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tv   CNN Special Program  CNN  March 11, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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>> donald trump cancels his chicago rally in the midst of protests inside and outside the arena. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. an uneasy calm in the city. and donald trump himself speaking out tonight telling me he didn't want anyone to get hurt but saying he believes the protests violated his first amendment rights. i want to bring in jim accoosta. what did you witness? >> reporter: things seem to be getting back to normal. they even have the street sweepers out. we saw this building up throughout the afternoon. occasionally we see the donald
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trump rallies where you might see up to a couple dozen protesters, perhaps they'll lock arms. might take a while for security to get out of the building. there was one section of this entire arena that was filled with hundreds of protesters who clearly came here to disrupt this rally and that's what they did. things were starting to get out of control around 7:00 eastern, 6:00 eastern. and that's it was announced that this rally was cancelled. at that point the entire arena just sort of exploded into chaos. you had supporters for donald trump, you have protesters yelling at each other and there were pockets of scuffles breaking out inside the arena. at first it was really remarkable because chicago police, chicago officials did not understand what was about to happen. they did not have the sufficient numbers of people on hand to
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bring the situation under control. so it took about 15, 20, 25 minutes before we saw dozens of chicago police officers filing down the stairs of the arena, on to the arena floor to bring calm to the situation. they eventually got all the people outside but that resulted in pockets of disruptions, scuffles, fist fights. we saw a few arrests here and there but not what could have occurred, don, which is total anarchy and a large riot really breaking out here tonight. fortunately that did not occur. we seen this building up over time over the last few weeks, you saw the protester in north carolina who was sucker punched by a donald trump supporter and then the candidate himself given time after time after time to denounce this type of activity at his rallies has not really done that. talking to him earlier tonight,
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he was defending himself still, defending the posture at these rally, the pugnacious tone he brings to these rallies. does the trump campaign recalculate and say maybe we need to tone things down. but my sense from talking to donald trump earlier, they have no plans to tone things down. something has to chang because this is unacceptable. we're really lucky, don, that there aren't a lot of people hurt here tonight. potentially that could have occurred. fortunately that did not happen. >> jim, thank you. ted cruz speaking out tonight about the protests that arrested at donald trump's chicago rally. listen. >> i also want to mention something about the events this evening in chicago. this is a sad day. political discourse should occur in this country without a threat of violence, without anger and
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rage and hatred directed at each other. we need to learn to have disagreements without being disagreeable, to have disagreements while respecting human beings on the other side. earlier today over 30 people were arrested at one rally and then tonight as violence broke out, the rally was cancelled altogether. now, the responsibility of that lies with protesters who took violence into their own hands. but in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top, any candidate is responsible for the cult of the campaign. and when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign what is facing
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allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord. >> that was ted cruz just moments ago in illinois. donald trump is also speaking out tonight about the protests. i want you to listen to what he told me just a little while ago. donald trump joins me now live on the phone. mr. trump, thank you for joining us. tell us what happened tonight. >> well, i got to chicago a couple of hours ago and we had 25,000 people scheduled for tonight. we were going to have a lot outside and inside, a tremendous gathering, real supporters, and at the same time we had some protesters outside, which was probably 2,000 or 3,000 and i met with law enforcement, i don't want to see anybody hurt, don, so i met with law enforcement. i think we made the wise decision to cancel. now it's pretty well broken up
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and no major problems. and we made a decision even though our freedom of speech is violated totally, we made a decision not to go forward. i don't want to see anybody getting hurt and you could have seen people possibly hurt and beyond. we made the decision to postpone it. >> protesters had been expected tonight at your rally. was your campaign prepared for this. >> i think we were prepared but you can be as prepared as you want. when you have thousands of people, you don't want to see a clash. >> you've seen the pictures i'm sure of what happened inside of that rally. what do you make of what you saw? >> well, i think it's the divided country. i think we have a very divided country, don. and it's been that way for a long time. it's very sad to see. it's divided among many
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different groups and, frankly, it terrible. you look at a lot people are upset because they haven't a salary increase in 12 years. if you look at the workers of the country, our jobs are being taken away, our jobs are being sent to mexico and all sorts of other countries, our factories are closing, we have a lot of problems, we don't have a real unemployment rating of 5%, it probably closer to 25%. as pop gieople give up looking jobs, all of a sudden they're considered employed. >> do you think that caused the scuffle directly tonight? because those people fighting tonight weren't fighting over jobs. >> i think it largely economic. you look at african-american youth, they have a 59% unemployment rate. 59%. i think it's largely an economic
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problem, absolutely. >> do you think it has anything to do with tone that you have set by telling people to get them out or punch them in the face or they should be taken out on a stretcher? do you bare any responsibility for what's happened tonight and at other rallies? >> i don't think responsibility. nobody's been hurt at our rallies and i've had 25,000, 35,000 people, more than that. we had one the other day 25,000 in florida, and we've never had anybody hurt or certainly seriously hurt. i don't even know if we had anybody hurt. so we had a tremendous large number of rallies and massive numbers of people, nobody even close to us in terms of size and they're great people. but we will have protesters stand up and be very,very abusive, unbelievably abusive and in some cases swinging, punching and swinging and not a good situation.
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and i think we've been overall i think we've been very mild with pro tessers. and some will stand up and we'll just usher them out. it's not me that ushers them out, it's the police force. the police have done great jobs. so until today we've really never had much of a problem. now, we were in st. louis today, we had a packed house, thousands and thousands people that frankly couldn't get in and we had a few -- it was not a big deal. it was individual protesters standing up. there were quite a few of them, seven or eight of them, seven or eight incidences, which was fine. everybody had a good time, i hope the protesters had a good time to be honest with you, nobody hurt. >> i want to ask you a question my colleague jake tapper asked you last night at the debate. do you believe that you have done anything, mr. trump, to create a tone where this kind of violence would be encouraged? i'm going to add to that by saying if your word and your tone inspire people to vote to
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you, to come to the rallies to vote, why wouldn't those same words inspire people to violence? >> well, i hope that my tone is not that of causing violence because my basic tone is really that of securing our borders, of having a country and having a great country, bringing our jobs back, of bringing our manufacturing back, don, bringing back jobs, including african-american youths where you have 59% unemployment rate. i certainly don't do that. i will say we've had tremendous success with people, you see the kind of polls, you see the kind of popularity that we have in the rallies themselves. it's a love fest in the rallies themselves. nobody's ever seen anything like it. you've been reporting about it. there's great love -- don, let me just finish what i'm saying.
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there's great love in those big stadiums. there's great love there. at the same time when there's a clash or potential clash like tonight, i think i did the right thing. i came here and i met with law enforcement and i said what do you think? and they're very professional and they said it would be better not to do it because if you do it tonight, you could have a clark and people could get hurt. >> i want to bring in van jones, bob beckel. he said i would hope that my tone is not inciting this sort of violence. van jones, you as much said that it is tonight and asked him to mend his ways. do you think that will happen? >> well, i hope so. listen, this is a very important moment for the country. this is bigger than an election. this is bigger than a candidate, this is bigger than scoring points here. you have a major leader in this
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country who has said repeatedly talking about punching people in the face, putting people on stretchers. the problem is he understands the anger of his supporters. he doesn't understand that he is to the the only angry person. there are other constituencies tonight -- i never thought i would praise ted cruz. this is beyond politics. this is about do you -- donald trump says we're either going to have a country or we're not, talking about who we're going to keep out at the border. now the question is do we have a question or not based on who we old inside these borders and inside these borders we have a responsibility. it's probably a very strange thing for him to understand how
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much power his words have -- >> van, i need to you stand by. i'm going to bring in marco rubio, speaking out about the protests at donald trump's rally tonight. thank you for joining us tonight, senator. were you able to see the events that took place at the trump rally and what is your reaction to it? >> well, i've seen the news reports over the last hour or so. look, it's disturbing. i think we've reached a break point in our politics. i want to put aside for a moment elections and all of that. and just say, look, there are consequences to words, there's no doubt about it. let me back up and say this. it is clear from watching these images that there are people protesting tonight that are part of organized efforts to disrupt this event. it's not some sort of organic thing. it's chicago. there are groups that do this basically professionally. you can tell it's an organized and orchestrated effort. and i don't think you have a right to disrupt an event the
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way they've tried to do so just because you don't like what the person is saying, number one. on the other hand, i think mr. trump has to own up to the fact that the rhetoric he's used in his events have contributed in rallies he had. a president can't just speak their mind. there are real consequences to their words that someone speaks, whether it's a presidential candidate or ultimately as a president. i think we're seeing some of that over the last few days. i think tonight is about something a little bit different. this is certainly an organized effort. but we've reached a break point here where we have to understand as a nation that either we can have a process where we can debate policy differences in a civil way without this or we are kareening to the type of
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disruption in other countries that has never been part of our history. >> i have to ask you, you have been one -- you have really taken on donald trump and his rhetoric. you've gone head to head with him but you had the opportunity last night at that debate to speak out against the tone and the violence because jake tapper asked him about it at some of his campaign rallies and a lot of people feel like you and other candidates filed to take him on. how do you respond to that? >> that's not accurate. for example, when the issue came up about islam. one of the appeal that donald trump has to people is he says what they wished they could say. i talked about how going around saying that all islam hates america has real consequences. i think on the issue you're talking about, the tone in the debates, basically that question was not asked. i was like the fourth person who
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got to comment on it and by then it had evolved into something else. we now see reports that allegedly a reporter was assaulted by his campaign manager. i say allegedly, i don't know all the facts about that. i said earlier today there isn't fights breaking out at my rallies or ted cruz's rally are or kasich rallies or bernie sanders rallies and hillary clinton rallies. there's something else going on here. when you have a presidential candidate, going into rallies and basically telling his followers you know, in the good ol' days people who do that leave on stretchers, i think he should own up to that and take some responsibility. that by no mean excuses what these protesters have done in chicago. this is an organized effort of people trying to break up a rally they don't agree with
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this. >> do you think donald trump is somehow directly responsible for this reaction? >> i don't know about tonight but i certainly think he bears responsibility for some of the other things that have happened at this event. the reason why things are going wrong in your life in this country is because of this group of people versus that group of people. there's no doubt he bears responsibility for that. >> i want to talk to you about the strategy of other candidates in the race. you talked about -- i think you said -- here's what you said. i'm going to quote you. "clearly john kasich has a better shot at winning ohio than i do and if a voter concludes that voting for kasich gives us the best chance to stop donald trump, that's what they'll do." are you encouraging kasich -- >> what i said in florida is florida waerlds -- awards 99
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delegates. if you win by one vote, you get 99 delegates. i said i'm the only one that has a chance to beat donald trump in florida. if you vote for john kasich and ted cruz in florida, you are in essence voting for donald trump because i'm the only one who can beat him. i was asked about the message in ohio and i said i'm not asking anyone to vote in ohio, except for us. >> but they were saying you were trying to get a brokered convention by doing that. >> brokered convention is a term people throw around loosely. that's not the way it works. the republican party, just like the democratic party, has rules in place to deal with the potential for the fact that no single candidate would have more of a majority of the delegates. those rules have been in place for a reason. it's not about a brokered
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convention that implies a smoke-filled room where people are going to go in and parachute a candidate that's not on the ballot. even if somebody doesn't have a majority, it will work its way through somehow. there are rules for a convention but that doesn't imply anything being brokered. i do think we need to start thinking about it only because no candidate, including donald trump, unless he sweeps all the states on tuesday night, has a clear and easy path to 1,237 delegates. >> just for clarity, that was not your question in the answering of that question. >> which question? the ohio question? >> i was responding to a question someone had. i said if a -- >> i just want to make sure a brokered convention was not your intention. i think you made that clear. you said it is not. let's get back to what happened tonight at the donald trump
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event. we're talking about grown people here who are running for the presidency of the united states, to be president of the united states. do you think that the republican party has any responsibility or can they or should they step in and speak with donald trump about the atmosphere at his rallies? >> yeah, i just don't think the republican party has that kind influence. the republican party is an organization that organizes the convention, the debates. it doesn't really have any control over individual candidates, me or anybody else for that matter. i think donald trump is responsible for his own rhetoric. i want to be clear, okay. what is happening tonight in chicago, and as we see images of these police officers, they have a tough job in chicago tonight and so we want to thank them for their service. had is an organized effort to disrupt a rally. this is not an organic protest. they are denying someone their first amendment right to speak things. in america you have a right to say whatever you want, even if it's offensive. you don't have to agree with it
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and you don't have to go. putting that eye siaside for a , the tone and tenor at his rallies has been disturbing to people. when someone running a rally says get him outta here, or in the old days they'd take them out on stretcher, i think you have to understand the impact that has. and that kind of rhetoric from a president or major presidential candidate has ramifications, beyond what you're seeing tonight in chicago, which i think is just sad all the way around. i think the images that the world must be looking at now must seem to them that our republic is fracturing at the seams. z >> it's unbelievable to watch. >> when we come back, much more on our breaking news. donald trump cancels his rally in the face of protests inside and outside the arena. we'll be right back.
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our breaking news tonight, donald trump cancels his chicago rally when protests break out inside and outside the arena. meanwhile, a reporter said she has filed charges against trump's campaign
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manager, allegeding he grabbed her and bruised her while attempting to a question earlier this week. the campaign manager, corey lewandowski, defines the charges. kurt cardella resigned as a result of the charges. what led you to quit? >> i think when you get to a point where you can't 100% support who you're representing, the right thing to do is to step aside and inform them you can no longer represent them. i reached the conclusion over the last few days how this unfolded. and at the end of the day you have to be able to live with yourself. seeing how this was going, how this was unfolding, i thought it was right to step down and move
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on. >> why can't you 100% support your employee? >> i just disagree with the course of which they've been covering this, how they've treated michelle. i think they've been looking for a reason to disprove something from all the evidence from a "washington post" reporter's account, strongly suggest donald trump's campaign manager did this and there's no reason to support it. >> are you saying they're lying? >> yes, i am. >> you're saying they're lying. have they lied all along about certain things? >> as this unfolded, in the immediate aftermath, i don't think anyone knew the after math of what happened. people are in different locations. but as it progressed and the evidence became more clear, there seemed to be redistansist
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from breitbart in supporting michelle. i felt the right thing to do was to extricate myself from a situation i didn't feel comfortable anymore. >> why would they not support her and support the trump version of the story. >> i think anyone who watches breitbart coverage, they haven't hidden this, they have been very supportive of the trump campaign. i think there's a desire to want to blow the trump campaign and the statement that corey and -- >> because? >> when you've gone all in so much for a candidate, you know, when you have that kind of skin in the game, you don't want to see that derailed. i think it's been very obvious in the coverage. i don't think they've hidden that or they would dispute that. they're very much pro trump,
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which is personally something i have an issue with. i'm not pro trump. i think donald trump has been a disruptive force. you are seeing violence and it's not just an isolated incident. it's a pattern of behavior, whether it's toward a reporter, a spectator, a supporter or opposition, nobody is safe. at what point does somebody draw the line and say enough is enough and take responsibility for that. you had donald trump on not that long ago. he didn't take responsibility for it. and it's completely uncomcompler the president of the united states. >> you're a conservative in. >> i'm a republican. >> you're saying this about a person who is likely going to be your nominee? >> donald trump makes me embarrassed to be a republican.
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people feel that washington has abandoned them. like any great propagandist, he's seized on that fear and that emotion and has propped himself up using outrageous rhetoric, dangerous tactics and unfortunately there are people who are aligning with that. but i think overall in this country the majority of people and americans do not believe in is the right course for our country. >> i think it's the first time i've ever been speechless on television because usually when i ask people a direct question, they don't answer honestly. when i said is he lying? you said yes. where do i go from there? >> coming up donald trump cancels his rally in the face of protests inside and outside. ♪ ♪
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breaking news tonight. donald trump cancels his chicago rally when violent protests break out at that rally. here to talk about it is cnn political commentator bob beckel, political commentator van jones and ben ferguson.
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ben furgserguson, i have to get in. you heard my interview with donald trump that he doesn't feel his tone incited violence and doesn't feel he bears any responsibility for the violence breaking out at his rallies. >> donald trump is the one who has built this fire. he's been doing it week after week at rally after rally. tonight he's says i'm a peaceful guy, i'm never for violence. but if you go back and look at the tapes, what did he say? he said someone out to punch that guy in the face. he said he would offer to pay the legal bills when someone went after a protester. he didn't throw the match tonight on the fire, the protesters did that. i'll give them what they deserve and the protesters absolutely went there to get into a scuffle. they accomplished that and they wanted to cancel the event. make no mistake about it, the reason we're seeing it only at
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donald trump's rallies and at no one else's rallies is because he's the one that built this fire. he made it ready to go and to light it and torch it. when you saw one of his supporters hit somebody, sucker punch them right before this debate, he didn't condone that individual. that same individual say if i see that person again who i hit, maybe we should kill them. donald trump did not condone that either. and for -- >> condemn it. he didn't condemn it you mean. >> for him to say you're a non-violent guy. you've been advocating -- >> i think you meant to say he didn't condemn it rather than condone it. >> condemn. he said i'm just a nice guy, i don't like violence. you've been advocating for violence week after week, day after day, rally after rally. >> here's why donald trump told me he cancelled this rally.
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listen. >> i met with law enforcement. i don't want to see anybody hurt, don. so i met with law enforcement. i think we made the wise decision to cancel. now it's pretty well broken up and no major problems. and we made a decision, even though our freedom of speech is violated totally, we made a decision not to go forward. i don't want to see anybody get hurt and you would have had some people possibly getting hurt or beyond. and so i made the decision in conjunction with law enforcement not to do the rally. we postponed it. >> bob, he is saturdaying that -- saying he should be commending for cancelling the rally because people could have gotten hurt further. >> i think look, give him some credit for that. it was the right thing to do. the fact of the matter is there is something unique about the trump rallies and trump supporters but for the
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protesters,many whom i will assume are my side of the aisle, this type of thing is denying people their first amendment. it probably going to be getting bigger now because this event was cancelled. if the trump campaign is not prepared for this after tonight and police departments, then somebody's not doing their job. i would suggest to the protesters you're into the doing yourself any favor and you're probably helping trump. >> i've been having protesters all my life. i've been having protesters on construction sites for years and years and years. i know more about protesting and protesters than you'll ever know, don. i will tell you, i don't mind meeting with protesters as long as i know it's in good spirit and they're not a professional agitator. >> he wasn't running for president then.
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how is this different? is it different, van jones? >> i think it is different. let me just say something we haven't touched that much on, which is about the protesters. let me tell you why i think that their tactics should be possibly reconsidered and why they won't agree with me. i in general think it's fine to go to an event to appropriation test, to make some noise, to make your point heard, but then also to leave or be peacefully arrested and let the event go on. i don't believe in this shut it down philosophy. here's why they will tell me i am wrong mon. they're saying that trump gets wall-to-wall coverage and they feel like the only way they can be heard is to protest at his rallies because that's where the media is and to possibly shut him down because they're tired of hearing from him. this is a campus with a lot of
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muslim and latino students who have felt personally offended. i think everybody's got to come back to the drawing board here. >> van jones, hold that thought. i'll let you continue it on the other side of this break. we'll be right back. [ coughing ] [ sneezing ] a cold can make you miserable. luckily, alka seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels. rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. fast, powerful liquid gels from alka seltzer plus i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear?
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breaking news tonight, trump supporters and protesters clash after the chicago rally is
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postponed. i want you to look at the front page of tomorrow's "new york daily news." it shows a bloodied donald trump protester, "blood on don's hands." did you guys see that one? what do you think? >> not surprised. >> why not? >> this is what happens when you're donald trump. he is literally like -- he's at arsonist who is wanting to get credit for calling 911. he created this. when you have this message that he has had out there, when he has gone out and literally gone to war -- >> ben, i know you're on skype. can you hear me? >> yes. >> you're saying he created this, he's an arsonist and he wants credit for 9/11. >> yeah. >> you're saying he's responsible for it. you're going to get push back from people who say he's not
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directly responsible. how much responsibility does he bear? is he in a way directly responsibility for the reaction of the people at his rally? >> this is what i would refer to as presidential leadership or lack thereof from donald trump. when you put a reality tv star in a situation where he's running for president, you're going to get a reality tv show. that what we are watching right now. this is reality tv. this is great for ratings of donald trump, this is great for his supporters, this is going to galvanize his support, but do you want someone like this running the united states of america? and that is the question that people have to look at tonight. can you honestly trust this man who comes out tonight and says i do not accept violence, i am against violence, but you go back and look at his own words and he's been advocating for a fight, he's been advocating for his supporters to throw punches. you should not have been surprised when a 78-year-old man
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sucker prunched a protesters an says if i see him again, maybe we should kill him. >> someone who i dearly respect said to me earlier today i was watching cnn and i felt like i was watching the "jerry springer show," the rally and reaction to the guy who was sucker punched. who actually concerned about what's going to happen next. is there any way for him to turn this around and become more presidential and an actual unifier, bob beckel? >> yes, i think there is. it's true, he's certainly not responsible for what happened tonight but he is responsible for the tone of these events. it seems to me he's got an ideal opportunity to say, as he starts his speeches and he's rallies, that we have had instances here, we're aware of those, please, everybody, let's try to be calm
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"the daily news," by the way, has been after trump for years. i'm not surprised. >> if you live here in new york, there's no love loss between "the daily news" and donald trump. stand by, we'll be right back. hey buddy, you're squashing me!
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7:50 pm ♪ let's go ♪ hey, oh ♪ let's go [ beep ] ♪ they're piling in the backseat ♪ aah! ♪ they're generating steam heat ♪ ♪ pulsating to the back beat ♪ the blitzkrieg bop ♪ ♪ hey, oh, let's go ♪ shoot 'em in the back now ♪ what they want, i don't know ♪ they're all revved up and ready to go ♪
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they don't traffic in the violence. they don't traffic in the explicit appeals. you haven't had the dirty right break through. listen, we have too have a standard in this country. if you create a situation where, you know, trump sporteupporters i'm angry, i can do whatever i want. you have angry black people, angry latinos, angry lesbians. if you have a situation where everyone is as angry as they can be, you won't have a country. that's why cruz and rubio and others are to be applauded for
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at least holding the line that they is a chris this country because of the irresponsible behavior on the part of donald trump. we all have to hold the line. >> you've called out the protesters as well. you have said listen, would would change my tactics. >> they feel they've been humiliated, these young muslims, young latinos feel like they ha have. >> listen, when p can you protest but when you start saying somebody can't speak in america, that's also below our standards. >> bob beck el said it going to positively affect the campaign. do you think it will?
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>> i think people who are going to support him will support him that much more tonight. you look at this as strong leadersh leadership. and will are people who are kwezs is this presidential? people in florida and ohio will say this is not what i want to be supporting going into a general election. >> thank you, gentlemen. have a good weekend. we'll be right back. is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. (neighbor) yeah, so we're just bringing your son home. (dad) ah! greetings, neighbor. neighbor boy.
7:56 pm
he really loves our wireless directv receiver. (dad) he should know better. we're settlers. we settle for cable. but let us repay you for your troubles. fresh milk for the journey home? (neighbor) we live right there. (dad) salted meats? (neighbor) no thank you. (dad) hats then! (vo) don't be a settler, get a $100 reward card when you switch to directv.
7:57 pm
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♪ (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class?
7:59 pm
it may not feel like it today but winter is not over. in detroit, where they've had nearly three feet of snow, they know not to count out winter too soon. neither did veronica scott of cnn heros. she created a jacket that turns into a tent at night. >> we see so many people on the streets that are wearing somebody else's trash, somebody else's throw away. it was about creating something made specifically for them. >> to find out more about her story, go to cnn and nominate someone you think should be a cnn hero.
8:00 pm
that's it for us tonight. i'll see you right back here on monday night. if you missed any of cnn's republican debate in miami, you'll see the whole thing starting now.


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