tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN February 28, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST
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and in many ways, that's better than sex. >> it's the weekend and five women hit the road. we're independent, we're providers. >> nothing is ever handed to you. i don't rely on any man to take care of me. wherever we go, we learn things, meet new people and hear their stories. >> i've met doctors and lawyers who want to tell me all their secrets. >> we get the job done. but only one of us keeps our clothes on while doing it. >> it's confrontational.
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it's unexpected. it's hot. >> any girl who is a stripper isn't just a stripper. >> tonight, the world of the traveling stripper. >> for centuries, women have used their bodies to tantalize men for bay. but full-on stripping, taking off all of one's clothes and strip clubs didn't catch on in the u.s. until 1950s.
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now this taboo profession is evolving. women who once set up shop in home clubs are traveling to where the money is to places and events where men converge in large numbers. she's a in kind of stripper, taking her show on the road. from outward appearances, 21-year-old iman and her friend china are doing well for themselves. >> you will never catch me driving a beat-up car. i want to put a designer on my face, gucci, versace. >> on the weekends, they drive six hours to cash in on a once a year business opportunity. at first glance, myrtle beach is exactly what it sounds like, a beach town. but every spring, millions of men flock here for the three-month-long golf season.
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there are apparently over 100 golf courses here. and where there are loads of golf courses there will be throngs of men. and where there are throngs of men, there will inevitably be throngs of strippers. tucked amongst the tourist shops and restaurants are more than a dozen gentlemen's clubs. one of the most famous, the dollhouse, has been a fixture in myrtle beach for over 20 years. how are you tonight? >> good, thank you. >> so tell me about this place, the dollhouse. >> the managing partner wants to get something straight right up front. >> we're not a strip joint. there's a vast difference. >> what's the difference? >> gentlemen's club provides entertainers. our girls are wearing gowns, opposed to, i call it hoochy mama outfits. they are entertainers. they act like entertainers. >> what would you say you provide for men here? >> i like to watch guys walk out that door go "oh, my god, i'm in love."
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>> under the auspices of going on a golf trip? >> a woman's got to know her husband's going to go out and have some fun and get a little crazy, you know? >> and that's exactly why dancers like 21 year old iman and china are here, to capitalize on myrtle beach's golfers and their wall lets. >> i can make someone's two-week paycheck in one night, the most i ever made in one night was $3,000. >> if i had saved all the money when i first started i would be a millionaire. >> as a 21 year old, do you think you would be able to afford all the stuff that you have doing anything else? >> no. >> no way in hell. >> when in town, they stay with other dancers in an inexpensive house provided by the club. >> we don't need a lot.
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we need a bed to crash in, a shower to get ready in, and a kitchen is nice to cook so we don't have to go out to eat. because we have figures to maintain, so. >> sharing a room and cooking their own meals helps the girls keep overhead low and hopefully profits high. >> what's your goal for tonight? >> i'm going to push for at least 1,000. >> that's a good call. >> what about you? >> i want to reach for the sky. >> the sky's the limit. >> the sky's the limit. >> i still want a mercedes. >> we're going to get you one. >> most of the money she makes is set aside for something much more important. her 3-year-old daughter. >> hey, baby. what's up, baby? >> the only thing i have to support is my daughter and myself. >> okay, baby, i have to get ready for work, i'll call you
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later, okay? >> does your daughter have any idea what you do? >> no. and when it does come time and she says mommy what do you do? i'm probably going to say a bartender. >> i miss you, monkey head, love you. bye. >> i'm very independent. i just have too much pride to ask for money. i'd rather just work. >> i'm the same way. i would rather work two days than ask for anything. >> how did you get into stripping? >> i had a child when i was 17. and i worked three jobs, so i never really got to see my kid. >> iman tells me it was a friend who suggested she try stripping. >> he was like give it a shot one night. and if you like it, go for it. you'll get to spend more time with your kid. you'll make what you make in one night. so i gave it a shot. my first night dancing i made $200. i was like, wow, this is like three days of waitressing. next thing you know, i quit all my jobs and i strictly just started dancing. >> how did you get into stripping?
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>> i have five other siblings, and my mom's a single mom. and my dad was never around. just watching my mom work really hard to take care of us, it kind of was a struggle for me. i always had high hopes for myself. i wanted to be the first to go to college. and i wanted to set the bar. >> how does a young woman become a dancer for the dollhouse? >> we audition every applicant to see if they meet our standards. if they make the cut, we bring them in, we take them upstairs. we explain the rule, and we'll see if they've got what it takes. >> ladies and gentlemen, china joining us on dollhouse. china stepping up on dollhouse pedestal. ♪ >> china has hit the stage.
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performing in a field that offers little training. she taught herself these moves, how to work her body to entice. she's a master of see duck. even i can't look away. i see men, mesmerized by her movements. and then i realize she's only 21. she's someone's daughter. how did your mom react when she found out you were dancing? >> we haven't talked about it. >> you live with your mom still? >> yeah. >> you've never talked about it? >> never. >> iman, does your family know that you're dancing? >> my mom and i don't really get along. >> what about your dad, is he in your life at all? >> he died when i was 7 months old. >> so neither of you had a
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father in your lives. >> hm-mm. >> two women who grew up without male role models. watching them, i wonder, would they both be here if they had different childhoods? now they're surrounded by men who can't take their eyes off of them. >> so what are you gentlemen doing here? >> playing golf. >> having a good time. >> it's an annual trip. >> but mostly play golf. >> so you come to play golf. but somehow you end up in the dollhouse. >> well, you have to enjoy the whole mecca. we have a good time here. >> what do you tell your wives when you come here, for example. >> i don't tell her anything unless she asks. it's kind of like human nature. it's kind of like, why wouldn't you? you know? if you're a little kid, and there's an ice-cream cone, you want an ice-cream cone. now i'm a big kid, and there's a gentlemen's club, with beautiful, naked women. i'm going there, you know. >> how would you feel your daughters were entertainers in a place like this?
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>> if that's what they wanted to do, and they were -- yeah, i'd be okay with it. >> in a theoretical sense, i would not be happy. >> off the stage, iman tries to earn the big money, doing what's known in the stripping world as the hustle. >> the hustle is how much i can get out of you in the least amount of time possible. you just spent x amount of money, how much more can i get you to spend?
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hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance.
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>> oh, sure. >> at the dollhouse, iman is >> at the dollhouse, iman is taking a client to the vip room. as an independent contractor, she sets her own rates. for a 30-minute lap dance, she tries to get at least $400. around 10% goes to the club. the rest is hers. >> ooh, you're very pretty. >> how did you know? >> how did you know? >> i can see. you're from lebanon, huh? >> who are we to judge? we're on pole, selling our bodies, selling the fantasy. we're kind of not doing the most respectable job either. we let men touch our boobs and slap our butts and stuff. >> do you get nervous?
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>> no you have to let down walls and you think, we're here to have fun. you're a bunch of energy. >> oh, boy. >> and a lot of guys really confide in us because they don't know us. who are we to them? there's this one guy that just, you know, iman, i'm not attracted to my wife anymore. i have a hard time having six with her. they talk to me about relationship issues. >> so you're kind of giving marriage therapy to guys? >> we're big therapists in there. >> as the hours tick by, iman and china work the room with one thing on their mind -- the bottom line. >> nice to meet you. >> it's a pleasure to meet you too. >> i'm going to sit down, okay? >> in the lap of a stranger, china looks poised and in control.
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but she tells me her confidence is a facade. >> even though i've been dancing for two years, i still get nervous. and i have to take a shot just to get me going, just so i can talk to so many different kind of people. >> so you go to school, or what? >> i'm actually thinking about starting a maid service. >> but you've got to start from the ground floor, though. >> i already have experience. >> i wouldn't go in the housecleaning business, i ask tell you that. i'd stay right here. >> but china has bigger plans than the dollhouse. for her, this is all just a means to an end, one day starting her own business. for now, though, this is the job -- to dance, to listen, to seduce. ♪ >> i feel like we're actresses. it's a fantasy. it's not who we are.
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>> has doing this job made you think differently about men and their intentions? >> yeah. i kind of even don't think i want a boyfriend sometimes. or when i get married, it's like, i don't even know, like i want to get married, but, whoa. >> you both are 21 years old. that's really young. do you ever think about whether you might regret this decision to do this? >> i don't think i will, because i embrace it. i'm the type of person, you can ask anyone that knows me. they will tell me. iman will bust her ass. she will work doubles. she will get what she wants. >> i had to keep reminding myself that both iman and china are only 21 years old. what i guess surprised me most is that even though they make a living by the tips that men give them, they're both fiercely
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independent and adamant about the fact that they don't ever want to rely on men or anyone, for that matter. but in the suburbs of milwaukee, i'm about to meet another young woman who strips with the full support of her family. >> what do you want to be? >> that guy. >> what does he look like? >> i'll show you. >> 25-year-old sarah has a son and a fiance. >> get'em, judah. >> i'm getting you. >> two years ago she left a job as a health care worker to try something different. something taboo. now, several nights a week, she lives another life as a stripper named clara, seducing men she doesn't know. >> i'm really proud of who i am. my theory is, like, if you're ashamed of it you shouldn't do it. but i don't feel ashamed of
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anything i do. >> sarah's fiance of seven months is fully aware of her unusual career. >> at what point did you find out that sarah was a dancer? >> i knew from the get go. >> i'm open about it with my family, my friends, yeah it's what i do. i enjoy it. >> were you intrigued? >> yeah, they're all just a bunch before great girls who just want to have fun and love dancing. >> but while he supports her dancing, he chooses not to engage with clara, her alter ego. >> i don't know clara. she turns it off when she talks to me, because i know who she is. >> is it sometimes hard for you to think about what she's doing? >> yeah. it's, it's difficult thinking about that aspect of it, and that's also why i don't, you know, go and watch her. that was something, that was something that we agreed on early. >> pretty much right away.
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it's one thing to know. it's another to be like, no. >> i know she has a line, and i know she doesn't cross it, so. it's just a big trust factor, and i really do trust her a lot. >> when sarah wants a big payday she leaves her home and hits the road. >> i'm going to miss you. >> a few days, okay? i'll be back. >> all right. >> love you. >> love you too. >> this weekend, she's headed up north on a three-day trip. it's a way for a small town girl to see something of the world and become someone else, a girl we'll now call clara. >> this is a really good opportunity to be able to go travel. i'm going to go there, and it will pay for my trip, plus make some extra money towards bills. >> five hours away is clara's next destination, hurley, wisconsin, population, 1500.
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it's an old mining town. the kind of place that feels like time stopped. the roadside motel where clara checks in has looked pretty much the same for the last 30 years. >> welcome to the quinn. could you fill that out for me, please? >> yeah. >> cash or credit? >> cash. >> $38.85. >> clara pays for only one of her three nights up front, counting on the money she'll make dancing to cover the rest. >> i think the first time i traveled it was so much of a bummer. it was so miserable. you really learn how to keep yourself busy after you've been doing this a while. [ phone ringing ] >> hello. >> hey, i just got into hurley. it's the most boring trip in the world. how's your day? >> same old, same old. >> this is life on the road. low-budget motel rooms and long
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nights away from her family. >> all right, sounds good, babe. i love you. >> i love you too. >> but clara won't be lonely for long. in just a few hours, she'll be surrounded by men. ♪ >> welcome to the annual atv rally in hurley, wisconsin. every summer this tiny town gets transformed and infused with a massive level of testosterone. what better place for a stripper to come and cash in? ♪ >> you too! >> over 400 four wheelers, most of them men, have traveled to the annual rally this weekend to show off their favorite toys. but when the sun goes down, hurley turns into another kind of playground. even though this is a really small town.
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there's a pretty big demand for strippers. there are seven strip clubs on this one little block. this is harley's roadhouse. it's both the local watering hole and a strip club, and it's where clara hopes to make money off the big crowd in town. >> i'm hoping to make $200. that will completely pay for my stay here for the weekend. and then that means i work the day after, the day after, then it's just more money. >> the club is starting to pull in a few patrons. it's a working-man's joint, just right for the atv crowd. at the jukebox, clara picks her favorites. songs that will help her make the transition from ordinary young woman to seductress. ♪
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you have to have your own confidence. >> how has this kind of work changed you? >> it's made me a lot more self-assured. i'm definitely a lot more assertive than i used to be. >> clara tells me as a young girl shy was socially awkward, insecure and shy. she liked theater and sang in the choir. but in high school, these aren't the things that make you high school. >> did you get teased a lot? >> oh, yes, in elementary school, high school, middle school. my family wasn't well to do, so boys and girls are going to cut you down about that. you're terrible, you can't sing, you look weird. you have glasses. >> how a shy girl found the courage to enter a strip club and climb on stage. she found the confidence that escaped her all those years. >> i like to go to work and be told i'm pretty all day. >> who are you on this stage? >> i'm just this other person. >> why do you like being her?
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>> because she doesn't have social anxiety. she can talk to anybody. and it's this freedom of like, this confidence and like, she knows she's awesome. >> the true test of confidence comes at the end of the dance. unlike the dollhouse, harley's doesn't have private rooms. to make money, clara tries to sell $25 lap dances on the floor. when customers don't bite, she hits them up for any kind of tip. >> a soda pop for a dollar, but you can see my boobies for a dollar, so i think it's a bargain. >> clara is working for a tight-fisted crowd. >> you're going to get rejected in the night a couple times.
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and like that emotionally and mentally, that takes a toll on you, that's really hard to hear no like four, five times in a row, but you've got to learn to pick yourself back up and have a thick skin and be, all right, the next one. >> five hours into the night, i check in with clara on a break. it's just after midnight. how have you done so far? >> i've maybe made $50. >> really? that's it? >> yeah. i'm only making money on stage. >> there's a risk you won't make a lot. >> that's always a risk in travel dancing. >> it's hit-or-miss. how are you feeling? >> frustrated. i have to go out there on stage and be smiley and like, what's up, guys? because if i'm not smiley they're not going to want to give me money. >> none of the other dancers are having success either.
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how often is it that you end up frustrated and not making money. >> i worked for $1 on wednesday night, and i was really upset. >> you walked out of here with $1? >> i walked out of here with $1. and i thought how ironic, people give strippers a dollar. and i have a dollar. >> do you just suck it up and go and try to be happy? >> you do. you keep pushing on. >> with just two more hours before closing, the dancers rally to face a crowd that is not giving. >> good luck, clara. >> i don't know if people really realize how hard the work is. i mean, i watched clara tonight, and she was trying to be peppy and filled with life and laughing for endless hours. and when i left, had 50 bucks to show for it. look, it feels good to feel
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desirable. and for someone like clara, who spent so much of her life feeling unattractive, i can understand how having this outlet to be uninhibited and adopt this alter ego can be appealing. but when that is your sole job, you really run a risk. some nights you could go home with an exorbitant amount of money. and some nights, you are at a loss. >> clara ended up with $146. enough to pay for the motel and her gas home. for her, it's an average night. but more than 900 miles away, that kind of money is chump change for a veteran stripper who's been on the move for a long time.
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42-year-old antonia has just arrived from the west coast. >> there's a convention in town right now. >> yeah. a lot of people here for a good time. >> she's been a traveling stripper for over 19 years. >> i've danced in san francisco, hawaii, vegas. the job is that you travel when you need money and then you leave. we're transient by nature. >> antonia takes regular trips to a place where money flows, the big easy. a big convention town, new orleans hosts 9 million people every year. some come for work, while others are here for the party. >> new orleans is the most exciting city in the united states.
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when i land here, i feel like i'm home. it's going to be all about pink and black tonight. >> before antonia heads to the club, she invites me to join her in a ritual. >> so what is this place? >> it's a candle shop. >> it's not like a candle shop i've ever seen. >> it's a magic candle shop. the spirit of new orleans has to bless you in order to do well here. usually i get this one. >> he's good for luck. he's also good for money, but i think that you might want to go towards one of his girlfriends. it's the spirit that rolls over love and beauty and abundance. >> she sounds like the lady i need. >> yeah, she's a beauty. >> this is something i can only do in new orleans. >> why is it something you like to do leer? >> strippers particularly, we have our beliefs, and it's so much about bringing attitude and luck and attention. and you're going into a really, really dark, seedy place, and you have to bring light. i can use all the help i can get. >> when you go out there sometimes, do you feel like you're doing battle?
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>> we go to those places where it's darker and people are showing a more animal side of theirselves and we're confronted with that, and that's a lot of weight to carry. >> her battleground is the french quarter. and come nightfall its dozens of gentlemen's clubs light up. its every intention is to fulfill their fantasies. we're doing this now, because i can pretty much guarantee that later none of the men are going to want their faces on camera. a lot of the dancers themselves are from other places, but they're here to do business. above the dark dance floor, women begin their night primping in the penthouse dressing room. i expected the styling products, but not the home-cooked meals.
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the spaghetti and meatballs. >> this is the best club in new orleans. and that's marty, our house mom. she's an amazing cook. >> is this normal? >> it's pretty swanky. it's a pretty important dressing room. people come here from all over, they come here from mississippi. i know a girl who came here from slovenia. they come from all over because new orleans is a stripper's paradise. >> so how does it work? you just kind of drop in when ever? you let them know when you're coming? >> it's a process. you have to audition and you might not get hired. but there were so many strip clubs in new orleans that chances are you will get hired. >> will you be taking off everything tonight? >> on stage i will take my top off and go to a g-string. >> do you have a number in your head, and you don't have to share it with me, that you would like to reach tonight? >> i always have a number in my head.
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it's always 1,000. >> stripping is very much about personality. you won't find a quiet, withdrawn wallflower stripping. it does take a certain amount of moxie to be able to take your clothes off for money. you have to think you're the shit. ♪ nobody move! get on the floor! do something! oh i'm not a security guard, i'm a security monitor.
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antonia has hit the penthouse floor. she has no idea how much money she'll bring in or what surprises the night holds. it's like the world of a gambler. >> it's different every night. one night i can go into work and feel like i can't go wrong. and another night i'll go and people grab me and are awful. >> she starts every night the same way, attracting attention by working the pole center stage. >> generally, it's a sexy dance, and you just kind of get into the mode. when the music goes you go, and you become an animal, you become part of that world, like a sensual world of heat and sleaze. >> what do you think it is that propels women to want to take their clothes off for money? >> i think it's -- our culture tells us it's bad, but i don't subscribe to that. >> have you ever taken your
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clothes off? >> not for money. >> our bodies are gorgeous, and your sexuality is something beautiful. >> there are four floors, and tonight, over 50 women working here. and i see that for each of them, the night has a kind of pattern. seduce from the stage, and then start working the room. >> i'm good, how are you. >> antonia spots a client and moves in. >> i usually look for somebody who's alone. i try to figure out how drunk are they. where are they from? what are they doing here? and i try to meet them where they are. i'm panhandling in my underwear on one level, and on the other level i'm having a dance of
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sophistication, and it's a powerful drug. it's confrontational, and it's hot. >> do you feel any sense of arousal when you're doing this? >> of course, i'm a human body. i'm not a robot. it can feel good. it can feel bad. if they're good at it, it can be arousing. if i'm super tired and not into it, it feels very much like a job. >> on the other side of this intimate encounter, just what are the men thinking? few patrons are willing to speak to me on camera, and then i find norm. >> i've been going here about ten years, so a lot of the girls i know on a personal basis, so they all come up and say hi. i ask them how they're doing, and it's kind of like, remember the old show "cheers"? >> yeah. when norm would walk in and everybody's say hey, norm. >> you're norm. >> i'm norm. >> and what do you get out of it? >> excitement.
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it's a fantasy, obviously, that all these girls are beautiful, and i'm old. and they're talking to me. >> antonia's in hot demand tonight, spending much of her time in the private lap dance rooms at the top of the stairs. >> we've been trying to follow antonia around, but she's been disappearing into rooms, but that's the draw here, to try to get guys into rooms because that's where the money is made. >> an hour in a private room can bring in $550. while a portion goes to the club, the dancers get to keep the majority of the money. club staff check ids and we main outside for the dancers' safety. >> do you have any percentage of the girls that might engage in activities outside of the club, like sex work, for example? >> i don't know for sure, but i know some girls do extras outside of the club. it's a different job.
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hooking is a different job than stripping. it can be really dangerous. you don't want to leave the club with anybody. that's how girls end up chopped up into little pieces in garbage bags. >> it's happened before. over the past several years in the for instance quarter, several girls have lost their lives following money outside the club. horror stories that ended up on the news. >> a suspect in connection with the murder of a bourbon street dancer faces a warrant. >> it must be difficult to turn it down when someone is throwing money at you to, you know, give me a little service outside of here. >> it takes a serious person to turn down that faucet once it's full blast. you've got to draw a line in the sand and just say, you know, no. >> but antonia tells me she's crossed her own line several
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times. >> having sex for money wasn't something that i thought i would do, and then i did it a couple times when i was in a dark place in my life. >> how did you feel when you did? >> i felt empty. and kind of sad. and i realized from that experience that, you know what, i can't handle it. i just emotionally can't handle it. >> do you like stripping? >> sometimes. yeah. but i've liked it for a really long time. and i'm ready to like something else. i've quit about ten times, and i always go back. >> and is it just the money that draws you back? >> it isn't just about the money, but it is the money. >> as the hours pass, i meet other girls who've traveled here to work. girls like 29-year-old mitzi, from one of the poorest states in the country -- mississippi. >> why do you feel you need to come to new orleans to do this? >> the money's the best here.
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>> does your family know you're stripping? >> my mother knows, and i know the rest of my family does not agree with what i do. >> how long do you think you'll be doing this? >> hopefully not much longer, as soon as i say i'm a dancer it just completely changes. i can't have a healthy relationship. my family doesn't understand, and i'm pretty much on my own, it's real lonely. >> has it been worth it though? >> sometimes in life you have to do what you have to do, you know? >> i've now heard how hard it can be to live the double life of this profession, but the cold, hard cash keeps these women in the game. and now antonia wants to see where she stands. >> so how did you do tonight? >> i'm not sure. i'm going to count this. >> yeah. yeah. >> 20, 40, 60, 80, looks like 575. >> five hours, about $100 an hour. >> so that's pretty good? >> that's pretty good. >> so it's 2:00 in the morning, and i'm exhausted. are you --
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>> i'm exhausted too. >> are you going to stay? >> i don't want to leave money on the table. >> what does that mean, leaving money on the table? >> that means there's a room full of men down there with money, and if i were to leave right now i'd be leaving money on the table. i'm going to push through. ♪ ng too mtime hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to ♪ (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic.
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mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class?
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>> it's 4:00 p.m. in myrtle beach, and while most people are out and about enjoying the day, iman and china are just waking up. >> hey. >> huh? >> wake up. it's time to get ready. wake up. >> after a 11-hour night at the club, they catch up on sleep during the day, then start all over again. before the makeup and hairstyling, they tally up their profits. >> i don't like 50s. >> i don't like 50s either. >> by the time the three-month golf season ends, it's possible these girls will pull inasmuch as $50,000 apiece. >> so you have a plan. you don't want to do this for -- >> not too long. i'll do it for as long as i can. but it's not going to be something that i'm going to die doing.
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>> the top age i want to be done dancing at is 30. i want to make as much money i can off dancing, invest all of it into properties and live off of them. that's my plan. >> while iman and china continue to make the most of the careers they've chosen, clara has taken hers to a whole new level, adding circus arts to her act. >> that's really what i want to do long term. i love the artistic part of it, the performing. it's choreography. it's entertainment value. >> how long do you want to do this? >> i want to do it until i stop having fun with it. when i stop enjoying it, then yeah, i'm going to quit. >> antonia's been working on her own plan, a plan to leave stripping behind. >> i've always been a writer. i just never had the self-esteem to pursue it. i never valued my writing skills until five years ago. >> she started to write online about sex work.
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>> i couldn't stop writing about it, and i ended up with a book. >> now an online contributor, antonia wants to make writing and teaching her full-time career. >> my next bold move is to break into academia. >> so what works in this scene, and who is saffo? >> she's been a visiting professor at a major university in the past, and today she's teaching a one-day writer's workshop. >> i love everything about teaching. i like conveying wisdom, i love doing research. i love thinking about what would make a fun lecture. >> why is it so hard for the writers to write a good sex scene? your characters want to get laid more than anything. it's earth-shattering insecurity. that's what i want to see in your characters. >> where are we going to see you in ten years?
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>> hopefully you'll see me as a traveling author and instructor. hopefully i'll be ridiculously happy and teaching. >> for now, though, stripping is still paying the bills. >> do you feel like a lot of dancers get trapped in the world? >> oh, absolutely. every stripper i know has gone into stripping with the idea i'm just going to do this for six months and quit. they're there ten years later. it's the one major area where we're untaxed. it's hard to leave and do something else. >> my road trip with strippers has come to an end. i'm heading home today. and some of the women i spent time with are also going home. some are headed to their next destination, but i've learned a lot about this world. even though this is the one industry where women overwhelmingly make more money than men, it is not a glamorous job.
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i don't know if people really realize how hard the work is. you definitely have to have a certain set of skills that go way beyond taking off your clothes. the win was expected. the margin was victory wasn't. hillary clinton beats bernie sanders almost 3-1 in the south carolina democratic primary. we have all the details here coming up. hanging on by a thread but still giving cause for cautious hope. the latest on a second day of a cease-fire in syria. the red carpet's been rolled out. the voting is over. it is a matter of hours now before this year's oscar winners are finally revealed. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome. to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i'm georgeel
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