tv Smerconish CNN March 5, 2016 6:00am-7:01am PST
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could intervene what's known as a brock ered convention. >> it's mathematically possible will you looks very uncertain. the crucial thing is trump's opponents have to start winning primaries and caucuses and the polls are clearly against them. back to you. >> all right. jonathan, thank you very much. super saturday across five states. that's it for us. we'll see you back here at 10:00 eastern for "cnn newsroom. >> don't go anywhere. smerconish starts now. ♪ ♪ i'm michael smerconish live in washington as five polls go to nominate a president but with many leaders rallying against their front runner, donald trump american politics seems to be hurdling into chaos.
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do you remember the summer of 1968? the democratic convention in chicago? protesters facing off with police and national guard in riot gear? with mitt romney urging republicans to split the vote, hoping this july's convention in cleveland will have to be brokered, today's new york times reports the rank and file are rebelling against being told what to do. one trump supporter said trump would have to quote shoot her daughter for her vote to change. to prepare for possible protests, cleveland requested thousands of more police officers for this summer plus 2,000 riot suits. one person that did stop trump this week in television news was o.j. simpson with the alleged discovery of a knife on his former property. might it be the long missing murder weapon? the past continues to haunt hillary clinton as her former staffer gets immunity to talk about the close fied e-mail controversy. was bernie sanders too quick to
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absorb. the battle rages on as americans are cause ccusing. in today's races republicans have 155 delegates at stake, democrats 109. by the end of this weekend, almost one-third of all gop delegates and nearly a quarter of the democratic delegates will have been allocated. as for the republicans, in the midst of his 20-minute take down of donald trump on thursday, 2012 gop standard mitt romney seemed to concede the only way to stop trump will come in cleveland at the party's summer convention. >> given the current delegate selection process, that means that i vote for marco rubio in florida for john kasich in ohio and ted cruz and one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating mr. trump in a given state. >> that's not a plan to defeat trump before the convention.
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that sounds like a strategy to stop trump from getting the delegates on the first ballot taken and romney might be on to something. yesterday charlie cook of the cook political report noted that thus far trump has captured 46% of the delegates. more than anyone else but not the 51% that he'll need to win the nomination. if things continue the way they are, this will be decided at the convention. and that would be a tough pill for trump supporters to swallow. so, is a brokered convention now the only way that donald trump will be denied the gop nomination? joining me now, chief national correspondent the host of "inside politics" john king. john, governor romney said he would like these three other candidates, the non-trump candidates to win respective states. ted cruz has already done so. he would like john kasich to win
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ohio. he would like marco rubio to win florida and if is able to do that a little more, is it enough to deny donald trump the 1,237 delegates he needs? >> maybe, maybe not, michael. it's crucial if they try. this is a map with donald trump winning evening through the 15th. that would put him well on his way and game over. if he ran the board or came close, it would be game over. let's put the romney test into effect. rubio wins his home state of florida and doesn't matter who comes in second, third or fourth because winner take all. john kasich wins the state of ohio. it doesn't matter who you do second, third. winner takes all. trump is still progressing if he wins everything else this weekend and everything else next tuesday and evening else on the 15th, he's progressing but you have at least a bit of a start and what happens in the rest of the states? let me go forward to the convention. this fills in the entire primary
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calendar and gives john kasich illinois. you can't just win your home state. if kasich were to win illinois and rubio gets hot, it could be anybody. see this red for rubio? that could be kasich, cruz, a combination of them. let's say somebody gets hot and wins but trump wins some and wins others including the prize of california. it's conceivable this has donald trump at 1,000, 12, rubio at 700, kasich, cruz at 387. get to the convention with something like this. they would hope that trump were actually lower in the 800 or 900s but conceivable you can get to the convention. he's short of the victory loin and that's when the chaos or negotiations, you close the word ensue. does donald trump cut a deal with kasich. do they get together? who is on first, second, who is the president, who is the vice president. if you get to an open convention, the map would look like this. these guys would claim what we
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had momentum at the end. this guy would claim i got the most delegates should be my nomination and you would have chaos. >> the stop trump argument here before had been one of the field needs to win. it sounds like if the goal is to stop donald trump, everybody needs to stay in position. >> and most people in the republican establishment and in the conservative establishment, i'll call it that accept that strategy because they think marco rubio is the only that can beat trump in florida. can he? who knows. they think kasich is the only guy that can beat him in ohio. rubio can't. cruz can't. you look at the other states, this are some states if you want a surprise, why can't ted cruz win in louisiana. mississippi is in play. why can't cruz surprise us and win a state down there? up here they don't think cruz is as strong. that's why they think they need
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all three. there are parts of the map that suit cruz, rubio and kasich. they need all three to pick the shots, win states and stop trump. it's a huge it's like winning the powerball and even though he's likely to be in the lead to somehow cut deals and take it away. >> john, thank you so much for that report. >> thank you. >> john will have lots more on the war inside the gop and politics of the day tomorrow morning, a special extended edition of "cnn's inside politics" at 8:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. >> if voters follow romney's instructions, won't it create such havoc nobody wants to leave happy. joining me two prominent republicans that said they won't vote for trump if he's the gop nominee. former new jersey governor
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christine todd whitman and a senior strategist for romney's 2012 campaign. let me begin with you. i heard john king use the word conceivable. it's conceivable the so-called romney plan can work. here is an idea i have. shouldn't marco rubio right now tell ohio residents hey, i want you to vote for john kasich? and shouldn't john kasich say to floridians you better vote for marco rubio because the only way to derail trump is to push it to cleveland. >> yes, i think that's exactly what should happen. i don't think ted cruz should compete in florida. look, you know, this isn't really the mitt romney strategy. this is the ronald reagan strategy. this is how the 1976 regan ford race come down to the convention. there is nothing really new about this. there is rules. you have to get to these number of delegates and whoever gets to the number of delegates will win. if someone doesn't get to the number of delegates, there is
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rules to provide how you will get there. so i mean, it's really quite simple. we've got a contest, there is different ways to win it and i would think that the trump people who think winning is great, which is wonderful would appreciate that this is going to be contested all the way until someone wins. >> but for the purpose of this conversation, i think the two of us are both conceding that there is not a path for marco rubio to up end this cycle and suddenly to get to 1,237 or cruz or kasich, the best they can hope for is that they continue to chug along and deny trump. >> i think that's probably right short of a dramatic trump collapse which i see no reason that would happen. the reason we ended up here is because non-of these campaigns took trump seriously enough. trump is only been engaged leading now by rubio in a serious way for a couple weeks. had this started in september, we wouldn't be where we are. these campaigns competed
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bizarrely to see who could come in second to donald trump with this idea that if only they got donald trump one on one or something would happen to donald trump or whatever, some mystical account, something mystical would happen, i think it was incredibly flawed strategy and this is where we are. the best way if you want to save the republican party from donald trump, which is 100% chance of defeat in november, he represents what the republican party doesn't stand for, shouldn't stand for, you need to take it to the convention and let the delegates vote. >> i want to ask about your former boss. i thought he delivered a strong set of remarks on thursday. some questioned whether he was the appropriate messenger. in an interview with my colleague gloria borger, i did not hear him say never. if that crazy cycle continues and there is a draft movement in cleveland, he could be game?
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>> mitt romney has no intention of running for president. if he wanted to run for president, he would run for president now and go out and get on the states and acquire delegates. that would be the path to do so. it's obvious. look, if you go to just think about this now, if you go to a convention, which we'll have this convention and someone, donald trump is going to have enough delegates to win on the first ballot or they are not, by far the most likely strategy that will happen here is that two of the three remaining candidates will probably join together in a ticket. i mean, that's what always happens when you play risk. you have alliances and that that on a second ballot would allow that ticket to win. so i can't really imagine a scene where you're going to say these four candidates out there, will go to a convention with a bunch of delegates and say look, we've been banging our brains out for a year and a half but let's give it to someone else. it's just not logical.
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it will be someone who is in the race now and i think it could very well be a cruz, rubio ticket, a kasich, cruz ticket, whatever it is but that is the most likely scenario. >> it will be very interesting to see if the candidates that we've just discussed take steward stevens advice and if ted cruz says i'm not going to florida, i'm no going to ohio and the others do like-wise. thank you so much for being here. >> great to see you, buddy. >> steward stevens isn't the only republican that won't support donald trump. christine todd whitman says she'll not only refuse to vote for him but probably cross the isle and pull the lever for secretary clinton. thank you for being here, governor. you know what words keep running through my mind the last couple weeks? you reap what you sew. if people aren't satisfied with what has become of the party under donald trump's quote unquote leadership, frankly, they have the party and themselves to blame.
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don't you agree? >> i do. i absolutely do. not only did the party not take donald trump seriously way back when when we started the birther thing, they embraced it. i mean, they didn't say no. they didn't move away from him and unfortunately, frankly, both political parties have been focussing on this split. we can't talk to the other. if i don't agree with you, you're my enemy and this is so divisive. this made people absolutely furious at the status quo because nothing gets done and we've been moving to the extreme in both parties and that's wrong and bad for the country and bad for policy. we haven't gotten good policy out and people are furious. >> if it ends in a train wreck and president trump but if it ends in a train wreck for the party, who picks up the pieces? >> the people who have to decide you th that. i would love to see a kasich rubio ticket. putting both ohio and florida in
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play and that gives you someone who has been shown and experience and working together and across the isles balancing budgets at the federal level and state level taking a state $18 billion in debt and giving it a surplus. you have the new face of the party, fresh young face without executive experience, enough to be the president of the united states. we don't want more on the job training. and we don't need to look further than that. we have the solution and team that can beat hillary clinton in the fall. >> as you and i know, the problem is passion rules the day. i'm a firm believer in the numbers that show 42% of americans really are is, not rs, ds, they are is and want to be represented but passion rests on the fringe and so i keep hoping that there is solace, some comfort in this will be the cycle that will awaken in the end, am i wrong? >> i'm with you 100%. the majority of the american people are in that center.
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right now what you have, passion rules and a very passionate group that says i'm sick to death and not going to take it anymore and the way -- the one thing i'll give the trump cam pi -- campaign and sanders campaign is the ballot box. up until now people haven't been voting. we think we did a bang up job when we get over 53, 54% in a presidential race and, the message you're sending to the people in office is we don't care and think you're dog a fine job and that was not clearly what any poll said the public thought about representatives and people weren't using the ballot box. now they are. i hope before this is over, a sense of balance comes into play. those in the senate realize you just had a discussion about how this could play out and that it's not over yet and so many in the media want to say it's over, it's donald trump no matter what. no, there is a still a
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possibility for a different ticket to emerge from the convention in cleveland. >> okay. let me -- >> people will remember. >> that let me ask you about an even more different technique. there is a report michael bloomberg within the last 30 or so days moved his private e-mail away from his business and more toward an independent server, perhaps a precursor he does get into this. would you like to see michael bloomberg become a presidential candidate? >> i doubt it. i respect the job he did in new york because he's always been prague m prague mat tick how a new york billionaire did and my feeling, if it's hillary clinton on the democratic side and seems that's going to -- she's going to be their candidate i don't think you'll see him run. >> in new jersey, in the garden state, six newspapers this week all published a joint editorial saying that one of your successors should resign. as a matter of fact, the new hampshire union leaders say boy, were we wrong. do you think governor christie
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should resign? >> they are calling for resignation what he did in the campaign and the time which was fa unfair to new jersey. he's back in the state. he's now focussing on the job as governor and as long as he stays on that, there is no reason for him to resign. you can call for that and be mad at how much money we spent on the various problems that have gone on since he hasn't been managing on a day to day basis but that's different and showing up in poll numbers, which i think the approval is a little below 30%. but it's not a reason for him to resign. he can still be governor of the state of new jersey as long as he focuses on the state of new jersey. >> the star ledger said he was gone 72% of the days in 2015. should he have run for reelection if he knew he would be running for president and spend all that time out of the state? >> my philosophy is always to do the job you were elected to do and the rest will take care of itself. new jersey is the strongest
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governor constitutionally or one of the strongest of the 50 states. you really need to be there. it's a hands on job. yes, internet gives you ability to communicate we haven't seen in the past but not the same thing as sitting down to work through these major issues we face face-to-face with the people that need to make these and be with you to make the decisions. >> governor, nice to see you. i hope you're right, that this is a psychothat wicycle that aw center. >> fingers crossed. >> tweet me at smesh crconish w your thoughts. does bernie sanders miss an opportunity not questioning secretary clinton's use of the private server. i'll ask his campaign manager. >> hillary clinton will destroy him in the election. assuming she's allowed to run, assuming she's not arrested for the e-mail situation. [ cheers ] >> which is so terrible. l take o the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it'
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right, that is that the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails. >> i agree. >> that was bernie sanders last october. did he miss a big opportunity letting her off the hook. the justice department granted immunity at the it. staffer and clinton's aids shouldn't take the fall for her self--serving actions but the clinton and sanders campaigns are well represented. brian, thanks for being here. i want to point out the new york times reported there is no evidence that has come forth to suggest any hack of her private e-mail server. so let's get that out of the way and make sure that it's clearly understood. the issue that nevertheless troubles me is one of
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transparency or a lack of transparen transparency. here is my question, if i as a member of the public or media put forth a freedom of information act request on her watch and there were e-mails on her server that would be responsive to my request, did i have any chance of getting that information? >> yes. because actually, most of the almost all of the threads and e-mail exchanges that she was apart of involved aids at the state department that she deliberately copied or forwarded mess saeages to for the purpose foya compliance and even though she turned over materials from the personal server when match things up, there is over 90% over lap in terms of what was on her server and what was already in the state department system. >> you're saying if she were e-mailing a colleague, an underling within the department,
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i might not have my request responded to by her but one of the other, but what if my friend lanny davis were consummated by the secretary and it was a matter of public significance and relevance? i wouldn't get that information and there lies the problem how she went about it, no? >> there are disagreements what constitutes a public record, government record. there are plenty of exchanges involving her and personal friends of hers and people that had served in her husband's administration and a lot of it was personal interactions and exchanges and not something that would be treated as a government record. but in turning things over to the state department, she and her team made a very conscious effort to make sure that they were over inclusive and turn it over things that even a
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reasonable person might conclude was not a government record at all, and they turned it over anyway and as a result, some 1200 e-mails that she turned over have been actually returned back to her because the state department decided that it didn't constitute a government record. >> right. but the problem is that she had sole power and authority to make the determination and you know from your experience in the justice department, that's not the way this should work. there should be a foya technician, someone whose job it is to review that information and because she went the private e-mail server route, item powered her to know what the public would see. that's what this issue is all about. >> well, like i said, michael, we were over inclusive and that's been vindicated by the fact some 1200 e-mails have been returned to her for not necessary responding to the request. look, we would be the first to recognize that there are more, there is more that can be done to improve the ara compliance.
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hillary clinton herself during her time there sought to improve the department's compliance policies to ensure that the department was operating in as transparent a manner as possible and with respect to the recommendations that got made, i know john kerry secretary clinton's successor is implementing many of the reforms now. so we can always do better. it's a constantly evolving process to try to improve foya compliance. >> let's talk about the republican race. are you looking at it and saying this is great, give us donald trump or are you saying oh my god, you know, we don't want to open up that can of worms? >> we're really focused on our primary contest. jeff lever is going to be on after me and senator sanders is going to be in this for awhile. he said that. today we have three contests playing out. our goal going into today is to win more delegates than senator
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sanders. i know that they are going into today thinking they are favoring two of the caucus states. we feel very strong about the louisiana primary. our goal is to e mass as many delegates as possible and build the lead we have. there will be plenty of time to look ahead to a general election once we get closer to the nomination and when we do, i think the stakes are so high that democrats will rally around our nominee and the prospect of a donald trump candidacy on the republican side will only further motivate democrats to turn out next november. >> i hear you and i know you're focused on today but the times had a great story early they are week where they talked to clinton staffers about the way in which this war will be waged. here is part of what the story said. that strategy is beginning to take shape with groups that support mrs. clinton preparing to script and test ads that would portray mr. trump as a misogynist and enemy to the
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working class. t themes to be amplified to fight trump's ability to sway the news cycle and bill clinton would not hold back on the stump and president obama told allies he would geefully portray mr. trump as incapable of handling the duties of the oval office. is that a plan? a one-two punch of bill and bara barack? >> that report got ahead of things by quite a big margin. i was largely based on supporters of our campaign but outside of our campaign giving their thoughts about what they think would make for an effective strategy. we're not there yet but when we do get closer to clinching the nomination on the democratic side, we will start to plan how we want to run a general election campaign. when that time comes, though, regardless of whether it's donald trump or anybody else, we'll know we'll be running against somebody that wants to repeal the affordable care act and turn back the executive actions on immigration and
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doesn't support pay equity and increase in the minimum wage. so the contrast is going to be clear. donald trump certainly presents more of an unconventional candidacy and can't be dismissed for that reason but the contrast will be clear between the democratic nominee and republican nominee, whoever emerges on the other side. >> i'm sure the clinton campaign hopes if you get that for by winning the nomination you're not dismissive by him in the way many of his republican ocho pho -- opponents regret. thank you for being here. appreciate it. we'll hear from jeff weaver among many other guests when we come back right after this.
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to jeff weaver, thank you so much for being here. you perhaps heard brian fouling talking about the quote unquote damn e-mails and perhaps you heard me frame this as an issue of transparency or lack of tras parasee. why isn't that on bernie sanders' while house when lack of transparency isn't an important weapon in the arsenal when it comes to campaign finance? >> look, michael, you know, there is a process going on, a legal process going on as you mentioned earlier, a one staffer got immunity. when you get immunity, you gave what's called a proper to the government. you told them if you were given immunity and the government says that's pretty good, we'll give you i'm marco rubioty. that's going to work itself out and so the point is is that let the process work itself out. it will end where it ends. talking about it doesn't make
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the process go one way or another. it's not a process you can influence in any way but what he does want to do, there are a number, as you know, substantive differences between he and secretary clinton like trade policy, which is very important like michigan that lost tens and tens of thousands of jobs that secretary clinton supported. these are issues he's talking about because they are of concern to voters. >> i just don't get it as a close observer. you know the data. you know the difficulty she has relative to honesty and trustworthiness. i also know that you probably want to be protective of his brand and not have him go negative on her but where a federal judge who was appointed by bill clinton said there is a quote unquote reasonable suspicion that the public's right to know has been thwarted with freedom of information and my interview with brian just illustrated the gap that exists
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where the public perhaps was denied information it was owed. i don't know why senator sanders tomorrow night in the debate doesn't say look, just as i'm worried about the koch brothers giving money, dark money we don't know where it comes from, the secretary has to answer and the thwarting of the publishing right to know. >> she will answer for it through the legal process going on there are other areas outside not part of this we have been very forward in in asking for disclosure and transparency such as the speeches the secretary gave where she made millions and millions of dollars talking to corporate interests to foreign interests, to oil companies to drug companies. she has all these speeches because the contracts required that these companies transcribe these speeches and give them to her. she has all them in a box somewhere and can tush them out tomorrow and this is very disturbing, michael, as you know we put out a piece of film from
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an indian television station in 2012 where here in the u.s. she said how bad outsourcing was and told an audience in india how outsourcing benefitted a large part of the united states. i don't think anybody in michigan or cleveland, ohio or illinois we saw there, auto jobs shift to mexico or china thinks they benefitted from outsourcing. we think we should be able to see what's in the speeches this is a critical issue for voters. it a legal process going on but in terms of speeches and we would like to know if there are other foreign speeches where something was told something very different than what she tells people here in the united states. >> jeff, we' weaver thank you f being here. >> thank you. >> we'll find out what bernie sanders does tomorrow night when anderson cooper moderates the cnn democratic remembdebate liv flint, michigan. tweet me your thoughts. coming up, if the nominees are clinton and trump, what would that contest look like?
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so what's going to happen with the hillary e-mails and what might a hillary clinton versus donald trump race look like if we should get that far? lots to talk about with julian epstein is a strike thategist a supporter of secretary clinton and joe walker is former aid to george h.w. bush and a.j. delegate toe del delgato, i know you to be a level-headed and smart political guy s. bernie sanders blowing it but not raising the e-mail issue in the manner that i just did with both jeff weaver and with
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brian fallon? >> no, i think he's not. i think he's actually staying in character. what people like about him is that he's not attacking hillary clinton on any perceived and obvious weaknesses. sticking to his message talking to the people hurting and saying you know what it's about a rigged economy and i'll fix it. the economy is broken for you and i'll fix it for you. so that's why he's done as well as he has. otherwise, somebody who is 74 years of age and been 74 years old and in a socialist wouldn't be this popular in doing this well. >> i know jewulianjulian, you'l with that assessment and i'm thinking bernie has a card in his arsenal he's not playing because it puts him in a category of the republicans complaining about benghazi. >> it's not his style. he would anger a lot of democrats and to your earlier interview, i slightly disagree with you a bit. freedom of information requires she preserves the e-mails, which she did. it doesn't say on an official
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account. secondly, the big issue on e-mails is whether or not they were placed into an unsecure location. the e-mails marked classified. >> i don't think that's the issue. >> that we know of -- >> i don't think that's an issue. many have overlooked the bigger issue, which is public access to information. >> freedom of information, the freedom of information law is not changed at all by the fact that it was on her private server. freedom of information only requires that she preserve, which she did. my point here is whether you want to take a shot at the freedom of information angle or the classified angle, it doesn't take you that far legally. republicans have tried to use this against her for years. this and other attacks, it hasn't worked. i don't think it will take the opponents that far in the election. >> a.j., i know -- i know, a.j., you feel differently about this issue but i want to ask about your guy because it was eloqufw
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embarrassing donald trump said what he said in the debate about torture and paraphasing but we spoke of the military establishment as they will follow my direction and very quickly did an about face and said he would honor treaties that the united states has with other nations. >> well, i commend mr. trump and i think we're all relieved to hear he clarified he wouldn't ask our military to commit illegal acts. the bigger picture is that is a concern, which it should be for american voters, they should be supporting mr. trump. aside from sanders, the only candidate and i'm including who isn't interested in globe trotting or starting additional wars in the middle east and said the iraq war was a mistake. when we come from concerns of let's preserve our military and make sure that we're not out there committing war crimes or illegal acts, let's look at donald trump's candidacy and the way he said the iraq war was a mistake where thousands of children were killed and isn't
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interested in medad meddling in middle east further -- >> except for the factor touring families of them is a war crime. he's a highly flawed candidate democrats would prefer to run against. i mean, he changed his position on torture and campaign finance last week and changed position on immigration last week. he couldn't answer a straight question on the kkk affiliation last week. one of the themes that de democrats -- i don't think donald trump will get the nomination, i think you'll have a brock kered convention and republicans will realize it will be suicide because negatives are 60% and loses in almost every poll against hillary clinton. one of the themes will be is this guy really doesn't have the competence for the job doesn't understand anything about the job and the evidence for that is he keeps changes his positions
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and i think you put that, you take that and you combine that with the kind of a hit, which will be he's got the temperament of a fifth grader and put that with a long history of him betraying the people close to him, whether the american workers, whether it was his students at his school, whether it was position supporters that supported him based on a position he later changed his position like on immigration. i mean, really, if you ask democrats off the record, they would rather run against donald trump. such a rich target. >> joe watkins -- >> you under estimate him but he's a rich target. >> a lot of republicans underestimate him. joe watkins, steward stevens and i had a conversation at the outset of the program where we pretty much agreed marco rubio should say in ohio to republicans, vote for kasich and kasich ought to say to republicans in florida, vote for marco rubio. do you think we're going to see that and they realize the way that they deny trump is if everybody wins their own state and then a little bit more and they deny him, the 1,237?
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>> well, in a perfect world for them, that's one way of making sure that the math doesn't work for donald trump as you head toward the convention. that's a possible. but you have to consider what's in it for each candidate. obviously, each guy running wants to be the nominee and got to consider what their path is to get there and the path is not clear or obvious for any others for cruz, rubio or for kasich right now because trump has a sizable lead and i think that after march 15th we'll probably really know where we stand with all this, especially if he wins ohio and trump wins ohio and trump happens to win florida, but i don't think that -- i think it's just too tough for -- and not likely rubio will say hey, folks, republicans, vote for john kasich in ohio and john, and ted, tell the vehicle code vo-- voters to vote for men florida. they are each in it for
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themselves, of course. >> if they don't do it, joe, i think time will run off the clock. a.j., let me ask you a question -- >> no doubt. >>doubt. >> a.j., let me ask you, today's front page of the "the new york times" says "gop pleas draw anger from trump supporters." how do you think it's going to go down within the trump constituency if they believe that now the machinations of establishment republicans is to deny donald trump at the convention in a brokered situation? >> well, trump's constituency has always believed that's the occasion. i think we saw that writing on the wall since the very beginning, and the establishment has been trying to take him down since the beginning. i do hope it won't come down to a brokered convention, because if trump were to walk away from that convention without the nomination, he could go third party, and his constituents would go with him. it's just not a good look for the conservative movement, for the country as a whole to have a brokered convention. it would really create a lack of confidence in the system, in the
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political process. for donald trump to walk in there the front-runner but somehow be denied the nomination. i can hope and i'm confident that there will be some sort of a coalition that forms once donald trump wins florida, and possibly even ohio, that deals are made. >> if he does win florida. >> i firmly believe he will win florida. >> guys, i wish we had more time, but we don't. thank you all so much for being here. >> thank you. up next, your best and worst tweets, like this one, and more. dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen.
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comcast business. built for business. good morning, everyone. i'm victor blackwell, and it is super saturday, the biggest political saturday of the year. five states head to the polls and to caucuses today. we're in flint, michigan, the site of cnn's democratic debate sunday night. now, of course, super saturday, with so many delegates on the table here, polls are open now in louisiana and five states are voting, as we said. louisiana is the only primary. the rest are caucuses. so, let's start with the republicans. with 155 delegates at stake in louisiana, maine, kansas, kentucky, the democrats
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