tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 29, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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that donald trump has a lock on the republican nomination and the growing fear among top republicans he presents a threat to the party's very existence. no exaggeration. that's what one u.s. senator told our dana bash this afternoon. he does not think his party will survive this. and dana says he is not alone. just think about that for a moment. a political party that's been around since 1854 might not be around after donald trump is through. tonight we have new polling that will probably only increase the anxiety for those who think donald trump's strength is a sham. we'll tell you more about marco rubio's latest effort ongoing live at this moment to head off a trump rout tomorrow. turning the volume up to the point he blew out his voice. and we'll talk with the soft-spoken melania trump about her husband's tone, the advice she gives him and the way over the weekend he declined to disavow the support of a white supremacist leader. a busy two hours ahead starting with sara murray in valdosta, georgia, where a trump rally finished up a short time ago. it has been a tumultuous couple of days for this campaign. >> reporter: tumultuous may be an understatement.
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we're talking about just hours before voters head to the polls on super tuesday. and this was a day when donald trump had to explain why it took him so many times to disavow white supremacists and a former kkk leader. it was a day where he had this awkward run-in with protesters and asked if they were mexican. it was a day where a photojournalist was slammed to the ground by a secret service agent. got into some kind of physical altercation there. this is not the kind of messaging that donald trump was hoping to go into super tuesday with, but here in georgia this evening he rallied a crowd of thousands. and it was clearly a look ahead message. he said look ahead to tomorrow, he wanted people to get out and vote. and it's worth noting that on his schedule tomorrow he's looking ahead himself. he's going to be in ohio, in florida. both states that do not vote until march 15th. you may notice they are both the home states of two other candidates who are still in this race, anderson. >> and sara, how is the trump campaign feeling ahead of super tuesday? >> reporter: they are feeling -- they are certainly feeling
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confident. they see the same public polling we do which shows them with very wide leads in a number of these states. and donald trump has said himself he really does want to try to beat ted cruz in texas which many people feel would be the death blow to senator cruz's campaign. but they are careful. they got burned in iowa. this is a lesson that sticks with them. one of the messages they give to their supporters and volunteers is you need to get rid of the public polls in your mind and assume we're running ten points behind. they are very aware of this anti-donald trump sentiment that there's a belief among party leaders the nominee should be anyone but trump. they feel they are waking up every day running against that message, anderson. >> sara murray, thanks. marco rubio is yet to win a contest. remains behind in polling for his own state primary two weeks from now. he continues to hammer away at donald trump. including today in oklahoma. our phil mattingly joins us now from the town of jenks. rubio fired back at the fact that trump didn't immediately disavow the former kkk leader yesterday in that interview with jake tapper.
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what did he say? >> he's continued to attack on that interview. this really feeds into the lines marco rubio has been deploying the last four or five days. just a few minutes ago at a rally in oklahoma city, getting a standing ovation for disavowing trump's comments and saying more or less this would make him unelectable. it's a message he's been repeating across the south. take a listen. >> we cannot be a party that nominates someone who refuses to condemn white supremacists and the ku klux klan. by the way, not only is that wrong, it makes him unelectable. how are we going to grow our party with a nominee that refuses to condemn the ku klux klan? don't tell me he doesn't know who the ku klux klan is. >> that last line from marco rubio, don't tell me he doesn't know who the ku klux klan is, that's something that echoes what i'm hearing from a lot of gop strategists from competitive campaigns saying this is intentional by donald trump. this is coming along the s.e.c. primary, these southern states. and they are very, very upset
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and a little bit ruffled by the fact that he would be willing to do this going into super tuesday, anderson. >> how does the rubio campaign feel ahead of tomorrow? do they actually think they'll win anywhere? which is ultimately what it boils down to. >> it's been the big question from donors. a big question from supporters. a big question from critics of his campaign over the last couple of weeks. anderson, they don't expect any wins across states. they expect to play well and their big thing throughout super tuesday is these delegates are handed out proportionately. they want to pull as many as they can and set themselves up. for the rubio campaign, it's all about florida. 99 delegates, winner take all. that's what they're pointing at. in the meantime, pull out as many delegates as they can and try to keep trump and ted cruz from getting as many as they can, anderson. >> all right. phil mattingly, thanks. that new polling we mentioned with state by state polls already showing trump leading in every race but texas tomorrow. our new cnn/orc national survey is if anything even more daunting for the stop trump forces. chief national correspondent and "inside politics" anchor john
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king breaks it down for us by the numbers. it's a national poll. the next challenge is 11 different states tomorrow on super tuesday. is there a message in the new numbers? >> yes, there's a huge message in the new numbers. you're right. it's a national poll before 11 states vote. on the one hand my normal argument is don't even read national polls or any attention to them. but this one is worth looking at. donald trump is at 49% in our national poll among republicans. rubio 16%. cruz 15%, carson 10% and kasich 6%. donald trump up eight points from our january poll. so look, whatever business you're in, whatever sport you play, whatever competition it is, whether it's politics, whether it's baseball, whether you sell products, you don't want to let the other guy get ahead when you're trying to catch up. donald trump is stretching his lead in the time the other candidates are facing pressure to catch up or drop out. the numbers are simply not good. even though it's a national poll. and here's something else you look at. remember, a national poll means some people in these 11 super tuesday states are among those being polled. some people in the states just to follow are among those being polled.
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78% of trump voters say they are locked in and definitely support him. only 57% of the voters who support the others sayer definitely locked in. if you are trailing trump and trying to catch up, sure, if you are rubio you want kasich votes. you also need to get trump voters to switch sides and donald trump voters are locked in. it makes it harder as we go forward. >> if you're one of the others trying to defeat trump, i mean, what else worries you in these numbers beyond his big national lead? >> if you are ted cruz, let me give you a number that has you unhappy. choice for nominee among white evangelicals. trump 44, cruz 20, carson 16, rubio 12, kasich 5. why does that matter? let me show you on the map here where evangelicals live in america. the deeper the shading the higher the percentage of evangelicals. let me shrink that down a little bit. most of super tuesday, bring that back a little bit. most of super tuesday is played out below this line. texas, oklahoma, arkansas, tennessee, georgia, alabama. remember, trump won in south carolina. this is supposed to be ted cruz's wheelhouse. evangelical america. down here is supposed to be ted cruz's wheelhouse. donald trump leads 44 -- more than 2-1 over ted cruz among evangelicals.
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ted cruz doesn't like that number. let me show you one more number. one more number for our poll is donald trump is expanding his coalition. remember earlier in the campaign we talked about how trum hp a lot of support among those who did not have a college degree. he holds that support, 50%. but now he's broadening his coalition. 46% of republicans who do have a college degree say they support trump. that's a troubling number. and marco rubio and john kasich, traditional republicans win in the suburbs. say, virginia's on the ballot tomorrow. the suburbs just outside of where we are tonight in washington, d.c., a lot of highly educated, college educated masters degrees and the like. donald trump runs strong in those areas as he does in this national poll. then marco rubio won't get a win tomorrow night. >> fascinating numbers. let's go to our analysts' table. chief political analyst gloria borger, also can top political commentator and former top obama adviser david axelrod. the newest member of the cnn podcast family. sign up at
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and with us is nia-malika henderson. nia, the numbers 78% are firm in their donald trump commitment. that's an extraordinary number for this candidate. >> it's an extraordinary number. the 49% is an extraordinary number. conventional wisdom among establishment folks has been when the field winnows there will be an establishment on a white horse who will rescue the party from donald trump. these polls suggest something very different. and again, there's this broad coalition. there are also some numbers in here that i think if you're rubio should be troubling. this idea of there's a question about who is the candidate who can best handle the responsibilities of being commander in chief? trump wins that 48%. cruz at 17%. rubio comes in at 14%. he's now trying to be the anti-trump, but it isn't clear that even if he fires donald trump that people want to hire him. >> david, is there anything, if you were one of those other candidates, or representing one of them, is there anything you would take pleasure in in those numbers or be looking to chip away at?
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where is there -- >> only if they're masochists. no, i don't think there's a whole lot of it. one number that i found interesting, an even number of people percentagewise said that trump, rubio and cruz would be unacceptable to them. that's a change. there's growing acceptability of donald trump as the nominee among the party, even as the republican establishment frantically is trying to alert voters that he would be, as we heard earlier, the end of the party and he would be a disaster in the fall. voters don't seem to be buying it. at least in this poll. >> acceptability of inevitability. >> some of the republican establishment is actually feeling the same way going through the stages of grief and they are finally sort of accepting trump to a degree. i spoke with a lot of them today. some of them were saying, all right, we just have to learn how to live with trump. that he's malleable. there are others who say we ought to disown him completely,
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like senator sasse, and say i can't support the party nominee, i'm not going to vote for hillary clinton but i can't support him. and then there's the third way which is the marco rubio campaign and other campaigns which are now looking for the sort of hail mary contested convention scenario. >> let me ask john. john, is there anything rubio or cruz do to stay viable tomorrow? coming in second in a lot of states, is that enough? >> cruz has to win texas. i just brought up the delegate map. let's go through super tuesday. if you bring up super tuesday, move this over. if donald trump wins them all, which is possible, cruz is ahead in the late polls in texas. if donald trump wins them all, he starts to open up a delegate lead. remember we're still proportional. but for ted cruz survival means winning your home state. let's say we'll give second to trump and third to rubio. that's survival at stake. ted cruz hasn't said this publicly but if he doesn't win his home state, it's very hard to continue on. then he would say he's the only candidate to beat donald trump twice. but anderson, look at the map. if ted cruz wins texas and donald trump wins the other ten states that are allocating republican delegates tomorrow
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night, not only does he start to pull ahead in the delegate lead but it just speaks for itself is what i'm trying to say here. this is why you have this debate in the republican establishment. some of them are saying we have no choice, we have to embrace him, the customer is always right, the customer are our voters and they're picking donald trump. then you have the debate about never trump. but as you go forward, if you go forward from here, if donald trump keeps winning up until march 15th look what happens. he starts to pull way ahead. this is the defining day in the race because rubio has to win at home in florida. this becomes winner take all. if rubio wins at home in florida and trump comes in second it really doesn't matter who comes in second, third, and fourth there. this is the defining day for rubio and for kasich. if kasich doesn't win his home state he has said he would get it out. rubio hasn't said it but if he doesn't win it's hard to see how he will continue on. this is the only chance for somebody to take their state. but this they all stay in and start splitting states they can't catch trump. the only way to catch him is to get a one on one and then from this point on, anderson to catch him you'd have to run the board. you'd essentially have to hold trum top no states or one or two small states if you're going to
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catch him at that point and even then you might not clinch the nomination. the republican establishment is now hoping and praying that somebody can keep donald trum frp reaching the majority, 1237. but if you look at the map right now, this is not only tilted in trump's favor it is heavily tilted in trump's favor. >> david, beyond numbers, marco rubio's strategy, do you think it's making any headway against donald trump? the rhetoric being stallone around, it's like a "real housewives" reunion episode. spray tans and makeup and little hands and you know what else that means. it's incredible. does it work? >> well, we don't know. but my question is this. if your target are upper educated, upscale republican voters which we're told they are for marco rubio, are they impressed with what he's been doing the last few days? i have some real doubts on this. one thing i'd like to say about the map, though. i think that's the perfect map for donald trump. the best outcome for him tomorrow would to be take everything but texas and keep ted cruz in the race for a few more weeks because for donald trump, the more the merrier.
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>> we've got a lot more ahead. a lot more to talk about. we're also going to talk to our commentators. after the break you're going to hear what one republican u.s. senator said on camera today about what he'd do if it comes down to hillary rodham clinton versus donald j. trump in november. and a wide-ranging conversation with the former slovenian fashion model who could become america's next first lady, melania trump. i sat down with her earlier today. a break first. ♪ ♪ it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax.
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and loathing is real and for some it's directed toward donald trump. you now have republicans not just going on the record opposing him but going on camera as well. on "the lead" with jake tapper, he confronted republican u.s. senator ben sasse of nebraska with the general election choice of trump or hillary clinton and pressed him to answer the question, which he eventually did. listen. >> those are the two front-runners, and it looks as though they are likely to be the nominees. i understand you reject the premise. given that most people know those two are the front-runners, what's would you do? >> i'm not going to vote for hillary clinton. and given what we know about donald trump, i can't vote for that guy either. i believe in the constitution. i have taken an oath to preserve protect and defend the constitution. and if you got to a place where those are the two major party nominees, and i certainly hope that they're not, i'd have to look for a third-party option. >> back with the panel joining us, cnn political commentator and republican strategist ana navarro. democratic strategist angela rye. former executive director of the congressional black caucus. also trump supporter and
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conservative columnist kayleigh mcenany and bacarri sellers. ana, this idea of a third choice, that doesn't obviously translate into anything that's going to get somebody elected, or does it? >> who? they've thrown around the name of michael bloomberg. he's been polling his name out there. until there's a third choice it's theoretical. i think a lot of folks are going to have to cross that bridge when they get there, when we get there. for a lot of us right now the idea of voting for trump is just -- >> okay. i got it. kayleigh. you're a trump supporter. it's interesting. if i was a trump supporter listening to this kind of talk and hearing folks from the gop hand wringing and complaining, i mean, i would -- if anything, it would harden my support for donald trump. do you think it has that effect? >> i definitely think it has that effect. and focus groups have found it does have that effect. it consolidates the support. i'd argue this whole notion of no one getting behind trump is an opinion of the political
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class. when you look at the cnn poll that came out, just 25% said they wouldn't vote for trump. by the way, the same number said they wouldn't vote for rubio or cruz. so i think this is an opinion that's conventional wisdom among the political class because donald trump poses a threat to their interests. he's an outsider. he's 99 bed with lobbyists. he's not in bed with washington. and he poses a threat to the republican establishment. >> the other side of that, the flip side of that, and i'll speak to you because you're also a republican, is if -- i mean, he is the gop nominee, he's obviously bringing a lot of people out. there's a lot of enthusiasm among his supporters. support among his supporters is calcified. they are saying they'll vote for donald trump come hell or high water. the other side of that is, stop the hand wringing and just get on board and possibly win the presidency. >> look, there is such a thing as conviction and principle. i know it might sound strange and corny, but some people still hold on to those notions. i think that donald trump has said and done some things throughout his campaign that
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bother some of to us such a point that we just cannot imagine voting for him. that being said, you're absolutely right. he's also bringing an entirely new universe of voters into the tent and in to vote for him. and i do think that there are some members of the republican party, like me, who just cannot come to grips with it. but i think there are members of the republican establishment who are coming to grips with it. today we saw that in valdosta. brian france, the owner of nascar, endorsed him. i will tell you, he was one of the major donors for mitt romney. he is a guy that every single republican candidate has heavily courted. he has stayed on the sidelines until today. and to my surprise, this is also a guy who led nascar in calling for the lowering of the confederate flag in south carolina, who has spoken up in favor of gay rights, who has spoken up against the kentucky law. and yet today he was on that stage endorsing donald trump, which talks about a couple of things.
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first of all, they're all from that new york donor beltway. they all know donald trump. they may not particularly think he was the best candidate but they all know him and have a relationship. they also see him as having a path to victory. and, third, they think they can make a deal with him. >> angela, it's interesting. there were a lot of democrats early on who were kind of champing at the bit to have donald trump be the gop nominee to go against probably hillary clinton. do you still feel that excitement over that prospect, or do you now see donald trump as a more formidable candidate, more formidable foe as a democrat? >> right now i'm not afraid of donald trump. i think to quote cory booker from an earlier segment today, he said bring it on. and i wholeheartedly agree with that. and here's why. the type of voter that donald trump is turning out is the exact type of voter that when barack obama was elected in 2008 we wanted to stay home. now that voter if they did stay
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home is angry and feels frustrated and left out of what america is becoming, which i think is a beautiful thing. it's a blacker and browner america, a more inclusive america. and we're seeing these folks frustrated and angry. and i think we're seeing all type of hatred and vitriolic speech coming from not only his mouth but his supporters' mouth. >> bacarri, we're seeing greater enthusiasm in terms of coming out to vote. we've been seeing that in primaries and caucuses much more than on the democratic side. >> and we have seen that. one thing i have to caution and tell my democratic friends in the words of aaron rodgers to r-e-l-a-x. because also in 2000 we saw where george bush in that primary, the republicans had more than 3 million more voters in that primary than democrats had yet al gore won the popular vote. we know what happened. but yet al gore still won the popular vote. so i do think democrats don't do primaries well. and there's not as much excitement on our side. and we've all watched these debates, which have just been highly televised train wrecks.
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it's been exciting. you can't take your eyes off of it. but to angela's point i think that there are a lot of democrats like myself who want to take on that hatred, who want to take on that bigotry. you know, it was donald trump and p.o.w.s. it was donald trump and hispanics. it was donald trump and muslims. and now we have donald trump and the kkk. and i think everyone in this room can disavow the kkk if asked on the first notion. so i want to beat back that hate. i want to beat back that vitriol. so yeah. i think democrats are excited about that possibility but it's not as easy as we once thought. >> i should point out donald trump is saying, claiming he had a faulty earpiece. and could not understand. >> he said back to jake tapper david duke. he said back to jake tapper what do you mean by white supremacist and white supremacy. he heard -- >> yes, he clearly heard the name. >> he heard him. and i think what he's doing is actually strategic. they call donald trump silly and dumb a lot. he's not dumb at all. this was the same week that in tomorrow he's taking on seven southern states. one of them the founding place of the kkk.
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>> kayleigh, you believe the ear piece? >> i do. i don't think he's a liar. i mean, not believing the ear piece is saying donald trump's a liar. >> i think he's a liar. >> he's disavowed david duke four times prior to this instance. in fact, in 2000 he called david duke a racist -- >> but the mike -- the thing i just don't understand about the earpiece thing is he clearly said i don't know david duke, i don't believe i've ever met him, i'd have to look into him. two days before he disavowed david duke in 2000 when he was thinking about running with the reform party he called david duke and a racist. why would he say in that interview he didn't know who david duke was? clearly his earpiece was working enough for him to hear the name david duke and know -- >> i believe he didn't know what the question was. i believe his ear piece went out. but here's the thing. i don't believe donald trump's a racist. and most of america does not believe he's a racist or sexist. "the new york post" came out with an article showing him beating hillary clinton in democrat new york. most of america does not believe this man's a racist. that's a really heavy charge to levy, and if you're going to
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levy that charge you need to have some really good facts to back it up. >> do you think this kkk kerfuffle does impact anything or like so many other things where we've seen something the chattering classes talk about on tv but it doesn't translate? >> i don't think it's going to affect people who are solid trump supporters. and what we've seen in all the polling is that if you are for trump you are for trump no matter what. you have been there and you will remain there. where it could affect people is around the margins, i think. >> and getting out democrats to come to vote. >> in general election -- >> one at a time. david -- david. >> every time somebody says that donald trump just said something that is disqualifying, i now have more billions than he claims to have. >> i want to hear you describe how you feel about that whole thing about how you react to donald trump. that was -- i want to see that tape later.
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every reaction, every action in politics creates a reaction. i do think donald trump is going to encourage people to come to the polls in the fall as he has in the primary if he's the nominee. who hadn't come out before. i also believe that despite the fact people fear that hillary clinton, if she's the nominee, isn't spurring a lot of enthusiasm that there will be a lot of enthusiasm on the other side of the fight if donald trump is the nominee. in that sense he'll have a turnout effect on each side of the ballot. >> it's made senior republicans very nervous. he gave several interviews with that same ear piece and didn't have the problem in other interviews. so they are very suspicious of it. i wasn't there. i don't read minds. donald trump said what he said. but people who watched it don't believe it. they believe he was in a different place when he was thinking about running for the reform party so of course you would say david trump's a bigot. they believe it's a strategic calculations. again we don't read minds but that's what senior republicans think. reince priebus the party chairman has had several conversations with trump over the last several weeks as trump is winning and it becomes pretty clear that trump may well be their nominee. what he has told them is we
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cannot win, mr. trump, unless we increase our share of non-white voters, please be careful in what policies you advocate and perception matters. be careful what you say and how you say it. and what they view this, as a poex in the eye. they're asking him to get better in this area and he keeps poking them back. >> we've got to take a quick break. we'll continue the conversation. just ahead we'll hear from some voters who are equally passionate about trump. they either love him or hate him. plus my conversation with melania trump. talk about the advice she gives her husband and what she thinks about some of the language he uses on the campaign trail. that and much more ahead. ough! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has.
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we've been talking about a growing sense of fear within the establishment in the republican party that if donald trump wins the nomination as increasingly seems likely that it could mortally wound the gop. that's the opinion of some in the gop. as we just heard, some establishment republicans are saying they'll not vote for trump if he's the nominee. others including new jersey governor chris christie, they've jumped on the trump train, endorsing the front-runner and taking some heat on it from fellow republicans. on the campaign trail, the same divide splits voters as gary tuchman reports tonight. >> reporter: 11 hours before this trump rally started, is
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when dale ranney says she marked her place in line. >> we have waited for decades for someone to tell us the truth. he tells us the truth. >> reporter: thousands of people came to valdosta state university to see trump. but five minutes away in downtown valdosta, republicans are feeling much differently. >> i would not vote for donald trump because i would not vote for p.t. barnum. >> reporter: marian bellinger will be voting republican on super tuesday but is afraid like many in the republican establishment that donald trump could wreck the gop. >> i think it's keeping more qualified candidates from rising to the top. it's dividing the party and it's dividing our nation. >> reporter: you hear similar sentiments from republicans in the downtown coffee shop. what do you think of donald trump? >> i think he is arrogant and not what our country needs. >> the president needs to be someone who is respectful and will not call women ugly or insult someone. >> reporter: you hear it from republicans in the hardware
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store. the store owner cast his ballot in early voting. you want to tell me who you voted for? >> well, no, i'd rather not tell you who i voted for but i can tell you who i didn't vote for. i didn't vote for mr. trump. >> why don't you like trump? >> because i think he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. >> reporter: but back at the line to get into the trump rally -- >> 37 years of experience. >> 24, 38, 25 and with the two others in our group, it represents over 250 years. >> reporter: these retired teachers say they want to show that the perception some have that donald trump doesn't appeal to the highly educated is untrue. when donald trump makes references to carly fiorina, looking at her face. when he's talked about certain anchor people who are women in derogatory terms, does that bother you as a woman? >> no. >> why? >> we'll be the first to tell you we don't approve of everything that comes out of his mouth. but when we look at the big picture, we are pro donald trump all the way. >> reporter: when you ask people here if it concerns them the
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nomination of donald trump could disrupt the republican party, some people just laugh. and many others say, bring it on. the retired teachers say they welcome disruption in the gop. >> we might need to drain the swamp a little bit as they say in south georgia. >> did any of the republicans you talked to say they'd actually vote for a democrat if trump gets the nomination? for hillary clinton? >> reporter: none of the anti-trump republicans we talked to, anderson, said they would vote for hillary clinton or bernie sanders, but some of them did tell us that if trump gets the nomination they might not vote. and they tell us that not out of sense of satisfaction but out of a sense of sadness. anderson? >> gary, thanks very much. just ahead, one on one with melania trump. i sat down with donald trump's wife today and asked what she thinks about his tone on the campaign trail, the campaign in general, what kind of first lady she'd be, and a lot more. my interview with melania trump next. >> you watch a lot of news. >> yes. >> he watches a lot of news and he's tweeting. do you ever get bothered how
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much -- he must be up late at night tweeting, watching television. do you get bothered by that? >> i don't get bothered by that. we are both very independent and let him be who he is and he let me be who i am. >> you don't try to change him? >> i don't try to change him. he's an adult. he knows the consequences. so i let him be who he is. them are for a healthy future. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's ... ...complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and magnesium to help support healthy blood pressure. one a day.
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we haven't heard a lot from melania trump. as her husband dommates the republican race for the white house. she says she may start taking a larger role but her focus is taking care of her son and she's not thinking about making speeches just yet. i sat down with melania trump today for a rare interview covering everything from what bothers her about the campaign to what kind of first lady she might be. we'll have more of the interview in the next hour of "360" but right now here's part one of our conversation. when you first came down the escalator, when your husband first announced, what was going through your mind? were you excited? >> yes, we were excited. i was excited. i was just looking forward to it. i didn't know what he would say. i didn't know the speech. but we were all excited. and it was exciting time
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actually. and it's a lot of guts to have to do that kind of stuff. >> has your opinion -- i read an article, an interview you did i think back in with "talk" magazine in like 2000 or 1999 where you said politics is a business. has your opinion of politics changed in the last couple of months watching it so closely? >> oh, yes, of course. i follow it from a to z. i know exactly what's going on. and of course, it changes. it's many, many years ago, like, what, 20 years ago almost. so, yes, it changed a lot. >> what do you think of the campaign so far? in the last couple of days there's been all these fights between rubio saying all these things about your husband. what do you think of the tone of it? >> i think it's more a desperate tone because my husband is leading in the polls. so he wants to attack in very low manner way. and it's kind of -- we expected
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that. >> you expected it? >> yeah. i have a thick skin. >> it doesn't bother you? >> it doesn't bother me. it's very nasty, but i have a thick skin. i can handle it. >> your husband has been criticized sometimes for his tone on the campaign trail. one thing he said to me is as president, campaigning is one thing, as president he'd have a different tone if he was actually in the white house. do you think he can have a different tone? >> yes. >> is there another side to him? >> yes, he can have a different tone. he really can have a different tone. to build the empire and business that he built, you cannot always use that kind of a tone. and he can really change. i know him, and he could really change the words and the tone. and -- but he is who he is. and you could see his following and people agree with him because they're tired of washington and politicians in washington. they don't do much.
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and he is a doer. he does things and he's not just talking it. he will have things done for the states, for the america, for american people. >> you watch a lot of news. >> yes. >> he watches a lot of news too and is tweeting. do you ever get bothered how much -- he must be up late tweeting, watching television. do you get bothered by that? >> i don't get bothered by that. we are both very independent. let him be who he is. he let me be who i am. >> you don't try to change him? >> i don't try to change him. he's an adult. he knows the consequences. so i let him be who he is. i give him my opinions many, many times. >> you do? >> yes. i don't agree with everything what he says, but that is normal. i'm my own person. i tell him what i think. i'm standing very strong on the ground on my two feet, and i'm my own person and i think that's very important in the relationship. >> do you -- can you say something where you disagreed
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with him on? >> oh, many things. some language, of course. >> language? >> yes. some language -- >> language you hear him using on the campaign trail? >> especially, i was in new hampshire when the woman was shouting out the inappropriate word, and i was there and i'm thinking like don't repeat it, in my head, for him. don't repeat it. just don't say it because the next day, media, all they will talk is about that. but he repeated it. he's read the momentum. he goes with the flow. he goes with the people. they're having fun. everybody were cheering. and, you know, he said it and the next day but he repeated the word. that was not his word. >> so he heard from you about that? >> yeah, i told him that. yes. and he did it. as i said, he's an adult. >> it does seem like a lot of -- "the wall street journal" did a piece about how he makes decisions. a reporter kind of followed him around. i thought it was really interesting. and i talked to him about it.
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he seems to make a lot of decisions from his gut, from his instinc instincts. >> he does. and he is who he is. he speaks from the heart. and i think it's very important. he doesn't lie. he is who he is. he doesn't hide anything. and people -- they are connecting to that. they really connect with him and they know what he will do for the country. he's self-funding. he is his own person. he will not listen people, donors, lobbyist. nobody can buy him. and the american people, they -- i guess they got smart, and they know that he will work for them. >> when you see him on television, you watch interviews he does, even if you aren't with him, i assume you'll watch interviews he does. do you give him comments about what you think of the interviews, how it went? >> yes, after we always talk. we talk many, many times a day. yes, i do.
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>> there was -- i'm sure you know there was an interview gave yesterday where jake tapper was asking him about david duke, disavowing him and the kkk, and he didn't disavow. he had done it previously, several days before. and he's now put out a statement -- >> he disavowed many times. he disavowed press conference on friday. so i don't know why media needs to ask him so many times, because he disavowed. >> when you saw that interview, did you think that's going to be a problem? >> i don't think so because they were asking him about the groups, and he said i don't know about the groups, what you are talking about, the groups. so he disavowed many, many times. so media just bringing up, bringing up all the time. >> when you hear people saying he's racist, hearing him saying he's anti-immigrant -- >> no, he's not. he's not racist. he's not anti-immigrant. he wants to keep america safe. he wants to have illegal
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immigrants taken care of that they will not be in the country, that they don't pay taxes, that they are criminals, and that they are not good for the america. he wants -- he was talking about the illegal immigration, not about everybody. >> as an immigrant yourself, you've talked about that a little bit, from slovenia. what was it about america that drew you here, that made you want to come to america? >> i live in slovenia when i was a child. and i went to milan in paris for modeling career. and i had a very successful modeling career, and i came to united states, to new york in 1996. and just the energy of new york, the opportunities, different world, different culture, it really attracted me. and i did very well here, and i stayed here. >> as somebody who came to this country sort of wanting to be
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part of america, obviously, ultimately become a citizen, do you understand the drive that brings other immigrants here, legally and illegally? >> i understand, but i came here legally. i came here on visa. i flew to slovenia every few months to stamp it, and came back. i applied for green card, and then after few years for citizenship. i obeyed the law. i did it the right way. i didn't just sneak in and stay here. so i think that's what people should do. >> i'll have more of my interview with melania trump in our next hour coming up. just ahead in this hour, hillary clinton hoping to follow her landslide win in south carolina with a super tuesday sweep. bernie sanders vowing to stay in the race. what's at stake for the democrats when the polls open just hours from now. introducing centrum vitamints. a new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint... with a full spectrum of nutrients...
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he's ending it in massachusetts where he just wrapped up a rally as well. today his campaign said he's raised more than $41 million this month alone. he got a shellacking, of course, in south carolina but he is vowing to stay in for the long haul. our jeff zeleny has the latest. >> massachusetts is right in the middle of it. and i need your help. >> reporter: hillary clinton is riding a wave. hoping her south carolina landslide becomes an even bigger super tuesday victory lap. >> i will work as hard as i can every single day. i will get up and go to work for you and fight for you. >> reporter: the delegate fight with bernie sanders will go on. but a strong finish could make clinton all but unstoppable. at least mathematically. politically it's a long race ahead. >> if i were grading some of those republicans, you remember the little box that used to be on your kids' report cards? play well with others?
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i'd have to put a big no. democracy requires that we play well with others. >> reporter: she is steadily shifting her focus from sanders to republicans. one in particular. >> yes, i don't think america has ever stopped being great. what we need to do now is make america whole. >> reporter: in battleground virginia, the early outlines of a potential general election fight starting today. >> bernie sanders is over. unless she gets indicted. >> reporter: sanders isn't sugarcoating his 48-point blowout in south carolina. >> we got decimated, george. we got decimated. >> reporter: but he says the race is just getting started. he's drawing big crowds from oklahoma to colorado to minnesota with thousands of supporters answering his call for a political revolution. and he's making it clear he's far from finished with clinton. >> we are listening to the american people, and their pain and their needs rather than hustling all over the country
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collecting millions of dollars from the 1%. >> reporter: a new cnn/orc poll today shows a majority of democrats across the country favor clinton, 55% to 38% over sanders. but it also shows warning signs. 59% say sanders is more honest and trustworthy compared to 36% who say clinton is. >> hello, virginia! hello, george mason. >> reporter: tonight in virginia, clinton sounded like she had the general election on her mind. >> because at some point you can't just say whatever pops into your head if you want to be the president of the united states of america. people around the world actually listen to what people running for president say. >> jeff joins us now. sanders is getting some high-profile endorsements. >> he is. and one was a big surprise to everyone across the democratic party. the hawaii congresswoman
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tulsi gabered. she's a former iraq war vet. she came out today and said she supports bernie sanders because of his judgment. she said he'd make a better commander in chief. this is one of the arguments the clinton campaign makes all the time, that she'd be the better commander in chief. this is a compelling argument. she also had to step down as vice chair of the dnc to do this. a very interesting endorsement. but one endorsement that didn't happen was elizabeth warren. we're just now a few hours before the massachusetts primary. she's decided to not weigh in on this. the clinton campaign was worried she might jump in for bernie sanders at the end. she has not so far. but there are 41 million reasons the clinton campaign is still watching bernie sanders. all that money he raised in february. incredible amount of money. >> as we all know from him, in small donations by and large. >> right. $27. >> so i've heard. jeff zeleny, thanks very much. much more ahead tonight on "360." i'll talk to governor kasich who is under growing pressure from his party to drop out of the race. he hasn't won a contest yet. some say he's tilting at windmills, but he is not giving up. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates.
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