred with mr. mcdonald that were not captured on video, namely the -- him harassing business owners, waving a knife for about 18 minutes on a busy street, him stabbing a squad car windshield that was manned with two police officers inside there, him stabbing a tire of a
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squad car that two police officers were also in and also critically, i think, the video, it's a video which is relatively clear, however, it is not taken from essentially the angle which would have been the eyes of my client and that is it's a critical issue in this case because my client's actions are going -- his split-second actions are going to be judged and really he's the only one that can tell what he was seeing at that point. >> well, we all now can see the video, so we at least have one view of it. what do you see on that video that indicates that laquan mcdonald was a threat to your client? >> everyone is looking for something on the video that would show mr. mcdonald charging at my client or raising his knife and moving in his
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direction and it doesn't not necessarily show that but that does not mean that my client's actions were criminal. my client does not have to wait for that to happen. if he waited for something like that to happen, there's a very good chance that he would have been too late. the important factor here is that based upon everything that my client was perceiving, not only at the time in which the incident occurred, the deadly force occurred but also everything that led up to that, that is critical to the mind set of my client and it's critical to the analysis of this case, and i understand the public and the media has trouble with this video. i had trouble with this video when i first saw it, but after speaking with my client, after watching the video probably hundreds of times now and after speaking with people that are recognized national experts in the area of use of force, i am
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confident that my client not only acted lawfully but acted within department policy. >> not only does it not show laquan mcdonald lunging towards your client, not only does it not show him making a threatening gesture to your client but seems to show him walking past or by your client and officers here that we watched that video with say it indicates him moving past to an area where there was no threat to anybody, in an area completely surrounded by police officer officers. >> well, i think that statement alone speaks to him not being necessarily a threat to anybody if the area is surrounded by police officers it's inherent in that statement alone he would be a threat to other police officers and that was one of the fears of my client. it was not necessarily 100% because he was fearful for his safety --
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>> if other officers, if he was a threat to other officers and their safety, why didn't they fire? your client was the only one who fired his gun. >> true. there is many reasons why police officers choose to fire and choose not to fire. i don't know what was going through their mind at the time in which those officers decided not to fire. i do know from looking at the video speaking with my client that my client was without a doubt in the most vulnerable position compared to the other officers on the scene. he was the closest. he was absent any shielding. he was in a situation where retreating was quite frankly not an option and again, this happened in a split second, so all of those factors had been processed by my client at the time in which he made this decision. >> can you just tell us tonight the mind set of your client, officer van dyke, what is he
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thinking? does he regret now that this happened and say if he had to do it all over again he would do it differently? >> i think if he had to do it all over again, he would have not responded to the call to be quite honest and then he would be facing some type of discipline for failing to respond to a call, but i think he would accept that over what he's accepting now. yes, i've represented hundreds of police officers that have been involved in shootings, and every one of them grieves to a certain extent. they manifest it differently, but jason van dyke felt horrible about taking the life of mr. mcdonald, but that does not mean that he felt horrible because he believed he did anything inappropriate, unlawful or against his training. he felt horrible as a human being that he was forced to take the life of somebody else and
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that was part of his job unfortunately. >> dan herbert, thank you very much for being with us. appreciate your insight on this, sir. >> okay. thank you. going to dig deeper with sunny hostin and jeffrey toobin, both former federal prosecutors and david clinger a former member of the los angeles police department and currently teaches criminal justice in st. louis. jeffrey, you heard jason van dyke's attorney right there talk about a threat he perceived? >> i was waiting to hear what the threat was and you asked him two or three times and he didn't come up with one. in fact, all we see is mr. mcdonald walking at moist parallel but in fact, mostly away from these officers, so the idea that there was some threat here, i mean, you have to point to some fact in the world whether it's on the tape or not as a fact -- as a threat and
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there is none that i can perceive. >> would his actions before hand slashing tires, breaking windshields, would that be in and of itself enough of a threat? >> certainly not to shoot him. it's appropriate he would be arrested for slashing tires, for behaving in a disorderly or criminal way. that's not what this case is about. this case is about a shooting and you can't shoot someone because they slashed a tire five minutes earlier. >> so sunny, what about the time frame here? it has been so long. it has been a year, more than a year since this happened. what do you think it says about the police department, about the city government that has taken this long? >> you know, i think we've often talked about this crisis of confidence that the public has with the police department and with investigations. i think the fact that this took over a year to charge, to release this video shows this
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lack of transparency that is extremely troubling i think to so many people, especially people in chicago but to people all around the world. we're talking about case in which the family was paid $5 million by the city counsel without even having filed a lawsuit. so enough evidence to pay $5 million but not enough evidence to charge. you know, i am just shocked that the prosecutor here in cook county somehow is excusing the officer's behavior and not charging. it's just unbelievable and i just want to mention piggy backing off what you discussed with jeff. let's just assume there was a threat, an initial threat to this officer, officer van dyke, former officer van dyke. once this young man was disabled by the first two shots, he's disabled. he is no longer a threat. >> he's got to explain every one of those 16 -- >> the remaining 14 shots can't possibly be justified and i think that's an issue so many people aren't talking about.
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>> and shots at someone who is prone on the ground. >> on the ground. >> and not moving. >> so -- >> completely disabled. >> the number of shots but the condition that the -- that mcdonald was in when he was shot. >> david, what is going on for the last year in this enve investigation. what could they have been investigating not on this video. what are we not seeing here that plays some factor in this investigation? >> was that for me, sir? >> yes. >> i would imagine they want to get statements from all witness officers and any other witnesses to the shooting and any individual on the video who is pointing early on whoever might have witnessed the previous crimes that the suspect allegedly committed, but that shouldn't take a year and sunny and i have gone back and forth on a number of issues over the last year or so and i'm in her camp on this one without a doubt. it doesn't make sense it would take a year. it might take a few months to
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pull everything together but certainly not a year and i don't want to speculate why it took so long but in terms of a couple other points that your other guests have made, we can break this down into two distinct phases. my argument is that neither of those two phases would pass the smell test in what a reasonable officer would do. the suspect is seen walking away from at an angle from the officers. the officer's lawyer says my client was the closest one. the reason he was close is because he stepped towards the suspect which goes against every single police doctrine taught for at least the last 35 years dealing with suspects who have edge weapons, knives, machetes, hatchets. he creates a situation where he is in close proximity and we don't see an attack on him and he starts to shoot then when he goes down, if the suspect had a gun and he's moving the gun
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around, okay. he's got a knife, he's on the ground. there is no way that a reasonable officer could believe that a prone suspect who has been shot holding merely a knife is a continued threat. it just doesn't make any sense. >> so jeffrey, the mayor and the police superintendent went out of their way to say about the improve tments and change in to and went out of their way to say this doesn't represent the efforts of the police department. why do they work so hard to keep this video secret? >> that's a question they didn't answer very well last night that they just -- they wanted to sort of follow normal procedures they said but, frankly, this is something that the public needed to see and it's also important for people to remember, people who don't live in chicago, which is of course, most people. there is a lot of history there of really terrible relations, mostly involving white police
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officers and african americans. you know, there are well-documented stories of extensive torture, not just deaths but torture of people to get convictions some of which got people on death row. so it's not just this case. there's a lot of history there. >> thanks so much for being with us tonight. >> thank you for having me. new details on the second fugitive in the paris attacks and travels before the mass killings and later the steps being taken to present scenes like this playing out here especially with so many people gathering in landmark locations tomorrow and throughout the holidays. people don't have to think about
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new developments in the paris terror investigation. the possibility the people at one of the world's busy east airports with access to planes and baggage and flight crews might be isis sympathizers or worse. there is that tonight and this, another fresh detail in the search for the second named fugitive mohammed abrini. what's the latest? >> reporter: it turns out he was
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in syria in 2014. there were a number of the paris attackers that made trips to syria. you can understand what it is they may be receiving such as training there but most decem r disturbing and the french authorities learning they returned from syria and didn't know where they were and apparently the recordkeeping or those responsible for keeping track somehow had missed these paris attackers. that's got to be greatly disturbing to the authorities tonight. john? >> martin, there is investigations going on all over france and belgium, as well. i understand authorities there are looking for ten additional people who they say could be some kind of terrorist threat. what do we know about this search and is this just a different thing than the paris attack? >> reporter: it is believed to be different but goes a long way to explain why in belgium they are under this lockdown since
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last friday. that did begin to ease today. the subway system reopened with the exception of two lines. there are are e ports coming from government officials there that there are ten members of a terrorist cell that are believed to be heavily armed, possibly with explosive vests that may be looking for targets in which to strike. they do not identify which group this may belong to. they certainly don't give any geographic locations where they may be but they do hint that their targets could become meshl a commercial areas which is another area they are warning the public to stay away from. ten members of a cell armed with explosives, that is a fantastically frightening thought. >> at large, too. martin, stay with us a second. i want to bring in paul cruickshank. paul, this additional group in belgium, these ten people, do we know if this is the reason why
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brussels was shut down? are they the cause of the serious and imminent threat? >> john, that's exactly the reason why they had this unprecedented security alert in brussels and it is believed that they are part of this broader isis network that was responsible for the paris attacks. but what we're seeing here, john, is the largest terrorist conspiracy in european history with almost a dozen people being involved now in the paris attack and another ten now threatening brussels and logistical support structure that might be three times greater than that and this is reflective of the fact i think that so many of these extremists have now come back to europe from syria. more than 1500 are now back in europe, john, and it's quite stunning how quickly isis has been able to put together such a
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complex attack, such a complex plot back in 2010 al qaeda was planning a mumbai style plot in various european countries while isis has just put one together successfully. >> and paul, what about the reports now the cnn reports that there are radicalized workers in places like charles degal airport? >> a lot of concern in france and brussels international airport as well. we've just saw that russian jet been bombed out of the skies of the sinai. it's thought that an insider at sham el-sheikh managed to infiltrate a bomb on to that plane. a great deal of concern that european airports may have airport workers who have become radicalized. we saw in 2010 in the u.k. a call center worker identifying a number of baggage handlers and
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security workers at health row. this is the holy grail getting someone on the inside that can get a bomb on the plane. >> troubling reports to be sure. thank you so much. french war planes continue to pound isis targets in syria. there are new repercussions from the shootdown. russia's foreign minister saying turkey's towning of the fighter bomber looked like a planned provocation. his counter part ministry is signaling plans to move sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles to its base in syria less than 30 miles from the turkish borders. in addition, officials in turkey released a tape showing the flight crew had ample warning before the f-16s shot it downmedown. whoever is right, these are very tense moments. matthew chance is live in moscow for us and joins us now. matthew, what's the latest
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you're hearing tonight? >> reporter: well, the state television here in russia has been broadcasting those comments of the surviving navigator who was on board the plane shot down by turkish missiles yet. basically saying that look, we didn't get any warning. we didn't even know there was any turkish planes in the vicinity. we haven't crossed into turkish air space. he said the first time they knew that they were being intercepted by these turkish f-16s is when the tail was blown off and spiraling in a fire ball at which we seen all over the media and internet. so a very compelling testimony from this navigator who survived the pilot of course was killed on his way down but rebels on the ground who shot at him as he was parachuting after he ejected
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from his seat. and so very compelling testimony in contradiction to what the turks say which is that they attempted on ten separate occasions to warn the russian aircraft to turn back but got no response. the navigator saying they had no idea that the turks were trying to contact them. >> two very different versions there. matthew, tonight, reports that this aircraft was only in turkish air space for 17 second seconds? >> i know. it's astonishing and opening up the accusation it acted to harshly and obviously an imme e immensely serious thing to shoot down any aircraft let alone a russian one where they got so many forces close by, but the fact it was done when the russian fighter jet was in turkish air space for a few seconds makes it all the more
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hasty and i expect behind closed doors, even though nato are giving support to turkey saying that yes, it applied rules of engagement behind closed doors, i expect a lot of concern about implications of this and urging by nato and others for there to be more calm and future. >> thank you very much. up in, heightened security. should you be thinking about perhaps modifying your travel plans? the message from the white house when 360 continues. ♪ and then santa's workers zapped it, right to our house. and that's how they got it here. so, santa has a transporter? for the big stuff... and it's a teleporter. cool. the magic of the season is here,
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together, we're building a better california. on one of the busy's travel days, president obama is encouraging travelers to go ahead with their travel plans. >> right now we know of no specific and incredible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland. and that is based on the latest information i just received "the situation room." so as americans travel this weekend to be with their loved ones, i want them to know our
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counterterrorism, intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement professionals at every level are working over time. >> typically homeland security is an alert this time of year. this year, though, there is greater urgency following the paris attacks and with isis threatening to strike the u.s., rene marsh joins us from washington's regan international airport. when folks show up today, tomorrow, the next day at the airport, will they notice any substantial difference in the amount of security there? >> reporter: well, john, we're here at regan national airport. i want to set the scene. you can see behind me, the rush is more or less over for the day but you still have folks going through the tsa lines. i can tell you there were some 2.3 million people who traveled today and today won't even be the busiest day when all is said and done. that will be sunday and to answer your question, will people notice anything different with a show up at the check points here? the short answer is, they will see some subtle differences.
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they will definitely see a larger presence as it relates to bomb-sniffing dogs, police presence and it will also take a lot longer. tsa officers here will be doing very thorough checks that could include random hand swabbing to check passengers for explosive residue and mean that even once you've passed through the security check point, you may get an additional random check at the gate even if you have tsa precheck, which allows you to have expedited screening. you may also be asked to take off your shoes and take laptops out of your bag. the key here really is unpredictability. they don't want anyone knowing exactly what will happen. they want to keep people guessing. >> any reports of longer lines because of this, rene? >> well, both tsa and airlines are saying look, the process will take longer because of -- for a couple reasons. number one, they are allowing fewer people to get the
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expedited screening and seeing record numbers of travelers, couple that with them being extremely thorough at these security check points so yeah, you could see in some places that the lines are longer, the process to get through the security check point will take longer so what they want you to do, get there two hours ahead, john. today was a busy day but sunday is going to be the very busy day at airports. >> so we have that to look forward to, which is nice. rene marsh, thank you very much. a lot happening tonight. gary tuchman has a "360" bulletin. the top commander says human error was the primary cause of a deadly u.s. air strike on a hospital in the country. 30 people were killed when the doctors word borders hospital was bombed in october. eight members of a mi mysterious church were indicted on 13 counts including murder and kidnapping. this includes the pastor and father of the two teenage
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victims. one died and the other severely injured. they were accused d od of beat a ounce counseling station. >> critical but stable condition. police are searching for suspects. quite a discovery inside a queens new york church, a newborn baby with the cord still attached was found laying in a manager. a custodian heard the baby crying. police are searching for the woman on the video carrying the boy at a store moments before he was found. that little infant bow is healthy. >> that's good news. thanks so much, gary. three months after frank gifford's death, kathy and her family hope their loss can help others. they revealed the nfl legend had cte, the brain disease that many people believe is linked to
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today the family of frank gifford suffered from cte. according to their statement, gifford had symptoms before he died in august from natural causes. their suspicions were confirmed after his death. i want to show you a brutal hit, a famous hit gifford took in 1960 against the philadelphia eagles. gifford was just levelled. you can see it there. chuck is a famous hit, gifford got a concussion that ended the season for him. he took a year off and returned to pro football playing for three more years. cnn sports analyst christine brennan joins us, a columnist and christine, this are other athletes, football players that had cte but when the news came out about frank gifford, it seemed like a bigger deal. >> i agree. it's one of the moments where sports takes us to national
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conversation and you need in many ways a national figure, someone who crosses over from sports into entertainment into culture. frank gifford is that person. i'm certainly not comparing concussions with hiv but going back and humanize hiv and aids. we're talking about concussions, different things. face and a name that everyone knows. it's not just sports fans, frank gi gifford, because of his tv work and marriage to kathy lee gifford, he's known to every american and brings this home. >> cte is interesting. you don't know you have it until after you died. through an autopsy and study and you open it up and see that's what it was. it does make you wonder with so many football players if after the fact we'll find out that more and more and more people had it than we just never knew. >> john, they studied the brains, boston university has and almost all of the brains,
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the football players that have been donated they are able to look at, almost all, i think four have not out of 91, i believe it is all but four had evidence of cte. so it's, as you said, the big problem is you can't study it until the person has passed away and so that's the question, those are the doubts. the concussion movie is coming out. it will be a big deal this christmas. we're going to be talking about that issue more and more and against that backdrop, i think this is a huge deal and i think it could well be a watershed moment in terms of the country looking at this. what is this weekend? nothing but football and people won't stop watching the game because of that but maybe they will think a little more about it based on frank gifford. >> they may watch three games instead of four. you see frank gifford being levelled like he was and the nfl says they made changes to the game but this past weekend, we
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saw case keenen the st. louis rams have some clear head injury during the game and i don't think he missed a single play. >> he did not. the nfl had a conference call yesterday where they talked about this and made the point you have to follow the protocol. they got the protocol out there and now and the nfl and that game did not follow it. >> thank you so much. happy thanksgiving. >> thank you, you, too, john, thanks. donald trump facing new criticism tonight accused of mocking someone's physical disability. also, his family joining him on the campaign trail and how his wife is making a new impact. that's when "360" continues.
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or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. donald trump facing new criticism for something he did on the campaign trail in south carolina while defending the debunked claim he saw thousands of muslim americans celebrating the collapse. he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. take a look. >> written by a nice reporter. now the poor guy, you ought to see this guy, i don't know what i said. i don't remember. he's going like i don't remember. maybe that's what i said. this is 14 years ago. he's still -- they didn't do a retraction. >> that reporter he is talking about is working for "the new york times." he suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. the spokesman finds it
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outrageous that trump would ridicule his appearance. before that trump had a surprise. for the first time his daughters, son and wife all joined him on the campaign trail and mrs. trump stepped up to the microphone. >> good evening. isn't he the best? [ cheers ] >> he will be the best president ever. we love you. >> melania trump no longer keeping such a low profile. the couple opening up. here is randi kaye. >> reporter: super model turned super supporter to gop presidential candidate donald trump suddenly fielding questions in the post debate spin room. >> great evening. yes. just the way it was handled was very fair and elegant and fair questions and all about the economy and business and he's master at that. >> reporter: after months of keeping his third wife out of the spotlight, melania trump is
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at his side on the campaign trail and she's talking more than we've ever heard her before. in september, she did talk to ""people magazine"" though sharing how when she and donald first met in 1998, she refused to give him her number even though she thought donald did have quote sparkle. when "people magazine" interviewed melania trump, politics was off the table. i'm not ready to go political yet. that's his job and i'm supporting him. she told larry king years ago she considers herself her husband's equal. >> you know, you need to know who you are and you need to be very strong and smart. >> reporter: melania once graced the covers of "glamour" magazine and sold her own line of jewelry on qvc. her name is is trademarked. >> make them feel special, eloquent. >> reporter: she also appeared in this aflac commercial.
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she is a an immigrant. when asked by "people" becoming a citizen, she said it didn't cross my mind to just stay here. if they do reach the white house, melania would be the first foreign born lady since john quincy adams wife who was born 200 years before melania trump. just ahead, the breaking news, new protests tonight in chicago after the release of a video showing a white officer shooting a black teen plus anderson talks to spike lee about the game wng war in chica that inspired his new film. dy wt to be part of this? nooooo well, chevy has a better way, with black friday deals all month long. that's a great idea. what if you could get up to twenty percent cash back when you bought it? bam. twenty percent back? that's awesome. avoid the chaos, not the deals.
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we begin with breaking news for the second straight night, protesters taking to the streets expressing anger over the g graphic dashcam video and did not appear to be making threatening moves of any kind toward police, at least none that can be seen on the footage. they made the video public yesterday after the officer was charged with first-degree murder. many people in chicago want to know why it took more than a year to charge him and release the video. all of this is unfolding against a backdrop of distrust and epidemic of violence in several
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chicago communities where gangs are just out of control. recently anderson talked to spike lee about his new film about chicago's deadly streets. father michael pfleger was part of the conversation. the interview took place just days after 9-year-old tyshawn lee was executed in an ally. police think he was killed because of his father's gang dies. >> what do you think it is about here that makes it so bad? >> all i can say is there is a growing hopelessness that i've seen over the last number of years and is a level that i've never seen before, and a sense that nothing is changing, nothing is getting better. >> how many years have you been here -- >> 40 years i've been living in this building. i've seen the ups and the downs over the years. when i asked a young sixth grade girl in my school, what do you want to be when you grow up?
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she says alive. kids are dealing with that kind of a -- >> you've heard people say that to you? >> yeah, i had a third grader last week after this 9-year-old boy tyshawn lee got killed walk over to the gym, i heard about the young boy that got murdered, got killed. am i safe? >> i've heard you refer to this as a self-inflected genocide. explain that. >> here is the thing, though. i -- and i know i've been criticized for this but i don't care. i'm all for black lives matter. i can't breathe, don't shoot. i'm not speaking on behalf of 45 african americans, this is my belief, aanderson. i'm with that but we can't go out there yeah, yeah, there but then when it comes to young brothers killing themself, mum is the word. no one is saying nothing.
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it's got to be both ends. >> it's not enough to focus on black lives matter movement -- >> you can focus on it -- >> police brutality. >> but you can't ignore we're killing ourselves, too, and that's what this addresses. we can't ignore that. >> so how do you address that? >> we have to fight the killing of our children whether it is a racist cop, whether it is a george zimmerman vigilante or whether it is black on black crime. murder is wrong. killing is wrong no matter whose hand it is and the race of a hand so we try to fight that from that standpoint, whenever -- so we fight against racial profiling and police brutality but i also see a child killed in the city and the police have no leads like we did
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