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tv   New Day  CNN  January 26, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST

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the caucuses. was last night the push that gave the edge. cnn senior political correspondent brianna keeler joins me now. what did we see and not see enough of? >> there were arguments that these two candidates were making hillary clinton more serious. one week now before the iowa caucuses. >> all right. we are live. >> less than a week away from the iowa caucuses. >> this calls for a standing up response. >> the democratic candidates are out of their chairs. >> i'm not capable of doing q and a from a set. >> a final pitch to voters. >> experience is important, but judgment is also important. >> bernie sanders kicking off cnn's town hall going record to record with hillary clinton. >> i voted against the war in
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iraq. hillary clinton voted for the war in iraq. i led the effort against wall street deregulation. see where hillary clinton was on this issue. on day one i said the keystone pipeline is dumb idea. why did it take hillary clinton such a long time before she came into opposition? >> clinton says one bad vote on the iraq war is just a scratch, not a dent. >> i have a much longer history than one vote, which i have said was a mistake because of the way that was done and how the bush administration handled it. but i think the americpherpamer has seen me in other ways. >> martin owe fighting for his place in this race. >> i have a track record 23409 of being a divider but bringing people together to get things done.
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>> voters challenging the candidates on key issues. >> how are you going to fight for women's rights? >> the vermont senator clearing up his stance on gun control. >> if a gun shop owner should know, why should somebody be buying 1,000 guns, somebody should be thinking that does not make a lot of sense. in that sense the gun shop owner or the gun manufacturer should be held liable. >> the former secretary of state leaning on nearly a million miles of travel to prove she is the foreign policy front-runner. >> i flew from cambodia with the president to israel middle of the night, see the israeli cabinet, work with them on what they would accept as an offer, go see the palestinian minister, go back to jerusalem, finalize the deal, fly to israel, hammer out the agreement.
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>> defending her character. >> i've heard from aot of people my age that they think you are dishonest. >> i have been fighting to give kids and women and the people who are left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives. >> throughout the night, one message was clear. don't trump. >> we are far better than the fascist rhetoric than you hear spewed out by donald trump. >> we need a coalition that includes muslim nations to defeat isis. and it is pretty hard how you are going to make a coalition with the very nations you need if you spend your time insulting their religion. >> this really shaped up in this town hall to be a choice between hillary clinton and bernie sanders for caucusgoers here in iowa, for voters across the country, establishment versus the alternative.
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and we are going to see of course here in just six days what iowans or iowa democrats think the choice should be. >> one of the reasons they brought so much energy, as you said, last night. six days ago this was the last best chance to have the audience. stay with us, would you? observations, brother preston, on last night. did cnn provide value in terms of the value of the wave of the first response. >> of course if i said we didn't provide value, chris cuomo would throw the right at me. yes. we did hear from voters, people who are going to decide who is going to be the winner here in iowa. what's interesting about these questions is they weren't
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journalist questions. they weren't us asking them. you are trying to put somebody in a box. real life questions, real life situations. last night was certainly a lot different than the presidential debates we have had for any of the other events they have had. >> i want your observation, ron. to me there was a tradeoff. so many opportunities to go back at the candidates if we were just sitting like this. but that's not what it was. this was about trading that satisfaction is from a journalist's perspective to seeing how they interact with viewers about what is concerning to them. >>. >> and you see a lot not only about policy position but their personal stories. it's clear from that session what hillary clinton wants her closing argument to be. i have been there. i can be president. i have pragmatic possible plans to move forward about things you care about. bernie sanders, even though they
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performed well, i thought they had the best night. two things really. one is show more personality. show more of his personal story than where he comes off as ambulatory policymaker. and give the totality of his agenda that hasn't been comprehensible. for a democratic audience we are able to put it out in one place. i thought it was very effective for him. >> do you think incident was compelling hearing hillary clinton say, look, i know the republicans in her opinion have been trying to kill me her entire life. do you think that will be saleable to democrats? >> i think that is her core strength. they see her as someone who can take a punch and keep going.
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democrats and republicans are looking for a candidate to take it to the other side. the second half, it is more difficult but she has credit there largely from her husband who did do well. the last bigbie partisan budget deal, there were a series of deals. i doll think the two ideas are in something attention. >> secretary clinton last night admitted should have apologize sooner when it came to e-mail stuff. would not say it was an error in judgment. >> she walks a fine line as she is very capable of doing. when you pushed her on it, she pushed back hard. she said she was not in the wrong. they are still looking at the situation with the e-mail server right now. hillary clinton tried to show, yes, okay i might have made a mistake but i didn't do anything
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wrong. >> she struggles to say she's sorry. even people who are in her corner will admit that. they tear their hair out sometimes when it comes. i thought it was a fascinating question that was asked of her. she has difficulty sort of in that area. and i think watching that role that led up to the apology, she could have done it sooner. she should have just admitted she had an error in judgment when it came to the e-mails. >> hillary clinton went on the stage. she took questions. they didn't know what we were asking them. every one was rehearsed. whether they have been on the campaign trail here in iowa, new hampshire, or elsewhere, they certainly were prepared for everything that was coming. >> and i think that was the great thing. it doesn't encapsulate the choice. people say head versus heart. you think of it more broadly.
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hadding harrisburg says i can work within the system and i'm going to get done as you care about. bernie sanders is we are going to change the world fund mentally. not only to govern but in the first place to win the election. >> all the campaigns believe they did well. that is not unusual. in terms of that type of forum, seeing them with voters, you don't usually -- you get to see each individual cancelled date all the time. you don't get to see them in succession with the same group of voters. it was a little bit different lens. >> i think sanders did. it allowed him to show a side of himself we haven't seen. he can sometimes comes across as a series of policy papers. what he was able to do last night was connect his passion to his personal story. i haven't seen anything like that from him on a national
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stage. hillary clinton was good as well in that sense. her passion was saying i have been working on these since i was your age. have a little bit of that nervous laughter at times. it was too much trying to connect. >> being on the trail with bernie sanders, houpb halls are a little bit boring when they're out -- not this one. i thought this was fascinating. >> oh, yeah. >> no, i do. the questions -- i thought there was a lot of bravely in some of the questions. but this is the process out on the campaign trail, sort of all the work they put in where they are going back and forth with voters answering questions. it doesn't get a ton of play. it is not under such a big microscope. but bernie sanders on the trail with him is fascinating the way he approaches voters. he has done a lot in his home state. he goes to high schools and talks to students. so i have been sort of -- something that has been
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impressed upon me watching him is how he has this interesting rapport. and he's pretty comfortable doing it. >> brianna, ron and credit where credit is due, brother preston. your team did a hell of a job. they went through all the damn questions, found a range of relevant issues, found people who were willing to get up there and take that spotlight. you guys did a hell of a job. >> as did you. >> alisyn, back to you. >> chris, thanks so much. a new high watermark for donald trump. national polls show trump opening up his biggest lead yet. wait until you hear what trump says new about ted cruz. that's next. >> cruz, who is a nasty guy who can't get along with anybody. we can't have a guy who stands on the floor and every other
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senator thinks he's a whack job. hi i'm heather cox on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me? ♪ beth, i hear you calling.♪.s ♪ but i can't come home right now... ♪ ♪ me and the boys are playing.♪. ♪ ... all nig♪t text beth, what can i do... [siri:] message. pick up milk. oh, right. milk. introducing the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen.
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donald trump breaking a new ceiling in the race for the gop nomination. polls out minutes ago shows the billionaire with his biggest lead yet. he's at 41%. his closest rival, ted cruz, is at 19%. he is relishing in front-runner status in an interview with wolf blitzer, wasting no time attacking his opponents, especially ted cruz. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> you have double digits leads according to the cnn latest poll. is this a two-man race. >> i doubt it is. you never know what is going to happen. i'm working hard in iowa. someone is closest to me. buff i took a good lead over the weekend if you look at the polls, including yours. in new hampshire, very, very big. in south carolina, amazing. so iowa is very important to me.
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>> what do you have that ted cruz doesn't have. >> look, i don't want to knock anybody but he has a lot of problems. he was born in canada. it's a real question. many lawyers are saying he can't do what he's doing. he's not allowed to run. and some lawyers say definitively he can't run. >> is that why his numbers have gone down? >> i don't know. i think the numbers were 36% say he can't run for he is canadian. he can run for prime minister of canada. i honestly don't know if he can run. there's a question mark. you know if he ever got the nomination, the first day, the first week he will be sued by the democrats. that's going to be it. what are they going to do? it will take years to go through the court system. so he should solve that problem. he has the goldman sachs problem. he borrowed a lot of money from citibank.
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he never told anybody. >> he disclosed it to one entity to the federal government but not the other. >> he didn't put it in his financial disclosure form. you've got to do that. he has two banks. but he didn't do it for a reason. he didn't do it because he doesn't want people to see that he is borrowing from banks he is supposed to be regulating. >> the established republican candidates, marco rubio, jeb bush, john kasich, who do you see as your biggest threat. >> i just want to do my own thing, wolf. i can say this one, that one. what difference does it make? we are doing great with evangelicals. i'm leading by a lot. we're doing fantastically with the tea party. they're terrific party. we're doing great with everything. i'm leading every national poll by a lot. now i'm leading every single state. in most cases by a lot. >> you just posted a facebook video. you say the establishment is
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against you. why do you say that? >> i think the establishment is against me but really coming online. because they see me as opposed to cruz, who is a nasty guy who can't get along with anybody. look, at a certain point, we have to make deals. we can't have a guy who stands in the middle of the center floor and every other senator thinks he's whack job. you have to get along. that's what our founders created. ted cannot get along with anybody. he is a nasty person. you don't see that. even when he was supportive of me i said watch what's going to happen. he's a nasty person. he brought it up at the debasementive finished it. but he started getting bad at the debate. he said i knocked down some woman's home. she didn't want it. and the words eminent domain. you wouldn't have roads, airports. you have to have eminent domain.
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the keystone pipeline is based on eminent domain p. by the way, all of those people get paid a lot of people. they take it and pay a lot of money. you wouldn't have a country. you wouldn't have one highway in this country. you wouldn't have a railroad. you wouldn't have anything. so they make it eminent domain. i never took the woman's house. i never knocked down anybody's house. but they show a bulldozer knock down a house. it's really false stuff. >> ron brownstein, mark preston, and mave weston. let's tee up what the significance of this interview is by how his main opponent has been handling trump in recent days. senator ted cruz was talking about what trump could mean if he wins in iowa. listen to why he says the stakes are so high. >> if donald wins iowa, he has a
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substantial lead in new hampshire. if he went on to win new hampshire as well, there's a very good chance he could be unstoppable and be our nominee. even if you're thinking about another candidate, the simple reality is there is only one campaign that can beat trump in this state. and if conservatives simply stand up and unite, that's everything. >> senator ted cruz argued before the supreme court on multiple occasions for a reason. a compelling case he puts together for that audience. >> right. and this is clearly what he is trying to do these days is consolidate conservatives around him. to some extent in iowa. now he is defending on his ground game to get things out. i think donald trump's a attacks
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are quickly weakening him. one-two punch of cruz is a nasty guy, birth and citizenship. you see people in trump's crowds starting to have more and more questions about cruz and whether he can really win a general election. >> cruz's analysis has the added benefit of being true. first of all, in the modern primary era, only one republican candidate who won iowa and new hampshire. that was gerald ford. he won over ronald reagan. i still believe the republican race can be defined in two sentences. donald trump is at 47% in your new poll among republicans without a college degree. trump is 26%. so there's room. no one is consolidating. if trump wins iowa and prevents
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cruz from evangelical support and he wins that too. >> ted cruz is speaking directly to evangelicals. that is what he is doing. if we don't stop here, he is going to go to new hampshire. gets what, the new hampshire republicans are not like you, not like me. he is making a hard push for the evangelicals. they have worked hard in iowa to consolidate people to join in. rapid paul supporters are coming his way. they are trying to get the fiscal conservatives. >> his key problem is that trump's appeal crosses that religious boundary. you look at georgia, south carolina, even some of the mid-western states like ohio, the biggest single block of voters who are evangelical and blue collar and trump is preventing cruz from getting the
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numbers he needs and preventing him from getting the -- >> he's even pulling even. >> which goes to ron's point. it is not just their faith. there is something to this or smack it aside as you often like to do with me, maeve. if he wins this one, he will win that one. you have to remember what theism implications are. this guy is going to come from the outside and ruin what's going on. doesn't that sound like a pitch that usually he would go after and attack? >> that's an excellent point. >> hold on. i'm like 0 for 20 for you in accepting any credit. >> it doesn't sound very cruz-like. again, this is why trump's attacks on him have been so effective in saying, you know, this guy can't lead, he doesn't
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get along with anybody. so it will be really interesting to see there is so much loathing for ted cruz whether he can consolidate the vote here. and he looks somewhat weak beyond iowa. you know, he's not doing that great in some of the states. >> this was supposed to be he wins in iowa where the insider said, well, he doctor have some advantages. but it is momentum into the next and it's compromise. >> ted cruz, if he comes out strong, if he doesn't win. he very well might win. the numbers continue to go up for donald trump. ted cruz is strong. he has a fighting chance to take out donald trump. if he wins, new hampshire becomes one he won't win by a large margin but a smaller
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margin. >> this is a win for him. puts him in a top echelon. >> he becomes the favorite, goes to the south and has the stronghold. that is the option available. i don't think it happens. he is not a candidate built for new hampshire. in fact, what we see in new hampshire is trump with a lead because everybody else is clumped together. this muddle in the middle. why so many established republicans take the risk of undercutting cruz in the final days and knowing that gives a big advantage for trump going forward. maybe they think the consolidation risk in the center could happen, but there is a risk it goes the other way. >> i still think we have to look at the margin of victory. if it is still slim, slim, slim, the race is over.
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>> not over. texas grand jury turning the tables on the people of planned parenthood. to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ prepare for challenges specific to your business by working with trusted advisors who help turn obstacles into opportunities. experience the power of being understood. rsm. audit, tax and consulting for the middle market.
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all right. an investigation into planned parenthood leads to an indictment of its accusers. two people made a secret recording to discredit the group. deb, fascinating. >> undercover videos is made by two activists posing as officials who wanted to buy fetal tissue. the texas grand jury found in evidence of that and cleared planned parenthood. the grand jury indicted the two who made the video.
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tampering with government records. dayleiden improper buy fetal tissue. they used phony california driver's license. the videos threatened planned parenthood's funding. take a listen to marco rubio. >> i'm disturbed that while planned parenthood, were found having done nothing wrong. but the people who exposed this did a service to our country by exposing the true nature of planned parenthood. >> bail is set for both defendants at $10,000 each. >> thanks so much. next hour, reaction from planned parenthood, vice president dawn laguens will join us live. high praise of hillary clinton. president obama. could his words help hillary win iowa? we'll take a look at that, next.
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just six days until the iowa caucuses. the democrats making their case to voters during cnn's town hall in iowa. hillary clinton and bernie sanders running neck and neck there. joining us is mitch stewart, former battle ground state director for president obama's campaign in 2008. and now founding partner of 270 strategies. good morning, mitch. >> good morning. >> okay. let's play one of these favorite d.c. parlor games of pursing a politician's words. let me play with you what president obama said with his interview of politico and tell me if you hear an endorsement of hillary clinton. >> her strengths, are these extraordinarily smart sometimes could make her more cautious and
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her campaign more prose than poetry. those are her strengths. it means that she can govern and she can start here day one more experienced than any vice president has ever been who aspires to this office. >> first of all, i appreciate the bostonism of wicked smart. but he says extraordinarily experienced, more experienced than any vice president ever. you know president obama. you speak obama speak. is this an endorsement? >> i think it is a recognition from the president. secretary clinton's extraordinary strengths. he has had two experiences to witness those up front. the first was during the caucuses in 2007 when then senator obama and senator clinton went toe to toe not only through iowa but through every single state after. he got to see up close and personal her tenacity, her smarts, her commitment to doing the right thing.
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that i think played a large role in why he asked her to be secretary of state where he got to see that on a world stage. so what i think i heard from the president there is a recognition of the towns that secretary clinton has. and he just wants to express those publicly. >> mitch, he said something interesting in this politico 2008 primary fight. he admitted i believe for the first time he thinks the campaign that you were a big part of and the media was not that fair to hillary clinton. listen to this. >> the truth is, in 2007 and 2008, sometimes my supporters and my staff i think got too huffy about what were legitimate questions she was raising. and there were times where i think the media probably was a little up fair to her.
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and had things gone a little bit different in some sometimes or if the sequence of primaries and caucus been a little different she could have easily won. >> so, mitch, when he says his staff got a little huffy, you were right on the ground there and they were unfair to her. what's he talking about. >> he's 100% talking about me and all the other obama alumni. it is a lot like a family fight. oftentimes those wounds cut the deepest. so i think there are a lot of times where legitimate questions were raised. >> but such as? what legitimate questions did you dismiss at that time? >> yeah. probably the biggest one for me was the experience question. and i was in texas during the primary where the 3:00 a.m. ad hit. it was incredibly effective. but i thought at the time that was an unfair attack on then senator obama given the judgment
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that he exercised on some important issues leading up to that presidential run. >> now are you seeing this play out again? with bernie sanders and hillary clinton, is she tackling them most effectively? >> i do. i think she has raised legitimate and honest policy questions. you know, when you look at what the republicans are doing on their side and how their debates are unfolding, our debates have been incredibly constructive, positive. they have been focused on issues as opposed to personalities. i think she has raised a lot of legitima questions. i heard last night on the town hall, one attacked the aca he wants to tear it down and bring health care for all. it is the washington double speak you hear all the time here. and i want my eventual nominee. because i do support secretary clinton. i want her to ask those
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questions. i don't want understand it from senator sanders. >> mitch, thanks for going back in time for us and helping to analyze what the president was saying then and now. out to iowa where we found chris. i was wondering about that. >> hey, how are you doing, alisyn? >> i thought you might be a little sleepy after your late night last night. >> you get a little excited just by being in that atmosphere. i could use a few more winks. i'm not going to line to you. the questions pretty direct and probing. who resonated most with iowa voters. you'll hear from them next. boys have been really good today. send. let's get mark his own cell phone. nice. send. brad could use a new bike. send. [siri:] message. you decide.
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a final appeal to iowa voters from three democrats running for president. hillary clinton used the cnn town hall last night to answer questions about trust, arguing she's ready to be president.
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bernie sanders questioning clinton's judgment, trying to explain why this country is ready for a self-described socialist. just six days before the caucuses. president obama ending solitary confinement for juveniles and low-level offenders the president said he is adopting department recommendation after review found it reduces the chances that the prisoner could be reintroduced to society. the president cited the case of a 16-year-old who spent nearly two years in solitary. he committed suicide last year. >> well, at least 36 people killed in the historic blizzard that slammed much of the east coast. officials say the victims lived in 11 states ranging from north carolina to new york. meanwhile, washington, d.c.'s mayor warns the city will be dealing with snow all week.
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federal offices and schools in the city will be closed again today. one guy who dodged the snowmageddon is chris cuomo. he made it out to iowa for the forum last night. chris. >> y are really milking that standing in the snow bank shot that you had. you make it sound like you itemed your way to work. all right. yes, i snuck away here. i did tunnel my way to iowa, sunny, balmy iowa because we had the democratic town hall here. one of the things that made it different, really the biggest thing was the questions came in large part from the voters. and we have some of the voters who took part in cnn's town hall here next to see what did they like and what did they not. stay with us. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard.
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yothat's lactaid®.k! right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. how are you going to fight for women's rights. vice president joe bide especially said you were a newcomer to the issue of income in equality. >> what specifically will you do to overcome the resistance, cure the grid lock and garner the necessary support? >> those were some of the iowa voters trying to steal my job. asking probing incisive
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questions during last night's democratic town hall. they join us now. we have drake university students. alexis and ellena and ron edwards. good to see you all. we were talking before we came on camera about all the new found popularity. getting additional follows. what did you think of the forum and how your question got addressed? >> i thought it was extremely beneficial the way sanders addressed the question. he mentioned campaign finance reform and minimum wage, raising to $15 an hour. i think hearing those and how you would apply those to fight for women's rights was very beneficial to my understanding how he would be fighting for women's rights. >> you said you had the lean toward clinton last night. >> yes. >> did you move to #feeltheburn.
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>> i was stunned at first. i think i will have to do a lot more research and look a little more in depth at the facts for both hillary and bernie as the week moves towards caucusing. >> sometimes, elena, it makes it more difficult. how about for you last night. what did you feel you picked up with clinton last night. you gave her a little bump in the nose with a few questions. >> well, i don't think she fully addressed my question. i like the points she made about dealing with other in equalities. i thought her answer was good, although it wasn't 100% what i was looking for. >> as a voter, as a person, as a normal human as opposed to myself, how do you process that? when you ask somebody a question, as they are answering you you realize they are not exactly answering what i just asked. what did that mean to you? >> i think it meant i gave her a harder question than i
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anticipated and that maybe she didn't have the things to allude to that i was looking for. maybe she doesn't have that experience as a newcomer to income in equality. >> ron, you asked a big metaphor question. what did you think? did you get satisfaction on this idea of how you get things done in d.c.? >> senator sanders talked about his history in working with congress. i think it's important work that he has done. i was looking for some of the unique leadership attributes he would bring to the table in bringing the two parties together. this grid lock is really frustrating for many americans. we want to see something get done. and i think hillary clinton demonstrated some extra strength and political savviness last night was a better position for her. her handling and navigating, getting alignment and support for her policies. >> and let's be honest, nobody's feels are going to get hurt here. did you feel all three had equal
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opportunity and all three were equally exposed? >> i thought hillary had a little extra exposure. she went last. she got to hear what the other candidates had to say. i think bernie had a significant opportunity as well. i think it was proportionate to how successful they are doing in their campaign. >> they went within second of each other, hillary and sanders in terms of how much time they got. but in terms of -- who do you think came out on top last night? >> personally, i thought hillary did. >> remind me. you went into it -- >> i was undecided. >> now do you think you know who you want? >> i think i want hillary clinton to win. and the reason is twofold. electability in the general. she really showed up well last night. she talked extensively about equality particularly in her response to the muslim woman who served in the military. i think that narrative plays well with the american people. i think they want to hear that as opposed to someone with
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divisive rhetoric coming out of the republican party. >> that was a big head turner last night. erin was her name. people look at her. obviously this is a muslim woman. she has a hijab on. air force veteran. did you see how many heads turned. her concern was for her kids. you're for hillary too. >> bernie. >> now you're for bernie. >> yes. >> last night -- >> i was leaning toward bernie. >> that pushed you towards bernie. you have to figure it out. definitely had some influence. did you feel that hillary clinton -- i didn't get that involved last night. it wasn't my job. but when i pushed back on clinton versus when i pushed back on sanders, who do you think did better job of dealing with the push back? >> i would have to say hillary. i think she was really strong last night. her answers were strong. and she was ready and she was fired up.
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yeah. >> did you feel that when i was asking bernie -- because i asked bernie more questions about what was going on for various reasons. the timing on the questions you get in. again, it wasn't my event. it's not like this right now where you have to listen to what i'm saying. did you think he handled pushback well? >> he was more convincing to me than in the past. i thought his answers covered some of the grouped i hadn't heard recently. and that pushed me more that he had considered more foreign policy issues than i considered. so that was helpful. >> no mention of governor o'malley. did you have, ron, a favorable impression of him? do you feel that it helped him in any way? >> i struggle with o'malley. he was sworn in as governor in 2007. and there were a lot of issues going on in baltimore. basically racially polarized
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issues, police brutality. not until recent times as he done anything. i think it's too little too late. when i see him i see too little too late as opposed to being proactive and moving things forward. >> it was interesting to hear your perspective. and you helped contribute to an event that got the voters percolating. good for you and your new found popularity. enjoy the trolls. they're coming, my friend. tweet us or post your comment on facebook. there is a lot of news after this big democratic town hall last night. major move on the planned parenthood front. donald trump interview. let's get to it. >> i do think i have the background and the judgment. >> it takes building relationships. that is one of the hardest thing to do in politics.
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>> establishment politics is just not good enough. >> hold strong on your caucus because america is looking for a new leader. >> you have very loyal supporters. >> i do. they are tired of seeing our country being pushed around. i built a great company. i'm going to use that talent to do it for the united states. >> a grand jury clears planned parenthood and indicts its users. >> charged with tampering with a governmental record. >> the people who exposed this did a service to our country by exposing the true nature of planned parenthood. good morning. welcome to new day. alisyn camerota and john berman are in new york city. i'm in des moines, iowa. democrats taking shots at the republicans and each other in their final appeal directly to the iowa voters. just a week away from the caucus
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now. hillary clinton used last night's cnn town hall to sell her toughness, readiness to occupy the white house. bernie sanders countered several times as he tried to pull off a move last night that would help him in an upset. martin o'malley trying to stage a last minute miracle saying stay strong to his followers. who did the best job six days out? brianna kiellar joins us now. can you give us the high points? >> i certainly will. there was so much energy i thought in this town hall. we frequently say candidates are making an argument. but this was truly an argument these candidates were making. bernie sanders for judgment one week before the iowa caucuses. less than a week away from the iowa caucuses. >> this calls for a standing up response. >> the democratic candidates are out of their chairs?
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i'm not capable of doing q&a from a seat. >> and throwing soft punches in a final pitch to voters. >> experience is important, but judgment is also important. >> bernie sanders kicking off's town hall going record to record with hillary clinton. >> i voted against the war in iraq. hillary clinton voted for the war in iraq. >> i led the effort against wall street deregulation. see where hillary clinton was on this issue. on day one i said the keystone pipeline is dumb idea. why did it take hillary clinton such a long time before she came into opposition? >> clinton says one bad vote on the iraq war is just a scratch, not a dent. >> i have a much longer history than one vote, which i have said was a mistake because of the way that was done and how the bush administration handled it. but i think the american public has seen me in other ways.
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>> martin o'malley once again fighting for his place in this race. >> i am the only one of the three of us who has a track record not of being a divider but of bringing people together to get meaningful things done. >> voters challenging the candidates on key issues. >> how are you planning for racial equality? >> how are you going to fight for women's rights? >> the vermont senator clearing up his stance on gun control. >> if a gun shop owner should know, why should somebody be buying 1,000 guns, somebody should be thinking that does not make a lot of sense. in that sense the gun shop owner or the gun manufacturer should be held liable. >> the former secretary of state leaning on nearly a million miles of travel to prove she is the foreign policy front-runner. >> i flew from cambodia with the president to israel middle of the night, see the israeli cabinet, work with them on what they would accept as an offer,
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go see the palestinian minister, make sure he would back it up, go back to jerusalem, finalize the deal, fly to israel, hammer out the agreement. >> clinton not only highlighting her record but defending her character. >> i've heard from a lot of people my age that they think you are dishonest. >> i have been on the front lines of change and progress since i was your age. i have been fighting to give kids and women and the people who are left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives. >> throughout the night, one message was clear. dump trump. >> we are far better than the fascist rhetoric than you hear spewed out by donald trump. >> clinton taking it a step further. >> we need a coalition that includes muslim nations to defeat isis. and it is pretty hard how you are going to make a coalition with the very nations you need
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if you spend your time insulting their religion. >> all right. let's discuss who used last night best. we have brianna keilar with us, ron brownstein and mr. mark preston. so last night preston had a big hand in the event. he's part of the cnn politics team. people are saying, oh, this was helpful. they liked it. they had a lot of criticism's for each other's team and us as well. what do you think in terms of who used that opportunity best? >> well, if you pick who is a loser last night, nobody really lost. >> i think my jacket lost. >> we will have to revisit that. >> it's my favorite jacket. >> i liked it. >> you may use it now for your dogs.
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go ahead. >> yeah. no losers, right? there were no major flubs. i thought hillary clinton brought energy that i haven't seen from her in a very long time. if you compare it to her last debate, where she seemed angry and withdrawn, she was outward in this one. bernie sanders showed his personality. almost made him cry. >> it may have been the jacket, once again. >> when you talk about his parents, he stopped and thought about it. you said what would they think about you now, that you made it so far? it was a compelling moment. you know, somebody who is deck tating policy. incident was interesting. >> i thought hillary clinton was very good. and she got to encapsulate her case. >> that's what it was last night.
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fair criticism, i wasn't pushing back on them as much as i normally would. yes, by design. it was about them giving their best sell. >> she really encapsulated her case well. i would think bernie sanders got the most out of the night. he got to do three things he hadn't been able to do before. he showed more of his personality. it wasn't a walking series papers. second, he made his case against her in a coherency way. third, i think he gave a good feel of the totality of his agenda. ed cost, the scale, the reach of government. for a democratic audience to hear the breadth of what he wants to do in one clump i thought was very effective. >> we did get involved in the mix to give people a look how they deal with pushback. i would ask is bernie things
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about his policy plans. they're different in how they dealt with it. >> i thought that was interesting because there is a difference how a candidate responds to a voter and how a candidate responds to a reporter. we are expecting them to sort of scoot right, scoot left. like sort of try to completely turn something around. it's way more apparent when you're doing it to just this person who is just a normal everyday person who is asking you a question. i thought there was energy. i actually found bernie sanders and hillary clinton almost to push the envelope. hillary was asked a tough question by that young man who talked about the dishonesty. and people gravitating towards bernie sanders, this is a very real concern by them. and i thought when she redirected it, that she didn't exactly talk specifically to his
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concern. it's a hard question to answer. because if someone comes at you and say we think you're dishonest, that's rough, right? but politicians have to find a way to take that down a notch, give, i don't want to say credence, but not just avoid the point that is made. >> we are sitting here talking about bernie sanders and hillary clinton as we should be. they are the front-runners. one point that hit home was martin o'malley. when you went to martin o'malley and said, listen, basically you're not going to win. but you could be the most powerful man right now because you have a level of support that could push the envelope one way or the other. >> explain why that is, by the way. >> how that works in iowa with the caucuses, they have preferencing basically. you go into is a room. it's not a private ballot. if you are for hillary clinton you go into one corner. sanders, your another.
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martin o'malley, another. if you don't get 15%, it goes the other way and they have to realign yourself. i think it caught him off guard. he had a great answer. buff i think he was surprised that you said this. listen, look at the polls. you could tell your supporters who to go to. he wouldn't take the bait, it was an interesting point. >> if he took the bait, it was this admission. candidates 101. you don't admit to plan b. >> when you see clinton basically saying, look, the things you care about, i can advance because i'm in the real world. bernie sanders is saying we have to change the world as we know it. democrats face that bet. where do they want to put their chips? holding the white house for a third consecutive election is tough. one thing that is striking in
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the polls. hillary clinton, even in your poll yesterday, she's ahead 67 to 26 amongst self identified democrats. it's a pattern we saw early in 2000 when john mccain was doing well. even in the states we won, he lost self-identified republicans. there's still a hurdle along with the hurdle among minority voters that he has to get over. >> what was the biggest vulnerability you saw exposed last night? >> i think the questions about clinton's -- kind of the ethics questions i think for her. look, i think sanders does face the fund mental question. yes, we agree with all of this. as rahm emanuel said, we're not trying to pass it in the faculty lounge of the brookings institution. can you get elected in a congress likely to be controlled by reps, what does it mean to say you want a single payer health system? >> ron, mark, brianna, thank you
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very much. back to you in new york. >> okay, chris. donald trump breaking a new ceiling in the race for the republican nomination and ready to take on a potential new challenger. >> we used to be friends. i guess we're not friends anymore. i don't know. i beat him. and i would love him to do it actually. i love the competition. ive love the competition. one totally focused on what's next for your business. the true partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes
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donald trump has his widest lead in the race for the gop nod. cnn/orc national poll out in the last hour shows the billionaire at 41%. his closest rival, ted cruz, trails him at 19%. this is a brand-new quinnipiac poll shows a tight lead in iowa a week to the caucuses. he is telling wolf blitzer he is not concerned about a third-party challenger. >> you have very loyal supporters. >> i do. >> i think you were joking but it's getting a lot of buzz. you said you could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot
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somebody and that wouldn't effect. >> you don't think i was joking. you know i was joking. >> dishonest press said, oh, he said something. i'm laughing, they're laughing, everybody is having a good time. of course i'm joking. you know that. and the purpose is to say people want to stay with me. they're loyal. they're tired of seeing our country pushed around and led by stupid people. we're tired of the ran deals, sergeant bergdahl deals. we're tired of dealing like this. we can't take it anymore. people are looking at it and looking at me and they have confidence in me. i have built a great company. i'm going to use that talent to do it for the united states. >> another new yorker who built a great company is michael bloom berg. he is now toying with the idea of running as a third-party
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independent. if he were to do so, would you beat him? >> i would beat him. and i would love to do it. i love the competition. we used to be friends. i guess we're not friends anymore. i don't think we are. but we used to be friends, good friends. when i had a problem, he had a big problem in the bronx, i cleared up the problem. it was a big project. they were unable to get it built. it was under construction for 25 years. they were over budget. i got it done in one year. michael asked if i would get involved with it. i did. >> if he said he would spend a million dollars, are you ready to match him? >> i don't think he is going to run. everyone else, ted krucruz is totally conditioned.
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jeb bush, he spent 100 and some odd million dollars and he's almost last. what he has done to the bush family. and he doesn't even want to use the bush name. what jeb bush has done to the bush family is very sad. then he brings out his mother. i said, jeb, your mother can't help you with isis, with china. she can't help you with these people, jeb. you have to do it yourself. he spends 100 million dollars and he's nowhere. i think he has disgraced himself, to be honest with you. whether it's jeb, hillary or anybody, they are all controlled by the people who put up the money. i am self funded. >> you called bernie sanders a total whack job. who would you rather face in a general election? >> i don't care. i don't focus on them. i only focused for hillary a couple of days last week. i don't think about hillary. and i don't think about bernie
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sanders. we had 17. now we're down to 12 or 13. i have to get rid of them. toeuf win against them. they're good people. there's very good people in that group. i mean it. people that have become friends of mine. you won't see that because you won't report on that. the conflicts are more fun. i give it a lot of thought, believe it or not. but i don't think it matters. i can say this. i will win. i'll bring in states nobody ever thought of. i think i have a chance to win new york. i denied new york. i got good credit for it. nobody ever defends new yorkers. i'm going to win pennsylvania. i'm going to win west virginia. i'm going to win virginia. i'm going the win michigan. i protect the car industry. >> you think you have this nomination in the bag? >> no i think i have a good chance. ive should say, well, i would
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like to do well in iowa. i don't want to do that. i'd love to win iowa. if i don't, go to new hampshire. the people up there have been unbelievably good to me. iowa is very important to me. i have a great bond with iowa. there is a big move to move iowa to the back of the pack. i'm not going to do that. i'm not going to let that happen. i have a great bond. cruz came out totally opposed to ethanol. that effects many, many farmers and many jobs in the state of iowa. if i was in iowa and somebody says i'm opposed to ethanol, i would absolutely not vote for them. then the governor said you should not vote for him. it wasn't like vote for somebody. don't vote for this guy. he is really bad for iowa. so i think i'm going to do well in iowa. i bonded with the people. i bonded with the evangelicals. and the people of iowa.
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>> donald trump's words being backed up once again by another rising poll just out this hour. let's bring back maeve reston and mark brownstein and mark preston. the incomes don't lie. 31/29 over cruz. rubio at 13%. bush and paul trailing off. as you look, can we say that him going negative on cruz does seem to have helped him in the short-term? >> i think it definitely has helped him in the short-term. and you feel that just talk to go voters at his rallies, cruz's events. there have been a powerful series of attacks that he has unleashed on cruz. i think he would be pretty happy with these numbers heading into the last days. it's going to be really interesting to keep watching whether or not he has expanded
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the universe of voters that will come out and caucus next week. we are not seeing a huge evidence of swelling in the rolls. does he have the ground game to pull it out? does it matter? >> you think there can can be a big enough distance nor a shock number? ? listen, to the point can he trance the success we have seen in the polls with the people going to his rise, can they get him to go out and support him, it remains to be seen. the polls haven't moved down for him. they continue to go up. his poll numbers go up. there is something about topbld trump that is resonating with the american people. i have to tell you just watching that interview, i don't think i have seen a politician with
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donald trump. >> there is remarkable consistency in these polls. four polls came out this morning even as we are sitting here. ten in iowa, new hampshire and nationally. trump's support is between 31% and 37%. cnn is a little high at 41%. 30% of college educated republicans, around 40% of noncollege republicans. normally you see variation from iowa, new hampshire, national. he is imprinting the same coalition in state after state. eventually it gets down to one on one. two-thirds is still resistant he is reproducing the same support in very different environments. it suggesting he could take his campaign the a lot of different states in that republican primary. >> ted cruz's argument seems to be developing into you don't know who he is. i know you think you like this guy and he resonates but you
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>> tony: who he is. he has a new ad doing that on an issue here in iowa. it is about portion from ted cruz's superpac. let's play it. >> i lived in new york city and manhattan all my life. my views are a little different than iowa. >> they are different. like on abortion. >> would president trump you ban -- >> how stupid are the people of iowa? >> all right. so that is obviously is pointed in an obvious direction. the idea of changing your position on abortion, which is what he says. i've evolved. i've talked to more people. i've grown up. i've gotten older. now i'm pro life. >> well, i do think ted cruz and others thought this would be a
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much more powerful attack on donald trump than it has ended up being. other candidates have also been talking about his evolution on abortion for months now. it is not like they say new information. yes, it is a more devastating package in that ad. but the states have been paying attention. they know what's going on. for a lot of people who are supporting trump, they are willing to accept over time. >> who is the they? new yorkers are they? everybody else except they? who is they in that ad? >> let me answer it this way. what we have seen with donald trump just trying to take a piece out of ted cruz on citizenship, on whether he is disingenuous with wall street and what have you, we are seeing the superpac now tryin to do the same thing. they are trying to call donald
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trump's credibility into question. donald trump has done that the last 10 days or so. >> in support of ted cruz. >> evangelicals will be 60% of the vote in iowa. majority in the southern states, many of the border states. i think that argument will take a bite out of a piece of that. it is not monolithic. mott all vote primarily on social issues. many are drawn on the same issues as other republicans, particularly blue collar, immigration, trade. his strength among blue collar evangelicals is holding cruz down from getting the numbers he needs. as we talked before, they are critical in the south, in oklahoma, tennessee. if he can maintain that head, he can compete in many southern states. the default would be to assume he went to ted cruz. >> we have to stop them in iowa. otherwise, he could basically
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run the table. ron, mark, maeve, thank you very much. back to you. >> what about that statement from ted cruz. if donald trump does win iowa, is he unstoppable? and what are his possibilities in iowa itself? we will hear from a man on the inside of the republican field right now. e playing... ♪ ♪ ... all nig♪t text beth, what can i do... [siri:] message. pick up milk. oh, right. milk. introducing the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. ♪ lost shipments,
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>> trump increasing his lead against the rest of the field to 41% nationally. his closest competitor, ted cruz, is at 19%. this is a brand-new quinnipiac poll that shows trump lead anything iowa. what does this mean as the iowa caucuses approach. hugh hewitt, good morning. >> hi alisyn, john. >> i know i watched the cnn democratic forum. one thing, one response in
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particular jumped out at you. when did you see? >> i saw the first question of hillary clinton from the young college student who said i heard you're not honest. now that was a republican campaign ad. she swung and missed. she is not honest, corrupt. the first one about honesty came out of the box. what followed, she burped out a cliche like she drank a case of rolling rock. when someone says i hear you're not honest and you don't respond directly to that, you concede it is an admission against interest. chris cuomo did a fine job. i thought that is going to show up in every republican ad. i heard you're not honest, hillary. she's not. and when you get to the corrupt part, speaking fees, the iraq failure to get a stat oufs
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forces, syria, libya, russian reset button. she had a bad night. bernie was going up every minute. >> we get it. we hear it from you. republicans are itching to run against hillary clinton or bernie sanders. right now we get a sense of which republican candidateew po trump at 41%. this is the first time he has broken 40% in our polls. hey what, national polls don't matter. does it matter if this guy's number is getting higher and higher. he has led now for five, six months and showing no sign of abating. >> breaking 40% is a big deal. that is a new ceiling. everyone has to keep raising the ceiling. i talked to donald trump last week and i told him straight i
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think skwrpblt will win iowa. the secret to donald is he is the most confident politician he's ever heard. he's right. i never heard anyone overset expectations like he did with wolf blitzer. he said i don't want to tell you that. i want to win iowa. that is his strength and iowa. if you tell everyone i'm going to win, win, win and you don't win, it's a reset moment. he has the charisma and confidence. yesterday's interview with wolf down played that. that poll number is startling. >> yeah 1234r and the iowa poll, 31-29. that's white noise. >> that's how republicans feel he is getting 31%. ted cruz is getting 29%. why is that one noise?
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>> it's white noise because the difference of 2% in that margin doesn't really tell us anything stickily. it is who turns out. it was said by everybody. evangelicals are used to going out to wednesday night bible study. they go out twice a week in the middle of the night. ted cruz has a hammer lock on the evangelicals. pastor cruz, his father, deep seeded social media network. it has been built painstakingly over a year and a half. his people will show up in great numbers. a lot of pastors and priests are going to remind their congregations which is unusual but not unheard of in iowa to go out and vote. so i still think cruz is going to win iowa. >> right. >> that takes us to new hampshire. we will see what happens a week tuesday. >> i did noted something in your voice. you said i could be wrong here
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in iowa. your not supposed to do that. don't let me give you advice on how to do this. ted cruz knows what happens if donald trump does prevail. listen to what ted cruz says. >> but i will say right now between donald and me, this is neck and neck. sit an absolute dead heat. and if donald wins iowa, he right now has a substantial lead in new hampshire. if he went on to win new hampshire as well, there's a very good chance he could be unstoppable and be our nominee. >> so, do you agree? does cruz have is that right? >> yeah. the only two people who can run the table are cruz and trump. cruz has a better chance running the table than donald trump at this point. let me say this. over in the american league -- the national league is trump and cruz. you have christie, kasich, rouxeo, they have the designated
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hitter rule. they are beating up wupl other with baseball bats. someone is going to come out of that division. that person will consolidate establishment and nontrump, noncruz voters. it is not going to be over. we're having too much fun. you realize it. i'm not wrong about this. frequently in doubt. the immediamedia has the incent keep it alive. all the hippies want to come back and have another party. we will not be on the democratic side either. this has been going on for months. >> it's not just the media, there issen tpaeupblgment from the voters. regular people aren tpwaeupblged in this race like never before. people talk about it at the grocery store. everybody is interested in
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what's going to happen. they want to tell you, they want to tell chris, tell me what they think. and i think last night the town hall was a very interesting setup is, very interesting forum. and obviously not filtered. because the first question to hillary was hit you in the head fastball. there are a lot more between now and the wrap-up of this season. it is great. it is wonderful. >> hugh, great to have you with us. thanks so much. >> thanks, folks. a twist in the probe of the undercover planned parenthood videos. anti abortion activists who filmed the videos are now facing heat. we will get planned parenthood's reaction coming next. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this.
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a new twist into planned parenthood. a texas grand jury cleared planned parenthood of all misconduct and indicted the anti-abortion activists behind the undercover videos. joining us now is dawn laguens. good to see you this morning. you must feel very vindicated this morning. >> good morning. >> that this grand jury has exonerated planned parenthood and indicted the people behind the undercover videos. was that a surprise to you? >> well, we're thrilled but not surprised, of course, that the grand jury has found that
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planned parenthood did nothing wrong. i came on your show day one and said the only person guilty of criminal wrongdoing are the people behind the and engaged in
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a criminal conspiracy. when they couldn't find anything, they made it up. and now that's out there for all the world to be clear on. >> and, dawn, yes, to be clear, planned parenthood, has been exonerated, cleared by the grand jury not only criminal misconduct by wrongdoing. yet, dawn, those videos that people saw, i'm talking about the unedited portions, the conversations over lunch where
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you hear the representatives talking in a tone that people did find disturbing, in a sort of cavalier manner. talking about i want a lamborghini, maybe we can get a better price for these things. from your internal investigation, is there anything that you felt did have to change at planned parenthood? >> alisyn, you'll recall things like the comments that you have mentioned when you look at the reports that the forensic analysis did on the videotapes, even many of those things were cut and spliced together to make them sound like there were misconduct by planned parenthood. and that of course is what planned parenthood has been cleared of in this case. what you're going to see coming up, of course an entire federal racketeering case has been
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filed, troy newman, a well-known anti-abortion activists that alleged far more than even when the grand jury found in this case. wire fraud, mail fraud, trespassing, federal eavesdropping charges. so i don't think this is the last we're going to see of charges coming against daleiden and his criminal enterprise. >> i'm talking about the tone and rhetoric. richards did apologized for what she said was the inappropriate tone heard on the videos. the only reason i ask is because people as high as hillary clinton said they were disturbed by what they saw on the video. just that, those lunch conversations that people did leave a lasting impression. >> well, the top priority for us always at planned parenthood is the health and safety of our patients. we have amazing doctors who were
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stalked basically by these criminals for years and who were taped trying over hours and hours and had their videotapes edited together. what they believed to be significant medical conversations about enabling women to make the choice to donate tissue in order to help cure life-saving diseases. and i just don't think trying to make them the guilty party here and thankfully again we now know front and center who is the guilty party because of these indictments issued by this houston grand jury under a republican district attorney. >> dawn, we appreciate you coming on new day and clarifying all of this. always good to have you on the show. thank you. >> thank you, alisyn. >> let's get out to chris live in iowa of course after the democratic forum last night. hey, chris. >> all right, alisyn, it was a great interview out here in iowa. hillary clinton pulling out all
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the stops during the cnn democratic forum to attract iowa voters. so, how did her performance help her chances? did she score points on honesty and trustworthiness, who categories that plague her in polls. we'll discuss her next. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) the twenty-sixteen subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. . . hi i'm heather cox on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck?
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all right. all three democratic presidential candidates trying to convince six days before the iowa caucuses new polling suggests hillary clinton has the edge. what is the outcome of last night? her category is in concern in part, honesty, trust worthiness. how was that communicated last night? i'm jiend by hillary clinton jerry crawford. thank you for being here. let's look at one pivotal moment last night. kid gets up and says i'm young. a lot of young people like bee . bernie. why don't i see as much enthusiasm for you. i've heard a lot of people you are not trustworthy. you lie. it was an hobbsty question. the kid had a big stick on that question. how do you think one, the basis of that question, how do you think that relates to the overall election? and how do you think the secretary handled it last night?
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>> well i'm glad that he asked the question because i thought it was great for hillary to have a chance to respond to it. i thought she did an incredible job last night showing what a fighting spirit she has and how prepared she is. on that question, take a step back and realize that for the last year hillary has taken 99% of the incoming attacks be them from the media and republican candidates for president. they had to because as marco rubio says if this comes down to quality of resume she wins. and o for a year pounding, pounding, that she has taken. as president obama said yesterday, the same is not true for bernie sanders. so people who aren't familiar with her, who haven't followed her career, who are new voters, impressionable, naturally after a year they would stop thinking about the woman who was voted the most respected woman in america 17 years in a row and start to, you know, be subjected
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to -- >> but you got the there there component let's call also. the listen they are asking about benghazi is because there were gaps and questions that fuel concern. and the fbi seem to keep leaking out information that suggest troubling situations. not just classified by super duper. whatever you want to do you kca. that fuels the fire. she would not admit an error in judgment last night when i asked her about that and she didn't answer the question directly about her trustworthiness. all fair points or no? >> i think not. first it is not fair to take a short paragraph out of an endorsement editorial where they say she's by far -- the
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register, by far the best for president. >> they did endorse. >> so did the boston globe. and those are neighbors and influential in new england. as far as benghazi is concerned my fervent hope is that trey gowdy continues to run 11 hour inquiries of her because it demonstrates. >> -- secretary wants that by the way. >> she's stelling the truth. she handles every question. and at the end of it. hillary clinton at the end of last summer everybody was saying it was in trouble. what she did is she put the campaign on her own back and marched it forward. she's doing the same thing again right now. barn storming across iowa. every time she does an appearance i get phone calls from friends and acquaintances in that area saying how impressed they were with her. >> would they call you if they didn't like something? >> trust me this is iowa.
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no hesitation this complaining. >> so you feel that last night she used the opportunity well and answered well and you think she'll gain advantage. >> absolutely. and now equally important we're now out of events that could move the needle against her. she's the best candidate. as obama said no one is as ready to be president as her and the organization is never matched in terms of quality. add all those togetherich -- regular i said this next monday night. hillary clinton will win in the iowa caucuses. >> i would be shocked if she doesn't win in the abe ai caucuses. >> fair point. >> and most looking at the race thought this would be a tough state for hillary clinton. there are advantages for bernie sanders here. you see his numbers with college towns. you see the number of people who say social cyst a good thing here in iowa is high. so you think she's going to win. what kind of margin do you see? >> lo, i take by one vote
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today and would be extraordinarily happen. you have seen ann selzer's number, 43% of democrats in iowa say they are socialists. as my son and i are laughing about, and --. i told my friend a year ago that if bernie could stay upright and continue to breathe he'd get 40% of the vote. i've never changed my mind. and that is why we've worked incredibly hard. hillary has. she's done her job. the organization from robbie to matt, and michael. the best i've ever seen. >> thanks like a acceptance speech. there is a lot of news this morning. let's get to it. >> i've been on the front lines of change and progress since i was your age. >> experience is important but judgment is also important. >> i have a much longer history
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than one vote. >> i think we are touching a nerve with the american people. >> if he went on to new hampshire as well there is a very good chance he would be unstoppable. >> ted cannot get along with anybody. he's a nasty person. >> you have called bernie sanders a whack job. who would you rather face in that general election? >> investigation in planned parenthood leads to indictment not of the organization but its accusers. >> planned parenthood said these antian . good morning. welcome to your "new day." tuesday january 26th, 8:00 in the east. we're here live in des moines iowa with reaction to last night's been cnn town hall. the candidates made their final arguments to iowa voters. hillary clinton was selling
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herself as ready for the job. and answering questions about trust. bernie sanders, questioning clinton's judgment, trying to sell his socialist vision as a good thing for democrats. martin o'malley fighting to beat the odds. six days left to the caucuses. who made the most last night? cnn political correspondent joins me now. >> it brought out so much from the candidates. i thought maybe the debate sort of forum didn't necessarily do this town hall what we saw last night. what but we saw the candidates making an argument. this truly was the case. hillary clinton making one for experience. bernie sanders making one for judgment just a week before iowa ps go to caucus. >> less than a week away from the caucuses. >> this call farce standing up
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respond. >> the democrat candidates out of their chairs. >> i'm not capable from a seat. >> and throwing softs punches from a final pitch to voters. >> experience is important. but judgment is also important. >> bernie sanders kicking off cnn's town hall going record to record with hillary clinton. >> i voted against the war in iraq. hillary clinton voted for the war in iraq. i led the effort against wall street deregulation. see where hillary clinton was on this issue. on day one i said the keystone pipeline is a dumb idea. why did it take hillary clinton such a long time before she came into opposition? >> clinton says one bad vote on the iraq war is just a scratch, not a dent. >> i have a much longer history than one vote which i have said was a mistake because of the way that was done and how to bush administration handled it.
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but i think the american public has seen me exercising judgment in a lot of other ways. >> martin o'malley once again fighting for his place in this race. >> i am the only one of the three of us who has a track record not of being a divider but of bringing people together to get things done. >> voters challenging the candidates on key issues. >> how are you planning to ensure racial equality. >> how are you going to fight for women's rights. >> the vermont senator clearing up his stance on gun control. >> a gun shop owner should know why should somebody be buying a thousand guns. somebody should be thinking that does not make a lot of sense. in that case the gun shop owner or the gun manufacturer should be held liable. >> the former secretary of state leaning on nearly a million miles of travel to prove she's the foreign policy front runner. >> from cambodia where i was with the president, to israel, middle at night.
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see the israeli cabinet and work with them on what they would accept as an offer. go see the palestinian president, work with him to make sure he'd back it up. go back to jerusalem, fienlds the deal. fly to cairo and meet with the muslim brotherhood president -- >> clinton not only highlighting her record but defending her character. >> i've heard from quite a few people my age that they think you are dishonest. >> i've been on the front lines of change and progress since i was your age. i have been fighting to give kids and women and the people who are left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives. >> throughout the night one message was clear. dump trump. >> we are far better than the sort of fascist rhetoric that you here is spewed out by donald trump. >> clinton taking it further. >> we need a coalition that includes muslim nations to defeat isis. and it is pretty hard to figure
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out how you are going to make a coalition with the very nations you need if your spend your time insulting their religion. >> this cnn town hall really crystallizing the choice the democrats in the country here in iowa have. hillary clinton, and the establishment, versus bernie sanders the alternative. which will prevail. we'll see in six days as iowans head to the caucuses. >> let's bring in former senator from iowa tom harken. harken has endorsed hillary. did so months ago. retired 2015. you got the biggest applause of the night senator. >> as i said, you know, once you retire, everyone loves you. you know? >> so last night do you think that hillary clinton used that opportunity better than either of the other candidates? and why? >> well i do. a because that is sort of her format. she's been goingll over iowa,
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meeting with small groups, people's homes and responding to iowan's questions and what's happened over the last almost year she's been here now is she's really absorbed a lot of listening to people from iowa. and last night was sort of her kind of format. and i think she o showed a very warm, human side of her but also one that says look. i'm ready to be president. i can do this from day one. and i think president obama was right when he said she's probably the best prepared person to be president maybe in our lifetimes. >> counterargument winds up being resume is not enough. it is about what your judgments are there, what you mean to the future, are you too much a vesage of what got us and what many don't like. the fox polls shows a compressed race. i think it's like 48, 42 clinton. but you are seeing number, a real variance. you are seeing a contraction as we get closer.
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is this a mefr for clinton's overall vulnerability.taphor fos overall vulnerability. >> i've been in a lot of caucuses in iowa as you can imagine in my lifetime. and there is always this aspect of something new, something unique, something different. and i understand that. i get that. i think when it comes down to it, what iowans want to be reassured is whoever they are supporting is someone they can trust, someone who is ready to be president and someone who will move the country forward in a very progressive manner. >> do you think hillary easily checks the check box given what we see in polls? the kid last night. some of my friends they are not sure you tell the truth. >> well, you know, chris, i've known hillary well since she was first lady.
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i kind of ran against her husband once. and she served on my committee. i saw her work with republicans to get legislation through. but through all of that the republicans continually try to beat up on her. her running ads in iowa right now. and some hedge fund billionaires are unrunning ads against hillary. why? they don't want to run against her. they are afraid. they are not running ads against bernie or martin o'malley. two of my other friends. but against hillary. so people say can we trust her? look what they have been beating her up with in the past 20 years. i served in the senate and saw how she worked to get things down. i saw how she worked with republicans. i trust her to the nth degree. she's honest, trustworthy but after twenty years of beating
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her up and her husband up, it takes its toll. >> the government investigation into the e-mail server, what information was on it. whether it was classified. you understand these issues very well. you can say there is nothing there that gives you any concern. >> not that i've seen so far. who knows where some of this kind of goes. these are just kind of honest mistakes. he wasn't the only one using her personal e-mail server as you know in the government. that was done by a lot of people. >> but this was an intentional practice not a mistake. >> no if it was a misthe take in terms of something got on the e-mail server that shouldn't have been on it or something like that. i know she went -- dpeb, she went to the ultimate degree to make sure that there weren't any top secret kind of stuff going into these servers. now if someone sent her something that was classified she could have not had any control over that. so i think this e-mail thing is just a -- and i think even
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bernie sanders said that once, making a mountain out of a mole hill is what they are doing. trying to find anything they can to bring her down. >> the they is the fbi. it gives it a little more legitimacy. it is one thing if it is political but if it is a government agency i think you have to look at it differently. >> which is fine. and i've takedolked to hillary. and she said fine. >> last night, hillary clinton and bernie sanders, those are the favorites. it's got to be one of them. martin o'malley made the point the polls are often wildly wrong. do you believe you can win in the general with the amount of support you have within the democrat base for the people last night. >> >> do i believe? >> do you think you have a winner in if general election in one of those two and why? >> i do. i'm a hillary clinton supporter.
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i believe that the leading contenders on the republican side have gone off the deep end. and i think the country what it comes down to it, you know, the polls -- i think when it comes down to it they are going to want someone in the presidency who can be president from day one. as hillary has said you never know what's coming in the door. president obama said that the other day. you never know what is coming in that disagroor. and i value -- i value experience and i value judgment. and hillary has got great judgment. has she made some mistakes in the past? yes. so have i. we all made some votes here we wish we could turn the clock back and undo. through it all she's had a consistent course of fighting for families and sticking up for women and children. i remember one of the first bills she did when she was on my committee in the senate.
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it was the pediatric drug research act. now get this, i didn't know it. drug companies developing drugs but they didn't do research on kids. they treated kids like they were little adults. so she got a bill passed when she first came to the senate that mandate that drug companies had do research on children so they knew exactly what dosages to take. that is the kind of steady, focused person that i know hillary clinton is. >> senator tom harken, great to see you. the cease fire is over. donald trump going hard against not just ted cruz but also a cable news network. what does this mean for his participation in the next republican debate. >> i don't like her. she doesn't treat me fairley. i'm not a big fan of hearse rs
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this morning, donald trump has his widest lead yet in the race for the gop nod. a new poll just out shows the billionaire dominating the field and reaching a new ceiling with 41%. his closest rival ted cruz has 19%. this is a brand new quinnipiac
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poll, shows trump leading iowa less than a week before the caucuses. trump now sounding off on his rivals to our wolf blitzer and whether or not he will face them in the next debate. >> what do you have that ted cruz doesn't have? >> well look, i don't want to knock anybody but he's got a lot of problems. he's got a problem with his canadian birth. he was born in canada. it is a real question. and as, you know, lawrence from harvard and other lawyers are saying he can't do what he's doing. he he's not awe allowed to run. >> is that why his numbers are gone down? iowa. >> i don't think. i think it has an impact. i think they said 36% of the people agree he can't run. he was born on canadian soil. he can run for prime minister of canada but i honestly don't know if he can run.
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and there is a kwquestion mark. and if first day he'll be sued. and that's going to be it. so he should solve that. and in addition he has the goldman sachs problem and borrowed a lot of money. and sit bank. >> he did disclose to one entity but not to another. >> he didn't put it in a financial disclosure and you got to do that. you continue didn't do it. he didn't want people to see that he's baraoing from banks that he's supposing to be regulating. >> you say the establishment is against you. why? >> i think the establishment actually is against me but really coming online. because they see me az opposed to cruz who is a nasty guy who can't get along with anybody. look, at a certain point you got to make deals. we got to have a guy o who stands in the middle of the
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senate floor and not every other senator thinks he's a whack job. ted cannot get along with anybody. >> you have called bernie sanders a total whack job. you said you don't know if hillary clinton will make it legally. who would you rather face in a general election contest. >> i don't care. i mean really. i don't even focus on them. i only focused on hillary for a couple of days last week. i don't even think about hillary. and i don't think about bernie sanders. we had 17. now we're down to 12 or 13. i got to win against them. there are very good people in that group. i mean it. really good people. and people who have become friends of mine. you don't see that because the conflicts are more fun, right? but i can't tell you who i'd rather have. i give it a lot of thought actually but i don't think it matters. i can say this. i will win. aisle bring in a stage nobody
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ever thought of. i think i have a chance to win new york. i defended new york. nobody else was going to defend new york last debate. but the people that i defended them. because nobody ever defends new yorkers, right? i'm going to win pennsylvania. going to win west virginia. i'm going to win michigan. >> you really think you have this republican nomination in the bag. >> no, i think that i have good changes. look, i'm leading in all the polls. iowa is very important. i'd love to win iowa. if i don't win it, i don't win it. i go to the new hampshire. but iowa is very important to me. and i have a great bond with iowa. and i'm going to keep iowa where it is. you know there is a big move to move iowa to the back of the pack in the next election cycle. i'm not going do that. >> before iowa there is a republican debate, thursday night fox is hosting. you and megan kelly have has
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issues. she's one of the moderators. are you going to be at that debate. >> probably. i don't like her. she doesn't treat me fairly. i might be the best thing that even ever happened to her. a lot of people said i won that debate. everybody said i won the last debate. but i'm not a fan of megyn kelly and she's probably not a fan of me and that's okay. i've enjoyed the debates so far. and i've done well in the debates every poll said i won every debate. we'll see what happens. >> when you say probably are you hundred -- >> no nothing is a hundred percent. if i think i'll be treated unfairly i'll do something else. i don't think she can treat my fairly actually. but that doesn't mean i don't do the debate.
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>> bob vander plots joins us now. i thought your head was going to fall off during that interview. he says a lot of negative things about ted cruz. but looking at the polls it seems to have a contributed in a positive move for donald trump. the do you accept that? >> that's what donald trump likes to do. then he goes after you.ative and so what you saw is that interview is i'm not going to go negative, i'm going to attack him on his birth. what's changed t poll numbers changed so now i have to attack him on the birth issue. for the people in iowa that issue is settled. they like ted cruz because he's a principled consistent conservative. i think poll numbers that came out last night fro iowa state university that show cruz up 26-19 over trump is a pretty real feel about what we see on
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the ground here. but ted cruz is getting bashed from trump and all corners. and only one reason they are attacking him. because he's carrying the ball. >> when we say they, all these defined terms in politics. they is used in a new cruz ad where he seems to be talking about new yorkers or some other group that seems to be distasteful to iowans who is they. >> to him they would be the progressives. they would who want to lead the country in a completely different direction. when he was talking about new york values he wasn't talking about new yorkers and their response to 9/11. he was talking about donald trump's interview with tim russert. because i grew up in manhattan that i'm pro choice. because i grew up in new york city that i'm for same-sex marriage. >> he says he's pro life. he grew he evolved -- donald trump obviously. but he's changed.
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>> and he still says he will fund the good parts of planned proord and there are no good parts. alt goes into one thing and that is abortion. look at the videos released and the financials. the iowa caucus goers the conservatives want someone stand up to defund planned parenthood and not have taxpayer dollars go there. but when trump says the establishment is warming up to me and this is after he just bashed the establishment and now he's saying they are warming up because i'm willing to deal. i don't think that is the electorates mood today to say we want somebody to deal. that concerns them. >> senator ted cruz was very chummy with donald trump for the first portion of this race. was that a mistake? >> no. as a matter of fact i think --. donald trump is about donald
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trump. he says some outlandish things. where ted cruz has a difference is on policy. ted cruz doesn't believe donald trump is a conservative. not a consistent conservative. he didn't wake up and say listen i'm a conservative now. so what cruz has done is we need to take on washington. the next question is well who's done it? cruz is the one taken o washington. and trump says he's this nasty guy. >> you talk about trump's transparency, that'ses something that works for him. why is the senator using more transparency then. you can't like somebody who is saying you are not eligible to be president and that no one likes you. >> well i think cruz understands why trump is doing that. trump is doing that because for donald trump he wants to get the so i think cruz takes it all in perspective. cruz is a very likable guy and
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the favorable ratings show that. the people who don't like him, the american people don't like. and that is the u.s. senate, the congress who just continue politics as usual and keep threatening the future of this great country. so i think six days from today. >> what do you think. >> well the pulse i have on the ground, i was with huckabee in '08 and santorum in '12. i think ted cruz has a great shot to pull off a win here if he does it will be an historic win. >> why? >> because everybody is after him. the governor. the governor who said i pledge neutrality is now coming full guns after ted cruz. >> he says ethanol it is central to the state. >> what he is is really misleading iowans. ted cruz is for the marketplace. ethanol has a much greater place and much better opportunity in the upside when it is actually under the mandate to big oil.
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so -- on the payroll to be a hatchet man to take down ted cruz that. threatens the iowa caucuses. so if cruz win in can full front win -- >> that would be a statement. if he doesn't win do you think he's still viable? >> i do believe he's still viable. and i think he'll go new hampshire and make a great case but i think he can win iowa. >> thanks. alisyn there is a new ted cruz ad that is out here, "duck dynasty." like hunting chalk on his phase. >> yeah. >> and it literally cost me a shirt. i laughed so hard when i first saw it that i spilled what i was drinking on the shirt. lost the shirt. >> that is telling, chris. i also understand that our producers are giving you a half day. so i'm going to good night you. i'm going to say thanks for everything -- >> boy, you are all over my work
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ethic. >> you will notice i'm also neglecting to mention that you had a 24-hour day last night and brought us the great democratic forum here on cnn. but great working chris. we look forward to seeing you back tomorrow. >> it's tough love. aisle see you. >> the democratic hopefuls went face-to-face with iowan voters right here on cnn last night. courtesy of chris cuomo. more next. tors try roc® retinol correxion® night cream... after one week, fine lines appear to fade one month, deep wrinkles look smoother... and after one year, skin looks ageless. only from roc®. iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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just six days before the iowa caucuses. the democrats making their final pitches last night at the cnn town hall. hillary being asked point-blank about her trustworthiness. >> i've heard from quite a few people my age that they think you are dishonest. but i'd like to hear from you on why you feel the enthusiasm isn't in. >> i think it depends upon who
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you are talking to. today i spent time with about ten high school students who are enthusiastically working for me. i see young people across the state who are doing the same. but i'm totally happy to see young people involved in anyway. >> did she change any minds there? let's bring in david axelrod. director of university of chicago institute of politics. hi david. >> good morning. >> we just had hugh hewitt on and he said she botched that first answer. and that that was an opportunity there to talk about the -- her -- her -- the hype that she is untrustworthy or dishonest and he believes that response well-being used in republican attack ads because it was so bad. do you think she missed an
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opportunity is this. >> i don't agree with hugh on that. i think that on the whole she turned on a very strong performance and, you know, that is a tough question. to answer. but at the end of the day she made the case which i think is her core argument that she is a tenacious fighter who knows how to navigate the system and produce change and that is really the core of -- i think she did a good job of getting that across last night. if there was one problem, it wasn't that. i thought that on chris's question about the e-mails when she said that she -- that it wasn't a mistake in judgment -- it wasn't an error in judgment, kind of contradicts what she said in september where she called it a mistake and apologized. so she's still having trouble with that question. >> aren't these part and parcel the same issue? should she have a better answer? since the dishonesty thing comes up shouldn't she just have sat
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down and said let me address this head on. i'm an honest person, why is here. and shouldn't she is just hit that out of the park? >> you know alisyn, i don't know how you address question like that. i remember sort of other politics trying to take questions like that head on and ended up becoming a cartoonish episode. so i think she's best to navigate around it and go to her strength. her strength is strength. her strength is tenacity. the strength is the ability to navigate the system. the real question for the young people and the reason she's having problem with them is bernie sanders is saying i'm going blow up the system. we need a political revolution. to kids who are fund suspicious of institutions they want change and now. and that is a more appealing message. i think that is really what's dogging her with younger voters.
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>> we have a moment of bernie sanders talking about his ideology last night. listen to this. >> i think we are touching a nerve with the american people who understand that establishment politics is just not good enough. we need bold changes. we need a political revolution. >> so he's talking about the political revolution as you just said there, david. and there is the romes of ideology some people vote on and then the practicality of the ground game we keep hearing. so who david do you think is going to win iowa? >> that is a very tough question because i think it is very very close and you do have the sort of enthusiasm of the sanders forces versus the organization of the clinton forces. i think everybody should watch on monday night the size of the turnout. if he succeeds in doing what
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he's hoping is getting all the college kids in iowa to go to their home counties to spread the support out, she could havea very good night. the way it's set up now, a narrow win for hillary clinton will be considered a real victory for her. >> i want to talk about this interview that president obama gave to litco. because he said a lot of interesting things. in particular he talked ab how the campaign that you helped run in 2007 and 8 wasn't really fair. he now thinks in all ways to hillary clinton. so listen to what he said about this. >> the truth is in 2007 and 2008 sometimes my supporters and my staff i think got -- >> how dare you. >> -- too huffy about what were legitimate questions she was raising. and, you know, there were times
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where i think the media probably was a little unfair to her. >> david, i mean he's sort of talking about you. were you unfair? were you too huffy with legitimate questions? >> alisyn, part of being staff is that when the principipal was to kind of distance himself from you, that is part of the deal. you sign up for that. the truth is that the message in 2007 and 2008 was very much about challenging the system. it was against sort of conventional politics. and it was very successful then. and it was the right message at the time because of the situation that was going on in washington. now you have a democratic president who has produced real change and has come up against the realities of life in washington. and so there is a case to be made for preserving those changes, protecting them and
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building on them in a more incremental way. and that it will take someone who knows how to navigate that system when it has broad experience to do it. and i think that is the case that he was making. i happen -- i kind of remember him joining in those arguments back in 2007 and 2008 but that's another question. >> i think that's called throwing under the bus. but not from your side to his. david axelrod, thanks so much. great to get your impressions of all this stuff. >> another way to say it, i know you are but what am i, he's saying to president obama right there. >> the surprise indictment coming in on the planned parenthood. the antiabortion activists, they didn't see this coming. stay was us. bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better.
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a twist into the investigation into those undercover tapes meant toe expose planned parenthood. the grand jury indicting not planned parenthood but the accusers. >> >> the videos released last
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summer allege planned parenthood illegally profited from sales of donated tissues. however a texas grand jury found no evidence of that and cleared planned parenthood of misconduct. daleiden set up a phony tissue company. he's accused of trying to improperly buy fetal tissue. and they are now facing felony charges of altering their driver's license to improperly gain access to planned parenthood and its officials. and these videos have threatened planned parenthood's federal funding and trigged heated debate against republican presidential candidates. >> i'm concerned while planned parenthood were the ones actually selling off these ports were found doing nothing wrong i think the people of our country exposed the true nature of planned parenthood. >> they are now suing daleiden
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and his group. bail for both of the antiabortion activists has been set it a $10,000. >> -- by october they say they discovered thousands of erased texts revealing information about the man everyone had considered a hero. the secret life of g.i. joe tonight. here is a look. >> the messages that interest investigators the most are the ones that suggest fox lake's hero law enforcement officer may have tried arrange a hit on the new village administrator, a woman. >> what was your reaction to that. >> holy crap. >> commander the statalking aboa
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facebook message from early 2015. in it he writes being forced to retire by new village administrator. work life has been a living held the last few months. close to entertaining a meeting with a mutually acquaintance of ours with the word white in our nickname. investigators claim white is code name for a high ranking gang member. she says the lieutenant told her he wanted a gang member to make a hit on marin. >> we actually located the person that we believe there was an attempt to recruit to do the hit. >> pamela brown joins us. i remember covering this, when it happened investigators told me we're close to making arrests here of other people. so when did the suspicions start? >> it was interesting that i was being told the first week of his
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death by federal law enforcement sources that the doubt was creeping in that this was really a homicide. there were certain things at the crime scene that investigators looked at they thought this doesn't make sense. for one, his uniform was in role call order. you remember that he had -- you know, his baton and ore equipment was left behind so this was a sign of a struggle but yet there was no mud or anything on his uniform. in addition they pulled his cell phone records. and it showed he was at that site for around 30 minutes before he called for help. and so they were able to eliminate some suspects and as we know several weeks later they were able to confirm suicide. >> such an incredible story. thank you pamela. tune in tonight for a cnn special report. "the secret life of give joe." snapshots from the campaign
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correspondent. great to see you. donald trump skips the debate? >> no. terrible when a guest comes on and says no. but there is no way he's skipping the debate. and he knows it. but he is messing with megyn kelly in a really powerful way. >> based on her conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate. and i guess my bias she means journalistic ethics. >> but a he's planted it so maybe she isn't as tough. it is him stirring the put. which he's really good it. so if she comes after him it doesn't have as much effect he says. >> and this benefits who? donald trump and fox. everyone wins. >> since august, the first time there was this tiff between kelly and trump. and now trump is not just the front runner but seems to be in
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a dominate position. >> they have to have him. >> so as the bigger deal. >> politically as opposed to media pr the thing for him is to sit back. stand up and say as little as possible. because when you are winning you don't want to stir the pot. >> that is not his style. he's not a prevent defense. this is personality. he can't back off. >> also it could have a chilling effect not necessarily on megan but on journalists. there is a feeling of should i pull my punches? kid i cross the line? >> donald trump at some point is going to have to learn he doesn't get to pick the journalist whose interview him. >> donald trump does a lot of interviews. criticize donald trump for not being available to the press though isn't exactly fair though either. because he talks to anybody and everybody -- >> -- he does -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> and he does sort of call the shots. if you are pushing a certain way he comes out and says they were unfair to me.
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so it's -- he does really control the narrative very smartly. >> he's making it more a reality tv show. the people at home who hate that this feels like entertainment. it is partly because trump is tweeting like entertainment. >> and let's talk about real entertainment. jimmy fallon did a funny bit with bernie sanders who put al album in 1987 and singing and jimmy fallon played a clip of this. listen. >> bernie sanders. now i'm not joking. this is real. it is an album that he made in 1987 ♪ as i went walking that rivet of highway ♪ ♪ i saw above me ♪ that endless sky way ♪ -- >> i saw around me. i sawr.
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don't ask me what i saur. sorry, this land i saurit. >> it a ray gay version of this land is our land. really. >> bernie sanders, valuable for the comedians. >> of course he's coming up on saturday night live. it is not him but the next best thing. >> everyone laughing, but let me make it serious here. you can tell when politicians are mocked on tv who is doing well. because that is not cruel. that does not hurt you. they can make politicians in ways that absolutely hurts them. tina fey on saturday night live. >> i can't imagine they very much liked this. i know trumpaid it was cute but i can't imagine he actually enjoyed it. >> tina fey has parodied sarah
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palin for years now. >> the -- vanishingly small. >> established early on when she first did it and it's continued. i do think that's had impact on the way people -- >> the bernie sanders album, not so much. >> no i think -- looks good. >> thank you. good to talk to both of you. newsroom with carol costello picks up right after this break. see you tomorrow. when heartburn hits
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happening now in the newsroom, democrats drawing contrast. >> experience is important. but judgment is also important. >> fighting for the white house and the future of the party. >> there are very different visions, different value, different forces at work. >> but the front runner facing skeptics. >> quite a few people my age that they think you are dishonest. >> plus trump unstoppable? that is not coming from the donald. try his closest competitor. but truz has a new tactic. >> how stupid are the people of iowa. >> use trump's words against him. also backfire, the pro life activist who made rea


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