tv New Day CNN January 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST
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lowlights. >> reporter: hi, alisyn. be careful what you wish for. everyone has been waiting and praying for a moment when donald trump would exit well. they got it to an extent last night. he was not on that stage. but the atmosphere for not being there, one of peril. for debate stage absent donald trump, incident was hardly a debate absent donald trump. from the very first question. >> let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. >> reporter: to the very first joke. >> let me say i'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. ben, you're a terrible surgeon. now that we have gotten the donald trump on out of the way -- >> reporter: to a completely changed dynamic. with no trump lightning rod, other candidates had to dodge bullets.
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>> i would note the last four questions is marco, please attack jeb. i would say this, gosh, if you ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the station. >> reporter: some candidates got flat-out more attention. this was rand paul asking about her values relative to her husband's infidelities. >> i think her position promoting fairness to women in the workplace, that if what bill clinton, any ceo in our country did with an intern, with a 22-year-old, 21-year-old intern in their office, they would be fired. they would never be hired again. >> reporter: the most extraordinary moment of the night came on an issue he put front and center, immigration.
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it led to an all out melee. >> he was the sponsor of the gang of eight bill that required a bunch of thresholds that allowed for citizenship over a period of time. that's a fact. and he asked me to support that. and i supported him. because i think people, when you're elected, you need to do things. >> that is the book before you changed your position on immigration. you used to support a path to citizenship. >> so did you. so did you marco. >> you changed your position -- you wrote a book before you changed your opinion from path to citizenship to path of legalization. >> reporter: rand paul versus ted cruz -- >> i was there. i saw ted cruz say we will take citizenship off the table, and then the bill will pass. i'm for the bill. but it is a falseness. that is an authenticitauthentic.
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>> reporter: ted cruz versus marco rubio. >> facts are stubborn thing. the facts are very is simple. when that was waged, he chose to stand with barack obama and chuck schumer for amnesty. and we led the fight against amnesty. >> this is the lie that his campaign is built on. everyone else is a rhino. throughout this campaign, you have been willing to say or do anything in order to get votes >> reporter: chris christie everyone. >> i feel like i need -- i feel like i need a washington-english dictionary converter. >> i wanted to play all of that immigration sound is at once. at the end of that, and that was a lot of talk right there, they all ended up with blood on their nose.
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the one guy who wasn't bloody, donald trump. he avoided that whole melee and in some ways, emerged a winner. >> john, thanks so much for showing us all that. the billionaire front-runner putting on a benefit for veterans three miles down the road. two competitors, rick santorum and mike huckabee showed up over at trump's event. senior political correspondent brianna kielar joins us live from des moines, iowa. give us the latest this morning. >> reporter: alisyn, thank you so much. he really took aim at ted cruz even before he took criticism from the entire republican field on stage at that debate. donald trump really hit ted cruz in this interview i did with him at des moines airport. ♪
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inside a packed auditorium at drake university in des moines. >> this is like the academy awards. >> reporter: donald trump boasting about the big turnout for his veterans's event and the millions of dollars he said he raised. >> this is a special night for me. i had no idea this was going to were happen. we started out literally 24 hours ago, maybe less. we had no idea. and we went out. we set up the website. i called some friends. and we just cracked $6 million, right. $6 million. >> reporter: just a few miles away, gop candidates squaring off at fox's primetime debate. with trump out of sight but not out of mind. >> i miss donald trump. he was a little teddy bear to me. >> reporter: and fox addressing the feud before the crowd. >> when you treat it badly you have to stick up for your rights. fox has been extremely nice the
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last number of hours, actually. and they've wanted me now. they called a few minutes now. how about now? i said, hasn't it already started? they wanted me to to. they did apologize. this is for your vets is. >> reporter: trump holding backs at the debating candidates. instead, speaking about the problems veterans face. >> our vets are being mistreated. illegal immigrants are treated better in many cases than our vets. and it's not going to happen anymore. not going to happen anymore. >> reporter: earlier that night, trump knocking his biggest rival, senator ted cruz, in an interview with me. ted cruz, also those who support him have been hammering you when it comes to late term abortion. >> i am hammering him on his on
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where he was born. and he's weak. >> reporter: you said i don't want to talk about that when you were asked about your previous support for late term abortion. >> he did a big commercial. he said i ripped down a person's house. >> reporter: what does this have to do with it? >> it has a lot to do with it. he's very dishonest in what he's doing. >> reporter: they actually showed is up at trump's event. >> stand over here so i'm not photographed with the trump sign. >> rick santorum, donald trump and i might be competitors in a race. but tonight we are colleagues in unison for the people who let us breathe every free breath we breathe for the united states of america.
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>> isn't that better than this debate that's going on? right? they're all sleeping. they're all sleeping. everybody. >> brianna, you stay with us. you didn't look cold enough. you got the excuse me from donald trump. you know what road that puts you on. stay with us. let's bring back john berman as well and errol lewis. the debate does not have donald trump in it so he's not relevant in terms of the issues. help us understand from your perspective. on immigration, who is guilty of changing a position for political motives? is it rubio because of the shift from earlier from what he wanted to achieve with the gang of eight, or is it ted cruz in what he said in hearings versus what he is saying now.
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>> rubio is back pedaling as fast as he can. if you hear what he wants it's a modified gang of eight bill. he's in favor of some path to legalization. ted cruz is trying to recast and he cited a couple of radio commentators. oh, they agree with me. they're partisans. they're doing something completely different. he shifted from a texas senator saying i support some kind of path. we want to bring people out of the shadows to this new position. the new position is essentially nobody at any time will make it into this country. both of them have changed their position. they have changed with the politics. unfortunately they are both of the opinion that you can't say that, the facts change, your mind change, the electorate changed, the party changed. >> it's you're not allowed to switch.
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and what their permanent motivations are winds up drawing the analysis. >> that came up last night. let's hear as megyn kelly pressed marco rubio about, john. let's listen to this. >> within two years of getting elected, you were cosponsoring legislation to create a path to citizenship, in your words, amnesty. haven't you proven you cannot be trusted on this issue? >> it says blanket amnesty. i do not. >> you said more than that, sir. >> you said early path to citizenship is code for amnesty. >> it was. it absolutely has been. the context was in 2009-120 where the last effort was legalization was an effort done in the senate led by several people that provided a an in standpoint path. what i did say is this issue does need to be solved. >> what is issue about how he
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navigated all of that. >> the issue of immigration at every one of these debates has been to muddy the waters, to play to a draw. that is the best he can hope to do in a republican primary atmosphere. immigration has become an explosive issue. but any time you are talking about immigration at length for marco rubio, it is fraught with peril. that is why ted cruz is willing to take the risk to engage. he has his own issues with what he tries to do with the amendments. willing to take hits there. i'm going to jump off this cliff but i'm going to wrap my arms around marco rubio while doing it and take him with me. >> may began kelly asking another question. it is a context worthy of discussion. why is it so wrong in politics right now for senator rubio to have realized we will never get anything done if we do it this way. i'm going to try to get something done that moves the
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ball on immigration towards changing this system. why is this political suicide in the gop right now? >> when you talk to voters quite frankly and you talk to them about marco rubio, this is one of the big issues they have with them. if you're looking at the republican base, you're looking at what they want. they want to talk about border security. they don't want to talk about a path to citizenship or even some in. that's why even with jeb bush, you have seen his position which he has back pedals. but there is still something there. it is really damning with voteers. it's a third rail. that's why you see them running away with it. >> who won last night and who lost? >> i thought all of those mainstream candidates. i thought kasich, bush, rubio and cruz all did better trump in the room.
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i would call them all winners on some level. chris christie almost fell flat. it was almost as he was preparing for a raucous event, the kind where donald trump is in the room. he had all these zingers. and he recited a preamble to the constitution and said let's do it. >> his closing statement was the preamble to the constitution. >> i interpreted that as him trying very hard to hold on of his delegates. trying to say, look, it's not too late. please stay with me. some of them, if you believe the polls, have been wandering over to rubio and cruise. >> split the plus minus.
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what are you hearing why this may have worked in his favor. and bree app that, pick up and tell us what the down side is you are hearing out there. >> one reason why i think people say it works in his favor. the exchange with megyn kelly. they played video clips of each candidate hold their face to the mirror, show them what they said in the past and how they changed their positions. they did it to rubio and cruz and it was rough stuff. you know. you just know that stunt was designed for donald trump. where they could play things donald trump has said in the past on many issues. it was something perfectly suited for what they wanted to expose in him. he didn't have to face it. he he wins by not being challenged in that way. he avoided something that could have been very damaging there. >> and i would like to tell you what's negative on this approach. i'm not really sure there are any big negatives for him. one of the issues i pressed him
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on, is he is getting dinged left and right on and that was his support for not just abortion but late term abortion. he said he was for abortion through and through. he said that in 1999. he was asked four different ways he would not go for it. that is an issue important to iowa republicans. >> you pressed him, pressed him. >> i tried. >> we heard. i don't know what more you can do. >> you're in the club now. >> he kept distracting and strabgting, interrupt you. that was a substantive issue that voters deserve to hear. but he deflected. panel, thanks so much. stick around. we have much more to talk about. we have two presidential candidates coming up in the 7:00 hour. mike huckabee joins us live. and 8:00, we will talk to ben carson about his performance
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last night. >> it is the metaphor, the elephant that wasn't in the room. will it help or hurt him? one of the aspects is the role of veterans in all of this. they were obviously the focus of his fund-raising. but how did they feel about it? ♪ how do robots work? ♪ you need a team... ...working together... ♪ ...doing all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that's right for you is on the world's number-one job site. indeed. how the world works. i'm there for ray.sie. ted loved baseball. dr. phil likes to watch football. renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day.
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it's like the academy awards. this is like the academy awards. this is the academy awards. we're actually told we have more cameras than they do by quite a bit. >> well, that was donald trump comparing his rally for veterans to the academy awards while his republican rivals squared off on the debate stage a few miles away. did trump's debate gamble pay off? here to discuss is john berman and errol lewis and ron brownstein. great to have you with us. ron, let me start with you. let me play what donald trump
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said last night was all about. listen to this. >> we wouldn't have even been here if it weren't for our vets. and our vets are being mistreated. i didn't know we raised $5 million. we actually raised close to $6 million to be totally honest. and i have to say, a lot more to come. >> he said they raised close to $6 million. we're not sure where he's getting his figures. when we go to the website that he directed people to this morning, it says $570,000 raised. i don't know if you can see that. in the top in blue it says $570,000. >> it says "over." >> over $570,000 raised. that's still good money. what did you think on of this? >> front-runners often find reasons not to debate. at some level, that's what we saw tonight. we don't know how voters in iowa, which is very protective as its role as the first in the
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nation, testing, touching, pulling at the candidates, will will react to trump dising the other candidates. but the biggest thing is last night went as well because of the choices the other candidates made not to engage him. it was the strategic muddle of the entire race. they wanted to emerge as the last remaining alternative to trump than they do in trying to slow down trump. based on the polls yesterday he is in the reach of doing something no republican has ever done in a contested race. being the alternative to that may be the last guy squashed by king kong. >> but, ron, how was that illustrated last night? you thought they should have talked about him and gone after him? >> i think they should have at least made the case that he was
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showing disrespect to the voters more effectively. yes, they had many opportunities to raise arguments about trump and make the case he was not there to defend his record. he wasn't there because he didn't want to have to defend his record. >> j.b., to ron's point about, hey, bring up something critical about this situation, veterans groups have been doing that. that is something we haven't touched on yet. paul rycroft is saying, look, all of a sudden we're in the limelight. what do you think about that angle? >> we talked to veterans groups yesterday. and last night they said the same thing. don't use us. we don't want to be part of this. talk about the issues. that's what matters more. i don't think there's any
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question that donald trump used the issue of veterans for political ex bead questionsy. i was just handed the headline for today, brutal for ted cruz. this is the paper of record in iowa. if you have a headline on the friday before the iowa caucuses who say tough night for ted cruz, that explains what went on. what we will see is ted cruz trying to recover from that. >> i agree. >> not all veterans appreciated what trump was doing. some sat out on principle. here is peter coffman from vote vets. >> if donald trump wants to give money to veterans. but why does he have to hide behind us because he is afraid of megyn kelly i don't know what this event is other than they
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serve his public relations interests. >> they pointed out in the past he had given more money to world wrestling entertainment than he had, according to the daily beast, than he had to veterans. last night maybe he turned that all around. >> i'm not sure about that. you never know how veterans are going to vote. they are americans too. i can't be the only one who have wondered why if we care about our veterans there is so much money raising money for this cause and this cause. then lieu at the news and there is another va scandal. they have financial needs they have been putting before the public for years. the political class generally, trump in particular in this case, they say $6 million. you look, you can't find the $6 million you want to talk about
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policies, and they are nowhere to be found. it is not as if you've heard any detail, real specify fistity. they have every right to be frustrated. maybe it's $6 million. maybe it's a tenth that amount. what's important is if there is going to be discussion about this stuff, this is not the way to conduct it. >> ron, to end it on the up and down of last night you can argue how trump, you say, removed himself from the scrutiny was on the others to make the case against him. he did have guys taking aim in as he hasn't before. thanks, j.b. appreciate it. such a downgrade from your beautiful visage. how did he come out of last night? >> i thought he had one of his worst nights at debate. that first answer when he chose
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not to directly confront. he never really recovered. marco rubio was the most distinctive with his hawkish answers on national security. but he also took serious incoming on immigration, as did ted cruz. they are all betting, very specifically when you talk to the staffs, if you can get to a one-on-one with trump, ultimately he has a ceiling. that's the assumption all the way thraoufplt what's clear is you can't make a case against him to a republican audience. that ceiling may be a lot better than you're hoping, especially if it does this unprecedented trifecta. they are kind of waiting for each other. each hoping the other will take him down. they have a more urgent need to slow down a tremendous burst the
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next few weeks. >> programming note, we will talk "new day" on the road for the iowa caucuses. monday we will be at the mars cafe. please stop by. it is all on alisyn. and live coverage of the iowa caucuses all damon. literally, as the race moves, you will know it here first. >> i am happy to buy everyone a cup of coffee. i have a card. new hampshire, on tuesday. we will be live from manchester. stop by to see us there at the water works cafe. as the race moves to the granite state. >> donald trump said he raised $6 million for veterans last night. did he? and if he did, was this a virtuous cause.
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we will speak to an iraq war vet. let's see what she says matters. we have over 15,000 activities that you can book on our app to make sure your little animal, enjoys her first trip to the kingdom. expedia, technology connecting you to what matters. ♪ prepare for challenges specific to your business by working with trusted advisors who help turn obstacles into opportunities. experience the power of being understood. rsm. audit, tax and consulting for the middle market.
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the fbi releasing aerial video of oregon. they show finicum exiting his truck. he reached twice for a gun in his pocket. they believe four hold outs may be in. the three escaped inmates did have help inside the california jail. police say it was a teacher. she is scheduled to appear in court today. she was arrested thursday. she taught english as a second language at the jail is. according to authorities, she had some kind of connection to one of the escapees who remains at large. nine others have also been arrested. meanti meantime, they think the inmates stole a white utility van and may be living in it. ethan couch is set to appear in a texas court this morning.
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it marks his first time before a u.s. judge since fleeing for mexico last month with his mother. couch was spared jail time for a deadly drunken driving conviction in 2013 in which he killed four people. he said he raised $6 million for american veterans. that's a good thing. so why are some veterans unhappy? an iraq war vet, now a member of congress, talks to us about what really matters in this situation right now.
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this morning donald trump back on the campaign trail after his late night event for veterans. trump says he raised $6 million. was he exploiting the troops for political gain? let's get perspective from someone who knows the election and veterans issues very well. two tours of duty in the middle east. always good to see you. thank you for being with us. so $6 million. maybe, maybe not.
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we'll see. let's leave that part to the side. that's fair. veterans groups, big name ones, came out early here saying we don't like this. so we'll put up one of the statements from iava. a group there saying this, we're not taking the money. we don't want to be used for a little bit will cal stunts. the frustration is, as we were talking about before, where are you on the issues, not just trump but all of them. fair pushback from veterans or should they be happy with the money? >> work very closely with that organization and other veterans organizations who does substantive work. that's the frustration we hear from veterans across the country is with our democratic and republican candidates for president. where are your detailed plans on how you are going to reform the v is a so it is actually taking
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care of our veterans, giving them the timely care and benefits they need. >> not just how. >> we hear a lot of people saying thank you for your service. but if you're asking to be our commander in chief, we want to know details on how you are going to fix the system that's been broken for far too long. so we can better use resources to strength especially our military and take care of our troops still actively is serving. last but not least, how u.s. commander in chief are going to stop sending our men and women in uniform into unnecessary counterproductive wars on of choice, as we have seen in the past, as we are seeing play out now in libya. we saw in 2011, the u.s. went over through gadhafi. and now today. and how they can take military action to go against isis, al
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qaeda, other islamic extremist groups who are stronger because of our u.s. policy. the same thing is playing out in syria today. >> certainly plenty on the table. trump said he didn't go because he had to stand up for his rights to be treated fairly. do you buy that as a good rationale for not going to the debate? >> the political pun it didry will talk about what is right or wrong. i would point back to let's talk about in detail veterans rights, what they have earned through their service and sacrifice, and not get on to any of these political high horses. get down to the substance here. we're several months away from november, and the american people deserve to know exactly what each of these candidates plan to do if they take the oval office in january of next year. >> and the groups have been clear. they're not just coming at
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trump. he was the guy raising money last night. but all of these candidates. there is a lot to be done past the lip service. easy to say. how do you prove it. this is not hawaii the last time i checked. >> it is a little colder than what i left a few days ago. i'm participating in an american justice summit to bring light and have in-depth conversations about the issue of criminal justice reform. this is something president obama mentioned within the first few minutes of his state of the union speech. sit something we have heard our republican speaker paul ryan talk about. so this is one of those rare issues that's long overdue for reform. but where issues we are seeing strong bipartisan support from some of the most liberal, political leaders to some of the most conservative political leaders saying we've got to talk action on this and we've got to take action on it now.
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>> what is the this? give me two or three things you think has to change yesterday. >> her story illustrates one of the things that needs to change with manned tear minimums. kemba smith. she was sent to prison, giving 24 and a half year long sentence for being a first time nonviolent drug offender. she was dating a guy who was a drug defender. no possibility of parole. no possibility of early release. she was eventually given clemency by president clinton at the time and spent her life since mentoring youth, keep them from baking bad decisions but looking at criminal justice reform where you have these very, very overly harsh penalties. >> it doesn't always get thought out.
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let us now how that goes. is that a military legal incursion in syria? we're tracking both of those. good to have you here. alisyn. donald trump, as you know, skipped his debate to do his own thing. he said he aed $6 million for veterans. is that true and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cyber-crime. we use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer.
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tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies! only from tums while camerota is obsessed with the xs and os after all the wagers on this upcoming game, one troubling note is what this means for peyton manning. could this be the big one, the last one for one of the greatest? >> well, that certainly is the
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speculation, chris, this will be peyton manning avenues last hoorah. he had this may be his last rodeo. the media in denver tried their best idea to confirm that he is in fact, retiring. take a listen. >> what happened to conversations on the 50 yard line. i guess they don't exist anymore. no confirmation on that whatsoever. we are on to carolina. we're on to north carolina. >> peyton was in the joking mood yesterday. he tried proposing a 9:00 curfew for the broncos during the super bowl week, but that was not received very well by his teammates. super bowl 50 nine days away. arizona state taking on oregon state. they had a secret weapon to distract the shooter. it's michael phelps. he dances around, rocking his gold medals.
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he causes the player to miss the first free throw. so they close the curtain back up. and phelps steps his game up and strips down to the speedo. what happens? the player would go on to miss the second free throw. at crowd goes absolutely nuts. what did you think? >> of course i could. i wouldn't be at all distracted by that. they took a page from chris farley's playbook. that was the best "snl" there skit. >> i was looking right at the medals. >> wow. that's great. thanks so much. great to see you. >> well, donald trump versus the republican debate. battling it out for viewers last night. and of course votes. so which was more successful and where does trump's feud with fox newsstand now? we'll be right back. and i try not to faint. this.. i can do easily. benefiber healthy shape.
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farxiga. we are everyday people. ♪i am everyday people. yeah. yeah.♪ ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn how you can get it for free. i didn't want to be here i have to be honest i wanted to be about five minutes away. and i'ven enjoyed that. you have to stick up for your rights. when you're treated badly you have to stick up for your rights. >> all right. how effective was his decision to skip the debate last night? if you were flipping channels between the event and trump's event this is what you would have seen. an interesting split screen
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moment in american history. let's bring it down with brian stelzer. brian, i know the overnight numbers are in yet. so we don't know who won the ratings war. the most searched for terms were donald and trump. and so in terms of the interest and the internet, that's who got all the buzz. >> there was a lot more chatter about trump, more than double actually. >> his name was searched but people were looking for the debate. >> even if you're watching the debate, you are googling about donald trump i think he was the show. and the debate was the side show. >> his presence seems to
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overwhelm. the fact that his plane was landing was new. they were concentrating on the side story. >> the debate itself was just a draw. there was no stand-out moment. >> you can argue there wasn't a star on the stage except for megyn kelly. >> she is getting high marks this morning. >> that leads us to donald trump's ongoing feud with fox news. he went to great pains to say they buried the hatchet. he said top fox executives called and pleaded with him to show up at the debate and said they apologized to them. fox has a different characterization. they put out a statement. roger ailes had three brief conversations with donald trump today about possibly appearing at the debate. there were not multiple calls. but three is, actually. so that's confusing.
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trump offered to appear at the be date upon the condition that fox news contribute $5 million to his charities. and we explained we could not engage in a quid pro quo. where does this stand now? >> there is still animosity. >> it is interesting that ailes made that approach. his statement in flamed it. he did something to soften it. trump said they were very nice to me. >> he said they apologized. he didn't say who. >> fox is not saying they apologized. they acknowledged his concerns. ever had that in a relationship where someone thinks you apologized and you didn't actually apologize? that might have happened here. this continues to be very ugly between the network and trump. i noticed in their coverage they are down playing trump. they are talking a lot about the other candidates and trying to take the spotlight off trump as
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much as they can. >> if he wins they have to deal with him as the likely winner. >> that's the big question. >> they can't run away from the guy. they can't keep the friction going. >> it is interesting to watch the two titans, roger ailes and donald trump how to put on a production. they are supposed to be on the same side. >> they are natural allies. successful, conservative businessmen who know how to put on a show. >> there wasn't any conflict in his show. really that's what you need in television is a little bit of conflict. >> it had to be a split screen debate or remote control moment between the debate and trump. >> donald trump continues to call megyn kelly names. he continues to tweet out. this is what he does to
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journalists who he is not happy with. >> which is troubling. >> it is troubling. it does have is a chilling effect. you do watch your words more. you don't want twitter followers to come after you with all of that twitter hate. but she took the high road last night. she sort of -- the very first question she asked about donald trump and then tried to move on. >> that's true. afterwards, it was a little bit more -- her commentary was more like -- >> such as? >> she was talking to cruz and to people how it went. there was a little more about that. she is handling it as well as she can. she's in his bullseye. it is not a pleasant place to be. >> the view from kelly's side is trump is determined to drum her out of the election coverage altogether. if that's the goal, trump has not succeeded. >> no, that's not going to happen. >> bill, brian, thank you. great to talk to you guys. we're following a lot of news this morning, including last night's debate and the impact on
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monday's caucus. so let's get right to it. >> we had about 24 hours to put this together. i didn't want to be here, i have to be honest. >> if you say one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage. >> when you're treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights. >> throughout this campaign, you were going to say or do anything to get votes. >> rick santorum, donald trump and i may be competitors in a presidential race, but tonight we are colleagues in unison. >> we wouldn't be here if it weren't for our vets. >> she continues to lie to the american people. you see it's called the clinton way. >> we need people who think out of the box and can solve problems. >> isn't that better than this debate? they're all sleeping. good morning, everybody.
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welcome back to your "new day". donald trump sitting out the final debate before monday's iowa caucuses. his absence leaving the stage with more dust-up. >> where was trump? you know the answer to that. he took his own stage a few miles away. what are the caucusgoers thinking three days before it begins. mike huckabee and dr. ben carson. we have comprehensive coverage. john berman live in des moines. he has the highlights of the debate. give them to us. >> reporter: chris cuomo, be careful what you wish for. that is last night they got a debate stage without donald trump. let me show you the headline of the demain register.
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a rough night for ted cruz. without trump there, a lot of attention was focused on him. and the paper of record in this state, they don't think he handled it all that well. for a debate stage absent donald trump, it was hardly a debate absent of donald trump. the very first question. >> before we get to the issues, let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. >> everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. >> i would note that the last four questions have been rand, please attack ted. marco, please attack ted. chris, police attack ted. jeb, please attack ted. let me just say this. >> it is a debate, sir.
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>> no. a debate is actually a policy issue. i will say this. gosh, if you ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage. >> and some candidates got flat-out more attention. this was rand paul questioning hillary clinton's values relative to her husband's infidelities. >> i think her position promoting fairness to women in the workplace, that if what bill clinton, any ceo in our country did with an intern, with a 22-year-old, 21-year-old intern in their office, they would be fired. they would never be hired again. >> reporter: the most extraordinary moment of the night came on an issue he put front and center, immigration. it led to an all-out melee. >> he was the sponsor of the gang of eight bill that required a bunch of thresholds that allowed for citizenship over a period of time.
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that's a fact. and he asked me to support that. and i supported him. because i think people, when you're elected, you need to do things. >> that is the book before you changed your position on immigration. you used to support a path to citizenship. >> so did you. so did you, marco. >> you changed your position -- you wrote a book before you changed your opinion from path to citizenship to path of legalization. >> reporter: rand paul versus ted cruz -- >> i was there. i saw the debate. i saw ted cruz say we will take citizenship off the table, and then the bill will pass. i'm for the bill. but it is a falseness. that is an authenticity problem. everybody he knows is not as perfect as him because we are all. >> reporter: ted cruz versus marco rubio. >> facts are stubborn thing. the facts are very is simple. when that was waged, he chose to stand with barack obama and
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harry reid and chuck schumer and support amnesty. i stood with king and we led the fight against amnesty. >> this is the lie that his campaign is built on. he is the tphoeft con most conservative guy. everyone else is a rhino. throughout this campaign, you have been willing to say or do anything in order to get votes. >> reporter: chris christie everyone. >> i feel like i need -- i feel like i need a washington-english dictionary converter. >> particularly on the issue of immigration there it was going in all directions. the one person not hit in that exchange was donald trump. and i think one of the most interesting questions this morning and heading into the weekend, what does donald trump do for the next debate? there is a republican debate next week in new hampshire. does he go to that one?
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>> that's a good question. i think i will steal it. thanks, j.b. donald trump held a rally a few miles away raising money for veterans. two of his competitors, mike huckabee and rick santorum. how did the interview go and what was the plus/minus on the night? >> reporter: good morning to you, chris. ted cruz definitely took incoming fire from the republican field at the debate. he also took it from someplace he wouldn't have expected just a few days ago on donald trump's plane sitting on the tarmac of the des moines airport. ♪ inside a packed auditorium at drake university in des moines. >> this is like the academy awards. >> reporter: donald trump boasting about the big turnout for his veterans's event and the millions of dollars he said he raised. >> this is a special night for
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me. i had no idea this was going to happen. we started out literally 24 hours ago, maybe less. we had no idea. and we went out. we set up the website. i called some friends. and we just cracked $6 million, right. $6 million. >> reporter: just a few miles away, gop candidates squaring off at fox's primetime debate. with trump out of sight but not out of mind. >> i miss donald trump. he was a little teddy bear to me. stpwhrr the businessman and fox addressing the feud before the crowd. >> when you treat it badly you have to stick up for your rights. fox has been extremely nice the last number of hours, actually. and they've wanted me there. how about now? i said, hasn't it already started?
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they wanted me to. they did apologize. this is for your vets is. >> you got an apology? >> yes. >> they could not have been nicer. >> reporter: trump holding back jabs at the debating candidates. instead, speaking about the problems veterans face. >> our vets are being mistreated. illegal immigrants are treated better in many cases than our vets. and it's not going to happen anymore. not going to happen anymore. >> reporter: earlier that night, trump knocking his biggest rival, senator ted cruz, in an interview with me. >> reporter: ted cruz, also those who support him have been hammering you when it comes to late term abortion. >> i am hammering him on his on where he was born. and he's weak. by the way, he's weak on immigration. >> reporter: you said i don't want to talk about that when you were asked about your previous support for late term abortion. >> he did a big commercial.
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he said i ripped down a person's house. >> reporter: what does this have to do with you not wanting to talk about this late term abortion. >> it has a lot to do with it. he's very dishonest in what he's doing. >> reporter: two actually showed up at trump's event. >> stand over here so i'm not photographed with the trump sign. >> rick santorum, donald trump and i might be competitors in a race, but tonight we are colleagues in unison for the people who let us breathe every breath of free air we breathe, the vet raps of the united states of america. >> reporter: it was meant for veterans but it is playing out amid an all-out war for the attention of voters and viewers. >> isn't that better than this debate that's going on? right? they're all sleeping. they're all sleeping. everybody.
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>> reporter: and you could see there were some issues there, alisyn, that donald trump did not want to talk about. late term berman, his support that he voiced as recently as 1999. he said that he supports abortion basically all the way. he said he hates abortion but he is pro-choice. he now of course says he is pro life. also the issue of immigration, something 6th really did not want to talk about as well instead hitting back on ted cruz on unrelated issues other than the ones i was asking him about. >> yes, we heard that. a few issues that he seemed to not want to talk about, brianna. the newspaper of record in iowa declaring it was a rough night for ted cruz. how will that affect him three days before the congresses, steve king serves as campaign national co-chair. congressman, thank you for being
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here. >> thanks a lot for having me on on this nice, brisk morning. >> where is your coat, sir? ? i will put it on when i need it, alisyn. >> you iowans, you are so hardy you refuse to wear your cuts. let's talk about the des moines register "rough night for cruz." people were going after him for his sometimes shifting positions. what do you think of that? >> i had predicted in some of the interviews yesterday before the debate all guns would be aimed at ted cruz. it is a game of political king of the hill. it was clear ted cruz is on top of the hill. everybody didn't turn their guns on ted cruz. i noticed chris christie declined on at least one occasion. i was surprised. it was "news to me". not the first time that's happened, though, alisyn. >> marco rubio and rand paul
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both went after ted cruz for what they say is his shifting position on amnesty for illegal immigrants. so listen to this moment. >> what is particularly insulting, though, is he is the king of saying, oh, you're for amnesty. everybody is for amnesty except for ted cruz. that's an authenticity problem. we are all for amnesty. ? this is the lie that ted's campaign is built on and rand touched upon it. everyone else is a rhino. the truth is, ted, throughout this campaign you have been willing to say or do anything to get votes. ted, you worked for george w. bush's campaign. in the committee you said i want to bring people out of the shadows. now you want to trump trump on immigration. >> what about that, congressman? wasn't ted cruz at one time toward a path for legalization? >> no. i'm listening to this dialogue
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here and i'm wondering how marco rubio is going from a strong rule of law, border security candidate for the united states senate to the leader of the gang of eight bill. and i've watched as ted cruz has can come in to congress at the same time as marco rubio and i have seen ted cruz step up every time and stand on the right square on the amnesty issue. it's funny that i remember listening carefully to rand paul on immigration wanting and pleading internally he could at least say i don't want toize people in america illegally. it was always calculated, never definitive. that was a poison pill amendment. i've argued. in a way you are trying to tease the democrats into vote fog your amendment. that's what ted cruz was doing. he was dangling information to say i want this bill to pass. if you vote for my amendment,
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this bill will pass. of course they didn't. >> that's what he says now. but when you listen to his words at that time where he was making the case, it didn't sound he was doing it with irony i want this to pass. they need to come out of the shadows. >> i have made these kind of debates in the past on that issue and other issues. i know what the tone of that is like. you have to turn it up in that fashion and make it sound as genuine as possible. that's the temptation. how do they argue against that? they have to go back and say, well, you don't really want this bill to pass. they didn't challenge him on that. his record has been clearer. by the way, the immigration policy is signed off by myself and jeff sessions. i had no concern back there about that amendment being offered when i was watching this drama in the judiciary committee of the united states senate.
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>> as you know, there is another issue that may hurt ted cruz. that's what's going on with ethanol. your governor has said that he believes ted cruz should be defeated and that he would be very damaging to iowa. that does your governor know about ted cruz that you don't feel? >> nothing. there's a lot of things that he has said that don't hold up. and a lot of that that doesn't hold out has been pushed out by his son, who has been well paid since november to make allegations against ted cruz, to misrepresent ted cruz's record on ethanol. they changed their flyer and
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moved candidates around and left rand paul on the bottom of the list of the bad category. moved people in the "needs work" category and turned all efforts on ted cruz. that looks like it was set up to attack ted cruz in the first place. that helps donald trump. so they did a defactor endorsement of donald trump by attacking ted cruz. >> did you think of donald trump skipping the debate? ? well, actually i thought of michele bachmann skipping the debate donald trump skipped and what he thought of that. he claimed that's the rope she didn't do well in the caulks. i think iowans, with high undecided rates, maybe in the 40% category, were waiting for the debate between cruz and trump. they wanted to make their decisions. they didn't get to see that confrontation between the two. that will help ted cruz. it will help a lot on monday night. >> it will be interesting to see what happens monday.
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steve king, thanks so much for being on "new day". >> thanks, alisyn. appreciate it. he is iowa strong. did you see that? there wasn't even any smoke can coming out of his mouth. we're taking "new day" on the road for the iowa caucuses. we will live the hashtag go there motto on cnn. we will be at the mars cafe. it is awesome. cnn will have live coverage of the iowa caucuses all damon. >> then on tuesday, the morning after, live from new hampshire at waterworks cafe. >> i'm going to have my fill of pancakes. during donald trump's rally he was joined by two previous iowa caucus winners. rick santorum is and mike huckabee. mike huckabee joins us next. let's get mark his own cell phone.
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iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me? what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts.
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i think he would have let any other candidates come. for reasons that maybe i don't understand, they are not here. some because they had a slot at 8:00. i had nothing to do at 8:00. this worked great for me. >> a good line from mike huckabee at donald trump's veterans benefit in iowa after his undercard performance last night in the debate. he was joined by fellow rival, rick santorum. santorum won just four years ago. so he was flanked by iowa caucus winners last night. we have governor mike huckabee with us this morning. i must say steve king stood where you are right now, he had no jacket on and no frost coming out of his mouth. is he not human, sir? >> i don't know what he is. but i know it's 25 degrees here. i'm wearing a cute, my friend. i'm not coming out here and freezing to death on your
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terrace. >> you are a smart man. there is no question about that. i want to understand something about the event you said it was nice of donald trump to ask you and rick santorum to come. trump had tweeted this. i just want your take on it. did you have to ask for permission from trump, or did he ask you and tell you about the event? >> some of our campaign people had already been discussion when they heard he was not going to be at the debate and he was going to do a veterans event. i can't tell you who called who first. it was a great opportunity to stand up for veterans of america, many of whom are getting gut punched every day by a system who does not give them what they not only deserve but what they desperately need. none of us want to see a suicide
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rate of 22 a day, which is just disgraceful in this country. >> do you understand the skepticism of some saying give us real policy reform. don't use us this way. do you understand that skepticism? ? not, not really. last night over $6 million was raised for veterans groups. $6 million towards helping these people. the truth is there shouldn't have to be any outside veterans groups to help veterans. there shouldn't be any. that is a responsibility of the united states of america. they should be getting the first fruits of our treasury. even else ought to wait in line until the veterans gets served and then everyone else lines up behind them. that's not how it is happening. people are waiting three months, six months to get treated. some of the wounds are not visible. some are deep within their soul. ptsd is facing so many of these heroes who are coming home.
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one of the most powerful moments of the event is when john wayne walding, a green beret, lost his leg in combat, talked about how two words changed his life. thank you. so last night i stood on his stage with other people to say tot veterans, thank you. >> understood. and you also know that the need is very great, as you just articulated. the rest of the voters will be helping them. you did your duty to the process. you went there last night. trump chose not to because he doesn't like fox news right now. >> that is a decision he had to make. i showed up. i don't have a beef with fox news. i worked there six and a half
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years. they don't treat me any way special because i was there. sometimes i feel like they go out of their way making sure i don't get special treatment. they're good friends. i wasn't going to not show up at my debate. i had nothing going on at 8:00. i offered to take his podium last night, which i think they should have let me do. unfortunately that didn't go over very well. >> they did have an extra podium just in case. trump said they called and apologized. they said he asked for money for veterans. they couldn't do a quid pro quo. let's leave that aside. something happened at 7:00 but much more at 8:00. the idea of immigration. help us understand something, governor. the idea that if you changed your position on immigration to move towards what seems like what might be a more doable compromise, this is political
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perfity. you can't be trusted to paraphrase one of the questioners last night. is that fair that if you try to do something to get something done on immigration, as opposed to just holding one hard line you can't be trusted? >> no. i don't think trust is over whether a person has what i would call a changing understanding of an issue that itself may change. it depends on have we secured the border. what process do we have in place for the people who are here. are we for amnesty? i don't think anybody is for amnesty. and the geography of where they happen to be. one thing in man hat stkpapb they say another in marshall town, iowa, that's when you start wondering whether you can trust them. if a person six years ago or 10 years ago had some comment and
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now he sees things maybe different. not dramaly different. i don't think you can have a 180-degree turn. if you do, you have to explain it. but when a person changing views and is always moving with the political wind, if a person is a thermometer instead of a thunderstorm stat, that person is not a leader. and you can't trust them. >> who are you talking about now, trump, rubio, or cruz? >> look, ted cruz changed his opinion on ethanol, hbc visa, whether he will be a champion for religious liberty or whether that's way town the road and not important. i think it is pretty clear while ted cruz has questioned the integrity of a lot of different candidates on the stage, you know, if you look at how many different things.
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he wrote an op ed saying it was the greatest thing since toothpaste. and then said he was against it. you don't change geographically. i like bill. ive did it with jon stewart or stephen colbert. i said things at sanctity of life manipulate that's the consistency stkph colbert gave you an ice cream tphraeuf of life begins at confection. which was very funny but true to your conviction. >> it is true to my position, absolutely. >> governor huckabee, thank you for sucking it up in the cold. appreciate it. i know what it is like out there. come to the mars cafe on monday. i owe you breakfast.
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>> i'll take you up on it, chris. thank you. >> next hour, dr. ben carson joining us live. you're going to be buying a lot of breakfasts. donald trump absent, which candidate stood out the most? we'll debate the big winners and losers next. see see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis.
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i kind of miss donald trump. he was always a little teddy bear to me. everybody else was in the witness protection program when i went after him on what the republican cause should be. >> three days away from the iowa caucuses. which of the republican candidates did best at getting their message out to voters? let's bring in cnn political
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commentator brian and david. before we get to who won the debate, ryan, who, donald trump or the other republicans? >> i think if you look at donald trump's goals with his argument with fox news, he had two goals, right? he wanted to get megyn kelly out of the moderator's chair. and he tried to shake down fox for $5 million. neither goal was successful. so the famed great negotiator, the author of the art of the deal, failed in his deal making with fox news. so i would say that is -- >> he may have won the war. he might get more viewers. >> we'll see. that will be important. we don't know how this will play in iowa. i wouldn't call him a winner. the second thing is imagine if hillary clinton ducked a debate with bernie sanders. then all the money she raised went to the clinton foundation.
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this is going to the trump foundation. >> he will dispense it to veterans groups. >> what if she said don't worry about it, we'll give it to veterans. >> interesting. >> i'm just saying imagine if it were the other side. >> they will have to follow the money. there is a discrepancies. he said he raised $6 million. his web side says more $570,000. >> you grow a great piece in "the atlantic" about the boy who reaches in and wants to get all the nuts out. we all know the story. how does this play out. >> perfect example. rebel yon rank and file of immigration. and rank is and file saying we want immigration. it has become the most important issue. we want a decisive answer. and the hand in the nuts that
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the republican leadership is just determined to have a gang of eight style comprehensive reform. and they will not let go. they will not meet the aspirations and needs of the economically anxious republican middleclass. >> so who won the point on immigration in there were lots of different squabbles. >> this was a brilliant night for trump. what fox did was take the two leading people to replace him? the people who had ted cruz and marco rubio. on this issue that is so central, either can be trusted. who emerges as successful from that? to ryan's point, what if hillary clinton tried this. republicans are different from democrats. they think differently. what they are looking for is a leader. who emerges from this whole event looking like the dominant personality. everyone says jeb bush had a great night. he was warm and amusing. he did not command that commander in chief stature.
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neither did ted cruz or marco rubio. donald trump had the most fearsome group, kissing his hand. >> what we really need is the answer to problems you say you love it but don't solve. ted cruz, this was his moment to shine. he was in the middle seat. how did he do in taking on all comers. >> i do think they are end of the day you had two senators and the central fight of 2013 on the issue that you're talking about, the issue that is animating the republican primaries, you had marco rubio on that gang of eight bill. it is now the central issue of this campaign. you had cruz, despite legislative maneuvering, opposing that. and i think the debate in the long run with the electorate, cruz wins that battle. >> did he legitimately oppose
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it? was he authentic? >> he didn't have the role that rubio did. he was playing games legislatively to try to kill it. if you look at the leading antibiotic immigration reform in the senate and the house they side with cruz on this issue, not rubio. >> tphur on immigration restrictions you will find cruz as untrustworthy as rubio. behalf you think of his role on the narrow question on the path of legalization, he came to the senate. he was in favor of expanding all kinds of other categories. not so much with amnesty but about more immigration, new immigration in the future. that's the fable that chris cited. it is different from the commitment its membership wants.
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and it won't change. >> cruz was closer to your position than anything else. >> we will see what voters in iowa think on monday. guys, thanks so much for being here some studio. tweet us at "new day". the battle down to the wire as well. hillary clinton, bernie sanders locked in a virtual tie. we have bernie sanders's campaign manager here next. this... i can do easily. i try hard to get a great shape. benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck.
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what is not acceptable is people like donald trump using racism and bigotry against people from mexico or elsewhere. that is not acceptable. >> strong senator bernie sanders speaking at a campaign rally in fairfield, iowa last night. the calling us just three days away. sanders and hillary clinton, bernie sanders, hillary clinton, you know the names, neck and neck no matter which poll you look up. there is a new poll popping up.
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jeff, macho points for not having a coat on out there. you have tiger tough. i'll respect it. in the cnn poll of polls, it is a dead heat. the only one's fate who seems clear is o'malley. the campaign felt energized after the town hall. you are hearing that reflected out there. a little more personal depth. tell me if that's not true. what are you seeing? >> chris, chris, in these final days, there is a tremendous amount of momentum. the event from fairfield, iowa, we expected 200 people there. there was 900 people there. a phenomenal turnout. everywhere bernie is going, people are going out in large numbers. 1,100 people in mason city, a small city here. we are seeing a lot of energy on the ground. i do think, i have to say -- not to put a too fine a point on it. your town hall i think was a
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great experience for voters here. they got a chance to see the candidates in a way they might not have seen in a different format. >> the senator has been on "new day" probably more than any other on cable news. >> sure. >> your followers have gotten protective. after that town hall, they did a question count from whether or not hillary's questions, they have been all over me like ugly on a gorilla. what does that speak to in your opinion in terms of the intensity and the passion of the base that bernie has built? >> sure. listen, bernie sanders speaks to the issues people are facing this their real lives. questions of dealing with a rigged economy, held up by a corrupt political system resonates in iowa. if you look at the tightening polls all across the country. people feel protective of bernie. he has come under a lot of
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attacked from the clinton superpac. we are standing tall and fighting all the way to the end in iowa. >> jeff, we have known each other a long time. you are someone who sees a clear path when making decisions. is there truth to we don't know whether to go negative or positive in this last week, this vacillating? >> no. it was an overwritten story in the immediaty. it is absolutely not the case. anybody who looks at our advertising will tell you it is completely fair, not negative. bernie sanders has never run a negative tv ad in his life, and he doesn't plan to start now. >> there is a big stick we saw in the debate last night. the word "socialist" is a dirty word in politics. i know many programs in government today have a socialist dynamic. we understand that. but in politics it's a dirty word. rubio was using the big stick
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saying what comes next after seven disastrous years of barack obama. better not be bernie sanders. i don't want to be sweden. how do you deal with that overarching criticism? >> look, chris, the fact that senator sanders calls himself a democratic socialist is not a secret. it is in every single story you read in the newspaper, almost every television interview. everybody knows it. yet still in head to head with republicans, he beats them all, including battle ground states like iowa and new hampshire. rubio can say whatever he is going to say but it isn't going to have any effect. >> bernie sanders giving a person side to himself. got emotional when he was speaking about his parents. sanders doesn't like to talk about his personal life as much. he thinks there is too much urgency to the policy side of this. but the personal matters to voters, as you know.
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we brought up his age. he released his medical records. we saw him posing a boxing position against an tkradrea mitchell. he looked like he knew what he was doing. does he have any training? >> i don't know. but he was raised in brooklyn. >> you framed up. i'm glad he didn't come at me after the town hall. i paid a lot of money for this face. i don't want it to get broken up. thank you, sir. >> you got it. see you then. now to this medical story. zika virus is sparking fear. how worried should we be? dr. sanjay gupta and the nih next. to your business by working with trusted advisors
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global concern about the zika virus is growing this morning. the world health organization says it will hold an emergency meeting next week to discuss ways to confront the virus, which they say is "spreading explosively." joining us is cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta as well as dr. anthony fauci head of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. thanks for being here. dr. fauci, start with you. we hear something is spreading explosively, it sounds terrifying. i know you want to clarify something the world health organization put out yesterday about the scope of this virus. >> i think when people hear someone saying that it's spreading explosively throughout the americas, they think about the united states of america, but that's not the case. what we're seeing is truly an
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explosive spread in south america and in parts of the caribbean. we are having cases that are imported cases in the united states. that's expected, and we'll probably see many more. namely, people in the united states who travel for a variety of reasons to the caribbean, and to south america and come back to the united states. that's happening, and it will continue to happen. the concern is, and we're very much aware of it, and on the alert for it, is what's called locally transmitted cases. namely, someone who goes down or visits the united states and is infected, gets bitten by a mosquito and locally transmits within the united states. we have not seen that yet in the continental united states. when you're dealing with similar viruses, like dengue and others that are clearly very prevalent in south america and the caribbean, we have seen little pockets spread in the united states, particularly in florida and texas, and they have been able to be contained by things
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like good mosquito control. so although we're prepared for a big outbreak, we don't think that that is a likely scenario that we will see an explosive outbreak in the united states similar to what, for example, they're seeing in brazil. >> okay. i mean, that's -- >> we're not being cavalier about it, but we don't think that's going to happen. >> we appreciate that and that is comforting to americans, but sanjay, since americans do travel and it is possible, as we just heard dr. fauci say they can come back with it, why wouldn't be become an epidemic here? >> first of all, when you look at the sort of area where this has become so widespread versus the united states, it's just very different. you know, urban -- simple things like screens on windows, air conditioned buildings makes it less likely for mosquitoes to propagate this much. dengue fever, for example,
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another mosquito-borne illness. millions are infected. you think would happen in the united states, the same mosquitoes in the united states, yet only isolated clusters of cases. that's it. this should behave the same way. >> sanjay, stick with you a second. officials in other countries have gone as far as to suggest that women not get pregnant during this time period. so i know that the cdc actually talked about this. let me play this bite from the cdc. >> you may remember during the influenza pandemic in 2009, we saw very serious complications of influenza in pregnant women. we saw pregnant women die. we saw them lose their babies. we saw them have critical illnesses. we urged people to take precautions and get prompt treatment of influenza but we didn't advise against getting pregnant. >> sanjay, how dangerous is it for pregnant women? >> well, it can be certainly dangerous. when you talk about this
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condition known at microcephaly, a birth defect. obviously a very serious condition and seems to be associated with this virus. i asked the doctor this question, saying, does the cdc agree with this guidance not to get married -- i mean, not to have babied, i should say. we don't agree, no. it's not practical guidance. how do you suggest that sort of thing. in el salvador, don't have a baby for two years. it's just not practical. there are other measures to try to reduce the risk to pregnant women. now they're saying if you're a pregnant woman in the united states thinking of traveling to these areas, don't go. >> put up the cdc guidelines for travel to some of these zones. they say wear long sleeved shirt and pants, stay in air conditioning places. sleep under a mosquito net.
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use epa disinfect it's. >> if you get infected and are not a pregnant woman. like if i went down there and got infected, the history of zika, a relatively mild illness characterized by fever, joint aches, some pink eye and a rash and usually lasts anywhere from three to four days to up to a week and you're done. there's almost no mortality associated with zika. the real issue is the concern, as sanjay mentioned, regarding women who are pregnant and who get infected while pregnant, because of the temporal and geographic association, and i underscore association with the development of microcephaly in the baby of a pregnant woman. we haven't definitively proven cause and effect yet, but the association is strong enough it's prompted the cdc guidance about women who are in the united states and pregnant, about withholding travel to these regions. >> right. dr. fauci and dr. gupta, thanks for the real information today.
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it's comforting to talk to you both. thank you. all right. following a lot of news this morning. let's get right to it. isn't that better than this debate that's going on? >> everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. >> i kind of miss donald trump. he was a little teddy bear to me. >> look at all the cameras. like the academy awards. this is like the academy awards. >> i'm supporting another candidate for president. that doesn't mean we can't work together when it comes to helping our veterans. >> everybody's friends here except ted cruz. but it's a falseness. >> you changed your position on immigration. >> so did you. >> and you -- >> so did you, marco. >> i get more votes, less votes? nobody knows. who the hell knows. >> hillary clinton cannot be the president of these united states. >> let me tell you who's not qualified to be president of the united states. hillary rodham clinton is not qualified to be president of the united states. >> it's for our vets and you're going to like it, because we raised over $5 million in one day.
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good morning. welcome back to your "new day" this friday, january 29th. 8:00 in the east, and by most accounts, the final republican debate before monday's iowa caucus had more substance in the absence of donald trump. they got to distinguish themselves, say they were less arnotices, several squared off on immigration. their records in politics on the line. >> so trump was absent but not forgotten. he was holding a competing event a few miles away for veterans. who won last night and who lost? speaking to dr. ben carson about his chances and how he thought he did. beginning coverage with john berman, highlights and lowlights from the debate. >> reporter: it's a wonderful like you know, feel, to this debate. what would the world be like without george bail ji what would a debate be without donald trump, and for some of these candidates, there was some serious peril.
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>> reporter: for a debate stage absent of donald trump, it was hardly a debate absent of donald trump. from the very first question -- >> before we get to the issues, let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. >> to the very first joke. >> let me say i'm a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. and, ben, you're a take surgeon. now that we've gotten the donald trump portion out of the way -- >> reporter: to a completely changed dynamic, where with no trump lightning rod, other candidates had to dodge bolts. >> i would note that the last four questions have been, rand, please attack ted, marco, please attack ted, jeb, please attack ted, let me just say this. >> it is a debate, sir. >> well, no. a debate actually is a policy issue, but i will say this, gosh, if you guys ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage.
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>> reporter: in some candidates, they got flat out more attention. this was rand paul, questioning hillary clinton's values relative to her husband's infidelities. >> i do think that her position as promoting women's rights and fairness to women in the workplace, that if what bill clinton did, any ceo in our country did with an intern, with a 22-year-old, 21-year-old intern in their office, they would be fired. they would never be hired again. [ applause ] >> reporter: the most extraordinary moment of the night even came on an issue donald trump put front and center. immigration. it led to an all-out melee. jeb bush versus marco rubio. >> confused because he was the sponsor of the gang of eight bill that did require a bunch of thresholds but all muttly allowed for citizen is over an extended period of time. that's a fact and he asked me to support that, and i supported him, because i think people when
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you're elected, you need to do things. >> interesting that jeb mentions the book. the book youy changed your position on immigration. you used to support a path to citizenship. >> so did you. >> well, but you -- >> so did you, marco. >> you wrote a book, you changed your position. no. you wrote a book, changed your position from a path to citizenship to a path to legalization. >> rand paul versus ted cruz. >> i was there and i saw the debate. i saw ted cruz say, we'll take citizenship off the table, and then the bill will pass, and i'm for the bill. but it's a falseness. and awe thuthenticity. we're all for amnesty. >> reporter: ted cruz verse marco rubio. >> john adams famously said facts of stubborn thing. they're simple. when that battle was waged, my friend senator rubio chose to stand with barack obama and harry reed and chuck schumer and support amnesty and i stood alongside jeff sessions and
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steve king and we led the fight against amnesty. >> this is the lie ted's campaign has built on and rand touched upon it. he's the most conservative guy and everyone else is a rhino. the truth is, ted, throughout this campaign you've been willing to say or do anything in order to get votes. >> reporter: chris christie versus everyone. >> i feel like -- i feel like i need -- i feel like i need a washington english dictionary converter. right? >> so how did it play near iowa? the headline of the "des moines register" the paper of record in this city says, rough night for cuz. no, it's not about donald trump per se, but maybe donald trump got xwlau just what he wanted. >> maybe he did. thanks for showing that. competitors head-to-head on a stage, donald trump held a rally miles away for veterans. two competitors got in on that action. cnn correspondent brianna keilar spoke with trump before the rally and is live in des moines.
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tell us about your talk with trump. >> reporter: alisyn, with almost his entire family looking on during this interview on his plane, he tried to turn his no-show at the debate into a strength saying he was standing up for himself, saying that the country needs someone who will stand up for it, and then he took aim at ted cruz over and over again. inside a packed auditorium at drake university in des moines. >> look at all the cameras like the academy awards. >> reporter: donald trump boefrting about the big turnout for his veterans event and the millions of dollars he says he raised. >> this is a special night for me, and i had no idea this was going to happen. we started out literally 24 hours ago, maybe less. we had no idea, and we went out. set up the website. i called some friends. and we just cracked the -- the sign just given, we just cracked $6 million. right?
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$6 million. >> reporter: just a few miles away, gop candidates onstage squaring off at fox's primetime debate with trump out of sight but not out of mind. >> i kind of miss donald trump. he was a little teddy bear to me. >> reporter: the businessman with fox on the brain, too. addressing the feud before the crowd. >> when you are treated badly you have to stick up for your rights. >> fox that been extremely nice, the last -- number of hours, actually. and they've wanted me there and they said, how about now? they called a few minutes ago. how about now? can you come over? hasn't it already started? >> reporter: just hours before his event in an interview on his plane he told me -- >> by the time they apologized i said, look, the problem is we now have a big event scheduled -- >> reporter: on the phone apologized? what the phone call was about? >> could not have been nicer. >> reporter: you got an apology? >> yes. >> reporter: who apologized to you. >> i don't want to say. >> reporter: and trump largely holding back jabs and touting
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his own poll numbers and speaking about the problem the veterans place. >> our vets are being mistreated. illegal immigrants are treated better than our vets and it's not going to happen anymore. >> reporter: earlier that night, trump knocked his biggest rival, senator ted cruz. >> reporter: ted cruz? >> right. >> reporter: has been, not just ted cruz, those who support him, hammering you in it comes to previous views on late-term abortion. >> i'm hammering him where he was born and he's weak on illegal immigration. >> reporter: you said to my colleague recently, dana bash, you said, i don't want to talk about that when asked about your previous support for late-term abortion. >> he did a big commercial. said i ripped down a person's house. >> reporter: what does that have to do with you not wanting to talk about this issue of late-term abortion. >> excuse me. it has a lot to do with it. he's very dishonest what he's doing. >> reporter: two others also showed up. >> i'll stand over here so i'm
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not photographed with the trump sign. >> reporter: the two former iowa caucus winners standing alongside the current front-runner. >> rick santorum, donald trump and i may be competitors in a presidential race, but tonight we are colleagues in unison standing here for the people who let us breathe every breath of free air we breathe, the veterans of the united states of america. >> reporter: trump's competing event was meant for veterans but it playing out amid an all-out war for the attention of voters and viewers. >> isn't that better than this debate that's going on? right? they're all sleeping. they're all sleeping. everybody. >> reporter: now, it's important to note that donald trump says he did get an apology from fox news. the official word from fox, chris, they acknowledged his concern specifically about a press lease. you can see was pretty provocative the way it was phrased. don't you sometimes put out press releases provocative, the same kind of tone?
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he gave on that. he said there was something to it. >> that's satisfaction that comes with trump actually acknowledging one of your questions. good for you, appreciate it. let's tick off some of the items and issues that surround this. did the debate gamble pay off? joining us now, a man deep inside, the co-chairman policy advisor for the trump campaign, mr. sam clovis. thank you for joining us so close to the caucuses. appreciate the time. check off boxes as they matter. one, do you have the $6 million for the veterans? >> yes, we do. >> so the money was actually raised, you know, there's no wiggle room on that? >> no. absolutely not. in fact, i think it's going to be north of $6 million, because the website continues to have people contribute to it. so i think we're going to be in pretty good shape with that number and i think you'll be surprised at the end of the day how much it actually is. >> the criticism, raising money for vets, nothing critical in that. money is needed. plenty of good causes, but why
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it was done. donald trump's campaign, none of the campaigns have been about helping the veterans with specific solutions. basing their campaign on that. were veterans in any portion of this being used? >> no, i don't think so. i think all of the veterans that appeared onstage last night with mr. trump came up voluntarily. they wanted to be part of this. the place was packed with veterans. i was there. i was sitting backstage through the entire event. those are my people. i'm a veteran, and i told mr. trump last night how much it meant to me. >> the fox news fight that going on here. was there an apology from fox news last night or was it that trump said to them, if you give me the money for the veterans i'll show? which is it? >> i don't think there was any quid pro quo there whatsoever and i'll take mr. trump at his word. i wasn't in on the phone call. if he said there was an apology, then there was an apology. >> if i say to you i'll show up if you give me $5 million for
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the veterans or for anything, isn't that by definition a prid quo pro-? >> i don't know any of the mechanics of that and i don't think that was part of the deal. i honestly don't know mip wasn't privy to those conversations. >> you think fox news would make something like that up? sam clovis, often appearing on fox news and jeopardizing that position in the future? >> well, i don't know. i honestly don't know what went on, chris, and if i knew i would tell you. i'm sitting here today and you know me. never equivocate or back off and i answer your questions. if i knew, i'd tell you. >> appreciate that, sam. so last night they came at trump a little bit, mostly on the issues. the idea he is not a conservative. whether it's the nuances of the position on abortion, whether it's late-term abortion, the morning-after pill, he doesn't want to answer. fights brianna keilar and many other questions on it because
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he's not a real conservative. sam clovis says, i am and i'm with him. that doesn't make trump a conservative, that makes you a conservative. >> i am a conservative. i'm a russell kirk conservative a bill buckley conservative. tick off a couple of things here. are we for smaller government? yes. are we for a strong national defense? yes. are we for fink's responsibility? we're the only ones that have a tax plan that is maximum pro growth and the fact we do have a plan for the budget. yes. are we pro-life? yes. support marriage? yes. as far as i'm concerned those are all the four legs of the conservative stool and mr. trump is there on all of them. if you want to get in and nick pick and say i'm more conservative than the next guy, let's talk about the fundamentals. the fundamentals are what russell kirk laid out and those are the four legs of that conservative stool and mr. trump is fine on all of those. >> well, is he fine enough for the base? you know, you use the phrase tick off. one of the thinging you got to
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be concerned about ticking off, the true conservatives who don't like who have come to the positions recently. >> well, you know, there's a lot of people that come to positions over time, and i think if you look at a person's life journey, you find out as they get older and they have their children, they begin to succeed, and have grandchildren come into their lives and a chance to reflect back on what's gone on, where they've been pursuing a career for all of their lives and i'm not different. i was very much in the same boat in my life. i had the opportunity to start to take a look at what was going and and looked what i was going to hand over to my children and grandchildren. frankly. i didn't like what i saw. one of the reasons i became a political activist. pardon me. i also think this is the journey mr. trump has been on. a lot of us have been on this journey. to go out, see where we are today after seven years of barack obama i think it's the opportunity for us to do something and i think everybody is trying to step up and do something about that. >> let me ask you something -- was part of the kcalculus in no
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going to the debate last night exposing ted cruz to the scrutiny of everyone else on the stage? that's what happened last night. did you see that coming and did it go into the decision? >> i don't think anybody saw that coming and i think that, frankly, chris, i haven't watched a single minute. i've seen more here sitting on this set this morning about the debate than what i've seen last night. i'm really surprised. i thought that -- the overall performance of a lot of the candidates up there was quite muddled and i think it was very interesting from just what i've seen, and -- because i didn't see the whole thing, i don't feel qualified to talk about all of them, but i do think that there was interesting to see the reaction of senator cruz when there wasn't anybody else on the stage to be a lightning's rod for him. >> do you see any down side to donald trump boycotting a debate this close to the iowa caucus, and not satisfying the need of the people? >> well, i think the people that we're going to see, we'll see on
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monday night. the people that turn out. we're very confident of our turnout. we have the best guy in the world running our ground game near iowa. we're all here. in fact, all of us will be at the headquarters here later, brought in all the people we could possibly bring in to the state and we're out banging the phones like everybody else and i think what's going to happen is you're going to see something, i think significant and i would predict historic, in the state of iowa this time and i hope that all things go well and i think everybody, hope everybody travels safely to the, all of the caucus locations that we have across the state, and i hope we have a tremendous turnout and prove once again that iowa is the place to start this process. >> sam clovis, thank you very much. looking forward to seeing you out there in iowa. >> chris, see you, and i'm really upset you're not here. sitting here on this set with the wind blowing up my back right now, because it's -- it's a very, very crisp 24 degrees. >> well, you are much tougher than i am. that is no secret.
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you don't even have a coat on. everybody knew that, sam. i'm cold in the studio. we're going to talk to ben carson coming up about the trump-less debate. stay with us for that. >> refreshing, at 26 degrees. we are three days out from the iowa caucuses. who were the winners and losers of last night's critical debate? michael smerconish is here with his take, next. ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. the twenty-sixteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. and, ben, you're a terrible surgeon. now that we've gotten the donald trump portion out of the way -- the crowd liked that one. senator ted cruz taking center stage during the final gop debate before the iowa caucuses with donald trump missing from the stage. but the paper of record in iowa, "the des moines register" declaring it a rough night actually for ted cruz. who benefited the most from trump's absence? joining us, host michael smerconish. good morning. go right there. >> good morning. >> who benefited from trump's absence? . >> donald trump. i have to give the night to donald trump and something interesting happened last night, alisyn, and if wasn't even in iowa. nate silver at the 5:38 blog to whom i have a great deal of respect moved donald trump ahead
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of ted cruz for the first time in terms of prognosticating what's going to happen in iowa. he said now that it's donald trump at a 48% likelihood of winning. and here's why i find that significant. i think donald trump last night had one objective, and that was to just run out the clock. he believes he's going to win in iowa. he was satisfied with his standing and, therefore, he calculated he'd be better served not showing up in that debate, and leaving it to the rest of them, and i think on balance, even though he didn't get that he wanted from cnn i think he still came out on top. >> what about the other side, though, which is, him not being there gave people to see a very different republican race. we're seeing that certainly on social media this morning. wasn't that the risk of not being there? >> it was, chris, but i don't know that anybody popped. i mean who on that stage would you say had an extraordinary evening that all of a sudden this morning we're now saying, hey, you know, what about candidate x, y or z?
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i don't see it. i think no one had a poor evening last night, but there was really no victor on that stage. >> so donald trump in lieu of going to the debate, as you know, he held this fund-raiser, he says, for veterans, and he says that he raised almost $6 million. >> maybe even more according to sam clovis. >> maybe more, may be more because more and more donations are coming in to the website. now, i know that you, michael, believed it was like a telethon watching him sort of call out for different fund-raising. donald trump likened it to something else. >> look at all of the cameras. this is like the academy awards. this is the academy awards! we're actually told we have more cameras than they do by quite a bit. >> donald trump once again declaring himself the victor. in terms of veterans, that's a
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lot of money, but some veterans found that disingenuous and sat it out. what was the lasting impact of last night was? >> it had a jerry lewis feel to it. right? didn't it remind us of the labor day telethon? i want to know if at the end of the night he's really writing the checks that he promised, but let's not overlook he got a great image when he had the last two iowa caucus victors come out on that stage with him, presumably running against him, yet there they were, all three of them. so i think on balance, it was it a benefit for trump, because i doubt that his hard-core base was offended by him raising money for the troops in a way that they won't caucus for him on monday night. >> so what is going on with the state of play within the gop? i mean, people can say, oh, this is about trump's feelings about the media in general, but i think that that's inaccurate. this is about fox news for him. i don't even think it's about megyn kelly that much.
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she got caught in the cross fire. this is about what fox represent versus what trump represents. if you see it that way, who's winning? >> i see it that way and also as donald trump taking on fox, because fox is the biggest individual entity factor in the room, and he is showing the electorate not just republicans. i mean, frankly, i'm giving him more credit and thinking he's further thinking and trying to appeal to independents and democrats who are not fond of fox news, and probably get a kick out of the fact that donald trump is willing to stand up to that bully, even though we often regard trump as the bully. there's no one he's unwilling to take on. willing to take on fox news i guess he's willing to take on, how would he say it? china and putin. i can't believe i'm eving saying these things but that's part of the schtick and spin. >> who underwhelmed last night jt who do you think goes away after monday?
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>> i'm so glad you asked. i think ben carson underwhelmed. the reason that it's -- >> he's not going away. >> no, but listen to this, because, chris, if you were ted cruz you've got to be looking at ben carson and saying, ben, get the hell out of this thing. i need your 8%. you' your 8% puts me over the top but it isn't going to get you home. i think cars sn a major spoiler, stays in. not getting out. what i think cruz is probably thinking this morning. >> if martin o'malley wouldn't consider where his caucusers should go for one of the other two democrats he likes, the idea of are one of these guys get the out from one another is remote at best. who knows. >> you put that, you asked that question of oh ma'malley. >> we'll have an opportunity to ask ben carson in a second. stick around, you'll want to see this. gop candidate ben carson ending the debate on a unique note.
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the republican candidates back on the trail after last night's debates. one candidate had an unusual way of closing the evening. let's listen. >> we the people of the united states order to perform a more perfect union establish justice, ensure tranquility, promote the general welfare and secure the benefits of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the united states of america. >> and dr. ben carson joins us now live from iowa. good morning, dr. carson. >> good morning, alisyn. >> so why did you want to close -- why did you make your closing statement the constitution preamble? >> because i wanted to bring people's attention to the original intent. you know, establishing justice. how important is that? and, you know, recognizing that,
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you know, there have been a lot of things that have happened that don't take into consideration everybody. for instance, you know, somebody a moving violation.e earner, get we don't give them a mechanism for paying that off at $5 a week, and that frequently leads to other kinds of problems. you know? ensuring the domestic tranquility. again, that's only going to happen when we create a situation that is fair for everybody, providing for the common defense. that becomes incredibly important right now when we're dealing with radical islamic terrorists who want to destroy us. you know, promoting the general welfare, creating an atmosphere that allows all of the people in our society to thrive. >> yeah. >> not picking and choosing, you know, certain ones, and looking out for the benefit of our posterity, instead of borrowing from their future and destroying it. >> so let's talk about how you think last night went. i know you were not pleased at
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the amount of time you got. you got six minutes, and you're right that was certainly less than marco rubio, 13.5 minutes. ted cruz, 13.11. jeb bush, kasich, christie, rand paul. you were at the end there with six minutes. why do you think the fox moderators didn't come to you more? >> well, you know, i probably spoke the less but had the most to say, if you actually listened to what i had to say. i'm not a controversial person. so perhaps the entertainment value is not the same, but, you know, it reminds me a little bit of ancient rome, where everybody wanted to go to the colosseum and see the blood and gore while their society was crumbling around them. i'm hoping here in america we the people can see through all that and begin to understand unless we address these very serious issues we're going to go the same way as other nations before us.
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we have an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and make corrective adjustments now. >> do you think this election has gotten too gory? >> i believe that we are, have been defocused. you know? we're not looking at the important things. one of the things that threaten to destroy us, as we undermine the fiscal foundation of our nation. you know, i think josef stalin perhaps put it best. he said, if we want to bring the united states down we have to attack these three things -- they're spiritual life, they're patriotism and morality. we need to be focusing more on those things. >> one answer you gave last night about what you would do if president vladimir putin invaded estonia and some people say they were confused by your response. so let me play that for a second. >> i think we ought to give ukraine offensive weapons, and i
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think we ought to fight them on the economic basis because putin is a one-horse country, oil, and energy, and we ought to fight them on that level. >> okay. you say putin is a one-horse country, oil and energy. we ought to fight them on that level. can you clarify what you meant in that statement? >> sure. you know, the reason that we won the cold war was we won the economic war. against soviet union, and right now, you know, the reason that putin is relatively under control is because the price of oil is so low. you know, he has upgraded his nuclear arsenal. he would be doing a lot more, because he doesn't have nearly the resources that we do. we should try to keep him in that position. you know, we have, you know, so much natural gas, for instance, and we have the ability to liquefy it now and transport it and to sell it to europe at a much lower price than he is. probably undercut him by $6, and why don't we begin to do things
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like that? it will have tremendous effect. >> and -- but in terms of the question posed to you, that if he invaded estonia, would you declare war, basically, on russia? what's the answer to that? >> well, i came back to that, at the end of my explanation, and i said, yes, you know, article 5 of the nato treaty indicates that we have a responsibility there, and by all means that i would honor that obligation. >> you might just have heard michael smerconish a moment ago. he was just on our air, our pundit radio talk show hoefrt and he said at this point he feels as that you're acting as a spoil are for ted cruz. if your poll numbers don't go up after this debate or certainly after monday's caucuses that you're basically just leeching support from him, and that you might want to reconsider running, or getting out. what do you say to that? >> i would say that maybe some
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of these pundits ought to reconsider their jobs, because they're wrong on virtually everything's why would they be right now? >> so you have no -- regardless of what happened on monday -- let me ask you this. what do you think is going to happen monday? what number slot do you think you'll have in iowa? >> i think it will be much better than anybody's anticipating. we're seeing a lot of movement on the ground, and i think as we get closer to people actually voting, they begin to think seriously. not about being entertained, but, you know what is going to save our nation? and, you know, i -- i am actually looking for a pretty substantial showing there. >> all right. dr. ben carson, thanks so much for being on "new day." we will see you in iowa. >> all right. thank you, alisyn. one quick programming note. we are taking "new day" on the road for the iowa caucuses. live on monday from the mars cafe in des moines if you're in
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the area, please, stop by. for a stack of blueberry pancake. live coverage all day monday. >> have you heard a stack of blueberry pancakes called a stack of blues? camerota tells me they're called. tweet us, and @alisyncamerota, alisyn with a y. and stop by to see us at the water, woulds cafe. the race moves from iowa to the granite state. donald trump may have raised millions for vets sitting out the debate. at what price? we'll talk about that, next. lost shipments, international regulations, security breaches, lost revenue lost respect.
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know for your "new day." one, republicans squaring off on immigration and other issues in the final debate before monday's caucuses. donald trump skipping the debate over a feud with fox news. he held a rally, a few miles away. the fbi releasing video of confrontation with wildlife occupiers in oregon showing
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robert lavoy finicum exiting his truck. police say he reached for a gun twice and it that's why they opened fire and wound up killing him. ethan couch, the so-called affluenza teen due in court this morning. the first time appearing before a u.s. judge since fleeing for mexico and missing an appointment with his probation officer last month. a man in police custody, after two guns and a koran were found inside his luggage at disneyland paris. the man says he was carrying the guns for his own protection. police still looking for a woman who might have been with him. musician paul kantner has died. he was a founding member of the group jefferson airplane and its spin-off jefferson starship. died of organ failure. he was 74. for more on the five things to know go to from the mountains we climb, to the new year and new
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>> cnn political commentator and democratic strategist bob beckel. so we do need to discuss that, because metaphorically it is about the state of play within the gop. that's what fox news represents. this isn't about how trump feels about all media. i don't think it's about how he feels about megyn kelly, but do you see it that way and how is this playing out? >> trump's calculation, nobody wants to debate with a lead like that. it's a mistake, frankly. >> a mistake, what? to skip? >> oh, yeah. i'll tell you why. this guy's got, does have a lead of five, six points but not solid. doesn't have all the solid vote. people are on the edge about that and still about 15% uncommitted. add together the loose voters for the other candidates. but i give trump cred is for one thing. when he pulled out huckabee and santorum a brilliant move on his part. >> that they went to his event. >> yeah. >> i have breaking news, bob. these numbers hot off the press, gotten the early overnight
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ratings for last night. the fox debate got 11 -- somewhere between 11 million to 13 million. sounds like a lot. second lowest debate of this election season. when donald trump said without me, they will not have the 25 million or the 24 million or 23 million they've seen in the past, it's true. >> yeah, well, i mean, they lost a lot of audience, but the question, how did we do last night? >> oh, cnn did well. covering all of everything that was going on. doubled, double what it normally views. >> and we did cover portions of the trump event last night. >> covered a lot of the trump event. >> does he draw an audience? absolutely. everybody knows that. >> well, sure. and i don't want to get into the weeds but the demographic, 25 to 54-year-old people bep did well on that. trump is depending on younger voters, as is sanders, it turn to out. there need to be about 150, 155 and trump could win. >> in iowa. >> in iowa. and the other side, when obama
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ran, 260,000 people. sanders is going to need to do that, because that was the combination of a lot of young people. >> even then, obama's race, president obama, then senator obama's race, usually 9%, 10% of that young vote out. he got 19%. >> not like 50, exactly right. >> just that made a big difference. >> look at the crowd trump had there. it was all young. usually people who are there for him. so the question is, does he have an organization to put it together or the bigger question, will they go anyway? so committed to donald trump doesn't matter if they get a car to pick them up they'll go a caucus. that is unprecedented. i've done too many campaigns out there to know that it's just somebody is going to walk in, make your day. this guy defied everything else. so -- >> you, of course, know roger ailes well. >> yes. >> the head of fox. what do you make of this feud between fox news and donald trump? >> i don't think -- i think fox
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news is exactly right in trying to get him to come back. they did say that they thought that maybe a little tongue and cheek. if donald trump can't handle that? >> how's he going to deal with putin and the ayatollah if he can't handle megyn kelly. >> other people, called them ugly, gets away with it. if he can't handle that, i don't fault fox at all. trump was looking for an opportunity. >> who does it hurt? this feud that they have, donald trump seems to be winning this? he says, look, i even stand up to fox. >> yeah, winning it today, but the other calculation is if -- "if" -- trump gets the nomination, most of the fox are going to vote for him? he needs to find other voters, right? nobody else taking trump seriously, fox gave him a lot of coverage last summer. trump has nothing to complain about fox. >> the candidate that fox news would like that part of the gop
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would like, is going to come down to marco rubio. that's what the speculation is. i would argue, look at that stage last night. you got governor bush, governor kasich, they look strong as well. what do you say play out on the stage? >> i think both of them did very well. the problem i've got with rubio is, look at the polls in florida right now. he gets crushed by donald trump. in florida. now, if he and bush both make it to florida, one of the other will beat the other and then be gone. i'm trying to figure where rubio breaks out. not new hampshire. maybe second place. south carolina? probably not. unless he could pull in a, you know, disportion it number of minority voters who usually don't vote in the republican primary there and then florida and nevada. and i'm trying to figure out, where do you win? you've got to win somewhere, and -- >> can't win if you don't win. >> if you don't win, you can't win. >> you can quote him on that, bob. >> right. one of those memorable ones i want in my back pocket. >> you said in your next book,
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sworn officers in the united states often go unnoticed. that's why we try to feature them on the good stuff and beginning today, cnn is going to feemper stories of heroism by law enforcement in a new series called "beyond the call of duty". >> okay. so today we honor new york police detective joseph lemm one of six u.s. troops killed in a suicide bombing in afghanistan in december. jason carroll has his story. >> he was just everything to our family. joe was my rock. >> reporter: those who were closest to joseph lemm, his wife christine and his partner john mccrossan, want to remember him for not what he did for his country but for who he was as a person. >> the most gentle, caring, giving -- giving, giving person in the world. >> the term giving your shirt off your back, he would do it, and he has done it. >> reporter: last december, lem was killed along with five other u.s. troops during a suicide bombing in afghanistan.
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lemm was serving in the air national guard. back in new york he distinguished himself as a 15-year veteran with the nypd. his bravery and size earned him the nickname superman. >> i feel the word hero is used so loosely nowadays. joe was more than a hero. he was a superhero. that's why he got the name superman. >> reporter: lemm leaves behind a 17-year-old daughter, brooke, and 4-year-old son, ryan. during lemm's funeral, a massive military and police presence stood shoulder-to-shoulder for blocks but perhaps the most poignant moment, lemm's son saluting him. >> is your son more like you or his dad janchts clone of my father. i look at my son and i'm looking at joe every day. >> reporter: is that helpful to look in your son's eyes and see him? >> yes, and no.
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yes, because -- it's painful, because i'm looking at joe but i know joe's not physically here. no, because i know that ryan is carrying on joe's legacy. >> reporter: as looking through some of those things here, some of the headlines, his pictures. any particular items that speak to you? >> him in his military uniform over there serving. a lot of people won't do that. he did it. not once, twice, three times. >> reporter: then the memory of the time lemm flew back from afghanistan to surprise his daughter -- ♪ looking out so far >> reporter: now she will sing in his honor in a benefit. >> so unfair the world is just moving forward, and i just want limb to be remembered, and honored. >> i mean, look, the sacrifice a that our police officers and soldiers give every day. you know, cannot be overstated. he had the dual role and
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sacrifice and police are doing god's work every day and we try to feature the good stuff and glad we do. >> absolutely. and a good reminder, not just the first responder. a family behind him, that little boy, his sister, his wife, friends. they've lost somebody and serve as well, that family. every time a loved one goes out to do the job, they're thinking, will they come home? >> absolutely. we're honored to bring you stories like that every friday. tune in for that. now for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> have a great morning. thank you. "newsroom" starts now. good morning, i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. the trumpless gop debate. just finding out, it's the second lowest rated debate of the season, and without the front-runner, it's a chance for the contenders to step out of the donald's shadow and shine, or not. what they're waking up ,
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