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tv   Amanpour  CNN  December 9, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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ticking for the venezuelan president? in a major power shift, the opposition now has a super majority after sunday's election. activists and wife of leonardo lopez joins me live. also spike lee on his new movie and america's love affair with guns. >> more americans have died, more chicago people, more people in chicago have died on the streets in the south side of
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west side than the american special forces combined afghani and iraqi wars. >> good evening. welcome to the program. venezuelans have been intlatlau for. they hoped his hand picked successor would carry on the regime. but for the first time since 1999, venezuelans who want change can see light at the end of the tunnel. after the opposition's victory this weekend. they won two-thirds of the vote in parliamentary elections which
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gives them a supermajority. and with it the power to challenge the president. he has been under mounting pressure from a tanking economy that has seen shortages of everything, sugar, milk, diapers, flour, even toilet paper. the opposition vows to free jailed political leaders like lopez. he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. joining me is his wife who has been a tireless campaigner for his freed. welcome to the program. were you surprised with this win and how is your husband reacting? >> we are happy. we are proud of venezuelan people. we fought for participation of people that we won because we won with the vote. people. the first time in this 16 years,
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we created the path for democracy, and we did it. we won. we are so happy, and we want now to change all our problems so have the solution of our problems. >> lilian, i don't want to burst your bubble and i know that's what you want, to revive the economy and release the political prisoners, but the president hasn't said amnesty for people like your husband and others. >> translator: i say it like this. i'm not going to accept any amnesty law because human rights were violated. they can send me a thousand laws, but the motives of people have to be judged and they have to pay. >> what do you make of that? any hope you can get them out? >> after december sixth all political prisoners have to be
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released, now, before christmas day, now. we want their release because people want the release because people want peace and freedom in venezuela. >> lilian, let me ask you about obviously the tough political challenges you have. it is not the first time the opposition has done well. but then the vote has been taken way and all sorts of quasi methods have been used. do you believe the win will be allowed to proceed or there will be an attempt to deny you the political win? >> the parliament is a power. of the five powers we have, the parliament is one of this, and in this parliament, we have the
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ability to found our rule of law. we want to change. and the it's going to be on the parliament, with the parliament, with all the compromise of new voice, join people in a parliament, a democratic parliament, and we're going to change all the things for a better venezuelan. we don't want to fight. we don't want to persecute or persecution and repression, no. we want to change but with union. venezuelans deserve, and to live in peace, embrace each other with forgiveness, and reconciliati reconciliation. i believe in the reconciliation. we have to the right to live in peace in venezuelan. >> i hear your determination and
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excitement, and the acknowledgment that it will be hard work ahead. thank you so much for joining me. and in related news today, marking the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the united states. president obama denounced bigotry. aless san, perhaps for donald trump. >> we betray the efforts of the past if we fail to push back against bigotry in all its forms. >> in the uk, more than 200,000 people have signed a petition to ban trump from the country. this is after his anti-muslim rhetoric calling for a ban of all muslims to the united states, and this amount of signatures means there could be a debate on this in parliament. after a break, a passionate and refreshing voice of reason. yesterday on this program, spike lee spoke of the dangers of trump's rhetoric. today we tells me about his new
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how do you end a war? well, here's one idea. it's the women, stupid. when liberia was engulfed in civil ywar, that was a thought. >> we were to desperate for peace. we were going to have a sex strike. and we said to the women, one way or the other, you have power as a woman. and that power is deny sex. >> and the sex strike work. she went onto live the noble peace prize. the inspiration for that went back to an ancient greek satire. would that work in gun plagued america? >> i'm down for the cause but how.
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we force them to exercise peace by an the city innocence from knocking the boots. >> who would have thought spike lee would have that story in his few film "chi-raq" which has just opened here in the united states. >> going to make sure these fools put down these guns. >> people die, every day. i'm going to die, every day. father try, every day. trying to get my head straight. it's the city of "chi-raq," get your bed made. >> do you want justice? ♪ pray for our city ♪ ♪ i got faith in my city ♪ it's "chi-raq" and i love that ♪ some can't relate to my city ♪ ♪ die every day in my city >> spike he, when we met, he
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explained his latest premise about today's america scene through chicago's street warf e warfare. >> back to the program. >> first time. glad to be on the show. >> glad to have you, pl particularly at this time. the s this great timing or did you know that chicago was an explosion waiting to happen? >> i would say it's a combination of both. my co-writer and i chose to have this take place on the south side of chicago. but everything else is -- it just happened. and with that gruesome tape, let's call it a snuff film of laquan being shot down like a dog. >> it puts yet another very, very pointed finger on a lot of what ails america.
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>> and i'm glad you said that. i don't want anybody that sees the film or seeing me talking to you to think that what's happening only takes place in chicago. my wife gave me a good thought. she said chicago is like the canary in the coal mine. gun violence affects not just hispanic and african americans in the hoods of this country. gun violence affects everybody. 88 americans die every day due to gun violence, and it's not just black or hispanic. it's everybody. it's all of us, as americans. >> and you have some chilling statistics in the film. it's called "chi-raq." so chicago, iraq. you say "chi-raq" and you have statistics about the death of people in chicago versus the wars the people have been fighting in the last few years. >> yes. more americans have died, more
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chicago people, more people in chicago have died on the streets on the south side of west side than the american special forces combined, afghani, and iraqi wars. >> it is really chilling when you hear it put that way. and, yet, as the president has tried to say, each time there's been a shooting -- >> again and again and again. >> and also saying america is an outlier in this regard. >> why is it we have more mass shootings than any country on god's planet. >> but i want to ask you why. you grew up here. you're telling the stories of america. >> i don't know what it's going to take. i would just say that we have a love affair with guns. i mean, i'm 58, and my generation, you know, cowboys, indians, we all wanted guns. and now it's video games, and you could just say what the country is built upon. i travel all over the world, and
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when they see me, athey what is wrong with your country. and, like, we have a line in the film "chi-raq" that's brought up. it's said if nothing is happened after sandy hook, what's it going to take? >> and yet, you manage to tackle this issue, as raw it is, with a certain amount of humor -- >> satire. >> even better. you have taken, as the basis, the story, the fifth century bc greek comedy about women in greece who had a sex strike to force their warrior husbands to lay down their swords and stop the war. >> swords and knives and clubs. >> you see? to put down their weapons. >> my co-writer, it was his idea
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at first. we tried to get this done six years ago, and there's one thing i sure of now, everything is timing. it wasn't time for this film six years ago. the powers that be, the spirits, whatever, they said not now. do it later. we couldn't have picked a better time to do this film, "chi-raq." >> tell me about the women aspect of it. you give a lot of power to women's power. shut down their sexual favors. >> i can't take the credit. i have to give it up to my mai , man, the greek play write. >> what did you cast think? had they heard about it? >> many of them had done it in theater. the lead actress went to -- she went to juliard.
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she performed one of the women. that's top when you go there for drama. >> like me, and english accent. >> i always kid about that. i went to juliard. i'm kidding. but many of the people have strong theater backgrounds that come from that, so they've done that play in high school or college. >> barack obama took michelle on a first date to your film, do the right thing. >> michael jordan, tomorrow. >> come on. get him out. >> i'm trying to get him out. >> they went to discuss the movie. michelle might have had ice cream, i don't know. >> it's been a rocky road ever since in terms of race relation and gun violence. do you think that film which tackled race head on, did it change the dynamic?
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where do you think this country is? we're looking at fergferguson. >> this country is in transition and progress. one move forward, two steps back. it's a living organization anymore. that's where we living. you have to keep at it. >> i'm hopeful. i wouldn't make the films i make. i think my films are realistic, truthful, and may seem gloom and doom, but we have to do everything we can for our children, for our grandchildren to make the united states truly the greatest country in this world, on god's planet. >> spike lee, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and talking about wars, today u.s. defense secretary ash carter testified before congress
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about how to win the war against isis. >> the united states is prepared to assist the air strike si army with additional unique capabilities to help them finish the job, including attack helicopters and accompanying adviso advisors if requested by prime minister abawdy. >> try not only britain but germany have pledged military support to this fight, and today time magazine named the german chancellor as person of the year. citing her handling of europe's economic and refugee crisis. she is the fourth woman ever to have won the title. when we come back, imagining the world of tunisia, the first and the most successful arab spring nation struggling to make good on the promise of democracy.
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>> and finally tonight, imagine tunisia on the brink, facing tough challenges. as four tu niz yans have dedicated their lives to dialogue prepare to accept the noble peace prize tomorrow, cnn reports on the terror threatening the nation's newborn democracy. >> reporter: shepherd eke out a leaving on the wide open plains. the people here live a life of quiet struggle, but even their quiet isn't guaranteed. their world has been interrupted by isis. i'm scared. if i'm alone, they can behead and kill me. this woman has reason to be scared. isis recorded this video taken the day they captured her son.
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a 16, grazing his sheep in the hills when isis militants demanded his flock. he refused and they retaliated, she told us. they beheaded him and the sheep at the same time. they sent his head with his cousin who was with him. his mother tells us. she never saw the site. her family refused to let her look inside a plastic bag containing his head. isis has made it a home in the hills above their homestead. >> reporter: what should happen to the men who did this? i want to get rid of them, look for them one by one because they hurt me to deeply. while the country has made great strides toward democracy, the terror threat has grown. there was an attack at a museum. a few months later in june, they massacred terrorists in a resort town. in november, an isis suicide bomber killed 12 presidential guard in a bus explosion.
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>> what is the country doing to combat terrorism now? >> translator: first we have the state of emergency and a curfew so the security forces can perform night raids. we've also closed the border with syria. >> reporter: some say there's more to changing the situation. terror groups are exploiting things. >> it's like a chain, to have the economy investment, we have to have the security. >> reporter: even with the challenges, they are certain democracy is here to say, but so far it's fragile. >> now, tune in to see what the noble prize winners are going to be about that. the interview, tomorrow. that is it for our program tonight. you can always listen as a pod
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hello to those of you joining us from the united states and a warm welcome pack to our viewers from all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. here are the top stories we're following for you right now. a former neighbor and friend of the san bernardino shooter said he plotted an attack with farook in 2012. they abandoned the plan because they were spooked by arrests at the same time. >> ash carter sayshe


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