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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 3, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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hello and thank you for joining us. i'm isha sesay at 10:00 on the u.s. west coast. >> i'm john vause in san bernadino, california. i would like to welcome our viewers from the united states and around the world. we will begin with new details about the man and the woman who carried out that deadly shooting. sources say syed farook was apparently radicalized and had been in touch with a number of people under investigation by the fab fab for international
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terrorism farook and his wife killed 14 people. >> there was a number of people injured and unfortunately already dead. the pure panic on the face of those individuals that were still in need and needing to be safe. we asked -- we got as many people out as quickly as we could. >> the heavily oormed couple fired tweechb 65 and 75 rounds from the conference center. though killed a few hours later in a shootout with police. the investigate sors found two e bombs at the couple's home. pamela brown has more. >> we've learned from law
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enforcement sources that the couples' two cell phones, apparently the cell phones belonging to them found in a trash bin near one of the crime scenes. investigators think they were trying to hide their tracks. to make it harder to see what was on their cell phones. the fbi is working to retrieve the information on their phones. and also we've learned that the couple's hard drive belonging to their computer is nowhere to be found. there's been a subpoena issued to be providers to get the contents from their computer. and investigators are hoping whatever is retrieved will shed light on a possible motive. this case has been somewhat buzzling to investigators. one person said it doesn't fit neatly into a box. it's unclear if this is, in fact, terrorism or if it's a workplace dispute, or a blend of the two. i will tell you sources i've spoken to analyzed the bombs that were found say that they don't match any extremist
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recipe. that it appears the shooters didn't follow a specific recipe from "inspire" magazine which we know is run by al qaeda. or recipes from isis. there is a lot of mystery here.. we know the investigators have been interviewing the family members of the shooters and they have been very cooperative. i'm told they're completely shocked from their viewpoint this couple did not seem radicalized at all. certainly still a lot to learn here. >> rick francona is with us now. have we seen these tactics? >> we've seen this in paris, for example. using multiple shooter, combining high explosives with rifle fire. going into a target, spraying the target, killing as many people as quickly and fast as
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you can. and then being prepared to move out of the area quickly. some stayed in place, others moved on to other targets. we're not sure what was happening here but i believe they were moving on to another target. >> if we look at what worked for them and what didn't work for them, they essentially sprayed the room, 75 shots, they killed 14 people, wounded 20. but then the explosives didn't detonate. >> it showed they planned. the plan was well thought out. it's the execution of it that started to fall apart. it fell apart fairly quickly and rapidly. >> exactly. we had a situation where it looked as if they had done a lot of planning. they had some training but not a lot of training to carry it out. >> a larger scale. you've got two people.
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you don't know how much support they have. the ar-15 is not an intuitive weapon. it requires a little bit of training. but these explosives, you don't want to be building these things without some sort of hands-on experience. someone showing you how to do this. did they make high explosives? did someone provide them to them? so there's a whole lot of questions we don't yet have answers to. >> this is one of the reasons why it's so hard to pin down and define it as auk capitol hill being terrorism. we have to stress at this point, the fbi is not willing to go there. >> there's a lot of workplace issues here. they picked a target that dealt with people that he worked with. he knew they were going to be on this offsite. he came early. i think he was doing reconnaissance. he used all that two hours later when he came back and conducted the attack. >> the frame of mind when he goes in there, knowing that this attack is about to happen, hyped up, ready for a fight which
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wourld explane why there was that disagreement, i guess. i think they were going to come back and attack. the they wanted to get in there and get the lay of the land and see what they were going to have to do. get out and conduct that attack. that part was well done. >> adding to the confusion at moment, a lot of people are talking about the fact that there was a woman involved in this. >> if it's core al qaeda, core isis, interact in syria with isis, we find that not to be the case. but as you moouft further out, we go to work. we see this islamic group use women quite effectively before.
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>> in palestine, suicide bombers are often used as well. there's also radicalization as well. who was leading whom? was it the wife or the husband? it's hard to say. >> generalrily ewe find that not to be the case. >> it's usually the male in the relationship. >> and, of course, the pilgrimage seemed to be the turning point. that's a deeply moving experience for any muslim. he came back much more devout than he went. >> investigators search for a motive in that shooting rampage. the community now is taking some time to heal. the largest mosque held a prayer
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vigil on thursday night. muslim leaders have condemned the massacre. and hundreds have gathered for after candle light vigil right here and poppy harlow was there. >> the opening words of the prayer read here tonight, john, we are challenged but we are not hopeless. >> they're reflecting on what this community has gom come through in the last few days. the any yor talking about his phone call with president obama this morning. when you look around, all of these people, young and old, every race and religion represented, they have a different story. they're here all for a different reasoner but they're here and they stand together. a young woman, christina, who i spoke with told me that she lost two friends, two friends murdered yesterday. a third shot in the yesterday but survived. it's amazing one of her friends
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who was murdered is a father of six. six children. h she says she's here for him, for everyone who perrished for everyone injuried. another young man told me he didn't know anyone who died but he's here because he said he's angry and he said it is hard to find lodge nick this. why did this happen, how could this happen? so many parents have brought their young, young children here tonight. i asked one mother of five, why did you bring your children? how do you explain this to them? and she had a 4 h-year-old sit next to her and she said i can't explain it to them. i try to give them answer. perhaps it's because they saw the worst of humanity play out here yesterday. the best of humanity coming together, standing tor, being together. john?
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>> among them is 52-year-old nicholas pelatinos, 40-year-old robert adam, husband and father of a 20-month-old daughter. the family says they were planning their first trip to disneyland. 45-year-old shannon johnson from los angeles. police say of the 14 peerld killed, 12 work for the county. there were about 80 people at that party when the shooting happened. >> well, john, that was the lieutenant. he described it, after 24 years he has primarily a desk job.
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the whaling of the injured. fire alarms going off. and asorts of sfrink lers going off as well. it was absolutely terrifying. let's listen to it in his words when he got that call for so many casualties at center behind me. as i made the way around the east side, it was immediately evident that the reports that we were getting were 1 you recollect h% true. obviously they were deceased outside the conference room. it was surreal. it was something that i don't think we prepare for and they try -- an active shooter we talk about sensory overload. they try to prepare you for dealing with that. what you're seeing, what you're hearing, what you're smoeling. and it was all of that and more.
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>> you're not shoot if the shooters are hiding. you now have other people attending that party who are afraid to come forward. he said he had to coax them and explain to them, please, no, we are police officers. we're not dressed this way. this isn't some sort of ruse. and finally when he convinced the first person that they were indeed law enforcement from here in san bernadino, the flood gates just opened and dozens and dozens filed out of that building amid that scene of the sprinklers going off and the fire alarms and the people whaling and they pulled it out to safety. >> just trying to get the people out to safety is impossible to imagine what it might have been like.
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>> there seems to be some kind of personal connection to everybody in that room and the shooters. >> they were all employees with the county. it started as a training exercise and it transcysted to a holiday party. and as madden describes it's just filled with the christmas tree and ornaments and this sort of thing. in the end, the victims, 12 of the dead also woorked for the county and 18 of the 21 injured work for the county. it was clear that farook had an connection with many of them and probably worked side by side with a lot of them. john? >> okay, paul, thank you. we appreciate the update. you're watching cnn's breaking news coverage of the shooting here in southern california. time for a short break. and much more from here in san bernadino when we come back.
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>> you are watching breaking coverage of the shooting massacre here in california. i'm isha sesay in los angeles. >> i'm john vause in san bernadino, california. police believe a mix of workplace grievance and terrorism may have been behind wednesday's massacre. they say syed farook was in touch with a number of people being investigated by the fbi for international terrorism. two government officials say they did not raise any red flags. the director for the study of hate and extremism, also former nypd cop. so let's just start with the
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kivs difference nor a mass care. why a two-person shooting is different in motive to a one-person shooting. >> usually when we have a lone actor, there's often times some kind of idiosin democratic bent here. where you have a conspiracy going, then you have to get two people in on an ideology or some particular grievance. one thing that's important, irrespective of the motive, we see a grievance, will it's ideological or personal. >> that brings us to this hybrid theory that erchl is working on. is it mixed in together? how would it be mixed in together? >> great question. that's exactly what i tell law enforcement when i train them and what i told congress several weeks ago.
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people are a mixture of motives. they might have a uniquely personal anger and hatred, but it can be tied and broadened to an ideological one, too, that justifies and validates their frustrations. kind of a scapegoating. it's not unusual at all. we saw a beheading back in oklahoma for instance. a work place grievance turneden into an ideological attack as well. >> they made a trip to saudi arabia and pakistan. officials say that didn't raise any red flights. why would that be? >> well, as we know, in islam, there are five pillars of faith. and one of them, if you can do it at least once in your life, it the mecca. so that wouldn't in and of itself be something. with regards to pakistan, that's
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where his wife is from. that being said, there's an extremist footprint in pakistan to be sure. an al qaeda-based extremist, not so much isis. libya, iraq, syria, that's where isis is big. we also see them in the sinai. >> one thing i find interesting, the amount of am munition. that that's thousands and show thousands of dollars of ammuniti ammunition. how can they keep this secret from anyone around them? >> that's surprising to me. my gut feeling -- and again, as we say, let the law enforcement leads take you where you should go, not speculation, but if i had to guess, if someone said what's going on here? it seems to me they got radicalized, perhaps self-radicalized or with some peers. but they don't strike me as overly professional. >> right. >> they look like they kind of half planned and half executed. this could have been a lot
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worse. and the bombs could have been used in different attacks. it just seems to me if it is ideological, indirectly influenced by these extremists. and not directly. they're usually more professional. >> thank you for coming and talking to us about this. we appreciate your insights and your expertise. >> thank you so much for having me. >> the former fbi special agent bobby chicon. thank you for being with us. there's so much we still don't know. but one of the things that a lot of people are focused on is the fact that it's already been revealed that farook was in contact with the individuals who were being investigated for international terrorism by the fbi.
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>> what you have to look at and be determined is number one, he was a u.s. citizen. you have to have some kind of probable cause to go up onner devices that he might be operating to find out. second of all, you say these other individuals were the subject of fbi investigations, i think we have to look at that closely. or they were just known as possible overseas targets. so i think that it's a little too early to tell if any red flags were missed. i think that those things have to be run out.
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to what level were these people under investigation, if these were just names on a list or if they were actively subjects of an investigation. that is yet to be determined. >> we're hearing a couple of cell phones were found smashed. we're hearing that a computer was found without a hard drive which leads people to think there was an attempt to discard it, hide it. how difficult will it be to retrieve information from devices they've attempted to wipe or destroy? >> we have the best of the best working nearby in our regional forensic computer lab in orange county that the fbi set up that's run by a state, local and federal partners. state and local agencies have very, very good forensic computer people. if it's at possible at all to obtainfully information from those devices they will.
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>> the pipe bombs that were found in the home, those kind of items, those kinds of devices, if you will, is it something, we can honestly say this man and woman logged on to the internet and found the ininstructions to build? we're trying to build this picture. did they have help that taught them how to do? >> i think it's both. you can actually get on the internet and see these things. i think they did have some help because of the volume of these devices that were found. now the effectiveness of the devices, i don't know. i looked at the.ic churs and some of these devices are very similar to devices that i came across when i was working drug gangs in new york in the late '80s and early '90s. so i don't think there's a high level of sophistication with these items. i think they've been around for a long time. a single piece of threaded pipe at both ends with caps, that's not very sophisticated. of course, the effectiveness of them is unknown.
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i don't know that tease were very effective devices they built. >> we're going to go back to john in san bernadino. and we ale hear from a man who shared a cubicle with the gunman for the past three years. take zzzquil and sleep like... the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend. zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. redid you say 97?97! yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh...
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>> you are watching cnn's breaking coverage of a mass shooting in southern california.
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>> i'm john vause in san bern din knee. >> sources say a gunman was apparently radicalized. a number of people being investigated by the fbi for international terrorism. they killed 14 people at a conference center woenz. they were killed a few hours later in a shootout with police. police found 12 pipe womans at their home. the couple met in 2013 when farook traveled to saudi arabia. police are searching globally for wider terror ties and locally. we get more now on kyung lah.
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patrick bacardi left to use the bathroom when the attack started. >> i thought someone attacked the towel dispenser because i was being pummeled as i pulled out the towels in to the dispens dispenser. >> baccari hid in the bathroom while he and his wife fired off 76 rounds killing 14 people. >> why do you think he did that? >> well, i think his believes were contrary to our american dreams. you would think somebody working to the ka passionty and education level that you are has
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similar respect and values. >> law enforcement sources tell cnn fa ruk was apparently was radicalized and in touch with people being investigated by the fbi, talking by phone and on social media with more than one person being investigated for terrorism. no red flags when farook went to saudi arabia. the fbi said the 28-year-old also traveled to pakistan. police saw no signs this was coming. >> it's beyond my comprehension. >> because they seem like such a gentle, mild person. just can't tell a book by its cover. >> farook's brother in to law didn't know. >> i had no idea, why would he do that? why would he do something like this? >> i have absolutely no idea.
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i'm in shock myself. >> a sentiment echos by patrick baccari. >> who wants to call their 16-year-old kid to tell them you just survived an attack. there's many people that didn't that we love. >> baccari says the multiple bullet fragn'ts in his body will stay, too risky to remove. what also remains, confusion that a man he so closely knew did this. now turning to anger and fear. >> i believe every citizen here should be armed to defend themselves in the case of this happening. but that's not everybody else who believed. i couldn't defend anybody from the position i was in even if i was armed. but at least if they tried to come in and get us in that restroom, i would have had some way of maybe protecting the rest of us. >> we could not find anything as far as a criminal background on farook, but there are some court documents of a 2008 divorce between his parents that suggest that he had a turbulent childhood.
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his mother filed a temporary restraining order in court documents. she described her husband, farook's father as being violent, mentally ill at times, often not on his meds and frequently saying he would commit suicide. she also described him as being violent, throwing once a tv on her. john. >> islamic community leaders have been reacting with shock and disbelief to the shootings. and more insight, let's turn to the executive director for the greater los angeles chapter on the council of american relations. has there been any retaliation, any retribution towards the islamic community? >> fortunately nothing serious, but there has been a lot of death threats a lot of threats coming to mosques.
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cair has received multiple e-mails and phone calls throughout date. but you know what, this is something, as bad as it is, it should not distract us from the fact that there are people mourning the loss of loved ones now. we can imagine how families feel after loved ones could not make it back from that horrible incident. so our hearts go out to the victims, all the victims. and we pray for the wounded for a quick recovery. >> have you been in touch with farook's family to see what their reaction is? >> i just spoke with them a couple of hours ago just to make sure they're okay.
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they're in bliss leaf. there must be a reason for somebody to snap and lose compassion and humanity. i don't know what this reason would be. they're not going to speculate. we're hearing reports about the possibly ideological extremism involved. if it is, or whatever the motive might be, you know, the facts are still the same. we condemn such behavior as americans, as human beings and continue to pray for all the victims and all of those impacted by it. >> we spoke this time last night, and again, you were very quick to condemn the shootings here in san bernadino. but in the hours after you did that, there was criticism from
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some conservatives, some criticism of essentially coming out and condemning it all. do you feel in some ways that you're in a no-win situation now? 'i'm not trying to convince those who have their mindset. those who have their mindset are driven by their ignorance. i feel sorry for them. i feel sorry for their bigotry and ignorance. and i hope they don't teach their kids to generalize against any other community. i would feel bad for their kids. i'm speaking to people like me, fellow americans who have hearts, have brains, have minds that they can think. they can tellful that most americans care about every human life, every american. it happens in colorado springs or georgia or happens in san bernadino. visiting the mosques,
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accepteding messages to their muslim neighbors, saying we're all in it together. >> what else can islamic leaders like you do to convince americans and other people out there that you are all in this together. that you are doing what you can do under these circumstances. what else are your options here? >> i don't think this is just a job for american muslims. we have to realize this is a country worth fightinger if, a country worth defending. values, pluralism, diversity, tolerance. it's worth striving for. we cannot sit idly and watch a
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spectator as some people with bigotry or violence try to destroy the way of living that we have. it's not just muslims who have to do something. all of us have to play a role in bringing us together, closing this gap of ignorance that exists or this information or perception that gis exists out there. >> thank you for being with us again. we very much appreciate it. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> and still to come here, we will be joined by one of the physicians petitioning congress to view gun violence as they would any other public health epidem epidemic. covergirl is the easy way to
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coverage coverage of a deadly shooting in california. ill'm isha sesay in los angeles. >> i'm john vause in san bernadi bernadino. the first family was there for the christmas tree lighting and despite it being a joyous occasion, there were asomugha ber moments a president obama honored those who lost their lives. >> their loss is our loss, too. for we're all one american family. we look out for each ore in good times and in bad. all of us care about them this holiday season. they're in our thoughts and our prayers. and they all send us our live. >> republican presidential candidate expresses condone lens for the victim's family and the
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survivors and president obama has hesitated in calling the shooting terrorism, some gop terrorism did not cold back. >> there was a shooting yesterday that probably was related. radical islamic terrorism. and we have a president that refuses to use the term, he refuses to say it. there's something going on with him. >> politically correct double speak that comes from the obama administration has gone beyond the point of ridiculous. >> i am cop vinced that was a terrorist attack. and the president continues to wring his hands and say we'll see. >> the brutal savagery of islamic trichlt exists. and this president and his former secretary of state cannot call it for what it is.
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>> more from san bernadino in just a moment. but for now, we'll head back to los angeles and isha. >> thanks, john. >> well, records show that mass shootings occur in the u.s. on average more than once a day. it took place inform 220 cities in 47 states. a total of 462 people have been killed in mass shootings in 2015. and more than 1,300 have been injured. >> well, hours before wednesday's shooting, a group of doctors delivered a petition to congress asking them to lift restrictions on gun violence research in the u.s. supporters say this latest attack underscoring an urgency for objective medical perspectives. i spoke with up with of the physicians pressing law makers to reconsider.
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thank you so much for joining us. now, you said the u.s. is dealing with a gun violence epidemic. and yactually belong to a group of physicians who believe we should be looking at the problem of gun violence as a public health issue. why is that important? >> gun violence is something that's affecting communities, individuals, families across the country every single day. and that is medical professionals, as doctor, as nurses, as public health professals, with we're seeing these people come into our hospitals, our e.r.s, people coming in with injuries, people who are killed by gun violence. we're seeing them, we're having to treat them every single day. and so it is clearly a public %-p impact of this ban. talk to me about the kind of data you believe is being lost because it's in place. >> well, we do have a small number of researchers who have been doing research during the past 20 year, but it's not
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nearly enough. we have over 32,000 people who are dying of gun violence every year in america. and there's so much information that we don't have. we don't know what are the best ways to prevent a tanler. where are those guns coming from. are they illegal? what's the best way to prevent a child from accidentally finding a gun and shooting their sibling. these are some basic questions that we need answered. >> how optist mystic are you that the ban will be lifted? >> i'm optimistic. congress has an opportunity to lift the ban. if they don't do it now, they have the an opportunity at any moment to lift this ban. and we are seeing an increasing outcry among so many people. this is not an issue of right versus left.
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every time we hear stories. how did this happen and how can we prevent it? that is exactly what we're trying to get done. >> we appreciate your efforts. and you're just joining us to discuss them. thank you so much for speaking to us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> well, we continue to follow our breaking news coverage of the shooting here in san bernadino, california. coming up, the chilling police audio and the chaos that followed.
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>> you are watching cnn breaking coverage of a mass shooting in southern california. imisha sesay in los angeles. >> was it a work place disagreement or was it a terror attack? investigators say the massacre at a holiday party was probably a little both. sources say the gunman syed farook was radicalized and was in contact with a number of people being investigated by the fbi for international terrorism.
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otwo smashed cell phones were found near the crime scene. a computer was smashed at the home but the hard drive is missing. farook and his wife killed 14 people at that conference center on wednesday. they were killed a few hours later in a shootout with police. >> a minute by minute response by police. o. >> police zero in on syed farook and his wife who just hours before brutally shot and killed 14 people at an office event. acting on a tip, officers head to a house in the town of red land just ten miles from the scene of the mass shooting. as they approach the home, a black ford suv drives by, slowly at first, then speeding away.
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>> we've got shots fired down the back window. >> one shooter fires at police who are in hot pursuit. the chase headed back to san bernadino. all of it playing out on live television. >> we have units in san bernadino and richardson that are taking fire. >> the suv comes to a stop enand a full scale gun battle breaks oit. the shooters firing at least 76 rounds. nearly 400 rounds riddle the suv. >> shots fired. we need medical aid. >> right now, we have one down outside the car. one down inside the car. >> rizwan farook gets out but he doesn't get far. his body lying in a pool of blood across the street.
10:55 pm
found inside the home, thousands of rounds of ammunition, 12 pipe bombs and what investigators call a bomb lab. with hundreds of tools that could be used to make explosives. >> and the question remains tonight with all of those bomb-making materials urks the pipe bombs, the tools found in the couple's home, did they have bigger plans, were there other targets. any clues they can as to what could have possibly been the motivation behind the mass murder.
10:56 pm
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10:59 pm
11:00 pm
hello and thank you for joining us. it is 11:00 p.m. on the u.s. west coast. i am isha sesay in los angeles. >> hello, everybody. i'm john vause in san bernardino, california. we would like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. you're watching our continuing coverage of the mass shooting at this california conference center. investigators are trying to figure out if this shooting was an act of terrorism, if it was a workplace dispute, or somehow if it was both. we're hearing a chilling account from one of the first police officers on the scene of wednesday's massacre. first there are indications that the


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