tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN December 19, 2015 1:00am-3:01am PST
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the boat was transporting 32 people. the number of migrants will top one million in the coming days. nearly 991,000 people entered europe by land or sea so far this year alone. this according to the international organization for migration. that is more than four times the number last year. the vast majority of migrants and refugees, more than 800,000, landed in greece. nearly 3,700 went missing or died trying to cross the mediterranean. tens of thousands of syrians are fleeing, trying to seek safer ground elsewhere. some say they want to stay. our senior international correspondent, matthew chance, takes us to the western city of latakia. a refugee camp where thousands say they'd prefer to be under bashar al assad's control. >> reporter: in the game for
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syria, russia's putin and bashar al assad are on the same side. this is thanks to russia, the poster reads. we were brought to this, the sport city camp to see how the syrian government and their kremlin backers say they give refuge. one government-sanctioned aid worker told me how and why these people are here. what have these people been through to drive them to become refugees? >> these people just don't have any homes. don't have any families. so horrible stuff -- kids here, i hear stuff from kids about killing, about death. you know, it's horrible. they live horribly. they just feel safe here. they don't want to leave the land and didn't have the money to pay for the trip to europe which anybody can do. >> reporter: is that why these refugees are here being protected essentially by president assad?
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because they couldn't afford to go to europe? >> no. no, i'm not saying this. they want to stay here with president bashar al assad. they just didn't wanted to leave. >> reporter: they're housing at least 5,000 or 6,000 people in this one camp. a fraction of those made refugees by syria's brutal civil war. one of the reasons we've been brought here is to illustrate that not every syrian wants to escape the clutches of the syrian government and its president bashar al assad. some feel much safer under his control. some like aisha and her family who fled earlier this year. her husband is in the syrian army, she told me. rebels behead family member of syrian soldiers, she says.
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for some the choice between the evils of bashar al assad and those watching is simple. cnn, syria. now in the united states, the president, barack obama, made some unplanned remarks before leaving the state of california. he stopped in san bernardino just a couple of hours ago before leaving for hawaii for christmas break. the president met privately with victims' families and first responders from this month's terror attack. >> as difficult as this time is for them and for the entire community, they also represent the strength and the unity and the love that exists in this community and in this country. and as we go into the holiday season, even as we are vigilant about preventing terrorist attacks from happening, even as we insist that we can't accept
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the notion of mass shootings and public places and places of work and worship, we have to remind ourselves of the overwhelming good that exists out this. and that we met some folks despite the pain and the heartache that they're feeling, they could not have been more inspiring. now the latest into the investigation into that attack. a former friend and neighbor of syed farook faces charges in connection with the massacre. our jim sciutto has details that and another plot the pair had allegedly planned. >> reporter: this busy california highway nearly became the site of a deadly terror attack. enrique marquez, long-time friend of san bernardino shooter syed farook, has told law enforcement the two watched
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videos of al qaeda cleric awlaki, became radical, and plotted in 2012 to throw pipe bombs on to the s.r. 91 freeway and then gun down motorists in the aftermath. the pair also planned to target riverside city college by planting pipe bombs in the crowded cafeteria. the deadly plot stopped not by law enforcement but by marquez himself who backed out in fear after other terror arrests around the same time. as time passed, marquez said the two then grew apart. >> the farook and marquez relationship is something that fbi agents and historyons and counterterrorism officials will be studying for years. >> reporter: three years later as gunfire rang out in san bernardino, marquez would immediate recognize his friend's handiwork. just hours after the shooting, marquez called 911 telling the operator, "the [ explosive ] used my gun in the shooting,"
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then, "oh my god." when the operator asked, "how do you want know it's your gun?" me responded saying, "they can trace all the guns to me." he claimed he gave farook the guns for safe storage. but police believe he bought them for deadly intentions in the aborted 2012 attack. following san bernardino, marquez is charged with providing material support to terrorism for his role in purchasing weapons used in the shooting. >> it is a statement by the fbi and by the administration that if you even come close to these caseser to helping them, we will -- cases or to helping them, we will charge you as if you are a terrorist yourself. >> reporter: this is a sliereri line of inquirey -- how could people with families in the u.s., day jobs, farook in the local government, international travel and communications, how did they avoid all surveillance by authorities but not arouse suspicions of friends and
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family. the president said lone wolf attacks like this are hard to detect and prevent. we saw that play out in the san bernardino shooting. jim sciutto, cnn, washington. mr. obama touched on the attack when he spoke earlier on friday at his final news conference of the year. the president highlighted his achievements, and he assured americans that he won't be a lame duck president during his final year. concerns over terrorism and defeating isis became a key focus. let's listen to a bit of the conversation that cnn's john berman had with our own fareed zakaria and john king about the president's end-of-the-year remarks. >> you know, listening to the president, his language choice and in dealing with isis, is interesting. he said, "isis is being squeezed inside syria and iraq." is this to reassure the american public or to battle back against people who's saying he's not
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doing enough? >> i think obama has a conception of american interests and security that says, look, we are very strong, we are very powerful, we are actually very secure. isis does not pose a threat to the united states the way the soviet union did with thousands of missiles pointed at us. it is a nasty, terrorist organization that is able to kill five americans here or a dozen or 14 here. he often points out that gun violence takes many, many more people. so i think part of what he's trying to do is to deliberately not not hype the threat but point out he's in control. >> when he says isis has been contained, later that day, that week, there's been a terror attack -- >> but john, to push back to explain what he think, he doesn't think he's been burned.
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he thinks cable news exaggerates the phenomenon and doesn't keep in mind that since 9/11 only 45 people have been killed by terrorist organizations. in that same period, 150,000 have been killed by guns. the argument, and you heard it again, is i don't like cable news. i don't like the way that you peddle this and exaggerate it. >> he's not just operating in this cable news environment. he's operating within a presidential campaign. he's not running. his name's not on the ballot. but his agenda very much is. >> and there's no -- there's no denying that one of the reasons he seemed behind, he didn't share the urgency of the american people after paris and after san bernardino, is because not only are people getting that from cable news, they're getting it from the republican candidates for president. you saw there, that was trademark obama again. he's calm. he's nuanced. he's measured. he says we're taking back 40% of the land and doing more sorties and doing this. he lays it out methodically.
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that sometimes has been a great political asset. at a time like this, sometimes it's a detriment. obama gave you his plan there and laid it out. trump gives it to you in a few words -- i'll bomb the bleep out of them -- with more passion and emotion. in the republican primary, people are looking for the anti-obama. in the country at large because they're hearing so much about the republican party perks the president can seem -- republican party, the president can seem too quiet at times. >> you poll the american people, terrorism is a leading issue. there are concerns. >> and have been events in the united states and around the world to cause concern. >> and i think part of the obama strategy, as freed noted, he doesn't want to be out every day explaining it because he doesn't want to overhype it and keep it in context. however, i think maybe he should be trying to explain it. saying, this is terrible, this is horrible, we're going do something about. think about the numbers -- maybe not always give the gun control numbers but give the terrorism numbers.
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that's the back and forth. being in a campaign environment, i think his preference is to ignore the republican campaign, especially because it's critical of him, and because he finds much of it not based in fact, not based really in this universe. that's how the president of the united states would find. he chooses to ignore it but has to realize more that his political environment is every minute shaped by it. >> this week for the first time, we sort of saw what the president thinks that would cost in terms of lives. he had this closed door meeting with op-ed columnist and thinkers and said he thought 1,000 u.s. troops would die a month and countless more injured in the battle. that was behind closed doors. he hasn't said that out loud, has he? >> he hasn't and, forgive me, it was a crime by reporters that these didn't try to get him to see publicly if the reports are to be believed -- and i believe they are to be believed -- in one of his off the record conversations. why didn't one of the reporters try to get the president to discuss that? remember, this is a president who came to office saying he was going to get us out of iraq and
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afghanistan. the last thing he wants to do is get us into syria. so should he explain those numbers to the american people more, especially when they're listening to candidates -- you know, most of the candidates don't want to put ground troops in. a few do. a few of them have talked about doing it -- you could send them in, we can do this, you have the blustery language of trump. should he do that, explain the costs, at least at a time when people -- i'll end on this, it's much easier to run for president than to be president. should he jump into the debate now and then? he chooses not to. maybe a lot of people wouldn't listen because he's in the last year of his president. it might be helpful. >> he said 100 lives a month lost, not 1,000. thank you very much. >> again, that was john berman speaking to fareed zakaria and john king about the president's end-of-the-year remarks. you are watching "cnn newsroom." ahead, u.s. presidential candidate bernie sanders launched a legal fight against his own democratic party.
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a look at the capital city of china. you see a thick smog choking the air. environmental authorities have issued another red alert, the highest level possible, because of the pollution. this is the second nightmare just a few weeks that -- second time in just a few weeks that we've seen. this officials say this alert, though, is just a precaution. to beijing and matt rivers standing by live. good to have you with us. can you explain to viewers how this round of pollution compares to the past couple of rounds that we've seen? >> reporter: pollution here and the way people feel about it in beijing is relative. i think if you took nearly anyone who doesn't live here and put them in today's environment, they would say this is terrible, it smells bad, looks bad. you can see it in the air. to most beijingers, today's pollution levels are pretty tame compared to what we've seen just
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over the past month in two other separate bouts of pollution that lasted for several days. it was late november until early december that we saw the air quality index soar above 600 here in beijing. today it's hovering around 00. and the -- around 200. and the world health organization it says should be around 25. that's a little context for you there. in terms of this red alert, the government is acknowledging that this latest round of haze, though not quite as bad as other rounds, is still enough to prompt some mandatory restrictions that would be keep being half of the city's cars off the roads. it would be keeping transportation trucks off the roads. it would be shutting down construction sites and factories. and come monday, schools and businesses will have the option to keep students and employees home for the day if they so choose. >>. >> so you explained what officials are doing. what are people in beijing doing with this situation?
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how are they dealing with it? you say it's common there. but you know, it's still dangerous for a good part of the population. >> reporter: absolutely. especially for levels like this, for people who have chronic respiratory illnesses think asthma, for example. this air does make an impact. you walk around streets in beijing. people are wearing pollution masks. here in the bureau, we have several air filters running continuously throughout the day and night. but that said, people here in beijing kind of tend to look at pollution the way someone who, say, lives in the american south would think about heat in the summertime. it's just a part of life. there's not much that can be done about it from their end. so it's just -- there's a quiet sort of frustrated resignation that even though the beijing government and the chinese government as a whole say they are doing what they can to combat pollution here, i don't think anyone in beijing believes things will get better any time soon. >> matt, i am hoping for you and the people in beijing for a
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good, strong win to push that out so you can get a little fresh air for a bit. thank you for your report there in beijing. we appreciate that. absolutely. big question, though, how long will the smog stick around in beijing? for that, let's bring in our meteorologist, karen maginnis at the world weather center. you know, i told matt about that wind. that going to happen any time soon? >> no because the air is going to be reasonably calm. this is really part of the problem -- there are a lot of factors here. one that doesn't get mentioned a lot is not just that the air is light and that there are a lot of cars. there are over 20 million people living in beijing. there is essentially a bowl area if you look at it. there are mountains to the north and west. and there are industrialized cities to the south and east. so everything, all those pollutants in the atmosphere, kind of settle down into this
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basin. it does need something atmospherically to blow it out. there are ongoing problems because there's coal being burned to keep warm. now the temperatures over the next several days are on either side of the average temperature. just around five degrees. it's not until thursday and then going through the weekend that we start to see those temperatures a little chillier. that's a double-edged sword because we are looking at colder temperatures. there's more coal that will be burned. at least there will be mixing in the lower levels of the atmosphere. that will be good. we've got this ridge of high pressure across the region. so that kind of you is perez the wind and -- suppresses the wind and doesn't allow particulates in the atmosphere to get mixed up very much. more of the activity is further east. this is the second time, the -- on the heels of december 7th. this is only the second time that they have issued this red
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alert. that means schools will be closed. they will regulate the number of cars on the highways. they will also regulate the industry that is spitting out a lot of pollution that goes into the atmosphere. a lot of components over the next several days. this looks to be a two to four-day event which could be deadly. >> thank you very much for explaining for us. now we move to u.s. politics and the u.s. democratic party. amid presidential candidate bernie sanders -- he may have declared an uneasy peace after a messy internal fight. the party says it will restore access by the standard campaign to a voter data base after akooa-- accusing his staffers of obtaining information from hillary clinton. this resulted after sanders sued the party. the party says it expects each campaign to operate with
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integrity. the sanders campaign said it was glad that the party had "capitulated" and reversed its outrageous decision. meanwhile, let's talk about donald trump. he has picked plenty of fights in his campaign. but he's going in another direction. some are even calling this a bromance between these men, mr. trump and vladimir putin. the two have traded plenty of compliments lately. while trump's praise for the russian president has drawn criticism, it has not affected the billionaire's lead among republicans vying for the white house. according to a new fox news poll, donald trump has 39% support. that is more than his next three competitors combined. two men trying to overtake trump -- tud cred cruz and marc rubio -- are in some ways cut from the same cloth. it hasn't stopped them from butting heads in debates and on the campaign trail. tom foreman looks at their similarities and differences.
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>> reporter: even in the fiery midst of the year's final gop debate, the fide between ted cruz and mark yo rubio stood out. >> marco knows what he's saying isn't true. >> what he's outlining is not to lead at all. >> reporter: both are cuban americans, both 44, both conservative, both junior senators from southern states. but that's where the similarities end. >> isis and radical islamic terrorism will face no more determined foe than i will be. >> reporter: when cruz lit up phrase business bombing terrorists, rubio said the texan had undercut funding for the very planes needed for the job. >> we'll be left with the oldest and smallest air force that we've ever had. >> reporter: talking about curbed data collection, cruz came right back -- >> the metadata program was a valuable tool we no longer have at our disposal. >> senator cruz? >> i would note that marco knows
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what he's saying isn't true. >> reporter: on it went on. immigration, rubio punching, cruz countering. >> i'm puzzled by his attack on this issue. ted, you support legalizing people who are in this country illegally. >> i understand that marco wants to raise confusion. it is not accurate, what he just said, that i supported legalization. >> reporter: the two have decidedly different political styles. even away from the debate stage. cruz is the go-it-alone crusader, often seen as uncompromising to a fault. and rubio tries harder to get along with the republican old guard even as he presents himself as a reformer. but what really has them at odds right now is math. the whole party looking to see who will emerge as the chief challenger to donald trump. and these two men know only one person can have that job. tom foreman, cnn, washington. you're watching "cnn newsroom." still ahead, the sea of
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migrantsmigrants entering europe about to hit the one more mark. even freezing temperatures aren't stopping some from risking it all for a chance at a better life. plus, the texas teenager who was given probation as punishment for killing four people while driving drunk. now the so-called affluenza teen is missing and may be on the run with his mom. ahead, randi kaye examines his parents' role in his behavior as this broadcast continues around the globe this hour.
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good to have you with us. i'm george howell. the headlines we're following -- the united nations security council has approved a new plan with the goal of ending syria's civil war. a u.n. envoy says it will be compromise but peace is possible. it calls for free elections in syria within 18 months. u.s. president barack obama says the families of victims of the california massacre are full of strength and love. just a few hours ago, mr. obama visited the victims' families and first responders involved in the attack in san bernardino, california, earlier this month. iraqi forces say they suffered casualties from friendly fire when the u.s.-led coalition led air strikes on isis positions near fallujah. there is no official report on the number of dead and wounded at this point. the coalition offered condolence and promised to investigate the incident thoroughly. spain is facing the most uncertain election in four
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decades. voters hit the polls on sunday. two new l'il parties are challenging the -- new political parties are challenging the new president. many spaniards say the economy has not improved enough, and polls predict no party will win a majority. voters in rwanda appear to have approved the constitutional change to allow the president to stay in office possibly until 2034. according to reuters news agency, the electoral commission expects the referendum to pass 98%. it is widely expected that the president will run again in 2017 despite calls from the west to allow a new generation of leaders to emerge. he's been running the country since 1994. hundreds of greeks and migrants are calling on european leaders to open their borders to migrants and refugees. they marched to piermt -- to
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parliament friday, international migrants day. they carried banners reading "bring down the fences," referring to countries like macedonia, hungary, and the balkan states. the number of migrants this year is likely to reach one million in the coming days, and most are fleeing poverty back home. most of the migrants entering europe are coming by a dangerous sea passage in greece. even the frigid temperatures of december aren't stopping them from loading on to flimsy vessels out of sheer desperation. cnn has been watching the stream of boats arriving into the greek island of lesbos and has this report. >> reporter: here on the greek island of lesbos, we are seeing dozens and dozens of refugees coming on boats. take a look around. this is the latest boat filled with people, mostly children. they are frozen to the bone, have to be given these kinds of theerls keep you nice and warm. the children, some of them have
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been crying. they're with their mothers and fathers also. some of them have made it to this island. this scene has happened multiple times since we have been here in just the last few hours. so far, five boats. you're also seeing the police who have helped bring in one of these boats. that was stranded out there and in in difficult, difficult waters. what we are seeing here is really the crisis ballooning. more and more refugees still coming even in the frigid temperatures, even in frigid waters. people so desperate, they need to get here and get here as fast as they can. most of these folks are from syria. most of them are looking for a better life. yes, there is always a concern, especially from the european union, as to the security problems, how to check who's who, to make sure they're not targets, especially hearing the latest information, the ringleader of the paris attack was on the greek island according to an investigator,
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able to get there and somehow make his way into europe. security a huge concern. and the biggest concern for these refugees is that europe may start closing the door to them in their biggest time of need. sara sidner, cnn, on the greek island of lesbos. >> that was sara sidner reporting. shifting now some of the world's most disadvantaged to a case involving someone so well off, his being spoil sudden news in his own legal defense. u.s. marshals hunting for ethan couch. the so-called affluenza teen was sentenced to probation after killing four people while driving drunk. now officials fear he is on the run and on the run with his mother. the actions of both of his parents have shocked a lot of people, as our randi kaye reports. >> reporter: soon after then-16-year-old ethan couch got drunk, drove, killed four people, and injured several others, he and his parents
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testified in a civil suit brought by one of the victims. in this 2013 deposition tape obtained by abc news, ethan couch talks openly about his drug use. >> taking valium, hydrocodone, marijuana, cocaine, xanax, vyvanse. i even tried ecstasy once. >> reporter: where did it gall wrong? early and often it seems. with a defense and psychologist placing the blame squarely at the feet of ethan's parents. >> ethan learned you should be able to do what you want to do when you want to do it. >> that message generally -- >> reporter: his father denying any blame. >> did you teach ethan that because your family was wealthy that the rules didn't apply to you? >> never. >> reporter: that doesn't square with fred couch's own behavior during a dwi stop in 1992.
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>> reporter: did you tell the arresting officer, "i make more in a day than you make in a year"? >> probably. >> reporter: more than 20 years later, cnn was unable to determine the outcome of the traffic stop. fred and tonya couch reportedly married in 1996. they divorced ten years later, remarried, but split again after the crash. ethan's mother worked briefly as a vocational nurse, according to "d" magazine. his dad owns a metal roofing company. he and his mother were close. ethan reportedly slept on a separate bed his mother had moved into her room. ethan couch often found trouble and few consequences. at 15 he was found drinking in a parked pickup with a naked, passed out 14-year-old girl. he wasn't punished. his mother couldn't recall the last time she disciplined him. >> you understood, did you not, that he was likely to continue the drinking and driving if
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there weren't consequences? >> i should have known that, yes. i really didn't think that that would happen again. >> reporter: the teen was allowed to drink at a young age, even drive himself to school at just 13. when the head of the school questioned that, his father threatened to buy the school. >> when he didn't buy the school, he pulled ethan out of the school. >> yes, he did. >> reporter: ethan couch's father found trouble, too. once posing as a police officer during a disturbance call. even displaying a fake badge. he was charged with false identification and is awaiting trial. now ethan's mother may be in hot water, too, on the run with her son. randi kaye, cnn, miami. the biotech executive once dubbed the world's most hated man, has stepped down as head of the pharmaceuticals company he leads. they appointed an interim ceo as
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martin's future endeavors may include 20 years in prison. he's been blasted for decisions including spiking the price of a lifesaving drug by more than 5,000%. you're watching "cnn newsroom." still ahead, mother teresa was already known as the saint of the gutters. now she will officially become a saint. you'll hear where pope francis said he was afraid of her. that's ahead.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. in calcutta, india, catholic leaders are celebrating. they're celebrating after learning that mother teresa is set to be declared a saint next fall. the albanian nun died 18 years ago. she was awarded the nobel peace prize in 1979. earlier i spoke with religion
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commentator father edward beck and asked about the miracles attributed to mother teresa. well, you made it two miracles to be declared a saint, to be canonized. the first miracle you're back to you atfied, and john ii put her on the fast true to beatification. that was in his lifetime. yesterday on, his birthday, pope francis deemed the second miracle attributed to mother teresa. and therefore, now, she will be canonized a saint in september. >> when it comes to the recognition of these miracles, how contend us tious is it to recognize them, to determine they're valley? >> there are all kinds of panels doing the investigation. medical doctors weigh in. witnesses weigh in. they have people who try to be contrarian as parts of the process and cast any doubt that they can upon it. if there's no other explanation like this miracle, this
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gentleman in brazil had a brain infection and tumors. he had been struggling a long time with illness. he was scheduled for surgery. his wife and priest had been praying for months to mother teresa for a cure. and just before the surgery, the doctors say he sat up, he was awake, tumors were gone, infection was gchblt agone -- ws gone, and no explanation. the man was also deemed to be sterile because of all the medications he was on, and he now has two children. this is the second miracle attributed to mother teresa and is part of her canonization process. >> you mentioned her commitment to the poor. some have been critical of mother teresa. some have said that she was more focused on the issue of poverty and less on the people, the poor. what are your thoughts? >> i find that rather remarkable and hard to believe because if you look at her life and her commitment to the poor, she certainly walked the talk. she got down on her knees and
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ministered to the poor in india her whole life. so for anyone to say that simply she talked about it, to me there's no vor affidavity y -- voracity to that statement. she was critiqued for some of the way fund-raising for the order got done. some of the ways in which she opposed contraception and abortion, and in places like india where there's a lot of poverty, people thought she shouldn't be so vidociferousvoc. that is church teaching. she is leaving church teaching. she was i are teaked for accepting -- she was critiqued for accepting money from dictators. yet her perspective is, look, if i'm giving money to help the poor, i don't care where it came from. maybe the one who took it from the poor is giving back to the poor. yes, she had her critics, but she had enough answers for them. her life is testimony that she definitely walked the talk.
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>> she is known around the world for her tireless work for the poor. and with pope francis, as well, it is a very important message for him on his travels, even here to the united states, his last trip. poverty, the issue of helping the poor. what was a very big focus. is there a sense that more teresa has -- that mother teresa has a very important place in the mind of pope francis? >> pope francis' history with mother teresa is rather interesting. he said while he greatly admired her, he was also kind of afraid of her. he said that -- >> what do you mean by that? >> he visited albania in 2014 and said when he met her, he was at a conference in rome in 1994, bishop sinced on. he happened -- synod. he happened to be seated near her. here you have this elderly nun in the synod of bishops and held back not one iota. she wasn't intimidated by the bishops. she spoke her mind and chastised
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them. pope francis is quoted as saying, "i would have been afraid to have her as my superior since she was so tough." >> father edward beck, cnn religion contributor, thank you very much for your insight. >> you're welcome. thank you. now, 350 kilometers above planet earth, the international space station has a new resident. astronauts there welcomed british astronaut tim peek. he spent his first day learning safety procedures and getting used to weightlessness. he's already given his first news conference, as well. >> the most unexpected thing i think was the blackness of space because we always talk about seeing the view of planet earth and how beautiful it is. so you've come to expect that. but what people don't mention that much is just when you look the opposite direction and you see how dark space is, i mean, it's the blackest black. you realize how small the earth is in that blackness.
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that was a real surprise to me. >> besides peake, from the u.k., two americans, two ukrainians, and a russian on board the iss. if you think the political tensions between some of the countries on the ground are carrying over up in space, you would be surprised. you'di inbe wrong. christiane amanpour spoke with scott kelly and his russian counterpart. >> i think one of the great things about the space station is that we have demonstrated that two cultures that are somewhat different and sometimes can be ad odds with one another over certain things have demonstrated that they can work together in a cooperative way at something very difficult for a long period of time. >> and mikhail, your view? >> translator: i can only join and say that the international station is free of any politics. we are very polite and always
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very considerate of each other in such discussions. furthermore, i would say that our work here and our cooperation on board the iss is a great example for all politicians because if they spent at least one month on board together, it would of probably resolved most of their problems and discussions on the ground. >> talk about a cool satellite interview this. the american space agency, nasa, says scott kelly will be making an unplanned space walk also in the coming days. you're watching "cnn newsroom." japan's senior community is growing, and it is gambling. when we come back, we visit a senior daycare where the stakes are a mind and body that are still in the game.
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especially, the pizza! about football is here... up your game with two large two-topping pizzas for only $7.77 each. better ingredients. better pizza. in japan, it's poker and other games of chance becoming a growing pastime for aging japanese. as will ripley reports, elderly gamblers aren't playing in casinos, and the payoff is a sharper mind.
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>> reporter: welcome to las vegas. no, not the american gambling mayor-elect amp we're in yokohama, japan, an hour from tokyo. this isn't actually a casino. it's a senior daycare center complete with slot machines, card games, and plenty of japanese senior citizens testing their luck. we're told the average age in this room, around 80. ♪ american pop music plays while they stretch. staff hands out fake money. casino gambling with real money is illegal in japanese. no cash or prizes handed out here. the big winner is recognized at the end of the day. the most popular games -- mah jongg and blackjack. gambling is a favorite pastime of seniors all over the world. here in japan's rapidly aging society, elder care is a booming business. one in four japanese are now over 65. japan has some 40,000 adult daycare, and dozens of these casino-themed daycares have opened in the last year. this company owned seven last year and plan to open five next
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year. they tell us on average about half of the patients who come here are -- here have alzheimer's or dementia. >> translator: we believe this supresses depencha. >> reporter: the chairman points to research from a japanese doctor who they compensate saying gambling stimulates the brain. studies show that recreational gambling in moderation can improve a senior's overall health and quality of life. these folks say they get lonely at home, and interaction with others helps. >> translator: i've lived alone for decades. many days i don't speak a word. i feel very depressed. here, we play games and talk. >> translator: i use my brain playing mah jongg and use my fingers. i believe it helps stimulate my mind. >> reporter: several japanese communities have banned or are considering banning gambling at senior centers, putting in jeopardy one of japan's favorite pastime for the fast-growing
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silver generation who apparently loves striking even fake gold. cnn, las vegas, japan. the controversy over head injuries in the national football league in america is about to be thrust back into the spotlight. the new film "concussion" opens christmas day in the united states. will smith plays the doctor who first connected football with chronic brain trauma among players. our rachel nichols sat down with the superstar whose oldest son played the sport. >> reporter: now that you know what you know, you said educating parents, would you let trey play football now? if he said, i want to play high school football, what would you say? >> i think i would say, son, listen, i love you, and if it were up to me, you could play, but your mother said no. >> the nfl says it made a number of changes to enhance player safety and that it will continue to do so. now, the force, the force is
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definitely with the new "star wars" movie. opening in theaters around the world, "star wars: the force awakens" has already earned a record-breaking $130 million in the u.s. alone and could gross more than half a billion dollars worldwide by monday. movie might have tracking services say if that happens, the new "star wars" could break the record for a debut weekend set earlier this year by "jurassic world." a lot of money. we thank you for watching this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. i'll be back after the break with another hour of news from around the world. you're watching cnn, the world's news leader.
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the u.n. security council unanimously backs a plan for peace in syria. with hundreds of thousands killed, millions displaced, is it too late for a political solution? comforting the victims of terror. president obama meets with families in san bernardino, california, hours after promising to ramp up the fight against terrorism. a legend in life becoming a saint in death. more on the pope's planned canonization of mother teresa. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm george howell. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. good day to you.
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we start with the long, bloody conflict in syria. and now hope. syria could find itself on a political path to peace. the u.n. security council unanimously approved the resolution on friday designed to end that country's civil war. the u.n. envoy to syria says implementing the accord will be an uphill struggle, but peace is possible. while this resolution lays the groundwork for a political solution, it does not address the issue of this man. what to do with syrian president bashar al assad? russia wants him to stay in power. the u.s. would prefer not. this are also other issues that need to be resolved including the question of which specific parties should be involved in the talks. cnn global affairs with this report. >> reporter: desperate to refocus the world's attention on isis, world powers, all stakeholders in syria, inch closer to agreement on a roadmap for ending the syrian civil war. >> we have agreed on a plan of
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action. the council's vote is an important boosted on the road to a political settlement. >> reporter: today the u.n. security council blessed those efforts beginning with a cease-fire between the regime and rebel forces and starting political talks early next year. nations can't even agree on which syrian groups to consider terrorists and which to include in the talks. >> translator: we are united on the front that terrorists of all stripes have no place in the talks. >> reporter: still unresolved, the fate of syrian president bashar al assad. >> i think that assad is going to have to leave in order for the country to stop the bloodletting. >> reporter: today former defense secretary chuck hagel told "foreign policy" magazine, president obama's decision in 2013 to stand down on strikes in syria ignoring his own red line on assad's use of chemical weapons, dealt a severe blow to
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u.s. credibility which many argue has given space for isis to grow and for russia to enter. as the coalition continues to pound isis targets in syria, including these strikes which helped thwart a massive isis attack, the u.s. has set its sights on the branch in libya, killing the affiliate's leader in an air strike last month. now these photos show u.s. military personnel on the ground in libya, help willing to beef up the libyan army's defense against jihadists. in a swing through the region, the secretary of defense warned isis global reach is never-ending. >> we're in syria and iraq, which is the -- the tumor of this movement. we are seeing nest of isil spring up around the world, including in afghanistan. >> reporter: a u.n. diplomat
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tells me the negotiations to be led by the united nations are only going to work if the u.s. and russia stay united. only they can put pressure on the regime and opposition groups to stay on track with the political process. and without them, this diplomat says, the u.n. will only be leading from behind. cnn, new york. now developing news out of turkey. the state-owned anadolo news agency is reporting the sinking of a refugee boat. it happened just off the turkish coast in the aegean sea. 18 refugees drowned when their wooden boat sank. turkey's coast guard was able to rescue 14 people. the boat was transporting 32 syrian and iraqi refugees to the greek island of kos. the sinking of that boat only reinforces the danger that these refugees face when they're fleeing their homes. still, boatloads of people continue to arrive every hour on the shores of greece.
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senior international correspondent sara sidner with more from the island of lesbos, greece. >> reporter: they cling to each other. one was an american volunteer, one a survivor. >> she wouldn't let go of me. she just felt safe. we're just trying to give her love. >> reporter: allison thompson has dedicated her life to caring for the most vulnerable. from new york during 9/11 to the shores of lesbos, greece, where tattered boats filled with refugees arrive daily. >> this was kind of a gentle landing, but it gets chaotic, especially at night. the screams are terrifying for us, too. everybody's screaming, and it's so dark. you don't see them until they're about ten feet from the shore. >> reporter: by 2:00 p.m., five distress boats filled with cold, wet people have been towed in.
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this family of five said they escaped from we are is three young children. "we left because of bombing from al assad. war, just war everywhere, fat" r father ahmad tells us. as long as the bullet teach flying, the waves -- bullets keep flying, the waves of people will keep coming. new details about the path of the ringleader of the paris attackers and two others mimic that was the refugees. >> there was a lot change that one bomber from paris passed through the greek islands. i think that you will gives support to the right wing parties and they're rising in all of europe. >> reporter: jason from athens is here to try to temper that fear, showing support for the refugees. jobless in a stagnant greek economy, he spend his days rescuing those far worse off.
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hundreds of thousands have made it to the greek island of lesbos. the vast majority on dangerous vessels like this rubber dinghy. desperate people often running from terrible atrocities with no other options. cnn, lesbos, greece. back now to the united states and the u.s. president barack obama. he made some unplanned remarks after meeting with survivors of the san bernardino terror attack. he stopped in san bernardino just a couple of hours ago before leaving for hawaii for christmas break. the president and first lady met privately with victims' families and with first responders. >> as difficult as this time is for them and for the entire community, they're representative of the strength and the unity and love that exists in this community and in this country. and as we go to the holiday
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season, even as we are vigilant about preventing terrorist attacks from happening, even as we insist that we can't accept the notion of mass shootings and public places -- in public places and places of work and worship, we have to remind ourselves of the overwhelming good that exists out there. and that we met some of those folks. despite the pain and heartache that they're feeling, they could not have been more inspiring. >> as for the investigation after that attack, a former neighbor of one of the attackers is due in court on monday for a bail hearing. he now faces terrorism charges in kwekz the massacre. cnn's kyung lah -- in connection with the massacre. cnn's kyung lah with the apparent radicalization of
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enrique marquez. >> reporter: enrique marquez seen here in federal custody on a terrorism charge. a man who posted facebook picture of himself in goofy grins, called himself anti-social, who friends saw as harmless and naive. plotting to unleash terror, says the fbi. [ sirens ] before. >> reporter: years before marquez would become a central figure in the san bernardino terror attack, he was a suburban california kid. childhood friend to syed farook. farook first introduced marquez to islam ten years ago. marquez began attending a corona mosque telling people he had converted. according to the criminal complaint, in 2010 farook introduced marquez to radical islamic ideas. farook showing marquez the lectures of american al qaeda recruiter anwar al awlaki. >> always comes down to that basic issue that it's disenfranchised youth. he felt an issue where he wanted to feel part of something.
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and unfortunately, being part of something in his view was being part of radical islam. >> reporter: investigators say the men soon began discussing carrying out their own terror attacks. marquez telling investigators he purchased two ar-15 rifles instead of farook because his appearance was caucasian while farook looked middle eastern. the men aimed to use their new guns in a rush hour attack. the 91 freeway, one of the most congested highways in southern california. marquez telling the fbi they discussed this hill. the lack of exits to detonate pipe bombs. farook would then move along, stop vehicles, killing trapped drivers. court documents say they also plotted to bomb the community college they both attended, targeting the library or cafeteria to kill as many as people. the arrest in 2012 on terror charges spooked marquez. he stopped plotting with farook. the men remained connected by
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marriage. marquez married this woman. she is the sister of the woman married to the gunman's brother. the fbi says marquez was paid $200 a month to marry the russian woman for legal residency. a sham. visible to neighbor brittany adams. >> you could tell that they were close. but i would never assume the sister and him were married. >> i never seen him with a woman in three years. i don't know. white shirt and pair of pants. looked like the pillsbury dough boy. >> reporter: marquez was living a lie, say co-workers at the bar where he worked for three years. as marquez wrote on his facebook page last month, he was leading multiple lives. he wrote, "involved in terrorist plots, drugs, anti-social behavior, marriage, might go to prison for fraud." marquez also does face charge for purchasing those ar-15 rifles for pac to that were eventually used in the massacre. this weekend, marquez is being held in los angeles in federal
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lockup. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles. mr. obama mentioned the attack when he spoke earlier on friday at his final news conference of the year. as he tried assure americans that he will be an active president during his final year, concerns over terrorism became front and center. here's senior white house correspondent jim acosta. >> reporter: just before leaving the white house for the holidays and hawaii, president obama had a spring in his step and a record he wanted to out to. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: even as he tried to deliver a reassuring message on the war on isis. >> our air campaign will continue to hit isil harder than ever, taking out their leaders, their commanders, and their forces. we're stepping up our support for partners on the ground as they push isil back. >> reporter: the president again insisted the law enforcement community is doing all it can to prevent so-called lone wolf terror attacks in the u.s. like the one in san bernardino including the monitoring of
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messages on social media. >> our law enforcement and intelligence professionals are constantly monitoring public posts. and that is part of the visa review process. >> reporter: on isis, the president said he will still insist on the departure of syria's embattled leader, bashar al assad. he hinted that allies of assad could remain. a potential shift from his earlier demands that assad must go. and one that could pave the way to a u.s./russian partnership to go after isis. the fallout from the terror attack in san bernardino has the potential to dramatically alter mr. obama's final years in office, pulling his attention away from big white house priorities. from a new executive action, the president is planning on gun control to his long-sought goal of closing the terror detention center at guantanamo. >> it will be an uphill battle. >> public these republican candidates -- judge. >> reporter: as the race for the white house, president obama steered clear of his feelings for donald trump and the rest of the republican field.
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sounding con tis dent not one of them will follow him into the oval office. >> i think we have have a strong democratic nominee. i think that nominee will win. i think i will have a democratic successor. >> reporter: he also took time to praise new house speaker paul ryan for shepherding a massive $1 million spending bill through congress without a threat of a government shutdown. proof, he said, that the parties can work together. >> i want to give speaker ryan credit. kudos to him, as well as all the leaders and appropriators who are involved in this process. >> reporter: on his last scheduled day in washington of 2015, the president commuted the sentences of nearly 100 mostly nonviolent drug offenders. part of the president's bipartisan pitch for criminal just reform. >> there has been sincere, serious negotiations and efforts by democrats and republicans to create a criminal justice system that is more fair, more
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evenhanded, more proportionate. >> reporter: on his way to his family vacation in hawaii, he stopped in the san bernardino to meet with the families of the victims of the terror attack there. the president said during his news conference he won't be a lame duck in his final year of eight years in office, saying he plans to leave everything on the field. cnn, the white house. you're watching "cnn newsroom." ahead, beijing facing another highest level warning because of smog. ahead, the weather conditions that led to the latest red alert in the capital of china. plus, a crowded field and infighting among republican hopefuls. we'll get into the newfound rivalry between these men. oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever.
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the u.s. democratic party and presidential candidate bernie sanders have declared an uneasy peace after a messy internal fight. the party says it will restore access by the sanders campaign to a voter data base after accusing his staffers of wrongly accessing information belonging to rival hillary clinton. the dispute was resolved after the sanders camp sued the party. the party now says it expects each campaign to operate with integrity. the sanders campaign said it was glad that the party had "ka pip lated -- "capitulated and reversed its ridiculous decision." the campaign of donald trump
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has made him the target of widespread criticism. but that's not done anything to slow him down, according to the latest national poll from fox news. it has 39% support for mr. trump. more than his three closest rivals combined. and two men trying to overtake donald trump -- ted cruz and marco rubio -- are in some ways cut from the same cloth. that's not stopped them from butting heads in debate and on the campaign trail. cnn's tom foreman looks at the similarities and differences. >> reporter: even in the fiery debate, the fight between ted cruz and marco rubio stood out. >> marco knows what he's saying isn't true. >> it sounds like she's outline think to lead at all. >> reporter: in ways, the clash might seem surprising. both are cuban americans, both 44, both conservative, both junior senators from southern states. that's where the similarities end. >> isis and radical islamic terrorism will face no more
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determined foe than i will be. >> reporter: when cruz lit up phrases about bombing terrorists, rubio said the texan had undercut funding for the very planes needed for the job. >> we are going to be left with the oldest and smallest air force we have ever had. >> reporter: when rubio rail good cruz-backed legislation to curb government data collection, cruz came right back. >> the metadata program was a valuable tool that we no longer have at our disposal. >> senator cruz? >> well, i would note that marco knows what he's saying isn't true. >> reporter: and on it went. on immigration, rubio punch, cruz countering. >> as far as ted's record, i'm always puzzled by his attack on this issue. you support legalizing people who are in this country illegally. >> i understand that marco wants to raise confusion. it is not accurate, what he just said, that i supported legalization. >> reporter: the two have decidedly different political styles, even away from the debate stage. cruz is the go-it-alone crusader, often seen as uncompromising to a fault.
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and rubio tries harder to get along with the republican old guard even as he presents himself as a reformer. what really has them at odds right now is math. the whole party is looking to see who will emerge as the chief challenger to donald trump, and these two men know only one person can have that job. tom foreman, cnn, washington. now, take a look at the thick layer of smog choking china's capital. beijing environmental authorities have issued another red alert, the highest level possible, because of the pollution that you see here. this is the second final just a few weeks that this has happened. officials there say this time the alert is just a precaution. to beijing we go, our matt rivers standing by live for us. matt, good to have you with us. can you explain to our viewers how this round of pollution compares to the past couple of rounds that have happened.
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>> reporter: in comparison to beijing december 6th through 9th, the bout with pollution isn't as bad. that said, let's put it into context. today's air quality index has hovered around 200 in most parts of the city. the world health organization says that for a healthy air quality index, the number should be 25 or lower. so it is a very relative thing to say that the air pollution isn't that bad in beijing today. when you compare it, though, to what we saw in late november where the air quality index soared above 600, the air seems downright clean today. so it is a very relative thing, pollution here in beijing. but it is bad enough that the government has acknowledged that this red alert was needed, according to chinese law. the criteria for a red alert would suggest that there has to be a forecast of 200 or above on
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the air quality index for three days or more. as a result of that, certain mandates immediately go into effect. that would be closing certain construction sites, that would be the shutting down of certain factories, that would be eliminating about half of the cars off the roads here by putting in an odd/even license plate restriction. and then come monday, schools will have the option to be shut. school administrators have the option to keep their students home. while not as bad as we've seen other times here in beijing, this pollution certainly making its impact felt here in china's northern part. [ no audio ] in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. are you watching "cnn newsroom." it is good to have you with us this hour. i'm george howell. the headlines we're following for -- the united nations security council has unanimously approved an international roadmap for peace in syria. it endorses a timeline for political transition calling for peace talks to begin next month and elections to begin by mid 2017. voters in rwanda appear to have approved the constitutional change to allow the president to stay in office possibly until 2034. according to reuters news agency, the electoral commission expects the referendum to pass by 98%.
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the president has been running the country since 1994. the campaign for u.s. presidential candidate bernie sanders has reached a deal with the democratic party to regain access to a voter data base. sanders filed the lawsuit against the party on friday after it withheld that data. it accused his staffers of accessing information belonging to his rival, hillary clinton. u.s. president barack obama says the families of the victims of the california massacre are full of strength and love. just a few hours ago, mr. obama visited with the families, the victims' families, and first responders to the attack in san bernardino earlier this month. back to our top story, the story we were covering earlier. this red alert of smog in the capital of china, and the question now of how long it will stick around. the answer is not looking too good. for that, let's go to meteorologist karen maginnis at the world weather center with more. karen? yes, and over the last seven hours, i'd watched the air
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quality index across the cities in northeastern china. they've gone up not substantially but incrementally. that leads us to believe that this kind of projection of what we anticipate over the next four days is actually going to become a reality. as we look at the very unhealthy, not-yet-hazardous areas, once you get over that, 200 to 500, that's when you're looking at very unhealthy and very hazardous. with a city of 22 million people, there's a certain level of pollution that you might anticipate or expect. what we're looking at is coal burning, an ongoing problem. the level of industry that takes place around beijing. there's also kind of a geographic component. i'll explain that in one second. the next several days, temperatures going to be on either side of what the normal
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temperature for this year in beijing. single digits, overnight lows, chilly. then as we go into the latter portion of the week, that's when we're looking at much colder temperatures. that's when we'll start to see the mixing in the lower levels. i said that there was kind of a geographic component associated with the pollutants that have become so very apparent especially in the last few weeks where they've only had one other red alert. this is the second in as many weeks. you've got mountains to the west and north. to the south and east, a basin where all of the pollutants are collecting. they build and build until something moves through to push them out. that's going to happen later in the week. until then, they'll have to close schools, regulate traffic and regulate the amount of industrial pollution over the next several days.
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george, back to you. >> so karen, you say it will be pushed out, but later in the week. >> yes, it's about a two to four-day event, it looks like. >> thank you very much. in the aftermath of the spartan attack, security has been heightened. about an hour away from that town, disneyland has installed metal detectors. other amusement parks are also stepping up security. cnn has this report. >> reporter: before you can walk into the happiest place on earth -- ♪ >> reporter: -- you might first have to walk through one of these. disney is beefing up security at its theme parks in california and florida, adding metal detectors to screen people who are randomly chosen for screening. this in the wake of attacks in san bernardino and paris and in time for the busy holiday season. >> they should amp up security. >> we have extremely gift gun
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laws than you do. i have no problems with walking through a metal detector to go disneyland or anywhere else if it keeps me and my family safe. >> reporter: just last week, a miami man was arrested for carrying a loaded gun just outside magic kingdom. authorities in florida say he didn't have the proper permits to carry it. there's no news if it had any connection to the move this week. disney releasing a statement that reads, "we continually review our comprehensive approach to security and are implementing additional security measures as appropriate." those measures include the presence of additional uniformed police officers, the use of specially trained dogs to patrol key areas, and new policies banning the sale or possession of toy guns on disney property. also, only children under 14 will be allowed to wear costumes inside the park.
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>> especially with what's going on in the world. i think with a big place like disneyland or disney world, sorry, with all the people that are there, i think those safety measures are a little bit appropriate. >> reporter: and disney isn't the only one ramping up securitiment universal studios and sea world both announcing that they, too, are adding metal detectors to their screening process. >> that was cnn's elena machado reporting. in new jersey, a high school teacher is suing her school district. she claims she was fired for talking about islam and for showing students a video of the muslim teenager who won the 2014 nobel peace prize. cnn's don lemon spoke with the teacher and her attorney. >> reporter: you were one of several teachers to show the -- this film, right, of the nobel peace prize winner, malala. why did you decide to show this
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video? >> it's the -- story is not about the video. first of all, it's not my fault, it's jon stewart, "the daily show." i love him. one of my students, jesse chan, sends me links to all his shows. so i listened to it. the teacher was showing it. she sent me the link. as a high school teacher, she's a role model for all my students. >> someone had shown it before you who wasn't muslim, and there was no problem. i want to play a clip of what you showed in the class. here it is. >> i used to think that he would come and kill me. then i said, if he comes, what would you do, malala? then i would reply to myself that, malala, take a shoe and hit him. then i said -- [ laughter ] then i said, if you hit him with your shoe, there will be no
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difference between you and them. you must not treat others with that much cruelty and harshly. you must fight others but through peace and through dialogue and through education. then i said, i'll tell him how important education is and that i even want education for your children as well, and i would tell him, that's what i want to tell you. now do what you want. >> what was the objection to that? >> the objection, the administration called me come right now. they said parents complained that this muslim teacher is bringing too much from her own culture. and i was asked to stop doing current events for the rest of the year. this is not about current events. it's about how the administration handled that issue. handled the parent. instead of discussing it with one or two parents of the 22 students i showed in different classes. they attacked me. i was asked to be changed.
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>> is it true that you were prohibited from mentioning islam in your high school classes -- >> yes. >> after the parents, local religious leaders complained to school administrators, is that correct? >> i heard from many staff and local people that a lot of people have been complaining about the muslim teacher -- >> what did you hear? >> that i'm bringing so much about my culture and islam to current event. and current events are chosen by students. if a student has misconception, misunderstanding, i explain it. it's my duty as -- i'm a muslim, i'm a palestinian, i'm an arab, and i'm a proud american. >> right. >> as an american citizen, it's my duty to address, and as a muslim, misconception, misunderstanding of staff and people it islam. islam is a beautiful religion. if people understand it well. it's my duty to explain things.
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all i did -- i explained her role as a young woman. >> so i guess the parents and some of the administrators didn't feel that it was her duty to do, that right? >> yes. >> i know it's a longer story, it's a process. explain how you got involved in this. >> my client called me and said that i'd like to speak with you. she came to the offices. she explained everything. and i said, that's discrimination. they treated her differently from other students, from other teachers because of who she was. she was a palestinian. she was a muslim, an arab. where other teachers were able to show the video. and -- which is very something. the video actually is very positive. >> yeah. >> it shows how taliban, they would not allow children who were, you know, to be able to be educated, specifically women. she was -- what happened to her when she was shot. she was on her bus, on her way to school. >> exactly. >> so then what -- what do you
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-- do you think they felt this was too political possibly for school or for the students and that you shouldn't be -- i'm trying to understand this. >> the issue is if a social studies teacher, a history teacher does not bring current events, controversial which is 24 hours in the media, to the classroom, who's going to do it? a science and math teacher? it's my responsibility. when students bring a current event add to it, explain it. so i was treated as you're missouri and should not talk about islam -- you're muslim and should not talk about islam. >> cnn reached out to the school district to hear their story. cnn still waiting to hear back from them. similar fears and anger shut down an entire school system in the u.s. state of virginia on friday. the backlash was all over a school homework assignment. jason carroll with the story. >> reporter: what happened here gives a sense of how sensitive
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some communities are in the united states to anything that has to do with the muslim people or the religion of islam. the homework assignment was handed out in a world geography class at riverheads high school in stanton, virginia, about 150 miles west of washington, d.c. and we should be clear this was a calligraphy assignment. the ninth grade students were asked to copy arabic writings. according to the school district, the assignment said, here is the islamic statement of faith written in arabic. in the space below, try copying it by hand. this should give you an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy. a number of parents were upset by the assignment. throughout the week, the school district received threatening emails and calls about that assignment. as a result, the district canceled all classes today. 10,0 10,000 students not attending class. many parents accusing the teacher of trying to indoctrine ate their children with islam.
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somewhat some parents and children speaking out. >> we just learned to write hello, good-bye, you know, normal words, not that. >> i will not have my children set under a woman who indoctrinates them with the islam religion when i am a christian. i want to stand behind christ. >> reporter: the august us school district released a statement about the assignment saying, "as we have emphasized, no lesson was designed to promote a religious viewpoint or change a student's religious belief. all those students will ton learn about world religions, as required by the state board of education, and the commonwealth standards of learning a different, nonreligious sample of arabic calligraphy will be used in the future." we should also point out that i did speak to a local sheriff there who says that this assignment was taken from a standard workbook on world religions. this is an assignment that had been handed out before with no repercussions. we should also point out that a
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number of students support the teacher and the coloaggressive assignment. we also reached out -- cal graphy assignment. we also reached out to the teacher but were unable to reach her. jason carroll, cnn, new york. you're watching "cnn newsroom." ahead, mother teresa, she cared for the sick and cared for the poor. now she will become a saint. we will tell you about the second miracle that's attributed to her. everything you love about football is here... especially, the pizza! up your game with two large two-topping pizzas for only $7.77 each. better ingredients. better pizza. at&t knows the best kind of holiday... is the kind where everyone gets what they wished for. make this holiday extra happy when you buy one get one free on our most popular smartphones... like the samsung galaxy s6. buy one get one free. so spread some cheer. and capture every minute of it.
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that's after pope francis recognized a second miracle attributed to her. the albanian nun cared for the poorest of the poor in the slums of calcutta, india. she was awarded the nobel peace prize in 1979, and she died 18 years ago. joining us is father edward beck, cnn religion contributor. father beck, it is good to have you with us. mother teresa to be declared a saint next year all due to a miracle. tell us about this miracle. >> reporter: >> well, you need two miracles to be declared a saint, to be canonized. the first miracle, you're beatified, and john paul ii beatifiied more trees amp he pu her on -- mother trees amp he put her on the fast track to beatification. yesterday on his birthday, pope francis deemed the second miracle attributed to mother teresa. and therefore, now, she will be canonized a saint in september. >> when it comes to the recognition of these miracles,
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how contentious is it to recognized them? how do you determine whether they're real? >> well, there are all kinds of panels doing the investigation. the medical doctors weigh in. witnesses weigh in. they have people who try to be contrarian as part of the process and cast any doubt that they can upon. if there's no other explanation like this miracle, this gentleman in brazil had a brain infection and tumors. he had been struggling a long time with illness. he was scheduled for surgery. his wife and priest had been praying for months to mother teresa for a cure. just before the surgery, doctors say he sat up, he was awake, tumors were gone, infection was gone. no explanation. the man was deemed to be sterile because of the medications he was on. he now has two children. this is the second miracle attributed to mother trees amp and as part of her canonization
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process now. on to spain, facing the most uncertain election in four decades. voters there will go to the polls on sunday as two new political parties challenge the conservative establishment. many spaniards say the prime minister has not done enough to improve the economy. his party also faces a corruption scandal. polls predict no party will win a majority. you're watching "cnn newsroom." and the build-up has been tremendous. the release spectacular. in india at least, the power of hollywood is even stronger than the force. we'll explain. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help
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"star wars" is lighting up movie screens in nearly every corner of the world. but the force hasn't awakened in india where even han solo and princess leia can't compete against bollywood royalty. we have the story. i will finish what you've started. >> reporter: for much of the world, there's only one must-see movie in town this week. it's so famous, i don't even need to mention its name. but don't count on seeing you
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know what in india this week. audiences there are being treated to a box office battle between bollywood blockbusters. a war between stars of hindu cinema. that means a certain sci-fi film is shoved back by a week. ♪ >> reporter: first there's bollywood's leading lady in an epic historical romance. ♪ >> reporter: and then there's the actor known as the king of bollywood, sharuk kahn, rekindling his on-screen partnership with the action/comedy/drama/thriller. in short, a classic bollywood blockbuster. >> this is our christmas time release which is normally for families. this film kind of has all that.
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maybe little more than "star wars." so they must have saw it at least in the indian context. now indian films have a wide release and compete about with -- competed with the local cinema. >> it has a lot of intrigue actually. has a very interesting storyline. it's got a little drama. it's got a huge number of songs. ♪ >> a symboly wood film comprises of making sure that everyone in the family from the little children to the grand mom and even the great grandmom -- >> can sit comfortably together -- >> watch it together and have something in it for them. the storyline needs to be a little simplistic for that. the humor needs to be over the top, sometimes. the action there for the boys, and romance there for the teenagers. ♪ >> reporter: just about the only genre not represented is sci-fi.
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and while king chan is hoping to rule the box office this weekend, he's making space next week for a certain other movie. >> wiemtii'm waiting for "star " i feel bad it's coming a little later. but i think in the wisdom of things and really, really good for us, may the force be with us this christmas. ♪ >> nothing will stand in our way. >> reporter: except it seems a symboly wood blockbuster. cnn. >> "star wars: the force awakens" has already earned a record $57 million in north american preview showings thursday alone. the old record was more than $43 million for the last "harry potter" movie in 2011. disney expects its sci-fi adventure to top $200 million this weekend. wow. "the force awakens" inspired one family to mark a special arrival
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last -- very lasting way, i should say. their infant son born on the same day that this movie opened in the u.s., now bears the name, you've got it, jedi. reporter jack harper of boston's wcvb has the story. are you in the news? nice to see you. >> you, too -- >> reporter: at winchester hospital just after delivering her new son -- >> who is this? >> this is riker jedi gracie. >> reporter: denies, jim, a and-year-old noah big "star wars" fans. the arrival timed with the movie opening made the name seem natural. >> i don't know. just kind of seemed appropriate. >> we were watching the news this morning while we were waiting to have him. it was all over the news. now is the time do. it. >> reporter: going to take time getting used to. his name is what? >> ricard -- >> jedi. >> i keep forgetting the name. >> reporter: grandma is okay with it now. did you think that was a good choice? >> oh, yes.
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oh, yes. different, that's good. >> i thought i had seen it all. i've been doing this a long time. never delivered a jedi before. >> reporter: dr. cole says the arrival was picture perfect. just like something out of a movie. >> he just flew right out like a true jedi. >> reporter: does this mean you're not going to get to see the movie? you're going to be busy? >> apparently. we haven't bought our tickets. everybody was bothering us if we bought our tickets, and just never did it. >> primabe ablably -- presumabl from "star trek" and jedi from "star wars." ahead, "new day," and and others around the world, "amanpour" starts in a moment. you're watching cnn, the world's news leader. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days
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>> breaking overnight, a deal between bernie sanders and dnc. >> i think i'm going to do well with everybody. i think i'm going to win. we're a country that doesn't win. we can't beat isis. which don't win wars. >> new polls giving donald trump more confidence. trump promising better relations with russia. >> i look at his achievements him he's got no achievements. he's got
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