tv Wolf CNN December 9, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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covers trump, and including me. and now, donald trump is going to be on with don lemon at 11:00 eastern, and you never know what will happen, just like this crazy circus that does not end >> and tuesday, 6:00 p.m., and 8:30 p.m. eastern time, and thanks for watching, everyone. and jim sciutto is going to be sitting in for wolf whof is on assignment. assignment. i will see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac -- hello, i'm jim sciutto, and wolf blitzer is on assign. it is 10:00 p.m. in san bernardino, and 1:00 p.m. in washington, and 7p:00 p.m. from paris, and wherever you are watching from around the world, thank you for watching. this is cnn breaking news. >> we begin the today with breaking news. new details coming out about the married shooters who killed 14 people in san bernardino, california. the fbi director james comey testifying on capitol hill about
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when the terrorist couple met and how they developed the radical views of islam. >> was the woman shooter in san bernardino radicalized before she came to america? >> it looks like she was. so far the data that we have collect and the intelligence indicates that she was before she connected with the other killer and came here. >> is there any evidence that this marriage was arranged by a terrorist organization or terrorist operative, or just a meeting on the internet? h >> i don't know the answer to that yet. >> do you agree with me that if it was arranged by a terrorist operative or organization, that is a game-changer? >> it is a very, very important thing to know. >> justice reporter evan perez rez is joining me now, and evan, the big headline is that it is not some sudden radicalization over a couple of web sites, because it is going back years. >> exactly. and in is the trend that we had seen in the story, frankly in
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the investigation by the fbi. initially, they were not know ing whether it was a work-based thing or something cause d by te radicalization, and the more information they get, the more it looks like this is going back years and years and missed. the fbi director talked about this, and this is how he can describes what he knows about the radicalization. >> san bernardino involved two killers who were radicalized for quite a long time before their attack. in fact, our investigation to date, which i can only say so much about at this point, indica indicates they were actually radicalized before they started court i courting or dating each other online, and online as late as, as early as the end of 2013, a they were talking to each other about jihad and mar terdom before they were engaged and then lived together in the united states. we believe they were inspired by foreign terrorist organization, and work ving very hard to
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understand their source and inspiration, and we are also wanting to know if there is anybody else involved with assisting, supporting and equipping them. and we are working very hard to understand if they had plan fs r that day or earlier, and that work continues. >> and jim, what is important there in that what he is talking about there, it is simply the fact that now the question arises is whether or not farook was shopping for a jihadi bride when he went and found this woman. and so the question that arises from that is that simply in 2012 we know that he was thinking of some other attack, and never went through it, and so it does really raise the question of when his radicalization began and why he married her. >> premeditation, and preplanning, et cetera. and now they are analyzing the communications between him and his wife, and of course, the question coming up if this is an intelligence failure, and was there any power that law
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enforcement could have had to even think to look there >> and this is a big question for the nsa, and the fbi, and the problem for them is that the volume they collect is so great, and they can't analyze it in real time, and know where to look, and now that they have an attack, they can go back to find the data now that they have access to the data now, but would not have thought of doing before, because they did not raise any red flags before. >> and now, thank you, evan perez. and now out the investigation of the investigation in san bernardino, california. as we first reported here on cnn investigators believe that the syed rizwan farook may have been involved in another terror plot with another individual as evan pointed out, but tu oofficial said at the time they got spooked. ana cabrera is joining us from san bernardino. what do we know, ana? the target, the timing and crucially, why do we know he got
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spooke spooked? >> well w jim, it is two u.s. officials saying that the plot dates back to 2012 and it was farook and some unidentified individual at this time who had been plotting to attack somewhere in california. we are told that they did have a specific target they were considering, and what that was and exactly when or what the plan entailed, we don't know at this time, but i can tell you that the plan apparently didn't go through, because as you said, they had been spooked and a round of terror-related arrests in the area, and that is is why they decided to back off. but what we have learned is that the officials did not know about this plot until after the san bernardino attacks, and they maintain that farook was not on law enforcement radar here locally and not part of the terror investigation prior the attack that happened here at the center behind me, jim. >> and ana, another strand of the investigation is farook's
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former neighbor, mr. marquez, who is the one who purchased the ar-15s for farook several years ago, and then transfored them to farook. as they are looking into marquez, do they suspect him or treating him as a possible accomplice? >> they don't believe at this time according to law enforcement sources that he had any involvement in the plot, at a least not directly. they say that he has been cooperating as they have been questioning him, and in fact, he had checked himself into a mental health facility shortly after the attack, so it has been taking them longer to question marquez, but what we have learned about marquez and farook's rerelationship, they used to be next door neighbors. we went out to neighborhood and spoke to the neighbors that the the two men used to work on cars together in the garage, and the extent of the friendship, we don't know for sure, but we are learning more and more about marquez, and he told investigators that he purchased
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the two rifles that you brought up, the ar-15s used in the attack in 20111 and 2012 and shortly a afterwards he turned them over to farook, but he never reported that official transfer ownership which is by the way against the law here in california. but at this point, marquez has not been charged with anything, and investigators are saying that he is cooperating and at this earlier stage, it does not appear that head knowledge or involvement in the terror plot. jim? >> ana cabrera following it all at the scene of the horrible shooting there in san bernardino. i want to turn it over to the testimony of ashton carter who was on the hill to testify about the organization. he concedes that the terrorist organization is not contained and telling the senate armed services committee that momentum for isis is building and that u.s. forces will prevail. >> the reality is that we are at war.
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that is how the troops feel about it, because they are taking the fight to isil everyday, applying the might of the finest fighting force that the world has ever known. >> however, the chairman of the comm committee, senator john mccain pressed carter for more specifics on the success of the administration's strategy. >> i urgently and fervently ask you for a strategy that you can tell us when we are going to be taking mosul and raqqah and wipe out this caliphate, and frankly, i have not seen it. >> and pentagon correspondent barbara starr joining me. barba barbara, senator mccain and others are frustrated on both sides of the aisle frustrated by what they say is a lack of ur jen si by the obama administration, and how does secretary carter respond to the criticism? >> well, he is going back to the point that he felt that they were gaining momentum, building momentum, and that is not what the committee wanted to hear. they wanted to hear a plan, a
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strategy for success. they talked about the committee talked about some specifics, raqqah, the stronghold of isis leaders in syria, when is the u.s. going to be able to mount some kind of operation with the local fighters to boot isis out of raqqa, because it is a huge symbol for the isis recruiting, and staging other attacks, and no clear answers from the secretary about that. and he kind of diverted a little bit into some of what is happening, and that is small, but he believes it is significant ax and that is the movement of special forces into northern syria, and northern iraq. in iraq, a new focus on a place we have heard about for months rama ramadi, and the secretary of defense for first time talking about the use of u.s. troops in the fight to retake ramadi. have a listen. >> the united states is prepared to the assist the iraqi can army
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wi with unique abilities to help them ak kccomplish the job including attack helicopters, and if circumstances arise. >> and accompanying advisers, and that means military advisers on the ground in the coming day s in iraq as the u.s. tries to support the iraqi efforts on ra -- to retake ramadi. and they will be contributing more special forces to the fight. there is no more word on how much. >> and barbara, in the fact that are u.s. troops in combat, and i hear that the ad vvisers will b there to take a fortified city ramadi from the isis forces.
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as you have reported, maybe u.s. attack helicopters involved and they have weapons to take down helicopters, and is that not u.s. troops in combat? >> hard to see how it isn't, right? i mean, if you have armed u.s. hel koicopters supporting u.s. troops on the ground, you can say that they are advisers, but they are not supposed to be at the very front line of combat with the iraqi troops, but make no mistake, these are american military lives at considerable r risk in this fight. when the administration, and you and i have talked about this for months when the white house says no combat we contend they mean no large combat forces like we have seen in the heavy fighting years of iraq and afghanistan, and maybe not that kind of combat, but if you ask anybody out there in uniform if they are in combat, that i will tell you yes. >> and those men and women are certainly risking their lives. thank you, barbara starr, at the
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pentagon. >> and new changes to track anyone in the u.s. who has recently visited iraq and syria, and is that enough to expose potential extremists? we will discuss that with homeland security director, and also, we will ask the campaign spokeswoman what neabout more o. helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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the terrorist couple who gunned down 14 people in san bernardino were likely radicalized likely before they met and married. fbi director james comey revealed that information today in a hearing before the senate judiciary committee. senator ron johnson is key of another key committee the committee on foreign after favo favors. thank you, senator, for taking the time. >> hel h low, jim. >> as more details are coming out, it is very clear that this
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is not some sudden radicalization, and the communications back in 2013 talking about the martyrdom. and you are brief ed about thes officials all of the time, and is there more evidence in your view that an international terror group that would likely have been involved in that forward planning and for us to make this international conneblg shun for two people who are going to be in effect their own two-person cell. is that more of a line of inquiry here? >> well, we need to obviously find out exactly what happened and the investigation will hopefully are reveal that. it is ekts extremely important that we do get the information. and i don't is have this information to tie it to any organized group, but what it shows is how imperfect the intelligence gathering and the imperfect information on people is that we have. what do you do with the not guilty yet? these are enormous challenges, and we are vulnerable, and i
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have always said that the first line of defense against terrorists is the effective intelligence gathering ability, and it is not perfect, but we have to always look for continuous improvement. >> what is effective intelligence gathering here? because in effect to have caught the communications of farook and malik before they were married, you had to be looking at internet traffic, and you didn't have probable cause, but you had to be looking at e-mail traffic among everybody, and search it for certain term, et cetera, and is there a fix here from the intelligence perspective that you see that the might have caught this before it happened? >> well, one of the ways we degraded the intelligence gathering information is canceling the the mnsa metadata system, and that is not the only way, with but one way to make those connections if we know terrorist, and they aric mag phone calls, and tie them
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together, that is one way, but nothing is perfect. we held a hearing on the visa waiver system and some of the v vulnerabilities there, and recognize nag the visa waiver program help us to share information between the countries who participate in it, and that enhances our security, and so it is enormously difficult problem, but it is about information sharing, and intelligence sharing, and intelligence gathering, and we have to make it a more robust process and continue to improve it. >> senator johnson, you are bringing up the changes in the visa waiver programs, and looking at the details there, and it is barring people, and requires people who travel to iraq and syria within the last five years to get an extra interview in effect, and extra line of review. >> right. >> do you think that is enough to spot the potential terrorists like those who carried out the attack? >> yes, it is an improvement. and we have expanded beyond, that and other countries that are hot spots, and again, we are not denying the entry, but they can't utilize the visa waiver
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p program which has robust intelligence sharing that are part of the process, but you vu to get an interview before we grant you entrance into america. that is a common sense approach, and strengthens the information and intelligence sharing agreements. and one of the things that we included in the companion bill is to push out the borders by a preclearance program, and get the customs and the the border personnel in different airports and countries to kind of like you say, push out the borders to more effectively screen people before they come into america. >> and senator johnson, i want to ask you as well, the comments from the well-known comments from donald trump supporting a really blanket ban on all muslims coming into the country, at least a temporary ban as he says. let's speak about the security implications of this. is this a danger to u.s. national security to feed that kind of anti-muslim feeling that the groups such as isis are
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really trying to spark here, right? and certainly trying to take advantage of in terms of recruiting, but when you heard those words from donald trump repete and defended, did you think to yourself, this is dangerous for americab? >> well, i don't agree with plchl on this, and from my standpoint, islamic terrorists declared war on the civilized war and they are pretty well upset with us for some reason, and they want to kill people in the civilized world, so they declared war on us, and what i object to is when president obama talks about wanting to end the wars, but the fact of the matter is that there are two ways to tend the wars, both parties can end the war, and obviously, the islamic terrorists are not going to the give up and the other way is to defeet them. that is the root cause, we have to defeat isis, and defeat islamic terrorist s wherever thy r and commit the civilized world from removing the the scourge once and for all. >> and senator johnson, thank you for taking the time today. >> have a good day.
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>> and coming up, donald trump is not backing down from his proposal for a complete muslim travel ban to here in the u.s., and the response to the critics who say he is a bigot coming up. and plus, the threats to launch a third party run, and trump's national spokeswoman will join us after the break, and we will have a conversation. and i quit smoking with chantix. i don't know that i can put into words how happy i was when i quit. it's like losing some baggage, i don't have to carry it around with me anymore. chantix made it possible for me to quit smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking.
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welcome back. it is time to talk presidential politics, and donald trump is taking on the critic s s in hisn party who say that his proposal for a muslim travel ban might actually help isis attract recruits, and this is what he told abc's barbara walt erers. >> and the worst thing that has ever happened to isis, and the people in my party fully understand it. they are running against me and for the most part, they don't
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have any poll numbers, and i am leading by a lot, and they are trying to get publicity for themselves, and you know, when i came out against illegal immigration, everybody thought the same thing, and then two weeks later people came out with me. >> and are you a bigot? >> probably the least of anybody that you have met. >> because. >> because i am a person who has common sense. i'm a smart person. i know how to run things, and i mow how to make america great again. >> and last night, trump sent out this message on twitter threatening the gop with an independent run. he cited a poll that said that 68% of his vosupporters would still support him if he went for an independent run. and now, to join us is katrina to talk about this.
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>> hello, jim. >> and we looked at a hate speech which is a speech that insult insults or threatens people based on the race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or other traits. was the kacandidate's proposal hate speech? >> no, jim. he was speaking the truth, and we have a serious problem in the country, and for over a decade now, we are pushing on 15 years since 9/11 and we have not secu secured the bord, and reformed the visa system, and 40% of the people here are on expired or visas that are out of date the. so politicians have run amok. >> and now, the idea that you need to firm up the -- i want to share something because i just got this in the in-box that donald trump is going to be
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meeting with the prime minister in israel, and this is the state of israel respects all religions and strictly guarantees all of the rights of the citizens, benjamin netanyahu. and so if you have the israeli prime minister who is on the front lines of the religious extremism, and they face it everyday, doesn't that undermine donald trump's argument that it is a necessary step in america. >> no, because in israel they do criminal profiling in muslims, and stringent policies on the exit and the entry into the country, and maybe he is rejecting the way that mr. trump framed it, but it does not undermine it one bit. >> and now, beyond the specific assertion that donald trump has repeated on the campaign trail is that there are parts of london so radicalized that officers in the words of donald trump that officers fear for their lives there, and the british prime minister rejected
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that as frankly not true, and donald trump also brought up the idea that in paris as well, that there are muslim no-go zones with which is a conspiracy theory that has been debunked a number of times, and is that a version of the facts that the candidate stands by even when you the british prime minister and the french leader denying that is the case in their own countries, and these are two countries that are fighting the terror threat very much everyday as well. >> well, i heard a fox news xhen ta or the say yesterday that she left paris because she lived in a neighborhood where muslims were not assimilating in the least. and the daily mail post and article where it has five officers in europe proclaiming that donald trump is right about what he said. >> and now, listen, i am not springing this on you, because i lived in london for nine years and traveled the kun tcountry f many years after 9/11 and there for the 777 attacks there, and i
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lived near muslim neighborhood, and there were no muslim neighborhoods in my experience, but there are a number of people in the uk deny, that so i wonder what the candidate is basing that position on? >> well, because people who also have lived there have had different experiences, and we could say that for a number of places on the globe, but the daily mail does reference police officers in london who say that is true, and we have to agree to disagree if the experiences are different, but the problem is that we have a problem with muslim extremists all over the globe, and donald trump is the only one willing to say that. >> and on the business side of things, as the travel ban proposal is the dubai-based retail giant to suspend sales of trump's branded product, and he has done a number of business there, and also a property mogul coming out against him sh, and e
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a listen. >> i think that he has damaged all of the brand, and i mean, nobody will accept him, and nobody will accept his brand in any country. >> has donald trump just damage his business in that part of the world? is that something that he is willing to give up in light of th this? >> well, donald trump has pledged his fortune and fight to save america and the families, and so i don't speak for his company, but i will speak for the campaign that donald trump is committed 100% to put everything that he has on the line, because we are losing our country, and he is not going to sit by and let it happen. >> katrina pierson, thank you or the taking the time today. >> thank you, jim. >> and donald trump is sitting down with our own don lemon and you can catch the entire interview tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, and still ahead, while many in the republican par the ti are speaking out about donald trump's anti-muslim
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the backlash over donald trump's proposal on banning muslims from enter thing the u.s. is providing democratic presidential candidates with a fund-raising opportunity. both bernie sanders and hillary clinton sent e-mails to supporters with a call to support to fight trump. for more on the democratic reaction to trump, i am joined by the chairwoman of the democratic national committee, and she is congresswoman debbie wassermann schultz. thank you for joining us. >> thank you sh, jim.
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it is great to be with you today. >> and now, the conventional wisdom is that these comments help democrats in 2016 and it will weaken the support of whoever the republican candidate is, but i wonder, is that definite? because clearly, he is giving voice to a certain part of the party, and that support is proving more durable than many expected. i feel like every month people say he is eventually going to burn out, and not just the national numbers, but the numbers in the local races, iowa and new hampshire are still solid for him, and so, you know, how do you rectify those two? >> well, the way i look at this, jim, is that our responsibility as americans, my responsibility as the leader of one of the two major national party s ies is t sound the alarm bell here. i mean, what is coming out of the republican side of the presidential field is nothing short of un-american for a variety of reasons.
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one is that just that donald trump is hurtling us towards a repeat of the mccarthy errachlt it can be called nothing less than that. god forbid this man would become president, and actually implement the outrageous proposal that we would not allow muslims to come into our country wholesale, and even ban muslim americans from traveling back into the country is just the -- cries out for a unified condemnation which has not come in any shape or form from the are republican side, and here is what i mean. mealy mouthed criticism that has come from some of the presidential candidates and unfortunately the republican party chairman, mr. priebus, is outrageous.
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what they need to do is unequivocally state that one of their candidates for president would not support this man if he were the nominee, and every one of them continues to have raised the right hand and stand by that pledge to support this man if he is their nominee. and you know, the poem that that came after world war ii and the holocaust that said, that talks about i didn't speak up, and then they came for me, applies here. and we are speaking up, and we will continue to speak up. >> and let me ask you this, because the argument that you just made was echoed by hillary clinton on the campaign trail yesterday in effect saying that all tof the republican candidates, that it is a product of the campaign as a whole, and not just one candidate. >> that is right. >> and i wonder what you think needs to be said and what phrase is necessary for them to say, because some were quick, jeb bush and others were quick to come out to say i don't
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represent that and paul ryan's speech was pretty clear, and it violates not only the constitution, but the spirit of the country, and what do you need to hear them say? >> how about them not saying the things that they have said. because it is not just donald trump that has said that muslims are unacceptable for admission to the country. jeb bush suggested that we should only admit christian refugees and not muslim e refuge refugees, and chris christie would have denied 3-year-old orphans if they were muslim into this country, and marco rubio said after the paris attacks not only should we be considering interment, but he actually suggested that maybe we should close down cafes and diners where muslims gather, and in fact, compared them to the nazi party. i mean, so -- >> and they are all in the same boat.
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>> and so you have run a lot of campaigns, ap you know how they work, and candidates don't say stuff unless they believe that there is an audience for that stuff. >> that is right. >> and in your view, are those comments or what you call mealy mouthed reposts as it were to donald trump's comments, is that the because they are hearing from their polling, from the focus groups, et cetera, that there is public support for these kinds of positions? >> the republican party as a whole since the development and strengthening of the tea party as the base has been absolutely petrified to the not alienate that base. all of them running for president understand that their pathway to the nomination will not occur without making sure that they have that tea party extremist base. their supporters support these concepts, and embrace that notion. their supporters are not a majority of the country, and so, really, getting back to the opening questions, you know, at the end of the day, that is why
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the 45th president of the united states will be the democratic nominee, because when we have our nominee versus their nominee, certainly, the sense of their nominee is going to be coming from this collection of the right wing extreme bigots who would take our country backwards to the mccarthy era policies that i think that most americans, i am sure that most americans reject, that is why our nominee will ultimately be president of the united states. >> final question. you heard donald trump float the idea and not for the first time that he would be willing to possibly run as a third-party candidate. is that good news for the democrats if that were to happen? >> well, you know what goes on, on their side of the aisle is not of concern to me in terms of the political machinations, but what is of concern is a member of congress and as an american and as the party leader is that we make sure that we support our
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constitution, our constitutional principles, and that we continue to be the beacon of hope and democracy and freedom and welcoming people who are freeing, and who are fleeing oppression. that is with what the democratic party stands for and the republican party stands for turn turning the clock back to the mccarthy era, and that is the contrast here. >> those are strong words, debbie wassermann schultz. we appreciate having you on. >> thank you so much. >> and coming up, the political strategists will weigh in on the latest controversy. and should the rnc risk alienating trump even if it means an independent run. and this is what some are saying why the rnc does not like the current unfrontrunner. and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms
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it's a tough balancing act for the rnc, which is unfortunate because a lot of us who are looking at this saying, someone needs to take trump on directly and hold him accountable for a lot of the reckless nls and things he has said. but given that, it's the third party aspect of this that is holding the rnc hostage and kind of having to handle him with kid gloves because of the way the structure is set up. now, you have other people like paul ryan and dick cheney and other slaleaders in the party w have condemned what donald trump has said, and that's what they should do. >> trump has fired that warning shot, laid it out there. it's not the first time he's done, about a third party run.
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is that enough of an excuse in your view for the rnc to hold back a little bit, treat him with kid gloves as tara was saying? >> i certainly understand the position, but i absolutely disagr disagree. i think part of the issue is, i keep asking myself, where is the line in the sand? no matter what, i'm like, this is the moment, this is the moment he goes too far. he says there need tobz a ban on all muslims and he also said had he been elected at that time he maybe would have supported japanese -- and he thought fdr did the right thing. but to be in 2015, almost 2016, it's shocking. for me, i wonder what is that real line in the sand where i say, i need to set politics aside because what's most important is our american values. if that is indeed the case, what does that really look like? paul ryan as you just mentioned, tara, said, i'm still going to support the republican nominee. that's why we can't find the line. >> you know, you just had debbie
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wasserman schultz is about staying on message no matter what almost to the master. but she's a madam of staying on message almost to the point of ridiculousness at times. so you understand angela the way politics works especially for committee chairmen. they're going to sit there and say, yes, we support the will nominee. >> that's the political answer. >> i really don't believe he'll be the nominee. >> but i'm saying -- >> listen, we've all covered politics. but when you tear up the talking points and say, listen, this is a bridge too far. i know you correctly cite -- i sat there and watched paul ryan very explicitly say, this violates our constitution, violates the law. we saw dick cheney in no uncertain teams say this is damaging. >> almost all the republican candidates say the same. >> but the party is the party. eventually it's got the accountability. when do you tear up the talking points book and talk about lines in the sand. this is a line too far?
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>> jim, let me just say -- >> let me give tara a moment. >> i think at some point now that there has to be a tougher position on forcing donald trump to have to be accountable for what he says. how they choose to do that i think they're still trying to figure out because of all of the different layers involved, it's not just that simple as saying, that's it, we condemn you, you have to get out of this race. it doesn't work that way for the party chairmanship, for someone like rinseince priebus. other folks have done that, and that's what they should do. but when you have people following trump say they'll follow him to a third party, that is a balancing act for us as a party looking at a general election. if that happens, we can hand the presidency right to hillary clint clinton. that is the balance the party is looking for, ultimately it's about winning the election. >>angela, i want to give you a chance to response but i want to give our viewers a chance to listen to trump supporters.
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we spoke to them about these comments. here's how one of them complaincomplain complaining their thinking. >> the gop, the republicans, cannot control him. >> they can't. >> that's what they don't like about him. they can control bush. they can control rubio. they can control all of them. for them to come out and to back-stab him like this, i'm done with the republican party. i don't think he'll leave the party, but if mr. trum am was go to go independent, i'll bring all my people -- we're going to send a message to congress. we're going to send a memg to the senate. we're going to send a message to the democrats and the republicans and this president when he leaves. >> you just heard there a nice crystallization really of what it is that drives many people to support him even with statements like this. and i weernonder, angela, he cay anything. the level of that feeling if america is pretty high with a lot of institutions. >> that's 100% right. and i continue to look not only
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to our political leaders but to leaders of corporations, leaders of nonprofits s faith leaders tell us what is a step too far? what are real american values? thankfully i got to sit in and listen to president obama speak today to congress talking at the 150th commemoration of the 13th amendment. or the ratification of it. i want to pull this quote because it's so timely right now. he said, we betray efforts much the past if we fail to push back against bigotry in all its forms. i'm not just saying because i'm a democratnd he's a democratic president. i await the opportunity to quote someone who speaks out that strongly on the republican side. >> really quickly, it's ironic to me herewith pointing to strong statements made by president obama only when it comes to race and bigotry. when it comes to national security, calling radical islam who they are, that's why they
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support donald trump. he goes too far, but he says it honestly. when it comes to protecting the american people, that's also what's fueling a lot of the trump support because they're sick and tired of that level of, well, we're going to talk all over and hear this but lollygag and -- >> there are -- there are also to be fair where he blurs the truth. >> absolutely. i'm not a trump supporter. i'm using it as an example of why people are so upset. >> it's a fair point. tara, angela, thanks so much. that's it for us right now. the news continues right after this message. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. . top of the hour, i'm poppy harlow in today for my friend brooke baldwin. we begin with new details about the san bernardino killers and
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