tv Reliable Sources CNN December 20, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PST
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accurate. the united states actually came in fifth. as people go to the polls in the coming year, let's hope their votes are based more on reality and less on perceptions. we express our best wishes to all who are celebrating this month. merry christmas, season's greetings and happy new year. good morning, it's time for reliable sources. our weekly look at the story behind the story of how news and pop culture get made. ahead this higher, are news outlets tilting the scales in favor of hillary clinton? bernie sanders has been blasting the networks and his campaign manager will join me live. later, "star wars." we are about to find out if the new flick set an all-time box office record. the data will come in in a few minutes, and the famed film critic, a.o. scott, will be here to talk about it. first this morning, an error in the "new york times." it seems as if the times had
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broken a big story. it says the u.s. visa process missed the san bernardino wife's online zealotry. it reported that the woman passed three background checks by u.s. immigration officials and that, quote, none uncovered what ms. malik made little effort to hide. it makes it sound like she was posting on facebook for everyone to see and the u.s. ignored it. this bombshell quickly became politicized and was even cited at tuesday's republican debate here on cnn. >> we didn't monitor the facebook posting of the female san bernardino terrorist because the obama dhs thought it would be inappropriate. >> and then we now learn that dhs says no, we can't check their social media. for heaven' fakes every parent in america is checking social media and every player as well. >> but that story was wrong.
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on wednesday, fbi director james comey revealed that malik's social media activity was in fact private, incrypted and invisible to the public. he calls the times story a garbillion l. this is the second time recently that the has happened. over the summer they reported that the justice department was considering a criminal investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails. the world criminal was wrong. that article was written by two of the same reporters that wrote the san bernardino story. so does the times as a whole have a serious problem with its use of anonymous sources? let's bring in our panel to discuss this beginning with media critic for the baltimore sun -- david, does something
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need to change at the "new york times"? >> yeah, absolutely, brian. but the big question here is the times said it was a problem with the sources and their public editor's comments said we have to rethink the whole notion of what we're doing with using anonymous sources, blah, blah, blah, but that sounds like naming unanimous sources. here's the question i have and why i didn't think their explanation was so great. if you're getting this kind of explosive information from law enforcement officials and they don't know the difference between messages that are private or even encrypted versus public messages in social media, what kind of sources are they and why are you taking this information from them? that's number one. number two, brian, is nobody in the "new york times" whole chain of editing said, hey, were these private messages by any chance? if i wrote that story just because of my age, somebody from
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the digital desk would either say to me or my editor, does he know that there's private messages, or the assistant manager would weigh in. that's astonishing to me. for the times to make it sound like the sources were somehow to blame is not the answer here. the answer is why are you using sources to tell you about social media when they don't understands it, and number two, why didn't anybody in that editing chain raise that question? >> jane, i see you want to jump in. >> i think law enforcement sources often have gotten things wrong or had an agenda. i agree with david, it seems almost to come into the area of you need to say as a reporter what are we talking about here and be sure that you and the source are talking about the same thing. i saw that the homeland security secretary jeh johnson was quoted as saying we have been looking
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into social media. it is more than a gar billion. you have to have a high level source or they're telling you something and you need to be sure you're talking about the same thing. that's journalism 101. i don't want to second guess the times too much but you do need to be sure you're talking about the same thing. >> the times has acknowledged this was a big error. the executive editor telling the public editor this was a system failure and there has to be a review of what happened. the reason this matters more than anything else is debates happen as a result. people argue about policy as a result. but when we saw the candidates on stage on tuesday they were arguing in some ways based on misinformation. >> they were making suppositions about why supposedly the department of homeland security didn't look into social media or they weren't able to look into social media. they were taking a little bit of information and they were adding a bunch of things that they couldn't possibly know on top of it. but that's politics. getting back to the journalism
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issues here, we saw this happen in the boston bombing where there were erroneous reports about an imminent arrest and there were erroneous reports about who the suspects were. several media outlets reported based on the words of anonymous sources. if we know who these sources are that are passing along this important information, then the reader can judge how valid they are. if the information turns out to be wrong, they'll have to bear the responsibility. and we can also tell whether or not those sources have spoken to other news agencies and other news agencies may be basing their reports on the same flawed source. when that source is kept anonymous, we have no way of judging whether it's the source's fault or the outlet's fault. and then to compound that, we don't get a great explanation from the news outlet about why they made the mistake in the first place or how they're going to change things so they don't make this mistake again. >> we need to hear more about
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why there wasn't questions raised as this story made its way up through the chain and we also need to know what are they going to do. frankly, they need to reduce their use of anonymous sources and push these law enforcement sources to go on the record, which they say things this important. >> i do think we'll hear more in the weeks to come. we saw dan gilmore this week proposing this journalists should out anonymous sources if those sources lie to them. let's ask this question, should president obama be watching more cable news? if he had been in the wake of the san bernardino attack, this is some of what he would have seen. this is cnn breaking news. >> here we go again. breaking news into cnn. reports of an active shooter. >> you are looking live at the scene of the latest deadly rampage to stun our nation. >> the number of wounded has
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gone up to 17. >> a foreign sounding name that you're looking into. >> syed farook appears to have been radicalized. >> this woman pledged her allegiance to al-baghdadi. >> today for the first time the feds described this attack as terror. >> now, you might think cable news create things or reflect the anxiety in the country. at a private meeting this week, mr. obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in paris and san bernardino. that's according to the times white house correspondent peter baker. you can see his story there. but that passage was later cut out of the print edition which touched off a new controversy. there's two issues for us to talk about. eric, let's start with what critics of the times are calling a stealth edit. some are saying the times are covering for obama by hiding an
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embarrassing admission and keeping it out of the printed edition. do you think that's true? >> we have no way of knowing this. >> they say they ran out of space. they say they had to cut this for space constraints. and i used to work there. i know the stories do get trimmed for space all the time, but i see it in your eyes there. >> obviously, this is an important admission. to take it out of the story for space concerns raises additional questions about the sensibility of their editors. but if they're willing to admit that they cut something that important out of a story for space, if they're willing to admit to that kind of error, i guess we have to take them at their word. >> it deserves its own story. >> i do want to say what we know about obama is that, a, he has often talked about how he doesn't watch cable news. what we also know about obama is that he tends to try to be the cool head in the room when things -- when emergencies happen and people are getting very emotional on television.
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so i don't think it's surprising that his initial response to these attacks was to try to take a step back and try to be the cool head in the room. he, i think, has often had a hard time doing the hand holding part of the presidency which is when emergencies happen to have to help people deal with them emotionally. you have to tell us all that things are going to be okay. that's part of the job of being president and it's something that i think he's never been particularly as good at as it may be at other things. so i think that's one reason why we saw this and i wonder if too much is being made of this admission anyway. >> the bottom line i think about the journalism here, jane, the story in print was longer but they trimmed out the cable news paragraph. you got to be transparent about it and there should have been a followup story about this specific issue. cnn dylan buyers confirmed the information, it is true the president said this in this private meeting. i think it's worthy of its own
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story. >> when i read it, i've been writing about the swift boat of 2004, how the kerry campaign didn't thing it was a big deal because they were watching only the broadcast tv news. i think there are go issues here. i think it's well past time for president obama to know about the anxiety that is on cable news, whether they are amplifying it or repeating it or whether it is for real. he should know that. and he clearly likes to talk to columnists and have a forum and get his ideas out there anonymously. the irony of this is to take it out and have david ignatius of the "washington post" who was there apparently wrote the same piece, then it really looks like what happened? did the white house complain and ask the times to take it out. then as eric said, we don't know. not noknowing leads to a lot of conspiracy media theories that they were afraid they were embarrassing him or perhaps the white house said, hey, this was off the record when, in fact, it's not off the record if it's
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in the "washington post." >> brian, i think i countdown 18 paragraphs in that story and there's at least 15 of them that i would have cut before that one. i think you wrote that it was the most important paragraph in the story and i think you're right. when we talk about systematic editing issues, the times has to look at that. how could a copy editor cut that and nobody -- the chief of the copy desk, nobody up the line -- when they edited my column at the baltimore sun on sunday, the editor will say you're long and we got to did you tell something and my editor will get involved. this is outrageous that the "new york times" -- somebody cut it on the desk. we don't know how that happened. that's not an explanation. >> i'm a little long here but i hope the editors of the times are watching and i hope the president is also watching. stick around for us. we're going to come back in a moment here. this coming up, bernie sanders camp claims there's a media blackout against a candidate. his campaign manager will join
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ever since bernie sanders entered the presidential race i've been hearing from his fans, hundreds of them, who believe he's not getting enough media coverage. there's been lots of coverage but not the kind he wants because of a data breach by campaign aides. last night on abc, sanders apologized for the breach and said he would fire anyone who was found to be involved.
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i wonder if this is a case where as they say all press is good press. let's ask sanders' campaign manager jeff weaver. thank you for being here. >> thanks, brian. >> is this a situation where the press is interested in scandal, interested in sensationalism, your campaign versus hillary clinton and you versus the dnc but not paying attention to policy? >> look, i think what the complaint has been and i think you hear it from a lot of people and i think people who watch the news see it, too often the media, the mainstream media, treats politics like it's a football game or a soap opera or some personality conflict. what politics is supposed to be about how we address the real issues affecting americans. it's easy to cover what the media perceives to be some kind of conflict or strife, but they don't -- it's much harder to
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cover complicated economic and social issues in this country. >> were you disturbed that this was the first question at the debate last night? david muir and martha raddatz went right at this issue? >> was i surprised? >> were you disturbed about it? >> no. it's been in the news the last few days. obviously there were serious issues raised. the fact that the dnc's fire wall fell, some young staffers on our campaign actually did the wrong thing. one has been fired and two others suspended while we finish our investigation. other disciplinary action has been handed out. there's no doubt something wrong happened there. in a stunning move the dnc then cut off access to us having access to our own data, giving our campaign the death penalty. we had to go to federal court to get it back. there are elements of that story which raise some serious concerns. it doesn't surprise me or disturb me that it was asked
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first. we fully expected that that was going to be the case. >> do you think the dnc could be leaking to the media? you all have been concerned all the along that the dnc is trying to help the clinton campaign. >> there was another fire wall failure at the dnc back in october that we discovered. we reported it at that time to the dnc. it seems to us pretty clear that a bunch of our data probably was compromised. we didn't run to the media. we didn't raise a big stink about it. in this particular instance, the dnc, i think, clearly was talking to the media. they had documents, activity logs that we needed to do our investigation that they had, that they were leaking to the media and not giving to us. so yes, it was clearly an attempt to gain political points instead of really helping this investigation. >> let me ask you about this issue of fair coverage. recently your campaign put out a press release with a provocative headline. it said it was a bernie blackout
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on network news cast. this shows that sanders have been covered a whole lot less than clinton on the nightly news. what are you doing to gain more media attention? >> what we're going to do is talk about the issues. whether the media chooses to cover it or not, we have more support than donald trump does in our race than he does in his race frankly in terms of numbers of supporters and yet he gets a tremendous amount of coverage because he says outrageous things. >> that's an incomplete answer. you must be lobbying behind the scenes for more attention, calling the networks demanding more air time. >> that's not how we play it. we put out press releases, hold press veevents and the media ca choose whether they want to come or not. how much they actually put on the air is a totally different question. >> sanders likes to say that --
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likes to refer to the press as the corporate media, the mainstream media. do you think you're purposely being downplayed because of your economic message that makes broadcast companies owned by media companies uncomfortable or not about that? >> i think what it is, as you watch the news, you too often do not see anything that reflects the real struggles that middle income and working families face in this country. the senator went to baltimore recently to the area where freddie gray was murdered in baltimore. how often does the media report on communities like that that have been abandoned by our society that do not have an economic investment, a lot of despair and lack of hope? where is the ongoing media coverage of those kinds of quiet tragedies going on in america? >> my last question for you is about what you all are doing again to change the dynamic. are you relying more on facebook and twitter for example? i know sanders is making his own
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videos. is that a strategy to create coverage on your own because you don't think you get enough from the abcs, nbcs and cbss of the world? >> we try to communicate with voters where we are. we have social media platforms and have a tremendous following on those platforms. it's one of the ways we can get around the fact that the corporate media doesn't want to cover the issues we're talking about. we do reach out to people. i think you see an overwhelming support among young people that's reflected in the fact that social media is disproportionately viewed by young people. as people see and hear what bernie sanders has to say, they move to him and in this case, our reliance on social media has really helped us move young people in this race. >> he keeps gaining more twitter followers, even during the g.o.p. debates. he gains more followers than the candidates which is sort of interesting. >> absolutely. >> thanks for being here. >> thank you. where mr. weaver is right
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now is new hampshire. it's a crucial state and we're less than two months from the voting there. the manchester union leader, the state's largest paper is a crucial media outlet in that state. let's bring in the publisher of that paper, joe mcquaid. i know you've endorsed chris christie in the g.o.p. primary but who did you like and dislike from the democratic debate last night? >> i was in the front row and it was the first time i got to see all three of them in that respect. i've had both governor o'malley and senator sanders in our offices for long, in-depth interviews. i found them both engaging. i thought mrs. clinton was a little -- she could have mailed it in. she really was all the talking points whether they addressed the questions or not. who did i like?
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personally i like bernie and i like o'malley. o'malley's family was right next to me. his wife is a district court judge who doesn't get to go out to these things. her take on it was interesting. i don't think she's watched a lot of this stuff. her husband didn't get called on i thought nearly as much as the other two. it's tough in a race with 8 or 9 to give everybody equal time. there's only three here. that goes into 180 minutes only so many times. >> did you hear any grumbling about this is on a saturday night before christmas. the sanders and o'malley camps think this was buried by the doc. >> it's amazing to me and i understand the next one in iowa is on the eve of the martin luther king holiday and a night for a lot of pro football
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playoffs. i don't think there's anything behind this madness. >> oh, yeah? >> no. i think the dnc is very much in hillary's corner and not that the rnc in the past hasn't been behind the so-called favorites, too, but that's why new hampshire is looking forward to setting them straight if you will or surprising people with somebody that might not be the poll favorite or the favorite of the particular party. >> we will check in as we near the primary date. good to see you this morning, joe. thanks for being here. joe mentioned the viewers expectations. i just saw the very early numbers. abc did not order the ratings that usually tell us how the debate did. they waited until tomorrow. but in the early numbers it looks like maybe 7 to 8 million viewers watched the debate compared to 18 million for cnn's g.o.p. debate on tuesday.
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let's bring our panel back and talk more about the debate, including this awkward moment for hillary clinton. watch. >> in a similar time frame, races for ceo aup more than 200%. >> sorry. >> that was well played by mrs. clinton, but i wonder if it was appropriate for abc to show her empty podium. eric dug ins, jane hall and david zeric rejoin me. the clinton campaign did not cry foul about this but should abc have waited another minute? >> they might have. she had to comment on it in the first debate when this happened. i wanted to say something in response if i may about bernie sanders. i think that he has been woefully under covered. if you look at the tindle report, he got 20 seconds and donald trump got 81 minutes in the last year. i think people in the media are more afraid of being accused of being liberal by the republicans
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than they are being accused of being corporate. i don't think it means they're corporate but i think sanders was treated dismissively like an old guy with weird hair. he has been building and building. he has trump's support. i think his campaign has a very legitimate complaint. >> that's why i wanted to bring you all back. i'm interested in this issue for sanders. david, do you think there's an intentional bias against sanders, or is it maybe accidental that he gets less attention? the nightly newscasts have paid a lot more attention to clinton than sanders or o'malley. >> i think hillary clinton is assumed to be winning this race. when he made a surge, he did get more coverage. but then he as fell back again, it went back to her. i think that's part of it. i am not ready to believe the corporate media argument. you know i've covered this a long time and i'm as skeptical of the networks as anybody in the world. just ask any network executive.
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i don't believe they're doing it for those reasons. brian, i do want to say one thing about what the sanders spokesperson said -- >> good. that's what you're here for. >> about him coming to baltimore and visiting freddie gray's neighborhood and saying that the corporate media didn't want to cover that story, we needed bernie sanders to come there. the baltimore sun has poured every resource it has into covering that story and by the way, cnn has done a very good job of covering it as well given the vast international agenda they have. bernie sanders got there late and we didn't need him to come to baltimore to tell anybody about that story. >> i would chime in and say npr has also covered that story. >> you're right. >> i do want to make one point about the under coverage of sanders and the over coverage of trump. i think a lot of this is also about who gets the highest ratings. trump got 236 minutes.
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it wasn't just 86 minutes, according to tindle. >> on all of the networks. >> on all the networks. and so there's a sense that trump draws eyeballs. so he's been featured in a way -- people have called this -- he's turned this into a reality show. it's because he gets eyeballs. he gets ratings, web clicks. >> look at the g.o.p. debate ratings. a great example, 18 million for cnn's debate, maybe 8 million for the debate last night. unfortunately, i have to leave it there. >> i'm not defending that. >> what are we supposed to be about? >> are we about eyeballs or what matters in electing a president? >> i totally agree. >> that is the story of the entire year. >> when you have media outlets and i hate to bite the hand that feeds but i will talk about cnn for a minute. when you have media outlets that are raising their advertising rates because they know that the g.o.p. debate will draw record numbers and they sell these
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debates as if they're puj lisic contests, rather than exercises in democracy, this is the end result. i know that there are media executives who say this is what you have to do to compete, but we have lost sight of the idea that the coverage of the presidential candidates and the debates are a public service. they're not a revenue-generating effort. >> the flip side is that these debates have all been really substantial. >> but that's a great -- >> but the media, i think, are also in a game with donald trump where beat me up, beat me up and let me try to talk about you while you're beating me up. sanders is not doing that. he's trying to take the high road, whether you agree with him or not, and he's not getting covered. >> unfortunately, i'm going to hit a hard break but it is amusing to me that this was going to be the one show where we weren't going to talk about donald trump and here we are talking about donald trump. it's interesting how all roads of this campaign lead to donald
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end of the debate last night. >> thank you, good night and may the force be with you. >> yes, this weekend "star wars" release was so big it probably hurt viewership of that debate. we received new box office data from disney confirming that the movie is a record breaker. up until now the biggest opening weekend ever belonged to jurassic world, but "star wars" is going to blast past that, making $238 million this weekend. how did the franchise get to be so big? let's ask the chief film critic of the "new york times," a.o. scott who's joining me here in new york. does that number surprise you? we thought it was going to be $220 million but it blasted past that. >> it doesn't surprise me. this is the movie that everyone has been waiting for. some of us maybe for 40 years. >> you said you grew up with "star wars." you were 11 when the original
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came out. >> the age of the first generation. i was 11 which is the prime target for that first movie and it really was like nothing else we had ever seen and my friends and i went back and saw it 15, 20 times over the course of that summer. that doesn't happen anymore. that's not how people go to the movies anymore because there's more out there and they don't stay around as long. but it did capture the imagination of that generation and then because of the rise of home viewing, of the vcr and dvd, it kept going through subsequent generations. so you had a phenomenon when this one arrived, even in spite of the disappointment of the middle trilogy. >> right. >> that in a way peeked the appetite more, maybe this is going to bring it back and get it right. >> you've seen it, you loved it and say it lives up to the hype. >> i enjoyed it a lot. i had a very good time and it had a lot of what the first three movies had which was kind
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of a light hearted spirit, a sense of adventure and big stakes, a battle between good and evil for control of the universe but also a lot of fun and some of the old characters who you're happy to see again, in particular, harrison ford as han solo. i don't think that's a spoiler, is it? i'm worried in a say the wrong thing i'll be chased down the street. >> yes, you will be. even though disney broke a record this weekend, most people haven't seen it and it's going to make a lot more money over the next few weeks. >> yes, and people are going to go back and bring the whole family on christmas. >> the fact that there's a blockbuster in theaters means if you go to the theatre and it's sold out you'll earned up seeing something else and other movies will benefit. >> there's a lot of advance sales so people weeks ago locked in their chance to see it. this has been a good year for movies and box offices. >> even though there's all this pressure on the industry and digital is taking over and
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netflix is in the game now, blockbuster movies are doing well. >> when they're good. this year we had some. there were four movies this year that were reboots or new sequels of franchises that are at least 30 or 35 years old. there was mad max fury road, jurassic world, creed, and now the force awakens. what these movies have in common is they bring in old-timers like me who want to see what the latest is and whole new generations of fans when they manage to refresh and reboot and modernize these stories. >> that's what disney has done so effectively with "star wars." >> exactly. >> they spent $4 billion and they could make 2 billion just on this movie. >> and they set up plenty of sequels to come. this is never the end. >> i like that, this is never the end.
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what's the one other movie people should see over the christmas holiday? i'm looking forward to the big short, concussion. anything else? >> i loved the big short. i really liked joy, the david o. russell movie with jennifer lawrence principally because of her. i think it's a terrific performance. she's one of the great movie stars of our time. she's playing this kind of rags to riches struggle against adversity. >> how about sisters with amy and tina? >> they're fun to watch. the movie is not so good. you forgive its flaws. seeing the two of them together, they could read anything on the teleprompter and read the phone book and it could be funny. >> sounds like a fun time to be a film critic. >> i don't mind. you don't hear me complaining although the first week of january i'll be doing something else. >> good to see you. sorry i have to get moving here. i have an important story coming up.
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why did sheldon adelson try to conceal his family's purchases of las vegas's daily paper and what's it like for the three reporters covering this sale and fear for their jobs. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... this is brad. hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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for a newspaper reporter there's probably nothing tougher than writing a story that your bosses do not want you to write. that's exactly what the las vegas review journal did this week. if you watched last week, you might remember that we dug into the mystery purchase of the city's newspaper. no one at the time knew who had just bought it. as john rollston said on the show, there was a lot of speculation about casino mogul and donor sheldon adelson. three reporters solved the mystery days later. they reported that adelson's son-in-law orchestrated the entire deal. adelson's family then confirmed that they are the new owners. what was this like for the reporters? in the only interview i asked
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them. it's fair to say that you expect transparency from other institutions and you want the same from your owner. >> exactly. as a newspaper, the las vegas review journal has demanded transparency from who we cover. we have to demand that transparency among ourselves. >> is it true that they say don't worry about who owns the paper. >> his exact words they just want you to focus on your jobs and not who they are. >> you did focus on your jobs by getting to the bottom of this. >> that's the wrong thing to say to a group of reporters, you don't need to know who the investors are. we don't? okay. we'll take you at that and that just kind of got us going. >> i think the feeling was they maybe had something to hide and that was why they told us to not look at who they were. >> there were reports a couple of days later that that quote, that very uncomfortable quote, was actually taken out of the news story about this sale. i believe that is true, so did
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that create a chilling effect for all of you as you were trying to figure out the owners? >> i wouldn't say it created a chilling effect. it was more frustrating personally for me. we want to report the news even if it doesn't make our paper look great. it was frustrating. i don't know about chilling. again, i think it maybe challenged us more to try to get to the bottom of what was going on. >> jennifer and i wrote the original story about the sale and when i went home, that quote was in there and then i didn't find out until the morning that it wasn't in and it turned out it wasn't in my edition that i got at home but other home editions, people did get the story with the quote in. >> they literally stopped the presses which is not something that they really do. >> and changed it online. >> they took it out online too. >> this means that the publisher of the people is going over the heads of the editors and reporters and taking out things he didn't like. that must be deeply
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uncomfortable for you all. >> sure, it was. >> there's not a lot we can do about it though. as our editor said, we don't own the press, so he'll do that. it's his prerogative in some cases. >> given that you're going up against basically not only the owner of your paper but one of the most important powerful men in the state, did that make you all nervous at any point? >> yeah, i think we're still all nervous actually. i'm not going to lie to you on that. we are. >> are the three of you concerned about losing your jobs? >> i know james isn't. >> i'm not. i was already on my way out. i'm taking a job in montana. so i was well positioned to write about this without fear of retribution. i do fear a lot for my colleagues, however. >> i'm fearful. >> at the same time, brian, we were proud to put our names on that story. that was the one thing that on the story that we broke about the son-in-law having engineered the deal, we were proud to put our names on it and we were going to stand behind it because
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that's what needed to be reported. >> it was a truly remarkable moment, an 1800 word story, and then there was a statement next to your story from the adelson family. let me read a part of it on screen. they had confirmed that they had bought the paper. they said this week with the national media descending on las vegas for the debate, we did not want an announcement to detract from the important role. they were going to announce it but they weren't ready to announce it yet. let me ask you, do you believe that? >> why didn't they wait a week to announce the purchase of the paper? >> and then it became part of it. james and i were in the meeting with governor bush who comes in and he jokes, so who owns you guys. after an hour he kind of -- somebody made a joke and said why don't you tweet it out, governor, and he said should i? i said, yeah, governor, tweet it out, and he tweeted that out right before we did our little escapade where we tweeted out
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the coordinated -- >> code of ethics. >> exactly. it all became part of the story. the national media following this really, i think, helped get this story out there, kept us alive even during the debate. >> the boss told you all to focus on your jobs and, jennifer, i think you did. >> yes, we did. >> thank you all for being here this morning. >> thank you. we'll continue to cover the story.e'll continue to cover the when we come back here, do you think buzz feed is about quizzes and these cute cat videos? not anymore, we'll explain right after this.
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what is the secret ingredient that make a story or video go viral? buzzfeed is the subject of the look inside the digital revolution. everybody loves a good viral video. people are creating them every day. bit rather than leaving it up to a kid named charlie or musical cat, companies want their own creations to go viral. the challenge is figuring out the alchemy to create a video
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that millions want to repost and repeat. viralty isn't just luck, it's a science. a science that's always changing. and one of the very first laboratories devoted to figuring out how your social media mind works is buzzfeed. >> we don't disassociate the process of making content from the process of looking -- we've been able to have a culture that really bridges art and science. >> is the core tenant of buzzfeed viralty, is that the key word? >> i think sharing is the key word. buzzfeed began as an experiment dreamed up a year after he co-founded the huffington post, to attract viral content and make things people wanted to share. less than ten years later, buzz feed reaches 80 million unique visitors in the u.s. every month, more than vimeo and vice.
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>> we reach a lot of audience through sharing. the biggest indicator of whether or not you'll spend the time to read something is whether or not someone shared with you. >> you might still associate buzz feed with cat videos but they are trying hard to change that perception. they hired hundreds of editors around the world. >> we still do cat lists and good at them. not going to be bashful about that. >> from the animated gif to the feature, we want to do all of it. >> ze frank launched buzzfeed motion pictures last year to make the site all about video. >> i feel like people tend not to appreciate the value of what seems to be trivial content, small things shared around but those area generally tend to be where we learn about the future. >> and older media companies want to learn too. this summer a $200 million investment into buzzfeed, soon after that, group m struck a
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multimillion dollar partnership. >> do you worry how much money you can make from the videos or somebody else's job? >> it is something i worry about. that side of the market is also evolving, not just the nature of the content but how many is made. >> it's safe to say frank is not the only one with money on his mind, he is spshlly as the company thinks about going public. no matter what happens, at buzzfeed social media will remain king and that means the future is much more personal. >> one fundamental that doesn't change, media is about emotions and about making people laugh and smile. so the relationship that media has to our social lives, to who we are, our identity, that's the constant. almost everything else changes. >> you can watch the whole series on cnn we'll be right back in a moment. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars.
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