tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 30, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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it's 9:00 p.m. live here in new york. a lot of news to get to, starting in paris where there is breaking news tonight, reports of an additional act of mass murder that the ringleader was planning. details about the one remaining fugitive in the paris attacks. salah abdeslam is his name. he's managed to evade an intensive manhunt and bought ten detonators and batteries from a firework shop before the november 13th attacks. french intelligence officials
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think salah abdeslam escaped to syria. the claims he might have gone to syria. belgium officials are saying they don't buy that, right? >> reporter: absolutely. the belgium officials are saying at this point in time, they have no indication he's gone to syria. what the french are saying and this is according to two sources, is that they are working under the theory that he's probably already escaped to syr syria but it's difficult to say with certainty. he was seen in france and taken by authorities, questioned there and we know he went to belgium and seen at least one day after the attacks in brussels. the belgium authorities saying they have no indication that he would be in syria yet. >> and the belief the ringleader was killed, that he actually had more attacks planned that were ready to go, do we know exactly
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what they were? >> reporter: well, i mean, looks as though it was more than attacks. seemed like another wave of terror that he apparently had planned and this is also according to sources close to the investigation who are saying that apparently him, his cousin, and the third person that blew themself up were planning attacks on jewish areas, transport network and schools, as well and remember the paris prosecutor said they were planning attacks on a commercial district here and we're learning from french media as well as reuter reuters, he was trying to go undercover and wanted his cousin to buy him two suits and two pairs of shoes for himself for something around $5,000 to look the part when they infiltrate that area. >> understand that dozens of
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workers at the main airport in paris have been on a terror watch list. i find that unbelievable or just terrifying. >> reporter: it certainly is and something that's concerning to the authorities here and this comes from the sunday times where tens of thousands of workers at france's, paris' main airport are getting clearances reviewed because they found 57 people are on a terrorism watch list. they have access to the runways. we have heard in the past, anderson, the authorities here have been concerned about radicalization of airport stuff at the airport as well as other transport networks here in france since at least 2004. >> appreciate the reporting. thank you. joining us is michael weiss and co-author of "isis inside the terror" and clarissa ward.
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french intelligence believes salah abdeslam has escapeed to syria. what are you learning? >> there is mixed message. french authorities are telling cnn it's possible he may have well escapeed to syria but belgium authorities are saying they are not so sure and are continuing raids in his hometown and all around the brussels area. so at this stage we really don't know but certainly this is a sore point for french authorities because we saw after the charlie hebdo attacks the wife of the woman that held up the kosher grocery store, she was able to escape police and get to syria. that happened a few days before the attacks. certainly this will be embarrassing for french authorities if it does turn out the eighth attacker salah abdeslam has made it into syria territory. >> michael, do you buy this? it seems incredible this guy
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could get there? >> i suspect the reason brussels was shut down for 72 hours according to belgium authorities, this threat, they were probably looking for him. there is a continental wide dragnet to find the eighth man, the eighth suspect. if he got back to syria. let's look at the geography here. chances are he didn't fly back. less time than it took for us to learn his name, european intelligence knew it. he might have driven back. that takes at least 3 two hours to go from paris all the way back to turkey. then he's got to cross. now it's true that the turkish border is a sieve for these past four and a half years but late it's secure. i mean, the isis spot that i interviewed told me he had to spend $1,000 to smuggle hill sel -- himself back and forth. how did he get past them? it would be a big embarrassment.
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>> also, we don't know his level of involvement. there were early reports that, you know, maybe he chickened out. >> exactly. >> doesn't seem like if that is in fact true that he chickened out would he really go to syria? >> this is the thing. if he went back to syria as a coward, somebody who didn't commit to it. isis could kill him, right? you nknow, to them he would be trader, didn't carry the mission. if he had been part of the attack, took part and shot up a bunch of people and taken part in the bataclan concert, you would see all kinds of isis propaganda videos and an instant article in some isis media announcing his operation, how he did it, who he was involved with and managed again to slip the -- >> there are reports and i don't know if they are confirmed, he was seen in gay bars in brussels. if he is in fact gay, it
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wouldn't be the first time but if he is gay, i'm not sure he would want to go to syria with those reports out there. >> if this was coordinated by isis hq, it was done with them. you don't go back to syria. it's really not the goal. the goal is to die. this is a suicide operation ultimately. >> clarisa, there are claims more attacks were quote ready to go in jewish areas according to a source. do you know more about that? >> so what we're hearing is that this is a man who was well-known to the 26-year-old woman who was killed in the raid in saint-denis that took out
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abdelhamid abaqoud. there were threats to public transportation and schools. >> in terms of michael, where this guy might be, i mean, i guess the networks in belgium themselves are pretty extensive of former fighters he could be potentially hiding. >> not even that. so depending on who you ask, maybe 150 0 or maybe more than that receive some measure of training and come back. forget about them for a second. what about the islam or jihad travelers, people that may have been recruited by returning jihads in europe. >> who may not be on the radar. >> completely. whole city haves given themselves over and become in a sense out of middle east, right? some of the more scuffling areas of beirut or baghdad. it's not that difficult. again, the belgiums shut down the entire city going house to house and we don't know what they really got up to during that 72-hour period. i'm sure they are casting as wide a net as possible and he
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still slipped through. >> thank you both. just ahead tonight, chris christie and donald trump squaring off over what trump he saw, muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks and governor christie for the first time saying exactly what he thinks of that. the alleged planned parenthood shooter and threat against abortion providers against the country when we continue. it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for all this... when you're really only covered for this. hot dog? or how you may think you're covered for this... but not for this... whoa! no, no, oh , oh! ...or this... ...or this. ...or that... talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. my heaven! ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum. bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ by day, they must stay warm. challenges to the feet. but by night, beautiful, smoother and ready to impress the other party animals.
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dr. scholl's dreamwalk express pedi in panama, which is a city of roughly 2 million people, we are having 5,000 new cars being sold every month. this is a very big problem for us with respect to fast and efficient transportation. it's kind of a losing proposition to keep going this way. we are trying to tackle the problem with several different modes. one of them is the brand new metro. we had a modest forecast: 110,000 passengers per day in the first line. we are already over 200,000. our collaboration with citi has been very important from the very beginning. citi was our biggest supporter and our only private bank. we are not only being efficient in the way we are moving people now, we are also more amicable to the environment. people have more time for the family and it's been one of the most rewarding experiences to hear people saying: "the metro has really changed my life."
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namely top new hampshire newspaper endorses christie. that was the headline. the influential union leader naming governor christie as their pick for 2016. he spoke today with cnn special correspondent. >> does this make the you come back kid? >> we'll see. we'll see on february 9th. i think what it shows the work we've been putting in in new sha hampshire and plans we've laid out are taken seriously and we're thrilled to have the endorsement. >> prediction today, chris christie could win new hampshire? >> of course, anybody up here and watches it knows i can. >> apparently this endorsement is enough to worry your friend donald trump up to now he steered clear of criticizing you for the most part but first thing this morning, he was on twitter. how is chris christie running
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the stage of new jersey which is deeply troubled when he is spending all of his time in new hampshire? new jerseyens not happy. you say? >> i'm so glad to be noticed by donald. isn't that nice? it's great. i'm happy to take whatever input he wants to give me in 140 characters of less which is the best way he communicates. fine. >> is this a compliment that he's now taking a punch at you? >> who knows. i think i'm not going to play into the business of spending the precious time we have together to talk about donald trump. >> oh, yes, we are. >> he's just one of a number of candidates for us to talk about which chew over. i'm not worried about it. >> he is the front runner. you have avoided criticizing him but he insists he's doubled down and tripled down that he saw thousands of muslims celebrating
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after 9/11 in jersey city and says from four miles away in his office, he could see people jumping from the world trade center. do you believe that either of those things happened? >> no, all i know are the facts. what went on that day in new jersey was not anything like what he said and there is no film or video of it to prove it. he says he saw it on tv. it didn't happen. >> the first time you were asked about it, you said you didn't think it was true but you didn't recall it and as a former prosecutor, you know when a witness says, i don't recall that, it sounds as if they don't want to answer the question. >> no, it's an honest answer. i was not focused on everything else going on in new jersey that day. my wife and brothers were both trapped in lower manhattan. i didn't know if they were dead or alive. i said i don't think it happened but i have to put that qualifier in there because i was not completely focused on what happened. >> did it happen?
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>> no. >> absolutely not? >> no. >> so why don't you call donald trump out on this? he's doubled down he's tripled down. >> everybody knows it didn't happen. what's the use? i'm about distinguishing myself and making myself different from everybody else in a 14-person field, not the same. >> yes or no, is it outrageous that donald trump keeps saying these things? >> it's wrong. just wrong. it's factually wrong. everybody else can determine what they think is outrageous and not. in the context of donald, outrageous is a high bar. >> his latest controversy is he is mocking a new york times reporter with a physical disability. he claims he didn't know that the reporter had a physical disability but if you watch the video. it's pretty hard -- >> i saw the video. >> do you think he knew what he was doing?
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>> it appears that way. he's got to answer for himself. i think part of the volley of this is that we're answering for him. he said what he said. now the people who vote will judge him. you shouldn't be making fun of people's disabilities, it's just not worthy of someone running for president of the united states. >> for someone who says to someone sit down and shut up, not to say what donald trump is doing is mean, outrageous, seems very -- >> pick whatever adjective you want. wait a second, if i say something is not worthy of coming out of the mouth of a candidate for president of the united states, when the person who is saying it is a candidate for president of the united states, i think that's pretty strong. >> you think that's as strong as sit down and shut up? >> in a different context. sit down and shut up is a guy yelling and screaming at you in the middle of a speech. if donald trump starts yelling and screaming at me in the middle of a speech, i'll say sit
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down and shut up. >> will you ever go after him? >> i'm doing what is best to be president of the united states. the stakes are too high to have a vanity exercise. >> syria and the refugee crisis, you recently said we shouldn't take orphans under the age of five. isn't it a little absurd to say that? do you regret saying that at all? >> no, i got to ask the question directly. we should not take refugees from anywhere unless they can be vetted, that's it. that's it. >> president obama responded to you and indicated he didn't say it by name but he said republicans are scared of women and orphans. >> widows and orphans he said. the widows and orphans i'm concerned about are the widows and/ orphans. maybe the president should spend some of his damn time worrying
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about that and less for scoring political points for his crowd. what he said was insulting, absolutely insulting. i care more about protecting the american people than scoring points with his noble peace prize and he doesn't care. she's shown repeatedly he prioritizes that over protecting homeland security and getting rid of the meta data program. quite frankly, being lectured by barack obama on foreign policy and national security is laughable. laughable. from the community organizer. >> today as syrian refugee family with five children age 3 to 17 and the mother is pregnant is being settled in patterson, new jersey by an inter faith group, you said new jersey is not going to take in -- >> does not want to. i didn't say not going to. i said does not want to.
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we don't have the authority to stop them. but what i would like is if the president would share the in information with us. >> this family is scared, they are squared because they are afraid you're going to kick them out of new jersey. >> listen, that's ridiculous and i never said i would kick any individual family out of new jersey but i want these families vetted. what will he say if one of these refugees comes in here and kills americans? what's he going to say? oops, my bad? we're warning him. do your job mr. president, protect the national security of the american people first. worry about all the rest of this stuff afterwards and maybe if you done your job in syria the way you were supposed to, these folks wouldn't have to be leaving their country but instead he lied about that, too, and walked away from his commitmen commitments, so again, jamie, being lectured by the president of the united states is
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laughable. >> last question, now that the new york times is being so nice to you -- [ laughter ] >> i'm sure it's temporary insanity. they will get back to normal course. >> you very publicly cancelled your subscription. >> i did along time ago. >> now that they said you're the comeback kid -- >> no chance. >> you're not going to renew? >> zero chance. >> jamie joins us now. interesting to hear governor christie talk about donald trump and talk about president obama. >> he's a lot tougher on president obama than donald trump. but you know what? i think this can all change. i think this is game on. if christie does better, i say watch out for january and you will see the two of these guys go at each other. if christie moves up in the polls. >> how important do you think is this endorsement for him? >> i think it's great for him because nothing else was working for him.
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so it helps with disability and money. that said, you know new hampshire voters. they want to look you over once, twice, three times. the question is will his polls move at all? i asked christie what he could do to get traction? typical new jersey style. he said i don't know. so he's just going to keep working and see if he breaks through. >> fascinating interview. jamie, thank you. when we come back, reaction to that interview and donald trump and the report's physical disability. was he mocking it? >> he's going i don't remember. g is even better during red lobster's ultimate seafood celebration. with jazzed up new dishes like the decadent grand seafood feast and the ultimate wood-grilled feast why wait to celebrate? so hurry in, it ends soon.
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welcome back. a moment ago you saw crist christie denouncing his claim he saw muslims celebrating in new jersey as the twin towers came down, thousands and thousands of them and you saw trump is facing fire for this for mocking one of the many reporters who bedudebu the story which also donald trump denies. you can decide for yourself whether this constitutes mocking and decide what to make for the answer the top advisor gave the
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leads jack tapper. >> mr. trump is not the type of individual that will make fun of somebody's disability. he wouldn't know this guy prior to this entire non-sense. >> we saw him do it. we just saw him do it. >> we was not making fun. he was being gesture and showing the kpas b exasperation and say something like oh, now i don't remember, now i don't remember. had nothing to do with -- >> and it just so happened -- first of all, he said was a nice guy, you got -- then he said you got to see this guy and then he twists his arms to mimic the disability. >> he wasn't twisting his arm to mimic anything. >> there is that. there is also mr. trump's meeting this morning with african american clergy members, he said was a blanket endorsement. here to talk that and more maggie haberman and ryan lizza.
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maggie, the notion that donald trump was not mocking this reporter's physical disability or trying to imitate it, he said you got to see this guy and made the motion he repoeats himself over and over again in speeches. he's never made that i haven't seen him made that particular gesture previously. >> no, that was pretty specific and before that he said he was a nice reporter which is not actually something he ascribes to just anyone. he usually does it about someone he met before or has estimation for. as you said, people can look at the video and decide for themselves. mr. trump has a history of criticizing people who he feels disagree with him, who have said something he doesn't like and does it in personal terms so i'll not sure why people wouldn't assume that's not what he's doing here and more importantly or as importantly what he's claiming surge who is a terrific reporter and colleague was doing was also not
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true. surge was at the time claims and hundreds of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks in realtime ocfficials detained an alleged to have been celebrating and hears eyewitness accounts. these were claims made and unsubstantiated. >> no one was. >> donald trump says he did see them. in the world or west bank and the west bank and gaza, at this point willing to do. >> what is interesting and explaining to reporters where they are wrong, he insists we got facts wrong all the time. >> not just reporters,
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everybody. >> this has been debunked including by the republican pan attorney general of the state of new jersey who said and wrote and come in a piece at new there was no proof of this. there was never any proof of this. >> ryan, the fact donald trump insists again, thousands and thousands of muslims celebrating new jersey on september 1 1th, it's just not true but it doesn't seem to matter to his supporters. you get tweets all the time saying you're attacking trump, i saw it, too. >> yeah, we've sort of passed into a zone that i've never seen covering politics where we're literally have people going on tv pointing to something that is black and saying no, no, no it's white. everybody else is wrong. and i feel like we have a crisis of journalism. i rarely seen a set of facts so thoroughly debunked by every
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fact checking organization, news organization and yet you still have a candidate who is leading in the polls for that and i know what i saw and i have people telling me on twitter i saw it, too, so it must be true or why wouldn't it have happened? you know, as a journalist, you can't do much more than point out it's not true and i don't know, i think there is a certain if you are a hard core trump supporter and stuck with him this long, maybe there is an incentive no matter how far he goes, you're not going back now. >> it's interesting, jeffrey lord is a trump supporter on the last hour essentially saying this is political correctness about mocking the new york times reporter with a disability. this is political correctness. my response is it doesn't seem like political correctness or
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human decency to me but also saying that this is a double standard that other people have done things that are offensive to he sited president obama i think mentioning or saying he bowls like somebody in the special olympics. >> president obama apologized for that. >> he apologized for and also cited a claim that president obama or the democrats were attacking or making fun of john mccain's disability, which i don't recall, we'll look into but it is just interesting to me that even those who are supporting him seem to not want to address this directly. they say he wasn't doing that or i have to take him at his word as opposed to what you actually see. >> i think, look, any time someone is saying is ignoring the facts at hand and actual issue you're fact checking and saying oh, but what about politician x, they did y, why aren't you talking about that? my reaction is usually that's fine. that's a totally separate issue
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you can address that separately. the issue here is did he mock this reporter? i think any reasonable human being would agree he did. i mean, i frankly feel bad for the people paid by donald trump who go on tv knowing what they are saying is not true and are forced to defend him. it's a little bit sad. >> what do you make, maggie, of the meeting he had with some african american pastors and om ma r omorosa who is a pastor, i wasn't aware of. >> me, either. >> a number of churches but who is saying that her role was to jump in any time any pastor asked anything to donald trump saying you should apologize to african americans, you should apologize to people disabled, she was sort of one of his defenders there. >> human shield.
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i think is this meeting, which i do think began as intended to be a meeting. a connection, darroll scott, the person from ohio bringing people in as a friend of michael cohen on before with jake tapper in that clip and told me yesterday that he expected 100 people does not seem there was 100 people there, hard to tell how many people were there but it did seem like the event got away from them and part of it is because there is a quality to the campaign itself, michael cohen is not with the campaign but company and they tend to say things and sort of have to catch up later and this was one of those times and you had a lot of pastors say my name showed up on a flier and i never said i was endorsing. to be fair, trump is not alone in this. lots of campaigns have this happen, the clinton campaign had this happen, too. it's interesting he does seem aware the criticism of how he handled black lives matter
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protester a week ago is sinking in and he needs to address it. >> always great to have you on, thank you both. the rhetoric some say may have created the perfect conditions on the attack for the planned parenthood clinic. w what have some of the presidential candidates been saying about it? we'll be right back. nes with up. just $30 bucks a line and no sharing. plus get the samsung galaxy s6 for $0 upfront and $10 bucks a month at t-mobile. you can't work from home when you're sick. you need real relief. alka-seltzer plus day cold & flu has three cold symptom fighters to relieve your tough symptoms. (truck horn) alka-seltzer plus.
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more breaking news, investigators believe the man that killed three people were working alone. today robert lewis dear made his first court appearance wearing a bulletproof vest expected to charge with first-degree murder. investigators publicly disclosed a motive according to a law enforcement official, he mentioned baby parts to investigators and expressed anti abortion and government views. friday's deadly attack comes in the heat of a presidential primary with abortion a hot issue and uniter cover video fueling the conversation purportpe purporteds planned parenthood to profit from tissue. >> reporter: the recording set off a firestorm with many
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calling to defend planned parenthood, some of the loudest voices republican candidates for president. candidate mike huckabee told a radio host it's the worst thing he's seen since ngermany. >> to sell body parts, specifically, the lungs, the heart, the livers the lower extremities and how to use the f foreaccepts to not crush the baby to be injured. >> reporter: carly fiorina. >> watch a fully formed fetus on the table, it's heart beating, it's legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. >> reporter: trouble is in this case, that wasn't video of an aborted fetus but a stillborn child. the citizen journalist working with the group that made the video center for medical progress told cnn while he does
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believe planned parenthood sold fatal tissue, he did get creative with the video admitting it was edited a critical detail that seemed to be lost on all the gop candidates. senator ted cruz calling planned parenthood a criminal enterprise funded by $500 million of taxpayer money. >> these planned parenthood videos are horrifying. i would encourage every american to watch these videos, see senior planned parenthood officials bartering and selling the body parts of human beings. and then ask yourself are these my values? >> reporter: donald trump also raising concern appearing on laura ingraham's show. >> like an abortion factory. we should defend anyway. those videos are horrible. every time you see them, they get worse and worse like they are selling parts to an automobile. >> reporter: george bush tweeted a post calling it a shocking and horrific reminder to foster a culture of life in america.
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following the shooting at the colorado planned parenthood clinic, the executive vice president of planned parenthood federation of america had strong words for republican critics writing it is offensive and outrageous that some politicians are now claiming this tragedy has nothing to do with the toxic environment they helped create. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> well, last hour i talked to cecil richard about what the candidates have been saying about abortion. here is what she said. >> it is really disturbing to see the kind of hateful rhetoric that's been talked about with planned parenthood and the women that coal to us and doctors who provide health care. it's very hard to see these kind of violent incidents that i think sometimes is rhetoric fuels. >> i want to read to that point you said earlier today you said hateful rhetoric and words and harassment of women have real
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implications and said quote you've never scene the rhetoric that we're seeing from presidential candidates. do you directly link the rhetoric that you're seeing -- you're hearing from presidential candidates to what happened? >> of course, i can't directly link it, anderson, but i do think that everyone in public office, people who are leaders in the country have a responsibility to think about the words they use, the language they use and the possible repercussions. >> well, we're learning more about the victims in friday's attacks. an army veteran and father of two daughters is being held as a hero, his last moments saving others. mr. steward was 29 years old. amber butler is a close family friend and joins me tonight. amber, thank you for joining us. i'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. first of all, how have you been holding up? >> my eyes are pretty bloodshed, not too well. >> i understand, you knew each other since sixth grade. you were high school sweet
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hearts, is that right? >> yeah. >> wehat kind of a guy was he? >> amazing. just an awesome type of a person that anybody would have been lucky to have known. he was a giver. he was sincere. i tell people all the time like he was for sure undoubtbly one of the most sincere people i've ever met in my life. >> i understand you just spoke to him the day before the shooting? >> yeah, and i think that's what is killing me the most because had i known that would have been the last time i talked to him, i probably wouldn't have joked about him not eating a lot of turkey and said something more sentimental, you've enriched my life in so many capacities. it definitely wouldn't have been a joke about turkey. >> yeah, i can understand that. i know he left behind two
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daughters, 11-year-old and 5-year-old. what was he like as a dad? >> incredible. his girls were the world to him. in waco, he was working at caterpillar and his daughter had a ballet program. one day i called him like hey, how is the job going and he was like oh, it's going good. i'm actually getting ready to leave. i said okay. he said no, no, no my daughter has a recital and they didn't want to let me off so i'm going to go ahead and tell them i quit because i will not miss himy daughter's recital and i thought that that was amazing. you know what i mean? a lot of people wouldn't do that. kearre, it was way too easy for him and i just -- we laughed and joked about it and then i thought it was just awesome. that was probably the best story i can share about his, how he was as a father. >> i want to mention there is a go fund me page set up to honor
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him you can find the link to at "ac 360." thank you. >> thank you so, so much. that is very important for him and his girls. you know, they now have to grow up fatherless because of this terrible, terrible tragedy, and that fund is going to be used for a trust fund managed strictly for their college career, or their college schools and to help with his funeral costs, as well. so thank you so much for sharing that. >> appreciate you sharing some of your memories with us and again, i'm so sorry for your loss and obviously for his whole family. thank you so much. >> no problem. just ahead, a closer look at just how far some of these clinics now have to go to keep patients and staff safe.
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it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. when emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. the medicine in advil is their #1 choice. nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. the week of the shooting at the planned parenthood facility, the focus is on the clinic. gary tuchman went to one such facility to show us the steps they have to take. >> almost anyone comes in for abortion services, which to the perpetual sadness of the employees here means their building is a target. >> i worry about my patients every day. >> jennifer groves says she herself was threatened by a
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protester outside the clinic. >> he said he wanted to put a noose around my neck and throw me in the ocean like it says in the bible. >> patients aren't seen on mondays, which gives us a chance to see the safeguards that this abortion clinic says it has to have. >> you notice the elaborate security as soon as you arrive. there are lots of cameras. they don't want you to say exactly how many. but they see you when you come in. they say everyone who is anywhere around this building. one buzzer let's you into this door. you have to be buzzed into this one, also. you enter the reception room and the first thing you see is this very thick window separating you from the people who work here. people protesting outside abortion clinics is common, it has been for many years. that is also the case in cherry hill, where staff constantly monitor the protesters on their live video feeds. >> anybody that spends the bulk of their week outside of a clinic screaming at women, i'm suspicious of them. >> is a sophisticated alarm
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system in the building, including a panic button. one right outside the security room. security guards are in place when anyone is in the building. the staff say they have they have a responsibility to protect those patients and their health care and from outside violence. but -- >> we can't hold the entire burden of protection. i think this rhetoric that we've heard, especially recently & in the nation, has led to increased violence and especially rhetoric, anti-abortion rhetoric from lawmakers. >> one way the staff here fights back is by placing their own religiously oriented placards on their property. but this video shows what happens sometimes, a protester taking the signs out of the ground. and in light of the colorado shootings, this clinic is deciding what else might be the done to further improve security. >> do you think there will come a day when you don't have to worry about it? >> i don't.
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>> gary, dmi of the people who you talk to at this clinic have second thoughts about the work they're doing in the wake, certainly, of this violence? >> they say, anderson, they have no second thoughts whatsoever. the as a matter of fact, quite the contrary. they say this type of violence motives them to work even harder for their patients. but the patients are a different story. if this clinic and other clinics around the united states, when there is violence, when there are loud demonstrators around the clinic, many of them don't show up. many of 24e78 cancel their appointments. chicago police released dash cam video showing a police officer killing an african-american teenager. tonight, vandyke, who is facing murder charges, walked out of jail. what's next for this officer? >> jason vandyke is expected to make eye court appearance on december 18th. but he walked out of the jail here just about four hours after
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the judge had announced the $1.5 million bond which came as a surprise and another source of frustration to many of the people who don't believe he should b have been let out. he had to come up with 10% of that. we're told it was presented in the form of a cashier's check, $150,000, to be able to post that bond. and it was quite a scene and a scrum as he left the jail there flanked by a number of plain clothes police officers alongside of him as well as the head of the fraternal order of police here in chicago. but vandyke left the jail without saying anything. he was pushed into a truck and drove away from the scene tonight. >> the threat against the university of chicago that closed the campus today, there was an arrest in that investigation, as well. and the suspect actually seems to have been motivated by and talked about the shooting of laquan mcdonald, right? >> that's what federal investigators here are saying. they're saying they took into custody a 21-year-old student from another university here in the chicago area, a man by the
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name of jabari dean. and according to the arrest papers and court papers that were filed today, that jabari dean made a number of social media posting over the weekend where he wrote i will execute 16 white mayle male students and/or staff which is the same number of times laquan mcdonald was killed. he also went on to say i will die killing any number of white policemen that i can in the problem. this is not a jock joke partnership am to do my part to rid the world of the white devils. i expect you to do the same. that was enough to shut down the university on monday, but they will be back tomorrow. >> thanks very much. we'll be right back. yea, it's nespresso. i want in. ♪ you're ready. ♪
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ringleader of the deadly attacks in paris enlisted another mass murderer and had expensive clothing bought in so he could fit in and case the location. cnn with do you knn lemon start right now. donald trump says this to a cheering crowd in georgia. >> there's only one way you get to the top and it's all through trump, let's face it. they have to. they have to. >> this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. donald trump doubling down after some on again and off again endorsements. i will talk to several ooh them. they're live here tonight. with our cnn live debate just two weeks away, who is up? who is down? and is it do or die for one presidential hopeful. plus, three people shot to death at a planned parenthood clinic. and are candidates playing politics with this? i want toeg
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