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tv   New Day  CNN  January 7, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST

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anyone, murdering 130 and injuring hundreds more. authorities believe there may be parts of the terror teams right here in paris. we're going to bring you breaking information and the heartbreak of the parisians, remembering the victims and how things have changed box of the global war on terror, alisyn. >> all right, chris. we'll be with you there as you're bringer interviews. republican front-runner suggesting that senator ted cruz who is leading in iowa go before a judge to determine whether or not he qualifies as a natural born citizen. trump claims that cruz could have a, quote, big problem if he wants to be president. trump spoke one-on-one with cnn's wolf blitzer. here it is. >> let's talk about other issues in the news. senator ted cruz, he's your main rival right now.
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all of these issues have come up in canada. whether or not he's a natural born citizen. it says no person other than a natural born citizen could be eligible for the office of president. do you believe ted cruz say natural born citizen. >> i don't know, to be honks, i like him a lot. it wasn't me that brought it up, it was "the washington post." >> they asked you -- >> one of the questions they asked me was this question. and they went with it it, i wasn't very aggressive with the answer, except one thing, you can't have somebody running if the democrats at some point and one of them threatened to bring a suit a long time ago. but how can you have a nominee running against a democrat and whoever it maybe, probably hillary clinton, because she'll probably escape eat mathe e-mai problem which is disgusting. it's probably going to be
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hillary. you have this hanging over your head. >> he says he's a natural born citizen because his mother was u.s.-born, a u.s. citizen, as a result, he's say natural born citizen? >> well, i hope he's right. i want to win this thing fair and square. i don't want to win on this point. what the democrats are saying, though, he had a passport. >> his aides say he didn't have a passport. he may have been eligible -- >> i think that's wonderful if he didn't. i never understood how he did. >> he had had a canadian birth certificate because he was born in canada. >> here's what i think, what i think i'd do, i'd go and seek a declaratory judgment if i was ted. >> what does that mean? >> it means you go court. >> which court? >> you go to federal court to ask for what's called a declaratory judgment. you go in seeking the decision of the court. without a court case. you go right in. you go before a judge, you do it quickly. it can go quickly. declaratory judgment. very good.
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i've used it under these occasions, i've been pretty good with it. what ted doesn't want to happen is he doesn't want to be in there. i mean, i think i'm going to win. i'm leading in every poll by a lot of i have a the lot of friends in the republican party -- i have a lot of friends all over the place, all right. if ted should eke it out, i hope that doesn't happen, and he's got this cloud over his head i don't think it's possible for him to do very well. i don't think it's possible for the republicans to let it happen. you go in immediately, tomorrow, this afternoon, you go to federal court, you ask for a declaratory judgment. you want the court to rule. and once the court rules, you have your decision. >> but that could take a long time. >> no, not with declaratory -- >> the court has never ruled on what is a natural born citizen. >> i know that's the problem. there's this doubt. people are in doubt. this is not my suggestion. i didn't bring this up. a reporter asked me the question
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but if the democrats had brought it up, and you had somebody, a congressman saying, no matter what happens, we're going to be suing on this matter. that's a tough matter. again, i didn't bring it up, wolf. this was brought up, and it was asked me as a question. it's not the first time it's been asked. but it's been asked by a lot of different people to a lot of different people. >> because you know your critics are saying, you're doing to ted cruz what you're trying to do to president obama. his mother was a u.s. citizen born in kansas. is he a natural born citizen? >> who knows? who cares right now. we're talking about something else. okay? i have my own theory on obama. some day i'll write a book. i'll do another book and it will be very successful. >> meanwhile, senator ted cruz finally defending his american citizenship. and he's calling trumps issues a nonissue and made it clear he never had a canadian passport. here's his response to dana
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bash. >> speaking of the constitution, you may have heard that donald trump is bringing up the fact you that were in born in canada. saying if you're the republican nominee it could be held up in the court for two years. you're a constitutional scholar. you've argued before the supreme court. why do you think, on the legal basis, he's wrong. >> well, look, the legal issue is straightforward. the son of a au.s. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen. >> but it's never been tested, you know full well box you've done it on other issues. >> listen, the constitutional laws in the united states are straightforward. defined as a child of a u.s. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen. by the way, many of those members of congress were framers of the national constitution. at the end of the day, my response, as you and i were talking about this a minute ago, i tweeted a link to a video of fonzie jumping a shark. you know, i'm not going to engage in this.
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and the reason is simple. there are far too many serious issues facing this country. last night, north korea claims to have tested a hydrogen bomb. what the american people are looking for is who's prepared to be commander in chief. who has the seriousness. who has the judgment, who has the knowledge and strength. >> just on the issue of the passport? >> what passport? >> donald trump is suggesting, saying that you had a canadian password. >> it's not true. >> it's false? >> yes. >> you never had a canadian passport? >> of course not. >> you asked your mother, your dad, you never had one? >> yes, i'm sure. >> we're just 25 days away from the iowa caucuses. what will voters make of the ted cruz citizenship issue? here to discuss the correspondent for "the new york times" maggie haberman and great to have both you of here. yesterday, when we were talking on the show, this felt like
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another one of donald trump's insinuations against a rival. today, it feels different. and the reason it feels different, is because john mccain, the previous gop nominee has given it in legitimacy. listen to what john mccain said about ted cruz's citizenship. listen to this. >> i do not know the answer to that, i know it came up in my race because i was born in pan that that but i was born in the canal zone which is a territory. barry goldwater was born in arizona when it was a territory when he ran in another 64. >> but you were born on a base, weren't you? >> yeah it's a u.s. military base. that's different from being born on foreign soil. so i think there is a question. i think worth looking into.
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>> with a majority of your colleagues just like you, senator john mccain does not like ted cruz. i think that is a lot of what you're seeing here, look, you can also make the claim that john mccain has a primary in his state. i think he's making a point. i think he thinks that ted cruz is a destructive force within the senate. he's been clear about that. i think that's where this is coming from. but to your point, yes it gifts it lift, it gives it oxygen. i think there's a list as far as trump in overreaching on it. >> how could it be overreaching for donald trump? there's never any blowback for this overreach? >> i think there have been moment where is we've seen blowback and something has intervened. yes, i do not think you've seen a significant dip in trump's support. i think cruz is ebb's second choice for the most part in iowa, for a number of different candidates. so i don't think this is quite the same as, say, attacking ben
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carson whose support was weaker. i think ted cruz has antibodies with the conservative base. i didn't think ted cruz wanted to be talking about this tfor to days, and he is. >> i think this is donald trump frankly panicking. he's done two things this week which means he's very concerned about ted cruz's rise in iowa. to wolf, he said he's ahead in all the polls but look at the polls in iowa. trump is not the leader anymore. ted cruz is. what is trump done this week? he's put $2 million in ads something he suggested earlier he didn't need to do because, quote, he was so strong. now, he's going after cruz on his citizenship, trying to paint this guy as something other than a real american. it didn't start -- excuse me it didn't start with the
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citizenship question. it started earlier about trump talking about being from cuba. and saying what kind of evangelical is from cuba, whatever that means. he's been saying that at rallies in talking points in the last couple of weeks. he's been attacking cruz in the ways that some other evangelicals are. and reis reminding everyone that he was born in canada. i was surprised by mccain giving this a little life. it is true that there's some doubt about the constitutional question because the supreme court has never had had a case where they've had to weigh in on this. most constitutional scholars think that cruz is correct on this, that he is a natural born citizen. >> and cruz, maggie, has taken a sort of lighthearted approach to this, thus far, he sent out a tweet, showed fonzie jumping the shark, does he need to tick a different approach now? >> i thought where he ended up in the interview with dana was
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the right way to go, and probe where i think his voters are going to see him which is there are many more important issues that are important to voters, not where i was born. ted cruz has a bit of a habit of reading the stage directions out loud. tweeting yes, i had tweeted a link and that was supposed to be dismissive. i think generally speaking, i think so this is the right direction. look, cruz has a plan. one of the things that has struck a lot of donors even people who are not supportive of ted cruz the last two years, he's been going around making a case for his candidacy, he's a plan, a path, he's been clear about what he's going to do. he is clearly sticking to that. trump is trying to throw him off. i agree with ryan, i think cruz is a threat. >> ryan, the white house seems to be taking perverse pleasure
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in this. this is how josh earnest classified it yesterday. >> it would be quite ironic, if after seven or eight years of drama around the president's birth certificate if republican primary voters were to choose senator cruz as their nominee. somebody who actually wasn't born in the united states and 18 months ago renounced his canadian citizenship. >> now, john mccain has talked about it. donald trump talks about it. the white house is talking about it, does this thing have legs? >> i would certainly say. let's be honest, this is the genius of donald trump in this campaign. he knows how to give oxygen to a peripheral issue. he said the issue was raised by "the washington post." maybe it was, i was at a rally with trump the other day, he went on about this issue, no reporter asked him about it at that rally. he was bringing it up on his
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own. of course, he pretends that he's just asking the question. he loves ted cruz. just in certain points with the cruz/trump matchup, cruz has to decide if he sticks to the strategy of not engaging or if the attacks get so serious that he does need to response. in politics, usually, you don't want to let allegations hang out there without a response. i think if trump keeps this up, cruz is going to feel some pressure to show that, you know, he's tough enough to strike back. >> right. >> and sort of move off the strategy of only hugging donald trump. >> ryan, maggie, thanks so much for breaking it all down for us. great to see both of you. >> thank you. be sure to tune in tonight, president obama will join anderson cooper for an exclusive live town hall on guns in america. the president mr. discuss his executive action. he'll also take questions
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moderated by anderson. the united nations and other nations disputing the claims that japan tested a nuclear bomb. now, south korea is trying to resume its propaganda broadcasts across the border. cnn's will ripley joins us on the phone from the north korean capital of pyongyang. he's the only american journalist in that city. will, what can you tell us? >> reporter: michaela, we just arrived a short while ago, i can tell you on the ground here if the propaganda broadcasts across the zone in north korea resume tomorrow as scheduled, this has the potential to really escalate the situation. you'll recall over the summer when south korea turned on the loud speakers, north korea responded with artillery fire. it required both sides to sit down on the boards and have
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talks defused. there was talk of war. of course, both sides were certainly not seriously considering going to war. they wanted to de-escalate the situation. but given the context that the north is claiming that they have tested successfully a hydrogen bomb. at the very least, a nuclear test. is this a very tense time here in north korea. agency i said, we just arrived, i've been speaking with government officials and i'm on my way to a meeting to get additional context, to get information on whether this was a hydrogen bomb detonated. they tell me we're going to be taken to a science center somewhere tomorrow speaking with people with close knowledge of the nuclear test to explain the science behind it. and why the north koreans claim this was a hydrogen bomb detonated. this is in spite of the fact you have united states, south korea, and other experts around the world, disputing that this was in fact a hydrogen bomb.
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so we'll be on the ground here gathering as much information as we can from the north korean perspective as we learn it. >> will, it is wonderful to have you on the ground there for this important story. meanwhile, we have breaking news and details just coming in. there are rescue efforts under way at this hour for 17 salt miners stuck in an elevator about 900 feet underle ground. in new york. the workers are reportedly safe. they have blankets,heatpackets and other supplies. an official telling a local station that no one is injured and they've been in constant communication with the workers. we'll keep you posted. also happening this morning, the world market breaking for another bad day after china's stock market takes a dive again. all signs reporting to a brutal
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open on wall street. u.s. futures down sharply at this hour. china's plunge so steep it triggered new implemented circuit breakers that are protected and halted trading altogether after just a half hour. it's the second time this week that china suspended trading. what goes up can go up even higher. the powerball jackpot now in record territory after there was no winner in last night's $524 million drawing. we still get another chance. >> we do. >> big prize for the next powerball drawing is on saturday. and soaring close to $675 million. >> wow. >> that is the biggest lottery jackpot in u.s. history. it's going to get bigger. >> it is because we're getting in on the pool. >> don't let christine romans know. >> i know. >> let's go to chris standing by in paris this morning. chris. >> all right, so, today as we
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all know, guys is january 7th. this is a day that will live in infamy in paris. a year ago, an attack nearly wiping out the entire staff at "charlie hebdo" magazine. it was an attack on the magazine but also an attack on freedom, a year that would start with horror and would end with the worst attack planned since world war ii. there's news on the investigation and how life has changed here, maybe forever. we have it all ahead. feel healt. your core. trubiotics a probiotic from one a day naturally helps support both your digestive and immune health by combining... ... two types of good bacteria. trubiotics. be true to your health.
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it has been one year to the day since terrorists wiped out nearly the entire staff of the french magazine "charlie hebdo." this is their new cover. they were not silenced. this is how they're going to mark the one year. they have an impression, a god-like figure, and it says "the assassin is still on the run. "and another vision that they say is the immutable right to free speech. the mayor and president of paris both commemorating the day to the attacks of "charlie hebdo" headquarters. and a market, people were murdered at a kosher market nearby. 2015 was one of the worst years in modern history. terror took lives. the question is, will it also take a way of life.
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here's a look at the situation. >> reporter: one year ago today, 60 rounds tear through the offices of "charlie hebdo" magazine, in just three minutes, 12 people are dead. >> it started like a massacre. >> reporter: the massacre, an attempt to silence the satirical magazine, notorious for printing controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad. >> do you think "charlie hebdo" should come back? >> definitely. >> reporter: utter shock as videos surface. two brothers brandishing assault weapons. a police officer shot at point range. one of the men shouting, we've avenged the prophet muhammad. al qaeda in the arabian peninsula claiming responsibility for the killings. two days later, a killer taking
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hostages killing four before being gunned down by police. this is just the first of a start in history, marred by bloodshed, a string of attacks sweeping the country, the worst of it coordinated taxi on november 13th. a team of terrorists armed with assault rifles and suicide vests targeted six locations across paris. who helped them, who trained them and who will take credit for this attack? this time, masked gunmen senselessly kill in the maim of isis. 130 people murdered in cold blood. >> we heard huge gunshots coming through the window. >> reporter: coordinated attacks unfolding almost simultaneously on a friday night. the french president attacking a soccer match at estad guestad.
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and three attackers open fire as the band eagles of death metal play on stage. 89 die at the scene, many trapped inside. in the chaos, a woman dangles from the window, french police storm the bataclan kill three of the shooters. in the aftermath, france a sign of freedom now steeped gripped by fear in a state of emergency. the fallout is felt across europe. new york fireworks cancelled in brussels as amid a foiled terror plot. in germ it wasn't to rail stations evacuated. german authorities believe that isis may have been plotting a suicide attack to go off on new year's eve. 2015 came to a grim closes, with authorities still racing to capture all involved in the
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paris attacks. the ten suspects would be arrested in brussels. a 22-year-old belgium citizen charged with terrorist murder. also introducing a new terrorist tactic, the man who allegedly planned the attacks was on scene reportedly barking orders to kill. outside of paris a massive gun fight left him and his team riddled with bullets. now the man believed to be the ring leader may not have coordinated the attacks after all. the french interior minister investigating the deadman's links with known jihadists and top prafts. security tells cnn that this man, a french militant may be claiming responsibility for the french attacks. fabien klan, his name worth revealing because he's still on the loose. for most here in paris, they're frozen a year ago when terror stormed a newsroom.
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"charlie hebdo," however, has not been silenced. now, a proxy for the voice of french defiance. a special edition of their weekly magazine, continuing to poke fun at religion. with a god-like caricature on the cover. two things, one there is breaking news on the investigation. on the reach of this terror organization, the team that did this seems to be more expansive than originally thought. and really worried the european community in a broader sense. we'll give you that coming up. the second thing, today say very heavy today for the people here. the french people was addressing the people. he's trying to make changes. but it is different here. they bounced back after "charlie hebdo" because it was a targeted attack. what happened here in november made the people here in france, specifically in paris, know that
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anybody is vulnerable at anytime. and that really does shake tout core. >> i was just about to say, that is the exact expression, shake you to the core. i think it shook so many around the world as well. 27 minutes past the hour, president obama, meanwhile, preparing to make a case for gun control directly with the american people. the president is going to participate in a live town hall tonight on cnn. his biggest nemesis on the gun control battle won't be showing up. that story, ahead on "new day." ♪ bleeding gums?
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tonight, president obama joins anderson cooper for an exclusive live town hall on guns
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in america. the national rifle association, america's largest guns rights organization has declined to take part. cnn white house correspondent michelle kosinski joins us now with a preview. >> hey, michaela, well, the white house never intended for president obama to take that action on the guns and give an emotional speech and be the end of it. they can then maybe influential lawmakers and maybe even make changes within their own communities. in a speech this week, the president said his goals for the town hall are to bring together good people on both sides of the issue for an open session. he said to be disagree, we don't have to be disagreeable. we don't have to talk past each other, but he believes we do have to have a sense of urgency on this. cnn has invited people on both sides of the issue. but the nra, as you said, has declined to participate. they call it a pr spectacle
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organized by the white house. it was not organized by the white house and cnn invited the president to attend. >> we remind you to tune in tonight for that town hall hosted and moderated by anderson cooper right here tonight at 8:00 p.m. on cnn. chris back to you in paris. all right, mik, we do have breaking news coming out of paris, the terror attack that killed 130 people in november, the investigation has been active all along. and we are learning more about who gave the orders for the massacre. and where they are right now. we have new reporting ahead. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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we're learning that two operatives still at large are the ones who gave the orders for the massacre. and that they were in contact with terrorists before, during and after the attacks took place. this news comes a year to the day since the "charlie hebdo" attack that really ushered in just a horrible year in french history. here to bring us the details is cnn terrorist analyst and editor in chief of the cte sentinel, paul cruickshank. paul, always good to be with you. we've been here for too much of this together. this has been an ongoing investigation. is this a new idea, not one person, but two. and active investigation from abroad. tell us about it. >> this is a very significant development. two operatives, seemingly members of the conspiracy, still at large who were giving orders to the paris attackers from brussels, before, during and after the attack. these individuals were identified on december 4 by
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belgian authorities on black and white photos and cte footage. but this is the first time that their senior role in the conspiracy has been disclosed. they had traveled with salah abdeslam. >> the driver? >> one of the drivers to hungary, to probably bring up one of the attackers to bring them back to france. they've also wired some money to the leader of the attacks here so he could get lodgings here in paris after the attack. belgian operatives telling me they believe these two operatives played a senior role. we're also learning there were constant communications going back and forth between belgium on the one side and paris on the other side during the period of the attacks. there were 25 messages exchanged
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from a samsung phone outside of bataclan. the leader also in touch with a phone in belgium. so the pictures that are emerging are preparations, the planning, the coordination and direction, all going back to brussels. all going back to belgium, during these attacks. >> and then, where does that take us in terms of there in tillers of organizational identification? is it isis? are they affiliated with something else? they are homegrown proximate to france? what is it? >> they believe these are isis fighters from syria who came all the way back to europe to carry out these attacks, chris. they say they're close to identifying these two operatives. they don't have their real names, only fake, fake identity cards used. also learning new key details about the bombs itself. the bops were constructed in brussels in a safehouse in a
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district in brussels. they even found a sewing machine in that apartment which they used to stitch together the suicide vests. they then transported, they believe, the bombs from belgium to france. and they did the final preparations, the final tinkering in a hotel in the outskirts of paris. remember when they found the syringes? >> yes. >> those were used to secrete, they believe, some detonating explosives into the devices, so essentially the devices would be armed to carry out the attacks. >> it's very important to point out. this isn't just intrigue. this is about an ongoing threat investigation. these explosive belt this made weren't that sophisticated. but had to know something, but using a volatile explosive device. and there could be more of them. and sure enough, we're now tracking down reporting that's going on today, outside of a police station in a local neighborhood, here, and the man who was involved trying to get
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into a police station did have an explosive belt on him. the police were able to take care of the situation. but this is exactly what they're worried about. and it's happening on one of the most sensitive days. >> happening on one of the most sensitive days. the key question is, is this another radicalist? is this somebody inspired by isis? i've been talking to people all across europe in the last weeks. what they're concerned about right now is copycat attacks. they say based on the radicalized individuals across the continent, that electrified them. they're excited. they want to keep on going. >> paul, thank you very much. we'll be with you throughout the morning. alisyn, we've got to track down exactly what happened outside of a police station. this is a big fear. another man with an explosive belt tried to get into a police station. obviously, that's making a statement. that's exactly what the authorities are worried about.
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this time, we hear police controlled the situation. >> chris it is fascinating, the update on the investigation there. we'll have much more from paris ahead. but next, back here at home, donald trump playing the birther card, this time on his rival ted cruz. how is cruz responsing? he talks to cnn -- next. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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ted cruz staying focused on his presidential campaign as he heads off attacks by his rival donald trump. cnn caught up with the senator while on the stump in iowa, where he slammed the president's executive action on guns, saying the action targets law a biding citizens not the bad guys. dana bash is there. it's so beautiful there. >> reporter: thank you, it's beautiful, it's cold and this is what candidates as we cover them in iowa leading up to the caucus expect. ted cruz is on a 26-day, 28-stop bus tour. he's doing quite well. he insists he's still running as the underdog, he told me that, even as he continues to campaign hard and also hit the president hard on his way to texas. we're now driving through osceola county, i'm not sure if
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you know this. i looked it up and i saw the idea of more actually true here. 35,800 heads of cattle and 6500 people. this is ted cruz policy? >> look, this is certainly how we approach the campaign which is grassroots, asking every person for a vote here in new hampshire, south carolina and across the country. >> you know cows can't caucus, right? >> actually, at the democratic caucus, they're welcome. >> ouch. on a much more serious topic, the president's executive action on gun, trying to tighten background checks, purely on the issue, not on the way he did it. what's make aing it harder for criminals, for the mentally ill to get guns? >> what's wrong with what the president did is it's illegal. he doesn't have the legal authority to ignore the constitution or the law and
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that's what barack obama has done over and over again. and it's also focused on the wrong problem. look, he's targeting private consensual gun sales between law abiding citizens. this is what obama gets wrong over and over again. he can't distinguish between good guys and bad guys. following the tragic shooting at sandy hook. president obama could have brought everybody together answer said let's focus on violent criminals, let's focus on the mentally ill, and come down on them like a ton of bricks. that's what i thought he should do. >> he said he's not doing that -- >> he's not telling the truth. >> if you're elected president, how are you going to make sure, first graders, girls and boys, who are about the same age as your girls -- >> yeah. >> -- can go to school and not have to worry about being victims of gun violence? >> well, listen, there's an easy
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answer for that. if you look it the wake of sandy hook. i joined with iowa's own chuck grassley in drafting legislation. it was the grassley-cruz legislation and it focused on where obama should have gone, on targeting the bad guys. so, for example, in the recent years, 2013, there were 54,000 felons and fugitives who tried to illegally buy a firearm. do you know how many of those the obama administration prosecuted? 44. 44 out of 54,000. that is utterly unacceptable. you asked about first graders. do you know that the obama administration slashed the funding for school safety by roughly $300 million. so the grassley-cruz legislation restored the funding for school safety. that's actually, if you're trying to solve the problem, you direct it at the violent criminals. what is interesting grassley-cruz got a majority supported in the harry reid
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senate, nine democrats got the most bipartisan support. you know why it didn't pass a law? because harry reid and the democrats filibustered it -- >> michaela, i also talked to him about a prestart posting he put on his website shortly after the president talked about guns. saying obama's going to take your guns. there was a picture of the president in military-style garb. we talked about that. also immigration, and the accusations that he flip-flopped not just on illegal immigration policy, but legal immigration. now that he's on the campaign trail. alisyn, he denied that. >> we look forward to that, wow, what an iowa backdrop you have there, showing us just how cold it is today. dana, we'll see you in a little while. thank you for that. meanwhile, alabama's chief
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justice trying to ban gay marriage in his state despite a supreme court ruling. we'll go deeping into that and look back what the judge mora told chris almost a year ago in an interview. that's next. release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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now to this developing story out of alabama. that's where the state's chief justice ordering probate courts to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. judge roy moore says the u.s. supreme court ruling has led to, quote, confusion and uncertainty. he claims his probate judges are still bound by a state ban on same-sex marriage. you may recall chris' interview
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with judge moore a year ago. here's part of that heated exchange. >> that will follow -- >> so you'll allow gay marriage when it goes forward if it happens in june? >> i said i will follow the law. >> that will be the law. >> if i can't follow what the supreme court says, i'll recuse from the case. the united states supreme court is the final arbiter in this decision. >> yes. >> they have not made their decision. what you're trying to do is ask me what i would do when they make a decision. >> yes. >> i'm telling you, they should not make a wrong decision because it would be a wrong decision, just like dred scott, just like plessy versus ferguson. it's clear those are wrong decisions of the united states supreme court. and if you were a justice or a judge in the court after that, you probably would have followed the wrong decision. >> you think that gay marriage is wrong? right? >> i thing it's a defamation of
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marriage in the united states supreme court or federal authorities do not have the authority to interpret the word that disputes the cons substitution. >> chris is back from paris. joining us here in the studio is paul kellen. paul, there any legal basis for what judge moore is doing today? >> it is a slight basis for him to delay the ruling that they must honor same-sex marriage and issue certificates in alabama. and this is what he's saying. he's saying that, whenever the supreme court hands down a decision, it might not apply to the fact pattern in alabama. and this happened, by the way, in the aftermath of brown versus the board of education. >> i don't get, i thought the supreme court was the law of the land. that's the highest court in the land. all the state as bide by what the supreme court says it is?
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>> they absolutely do. but the problem with the way courts decide things, they decide them on a case-by-case basis, the facts of the case. it might be a fight about whether a clerk has to issue a marriage license. or whether somebody's name goes on the death certificate as the spouse of another gay person. all of those cases came up to the supreme court, but ever conceivable situation wasn't covered. so he's now saying, well, they didn't say alabama clerks have to issue this. so i'm not going to authorize it. now, what will happen is, now, they'll go into federal court. and they will get the local federal judge to say, that's absurd. the court has enunciated the doctrine that this is a basic tenet of liberty. that everybody has the right to get married and you, alabama, have to enforce it. >> chris in your interview that we just watched with roy moore, he said to you if i can't follow what the supreme court is doing, i'll recuse from the case.
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that's not what he's doing today? >> well, he would parse the language, i suspect, since says that much more legitimate issue than a legitimate legal issue. know this, paul callan is not only a talented attorney, he's also a mentor of mine. and he's arguing a position that he had would not want to hold in any groom. there is no question that the federal supreme court ruling applies to alabama. brown versus the board of education didn't just apply to kansas. yes, there were specific states mentioned that brought that case to be before the supreme court, but the supreme law of the land is just that. the other point that the judge was making, is that well, marriage isn't something for a court to decide. it is absolutely something for a court to decide. this is about legal marriage. marriage exists almost as a legal proposition for these states. they control marriage. the federal law, as equal
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protection, would therefore rule over those types of rules about marriage. so, this isn't about law. it's never been about law. i would suggest. is this about a political and a religious agenda. and we see this from roy moore, not just now, but the supreme court judge did this once before, and he got thrown out of office for it about the ten commandments. also an important note, alisyn, a federal judge has already spoken about this. a federal judge has already said that the ruling of the supreme court obviously applies to alabama and should be followed by the judges. so what i don't understand is why roy moore is putting those probate judges in jeopardy of being in contempt because that's what he's doing. >> there are 66 probate judges in alabama. i think many of them will opt not to follow his order. remember, he's only issuing this order has the chief justice of the alabama supreme court. the entire supreme court has not
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gotten involved in it. the entire supreme court. i think many of them will disagree with him. i have to agree with chris, you know, i think the judge is totally wrong. but argument that he's going to make is this nitpicking mentality. brown versus the board of education went on for years. it was the 1960s they were still litigating what brown meant, as clear as brown was. >> paul callan, chris, thank you. let's get to breaking news. we do have breaking news here out of paris, a major development on this day, a very important day in french history. it was one year ago that the "charlie hebdo" attacks happened. and now what was feared most on this occasion may be unfolding right now in paris. and that's why we are here. you see alisyn and michaela are in new york. let's get to this breaking news right now. we have jim bittermann with us.
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we're lucky to have you because of your contacts. we hear that the incident was involving a police station and a man who came. there was a suggestion of weaponry he had. and he was saying "allah akbar" which we all know that phrase. >> the spokesman for the interior ministry apparently a man tried to get in a fairly socially mixed neighborhood, if one can say that, that somebody came at the police station, tried to break in with a knife. armed with a knife. and he was stopped by a policeman who shot him dead. and they are now in the process of bringing in the mining machine which is an explosive robot to look over what the man was carrying. there's some suspicion he either had say suicide belt with him. sore some kind of explosive device. but they're looking into that right now. >> and now, in terms of -- this was the threat, right? this is the worry about having a
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copycat occasion. we know that different terrorist organizations, certainly, isis has been encouraging this. what are authorities saying about where they are in terms of their level of ability to defend against? >> well, on this particular instance they're saying, well, look, the police shot the guy before he got a chance to come into the police station. however, i think this is really the thing that is rubbing people here a little bit crazy. you know, you have these folks who can perpetrate something like this individually. they don't have to be ordered from headquarters. or some somewhere out in syria, or wherever. they can just on their own take their own initiative. and it's very difficult to spot head on. >> we also got paul cruickshank in here. obviously, you've been breaking the news as jim has been following along as well that the investigation as to who did these horrible attacks in november has expanded that there are two people still at large. and now this is the concern about having mines the large that want to do terrible things to people in france and elsewhere in the europe.
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let's be honest, anywhere in the world right now, this situation. let's assume he doesn't have a good belt on, let's assume he's say phony, this guy, that he just wanted to get involved with it. that's still part of the threat that's discernible, right? >> absolutely, chris. officials are telling one of their biggest concerns, copycat attacks they've been energized massively by what they saw here in paris. in november, they're very, very concerned about this threats of isis-inspired attacks. we've also seen isis operatives in syria and iraq directly in g instigate attacks here. and launching out and calling them to launch attacks against various targets. all of that add to get threat nature here in europe. in france alone, there are 10,500 individuals, according to the authorities, who have been flagged by the authorities for
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extremism. sympathy for violent extremism. that's a very large number. multiples of that throughout europe. this is an unprecedented threat we're dealing with across the continental. the prime minister of belgium you hear after the fireworks were cancelled said this is an entirely new history in the history of europe. europeans have to do more. it's intolerable that citizens of here can't go out without fear of being killed. >> it's playing out right now. jim and paul, stay with me. to be clear, we're dealing with news we're trying to track down. there was an incident at a police station here in paris. a man we're being told may have been coming with some kind of a weapon, maybe a knife. said the talismanic phrase of "allah akbar" that obviously
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triggers terrorism. he was taken out by police. we have paul cruickshank. we also want to bring in with jim bittermann, jean paul burier. he's a counterterrorism official. as you've been hearing the talks, jean paul, this is the looks of a copycat. it doesn't take much to get involved in this and it could have very dangerous implications. >> yes, it could have very dangerous implications, but what you think when you say copycat attack, with that guy, it was exactly the same scenario that we saw last year in november, two years ago, in november 2014, when a guy, armed with a knife, tried to enter a precinct and tried to kill police officers. so this is nothing new and this is what we witnessed just kurded today in paris.
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>> so, we're hearing that it was a french interior minister spokesman from that department that said "allah akbar" was said, that obviously set off the urgency for police there. jean-paul, let me say with urgency on this, in terms of how you deal with a copycat, is it a possibility to stop all of these? we came to realize in the united states you can't stop them all. what do you do to focus efforts against such a broad threat? >> in that specific case, and again, that is going to be a totally different scenario than just having an explosive belt, that's going to be two different things with a totally different concept of implications. let's assume he was just having a knife. and this could be the kind of guy who just wakes up in the morning who decides that today is going to be his day. and in such a case, there's absolutely no way any police or
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any intelligence agency can foresee such a thing and stop it. i mean, there's no way you can do anything to prevent such actions. i think europe has realized that now. >> and, you know, jean-paul is raising an interesting point that you've raised jim, in helping me get ready for the coverage today that this is something new for the parisian society to deal with, that you're not going able to stop all of these. that there is an ongoing threat that you can't just put out of your mind. let's deal with this man at the minimum, given the information we have right now. let's say a deranged man with a knife. until we know more, that's certainly what he proposed when he said what he said in front of a police station, what does that mean in terms of how it impacts life? >> while you were talking, i was thinking what took place in israel. knife-wielding attackers repeatedly going after citizens. there's very little one of the
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best in the world can do to prevent that. there's very, very little that can be done to prevent this from. happening. of course that terrifies people. people are afraid to go back in gatherings and whatnot. this will set people back again. >> paul, when we were here after "charlie hebdo," jim was instructive in saying this is a targeted attack. in the parisians' minds this is about "charlie hebdo." not about all of us. let's get back to life as soon as possible. then in november, you see anywhere, anytime, which is what we've become painfully familiar with in the united states. then you have this, random one-offs who are trying to do anything disruptive. all different threats and more difficult to stop as they get more simple. >> as jean-paul was talking about how do you tell when somebody is going to go from radical thoughts to radical actions. a radical thought is not a crime in our society.
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but, obviously, radical action is. it's very, very difficult for authorities. they can't just go and lock up everybody they think is radical. but the biggest threat is this isis direction threat now. isis is pivoting towards international terrorism. it's a group that's the richest in history. it's got control of all of that territory in syria and iraq, libya. 6,000 european extremists have gone to iraq to join with them. 1500 have come back. this is an spraprecedented thre. >> it's not naked speculation that the man might have had an explosive device, because we do know they have explosive assets on the ground examining the situation. that takes it in a different phase, not just legality, but bringing new information that paul brought us this morning. that these two men are still at large that they believe were part of the sophisticated
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planning that happened here in november. including finding sewing machines that were involved in the stitching of those explosive belts. that's the kind of know how that you need for root out needily. hopefully, it's not in play this morning. >> exact list, these are disturbing new details about the paris plot in november. it turns out out abdul akbaq he was the ringleader, it turns out two more people in conspiracy in belgium at that time on the phone with the various paris attackers, they're still at large. they feel they're close to identifying them right now but they are still at large. still probably dangerous. still probably planning a new round of attacks here in europe. this is going to be a very worrying year, 2016, right across the continent. and as isis loses some territory in syria and iraq, i think they're likely to about serling rate attacks because they want to lash out and also to
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demonstrate to their supporters around the world that they can launch operations and remain. >> jean paul, thank you very much. jim? >> one of the things that people have been explacomplaining abou there hasn't been an adequate investigation what they've done from "charlie hebdo" and after november 13th, what they've known. to look at all of this information to see if things are being missed. >> so, they're going to be dealing with the long-range implications. we're going to be dealing with the specifics this morning. jim bittermann, paul cruickshank, jean-paul rulier, thank you very much. breaking news out of paris, back here at home, developments on the campaign trail. donald trump calling on senator ted cruz to prove if he is a natural born citizen. and trump offering a suggestion on how to do that. trump also giving his views on
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thousand handle north korea and gun violence. he joined wolf blitzer. and joining us in the studio is wolf blitzer. hi, wolf. >> great to be here. >> trump went further in the interview that he had previously about ted cruz. what did he tell you? >> he said he likes ted cruz. he wants to help ted cruz. ted cruz has got to resolve this, he's got to get to a federal judge asap, as soon as possible, make sure he's legally eligible to serve as president of the united states, according to the requirements of the united states constitution. he said that cruz should do this, he can resolve it quickly, just go ahead and do it. >> you pressed him on all of this. let's watch your interview -- just one more minute -- we have it now. watch this. >> let's talk about another issue in the news right now, senator ted cruz, he's your main rival in iowa, according to you aof the polls right now, all of a sudden, this whole issue, the
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fact that he was born in canada has come up. whether or not he's a natural born citizen. you know the constitution says no person accept a natural born citizen shall be eligible to the office of president. do you believe senator ted cruz say natural born citizen? >> i don't know, to be honest. and i like him a lot. and i don't like the issue -- i don't like even bringing it up. you know, it wasn't me that brought it up. it was "the washington post" doing an interview. >> they asked you -- >> one of the questions they asked me was this question. they went with it, and i wasn't very aggressive with the answer except one thing. you can't have somebody running if the democrats are going to at some point, one of them threatened to bring a suit a long time ago. how can you have a nominee running, you know, against a dem contracts whoever it may be. probably hillary clinton because she'll probably escape the e-mail problem which is disgusting that she's able to because people are doing far less and have major consequences. it's been terrible. but it's probably going to be
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hillary. so, how do you run against the democrat, whoever is may be, and you have this hanging over your head if they bring a lawsuit? >> would you consider it a preemptive strike to destroy north korea's nuclear capabilities? >> no, we have china because of trade. they're sucking their money out of us. they're taking our money like candy from a baby. and china can come out, and frankly, they will -- they say they don't have that much control over north korea. they have total control. because without china, they wouldn't be able to eat. china has to get involved and we should put pressure on china to solve the problem. >> as you know, there are almost 1 million north korean troops north of the demilitarized zone. and soldiers right in the middle. >> we get paid nothing. peanuts. >> would you pull them out?
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>> i would want south korea to pay us a lot of money? -- i just saw 4,000 television sets, they come from south korea. south korea say money machine, they pay us peanuts. i have many friends from south korea, they buy my apartments, i do business with them. but south korea should pay us, and pay us substantially, for protecting them. >> so you want china basically to handle the north korea -- >> they can handle it. >> you heard the president of the united states, 30,000 americans die each another from gun violence. about half suicides. what would you do right now to prevent that kind of slaughter? >> okay. the first thing i'd do is protect the second amendment. the second thing i'd do is i wouldn't use executive orders to do this. you've got to get people -- you know, our country was founded on the basis that you're supposed negotiate back and forth with different members of different parties. and you come to a solution, through negotiation and compromise. you don't go and just keep signing orders.
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and all he's doing is taking chunks out of the second amendment. that won't happen, you know -- >> you don't want convicted felons or mentally ill people to be able to go to a gun -- a gun -- anyplace, online or whatever and get access to a gun? >> when you say anyplace, we have very strong laws right now on the books. >> gun show, for example? you don't want bad people to get access to guns? >> no, but when you get into the gun show, it's a slippery slope. that stops a father from giving -- >> what about online purchases? >> let me just go a step further. >> it makes sense, right? >> we have to protect the second amendment. have no choice. we have to do that. it's very important. i believe in it from -- >> president says he believes in the second amendment, too. >> well i don't think he does. hillary is a disaster hillary wants to take the guns away from everybody. hillary is going to be worse than obama. >> fascinating.
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he was more specific with you on lots of things than he had been on the past. >> he was specifically more on the birther issue with ted cruz. less than four week to the iowa caucuses. this is a whole issue. i was looking down here, donald trump just tweeted a few moments ago it was a very wise move that ted cruz renounced his citizenship 18 months ago. senator john mccain is certainly no friend of ted. >> senator mccain is also now saying it's an open question whether or not he fits the requirement of the natural born citizen to serve as president. >> yes. >> he thinks that should be resolved. and the fact is, about 18 months ago, ted cruz did renounce formally u.s./canadian citizenship. he said he didn't even know he had canadian citizenship. he found out he did and took legal steps to renounce that. >> politically, it's one thing for donald trump to insinuate
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these things but then for john mccain to jump on the bandwagon does field like it lends it more legitimacy. here's what john mccain said in a radio interview yesterday. >> i do not know the answer to that, i know it came up in my race because i was born in panama, but i was born in the canal zone which is a territory. barry goldwater was born in arizona when it was a territory when he ran in 1964. >> you were born on a base, too, weren't you? >> yes, it was a u.s. military base. >> yeah. >> that's different than being born on foreign soil. so i think there is a question. i'm not a constitutional scholar on that, but i think it's worth looking into. i don't think its illegitimate to look into it. >> so, wolf, what do you think is behind john mccain raising this? is this about bad blood? >> i think senator mccain did point out correctly when he was running for president, there were some questions asked. he was born on a u.s. territory. the u.s. canal zone which is then controlled, owned by the u.s. at that time.
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the u.s. subsequently gave it up. it was a u.s. military base. his father was an admiral in everybody ser serving over there. that's why he was born in a u.s. canal zone. i don't think he's a great friends with senator cruz, to put it bluntly. but i do think this is an issue that was discussed i remember back in 2007, 2008, when he was running, everybody just assumed he was a natural born citizen because his parents were american citizens. he was born in u.s. territory which is the canal zone on a u.s. military base. >> yes, possibly a more apt comparison, is mitt romney. mitt romney's father was born in mexico and did this end up tripping up his presidential campaign? >> i'm not sure it wound up tripping up. george romney, his parents were serving, he was born in mexico. i guess it sort of came up. he didn't get very far on the
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race. he didn't get the nomination. but it was discussed at that time. >> i guess the question is does this dog ted cruz? is this a two-day story, and we'll move on? or has the seed been planted? >> well, there are, as trump points out, some democrats -- democratic congressman alan grayson of florida, for example, a liberal democrat said he will go to federal court to file charges to determine whether or not ted cruz is eligible if he is elected president of the united states. so, trump says resolve it now. don't wait for representative alan grayson to go to court and sigh what happens. because that could be a long, long adjudication. jump makes a fair point on that. >> so is ted cruz to get in front of this or laugh it off? >> i don't think he should laugh it off. i think he should resolve it. as everyone points out the u.s. supreme court has never formally taken up the issue to define
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what is a natural born citizen. >> it's just incredible. many analysts thought this was settled.but somehow, donald trump has a way of injecting a new angle against his rivals, and sure enough, it takes off. >> i think the weight -- all of the legal scholars i spoke to, the weight of the evidence is that ted cruz is on solid ground. but there's a little bit of a loophole, there's a little bit of an opening that could be exploited. that's what donald trump and john mccain and others are doing. >> wolf, it was a great interview. great to have you here on set with us. obviously, we'll be talking about this all morning. also be sure to tune in tonight because president obama joins anderson cooper for an exclusive live town hall event on guns in america. the president will take questions from the live studio audience. so a town hall on guns in america with president obama moderated by anderson tonight, 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. we are following breaking
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news out of paris. a man shot and killed by police outside of a police station. that man reportedly wearing an explosive belt. we'll have much more live from paris coming up next. also, world leaders growing more skeptical of north korea's claims that it tested a hydrogen bomb. we'll have a live report from the area for you, next. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better. it's time to play.ation, so at hilton we say play hooky from your regular monday. and while you're at it, play hooky from the ordinary. the uninspired.
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world leaders are casting serious doubts son north korea's claims of testing a hydrogen bomb. now south korea says it's planning to assume propaganda broadcasts into north korea. paula hancocks is live in seoul, south korea for us. paula. >> reporter: well, michaela, certainly the repercussions from this nuclear test, it's said that north korea would pay the price if it went ahead with this test. now, they've decide they had will go ahead with these propaganda broadcasts. they stopped them back in august because they decided the two sides were getting along pretty well. obviously, that's not the case anymore. these propaganda broadcasts will start again on friday at midday.
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they're annoying, in pyongyang, with talking about how dreadful the north is effectively. and they also broadcast songs. we know that this is going to ratchet up tensions and it will annoy north korea. so just one of the steps they're taking. we heard yesterday, the u.s. officials, everyone around the world is saying, it's not consistent with what we'd see with a hydrogen bomb. some analysts say maybe an element of hydrogen, bought not the actual h-bomb which was hundreds of times more powerful than this simple atomic bomb. we knowed u.n. is meeting as well. they met on wednesday. those anxiosanctions are in the pipeline. we believe both sides want to carry out the sanctions. it's interesting to see what china and russia make of that, traditional allies to north korea. and south korea and japan are
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trying to find radioactive particles to test. to find out what the nuclear test was, but they can't find it at this point. they have come up blank saying there's no radiation in the atmosphere at this point. alisyn, back to you. we do have breaking news for you on those trapped miners in central new york. emergency crews rescuing the first four of the 17 trapped salt miners. the group stuck in an elevator 900 feet below youndz at the cargill salt mine. an official says the miners were starting their shift when an elevator malfunctioned. no one was injured. and the emergency crews have been in constant communication with them. cargill says they do not know when the full rescue will take. we're watching breaking news out of paris. a man wielding a knife outside of a paris police station shot dead. outside of that station there in paris, you can see a great deal of police presence. law enforcement obviously
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combing the area. it happened in northern paris. we're going to take you back out there live to chris. coming up. brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth™! i am a lot of things. i am his sunshine. i am his advocate. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. we do have breaking news here in paris. and it couldn't come at a worse time. of course, today, january 7th marks one year to the day of the "charlie hebdo" attacks. the terrorism that started just a horrible year for french people. culminating in the november 13th attacks here. all 130 people killed here in november. you know that, we were here for that. and now, here we are for the anniversary, and yet, another report of an attack. we have two people with the latest information to bring in. joining us chairman for the center for analysis of terrorism and cnn contributor. jean-charles rusard. i'll start with you. earlier details, someone went to a police station in north paris certainly had a knife. said "allah akbar" and wound out
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being taken out by police. there's a third concern that's a threat, what is it? >> well, the threat was that the person was wearing what is believed to be a suicide belt. there was indication that this might be taken as a terrorist attack. and in fact, it turns out that the belt was indeed fake. but still, it triggered the police to shoot the individual on entering the police station, trying to enter, with a knife. >> now, look, this is the concern, right, on an anniversary like this, we like to tell ourselves, well, this is the last time something like this will happen. but copycat threats, real or fake, are a threat? >> absolutely. and the threats are very serious. we're still seeing that every day. that's also the reason why the terror alert in france is still at the highest level. it's been like that almost since january -- well, exactly one year now. and, yeah, of course, copycat, lone wolves, all kinds of people who think they should act now,
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because the society is being more and more secure -- well, theoretically, so, they want to act now, before it's too late. because it's become impossible to commit any attack. we don't know what the background of this guy, allegedly shouting "allah akbar" but it could indeed be a copycat. >> dcopycat, deranged, it doesnt matter. they took him out. it just reminds us of what many parisians want to dismiss. no one understands that story more than you steffen. the point is they want to get back to normal. after no, it seems they have to accept a new normal. is that carrying through today? >> absolutely. restaurants are very quiet. holidays, christmas, was much quiet in paris than usual.
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i took a flight from the paris airport, was very quiet at rush hour. so, this all shows that people are basically -- well, they're not traveling, really. they're staying at home. they try to give it a place and try to find a way to accept this new normal. i hope it's not a new normal and it will be exceptional. but that's the way people are dealing with it. >> this is a heavy day to be sure. we have atika shubert near the police station where this happened in north paris. atika, if you have us, if you can hear us, tell us what you know from there? >> reporter: i can hear you, chris. we are right near the scene of where it happened. that intersection up there is where the incident occurred, less than 100 meters from us. you can still see a number of police there, some of them with riot gear. many of them armed. quite a heavy security presence here. they've asked residents to stay inside. or stay away from the scene. they've been asking people to just move indoors.
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i think frankly out of abundance of precaution more than anything else. that doesn't seem to be a sense of a immediate danger. but they do want to clear the area and make sure that if this man was working with anybody else, that they know about it. initially that fear that they may have had some explosives. they sent in a remote controlled robot to check and see but we have not had any confirmation from police as to whether in fact there were any explosives. but it is tense to make sure they know anything about this apparent attacker. and as you can see, it's quite a crowd that's gathered. many people on edge one year after the "charlie hebdo" killings, chris. >> let us know if you hear anything else from there. that obvious show of strength part of the new normal here. authorities want to be able to say they've been on top of it. but now, let's say it's a fake
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belt. that this guy was deranged. he is what he is. it points to the ability to deal with the threat. and one of the big points of accountability that many still feel unsatisfied about was did the november attacks have to happen? in the wake of "charlie hebdo," should the french authorities have been more prepared, monitoring these types of bad guys more closely than ahead of the threat? fair criticism? >> well, it's very difficult to say that, because we're dealing with a threat that never happened in the past, leveled threat. and we're dealing also with individuals in the number that we've never faced in the past. and question also knew right after the november attack that the attacks have mobilized a lot of jihadists here in france and abroad. so, that type of action is not a surprise, unfortunately. we should note that it happened in the 18th precinct district in paris which was meant to be a target in november. at least in claims of
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responsibility for isis. it never happened at the time. so this might be also symbolic in terming of targeting. >> what we're seeing right nowm new york. thank you. we're showing you the scene from north paris where we are in champs-elysees, mik, this is say reminder, this year of terror in france, this is the threat, copycat, deranged, not, it changes your lifestyle, it changes what you accept as normal. this is a horrible day for this reminder. >> i'm sure it is especially with tension and fear, we understand schools in the area are closed. we'll bring you more on that shooting. we'll go back to chris live in paris. but also here, republican candidate, carly fiorina and jim gilmore look to steal some of that spotlight from donald trump as they address the new hampshire statehouse today.
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republican presidential candidates carly fiorina and jim gilmore will be in new hampshire today addressing the state house of representatives. fun factoid for you, new hampshire has the largest legislative group in the country with 400 members. joining us to talk about all of this this morning is speaker of the new hampshire house representative sean janser. speaker jasper, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> what are you expecting today from carly fiorina and jim gilmore? how do you expect what they tell you and the 400 members there to differ from their standard stump speech? >> well i think what we might hear is something a little bit more directly political. i'm not really sure. but they're addressing the chamber with 400 politicians. i think that's a little
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different than talking to your average audience. >> that will be different. and maybe they will craft it it for your audience. but here's the interesting part, your 400 members in new hampshire are legally allowed to carry concealed firearms into the staidhouse. and on to the state floor. and many of them do. that must pose a challenge. a security challenge, at least for candidates and the secret service. >> well, i think it will for the secret service. and we really hadn't thought of that until we saw hillary clinton come in with the secret service. and they actually sort of patted down our secretary of state where she signed up to be on the primary ballot. and that was a concern because there's a rule in the house which would have required a suspension rule. and, clearly, that was not something that i felt was appropriate for us to even discuss. it is our rule. these are our guests. if our guests decide to come in,
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that's fine. if they don't, that's fine, too. >> so, in other words, you've extended an invitation to all of the presidential candidates so far ben carson, donald trump and hillary clinton are the ones who have secret service protection. of course, secret service doesn't allow guns other than the ones they're carrying and the police. what does that mean, does that mean that donald trump and ben carson and hillary clinton will never be able to come into the statehouse to speak to you guys? >> well, so far those three, as far as i'm aware of, only hillary clinton has declined to come. that she did decline the day after i made it clear that we weren't suspending the rules. i have no idea whether that had anything to do with that or not. the other woutwo, i understand,e still trying to work things occupy in their schedule. we have not confirmed their attendance. >> the hillary clinton campaign said she had a scheduling conflict. that's why she can't come. let's move on to new
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hampshire.latest polls, these are dated from last month, so donald trump with a runaway lead. do you think that new hampshire might still have a surprise up its sleeve? >> new hampshire is very often. >> reporter: -- surprising. i think what you see in new hampshire, people wait by and large until the last week or so to really make up their mounind. so i really don't pay much attention to the polls even at this point. >> donald trump, as you know, is questioning ted cruz's citizenship because ted cruz was born in canada. and donald trump says he's not sure ted cruz can be defined as a natural born citizen. is this an issue that's resonating at all with new hampshire voters? >> you know, i haven't heard this arguments at all in new hampshire. i don't think that it is. >> do you think that ted cruz say natural born citizen? >> i have to believe that, under the constitution, he is.
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i think there are very clear situations where people born outside of the country are considered to be natural born citizens. and i have no reason to believe that he doesn't fall into that criteria. >> so, you think this is a nonissue? >> i really do. >> okay, speaker shawn jasper, thanks so much for joining us. we'll be watching what happens on the state house floor today. thank you. >> thank you. >> michaela. alisyn, there's doubt about north korea's claims that it detonated a hydrogen bomb. south korea now plans its first major response to the test. how big of a security problem could all of this situation pose? we'll look at that -- ahead.
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. the u.s. and world leaders casting serious doubts on north korea's claims of testing a hydrogen bottom and south korea now set to resume propaganda
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broadcasts into the north korea. thank you for being here. we always appreciate your expertise. 4 hours now that investigators have been trying to figure it out. what's the latest thinking. >> the latest thinking is that this was not a hydrogen bomb of course. but there is a little disagreement in the analyst community. the initial reports was that this is a detonation of six kilotons and that is the same of 20 2013, which clearly was not a hydrogen pom bomb. some are say maybe the yield was substantially higher and that puts nit the range of a small or failed hydrogen bomb explosion. but right now there is no evidence. and the reason is this detonation about was 10 kilometers under ground. sorry about 6 miles under
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ground. so there is is going to be no radiation leakage and it is going to be hard for sniffer planes and other monitoring situations to figure out what happened. >> but they did something. >> they did something and they undoubted i improved their designs. by testing a country can actually make a lot of progress, even when it fails. for instance, north korea failed with these ballistic missile launches and then had a number of successes because people learn from their mistakes. it is the same thing with these war heads. they are probably miniaturizing them so they can put them on a long range missile and that threatens not only the neighbors in the region but also the united states. >> you said something chilling that we haven't heard many other experts talking about. and that is that you believe that iranian weapons specialists were there. were on site. why? >> there has been growing
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correction between day roon and north korea. iranians were stationed in north korea at the military base just south of the chinese border. there have been consistent reports that showed that all three prior detonations of a north korean noouk iranians were on site and they have been seen in the beijing capital airport on their to and from north korea in connection with these tests. also with ballistic missile tests. all of north korea's long range ballistic missile testing have been witnessed by the iranians. basically north korea earns between 1.5 and 2 billion dollars a year from its weapon connections with iran. >> in light of the iran nuclear deal that certainly the administration here hailed as a success, it is your contention
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that basically iran is just outsourcing its program to north korea. >> right. and essentially international atomic energy inspectors are probably going to find very little in iran itself. largely because the iranian program is being conducted in north korea. remember in 2007 when the israelis destroyed that reactor in the syrian desert? that was of north korean design. north korean technicians were reportedly on side and we know syria didn't have the money to pay for it. everyone suspects teheran tad for the north koreans to be in korea. -- paid for. probably we should be thinking about the connections among all of these programs because they are related. >> so what should the u.s. do about that. that is a much bigger issue. >> we need to start looking at proliferation on a much broader basis. the united states for various reasons, some good, some bad had
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not interdicted shipments to iran. and we need to think about this and take much more vigorous action. this is the world's most vigorous trade and it directly threatens the united states and we for various reasons haven't done anything. >> tomorrow morning south korea is starting their propaganda broadcast where they broadcast over the dmz sort of anti kim jong-un messages. what does that do? >> well it enrages the north koreans. they try to maintain this seal on the border so north korean citizens don't know what's going in the south. this is actually quite effective. this is one things the south korean s do but they should be doing other things as well. but at this point i think the most effective thing for south korea and international
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community the do is to try to break this information barrier. >> how? >> you can circulate dvds. activists in south korea put these dvds on balloons. they float into the north. people in north korea actually think that the south korean videos are the most entertaining forums they see. so it is important to do that. >> thank you so much. great to have you here with all of the information. we appreciate it. we're following a lot of news this morning so let's get right to it. >> this is cnn breaking news. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day." we are in paris this morning. alisyn and michaela are in new york. but we're following breaking news. a deadly shooting here in paris exactly one year to the day. that is when charlie hebdo was attacked by -- a potential terror tack being investigated right now. a man with a knife approached a
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police station in northern paris. he was taken out by cops but then they had to bring in explosive experts because he was feared to be wearing an explosive device. right now the reporting is that that vest was a fake. that that was not a real threat at the time but the authorities are taking no chances. they have closed down schools in the area. they have removed a car. and there is a huge presence on the ground. we are also told by authorities that the man with the knife did shot a la akbar when he went in which is of course this magical phrase of terrorists these days. and this is all coming from authorities right now. we have this story covered only the way cnn can. let's get to the scene. any new developments? >> reporter: they are just trying to keep people away from the scene at this point. but there is a heavy police presence.
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you can probably see there that is where the incident happened. they are trying to get people to stay inside, really out of precaution more than anything else. there doesn't seem to be any imminent danger at this point. it is mostly making sure that the area is clear and secured. we now know of course that the vest that the man was wearing did not have any explosives. and for that reason i think they are just making sure that everyone is safe and that he wasn't working with anyone else. at this point he does seem to have been a lone attacker, chris. >> thank you very much. stay with us. if you hear anything else let me know. let's bring in our gieps locking down in a lot of reporting for us this morning. one lingering aspect is this
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fear. this man maybe he was, you know, bait to draw a lot of attention into this police station. authorities worried that may have been a suggestion for an attack elsewhere. what is your concern. >> one thing we've heard as the attacks have taken place is this rush to the scene. [inaudible] onto the scene sometimes putting himself in danger and pointed out in previous attacks the president and interior minister are in danger in some situations because they get out there before the area has been secured. today he rushed right from the commemoration to the scene of this attack which took place minutes after the commemoration was finished and was on the scene. so if you were a potential attacker you could say hey good way to knock off the interior minister and perpetuate a second
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attack. it didn't happen of course. -- the paris prosecutor who takes -- has not far been involved. until that happens we won't know for sure that this is a terrorist event. >> and the french will have to go through what the americans have with the frustration of what's called terrorism and what isn't. to people, if you bring a knife and pretend you have a vest and scream as you walk into a police station that is good enough for me. this is still a concern about what copy cats present now as the threat here in france. tell us why. >> speaking to officials across europe in the past few days and they really fear a copy cat
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attack. they feel that based on all their monitoring of radical circles in europe, these circles have been massively energized by what they saw play out here in paris in november. so they fear that there may be attacks from people who want to follow in the foot steps of the paris attackers to become in their idea heros. the bigger threat though still comes from isis directed terrorism. the group is pivoting towards international terrorism. they have all that territory and they are losing some and i believe that may cause them to lash out more. >> paul cruickshank brought us very important for the investigation. they had suspicions that the man called the planner here yes he was active, he did have
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knowledge about the vests and explosive belts that were worn. >> what we're hearing is there are two operatives, senior members they believe, still at large who were in touch with the paris attackers providing orders to the paris attackers during the period of the attacks. they have been identified by the belgiums on the fourth of december. but this is the first time their senior role has been disclosed without black and white photographers. -- [inaudible] -- here in paris after the attacks. we're hearing there were continuous communications between belgium and paris before, during and after the
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attacks. -- they made the bombs, the suicide vests in brussels in an apartment. they actually found a sewing machine there they used. they then transplanted the suicide vests nearly finished to paris where they believe they put finishing touches to the vests in a -- >> so that is the breaking information on the investigation. but this day is important for other reasons as well. as the day to look back and remember those who were lost. lives who were taken but also the way of life was taken to a certain degree here. and how do you see that existing? >> the president said in his mornings in his remarks to the police officers. thanked them for the sacrifices in order to keep us living free is the way he said it. the problem is that i don't think that is necessarily the way people feel these days.
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because on the streets it is kind of scary out there, especially after this incident it will be once again people will be on edge because of what's happened. and you can't be quite ads open as the way you live. >> obviously we lived it here. jim is here. paul is here. we were here for the "charlie hebdo" and of course the attacks in nova. here is a look at -- in november. here is a look at all the attacks that have certainly changed the way appreciatiparis what is normal. >> it was a slaughtering, a massacre. >> a massacre in attempt to silence the satirical magazine. for posting cartoons of the prophet mohamed. >> do you think charl "charlie hebdo" should come back?
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>> a police officer shot at point-blank range. one of the men shouting "we've avenged the prophet muhamed". two days later a third terrorist taking hostages at a kosher market killing four before being gunned down by police. this just the start of one of the worst years in france' history. 2015 was marred by bloodshed. a string of attacks sweeping the country. the worst on november 13th, a team of terrorists armed with assault rifles and suicide vests target six locations across paris. >> who helped them? who trained them? and who will take credit for this attack? >> this time mass gunmen senselessly kill in the name of isis.
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133 people murdered in cold blood. >> we had huge gunshots and lots of glass coming through window. >> coordinated attacks unfolding almost simultaneously on a friday night. the french president attending a soccer match when explosions rocked the stadium. around the same time gunmen unleash a hail of bullets on dozens enjoying a simple night out at local cafes and bars. >> people arrive were covered with blood. >> the deadliest attack of all taking place inside the bataclan concert hall. as the band eagles of death metal play on stage. 89 die at the scene. many trapped inside and the chaos, a woman dangles from a window. plench police storm the bataclan killing three of the shooters. the usually open society gripped
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by fear in a state of emergency. the fall out is felt across europe. new year's fireworks canceled amid a foiled terror plot. in germany two munich rail stations evacuated, german authorities believing ices may have been plotting a suicide attack to go off on new year's've. 2015 came to a close with authorities racing to capture till all involved in the paris attacks. the tenth suspect arrested in brussels, a 22-year-old belgian citizen. the terrorist attacks remarkable also for introducing a now tactic. the man who allegedly planned was on scene during the massacre reportedly barking orders to kill. quick police work led to his hide out outside of paris where a massive gunfight left him and his team riddled with bullets. now the man believed to be the ring leader may not have coordinated the attacks after all. the french interior minister
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investigating linking to known jihadists and connections with isis militants. this man, fabian clan, his name worth revealing because he is still on the loose. for most here in paris it seems as though they are frozen in the moment a year ago, when terror stormed a newsroom. "charlie hebdo" however has not been silenced. now a proxy for the voice of religious defines. continuing to poke fun at religion with a good like caricature on the cover t headline, one year after the assassin still out there. >> in the vatican's magazine the newspaper came out and they didn't like the cover for obvious reasons. but that is the kind of heat that "charlie hebdo" is willing to take. the question that becomes what
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are the real threats here in parisian society and how many can be defended against? even if something like today. even if it is a oneoff, just a deranged guy, it is going to scare people here once again. >> absolutely. it has the same effect. whether or not the guy has links to isis or is just linked to his brother-in-law or something. it is just the idea that there is somebody out there who can attack somebody -- it just doesn't happen here. this is the kind of society where that sort of thing is up until recently has been totally unknown. so now all of a sudden you have a situation where a cafe can be attacked. where police can be attacked in broad daylight, middle of the day by someone. and of course it wasn't successful. but you know what? maybe next time it will be. so that is the kind of thing haspeople really unnerved. >> the response heavy and hard.s
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people really unnerved. >> the response heavy and hard. a show of strength and yet are the french authorities up to speed yet paul with identifying threats and policing them in a way where they can prevent the attacks as we see in the united states and elsewhere? >> well to the degree that they can be. but this is an unprecedented threat and it is almost impossible to be fully up to speed with it. because there are 10,500 individuals who have been flagged as radical extremists here. >> the highest estimate in the u.s. is maybe a couple of hundred. sometimes just a dozen. >> much much bigger scale here in europe and other countries like belgium. they don't have the capabilities of france even more difficult for them. and we saw the planning coordination and direction for
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the paris attacks happening on belgium soil. so very difficult for the french. there needs to be more cooperation between all of these security services in europe. there are lots of concerns about sovereignty and there's got to be a big debate about that moving forward. >> what's the big obvious thing? you have two different aspects. one is you have a large disaffected muslim community here and around paris. here two generations from northern africa but they don't feel integrated into the society. so that creates a cultural dynamic. and then a physical one. the borders. you are moved for years to have open borders. now it is working to their disadvantage. >> he said we've got to look again and europe is at schengen, how this schengen agreement which brings together countries without borders and free traffic across the borders. that is going to change. and by the end of this month
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perhaps european officials would redraw the schengen agreement in such a way that when you have this situation going on the borders can go back up. it's been one of the problems they have had since the attacks. in the reporting, there was this hesitancy about issuing a command. it seemed immediate to us reporting but behind the scenes apparently there was a hesitancy about issuing a command that the borders be closed around france after the attacks took place. the prime minister had the authority and was going to do it and then he did. he said the borders are closed. and if it had happened slightly faster there was a good possibility that at least two of the people that were involved in the attacks would have been stopped or arrested. they were stopped and weren't arrested. but in any case it was a kind of thing that now i think is going to be a div different attitude about all of that. the schengen agreement t cooperative agreement is going
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to be looked at again. because they can vulnerable. >> and we see that in the response this morning as well. certainly heavy and quick. and it is important to note not only did this man attack a police station on the day of the anniversary of "charlie hebdo" but it is also the same time of day here. and that's also not gone unnoticed. >> chris thanks for that. we do have breaking news here at home. on the 17 trapped minors in lansing new york. emergency crews rescuing 12 minors in the last hour. the group is stuck 900 feet below ground in the salt mind. the minors were starting their shift when the elevator malfunctioned. no one is injured and emergency crews have been in constant communication with the minors. they don't know how long the
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full rescue will take. a texas state trooper has been indicted in the death of sandra bland. bland was found dead in her jail cell last july after she was pulled over. police say she hanged herself but her family insists she could never commit suicide. arresting officer brian ens nia is facing charges now. he faces up to a year in chael. republicans chalking up o minor victory. the house joining the senate in approving a measure to repeal obamacare. speaker ryan describes this as confronting the president with the hard, honest truth. despite a formal bill heading to the president's desk, the gesture is mostly symbolic. the president will veto this. >> a live town hall on guns in america. the national rifle association will not be there.
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the nra, the largest rifle association declined to take part. >> reporter: president obama's executive actions on gun control don't go nearly as far as he would have liked. so now the goal is to as the white house puts it inspire passion among people who feel the same way so they can influence lawmakers and make even make changes in their own communities and that is why president obama agreed to do this town hall tonight. the goal is to have good people open to the issue on both sides of the discussion. and he feels though you do need to have a sense of urgency about the issue. broad support on background checks. 80 to 90% of americans agree. even republicans. even gun owners. but when you look at the broader issue, the latest poll shows
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that 62% of americans disapprove how the president is handling gun policy. and just over half oppose stricter gun control. it is always complicated. we'll see how it goes tonight. interestingly america's biggest voice on guns doesn't want to be a part of it. they said as the pr stunt organize by the white house but of course the white house did not organize. the white house was invited to take part. >> moderated by anderson cooper 8:00 p.m. right here an cnn. >> stock futures sharply down this morning minutes before the opening bell. christine romans is here. >> treacherous out there. fear and anxiety before the opening bell. the world is selling stocks, buying gold, buying bonds and selling stocks really big time. this all started in shanghai.
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the shanghai market fell 7% and they halted trading. traded half an hour and shut the market down and now all of this fear spreading around the world. european stocks really in bad shape right now. the dow has lost 518 points just this week. put another 3 or 400 on there, a thousand points in less than a week. that's a tough situation here. let me show you here some perspective. looks like markets are very soft because of these concerns about china. china's growth. now the troubles in the chinese stock market in particular. you are back here to these levels we haven't seen since last fall. everyone looking outward right now. this is about global growth slowing. it is about a collapse in oil prices and what that is going to mean overall. the oil price being low is very good for drivers but really causing uncertainty around the world. add on china and you have a lot of trouble here today guys.
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>> donald trump not letting the ted cruz birther issue go. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like reunions equal blatant lying. the company is actually doing really well on, on social media. oh that's interesting. i - i started social media. oh! it was gegiving up all the thingsan she loves to do. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. oh, that smells so good. aw, and it tastes good, too. we can provide the right care, right at home.
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my here at c.k. mondavi.on, the vice president of operations to make this fine wine it takes a lot of energy. pg&e is the energy expert. we reached out to pg&e to become more efficient. my job is basically to help them achieve their goals around sustainability and really to keep their overhead low. solar and energy efficiency are all core values of pg&e. they've given us the tools that we need to become more efficient and bottom line save more money. together, we're building a better california. donald trump giving ted cruz a suggestion and that is to go see a judge to determine once and for all if he is a natural
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born citizen and therefore eligible to run for president. the republican front runner also taking the issue in a issue with wolf blitzer. >> senator ted cruz, your main rival in iowa according to all the polls right now. all of a sudden this whole issue, the fact that he was born in canada has come up. whether or not he's a natural born citizen. you know the constitution says no person except a natural born citizen shall be eligible to the office of president. >> do you believe senator ted cruz is a natural born citizen? >> i don't know. to be honest. and i like him a lot. and i don't like the issue. i don't like even bringing it up. and you know it wasn't me that brought it up. it was the washington post. >> they asked you a question. >> and one of the questions was this question. and they went with it. and i wasn't very aggressive with the answer. except one thing. you can't have somebody running if the democrats at some point and one of them threatened to
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bring a suit a long time ago. but how can you have a nominee running against a democrat hillary clinton, of course she's probably escape the e-mail problem which is disgusting that she's able to because others doing far less have had major consequences which is terrible but it is probably going to be hillary so how do you run against a democrat -- >> he says he's a natural born citizen because his mother was u.s. born a u.s. citizen and as a result he's a natural born citizen. >> i hope he's right. i want to win this thing fair and square. i don't want to win on this point. what the democrats are saying though is he had a passport. >> he had a canadaened passport. >> he may have been eligible. >> i think it's wonderful if he didn't. >> he had a canadian birth certificate because he was born in canada. >> what i'd go and seek a
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declaratory judgment if i was ted. >> would you declare a strike to destroy north korea's nuclear capabilities. >> no i wouldn't. because china. we have china because of trade. they are sucking our money out of us. taking our money like candy from a baby and china can come out and frankly they will -- you know, they say they don't have that much control over north korea. they have total control. because without china they wouldn't be able to eat. so china has to get involved and should solve their problem and we should pressure on china to solve the problem. >> because as you know there are almost a million north korean troops north of the demilitarized zone. almost a million south korean south. >> and we have 28 thousand soldiers right in the middle. >> right in the middle. >> and we get paid nothing by the way. peanuts. >> would you take them out? >> i would want south korea to
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pay us a lot of money south korea is a money machine. they pay us peanuts. and i have many friends from south korea. they buy my apartments. i do business with them. but south korea should pay us and pay us substantially for protecting them. >> so you want china to handle the north korea -- >> they could handle it so easily. >> it -- between saudi arabia and iran. execution of the shiite cleric. and the ransacking and burning of the saudi embassy in teheran. would -- >> i don't like it. they're supposed to be our great ally. i don't like to see it. they executed all of these people. who knows, i mean here in this country if we execute like one person a year it is like a major event. they do it like routinely. nevertheless saudi arabia is sort of the one that we picked
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and we are there. and i have many friends from saudi arabia. very good people. but saudi arabia's got to pay. if we're going to protect them from iran, which we made a superpower. we gave them $150 billion. we essentially gave them the right to make nukes. >> okay. we will get back too politics here shortly. but there is been breaking news in paris this morning. so let's go back out to chris in paris. >> all right alisyn, of all days, on the anniversary of the "charlie hebdo" attack, a report of someone trying to attack a police station in northern paris. officers were able to take the man down right away. experts were there to find out if they had a real explosive vest on now. but just the report of this attempt has shaken people in paris once again. we have all details when we come back. woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here alone.
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we are following breaking news here in paris. today marks the one year anniversary of the attacks on the "charlie hebdo" magazine. we have new information about the investigation in to that attack. and also into the november attacks here that just changed the way parisians see every day life. but on this day of all days, a real scare, a report in north paris of a man with a cleaver trying to get into a police station. he screamed god is great, which has unfortunately become an operative phrase for too many terrorists. they thought he had an explosive belt. it was judged to be a fake. but still what a scare. we have melissa belle on scene by the police station and we're going to be talking about what
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this means. what is the mood like there right now. what are you understanding? >> little by little the cordon's being lifted here. they had sealed several blocks. huge police presence for the last couple of hours since news e mernld of the attacmerged of . they have all congregated on this north paris suburb. it is one of the more multi cultural parts of paris. but clearly this incident has attracted people in great numbers. just behind me you can see the road where goutte d'or where the man was killed. but the street itself remains
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cordened off. >> thank you very much for the help as you have been for us for the past year. i'll check in with melissa if we learn anything else but right now let's figure how this fits into the scheme of threat and how it is a reflection of what french authorities and citizens are trying to deal with here in paris. gentlemen, it is good to have you both with me as always. now this situation, yes we want to dismiss it out of hand. this guy had a knife. he seemed to be deranged. the vest was a fake. there were worries there could be a secondary attack. that did not happen. >> the country has been under threat, the highest threat level since january 2015.
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he attacked the police station at the exact same time as "charlie hebdo" last year. so this can't be a coincide. and it shows basically how the threat is very serious in this city. and that is also why the reason there are so many police and military troops in the streets. >> as you were pointing out earlier, this guy doesn't look legit but that is how low the bar is for people who can be inspired here that you have a huge community here that is sympathetic to radical thought and a that makes the policing problem so difficult. the other problem of what happened here in november, the suspicion early on was could this planner have been the head of the snake? you were suspicious then. now you can confirm there are others still at large they believe were pulling the strings here in paris. >> exactly right. we're being told by senior belgium counterterrorism
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official there are two senior operatives, senior members of this conspiracy, who during the period of the paris attacks were providing orders from brussels to the paris attackers in paris. their pictures were put out on december 4th by belgian authorities to try and trap these men down. but at that time they hadn't established their identities. now they are close to establishing. >> what does that mean when you are investigating something like this where you know there are two guys. how do you know there are two but you don't know who they are exactly? how does it work is this. >> well they established these fake ids to go and probably pick up some of the attackers and established they probably used those same cards to wire money to the ring leader on the ground here in paris during the attacks. but all they had was this fake
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belgian id credit carard and cc footage. they have to do a lot more investigation. they are on the cusp of that now. but these men are considered armed and dangerous. there is concern they could plot follow-up attacks. i was told there were more senior in the conspiracy. how do they know this? because they managed to listen in to some of the communications. >> another name paul brought to us was fabian clan which they believe was higher in this syndica syndicate. and the concern is if they are still out there, what else are they planning? and that's the new normal here. they didn't just take lives that day. they were attacking a way ooch life.
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and where are you now in terms of society? >> it's been much quieter in bars and restaurants and hotels. much less tourists. >> injury on the economic front as well. >> absolutely yes. the economic costs are a bit over $2 billion. estimates of direct effects. but there are far more effects because as we've seen in 2001 with 9/11 it takes a very long time before tourists are really coming back as before. so it will take two, three, four years before paris will find its normal situation if there are no new attacks of course. because that is completely uncertain. >> how do you deal with trying to make your population comfortable for a situation you can't control for good and bad
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reason. tens of thousands identify with islamic extremist thought. we're dealing with a handful in the united states. how do you balance the populations? the risks, with yes you are safe? >> it this is over 6 million muslims in france and maybe these are a couple of hundred people. and they are not only muslims. they are french people. some of them were born here. and basically these are losers and they find a place where they think they can be someone. this is of course part of a much larger social problem we have here. but how to deal with threats on a day to day basis is a very difficult because we are still under a state of emergency. there have been a lot of abuses --
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>> critical of this from the beginning the state of the emergency was built as a great thing. you had concerns of the balance of liberty and from the beginning and you are saying that balance has been a little off. >> absolutely. over 300 people have gotten house arrest and so far only two preliminary inquiries have been started by the judges. so it is a massive scale -- massive breech of civil liberties and the whole problem is how far do we go in breaching these civil liberties in order to protect these civil liberties and that is the debate starting in the country. >> thank you very much. bringing us the reporting really advance our understanding of this continuing threat here. alisyn, i have to get back to you. just being in paris such a beautiful city, cafe society here really sets a standard across the world but now you notice when there are the police sirens the ambulance sirens,
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people respond differently. and you can't blame them. >> thanks for the understanding on the ground there in paris and of course we'll have more for everyone throughout the morning on cnn. ted cruz opening up about his birthplace. is he worried about trump calling that into question? ♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto.
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they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) the twenty-sixteen subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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at number one, we have
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breaking news we're watching police in paris thwarting an attack at the pligs police station. a man carrying a cleaver was gunned down. he was apparently wearing a pouch that looked like a suicide belt. this is one day to the year after the attack that killed 12 people at "charlie hebdo." >> and the cruz seeing a judge about his citizenship. >> and the president obama tonight hosting a live town hall event by anderson cooper. >> president obama among other world leaders expressing doubt of north korea's hydrogen bomb. >> and all 17 miners traps are
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now rescued. senator ted cruz opens up. the republican presidential hopeful has that candid chat on president obama, gun control and those attacks being made on his birth certificate. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself?
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senator ted cruz on the campaign trail in iowa. just 25 days before the caucuses. addressing obama's executive action on guns and so much more. dana bash is live in storm lake, iowa and she's here to share her chat can cruz. good morning dana. >> good morning alisyn. and on the campaign trail when it comes the republican candidates they were kind of tripping over themselves to criticize obama and his gun policy. but nobody went quite as far as ted cruz in the way they expressed that criticism. i talked about that and much more on his campaign bus. >> right after the speech you posted a menacing picture of obama. and the headline said "obama want yours guns." how is that anything but fear mongering. >> it is actually quite accurate. this is the most antigun
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president we've ever seen. eric holder said he believed it was his job as attorney general to brainwash americans against guns. >> but that is not the president. >> but it is at the president's direction. at every instance the president uses every terrorist attack virtually every criminal incident. >> so you don't take him at his word that he just wants to protect -- >> i'll tell you who i do take at her word? >> why not. >> is senator fine stein so side if i could go -- and do you know what? barack obama is in the same boat. and if you want to know what his position is. you could take a look at the supreme court's case o heller versus district of columbia. i represented 31 states that helped keep and bear arms.
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do you know what barack obama's position is? that there is no right whatsoever to keep and bear arms under the constitution. >> that's not what he said when he spoke. he's a constitutional lawyer and he very much believes in the second amendment. you don't believe him. >> -- she will -- >> you may have heard that thaerd that donald trump is bringing up the fact that you were born in canada and if you are the republican nominee it could be held up in the court for two years. you are a constitutional scholar. you have argued before the supreme court. why do you think on the legal basis he's wrong? >> oh look the legal issue is straightforward. son of a u.s. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen. >> but it's never been tested. >> the constitution and laws of the united states are straightforward. the very first congress defined the child of a u.s. citizen born abroad as the natural born citizen.
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and many of the members of the first congress were framers at the constitutional convention. at the end of the day this is a non issue but my response is i tweeted a link to a video of fonzie jumping a shark. you know, i'm not going to engage in this. and the reason is simple. there are far too many serious issues facing this country. last night north korea claims to have tested a hydrogen bomb. what the american people are looking for is who is prepared to be commander in chief. who has the seriousness, who has the judgment, the knowledge -- >> button this up though on the issue of the passport. >> what passport? >> donald trump is suggesting -- saying that you had a canadian passport. >> not true. >> false. >> never had a canadian passport. >> -- >> yes i'm sure. and how about, look the media with all due respect love to
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engage in sillily side shows. we need toy side shows. we need to -- >> an issue you have talked about a lot is immigration. you were arguing how important it is for legal immigration to continue and you called for an increase in visas for highly skilled workers by 500%. now on the campaign trail you say they should be done away with completely or at least suspended. is it just because the politics of being a candidate have changed? >> no, there is change circumstances. my principles remain identical. we should secure the border and stop illegal immigration. and two, we should welcome and celebrate legal immigrants. as it concerns the visa program, i used to support an expansion and i support the original goals of that program, which is bringing in high skilled workers
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that produce jobs and economic growth. but any rational person responds to changed circumstances. what's changed? we've seen a whole number of employers abusing the program. number one, bringing in people who are not high skilled. bringing in medium and low skilled i.t. workers and then firing american workers. and to add insult to jury, force b american -- >> do you know the rap on you on this what issing with talked about here in iowa about renewable energy is that you are flip-fl flip-flopping. i know there are a lot of people going after you because they want the job that you do. you know but these are things that are being talked about. >> so your point is political opponents of mine are attacking me? i'm shocked to hear such a thing. >> you can always rely on ted cruz for a pop culture reference there. and michaela and alisyn this is i think a good example of the
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line that ted cruz is trying to walk as he tries to finish out a sprint here in iowa before the caucuses. he is by all accounts the front runner here at this point. just being with him the crowds seem to be energized. they seem to be into him and these are people we're talking to who are experienced caucus gores. whether or not he can reflect criticism is going to be the test in the coming weeks. >> fascinating to see you sit there and talk to him rolling through that snow-scape of iowa. thank you so much. >> thanks. >> stay with cnn for more news coverage of the deadly attack that was thwarted in paris. >> we'll pick up with carol costello after a short break. vo: which is why being put first takes some getting used to. ♪ nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive insurance partner of plenti.
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this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. we begin with breaking news this morning out of paris, where authorities have shot and killed a man carrying a knife outside of a police station. that man was reportedly shouting allow akbar and carrying fake


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