tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 4, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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good evening. 9:00 p.m. here in new york. nearly two dozen appearances in the first day stumping for the best-known surrogate out there, bill clintoclinton. he did not address shots by donald trump. trump says he's firing back after secretary clinton said that he trump had a pension for sexism. however campaigning in massachusetts tonight he held his fire. sara murray is traveling can the trump campaign and joins us. what did trump say tonight? >> reporter: that's right, he
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did hold his fire when it comes to bill clinton but not what it comes to his wife hillary clinton. he went after her saying that she would just be another obama term and even predicting she would be even worse than president barack obama. the interesting thing he said is tonight i'm in massachusetts. i'm not in iowa. i'm not in new hampshire because as every other republican is barn storming, donald trump's campaign is keeping their eye on the primaries in places like massachusetts, big super tuesday states and that's why we're here tonight, anderson. >> sara, today bill clinton is on the campaign trail. did he have anything to say in response to trump's comments? >> reporter: a couple news outlets caught up with bill clinton today and seems like the former president wanted to take the high road. they asked about recent shots donald trump is taking about his past indiscretions and infidelities and clinton basically said look, it's my job to get democrats fired up to turn them out for hillary clinton and there is going to be someone who wants to take the
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election away from youment it seems clear he didn't want to engage direrectly and a couple voters said that's how they want the candidates to behave. they don't want to see a battle between past infidelities, they would rather see politicians talking about issues. >> thanks for the reporting. there is a reason candidates spent the days campaigning morning, noon and night. the entire primary race could be all but decided in the next two months. more on that from cnn's dana bash. >> he's calling for a temporary shut down on muslims -- >> reporter: donald trump's first paid television ad is vintage trump, blunt and provocative. >> he'll quickly cut the head off isis and take their oil and build a wall in the southern bored that mexico will pay for. >> reporter: not without controversy. the footage of people flooding the border is morocco and spain
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after a website uncovered the discrepancy, the trump campaign said it was intentional to show the impact of an open border. trump rallied a huge crowd in mississippi. >> outside we have thousands of people trying to get out. >> reporter: it is iowa four weeks away where trump's fiercest competitor in the caucuses is spending his week. >> this is now the time that the men and women of iowa step up. >> reporter: ted cruz on a 28-stop six-day bus tour is trying to turn his iowa lead in the polls into an actual win next month. appealing to evangelicals by quoting scripture. >> pray and lift up this country. we stand on the promise of second chronicle 714 if my people which are called by my name should humble themselves and pray and seek my face i will hear their prayers. >> reporter: and throwing down his best client's wood imitation. >> when you hang a man, make sure to hang him high. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the iowa caucuses are february 1st, new
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hampshire's primary is the ninth. that's where marco rubio and chris christie started their days making plays to be the alternatives to trump and cruz. >> the job is not described in the constitution as entertainer in chief or commentator in chief or even frankly economist in chief. it is described as commander in chief. if you can't be bothered to offer specifics how you will perform that job, quite frankly, you don't deserve that job. >> anger is not a strategy and won't make or government better and country better unless it's used to motivate us towards electing someone that can actually do the job. >> dana bash joins me and columnist for the new york times and ryan lizza and washington correspondent for the new yorker. donald trump and ted cruz, the consensus seems to be cruz has the edge in iowa and trump in new hampshire. how do you see that playing out? >> well, no question, ted cruz has spend so much time in iowa
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and is as we speak and he tends to have a natural consit wtit u in iowa. the caucus goers go for people like ted cruz, somebody that can talk their talk. you heard in my piece quoting scripture with ooease and havin done the job in the past. that's the kind of person that ted cruz is and the kind of voter that he's appealing to. trump and his campaign, they insist they have kind of an under the radar ground game and that people don't know about and that he is going to attract people to the iowa caucuses who haven't been there before. that's a heavy lift to do because at the caucuses, we've talked about this, it's a real commitment. you have to go and stand in public and say i support donald trump and here is why. so, you know, at this point in the game, it looks like it's cruz to lose but iowas like to surprise people, as well. >> ryan, i know you've been at
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several trump rallies in the past few weeks. it's amazing he's just now out with a paid television ad. >> it's amazing. he's basically received millions and millions of dollars in free advertising because he dominated the air waves since june when he announced and when dana raised the important question here in iowa for someone who has not been politically active and doesn't have a network, can trump build that organization? and if you read some of the iowa press and some of the articles of people trying to invest gate whether they are building an organization out there, the evidence is mixed. you know, i went to the biloxi, mississippi rally and decided to go in the with the crowd instead of the press entrance because i wanted to see what people were talking about in the crowd and i waited with a group of people for two and a half hours to get into that auditorium, and, you know, the thought did occur to
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me standing in line and it was getting colder and colder, if people are in mississippi waiting for 2.5 hours to see trump, maybe that means that people will show up in a place like iowa, right? at least some evidence they are committed supporters out there. >> frank, you wrote a column i read recently on marco rubio which a lot of people early on said he's the natural counter to donald trump or to ted cruz and yet, where is the weigh in for him to pick up delegates and win? >> that's a great question. people are starting to focus on that now. because you can't say okay, marco is going to take off when he starts advertising. he's been advertising. he can't take off when he gets more debates. he's debated a bunch. what is going to happen between now and iowa and new hampshire that will lift the poll numbers? if he finishes third or lower in iowa or new hampshire, that's a crisis and we've only had one nominee from either major party and went on to get the nomination and that was bill
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clinton but tom harken won iowa so that was sort of a factor, not the thing we have present this type around. >> say cruz wins iowa and trump wins new hampshire and everyone turns to south carolina, is that rubio's potential breakthrough moment or do you have to look to nevada. >> that's what rubio campaign sources hope. i think frank is right. if rubio does very poorly in iowa and more importantly new hampshire, it's going to be very tough to get momentum into south carolina. he's been there more than any other candidate. his campaign manager is a south carolina native. he's talking up national security which does play well with the military populaion there, and if you look historically at south carolina, even though there is a very big evangelical base in the conservative part of south carolina, they also tend to go more establishment.
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frank, you were there, george w. bush won in south carolina. newt gingrich won last time around. he's the former speaker. doesn't get more establishment than that. that's what the rubio camp is banking on. he's got to not completely plummet in the first two big states. >> you know, frank, we heard hillary clinton today saying she's trying not to respond to donald trump and bill clinton didn't want to respond to donald trump. does that mean that trump attacks against the clintons are working, that they don't know how to respond to that particular line. >> there is no great way to respond. trump is being very smart in pursue thing line. it may not be attractive. it may be digging back into old stuff and below the belt, maybe not the best phrase for that, but i think he's -- he knows that this gets republicans riled up. he knows to remind them of the clinton scandals, i think it's very smart what he's doing. >> ryan, do you agree that, i mean, that this may be a difficult thing for them to respond to, there is no good way to do it? >> i think so. look, i don't -- you know, i
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could argue this both ways. on the one hand, the clintons have gotten pretty far in politics dealing with a lot of indiscretions on bill's part. right? on the other hand, nobody really pressed this case against hillary clinton and nobody has ever tried to argue that she has some sort of responsibility policy-wise and on women's issues because of bill's indiscretions and that's what trump is arguing here, right? he's not just arguing that bill clinton is a bad person because of these indiscretions, he's saying that hillary as some culpability and that's uncharted territory. i don't remember rick doing that in the 2007 campaign and barack obama's campaign never touched that and neither has bernie sanders. like everything else this year, donald trump is going somewhere where no one else has been and we -- i wouldn't predict how it would end. >> dana, thanks very much and ryan and frank, thank you. >> thanks, anderson.
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a lot more happening tonight including the armed extremist holding a federal facility in oregon armed and home ground. their demands and how authorities are handling them and why they may represent a growing danger in the country. it could have been the beginning of a horror story. a man with a gun goes into a church service. a remarkable and inspiring ending. we'll talk to the pastor who saved the day. it's a fact. kind of like reunions equal blatant lying. the company is actually doing really well on, on social media. oh that's interesting. i - i started social media. oh! it was or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that.
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defending the u.s. constitution. they call themselves patriots. s sara sidner joins me now. >> reporter: they decided to stay put and stand their ground, that they believe this land was taken illegally by the federal government. this is a national wildlife refuge here. it's called the malheur national refuge and blocked it off so you can't get down to the headquarters. they have taken over the area of the headquarters where families might come to enjoy a day at the national refuge, going down there having picnics but there is a lot of equipment down there, as well, that the refuge would use to kind of deal with issues in this wildlife refuge. however, they are saying look, we are armed. we do not plan to do any violence, unless, of course, there is violence perpetrated on us by the police. and we have heard from the sheriff in this town, which is
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about 30 miles from here the closest town named burns and he has said, you know what? you need to go home. you need to leave this area. you're not from here. and you're not welcome to stay here, anderson. >> do we know -- would they be allowed to go home? i assume they have broken the law taking over some building that is not theirs. would they face any charges? have we heard anything from the sheriff about that? >> reporter: no. we haven't heard anything about them facing charges at this point and there are several buildings that are down there. they are small buildings. some house things like tractors for example and some equipment to deal with taking care of this area. their argument is this belongs to the people and the people should be able to use it and they want this land handed back to the american people, not run by the federal government and they say they is their constitutional right and that is why they are here. what brought them here in the first place you mentioned is
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this family here. a father and son who were convicted of arson who own a ranch here who went to jail and went to prison, served time for it, then got out but then a federal judge says hold on a second, we don't think that that sentence was long enough. you did not serve enough time and sent them back to prison. they have gone back to prison, and their attorney has said look, these folks here who are doing this in their name don't really speak for the hammond family however, we did talk to some of the people running this and basically they said look, with e have been speaking to the hammonds. we have taken up their cause although we don't speak for the hammonds, anderson? >> sara, are more people arriving to join the group or is it kind of the area cut off where if people wanted to join them, they couldn't? do we know? >> reporter: they could absolutely join them. it's basically open. we're the only ones out here, the media and these folks. we haven't seen any law
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enforcement out here, no fbi, the sheriffs deputy hasn't been out here or the police from the local town. it really is open land that is about 30 to 35 miles away from the nearest town. so they are saying look, if you want to join us, please, come on in and walk right in. they have two guards that are kind of posted up there and then there is someone up on the tower way up behind me that's very dark, you can't see him but we see the light going up and down. there is someone spotting to see who is coming. and they have said they are armed and they have said they won't use their arms unless armed are used against them but this obviously could get ugly if there is a decision made to go in and root them out. they said they will stand their ground. >> thanks very much. joining me is kidnapping negotiator chris voss, author of the book "never split the difference" negotiating as if your life depended on it and former homeland security assistant juliette. you called this takeover nothing
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short of terrorism. explain why you say that? >> terrorism is the use of force or threat and use of force for political purposes or to get political change. i don't know what else you call this. this is domestic terrorism. there's been domestic terrorism in the united states throughout our history. we don't need to get scared about the word. we don't need to view the sky is falling, but we need to call it what it is and to not view these guys as jokesters or they are in an isolated area of oregon. this is serious to the extend they feel like they can use arms to take over a federal facility, deprive others of access to that facility and as we're seeing close the school district in the surrounding areas. >> chris, whether it's terrorism or not, whatever one calls it, how does one best resolve a situation like this? because people can't be allowed to, you know, take up arms and
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take over property that isn't theirs. so what do you do? >> well, actually, law enforcement in the first place, they are not going to call them terrorists because that's what they would love to be called. law enforcement is going to take a soft glove approach and take the sheriff's lead to not fan this into something it's not. they are stomping their feet to get someone's attention and the last thing law enforcement needs to do is inflame it so they won't and will take a patient approach to this. >> do you think they should face punishment, whether a confrontation or once they leave, should there be some, you know, some ramifications for what they have done? >> yeah, and eventually there will be. it just doesn't need to be escalated. indictments last for a long time. they can be indicted. they can have legal documents filed against them so they can
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be arrested at the appropriate time. there is no need to escalate this in the middle of nowhere and law enforcement doesn't need to escalate it. protecting people from themselves is what law enforcement does well. >> juliette, what do you think the response should be? >> i agree whole heartily and in my opinion piece i say time is on the federal government or all law enforcement side are isolated and will run out of food and water and they will lack communications. and veeventually will get boredr turn on each other. what we want is for the law enforcement to take a deep breath, recognize that the most important thing is saving lives and that because no children or other civilians appear to be in imminent danger to stay put for now. that does not negotiate the fact that these men are saying that they will use violence but simply the federal government does not need to rush in nor
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does local law enforcement. >> chris, in terms of a law enforcement perspective, is the only situation where going in and using force would be appropriate is if innocent lives were in danger? >> right. exactly. that's exactly whether or not someone on the outside's lives were in danger and they need to respond to protect life. in this particular situation, you know, careful measured response, they are still american citizens and deserve as much protection as the law can give them. that's exactly what law enforcement is trying to do. >> chris, juliette, appreciate your time tonight. complex situation. >> my pleasure. coming up next, more on what makes this group tick and what it may take to make it stop and why the extremist movement, why it's real. nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection.
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the people occupying that federal facility say they will stay there for years. whatever you think of the cause, well, this is not his first rodeo. >> it's disgusting how they must think of the constitution. >> reporter: we first met the bundy family two years ago. ammond bundy leading the charge in oregon and his father, cliven bundy. >> mr. bundy, i see in your arms you're holding a dead calf. >> reporter: who knew how to get attention. >> he's been without his mother two weeks. >> reporter: appearing on cnn's "new day" and accusing the federal government of killing his livestock. bundy and supporters were in the midst of a heated clash with the feds and at one point, it turned
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violent. >> back up! >> reporter: the issue was over land rights, the bundys are cattle ranchers. the family's time dating back to the 18 oc00s. for the next century, families, multiple generations went about their business. a problem, the u.s. government declared a turtle an endangers species that put an end to livestock raising on federal land. for bundy it was devastating. most packed up and left. bundy stayed. >> said no, not only said no i said hell no. >> reporter: for more than two decades, he's been repeatedly fined for grazing his cattle on public land. the bill totaling more than $1 million. the bundys refuse to pay for one simple reason. they don't recognize the feds as having any legal authority. what's your name? >> my name is whip holt and i just assume to go by that. >> reporter: just like in oregon, bundy had armed militia
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men supporting him. >> it's no different than mexican drug cartels coming to you and down in mexico and telling you to pay money to stay on your own property. it's the same thing. >> reporter: or ignoring the fees the fed seized some of bundy's cattle but faced with the prospect of a bloody confrontation, the government relented and bundy and supporters claimed victory. [ cheers ] >> reporter: for awhile, the federal remember gate was a hero to rand paul and sean hannity until bundy said this. >> i want to tell you one more thing i know about the negro and often wondered were they better off as saves picking cotton and having family live or better under government subsidy. >> just like that the bundys basically lost all their main stream support and fell off the radar until people with the same last name converged on a small town in oregon. dan simon, cnn, san francisco. >> digging deeper into this group and militia movement that
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appears to be growing, the southern poverty law joins us now. this group calls itself citizens for constitutional freedom, were they supporting bundy back in 2014? >> that's right, anderson and, you know, really, what's going on now is direct result of what happened in 2014. now one of your earlier guests talked about waiting them out and then maybe issuing indictments. that didn't happen in 2014. the people had pointed guns at federal officials got off scott free and declared themselves the winners. they talked about courage being contagious and now we see the results of it. people are emboldened and now, this is happening in oregon and, you know, it's really a direct result of i think the failure of the federal government to act more decisively after the debacle in 2014. >> so even after the crowds left, even after the body guards
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left cliven bundy, the federal government didn't continue to prosecute him you're saying? >> they didn't prosecute at all. cliven bundy still owes $1 million and the people who pointed the guns at federal officials have not been brought to justice. that's the essential problem. you know, some of the federal officials might have been scared and thought that josh, we would lose the case to a nevada jury. i don't know. but, you know, there was certainly, you know, there are many more militia people now than there were in 2014. >> and ammon bundy leading the charge now, he's no stranger to confrontation, right? >> no, absolutely not. you know, he got in a confronation wiconfro confrontation with federal officials and tasered and on youtube and shown and energized people. literally hundreds of people came to the bundy ranch at that time. >> the government's response what happened has continued to allow this to happen. how does the response in oregon
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now in your opinion need to be different from the response in nevada in 2014? >> well, i mean, i think in the short run, they have to wait these people out, but once they come out they need to indict them. they need to arrest them for, you know, a variety of federal charges. there has been long-standing friction between the federal government and ranchers and other people over federal land use. and, you know, it's waxed and waned in the '70s and early '80s, it was the sage brush rebillir rebellion and it's dangerous. people have guns and it's people could be hurt. you know, after the bundy debacle in 2014, two people who had been at the ranch executed in cold blood two law enforcement officials in las
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vegas. >> that was a man and woman -- >> that's what happens. that's right. jared and amanda miller were their names and then they killed a third person in a walmart before they were stopped. >> richard, appreciate it. in north carolina a man walks into a church service with a rifle. thank the to the extraordinary actions of the pastor, no one was hurt and the gunman ended up giving up and going with police. i'll speak with the pastor, next. this is how banks used to see me. ever since i had a pretty bad accident three years ago. the medical bills - the credit card debt all piled up. i knew i had to get serious my credit. so i signed up for experian. they have real, live credit experts i can talk to. they helped educate me on how debt affected my fico score. so i could finally start managing my credit. now my credit and i - are both healing nicely. get serious about your credit. get experian. go to and start your credit tracker trial membership today.
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breaking news tonight, president obama will announce a series of executive actions tomorrow to combat gun violence including expanding background checks for certain purchases at gun shows. the overwhelming majority of americans support but when it comes to republican presidential candidates, the reaction to restrictions is far from friendly. >> president obama has been lawless in his use of executive orders. >> president obama is talking about this week issuing yet another executive order trying to go after our right to keep and bear arms. >> when i'm elected president on the first day behind that desk, those orders are gone. >> his first impulse is to take rights way. >> now this president wants to act as if he's a king. >> i will veto that and unsign
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that so fast, so fast. >> president obama is repeatedly expressed frustration after shootings in this country. right now we have the kind of story that has happened over and over only with a very different outcome. at a service on new years eve, a man walked with a gun into a church in north carolina. the pastor had been talking to his congregation about senseless deaths and the way he handled the situation likely spe lly pr more from happening right in front of him. take us through what happened because i understand you were in the middle of your sermon and see this man come through the backdoor. at what point did you realize sg was wrong, that he had a rifle? >> well, it was around 11:40 i was in the middle of my message and he walks through the double doors and immediately i see a rifle and i looked again and then i see, you know, the ammunition cartridge in the other hand and i realized, wow,
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this is real. i immediately stepped down from the pit and by that time, we were kind of up front at the first or second pew and i asked him, you know, sir, can we help you? and he said, can you pray for me? once he requested prayer, he had the weapon in his hand and in my mind i just needed to disarm him and get the weapon away from him and he leaned toward me to give the weapon. i took the weapon from him, and the ammunition and gave it to one of my deacons, immediately took it to the back and i begin to pat him down and had him hold his arms out and made sure i frisked him and he didn't have any other type of weapons or anything else on him. after he was clean, i told the congregation, it's okay, it's okay, everything is all right and he just wants prayer. and he requested prayer, and i begin to minister to him at that point and pray for him as i
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prayed for him, he fell to his knees and began to cry and weep and i continued to pray for him and as i picked him up, i asked four of the brothers to come and embrace him because i just felt like when i looked into his eyes initially, that he was a hurting young man. he needed love. he needed someone to care and it kind of diffused that moment in time. congregation settled down and everyone sat back down. i told him to remain in the sanctuary, sit there. don't leave because i want to speak with you after the service because i want to help you. >> so you continued -- >> he stayed -- >> you continued with your service? >> i continued with my service. i continued with my sermon. i did not want anything to stop the service. it was a new year night, service of celebration. >> just incredible to me you had the presence of mind all
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throughout this -- >> well, anderson, it's all about love. it's all about caring. this young man, he came in and was scary. but i saw more than just his outer appearance. i looked in his eyes and i saw his heart. and i knew that he needed love. he needed understanding. he needed someone to reach out to him in that moment. >> he certainly picked the right person to make contact with in you. have you had any contact with him that night? >> oh, yes. i had contact with him. he came back to the church sunday evening. he came back to apologize, and he had not been on his medication for three months, and he's a veteran. he has ptsd. his wife has been diagnosed with a critical illness. you know, at the time his lights was off. he was just in a fix, and he said he came out to do something that night but when he said i
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just need prayer, i knew then that everything was going to be all right. >> pastor wright, it's just extraordinary presence of mind, as i said and i appreciate all you did and appreciate you talking to us tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you, anderson. >> amazing presence of mind. program note on thursday, president obama is going to join me for a town hall conversation on guns and gun control. we're calling it "guns in america" the president will take questions from me and audience members thursday 8:00 p.m. eastern live on "360". the first look at the tunnels isis was using to evade air strikes in iraq and elaborate system of passages in ramadi. this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru.
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elaborate system of passages in local tribal leaders say isis is still controlling about a quarter of the city but forces and the u.s.-led coalition have driven them from the center of the city ask during the attacks, the isis militants would disappear. turns out they were hiding in tunnels beneath houses under ground passageways which we're now getting a first look at. >> reporter: ramadi, after
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months of isis rule, this is what remains. isis' occupation of the city leaving the mark above and below ground. these are the houses that the militants were hiding inside of. you can see what they were doing is digging up tunnels so that they were able to move from house to house without being seen by the coalition planes. and so that this wasn't spotted from the air, they were hiding the dirt that they were digging up and keeping it inside the houses themselves. if you come through here, we can show you one of the tunnels leading through. some of these tunnels we're told went as far as a kilometer. we're going to go have a look inside. not actually that wide but it does give you a sense of the moving in the dark under the ground out of sight. ramadi fought isis in may last
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year. since then iraqi forces have been battling through a claim of territorial integrity and moral. we're told the liberation should be celebrated around the world. [speaking foreign language]. >> translator: defeating isis and this victory impacted plon plans and very existence causing weakness and desperation. the road to mosul is now open and clear. >> reporter: blind folded and bound, captured isis fighters face the war. they were we're told attempting to blend in to what remains of the local population. a reminder isis fighters could be hiding in plain sight. even as the road to mosul is in the iraqi armed forces' sight, a week onto the announcement here in ramadi and counter terror forces battle the city of the remaining militants presence. we're hearing some pops of
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gunfire there. a little further across the other side of the river. the fighting is on going. the cleanup operation is still going on and that's why the helicopter is circling overhead. in spite of the threat of ieds and road side bombs, the troops continue their pain staking push. under every inch of reclaimed territory a possible death. everyone here knows so much is at steak in this claimed liberation and not just for iraq. >> translator: this victory is a victory for humanity because isis is against iraq and all of humanity. >> reporter: it is also finally some momentum. >> we are joined from baghdad. i understand there are still hundreds of families trapped inside ramadi, correct? >> reporter: yeah, possibly up
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to 1,000, anderson. not just the tunnels isis is using to hide from the coalition. what they have been doing is moving civilians from those areas that border where the government is in control deeper into that territory where some of the government offensive to consolidate the hold in ramadi is coming through and the coalition air strikes, the u.s. air strikes are concentrating on and they are essentially using them as human shields and moving them around the houses where they still have a press senence. one woman said the only reason she escaped is her neighbors picked up her wheelchair and carried her and ran to the closest government check point. >> i read that the iraq's prime minister said 2016 is the year isis will be driven out of iraq. i mean, is that just, you know, tough talk? does that at all seem possible? >> reporter: well, you saw the tunnels where isis held for six
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months. imagine like mosul or more. when they entrench, we're talking about street to street warfare in strongholds but there is a sense the iraqis are being carried by this wave of a sense that maybe we can push back against isis tellingly, though, the u.s. still has not yet announced ramadi liberators. there seems to be a sense on the american that there is still a lot of work to be done here. >> that helicopter you saw going overhead, do you know, was that -- was that an american helicopter? was it piloted by americans or by iraqis, do you know? >> wbl that was being -- it was an iraqi helicopter, but it was being piloted based on american intelligence. >> i appreciate the reporting. be careful.
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there's a lot more happening tonight. >> anderson, a lawyer for the so-called affluenza teen told abc news it may be months before ethan couch is deported back to the u.s. from mexico. he was on probation for killing for people while driving drunk when he crossed the border. authorities found him and his mother near puerta vallarta. search parties today recovered the body of missing country music singer craig strickland. he was duck hunt, a friend, chase moreland, in oklahoma on december 27th when severe weather struck the area. moreland's body was pulled from the lake last week. and a first look at the wreckage of the el faro, 15,000 feet under water. the ship sank during a hurricane in october. 33 people were on board and none
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survived. jaylen valencia made her intrens at 11:59 on december 31st. underunder the wire, her brew, will you is, arrived at 12:02 on january 1st. just three minutes apart and a month early. >> we wish them the best. thank you very much. coming up, a look back at my new year's eve with cathy griffin in times square. you totalled your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay
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well, it's something i certainly look forward to and fear tremendously every year. my new year's eve with cathy griffin in times square. this year she came up with some new ways to torture me and make me giggle like a school girl. seconds before we went on, cathy kept yelling, open up the barn door. open up the barn door. >> that's right. >> i didn't know what she meant. >> his barn door has been open a little too much lately. >> what's her name? i didn't ask. i slept with ryan seacrest last night. >> you did not the. >> yes, i did. >> no, you didn't. >> that's a bad angle for me. janet, up, up, up, up, let's go. how many times can we do this? >> not appropriate. >> so i have to be down here with them, pregnant. i tried on five --
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>> that's wrong. >> five jackets. this is the only one that zipped and you're going to take your clothes off? that's how we're going to start tonight? that sounds great. >> are you crowning? >> can i just say -- >> are you crowning? >> i think that's for later hours when we have that discussion. >> just so see you with the "walking dead on "and be like, have you met my new boyfriend? what's up? he walks and he's dead. and then i'm the weird one. that's what you don't want, america. this guy would date someone from the walking dead even though he's dead. they would say something like, anderson wants to go to pennsylvania and i don't understand. i grew up where they have fine chocolate. how many people do you think are trying to kill you? >> i think you're trying to kill me. oprah. demi ovato, obviously. ryan seacrest, obviously. taylor swift. and deliver a baby live on cnn, pop ppy har low. >> that's great.
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>> anderson gets this look whenever poppy is talking or anyone else and he's like, oh, god, i'm so bored with my money and my pedigree. and then i went, nick jonas is singing and he went like this. i want to be pansexual. >> you can be whatever you want. >> cabbage patch. >> i'm just saying, you should have been like, oh, my god, madonna, i'll do whatever you want. you were like, well, i don't know. >> i was nervous. i don't -- in public. >> whoa! whoa. >> oh! >> yeah! >> so not even near midnight. >> is this really happening? >> it's cold out here. shrinkage. anyways -- >> don lemon talking about shrinkage all night long. >> you have trauma advertised my husband. he was texting me asking what grounding is. i so do not want to go home tonight, cathy. thank you for that.
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i am still bar hopping. the bars are kicked me outside. i'm now outside the hard rock cafe. i had one too many skittles. that drink that i made? bad idea. really bad. >> in case you thought you were too approximatepale -- ladies a gentlemen, anderson cooper has been spray tanned. we're live from rio. we are live from rio in the hot sun. anderson cooper has been spray tanned. >> wow. the. >> you look -- just knowing that your entire identity is in your looks is what makes this moment so perfect. what is it like to live with affluenza, appearederson? torture. >> moving along. >> we got no sound with gary tuchman. >> no, i got sound. i heard him. >> anderson acted like you knew what they were saying or cared. it was a lot of this. okay, then.
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all right. that's true. we just want to give you a laugh and a chuckle. keep that in mind when you're hate tweeting me later. just really wanted to give you a chuckle with a handsome model. now, when are you going to go back to modeling and get rid of the news man thing? >> it was quite a night. that does it for to us. cnn tonight with don lemon starts now. ladies and gentlemen, woim welcome to the main event tonight. donald trump versus not one, but two clintons. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. donald trump is rallying in massachusetts tonight interrupted repeatedly by protesters, but that didn't stop him from taking on the democratic front-runner. >> let's say hillary is president. oh. four more years of obama. that's what you call it. >> and the clintons treading carefully when it comes to trump. >> i've
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