tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN January 31, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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>> i'm poppy harlow in new york, my friend brooke baldwin. that does it for me tonight. our coverage continues here next live with erin burnett in des moines. have a good night. a special edition of "outfront" we're live in iowa, one day before the caucuses, deadlocked between trump, cruz, clinton and sanders, tonight trump making a final pitch live tonight. plus donald trump's sons on new york values, their family's religion and why their dad never sleeps. with the clinton/sanders race too close to call right now. could it all come down to martin o'malley? let's go "outfront." and good evening, i'm erin burnett, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world tonight who are watching in this countdown to
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the iowa caucuses. this is a very special edition of "outfront" we're live from des moines, the capital of iowa. after seven months of one of the most unpredictable presidential campaigns in history. i don't know if we need to put the word "most," not one of, it is the most, we're a day away from the first real votes. tonight the race between the front-runners of both parties is simply too close to call. donald trump holds a 5-point lead over ted cruz accord together latest "des moines register" poll widely seen as the gold standard of polls. the latest c poll of polls which measures all the polls is in close agreement at this hour. showing trump ahead of cruz 31-25%. we are looking live at pictures from sioux city in iowa. we are awaiting donald trump to be taking that stage momentarily. about to hold one of his last rallies before the actual voting begins. trump has been battling for the evangelical vote in iowa, winning an important endorsement from jerry falwell junior and
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thanking him for comparing trump to his late father. major evangelical figure. >> i most resemble his father from the standpoint of ideas, my attitude, my way and i thought that to me was the gratest compliment. >> ted cruz is fighting for those same voters, today, the "duck dynasty"'s phil robertson introduced cruz at a rally, making highly controversial remarks about gay marriage. >> it's nonsense. it is evil. it's wicked. it's sinful. and they want us to swallow it, you say. we have to run this bunch out of washington, d.c. we have to rid the earth of them, get them out of there. >> on the democratic side, it's even closer when you look at the actual numbers in the polls. hillary clinton with a three-point lead over bernie sanders in the latest des moines
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register poll. statistically a tie within the poll's margin of error, that's called a dead heat. the candidates are fanned out across the state. making the last-minute pitch to voters and late into tonight. don't want to miss a moment. you don't want to look back with regret come late tomorrow night. we begin with the republican race. phil mattingly is in des moines. our senior white house correspondent jim acosta is in sioux city, iowa where donald trump is about to speak. jim, i'll start with you, how confident is he about winning iowa? it comes down to turnout. does he think in a state where caucus-going seems to be an inherited thing that people are going to show up for him? >> well that's the million-dollar question. we're finally going to get that answer tomorrow night. erin, i asked cory lewinoski the campaign manager for donald trump whether or not they feel confident on this caucus eve and he said i'll tell you tomorrow
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at 10:00 p.m. you might say there's cautious confidence inside the donald trump campaign. all you have to do is look at the poll you mentioned, he's the only candidate surging into the iowa caucuses this time around. last time around that was rick santorum and things worked out well for him, at least in that race. the other key metric out of that poll, 71% say they've made up their mind when it comes to donald trump. but still donald trump is not taking anything for granted at this point. he's been savagely attacking his arch rival here in iowa. ted cruz. saying he was a liar. saying he was being dishonest with the new attack that ted cruz is coming out with. recalling a moment that donald trump had. when he told "60 minutes" that he supported universal health care. ted cruz is saying if you like obamacare, if you like hillary care, you're going to like trump care.
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that set trump off when he call cruz a liar. donald trump was having fun in council bluffs earlier today when he suggested that perhaps the republicans in iowa aren't always good at picking an eventual president. here's a little bit of what he had to say. >> you have a lousy record. 16 years and you haven't picked a winner. please pick a winner this time, okay? i'm going to win. 16 years. you can't go another four years, you got to just get it done, get it done right. we're going to win. >> that's why donald trump is pulling out all the stops in the last 24 hours before almost before these results are going to be tall idea up. he's had jerry falwell junior out on the campaign trail all day today, he's going to have him out here in a few moments, his sons, erin, you mentioned his sons, three of the four campaign stops they made today were at pizza ranches. when in iowa you go to the pizza ranch that even applies to the
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trump sons as well. erin? >> you're going to see the trump sons only out front tonight coming up late they are hour. phil mattingly is live at the ted cruz campaign raly. it's been a rough home stretch for ted cruz. he was a couple of weeks ago everything said he was having the surge. his favorability rating in the des moines register poll has fallen 11 points in one month. do they believe the ground game. do they believe the ground game is strong enough to overcome all of that and have him come out a winner? >> the ground was the bet the campaign was willing to make. we're talking 10,000 volunteers, more than 800 of whom are staying in camp cruz, dormitories where people are rooming two and three to a room. senator cruz has hit all 99 counties, they've got 250 endorsements, they've spent millions on digital and data operations. what does it mean when you have a week like ted cruz has had?
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the hope from the cruz campaign is their ability it turn out voters, especially those inclined to vote for ted cruz, but might not normally go to caucusing, that might be their differentiator. one of the things we've seen over the last 48 hours is ted cruz' outside focus has changed. he's shifted his political advertising and his attacks on the stump towards marco rubio. now his campaign behind the scenes says that doesn't mean they're not trying to win in iowa. the investments they've made on the ground are to win. period. to win in eye i. while the polls are been moving away from the over the last probably nine or ten months. erin? >> i want to go now, we've got the co-chair for donald trump's campaign, sam clovis sitting here with me in des moines. ted cruz's campaign, bob vander
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pla platz. marco rubio has been rising in the last-minute polls. let's get to the heart of today. it's been a rather nasty day. with you and i know you're all sitting next to each other, right? i suppose we'll have some sort of a detente on the set. bob let me start with you and what we saw today from phil robertson of "duck dynasty." same-sex marriage came up in that speech where he's talking about ted cruz. he called same-sex marriage evil at the ted cruz rally. cruz took the stage and praised robertson for his quote voice of truth. should he have condemned those comments? >> you know the people in the republican primary and what, what ted cruz believes is that marriage is fundamentally between one man and one woman. that's the way god designed it, that's the way science backs it up. so we're thrilled to have phil robertson's endorsement. i think ted cruz is not going to back away with this addition of marriage. >> evil? >> what ted cruz is doing, he's going to affirm marriage. he's not going to walk away from marriage.
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ted cruz didn't say evil. that was phil robertson. that was phil robertson's words. but ted cruz is going to affirm the institution of marriage as one man and one woman. >> are you both all right with that? are you all right with -- >> well bob speaks for himself and i'm sure that ted cruz speaks for himself and phil robertson is speaking for himself. >> so let me ask you about what -- >> i know, look when you're talking to the republican primary voters, it's not a question any of you want to take on directly right now. sarah palin was expected to be big boost with the very same voters that ted cruz is trying to reach with phil robertson. that's the evangelicals. she has been campaigning with him. jerry falwell junior has been campaigning. making his endorsement not about faith but about donald trump's business acumen. 56% of evangelicals in iowa in the register view have a negative view of donald trump. >> for a lot of people it's a matter that donald trump appeals across a broader spectrum than probably any candidate has for
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maybe the last 30 years. i think if you see the number of people that show up in our rallies, it's not like going to a republican rally. most of the time when you go to a republican rally. it's a middle-aged white people you go to a donald trump rally. you see people of every color, of every station in life. of every socioeconomic status. you see lot of democrats come in and want to be part of that. and i think that this is something, it's a phenomenon that defies the conventional wisdom. i think this is something that we've seen. i've been to these rallies. i've been in dallas where we had 20,000 people at the american airlines center. when he brought up illegal immigration. 30% of the people there were hispanic. they all got on their feet so there's something happening this is a movement. this is not about anything else. it's a movement that's taking place, we're broadening the voter days and on monday we're going to find out how much.
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>> let's talk to you about monday night. marco rubio has been rising in a lot of polls, that's momentum that you've been excited about. in the des moines register poll coming in 15% third, a distant third. what do you expect for tomorrow night? what is a really good marco rubio can go on and fight here fin snish. >> i expect we'll come in a solid third place. sam's candidate, mr. trump is the greatest showman on the candidate and bob's candidate, ted cruz has built the best ground game we've seen in iowa. he got my friend bob's endorsement. he got every endorsement here in iowa. for us we want to come in a solid third, have a little momentum coming out of the state. it's fitting that you have the three of us on the stage. coming out of iowa will look like a three-person race. >> do you think it is a three-person race? >> i think you know in iowa it's a two-person race. >> in iowa, yes. >> if it's cruz and trump neck and neck and a distant marco rubio, i've been hearing about the surge for rubio. the polls i read don't back that up. he was declining for four days,
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there's a media surge for marco rubio. but there's not a polling surge for marco rubio. if it comes out cruz and rubio neck and neck. >> ted cruz is likely to win here. he should win here. a couple of weeks ago he was at 40% in the polls and cruz's campaign said he hadn't peaked yet if we can come in a solid third and have distance between us and some of the other governors, that gives us a lot of momentum coming out of here and that's the reason you have our three campaigns. >> we're getting on airplanes on tuesday and going to new hampshire. >> so -- >> monday night even. >> let me ask you, bob, something about donald trump personally. it is personal between you and donald trump. today he went on twitter and talked about you. he said bob vander platz is a total phony and dishonest guy. he asked me for expensive hotel rooms and more, i said pay and he endorsed cruz. >> i still consider donald trump a friend. but when he saw me on fox and friends this morning, and because i didn't say all nice
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things about donald trump, he took on a twitter war. the fact is nothing could be further from the truth. the des moines register has my back on this. "the new york times" has my back on this, the "washington post" has my back on this. >> what he's saying is not true? >> it's totally illogical. it doesn't show the judgment and temp perment for someone to be the president of the united states. think that's what it's going to come down to. judgment and temperment. for him to go on a twitter war after something on fox and friends? i think is absolutely ridiculous. especially withal falsehoods that he allegations there. >> i think mr. trump speaks for mr. trump and i think it's going to be borne out tomorrow night and eight days later we're going to see in new hampshire. >> that's a pretty tough thing you just said, mr. trump speaks for mr. trump. you're not directly defending what he just did. >> what do you mean? >> you're not defending the tweet. >> i think mr. trump speaks for %-ps between him and bob. and that as far as i'm concerned, like i said, we're
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late in the game if it was basketball, the elbows get up. bob is a basketball player. he knows about that. >> and this is the silliness between these two, last couple of weeks, think we're about to elect the next president of the united states. iowa has an important role this san important decision. i think if marco rubio has seen a surge in the last couple of weeks, we're coming into the caucuses with a lot of momentum. because people have seen how serious he's taking it. while these two campaign candidates have attacked each other the last couple of weeks we've stayed focused on hillary clinton. at the end of the day we have to unite this party. we have to beat hillary clinton in november. and hopefully -- >> that will happen. because the republicans will come together. >> thanks to all three of you. and of course, collegial camaraderie here on our set. >> we're glad to have you in iowa. >> it is wonderful to be in eye and to to be part of this. thanks to all three of you, our special coverage from des moines on the eve of the iowa caucuses continues, bernie sanders and hillary clinton locked in a tie. could martin o'malley be the
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king-make centre plus donald trump's last-minute pitch to voters in sioux city and my guests tonight, donald trump junior and his brother, eric, they'll talk to me on life with their famous father. the worst thing for us when we're doing something with him if there's a moment of down time, that's what we're worried about. that's what he's what am i doing here? why am i not working?
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we're live in des moines. in the final hours before the iowa caucus vote. we're watching slefrl live events across the state of iowa where i am this hour. hillary clinton rallying support in sioux city, bernie sanders speaking to his supporters in ames, iowa. clinton and sanders are in a statistical dead heat according to the latest poll. brianna beeler is here with more. >> hillary clinton positioning herself as the defender of president obama's legacy. >> we're at 90% universal coverage right now. senator sanders wants to start all over again. he wants to plunge the country into a contentious debate. >> sanders pushing back. >> i am disappointed by the tone of her campaign. she is talking to the people of iowa and saying, bernie sanders wants to dismantle health care.
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>> i've been fighting for universal health care my entire life. >> the clinton campaign is criticizing sanders for his endorsement of a new book "buyers' remorse: how obama let progressives down." >> it's important to remember how far we have come in the last seven years under the leadership of president obama and vice president biden. >> a key confidante of the presidents who has endorsed clinton, his former top aide david plouffe, despite the attacks, sanders refusing to hit clinton on one of her biggest vulnerabilities. the controversy over her state department emails. the administration announcing it will not release 22 emails because they are top-secret. >> there is a legal process taking place. i do not want to politicize that issue. it is not my style.
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>> this is sanders' style. >> join the political revolution, thank you all very much. >> rallying a crowd of almost 4,000 college students this weekend in iowa city. if he has enthusiasm on his side. clinton is arguing she will be a more effective president. >> i am a progressive who likes to get things done. i'm a progressive who actually likes to make progress. >> the latest des moines register poll showing clinton and sanders neck and neck here. a day before the crucial iowa caucuses. >> we're feeling great. i think we're going to win this. >> now bernie sanders is relying, erin, on first-time caucusgoers especially from the young people who support him. there may be more unreliable in turning out but when they do, they can make all the difference, just ask president obama. >> all right. thank you very much brianna. i want to go to joel beninson,
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democratic pollster, who worked on the winning kpams of bill clinton and barack obama and is now working for hillary for america chief strategist. we're just hours away. do you have it? >> do i have the results yet? no. the last day is always kind of very eerie in the sense of you feel like there's not much can you do to change it at this point. you got 24 hours to go you want everybody out there voting, caucusing and doing it and getting it done here it won't start at 8:00 in the morning, it will start at 7:00 tomorrow night. there's the anxiety, the waiting period of let's get this thing rolling already. we feel pretty good about where we are right now. >> the emails are back in the news. this isn't the time you wanted them to be back in the news, several withheld by the state department with the highest level of classification. republican candidates are coming after her hard for this. here's marco rubio in iowa this weekend. >> hillary clinton is disqualified from being president. she's disqualified.
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this thing with her emails is a big deal. >> and here's ted cruz weighing in on hugh hewitt's radio show. >> i would find it hard to believe that they would be eager to nominate someone who is under indictment and could well face felony incarceration. >> what do you say to this? this issue has not gone away and it's not going to go away. >> i think we've seen a republican party in a line-up of republican candidates, who were just increasingly not just out of touch. but outrageous in most of the things they say. the fact of the matter is, especially the senators know, and that's what's so astonishing is that they just continue to peddle this stuff. but nothing that hillary clinton ever sent or received in her emails was classified at the time they were sent. >> there's an investigation on that at the state department right now as to whether or not that's true. >> erin, i get that. it's not possible on the
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classified system to take anything off that and send it or receive it on any other email system. what's happened here is what has happened before. things that afterwards, are being classified retroactively. secretary clinton has asked for these emails to be released. she wants them released. her understand something also you know, one of these include as news account of some things that we were doing. and that's been retroactively classified. it wasn't classified, nothing was, at the time it was sent this is much ado about nothing. it's like the benghazi hearings. they hammered it, they hammered it, they brought her in she testified for 11 hours. at the end they said, we didn't learn anything new. >> well joel, thank you very much. waiting and waiting. i want to go to the sanders campaign, tad divine, senior correspondent for sanders. you heard joel say it's an eerie feeling in the last day, you want it to get started and you have to sit around all day and wait until tomorrow night. bernie sanders said he's going to make history tomorrow night.
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is he right? >> i hope so we've got a great campaign. we started off about 50 points behind here in iowa. we've made tremendous progress. this weekend we've knocked on over 100,000 doors, we have 15,000 volunteers here in iowa. 2600 precinct captains covering the state. bernie sanders will have appeared before more than 60,000 people in person here in iowa. think we run a great campaign and we're hoping we can close the gap and hopefully finish ahead tomorrow. >> i've been watching the ads in iowa, they're positive by senator sanders, the uplifting music and a positive message. do you have any regrets when it comes say to whether it's the email issue or hillary clinton's wall street ties, things republicans have gone after. do you have any regrets that you didn't go negative? >> no. not at all. listen i've worked for bernie sanders for 20 years, he's never run a negative ad and i believe he never will. he thinks people deserve the debate on the issues. our campaign is about the fact that america has a rigged economy that sends most new
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wealth to the top. it's held in place by a corrupt system of campaign finance, that's the message and delivering that is the way to win this election. >> and looking past iowa, past new hampshire, what's his path to the nomination, tad? does he have a plan and a ground game in the other states or not? >> we do, erin. the path to the nomination is clear to us, we're leaving here to go to new hampshire. couple of polls came out today with 20-point leads for bernie sanders. we're on to nevada, we've cut hillary clinton's margin in half. we've seen public polling in new hampshire that says we're moving ahead there as well. on super tuesday we have people on the ground in every single march 1st state. we've announced in the month of january we've raised $20 million. we've got the resources to make the long run. >> tad, thank you very much. and of course our thanks to joel bennenson of hillary clinton's campaign. and up next, donald trump's sons on their father's late-night twitter obsession and the advice they give their dad.
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the man who skipping iowa to get a jump start in new hampshire. i'll ask him about his high-risk, high-reward strategy. governor john case sick outfront tonight. ♪ cut it out. >>see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ those who define sophistication stand out. those who dare to redefine it stand apart. the all-new lexus rx and rx hybrid.
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right now donald trump is firing up supporters, at a rally in sioux city for his second event of the day. it's still neck and neck in iowa. it is an incredible race, this 2016 presidential race accord together latest "des moines register" poll, seen as a gold standard of polling in iowa. trump holds only a very slight lead over ted cruz which is why he needs all the new voters who have never caucused before to go out and vote. his daughter made a video that shows people how to caucus. and she's not the only trump helping her dad campaign. his oldest sons donald junior and his son eric have been stumping for their father in iowa. i had a chance to sit down with them and ask them what this experience has been like. >> we've gone around to everywhere. everywhere from the des moines gun show to local farmers to car dealerships to you know, different radio stations. the amount of people coming up and literally giving us a hug and saying tell your father to go all the way. >> it's great going around and
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shaking hands and hearing people who say i haven't caucused in 15 years, haven't caucused ever. i'm in my mid 40s, i'm going out there and dhog for your dad. >> so conservative christian vote remembers crucial, obviously here in iowa and around the country. an important part of the republican base, it's going to be important through the primary process. an iowa pastor told cnn that donald trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing and evangelicals know what that means. he has stood for everything that we have been against. what do you think when you hear that being preached, this was a baptist. >> i don't like hearing it. but there's plenty of other guys that have come out. jerry falwell came out with a great endorsement. saying list tn may not be everything you want. jimmy carter was a great evangelical but was a horrible president. >> people are fascinated by both of you and your sister, she's about to have a baby. she has an excuse -- >> it's incredible. >> a baby in iowa. you never know. >> a citizen of iowa.
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>> all right. what you guys grew up with. you weren't just rich kids, it was on steroids, it was a whole lifestyle. people see that and see you, and what you've accomplished. people who hate him say look at his kids. what was it that he did that made you all not be on the gossip pages? not be in rehab. not be those kids zblext made us work. so many kids in our situation, they never worked. our father gave us a sledgehammer. saying kids, you're going on to a construction site. you're going to demo the wall. we were working from a very young age. there was no free time in our family. we also had very blue collar grandparents. >> what would you say it was he did. >> similar. we again my grandparents on my mother's side were blue collar people. my grandfather was an eelectrician from czechoslovakia. they had conversations about it the pitfalls and benefits of growing up in our lifestyle in new york. we spent six do eight weeks
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every summer with him in the communist czechoslovakia in the early '80s, where if someone made $5,000 a year it was big money. it was really grounding and an important lesson that we learned from a young age. we have it really good, don't squander that. >> you guys go to bed at night. your dad is not a normal guy, he doesn't seem to sleep. >> he's much more i say it very affection affectionately, he's a blue collar guy with a big balance sheet. he's much more of of an ordinary guy that anyone would ever give him credit for. the sense of humor, the opportunities he's given executives in our organization over the years. doormen, drivers, he saw something in them and gave them an opportunity to take on a much bigger task. they had street smarts. >> he's become known for his nighttime tweets. and so he'll tweet, you wake up, you don't know what people are going to ask you about. there's a new tweet that's going to be out there. does he take your advice, do you
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ever say, you know, hey, dad, maybe you've told him he should apologize for something that he didn't. does he listen to you? how does this work? >> he'll ask everybody in the world their thoughts, and he ultimately makes his own decision. he's talked about this before. you see so many of these campaigns, they have 100 different pollsters, if i go out and say this, is it going to be liked by 51% of people, 49% of people? they script their whole lives around that. >> one of the questions people have is okay he says what he thinks. and a lot of people like him for that. some people say well when you're in the white house, you need to listen to people. you need to not be impulsive. you need to be a person of judgment. does he, does he really listen when you say wait, let's talk about this. >> 100%. 100%. like i say he'll hear everyone out. you don't get to where he is in business, you don't have a 35-year track record of success and build the kind of companies he's built by doing it by yourself on impulse thought. you bring in the best person for a given job. you watch them. that's the difference. he watches them.
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he understands, he's not going to accept mediocrity in those positions. >> and he has amazing intuition. we've seen it as we work with him every single day. everybody is swimming downriver, right? and he's going the exact opposite way of everybody. going the exact opposite way and it always for some reason works in his favor. >> when you sit here and people look at you, they can see your faces, you both have similarities, you look like him. obviously you have his name. when you look at yourselves and your siblings, who is most like your dad? which of you is most like your dad? >> i think you know if you look at it, i think we all probably share a lot of traits, we all diverge quite a bit. you know i would say ivanka is very much like him in many ways, the meticulous nature of things. i have a little of his sense of humor and the way i like to rib. eric's got his natural sense of just construction and spatial visualization. and i think there's a lot of commonalities, i think we all have his work ethic and no one's going to outwork him. you see it.
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>> you're both married. you have five kids. >> i do. >> five kids. >> five kids. a lot of kids. five kids, eight and under. so -- >> i have a lot to live up to. >> get to work. in the trump competition, i don't know if he's going to be able to beat me. >> i'm going to send them your way a couple more weekends a month. >> what is your dad like as a grandfather? is he different than he was as a dad, is he more hands on? >> he is. when we were younger he was so focused on building a business. he always made himself available to us, i remember playing with trucks. in his office as a child when he's meeting with the biggest guys in the world at the time and whatever it was, it didn't matter who it was. he could be in there with jack welch. if i called him from school, he would pick up the phone and talk to us, and that guy, whoever it was, would wait. he was amazing with that he always made himself available. >> outfront next, could martin
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o'malley decide who wins in iowa? yes, you heard me right. it's an amazing question. you won't believe the answer. he's passing on iowa and pinning efforts on new hampshire. i'm talking now about john kasich. can a surprise showing there by the ohio governor vault him to the top tier? that governor is my guest, next. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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coming to you live tonight. in the final hours before the iowa caucuses. tonight turnout, turnout, that's what this is a you will about at this point. who can play the better game. if donald trump or ted cruz come out on top in iowa. can trump's rock star style enthusiasm beat cruz's old-school ground game? sarah murray is outfront tonight. >> we drove 1,000 miles on monday to be here to make a difference. >> tomorrow night, ted cruz's vaunted ground game. >> and donald trump's enthusiastic crowds are finally put to the test. after months of delivering stump speeches, trekking across iowa, it comes down to who shows up. >> it all doesn't matter. if you don't caucus on monday. >> if everyone in this room brings nine additional people to caucus on monday night. >> we will win the iowa caucuses. >> cruz has built a ground game that's unrivalled in iowa. more than 800 volunteers have
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passed through camp cruz. spartan des moines dormitories housing out of state supporters. volunteers like roberto gonzales of leak city, texas, are putting in 12-hour days. phonebanking and door-knocking for cruz. >> the ground game the phone banks and block walk sgt most important thing. we're talking 1,000 votes can make or break someone here. >> at the trump campaign we get a different reception. his staff has repeatedly declined to let us visit their headquarters or speak to the volunteers working there. when we stopped by a new trump campaign call center we were kicked off the property. >> i've been told to turn all media away. we have no comment on any matter. >> team trump is secretive about its ground operations. >> but even if his supporters aren't hearing from the campaign they're inundated with trump. >> not cold calling but the
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twitters and i get all of that and facebook and notifications and my sister is a big trump supporter in colorado, she keeps me updated on everything. >> she's posting everything to facebook all the time? >> burning my phone up. >> trump sticking with his unconventional playbook until the end. >> inviting children to play on his private jet and tapping his daughter, ivanka for a glossy video on how to caucus. >> hi, eiowa, i'm excited to tel you how to caucus for my father, donald j. trump on february 1st. >> donald trump may not even need a traditional turn-out operation to win. >> ted cruz is turning to some controversial tactics to help boost his turnout this week. his campaign sent out a mailer that is warning voters about voter violations. it suggests that if they don't turn out, that will be public information to their neighbors and it's led the iowa secretary of state to slam ted cruz and say look, there's no such thing as a voter violation.
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we're not going to publish a voter score about your turnout. that suggests that they know the race is tight and they want to try to get people out no matter what it takes. erin. >> it's going to be very exciting and i mean i have to say i chuckle. i couldn't even go to a call center. that's incredible to see. thank you very much sarah murray. talk about shoe leather on the ground in iowa. breaking news, a new cnn poll with wmur showing donald trump with a massive lead in the state of new hampshire. that's the state that votes right after iowa. the poll shows trump with 30% support followed by ted cruz with 12 and marco rubio with 11 and the governor of ohio, john kasich in fourth place with nine. governor john kasich is skipping iowa and campaigning in new hampshire tonight. betting on that state. will a major endorsement from "the new york times" give him the momentum he needs? i spoke with governor kasich right before the show. >> thank you so much for being with us tonight. "the new york times" endorsed you and in that endorsement they
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wrote quote governor john kasich of ohio, though a distinct underdog is the only plausible choice for republicans tired of extremism and inexperience on display in this race. do you think you can still pull this off, governor? >> yeah, yeah, we absolutely can. my problem is i'm not a celebrity, i'm not well known as the governor of ohio and now we're running up here in new hampshire in second place, the average of all the polls. we have the best ground game that senator gordon humphrey said he's seen in 40 years. and we feel very, very good. we're getting big crowds, i've been endorsed by seven out of eight newspapers up here in new hampshire. the "boston globe," "the new york times" and last night by the way i got the quad city newspaper, the third largest in iowa. so we feel very good about what's happening up here. and you know, i will see you here soon. >> yes, we're going to be coming there. everyone will be descending upon
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new hampshire in literally hours. "the new york times" is an important ens dorisment. perhaps one you would really want in the general election. it's a liberal editorial page. he endorsed you on the same day they endorsed hillary clinton. does an endorsement from "the new york times" help you or hurt you right now, governor? >> it's absolutely a help. i announced to people in new hampshire as i was in my 86th town hall meeting tonight. when i tell them i got endorsed by "the new york times," they clapped. because the paper is iconic. and secondly, we're getting messages from all over the country. and you know what it says, aaron, is maybe this is a guy that has a certain appeal. that maybe he has the ability to have a broad appeal. even though he's a conservative, you know? and the new york times says he's certainly no moderate so as a conservative, with tone, experience, bringing people together. my judgment is that it sends a signal that this may be somebody who can do the kind of things
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that reagan did in putting his coalition together in 1980. >> now if you combine the support for the so-called establishment candidates, in our, in our just-released new hampshire poll. the numbers are actually fascinating, governor. if you add up marco rubio, chris christie, jeb bush and yourself. that establishment lane that everybody talks about. combined you have 34%. that is a huge number. it is four percentage points more than donald trump. by attacking each other, you know, you've had the speaker of the house, paul ryan referring to it as a circular firing squad. by all of these attacks that are going on within that group, are you all guaranteeing that donald trump is the likely nominee? >> well erin first of all one national reporter said there's three lanes in this. there's the establishment lane, the anti-establishment lane and the kasich lane. you know, the media has been fascinated by their inability to be able to label me one thing or
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the other. i've always been sort of an anti-establishment guy in a way, but been able to work with the establishment to get things done. balancing budgets, reforming taxes, fixing ohio. that's why the papers are saying what they're saying. they're saying this is a guy who can get it done. he knows the inside game and the outside game. i'm running the most positive campaign of everybody and people acknowledge it across the board. we're running positive ads, we're going to continue to. i'm going to tell you, if somebody attacks me, we will fight them back. but i'm an optimist in this race. >> all right. well governor kasich, thank you very much. i appreciate your time. we'll see you in a few days in new hampshire, sir. >> all right, erin, thank you. god bless. and next here on the special edition of outfront from des moines. he's never been out of the low single digits in the polls. but martin o'malley could be the king-maker, making the difference in iowa between bernie sanders and hillary
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clinton. our special report next on that. and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. carry the centimeter, divide by 3.14 something something something... [ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad! ♪ and now the name your price tool shows people policy options to help fit their budget. is that a true story? yeah! people really do save an average of over $500 when they switch. i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and isn't that what really matters? so... what else about me?
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and this is fascinating. could ultimately be decided by the other democratic candidates still in the mix. jeff zeleny is out front with tonight's america's choice 2016. >> fight for viability and fight for country that you carry in your heart. >> on the eve of the iowa caucuses, all eyes are on martin o'malley. >> there is no place on the planet that plays a greater role in determining the trajectory of this race than here in iowa. >> he's still running a distant third, but in the quirky rules of the iowa caucuses, he's a potential king-maker. in places where he falls short of 15%. his voters will be asked to pick their second choice. which could tip the balance for bernie sanders or hillary clinton. >> some of your supporters, governor, are viewed as the most important commodity in iowa right now. >> because of their discerning judgment in candidates. >> so if they're not viable in some precincts across the state, do you urge them to follow their own instincts?
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or should they go one way or the other? >> i urge them to hold strong and fight for viability. that's what i encourage people to do. >> in iowa, the second choice can be nearly as important as the first. it helped propel barack obama to victory here eight years ago. >> if i'm not the first choice, make me your second choice. >> the rules are different for republicans. their voters don't have to pick a second choice. >> tom henderson, the democratic chairman in iowa's largest county is an o'malley supporter. he said one of the biggest mysteries about the sanders/clinton fight is where o'malley's supporters will go. >> for most o'malley supporters, is their second choice sanders or clinton? >> we don't know. >> today in iowa, o'malley urged voters to deliver a surprise. >> i know you feel like you have a birthright on caucus night of upsetting the apple cart. and surprising the pollsters and surprising the pundits. that's what i need you to do now.
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>> o'malley's campaign is running out of money and time. for at least another day he's the center of attention. >> how well do you have to do here, governor? >> i don't know. i have to beat expectations and fortunately the national press has kept us very low for me. >> do you feel like a king-make centre. >> no, i don't, i feel like a candidate for president for the united states and the only wunl that has a track record of being able to bring people together and get things done. those are two things that neither of my opponents can say. >> jeff zeleny is here with me, along with ron brownstein, editorial director of the "national journal." it's fascinating the complexity of iowa. the rules are different for democrats, different for republicans. it is fascinating. have you ever seen a race like this? i ask both of you, but you first, where you had no idea the night before? >> no, it's very close and the iphone is going to play a role because clinton precinct captains have a device and app
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that allows them to calculate the delegates and get o'malley people over to their side. they've planned for this moment. >> or the object sit to go to o'malley side. go to support o'malley to deny sanders a delegate in some cases. >> it's planning for the scenario. he is key in this race. >> one of the points that viewers should recognize, it's hard to predict what's going to happen because the polls are measuring something different than what we're going to get as a result on the democratic side. the polls are rating voter preference. the results we're going to get is a share of delegate. >> i'm still struck by how many people, i met voters out there today who were taking a look and still not sure. o'malley has support out there than we sort of assumed he did. it's the clinton campaign and sanders, they know all of the supporters. they know who has plan b is if you will. >> it is fascinating. i have to say i think if you can use iphones to figure it out,
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maybe we should just be changing the rules altogether. putting that aside. what are you looking for tomorrow night. at what point are you going to say, this is going to be a really good night for -- >> turnout. turnout. you have a very distinct dynamic on both sides, you have bernie sanders and donald trump, candidates who do better with less frequent, less regular voters, the more people who show up, it's likely the better it is for both of them. i think it's unlikely to get anywhere near we were in 2008 with democrats when they doubled the previous turnout total. the higher we go over 120, the normal number, i think it's better for sanders and trump. >> 120,000. >> people watching around the world are going first of all, these rules are from the middle ages. secondly, they're saying are you kidding me? su guys are going to start to elect the president of the united states with that few people voting? >> it is crazy. but it is supposed to be the beginning of the process, not the end of the process. it feels like the super bowl around here without a doubt. but this isn't the end.
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it is the beginning here. but no doubt some people are not going to survive this. what i'm watching for, look at the rural areas as well if hillary clinton performs well in the rural areas that's going to be a good night for her. lot of new people registering to vote. you can register tomorrow night. if the lines are long, that's a good night for bernie sanders. >> that's a crucial thing. and in iowa, it's not usual. you can actually come in, vote, register and vote that night. >> so far there's not been the increase in registration. through the state. and the polling, the des moines register poll, which kind of cut its chops by catching the increase in 2008, is not seeing it again this time. so we'll see, that really is the pivotal question here. it will matter going down the road. particularly if donald trump can turn out voters here where it's hard. it's going to get easier in places like new hampshire and south carolina and the rest of the republican field is looking at a difficult dynamic in that case. >> thank you very much. get some rest. >> yeah. and thank you all so much for joining us. our coverage of the countdown to
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the iowa caucuses continues right now. with a special edition of "ac 360." a good evening to you. if you think this is another sleepy sunday, you're not in iowa tonight. the candidates have been working hard all evening. donald trump in sioux city. marco rubio in davenport. jeb bush in davenport. rand and ron paul in iowa city, all holding events tonight. same for the democrats, just agreed to appear in a cnn town hall with me wednesday night in derry, new hampshire. hillary clinton, bernie sanders with competing rallies right now in des moines. all the candidates campaigning like there is no tomorrow. because for some candidates tomorrow could be the beginning of the end. we'll bring you their closing pitches before iowa voters go and caucus. what's behind the lead polling that gives hillary clinton and donald trump the narrowest of leads and talk about the factors that could move those numbers
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