tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN February 4, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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shipping, cruise ships. it is full of maritime traffic and a lot of concern that isis will try and take advantage of that as they make their way to southern europe. >> what an awful situation. thanks very much. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. next up, breaking news. a brand-new poll showing donald trump leading in new hampshire. marco rubio passing ted cruz. my guest tonight the cruz campaign co-chairman. more breaking news. the state department reeling tonight that classified e-mails were sent to the private accounts of colin powell and staffers for condi rice. what does that mean for hillary clinton? let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. donald trump with the big lead
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in new hampshire. marco rubio rising fast. he's now in second place. the latest poll just out showing donald trump at 29%. marco rubio at 18. that's up seven points in just one week. that's a surge, although we have a wide margin of error here. ted cruz is at 13 in a virtual tie with john kasich. right now, this is a live picture of donald trump. he is about to rally supporters in port smith, new hampshire. even though 29% said they would vote for donald trump, 1/3 of republicans are still undecided. sarah murray is outfront tonight at the trump rally. we're in the final days here. this poll is pretty stunning. yes, he's in the lead, but we have rubio with a big surge. any change in strategy from the trump campaign? >> reporter: the polls showed donald trump in the lead in iowa
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there too and they lost there. they're feeling burned by that. they're not taking any chances pumping up his visibility in the state and stepping up their efforts on the ground. donald trump is kicking his campaign up a notch. >> i have your vote, right? do i have people's votes in here? >> reporter: unwilling to let another victory slip from his grasp. >> i'm actually starting to intend good money. the reason is, number one, i don't want to take a chance, okay? number two, i don't want to blow it. >> reporter: today trump doubled his schedule from two events to four. >> got to do it. >> reporter: with just five days until new hampshire, trump's campaign schedule is still relatively light, including today trump has just six events planned before the primary. after losing iowa, trump acknowledged he could have built a more solid ground operation. >> retrospect, we could have done much better with the ground game. >> reporter: he's made a point of stopping by his campaign
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offices to rally the troops. one thing he's not doing. do downplaying expectations, making it clear he's playing to win in new hampshire. >> i have a great relationship with the people of new hampshire. i love them. >> reporter: a new poll shows for now trump is well positioned. he leads in new hampshire with 29% support from republican primary voters compared to 18% for marco rubio, who has moved in second. meanwhile ted cruz at 13% is nearly tied for third with john kasich at 12%. trump's position on top has cruz, the iowa victor, sharpening his knives. >> donald trump is very rattled right now. he told the entire world he was going to win iowa and then he didn't win. >> reporter: and accusing trump of being a sore loser after
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iowa. and after jimmy carter suggested he would prefer a president trump over cruz, the texas senator turned that around on trump as well. >> jimmy carter said the reason is simple. donald's views -- this is almost a quote. donald's views are malleable. he has no core beliefs on anything. >> reporter: but trump's vowing to new hampshire voters one way or another he's ending up on pennsylvania avenue. >> seriously, who wouldn't want to leave? though, i'm building a hotel right next door which is located on pennsylvania avenue. i'll still be on pennsylvania avenue one way or another. >> reporter: now, erin, because new hampshire is a primary and not a caucus state like iowa, it is a little bit easier to get organized and get people to show up. i wouldn't be surprised if we see donald trump adding more
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campaign events between now and primary day. >> certainly doubling down. i want to go to jeffrey lord who served as white house political director for ronald reagan. jeff, let me start with you. trump is down a point in this poll. rubio is up seven. margin of error is seven. should trump be worried? >> well, you should always be worried when you're in these things. you cast a glance over your shoulder, but you keep ongoing. you treat everybody in the race. there's kasich. there's governor bush. you treat every single one of them as your rivals. >> can marco rubio win? you've made it very clear. you've done your entire cover of your magazine against donald trump, but the point is can marco rubio pull it off at this point? do you think that is real? >> yes. he gained seven points in the
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last week. he can gain seven points in the next five days before the vote. the late deciders did not go for donald trump. it's not so much he didn't have a ground game. it's simply the people that were undecided or uncertain didn't break to him at all, so he underperformed his poll numbers. you could end up with rubio at 25, trump 23. >> undecided, 34%. that's more than the people who say they're voting for trump, 29. un undecided is higher than the donald trump group. 37% of voters said they would never vote for donald trump. is this concerning? are these unsurmountable numbers for trump? >> they're not unsurmountable. the entire percentage is not going to vote against donald trump. he's certainly got a lot of folks who will break towards
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him. again, this is about having a ground game operation in new hampshire, which is different than iowa. there's different issues at play. there's different constituencies at play. new hampshire very much sees itself -- i'm a native new englander myself. they're very independent, and so you just keep on working and keep on working and eventually you'll get there. >> bill, you're talking about marco rubio. you think he can pull out a win in new hampshire. that would be a stunner and truly transform this race. he is trying to run as an establishment candidate, but some people are criticizing him for going way too far to the right to pander to the base. chris christie is one of them. >> he's made it clear on the issue of pro-life, marco rubio is not for an exception for rape, incest, or life of the mother. i think that's the kind of position new hampshire voters would be really concerned about. marco rubio is a guy who moves and shifts depending on what he thinks he can get out of the electorate and what he thinks he
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can get from him. >> a recent poll, republicans overwhelmingly disagree with rubio. >> he's not pandering. that's the thing. marco rubio said what he believes. >> you don't think he's pandering to a base that votes in primaries, though? >> the base has supported every pro-life candidate. what rubio said, as i understand it, personally he does not believe abortion is right in that circumstance, but he would support and has supported exceptions with rape and incest. people are entitled to vote against marco rubio. it was the opposite of pandering. the pandering thing to say is i'm pro-life, but i'm for these exceptions. >> what do you say to that, jeff? that's a pretty good argument bill just put to the table. >> well -- >> why are you laughing, jeff? do you think marco doesn't
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believe what he said? >> no, i think he does believe what he says. >> okay. >> but i think he has a bit of a problem with the new hampshire electorate. >> i agree with that too. i agree with that. >> this is a state notoriously independent. live free or die. i do think he's got a bit of a problem on his hands with it, but, no, i don't question his creditability on this, no. >> a final question for you about donald trump. he's adding rallies. he says he's not taking anything for granted. in iowa there's been reporting he didn't put a lot of people on the ground. he ended up regretting that. he's admitted that. can he make up a ground game right now in new hampshire to get out the vote at this late hour? >> yes. well, i think he's been working on this a long time. one other thing i think he has going for him, his campaign manager is from new hampshire. he knows the state very, very
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well and knows and has participated in get out the vote drives. i think that's a big asset for donald. >> thank you both very much. outfront next, new evidence that ted cruz's campaign told voters that ben carson was suspending his campaign even though it wasn't true. breaking news. state department investigators say colin powell and staffers for condi rice had classified e-mails from staff. barbara bush with her son in a rare appearance and w. about to step up to the plate in a big way. your path to retirement... may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. for over 75 years, investors have relied
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cnn learning tonight of new voice mails from the ted cruz campaign that clearly state ben carson was suspended his campaign. that is not true. what are you learning about these voice mails? >> this is pretty remarkable. these are voice mails that a cruz precinct captain received after the caucuses began on the caucus night. i spoke with her not too long
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ago. he c the first one is from a woman. go ahead and play that one. >> so this cruz precinct captain got that voice mail at about 7:07 just a few minutes after the caucuses began on monday night. several minutes after that, closer to 7:30, she got a second voice mail. let's go ahead and play that one. the second one is from a man. >> now to be clear, both of these voice mails were reporting false information. cnn reported several minutes before the caucuses began that
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ben carson was not going to be going directly to new hampshire or south carolina, but that he would be going home to florida briefly. but cnn also reported he was not suspending his campaign, he was remaining in the race, no matter what happens in iowa. the precinct captain told me she did not hear these voice mails during the caucuses because she doesn't answer her cell phone while in meetings. she was there representing ted cruz. so she didn't hear them until after the caucuses. she did not believe they would have affected the results if she had shared it. in that caucus site where she was, her precinct, trump won with 33 votes. rubio came in second with 15 votes. carson and cruz both got 12 votes. she did say she was glad she didn't hear the e-mails because she didn't want to pass on erroneous information. she doesn't believe this made a
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difference in the final count in terms of the whole state. >> thank you very much, athena jones. outfront, with the ted cruz campaign co-chairman. good to have you back with me. i want to give you a chance to respond to this. we're learning about these new voice mails by your campaign. do you know how this happened? >> i really don't. as a matter of fact, i just listened to those voice mails for the first time in my ear piece. i didn't recognize either voice. the thing is i think what's accurate there is i think a lot of precinct captains who did get those voice mails or text messages or e-mails, many of them didn't not act on them, including myself. i have not heard from one voter who said they switched their vote from ben carson to ted cruz
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because of that. ben carson was not going to new hampshire and not going to south carolina. they were basically writing his political obituary. when people hear that get reported, it's obvious that they're going to move on it. whether that's official campaign people or others that are just volunteering for the campaign, that's big news going into an iowa caucus. if it's coming from a trusted source like cnn in a travel schedule saying i'm not going to new hampshire -- and i don't believe he's going to new hampshire yet. that's big news going into an iowa caucus. >> they never said he was dropping out. ben carson was not dropping out of the race. it was very clear to any cruz staffer who was watching. >> but erin, the national radio talk show host here out of iowa, he played dana and jake's
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commentary. when you hear their back and forth, they're like this does not look good for ben carson. you don't go to florida. that's a signal to everybody his campaign is in trouble. people hearing that -- they're watching the telecast of that. right away they think, he's in trouble. >> he's in trouble is very different than saying he's dropping out and possibly changing votes. you saw that one precinct and that captain didn't get the voice mails until after. carson and cruz both tied. what if she said something that was wrong and those votes changed? that would be wrong. >> i think the fact of it is as this continues to get blown out of proportion, it didn't change anything. it didn't change the vote totals. ben carson still outperformed his polling numbers. but the reason we're still talking about this today is donald trump still doesn't like that he lost. now you're taking a look at polls in new hampshire where people are questioning his
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judgment and temperament. that state is completely up for grabs as well. i say let the process play out. let this campaign be about the vision and the ideas of principal conservative. let's not have it about something that actually didn't happen. those results didn't change on caucus night. it was a well-run caucus with a highest of integrity. >> let me read something from that precinct captain. she said, quote, i was really upset someone would do this, referring to the voice mails, because i'm pretty much a straight shooter. she said cruz is paying the price for it because it came from his people. bob, what do you say to your people like this, the people fighting for ted cruz every day on the ground, who feel this was dishonest and that it came from the cruz campaign, which is a reflection of ted cruz himself? >> well, i think what's a reflection is ted cruz is that ted cruz actually called dr. ben
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carson because of how much respect and admiration he has for ben carson. he said, listen, if my campaign did something that was out of bounds, i want to apologize for that up front. you know these campaigns are hypersensitive, especially to information that's going to sway and help their candidate. this is politics. it is a full contact sport. when a news organization like cnn puts out credible information from credible reporters like dana bash and jake tapper, people are going to run with it. >> they did not ever say he was dropping out of the race. that's crucial. saying his campaign may be in trouble or this is an unusual thing to do is very different than saying he's out of the race. you agree with that? >> but when i talked about this on the radio program last night with steve, it's very clear that these guys are signaling ben carson is getting out of the race. they don't say it, but they are
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signaling a serious candidate does not go to florida instead of going to new hampshire. >> all right. bob, thank you very much. thank you for talking about this again. i want to go now to david g gergin. you know what happened here. you hear the cruz campaign defending their side of this. we now have these voice mails that came out. what's your reaction to this? >> it's a thin defense on the part of the cruz campaign. he had a much better ground game in iowa than did donald trump. that's what likely swung this race so dramatically from what the polls said. we don't have any evidence that any votes changed because of this. we certainly don't have evidence that, as trump said -- i don't think there's anything to back up what trump said about cruz stole the election in iowa. that said, i also think it is
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true that a cruz precinct captain probably didn't cost tainted the cruz victory.t - i think that theme is going to carry on and people are going to be watching the cruz campaign with great interest now to see. they had a controversy a little earlier about a mail order they put out that looked like you haven't done the right thing in your neighborhood. your better get your tail to the polls. i think the tainting is there. ben carson probably isn't long for this race. at some point, he may well drop out. it seems very doubtful now he would throw his support to cruz. those voters are important. i don't know where he's going to take his votes. he may not take them anywhere, but it's hard to believe he would now turn around and support ted cruz. >> interesting point. next, colin powell, staffers for
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condi rice, getting classified information on private e-mail accounts during their tenure as secretary of state. obviously a significant development for hillary clinton tonight. from a political war to a drug war on the streets of new hampshire, we're there as police battle suspected dealers. you're going to see this raid in new hampshire. our special report. only "outfront" when we come back. bsterfest is back with the largest variety of lobster dishes of the year. like new dueling lobster tails with one tail stuffed with crab, and the other with langostino lobster mac-and-cheese, it's a party on a plate! and you know every bite of 'lobster lover's dream' lives up to its name. hey, eating is believing. so stop dreaming and start eating.
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breaking news tonight. a new report from the state department revealing the former secretary of state colin powell and top staffers for condoleezza rice received classified information on personal accounts. evan perez is outfront. is this the same as hillary clinton? >> no, it's not. we're talking about a few e-mails here. in the case of colin powell, we're talking about two e-mails that have been deemed classified by the state department inspector general. in condoleezza rice, we're
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talking about seven e-mails when she was secretary of state. this is part of a review that was done by the state department's internal watchdog. of course, the clinton campaign today seized on this report not surprisingly because they say they're not alone in the questions of dealing with classified information on private e-mail. of course, the big difference also is that hillary clinton set up a private e-mail server to conduct all of her government business while she was secretary of state. >> so you say it's different, even though the clinton campaign is trying to make it seem it's very much the same. has there been any response from colin powell or condoleezza rice at this point? >> both of them are disputing what the state department inspector general has staiaid. colin powell says these were e-mails that were sent by u.s.
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ambassadors to his staff and then forwarded to his e-mail. he's looked at them and he's determined that there was nothing classified in it. certainly not a dozen years later to be classified. in the case of condoleezza rice we got a statement from her staff at stanford university. she said her staff got this e-mails. she says those e-mails did not contain any intelligence information, erin. >> all right. thank you very much, evan. more breaking news tonight, bernie sanders expanding his lead over hillary clinton as we have just a few days until new hampshire votes. despite hillary clinton's victory in iowa, bernie sanders has a 31-point edge over here. polls may be wrong. he's up 61% to 30%. both candidates trying to get the momentum after coming face to face with voters at cnn's town hall last night. >> reporter: it's all about wall
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street. five days before the new hampshire primary, it's a bitter point of contention between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. >> i do not know any progressive who has a super pac and takes $15 million from wall street. >> the wall street interest, the money interest, the republican political interest, are spending a lot of money to try to defeat me. so i just find it kind of a strange argument. >> reporter: a day after the cnn presidential town hall shined new light on their competing visions, sanders sent out a solicitation for $3 donations fighting back against goldman sachs whose ceo called the sanders campaign dangerous. >> it is a very, very important political player. >> reporter: a not so subtle reminder of how clinton struggled to explain her speaking fees in 2015 from that investment bank. >> i told them what i thought.
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i answered questions. >> did you have to be paid $675,000? >> i don't know. that's what they offered. >> reporter: sanders faces obstacles of his own, even among his admirers. >> you have worked for many years to say it's my way or the highway. >> people may portray me in this respect. it's not accurate to say it's my way or the highway. >> reporter: he embraces an outsider's appeal. as a former chairman of the veterans affairs committee, he was slow to react to the va wait list scandal. a rabbi asked clinton how she balances ego and humility. >> i don't know there's any ever absolute answer. okay, universe, here i am. watch me roar, or oh, my gosh, i can't do it. it's just overwhelming.
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>> reporter: she says she's guided by faith. >> i get a scripture lesson every morning from a minister that i have a really close personal relationship with. >> reporter: sanders says he's guided more by spirituality. >> my spirituality is that we are all in this together and that when children go hungry, when veterans sleep out on the street, it impacts me. >> reporter: and at a rally here tonight, senator sanders talked repeatedly about goldman sachs and their speakers fees and contribution. clinton advisers are furious he keeps bringing this up. they're challenging him to point to one area where he was compromised. this is an issue that's going to be debated for the next five days until that primary on tuesday. >> and even on after that. the former governor of michigan, a senior adviser for a
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pro-hillary clinton super pac and a bernie sanders sporupport. the state department is saying hillary clinton is not the only secretary of state to have classified information on her personal account. is the secretary vindicated? >> i think it goes a long way to validating two points. one, that she wasn't the only one. this has happened, as she said, to other prior secretaries of state. the second thing that i think it does is really validate that this is classification gone amuck. if colin powell is looking at his e-mail and is saying this is crazy, this is 12 years later, this is not jeopardizing the security of the united states and this inspector general says it is. that argument is an argument that the clinton team has put out forever and has said release
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her e-mails. >> so jonathan, senator sanders said clinton's e-mails are a very serious issue. the fact he hasn't slammed her on them on the campaign trail doesn't mean she didn't do something wrong. is this no longer a serious issue for sanders? >> i haven't talked to the campaign, as you pointed out late breaking news. enough of the damn e-mails. there are very serious issues to discuss. i'm going to speak for myself. i agree with john podesta. there's too much overclassification in this country for information and there's enough for our side, the sanders side, to question
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secretary of state clinton about whether she should be the democratic nominee, but the e-mails should have, in my opinion, nothing to do with that. >> we'll see what senator sanders says. one of the cringe worthy moments last night was hillary clinton's answers to why she got nearly $700,000 from goldman sachs specifically for speeches. you saw her there. she said that's what they offered. did you cringe? was that a good response? >> what i think you're missing is the second part of the response which is basically point to a second time when i was compromised as part of that. it's a one-time speech. here's what they got in exchange for their contribution to her speaking fee. they got somebody who proposed a tax on high frequency trades. they got somebody who proposed more enforcement, somebody who
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wants to regulate the shadow banking system, somebody who wants to strengthen dodd-frank, somebody who wants to strengthen the vogel rule. if they got that in return for their investment, i would say that would be a negative return. >> what would you say, jonathan? you agree? did she just make the case? >> i laughed out loud at the really out of touch reaction to that. i don't think she stumbled, which was kind of the reaction in the press today. i think she actually reacted in a very honest and straightforward way, which she doesn't see a problem in getting what i think is legalized bribe bribery. i think everybody in new hampshire, the voters, voters across the country who make $50,000, $70,000 on their entire income are just going to look at this as legalized bribery and it
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is completely out of touch. >> i thank you both very much. i promise i'll have you both back to talk about that more. outfront next, heroin overdose deaths are soaring in new hampshire. we went along on a raid. this is incredible footage. this happened in new hampshire in the united states. we're going to go to the war on the streets. jeb bush tonight bringing in his mom and his brother now getting involved in the campaign. w. coming out. is it too late? the microsoft cloud allows us to
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the presidential candidates confronting america's heroin crisis. ted cruz speaking openly about his late half sister's struggle with drug addiction. there were more than 400 deaths last year. tonight in a story you'll only see outfront we went with police on a raid to stem the heroin epidemic. >> reporter: it's a cold new hampshire morning as the manchester s.w.a.t. team quietly moves into position.
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within minutes, two suspected drug dealers are arrested and taken into custody. >> we're at war with the drug cartels and the drug deals not only in this city, but in the nation. >> reporter: the raid is part of a federal, state, and local operation called granite hammer. it's goal stemming the heroin epidemic ravaging new hampshire where every five days somebody dies of an overdose, usually heroin. >> five years ago in 2010 in this city, we seized less than 200 grams of heroin in one year. now fast toward to 2015, we took over 27,000 grams of heroin off the street. >> reporter: the heroin crisis has become a key issue for the presidential candidates. >> we can't be here in new hampshire and not talk about the addiction problem. >> it is a crisis. >> it's a horrible disease. >> that wall is going to stop so much of it. >> reporter: it's weighing on
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voters minds here in new hampshire. another home, another raid. the s.w.a.t. is executing a search warrant on the second floor, an apartment, where a man is suspected of dealing drugs. the sun is barely everyone up. surveillance suggests people, possibly buyers, have been going in and out of that apartment for the last couple of hours. to understand the reach of the heroin epidemic, all you have to do is look at this map. this shows what amounts to the poisoning of america. >> it does. what's represented here is wherever you see orange is the cartel's influence in the united states. every city and town is a heroin epidemic going on today. >> reporter: this is like a virus that's just spreading. >> it is a public safety, public
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health. it's a national security situation. >> reporter: ferguson says drug dealers are setting up shop in small towns across america where rent is cheap and the profit margin high. technicians take in 750 new drug cases every month. that's 200 more than they can physically process. >> we have a backlog of 3500 cases. it is literally like shoveling sand against the tide. >> reporter: still back on the streets of manchester, undercover cops still try to make arrests. ten grams is called a finger. that is enough for 330 doses, individual doses. so when you hear somebody say we took 27,000 grams off the streets, that's enough for more than 800,000 doses in that one area. that's the amount they're confiscating. imagine what else is out there.
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it's become so powerful and so lethal because the cartels are mixing it with a synthetic opioid. it's making it more deadly. >> it is incredible and something that has taken over the entire country. next, barbara bush in a rare campaign appearance with her son jeb. she is live with him. george w. bush, he is jumping in. is it going to be in time? the many faces of a trumper tantrum, as ted cruz calls it. i have asthma...
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brag bragger. we don't allow that. but he's decent and honest. he's everything we need in a president. >> and it's not just jeb's mother. his brother george w. bush made this ad for his brother. >> i know jeb. i know his good heart and his strong backbone. jeb will unite our country. he knows how to bring the world together against terror, and he knows when tough measures must be taken. experience and judgment count in the oval office. >> all right. a bush family show of force. phil mattingly is out in derry, new hampshire, at that town hall going on with barbara bush and jeb bush. does it feel different now that he is bringing barbara bush there? >> well, you can only listen to jeb himself who came out and said, mom, usually my crowds
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aren't this big. there are not enough parking sh spots. what this underscores is the bush campaign is starting to pull out all the stops. the superpac with george w. bush, the potential for george w. bush to campaign in south carolina in a few weeks. barbara bush. nostalgia. i've seen a number of reagan/bush '84 t-shirts. a series of candidates muddled in the second tier of candidates. winning here or placing well here is crucial. one key point i'd point out, 60% of voters still haven't locked in on a final decision according to the latest cnn/wmur poll. in a lot of undecideds, these matter. when you bring out someone like barbara bush, people listen. >> you point out those undecided voters. anything is possible. david gergen is back with me
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now. pretty interesting. my big question for you now is, why did george w. bush wait so long? he is an asset in terms of numbers. his approval rating, 52%, up 20 points since he left office. by some measures, more than barack obama. why do we have this one ad? >> we think george w. bush is going, too peer in south carolina and may well go other places. i think they waited because of the dynasty question. that seems to be a burden for jeb, and he wanted to do this on his own. barbara bush coming out, she was the best witness to who he is and anyone in his campaign. better than him. that often happens to a candidate. they're not very good at promoting themselves and jeb is not very good at that in his campaign but his mother was very good at talking about who he is how she sees him.
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that was effective. >> do you think that will move voters in new hampshire? more undecided voters than people supporting the front-runner donald trump. could they break for jeb at this point? is it possible? >> i am not sure you'll see a big switch, but i do think that you're going to see a sense of a -- people seeing a warm family in a time when several of the candidates on the republican side of off-putting for a variety of reasons. there's something about barbara being out there and the brother coming together with him that gives people a warm sense. and i think it will help him in new hampshire. i don't think he's going to burst through but i think it will definitely help him. >> thank you, david gergen. jeanne moos on how the war of words has jumped the shark. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow.
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trumper-tantrums. that's the word now. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: the donald likes to put his name on things but when trump lashed out at the cruz campaign after coming in second in iowa -- >> oh, that voter fraud. >> reporter: it was cruz who put trump's name into a new word for tantrum. >> or if you like it, another trumpertantrum. >> it was an instant hit. >> trumpertantrum. it's the hit of the day. >> yet another trumpertantrum. >> reporter: #trumpertantrum started to trend and the assortment of doctored photos. lots of crybabies, not to mention a creepy crybaby. trump as rambo, the silence of
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the trumpertantrum. a guitar poet even sang a song. ♪ trump er dertantrum trumpertantrum ♪ >> reporter: who dreamed up the word trumpertantrum? apparently it was cruz himself. the cruz campaign said it was all cruz, that's it just came to him. chris christie, likewise, tried to coin a name for rival marco rubio whom christie accuses of being scripted and controlled by handlers. >> he reminds me of the boy in the bubble. >> let's get the boy in the bubble out of the boy in the bubble. >> this comes from christie, aka, the bubble. >> did donald trump throw a tantrum? >> he said you had a trumpertantrum. have you heard that? >> i haven't actually. i love that phrase. >> you need to trademark that. >> i am going to trademark that. >> and if you ever feel a trump
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inspired tantrum coming on, don't blow your top. blow a trumpet at the top of the donald. a swedish ad agency created this for fun. how do you say trumpertantrum in swedish? jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> thanks for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening from manchester, new hampshire, the granite state, site of the first presidential primary of the 2016 campaign. just five days away. the candidates had multiple events scheduled as they try to reach out to as many voters as possible. that brought donald trump to theo's restaurant where he took questions from locals and from me. i asked him about his loss in iowa after which he went on twitter accusing ted cruz of fraud and calling for a new vote. >> you came in second in iowa to ted cruz. let's talk about cruz. you have basically
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