tv Reliable Sources CNN November 29, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PST
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assess and the danger that grows by the month. good morning. it's time for reliable sources. our weekly look at the story behind the story. how news and pop culture get made. in this hour it's donald trump versus the new york times. he's now demanding an apology. the paper is not giving an apology. on the news that frank gifford suffered from pte. first, think back five days
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to all the news coverage of the terror threat looming over the thanksgiving holiday. one of the headlines almost made me laugh. there's been a heightened state of alert ever since the attacks in paris two weeks ago. here in the u.s. the holiday came and went without any acts of terrorism or did it? we all watched on friday as a lone gunman opened fire at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado springs. three people were shot to death, include 44-year-old police officer. nine otherins were injured. is this alleged killer a terrorist? a law enforcement said the suspect spoke of baby parts after surrendering. the investigation is continuing. i'm noticing a whole lot of cautious on the part of the press. some critics say there's a double standard. journalists would not be so restrained if the shooter was
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muslim. david, there in washington did you sense a bias on the part of the press in the coverage the past two days? >> no, i don't think so. what i sense was the same thing you did, which was the cautious that it approach this with. if you listen to the other sunday morning shows today, the mayor of colorado springs still is not calling it an act of terrorism. he says it looks like it. the chair of the homeland security committee isn't calling it domestic terrorism yet. i think it's a good thing that we approach this with some caution. >> the caution would exist if the person was a muslim or had a muslim sounding name. >> what about ft. hood in 2009. we are still -- they are still arguing in congress and the pentagon and the administration about whether it was workplace violence or domestic terrorism.
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i don't think you can make that. for once i think the media is behaving the way it should. we are relying, if you look at the definition which we get from the justice department and the fbi, it says an act to sb intimidate or cohearse. the quote about baby parts leads us in that direction. i agree. i can't believe that we want to beat ourselves up for being cautious on this thing for once. >> he's a reporter.
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he says why can't we differentiate between the muslims and isis. >> people are too flip in assigning a clear motivation of people on the basis of what they look like or what their descent is or heritage. instead of saying we should leap to do it on something like the phrase baby parts that suggests something strongly, but we don't know yet. >> flipping around on cable news, msnbc went to tape at 8:00, fox news tape at 8:00, there would have been all night live coverage if this shooter had been identified as a terrorist early on. we heard this morning ben carson did not use the word domestic terrorism when asked about this.
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>> i think we would have. i think we would have seen more coverage if it played out earlier in the day or week. >> bringing up points about the practical nature. >> i think you would have seen a will the of ideological coverage if it was during the weekday. you swrould seen more things. what you're seeing online, i think, in terms of the reaction to it is people are bringing their own belief systems to what they're saying play out and bringing their own frustrates. sometimes their own disappointment with how the media portray things. it's a white suspect. it's hard not to believe he didn't commit these things. talk about ft. hood.
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he's declaring his affiliation. >> this is from life it's a website with a pro-life point of view. this is what's on their homepage. they're saying the shooter never talked about abortion. the story has evolved since then. we heard him referring to baby parts. that's the phrase the killer used. i wonder if you think this is an example of a story you can seek out your version or another version. >> you can do it on every story
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in america. we're so polarized that even when the facts don't support it, people will cherry pick or skew the fact to fit their argument especially on as issue as contentious as this. it is part of the media ecosystem. it does influence opinion, but i hope, and by the way, i hate to agree with david. i'm kidding. lightning didn't hit you when you agreed with me. i really think some of the stuff that's out there like that, we can find extreme examples in any case. what i'm talking about is the mainstream media handling it. if it was earlier in the day you
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would have seen that ideological pairing. >> thank you for being here. i want to share one quote that summed up the week, the entire week. it's from the washington post. he was writing this about donald trump. he says these days there's almost always an alternative version of events throughout for supporters to embrace. i think that's a theme throughout our show this morning. we're talking about whether t planned parenthood shooting or other topics. let's turn to donald trump. the more he attacks the media, the more he dominates the polls. t-mobile has a deal that blows away black friday. get a 4g lte tablet on us, when you get a data plan for no money down, and no monthly payments. don't wait. get a tablet on us only at t-mobile.
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during red lobster's ultimate seafood celebration. with jazzed up new dishes like the decadent grand seafood feast and the ultimate wood-grilled feast why wait to celebrate? so hurry in, it ends soon. just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. no matter who shows up. [cricket sound] richard. didn't think you were going to make it.
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let's talk about donald trump and the truth. every professional fact checker is in agreement when trump was wrong when he said he watched thousands of people in new jersey cheering. trump is standing by his story again this morning on nbc. he's quoted this story from the washington post from seven days after 9/11. they detained and questioned a number of people celebrating the takes and holding tailgate style parties on roof tops.
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the allegation became exhibit a in trump's defense. people like me reached out to the reporter who wrote the story. he's now at the new york time. what he said is he didn't recall saying there were hundreds or thousands of people celebrating. if they had been celebrating, he would have written about it. he thought he was fact checking trump but trump thought he was attacking him. trump attacked back. >> now the poor guy, you got to see this guy. i don't know what i said. i don't remember. he's going like i don't remember. maybe that's what i said. >> here is where it gets complicated. he suffers from a condition that impairs joint function in his arms and hands. if new york times said it was outraged that trump was mocking the reporter's appearance. trump is on the warpath. here is what he said yesterday about this. >> i would never mock a person that has difficulty. i would never do that. i'm telling you.
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the problem is he's using what he's got to such a horrible degree. i think it's disgraceful. i think the new york times, frankly, should give me an apology. i do. >> we'll tackle this broader issue. >> do you think it helps donald trump to be talking about the issue for over a week now? it was more than a week he brought up these discredited claims of massive cheering. >> i don't think it hurts the claim. it's the media that's keeping this issue going. if you really look at it, you had retired fbi agent say we did have calls of people saying there was cheering. i think the real question -- >> doesn't matter if it doesn't checked out and proven. >> it does matter. the question is did he or did he not see it. they're trying to people they
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didn't see what they saw or hear what they heard. that's what's being discussed today. did it happen? so many people have said yes. the question is why is the media going out of its way at this point to deny that there are radical american muslims in this country today. obviously, they have shifted over to this false attack on the reporter. >> who is denying that? who have you heard denying that and why bring up sleeper cells? >> before this happened, the washington post article, everyone was saying it did not happen. this never happened trump is lying. these other articles, including an ap article said otherwise. >> at very best your candidate is grossly exaggerating. it would have been an international news story. we'd be playing the video now. can we all agree if thousands of people celebrated in jersey
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camera crews would have flocked. >> it's not the question if there were thousands. were there or were there not muslims in america cheering? >> i guess we're asking two different questions. >> we're bringing up two different topics. >> that's not what you're focused on before. before the question was did it or did it not happen. now that it's come out that it probably happened, now we're talking about thousands. do you see how the media has changed its mind? >> i don't. we have to agree to disagree on this topics. to me it would have been a huge story. there's no video or photographic proof. to me it feels like it hurts the
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trump campaign to talk about this. he was on "meet the press" talking about this again. for your supporters this is a good thing for mr. trump. >> obviously the media is against him. it did happen. hundreds of people say they saw the same thing. >> it's about evidence. we have to find photos or videos. >> that was the whole purpose of the reporter backtracking his own story. >> i want to make that clear from the new york times. this came in a few minutes ago. she says the facts speak for themselves. mr. kovaleski did not back way from his story. but herely said his reporting did support mr. trump claiming
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thousands were cheering. >> if he hadn't done that arm movement. by doing that it created a day's long news cycle that wouldn't have been good for your candidate. >> mr. trump is always animated. you can look at any of his speeches. this reporter doesn't speak like that nor does he move like that. how is that mocking? >> it's something that i know mr. koveleski, to me when i saw trump doing that, i saw him. i saw what trump was trying to do with that hand gesture. to me it was very clear. >> here's the thing, you don't -- >> saying it's outrageous. >> right. here's the thing. if you don't like mr. trump, then you're going to side with that part of the story. if you do, you know it wasn't intentional. mr. trump and his family have contributed millions upon millions of dollars to the eric trump foundation through the
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trump hotels organization for disabled people. that's why you had a disabled reporter come to mr. trump's defense saying this is 100% absolutely false. >> it's two different topics. his support for the disabled community is separate from whether he mocked a reporter. >> he would never do that. he has so much care and respect and come compassion. why would he do that? >> now, the times does not apologizing. is mr. trump going to continue this series of criticisms against the times. it's positive for him to be battling the times? >> i think mr. trump will continue to be mr. trump. if the times continues to attack him and write negative articles that are false about him, he'll continue to respond in kind. >> do you find it's difficult for do you be a spokeswoman for
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mr. trump given these con troe ver sis seem endless? >> no. you see the american families are put at the bottom of the list. i'm honored to speak out for mr. trump and defend him in these times because he's the only one running that's not beholden to corporate america or other special interests. >> do you think he'll continue to push for an apology? >> he probably won't continue to push for an apology, but if they keep attacking, he most likely will. this is the thing that people like about mr. trump. if he feels wronged, he's going to say otherwise and demand an apology. if they don't apologize, that's on him. there's the one that had the reporter backtrack his own story. >> he didn't backtrack. >> that's backtracking. if you have to clarify, you're backtracking. >> let me ask you about one more thing. this move with the press at some of trump's rallies to have them put in pen, he's not the only
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candidate where we see the press restricted. there was a tweet that the trump campaign is now requiring media to have bathroom escorts while leaving the press pen. it does feel strange to have bathroom escorts. i understand other candidates have done it in the past. are you weary of having the press talk to trump supporters. >> absolutely not. as you just said, this is not the first campaign that's done this. this is nothing new. we're dealing with crowds of tens of thousands. it's really more for the public and the reporters. there's nothing strange about this. mr. trump has always been accessible to the media. he's the only one that does town halls on a constant basis at the rallies and have access to the supporters. this is nothing new. another controversy trying to be rushed up by the media. >> by the media. thank you for being here. i appreciate your time. >> thank you.
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amid all this, the media is facing scrutiny for not challenging trump enough. you heard one point of view about the media attacking trump. some people saying we sacrifice accuracy in order to preserve access to trump. other people say fact checking trump doesn't matter any way because many voters don't trust the fact checkers. to me they are very basic facts on a story about 9/11. if thousands were cheering in new jersey after 9/11, that the media would have been there and swarmed it because it would have been such a stunning story it would have been widely covered. there's no photo or evidence or video to prove it. >> this country, this nation has survived demagogues and bullies
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before. we are living in a moment when we have a candidate who has made lies foundation of his campaign. >> you think he's made lies of the foundation? >> i do. lies calculated to exploit people's fear and hatred and prejudice. i think the media needs to call a lie a lie. there's too much politeness. this is a moment of wrenching economic, culture change. this is a moment when the media should learn, the nation understands we're not living in a post-truth environment for the first time. let's go back ten years to the run up to the iraq war when the media suspended scrutiny and skepticism and too polite to call out dick chaney and the consequences of that were war. i don't know what the consequences of donald trump's continual lying will be.
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>> i'm weary of the word lying because i don't know what's in his mind. >> facts are facts. look it up. there are things you can look up. for sure, there's reason people in this country distrust government or the media. i would argument, i have problems with the media. it's not the alleged media bias. i think we saw this past summer, summer of free air time for this guy, why. i'd sigh one reason, ratings. >> is it hard to in realtime challenge someone? >> i think if you're the host of the morning show or a sunday show, look at george stephanopolus. i think he triped to hold bush
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for inaccuracies. he should have continued to hold trump accountable. that might lead to good ratings. as you well know, trump might not come back to abc. that hurts the ratings. the system leads the a politeness that we can't afford. >> let me see if we can cue up in the control room from meet the press this morning. let's take a look at how chuck todd handled trump. >> i've had hundreds of people call in and tweet in on twitter saying that they saw, and i was
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100% right. >> just because something repeats something doesn't make it true. >> i don't mean i had two calls, chuck. >> my sense is that chuck todd was trying hard to challenge him. >> when someone challenges you and you just double down, there's an art form called the big lie, which we've seen in other countries and other moments which is corrosive for a democracy. i think we're at a critical moment for the media. i think journalist can look it up. you don't just say because trump has supporters who believe in an alternative reality. reality must be constructed with facts. i believe as a medication we have fact checkers and we have our values. >> you're a liberal magazine. >> people have a right to their own opinions but not to their own facts. we're seeing that blurred now. >> that's so true. isn't that the question? >> the nation is independent.
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i think what i just said about the problems with the media, i think someone on the other side of the aisle could say. i think we're at a point in this country where silence is complicity. if you're not calling people out for inaccuracies, you're feeding increasing corrosiveness of our democracy. i may be old fashioned but we need intelligent coverage and need to put it in history and perspective. the nation understands this is not first time we've had a post-truth environment. joe mccarthy we covered. reagan, george w. bush. there are issues that demand tough reporting.
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that's what need to be done with candidate who is are betraying the trust lies. >> i don't think you're old fashioned to say that. >> there's an abilities to persuade and move away from the basic instincts of a candidate like that. i agree with you. they'll get one-third, one quarter. the fact he's continued has led people to wake up and have these conversations. >> i think the fact checking will continue. >> great to see you. thank you for being here. up next, is this the movie the nfl doesn't want you to see. it's called concussion starring will smith. it's about the nfl's handling of brain related injuries. we'll talk about the new ads running for the movie and whether the networks were
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uncomfortable airing them, right after this. on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪
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>> the nfl does not want to talk to you. >> you're going to war with a corporation that owns a day of the week. >> now at the same time that the marketing for this movie is ramping up, we learned this week that signs of cte were found in the brain of frank giffords. when he died this year his family donated his brain to science because they suspected he had been suffering from the disease. cnn analyst says the timing of news is significant. let me ask you about the ads. they are playing during nfl games. there's speculation that maybe the networks would decline to air the ads. remember that dan rather movie a few vehicles ago, cbs would not air ads for it. are you surprised the networks are showing the ads? >> it is jarring. i am surprised but i'm also glad. anything that has sparked national conversation on an
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important issue for so many kids in sports and adults as well it's a good thing. you and i are not on the business side of our business so that's left to those folks with on the editorial side. i'm nod making those decisions but i'm glad they decided to ma make that. >> i thought if they declined the ad, would have been a big controversy and made it an even bigger movie. do you think that's what the nfl is doing? >> your question was? >> do you have any sense of what the nfl is planning in terms of a pr strategy? >> it is smart for everyone to not block it. has the commercials been blocked then the news would have hit the roof already. i have no sense of what the nfl is doing other than doing what it keeps doing which is have the most popular sports in the united states, by far. it is our national pasttime.
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we love football more than we ever have. >> ratings an all time high. >> thank you very much. coming up, protests in chicago this weekend after the release of a very hard to watch police shooting video. sunday morning exclusive. hear from the reporter who pried the video loose from chicago officials. that's next.
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the headline says cops, boy, 17, fatally shot by officer after refusing to drop knife. it relies entirely on the police point of view. the video disputes much of what was originally reported. this is the case that demonstrates why hard working journalists are so important especially on the local level. the former managing editor for the chicago tribune. set this story up for us. you say the local media blew this. they were producing bulletin board reporting. what went wrong in the initial days after the shooting? >> the essential point is the video and the collective failure of journalism to do the sort of tough, on the ground digging to pierce the official narrative in matters like this.
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we're too inclined to regurgitate the police blotter. even this morning my alma mater, one of the better regional papers in the country, has a story calling for independent investigation for failures. not one does it step back and say what was our role here? what was our failure in something that was really encapsulated when a reporter gets to the scene of a shooting, the witnesses are gone. there's the tendency to accept the official police narrative and no real tendency to accept possible alternatives. it's a tendency one sees.
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a couple of folks who were just a hitting more inquisitive than us. >> why did you decide to foia for these videos. you decided to do this after many other outlets didn't. why? >> well because the other outlets didn't pursue it any further when they were denied. the statute says there's a few exemptions where the public body doesn't have to give you information. the judge ruled they couldn't use this. they were claiming it was an active investigation against the officer. in particular, the judge said you -- in the ruling the judge said the city did not demonstrate that the investigation was going to be
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harmed if they released this video. >> this was all about follow up. this was about you following up repeatedly. are you submitting more requests for more information? what else do you want to know? >> there are all kinds of things that are still yet to be known in the case. the video record is incomplete. the police car that had the most clear shot of what happened has no video publicly available. then the audio on the tapes, there's five tapes released, the audio is kind of circumspect. it's faint or missing. we're looking for the audio and police statements. my attorney and i in our suit, which is still ongoing, we're looking for statements made by all police officers on the scene.
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>> guess the take away is do not take no for answer answer. >> you can have huge amount of sympathy for police and the huge burdens we place on them to be psychiatrist and social workers. we ask too much of them but not so receptive to the official accounts of what happens when they are directly involved in cases like this. >> thank you for being here this morning. >> my pleasure. coming up, all the news, the analysis is in palm of your hands these days. which raises an uncomfortable question, do i even need to be here? two experts will help us explore the brave new world of jornlist. or, as we say at unitedhealthcare insurance company, go long. of course, how you plan is up to you. take healthcare.
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make sure you're covered for more than what just medicare pays... consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company... you might give this a try... the only medicare supplement plans that carry the aarp name, and the ones that millions of people trust year after year. plan well. enjoy life. go long. t-mobile has a deal that blows away black friday. get a 4g lte tablet on us, when you get a data plan for no money down, and no monthly payments. don't wait. get a tablet on us only at t-mobile.
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just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. no matter who shows up. [cricket sound] richard. didn't think you were going to make it. hey sorry about last weekend, i don't know what got into me. well forgive and forget... kind of. i don't think so! do you like nuts? what's happening here... is not normal, it's extraordinary. because there is no stop in us. or you. only go. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked.
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how many minutes a day do you spend here, on your cell o phone? should i ask how many hours? every media company wants a piece of your mobile screen and that's a subject of our new tube episode, our series inside the digital revolution. i went to visit the headquarters of youtube, where mobile viewership is growing quickly but revenues are not keeping up. this is the essential challenge for every media company you ever see out there, how to keep people looking at ads and paying for news and entertainment but on this news screen on your phone. take a look. >> anywhere, everywhere and always, that's the promise of mobile video, quite simply it's anything you want on a smartphone or tablet but the implications are enormous, more eyeballs on more videos means more opportunities to sell ads
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but the smaller screen means less room for the ads and the videos are changing. thgs horizontal but snapchat is promoting vertical. how to make things pocket size and short enough to be viewed on the fly. the new medium is mobile and this little screen is going to be big. when it comes to online video, nothing competes with youtube. there's 300 hours of video, up loaded to the site every minute. being big makes it harder to change. sights set on the smallest screen. >> i can only make so many cakes in a day but i can make that cake and put it on youtube and the reach is end less. >> over the last four years her baking videos earned her 2 million subscribers and half of her views come from mobile screens. >> you're in these people's bedrooms and on the train and at school, probably not supposed to be looking at their phones.
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>> that kind of i amintimacy co pay off big time. mobile revenue is up 100% year over year and they don't see it slowing down. >> mobile consumption has been incredible and growing twice the rate of anything else. >> you mean desk top is growing at one pace and mobile is growing twice as fast. >> twice as fast. >> it's not just the mobile is out pacing desktop. mobile will replace it. >> it will be the transmission device -- >> the first screen. >> it will be the first screen, that's exactly right. >> who wins in this mobile digital world? >> i think people who innovate the fastest. online video has become part of every person's life every single day. we need to make sure we keep up with the growth. >> as the whole world moves to mobile, companies like apple are coming up with new ways to consume the news. the truth is as some journalists
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worry because apps like the new news app, if you have ab iphone, on there right now. maybe leave news organizations with less control. in a rare sit-down interview, i sat down with apple's senior vice president and asked him about the new app and how it maybe could revolutionize the way we all read the news. >> i think maybe one of the most important things in the past few months that hasn't gotten much attention, this apple news app. i'm opening up the app here on the new ipad pro. when i see a personalized news feed, does that move us further into this world of polar identify news -- or do you try to make me see stories i might disagree with. >> there's a serendipity of discovering articles -- >> that's what i miss about the internet. >> and when i'm looking at an
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article from the wall street journal or huffing ton post, are the ads i'm seeing paying those journalists? >> we have two choices for anybody providing content or news. they can control the ads and keep 100% of the revenue. >> how do you benefit? >> we benefit by creating a great application on our devices. >> it doesn't sell the ad itself but make money through you. >> can make money through us and we'll sell the ads for them. they keep 75%. >> this idea of a news app provoked anxiety in newsrooms because it gets to the ideas the apples and google of the world have more control over news. >> in the case of apple, we're not trying to get into the economics of it. you keep 100% of it. what we're trying to do is build the platform for the news organizations to leverage. >> i wonder if this is especially significant for local newspapers? >> those are not organizations that have the skillsets or financial means to go and create applications and market those.
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this gives them a good opportunity to focus on what they do really well, which is the journalism part and let us handle the technology piece of building the apps and distributing them. >> the town i grew up preently laid off their journalists and makes me think whether a new news organization created for that town and distribute through apple news and other new forms of distributed journalism. >> i absolutely believe in that. one of our main goals building apple news. we thought of things from even church news letters to a stamp club and a lot of those organizations today still print. there must be times where you read the news and you see a sort of apple that's wrong and rumor about apple that's crazy. it's interesting to hear you talk about how much you appreciate journalism given that apple is so severely scrutinized in the press. >> we appreciate great journalism. more than rumors certainly, but journalism is very, very
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