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tv   New Day  CNN  February 24, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST

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carolina. we have a 2016 race covered the way only cnn can. let's begin with sara murray live in vegas. sara. >> reporter: good morning, chris. this is what you call a blowout for donald trump. he has proven he can win in the conservative south in south carolina. last night he proved he can win in a western state. his rivals are still squabbling about who is best equipped to take on trump. donald trump emerging victorious for the third contest in a row. we love nevada. we love nevada. >> 46% with the hispanics. number one with the hispanics. >> we won with evangelicals.
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we won with young, we won old. >> i want to congratulate donald trump on a strong evening tonight. >> cruz point to go his early caucus win and arguing he's the strongest to trump. >> the first four states have shown is it the only campaign that has beaten donald trump and the only campaign that can beat donald trump is this campaign. >> reporter: cruz advisors say the candidate have reached his boiling point and to expect a more aggressive cruz in the coming days. the pressure is mounting to drop out after their dismal results. kasich's camp quick to rub salt in a biting press release saying, senator rubio just endured another disappointing performance despite being the highest spending candidate in
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nevada. larger voter turnout caused problems at the polls like incidents of volunteers checking in caucusgoers without checking i.d. and poll workers openly showing support for trump. nevada gop officials say no reports of voter irregularities or violations. it's not against the rules for them to wear candidate gear. his campaign is looking ahead to the super tuesday states. after trump's third in a row victory, no doubt there will be more pressure for rubio to prove where he can beat trump. >> helping us analyze is david gregory, maeve reston and jackie
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kucinich. great to have all of you this morning. let's pull up the numbers again. we are at 96% of the votes come in. donald trump got 45.9%. marco rubio, his closest competitor, 23.9. ted cruz, 21.4. then it goes down to carson and kasich at four percentage and under. what do you see? >> we keep talking about whether donald trump has a ceiling. at 45% he showed he can win across the board with hispanics. he did the litany. well educated, poorly educated. he had high name recognition. strange with what the polling shows us. he did extremely well. it just cements the fact that he is the prohibitive front runner at this point. there is no other way to look at this reality other than he has something close to a lock on this nomination. >> jackie, let's look at some of the demographics.
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let's start with latino voters. the first thing he did upon announcing he was running for president was offend mexicans, or so people thought. last night he won with latino voters, 45%, jackie. >> ted cruz has consistently said he is the alternative to donald trump. well, they all are at this point. when you look at how all the groups that he won between mod rats, conservatives, latinos, any one of those other competitors could be the alternative. it could be an argument for ted cruz to make. >> let's look at those, maeve. somewhat conservative versus moderate. donald trump won in all the categories. even moderate synonymous with establishment republicans.
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they are going for him. very conservative when ted cruz thought he had a lock on. they are going tore trump. what do you see here, maeve? >> it's exactly like david said. it is an across-the-board blowout. i will say that a lot of people are seizing on this what tino number. what's really important to remember here in nevada is that is a very small sample size in the entrance polls we saw from last night. there aren't that many gop latinos who turned out to vote. people should take a deep breath before reading into those numbers. that doesn't underestimate the breadth of his victory across the board in all of those groups you were just talking about. he has so much momentum going into the super tuesday night. really it is difficult to see marco rubio or ted cruz doing
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anything. >> this is how people claimed they were going to vote before they got to the caucus. so this is about the education. you heard him saying we love low educated people. >> the poorly educated people. >> so here's how it broke down. high school or less. those are the less educated. 57 went for trump. those never attended college. some college, 49%. college graduate, 43%. postgraduate, 37%. >> i think maeve makes a good point. he won big. all these numbers will come up. but you have to give him his due. we talk about ceilings, lanes. trump is like the guy on the highway who is just weaving all over the place. he's going into the higher educated, lower educated. he has all of this going for him. the other thing we said is
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important, momentum tkpwraets more appropriate up. they want to be part of a juggernaut. unless and until there is someone else who demonstrates a viable path. we are getting into where it's not just momentum that comes out of iowa or new hampshire, we are starting to count delegates. he will start to roll those up pretty fast. you heard him say he may not need two months to get over the top and to get this nomination. that's the reality that cruz and rubio and kasich are looking at and saying what is the game plan here. >> let's talk about that. second went to rubio, jackie. but incident was close. ted cruz came in third. it sounds as though ted cruz's plan -- let's look at the numbers. rubio, 23.9. cruz got 21.4. according to our reporter, ted cruz is about to get more aggressive against donald trump. let's listen to what he said about his future to one of our
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reporters, what his adviser said about his strategy. i'll read it to you. it's only so long you can take someone calling you a liar when you are not lying. it has gotten to the point of absurdity. just because trump does it doesn't make it so. we have to drop this. >> it is getting a little late for that. a lot of them held their fire on trump. it hasn't worked. what is the alchemy to defeating trump? they haven't figured it out. it is not just donald trump saying liar, liar. it's marco rubio. it's ben carson. it has become sort of part of his narrative. >> maeve, is it too late for ted cruz to turn this around? >> it's never too late for anyone to pull off some kind of big surprise, right? that's what american politics is all about. i do think that what's true,
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what we have been saying all morning you see a narrower path for these guys. if the establishment were to coalesce around one of these candidates, if one were to drop out, it could be a different ball game. neither ted cruz neuer marco rubio is contemplating that right now. looking at the results last night, you think about someone like ted cruz. he has been trying to org he is consolidating the aevangelical vote. you have trump leading across all of these demographic groups. >> i think there is ideology, temperament, knowledge. those are areas you want to attack donald trump where he has been attacked and it hasn't worked. we are waiting to see whether any of these can make a difference. so much of this campaign has been conservatism as a feeling. anti-establishment,
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anti-anti-republican party point of view. these are republicans angry establishment republicans angry at the federal government. they want somebody from way outside the system. >> some of the conventional wisdom has been the math will work for some of the candidates. as we heard maeve say the coalescing would give more numbers than donald trump has. no, not in nevada. it would be even. if one other candidate got every other vote he would tie with donald trump. >> i'm not great at math. i know what helps is if you actually win somewhere. that hasn't happened yet. and i can tell you party officials are doing a lot of analysis on how somebody like rubio, particularly rubio, could get the math right and actually mount a real challenge to trump. but he's got to start winning someplace. and that's why super tuesday, or march 15th, is the big proving grouped. >> panel, stick around. we want to talk about the
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democratic side as well. but first the final debate before super tuesday take place tomorrow night here on cnn. wolf blitzer mod rats. five republican rivals face off 8:30 p.m. eastern tomorrow on cnn. now over to chris in columbia, south carolina. he had another big night down there. hey, chris. hey, how are you doing, alisyn? you have hillary clinton, bernie sanders making their closing arguments to south carolina voters last night in a cnn town hall. just three days now until the primary here. which candidate appealed most to minority voters. remember, percent is expected to be the african-american vote. joe johns has the highlight. remind me. i'm so tired i forget what happened. >> i know. you've been up a long time. it's interesting to see how the democratic race is evolving here in south carolina. they did trade jabs.
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for the most part they kept it civil. even in some parts reflective. >> reporter: after a loss in nevada and trailing in the polls in the south carolina primary, bernie sanders ramping up his aing tas on front-runner hillary clinton, repeating calls for her to release transcripts of speeches she made to wall street banks. i am happy to release all of my pages to wall street. here it is, chris -- there ain't none. i don't do that. >> i have been up front and strong on this issue for a long time. as strong, i would argue, as my some esteemed opponent. you know what, if everybody is going to ask for things, we is should be on an even playing
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field. what i am fighting for right now is a political revolution in which government starts working for working people and for the middleclass >> reporter: won theme, courting african-american voters who strongly support the president. >> on the day president obama was inaugurated republicans came together and saying what are we going to do? obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. what you are seeing in this supreme court situation is nothing more than the continuous and unprecedented obstructionism that president obama has gone through. >> reporter: even calling questions about the president's birth certificate racially motivated. >> the birther issue which we heard from donald trump and others a racist effort to try to delegitimize the president of the united states.
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i was -- my dad, as i mentioned, came from poland. i'm running for president. no one has asked for my birth certificate. maybe it's the color of my skin. >> i think it's important for people, and particularly for white people to be honest about those and to recognize that our experiences may not equip us to understand what a lot of our african-american fellow citizens go through every single day. >> once again facing questions about her e-mails as a federal judge paved the way for possible future subpoenas against clinton and her aides. >> i have turned over 55,000 pages of e-mails. nobody in any cabinet position has ever been as transparent or open. >> sanders opening up in a reflective moment.
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>> if i let those people down. that's a scary thing when so many people have faith in you and believe you can do something. it squares me if i ever let those people down. it would be a terrible, thing. >> we'll be watching bernie sanders today. he is holding a news conference in south carolina to talk about his economic agenda. >> joe, it's always interesting to have them talk to go real people, seeing how they connect as humans as they are making the case. >> that's why we do them. >> you got a taste of last night's democratic town hall in south carolina. now becomes the question what is the outcome of it. did bernie sanders make ground on hillary clinton. we'll take a look at it. answers ahead. your credit is in pretty good shape. chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score, thanks to
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all right. a big night in the election.
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gop in nevada. 96% of the votes counted now. obviously that means some still to go. let's show you what the results are. at the top, there is no question. it's no longer about giving donald trump his due. he gets his presumption now. 45.9%, 46%. it is a battle for second. and you have the same two names literally a razor-thin margin separating the two. we will give you the information to you with the picture. pretty clear on the gop side. now, on the democratic side we have a big night last night. a town hall. you had clinton and sanders trying to show why each is better to this audience in south carolina. let's bring in david greggingry, maeve reston and jackie kucinich and look at the big moments from last night. let's start off with what each
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wanted to achieve. they had different agendas. hillary clinton wanted to talk about the speeches, david gregory play the exchange how they dealt with that and then discuss the impact. >> republicans, we know they have made a lot of speeches. >> you know everybody is not going to bring up their transcripts. >> why is there one standard for me and not for everybody else? i mean -- >> now, played well in the room, david. a lot of applause for hillary clinton on that. the reflection of her being victimized is how that room felt about it. the gop is not going to bring out their tran script. this is bernie sanders asking for them. he threw imaginary papers at me and said here are my ties to wall street speeches. i don't have any. how do you think that plays for both? >> i really do think it depends where you sit and how you view
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these candidates and how receivingly you view hillary clinton. for those who are loyal to her, are her argument resonates. if you don't like her, you doubt here you think can she be an effective advocate to get them change their ways. can she be an enforcer, regulator on how they do their business. doesn't she seem woefully compromised. what is she hiding here and extending this to republicans for whom it doesn't apply in this context. . the underlying argument is everyone wants to look through everything i said. it's morin aou endothan fact. i think that is an argument her supporters will rally to.
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bernie sanders wanted to court african-americans. he went right at race with respect to president obama. here's what he said. >> do you believe that trump was motivated by racism as you suggest it was about. >> i don't want to -- i'm not a psycho analyst. wouldn't a psycho analyst have a time with donald trump. but to say the president of the united states, who won an election fair and square, was not a legitimate president really undermines what we are as a nation. do i think at least some parts of that republican base there is
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race involved? absolutely. >> jackie kucinich, i was asking a follow-up to what he had introduced as a potential rationale for the birther movement, that it may have been race motivated. that's why i went back to make sure that was his point, and he doubled down. >> he needs to appeal to african-american voters not only in south carolina but going down the line. president obama is. it seems like he is still trying to build whatever damage has been done by that line of attack by hillary clinton. >> maeve reston, the moment of the night in terms of that test of, ooh, what will they do with this, that's when we played the colbert skit on how hillary clinton should have dealt with
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the question whether or not she would lie to the american people. here's the clip is and her reaction. >> you know, you're asking me to say have i ever. i don't believe i ever have. i don't believe i ever will. >> just say no! just say no! you're running for president of the united states. >> funny guy. serious topic. is that a question that you would like another shot at answering? >> i'll just say no. >> i'll just say no. her detractors will say why didn't you say it the first time. how do you think she dealt with that and what's the impact? >> i think what she is trying to do is reach out to a lot of
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these voters who have trust issues with hillary clinton, who don't understand a lot of what she is talking about in 2er78s of her authenticity and don't feel they can relate to her. last night, she just kind of took a whiff on that one and didn't want to go back into that one. she has a big task ahead of her over the last couple of months to try to reassure voters who are not as comfortable with her. she can come off as more relatable and more trustworthy. >> chris, i thought it was just another awkward moment for her. what was effective about what you showed is you used humor through stephen colbert to make an interesting point. even then she said i'll just say no. that's what stephen koe pair was after. let me be clear. i will never lie. that was colbert's point.
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that was an obvious question to take when you are a politician. whatever difficulty she faces, whether people think she is trustworthy or whether she can be believed, she may overcome this. there is an awkwardness which i don't think she is going to overcome. in the end, for her supporters, i think still going to be with her. david, jackie, maeve, thank you very much. extreme weather causing a deadly night in the south. tornadoes just tearing apart homes and of course lives. at least three people killed in the severe weather outbreak. we have the latest on the damage. the fresh picture and video and the stories ahead.
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deadly tornadoes in the south last night across louisiana, mississippi, and florida.
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michaela, we knew it would light up across the south yesterday. it will will light up across the carolinas, maybe even the northeast. but tornadoes in the south after dark can be deadly. >> you see that? >> oh, my god. >> overnight, three people killed and dozens injured across the gulf coast. severe storms and tornadoes ripping through swaths of the deep south and florida. >> i just knew it was a tornado. i was crying. i was so scared. the house would not stop shaking the whole entire time. it was terrible. >> in some parts of louisiana, entire communities reduced to rubble. 160 motor homes blown apart after a storm ravaged an rv park. >> the noise of the tornado was on so loud you couldn't hear much of the trees when they were snapping. >> and the neighboring prairieville, gymgoers dodging debris and taking cover when the storm struck.
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the roof of this gold's gym came crashing down. >> when the roof of your gym just blows off. >> damaging winds tossing cars like toys. texas not spared. hail the size of golf balls pummeling homes. thousands without power. hundreds of reports of broken windows and damaged rooftops. jennifer gray is on the ground in pensacola. she will have a live report coming up just a little bit later. but the storms continue up the carolinas. snow for chicago, detroit, st. louis. some of that snow could be very deep. it is the severe for raleigh, charlotte, savannah, charleston. even some thunderstorms rolling through the northeast today. i think it's more of a nuisance than tornadoes. certainly some of the storms, even for you, could get more dangerous. lightning kills more people than
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you think >> we stand in awe of mother nature. 21 people are believed dead after their plane went down in a manipulatous region of northern nepal. they have found some bodies. the cause of the crash is unclear. back to politics. donald trump is on a roll with three straight wins heading into super tuesday. what are his rivals planning now? political insiders will be here with the scoop when "new day" continues. it takes all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that's right for you ♪ is on the world's number-one job site.
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we won the evangelicals. we won with young. we won with old. we won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. donald trump proclaiming victory with virtually all
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demographics. giving trump a sizable delegate lead. look at this. 80 to his closest competitor. what do his rivals is and the republican establishment plan to do now? here with us cnn political commentator margaret hoofer and katie mack nany. on a scale of 1 to 10, margaret, how much are you freaking out this morning? >> this is not a comfortable moment for people who aren't trump supporters and who believe republicans ought to win the republican nomination. i think when you look at people who traditionally have a specific view of the republican party, i think half are in denial and half are panicking. you look at the cruz camp, you talk to the cruz camp and the rubio camp, they are all focused on each other. they have this debate coming up. all they can think of is how to take out the other guy and win
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his votes. >> the reason they are together is they think if everyone can coalesce around one of them, they will have a better chance. why isn't that logical? >> it's logical. it's not realistic. have you talked to ted cruz? have you talked to marco rubio? it is not realistic. the best chance is to join forces. it's just not realistic. you talk to people in either camp, they despise each other so much they don't realize the iceberg is right there. >> 94% of voters. people who tonight like the establishment, 61% of people who describe themselves as people
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who describe themselves as outside the establishment. but here is the -- here is the part that surprises the establishment. he won with hispanics and ta lino voters. he got 45%. marco rubio, who is latino, 28%. ted cruz, who is latino, 15%. >> last night he did beat the two candidates under him who were latino candidates. i think what it is, though, people have perpetuated this myth that they won't vote for him because he wants to build a
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wall. but they like the idea of coming here the right way. it's easy to try to paint them as a swath of voters 245 just votes on the border. but many are hurting. they don't have a job. they have seen their job overseas. they are worried about terrorism. they are like every other constituency. >> 66,000 plus voters ended up voting in the caucuses. 1,500 of them were hispanic. that's 3%, 4%. this is not a bellwether. >> why not, margaret? >> his favorability numbers nationally -- look, when you look at the gop populus and hispanics across the board that will vote, his favorable numbers are above 60% 70% unfavorable.
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>> you're right it is a small sample size. we're told he could never win. we were told hispanics would show up in large droves to vote against him. i believe they dubbed this the trump effect. that's not panning out. >> not in a general election. >> that's not true. it shows him doing exceedingly well among all minorities. it shows him winning the black vote to the tune of 25%. that was the september poll. it shows him doing very well among hispanics and african-americans. >> kaley, margaret, i can see this is a conversation we will be having many weeks to come. >> the other story we're watching, uber driver suspected in the kalamazoo shooting spree, he was captured on surveillance video in a gun store before the deadly rampage. what was he doing there? a live report next.
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new details about the kalamazoo shooting suspect. surveillance captured him in a gun store hours before the shooting. nick valencia a has more for us. >> reporter: the gun store owner said he bought a conceal and carry jacket. he said the suspect was in good spirits, smiling. even gave his manager a one arm hug. it was a few hours later he was spotted circling an apartment complex, unloading at least 16 rounds on his first victim, carruthers. he appeared to be aiming for children when she stepped in front of him. >> i don't know if it was her mother instinct. she knew something was wrong and told them to run. >> so she was a hero in all of this? >> yes. >> it could have been the kids who were shot.
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>> i really think if kids were out there, she would have done it for anyone's kids. >> the suspect changed cars after the first shooting. he would eventually go on allegedly to kill six, injuring eight people in all. no history of mental health or medications, according to the police chief. he believes this man may have just one day snapped. what led him to snapping is the question. >> thanks so much for that, nick. president obama closing guantanamo, moving some detainees to u.s. soil. e. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in!
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>> general michael hayden is going to now. first, we want to show you what's going on in nevada. 96% of the votes have been counted there. tabulations still ongoing. but the outcome is clear at the top. once again, donald trump proving why he is number one. it's not about giving him his due. there is a presumption now with him. what could change that? could it be super tuesday? yes. however, the path not clear. look how they are bundled up in second again. the notion of coalescing around cruz or rubio to combat trump becoming more difficult to see. as the rest of the tabulations are done and we get a sense of the exits, we will bring it to you. let's bring in general michael
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hayden. why? he has a great mind on so much of what is relevant right now. the former director of the cia and the nsa and the author of a book that is a must read. "playing to the edge american intelligence in the age of terror." good to have you with us, general. let me get your take on this notion that the balance of power right now is trump versus a coalescing around, say, marco rubio. do you see that? if so, how would that happen at this point? >> chris, right now this is not in my central lane here. if you want me to characterize it, it looks like an awful lot of the republican electorate are so frustrated, so angry. they are interested in a primal scream. i understand that.
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you can't govern with a primal scream. so let's see what happens. >> now let's look at issues certainly in your wheelhouse. donald trump roars and others roar back, waterboarding. worse. i'm going to pack it with really bad guys. we'll go heavy and harder. what do you make of the practicality of those notions and whether or not those types of maneuvers would be in america's interest? >> with one of them, chris, i actually agree. that's really considering we are a nation at war with the current president, which the current president says we are, to follow the logical conclusion, which means we can capture enemy combatants under the laws of armed combat. the other part of the statementings, though, is
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offputting. which he takes about waterboarding, he says they deserve it. we didn't do this to anyone because they deserved it. we are not a pun ier. we are intelligence service. our only purpose was forward looking. we did it to gain information. a lot of cia officers feel as if they were betrayed because they did things in good faith, approved by the attorney general, authorized by the president. and then really had to reap the whirlwind after that the next off year and presidential elections. i have said a future president wants to water board someone, he better bring his phone bucket because i don't think the cia will do it. >> that's a clever line, but the point is clear. another issue we are seeing play out now, and it's moving its way into the election as well,
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should apple give the government what it wants from its device this time in the case of san bernardino. >> chris, this is the kind of issue that permeates the book that you suggested earlier in the spot. it is an infinite gray area. this is not the force office light and the forces of darkness. we are trying to look at privacy and safety. apple is correct with their broad position, which is they should not put back doors into their encryption system. america is more secure with end-to-end encryption even though i recognize from time to time it punishes law enforcement. i'm not sure what the fbi is asking for now which is access to this phone, is what it was i said i agree with apple about. i don't believe that this leads to that. and if it does, the burden of
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proof is on tim cook and apple to show if they did this -- i think it's acceptable but it doesn't inevitably follow we give that, which i strongly believe is unacceptable. stkpr general, not to one up you on your own book. but i cite page 43. on it you say, i summed up the decade really well. where do we draw the line between the government's need for counterterrorism information about people in the united states and the privacy interest of people located in the united states? you worded that question very carefully and with in good reason. that's the question. the real problem, how do you answer it and must you answer it on a case-by-case basis? >> actually, chris, you do. that's the argument i'm trying to make in the book. infinitely gray.
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well meaning and wise people faced with the totality of circumstances in which they find themselves have to make the calls. go back to the founding document, the fourth amendment. we are not protected against all search and seizure. we are protected against unreasonable search and seizure. and reasonableness is a function of the total circumstances in which we find ourselves. >> general, let me throw one more line from the book out there in terms of why people would want to read it right now. this is part of the speech that people gave to the nsa. it's not just our safety but our character as a free people that is at stake here. general michael hayden, those words as appropriate today as ever. good luck with the book, sir. thank you for the perspective on "new day". >> thank you. all right. a lot of news this morning. still counting votes out of
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nevada. there is a clear picture. the man on top is named trump. will anything stop it? that question is getting harder to answer unless you're a fan of trump. let's get to it. now, we're going to get greedy for the united states. we're going to grab and grab and grab. >> nobody has ever won the nomination without winning one of the first three. >> mexico is going to pay for the wall. they know it. i know it. we all know it it. >> hillary clinton does not want to run against me, but i cannot wait to run against her. >> you're going to be proud of your president and even prouder of your country. >> why is there one standard for me and not for everybody else. >> i am happy to release all of my paid speeches to wall street. there ain't none. >> it is continuing recruiment
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advertisement for terrorists. >> guess what, nobody has asked for my birth certificate. maybe it's the color of my skin. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> we do have breaking news here. it's a big morning. good morning, everyone. welcome to "new day". chris is in south carolina. michaela and i are here in new york. donald trump hitting the jackpot with an across the board win in the nevada caucuses. the tally is not fully counted. marco rubio and ted cruz in a tight battle for second, chris. >> boy, look at that. he almost has the same number of total votes as number two and three combined. third straight victory ahead of super tuesday. now with momentum building, he could be very hard to stop. how will the democratic hopefuls respond to this? we have every angle of the race
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covered only the way cnn can. let's begin with sara murray in las vegas. sara, good morning. >> reporter: no question this is a blowout for donald trump. he has proven he can win in a cen tri c state. last night he picked up his first western win. meanwhile, his republican rivals are still trying to one up each other and convince the others they are the best to take on trump. donald trump emerging victorious for the third contest in a row. we love nevada. we love nevada. >> 46% with the hispanics. number one with hispanics. >> we won with evangelicals. we won with young, we won old.
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we won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. >> reporter: for marco rubio and ted cruz, a disappointing loss. >> i want to congratulate donald trump on a strong evening tonight. >> cruz pointing to his early caucus win and arguing he's the strongest to trump. >> the first four states have shown is the only campaign that has beaten donald trump and the only campaign that can beat donald trump is this campaign. >> reporter: cruz advisors say the candidate has reached his boiling point and to expect a more aggressive cruz in the coming days. meanwhile, the pressure is on for john kasich and ben carson to drop out after their dismal results. kasich's camp quick to rub salt
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in a biting press release saying, senator rubio just endured another disappointing performance despite being the highest spending candidate in nevada. larger voter turnout caused problems at the polls like incidents of volunteers checking in caucusgoers without checking i.d. voters even took to twitter to complain of poll workers openly showing support for trump. nevada gop officials say no reports of voter irregularities or violations. it's not against the rules for volunteers to wear candidate gear. now, we all know what's on the line for ted cruz going forward. march 1st, he has got to win his home state of texas. marco rubio also has a lot at stake. he did not even speak in nevada last night. instead, he said he's focusing on the march 1st states. we will face a lot more pressure to articulate where he can win in a delegate fight. >> thanks so much for that.
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96% of the vote in nevada has been tallied. you can see donald trump has a runaway victory at 45.9% right now. marco rubio has 23.9%. ted cruz, 21.4%. that's where the votes are right now. we obviously will update it throughout our program. let's bring in wisconsin congressman shawn duffy. he has endorsed marco rubio for president. good morning, congressman. >> good morning, alisyn. how are you doing? >> doing well. let's talk about what happened with marco rubio last night. you can see it one of two ways. either, hey, he came in second, he beat ted cruz. or you can see it as this is his fourth consecutive loss. i know you prefer the former version. but what about that? what about critics who say he's got to start winning somewhere? >> you're right, he has to start winning somewhere. that will happen next tuesday. you can't deny the fact that the second place position is going to marco rubio. he is going to be the candidate kwho takes on donald trump.
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the line about ted cruz and his dishonesty has resonated. even evangelicals don't like a guy who will line the campaign trail for his own benefit. americans are seeing what we have seen. he is not honest. but we have to focus on what's important. if you wrestle with a pig, you're going to get dirty and the pig likes it. >> does that serve the american public, congressman? >> no, it doesn't. but tomorrow night in your debate, there's less people on the stage. so donald trump can say i'm going to make america great again. we as conservatives saw it with nancy pelosi when she said we have to pass obama care to find out what's in it. tomorrow night on the stage, marco will have a chance to call donald trump out for just making
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platitude statements. i think america wants people with a advise and set of ideas. marco has that. donald trump doesn't. >> you wrestle with a pig, you get muddy and the pig likes it. we saw it when lindsay graham tried it. but you're saying marco rubio plans a more
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>> who is most electable? he gets 51% to trump's 33%. why doesn't that translate to a bigger real win? >> wait until tuesday, alisyn. in all seriousness, you have to look. there's been so many folks playing second, third, and fourth and fifth place. truly as the field narrows, there is a consolidation of votes that are opposed to donald trump. those are going to go to marco rubio. we will see that project itself as we go into next week. >> okay. >> yesterday he was in minnesota. the momentum is on his side.
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i think again debates matter. you see how many people watch the republican debates. marco performs really well. i think he has to go after donald on the policy issues. you can't let a guy get away with saying i'm going to make america great. i'm going to seal the border. >> usually marco rubio does well. >> that was a one off. >> and he did recover. to your point, he did rof after that. but to your larger point of, hey, wait until tuesday, let's look at the map of super is tuesday. this is where the big numbers start rolling in. when you look, where does marco rubio win? >> listen, i think he can win every state. i just mentioned minnesota as one of them. but, again, the conversation continually changes. people haven't made up their mind. we saw 30% to 40% of voters were making up their mind at the last moment. that's the same thing in all the states. with less people on stage, you have more opportunity to call
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the hipocracy. i think it was one of your town halls. we had a mill lessenal that said how do you fix college education? he said, yeah, it's i problem. we're going to fix it. he gets the question all the time to call him out for lack of ideas on how you fix the problems and pass it to pass it to find out what's in it or elect me to find out what's great, they have to show the difference of the two on policy. you might have to talk about hair and water. but i think marco will do well on that. >> he does have good hair. we look forward to that debate. >> trump has good hair? >> i myanmean marco rubio!
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and so do you, congressman. >> 8:30 eastern tomorrow night only here on cnn. let's go to chris. all right. here we are in south carolina. a big night for the democrats. as you had the caucuses, you had the democrats making their case to the voters. bernie sanders talk something trying to speak specifically to one group in south carolina, which is african-american voters. expected to be 50% turnout in just a couple of days. joe johns will give us the highlights of the night. >> you saw it better than anybody, chris. this town hall last night sort of showed where these candidates had been at least the last 24 hours and how they have been positioning themselves. for one thing, they were toning down the rhetoric directed at each other. a little bit more reflective.
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they were sharpening the attacks in general on the republican party. after a loss in nevada and trailing in the polls ahead of the south carolina primary, bernie sanders ramping up his attacks on front-runner hillary clinton, repeating calls for her to release transcripts of speeches she made to wall street banks. i am happy to release all of my pages to wall street. here it is, chris -- there ain't none. i don't do that. >> i have been up front and strong on this issue for a long time. as strong, i would argue, as my some esteemed opponent. you know what, if everybody is going to ask for things, we is should be on an even playing field. >> reporter: clinton counterattacking labeling sanders a single-issue candidate. but senators dismissed the one
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note characterization. >> what i am fighting for right now is a political revolution in which government starts working for working people and for the middleclass >> reporter: one theme, courting african-american voters who strongly support the president. >> on the day president obama was inaugurated republicans came together and saying what are we going to do? obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. what you are seeing in this supreme court situation is nothing more than the continuous and unprecedented obstructionism that president obama has gone through.
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we're going to talk to supporters about who did better, who makes the better case and why next.
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the votes are still being counted in nevada. it is only to figure out who
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came in second, third, is and last. a top the leaderboard, a familiar name. donald trump. 46%. almost twice the number of votes of the two men battling for second right now. what does this mean? it means that trump is not about being given his due. he is the presumptive favorite. can super tuesday change it? maybe. but we're looking at more of the possible than the probable with the state of play on the gop side. so then how do the democrats react to what they saw last night? they are making the case in a tailor-made way to combat donald trump here in south carolina. we had the town hall. now two men to discuss the impact of the electorate. democratic party chairman jamie harrison. and he is a sanders supporter, by the way. >> i'm neutral. >> you're at the party. i did see you loving up james last night. >> i loved up even. >> he is representing the party. that's fair. you have to stay in the middle. that's true.
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and bakari sellers, a clinton supporter. you can't deny that. he gets away with it. he's a party official. >> you felt this was a good night for your party. why? what did you see on that stage that makes you feel like you have a future president? >> like i said last night, it's about contrast. last night, if you take a look at the forum we had last night, and you did a wonderful job, by the way, you take a look at that and compare that to the debate that was in greenville just a week ago. and you had two people who were presidential. they didn't talk about each other's moms. they didn't talk about mooning. they talked about important issues across the nation. >> or are you getting the mood wrong and this is an angry time and people want people who feel what they feel and who are
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outside this process, not a senator forever, not someone took me 15 seconds to explain her pedigree because she has had different answers. do they make the choice to go with the democrats? >> heupbg we hit that note last night. in fact, you helped us get there. i had a tweet that said what a time to be alive. we had a question from a young african-american female who felt as if she was being treated differently. >> great young lady. >> because of the contour of her hair. you followed it up with the formation video and beyonce. we didn't hit the normal talking points. but we did talk about issues last night that drive voters that are central to the way people feel. we struck that emotional chord. a lot of it had to do with the venue and the south carolina party. most importantly, it had to do with the two candidates and the
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langua language. the phraseology, the verbiage, it doesn't necessarily speak to the traditional vane, as you were saying, but speaks to the people outside the process who are going to be successful in november have to be part of the process. >> bernie sanders did something unexpected. his policies, you could suggest, apply as much to the sewseo economic strata to the latinos as much as anybody. he went right to race. he brought up the birther thing. why do you think it was effective? >> i think it was one of senator sanders's stronger moments. he still has a challenge. and the challenge is to make it real. there is a concept that i used to teach my students. you have to show and not tell. he does a good job telling us
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why wall street is so bad. but he hasn't turned a corner yet to show that and demonstrate that. >> why do you see that? >> his supporters are so passionate that when i say something like have some water -- i'm telling you. this is the difference between a clinton supporter. they are both toxic online. it is amazing what online does to temperament. when i say, have water. it's free. sanders people take it as an insult. we have sanders on more off and obviously have a good relationship. so what it goes to is, okay, maybe he is new to african-americans in this part of the country. but the passion from bernie sanders has to count for something. >> i thought his best answer was his shorten answer. thurgood marshall was a dam good
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justice. that was a damn good answer. if we break up the big banks, african-americans will still make 60 cents on every dollar white people make. if we break up big banks, you will still have sandra planned, walter scott, issues of systemic racism in our criminal justice system. yes, you have to take that message and you have to pivot and talk about these issues that are not on wall street per se but on main street in every city in america. >> how did hillary clinton do with her challenges? she was clearly showing her issues. she took on the young woman who said i'm not for you. i'm for sanders. my mom and i are split on it. >> hillary clinton does something, and i have to admit. i'll hear about this later i'm sure. it drives me crazy. she is such a smart lady. sometimes on her answer about syria. by the way, a young man asked a foreign policy question. it was probably the best foreign policy question, no offense,
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chris, that anybody has asked of a presidential candidate that we have heard. but sometimes she just talks about us. it's very difficult to comprehend her intellect auto these issues because it is so vast. after that question she came back to the black lives matter question and beyonce question and she was so home, so comfortable, so free. >> the challenge is the trust factor. it shows up in your own party's polling. >> she admitted that. >> colbert moment funny. but funny/is this true feeling to it. was your reaction as a clinton supporter? >> i think she answered as best she could. we have to get a better answer. i saw her on our network recently say that many people question or have is a question that they are wrangling with why i'm in this. and she identified that. that is the central question. while many of us who support her
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understand, we have already juxta posed and figured out what the answer is, a lot of people in this country have to figure out what the answer to the question is. a lot of people 18 to 35 and all we know is presidents of the united states, george w. bush and barack obama. we have no frame. that is not fair for this candidate who has a long history. she has to address that issue as we move forward. that trust factor, these e-mails are lingering out there. but i do have to give her credit. every step of the way, hillary clinton goes back to what she does best, a fighter. she is a fighter, a fighter, a fighter. we saw that last night. >> bakari sellers. that was a typo. breaking news. good to have you both. alisyn, back to you in new york. okay, chris, heading towards super tuesday, the delegate raceway out in front.
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super is tuesday just six days away. then we have a calendar filled with primaries in march. so the delegate count becomes key for all candidates. trump and clinton have big leads today, but they are far from insurmountable. david gregory is here to take us through all the map and geography of the delegate race. there's a lot to talk about. >> you said there wouldn't be math, problem-solving. >> oh, there's math. let's start with the republicans. this is where the delegate count is today. donald trump has 80. that's not a runaway victory when you realize he needs -- let me see. whoopsy daisy already technology has failed me. >> your point is 1,237 is the ultimate. we are still very early on in this contest.
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he only has 80 pledged. if we go to the next screen, we look at super tuesday. >> here is where the numbers get into high stakes. 595 delegates up for grabs. how does this play out? >> again, what's important here, as we look at the totals, 595, these are proportional. ted cruz has to take a stand in texas. if donald trump does well, you look at the polling, the momentum, he could get 180 of those 595 and keep building on his lead. and that's what's really important about this idea of momentum. and where does he start winning to start grabbing some delegates? >> that's interesting swhwhat y just said. he gets a fraction because it is proportional. people will be leaching off some
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of these delegates. >> the question is who and how many. if you're ted cruz and you can't do enough here in texas to win a lot of these delegates, trump keeps building and keeps building. that takes us to important march 15th. >> this is where the winner takes all. so here are big states, including ohio. we talked a lot about ohio. >> right. >> because john kasich, popular governor in ohio believes he will win it. not what the polls suggest today. >> where does that momentum come from to turn the tide? the winner take all, a real problem for you. if you're kasich and you can't win ohio, a real problem for you. the other point is by this point, by the end of these
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contests on march 15th, trump has the potential to be over 50% on his way to this ultimate number, if i can get into your personal space. he could be 50% plus there. let's go back. when we talk about these proportional delegations -- see, now i'm just having fun on the wall. i want to point something out here. which is when we talk about trump doing well, the assumption based on that 180, for example, is that number -- maybe he gets 30%. that's based on what he is getting so far. of course he got higher in nevada at 45%. i could start doing square roots at any time here. >> you are moving into long division. >> that's the point. we are capping him at 30%. maybe he's higher. so the point is we get through super tuesday. if trump continues, he could be half the way there to the grand total. >> i could see you trying to dazzle me with math wizardry.
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now here's a stunning number. 52 pledged delegates versus 51. they're tied. how do you explain the totals in. >> these are party officials, elected officials who pledged to hillary clinton. they are really important as we move forward. now they can change their vote. if you see bernie sanders doing well into the spring,th argument can be made. you can switch your allegiance because i am starting to reflect the will of the people. >> so the pledge doesn't mean that much other than a snapshot of where they are today. >> if you look at not only where is her base among the superdelegates as well. >> okay. >> if you look at her strength in some of the polling she's looking at counties that are largely minorities, african-americans. we will see how she does to build on that. if you're bernie sanders, looking at minnesota,
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massachusetts where he can start to build up leads. as we look through this and we go on through march 15th. not winner take all. but if hillary clinton can build up. even if a small but sizable lead, it's difficult to overtake that delegate count. he would have to start really running up big margins of victories in some big states like in ohio march 15th. like a florida. like a california or new jersey later in the spring. >> okay. the question is when will we have a democratic nominee? >> we have to wait until voters say. it looks like hillary clinton could get there faster based on the kind of lead that she could build up. bernie sanders will want to stay close enough to stay in the race. if trump continues at this level, he says, look, we might be done in a couple of months, you have 15 contest the between the end of march and april, he could rack them up and get just about there. >> we might have an answer by the end of april. >> we could.
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>> david gregory, thank you. that was a lot of math you did without a calculator. >> i feel good about myself. >> well done. parts of the gulf left reeling. a large path of destruction in louisiana, mississippi, and florida. our meteorologist jennifer gray is live in hard-hit pensacola, florida. it took you a lot of time to get there. tell us what you're seeing. >> reporter: miraculously, no deaths have been reported here. one of the areas, this apartment complex behind me. we were pushed back quite a ways because the sheriff office believes it's a dangerous situation with live power lines on the ground as well as some of the walls in the apartments definitely in jeopardy. some of the concrete walls completely fell to the ground. the entire second story. a couple of the building completely gone. it crumbled on to cars in the
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parking lots. also a couple of townhomes were completely destroyed in the pensacola area. this storm moved quickly. it moved on shore. it hit hard across pensacola. roughly 27 tornadoes were reported across the area between mississippi, alabama, as well as the florida panhandle here in pensacola, as well as the new orleans area. south louisiana. of course people in the gulf states are thinking cleanup for today. there is a lot to clean up now that the sun is finally coming up. all the debris is strewn around. trees completely uprooted. there are areas where power lines look more like cobwebs. the storms are shifting to the east. so the folks on the eastern seaboard really need the to be aware, especially in parts of north carolina and virginia. >> jennifer, thanks so much for that warning. back to politics, hillary
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clinton and bernie sanders trying to sway voters to their side. the south carolina primary just three days away. talk to a clinton supporter about her path to the nomination now. our numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. with over 6 million prescriptions and counting, it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in to the body through the kidneys and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, especially when you stand up.
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all right. we want to bring in new jersey senator cory booker he has a new book out "united." >> we want to bring in senator
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cory booker. we are having satellite issues. did you see that seamless transition. we want to talk about your book and so much more. let's talk about what happened in nevada. donald trump had a pretty runaway decisive victory. he is at 45.9%. that's 96% of the votes there in the caucus. now, you, senator, said as of a week ago, i do not believe it will come to pass that he is the nominee. what do you think today? >> well, i've also said usually in the same breath that i have gotten everything wrong about this republican primary. he made fun of a war hero, john mccain, someone i have gotten to know very well. who said he was not a hero. i thought his career for presidency at least, run for presidency was over.
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and i got it wrong. look, this is a campaign on the republican side that's belying a lot of conventional wisdom. it's exciting to watch. >> let's talk about something else exciting to watch. cnn town hall in columbia, south carolina. what did you hear from hillary clinton and bernie sanders that was different last night? who made a case? obviously we know who you're supporting. talk about a case that you heard that was different or who you think won over the voters there. >> well, again, hillary clinton continues to show in every appearance that she has a mastery of the detail of policy, a plan to move us forward. and understanding a foreign policy that frankly two years in the senate, understanding what's going on around the world, we need somebody who can be president and commander in chief. what did she say that told you she is ready to be commander in chief. >> i didn't watch cnn as closely. i just saw some of the clips
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today. but i have the privilege of having gotten to know both candidates very well and sat with hillary clinton and heard her detailed analysis of not only the challenges we have but when it comes to issues that really matter to american voters who are struggle to go hold on to the middleclass, get into the middleclass, raising wages after 15 years, pathways to success, whether it be education, jobs and skills training. to deal with issues urgent to me. having represented an american city for a long time and seeing the broken criminal justice system. seeing the challenges with crime. i feel incredible confidence that she's the one that not only can win the election, which is critical with what you see on the republican side but in this tough climate here in washington. we need people that can actually bring folks today as she has shown time and time again and advance the ball down the field for the american people.
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>> before we get to that, i want to talk about something bernie sanders has hit her on, an overly cozy relationship with wall street. last night she addressed whether or not she would release the transcript office some of her speeches that were highly paid that she gave to wall street. listen to her response. >> sure. if everybody does it, is and that includes the republicans. because we know they have made a lot of speeches. >> you know everybody is not going to bring up their transcripts. there will be 100 reasons why. >> why is there one thing for me and not for everybody else. >> would it just solve is the problem if she released her transcripts so everyone knew what she talked about? >> even when i was supporting obama back in 2008, i saw her treated in a different way. a different standard for her. different levels of vetting and examination. even articles about criticizing what she was wearing and her
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hair that i didn't see for other candidates in the race. enough is enough. a lot of these people are distractions from the core issues. what is your plan for the american people? how realistic is it in this time of urgency and how are we going to move the bar? i agree with her response. let's stop putting her up to a higher standard. i have seen as secretary of state watching what the republicans have done to her, putting her through hours and hours of hearings never done under similar circumstances to other administrations. so i'm really somebody that is trying to focus on what the issues are. the urgencies of the day. a lot of americans are struggling from autism, access to health care, to senior citizens. 5 million living in poverty right now on meager social security checks. we need a president that will focus on those things and move the bar and help the american people. >> i want to ask you about the supreme court and the battle now over replacement for justice
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antonin scalia who passed away. your name is included on the short list as a possible nominee cancelled date. what can you tell us about that? >> i think it's very flattering. trust me, i called my mom and made sure she looked at the clips. i feel like the most blessed person in the world. i'm two years into the senate. elected by my state. people put their faith and trust in me to try to get a job done. i love my job. 6th day i'm down here battling to move the ball. i'm finding incredible ways to partner across the aisle with folks to do things that were not getting done. get new rail tunnels underneath the hudson, which is potentially making for traffic armageddon to even bigger things like criminal justice reform and end this cancer in our country on mass incarceration. >> you talk about that in your
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new book "united." we must work together and be more compassionate. that sounds wonderful, senator. who could disagree with that? somehow in washington they seem to be incapable come together? >> first it is not a come buyia why can't we get a along book in it is a challenging look at independentsy. we are the country that starts the declaration of independence with the idea that we prejudice to each other our live, fortunes, sacred honor. prosecu patriotism is not a sword to wield against someone else. it necessitates love of country, men and women, despite our differences. differences matter our but country matters more. two years down here in washington i found there is opportunity to do big things. you are a tea party or you are a the bernie sanders supporters i'm a hillary clinton supporters and let that be the lens that
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really blocks out all the other light and commonality that we have. so have an obligation to understand that nothing will change unless we do. alice walker said the most common way people give up their power is not realizing they have it in the first place. time to exercise and heal. our nation must continue to go far. so we've got to find ways to start to bridge these distances and these gaps and these fissures in our society. >> that is a great message this morning. and the new book again is called united. senator cory booker. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> after the vote in south carolina, the focus shifts to super tuesday. what is the campaign strategy moving forward? we'll ask her spokesman next.
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technology entire countries w if they could ever catch you. all right. the south carolina primary is coming up for the democrats.
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and last night was the last best chance for bernie sanders and hillary clinton to make their case to south carolina voters. not just about taking questions from me but people who were living situations with deep concerns. how did they connect on a human level? how did they make their case? perspectives from both camps this morning. rets bring in brian fallon. good to be with you. what did you see as a benefit to last night for secretary clinton. >> first of all chris i think yet again you did an excellent job moderating. i think these formats have been very helpful to the process here and good for our party in general. is i dhi hillary clinton is one of her best appearances on the trail to date. i think you really saw her connect in a true, honest way. and i keep going back to that exchange that she had with that young women who stood up and talked about wearing her hair naturally and asked a very
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thoughtful question about what can be done to improve race relations in this country and hillary clinton in her thoughtful nuanced way did not offer any over simplistic solutions because as we've seen there are no easy solutions to something as challenging as that. but she called on the five mothers to stand up. the mother whose have been campaigning with her throughout south carolina, who have lost their sons and daughters to gun violence or in police custody and talked about how she would devote her presidency to removing the systemic barriers, especially the barrier of racism that too often plagues so many aspects of our life in america today, from housing to education to the criminal justice system. so i thought that was just one moment that really spoke to how raw and honest she was in that forum last night. >> it certainly meant a lot to the people in the room and beyond to have those mother there is last night. such a painful reminder of what
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the country's lived through recently. there is talk out of your camp that there is momentum now. what can you point to that puts meat on the bones of why you believe this campaign is building up speed and in the right direction? >> well we were very pleased with the showing with e had in nevada. this was a close contest but we were fortunate to come out ahead. and now we're closing very hard. and look make no mistakes, senator sanders has 200 staffers on the ground and on television. and they predicted he would at least close it down to single digits so we're not taking anything for granted. so we're going to be campaigning hard. we also have an eye towards super tuesday which is just around the corner. there are going to be 11 states voting that day and we're clear about the fact that senator sanders will be winning some states on super tuesday and into march. for us it's a race for delegates. that is what it takes to clinch the nomination.
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so even in the states where senator sanders may come out ahead, our plan is to garner as many delegates as possible. as a result of the outcome in nevada the other day we took the lead and intend to grow that throughout the month of march. >> so we dealt with the plus. let's deal with the minus. two beats. the first one is that she was asked to release the speeches, not by the republicans, the speeches to wall street. but by bernie sanders. the secretary's response last night was hey i shouldn't be held to a different standard, when everybody releases their speeches i will do. but senator sanders is the one making the request for the speeches. and is not providing those transcripts once again fuelling the intrigue of the unknown that hillary clinton is hiding something. >> you bring up senator sanders as recently as two weeks ago, he was saying he didn't want to join in on the attacks of this
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issue. it was her decision whether to release the transcripts. and now as a result of the outcome in nevada i assume he's changing his tune. that is unfortunate. there are certain things that a presidential campaign and contender is expected to make public. tax returns. their health records. some of the leading presidential candidates have not yet cone even that. hillary clinton has. if it is going to be the new normal for presidential candidates who have given speeches to release the transcripts of those speeches, that is something hillary clinton will be happy to participate in. but there shouldn't be one standard for hillary clinton and another for everyone else. so we shouldn't have a double standard. i think this is the point she was making last night. >> right. the question is does it fuel the drip, drip, drip that has haunted hillary clinton that she often talks about as well.
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brian fallon, thank you. >> thank you for having me. so we talked to the clinton camp. we're going to talk to the sanders campaign as well. but first other big stories to tell you about. the caucuses in nevada. this horrible weather over parts of the country. let's get right to it. -- captions by vitac --
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good morning everyone. we do have some breaking news. chris is in south carolina. michaela and i are here in new york. here is the big political news. three big wins in a row for donald trump. republican front runner fwarting momentum. besting his closest rivals by nearly a 2-1 margin. rubio and cruz battling for second place though marco rubio is in second place, chris. >> romping his rivals. a very trumpian phrase there. with super tuesday just around the corner we're seeing an sclerngs here. question becomes how will the
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democrats respond to what's happening on that side and within their own ranks? cnn is the place for the best political coverage on television. and we're going prove it right now with sarah murray in las vegas. >> reporter: it is a high bar chris. good morning. there is no doubt there was a blout for donald trump last night.w out for donald trump la night. and now he's pikds up his first win out west in a tricky caucus state. all the rest of the republicans fighting amongst themselves trying to convince voters they can be the alternative to donald trump. donald trump emerging victorious for the third contest in a row. >> we love nevada. we love nevada. >> dominating the nevada caucuses and steam rolling his opponents. >> 46% with the hispanics.
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46%. number one with hispanics. we won the evangelicals. we won with young. we won with old. we won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. >> for both senators marco rubio and ted cruz a disappointing loss. >> i want to congratulate donald trump on a strong evening tonight. >> in his concession speech cruz pointing to his early iowa caucus win and arguing he's the strongest argument to trump. >> the first four states have shown is that the only campaign that has beaten donald trump and the only campaign that can beat donald trump is this campaign. >> while cruz advisors tell cnn the candidate has reached his boiling point with trump and to expect a more aggressive cruz in the coming days. meanwhile the pressure is mounting on dr. ben carson and john kasich to drop out after their dismal results. kasich's camp quick to rub salt in rubio's wound in a biting
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press release. saying senator rubio just epidurd another disappointing performance despite being the highest spending candidate in nevada. last night larger voter turnout cause problems at the polls, like ballot shortages and incidences of checking in caucus goers without verifying id. voters even took the twitter to complain of poll workers openly showing support for trump. there have been no official reports of voter irregularities or violations and it is not against the rules for volunteers to wear candidate gear. >> now one candidate we did not hear from last night was marco rubio after he looks like he's picking up that second place finish. he did do a little television this morning. he said they hoped to win nevada but he's shrugging off the loss saying they are looking ahead to march 1st. he did not say where he thinks he can pose a serious challenge
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to donald trump or even beat him. and the pressure is on to do that before time runs out. back you do. >> thanks sara. bringing in katrina pearson now, national spoex person for the donald trump campaign. good morning. >> good morning alisyn. >> donald trump won last night across the board. he got 45.9%. if you add up his two closest competitor, rubio and cruz, they match him. together. so does the campaign basically consider him to have a lock on the nomination? >> you know, we feel really, really good about winning the nomination. and this goes to show you that this imaginary ceiling that all of the pundits and the establishment class continue to talk about just simply isn't there. bush is out and we still saw donald trump go up in the polls and in the caucus.
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and even if marco rubio got out or ted cruz got out some of that support is going to go to donald trump. at the end of the day most americans want to make america great again. >> let's go through the findings of the entrance polls last night. because they are very interesting how nevada caucus goers made their decisions. let's look at latinos. this was the demographic group that people predicted trump would not be able to win because he had alienated them. he got 45% over rubio and cruz who are hispanic. now it has been pointed out this is a small sample. and as goes nevada, may not go the rest of the country. >> well, that is true. but i'll also say that polling in that state has shown that mr. trump has been doing very well with the latino voters there and we have also heard he won't bo del with women and with educated and we've seen that just get crushed across the board whether in nevada or south carolina. mr. trump is resonating. and regardless of whether or not you like his personality, most
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americans know that donald trump is the strongest on border security, national security, the economy and jobs and that is what's most important to people today. >> another group he did very well that he was not expected to according to the pundits was evangelicals. last night going in 41% of people who describe them as born again, evangelical christians went for mr. trump. that was supposed to be soundly in the ted cruz column. he got 26%. how do you explain, given that ted cruz has talked so much more about the bible, about his religion and connected with evangelicals. how do you explain donald trump winning? >> well that is also a growing trend. which we started out in south carolina. where senator cruz didn't win a single county in that state. again, it is just because people are tired of politics as usual. they are tired of the politics going out there making promises and not keeping them. they want someone that is not
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beholden to special interests, which most of these other candidates are. if you are an elected official today, chances are you have been bought and paid for. and if you look at those campaign finance reform it doesn't take long to show that donald trump is only person that can win the general election with the broad base of support and go out and do the will of the people because he's not beholden those special interests. >> hold on a second we have an entrance poll that suggests he is actually not the person that voters consider most electable. this is the won where marco rubio won. look at this. it was asked who can win in november. and 51% of the caucus goers believe it is marco rubio. 33% said donald trump. isn't that a fly in the ointment of your plan moving forward? >> not at all alisyn. and those hypotheticals. things are always shifting. donald trump has beaten hillary in some of the polls as e well. now the votes are being cast and
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it is very plausible that donald trump will be able to take this. he is the candidate that is most inspiring. he is the candidate that is winning. and that is extremely important. republican primary voters have been conditioned over the last five oar six years to assume that only a hispanic candidate can win in the general election this time and that is just simple not true. donald trump has been beating that conditioning and striking a cord with americans across the board. >> one of the things that voters say they want is to stop the vitriole. stop the nastiness. stop all the mud slinging. it may be effective but when you ask voters they really bristle at that. they don't like it. and a couple of weeks ago donald trump said that he would be toning down his rhetoric at some point but apparently the past 24 hours was not the time for that. because he yet again made some more incendiary remarks. let me play a little montage of
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some. >> we won the evangelicals. we won with young. we won with old. we won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. 68% would not leave under any circumstances. i think that means murder, i think it means thinking, okay. the guards are very gentle. he's walking out big high five, smiling laughing. like to punch him in the face. >> okay. so once again he could murder someone, he could punch someone in the face. when exactly will mr. trump be toning down the rhetoric as promised. >> that's not exactly vitriole -- >> it is violence. it is suggesting violence katrina. >> it is joking. it is joking. alisyn. and most people do get that. including those who support mr. trump. and it's funny. mr. trump has fun on the campaign trail. that is not vitriolic. but donald trump does not have a
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super pac out there smearing people's characters and assassinating their records. he doesn't have a team sitting down trying to come up with ways to thwart their candidacy. he's running a campaign on his platform and he will defend himself when attacked. >> ted cruz has said that he feels attacked by donald trump and he has said to one of our reporters his people have said that he is going to change his tact and he is going to get more aggressive now in calling out donald trump and going after him. let me play for you what ted cruz has -- okay let me read it. it says it is only so long that you can take someone calling you liar when you are not lying. it's gotten to the point of absurdity. we have got to put a stop to it. what do you think is going to happen in the debate this week when ted cruz and donald trump go against each other? >> i think that is a great question. we're heading into the texas which is a state that senator
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cruz absolutely has to win, and win big by the way. soo we'll see. a lot of voters in texas don't like the nastiness. and senator cruz should know that. and the fact that he's the one that's been declining in the polls should speak volumes. it is not working for him. senator cruz's campaign has already admitted to running false ads in iowa. and now we have mr. cruz firing his campaign spokesperson because they were running false videos on marco rubio. there is a credibility issue there. senator cruz would do best to focus on what he would do to make the country great and stop attacking the one candidate that is coalescing the party. >> thanks so much for being on. the final debate before super tuesday tomorrow night right here on cnn. wolf blitzer moderate as the five republican rivals face off. 8:30 eastern on cnn. let's get down to columbia, south carolina where we find
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chris this morning. hey chris. >> all right. and in the other side of this race for president we have hillary clinton and bernie sanders trying to seal the deal with voters here in south carolina. specifically looking at the african american community. why? expected to be 50% plus of the overall take here at the primary poll. so let's bring in cnn's joe johns with highlights from last night. no question there is a lot on the table. there were cases to be made and points of contrast. how was it done? >> absolutely. and i think last night we were beginning to see the final positions of the democratic candidates before the south carolina primary. it was a little more reflective. they were toning down the rhetoric at each other and sharpening their attacks on republicans. >> after a loss in nevada, and trailing in the polls ahead of the south carolina primary, bernie sanders ramping up his attacks on front runner hillary clinton repeating calls for her to release transcripts of paid
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speeches she made to wall street banks. >> i am very happy to release all of my paid speeches to wall street. here it is, chris. there ain't none. i don't do that. >> calling on the vermont senator and their republican rivals to do the same. >> why is there one standard for me and not for everybody else, chris? i mean, i have been up front and strong on this issue for a long time. as strong i would argue as my esteemed opponent. so if people are going to ask for things, everybody should be on a level playing field. >> clinton counterattacking, labeling sanders a single issue candidate. but sanders dismissed the one-note characterization. >> what i am fighting for right now is a political revolution, in which government starts working for working people and the middle class. >> one common theme between the candidates, courting south carolina's african american
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voters who strongly support the president. >> on the day obama was naughted republicans came together and said what are we going to do? and concluded we're going to obstru obstruct, obstruct. and what you are seeing today in this supreme court situation is nothing more than the continues and unprecedented obstructionism that president obama has gone through. >> even calling questions about the president's birth certificate racially motivated. >> the birther issue which we heard from donald trump and others, a racist effort to try to delegitimatize the president of the united states. my dad as i mentioned came from poland. guess what. nobody has asked for my birth certificate. maybe it is the color of my skin. i don't know. >> clinton's strategy appealing to voters with that personal touch. >> it is important, and for particularly for white people to
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be honest about those and to recognize that our experiences may not equip us to understand what a lot of our african american fellow citizens go through every day. >> once again paved the way for possible future subpoenas against clinton and her aides. >> every time someone has hurled these charges against me which they have done it's proved to be nothing. and this is no different that be that. i have turned over 55,000 pages of e-mails. nobody in any cabinet position has ever been as transparent or open. >> sanders also opening up in an e flektive moment. >> if i let those people down, that if i ever let those people down it would be a terrible, terrible thing. >> now it is all about getting out the vote. hillary clinton's campaign clearly focused on that at this
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stage bernie sanders holding a news conference this morning to talk about his economic agenda for south carolina. >> there was a lot to take home for voters there last night. that is why we do the town halls. joe johnson, thank you very much. appreciate the reporting on it. when we come back bernie sanders is taking a new tact on african american voters here in south carolina. and a new tact when it comes to dealing with points of contrast with secretary clinton. we're going bring in his campaign manager for his take on the new strategy and its impact ahead.
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jeff weaver. the campaign manager for bernard. they had a new angle last night that we saw at the town hall. let's talk to him about it right now. what went into it and why. but i know you have one word in your head, poll. >> reuters poll. six points up national fantastic. >> first to have you? >> no there was a fox poll that they had us by three points. >> what does this mean to you. >> i think it defeats the whole narrative that nevada somehow was a set back. >> you reject it, the momentum. >> absolutely. we came within five points. won latinos in nevada. so our campaign is feeling
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really great. we're going into super tuesday i know the organization is expanding, and conversations are as well. specifically with super delegates across the country. huge numbers. committed. that has to be in quotes because they can vote for whoever the they can they want. in 2008 we saw people shift. what conversations are you having? how are they going? because this obstacle? >> we ongoing krgss and it is goings to take over time as we go through the process and people vote i think you are going to start to see the super delegates move in his direction. that is just the way it is. i don't think they are going to use super delegates to take away the vote from the grassroots. >> you are going populist and when the votes suggest an outcome they may have not anticipated then they will shift. >> absolutely. >> so you have to play it out over time.
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last night bernie sanders policy were not a stretch, and yet he did not beat them over the head with beef or me look at my policies he started talk about a birther movement of president obama, unprompted and racism as the motivation for it. why. >> well he's talking about race all throughout the campaign and his -- out of sixties with bernie sanders being arrested fighting school segregation in chicago. but, you know, the issue of race is a very important issue and he's talked about it throughout the campaign obviously in the context of the criminal justice reform but also in terms of making sure opportunity going to all communities and not just a few people. >> this is what the senator said last night. >> do you believe that trump was motivated by racism as you suggest the movement was about? >> i don't want to -- you know, i'm not a psyche oonanalyst.
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and boy would a psychoanalyst have an interesting time with donald trump. but the president of the united states who won an election fair and square was not a legitimate president really undermines a nation. do i think in some parts of the republican base there is race involved in that? absolutely. >> just to be clear i was not prompting the idea of race. i think you can attack the birther movement a hundred ways. the senator wanted to discuss it in those terms. what is the negative? people say oh are you pandering to blacks? >> it is not a calculation at all. this happens to be the reality. as bernie pointed out his father was born abroad. he's a first generation american. no one's ever asked for his birth certificate. why is president obama such scrutiny on this when others are not. show the speeches.
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>> here are all my wall street speeches. the answer is obvious. i don't play that game. hillary clinton does. is it fair to chase her about transcripts of speeches? >> absolutely. this is a race to be president of the united states. there are obvious serious questions. her campaign receives millions and millions of dollars for itself or super pack from wall street or other corporate interests. she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per occasion, equating to millions of dollars of speeches to bank, foreign bank, pharmaceutical company, and in those contracts it said a transcript would be created in each case. what was said in those private meetings that was worth that money? >> the suggestion is that there is something bad in there and that is why you are asking for that. >> well if there is not then let's see them. >> does it create a false standard? and do you play into the trip
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drip drip? >> the drip is caused by the fact they won't release them. if they release them there is no drip. >> then the clintons will say then there is another thing. and they want something else and they want to see different things than anybody else shows and it is unfair standard. >> if you want to be president of the united states i don't think it is unfair. >> you have to go after it. the shtick last night. one issue candidate. the senator last night, he made a joke out of it. you come, i talk for an hour and a half. is incredibly boring. about a hundred different things. is his theory the case though that there is one issue. it is this imbalance and it feeds everything else i didn't hear that much last night. >> well there is a connection between many of these things but he does talk about higher education, healthcare, criminal justice reform, immigration reform. tax reform. you have been to these events. they go on and on and on and on and they cover the water front. the washington post did a story that sort of mocked the clinton
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campaign comments. it is just, you know, part of a talking point for a campaign but it is not real. >> jeff weaver, continuing to move forward. always good to have you on "new day." >> thanks chris. >> we'll take a quick break here. let's move from the democrats over to the gop side. voters in nevada sent a very clear message. donald trump is who they want. every group that you measure he won, we're going to get the take of the chairman of the republican national committee. what will the party do at convention time? what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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donald trump with a big win in the nevada caucus nearly doubling his closest competitor. marco rubio in second place with 96% of the votes tableted at 23.9%. is it time for feert embrace a front runner? good morning reince.
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>> good morning. >> is it time for the entire gop to embrace the front runner donald trump? >> i think it's pretty clear. we're going to embrace whoever the nominee is. i embrace all of these candidates. i embrace them all. so we're going to determine the delegates coming through march and whoever the nominee ends up becoming they are going inherent or they are going to join i should say the biggest rnc operation that we've ever put together. >> yeah you -- >> but just -- let's keep in mind -- you asked the question in a way that i think is a little bit. these folks are competing to join us. that is what's happening. right? so they are competing to join the republican party as our nominee depending on what the delegates decide to do or who wins the requisite am of delegates. >> but they are competing -- >> yeah they are competing to be
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the nominee of the party. >> they are competing to be the president of the united states. they are looking for voters, all voters to vote for them. >> no they are not. let me -- my point, they are competing -- there are two major political parties in america. and each party has a nomination contest and people are running in that contest to be the nominee of each party. so in cleveland they are going we are going to vote on the floor for who that nominee is. that nominee joins the republican party. that is what's happening. >> yeah. >> but you are making it sound simpler than in fact it is. because -- >> i think it's pretty simple. >> -- over the past few weeks there is a whole chunk of the republican establishment in fact rejecting donald trump. we've heard from the big donors, republican party elders.
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all are saying basically anyone but trump. you can't pretend there is not a large chunk of the republican party that doesn't want donald trump. >> it is a big party. and there are people some of our major donors that i saw standing behind donald trump yesterday. so i mean, it is a big party. people are competing. and people are endorsing different candidates. i saw people going to john kasich. i saw people going to marco rubio. i saw steve wynn with donald trump. so look, we are going to have a nominee. and our party is going to join in with that nominee to win a general election against a candidate that just yesterday is now seeing that for staff is going to be deposed under oath by the fbi. we're in great shape to win in
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november. but yeah we have drama. there is some intrigue going on in our party but there is intrigue oing on on the other side to. >> there is a lot of intrigue right. the washington post ran an editorial on monday calling you out specifically in relationship to donald trump. >> yeah for -- >> let me read a portion of it. mr. reboupriebus. -- mr. priebus and everyone else leading the gop are americans before they are republicans. they should act like it. has donald trump run too toxic of a campaign? >> that is the stupidest editorial that i've ever seen. that -- that i'm called out for beating up the front runner of
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the gop. this is -- it is ridiculous. >> -- more vitriolic statements. >> that's not my job. my job is to put forward the fairest process that we can put forward, to not put my hand on the scale, to allow our delegates to make the choices that they want to make and then accept the decision that the delegates make. unlikely what's happening on the democrat side, when they have super delegates in their back pockets and could give a darn what their grassroots is telling the party, that is not how we operate our party on our side. so it is never going to happen. >> i want to ask you about the afteraction report from 2012. after mitt romney lost you commissioned a report to figure out how the goop was going to move forward in a more winning way. and one of the conclusions of that report was that you were going to have to extend more
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open-arm approach to latinos and make them feel welcome in the gop party. today donald trump last night he won across the board with all sorts of different demographics but it wasn't by being kinder and more open and more includesive to latinos. one of the fist things he said in announce he wanted to be president was what many consider to be a slur to mexicans. how do you explain his popularity with latinos? >> i can't go there. i will tell you about we have been obviously working very hard and expanding the republican party in hispanic communities. we're hiring people right now
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many of which are going to be in hispanic neighborhoods. we've spent over 7 million dollars in colorado in 2014. -- >> but does donald trump's campaign and his rhetoric represent what you had in mind in 2012? >> what i have in mind is making sure that we've got a party that doesn't show up in hispanic and black communities and asian communities three months before an election and expect that the brand is going to sell. it will sell if we're there all the time at every corner with people from the community, in the community, advocating for republican principles of equality, freedom and opportunity. that is how we're going to win. mitt romney lost in four states. that is what a competent
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republican national committee is all about. that is our job. that is what a compensate rnc does. >> reince priebus, chair of the rnc. thanks so much for being on new day. michaela. >> we're watching a breaking news. a deadly tornado through the gulf states. at this point at least three people killed. jennifer gray is live in one of the hard hit areas, pensacola florida. she joins us now. >> reporter: that's right. it was a horrible night across the south and southeast. we had more than 20 tornados reported touched down between louisiana, mississippi, alabama and the florida pan handling. pensacola pretty hard hit. we're standing in front of an apartment complex that was hard hit. we have been pushed back just a little bit because they say it is dangerous from all the downed power lines and natural gas
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leaks. we took some video. and you can see the damage, three of the buildings completely destroyed. complete concrete walls tumbled onto the parking lot, crushed cars beneath so those are going to be a total loss and about a mile or two from where we are another town home subdivision has also been hit very very hard. so the damage here was isolated but where it did hit was devastating. these storms are moving east so on the east coast been on the lookout this afternoon and evening, especially in north carolina and virginia. >> south carolina voters getting an opportunity to question hillary clinton and bernie sanders directly. three of those voters will tell us if they like the answers they got at cnn's town hall. pure is mccormick. the smallest pinch of pure mccormick can make meals legendary. we want to help you realize
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whei just put in the namey, of my parents and my grandparents. and as soon as i did that, literally it was like you're getting 7, 9, 10, 15 leaves that are just popping up all over the place. yeah, it was amazing. just with a little bit of information, you can take leaps and bounds. it's an awesome experience. the five things for your new day. donald trump sweeping to victory
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in nevada caucuses. trump now has three straight wins into super tuesday. hillary clinton and bernie sanders tackling race issues in their final pitch to south carolina voters. at a cnn town hall. >> deadly twisters ripping through the gulf coast. in all 27 reports of tornados. three people have been killed in louisiana and mississippi. the alleged shooter in the kalamazoo massacre purchased his gun legally however he did not have a license to carry it. he was captured on video at the gun store before the rampage and a new blog book for the president. time now for cnn money now. >> bernie sanders raling against the richest of the rich last night. he claims middle class wealth
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shrank while wealth for the top doubled. and that's true. for republican caucus goers, the top issue, economy and jobs. more important than spending immigration or terrorism. we've seen this in every primary and caucus state. >> thanks so much christine. they came with questions. are voters happy with the answers they got last night? we find out next.
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we have the stars of last night's town hall with us.
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as hillary clinton and bernie sanders were responding to questions from the people who really matter, the south carolina voters. we have questioners. were they satisfied with the responses they got? we're going to discuss that right now. let's ask three of them. vidal, jamie and marjorie. i want to start with each of you by playing the questions first and then we'll talk about how you felt about the answers. here they are. >> you have a plan to make public college free. so where does historically black colleges, private historically black colleges fall under this plan? >> what do you think has been causing this common generational gap that i see so many places between your supporters and senator sanders' supporters? >> how could you as president harness the power of forgiveness in terms of helping heal all the division in our own country and beyond? >> those are the questions.
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mr. fuch, let's start with you. let's play the answer and see your level of satisfaction. >> we must sustain and strengthen the historically black colleges and universities who do a phenomenal job today educating a significant number of young african americans. you have my word that we will not only sustain, we will substantially increase funding for the historically black colleges and universities. >> you were nodding. a little applause. what did you like and why? >> i like that he's saying that he's going to fund hbcus. but i was specifically talking about private hbcus. not public. private hbcus are naturally not funded federally by the government. so i was nodding because of he
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wants to fund public hbcus but specifically what is he going to do for private. >> the assumption is the public fit under there anyway. the question is what are you going to do with all the private colleges and specifically the historically black ones. when he said we're going to boost them up, was that enough for you? >> yeah. >> it was. >> so you -- >> no i don't feel like i really got the answer. i wanted something more concrete as to what specific are you going to do for private historically black colleges which are majority of the historically black colleges in the united states of america? >> welcome to the frustration of being a reporter. you are asked a question with a specific. you got a general. but that is how it goes. so that is you. so then we had another question. really interesting topic that you picked.
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the generational divide even among women and what that means for hillary clinton. let's play the answer to the question. >> well i'm not sure to be honest. i really don't know. but i want you to know that whether you end up sporting me or not i will support you. and i will support the young people of this country because that has been my life's work. >> first of all, what is it like to look at hillary clinton and say basically, i don't like you, but my mother does. question?it like to ask the how did you feel about the answer? >> that is a little unfair. i didn't say i don't like her. if she we are to get the nomination i would vote for her over any republican candidate. >> did it change your mind? >> it didn't. i asked a pretty broad question about the generational gap. and i understand she has a short time to answer. but there are a lot of reasons why i think there is a generational gap and i think she
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clung on the fact that i mentioned student loan debt and answered as if that is the main reason our generation isn't on board with her. >> what do you think the answer is? >> i don't know. and she was candid about it too. she said she didn't know. that was her first answer. she doesn't know why but i think there are specific reasons of the difference between the mill ebl generation and the baby boomers. there are a lot of cultural differences. right and i don't think she's tapping into it. or understanding where we stand on a lot of issues. >> tricky question. but that's what made it a great one. and then we hat the poet laureate. she spoke to something that was very poet cal in its notion. what forgiveness has meant and what it could mean going forward. listen to the response on that. >> i would very much consider if there were a formal way and if not what we could do to talk more about forgiveness and
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reconciliation to try to begin bringing people together from different backgrounds. obviously different races. different ethnicitities. so people can begin to see themselves in the others' life. maybe the old saying walking in someone else's shoes. >> deep. there are so many layers to this, marjorie. the power of forgiveness. what it does for you. what it does for the people that you forgive. how did you feel about what the secretary had to offer? >> oh, i was really thrilled with her response. because she started off responding about her own life and people she's forgiven, which we all know about. and people who have forgiven her. and then she gave the part of the answer that you just played and spoke about being in south
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africa and the power of that experience. i love how she was able to answer in a personal way and really reach out into a global way which is really what i asked her. which is a tough thing to answer i think on the spot. >> yeah. and we are all moved and remember as the secretary was by mandela saying we forgive to release ourselves from the pain, not just the people we are forgiving. marjorie, jamie and vidal, you asked questions that mattered so much and we got answers that wouldn't have mattered otherwise. lot of news as well as the fall out from the democratic town hall. you will get all of it right after the break in the "newsroom" with carol costello. we invested in your fund to help us pay for a college education for our son. we've enclosed a picture of our son
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avo: he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is wilson ready. avo: so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch.
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avo: and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? client: great proposal! let's talk more over golf! craig: great. client: better yet, how about over tennis craig: even better. avo: a game changer! secretary: your 2 o'clock is here. client: oops, hold your horses. craig: no problem. avo: la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. avo: the ready for you alert, only at craig: laquinta! happening now, donald trump leaves las vegas a winner. the billionaire dominating by double digits in nevada. >> we won the evangelicals. we won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. number one with hispanics. >> three straight wins. a lot of momentum heading into anmorrow's cnn debate.


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