tv New Day CNN March 7, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST
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election. tomorrow, big prizes up for grabs. brianna keilar is live in detroit. good morning, brianna. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. because of the location of this debate, flint michigan and its water crisis was a big focus. but it is also a labor stronghold. hillary clinton landing punches on the auto bailout. bernie sanders landing punches on the trade agreement hillary clinton supported in the '90s. but it is also the taupe that got a lot of attention. >> it is raining lead in flint. and the state is derelict enough coming forward with the money that is required. >> with michigan's my mary looming, contaminated water and lost jobs. >> children in america should not be poisoned. >> they were sparring more aggressively than ever before over wall street ties and the economy. >> i voted to save the auto
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industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. >> if you are talking about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this the economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story. >> let me tell my story. you tell yours. >> i will. >> the auto bailout failed. sanders cutting clinton off a second time to make his point. >> i said let the billionaires themselves bail out wall street. shouldn't be the middle class of this country. >> okay. >> wait a minute. when i finish, you'll have your turn. >> clinton optimistic about growing the economy. >> we're going to the stop this kind of job exporting and start importing and growing jobs
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again. >> only to be slammed by sanders over trade agreements she supported two decades ago. >> i am very glad, anderson is, that secretary clinton has discovered religion on this issue. but it's a little bit too late. secretary clinton supported virtually every one of these disastrous trade agreements written by corporate america. >> and butting heads again over gun control. >> essentially your position is there should not be any guns in mesh, period. >> like the -- no. >> post debate telling me sanders's performance was a disappointment. >> he repeatedly said he wants to run a positive campaign. in recent days, it seems a little more negative, a little more desperate. and i thought his tone tonight bordered on disrespectful. >> dismissing the charge as a distraction. >> they tonight want to talk about her bad trade record, her
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record of taking wall street contributions. it was a bad night for the clinton people. on the eve of the michigan primary, how is this race shaping up? hillary clinton has a 17-point lead among likely primary voters. michaela, i was talk to go a sanders aide who said internal polls show things a lot closer. this is not a winner take all primary. this is delegates awarded proportionally tomorrow night. >> four states up for grabs tomorrow night. bernie sanders captured three of four contests. ted cruz, meanwhile, keeping pressure on donald trump with two big wins this weekend. can he make it a two-man race after tomorrow. here to break it all down, mr. john berman, no sleep for you.
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>> this was like a kids soccer league. everyone won something. bernie sanders picked up kansas, nebraska, maine. hillary clinton's only win was louisiana, but she by a big margin. she has 12 states total. bernie sanders has eight. this puts hillary clinton pretty far ahead in the delegate count. 1,147 for her. 498 for him. yes, it does include superdelegates. even without the superdelegates, she will still 200 in front. michigan, the biggest prize. mississippi also votes. donald trump, ted cruz, they both won two states. ted cruz's margins were very big. donald trump's very small. marco rubio won in puerto rico.
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donald trump has 12 total state wins. ted cruz has six. marco rubio has won in minnesota and puerto rico. ted cruz is creeping up in the delegate race. ted cruz won the most delegates this weekend. that is important to note. looking ahead, a total of 150 delegates up for grabs tomorrow. the biggest prize in michigan, also michigan, idaho, and the state of hawaii. they all vote is tomorrow. one week from tomorrow, chris and allison, everyone's heads explode. you have ohio. all the winner take all states. it starts to get serious pretty soon. >> it is a big change when you go from proportional to winner take all. let's tackle all of this. the breaking down of the key moments from last night's democratic debates. let's bring back brianna keilar.
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let's bring in time warner cable news errol lewis and senior contributor for the daily caller, brother matt lewis. just in case you did not have your eyes stuck to the tv for the hours of the debate last night, here is a good look at you are going to hear talked about all morning long. the digs. here's the whole debate in one minute. >> secretary clinton supported virtually every one of the disastrous trade agreements written by corporate america. >> if everybody had voted the way he did, i believe the auto industry would have collapsed taking 4 million jobs with it. >> one of us has a superpac. one of us has raised $15 million from wall street for that superpac. one of us has given speeches on
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wall street for hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> here in michigan, there's been $11 billion in recent years used to support exports primarily from small businesses. i favor that. he's opposed it. >> i don't think it's a great idea for the american tax payer to have to subsidize through corporate welfare, profitable corporations who downsize in the united states of america. >> you have a good look at the two different cases being made. errol lewis, your take? >> i thought it was a refutation of what we normally assume is, which is elections are about the future. it was like a walk down memory lane. the 1990s. >> it was great. i had no gray hair. >> anybody who was under 50 years old was probably mystified by the debate.
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it is a big part of the case being made by bernie sanders. but this might be why he is having problems catching up in the delegate count, win anything key sectors. people do not want to talk about the '90s. the bailout i thought was devastating for her to talk about how he posed the auto bailout is. >> for him. >> for him. >> for that audience in particular in michigan. speaking of the audience and how it all played there, the gloves came off. he tried to silence her a few times when he felt she was interrupting him. some people read it as condescending. how did it play in the room? >> what i understand, because i was not in the room, but from my colleagues that were, people sat up straight. they did take note of that. people observing thought, wow, that's the a moment. what i think is the clinton campaign thinks that's something
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that might play worse with women. they might be less of a fan of that. but talking to bernie sanders, they think it is a distraction. it is sort is of a way for the clinton campaign to allege sexism here. back to the auto bailout, what surprised me about bernie sanders's answer, he didn't defend himself very well. he voted for the stand-alone auto bailout bill. it failed. when the money was carved out of the wall street bailout, which was something george bush did, there was another vote on this larger package. he didn't vote for it. most of it was wall street package. it was something he was not in favor of. the senator from michigan, she voted first against the wall street bailout. she wanted it if funds had failed. she voted for the bigger part of the bailout that had all the funds in it. all of that, of course, gets
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lost. there should have been a way to assert he was behind the bailout. this does play in michigan. barack obama took mitt romney down the after his opt ed, let detroit go bankrupt. so it certainly resonates with a lot of people here in this labor stronghold. >> matt lewis, was last night one of the only times in your life you have been a little bit jealous of being a democrat just because of the nature of the discourse on the stage? >> yes. no talk about bernie sanders's hands, how big or small they are. it was an elevated debate comparatively. i think it is interesting. if donald trump is the nominee, you could see similar dynamics. you could see him hitting hillary clinton with trade deals, wall street. you could see the potential -- go back to rick lazio invading hillary clinton in that new york
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senate debate years ago. you could see the dangers of debating a woman if you're a man and how you can potentially overstep. bernie sanders came very close there. i would love to see how that played among female democratic voters. >> bernie sanders won kansas, maine, nebraska. hillary clinton won louisiana. does this give the argument that, yes, of course he presses on. >> sure. the momentum argument is one he has every right to make frankly going into michigan. he is closing a 28-point vote gap down to 11 in latest polls. that's just the last couple of weeks. over the weekend i thought he did -- as usual, he does well in states that are wider. states that have caucuses. but he had blowout numbers. these are people very, very enthusiastic. they're not going away. he's going into the convention with tons of delegates and with a real case that there are a lot of people who want his version
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of the democratic sort of future. and, you know, this open question about does he want to start a new trade war. what do we do with his positions? how do we actualize them? that's the big open question. he is performing as well as he could have expected. >> panel, thank you very much. appreciate you talking about the democratic side. we will talk about the republican side next. >> in fact, we will do it now. a four-man race. front-runner donald trump says he wants ted cruz one on one, calling on marco rubio to drop out. jason is live in tampa, florida with that. good morning. >> as you know, rubio was not planning to drop out any time soon. he wants his shot at floridaful they will be aggressively campaigning on the ground. there is no path forward. it will be interesting to see when he has his rally in tampa a little on today.
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if he continues to go after trump especially regarding this new controversy surrounding tortu torture. he said he would obey the laws. and then changed his mind over the weekend. >> did somebody tell isis, we're going to treat your guys well. will you please to us a favor and treat our guys well. we are playing by rules but they have no rules. >> trump will not get support from his own. arnold schwarzenegger is going to be throwing his support behind john kasich. he would say what difference does it make. this is a two-man race that does not involve him. >> stay on cnn for the most comprehensive political coverage. wednesday brings another democratic debate in miami. thursday, a republican debate in miami. it is a full week of political
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events right here on cnn. sad news, nancy reagan will be laid to rest next to her husband at the ronald reagan presidential library. the former first lady died of congestive heart failure at the age of 94. >> reporter: good morning, sin. nancy reagan played many roles but she said the most important role was being ronald reagan's life. a country in mourning. during a campaign that so invoked ronald reagan's legacy. donald trump called mrs. reagan "an amazing woman." ted cruz said she will be remembered for her deep passion for this nation and love for her husband. a moment of silence for her at
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the democratic debate sunday. the president and first lady michelle obama say they are grateful for her life and pray she and her beloved husband are together again. porn in new york city and raised in chicago, nancy reagan began as were an actress in hollywood. she melt fellow actor in 1949. the two married in 1952, beginning one of hollywood's and washington's most enduring partnerships. >> everything just fell into place with ronny and me. we completed each other. >> nancy played a pivotal role from governorship to presidency, always by his side gazingly adoringly. >> my gosh, here he is and he's president. >> as california's first lady, she focused on helping vietnam veterans. as america's first lady, she championed the fight against drug abuse, bringing national attention with her just say no campaign. she had her own special grit.
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president reagan's fiercest protector, never leaving his side after an assassination attempt. later in life, she nursed her husband during his battle with alzheimer's and became a leading activist, raising millions for research. >> it is sad to see somebody you love and have been married for so long and you can't share memories. >> after his death in 2004, is she remained committed to preserving her husband's legacy. a symbol of the republican party. >> when you balance it all out, i've had a pretty fabulous life. >> people have already begun bringing flowers here to the ronald reagan presidential library. we do know there will be a time for people to come and pay their respects. and this is also where nancy reagan will be laid to rest, right next to her husband. i'll send it back to you in new york. >> thanks, stephanie. >> thank you for the respectful
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tribute. well deserved. nancy reagan well ahead of her time on several different issues. especially on fighting drugs, especially on alzheimer's. many, many years ago she said this is something more and more people will deal with, not just presidents. she said the medicine cabinet will become the drug dealer of tomorrow. she was right. >> she obviously took on the controversial issue of stem cell. >> she took a stand on aids. they always say behind every good man is an even stronger woman. that is evidence of that surely. >> right by his side. we'll take a little break. ted cruz scoring two big victories this weekend. how will that impact tomorrow's contest? and will donald trump change his status as front-runner after tomorrow? we'll break it all down.
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they build world-class products. and that builds communities. and a better future. for all of us. because making something in america means so much, to so many. weathertech. proudly made in america. republican candidates setting their sights on four contests. marco rubio claim to go slow trump's momentum. mark preston and back with us
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errol lewis and matt lewis. gentlemen, great to see all of you. mark, let's start with you. trump won kentucky and louisiana. cruz won kansas and maine. rubio won puerto rico. trump has 389. cruz now in the 300s. 302. it goes down to 149 and then for kasich, 37. mark, is this still game on? can't cruz say, trump isn't running away with it? i'm also in the 300 delegate count. >> right. >> this is a game of momentum. he won geographically. ted cruz wins maine, which is in some ways very amazing. it does give some fuel to the
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idea that ted cruz is the better alternative to donald trump having said that, marco rubio got a bit of a life line when he won the puerto rico primary, picking up 23 delegates. had he lost that it would have been continuing the downward slide from marco rubio. >> puerto rico, saving marco rubio. that is a problem in and of itself. matt lewis, when you look at what happened there, to preston's point, let's test his analysis a little bit. did cruz make his case that he is an alternative to trump. or did he make the case that he is the alternative to rubio? do you think it helped being the first open race in louisiana? >> ted cruz is making the case that he is a serious candidate, to be taken seriously i think it is not about beating donald trump but stopping donald trump from getting the 1,237
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delegates. he need to be the nominee. donald trump wants a one on one race with ted cruz. i think for very smart and personal reasons. republicans will be much smarter to not let that happen. march 15th, i hate to down play what's happening this week. march 15th is the do or die. if rubio wins florida, kasich wins ohio, this goes to a contested convention. if trump gets cruz one on one, trump becomes the nominee. >> trump was calling on having cruz one on one. he said that's what he actually wants. listen to him talk about why marco should exit stage right. listen to this. >> he comes in third. he comes in fourth. every time he comes in third or fourth he says you've got to be able to win. and he has not been able to win. and i think it's time that he drops out. i would love to take on ted one on one. that would be so much fun. he can't win new york. he can't win new jersey.
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he can't win california. i want ted one on one, okay. >> so, errol, is that the strategy he wants? he wants as many people to stay in as possible. >> if he had his druthers, he would want marco rubio one on one. but to deny a majority of delegates, everybody has to pull their own wait. rubio has to win florida. kasich has to do well not only in michigan but he has to win ohio. you can start to see. the fact that trump didn't win most delegates that were available over the weekend tells you that this can work. that in contest after contest you start draining out the delegates. they go to the convention with instructions. marco rubio, even if he sort of drops out, he sends with instructions to vote, we are already starting to see the
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contours of a brokered convention. the path to trump is is to win outright. that's what he's got to do. and the more candidates that are in the race pulling their own weight, the harder it is going to be for him to do that. >> that's why louisiana was so important as a race. everyone was waiting to see how would cruz do there. many people felt he had a chance to win that state. then wound up being trump. what's your take away of why it matters? >> you have evangelicals down in louisiana. it played an important role in the primary process. they were able to win another state in the south which ted cruz months ago was saying was his firewall. here's the problem with the republican establishment's plan trying to split the vote. errol is right. matt is right. that would be the best way to stop donald trump. an unholy alliance between those who do not like each other. marco rubio, ted cruz, and john
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kasich would not go out and have dinner together. they are not friends. the idea that this could work, it is plausible. it is probably unlikely. what's interesting is you start to see leaders, not just the establishment but erick erickson, one of the thought leaders is now calling for a ted cruz/marco rubio ticket. he thinks that is the best way to take out donald trump. that's when you get the unholy alliance. i just don't think i can see it. >> thanks so much. north korea threatening to reduce the u.s. and south korea to flames and ash with a nuclear strike. how seriously should the u.s. take that threat? we'll talk about that next. ♪ the roles you play in life are part of what make you, you.
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a nuclear threat from north korea in response to the annual joint is military exercises between the u.s. and south korea, which are now under way. pyongyang warning of a preemptive and offensive nuclear strike. the drills are the largest ever, involving more than 300,000 south korean and american personnel. paula hancocks is live in seoul for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michaela. threats were expected at this time of year. north korea certainly did not disappoint. threatening the preemptive and indiscriminate nuclear strikes against the u.s. and south korea. these drills are the largest they have ever been.
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they have just is started today, just wrapping up the first day. they are obviously not going to be changed in any way because of this threat. we know south korea's ministry is upping its surveillance to see if there is any imminent attack. they see no movement. every year pyongyang gets tanningry by the drills. they believe it is a dress rehearsal for an invasion. they are defensive in nature. they happen every year. they are not in reaction to any geo-political events. we have seen this rhetoric all year. in january, a nuclear test from north korea. february, a missile test. and sanction passed last month. certainly tensions are high on the korean peninsula. >> thank you very much. we'll take a quick break.
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this morning, a nation is remembering nancy reagan. after 94 amazing years, the former first lady is gone. we're going to take a closer look. you may be surprised at all reagan did to impact the country and the world. for work. i'm really looking forward to this spinach salad. it's got quinoa in it! (vo) it's the little things that make a big difference. courtyard, make room for a little fun. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis.
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stkpwraot the nation is remembering the life of nancy reagan. we're happy to have ann with us this morning. good morning, ann. >> good morning, alisyn. >> great to have you here. will you share your thoughts on nancy reagan's life and her legacy. >> this is a tough moment for her family. she was so devoted to her husband. and every day he has been gone has been tough on her. you know, when she came to washington, she was a very experienced political wife. i really think for the whole eight years she had one major
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mission. she was the president's political armor, his protector. it was so true in how she tried to guide him on the people around him, helping him find a press secretary. and ended up with james brady. she tried to get rid of one of the chiefs of staff, don regan. she was looking out for whatever was best for him. lessen the policy field of being miss eyes and ears, the watch dog around the president himself. >> that's interesting, ann, because there was always a question how big an influence on her husband's positions and his administration. so what was your impression of that? >> i really think it was less being focused on whether he should cut here in the budget or there in the budget, whether he should meet mchale gorbachev. she was aware of what was going on around him and what would detract him from his mission.
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he didn't like to go anywhere without her. every weekend they went up to camp david, the presidential retreat, an hour north of washington. and his eldest daughter, maureen reagan, once told me, they go up there by themselves every weekend. they don't need anybody else. and i think that we saw that when president reagan died and nancy reagan lingered at the casket some said that lasted the night he was buried. she didn't want to take her hand off that coffin. of course then she came in for criticism compared to modern first ladies, she really took it on the chin. >> the warm feelings about nancy reagan seemed to have increased substantially after she left the white house. at the time certainly democrats criticized her for her priorities or values i guess. they felt she focused too much on designer gowns and fine china. but something shifted after they
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left the white house. she became a more beloved figure. >> you're absolutely right. the criticism of the gowns was she was taking gifts by borrowing designer gowns. she was ordering china at a time when her husband was cutting school lunch menus and cutting government spending. when she left the white house and he descended into his alzheimer's years, she really found her political muscle herself. remember, she came out strongly in favor of embryonic stem cell research when george w. bush had gone out of his way to crusade against it. i think she found a strong voice quite out of character with the kind of first lady nancy reagan was for the eight years here in washington. >> ann, you know better than anybody, when you cover presidents and politicians, it can often seem to the viewers it is always an adversarial relationship. but that's not true.
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there is no better evidence than this photograph that you're providing us from december of 1981. that is nancy reagan with your son in her arms. what's the story behind this? >> it was a sunday afternoon. i brought my 7-month-old with me to the white house. teddy was able to stand and hang on to a gold chair while mrs. reagan came in to listen to beverly sills rehears for a christmas program that night. she was always the actor. she saw a great shot. she scooped him up and held him for what might be 30 minutes. she sent that beautiful picture to him and inscribed to him.
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>> i read said she felt her life began when she met ronald reagan. she felt that was the moment that sort of her life had meaning and they truly seemed to believe they were soul mates. >> they would have been married 60 years by now. he was the only light in her life. she was a young actress. she needed help from the screen actors guild. he was president of it. when they met and married and had two more children of their own, she was absolutely an integral part of his life. and the love letters they wrote to each other. and then she was willing to publish show what an intimate and that a strong relationship that was. kind of nice to see in an era where marriages are not always as shiny and bright, especially in the public eye. >> ann compton, thanks so much for sharing all of your personal reflections. great to see you. >> thank you. >> reflections of a different
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peyton manning, boy, his football life can brown you in numbers. 18 seasons, a record five nfl mvp awards, two super bowl titles and one retirement announcement. coy wire has more in this bleacher report. >> chris mentioned 18 seasons in the nfl. the average is about three and a half. 39 years old. he will go out on top after the big win with the broncos. he's retiring as the only quarterback to lead two franchises to super bowl titles. he called to let them know he would be hanging up his cleats.
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he said peyton was everything that we thought he was and more. not only for the football team but in the community. i'm very thankful peyton chose to play for the denver broncos. and tom brady showed his respect on facebook. congratulations, peyton, on an incredible career. you changed the game forever and made everyone around you better. been an honor. he ends as all time leader in pass yards. and most wins about i any quarterback in nfl history. 1:00 p.m. history. more for you later in the day. alisyn. >> coy, thanks so much. all right. back to what happened last night. the water crisis in flint front and center during the democratic debate. bernie sanders and hillary clinton agreeing on one thing when it comes to michigan's governor. we'll tell you what that is next. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving
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the front-runner crisis was front and center last night during the democratic debate. there was a reason cnn held it in flint. both went in slamming the response, calling it an emergency. saying the governor should now resign. >> the governor should resign or be recalled. and we should -- [ applause ]. >> -- support the efforts of citizens attempting to achieve that. >> i believe the governor of this state should understand that his dereliction of duty was irresponsible. he should resign. >> let's discuss the positions that were taken and the impact it will have. democratic strategist richard socarides and van jones. van is on the ground in flint, joining a group of activists to call attention to the crisis.
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i saw you doing volunteer work. good on you. that have you learned about the situation that people watching from abroad may not understand? >> i read about it. i had no idea. you have to understand what it means to be in a community where the water is poisoned. you wake up in the morning and can't brush your team. you can't put on a pot of coffee. if you want a child, you want to make similac, you can't do that. this is day after day. you can't leave. you can't sell your house. nobody will buy your house. if you're poor, you're on medicaid, you have rashes, they don't cover determirmatologist. this emergency manager saved
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money going from a clean water source to dirty water source and poisoned the whole city. the governor is republican. epa didn't show up either. >> van, there are a couple of steps how they got it. the plan to save money wasn't the problem. the intermediate water source wasn't understood for what it was. and the treatment was mismanaged. everything began cascadincascad. let's talk about how the big themes played out last night. one of the big ones, richard, was accountability. on that score, bernie sanders said the governor is in charge. his people were involved. there are things he should have known. he should be out. hillary clinton changed her position and said she agrees with the proposition that snyder should be out. >> i don't think she changed her position. i think their respective
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responses really speak to the problem-solvers they are. hillary, her first inclination -- >> is let me just say, she said early on -- now she does. that's a change. >> she didn't support the governor. of course there should be accountability. there should be accountability at the epa, which she also called for last night. her first inclination is to study the issue, to come up with a solution, concrete policies. and bernie's first inclination is to lay blame and bring it back to wall street. i think that's what you saw last night. i think it really is true. listen, at one point you would think the flint water crisis was the fault of wall street and goldman sachs. every time he brought it back to wall street and goldman sachs. >> that's terrible. >> what's your take some. >> well, first of all, if you are here and you are talking to people whose children have been
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poisoned, who got notices from this governor's office that it was safe when it was not and you know this governor was essentially having the books cooked and ignoring the warnings, everyone said the governor should go. >> but that's what she said. >> everybody here -- hold on a second. everybody here says the governor should go. the reality is no matter what good plan you come up with, if you have an in competent governor you can't implement it. >> van, van -- center here's where i'm going to stop you, richard. i don't think this matters now. >> i agree. >> i get what your points of contrast are. let's talk about what mattered most last night. what do you think the biggest measurable difference was last night in the debate? many say you got your best look at the contrast between the two candidates. >> i think it was an important debate. i think you saw on the issue of guns, that bernie seemed very flustered. her point that the only corporation he seems to favor
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are the gun manufacturers. he looked lost when anderson pressed him. maybe i'm misunderstanding. maybe i don't understand. i think that was probably the biggest point of the night for hillary. >> van, what do you think the biggest point of the night was last night and for woman and why? >> well, there was one big winner last night. the residents of flint, michigan, who finally have their concerns heard. if you want to talk about the candidates, i thought when bernie sanders said, listen, i'm going to release all of my transcripts because i don't talk to them. even hillary clinton had to laugh at that. it is one of those great moments when your opponent realizes you got a good zinger in there. this was rock el, sock 'em robots last night. it stayed substantive. it didn't go off and talk body parts and weird stuff. for hillary clinton you saw a lot to like in her. if you're for bernie sanders,
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you saw a lot to like in him. and this talk about nafta. if she makes it, assuming trump is on the other side, trump could come after her on nafta and the trade deals. >> we think they are going to keep american jobs is here. and i think it was important we talked about substance. i think you saw bernie sanders coming a little unhinged. he was curt with her, disrespectful. i do. i think the way he came at her shows how angry he is. this is an angry time. and he is a very angry man. >> if that was angry last night, you better never go anywhere near the gop debates, richard. van and richard, thank you very much. thank you for what you're doing out there, van. everybody appreciates it. >> there's a lot going on with what happened last night in the debate. we have huge elections tomorrow. headlines from around the world.
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so let's get right to them. the wealthiest country in the history of the world has to get its priority right. >> it is raining lead in flint. >> when you watch the republican debates, you know why -- >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator. >> let me tell my story. you tell yours. >> i will. >> i want ted one on one, okay. >> the scream you hear is utter terror. >> do you think isis is obeying the laws? >> they're chopping, chopping, chopping. and we're worried about waterboarding. >> the world mourning the loss of nancy reagan. >> her first, second, and last goals was to take care of ronald. >> if you balance it all out, i've had a pretty fabulous life. >> this is "new day" with chris
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cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> welcome back, everybody. welcome to "new day". we're just having a little coffee and water. bernie sappeders and hillary clinton clashing like never before at flint. the two candidates challenging each other over the economy, guns, and wall street ties. >> there is a lot of talk but the real story is the contrast. you have a real look where these two are different. good morning to you. because of where this debate took place, a lot of focus on the failure of government and what these two would do. you saw hillary clinton landing punches on bernie sanders position on auto bailout, landing punches on hillary
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clinton's passport for trade agreements. as you mentioned, it was the tone of the debate that also came into question. >> it is raining lead in flint. and the state is derelict and not coming forward with the money that is required >> with michigan's primary looming, contaminated water and lost jobs dominated. >> children in america should not be poisoned. >> senator bernie sanders and secretary hillary clinton sparring more aggressively than ever before over wall street ties and the economy. >> i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. >> if you are talking about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me. i'm talking.
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>> if you are going to talk, tell the whole story. >> your story is for voting every disastrous trade agreement and voting for corporate america. >> clinton optimistic about growing the economy. >> we're going to the stop this kind of job exporting and start importing and growing jobs again. >> only to be slammed by sanders over trade agreements she supported two decades ago.
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>> i am very glad, anderson is, that secretary clinton has discovered religion on this issue. but it's a little bit too late. secretary clinton supported virtually every one of these disastrous trade agreements written by corporate america. >> and butting heads again over gun control. >> essentially your position is there should not be any guns in mesh, period. >> like the -- no. >> post debate telling me sanders's performance was a disappointment. >> he repeatedly said he wants to run a positive campaign. in recent days, it seems a little more negative, a little more desperate. and i thought his tone tonight bordered on disrespectful. >> dismissing the charge as a distraction. >> they don't want to talk about her bad trade record, her record of taking wall street contributions. it was a bad night for the clinton people. thanks to brianna keilar for that. ted cruz hoping to turn it into
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a two-man battle. john berman here to break it down. >> it is almost like the candidates decided to share this weekend. bernie sanders picked up three states, kansas, nebraska, maine. hillary clinton had one win and one win only, but it was the biggest, louisiana. she has 12. bernie sanders has eight states total. 1,147 for her. 498 for him. yes, that does include superdelegat superdelegates. but even without them, she still has a 200 delegate lead. as for tomorrow, 188 delegates at stake. michigan the biggest prize. mississippi will also vote. donald trump, ted cruz, won two. ted cruz won by big margins.
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marco rubio won the territory of puerto rico. if delegates count as much as everyone else in the primary. ted cruz has 6, marco rubio with minnesota and puerto rico under his belt. ted cruz won the most delegates this weekend he is now creeping up in this race. he has 302. donald trump, 389. marco rubio very far back at 149. you can see where john kasich is right now. a total of 150 up for grabs on tuesday in hawaii idaho, michigan. a big day tomorrow. one week from today or one week from tomorrow, all those winner take all states. >> let's start with the dems.
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for the hillary clinton campaign, karen finney. >> good morning. >> let's take this angle of tone. make the case for why you are troubled by bernie sanders's tone. >> i thought it was a time a little bit disrespectful. some of his answers i found a little bit troubling. for example, when talking about, you know, racial blind spots and suggesting about why people don't understand because they live in ghettos, i found that disturbing. >> you really think bernie sanders was disrespectful?
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this was kumbaya. when someone is saying something about you that's not true, how polite are you supposed to be? were you really that offended? >> we can't go by the reality show television that you can't even let your kids watch that we are seeing on the republican side. let's not lower the bar to that point. overall, it was a very good debate. it showed the poor differences between the two of them. what you saw from hillary clinton i believe was a progressive who wants to get things done. she had specific ideas about things she wants to get done. if you're a company that has received tax breaks and you move jobs overseas, we're going to take that back. from bernie or senator sanders i felt what you heard time and again, everything came back to
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wall street, wall street, wall street. he didn't even have is an answer in the motor city, miles from the motor city. he is a single issue candidate, he brings everything back to wall street. on race he brought it back to wall street. whereas i felt like secretary clinton had more specific ideas, more specific thoughtful policy ideas. and she has a record to run on on things she has done and things she wants to build on. >> senator sanders was using it as a sword and shield. you have to look at what hillary clinton has believed in the past versus what she believes now. and we need to do things differently and not play the same old games. one was on fracking. i want to play one piece of sound because it has a metaphor
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effect. >> do you support fracking? >> senator clinton? >> you know, i don't support it when any locality or any state is against it, number one. i don't support it when the release of methane or contamination of water is present. i don't support it, number three, unless we can require that everybody who fracs has to tell us exactly what chemicals they are using. >> my answer is a lot shorter. no, i do not support fracking. >> bernie sanders used it as a difference between the old way of politics and the new way of politics. your take? >> my take is, okay, you don't support fracking. but what would you do? are there any conditions under which you would support it? >> he no. he says it's wrong. you don't compromise when something is wrong.
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>> here's the problem with that, chris. that's fine. but what would you do -- >> i would say no fracking. >> but what will you do with the companies that are currently doing it. at times he gives answers that are unclear. what is the policy beneath it. like his health care plan. how are you going to pay for it? he couldn't answer the question about the auto bailout. he couldn't answer questions about why -- his response on gun safety issues. he was all twisted in that. i think he ended up saying he doesn't support liability for manufacturers but he did. but then he didn't. he was kind of all of the map on that answer. these are specific questions. so i guess my point is bringing that back to wall street or not
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having a specific answer or not being able to articulate a policy or strategy i think is a real problem. >> you definitely have is a very different look at the two different takes on what's going on in the country. >> yeah. >> if you think bernie sanders was a little bit over the line last night, what does that say about the ability of hillary clinton to take on donald trump gets to the general and he does too? >> i think hillary clinton did just fine last night. she gave thoughtful, subis stan active answers, whether or not you agree with the policy. we have differences on of opinions. i think senator is sanders made a number of mistakes. he will have to answer for those today. i don't think you can not have an answer for things like the auto bailout or things like your policy on gun safety measures. and i think she did great.
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i thought she was substantive answers, thoughtful answer, able to articulate a policy, a strategy on each of those questions. whether or not you agreed with it, that's one thing. let me tell you something, chris. one thing i know about hillary clinton, she is tough. if you think about all the money and all the attack ads that have been run over the years. and this woman is still standing. she is leading. she has got more votes than anybody on both sides. she has proven what a tenacious fighter she is. i think she will effectively fight for people. >> thank you for making the fight on hillary sanders. oh, that would be a good one. >> i like that. a democrat's hybrid dream. over the weekend republican front-runner donald trump and
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closest challenger tied for numbers of wins. trump also calling on marco rubio to drop out. jason carroll live from tampa. hi, jason. drop out, no way. rubio said it himself. even though we see trump leading in the polls, it will be interesting to see what happens later today when rubio has his rally. we'll see if he continues to criticize trump on this controversial issue. he said he would abide by laws regarding culture. then said he would try to expand the laws. listen to how he explained himself over the weekend. >> you have to play the game the way they are playing the game. you're not going to win if we're soft and they have no rules. now, i want to stay within the
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laws. i think we have to increase the laws because the laws are not working. >> well, trump will not be getting the support from one of his own. former california governor schwarzenegger is throwing his support and endorsement behind john kasich. this is a two-man race between himself and ted cruz. trump will be in north carolina, mississippi. cruz will be right here in florida tomorrow. alisyn. >> jason, thanks so much for all of that. stay with cnn for the most comprehensive political coverage. tomorrow is super tuesday two. wednesday, a debate in miami. and thursday, gop debate in miami. nancy reagan is being remembered as both a devoted partner and a fierce protector of her husband's life and legacy. the former first lady died at 94. she will be laid to rest next to ronald in simi valley,
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california. that's where we find stephanie elam this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning, michaela. nancy reagan died who days after what would have been her 64th wedding anniversary to the man she was fiercely loyal. >> a country in mourning for one of the most influential first ladies. first lady to president ronald reagan. fiercely protective during the terms of the white house. the depth of her devotion was evident in the years after he left office. borny new york city, listed in chicago, she began as an actress in hollywood where she met fellow actor ronald reagan in
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1949. >> everything just fell into place where ronny and me. we completed each other. >> nancy played a pivotal role from governorship to presidency, always by his side gazingly adoringly. >> my gosh, here he is and he's president. >> as california's first lady, she focused on helping vietnam veterans. as america's first lady, she championed the fight against drug abuse, bringing national attention with her just say no campaign. she had her own special grit. president reagan's fiercest protector, never leaving his side after an assassination attempt. later in life, she nursed her husband during his battle with alzheimer's and became a leading activist, raising millions for research. >> it is sad to see somebody you love and have been married for so long and you can't share memories.
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>> after his death in 2004, is she remained committed to preserving her husband's legacy. a symbol of the republican party. >> when you balance it all out, i've had a pretty fabulous life. preparations are under way at the republican library. there will be a time for people to come is and pay their respects. some people have already been leaving flowers. they are hoping people will donate to the library instead. that was nancy reagan's request. michael michaela, chris, alisyn, back to you. >> to have such a staunch reporter of research. >> ahead of her time. her husband's party wasn't embracing of stem cell research,
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she pushed it. the idea of drugs will be coming out of your medicine cabinet. how right she was. >> and watch your loved ones slip away. something so many people can relate to. >> let's take a little break. when we come back, so donald trump's slit contest with cruz on saturday. cruz actually picked up more delegates. what does this mean? is this worse for donald trump or marco rubio, especially looking ahead at the big four states tomorrow. michigan the biggest prize. to truly feel healthy on the outside you have to feel healthy... your core. trubiotics a probiotic from one a day naturally helps support both your digestive and immune health by combining... ... two types of good bacteria. trubiotics. be true to your health.
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trump that the results were divided over the weekend between ted cruz and donald trump. >> not at all. we have seen there are caucuses that two to cruz where primaries go to donald trump. so as the race tightens, we will look forward. we are looking good in states moving forward both are in the 300s. donald trump is still the front-runner. but they are both in the 300s. do you think that makes the scenario of this going all the way to the convention and playing out in a brokered convention more likely? >> i think that is a possibility
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considering how we see this push to prevent mr. trump from winning. but i also say senator cruz picked up some delegates he is in the 300s. he lost some of the states he needed to win early on. the states moving forward are well primed for mr. trump. >> his feelings on water boarding and torture. he said some difference things over the weekend than he had at the dough did he bait. >> i have never had any problem leading people. if i say do it, they're going to do it. >> as far as the waterboarding is concerned, we have to stay within the laws. but you know what we're going to
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do. we're going to have the laws broadened. we are playing with two sets of rules. their rules and our rules stphrfplt what does that mean, have the laws broadened? what would that look like? >> thank you for the opportunity to clarify. mr. trump's position on water boards has not changed. there was this huge backlash of people taking him literally and saying he would violate geneva convention rules, which is not the case. he was just clarifying that we cannot continue to play by different sets of rules when we have people beheading christians and selling their children into slavery. he does want to go to congress, to council and see how we can better combat terrorism. >> katrina, why would mr. trump want to play by the rules isis is setting. >> mr. trump suspect talking about doing beheadings. we can talk when the united
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states invaded pakistan and killed osama bin laden, there were violations there as well. we are talking about terrorism, which requires a different set of rules. we have rules of engagement mr. trump is talking about putting americans's lives first, building up the military and fighting isis. right now we're telling them we're not going to come after you. if we capture we will feed you sandwich sandwiches. >> that is not the u.s. policy, we're not coming after you, we're not going to fight you. when he said he will change the laws and rules, what would those be? >> actually, the united states policy is go ahead and infiltrate syrian refugees is and we'll bring you in by the hundreds of thousands to terrorize you on u.s. sill. mr. trump is wanting to go back
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to the security council and his administration and say, what can we do? what can't we do. and how do we best fight back against terrorists so they are not encouraged to kill americans. >> does he mean doing this with congress or around congress? >> he means doing this with congress, which is exactly why you heard him say within the law. the press release that came out was talking about staying within the guidelines of geneva conventions he is talking about going back out there and doing what needs to be done to fight terrorists. >> for the record, he will be pushing to make waterboarding a tactic? >> well, ultimately, that's the cia's decision. they were the ones that did that to begin with. but he doesn't want to take it off the table. the last thing you want to do is tell terrorists we're not going to do anything if we capture you. that's mr. trump's point. >> katrina pierson, thanks so much for being on "new day". >> thanks, alisyn. >> of to chris. >> all right. we have the sad task of
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as a party we should come together and stop this foolishness. if they run a third party, or an independent party, if they to that, it will make it impossible for the republican candidate on the assumption it's me or anybody, to win. >> that was donald trump warning gop against any attempts to block him as the republican nominee, saying he will take all of his voteers with him. ted cruz trying to close the delegate deficit, beating trump in two states. will the race go all the way to a brokered convention? sean spicer, great to have new studio. >> thank you. >> do you see this headed for a
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brokered convention? is that how this is all adding up? >> we have 906 of 4,672. >> don't try to wow with with your math. >> i went to a liberal arts college. no math involved. we start getting the key winner take all in ohio. and eight other states will be winner take all between now and the end. there is an opportunity for folks to break away. if you won every single delegate going forward today, no candidate could reach the 1,237 to be the nominee until april 26th. that's impossible. we guarantee won't have a nominee until may. >> wow. that is an interesting perspective in terms of how it is all going to shake out. ted cruz won two states.
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marco rubio won puerto rico. john kasich was never planning to win any of these states. he has his eyes on michigan and ohio. in terms of your math and your wizardry at it, cruz and trump are now in the 300s. what surprised you about what happened this weekend? >> people are focusing on choices. it is not the 17 we started off with. so you are seeing is a bit of that tightening. opportunities to break away. again, as you pointed out, we're not that far apart when it looks at where everyone stands. you have two of the folks in the 300s. another person, 150 back. but this is not some kind of far and wide race. >> let's look at the numbers again. if you just look at louisiana, case in point about what happened there, how different the polling was. donald trump was supposed to run away with it basically. he was going to at projection,
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get 46%, almost 47%. then the results were much tighter than expected. he got 41. ted cruz got 38. >> one of the things that was interesting in the exit polls in that race and several others, there is a disparity between early vote and day of voting. that's where we saw see a lot of discrepancies in the voting. it matches up with what the public polling says. i think that is, two things. one is advertising. two is ground game. that is where the ground game comes into play. as you know, mitt romney has been coming out and basically saying vote for anyone but trump. he feels as though trump would ruin the republican party. he was asked on "meet the press" whether or not he would be ready to step in if need be at the convention. let me play that for you. >> i don't think anyone in our party should say, oh, no. even if they wanted me to be the president, i would say no to it. no one is going to say this.
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i'm not a candidate. i'm not going to be a candidate. i will be endorsing one of the people who is running for president. >> is there any scenario in which something like that happens? >> no. look, we're going to have a nominee that gets 1,237 candidates. that will be our no, ma'am he knee. >> before the convention? >> well, that's up to the voters and the delegates to decide. i still think we are on track for that to happen. it is a nice parlor game to may now. i believe we are at 85% certainty we will have a nominee going into the convention. whoever gets that 1,237 hrbg the full nominee. >> i know you have no horse in this race. you represent the rnc. you don't ever say you favor one over the other. would it help the party for people to begin dropping out? >> i don't know. i think 6th candidate has to make a decision. do they have the resources to go
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forward. those are for candidates and voters to make. not especially for the rnc. the beauty of this process, we started out with 17 amazing candidates. very historic in terms of the level of qualification, the diversity there. it is the voters who have made that decision. they have decided who will move forward, who they will provide resources and votes to. >> at the beginning of this, did you ever imagine that you would find yourself in this situation with the most unconventional race people say they have ever seen? >> well, i am excited at the level of enthusiasm. we talked about record debates turnouts. almost every single state, including puerto rico, you saw a record turnout on the republican side. on the democratic side, you are seeing below 2008 levels when they last had a contest. i think the enthusiasm, the intensity are on the republican side. it's actually showing in the vote. when you look a lot battle ground states, states we have to
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win in november, we are up 100%, 120% in terms of turnout. that's great for our party. >> she's looking at general. we still have a ways to go. at the end of the day, this is going to come down to a lot of battle ground states. >> john spicer, great to have you in studio. thanks so much for being here. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders squaring off in a contentious debate. we'll get reaction from team sanders next. seven. i just wish one of those people could have been mrs. johnson. [dog bark] trust me, we're dealing with a higher intelligence here. ♪ the all-new audi q7 is here. ♪
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bernie sanders and hillary clinton clashing in a contentious debate last night. sanders taking his most direct approach to date with the secretary of state. here's a listen. >> he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. i think that is a pretty big difference. >> well, if you are talking about the wall street bailout, where some of your friends
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destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me. i'm talking. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator sanders. >> let me tell my story of. you tell yours? i will. >> let me talk you will have your turn. your position is there should not be any guns in america. >> that is the nra position. >> can i finish, please? >> save a few headlines out of there. let's discuss what mattered and why. good to have you this morning, ted. >> thank you, chris. >> there were two big pressure points, the bailout and second choice anywhere else. >> let's talk about trade, okay? >> we'll get to that as well. >> the question about the auto bailout seemed to give bernie sanders some pause. do you believe that was a vulnerability last night for that audience? >> no, i don't.
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i think it was vulnerability for hillary clinton. what she did was so disingenuous, to false. he voted on the floor of the senate to bail out the auto industry. bernie supported the auto bailout. >> it was the second vote she was talking about. >> yeah. what she was talking about was the t.a.r.p., the bailout of wall street. to take that money ands to, you're against the auto industry. that is totally, utterly, disingenuous. it speaks to her great weakness as a candidate, that she cannot be believed. >> it is true, she said there was not a lot of money that went for the auto companies and he did not vote to have it given to them. that's not untrue. >> it's true that the $350 billion in the second half of
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the t.a.r.p. contained the 14 billion that wound up bailing out the auto industry. he voted for it on the floor of the senate. hillary knew that. she said you voted against the money for the bailout. that money was part of the second half of the $700 billion bailout of wall street that she and others supported. bernie opposed. he is proud of that opposition and should be. >> finesse the point about the nra as well. why do i call it that? because hillary clinton said last night just to identify the criticism, this is the nra position, that we need absolute immunity for our production in order to function in america. and they wound up getting it. bernie sanders was in favor of that. that's her criticism. bernie sanders says, no, that was -- that's up fair. how so? >> well, it's unfair because logically if you follow her position, which bernie did, it
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would result in no guns being manufactured in the united states. they ship jobs, like the jobs in michigan, to china and elsewhere. >> no other industry gets immunity like that. that's the part he didn't specifically address. >> sure. i understand that. you know, when bernie said he voted for that originally, it was a lot of small gun shop owners in the state of vermont said, look, we're going to go out of business. he has supported the little guy throughout the course of his career. he also said recently he would be willing to sign on support of that legislation and support it. she joined bernie on t.a.r.p., the tpp, opposing it. the trans pacific agreement. she joined him on the keystone pipeline. at the debate, she joined on the resignation of the governor of
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michigan. on immunity, he said, yes, he would support the bill and signed as a koe sponsor today to deal with that issue. so there is no difference as we stand here today. >> the senator is getting criticism for tone. no, nothing like the gop. you say you're better than them. you are operate under different rules of decorm. do you believe it was suppressed him being disrespectful to senator clinton. >> i don't think so at all. she kept disrupting him. she distorted his record. last night they were paring him to rick lazio and the debate he had in the senate. lazio walked across the stage and practically mugged her. no. >> i don't know if rick lazio would agree with that
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assessment. hillary clinton seemed to be offput by that. and the audience responds as well. thank you very much for making the case for bernie sanders on "new day". you are always welcome, sir. >> thank you, chris. >> all right. so you have heard both sides defend what happened last night. what do you think? tweet us. join us on facebook. they are arguments, not insults. >> all right. so we're remembering nancy reagan, as is much of the nation. one of the most influential first ladies. a true love story. their son is now speaking out about his mother's passing. ahead, we will speak to people who knew the first family well. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in.
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we broabout this new car. to get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets me. wow. it also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five. what? oh wow. i mean with all this technology. that's a game changer.
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the nation is remembering nancy reagan. the former first lady died sunday at the age of 94. married to president ronald reagan for 52 years. joining us are two men who knew her personally, jeffrey lorde and douglas brinkley. this is really wonderful to have you both here to lend some perspective as we recognize the passing of our former first lady. douglas, you had a chance to edit the reagan diaries released in 2007 with the support of mrs. reagan. she sat down with larry king back in those days. let's listen to this. >> nobody writes anymore. >> no. >> i mean, this, of course, a diary is out of the question. nobody is going to do that.
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imagine historically to see the diary with his handwriting. >> is it hard for you -- hard for you to look at it? >> in a way. >> i think the thing that moves so many of us especially as jaded journalists is this love affair, this love story between the two of them. they were first lady and president but there was great love between the two. >> that is what everybody is commenting on. when i finally read the diaries, the hand written notations from the president page after page, thick volumes of the material my take away was nancy reagan is everywhere in it. most amazingly is he would start meditating on her being gone for half a day, when is she coming back? i went to the window and nancy is not back yet. you really start when you read that much material start recognizing that they were not only a great love story but a co
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dependency and many ways shared the presidency. >> you were in the white house during ronald reagan's time. what was nancy's influence? >> she had tremendous influence. perhaps most notably in the firing of don reggen as white house chief of staff. he was picked over somebody who was my boss drew lewis who we thought would be the chief of staff after the 1984 election. and he was a very talented guy but in the wrong job. he got on the south side of nancy reagan fairly quickly. while that didn't particularly matter all that much it mattered when we got to the iran contra scandal and she was extremely upset and wanted him fired. in her defense, it sort of made it seem like she was out there
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to get him. she was the one who got it done. he was very unpopular on capitol hill and in the media but she certainly pursued it and finally president reagan got the point here and let him go. >> she wielded her influence to the point that some referred to her as the dragon lady. we know the image of her has changed since she left the white house as it often does. in terms of who she was, really interesting to hear her son's recollection. let's listen to sound from him. >> nancy reagan was a woman who was totally dedicated to her husband. i know that sounds antifeminist but i don't mean it in that way. she loved her husband more than anything in the world. i think that you can make the case that the ronald reagan that we all came to know as president
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would not have existed without nancy reagan. >> such an interesting time. we were talking about this, an interesting time for women. she had a different role at a time when women's roles were changing. as president obama said yesterday she redefined the role of first lady, didn't she? >> she did redefine it in certain ways. she came in and jimmy carter had banned alcohol in the white house. she allowed alcohol to come in and then said let's redo the white house some and then started to try to inject a sense of fashion and tone during the 1980s. she got critics for doing that. she was even keeled and as for people worried about her, the speech writer recently in her m memoirs said i would hide behind a pillar. i interviewed people who said when nancy reagan called i would
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freeze. a hard word from her could make grown men quake. she was tough. it was all about not denting her husband. don't you dare take a swipe at him. >> to that point her son, ron jr. did talk about why she somehow aroused more iron sometimes from critics than president reagan. >> it was tough for her in the white house because there was a lot of anger that could have been directed at my father. my father was a person who was almost impossible to dislike as a human being. she was a little more complicated a personality than he was. she made an easier target i think. >> what do you think of that dynamic? >> she was very determined to protect him. and ron is quite right. president reagan was quite easy
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to get along with. one instance, in the white house political office in the fall of 1986 we had to keep the senate so president reagan was on the campaign trail. so when he came back and we were sending him across country to campaign for senate candidates we got him to the west coast on the schedule and then fly him back to the white house mrs. reagan said he may be president but my president is 75 you are not flying him across america and bringing him back in the same day. he stays in california overnight case closed. thank you. >> it shows the power she wielded. thank you so much. we are going to continue to remember the first lady throughout the day here on cnn. we are following a lot of news including a look at the democratic debate. let's get to it. what i saw literally shattered me. >> let's have facts instead of
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rhetoric for a change. >> i don't want to break the bad news and the crademocrats are n always right. >> some of your friends destroyed this economy. >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> someone keeps punching people in the face someone will have to punch them back. >> i call for him to drop out of the race. >> our campaign has beaten him not once, twice or three times. >> i would love to take on ted one-on-one. the world mourning the loss of nancy reagan. >> she was a good, good lady. >> when you balance it out i had a pretty fabulous life. this is "new day". >> good morning. welcome to your new day. it is march 7, 8:00 in the east. a show down in flint, michigan. that is what we had with bernie sanders and hillary clinton. they were both turning up the volume in last night's democratic debate. there was a lot of contrast
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going on. the economy, guns, wall street. >> when they weren't attacking each other sanders and clinton were targeting donald trump. both candidates claiming they are best suited to beat him in november. their main focus remains on tomorrow when very big states are up for grabs. we have all the angles covered. >> this debate being in flint meant that a lot of the debate was about the failures of government and what these candidates were going to do about this. hillary clinton landed some punches on bernie sanders when it came to his position on the auto bailout. he landed punches when it came to her support for past trade agreements. this is a labor stronghold and those issues resonate. it was the tone that captured a lot of people's attention. >> it is raining lead in flint and the state is not coming forward with the money that is required. >> reporter: with michigan's
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primary looming contaminated water and lost jobs dominated. >> children in america should not be poisoned. >> reporte >> reporter: sparring over wall street ties and the economy. >> i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. >> reporter: if you are talking about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> if you are going to talk, tell the whole story. >> let me tell my story, you tell yours. >> sanders supported a stand alone auto bailout bill that failed but voted against a larger bill. sanders cutting clinton off a second time to make his point. >> i said let the billionaires
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bailout wall street. shouldn't be the middle class of this country. can i finish? you will have your turn. >> clinton optimistic about growing the economy. >> we are going to stop this kind of job exporting and we are going to start importing and growing jobs again. >> reporter: only to be slammed by sanders over trade agreement she supported two decades ago. >> i am very glad that secretary clinton has discovered religion on this issue. it is a little bit too late. secretary clinton supported virtually everyone of these disastrous trade agreements written by corporate america. >> reporter: and butting heads again over gun control. >> your position is there should not be guns in america. can i finish, please? >> reporter: post debate clinton's campaign chair telling me sanders' disappointme--
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>> a little more negative and desperate. i thought his tone bordered on disrespectful. >> reporter: the sanders campaign dismissing the charge as a distraction. >> they don't want to talk about her record of taking wall street contributions. it was a bad night for the clinton people. >> reporter: how is this key race in michigan shaping up? with the latest poll having hillary clinton with a 17-point lead when you are looking at likely primary voters. the sanders' campaign tells me they have polls that show it is much closer. this is not a win or take all situation. they have a lot of delegates to win here. >> thank you so much for that. certainly was a critical weekend for presidential hopefuls. senator ted cruz hoping to make it a two-man battle with donald trump on the republican side.
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bernie sanders gaining side on hillary clinton. this morning all eyes are on what happens tomorrow. four more states in play. here to break it all down for us, john berman. >> everyone won. bernie sanders picked up three states, kansas, nebraska and yesterday maine. the one state hillary clinton won was louisiana but it was the state with the most delegates and won with a big margin. she has 12 total states. bernie sanders has eight states so far. hillary clinton out in front 1,147, bernie sanders with 498. we do include the super delegates in this. without super delegates hillary clinton enjoys about a 200 delegate lead right now. she is about half way to clinching the nomination. as for tomorrow 188 delegates at stake. the biggest prize for democrats is michigan where they debated last night. donald trump, ted cruz both won two states this weekend. donald trump, kentucky and
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louisiana. ted cruz kansas and maine. donald trump's wins were very narrow. ted cruz won big. marco rubio picked up puerto rico, a territory that cannot vote in the general election but delegates count here in primaries. donald trump has 12 total state wins, ted cruz has six. marco rubio has minnesota and puerto rico, 2 for 20. as for the delegate race ted cruz won the most this weekend. he is creeping up on donald trump 302, donald trump at 389. marco rubio at 149. you can see where john kasich is all his hopes ride in ohio which is one week from tomorrow. tomorrow 150 delegates are up for grabs. idaho, hawaii and michigan. michigan the biggest prize tomorrow. these are proportional contests. next week florida, ohio they are winner take all. >> that is when it gets real according to you.
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thanks so much for showing us. here this morning with take aways cnn political commentator sally cohen and lisa kaputo. so the debate last night, it was substantive. they talked about trade. they talked about guns. they talked about the auto bailout. what was your take away? >> i think one of the better political debates i have seen on national television. there was at least 20 minutes spent talking about trade policy. be still my heart. that's the stuff that is important. we should be discussing it and talking about why some people think it is a good or bad trade deal. this stuff effects american people's lives more than a number of things we tend to spend time talking about. in contrast to the republican debate on thursday night, my lord it was like two different
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planets. >> and of course in contrast to each other the hillary people say she won the debate. the bernie people say he won the debate. voters got to hear how they each felt. they had some defined positions that were contrasting to each other. what was your take away? >> i agree it was substantive. i was surprised there was no foreign policy discussion. given it was secretary clinton who asked to have a debate in flint i thought it was important to focus on domestic issues. big discussion on flint and lead in the water. secretary clinton obviously calling for the governor's resignation. senator sanders has done the same. i think you saw a big difference on the auto industry bailout. she said you are either for bailing out the auto industry or not. she is running ads in michigan very compelling radio ads on that very issue. again, i heard tad divine
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talking about he voted for it initially, senator sanders and then when the second vote came around which is when the money goes he voted against it. i think it is really important that people listen to these issues. i think with michigan being a swing state it will test hillary clinton's support with the unions. >> basically they said she finessed her language in order to make it seem as though she was against the auto bailout. >> it's all fair in politics and this is a challenge of having a senator or congress person run for office. you have complicated votes. he supported the bailout and voted for a separate bailout bill and didn't vote for it when it was bundled up with the bank bailout. he didn't explain it very well but when the voters understand that if they can understand that between now and the primary he will do okay. >> there is substance and style. about tone and tenor of last
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night bernie sanders has gotten criticism for basically he was telling secretary clinton to stop interrupting. some in the room thought it may have played as condescending. let's listen to a few moments. >> he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. i think that is a pretty big difference. >> well, if you are talking about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> let him respond. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story. >> let me tell my story and you tell yours. >> i will. >> can i finish? you will have your turn. essentially your position is there should not be any guns in america, period. can i finish, please?
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>> i think he was a little agitated. i think he is coming off a couple of primary states where he is behind. she has wrapped up 12 states. we are going into tomorrow where we have a big vote in michigan and mississippi. into march 15 where it is florida, illinois, ohio, north carolina, big states. he was definitely agitated. it was a little more under the skin, i thought. she, i thought, had great command of the issues. she was substantive. >> he was trying to make points. >> that's a debate tactic. anybody who has gone through debates -- >> that's what you do. >> i have to give points to hillary on this one. you know i like bernie. i like them both but i lean towards supporting him. on this point it is about how you do it. it is the tone. in particular it was that first
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one. when he said -- that is funny and playful. when he said can i finish? it was a tone that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and evoked the experiences that i think a lot of women have had here is the guy -- a little too much finger wagging, a little too irritated. whatever he meant or however he was feeling in that moment for women anticipating how a female president would be treated in a debate and in actual office. >> do they get special treatment? >> she interrupted him in a different tone. i felt the other tonal points were fine. it was a matter of demeanor. >> i would say don't let style trump substance. the reality is she was more substantive last night. she has more in depth policies than senator sanders. i didn't hear a lot of where is the beef from bernie but
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substance in terms of policy proposals from secretary clinton. >> i disagree on that. >> don't let style trump substance. >> thanks so much. great to see both of you. >> somebody say trump? let's look at the gop race. they don't agree on much but donald trump and ted cruz apparently see eye to eye on the republican race now being a two man fight. trump calling on marco rubio to drop. he says he wants cruz one-on-one. rubio says he is not going anywhere. jason carroll is following the race live in tampa. >> reporter: if he wants him one-on-one he will have to wait. florida is a must-win state for marco rubio. he is not going to drop out. he wants to make a go of it here in a state he believes he can win. it is going to be interesting to see what happens later on today when rubio has his rally here in tampa to see if he goes after
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trump again especially on the issue on stance on torture. trump seemed to flip-flop on his position saying he would try to expand laws on torture. >> you have to play the game the way they are playing the game. you are not going to win if we're soft and they have no rules. now, i want to stay within the laws. i want to do all of that but i think we have to increase the laws because the laws are not working. >> reporter: a number of republican security experts call trump's stance inexcusable. trump saying he does not think that will hurt his position. he believes this is a two-way race between himself and ted cruz. trump will be campaigning in north carolina and mississippi today. cruz will be right here in florida tomorrow. >> we will be joining you down there soon enough.
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don't soak up all the rays. tomorrow is super tuesday number two. wednesday brings another democratic debate in miami. thursday a republican debate in miami. this race has become all about momentum, who makes the most and least of each at bat matters. cnn will be your place to be all over all of it. new tensions brewing on the korean peninsula with the north threatening preemptive and offensive nuclear strike in response to u.s. and south korea beginning their annual joint military exercises with over 300,000 south korean and american military personnel taking part. hundreds of people gathered to remember the 239 people on board malaysia airlines flight 370. the plane disappeared two years ago tomorrow. its fate has become one of the biggest mysteries in aviation
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history. a support group is calling for the search to continue and most recently a piece of wreckage was found and is being tested to see if it may have come from that plane. nancy reagan will be buried along side her husband. the former first lady died of congestive heart failure at the age of 94. she is remembered for her crusade against drugs and her fierce devotion to her husband. live from the reagan library in california. >> reporter: good morning. many credit nancy reagan for changing the definition and the role of the first lady in the modern era. according to nancy reagan herself her most important role was being ronald reagan's wife. a country in mourning for one of the most influential first ladies during a campaign so invoked ronald reagan's legacy the republican presidential candidates quick to express
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condolences. donald trump called mrs. reagan an amazing woman. a moment of silence for her. the president nancy reagan began her career as an actress in hollywood where she met ronald reagan in 1949. the two married in 1952 beginning one of the most enduring partnerships. >> everything just fell into place with ronnie and me. we completed each other. >> reporter: nancy played a pivotal role in the rise of her husband's political career always by his side gazing adoringly. >> i remember thinking anything except here he is and he is president. >> reporter: as california's first lady she focussed efforts
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on helping vietnam veterans. she championed the fight against drug abuse bringing national attention to the issue with her just say no campaign. she had her own special grit. president reagan's fiercest protector never leaving his side during an assassination attempt. she nursed her husband during his battle with alzheimer's and became a leading activist raising millions for research. >> it's sad to see somebody you love and have been married for so long and you can't share memories. >> reporter: after his death in 2004 she remained committed to preserving her husband's legacy, a symbol of the republican party. >> when you balance it all out i have had a pretty fabulous life. >> and preparations are underway here at the reagan library for a large private memorial that will be held here on the grounds
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where she will be laid to rest next to her husband. as far as people from the public they want them to come and pay respects. they are preparing for that. some people are already bringing flowers but they are asking people instead of flowers to make donation to the reagan library. that was one of her final wishes. back to you. >> nice to have a presidential library so you can do just that. >> it is comforting to think that they are reunited. they do consider themselves soul mates. >> she deserves credit for as i was raised for some years by a first lady. i understand the job. they are often the only defender of their spouse when it comes to how much they are going to work, where they are sent, how much they are put into. the instinct of those around more and more and more. nancy played that role in a very big way and often nobody else would have done it. back to politics that are
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rubio has to drop out. listen to this. >> he comes in third, he comes in fourth. every time he comes in fourth he says you have to be able to win and he has not been able to win. i think it is time that he drops out. i would love to take on ted one-on-one. that would be so much fun. ted can't win new york, can't new jersey, can't win pennsylvania. he can't win california. i want ted one-on-one. >> trump going after somebody let alone marco rubio not new. what is new is this turn around. it used to be we have to winnow down the field. now we have to keep everybody in on the gop side so we can keep trump from getting 1,237 delegates which is what he needs. what does this mean for cruz and rubio. ted cruz communications director and republican strategist good to have you both. first, are either of you or both
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of you going to admit that the idea of a combined ticket is now up in the air? the cruz/rubio, rubio/cruz ticket, is it more of a possibility than ever? >> these guys are competing for delegates hard. >> anything? anybody moving in anybody's direction to talk about this at all? >> chris, i will agree with you, it is time to winnow the field. the fact is it needs to be ted cruz versus donald trump. ted has beaten donald seven times. we won six contests and it is clear that he is the only one to take on donald trump here in the primary and has proven poll after poll the one that can beat hillary clinton. and the photos are speaking time and time again. we won most number of delegates on saturday. we are showing true momentum. another big sign of momentum is
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money. after super saturday after kansas and maine we raised $1.5 million online, our largest fundraising day to date. that goes to show that people are rallying behind ted and realize he is the one to take on donald trump. while it is a tough decision for other candidate tlz is no viable path to victory. >> i will take that as a no to my question. let let's put up the delegate count. who is this a great night for saturday night? you go back and forth. who was it a bad night for? marco rubio. how much pressure is being applied to whether or not he can sustain? >> he can sustain. that was four proportional primaries. it was good for senator cruz. >> he didn't make the threshold in at least one. >> this is a long slog. we have winner take alls coming up. florida is a big one. senator rubio is confident of a win. he had a blowout in puerto rico just over the weekend.
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that will help him in florida. there are a million puerto ricans living in florida. he is a popular senator competing hard. 99 delegates in one state completely turns this race on its head. it is a different race today than last week when the candidates started exposing trump as a fraud. it will be a different campaign next week. >> you think -- a lot of people saying what got him head lines hurt him in the polls that he started trying to be like trump and there is only one and you cheapen the race. >> it showed that marco has a sense of humor. if a bully is punching you you punch back. it wrestled media away from trump and it brought him back down to earth and made this a more competitive race and showed a funny side of marco. >> knock on ted cruz. answer my question first, please.
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the knock on ted cruz is that you are not a unifier for the party. you are doing well and supposed to do well in certain areas. you are an outsider. if the party is going to galvinize it will have to do it around someone else. >> that is what people want. they want an outsider, someone to take on the washington cartel. that is why we are seeing the numbers fall for marco rubio and people rally toward ted. marco rubio is one of the washington establishment that is yet again someone that the voters are rejecting. what he did last week taking on donald trump did not work well for him. the jokes and talking about everything but the issues people did not respond well and the time they spent on the debate stage was not productive for them. ted cruz was the only one talking about policies and issues in the economy while the two of them were slugging it out like kids on the playground. they want a serious candidate that talks about the issues that will go in and break up
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washington and not go along and get along with washington like marco rubio has and did with the gang of eight. and they also don't like the ability to be flexible. people don't like that. >> cruz is part of the melee very often on the stage as you are well aware. john kasich was the one who tried to avoid it and some would say it winds up working to his advantage and maybe not. quick button on the case for why rubio has same credentials as cruz. >> rubio has beaten the establishment. he was able to accomplish eliminating obama care bailout. we need to unite the party and grow the party to win this election. marco rubio can do that. the other candidates have been divisive and negative. marco rubio has an optimistic message to unite the republican party which is fractured right now and will grow the party and
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win in november. the polling bears that out. rubio is the strongest against hillary clinton over any other candidate. >> look forward to having you on the show. always welcome. >> donald trump backing down from his position on torture. at first he was all for it and now clarifying the stance. the story does not end there. the new plan. tomorrow starts today.k state, e all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at we broabout this new car. to get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi.
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here we go for monday edition of five things to know. bernie sanders and hillary clinton exchanging sharpest yet sparring on economy, guns and ties to wall street. after a split super saturday showing donald trump looks to rebound in republican primary contests tomorrow in michigan, mississippi and idaho and caucuses in hawaii. north korea is threatening nuclear strikes against south korea and the u.s. as the nations begin therapy joint military exercises. the drills involve more than 300,000 personnel. isis is claiming responsibility for a suicide attack in iraq that killed at
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least 35 people and injured scores more. a truck loaded with explosives blew up at a busy security check point south of baghdad. peyton manning is calling it a career after 18 seasons going out as reining super bowl champ. the broncos quarterback expected to make it official this afternoon at a news conference in denver. for more on the five things be sure to viz td the website. we are remembering the life and legacy of nancy reagan, the former first lady dead at 94 years old. former adviser to president reagan will be here to share his memo memories. about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is,
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donald trump is changing his position on torture. after his comments supporting waterboarding and worse at the most recent gop debate he drew harsh criticism from military experts and now says he won't ask military lead to break international law but he wants the laws changed. we have new hampshire state
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representative al baldasoro and commander army general for europe and 7th army lieutenant general mark hurtling. thank you both. let's start with al baldasoro. you support donald trump, yes? >> yes i do 100%. thank you general for your service. >> when you hear donald trump talking about torture and what is good and bad and why and what to tell the military, make the case for why it is okay. >> the reason -- when i hear him talk about torture and when megyn kelly said you are willing to break the law he never said he was going to break the law, he said the troops will do as i say as commander in chief. he did strengthen comments there. i know i served 22 years in the marine corps. very familiar with code of
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conduct and geneva convention and with the courts back in world war ii. what he is saying is basically they are cutting off heads. they cut off -- i keep saying american values. whose interpretation of american values? american values when ronald reagan killed the family of gadhafi or obama that killed the son and shot the wife there when he killed -- donald trump is right on but willing to go to the legislators. >> you are talking about takeout of osama bin laden there. what is your sense? >> a couple of things, chris. i picked up two things that i had a visceral response regarding the debate, mr. trump tried to walk it back the
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following day. the first was expanded use of torture. all studies and everything we have seen and i have had to run interrogation facilities in combat. all indicators are that torture does not work. it is used by individuals to generate revenge or frustration and does not generate information. there are much better ways to get information through proper interrogation techniques. the military has never done enhanced interrogation techniques. the second thing that scared me that really had a response for me was when mr. trump said he is going to order the military to do this and they will do what i tell them to do. they are not going to refuse me. if i say do it they are going to do it. those are the things that really concern me about some of the things mr. trump is saying because it is toxic leadership and secondly, someone needs to remind mr. trump that the military is not his palace guards. they take an oath to defend the constitution of the united
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states against all enemies foreign and domestic. they abide by the rules not only of uniform code of military justice but they also abide by the u.n. mandate against torture and the geneva convention protocols against torture. we do not do this. it is not within our purview. >> respond to the general's point about what we do. is it a fair criticism of what donald trump is saying that the idea of look at what isis does we have to do the same and maybe worse that is not the way america wins is by meeting the worst of its enemy in terms of how they treat humanity. >> you know, what i can say to the general is i -- we don't have access just like donald trump does not have access that the general has to the cia studies on torture whether it worked or not. donald trump just like many of
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veterans supporting donald trump look at this and say maybe it worked or it don't but donald trump is one who identifies generals who will stand up and speak out and will explain to him what the rules are. for many years even myself during desert storm the rules of engagement we were aggravated when they told us take our magazines out. no general stood up for us. the generals in the past of me growing up are examples of america. i wish we would spend more time fighting for that veteran being kicked out of the army there going after a police officer after he raped a little boy but yet we are talking about trying to read between the lines what donald trump said. many of his veterans support donald trump. >> i understand that but not trying to read it through the lines. i'm reading on the bold faced parts of the line of what he said in different iterations of this. general, find word.
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>> i think that is the point. what we are hearing from a lot of candidates and i'm trying to remain as apolitical as possible are things just don't make sense. some candidates are saying we are getting advice from the generals and when mr. trump said this he named two names one of which wasn't a general, the other was a general and the wrong name. so what i would suggest is that he take some people under advisement and listen to them. be a little more humble in his approach and maybe be a little empathetic as opposed to proclaiming that he has all the answers. this is not only affecting those in the military who are supporting him, i got tons of letters after i wrote the cnn commentary about what the military will and won't do from serving military people that are concerned about this election. i think we not only have to look at internal military but look at how we are viewed around the world. this is not helping our cause in the fight against terrorism. >> general, representative, thank you both for coming on
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"new day" to make your points. appreciate it and thank you both for your service. so what do you make on this issue? what is right and wrong, good, not good? tweet us at "new day." follow us on social media. i'm off for lent but i'm reading. we hear ronald reagan's name a lot. his wife nancy a driving force behind his success and legacy. we will talk abo the late first lady's influence on american life and politics next.
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tributes are pouring in following the passing of former first lady nancy reagan. we have former adviser to president reagan, david gurgen. i think we have all been appreciating the obituaries, people remembering our former first lady. you had such an incredible access to this couple to the first lady and to the president. how will you remember her? >> in a very warm way. one gets very nostalgic because current politics are so contentious. they were classy. it was the love story. i remember her as the enforcer. one was quite careful not to cross nancy. a little story that brings out both of them.
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we were down in williamsburg and he had to be prepared for these bilateral meetings. so we had to do a big briefing paper for each meeting. it got to be a very thick book for the next day for a wednesday. jim baker, the chief of staff took this briefing book to the president and said mr. president take it home tonight please read quickly. he always read slowly. he would always read. we knew nancy was going to be out there and look at that book and she was going to have our heads in the morning. so we were all in this great trepidation. we woke up and the president came in to have breakfast with us and he said i have a confession to make. i sat down with your briefing book and it was good but did you know the sound of music was on last night? he said and you know that is my
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favorite movie. so i never had a chance to read your briefing book. we thought thank god nancy is not after us. how can he succeed without the stuff we fed him? he was bet that day than we had ever seen him. he had a big picture. the two of them have this calmness about life that you don't see today. they took life as it came and they had seen and done so much they were comfortable with each other. he did not need the presidency for his ego. i worked for nixon. he needed the presidency in order to feel like he had a life. some people are like that. i think reagan was a better president because he wasn't so ambitious as that he wanted to do it but was okay and had nancy. she was his refuge. she was his anchor. they liked to spend an evening alone together. tv dinners, watching the news, talking, do some work.
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they like to be quiet. as staff member you never invaded that privacy. you respected that privacy. >> that is amazing. what an illustration of their dynamic. their children knew that. their children had talked about how they were the great loves of each other's life. ron jr. talked about how in being his protector nancy reagan somehow became the target of some of the critics more so than he. >> i think that is right. often somebody has to be the enforcer and they take a lot of criticism. he found her -- his movie career in the late '40s had stalled out. then jane wymam his wife walked out on him. he was in rough shape. nancy and he met in 1949. they were attracted to each other but he wanted jane to come back. the relationship didn't flower until there was recognition she
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wasn't coming back and they got married in 1952. when they got married his inner and outer life changed because general electric said would you host this tv program. he started crisscrossing the country on behalf of general electorate and gave speeches and that is how he evolved to being the speech maker he was and turned more conservative. when he was young he voted for fdr. he voted for franklin roosevelt four times in a row. he was a democrat. in the 1950s he says the party walked away from me. he became much more conservative. end 069 1950s he had a new life with nancy, a new career and was propelling forward on the political scene. >> fascinating. >> i can listen to it all morning. i was always very enamored of and inspired by what i saw with
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nancy. i got to spend a lot of time around her. she is a very impressive person. >> classy. >> you wonder what she would make of all of this going on right now. thank you for joining us. >> special woman who did many special things. a good stuff example to be sure. let's give you more right after the break. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything.
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how about monday motivation? you have a driver named scott anderson. he picked up the job to earn money for his wife and kids but he has something very special to offer his passengers. scott is a motivational speaker. >> come in discouraged. encourage them and give them hope. >> obviously passengers find out what is going on in scott's life and he starts to talk to them. one of them wanted him to meet their nephew who has scerebral
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palsy. >> you need to study together. >> jake said he hopes to be like scott one day. >> what a great man. >> you just made monday better. >> we can have limitations and do more with them. time for "news room". >> have a great day. face-off in flint. >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> if you are going to talk tell the whole story. >> bernie sanders and hillary clinton launch new attacks at the cnn democratic debate. >> wait a minute. can i finish? you will have your turn. >> super tuesday take two. ted cruz on a roll. marco rubio playing catch up. >> i need your help. i need to win here. i need
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