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tv   Fareed Zakaria GPS  CNN  February 21, 2016 7:00am-8:01am PST

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this is gps. welcome to all of you around the united states and around the world. we have a jam packed show for you today starting with uncertainty over a cease fire in syria. questions about a new cold war with russia and controversy over the president 's planned trip t cuba. then donald trump says america is going to hell. >> our country is going to hell. >> is it really? we have an elaborate back check from james. he spent the last three years
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traversing the accompany reporting on what's actually happening in america. i just spent a few days in india where i set down with the nation richard man as well as hollywood's biggest star. location money on the bed of the century bringing broad band internet to a billion people and between the battle of bollywood and hollywood. who will win? finally, why one secretary wants the hundred dollar bill to disappear. i'll explain. first, here's my take. a key sign of the republican party's dysfunctioning has been willingness to produce serious proposals. instead it's leading plans they know cannot be enacted or the math doesn't add up. what will republicans do this year if elected to the white
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house? all gop candidates would appeal obamacare, some would pass a balance for the budget and others would deport workers. needless to say, none of this will happen. take their tax plans. the nonpartisan tax policy center estimates marco rubio's would produce deficits of $8 trillion over the next two years. cruz's plan $10 trillion. trump is $11 trillion deficits and would wave the national debt over the next two decades. why do republicans do it? because they know what the base wants to hear. they have decided that policy proposals are no longer, well,
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actually policy proposals. instead they service signals and emotional impulses meant to energize supporters. the fact that none of proposals never get implemented is why the conservative base is so enraged and flocks now to ted cruz. the democrats since bill clinton have by and large deployed. they tend to be in the bounds of reason. that's why being seen as spenders in the 1960s and 70s, the democratic party has convinced many it's the responsible party of governments these days. and bernie sanders who makes the republicans look like models of sobriety and scholarly exact. the proposals on his website add
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up to to $20 trillion over the next decade. if you add a higher estimate on the sander's health plan, that brings the total cost to about $30 trillion. this week, four respected economist who serve democratic presidents in senior traditions wrote in pointing out that no credib credible economic research supports his addiction. >> they were referring to claims by joe freidman. an economy that's tried to make sander's math work. >> growth would average 4.5%. that's more than double the average rate over the last three decades. even magically, productively growth rose to 3.8 pe%.
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sander's goal is to shift the spectrum. that argument is premised on the notion that america would be better off with $30 trillion of extra government spending, college that would be free and marginal income tax rates would be topped 85%. it wouldn't but to him, none of this nitpicking on facts matter. he's spending with a broader brush. an authentic man that speaks his mind without fear or favor willing to present bold ideas geared to capture the imagination. never mind the establishment criticizes him as radical. am i speaking about bernie sanders or donald trump? for more, go to and read
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my washington post column this week. let's get started. let's get right to the big stories from around the world with tom. tom, welcome. >> good to be with you. >> let me ask you first this bit of news about president obama going to cuba. he's already being hammered on the campaign trail by some trubs. is it a good idea or naive? >> that's a great idea. go down and engage with the people. show them the best of america, their economic model. whoever in your audience is afraid of cuba, please have them raise their hand. i'm not afraid of cuba. it's well past time that we ended our isolation of cuba.
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it's a lab test that utterly failed. the more we engage them, the more we'll enhance the move. >> is there any out here? >> i've been thinking about this issue. i've been quiet weary to get involved because i didn't see a path going forward and certainly deeply concerned about the hu n humanitarian dimension. syria has spilled out so many refugees they're destabilizing the states around like turkey, jordan, lebanon. at the same time more tra teej
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rancic for the united states. these refugees flowing into europe is causing the european union to close in on itself and isolate some of the members like greece and force them to take all the refugees and producing the nationalist and pop ewe list parties. i know the minute i raise the subject on your show, half the viewers change the channel. it's not a subject near and dear to most americans. let me make it simple. the european union is the other part of the united states. if they begin to seize up and fracture, that's a negative stra steej rancic trend for the united states. because of that, i think we have to reexamine in partership and with the european union and nato how we construct a fly zone or safe zone on the boarder of syrian or libya.
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otherwise, when the spring comes and these refugees flow into europe it's been serious political implications. >> what is going on with russia and ukraine? the united states now sending forces, ground forces to europe. something we didn't think would happen. this sounds like the days of the cold war. is this something we have to worry about which is the united states may actually have to defend the baltic states or at least credit ibly threaten to defend them. >> he's a man that looks for dignity rather than unlocking his own russian people. he's been looking for sugar highs retaking and throwing weight around the middle east.
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i can't believe that the growing russia middle class is very happy about this. because of that, one does have to worry that where putin might go for his next sugar high. i don't think it's wreckless to put up barriers. i hate to say it in case of this administration but drawing some red lines. >> when the price of oil is low, freedom has flourished. is freedom going to flourish? >> it's never going to happen overnight. we know when the price of oil got down to $18 in the 80s and late 80s for a sustained period of time, not just nine months we saw the end of the soviet union.
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we saw the peace agreement because he lost a lot of his economic aid and we saw the beginning of political reform movements throughout a lot of the states. so i would say give it time. i think that there is a chance of that but it may be we get disordered before we get some kind of consensual politics out of it. i can is assure you it will have political effects for these regimes that have been for so many years tapping their oil rather than their people unlocking their creativity. when they get that resource taken away from them. they're going to have to figure out a different way and i think it's going to be enormously destabilizing in the short run. i hope in the long run it is market politics. >> always a pleasure. >> thank you. >> next on gps, has the u.s. presidential campaign convinced you that americans are doing
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terribly? do you wonder if donald trump is right when he says the country is going to hell? let's go from rhetoric to reality with one of the nation's finest journalist who just spent three years traveling around the country. ♪ ♪ ♪ for your retirement, you want to celebrate the little things, because they're big to you. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade®.
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became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding the owners were forced to place an emergency order of hay. thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. and with a complete view of her finances, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. chase for business. so you can own it. chase for business. you'll need to email us so we can issue you a ticket. but you're right here. it's protocol. or, you can try staples tech services next day guarantee. it's fast and done right. i'll do that instead. that's not protocol marsha. in by noon, out by 5 the next day. staples. make more happen. does your mouth often feel dry? multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is
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doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. if you've been listening to the rhetoric being thrown around on the campaign trail today you might believe america is in a terrible state of decay. we hear about the ravished communities, dysfunctional schools, bankrupt cities and anger and despair.
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my next guest has spent much of the last three years traveling around this country to places like south carolina, columbus, mississippi, oregon, beth he hem, pennsylvania and what he found will surprise you. james is a national correspondent for the atlantic. he's the author of the cover story can america put itself back together. he rediscovered america in the tiny single engine crop plane. jim, pleasure to have you on. why did you do this? >> one reason was rejust came back from living in china. we thought when we came back to the u.s. everything we heard was a country in collapse. we thought we would like to go to the country itself, not just the big coastal city, but to the
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center. one of the first places you talk about is san bernardino which happens to be right where you grew up. >> red. the nearby town is a place i've known all my life to be a troubled place. yet even there the story we found was people thinking that the prospects in the entire country are blank but there in san bernardino they're finding ways to train kids for better jobs. >> you say in san bernardino you see this everywhere which is when you ask people how is the country doing what do they say? >> our country is in terrible shape but here in san bernardino, here in greenville, south carolina, things are moving in the right direction. we know this about a cliche about congress.
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>> you talk about one of the places most hard hit by the industrialization which is parts of the south. >> the cities of columbus, starkville, west point traditionally very poor. they had a toilet seat factory, blue jeans factualory. these all went away. then over the last decade, just by a thousand people doing interesting things, they bought in a helicopter factory, a tire has its most modern plant in north america, mississippi.
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mississippi has big problems and so does the golden triangle. >> an important point i should make is in many of these cities you went back and in many cases spent 10 days. >> yes. most of the places went for at least two weeks. we went to about two dozen cities for two weeks. it's another two dozen for a dup l of days. >> duluth, minnesota. fascinating. >> i love duluth. it was once a very, very rich city. it went to a very long decline and now revolving itself with the kind of airplane we fly. i know you've been into. it's made in duluth. outdoors life. they have an interesting accompany there, someone called law furniture where a couple of
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outdoorsmen said we want to live our life in duluth because we love our outdoors experience. they're shipping to 60 countries from around the world. if you walk inside there, you think this could be a cnn studio new york. it could be a tech accompany in seattle or san francisco. most of the american government is at the local level and it's the bottom up energy that makes america thrive. >> yes. many of us would prefer. if you just hear the press, you might think the entire nation is objects of these failed national
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systems. american doesn't seem like an object country when you go blas by place by place. you think what can we do here in south dakota or iowa to make the country a better place? >> stay right there. when we come back, we'll look at american anger over immigration. turns out not so many are angry afterall. i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. who's with me?! yay! the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in! unless you have allergies., then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by
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we're back with the great james of the atlantic talking about his fascinating journey across america and the perspective he witnessed. immigration is the one issue this campaign has seemed to generate the most at the national level. again, when you went to an actual town with actual immigrants and minorities, what did you find? >> i found something in keeping with the long american saga of immigration. on the one hand, immigration is always disruptive. it always has been in the u.s. whether it's germans or italians or vietnamese or whoever. it's always involving some change. on the other hand, u.s. has
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found ways, always, to continue to absorb people. that's if you weren't listening to the g.o.p. campaign, you would think what is going on? for example, a place like the falls. they became one of the main places for absorb nt refugees. you see people walking along to their jobs to the gas stations or jobs in a beef, pork, packing out in downtown sioux falls. they're working in the slaughter house so their kids can go to college. there was no correlation in
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where the immigrant ws were arriving. the u.s. demographic is changing but it seems to be a fact rather than an emergency in most places we saw. in this case the pleural of antidote seems to be data. what do you make of this sort of problem of inequality that when you look at the recover ri so much of the games have gone to few people. >> every problem people know about in the united states the true. their polarizing forces are here as every country. it is the second guilded age. we have all the pressure of national fabric we know well about. the surprising news we're trying to convey is the counter effort towards that. in terms of inequality, the main thing we've seen is an effort to
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connect people who otherwise would have no jobs or wellfare or service sector jobs with the medium wage tech jobs of being repair people, welders, robotics repair people. there's a job shortage in that category. it takes you from $10 an hour to $25 an hour. that doesn't solve the world's problem but is a buffering effort the surprising number of communities are making. >> you're talking about flying this single crop plane for 25 years. i've flown on this plane and it's a magical experience and particularly magical to do it in america. you talk about this in the article, why? >> the reason i fallen in love with her is she's heading in a unique perspective. the perspective it gives you is
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so unique. as you know, in the eastern third of the country you see ribbons of the road and shopping centers but basically, it's in the middle a big farm and in the west it's a big desert and mountain range. you see the logic of how settlement took place and the fall line of the appellatialacp >> why st. louis? >> it's where the mississippi comes together. >> dallas, las vegas, some places triumph of america in america. do you leave us wishing that you could get americans to kind of rediscover their country? >> yes. i'm trying. america like china, india is a big complex place we have strangely a flat two dimensional view of the country.
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i'm trying plitto have a three dimensional view of understanding how complex this machinery of the nation that's trying to respond to challenges we're all facing now. >> you end up optimistic. >> in that the seeds of a second reform age are being sewn around the country and when they'll be able to have some moisture to ripen we'll see. when the first golden age reforms sometimes it will happen and preparation is being set all across the land. >> such a pleasure. terrific article. >> the richest man in india with a vast plan bringing high speed internet to the population in four years. i've tried laxatives... but my symptoms keep returning. my constipation feels like a pile of bricks...
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did opportunity to sit down with the nation's richard man. the case has been almost $20 billion. the accompany has a market capitolization of over $40 billion according to bloomberg. he talked to me about what seems to be one of the most hopeful stories about india and a piece of positive news in a world economy. in the next few years an extraordinary thing will happen. 1 billion indians get access to the internet.
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most for the first time. what does that mean for india and the world? bonnie's accompany through a venture called g.o. has spent billions of dollars. this is the economic. they're also planning to build up capacity. we set down to talk at his home where some reports claim. >> thanks for coming on the show. >> thank you. it's always a pleasure. >> your accompany generates huge amounts of cash. you've been pouring all this in one huge adventure which is to provide the internet to people on cell phones. why do you think this is worth that massive investment? >> i believe that humanities endorse a massive change and
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we're at the beginning of the information. in the next 20 years in a net worth for safety, we are going to have change much more than what we seen in the last 20 years and its in digitization. from an india point of view, india cannot be left behind in this. as we saw the year 2012 there is 150 in the world in broad band, penetration has been. they are conceived to change position. >> simply, would it be fair to
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say india has not really been connected to the internet in a broad sense because infrastructure being the land lines that provide wired internet only reach about 100, 150. how many indians are connected to the internet? >> they need to launch 2016. 80% would have high speed broad band internet. so 80% will have high speed internet. they will be governed by this digital infrastructure. >> in 2018, will a rural farmer
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in india have a better internet capacity than somebody in america? >> i think if you look at what you have in the u.s. in five years, they cover 75-85% of the u.s. >> do you have billions of dollars invested in cramerica? >> i think it's a good investment. we made this investment.
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that was really a main reason we to took. >> okay. pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. >> more from my trip to india from the nation's richest man to the nation's biggest movie star. he's the king of bollywood and some say the biggest in the world. they explain how it could begin to rival hollywood.
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i swear i saw it swallow seven people. seven. i just wish one of those people could have been mrs. johnson. [dog bark] trust me, we're dealing with a higher intelligence here. ♪ the all-new audi q7 is here. ♪ where self-proclaimed ofinancial superstars , pitch you investment opportunities. i've got a fantastic deal for you- gold! with the right pool of investors, there's a lot of money to be made. but first, investors must ask the right questions and use the smartcheck challenge to make the right decisions. you're not even registered; i'm done with you! i can...i can... savvy investors check their financial pro's background by visiting
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the los angeles times called my next guest the world's
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biggest movie star. the biggest movie star in india. he has more devoted fans than any super star in the world. he starred in over 70 films and made $38 million. if you don't know him in his work, perhaps you should. >> we talked about the new globalized world where hollywood movies are making serious efforts to penetrate the india market and where movies are competing against hollywood in the rest of the world. >>. >> pleasure to have you back. >> thank you very much. >> tell me what it looks like. how do you deal with the competition, i suppose it is of hollywood movies essentially
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made for the global audience? many of the movies hollywood makes now make a majority of their revenues and they are designed in a way to appeal to people so they have more action or they have cartoon favors, not a lot of dialogue, not a less complex character development. are they the kind of competition, the new global competition you face? >> thankfully, they're not competing with us. which i'm sure it's not going to happen. but i think i have all this, had this say so. india is the only country where they do better than international cinema. i think the reason for movie and
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people to survive is terror. it is still a future in this country where the actor or actress and i think that started to keep it here like watching the football. you want the nba because you have the basketball players. i think as long as the system is retained in this country, it will be sometime but yeah, international stars are becoming local stars. but like i said, india cinemas are changing for us right now with all the young makers and actresses and actors. i think it would be quiet a while before it becomes competition. how much of your fan base is now global because of the fact that the internet exist and these
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movies are all over? >> there's always been a huge indian ex-patriot audience. it's grown now to the gulf and southeast asia. how do you think of that? >> it never ceases to amaze me. like the last one we released it in finland and germany, france, italy, those were some concerns. in europe they're watching the films. england, america, southeast asia. the business has increased since i last spoke with you. people are watching and i'm hearing what's happening to china too which is quiet amaz g amazing. i think also the two different kind of cinemas coming are also helping that. we have some wonderful truths being taken. i think these are small steps to what's creating an international market. we are fortunate to be in these
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times. south america. when we go there and spend time. what i'm doing this time, it's increased and like you said on social media when i'm tweeting or something, i can make up. more than half the people are from places not in india. when i talk about something, certainly, i'm going to shout out from japan and i'm really amazed when they're singing these songs and do the duck smash and it's new and it's very encouraging actually. >> and it really is new for indian cinema. >> absolutely. >> it's now becoming kind of global. like you said there's still some of the cultures. >> they would like the indian film, they're conservative and it's a regular nice good thing
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to say, not too edgy. now suddenly, i find it like scottland and america and now i was showing and i think new york and you know, out of like say 8,000 people we have 500 to 800 americans and the ladies are like we love indian foods and we love you. which is really, really nice. it is a new phenomena. they are progressively making footprints outside india. i think that's an important aspect. >> do you think you're going to be doing this 10 years from now? >> i'm a little paranoid. yes, i may need a new knee and shoulder and stuff but they tell
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me. they are finding new body parts so yes, i always tell everyone my last shot and i love acting for whatever amount i know, my last shot should be when they say cut. if my life has to go it should be with a cut and an okay. if possible. >> until then you'll be the bionic man. >> yes. that's a good idea. >> pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. >> next on gps why hundred dollar bills are a danger to the global economy. really. the plan to banish benjamins and ben ladens. pitch you investment opportunities. i've got a fantastic deal for you- gold! with the right pool of investors, there's a lot of money to be made. but first, investors must ask the right questions and use the smartcheck challenge to make the right decisions. you're not even registered; i'm done with you!
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i can...i can... savvy investors check their financial pro's background by visiting thsometimes you can't evento graimagine.h. that's the job. and she's the one who's proven she can get it done. ...securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons... ...standing up against the abuse of women... ...protecting social security... ...expanding benefits for the national guard... ...and winning health care for 8 million children... the presidency is the toughest job in the world
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and she's the one who'll make a real difference for you. i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message.
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president jimmy carter won his second grammy this week. he's not the only one leader to have won a grammy award and it brings me to my question of the week. bill clinton won a 2003 grammy award for a spoken album.
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what did they win for? frozen tides. a verbal history of the cold war. or the charter of the united nations or stars, stripes, hammers and sickles. or peter and the wolf. stay tuned and we'll tell you the correct answer. this week's book of the week is muhammad's only game in town. how come the global economy is now run with the analysis? the author and expected investor and ceo explains how the elected government has been in their economy and why it leads to an unmassive crisis. now for a last look. three years ago the u.s. government released a new hundred dollar bill complete with features like color shifting ink and 3d security ribbons. this study says we should throw
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this bill out. one according to the harvard study rif outs the biggest bills like the benjamin franklin. afterall, it's harder to fly under the radar if you have to exchange your briefcase full of hundreds. as the paper points out, $1 million in cash weighs about 22 pounds in hundred dollar bills and it's small enough to fit under one briefcase. $20 bills raise about 110 pounds and would fill almost four briefcases and it isn't just u.s. dollars, the studies authors recommend getting rid of other large recommendations.
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larry who published the paper believes although removing existing notes may be going too far, stopping the production of new ones would make world a better place. so sorry, benjamin franklin. we'll find a nice building somewhere in washington to name after you. the correct answer to the gps challenge question is d. bill clinton recorded a new version of the classic tail peter and the wolf and wolf tracks which took home the 2003 grammy for best spoken word album for children. why president clinton narrated part of the story with help of the dramatic music from the help of the russian national orchestra. >> peter and the wolf faced each other motionless. >> perhaps one day president obama adds to his grammy
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collection by collaborating with putin. it will be interesting to see what story the deal would choose to tell together. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i'll see you next week. >> hey, good morning. i'm brian and it's time for reliable sources. our weekly look at the story behind the story. how news and pop culture get made. today we start with the question. do primaries change with everything? donald trump and hillary clinton still appear to be front runners for the respected party's nominations and that's what trump told cnn this morning. >> i think it's going to be between hillary. they say it will be the largest voter turnout. i want to tell you that's a great compliment to the country. we have a low voter turnout. i think it will be the