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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  March 5, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST

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i'm going to win ohio. when i win ohio it's going to be a whole new ball game. they're voting it's not because of lying ted or little marco. a campaign filled with vulgarity and profanity and ugly things that have been said about other people on the stage. >> there is no doubt. if we remain divided, donald trump wins. >> there were so many insults flying back and forth, it was hard to keep track. -- captions by vitac -- good morning, everyone.
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so great to have you along with us on this saturday morning. i'm pamela brown in for christi paul and victor blackwell is in flint, michigan. victor, today is super saturday and the biggest day of the year and the race for the white house. a lot going on today. >> yes. a lot going on here and at home. this is super saturday. voters across five states will head to the polls or caucuses. for the republicans, the stakes have never been higher. we've got voters headed out to kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maine, nebraska. a lot of headlines. first up, ben carson officially now out of the race. telling the audience he'll take a position with the christian voter group. meanwhile donald trump who was scheduled to speak at about 11:00 this morning or rather 8:30 this morning is skipping
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the conservative conference, instead holding a rally in kansas at nearly the same time as his canceled speech. he's also changed his mind. he clarified remarks that a push for tortures of detainees and killing family members. now he says he would not ask the military to commit illegaling ats. florida is today. that's a must-win state for marco rubio. it's his home state. ted cruz is launching an aggressive plan. that could potentially be a fatal blow for marco rubio. mathematically it could be a win for donald trump. a plan for cruz to block marco rubio would put him on a path
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toston trump. cnn politics senior reporter steven collier is following that faceted story. i want to start with this. the republican establishment seems not quite certain that it won't come down to the very end that contested convention. listen, first, to mitt romney speaking with our gloria borger and then reince priebus talking about this all going down to the convention. >> this contested convention, is this a scenario that you're actively looking at? >> i think it's a realistic scenario. a lot of people have thought that. >> if that were to happen, obviously we're sort of in territory that our party hasn't seen. once again, highly, highly unlikely. >> steven, there, you have the head of the nominee, the establishment that maybe this is
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a possibility. it's unlikely. beyond the leadership, how per swituation vase per pervasive is it? >> if he does that contesting it would be a difficult process indeed. if we step back and they about this it's absolutely extraordinary that the last nominee of the republican party and the previous nominee of the republican party john mccain are raising the idea that they could go into the general election with those two figures domina dominati dominating, which is donald trump. it's very risk ski. historically die provided parties have not prospered in general elections, a republican party having a civil war with
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itself could very well hand the white house to the democrats in november. >> ben carson as we said at the top of the show has officially suspended his campaign. his fi his 5%, 6%, 7% in states going forward could be pifbtal. who will most likely get his support? >> it most likely would be ted cruz. he appeals to many of the same evangelicals that ben carson does. you've seen marco rubio has made a pitch for those carson voters. in florida, which is a make-or-break state, if he could swell his support by those carson voters even though it may be just 4%, 5%, 6% as you say, that could perhaps be decisive with the close donald trump. the other issue is the ben carson supporters are very faithful. they're very attached to their candidate. i don't think it's a given that
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necessarily they would go to one other candidate and transfer their support. it's possible some don't vote at all. although it's 6%, it's possible that the final tally of ben carson voters or cruz could be less than that. >> all right. stephen collinson watching the gop infighting that is on display hour to hour on television now. stephen collinson, thank you so much. we'll get back to you sometime this morning. all right. listen to this. >> i did the math. i looked at the delicate counts, i look at the states, i looked at the requirements, and i realize that it simply wasn't going to happen, and if that's the case, then i didn't want to interfere with the process. >> all right. so you've got ben carson there. that's his official announcement vowing out of the presidential race on friday some of far he has not backed a former rival. marco rubio, he'll be speaking
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at the conservative conference later today. as conservative commentator, bill kristol urges him to back away from his pledge of support to the front-runner, the potential nominee. donald trump. kristol tweeted this. what he could say. i took a schois to endorse the g gop nominee since then there's been a candidate and i've heard things. i can no longer in good conscience commit to support donald trump. let's bring in cnn political commentator and host of "the ben ferguson show." good morning. >> good morning. >> play it out for me, the pluses and minuses, the decision for marco rubio. >> two different things. if he does it, i think it will look like an on tunist and it will fracture this election even more so. it will also look desperate for a guy that somehow third place finishes end up somehow giving
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you first place. i disagree with bill on this. i don't think this would be a good idea to do that. i think you have to run your campaign, say that you're going to continue do it the way you're going to do it, and you're not going to try to pull some rabbit out of your hat at the last hour and say, hey, look what i did, i changed my narrative and it's going to fix it. it will not fix it. you may get applause especially at cpac especially since donald trump said you're not worth my time, i'm not showing up. the room would love to hear anything about donald trump since he has decided not to show up at cpac, but it doesn't play well with the voters. >> let's move down. if donald trump gets the magic number to become the nominee, marco rubio has called donald trump a frock, a con man, has mocked him at rallies in recent weeks. won't that endorsement if it comes, if he supports the
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nominee, won't that seem disingenuous? >> no, i don't think so. if you said early on will you support the eventual nominee, everyone but donald trump raised their hand. so it's consistent with that. i also think bygones are bygones when you drop out. if you don't believe me, look at chris christie. he was very critical of donald trump and said we don't need him as president and said some intense and derogatory fighting back and forth with donald trump. he had no problem afterward walking on stage. i look at the papers where they say he should resign from office. it obviously did not play well at home for him but nationally i don't think it hurt him with primary voters if he ever decided to run again, but i doubt he will. i don't see them looking at it. with see people lose the endorsement. huckabee was not a fan, for example, of donald trump.
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he also said donald trump is the best guy. his own daughter is working for him when she was working against him a month ago. this is the nature of politics. we see it on the republican and democratic side. i just don't think it will be a story. >> ben ferguson, we also enjoy your insight. we're going to speak with jeffrey lord on trump's reversal of torture and killing family members and immigration, those visas that we also saw that reversal from trump on thursday night. next, though, we'll take a look at the contest on the democratic side. 109 delegates at stake as voters head to the polls and caucuses at kansas, louisiana, and nebraska on this super saturday and as we mentioned, a total of five states heading to the polls and caucuses. what to look for. later in the show, this new twist in the o.j. simpson case vchl you heard about this? everybody's talking about it
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this morning. a knife allegedly found at the site of his former estate. why it's just now turning up and being tested, and what this could mean for the potential future of the case. the police incompetence in this case was just boundless, and if this is a relevant piece of evidence, obviously it should have been found by the police. they tore his whole house apart. the generously appointed es and the new, eight-passenger lx. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection.
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so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. have you chosen a candidate you're going to support? >> i have. i'm looking toward hillary, to be honest. i think she's going to be a great candidate for our community especially because she came and represented us in the
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water crisis we're having. >> i like realistic goals and i respect the clintons. nobody's perfect, but i'm saying as a total alternative, i have a lot of respect for her and i have a lot of -- i feel that she can accomplish some of those things. >> none of the above. >> why? >> because i don't feel that they're putting candidates out there in either party that are addressed the people's needs. not their wants, their needs. >> normally i vote republican and just for my own standards and what i believe in, and so typically that's what it is, but as for a certain person, i haven't really seen one that i actually love yet. so it will probably be a last-minute decision. >> whoever makes the most sense. >> have you chosen who that is yet? >> my choices are hillary, sanders, or kasich.
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>> okay. >> i'm still deciding. >> still deciding. a lot of voters here in michigan are still deciding. those are a few of the people i spoke with here in flint this weekend. there are, though, contests today. this is super saturday for both the democrats and republicans. let's focus on the democrats. 109 delegates at stakes at voters head to the polls in nebraska, louisiana, and kansas. i want to bring in cnn political commentator van jones and let's talk about, first, the contest today before we get to the debate. we even got these three states, louisiana, kansas, nebraska. potential strength for either. >> well, i mean what i think you're seeing now is we have a democratic party that really has three wings. there's the establishment wing that hillary clinton represents very, very well. there's this new populist wing that bernie represents.
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before that it was warren. before that it was occupy wall street. but this third wing is this racial justice wing, the african-americans, latinos, black lives matter, dreamers. whoever gets that third block is going to win and it looks like hillary clinton has that block wrapped up. and so you see obviously bernie does very, very well with young people but especially with white young people. he does less well with african-american people. hillary clinton has to achieve something really extraordinariy. in 2008 you remember there was a lot of anger because of her and now president obama. it's very hard to lose trust and regain it. but she's done it with the black community and a local lot of people say she has all these trust issues. she may be able to over the curse of the year do that with more and more people as she reintroduces herself as a new, i think, stronger version of who she's always been. >> i saw that in north carolina
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in that contentious 2008 primary. when i went and spoke with people, what we heard from many of the people, the black voters there, was she had obama's back and so now i have hers. >> exactly. >> loyalty. >> yes, loyalty. so let's talk about looking into the debate tomorrow night. bernie sanders over the last couple of days has really been hitting hillary clinton on her support fehr nafta and ttp. is that effective especially as you travel across this region of the country. >> it's possible in a primary but a general election. bernie sanders has really, i think, channeled a lot of the frustration in the democratic party with some of the things that clintons did in the '90s that this party is really a reaction against. the new party -- it's so ironic -- the new party hillary may lead is, in fact, the party her husband led. very skeptical of nafta, very
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skeptical of this new trade deal, so-called ttp, so she has to deal with that. so there are other issues as well, that the 1990s version of the clintons is on the opposite. you get the criminal justice issues. bill clinton, very, very tough on crime. i think the prison population doubled on him. bernie has not done the best possible job but it's an important issue. there are other issues as well. let's not forget the clintons got into bed with newt gingrich on welfare repeal. they called it welfare reform. many called it welfare repeal. hillary clinton often talks about marrying the right element. people forget her mentor when she was young. people forget. she was so critical of what clinton did to welfare that her husband quit his administration. peter ellman quit his
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administration. think here the african-american community in the north is different than in the south. those african-american moms and grandmas and church folk who went out to vote for her in south carolina are not the same as these african-american trade unionists here in the northeast who even if their labor leadership likes the clintons may be concerned about their jobs. >> van, we'll continue this conversation next hour. i want to know. after this republican debate and all we saw on stage on thursday, the democratic debates are not as entertaining door they movie the needle as much. van, thanks so much. a programming note, hillary clinton and ben carson will be on stage today, democratic presidential debate sunday from flint, michigan. anderson cooper moderates. that's only on cnn. pamela has a lot more going on. and there's a lot going on. >> up next, new information that the notorious drug kingpin
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joaquin "el chapo" guzman. what he was doing and how he was found out. also ahead could this missing piece be part of the missing plane. details on what was recovered recently. 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. "hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good. if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don't have a touch screen on my mac, i'm jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. [ laugh ] hi i'm kristie. and i'm jess. and we are the bug chicks. we're a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. "hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good.
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fugitive. his daughter said he came to visit her in florida after he escaped prison in mexico. guzman's daughter said she had no idea how slipped across the border when both u.s. and mexican authorities were looking for him. they're looking into whether a piece that they found is missing from the messing plane. it looks like the tail section like the boeing 777. the scrap was found this week by an american tourist. police in maine have arrested a 55-year-old man and charged him with the murder that took place 55 years ago. it's been a cold case ever since her body was found. he made a number of incriminating remarks over the years that may have suggested he was involved in her death. the author of "the a great
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santeeny" and the prince of tides" has died. pat conroy had pancreatic cancer and died. he wrote 11 books in his career. he was 70 years old. just ahead on "new day," they cast their votes. we hear from some of them and learn what's at stake in those states. >> plus with all the political tension in flint, michigan, we're going to update you on the residented and the status of their drinking water. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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good morning to you. i'm victor blackwell live in flint, michigan, the site of tomorrow night's democratic debate. michigan voters will head to the polls on tuesday to cast ballots for their choice in the primary. now, today, though, this is super saturday. voters in five days voters will head to the polls or caucuses. there are 500 delegates on the line. for the democrats, 109 delegates. let's talk about super saturday with cnn political commentator errol louis. do you see a case here in with kasich, cruz, rubio, one of them
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which can snatch a state or is it a trump sweep? >> i don't see any possibilities of that. there's a possibility up in maine, i suppose, for kasich and rubio, but the reality is they've got to stay in the delegate hunt. this is all about the delegates. if they're going to follow what mitt romney outlined in the last one, it's to stop donald trump. no one can do this on their own. at least not yet, until there's only one candidate, but if they do want to block him, one possible way to do that is to pick up as many delegates in as many states as they can before they take all of the delegate allocations and see if they can keep him below the threshold, the 1,200 odd delegates that he needs to become the nominee. >> so you mentioned the rom knee plan, allow rubio to win in florida, john kasich to win in
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ohio, cruz to win somewhere else in addition to his home state of texas and the four kochb tests he's won. cruz is not going for that. watch. >> in my view, a brokered convention ain't going to happen, and if the washington deal makers try to steal the nomination from the people, i think it would be a disaster. it would cause a revolt. instead t answer is real simple. we've got to win this nomination, 1,237 delegates is what it takes to be the republican nominee. >> hypervasive is that widespread, that it would be stealing it from the voters? >> it's not a spros expect frankly but if it falls within the rules, again t romney scenario victor, is the delegates have pledged for a first vote, a first round of voting. so they go to the convention and
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they all vote. the reality is there are people like jeb bush who dropped out who had a half a dozen delegates. ben carson has a handful. the reality is they do have to vote. they're free to vote for whomever they want. if on the first ballot nobody has 1,237, there's brokered for lack of a better word, there's a reason for the convention. it's not just to drop a bunch of balloons and have a party, right? anything can happen at that point. i this i what you heard ted cruz saying, victor, is he wants everybody to unite behind him, that he's the only one who has consistently -- well, not consistently but repeatedly beaten donald trump in a handful of states. that continues to be the consensus in the candidate against trump. >> let's look to the democrats now. three states that they're up in now this morning. kansas, louisiana, and nebraska. is there a place here that you expect bernie sanders will win?
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>> well, you know, when you're looking at some of these -- these states that have an overwhelmingly white population, victor, and they have a caucus that's happening, that's -- that's good news for bernie sanders. that's kind of his sweet spot. so everybody should keep an eye on kansas, keep an eye on nebraska and how well he does today. he's playing a similar kind of game because of what we just outlined for the republicans is actually the play book for the democrats. they're going have a proportional sort of allocation of delegates in state after state all the way up to the convention. bernie sanders has stated he's going to stay in this all the way to the end even if he doesn't have a clear packet to a majority of delegates. hillary clinton is in no position to try to get him to drop out because we remember in 2008 she stayed in it all the way to the bitter end, so we'll see how all this plays out. i would be looking for sanders to be doing quite well in kansas
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perhaps. >> all right. errol louis. thank you so much. programming note here, political march madness. of course, it begins right here sunday 8:00 p.m. with the democratic debate in flint, michigan, followed by a premiere new cnn series "race for the white house." on tuesday, knew super tuesday. wednesday, univision democratic debate in miami. we want to high light and discuss the people who live here and the problems with the drinking water here. how are they coping and what to do they want to hear from the candidates on sunday night? an in-depth report next. celebration. ways a r [sportscaster vo]
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you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. i'm victor black well here in flint, michigan, the site of sunday night's debate and of all the issues hillary clinton and bernie sanders will address in that democratic debate nothing hits home more than the water crisis right here in flint. it's a complicated situation with really no easy answers and fixing the problem will take lots of time and money. sara ganim explains what it's like for the people who live here, who don't have safe tap water to use. >> he broke out into a rash along the face. >> reporter: he takes care of
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his two young grandsons during the day in his home which still has dangerously high levels of lead. >> do you know about pop-pop's water? yeah? dirty, yeah. do you drink the water? >> reporter: anything over 15 parts per billion is considered dangerous. harris's water tested at 600 parts per billion in january and more than 400 parts per billion a month later. >> so here's your test results. >> yep. >> this is from january 10th. what did you think when you saw that number? >> well, you know, it freaked me out, you know. that's high. >> that's very high. >> it's too high. >> reporter: that's not even the worst case. more than 600 homes in flint still have high levels of lead. rosemary vernon's water was
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tested at more than 400 apartments per billion. >> what did you think? >> i said, oh, my god. i was stunned. i couldn't believe it, you know. >> reporter: as a result, almost every drop of water these residents use comes from batta bottle. karen weaver is the mayor of flint. >> people are bathing with bottled water, cooking with bottled water, and cooking. this has been going on for two months. >> yes. >> how long will it go on? >> reporter: here's the problem they improperly tweeted the water and it corroded the pipes which leeched lead and heavy metal. the water supply has been switched back but the lead pipes are still damaged and lead-tainted water is still coming out of their taps.
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documents show the state didn't properly treat the water and then lied about it for months telling the public it was safe to drink when it was not. >> even if things tested okay urn that, there's that psychological association that we can't get around and in order for us to build trust back in the government and trust back in the water, we've got have new pipes. >> reporter: but five months later they're just now breaking ground on replacing lead service lines. you asked for $55 million to start for the pipes. >> yes. >> who's going to pay for that? >> i'm hoping to get some money from the state. >> reporter: the state of michigan which caused the problem by failing to properly treat the flint river water has pledged $58 million to flint, but none of that for replacement of lead service lines. the governor asked the state legislature but even if the money's approved, the money wouldn't be available until
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ochlkt why the delay? the state wants to study the issue first. >> we don't have time to study because every single day we're testing the water and getting results back. >> reporter: mary weaver is taking the little bit of money she has and turning to a neighbor for help. lansing has been steadily replacing its pipes for the last ten years and is considered a model. a challenge in flint because records are so bad officials don't know which homes have lead service lines. >> so far i know 8,000 have been identified. >> reporter: meanwhile the people of flint say they're tired of waiting. >> people at the state level say they care about the city, they're working on fixing it. do you trust them? do you believe them? >> as soon as i see them digging out in my front yard and lag pipe and i'll go out and watch and see what they do, then i will believe thome.
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>> sara ganim is joining us now. she's been doing obviously phenomenal work in flint. of course, you're going to help us understand the problem with the pipes united have one for us. >> here's what we're talking. this is a lead pipe from lansing, michigan. see this orange coating inside here, victor? this is what we're talking about. that's the phosphate coatin that's supposed to protect the water so when it flows through the lead pipe, you don't get that. the corrosive water wiped away the protective coating and people were getting washington lead water leeched into their pipes. what enwe talked to residents, this is where they said they need to trust in their government again is brand-new pipes where they're not going have a problem. they're not going have to rely on this coating. as you see from our piece t problem is the city as much as they want to fix the problem has
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no money. they have to rely on the state or the federal government to give them that money and right now they just don't have it. >> the secondary crisis they have here is the crisis of trust. they don't trust their elected leaders. we'll talk a little later this morning about what they hope to hear from these candidates, bernie sanders and hillary clinton at the debate. sara ganim, thank you so much. ahead on "new day," we'll go back to the conservative conference. cpac, we'll talk with the chairman about donald trump's cancellation and the message to grassroots organizers. plus a new twist in one of the most sensational trials of modern times. police are testing a knife allegedly found at the former o.j. simpson estate. our legal experts will weigh in.
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welcome back. i'm pamela brown. the infamous o.j. simpson murder trial is capturing the attention of the public once again. los angeles police say they have acquired a knife that was reportedly found at simpson's former estate. cnn's paul mccameron takes a look at this mysterious new development. >> i was really surprised. a shocking development involved in the case of o.j. simpson, a knife found. just surfacing after being obtained by police in the last month from a retired lapd officer. >> he claim thad an individual who claimed to be a construction worker provided him with this knife, claiming that it was found on the property. >> the retired officer says the
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construction worker supposedly worked on the property. this could have been around the time of this demolition in 1998. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: -- three years after simpson was acquired of killed nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. >> i don't have that information and the investigators have asked that we not be very descriptive about the knife. >> reporter: they will say tests are under way, but police are holding back details as they vet whether or not this is all a hoax. investigators want to know why the officer who said he was given the knife while working security on a movie set took so long to return the knife. >> i would like to know why if this story is accurate, would know that any tile you come in contact with evidence you should and shall submit that to
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investigators. >> reporter: the surprising revelation comes after the show "all things o.j." even president obama commented on the news today. >> thought it might be useful to take a small break from the spectacle of the political season and now i gather o. jchlt to focus on something that really matters to the american people. >> reporter: for the goldman family the development isn't something they want to dras, saying it only creates more unnecessary hype and increases the media circus. o.j. simpson remains in prison after a kidnapping in las vegas. they say most likely he can never be retried for the two murders. >> it's a mystery to this day. other weapons have surfaced over the years but none were found to have been linked to this crime. i want to bring in joey jackson.
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what strange story. everyone is talking about this. since simpson can't be retried. how significant is this discovery? >> good morning, pamela. you know, it depending who you ask. but let's start here and let's start with your open, which was mysterious. i hasten to add that it may well be credible but is it coincidental that you have this fx series capturing the history of o.j. and we have a revelation about a knife. in terms of the voracity of the story you have to question and then you get to the issue as you mention. look. we know the fifth amendment, we usually talk about it, pamela, in terms of self-incrimination but it has that double jeopardy. then you look at the value of the knife itself. and if you look and establish the timeline, any attorney no matter what this knife revealed based on the testing will attack, attack, attack because
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of the chain of custody. what do you do with the evidence. you preserve it. you safeguard it and if it's been lying around for all these years, really, how much value would any evidence that's unearthed from this knife really have? >> i want to get to that in just a second just the fact that it's been so long since it's been turned over. hypothetically it turns out that this is the murder weapon and there's some link to o.j. simpson. would there be any way around double jeopardy? >> there's no way at all around double jeopardy. the interesting thing about the law, pam larks they really are to the benefit of any deft that's tried. what do i mean? to the extent that he's been tried and acquitted, that a jury has said, not guilty, he's done. there's nothing else you can do in terms of going after him. now, if the defendant is convicted and knew evidence is uncovered he may be entitled to a new trial. so it really is a one-way street. if you're convicted, then you
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get a new trial. potentially if there's newdy discover i evidence. if you're acquitted, found not guilty and there's new evidence, you know what? you don't have to worry because of that fifth amendment to the constitution. >> all right. so right now forensic testing is reportedly under way. everyone is anxious to know what the results are. how long will it take, you think? >> i was surprised if there was a rush on it that they really haven't or don't have the information they need now. remember, that the knife was apparently turned over by this former lapd detective on february 8th and so now potentially if you put o a rush on it and test it, squlould have the information you need. again, it's very skeptical. remember, o.j., the incident happened in june of 1994. he was acquitted in october of 1995. this lapd detective apparently was detected in 1998. he puts it in a toolbox and all of a sudden it appears multiple years later.
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>> giev tot to ask you quickly on that note. could he be charged with withholding evidence since it's been all these years? >> that is a concern because as an officer or even a former officer, you're a custodian of that information. if somebody comes to you and they give you something, your job is to protect and preserve that and safeguard that and turn it in. so now that he has it and he didn't turn it in for so many year, he certainly could face some type of tampering or evidentiary charge in the future. >> joey jackson, thanks for breaking it down. just ahead on new day, marco rubio taking a pack as his rival for the presidency decides to back out at the last minute. we'll talk about the impact to voters. ound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] woman: [laughs] no way! that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro, you just don't know. cfp -- work with the highest standard.
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more charges of a man killing his son by leefrg him in an overheated car. his lawyers said they were filed to influence potential injuries before his trial starts next month. space ex has sent a massive satellite into orbit after having to delay the rocket launch five times. the satellite is designed to bring broad band internet to remote areas of the world. it will orbit the world at a distance 100 times faster than the space station. and nasa's new horizon's probe has found snow on pluto, but this snow is made of methane gas. take a look alt these pictures coming in from 4 billion miles
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away. a mountain range covered in methane snow. the picture show it stretches for 250 miles. guess we don't have those pictures. there's still a lot of news to tell you about this morning. the next hour of "new day" begins right now. good morning. i'm pamela brown in for christi paul. five states heading to the polls today. let's get straight to victor black well who's leading our coverage live from flint, michigan, the site of sunday night's democratic debate. hey, victor. >> good morning, to you, pamela. good morning to you at home. the michigan ger michiganders you call people from michigan --
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voting. 155 at stake, marco rubio is taking his campaign to maryland today to speak to the conservative political action conference cpac. he'll be on stage later this morning as his rival donald trump snubs the convention, backing out of his appearance at the last minute. it really angered some conservatives there. trump's campaign is also taking heat over this. watch. more than two dozen black lives protesters. watch this video, being forcibly removed from a trump rally. this was in new orleans last night. a cnn senior political reporter manu raju is following this story. let's start with cpac though and we'll get to that video.
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any indication why trump is backing out of the cpac appearance. >> well, victor, i think politically donald trump thought it would be better to be campaigning somewhere like kansas where voters are actually taking to caucuses today and will decide who they wants a a republican nominee, marco rubio, for instance, in that state, is making a concerted push. certainly doesn't want to give any light to it. trump has two events now scheduled in wichita today now heading to florida for that all important march 15th primary, sort of a do-or-die moment for marco rubio. yesterday in this crowd you really sense a big anti-trust sentiment. when ted cruz came here, he was taking a lot of jabs at donald trump and the crowd overwhelmingly reacted with applause. at one point several small contingent of pro-trump supporters started chanting tru trump, trump, trump, trump. what happened?
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ted cruz overwhelmingly booed them. so when he decided to change the schedule, he thought it would be better to campaign and not become before a hostile audience. >> all right, manu. let's go back to that video from new orleans last night with those black lives matter protester s forcibly removed frm the arena there. jamie dimon said it was one of a half dozen protests and one of the worst hi's seen. what do you know about this? >> well, i mean from what i've seen, i was not there at that event, victor, but clearly what we're seeing at a lot of these trump convenients, protesters are seeing a lot of opportunities to try to disrupt an event and donald trump does not like any sort of dissent in his audience. anyone who's making noise or even a silent protester, trump tries to believe them from the
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audience. more and more these days it's been a big distraction for his campaign, and i think a lot of it may actually help him in some ways too. his supporters really rally behind him. it's hard o see what kind of impact it would have on the polls but it shows the divisive nature of his campaign and if he runs into the general election as the republican nominee, he's going to have to deal with this time and time again. that's one of the things his critics are warning about. >> all right. manu raju there from cpac. donald trump will not be. marco rubio will be a little later in the day. thanks so much. it's a desperate fight for marco rubio trying to rally the troops. listen to this ad from a super pac. >> we knew marco rubio first. we saw him stand up for taxpayers in tallahassee. he inspired when he crushed charlie crist and the political
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establishment. we've seen -- >> well, he is getting hit from all sides. it's not just from the front-runner going after him. ted cruz is trying to knock out rubio as well, trying to keep rubio from gaining on trump. ted cruz's group says if he knocks him from his home stand it will be the end for rubio. but they've opened ten new offices in the last ten days. coming up we'll speak with a supporter about that strategy. let's talk about the latest and what's happening on the republican side and bring in mark preston. let's start, first, good morning to you, mark, with the consequences for donald trump skipping cpac. are there any quantifiable consequences like we saw out of iowa when he skipped that last debate? >> you know, victor, given the state of the race and that
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donald trump is on such a roll, i'm not sure this is going to have any effect at all. the fact of the matter is he's gone to kansas as manu was saying. he is trying to mine votes. had this been a year ago perhaps the narrative would have been drawn that donald trump wasn't a conservative or trying to get the conservative vote, but at this point we've clearly seen with the numbers he's been able to draw out in states down in the south as well out in the west and, of course, up in the northeast, that, in fact, he is the prohippive front-runner at this point and it's going to take a lot from ted cruz or for marco rubio to try to knock him off from that position. >> all right. so let's talk about ted cruz in this aggressive plan, the strategy to keep rubio from winning his home state. of course, many believe if rubio does not win florida's 99 winner-take-all delegates mathematically and perceptually, that could be the end of his campaign. but doesn't that help donald trump as well?
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>> it certainly does. look. it's a risky game that ted cruz is playing right now. as we're looking at the math and the path forward for each of these candidates, victor, it's quite unclear how you can take out donald trump. there are ways do so. one is to keep all the candidates in the race, have marco rubio win florida, john kasich win ohio. these are two large states with a large amount of delegates. if you're able to deprive, donald trump wins in those states, then it's going to be a harder path to get the nomination. by ted cruz going down to florida, though, what he's banking on is to take marco rubio out entirely and to try to get all of the anti-trump sentiment behind him, and he think that that might be his path forward. in some ways it's actually not a bad idea, because it's not something that in the end it could work in his advantage either way. because, look, if donald trump wins florida, he wins florida. he if wins ohio, it's going to be difficult at any point for
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any rupp to win. however, if ted cruz is able to go down there and pull off a miraculous win in florida, can you imagine that? it would be all the wind is behind ted cruz's back that is important in the general elections. but at this point as they're looking at how to try to take out donald trump, his rivals are flummoxed how to take him out as well. >> let's talk about today. four states on the gop side heading to caucuses -- >> right. >> -- and to the polls for the primary in louisiana. if this is a trump sweep this weekend, is the party -- is the gop electorate, are they giving a pass to the other three candidates until florida, until ohio? >> look. i'm not sure if anyone's getting a pass at this point. but if trump does come out with victories today, again, it's going continue to build on the narrative that donald trump is driving out voters we're not normally seeing.
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the fact is he is getting support from conservatives. you know, the argument against donald trump is he has a ceiling of about 35% support. the other 65% are for other candidates, but when those candidates start dropping out, you can't assume that 65% of them are still going to be anti-trump. you have to assume some of them are going to go to the trump side. what's interesting about this weekend, not only today, is one of the territories, puerto rico s also voting. they're voting on sunday. marco rubio who's going to be speaking today and i'm sure will give a full throated defense for conservativism and a plea for folks to support him, not only will he be in florida, but he's going to hop ahead to puerto rico, which goes to show you puerto rico does play a roll in the primary process. it shows you how important every delegate is. victor? >> mathematically and perceptually. mark preston, c nnn politics an
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editor. many say donald trump did not deserve an invitation to cpac in the first place, although he's now decided to skip that appearance. we'll ask the chairman of the event what he thinks about that and what the trump campaign told them about why they were skipping. plus, donald trump gets ready to hold a rally in wichita, kansas, just a few hours from now. we'll take you there for a look at how the supporters are gearing up. right when you feel a cold sore,
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thi work for the dogs twenty-four seven. i am the butler. these dogs shed like crazy. it's like being inside of a snow globe. it takes an awful lot of time to keep the house clean. i don't know what to do. sfx: (doorbell) what's this? swiffer sweeper and dusters? this is nice and easy boys. it really sticks to it. it fits in all of the tight spaces this is really great does that look familiar to you? i'm no longer the butler, i am just one of the guys. welcome back. i'm victor black well. republican front-runner donald trump will be a no-show as gathering of conservative voters in washington today. in a statement he says he'll hold rallies. let me bring in cnn political
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commentator jeffrey lord. he's also a trump supporter with matt schlapp. good to have both of you with me this morning. >> morning, victor, matt. >> a great to be with you, victor. >> hey, matt, i want to start with you. your group released a statement after the announcement that donald trump would not be attending cpac this weekend. in it you said his decision send as clear message to grassroots. in that message, what is that message sent? >> the message is that he didn't want to come here to cpac, the place where reagan came 13 times, the place where reagan started his campaign to the presidency, the place where reagan gave his very first public address after he won that consequential election in 1980. conservatives come here from around the country, victor, because not everybody lives in new hampshire or iowa or iowa or one of these early states so they come from all ore the
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country and this is their chance to get an up close intimate look at these candidates and i think it was a big mistake for donald trump not to be here. should have been open to our format. he should have been open to answering the question. you don't always get to dictate things when you're a candidate. sometimes you have to come and follow the same rules all the other candidates are following. i think it's a political whiff and a political mistake. >> matt, did the trump campaign tell you specifically why donald trump was not going to appear? >> yeah. they didn't like the format. they wanted to be able to change the for machlt they didn't want to follow the same rules that all the other candidates have followed. look, we had gone after marco rubio pretty sharply and marco rubio listened and marco rubio respe respectfully said he wanted to be at cpac and follow the format. it wouldn't be fair to change the rules for somebody else. we're neutral in this presidential race, we haven't picked a candidate but all the candidates have to follow the rules. dhad not want to follow the
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rules. they can say they are going go somewhere else but the fact of the matter is we weren't going to let them come here with a new set of rules. >> all right. jeffrey, you heard him say ronald reagan came 13 times. you compare donald trump to ronald reagan every single day. you do suspect this is the right or wrong way? >> first of all, let me say to matt, i love cpac. i spoke a couple of years ago. i'm sorry i can't be there this weekend. it has nothing to do with not want gog to cpac, i assure you. >> jeffrey, we're going want you back, okay? >> don't worry about me, matt. cpac is fabulous. you can go on with or without me. i don't worry about that. i take matt's point, i really do understand. i think also you've gotten these
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active caucuses and primaries going on and just from a practical sense, i think some campaigns, you know, in addition to what matt has said may want to get out there and be with the voters who are about to cast ballots. you know, the pressure is on now, we're coming into primaries and caucuses today and on the 15th, et cetera. so i can understand. >> but donald trump could have done both, right, jeffrey? ted cruz was there yesterday. he'll be out with voters and caucusgoers today. rubio will be there later this morning. >> victor, it's purely a subjective assessment on the part of the campaign. some people would do it. some people would not. the trump people decided for whatever reason not to do it. there you go. >> let me come to you with this and maybe you can add it -- we saw the schedule, the kasich,
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cruz, rub yoerks even the former candidate, ben carson there yesterday. but there are some activists who question why donald trump was invited in the first place and it would not have been unprecedent for cpac to skip an invitation. senator john mccain was not invited in 2009after losing in the general in 2008. chris christie not invited in 2013. the former chairman al car danish saying then that christie did not earn it that year. to the people who say donald trump should not have received a cpac invitation this year anyway, you say what to those people? >> i just think they're wrong. i think that conservatives are open to hearing from the reagan mantle. donald trump might get this nomination. it's likely he's going to get it. i'm not hostile to that idea. but he ought to come here and pay respect to the activists so
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i disagree with conservatives and other republicans who say, you should have never invited him to begin with. that's going to make our movement smaller, not bigger. we're open to people coming and joining the conservative movement. we've even had debates on stage about marriage, freedom. all the cameras are there. we're doing it in the open. it should be the same thing in this presidential contest which is why donald trump should come here. it's okay. yeah, he'll get some boos. he's going to take tough questions. the guy can handle that stuff. it was a mistake to think he couldn't come here and take that kind of treatment. >> all right. matt schlapp from cpac in maryland, a beautiful part of my home state. thanks. >> thanks, victor, thanks, matt. >> pamela, we'll send it back to you. >> thanks, victor. she gives her former staffer immunity. what that could mean for the
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democratic presidential front-runner. plus it's major discovery that once again has the infamous o.j. simpson murder trial capturing america's attention. we'll be right back. medicine, long-term cl i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse.
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september. he ordered his new arsenal to be, quote, ready for use at any time. and los angeles police are investigating a knife allegedly found at the former estate of o.j. simpson. the dna is being tested. a construction worker zbav it to a now retired l.a. traffic officer sometime in the '90s but it's unclear why it's taken so long for the knife to surface and if it has any significance. o.j. was acquitted of the killing of nicole simpson and her friend back in 1995. and new research may have found a result. it's like a tree trunk with mutating branchs that don't always respond to the same they'repy. in other words cutting down the tree instead of pruning the branches. well, the famed iditarod
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...and is 4 times better in buildings. see for yourself at slash coverage. good morning to you. i i i'm victor black well live from flint, michigan. the site of sunday night's democratic presidential debate. there's a fight for survival in florida. we're going to start with marco rubio. he's taking fire from all sides. that is his home. he has to win there to continue his run for the nomination. it's not just donald trump trying to take him out. the ted cruz is trying to keep rubio from winning his home state saying if rubio loses there, his campaign is over. donald trump, of course, hitting both of them on the trail, continuing to talk about this
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reference that mooarco rubio ma to his hands. let's go to ron who's with the campaign. ron, good to have you with us this morning. ted cruz currently trailing rubio in florida, the latest polls there. but we know that the campaign has opened ten offices across the state trying to keep rubio from winning his home state. obviously not subscribing to this plan that we heard from governor romney earlier this week. >> well, that's certainly correct. we're going in to florida big. we've opened up ten campaign offices. we have a lot of support in the state of florida. and marco rubio is very weak there. if you transfer his polling numbers are down 16 points versus ted cruz's performance in his own state of texas where he won by 17 points, that's a 33-point difference between how the candidates fair in their own state. we see there's an opportunity for senator cruz and we're going
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to take advantage of that. >> so the romney speech or the gloria berge r interview this week, he's going to take it where he can. by depriving, ron, senator rubio of a win in florida, does that not build momentum for donald trump mathematically, of course, but also the narrative that the wind is at his back and he might be unstop snbl. >> well, the first thing is that donald trump is not unstoppable. he has a little over 300 delegates right now. you need 1,237 to win the republican nomination. there are many, many delegates out there to win. the way you defeat donald trump is by defeating donald trump with the voters. unfortunately because marco rubio does not have plan or pathway to get to the nomination, his people continue to talk about this, you know, contested convention idea. it's a horrible idea. it's not a good idea. the way you defeat him is by
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having the voters elect enough delegates to nominate tup who has a palgtway to victory. >> all right. ron, there are voters headed to the polling in louisiana, kansas, kentucky, and maine today. where will senator cruz do well. >> well, we're going to do well throughout the states. these are proportional states. we have opportunities -- >> any one in -- >> let's see tonight. we're not going to name individual states. we're competing in all of them. we have strong volunteer organizations throughout all of them. senator cruz is campaigning today throughout these states as well. and we have volunteer teams on the ground. so all of these states, every single state that is coming up including all of the march 15 states and beyond, none of them are bad for us. we have opportunities in all of them. we're going to win some, do well in others. this is an aggressive campaign. our campaign from the very
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beginning has been to compete in all 50 states and that's what we're doing. >> hey, ron. i mentioned that glorj ya aborigingloria borger interview with romney. we asked if he would allow his name to be put forward for the nomination. he said we're not going go there. anything short of a go is a maybe. do you suspect romney is positioning himself to be a white knight to save the party at the end skipping over those who have earned it through the primary process? >> the answer is no because he simply can't be nominated. the rules of the convention is you have to win the majority of the delegations of eight states to be nominated. he's not running for president so he can't be nominated. the only candidate other than donald trump kwhould be nominated and is headed to that pathway is ted cruz. >> all rules can be changed and if he doesn't get it on first
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ballot, then it's up in the air, is it not? >> it's not up in the air. certainly -- look. the notion that the republican convention -- i've been a convention delegate. i've been tirch in the republican party for 25 years, chairman of the republican party in california for five years. it's simply not realistic. we'd prefer for it to be the latter, that's what we're campaigning for. >> all right. ron nehring. thank you. >> thank you. donald trump will be holding a rally instead of appearing at cpac as originally expected. rosa, what's expected for trump ahead of those heading to the polls and caucuses today? >> reporter: good morning, victor. first of all i twoojt set the
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scene for you. it's very early, hours before the trump event. take a look. i was with these people moments ago before we were allowed in. the line is already long. i talked to some of these people and they say they're riled up, victor, especially, they say, after the speech by mitt romney called trump a fraud and phoney. that made them more angry, another reason to come and support trump. some drove in from kansas city, some from town, others from parts of kansas. they're actually surprised trump decided to come to wichita and not kansas city, but they say, hey, we're going to support trump no matter what and that that's why they're here. the stakes are high. 40 of the 155 delegates for super saturday will be from kansas and we're going to get to see donald trump here today in wichita and also ted cruz, and,
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of course, we're going to bring all of it right here on cnn. victor? >> rosa flores, we'll look ahead to us. thank you so much. from wichita, kansas. you see the maps. the contest on this super saturday are on. back here in flint, michigan, the site of tomorrow night's democratic debate, cnn talking to voters about their concerns leading up to this election and we're finding out how they view politics. there is now this secondary crisis as you'd expect, a crisis of trust. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better. we broabout this new car. to get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay.
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welcome back. i'm victor black well live in flint, michigan. a lot of the people we've spoken with here in flint seem to put a lot of stock in hillary clinton's early visit to this city, and the concern that she's expressed about the lead tainted water. the crisis in flint has been a regular theme on the campaign trail, also for bernie sanders. here's what polimrs. clinton sa just a few days ago. >> but there's another story in flint. a story of a communities that been knocked down but refused to be knocked out. it is hundreds of union plumbers coming from across the country to help install new water fixtures. it's students raising funds for water deliveries and showing up to distribute supplies. it's the united autoworkers and general motors donating millions of dollars to help.
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>> all right. let's bring back in political o co commentator van jones. they want mrs. clinton, senator sanders to go beyond what we heard there and what we've seen on the stump at these rallies. there are many who want the governor here, governor snider to governor. >> d governor snyder to resign and be indicted. >> you can't brush your teeth without risking poisoning yourself. your child has a rash that will not go away but you're poor because all the businesses have fled. you can't sell your house because nobody will buy your house. medicaid doesn't cover dermatological care. what do you do this morning, tomorrow morning, the next %-pe trapped in a community where you
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can't sell. you can't bring johns in. you can't leave that. 's why they say the governor should resign or be recalled because this was not an accident. there were so many warnings that were sent across that governor's desk and this is part of his actual ideology that you should try and save as much money as possible and run it like a business. businesses make profit. government takes care of people. this is going to be a major issue. >> on thursday night there was a question about 90 minutes into the debate in detroit about this water crisis here in flint. let's listen to a bit of that. >> it was a systemic break down. partially at the state and federal level as well. by the way, the politicizing of it is unfair. i don't think someone woke up one morning and said let's figure out how to poison the water system and hurt someone
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but accountability is important. i give the governor credit. he took responsibility for what happened. >> you're talking about flint, michigan. we need to rebuild the infrastructure of the country. wouldn't be nice if begowe got g with the world and russia helped us in our quest to get rid of isis, cetera? >> there are were protests outside we didn't see. >> trump got it right. i hate to say that. it's about rebuilding infrastructure. all across the country there are flints waiting to happen or we haven't heard about it. we haven't put enough money in. some of these pipes are as old as flint, michigan, itself and it's true across the country. i was disappointed to hear rubio to say that nobody thought about g nobody got up and thought about
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poisoning the system. of course not. an apology does not make up for a child who will have a lifetime of impact. what you all don't understand is these kids will like hi never get better. lead poisoning never, ever is fully remediated. and so you're talking about behavioral issues. some of these kids may wind out acting out in class, going to prison. you're talking about a lifetime. the other thing, let's not forget, the psychological impact. i was in church yesterday, 25 people, nancy pelosi, listening to the psychological stress. imagine for the last five years you've been giving your child water full of lead. to be dismissive and say the government did a good job, i think it show as lack of understanding of the scope of this crisis. >> all right. van jones, thank you. we'll continue this conversation not just this morning but throughout the weekend moving forward as the city, the state, and now the federal government try to figure out how to solve
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this crisis here. hillary clinton and bernie sanders, they will face off on the debate stage once again in the cnn democratic debate live from flint, michigan. anderson cooper moderates tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. easte eastern, only on cnn. pamela, back to you. >> coming up, a former staffer is talk. ing. the information he revealed regarding the i'm server controversy. locks clumps tight. ... and now it's light. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. [electronic sound effects]
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jiem munty. that is ooh the deal offered to the former employee brian bag leo. should they be nervous about the charge? bob anderson just retired with the fbi's criminal and cyber division. bob, thanks for joining us. >> sure. good morning, pam. >> good morning. just for context starting off, how unusual or common is it for someone to be granted immunity in a case like this? what does that tell you when he's granted immunity? it's not really uncommon, pam, but in this case it's all about information and it really leads the investigators from the fbi and the didn't of justice to who, what, where, why, and how, and what was really going on with the server. >> so clearly this was someone the fbi wanted to speak to but what exactly does immunity mean
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in this case? does it offer him full protection no matter what? >> there's different levels of immunity? i'm not sure what was granted but at least in this case it allows the investigators to talk to him and ask specific questions about what was going on with the server and particularly what type of traffic the server was built to handle. whether it was classified or unclassified. >> so the fbi is presumably speaking to or going close fie e
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communicatio communications, would they be liable? >> these cases happen not often but with regularity in the united states intelligence community. people look at the investigators look at everybody that's involved in these cases and look at a lot of things, the damage of the potential information that could get out or if people were doing it intentionally or by error. if by error, there are procedures to clean the information that's been spilt. >> let's talk about the security of the server. you have this issue whether information was classified that was sent and on the other hand, whether there were hackers that could have gotten into the server. we know that security logs have been reviewed and there is no evidence on those security logs that a hacker got into the server but wouldn't any good hacker, especially from russia or china be able to erase their track so there is no evidence on
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the security log? >> well, there is no doubt that hackers from any nation state, whether russia or china are very, very sophisticated but a their reforr thorough forensic review will be done. >> timeline, this investigation has been going on for several months now, do you have any sense how much longer this could be? >> no, i'll tell you just from being in the fbi for a long time and sitting four doors from jim comby, he's a smart, thorough man and will go by law. the investigation will be concluded when it's done and not before then. >> anything else you want to add about this, bob, that i didn't touch on? >> no, i think the big thing i think here is that it's going to be treated like any other investigation whether the person involved is a member of the government or from one of the intelligence organizations. we look at it the same way.
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that's fair and an honest way to do it. >> bob anderson, thank you for coming on. appreciate it. >> thanks, pam. political attention in flint, michigan, how the residents are viewing the presidential race and we'll take you live to louisiana as polls open and the primary plus up next, take a look. could this plane debris be part of mh 370. details on what was discovered right after this break. stress sweat.
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hello, i'm pamela brown. we'll get back to victor blackwell in flint michigan later. >> nearly two years after flight 370 vanished, a significant clue surfaced. this piece might give investigators clues as to where the airliner is. the plane disappeared to malaysia and malaysia and australian experts will examine this debris found by an american tourist. >> in the meantime, activists say three air strikes hit a suburb of damascus. these are the first air strikes on the area since an agreement of cessation of hostilities came into effect. one person was killed and several were injured. watch the ball, it's the most basic coaching rule in tennis, but it's tough to do if
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you're holding a camera on live tv. take a look. >> abby is doing really well. that is not a third time tennis player backhand. oh, she did it. she did it. she hit the camera man. >> wow, a photographer hit right in the face live on cnn affiliate kswb. he was okay and we're happy to report and like a good photographer, he kept the camera rolling and gave a thumbs up. space x sent a massive satellite in orbit. it's designed to bring broad brand internet and 100 times farther than the international space station and they tried to land on a platform but that did not work out. nasa's new horizon's probe found snow on pluto but it's made of methane gas. look at these pictures from 4 billion miles away. that's a mountain range covered
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in methane snow, the range stretches for 260 miles. >> there is a lot of news to tell you about this morning. the next hour of your "new day" starts now. i'm going to win ohio and it's going to be a new ball game. >> and they are voting republican, i hate to say it. it's not because of lying ted and not because of little marco. >> our campaign pilled with vulgarity and profanity and some of the ugliest things that ever have been said about other people on the stage. >> there is no doubt if we remain divided, donald trump winning. >> there are so many insults flying back and forth, it was hard to keep track. good morning, everyone. i'm pamela brown in for christi
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paul and victor blackwell is live in flint michigan. michigan votes on tuesday but victor today is super saturday, the biggest saturday in the year for the race for the white house so certainly a big day in politics. >> it is a very big day in politics, pamela, good morning to you. good morning to you at home and yes, it is super saturday. it's now underway, busy day for the presidential candidates, both gop and democrats this minute polls are opening in louisiana. right here at the top of the hour, 15 seconds into the 8:00 eastern hour. 7:00 there in louisiana. live pictures at a polling station in baton rouge. five states are voting today. louisiana is the only primary, the rest are caucuses. 155 delegates are at steak fake louisiana, maine, kansas and kentucky and democrats battling over 109 delegates in kansas, louisiana and nebraska.
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meanwhile, this is the final day of the conservative political action conference there in maryland. the c pack. marco rubio scheduled to take the stage about 11:35 we're told. donald trump snubs an appearance there, snubs a group last minute deciding not to attend. instead opting for a rally in wichita, kansas this hour about 8:30 scheduled to be his speaking time there at c pact. trump's campaign is taking heat for what you're seeing on your screen right now. i don't know if you can hear there they are saying black lives matter and trump supporters are saying all lives matter. more than two dozen of the protesters you see here forcibly removed from the trump rally in new orleans last night.
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i want to bring in cnn senior political reporter manu raju and good morning to you, we know that from your reporting that the crowds out c pact are majority protrump but still, the attendees are disappointed none theless for trump deciding to drop out of the appearance. what are you hearing from the activists and conservative voters? >> they certainly would have liked to hear from him. yesterday when we talked to supporters, they wanted the front runner to come out and lay his vision out for the future and why he thinks he deserves conservative support but one of the reasons why he did not come, he disagreed with the formatte organizers laid out, that being that the candidate actually would deliver their stump speech or whatever speech they want to deliver and afterwards submit to
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a q and a session. the trump campaign did not want to do a q and a session and they said we're not going to go forward and donald trump said i'm going to go my own way. donald trump clearly views his the best chance for him going forward today is to spend his time in kansas and rack up potentially a big win there and prevent marco rubio for instance of getting a number of delegates there. trump has two rallies in kansas and in florida, also later tonight ahead of the critical march 15th date. clearly, donald trump believes that's his time is better placed there than it is here before an audience that could be somewhat hostile. >> manu, we know we'll get results of the straw poll later today and you said this is not a majority protrump group. is there a single candidate the attendees are supporting or
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supporting? >> ted cruz, this is sort of his audience. yesterday he really riled up the crowd. we'll see how marco rubio does in a matter of hours. there was uncertainty for sometime whether or not he would actually come to this event and he of course, now is. we'll see how he's received here. i want to mention about ben carson yesterday. he did come and he announced he was going to sustained his campaign and one thing that was interesting that he said to us afterwards is how mitt romney, how he disagreed with the way mitt romney was going after donald trump. i asked him specifically about this. here is more whababout what he to say. >> people that think donald trump will be the worst thing that ever happen need to also understand that if he is the person selected by the people, you make a mistake to thwart the
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will of the people and mr. trump really does want to be successful. >> it really shows how divided this party is going forward. getting behind in tactics they use so we'll see how marco rubio, how he addresses the crowd and what he says about donald trump. i'm sure it won't be very positive. victor. >> probably not. manu providing the perfect segway to the next segment. mitt romney sat down with gloria borger for a one on one and had a lot to say about donald trump and why he went after donald trump. >> i wanted to remain as a neutral umpire, if you will, calling balls and strikes and fouls and i've done that but over the last several weeks, some of the things donald trump said and done on policy as well as temper mental things suggested to me i wouldn't wait any longer. >> do you think it's too late,
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though? >> i don't know what impact these things have politically, but i do know that when my grandkids say what did you do to stop donald trump, i want to be able to say something. >> you could potentially drive his supporters into his arms even more by doing this because you're the symbol of the republican establishment. >> well, you know, i spent my life in business. i didn't get involved in politics until quite late in life. i think everybody someone is opposed to becomes establishment. the term anti establish the is a popular term. i don't call myself establishment. i don't think others do, either, that want to have the support of fellow republicans. they may say they are main stream and conservative but donald trump is not republican in any sense of the world. >> at the debate, the other candidates said that they would support trump if he became the nominee. is there any circumstance under which you would? >> well, i can't imagine supporting donald trump for president or hillary clinton for
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president, either one. i'll hopefully be able to find a conservative on the ballot who i can vote for. >> did party leaders looking back and i guess yourself included, misread their voters by betting on the fact that perhaps donald trump would simply implode of his own free will? >> i didn't expect him to do so well. >> right. >> but he tapped into an anger which is very much understood. what he's done with the anger is not to built it into resolve and high purpose, but instead, to take it down a very dark ally. >> we've got mark preston in the decision to go after donald trump. he says that donald trump is playing to a lot of anger in the gop electret and understands that anger but i wonder if he
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does understand it because if he understands it, he would understand the point that gloria borger made that he is the symbol of republican establishment and possibly not the right messenger for the message. >> well, victor, a couple things to unpack here, first of all, there had been no unifying voice until we saw romney come out and speak so forcefully against donald trump. we have seen his rivals do that but romney was the only person that did step up. it is true the fact is that mitt romn romney, many were frustrated when he ran for president in 2012 and didn't think he was a strong enough candidate against barack obama and didn't take the fight to barack obama nor was as conservative enough of a candidate to placate all corners of the republican party. mitt romney did what mitt romney thought he had to do but the question is, victor, is it really effective, will it be effective or will it fly back on
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the republican establishment because they will have really set up a fight between the grass roots that are supporting donald trump and the establishment here in washington d.c. >> and will one speech be enough? i mean, mitt romney's speech owned a quarter of the cycle and ever since the coverage is about donald trump's hands, and torture and water boarding. i wonder, will he have to make this speech again? will he have to do more cable news, more talk raid radio to launch this campaign throughout the primaries. >> that's a great question. i got to tell you going into the speech, i wasn't so concerned to hear what mitt romney was going to say. i was waiting to see what the reaction would be after the speech. that is really what is going to matter over the next couple of months. i don't suspect this is the last time we will hear mitt romney talk about these issues but it can't be mitt romney.
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if you're the republican establishment now, you can't be having this chattering here in washington d.c. and places like new york about how to try to stop donald trump. you need to put things into action and into work. what is very interesting what he told gloria there is that he could not support donald trump, which we've heard from several other republicans but what he did say is i hope to be able to find another consecutive on the ballot. while we talk about trying or at least the establishment trying to stop donald trump in the delegate hunt, right, to try to prevent him from the delegates, that might be a fool's thing to do but they will try to run another candidate against donald trump, that will be somebody romney and others will flock to. if that happens, not only will you see a split but that could certainly help the democratic nominee. >> fascinating. all of this. mark preston, the final day of the conference, thank you so much. ahead this hour, we'll talk with
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arizona treasurer and trump supporter jeff due wit and the stance on torture. the polls open in louisiana and coming up in kansas, kentucky. 109 delegates on the line for democrats, 155 for the gop. as we turn to the democrats, what is at steake for them on super saturday? can sanders pull a win? >> are trump's rallies getting out of control. some argue it has be for some time. protestors pushed, shoved, during a trump event and talked inside the republican party inside a possible broken convention to stop donald trump. we talked about that with mark. the candidates now weigh in. . >> in my view a broker convention ain't going to happen
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have you chosen a candidate you're going to support? >> i have. i'm looking toward hillary to be honest. i think she's going to be a great candidate for our community, especially, because she came and represented us with the water crisis we're having and showed up and represented us well. >> i like realistic goals and i respect the clintons, you know. nobody is perfect, but i'm saying there is total alternative. i have a lot of respect for her, and i have a lot of -- i feel that she can accomplish some of those things. >> none of the above. >> why? >> because i don't feel that
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they are putting candidates out there and neither party are addressing the people's needs, not their wants, their needs. >> normally i vote republican, and just for my own standards and what i believe in and so typically that's what it is but as for a certain person, i haven't really seen one that i actually love yet, so it will probably be a last-minute decision. >> whoever makes the most sense. >> have you chosen who that is yet? >> my choices are hillary, sanders or kasich. >> okay. >> i'm still deciding. >> still deciding. there are a lot of voters as he across the state of michigan. flint is the site of sunday east
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nig night's debate. this is a big day for the democrats and republicans. there are 109 democrats on the line, caucuses in kansas and nebraska. polls up in louisiana. the focus turns here to michigan, where voters will be heading to the polls on tuesday. of course, maine on sunday, as well. let's look ahead to hillary clinton and bernie sanders face-to-face on the debate stage live on cnn and bring in larry director of the center for politics, the university of virginia. larry, good morning to you and i want to put the map back up for the democrats today. kansas, louisiana, nebraska. which of these states, i guess, look good for senator sanders? does he have a chance to win here? we understand he'll earn some delegates but can he get a w? >> sure, louisiana, which is the only primary and i have a strong bias towards primaries rather than caucuses, the primarily
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will almost certainly go to hillary clinton by a wide margin. notice, victor, the others are caucuses and i think we'll see this going forward. caucuses are bernie sanders best hope. he will end up winning some of them probably during the whole primary season. that's going to give his supporters some hope, even though mathematically he almost certainly will not be the democratic nominee and just can't find a path to be the democratic nominee. it will recreate some headlines that will suggest momentum for bernie sanders. >> you bring up a good point there, momentum. of course, there is the math and narrative, the perception of viability of a campaign. by the end of today, almost half of the 2383 delegates will be a lotted. does he have to a path to the nomination mathematically and
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give us a gauge of the perception, the narrative about that possible path. >> well, technically, theoretically, of course, you can assign wins in every state that has not yet voted to bernie sanders and i suppose very narrow low he could win the democratic nomination but of course that the not going to happen. we already see the pattern, any state that has a large african american population and probably a large hispanic population will be voting for hillary clinton. states that will liberal rights as the core of the democratic party will probably vote for bernie sanders but in the end, even if you don't consider the superdelegates, which are overwhelmingly for hillary clinton and comprised a total of 15%, a big percentage of the entire democratic convention, hillary clinton will still probably edge bernie sanders in elected delegates then add superdelegates on top, it's not
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even going to be close. >> let's talk policy. sanders has been hitting hillary clinton lately on her stance on trade agreements, nafta, the chance pacific partnership, the tpp, the impact on jobs and outsourcing. especially for michigan and we saw a bit of video from his rally in traverse city. howfe effective are those attac here? >> they can be effective with the individual voters who perhaps have lost their jobs or had family member whose lost a job and may be attributed to the trade deal. it brings up an important point. what bernie sanders is doing is collecting delegates which he'll do through june. i can't see him dropping out. what do those delegates mean? they are an opportunity to influence the platform, to pull hillary clinton to the left. i think that is his realistic goal, and he's been doing a good
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job of it. >> all right. larry sabato, thank you for joining us. there are some asking if there is no viable path forward, is he then damaging a general election candidate by continuing. but that of course mostly from clinton supporters. larry, thanks so much. next debate is live from flint, michigan. the presidential debate sunday night at 8:00 on cnn and then immediately following, catch the new cnn original series "race for the white house" this is an amazing series. six of the most contentious races in history. sunday night at 10:00 eastern. pamela, i'm going to send it back to you in atlanta. >> sounds good. thanks so much. victor. we have more stories making headlines this morning. could plane debris be part of mh 370? details on that and new information that notorious drug kingpin "el chapo" snuck into
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back to "new day" i'm pamela bown. first, here is a look at other stories we're following on the saturday morning. experts on their way to the african nation to inspect a piece of debris and determine if it came from missing airliner mh 370. the triangular piece is believed to be the tail section of the boeing 777. it was found washed up on the beach by an american tourist.
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it vanished almost exactly two years ago with 239 peopaboard. joaquin "el chapo" guzman snuck into the united states twice after escaping last year from an american prison. guzman's daughter said he came to her home in california. this came to light in an interview published in "time magazine." guzman's daughter has no idea how he slipped across the border when both u.s. and mexican authorities were looking for him. police in maine arrested a 55-year-old man and charged him with the murder that took place 35 years ago. the death of joyce mcclain has been a cold case since her body was found back in august of 1980. police say the suspect made a number of incriminating remarks that suggested he may have been involved in the girl's death. the author of the best seller "the prince of tides" has died.
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the publisher, he wrote 11 books during his career. he was 70. up next, donald trump snubs the conservative convention and hits the road holding rallies in florida and kansas. one state holding a caucus today and we are there live. plus, trump reverses his position on water boarding after getting heavy criticism. we talk to jeff trump supporter about the change in stance. we'll be right back. tion... to get relief, anything is fair game. introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. try new rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no more® of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled
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don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. your hair is still thinning. you may have inactive follicles. reactivate them with women's rogaine® foam. the only once a day treatment proven to regrow new hairs up to 48% thicker. revive your va-va-voom. and save $10. welcome back. i'm victor blackwell live from
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flint, michigan the site of sunday night's democratic presidential debate. the race for the white house is in full sprint this super saturday. for republicans, 155 delegates are at stake in maine and kentucky, louisiana, kansas. in fact, the polls are open in the state of louisiana. a cnn rosa flores joins us from wichita, kansas where donald trump the front runner in the race will hold a rally in a few hours. again, the rally is a few hours away but i can see, rosa, people crowding in behind you. >> reporter: victor, people didn't sleep. some didn't eat. they wanted to make sure to be here early to make sure they could take one of the 1,000 seats in here. i want to show you around. there are people of all ages. they asked the crowd moments ago and about -- there's a range between kids as young as 1 year old and 92 years old.
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there are people from wichita and other parts of the country that wanted to make sure they were here to listen to trump, but, you know, i've talked to these people about why they are here. there's a gentleman right over here that tells me that he's still undecided, victor. he says i'm here to listen to what trump has to say. he's like i'm really swaying towards trump but he says i don't like what he says sometimes. he can come out as rude. he says i like he's not a politician but can be blunt and rude. other people are saying you know what, rosa? we were so up sit what romney said about donald trump calling him a phony and fraud we wanted to be here to support donald trump and that's why they are here because they want to make sure that they have their support. now what does this mean? this area is just right next door to the caucusing area, victor. so some of these people will move to the caucuses so it will
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completely translate into caucus votes. others are not. others said i tried to register but i didn't register on time but again, wanted to make sure they supported donald trump in person. vict victor? >> all right. rosa flores there for us in wichita. the rally set to begin in about 90 minutes and caucusing later today. a lot of potential voters may be listening to hear his stance on torture and he says the u.s. should bring back water boarding and further. trump said the united states is bound by laws and treaties and i would not order our military or other officials to violate the laws and seek their advice on such matters. but just to understand what the trump position has been up to, listen to what he said at thursday night's debate. >> he didn't want to get into
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it. he didn't sort of answer the question. what do you think mr. trump? so i said, well, throughout the middle east they are chopping off heads of christians. they are chopping off heads of people, anybody that gets in the way. they are drowning 30, 40 people at a time in heavy steel cages. as far as i'm concerned, water boarding is absolutely fine and we should go much further. i got a standing ovation. >> obviously, that was trump on friday after the debate, but let's bring in jeff duwitt. we're seeing at the rally where he's calling for water boarding and go further and talked about killing the family members of terrorists. these are war crimes and says as president i'll follow the law, of course. which is it and why the change now? >> well, there's not a change. what he's saying is we need to
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enable our brave men and women that go fight for us to have every tool available to protect themselves. we keep sending our men and women on the front lines and tie them with their hands behind their back and we need to let them do their jobs and win a war. if we're at war, we need to go and win the war, and he hasn't flipped at all but obviously, we are bound by treaties and laws in terms of what we can do. >> that is a flip. i hate to interrupt you, but that is a flip. if he first calls for killing the family members of terrorists, i mean, first there is due process for those family members, but also, water boarding is considered torture and of course, illegal. to say he'll follow the law, that takes those two things off the table. that's not change but a 180 degree change. >> no, i don't think he took them off the table, either. i'll look at a definition of that for you by way of ted cruz.
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ted cruz said in a debate un unambiguously, i'll not condone torture. you look at ted cruz how he's defining torture, he says torture is everything up until the pain of losing an organ. that's a politician trying to appeal to both sides of the argument. that's what we should talk about and water boarding and isn't torture because it's not the full pain of losing an organ and doesn't condone torture. i think donald trump is courageous talking about enabling our troops to win a war if we're in a war. >> i'm glad you brought up troops because dozens of former mill day. >> reporter: -- military members to do was to break the law and
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commit a war crime and they would not obey those demands. trump says they will do what they are told, do what i tell them to do. i mean, what do you think was the impact of that collective voice of military leaders? >> well, any change in policy has to go through a committee progress. we got to get congress defining these things and that's what donald trump wants to do is start the argue tment going. here is what we do. the bottom line is we're not out there trying to -- no one wants to go and torture anyone to make them hurt or inflict pain but if there is an imminent attack on america or our troops, there is a question of how far do we go to get the information to stop the attack? because job number one is protecting our citizens. and so we have to look at what
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that is. i don't like torture like anybody else and there are arguments in some cases we get better information by being nice. there are cases of that. there are cases with extreme terrorists, there is only one way to get information and there has been information through water boarding that saved american lives. now it's hard to say which way is the best way to go but the bottom line is the discussion needs to take place and i think it's been a brave and courageous thing like donald trump. >> i got you. i know there are a lot of people this agree with you but when you say there is confusion which way to go, one way is illegal. you made your point, and i challenged them. let's move to c pack and is donald trump's decision not to appear today and wichita. i wonder as i asked one of our
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analyst earlier, do we expect there will be as donald trump admitted after skipping the iowa debate that there will be some quantifiab quantifiab quantifiable consequence? >> we love c pack and when you look at the middle of a presidential race with the front runner, and honestly, the presumptive nominee to win the states per the rnc guidelines, he's the only one with eight states so we can call him the presumptive nominee, we have to look where is the best place to deploy not only him but our t m team. >> he says the reason that trump campaign gave for not attending was that trump didn't like the format. he didn't want to be questioned by a journalist.
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he didn't think he had enough time. so this isn't the schedule, marco rubio is going to be there. ted cruz was there yesterday. john kasich speaks, as well. the other candidates made time and are rallying and campaigning today. why couldn't donald trump do both? >> well, i doesn't know if anybody could say he's afraid to answer a journalist question because we have him on media answering questions and been on debates to answer questions. the american people give us a lot of feedback. this is just a matter of when we do another event like a c pact, we do it according to their schedule and could screw up the day of doing multiple events. when we could go to wichita in the morning, be in orlando later and look at the events, the size of the event in wichita that we had on and how big it's going to be with 48 hours notice. know one knew there would be an event and look how many people turn out. so, we have the chance to go
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out -- >> the hours -- >> take the message to the people and we have to deploy it in the best way we can. >> jeff, thank you so much. you make a good point. your candidate has been very accessible leading up to this point for most reporters who want to get a question in. he is available in front of the camera when there is an opportunity. jeff, thank you so much. >> up next, we're in flint, michigan, of course the site of sunday night's debate but we have to talk about the water crisis here. the lead in the drinking water. how are the people here coping? do they want to hear from candidates on sunday night? more importantly, what do they want to be done? we're seeing video of the replacement, the first replacement of a pipe here. we'll bring you more details from flint. (son) pa, i know we settle for cable... but directv has been number one in customer satisfaction over cable for 15 years. (father) how 'bout over 15 satisfying years with
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is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. the residents of flint, michigan want to know what bernie sanders and hillary clinton will do about the water crisis when they appear on the stage tomorrow night. it's been two years since dangerous levels of lead began leeching in. there is no safe level of lead to be in water but there has been very little done to stop
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it. replacing individual water lines to thousands of homes is very expensive. $250 million in federal aid has been allocateed to help but it's been stall in congress. we'll talk about that in a moment. sara ganim following this story has been in flint for literally months is back with us now. s sara, i've been speaking to people in flint. you've got to know them better than i admittedly. what do they want to hear tomorrow night? >> it comes down to money for new infrastructure. there has been a lack of money and abundance of red tape when it comes to fixing this issue. they will not trust their water and certainly not going to trust their government until there are new lead pipes. i want to show you. this is a lead pipe from lansing, michigan. see this orange substance inside, that's the coating that's supposed to protect lead pipes from leeching into water supply. that's what was ripped away from the pipes here in flint and
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that's what caused this problem. until they replace the pipes with new ones, the people say they won't trust their water and you need money to do that. the mayor has asked for $55 million so far she has gotten none of -- no money from the state or from the feds for that replacement. >> let's talk about this $250 million being held up. what do you know about that? >> so in the federal government, the u.s. senate has proposed $250 million to go to the people of flint but there is at least one senator, a senator from utah, mike lee will hold it up because he believes this is a man made problem, a problem caused by the state and he thinks the state should fix it. a lot of people agree with him. people in flint agree with him. there is a surplus in the state of michigan. they believe some of that money should go to fix thing problem. the governor here to be fair has proposed a lot of money to fix the problem, a lot of it is tied up in red tape. some won't come until after budget negotiations, which means
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it won't come until october. he's proposed $195 million, but so far, no money to fix these pipes and that's what these people want. >> it's a nightmare. it's a nightmare. added frustration and anger, because there is money available, it's just not getting to them, no consolation that there are people who agree with mike lee. sara ganim, thanks so much. >> for ways to help in the residents here, go to pamela, i'm going to send it back to you in atlanta. >> thank you. after this break a new twist in one of the sensational murder trials of all times. police are now testing a knife allegedly found at the o.j. simpson estate. details when we return. ngestion. to get relief, anything is fair game. introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. try new rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no more®
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los angeles police are investigating a knife allegedly found at the former estate of o.j. simpson. it's being checked for dna and hair a. construction worker gave the weapon to an l.a. officer sometime in the '90s. it unclear why it's taken so long for this knife to surface. this is all bizarre. let's get the latest on this discovery. there is a lot of skeptics here, paul and the timing is suspicious. how significant is this finding? >> well, the range that we're getting here from the lapd is it could be very significant or absolutely bogus. let's try to give you a timeline, pam. i'll go ahead and lay this out in the words of the attorney for george maycot, this retired l.a.
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police officer working on a movie shoot around 2003, 2002 in o.j. simpson's neighborhood when according to the lawyer, a construction worker walks up to this officer on duty on the movie shoot and hands him a knife. this knife is seemingly been buried under ground for a long time and very dirty. the officer according to his lawyer then calls the west los angeles police station to report this knife. let's go ahead and listen to what the lawyer said. >> he did what i think every person would have done under the circumstances, you call lapd and let them make the call. they made the call and the call was look, this doesn't have any value to us. it's not useful. >> so then the officer puts that knife in a tool box and it resurfaces later and here we are right now, pam, and tonight, by
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the way, is the five-hour marathon of the new o.j. simpson series off camera. the lapd captain speaking at the press conference said to me, timing is interesting. pam? >> it absolutely is interesting. paul, thank you very much. well, this is an option that keeps popping up in the fight to stop donald trump, a convention fight. some say a contested convention, some say a brokered one. the difference between the two and what the candidates are saying. we'll be right back. when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva.
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all right. it is super saturday and donald trump is expected to do well in
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the four contest on the gop side gaining steam and there are some say fewer options to stop him as the calendar proceeds. the idea of a brokered convention keeps coming up. >> when i win ohio and i'll be doing better in other northern states, this will go to the convention. it's going to be a very exciting time and why not? >> in my view a brokered convention ain't going to happen and if the washington deal makers try to steal the nomination from the people, i think it would be a disaster. it would cause a revolt. >> kasich says he's going ahead to a convention showdown as he says why not? cruz says that is a bad idea but what's the difference between a brokered convention and a contested one? is jonathan man to explain. >> if the anti trump forces are serious about stopping him, they do not have a lot of time.
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primaries are underway and trump is mostly winning them. the next best hope is at the presidential nominating convention months from now in july. >> the next president of the united states of america, mitt romney. >> the modern american party convention is as scripted as anything you'll see on tv. state delegates elected by the primaries and caucuses nominate the presidential candidate they have chosen months earlier. the last time the republicans gathered for example, mitt romney was so far ahead, there was a crushing majority and no suspension. he had 90% of the delegates. but what if donald trump's rivals can get enough delegates to keep him from getting a majority? he doesn't have one yet. the convention could turn into a real competition, voting until it can find a consensus. it hasn't happened in decades but known as a contested convention or if voting doesn't deliver a nominee, party leaders
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could intervene what's known as a brock ered convention. >> it's mathematically possible will you looks very uncertain. the crucial thing is trump's opponents have to start winning primaries and caucuses and the polls are clearly against them. back to you. >> all right. jonathan, thank you very much. super saturday across five states. that's it for us. we'll see you back here at 10:00 eastern for "cnn newsroom. >> don't go anywhere. smerconish starts now. ♪ ♪ i'm michael smerconish live in washington as five polls go to nominate a president but with many leaders rallying against their front runner, donald trump american politics seems to be


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