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tv   CNN Special Program  CNN  March 11, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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helped destroy our economy a number of years ago, when you get paid $225,000, that means that that speech must have been an extraordinarily wonderful speech. and i would -- >> does that mean that she should have to disclose -- >> i would think that a speech so great that you got paid so much money, you would like to share it with the american people and i think she should. as the secretary said she will do it if other people do it. i will do it. i didn't give any speeches, there is no transcript. >> do you think she said one thing in the meetings and another in public? >> that is exactly why we need the transcripts. this i do know.
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there is a reason that wall street provided $15 million just in the last reporting period to the secretary's super pac. now, the secretary says it doesn't influence her. well, that's what every politician says who gets money from special interests. [ applause ] the question that the american people have to determine -- can you say wall street is greedy, they're fraudulent, but they're not dumb. why are they making those kind of large contributions? >> thank you, your time is up. >> well, let me respond, as i have numerous times in this campaign. i have a public record and can you go look it up. i went to wall street before the great recession and basically alled them out, said that their behavior was putting our economy at risk, called for a moratorium on foreclosures.
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i went to the orlando area during the '08 campaign to make the same case, visiting with families who had been defrauded by mortgages, the subprime mortgages that put them and their homes at risk. >> thank you, secretary clinton. >> i called for those changes. i have been on the record and now i do have the toughest, most comprehensive plan to go after wall street and not just the big banks, all the other financial interests that pose a threat to our economy. and i have said no bank is too big to fail and no executive is too powerful to jail, and i will use the powers that have now been passed by the congress by president obama, who incidentally, took a lot of money from wall street, which didn't stop him from signing into law the toughest regulations on the financial industry since the great depression. [ applause ] >> look, clearly -- the secretary's words to wall street
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has really intimidated them, and that is why they have given her $15 million in campaign contributions. >> thank you. thank you. thank you, senator. >> now, what i believe is in fact that we have a corrupt campaign finance system. and it's not just wall street, it's the drug companies, who receive millions of dollars from the fossil fuel industry. we've got to overturn citizens united -- >> wait a minute. i just think it's worth pointing out that the leaders of the fossil fuel industry, the koch brothers, have just paid to put up an ad praising senator sanders. there are a lot of different powerful interests in washington. i've taken them on. i took on the drug companies, i took on the insurance companies. before there was something called obamacare, there was something called hillary care and i worked really hard to get
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comprehensive health care reform and they beat me. >> we're going to move on -- >> i have a long record of standing up to special interests and i will continue to do so. >> we're going to move on to the next question. [ audience boos ] >> you have 30 seconds. >> there is nobody in the united states congress who has taken on the koch brothers, who want to destroy social security, medicare, medicaid and virtually every federal program passed since the 1930s more that bernie sanders. and i am proud that the gentleman who is head of goldman sachs, now, he didn't give me $225,000 for speaking fees, he said i was dangerous and he's right. i am dangerous for wall street.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> we're going to move on to the next -- secretary. >> senator sanders, the koch brothers, as you said are sensible how they use their money. i agree with you. they stand for things that i find abhorrent that would be bad for our country, but they did just put up a video praising you for being the only democrat who stood with the republicans to try to eliminate the export/import bank, which has helped hundreds and hundreds of companies here in florida be able to export their goods and employ more floridians. so from my perspective, you sided with the koch brothers. >> the export/import bank is often called the bank of boeing, because boeing corporation gets 40% of the revenue. it is corporate welfare and, yes, i oppose corporate welfare. >> okay, next question.
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i want to continue with the issue of trust. secretary clinton, on the night of the attacks in benghazi, you are sent an e-mail to your daughter chelsea saying that al qaeda was responsible for the killing of the americans [ audience boos ] however some of the families claim you lied to them, the mother of the information officer. listen. >> hillary and obama and panetta and biden and susan rice all told me it was a video when they knew it was not the video. they said they would call me and let me know what the outcome was. >> secretary clinton, did you lie to them? >> i feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave americans that we lost at benghazi, and i
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certainly can't even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son, but she's wrong. she's absolutely wrong. i and everybody in the administration, all the people she named, the president, the vice president, susan rice, we were scrambling to get information that was changing literally by the hour. and when we had information, we made it public but then sometimes we had to go back and say we have new information that contradicts it. so i testified for 11 hours. anybody who watched that and listened to it knows that i answered every question that i was asked and when it was over the republicans had to admit they didn't learn anything. why? because there had already been one independent investigation, there had been seven or eight congressional investigations,
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mostly led by republicans who all reached the same conclusions, that there were lessons to learned. and this is not the first time we lost americans in a terrorist attack. we lost 3,000 people on 9/11. we lost americans serving in embassies in tanzania and kenya when my husband was president. we lost 250 americans when ronald reagan was president in beirut. at no other time were those tragedies politicized. instead people said let's learn the lesson and save lives. that's when i did. [ cheers and applause ] >> what the families are saying is that you told your daughter chelsea one thing and a different thing to them. >> jorge, that makes my point.
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at the time i e-mailed with my daughter, a terrorist group had taken credit for the attacks on our facility in benghazi. within 16, 18 hours, they rescinded taking credit. they did it all on social media. and the video did play a role. we have captured one of the lead terrorists and he admits it was both a terrorist attack and it was influenced by the video. this was fog of war. this was complicated. the most effective, comprehensive reports and studies demonstrate that. look, as i said in the beginning, i deeply regret that we lost four americans and i of course sympathize with members of the families who are still very much grieving and i wish that there could be an easy answer at the time but we learned a lot and the
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intelligence kept improving and we learned enough to say what we think happened at benghazi. >> you have 30 seconds, senator. >> well, i'm not going to comment on the benghazi tragedy. but i will say this -- a series of articles in the "new york times" talked about secretary clinton's role in urging the administration to go forward with regime change, getting rid of gadhafi in libya. gadhafi was a brutal dictator, no question. one of the differences between the secretary and i is i'm not quite so aggressive with regard to regime change. i voted against the war in iraq because i had a fear of what would happen the day after. secretary clinton talks about henry kissinger winning the praise of henry kissinger. i don't want henry kissinger's praise at all. >> we're taking a break. >> translator: we will deal with
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more topics in a moment. >> we remind you you can download and we'll come back with the democratic debate. can a business have a mind?
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>> translator: we continued connected to univision for you to send a minute-to-minute feed first democratic debate to focus on spanish topics. we heard a lot about immigration and deportation. in your opinion who defended him or herself better and who presented an immigration proposals? >> the two candidates did a good job. what concerned me, we have not seen a plan in writing from secretary hillary clinton, we have seen a plan from bernie sanders. we have seen two different candidates as immigration is concerned and we see they're moving towards the community
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needs to not only immigration reform but the raids have to stop being families that we have seen that are suffering, they have to be reunited. we heard a very motional testimony of a mother that was brave enough to come here with her five children. how did you feel when you heard her story and do you think if the candidates had empathy with the story? >> i believe this was the saddest moment we had here at the debate, a mother with her children separated from her husband and those children suffering because they do not have their father. this is what we are seeing what the republicans are doing by not approving immigration reform but also president obama, we need not only words but plans as well, and we need as a community to all stand up and support women. now the democratic debate continues with jorge ramos and
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elena salinas. >> you call your opponent hillary clinton an establishment politician. you yourself are a career politician. why should voters prefer a career politician over an establishment politician. >> well, you got it look at what the career is about. and this a career that has stood up to every special interest in this country. i don't take money from wall street. i demand that we break up the large financial institutions. i don't take money from the pharmaceutical industry because i believe they're ripping off the american people and charging us the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. i don't take money from the fossil fuel industry because they are destroying -- they are destroying this planet through their emissions of carbon and creating the terrible climate
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change that we are seeing. so i think it is true that i have served in congress for many years. but if you check my record, it is a record of strength for the environment, for workers, for seniors, unlike the second i believe we should expand social security benefits. it is a record of achievement for veterans, working with republicans helping to craft the most significant veterans health care bill passed in many decades. so i think the point is look at the record and it's a record that i am proud of. [ applause ] >> secretary, you know, latinos according to the univision/"washington post" poll, the number one issues is jobs and the economy. latino employment rate is higher than the national average, their net worth has gone down 43%
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during the obama years and 63% of latinos make less than $15 an hour. last week you tweeted for the gop the economy is an after thought. well, many latinos feel they are an after thought. do you understand what the specific needs of latinos are to improve their living conditions? >> i certainly know what all americans need and that is more jobs with rising incomes. it's something that i have worked on for many years. it's why i've laid down the only really comprehensive plan about how to create more good jobs. we do have create more infrastructure spending. that will put many americans to work. it's a good job that gets you on the ladder to the middle class. we need to improve the conditions for manufacturing in our country and punish those companies that want to export jobs. we need them to be incentivized to create jobs right here in america. we also do have to combat
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climate change and no state has more at stake in that than florida, and the best way to do that is not only enforcing the laws we have but also the clean power plan that president obama has set forth and that i support and the paris agreement that i think was a huge step forward in the world, that senator sanders said was too weak, but i helped to lay the groundwork for that. the fastest segment of small businesses are minority and women-owned business. we need to help businesses get started. the congresswoman on the committee knows what we need to do to support in your businesses . that would help latinos as well as other americans.
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>> you talked in general but you haven't said specifically what you will do. >> everything i said will help latinos. jobs are number one. close behind is education. every child deservices a good education, regardless of the zip code they live in and following behind it is health care and how important it is to continue to build on the affordable care act and provide access to health care. and then there are a number of other issues, comprehensive immigration reform being at the top. >> secretary clinton, your time is up. >> let me answer that question but it's a huge question. huge, i know. one of the points i've been making and media does not seem to pick up on, it we have a real crisis with unemployment being
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close to 10% but youth unemployment. if you look at latino kids between 17 and 20 who graduated high school, 36% of them are unemployed or underemployed. >> time is up. >> wait a minute, can i have a little bit of time here, please. >> go ahead. >> african-american kids are unemployed or underemployed to the tune of 51%. that's why i co-sponsored legislation to put $5 billion into a jobs program to put our kids to work because i would rather invest in jobs than graduation. we have got it raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. the united states has got to join the rest of the industrialized world in guaranteeing health care to all
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people as a right. we need to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and when we do that under my plan, we create 13 million decent paying jobs. >> thank you, senator. >> we have a question on education. senator, i'll continue with you. you propose free college tuition. >> no, i do not propose free college tuition, i propose free tuition at public institutions. >> so under your plan -- >> this is the year 2016. 50 years ago a high school degree got you a good job in the economy. today in many respects, a college degree is the equivalent of a high school degree. we have got to go beyond first grade to 12th grade when we talk about public education. so i do believe we should make
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public colleges and universities tuition free, and i don't believe we should punish millions of young and not so young people with outrageous levels of student debt. >> do you think, for instance, donald trump's grandchildren or hillary clinton's grandchildren should they be able to go for free? >> absolutely. i don't think they will. donald trump's kids will go to public school, secretary clinton is talking about making community colleges free, they can go to those schools. all of our people, in my view, regardless of income should have a right to get a higher education. i want children in the third grade to know that if they study hard, no matter what the income of their families, my family didn't have any income, my parents didn't go to college,
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they didn't have good income. i want every kid to know if you do your school work, study hard, yes, you will be able to get a college education. >> we have a question. >> translator: we just heard about free tuition from senator sanders but right now there are millions of students who can't afford to pay their loans. >> translator: secretary clinton, she said she wants to go to grad school and get a phd. what are you going to do to help
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her go to grad school and pay off her debts? >> congratulations. we're going to refinance everyone's existing student debt. 40 million americans have student debt. right now i go around asking people at my events if they know what their interest rate is and the interest rates literally go from like 8% to 14%. it's outrageous that at a time when interest rates have been historically low people borrowing money to invest in their education are paying some of the highest interest rates around. and you can refinance your house to get a lower interest rate. can you refinance your car. corporations can refinance their debt. under my plan you will be able to also lower your debt, move into a program to pay it back as
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a percentage of your income and more than that, my plan for debt-free tuition at public colleges and universities will eventually eliminate any student debt. but for people who have it, i'm going to put a date certain that after a certain number of years, you no longer have to pay anything. the government has to quit making money off of lending money to young people to get their education. >> karen, let's go back to you. >> what secretary clinton said is absolutely right. i think i said it many months before she said it, but thanks for copying a very good idea. the question, though, i have been criticized a lot for thinking big. you know, that's for believing that we can do great things as a nation. one of the things we should not be doing obviously is punishing people for doing what we want them to do and that is to get an education. but here is the point.
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my program making public colleges and universities tuition free, allowing people will debt to refinance at the lowest possible interest rates, is a fairly expensive proposal, about $70 billion a year. i'm going to pay for it by imposing a tax on wall street speculation. we bailed out -- secretary clinton was one of those who voted to bail out wall street. now i think it's time for wall street to help the working families of this country. >> thank you very much. >> i'm going to respond to that because i think it's a very important issue. and by the way, everybody, who, quote, got money in the quote, bailout, that also included money for the auto rescue has paid it back. now that will not happen, we have dodd-frank and we will break up banks that pose a systemic threat to our economy.
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senator sanders has talked about free college for everybody, he's talked about universal single payor health care for everybody, and yet when you ask questions, as many of us have and more importantly independent experts, it's very hard to get answers. and a lot of the answers say that this is going to be much more expensive than anything senator sanders is admitting to. this is going to increase the federal government dramatically. and, you know, my dad used to say if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is and we deserve answers about how he's programs will actually work and how they would be paid for. >> i want you all to think what secretary clinton is saying is that the united states should continue to be the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee health care to all of our people. i think if the rest of the world can do it, we can.
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by the way, not only are we being ripped off by the drug companies, we are spending far, far more per capita on health care than any other major country on earth. you may not think the american people are prepared to stand up to the insurance companies or the drug companies. i think they are. and i think we can pass -- >> this is a very important point in this debate because i do believe in universal coverage. remember, i fought for it 25 years ago. i believe in it and i know that thanks to the affordable care act, we are now at 90% of universal coverage. i will build on the affordable care act. i will take it further. i will reduce the costs, but i just respectfully disagree between the republicans trying to repeal the first chance we've ever had to get to universal
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health care and senator sanders wanting to throw us into a contentious debate over single payor. i think the smart approach is build on and protect the affordable care act, make it work, reduce the cost. >> i'm on the committee. i know a little bit about this, i'm on the health, education, labor committee that helped write the affordable care act. it has done a number of good things. when secretary clinton says 90% of the people have insurance, yeah, not really. many of you may have insurance but you have outrageously high deductibles and co-payments. one out of five americans cannot afford the prescription drugs their doctors prescribe. elderly people are cutting their pills in half. i do believe that we should do what every other major country on earth does, and i think when
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the american people stand up and fight back, we can have medicare for all health care systems. >> i'm going to call time here because i want to move on to a subject that more than two dozen florida mayors have asked us to raise with you. they have asked us to share with you their concern over the effects of rising sea levels and climate change in their communities. just take a look at this map. you can see that no state has more at stake than florida does and no city has more at stake than miami, the city in which we are sitting, but many republicans argue that this is not a man-made problem. senator sanders, is it possible to move forward on this issue if you do not get a bipartisan consensus? and what would you do? >> first of all, karen, when you have republican candidates for
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president and in congress telling you that climate change is a hoax, which is donald trump and other candidates' position, what they are really saying is we don't have the guts to take on the fossil fuel industry. what candidates are saying is if we stand up to the fossil fuel industry and transform our energy system away from coal and oil and gas to energy efficiency and wind and solar and geo thermal and other sustainable technologies, do you know what happens to that republican who listens to the scientists? on that day that republican loses his campaign funding from the koch brothers and the fossil fuel industry. >> so you've just described the problem but how would you move forward given that this is the situation? >> the way i would move forward in every other area. and when we are doing in this campaign is fighting not only to
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become president, but i'm the only candidate who says no president, not bernie sanders, can do it all. you know what we need, karen? we need a political revolution in this country. and where millions of people stand up and tell the fossil fuel industry that their profits, their short-term profits are less significant than the long-term health of this planet. we will win. that is the way change always takes place. >> secretary clinton, can you do this without a bipartisan consensus? no major environmental legislation has ever passed without bipartisan votes. >> well, karen, first of all, i was proud to have a number of mayors from florida campaign for me in south carolina. i had a chance to talk to some of them about this issue. it is a really serious one and there isn't much time left to do several things that i will move quickly to do. you can see already what's happening in miami, particularly
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miami beach with tides rising. so we do have to invest in resilience and mitigation while we are trying to cut emissions and make up for the fact that this is clearly man made and man aggravated. there are certain things that the president has done through executive action that i will absolutely support. all the republicans say if they're elected they will heaven forbid repeal all of those executive actions. i will maintain and act on them. the clean power plant is something senator sanders said he will delay implementing, which makes absolutely no sense. we need to implement all of the president's executive actions and make a bring from clean coal to clean gas and energy. that's the way to keep the lights on while transitioning to a clean energy future.
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>> excuse me, excuse me. >> you asked me to speak, did you not? madam secretary -- >> you don't have to did much more than look at rising insurance rates. most of the property will, at risk in the next 50 years. i think i can get a bipartisan consensus on resilience and implementing the president's order until we win back enough seats, take back the senate and get back to bipartisan -- >> may i have as much time as she just had, please. >> this is your debate. >> thank you. let's be clear. you're looking at the senator who introduced the most comprehensive climate change legislation in the history of the united states senate.
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now i hope that secretary clinton would join me if we are serious about climate change about imposing a tax on carbon on the fossil fuel industry and making massive investments in energy efficiency and sustainable energy. and by the way, while we are on the subject of energy, i hope you'll join me in ending fracking in the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. we need to move to another topic. [ cheers and applause ] >> secretary, senator elizabeth warren says personnel is policy, and she says that there is a revolving door between wall street and the highest levels of economic policy making and regulation in washington. three of the last four treasury secretaries appointed by democratic presidents had ties to citigroup. do you agree with elizabeth warren's criticism that both your husband's administration
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and president obama's have relied too heavily on advisers who represent the world view of the big banks? >> well, karen, i do agree that we have to end the revolving door. i strongly support a piece of legislation from senator tammy baldwin that would do just that. and i will be looking for people who will put the interests of consumers first, who will do more to try to make sure main street flourishes and i will very much reach out and ask for advice as to who should be appointed, including to senator warren and many of my other former colleagues in the senate. but i think it's important also to look at what we want to accomplish. you know, in the debates we've had, maybe this is the seventh or so, senator sanders is always criticizing the two recent democratic presidents, president clinton and president obama. and that's fine but i wish he would criticize and join me in
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criticizing george w. bush, who i think wrecked the economy and created the conditions for the great recession. you know, at the end of the 90s we had 23 million new jobs, incomes went up for everybody, we were talking earlier about what needs to be done for latinos and african-americans. well, we were doing it by the end of the 90s. median family income went up 17%, for minorities, it went up even more. along came the republicans, and senator had to rescue the economy. >> i gather secretary clinton hasn't listened to too many of my speeches or followed my work in the congress because very few
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people stood up to george w. bush, whether it was the war in iraq or any other of his policies. when we talked about the policies of the 1990s, i worked closely and supported president clinton and obviously i have worked closely in supporting president obama, who has taken our economy a very long way from where bush left us but when you go back to the 1990s, let's remember that's when wall street deregulation took place and disastrous trade policies took place. good things happened but some dangerous mistakes were made that laid the groundwork for some of the problems we're having with a disappearing middle class today. >> we're going to take a break. when we come back, we'll talk about latin america. don't leave. >> translator: of course you can follow us on facebook live.
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>> translator: we continue with the democratic debate. >> secretary clinton and senator sanders, it will be my welcome to miami question. president barack obama is going to cuba in two weeks. 40% of cuban americans oppose a new white house policy towards
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cuba. if you were president, would you meet with the dissidents in cuba? would you meet with fidel castro and would you consider raul castro a president or dictator? welcome to miami. >> first of all, i supported the president's moves. i helped with some of them. expanding travel opportunities, remittances. i told the president toward the end of my time that i hoped he would be able to move toward diplomatic relations and to make more of an impact by building up the relationship. and there are no better ambassadors for freedom, democracy and economic opportunity than cuban americans. so the more that we can have that kind of movement back and forth, the more likely we are to be able to move cuba toward greater freedom and greater respect for rights.
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i'm looking forward to following the president's trip. i do think meeting with dissidents is important. the cuban people deserve to have their human rates respected and upheld, move towards democracy where they pick their own leads are. i think both castros have to be considered authoritarian and dictatorial. i hope democracy will be deeply rooted in cuban soil and that the people of cuba will have every opportunity to fulfill their own dreams in their own country. that is my hope. >> senator sanders -- >> this is the conversation on facebook everybody is having about cuba.
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>> look, i understand that not everybody in florida or in the united states will agree with me, but i think we have got to end the embargo. i believe that we should move toward full and normalized political relations with cuba. i think the end of the day it will be a good thing for the cuban people. it will enable them, i think when they see people coming into their country from the united states, move in a more democratic direction, which is what i want to see. i'm sorry? >> let's continue with another question, senator, if you don't mind. >> sure. in 1985 you praised the sandinista government and said ortega was an impressive guy. this is what you said. let's listen. is there in 1961 they invaded cuba. everyone was totally convinced castro was the worst guy in the world.
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they forgot that he educated their kids, gave them health care and totally transformed their society. in south florida there are still open wounds among so many exiles regarding socialism and communism. what is the difference between the socialism that you profess and the socialism in nicaragua, cuba and -- >> let me answer that. that was saying that the united states was wrong to try to invade cuba. that the united states was wrong trying to support people to overthrow the nicaraguan government that, the united states was wrong to try to overthrow the democratically elected government of guatemala. throughout the history of our relationship with latin america we've operated under the so-called monroe doctrine, and that said the united states had
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the right do anything they wanted do in latin america. so i went to nicaragua and opposed the reagan administration's efforts to overthrow that government and i opposed kissinger. i think the united states should be working with governments around the world, not get involved in regime change. and all of these actions, by the way, in latin america, brought forth a lot of very strong anti-american sentiments. that's what that was about. >> senator, in retrospect, have you ever regretted the characterizations of daniel ortega and fidel castro you made in 1985? >> the key issue here was
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whether the united states should go around overthrowing small latin american countries. i think that was a mistake in nicaragua and cuba. cuba is an authoritarian undemocratic country and i hope very much as soon as possible it becomes a democratic country, but on the other hand, it would be wrong not to state in cuba they have made some good advances in health care. they are sending doctors all over the world. they have made some progress in education. i think by restoring pull diplomatic relations with cuba, it will result in significant improvements to the lives of cubans and it will help the united states and our business community invest. >> thank you, senator. your time is up. >> puerto rico is bankrupt. it owes more than $70 billion it cannot pay and we have a
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question from facebook. i would like to know if during the first 100 days of your presidency you will help puerto rico restructure its public debt and help its economy. the first 100 days, secretary. >> absolutely, although it happens before i am president if i am so fortunate to be. i have been calling for months that the congress must give authority to puerto rico to restructure its debts, just like it has enabled states and cities to restructure their debt. and it's a grave -- what we see in puerto rico now is a lot of suffering. we see schools being closed, we see health care being denied and we see a thousand puerto rican families a month moving to the united states, mostly to
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florida. puerto ricans are citizens of america. they deserve to be treated as citizens and to be given the opportunity to get back on their feet economically. and i just want to add one thing to the question you were asking senator sanders. i think in that same interview he praised what he called the revolution of values in cuba and talked about how people were working for the common good, not for themselves. i just couldn't disagree more. you know, if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions, for expressing freedom of speech, that is not the kind of revolution of values that i ever want to see anywhere. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> as i said earlier, i don't believe it is the business of the united states government to be overthrowing small countries around the world. and, number two, when you get to puerto rico, there's an issue that we have not talked about. that little island is $73 billion in debt, and the government now is paying interest rates of up to 11%. and many of the bonds that they are paying off were purchased by vulture capitalists for 30 cents on the dollar. what i have said in talking to the leads are of puerto rico and people together. it's maybe some of these vulture capitalists who are going to lose a little money in this process.
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i would like to share with you a question that we got from facebook from joshua dansby, a law student in washington, d.c. who wants to know what specific forms of qualifications you would look for in a supreme court justice. >> well, i think this is one of the most important issues facing our country right now. i fully support president obama's intention under the constitution to nominate a successor to justice scalia. and i believe -- [ applause ] >> i believe no state probably understands this better than florida because let's remember three words -- bush versus gore, a court took away a presidency. now we've got the republican congress trying to take away the constitution and we should not tolerate that.
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and so from my perspective, it is imperative that we put enormous pressure on the republicans in the senate to do their constitutional duty. now, obviously you look for people who are not only qualified on paper but have a heart, have life experience, understand what these decisions mean in the lives of americans and understand the balance of power that their decisions can disrupt one way or the other. so clearly i would look for people who believe that roe v. wade is settled law and citizens united needs to be overturned as quickly as possible. >> it's time to go to commercial. we'll be right back. >> announcer: we will go to a commercial. and we come back to the conclusion of this debate.
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give their last words. >> we're coming to the end of this wonderful debate and it's time for your closing remarks. secretary clinton, you're first. >> thank you very much for a lively debate. i appreciate greatly all the questions, especially the questions in person from the people here and those coming at us from facebook. it just reinforces my strong commitment to do everything i can to break down all the barriers that stand in the way of people living up to their own potential and of our country doing the same. so i am going to take on those economic barriers. i have a plan to create jobs and raise incomes. i'm going to take on the education barriers that even leave too many children behind, even after completing schooling, i'm going to take on the health care barriers. i will unite our country. i will find common ground as i have as first lady, senator and


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