tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 20, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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edit karma? yeah. huh, that was easy! kinda regret buying all this stuff now. looks good though, right? looks great. ladies love a man in a uniform. laughs... first step, credit karma. that is it for us tonight. i'll see you back here tomorrow night. night. "ac360" right now. -- captions by vitac -- good evening. busy night in politics with sarah palin out on the campaign trail linking president obama to her son's alleged domestic abuse incident. we begin with breaking news. if you're one of 65 million americans tonight, you could be in for a crippling winter storm. no exaggeration. that's the national weather service's word, crippling. snowfall measured in feet, not inches and potentially the kind of flooding only seen in hurricanes. the dangerous zone is evolving. right now washington d.c. is in the cross hairs. this is what the last big winter storm did to d.c. nearly 18 inches in 2010. take a look.
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now add as much as another foot of snow to that picture and that's what could be in store. that's why we begin tonight with tom sader. how bad is this expected to get, tom? >> anderson, the records in washington, d.c. go back 132 years. there have been three storms that have been over 18.5 inches and this is probably going to be in the top three if not surpassed the 28-inch total of 1922. so bloords blizzard watch is in effect. this will become a warning. in blue are winter storm watches there are several states, 65 million. a conservative side would say maybe a million people lose conservative. because the storm we're watching is still pushing out of colorado. there has been a little precursor here, light snow to remind everybody old man winter means business here. coming out of colorado doesn't look impressive, yet. still waiting, anderson, for the storm to get its act together and define itself and the icing sets up from arkansas to tennessee and kentucky. maybe a third of an inch to a
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half inch of ice in the californias. that's going to be bad enough with downing of power lines and trees before the snow even really starts to ramp up on friday evening and through the day on saturday. this is going to be a big mess. a lot of records will be broken here. >> it isn't just the snow, it's the wind speed, as well, right? >> that's true. that's where the energy moves across the southeast will transfer its energy, become a nor'easter. think about it. when you have a foot, two feet of snow, maybe isolated three and we're getting wind gusts over 40 miles an hour, 50, 55, maybe 60 in a few locations. so again, that will aid to more in the way of power outages but then again, we've got a full moon on saturday with high tide on saturday morning. so significant coastal erosion and coastal flooding. again, when i show you the models of the amount of snow they have been consistent for several days, putting the bulls-eye in the northern virginia area from d.c., i-95 corridor to philadelphia, but it
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cuts off in new york city. an idea of the latest model. this just came out. and the gfs model. dropped from 32 to 30 inches. new york city's model dropped from den to -- ten to seven and boston down to zero. because of significant gradient and cut off from the snow from parts of new jersey and i think for boston but this is going to be a colossal storm. to stormy weather and sarah palin headline obviously endorsing donald trump supposed to make big headlines campaigning with him this morning in iowa. instead, her son, track's legal troubles kept her from hitting the stump in tulsa, oklahoma where she made big headlines anyway. in part for what she said about her son, track and who she blamed for his troubles.
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cnn's jim acosta joins us with more. sarah palin's second day on the campaign trail. what did it have in store? what happened? >> you're right. she's a force of nature herself and wasn't only spending her time on the stump with donald trump at oral roberts university in tulsa, oklahoma, to talk about the gop front runner, she twauxing about her son, track, who was arrested on domestic violence charges this week. palin blamed that on her son's post traumatic stress disorder and said that was in part due to president obama's policies. here is more of what she had to say. >> so when my own son is going through what he goes through coming back, i can certainly relate with other families who kind of feel these ramifications of some ptsd and some of the woundedness that our soldiers do return with and it makes me realize more than ever it is now or never for the sake of america's finest that we have that commander-in-chief who will
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respect them and honor them. >> now there's no question about it, anderson, a lot of veterans deal with ptsd. but one top veteran leader was on twitter earlier today paul rye cough -- ricoff, saying that president obama hasn't done everything for veterans but he didn't cause this. >> wasn't at trump's earlier event today. was the tone different? >> the campaign put out the statement when they announced sarah palin was endorsing donald trump and she would be with him today and she was not there, it was notable she was not there this morning in iowa and donald trump's stump peach was a little different. he went after ted cruz when sarah palin was not at his side and yet, when he and she came to oebl roberts university later on in the afternoon, donald trump made no mention of ted cruz. we should point out ted cruz has been endorsed by sarah palin in the past when he ran for the senate. interesting he was tailoring the speech somewhat.
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the gop front runner did go after bernie sanders who has been really giving hillary clinton a run for her money in the polls and donald trump talked about that and wondering what democrats are up to is one of the big moments of donald trump's speech day. here is what he had to say. >> sanders, can you imagine this guy a socialist/communist is doing well. no, no, he's beating hillary clinton. can you believe this? this guy is a whack job. he's a whacko beating hillary clinton. oh, boy. i tell you what, i really would like to run against her. but i really would like to run against bernie sanders. >> reporter: the question is, if he does run against bernie sanders or hillary clinton or whoever, will sarah palin be the running mate? donald trump seemed to be sending the signal all day long today that that's not going to happen. and the question, i think, anderson, in the coming day,
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while this has fired up the conservative base and you should have heard this crowd inside the auditorium, it was quite something, whether or not sarah palin's endorsement actually translates into votes, and i think we'll have the first indication of that when we start seeing state by state poll numbers later on this week. >> jim acosta thanks so much. in new hampshire, one more poll for donald trump to brag about. a survey showing him with a huge lead among likely republican voters 20 points ahead of ted cruz. jeb bush and marco rubio tied for third at 10% each. what are all these also rans have in common is that each and every one of them has been attacked by donald trump of course. and most recently, ted cruz, and so far this attack seems to only hurt them and help him. joining us to talk about that and a whole lot more tonight including the palin factor, cnn donna brazil, anna navarro and jeffrey lord. democratic party official and anna is a bush supporter and rubio friend and former top regan political advisor. so donna, the comments from sarah palin linking her son's
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domestic violence arrest to president obama and what she perceives is his treatment of veterans, what do you think of that? >> anderson, you have known me for a long time, so i'm just going to say it. she's a liar. that's a damn lie, in fact. look, last year president obama put billions of dollars in his budget bill. we know most budgets are dead on arrival but the republicans in congress cut out $1.6 billion in services that could have gone to veterans, 70,000 veterans are receiving less care because they, of course, cut the budget. so i don't think she should blame the president. we should try to seek help for veterans regardless of if they have famous parents. i care for all veterans. i'm a daughter of a veteran. i think to go out there and to insinuate somehow or another that the president of the united states, barack obama, is trying
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to hurt veterans when in fact he is trying to put more resources so that we can give our young and old veterans the care they need that's just a damn lie. you can say donna brazil said it. i approved this message. >> trump has the support of non-establishment types, it's member of the establishment yet to rally around him. do you think teaming up with palin further alienates him? a lot of them hold her partly responsible for the republican loss in 2008. a lot of people that support john mccain and feel he deserves loyalty from sarah palin are probably surprised to see her linking up with trump. >> notably senator mccain himself, recently came to the defense of donald trump over the issue of senator cruz' citizenship. so perhaps that was a signal to her it was okay for her to ally
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herself with donald trump. look, sarah palin is an absolute asset to donald trump or frankly to ted cruz had she endorsed him or to anyone else in a presidential primary in iowa as i can it was ralph reid today with the christian coalition said that she was like the gold standard or something to that effect with a lot of these folks. and that's true. she's very, very popular with these folks. i understand that she's not popular universally all throughout the country. she does have her fans. a lot of them are going to be voting in these caucuses and the primaries yet to come. and so she's a big asset for him. >> jeff, do you believe her when she links her son's, you know, arrest and domestic violence charges, which i believe have happened inside her house, if i'm not mistaken. >> wow. >> do you believe her when she links that to president obama? >> well, i mean, what she's doing, as i hear this, is we have had a huge scandal in the v.a. and contrary to my friend donna, the democrats ran the congress and thus the budget situation
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for the first two years of the obama -- >> i guess i'm asking -- >> we're talking about the 2015 and the 2016 budget. if you want to go back to 2008, 2009 -- >> donna -- >> we're talking about the budget and the previous six budgets, jeff. >> donna, we're talking about structural deficiencies -- >> we both agree about that which has been bipartisan terms. look, i'm a daughter of a veteran. you know, that jeff. >> it's a simple question -- do you believe it's fair to make that link? >> sarah palin's son should be held responsible for his own behavior. what ever happened to personal responsibility in the republican party? >> i'll let jeffrey answer. >> of course he should be held responsible for his personal behavior but we have been told time and time and time again that there is a serious problem within the v.a. treating veterans and i think that's the point she's trying to make. >> no, that's not the point. she's directly linking -- >> drink the water, jeff. >> -- her son's problems to
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obama. and i'm wondering, do you believe that's fair to do? >> anderson, respectfully i don't agree. i think she's saying the government is not treating these veterans right. her son has this problem. it should be dealt with and she's extrapolating that to the larger treatment of veterans. >> okay. anna, what do you think of what she says? >> i don't think it's a personal assault on the president. >> look, anderson, i traveled with sarah palin some in 2008 during the mccain campaign and observed her to be very close to her children. this son was serving, but her daughters and the younger son would travel with her. you know, i think what you're hearing is what is going to be the legal defense. i think we got to be careful when we talk about this stuff. we cannot underestimate or undervalue the importance of ptsd. we also cannot underestimate or undervalue the seriousness of the issue of domestic violence. i think that -- >> i agree.
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>> -- it needs to be treated with incredible seriousness and i wish it would be treated without it going into a political food fight and part of the presidential campaign. these are serious issues. there is a lot of people suffering. veterans are suffering with ptsd and families and a lot of spouses suffering today, tonight as they watch this from domestic violence for the love of god let us not politicalize these issues. >> i want to play a clip from the "today" show, where trump answered how sarah palin would play in a presidential situation. >> the question always asked of me, who do you have in mind and i didn't think about v.p. right now and i just want to win as far as sarah is concerned, never ask me about that. never asked me about anything else, just wanted to support and it's such an honor because as you know very badly so many people are so disappointed that she didn't support them, but certainly, there would be a role somewhere in the administration, if she wanted it and i'm not sure that she does want that. but there would certainly be a role. >> clearly, anna, leaving the door open to some kind of a role in a trump administration. >> well, you know, what is old is new again.
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look, i will tell you i think having been in the mccain campaign that sarah palin ended up being a zero sum game. it did cost him some votes in some areas of the country and it brought him some votes from some sections of the republican base. that being said, i will tell you this, the sarah palin i saw last night did that speech was not the same performer at the same level of the 2008 sarah palin. the convention speech she gave in 2008 was out of the ballpark. she was able to connect with audiences. last night to me, she sounded incoherent. she sounded disjointed. it was just the word salad going on. you know, i think, can she get her bearings again? can she get into fighting shape again? yes. but i think that this sarah palin today is just not at the same performance level that she was in 2008 and well, lost. >> anna, look, i hope i don't cause you to have problems or discomfort with the republicans but i agree with you both on domestic violence and the
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seriousness of the illnesses that many of our veterans come back with and i also want to agree with you that i thought sarah palin was rusty. look, anderson, i was at the republican convention and it was a four-car funeral until sarah palin was selected and she really energized. i've said good things about sarah palin. i support women in american politics and the fact that she's a highly-prized supporter of donald trump, that will help him. i think it will help with tea party types. i think it will help with evangelicals and others but, you know, i just think that this connection to obama with her son, that was just totally, i don't know, maybe she was just having a moment. >> we got to leave it there. all thank you. coming up next, jim acosta brought up this question. when sarah palin talks, do voters really listen? we'll look at her track record. ted cruz credits her with his victory.
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about the headlines that sarah palin makes and the real question is how many votes does she get for the candidates that she endorses. taking a look at the record. cnn's jake tapper. >> i love that donald trump does go rogue. >> reporter: she's always been supportive. >> i'm on trump's side. >> reporter: sarah palin made it official. >> the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. >> reporter: last fall i asked the former alaska governor about a potential cabinet position with trump, who had praised her. is there a particular area that would line up with your strengths, a position you would want to serve in? >> that's a great question. i think a lot about the department of energy, energy is my baby, oil and gas and minerals, those things that god has dumped on this part of the earth for man's use. i think a lot of the department of energy and i were the head of that, i'd get rid of it. >> we'll give them hell. >> reporter: the bigger question now is whether palin's endorsement will make a difference. >> he got the endorsement of sarah palin. yeah. >> yeah, when he heard john
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mccain said well, you're all set. >> reporter: conan o'brien aside for those candidates running against trump. palin's support during their congressional campaigns was no joke. >> sarah palin jumped in early and supported rand paul, she supported marco rubio. let me tell you something. i would not be in the u.s. senate today if it were not for governor sarah palin. >> reporter: congress is full of palin beneficiaries including arizona's jeff flake and iowa's joanie arn chb -- joni ernst, who received the most money from sarah palin's pact since 2010, two-thirds have won the seats. >> it's a major endorsement. she's the anti establishment candidate. >> reporter: can this famous friend of the underdog really
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boost the current top dog? >> palin-type voters are already with donald trump and it's not going to mean a lot of momentum. >> it probably hurts cruz more than it helps trump. >> reporter: in a conversation we had with sarah palin last month, it seemed clear she identifies with trump in the way that the republican establishment sneers at him. >> if we want to restore what's great about america, we have to win this thing. so shame on the gop establishment if they essentially boot a top tier candidate out. >> reporter: jake tapper, cnn, washington. >> joining us is rick davis who managed the 2008 mccain/palin campaign. rick, thanks for being with us. you certainly know sarah palin. i wonder what went through your mind as you watched her up in the stage last night and today, as well. >> she continues to garner a lot of attention wherever she goes and frankly, we haven't seen much of her lately on the national stage. so it was interesting that they picked the venue they did, and the timing they did. i thought it was smart on behalf of the trump campaign to turn her loose and obviously two days later we're still talking about it so it must be effective. >> i wanted to get your reaction
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to something that nicole wallace, who obviously worked with you in 2008, becoming palin's handler during the campaign. >> listen, i think sarah palin is interested in donald trump's career as a television star as she might be in his future as a politician. i think sarah palin squarely straddles the world of reality tv and the world of politics and i think she's interested in replacing him in "the apprentice" or following him to washington. >> do you think she's right? that at this stage of the game, palin has little desire to hold any office, elected or appointed? >> she hasn't indicated an interest and haven't played any role in this election cycle so far this year and didn't hint that she would and i mean, you got to sort of believe what you see with her, and that is, you know, that she took this opportunity pretty late in the game to come help one of the many people who she has
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supported in the past that are part of this, you know, treasure trove of republican candidates. i think it was probably as much trump's ability to persuade her to jump in as it was her own desire to be a part of process. >> you know, when she tells jake tapper she might like to be secretary of energy in a trump administration. do you think she would seriously take that job? >> who knows. i mean, who knows if there is going to be a trump administration. who knows if he's going to be the nominee. who knows if she's going to win iowa. you've got to keep focused on what this is in front of you. the purpose what this is about, which is to boost numbers in iowa. you know, i think it actually will be helpful to him. it's not just so much how to help donald trump but, you know, there's a lot of votes at stake. there's a lot of votes at play. ben carson's numbers are going down and those people want to find a place to go and by inserting her into that scenario, you know, her connection with evangelicals and her connection with the tea party certainly is a good gateway to getting some of the carson votes to trump. >> to your earlier point,
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certainly sucks out the oxygen from a lot of the other candidates out there who end up having to respond to talk about the sarah palin. >> trump is good about doing that on his own but you ignite him with sarah palin on a stage and i suspect tomorrow night we'll talk even more about this duo. >> do you think we'll see sarah palin on the campaign trail over the course of the next several months? or do you think that her appearance this week, it's critical for trump at this point, but down the road -- say he does become the nominee, in a general election, how do you think she plays? >> you know, it's hard to say in a general election. in the primary it's clear. there are certain states her appeal is undeniable. you heard ted cruz talk about how there are so many elected members, both in washington but also in the state houses that feel like she was the ignition that got them their nominations. nikki haley in south carolina one of the key early states, was in third or fourth place, i
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think, last place, in her prior prooi mare three weeks from the primary. sarah palin came in, boom, she wins. so will i see her in new hampshire? gee, i don't know. i would bet good money she would show up in south carolina. >> do you think looking back to the 2008 campaign, anna said it was a zero sum game benefit. you know, worked in some places, hurt in others. what do you think? >> she was having crowds of 60,000 people at her rallies until the day before election. so i have a hard time believing that there is any lack of appeal for her in the election. with her introduction into the campaign, you know, ten days later we were up by five after being down by 15 and we stayed there until the global economic failure. i'm not blaming anybody or anything on a loss. a loss is a loss. i have a hard time pinning blame on sarah palin for what happened in the election in 2008. >> rick, i really appreciate you being on and appreciate your perspective. thank you very much. why donald trump says ted cruz is worse than hillary clinton and republican rivals are ramping up their attacks. the latest from the campaign trail in iowa as well as new
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numbers to out to tonight. a cnn wmur poll, he is leading in new hampshire by 20 points. campaigning in iowa today, he kept up his attacks on his closest com closest competitor, ted cruz. >> and he said with being a canadian citizen, she said oh, i didn't know that. how did he not know that? then he said with the loans, oh, i didn't know that. smart guy. he doesn't know that? yeah, that's worse than hillary when you think about it. >> mr. trump was not the only one taking shots at cruz today. bob dole told "the new york times" his party would suffer losses if cruz is the republican nominee. it's been a rough couple days for the senator dodging attacks and snubs. did he mention any of that on the trail today? >> reporter: it's interesting. ted cruz today seemed to go out of his way to spent this image that everything is okay really trying to tailor his spin and
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capital list in his own way on this bad news cycle that he's had for the last 48 hours. but specifically on bob dole's takedown that coupled with the iowa poll. we've seen ted cruz shift into his comfort zone as a candidate, someone that can argue this is proof he is the real anti establishment and republican in this race. here is how he responded here earlier tonight. >> and we're seeing something remarkable happening in this republican primary. right now, the washington establishment is abandoning marco rubio. they made the assessment that marco can't win this race. and the washington establishment is rushing over to support donald trump. we're seeing that happen every day and mr. trump is welcoming the support of the washington establishment and indeed mr. trump said that they should support him because he said ted won't go along to get along. he won't make deals with the democrats. well, i don't think there are a
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lot of republicans that think the problem with republican leadership is that they're unwilling to make deals with the democrats. the problem with republican leadership is they make deals on everything. they surrender at the outset. they stand for nothing. >> reporter: so this is the argue ted cruz is trying to make. he is trying to take down donald trump and marco rubio with a one-two punch, tying them together. of the establishment wing at the same time holding up his badge of honor and anti establishment badge within the party, as well. >> i mean, his momentum, does he still have, i mean, i assume he's getting good crowds and people coming out to see him. >> reporter: he is. he has had a big crowd here in new hampshire today. he cancelled two campaign events. he had to return to d.c. today to cast a vote in the senate and certainly that coupled with his bad news cycle for him has really knocked him off his
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message in the last 48 hours. it's never a good idea as a candidate to have to be explaining of something or really reacting to something that somebody else has said about you and that's exactly what ted cruz for the last 48 hours has had to do, respond to sarah palin, respond to bob dole, respond to the iowa governor. that's not the position where the candidate wants to be in. they want to be pushing their message, especially in the final leadup here in new hampshire and iowa for ted cruz. >> thanks very much. with showed you today's polls and the big question what is happening on the ground. will voter enthusiasm and turnout surprise everyone in the republican race? john king is on the ground in iowa talking to his sources and reporting that out senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny is there digging into what could be the shifting sands in the democratic race. john, the people you've been talking to in iowa, what are they telling you? are you hearing? >> reporter: first and foremost, anderson, everybody, democrat, republican, clinton, sanders, cruz, trump know the clock is ticking. we're 11 days and five hours away from caucus day. when you go to a phone bank, you
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see it. the bigger crowds at the phone bank, bigger urgency. we were in davenport today where back in 2008 she thought she would win. barack obama stunned her. hillary clinton is inside this hall now. you hear it in her voice. she's attacking bernie sanders quite vigorously. let me take you inside the fascinating move. you were just talking about, bob dole's decision today to come out and say that cruz would be worse than trump. bob dole has a history here in iowa. this is not a calculation that the establishment is making. they want to beat, they want to kill ted cruz here in iowa because if they believe he doesn't win here, and they have polling to back it up, they think trump will be stronger in the south and cruz will not be able to rebound in the march primaries. they have made this calculations but most have made this calculations they believe both trump and cruz would be harmful to the party in the general election but think if it's trump, it's one cycle. they wash their hands of him and he's gone. if cruz is their nominee and hurts them, he will blame the establishment and try to run again.
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this strategy, bob dole has a history here in iowa and the iowa senator came out today. remember it was governor branstad, they hope it destroys his campaign. >> jeff, you've been following clinton and sanders this week neck and neck in the poll there is in iowa. clinton really pushing the electability. how is that resonating with voters? >> anderson, it reminds me so much of eight years ago. she, in the final days of that campaign was pushing electability as well. we saw in a television ad today. it wept -- went all the way back through her experience from first lady to senate to secretary of state in a 60-send ad trying to drive home the iowas that she is the most electable. she's the one who can stop republicans from winning the white house but the problem here is for her the challenge for her is iowa democratic caucus goers are true believers. you talk to voters that bernie sanders rallies and say look, we like what he has to say and like his i teals -- ideals.
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we don't hate hillary clinton. we like her fine but love bernie sanders. that's what hillary clinton is trying to cut through here the ideals, these true believers. so a pragmatic argument doesn't always work. she tried it eight years ago and didn't work. of course, senator sanders isn't senator obama. but there is the same sense here, the excitement i see attending all these rallies, is right now, on the sanders side. >> john, when it comes to gop candidates and evangelical outreach, you've also been talking to people about that. what have you heard? it's fascinating when you look at the numbers. >> anderson, perhaps the biggest slice of the republican side four years ago, 57% of caucus goers said they were born again evangelicals. so we do know that more than half and maybe as many as 60% on the republican side are going to be white born again christians. i'm just about an hour away from a conversation with pastor joe brown, he is leading this 99 pastors for ted cruz. there are 99 counties in iowa. he says they will have 160 in all but wanted a pastor in each county he believes and a phone call tomorrow and prayer meeting with senator cruz next week.
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he believes they can deliver 30,000 voters on caucus day and they believe that can make the difference but trust me, they understand the establishment attacks. they understand the power of trump's appeal here and anderson, as cruz evangelical movement tries to gear it up an additional notch because they feel that urgency, the next time that trump is here he has private meetings planned with evangelical leaders. he doesn't think he can beat ted cruz but in a close race, it's about the margins. >> john king, jeff zeleny, thanks. the man-made disaster in flint, michigan. the city's tap water was toxic. the question is who knew and when did they know it? across america, people like basketball hall of famer
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flint to send more resources on top of the assistance that we've already put on the ground. >> parents in flint are beside themselves in the president's words because their children were poisoned by tap water officials insisted were safe. a man-made disaster was denied and ignored for well over a year. the governor and the epa have admitted they were slow to respond. class-action lawsuits filed and investigations launched. tonight, who knew what and when they knew it. that is starting to come into focus. sarah gag -- gagnon has the latest. >> reporter: melissa mays says the ominous change in the water was particularly noticeable at bath time. >> it's yellow and a filmy, gross, foamy thing and it would smell like open sewer. we're told we're getting used to the new system, it's safe, it's okay. >> reporter: it wasn't okay. far from it. flint's tap water was laced with dangerous levels of lead. the state knew about it and did nothing. the trouble began two years ago when the state decided to switch flint from detroit's drinking
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water to a new system but the new system wouldn't be ready for two years. in the meantime, to save money, they switched to the flint river water. >> three, two, one. >> reporter: that first decision turned out to be a mistake. as did nearly every step the state took after it. michigan's department of environmental quality shoulders much of the blame, what a preliminary task force report calls an abysmal public response. at the time the state agency told flint it didn't have to add an anticorrosive agent to the water saying it wasn't necessary until two six-month monitoring periods had been conducted. in other words, they were willing to wait a year to see whether the water was safe. all the while, highly corrosive river water flowed through the city's lead pipes leeching lead and other dangerous metals into the water supply and what came out of the tap in many homes was toxic.
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almost immediately residents started complaining. their water was brown. some people developed rashes, became sick. early tests revealed fec fecal coliform bacteria, so the city and state officials added chlorine to the water supply and told people to boil their water. both mistakes which can actually increase the level of lead. >> i built this place with my tax money. >> reporter: at city meetings residents were repeatedly told the water was safe. >> we found the worse lead water contamination i've seen in 25 years and believe me, i've seen a lot. >> reporter: residents didn't find out about the lead until this man stepped in. mark edwards is a virginia tech researcher who tested the water early last year. >> it was very scary to see the levels of lead that were hazardous waste coming out of her tap water. >> reporter: that's right. the lead levels in one home were
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so high water from the tap could be considered hazardous waste. his testing led to this epa memo, an interim report leaked last summer. it said the high levels of lead in the water were especially alarming because the state's water testing was flawed so the true lead levels were properly much higher. >> we were just waiting for the appropriate authorities to help flint residents to enforce federal law. >> reporter: when flint's former mayor asked the epa for more information, he was shut down as you can see in this e-mail exchange obtained by cnn. the epa regional director writes the preliminary draft report should not have been released outside the agency, and that only when the report is revised and fully vetted will it be shared with the city. but that wouldn't happen until months later. meanwhile, families were still drinking water poisoned with lead. the epa blames the state saying
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in a statement to cnn what happen in flint should not have happened and that the epa's ability to oversee was impacted by failures and resistance at the state and local levels. the state was continuing with its own mistakes, according to mark edwards, butchering around a water testing. they not only tested the wrong homes, but altered the reports eliminating tests from two homes that would have shown toxic levels of lead. the state says the changes were legitimate. >> they fabricated a report that made it appear like flint was passing the lead and copper with flying colors. >> reporter: in the fall, the government admitted there was lead in the water and flint was switched back to detroit's water supply. but it wasn't until earlier this month that the state of michigan started bringing in bottled water and declared a state of emergency. >> sarah, the governor released several e-mails today, several of his e-mails. what did they say?
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>> reporter: anderson, state officials were concerned about the state of flint's water infrastructure before this crisis began but they kept deflecting blame as things got worse here in flint at times even blaming the people who live and work here in flint. the governor's former chief of staff saying this, the water certainly has occasional less than savory aspects like color because of the apparently more corrosive aspects of the hard water coming from the river. some of the flint people respond by looking for someone to blame instead of working to reduce anxiety. we can't tolerate increased lead levels in any event but it's really the city's water system that needs to deal with it. of course, anderson, we know it was actually the state, not the city making these decisions and the governor earlier this week conceded that it is not unfair to call this crisis his hurricane katrina. anderson? >> those e-mails are infuriating. how are they planning to fix the
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problem? >> well, here's the thing. today, the state house approved a $28 million to come to the city of flint. but immediately criticized as being far too low. the modest estimates what it will take to replace the infrastructure. it will take between 50 and $75 million to replace the damaged pipes. the mayor here in flint saying it would cost between one and $1.5 billion to take care of all the other things that you need to combat lead poisoning like early childhood education and nutrition. this in a city that doesn't even have a grocery store, anderson. >> thanks very much. if you'd like to help the people of flint with donations, go to to find out how. just ahead, an unbelievable scene from a car crash in california where actor jamie foxx helped save a man's life pulling him from a smashed truck moments before it burst into
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flames. what the actor has to say and the driver's very grateful father next. and the network was born. then, we connected more and more people until it became clear that the network was not a fad or aluxury but a basic human necessity. and so, at&t built a network, just for you. one that connects your family and friends... your businesses, devices... mobile entertainment, connected cars, and connected homes. it grows as you grow. extending your reach to pull you closer to what you need and the people you love. because you are still evolving and so are we. with a network that is invented and reinvented every day to work for you how and where you need it. this is your network. the network of at&t.
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foxx. foxx pulled the man from a crash outside his house moments before the car burst into flames. randi kaye has the story. >> reporter: it's hard to believe anyone survived this. but brett kyle did, thanks to the quick actions of one of hollywood's biggest stars. >> i said you got angels around you. >> reporter: actor jamie foxx heard the crash outside his california home and raced to help after alerting 911. the california highway patrol says th says that brett kyle had been speeding and under the influence. he swerved then rolled his toyota tacoma multiple times before landing in a ditch. the driver was trapped inside and part of the truck was on fire, so there was no time to spare. >> as i'm getting him out and i said you got to help me get you out. >> reporter: foxx describing how with the help of an off duty emt he climbed into the truck to cut the driver's seat belt just as the flames were spreading into the front seat. >> as we pulled him out, within five seconds later, the truck goes up. >> reporter: outside foxx' home
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the next day, an embrace with the father of the man he saved. >> it doesn't matter to me who it was or what they do for a living or whatever, just the idea someone would do that is so much more than i can fathom, so i just -- it's all tears of joy. >> reporter: foxx posted this picture, the caption reads in part, this is all that matters, that a man, a son, a brother's life was spared last night, god had his arms wrapped around all of us. no heroes, just happy fathers. >> i don't look at it as heroic. i just look at it like, you know, just had to do something, you know, and it all just worked out. >> reporter: the perfect hollywood ending. >> it's incredible story. do we know what happened to the driver? >> the good news is that the driver was alone in that truck. so nobody else was hurt. but the driver himself brett
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kyle did suffer some burns as well as trauma to his head, chest, and even his arms but he did survive. he was actually arrested, anderson, at the scene for driving under the influence and taken to the hospital the one more note about how jamie foxx handled this situation. he actually invited the driver's father into his home to look at the footage from his home security camera. it caught the accident, the fire, and brad kyle, the dad, told reporters as he watched, all he could think is oh, my god, oh, my god, and so thankful jamie foxx was willing to risk his life to save a stranger that happened to be his son. atience.. create a vehicle that looks, drives and thinks like nothing else on the road. the all-new glc. the suv the world has been waiting for. starting at $38,950.
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