tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 26, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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welcome back. 9:00 p.m. in washington, d.c. on the campaign trail going into the final weekend before super tuesday. getting ready for round three. round one was the debate last night with rubio launching his first trump-style attack. today came a bunch of insults. >> a nervous basket case. here's a guy -- you ought to see him backstage. he was putting on makeup with a trowel.
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i don't want to say that. i will not say that he was trying to cover up his ears. >> what does donald do? he takes to twitter. i'll read some. you'll have fun. number one, here's the first one. lightweight marco rubio was working hard last night. this is true. the problem is, he is a "chocker." and once a "chocker" always a "choker" i guess is what he meant to spell. >> when they put marco on to refute president obama's speech, do you remember that catastrophe? and he's like this. and we will -- i need water. help me. >> next tweet, leet weight marco rubio looks like a little boy on stage. not presidential material.
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he meant to say lightweight but spelled it l-e-i-g-h-t. >> he's a choker and all of a sudden, he's being drained and goes like this. you remember? i said where is he? and then he comes back with water. and honestly, water is fine. but it should be in a glass. he's got the label of the company here. and he's drinking -- honestly, i've never seen anything like it. >> we have a con artist as the front-runner in the republican party. a guy who has made a career out of telling people lies so that they come and buy his president or whatever he does. you ever heard of trump vodka? you have? well, it isn't around anymore. >> it's rubio! >> joining us now, jim acosta traveling with the trump campaign. to say today was sort of bizarre
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is an understatement. to have two leading candidates attacking each other on their makeup, i've never seen anything like it. >> right. that's right. i don't even hear that happening between anchors and correspondents and we wear makeup every day. it's not exactly masterpiece theater. the race for the gop nomination has descended into trading insults over who sweats the most, who can control their bladder. this is intentional. he's trying to crack the code for donald trump. answers cutdowns with cutdowns. you had him speculating whether trump wet himself last night. and trump fired back, rubio sweats so much it's disgusting. talking to rubio's team, they believe they've rattled donald trump and accomplished something important at last night's debate even though it may not be the most high-minded material. they feel like the wheels are starting to come off trump's
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campaign. he answered that by rolling out the chris christie endorsement. put that debate performance to rest. in a sign trump is getting concerned about the attacks he answered one of the florida senator's accusations from last night's debate at this event in oklahoma city, insisting he did not get a $200 million loan from his father. he said it was $1 million and paid it back. does sound like trump is feeling the pressure a bit and he is feeling like he's forced to respond. >> what do we know about the endorsement, where it came from, how long it was planned. from a timing standpoint it did alter the news cycle from focusing on rubio's continued attacks to a more positive story for donald trump. >> right, right. chris christie just endorsed donald trump here this evening in oklahoma city saying your campaign is almost over, buddy, to marco rubio. so this is something that chris christie clearly enjoys. he clearly enjoyed going after
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marco rubio during that debate in new hampshire. it almost ended marco rubio's campaign. you talk to people inside the rubio campaign. hay had -- they were like deer in the headlights after that debate. at the same time, this was such a well-guarded secret. it was a shock to everybody in the press corps when chris christie walked into that room earlier today in ft. worth. if you talk to the trump aides and christie aides, they say this was just hammered out yesterday. a last-second arrangement that came about. at the same time, christie is saying there is a substantive reason for all of this. he's saying trump will beat hillary clinton and you don't need junior centers running against hillary clinton. that's what we had with president obama. and so it was quite an endorsement. it changed the entire news cycle. we started the day talking about last night's debate. that changed everything. >> jim acosta, thanks for the
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reporting. marco rubio once enjoyed a cordial relationship with donald trump. their relationship changed. more on that from our jason carroll. >> reporter: things started out nice enough. listen to what donald trump said about senator marco rubio just four days ago. >> marco rubio is a nice young man. but -- right? nice young man. no, he hasn't hit me. >> reporter: apparently in politics, the enemy of my enemy can be my friend, at least for a while. for weeks the two opponents did challenge each other but seemed to keep their harshest criticism for the others. even when the pope criticized trump for wanting to build a wall on the border between the united states and mexico last week, rubio, a catholic, sided with trump. >> the wall is not just about immigrants. it's also about potentially terrorists crossing that border, not to mention the drugs coming across that border. >> reporter: after trump won south carolina, then handily won nevada, rubio's path to the nomination seemed a steeper climb, political observers
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pushed him to take on trump, to get him back on track. >> you go after who is number one. i just ask myself, what the hell is going on out there. >> if you play, you play to win. >> reporter: a rubio adviser said rubio was going to attack trump. but hours earlier, he said this. >> i don't have any voters begging me to attack anyone. i'm not in this race to attack any republican. i didn't run for office to tear up other republicans. >> trump that same morning. >> i've been very nice to him. >> reporter: nice? well, then came the debate. >> if he built the wall the same way he built trump towers he'll be using immigrant labor to do it. the ties and clothes you wear are made in mexico. >> if he had inter hitted $200 million you know where he'd be right now? >> the time came for somebody to step up and sort of take a hard swing at him. i think that's starting to happen now. i think it's going to change the
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dynamic of the race. >> reporter: the change in tactics re-energized rubio's supporters who came out to hear him go at trump again at a rally in dallas friday. >> it's time to pull his mask off so that people can see what we are dealing with her. what we are dealing with here is a con artist. what does donald trump do when things go wrong? he takes to twitter. lightweight marco rubio was working hard last night. this was true. the problem is, he is a "chocker." and once a "chocker" always a -- choker. i guess that's what he meant to say. >> he's been our guy since day one. but last night it was a perfect platform for him to really give content and put trump in his place. >> jathat was jason carroll reporting. joining us now to talk about it all, top republican communications strategist brett o'donnell, director of messaging in the mccain campaign.
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also david gergen as well as cnn political commentator, republican strategist margaret hoover. were you surprised at how forceful rubio came out, really for out of the gate against donald trump last night? >> no, i wasn't. he really had to. this was his moment. he -- trump had all the momentum. if he was going to demonstrate to folks this was a two-man race, he had to come out and take on trump. >> is this something he should have done eight debates ago? >> probably. once the voting has started, once there's momentum, debates don't change the narrative as much as they do when they are the only focus in a campaign. right now there's lots going on between states that's are voting and other campaign events. when debates are the only thing, they tend to set the narrative. now they're not. he probably should have attacked him four debates ago. >> the time to have defined donald trump not as a person because everybody already probably had an opinion about
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donald trump as a person when he came into this race, but as a political candidate, was probably a long time ago. now opinions are pretty solidified certainly among his supporters. calcified, some have said. >> everybody thought he would flame out. it wasn't just the commentators. it was the establishment of the republican party, the infrastructure. probably even reince priebus. everybody thought this was going to be a moment. $150 million jeb bush sat on, spent seven times more on attacking marco rubio, four times more on attacking kasich and three times more on attacking chris christie than attacking donald trump. no one thoughting this was going to be a real thing. >> david, i wonder what your thoughts about last night's debate. you have a different perspective about in the eyes of a lot of people who actually won last night. who was really effective. >> i'm struck by the degree to which the press concluded that marco rubio had really bloodied trump. that rubio had won the debate.
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the only question was, why didn't he do this earlier. so that's the dominant narrative in the press. if you look at the data we've polls are unreliable, but on ne- "time" magazine online poll, over 60,000 people have now voted, and only 20% found that rubio had won the debate. 69% believe that trump won the debate. there's a disconnect between what's the mainstream press often says about this race and what we've been saying about trump. and what the voting public, and we don't know very well, frankly, believe. and so i think that we've got to be cautious in interpreting just who got hurt and who got helped. my general view is everybody gets hurt when your presidential candidate and you are playing in a sand box against a lot of other kids. >> i agree with david looking at the debate in isolation right now. but if this debate would have happened four or five debates ago, i think the poll results would have been a lot different because attitudes weren't as set
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back in september and october as they are now. >> and margaret, it's interesting. stuart stevens was on in the last hour. i was reading a lot of his tweets last night. he was saying if you are marco rubio, it's not enough to have this one debate performance where you go after donald trump. if that's what you are going to do, you have to do that every single day. kevin madden was saying this as well. this is what you have to do every single day from now on as long as this race lasts. you have to have press conferences in front of failed trump businesses. you have to have press conferences with people who are suing trump for trump university. you have to have this sustained barrage. >> it does. and it doesn't -- it's not -- can't just come from marco rubio because he's not going to get enough press to generate the momentum. it really needs to be a broader and larger effort which is i think what you are starting to see. you are starting to see the outside money come behind some of these complaints to get some of these individuals who are harmed by trump university on
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camera telling the story. victim to camera. in a way that was quite damaging for mitt romney and in the early part of the summer in 2012, after he won the primary. so i think you'll start to see that again. you're right. it's the 11th hour. but, you know, you have to fight fire with fire, i think, is what they've decided. there is no other way other than stooping to donald trump's level, going after, not just admom num attacks but the things republicans are uncomfortable with. we consider them character assassinations. but it is a real record. this isn't libel. these are things that trump is in front of a federal jury. a federal judge about trump university. these are fair issues to bring to the voters, they've determined. >> david, how legitimizing is governor christie's endorsement for donald trump? how power civil it for him? >> i think it's more significant than it may appear at first notice. christie we know from a previous debate is like a world class prosecutor. he took the case after rubio,
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and he's going to be out to the trail like a pit bull against rubio. he hates rubio. thinks he's totally unqualified for it. and i think he's going to be a force for trump. he can be a spokesman for him. say things even trump may not say. not too long ago, mitt romney was running for president, who was his best advocate? it was chris christie. and now here's mitt romney going after trump, and now here's chris christie defending trump. so it's going to be interesting when romney goes after trump harder, what chris christie will say. >> david gergen, margaret hoover and brit. we're going to be running a special encore presentation of last night's debate at 11:00 p.m. eastern foetonight. just ahead on the eve of south carolina's democratic primary, a look at what's is at stake there. plus what hillary clinton and bernie sanders faced just two days later on super tuesday.
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if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. just hours from now, polls open in south carolina. 53 delegates at stake in the democratic primary there. tonight hillary clinton and bernie sanders held rallies in columbia. they started the day in two super tuesday states. senator sanders in minnesota and clinton in georgia. there was a reason they call it super tuesday. 865 delegates are at stake for the democrats. john king is here to break it all down for us by the numbers. >> let's reset the state of play. by the end of the day tomorrow. the momentum phase will be over. then we're heading into a busy march. as of tomorrow night, 3.3 of the delegates, then busy super
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tuesday. all the states fill in. we'll tell you why secretary clinton thinks she'll have a big advantage. south carolina and most of super tuesday play out below this line. secretary clinton is hoping she can run up to the support among african-americans, the deeper the shading, the higher the percentage of the african-american population in these states. most of super tuesday is down here. it should be advantage clinton. let's switch maps and show you the impact of that should be here's how secretary clinton hopes things play out. she is anticipating a win and hoping for a big win in south carolina. assuming she gets that, that's a 60/40 race there. senator sanders still gets delegates. clinton starts to pull away among pledge delegates. she has superdelegates. but this they believe in the clinton campaign will be the state of play saturday night. three victories for her to one for senator sanders. then what they hope for on super tuesday is to fill in the map with clinton blue.
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they don't expect to win them all. senator sanders home state of vermont is expect to go to him. let's say senator sanders wins minnesota. he also believes he's competitive in oklahoma. let's just give him that for the sake of this hypothetical. colorado is another big super tuesday. this is a hypothetical. the clinton campaign thinks he won't win all of these. but even if senator sanders wins all of those, secretary clinton is expecting to run the board in the rest. you have some big delegate prizes in georgia, texas and the like. here's how she expects somewhere in this ballpark, maybe even bigger by the end of super tuesday. mid-550s. she's hoping to get close to 60% or more. and if you add in the superdelegates, psychologically what secretary clinton is hoping, that she's out here. somewhere out here by wednesday morning and that sends the message to senator sanders.
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you are competitive but not enough to win and to tone it down a little. >> interesting. john, thanks. lots to discuss with our panel, angela rise. the former executive director of the congressional black caucus. also jeff zeleny and political correspondent brianna keilar. angela, how successful? obviously senator sanders started with a big deficit among african-american voters particularly in the south and elsewhere. how successful has he been at chopping away at that? >> from a messaging standpoint, very successful. he's weaved in mass incarceration, cruminal justice reform and economic disparities into his overall talking points and message. the problem i think so far with bernie sanders is that he's done very well from a messaging standpoint. he repeats himself often. the issue is, he's resonating with folks who are so anti-establishment, they haven't turned out yet to show their support for him. so if they are anti-establishment to the point they aren't voting, i don't think that's success.
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>> jeff, look at south carolina for a moment. hillary clinton well out in front of sanders there. how much of an impact could a win there for clinton have in terms of momentum going into super tuesday? >> i think it's very significant. just think where we were a week ago and a week and a half ago. the clinton campaign, the confidence was shaken. donors were skeptical. wondering if she could do this. that's not the case on the eve of the south carolina primary. and a big win here tomorrow night could set this really into motion what's we always thought would be. that she'd be in the domineering position here to seal this nomination. now as john talked about, it's not going to happen at once. it is a delegate fight. but going out of here, she has so many advantages. just psychologically, i think is the biggest advantage here. and financially as well. some donors have been a little skeptical. this is going to increase her online fund-raising without question. it is a big situation.
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in contrast to eight years ago when she was losing in south carolina. she knows what that feels. i've never seen her work harder than she's been working here this week because she wants a big win here in south carolina. >> and brianna, for super tuesday, what results does sanders need to see tuesday night in order to remain viable? >> well, those states that you saw john king outlining there that sanders says he believes he's competitive in, he'd need to win and keep the delegate count very close. which for hillary clinton, she has the advantage of this. you look at the poll numbers, and she does have the advantage in a number of these super tuesday states. the issue for bernie sanders is just that if he isn't able to clinch a lot of these delegates, or a considerable amount of them, it's not just an issue of, oh, he's so far behind going into other march contests and into march 15th. it's the indication that he hasn't been able to make up the
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ground he needs to with african-american voters and enough with hispanic voters to really make the difference. >> angla, the speed of this really ratchets up in the next couple of weeks. a lot will be decided. >> there will be a lot decided. and to brianna's last point, they call it the s.e.c. primary for a reason. a ton of southern states at stake with large concentration of african-american voters, again, population and demographic that hillary clinton has traditionally done very well with. in fact, when you look at the african-american vote, in 2012, barack obama's victory was sealed in seven states by the fact that they turned out and that they voted for him in such high numbers. onge . >> the sanders campaign putting a lot of emphasis on minnesota. how crucial are those states going to be for him on tuesday? >> the whole list of super tuesday states, those are the only two that are not primaries.
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they are caucuses. he tends to do very well in them. he's going to spend the night of the south carolina primary in rochester, minnesota. he believes that that is the place where he wants to plant his flag and be seen having a big rally there. there's no question, minnesota is a liberal state. it fits him very, very well. colorado, a lot of liberal activists there as well. the clinton campaign is not spending much time at all there. so those two are among his highlights, as well as vermont and possibly massachusetts. but otherwise, the calendar on tuesday night is a little more difficult. >> brianna, to say sanders wins only a couple of states on tuesday is that enough for him to create some momentum given the speed with which things are moving? >> you know, i don't think so. he's shown this ability to fund-raise off losses in a pretty big way. but what will happen if he isn't really able to make up much ground, or if he really does more poorly than he expects that
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he will do or many expect he will do, then the expectations are so far against him. even at this point, he really has to provide a bit of an upset on super tuesday. looking at the clinton campaign, you can already get the sense they feel like they have pulled ahead, that almost like it's that secretariat moment where the horse has pulled ahead, and it hasn't won the race yet and still has a ways to go, but nothing is really going to get between it and the finish line. they are careful to say we have a lot of work to do, but you can just tell that sort of be hind all that they feel they've already pulled ahead. we'll see if they are right. >> brianna keilar, jeff zeleny and angela rye. how some are forcing hillary clinton to confront a moment in her past that they consider part of an ugly chapter in reents african-american history. u.s. congressman hakim jeffries will join us and professor cornell west who supports bernie sanders.
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african-american community. something dating back to her time in the white house and the fear of violent krum crime at t hands of young african-americans who became known as super predators. they said they had to be brought to heal, end quote. that language drew protests earlier this week in charleston, south carolina. >> we have to bring them -- >> do you want to apologize for mass incarceration? i'm not a super predator. >> we'll talk about it. >> can you apologize to black people for mass incarceration? >> can i talk and then maybe you can listen to what i say. there's a lot of issues in this campaign. the very first speech that i gave back in april was about criminal justice reform. >> you called black people super predators. >> you're being rude. >> this is not appropriate. >> do you want to hear the facts
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or just talk? >> in 1994 -- please explain your record. explain it to us. you owe black people an apology. >> there was a similar protest at a clinton event tonight. joining me is professor west, a bernie sanders supporter and hakim jeffreys, a hillary clinton supporter. professor west, secretary clinton saying she shouldn't have used the term super preddors. is that enough in your opinion? does she need to do more because she stopped short of an outright apology. >> i think it's part of her neo liberal program that always wants to financial ides, privatize and militarize. therefore, the language to justify that very ugly crime bill is one in which she was quite vigorous. brother bernie voted for that bill as well but voted to protect women. a violence against women act in that. he was very critical of parts of the bill.
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he's krcritical of the very thi she was promoting. >> congressman jeffreys, there is this constant flow of criticism for things she said or supported back in the '90ss whether it's the crime bill or welfare reform. if if she's disavowed them, how much should they influence how much any voters perceive any policies she'll advocate for as president. >> she's acknowledged she made a mistaked when she used the super predator language. i'm not going to outweigh of everything with one speech and one inappropriate speech. if you look at her entire record in 1970 she fought against in when she worked toward keeping teenage african-americans out of adult prisons and went to arkansas and started a civil legal services program in the 1990s. she was chiefly responsible for the children's health insurance program, and then as a senator from the great state of new york co-sponsored legislation to prohibit racial profiling to try
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to deal with the disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine which ultimately was passed in 2010 when she was part of the obama administration. she has an incredible track record of getting things done on issues of importance to the african-american community. >> professor west, does that track record impress you? >> i disagree with my dear brother. when you look at the track record, what you see, she remains very much a supporter of mass incarceration. she received the money from the geo and the cea, which are private prison lobbyists to expand it. only when bernie sanders and others bought pressure to bear did she do it. the larger issue is this. we're living in a very sad and serious moment in the history of this democracy. we're witnessing the slow death of it. neofascist noises made on the right. i don't believe a wall street democratic feminist can be a neo
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fascist like trump. only bernie sanders, in some ways he's the last hope, with a populist seizing the imagination and energy of young people and others can beat a neo fascist like trump. the poll says so. halfhearted strategic oriented liberalism of clinton is over in which neo fascism becomes more fashionable on the right. these are serious issues. it's sad to see so many of my dear black brothers and sisters jumping on the neo liberal train. >> professor west, do you see bernie sanders as actually being able to get things done if he is elected? to get things done in washington? you know, he needs -- he talks about a revolution. voters rising up, putting in new people into the halls of congress. if that's doesn't happen, if it's just him, can he get anything done? >> well, with a republican
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congress, a neo liberal clinton is not going to get that much done. a populist sanders may not get a lot done. you have to have a movement that's a thermostat that shakes the climate of opinion. hillary clinton is a thermometer. she registers, checks and sees what she often believes based on what's out there. that's not the leadership we need when we get in all this vigorous enthusiasm moving in ugly directions with big money, xenophobia, military expansion now in africa, relative collapse of journalism because the critical questions are no longer being raised in a way they used to. we're in a very serious moment in this democracy. we can lose it. brother bernie is one of the grand hopes at this time. we need integrity and transparency. with hillary clinton we get a lack of transparency. let's see what are in those speeches she gave to wall street. "new york times" is right about
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that today. >> there's not a scintilla of evidence that's the fact that hillary clinton has maintained some sort of relationship with wall street as a senator from new york and thereafter. that she's actually done the bidding of wall street to the detriment of main street. after george bush was re-elected, his top priority was to privatize social security. >> you don't think it was a mistake for your candidate to take $675,000 for three speeches from goaldman sachs when she -- she said she didn't know she was going to run for president. she certainly knew it was in the ether. >> absolutely not. i'm concerned about her actual record of fighting against wall street as she did in stopping the bush machine from privatizing social security. let's be clear about the record. >> -- no evidence at -- >> let him finish. let him finish and then professor west.
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>> all right. >> let's look at the entirety of the record. you acknowledge, professor west, in 1994 the revolutionary bernie sanders, in fact, voted for that very same detrimental crime bill that helped to -- >> to protect women. >> and then in -- >> to protect women. >> and then in 2006 when running for the senate, he defended that vote by talking about the money that was in that bill for prison construction, not about the violence against women's act. let's be clear about the record. in 2000 he voted to deregulate credit default swaps. that's was the instrument that helped to collapse the world's economy sending so many working class people into a devastating situation. where was the great revolutionary -- >> professor west, i want you to be able to respond and then we've got to go. >> he led the fight against repeal for glass/steagall. if you want us to believe that there's no influence with big
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money wall street flowing into hillary clinton, then there's a bridge in brooklyn i'll sell you for $5. there was a great poem about it. >> i look forward to seeing you in brooklyn. i love brooklyn. you know that. >> professor west, congressman jeffreys, we'll have to leave it there. good discussion. thank you. just ahead, when people criticized donald trump for the way he's spoken about women, he says the cherishes women and want to help them. there are certainly plenty of women who support him. we're taking you to a gathering in dallas to find out why these women are all in for donald trump. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at
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on the campaign trail, donald trump often says he cherishes women and no one will be better for women than he will. this may seem at odds with some of the things he said about women. if you aren't familiar, part of stern's zeitgeist is talking about women like they are objects to be rateod a scale of 1 to 10. guests including the man who could become the republican front-runner for president. howard stern is also an
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excellent interviewer. here's a small sampling of the clips buzzfeed unearthed. >> they said how are you going to change the pageant? i said i'm going to get the bathing suits to be smaller. i find a person who is flat-chested very hard to be a ten. you have to have the vase of vivienne leigh. she went from an 9 8 to a solid. she's unbelievable short. i'm a little bit surprised. i think the boob job is terrible. they look like two light posts coming out of a body. i'd be much more accurate and much more blunt if you and i were having this conversation in the back of a limousine. there aren't many -- 10 is a rare, rare specimen. >> incredible, beautiful women. they'll walk up and flip their top. wow. and they'll flip their panties. women with extraordinarily bad breast jobs.
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isn't it unbelievable. one woman, beautiful, had big beautiful, real boobs. really beautiful. >> right. >> and she wants them reduced. i saw a woman who was totally beautiful. she was angry that so many men were calling her. how dare they call me. it's terrible. they are all looking at my breasts. so she had a major breast reduction. the good news, no one calls her anymore. >> this is when donald trump was not running for president. his past statements have not seemed to hurt him certainly among his supporters, much less things he's said in the recent past. randi kaye caught up with a group of women in dallas who support donald trump and watched the debate last night. take a listen. >> donald trump. >> reporter: before donald trump even uttered a word at cnn's gop debate, this group was cheering for him. dozens of dallas women, all voting trump come super tuesday. >> they've been saying the
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silent majority. he speaks for all of us and has given us a voice. >> it's nice to have somebody that's not a canned politician. he's not in the box. he thinks outside of the box. >> he has tapped into the anger in america. i think that he is a person that's going to go down as one of the greatest presidents in history. >> reporter: this woman voted for president obama and even she's in trump's corner now. >> she's very charismatic. >> nobody is wittier or somewhater somewhat -- smarter on the draw than he is. there was a boldness about hum and an independence that appealed to me. >> you tell me about this guy. >> reporter: watching the debate only solidified their support. >> who feels strong ber donald trump after this debate than they did going into it? more committed? >> yeah. >> when i'm watching the debates and yelling at the tv, the next thing out of donald trump's
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mouth is exactly what i just said. >> does that mean he's going to be a good president? >> i think he will. >> in their eyes he can neither do nor say anything wrong. >> absolutely. >> even when it comes to women. this supporter told me she thinks trump can, quote, save the country. >> i have a lot of friends that's cringe when he says things. but it's trump. that's who he is. that's what he does. >> and that's what you like about him? >> yes. >> reporter: they support him on the issues like immigration. >> people that want to come into this country need to pay their dues and work as hard as everybody else to stay here. >> reporter: and while marco rubio is demanding more specific plans from trump -- >> what is the plan? what is your plan on health care? >> reporter: these women say they've heard enough. >> if you listen to trump, he actually does present plans and what his policies are on every issue. you know, i don't hear that coming from these other candidates. >> reporter: other candidates
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like ted cruz. some here plan to vote cruz, then switch to trump. >> do you think he can beat ted cruz in texas on super tuesday? >> i do. i do. i think ted has revealed himself to be someone who is not someone that we would trust. >> reporter: they do trust donald trump. >> nobody has gone to washington that we have elected and did what they said they were going to do. >> what makes you think he will? >> i look at his history. i see the company he has built. i have seen the empire that he has built. >> i'm the only one of the states that's hired people. >> randi joins me from dallas. who do those women think won the debate last night? clearly i'm guessing donald trump. >> absolutely, anderson. they think donald trump won that debate. they think he kept his cool under fire from all sides. they think that comes from his experience as a businessman. they u
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they also think he has the right temperament to be president. they couldn't care less what's in his taxes. they think there's more pressing issues facing the country. and the accusations he's been proven to be disrespectful to women in the past. the women say absolutely not. he's been wrongly accused. they pointed out he's hired women at his corporations and does respect them and they are behind him all the way. >> randi kaye, thanks. the latest on a shooting in kansas that left three people dead and more than a dozen hurt. what police know about the killer's motive, next.
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last man a man in kansas targeted his co-workers. >> 15 people shot at this lawn mower manufacturing plant in a tiny kansas town. unlike most of the towns in heston, the one at excel doesn't fly at half staff. it's still an active crime scene. >> we ask your understanding as we do the difficult work of finding what happened. >> the random attack started miles away. >> this rural intersection is where the killer as first shots were fired. police say she shot and woundeda man driving with his two
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children and missed a woman traveling with a separate vehicle. this ditch two miles away is where the next shooting happened. investigators say he forced the driver of a pickup shot off the road, shot him in the leg and then made off with his vehicle. he then made the four-mile drive to excel industries and opened fire. >> he flung open the door like i showed you, hopped out and just shot someone down outside and then went inside the building. >> reporter: matt says he was scheduled to take a break from his post at the factory paint shot, when he went look fog his replacement. the man supposed to take over for him was shooting. >> he looked happy. >> happy? >> yeah. he looked like he hopped out with almost like a smile on his face. >> reporter: it was the small town police chief who chased down and took down the shooter.
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now the small town of heston is coming together remembering three lives cut short. >> all you guys lost a family member today. >> there's 30-year-old rene benjamin, joshua higbee was 31, brian sadowski 34, all employees at the same plant where the killer worked. and tonight at least 11 people still hospitalized. we do understand at least one of them in critical condition tonight. we also are being told by investigators that several people have already been treated and released from the hospital, anderson. that is perhaps adding some hope for healing in this town that's now learning that this gunman should have never had access to these wednesdapons in the first place. his girl friend is believed it have provided him with the a.k.-47 and .30 caliber pistol
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and she is behind bars tonight. >> a two-week partial cease-fire brokered by the u.s. and russia is now in effect in syria. before the temporary truce took hold, the syria regime carried out air strikes. more than 100 opposition groups have agreed to the cessation of who hostilities as they call it. the price of a first class stamp for your snail mail is going down to 47 cents a stamp. the postmaster general doesn't like the move but it's part of an arrangement made with congress. >> and at a white house event last night, president obama did a little sing along in a tribute to the late, great ray charles. anderson, i think the next debate or town hall that you moderate, you need to ask the candidates to sing something. i think that's what you need to do. >> i don't think so, gary.
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