tv New Day Saturday CNN March 12, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST
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comcast business. built for business. -- captions by vitac -- trump, trump, trump, trump. >> i met with law enforcement. i don't want to see anybody hurt. i met with law enforcement, and i think we made the wise decision to cancel. political discourse should occur in this country without a threat of violence. >> there are consequences to words. >> what a night. good morning, everyone. thanks so much for being with us. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell.
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so good to be with you this saturday morning. we're starting with those highly charged developments in chicago. dozens of trump protesters. look at the crowds outside who clashed with some of his supporters outside. this was at the university of illinois. >> it ended with some protesters being forcefully carried out and the trump campaign canceled the rally all together. cnn white house correspondent jim acosta was there. >> reporter: things are finally back to normal in chicago after a donald trump rally resulted in chaos inside the arena on the campus of the university of illinois at chicago. essentially it unfolded over the course of a few hours. there were hundreds of protesters gathered inside the rally with the purpose of disrespecting the event. that's what happened. donald trump came to the podium and announced the convenient would be canceled.
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that's when the crowd exploded into chaos. we saw fights break out. there were not enough police officers and security personnel on scene to get the situation under control. then we saw chicago police, dozens of them, filing down to the floor of the arena. they were starting to escort the protesters outside of the arena. at that point you did see some scuffles and fist fights outside of the arena. there were a few arrests made. overall, this could have been so much worse. there could have been a full on riot on the streets of chicago. the event was canceled. everyone moved on. jim acosta, cnn, chicago. >> our thanks to jim. let's go down to cnn politics reporter jeremy diamond. jeremy, you were there. give us an idea what you saw. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. what happened was pure
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pandemonium inside the arena. an hour before the event was slated to start, you had protesters protesting and being escorted out of the venue and immediately you knew this was different from any other trump rally. you had a lot of trump protesters and others shouting, let him stay, let him stay. you knew from the start there were hundreds of protesters in the venue. about five sections in the back of the arena was filled with protester. once it was announced, immediately there was pure elation in the room. you had protesters shouting, chanting, we stopped trump and you had fights break out at the venue. that's when the pandemonium really start there. after that you had protesters go outside as well. they were shouting down trump supporters who were trying to leave the parking garage. the chicago police department saying, meanwhile, it was not consulted in terms of the event
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being canceled. listen to what the interim superintendent of the police department had to say. >> the chicago police department had no role. we were not provided an opinion whether or not the convenient should have been canceled. i can tell you we did assure the trump campaign that we had more than adequate resources outside the uic pavilion and we guaranteed them we could provide safe access and exit for mr. trump. >> reporter: now, the superintendent did not say that the trump campaign, you know, made the situation more dangerous by canceling the event, but he did say he had to send in additional police officers to make sure everything would be safe here. there were initially 200 chicago police officers stationed outside of the venue to ensure the safety. he sent in an additional 100 police officers. there were a total of five
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arrests last night. really a chaotic situation last night. thankfully not too many injuries. two police officers were injured, one with an jury to the face as a result of a bottle being thrown at him. >> jeremy, i flow are two events today. one in ohio and in missouri respect respectively. do we know if the trump campaign has anything planned differently looking ahead? >> reporter: we receive donald trump bring in his private security detail. this is the security detail that used to serve as his bodyguards before he got secret service protection. we've seen soevl these men at trump rallies typically dressed in plainclothes and their job has been to point out protesters and organize private security efforts to take those people and
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escort them out safely from the venue. as far as additional security measures, we don't know of anything else. so far they've taken it pretty seriously and we receive it more increasingly at donald trump events. >> jeremy diamond in chicago. thank you very much. in a few hours from now donald trump is expected to hold a rally, you heard victor say, in ohio. a lot of people wonder what the atmosphere will be like there after what we saw in chicago. cnn's phil mattingly outside of dayton. phil, what are you seeing and hearing about security at this event? >> reporter: well, christi, already a line of over a hundred people. the first trump supporters arrived at midnight for a 10:00 a.m. event. talking to reporters, there's a mix of some fear, some anger, and also some comfort. here's why. this is an airport hangar off
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the dayton international airport. this is a venue that knows how to handle big crowds. they handle 80 thousand people. you have the state police, local police and airport police working with the secret service. they're planning for as many as 10,000 people that would be here, but they do feel like this venue is in a much, much different situation than what we had in chicago last night. they feel more comfortable about it. that's it, christi. they are prepared. security is all over the place here. and between them all they do believe they'll be ready for whatever happens in a couple of hours. >> you said there are a hundred people already. do we know, have you spoken to them and do we know if these are people to supplying important trump or if there's a presence of protesters? >> reporter: well, so far, christi, everybody i've seen are trump supporters adorned with trump hats, shirts, and buttons. what's interesting, a couple of
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them said last night what they were watching on tv helped clinch their idea to come here this morning. that made them want to come. local officials do expect protesters at some point. they're not sure the numbers or when they'll come or what they'll bring but there's more comfort at this event because of where it is. it's at a side road, fenced in. security has a much better opportunity to keep an eye than maybe venues elsewhere particularly inside cities, christi. >> thank you so much. we'll be checking in with phil throughout the morning. we appreciate it. donald trump spoke with don lemon last night after the violence. >> yeah. he talked about his decision to cancel the rally, and he also was asked if he would take back anything he said during the campaign thus far. listen. >> you do regret saying any of those things, especially the things that you have said about punching protesters, sending them out on stretchers? >> no, i don't regret it at all.
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some of these protesters were violent, they were hitting and swingling at people and doing damage and frankly the crowd turned on them. in most cases it was the police. i would on occasion, i would say, usually, please don't hurt them, take it easy. being elevated looking down at the audience, usually i'm higher than the audience so i can see. what happens is i can see the protesters and what's going on. generally speaking it's mild. on the occasion you said, i saw very, very strong, very violent protesters hitting people. and, yeah, i'm not happy about that and i would always express my feelings about that. >> our reporters who follow you, mr. trump, and have been very fair with you, they have not seen protesters attacking anyone. if anything, it is the other way around, that protesters are being attacked after they start to protest or in any way
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disagree with you, but they're not -- protesters are not the ones who resort to violence first, it is your supporters who are doing it. >> you know it's not true when you say that statement, don. you know it's not true. >> don't know it's not true. that's why i'm asking. >> they'll stand up and start swinging at people. not in all case. 10% of the cases. but we evefven had some very to protessers. we had one with a tough voice like pavarotti. people turned on him and started swinging on him. ultimately we were successful and we got bad publicity for it. it wasn't their fault. this guy was a tough cookie, a very loud guy. i don't mind the loud but he was very violent. the next day it's like he was an innocent little lamb.
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i saw what happened. he was very violent. we don't do it first. they start. usually it's the police. we have police forces all over the country who have done a fantastic job, but usually it's the police. >> but the protesters will say that's why they're there high lighting it. that police are being heavy-handed in their communities and their rallies, so it seems to be making their case if that is indeed what you're saying right now. >> let me tell you. i'm watching cnn right now and i have seen the same scene on cnn for the last hour and a half. the same -- in other words, you take the worst scene. if you really look at it f you really want to look at it, most of the people have dispersed and we made a great decision not to have the rally, but you continuously shown the same scene of the guy in the green jacket taking a swing at
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everybody else. i've been watching it for the last hour. >> of course, we do. >> don, you shouldn't be showing the same one scene over and over and over again. you should be showing it live. >> what we're doing is showing the example of the violence that happens just as when you're on the campaign trail, you using the worst of things to make a point. >> you don't have anything saying that it's not live. and frankly it's the donald trump speech live with don but you're showing the scene that took place two hours ago. it's not fair. everyone's dispersed. >> what you're looking at is live, mr. trump. the streets of chicago are live. >> if you look at that, that's a very small portion of the people. most of the people have dispersed. just to be clear, very few people were hurt and we should be given credit for that. we made a very wise decision as opposed to going forward, you know, leaving it and postponing it for another time was a wise decision. now, at the same time, all of
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the trump supporters have been really treated unfairly because the first amendment says we have a right to speak. >> all right. so you're going to hear more of that conversation from donald trump in just a few minutes. also we're going to look ahead and ask the question, should there be consequences for politicians when they use some of the words we've heard from donald trump and others, we should say. we'll have that conversation in just a moment. is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones.
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swinging, very loud and started swing at the audience. you know what? the audience swung back, and i thought it was very, very appropriate. >> that was donald trump yesterday just hours before clashes erupted before protesters and supporters at his ee ooe vent in chicago. what i think he's referring to is the time in las vegas when he said, quote, e'd like to punch him in the face, talking about one of the protesters at his rally. let's talk with ben ferguson and errol louis. i want to talk with you first. the degree of the campaign and what they bear in this situation. how do you gauge that? >> well, the degree of responsibility should be obvious to everybody involve. people are responsible for their
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own actions and that goes for mr. mcgraw who attacked somebody in fayetteville, the woman who attacked is somebody recently. corey lewandowski who according to a police report attacked a reporter physically. and that goes for donald trump who won't take any responsibility whatsoever for the words that have come out of his mouth, the incitement he has offered to angry crowds, and who i think it should be obvious to everyone watching this exactly what is going on. >> ben, let me come to you and trump's claim that these are bad dudes. the only time we hear him use the word dude is with protesters. back to the central point, he says they're swinging and attacking his supporters. cnn has no evidence of that. the reporters who go to these rallies don't see that. what do you believe is his degree of responsibility in this case? >> look. i think donald trump -- there's two things here.
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you have these protesters that obviously wanted something like this to happen. they wanted to cannes tl event. they were successful. they should be condemned for doing this because in america you should be able to have a rally and free speech. but let me make this very clear. donald trump should not be shocked that this is happened. donald trump is a guy that has been looking at his own party and saying people are idiots and stupid and losers and dumb, that's to the people he's on stage with that he's saying about. the other campaigns that he is running against. when you see him go out there on stage and talk about hitting somebody in the face and i wish we had the old days where we could put a guy on the stretcher and how he wishes somebody would hit somebody in the face ad he would pay for the legal fees. what enyou campaign staffers that manhandle reporters that we now know about, this was a fire created by donald trump. now, the protesters last night, yes, they lit the match, and
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that is not what's supposed to happen. you should have the freedom have rallies and not have what happened and people show up like this. but for donald trump advocating violence with his protesters, this is what a bully does. donald trump has been a bully in all facets of this campaign. he's been a bully to the other people on stage and anyone that questions donald trump on any issue. they come out on twitter and facebook and say they're going to do x, y, and z to you. that's to conservatives, okay? that's to cruz supporters and rubio supporters, and carly fiorina supporters. when you have the rhetoric on a tv show, donald trump has been responsible for a large part of this. >> all right. let's listen to what ted cruz said last night. >> i think a campaign bears responsibility for creating an environmental when the candidate
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urge suns porters to engage in physical violence to punch people in the face. the predictable consequence of that is it escalates. today is unlikely to be the last such instance. we saw earlier today in st. louis over 30 arrested. that's not how our politics should occur. >> so, errol, ted cruz is outraged. not only did he criticize trump but the rhetoric he used on the trail. how does ted cruz reconcile his silence in the early portion, the summer and fall of 2015 with his dismay now? >> well, i mean, obviously you'd have to ask him. i think what's going on here is ted cruz and marco rubio issued a similar kind of a statement. they're going to try to take full advantage of it because it underscores one of the many points they've made about
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criticizing donald trump. he's set in force a motion that the gop doesn't want to associate with. donald trump says often, i'm bringing a lot of the people into the party. the question is who are those people, why are you bringing them in, what are you going to say to them and what is the party supposed to do with them. he'll have tried to talk to the same conservative elements, ultra conservative elements and bring in people who haven't participated before and without incitement. if this is the only way trump can get thousands to his rallies, to the polls to support him, this is the question that's been facing the republican party for months now, which is do we really want to go down this road. >> we've got two rallies today, one in ohio, one in missouri. ben, errol, we'll have to leave this segment. you two are with us throughout the morning. thank you so much. we'll continue the conversation throughout the morning. >> thanks. >> thanks. there's other things to talk
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about including flooding fears. water is at record levels in many parts of louisiana. the rains are still falling and we vn v an update on what has now become a deadly flood. than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. (vofights mess right.ghtweight 4-in-1
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evacuation for any of 3,500 homes that could be at risk for floodwaters if they keep rising. u.s. officials say north korea has lost contact with one of its submarines. they think it may have happened off the north korean coast during a military exercise this week. u.s. says they were monitoring and it might have been adrift at sea or already surge at this point. a south african family who was vacationing found a piece of the plain that could belong to flight 370. he contacted officials after a different piece of debris was found last week also in mozambique. they're investigating whether it is from flight 370. that flight disappeared, remember, two years ago with 239 people on board. donald trump canceled his campaign rally over the protest we've been showing you this morning in chicago. here are more of the pictures.
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trump, though, not backing away from his fiery rhetoric. how other candidates are responding to his claims that the violence is not his fault. >> i don't take responsibility. nobody has been hurt at our rallies, and we have had -- i've had 25,000, 35,000 people, more than that. we had one the other day. 25,000 in florida and we've never had anybody hurt. better n than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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what you're looking at there is chaos last night in chicago at a donald trump rally. violence broke out. trump himself decided to cancel the event. he said it was unsayre. five people were arrested, two police officers were injured, and now trump's rivals certainly have something to say about all this. >> when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourses. >> there are consequences to words. i do think mr. trump has to own up to the fact that some of the
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rhetoric he has used in his convenient has also contributed to the climate in parts of -- other rallies that he's had. there are consequences to the things people say in politics. >> president obama says republicans should have seen donald trump coming. listen to what he told a group of democratic donors about the gop front-runner's rise. to be clear these comments were made prior to the event we saw last night in chicago. >> and then you've got the republican establishment thiefrmt very skpestablishment. they're very exercised. we're shocked that somebody should be saying these things. we're shock thad somebody's fanning anti-immigrant sentiment or muslim sentiment. we're shocked that somebody could be loose with the facts. or distort someone's record. shocked.
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you know, how can you be shocked? this is the guy, remember, who was sure that i was born in kenya. who just wouldn't let it go. and all this same republican establishment, they weren't saying nothing. as long as it was directed at me, they were fine with it. they thought it was a hoot. wanting to get his endorsement. and then now suddenly we're shocked. >> so, again, a little bit of laughter there. hillary clinton released a statement, though, after last night's violence in chicago and i read in part, the divisive rhetoric that we are seeing should be of grave concern to us all we all have our differences and we know many people across the country feel angry. we need to address the anger
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together. >> let's discuss now and bring in two of our cn political commentators, bring back the hoefrt of "the ben ferguson show", ben ferguson and also a hillary clinton supporter, ma a maria. hillary clinton referenced alter church massacre last year. families came together and melted hearts in the state house and the confederate flag came down. when i red that, that reference to the mother imam wall shooting jumped off the page. these are different scenarios. was that an appropriate reference? >> i think what she was trying to understacore and that is par of it, when we come together and
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address things no matter how angry we are, we can get to solutions that both sides want. they's the point she was trying to make. and i think the example of the people -- the victims, the families of the victims of the charleston shooting coming together in forgiveness and addressing the hatred that, again, both sides, i think, wanted to address and want to solve is actually a really good example of the light and the hope and the optimism that is in all of us that is incumbent on our leaders to actually speak to as opposed to speaking to and trying to rile up the anger that is also in all of us here. >> so, ben, let me come to you. and i think about the trump endorsers. and just hours before this happened, dr. ben carson endorsed donald trump. and, you know, the hall mark of his campaign was healing. he placed healing on decorum and
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decency and now this happens. is there some residual effect on those who stand behind and next to donald trump when these types of things happen at these events? >> there certainly is. guilty by association happens on both sides of the aisle. ben carson coming out and supporting donald trump after what he says is completely opposite to what donald trump stands for with rhetoric, he says, you took this chance, for whatever reason you endorsed him and now you have to stand beside him. let's go back to hpt for a second. that's absurd and vial for her to compare a canceled rally where there was, you know, some fights that broke out, nothing close to what happened with this tragedy and trying to score political points is disgusting. these two incidents have nothing do with one another. the idea that you can equate these two is beyond reaching. it's a disgusting thing where
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people died in a tragedy that had nothing do with a donald trump rally. you should know better. if you want to be president, you need to know when to shut up and leave. this is trying to take advantage of the situation for your own personal gain and hillary clinton should be, i think, apologizing to the victims, first off, because their name should not be invoked here at a donald trump political rally when what happened to them was horrible racism and people's lives were lost. they're completely different scenarios. i can't honestly believe hillary clinton would want to get into this situation, first off. but, two, to use other people's deaths to score political points is just disgusting. >> let me get back to maria. >> that's certainly not what she wu doing. >> that's exactly what she was doing. >> that's exactly what she was not doing. you have the right to your opinion.
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that's what makes this country so a great great. what she was doing was pointing to the fact that there's a lot of anger here and if leaders don't stand up and try to channel it in a very positive manner, it can lead to violence, and what she was focusing on is when we focus on the positive, on the optimism, on the love and the hope that we can actually come together and solve our problems no matter what side of the aisle we're on, no matter what our i'd only ol'gy is. she was trying to rise above all the violence and hatred that's being demonstrated at these rallies or other events we're seeing around the country. >> maria, there's something else i want to get to. we saw a that after this event was canceled, there were some people who were in the audience there who pulled out bernie sanders signs and starting chanting "bernie, bernie." what is the response to his campaign to what they saw inside
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this arena with some of the supporters. >> if i'm not mistaken, they've come out and said violencest no appropriate from any of these rallies, no matter who the supporters are and i think bernie sanders has stood up against this kind of violence and hatred and he has said before, when there's been accusations about going overboard and either engaging in any kind of violence or any kind of hatred, he has spoken out against it as he should. so i am confident that bernie sanders will do that whenever it is shown that it was his supporters either engaged that violence or in any way pushing that violence. >> bernie had no problem last night coming out saying we don't campaign this way, this is -- you know, we're a little bit classier than what happened in this rally. he did not condemn his supporters who were chanting bernie, bernie, bernie.
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he should do it today and make it clear. you have the right to protest. you do not have the right to go and shut down a political campaign rally. he wouldn't want that happening to him >> he has said that in the past. >> we've got to wrap it right there. thanks so much. >> thanks, vector. >> yep. listen. we do want to play for you more of donald trump's interview, what he talked to don lemon about after that rally was cancelled in chicago yesterday. his defense for calling it off. and i think a lot of people are wondering now, will it be rescheduled? we don't know. we going to talk about that. plus, trump, also, as you know, urnltd fire for some of the statements he made about torture laws. we're talking to one who has a lot to say about it. stay close. than wearing no mak? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants.
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i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. we're just a few hours away from donald trump's next rally. that's in dayton, ohio. of course, it's coming after the chicago rally that he canceled. >> yes, he did cancel it because he said it was unsafe for everybody there. i want to show you some of the video. there were clashes between protesters and trump supporters not only in the arena but on the street outside the arena. don lemon spoke to trump once the rally was canceled. he asked if he was going to postpone all of the real yas. here's what he said.
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>> would you like me to have them, don, and see people killed? >> i don't know. are you going to do it? >> i don't know. it death penalties on case by case. if you want me to have them and people were hurt very badly tonight. again, i'm looking at scenes. >> mr. trump, these are live scenes. >> no, no. i've been watching all these scenes so many times ago and they're two hours old. >> mr. trump, i have to ask you for clarification. >> reporter: most of the people have been dispersed and we give them great credit and law enforcement gave us great credit. >> mr. trump, do you regret what you said? >> we have great support. we have fantastic supporters. we have said strong things when people were wrong. now, getting back to before tonight when i talked about
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illegal immigration, i have no regrestes whatsoever. if i didn't bring up illegal immigration, it would bmt the subject of the campaign, don. it's become a very, very important subject and if i didn't bring it up, people wouldn't be talking about it. frank let's hurting our country badly in a lot of ways from a crime standpoint and economic standpoint and drug standpoint. drugs are pouring into our country through the southern border. it's hurting our country very, very badly. if you think i should say, oh, gee, it's too bad i brought up illegal immigration, not at all. >> what about in particular the things you've said at rallies, taking them out on stretchers. do you have any regrets? >> no, i don't have any regrets. these with bad dudes. they were very rough, tough guys, and they did a lot of damage behalf thfore they were
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out. they were taken out on stretchers. they ended up doing damage. >> in the next hour we'll talk with an eyewitness who was in chicago in the middle of all that last night. stay with us. we'll be right back. is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones.
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hoodling with us now. thank you so much for being with us. he says he want to bring waterboarding back into play and contends, quote, that the u.s. should go a lot farther -- or further with waterboarding and he'd work on it with the generals. if he came to you and asked for advice, what would you tell him? >> good morning. it doesn't work. waterboarding has not been proven to be effective and neither have other forms of enhanced interrogation techniques. there are very good ways to interrogate. it's designed so that you can build trust between the interrogator and the person that's being intar gated to get the right information. waterboarding does not get that kind of information. there's no evidence that it works. the first thing i would tell him is let's stick with the tried and true methods of getting information from our prisoners and that doesn't mean violating the laws.
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military laws and u.n. mandates and geneva protocols. >> he also said we have to play the game at a much tougher game. do you think the u.s. is losing the fight on national security. >> i'm not sure what playing at a much tougher level means and immediately there's going to be reaction to it. we're doing significant damage to isis in iraq. i this i what general austin has said t general of central command this week in testimony before congress was that he may soon be asking for more soldiers in order to support iraq's attack into moez zul and the syrians' attack into raqqah. yes, we're try dog the best we can without getting involved in large formations bust u.s. battalions, divisions, brigades. christi, i spent three years in that country. i can tell you what works and what doesn't work.
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it's not just the large amount of forces. the right kind of forces and right kind of government that needs to be enhanced and work. so any time you hear candidates say we need more forces and putting an arbitrary number on it that none of the generals have suggested to them. mr. trump said 30,000. other candidates said a lesser number. but they were all focused primarily on troop number, it doesn't rerate to what's called a troop-to-task analysis, what needs to be done, how many forces do you need to do it. that's what they need to concentrate on and that's what all the candidates need to be asking the military and national security professionals. >> low temperatuieutenant gener hertling. thank you for being here. >> thank you. take a look at the people here. this is a live picture from dayton, ohio, of the people who are already lined up nearly 3 1/2 hours before his event and
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rally there in dayton. we're going to take you live there in a moment. stay close. a los angeles startup is being called an uber for kids. it shuffles kids when they can't be at two places at once. this 9-year-old loves to dance but getting her to studio after school was a struggle for frances mendez, a working mom of three. >> i want to be able to continue to work but have -- give her all the opportunities that she can. >> reporter: then mendez found hop skip drive, a ride sharing service for kids founded by three working moms in los angeles. >> we have eight kids between us
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so hop, skip, drive is really born out of our owner need to getting our busy kids to all of their activities. >> reporter: unlike uber and lyft that don't offer rides to unaccompanied minors, this is designed for kids ages 7 and up. >> we don't think of it as a transportation service but caregiver on wheels. >> safety is a number one priority. >> it starts with vetted drivers, the fact they're fully background checked and fingerprinted and have experience. >> reporter: they wear bright orange t-shirt, have flags on their cars and must know the code. >> in addition to the parents being able to track the ride in the app, we have a team. >> reporter: the founders started the company in 2014 and they have plans to expand in other cities. >> we always like to think it takes a village and what we're providing is an extended village.
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whenever you need them. great, that's what i said. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. brawl, the melee here between donald trump supporters and protesters shutting down the republican front-runner's rally in chicago last night. meanwhile it looks like the doors are just opening and we are three hours away from a
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planned donald trump rally in ohio this morning. even on the back side of these tensions that we were seeing last night. good morning, everyone. so glad to have you with us. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor black well. so good to have you with us this morning. donald trump is up this morning. he's already got the twitter thumbs going in responses to the clashes between the demonstrators and his supporters in chicago last night. this is video of -- outside of that rally that was inside the arena there at the university. here's the tweet from donald trump this morning just about 17 minutes ago. the organized group of people, many of them thugs who shut down our first amendment rights in chicago have totally energized america. we're coverings this from all an gores. cnn politics is -- we're going
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to start with cnn politics reporter. because you with there last night give us an idea what you saw at that event. >> reporter: last night was a indicate yachtic scene here. even an hour before donald trump's veerchlt was supposed to start, you had protesters being escorted outof it. they were filled with protesters preparing to stop trump. they planned to tell him not spread his message in chicago. what ensued with clashes after the convenient were clashes by a campaign staffer who came to the podium. eventually that spilled over outside as well where you had protesters shouting down them trying to leave the parking garage. not something completely nurchl we've seen increasing events at
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trump events including violent attacks. a protester was being says skorted out. pretty chaotic scene. hundreds of protesters but not something altogether or unusual or unexpected. >> thank you very much. let's go to mark. there's this ongoing conversation about the degree of culpability. i wonder looking ahead to the contests on tuesday. how will this impact these crucial states. do we see that this will hurt trump or maybe even help him in gaining the nomination? >> i think if you're a donald trump supporter, there's no question you'll stay with him. there were folks who have been waiting in line to see donald trump at 10:00. they were here overnight.
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they think donald trump has the right to say. if you don't like to hear what he has to say, don't listen to him. as far as the violence, these folks say it's being incited by the other side and basically if you're going get in our face, we're going to get in your face is the message i'm hearing very much echoing from donald trump tweeting this morning. the question is as we're heading now into these crucial primaries here in illinois, missouri, and also north carolina and in down in florida, you have to question are some folks, will they back off a little bit. i think what they saw, they're going to harden their hard core supporters who will show up on tuesday. >> phil mattingly, if we can get phil's shot up there. phil, my question to you is the people who are coming out, should they expect security changes at the events today
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starting with this one in ohio? >> reporter: they're all involved this morning. donald trump events are also heavy in security. now as mark noted people were like up, hundreds at midnight. a come of secret service agents have been roaming around talking to people. i think one of the different aspects with this today wland we saw last night is where it actually is. it's in an airport hangar off the dayton international airport. it's in a private road, fenced in. the police didn't working here and the security services on a whole have a much better grasp of the scene and ability to keep control of things, victor, so a
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different scenario than what we saw last night. there's a lost security, no question about it. so far as mark said, the tone, fairly calm. everybody in line is more excited to see trump. a lot of people i suffolk said last night what they saw on tv motivated them to come out today, but as of now, everything calm, victor. >> phil, stay with us. christi has a question she wants to ask you. >> i want to ask you about what you just said. you said what happened last night motivated them to come out. did they say why, what was it about the chaos and the violence that they saw last night that made them want to be there today? >> reporter: the perspective i've heard from a number of different trump supporters, again, some of whom who have been lined up for several hours s what they saw last night was a couple of things. one, it was professional demonstrators who were there solely to take away donald trump's rights and first amendment rights and by extension their first amendment
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rights. now, there are plenty of people who would criticize that perspective. that's their perspective. that's what's motivating them. one sthad were scared and nervous of what happened. they're going to be nervous at every ee verchlt the they go to. this is their second event. they went to one in louisville. they feel like it's a change to donald trump and his supporters and now they're here to show they can get back at them or at least stand up to them in some form, christi. >> standing up, they say, i guess, with the first amendment right to speak. phil mattingly, thank you so much. we appreciate to all of you. we appreciate your voices and certainly bringing us the very latest.
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listen. coming up, people who were inside that rally last night are talking about what they saw, how chaotic it was, how violent it was. in fact, we're talking to the man who took this video of the fight, what he says about how it made him feel and how it star d started. you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort.
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incredible blnow comes with protection an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. there's pushing, there's shoving, and notice there are cameras taking it all in as signs for donald trump go up. this is at the trump rally yesterday -- last night in chicago. the rally that we need to point out was canceled because of the violence that broke out. five people were arrested. two police officers were injured
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and now other presidential candidates have something to say about this i have owe and what we saw play out yesterday. hillary clinton and john kasich, in fact, lease these statements. first of all, hillary clinton, the deviivisive rhetoric we're seeing should be of grave concern no matter what party we belong to or views we hold. we should use our words and deeds to bring americans together. then we have this from kasich. tonight the seeds of division that donald trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit and it was ugly. i want to point out that marco rubio and ted cruz have something to say. take a look. >> on the other hand, i do think that mr. trump needs to own up to the fact that some of the rhetoric he has used at his event has contributed to the
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climate you've seen in other rallies that he's had. there are consequences for the things people say in politics. you know, a president, for example, can't just speak their mind. there are real consequences. they can't just say whatever comes to miejd. there are real consequences to the word someone speaks. >> when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse. >> well, donald trump spoke with cnn's don lemon after the chicago rally was canceled and he was asked if he had any regrets about anything he said so far in this campaign. watch and listen. >> we have had great success. we have fantastic support and fantastic supporters.
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we have said wrong things when people were wrong. when people were wrong, we have said some very, very strong things. now, getting back to before tonight when i talked about illegal immigration, i have no regret as what sore. if i didn't bring up illegal immigration, it wouldn't even be a jikt of the campaign, don. it's become a very, very important subject and if i didn't bring it up, people wouldn't be talking about it. frankly, it's really hurting our country badly in a lot of ways from a crime standpoint and from an economic stan standpoint and from a drug standpoint. drugs are pouring into our country through the southern border. it's hurting our country very, very badly. so if you think i should say, oh, gee, it's too bad i brought up the problem of illegal immigration at our southern border in particular, i'm not at all. >> what about in particular the things you have said in rallies about taking them out on stretchers and that sort of thing. do you have any regrets about what you said? >> these are bad -- no, i don't
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have any regrets because these were very, very bad protesters. these were bad dudes. they were very, very rough, tough guys. they did a lot of damage before they were taken out and they weren't taken out on stretchers, frankly. they weren't. they ended up doing damage. nobody talks about that. nobody mentions when the protester's a violent protester, and it happens. it happens not often, but it happens. and when it does, i will talk about that protester much differently than i talk about most where we just have fun. >> all right. again, that was donald trump reacting to what was happening last night. the big question is will that rally be rescheduled. will he go back to chicago. we know that today he is in dayton and he'll be in cleveland and later tonight will also be in kansas city, missouri. we'll be following it for you throughout the day. but we do have some other pictures for you, these, again, live pictures from dayton ohio
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and that airport hanger where donald trump will be in just a little less than three hours now. and you heard phil mattingly say, people have been lined up for seven hours to get in to see him. but there's other news we need to talk to you about today, too, because we have new details on major flooding. several people have died and thousands more are being evacuated. >> also, the military has been watching a search for a submarine like the one you see on your screen. up next, why this vessel may be lost at sea. rogaine® foam.with women's the only once a day treatment proven to regrow new hairs up to 48% thicker. revive your va-va-voom. and save $10. try align for a non-stop,ive sweet-treat-goodness hold-onto-your-tiara, kind-of-day. live 24/7 with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the undisputed #1 ge recommended probiotic.
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there's so much to talk about today and we're going to get right back to it. there are other news stories that we do want to get to you that are important. dozens of people are evacuated by boat this morning as flooding submerges louisiana neighborhoods. take a look. many call that area the ground zero for flooding. and the national weather service issued a flash flood warning for the state until 8:00 this morning. so about another 40 minutes to go. i guess an hour and 40. so far at least three people we know have already died in the louisiana. >> some senators are hoping to pass a bill next week that would give federal aid to flint, michigan, to deal with the water crisis for some time now. they have a few snags to get past first including renegotiating how to pay for that assistance. it would then go to the house for a vote. last year they discovered high levels of lead in the drinking water. it occurred after they switched
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their water source about two years ago to cut costs. >> listen to this. u.s. officials say north korea has lost contact with one of its submarines. they believe it may have happened off north korea's east coast during a military exercise that happened earlier this week and they say the u.s. military was observing the sub when it stopped. they think it may be adrift at sea or has already sufrpg. so there was this dramatic five-car crash in the l.a. area. look at this. >> oh, my gosh. >> this was surveillance video. you see cars waiting at an intersection. then this white car run as red light, slams into an suv, sent six people to the hospital. police, as you'd expect, are investigating this crash. this is a rally, you've seen nothing like it at any of the candidate rallies, but particularly donald trump here, anger, protests.
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clashes, so much so they canceled it. you're going hear from the man who shot this video. he says the scene was just out of control. there's a lot of questions for him. and for your the democrats, hillary clinton and bernie sanders getting ready for a big with town hall in ohio. up next why hillary clinton is apologizing for some comments she made over nancy reagan and the reagan administration specifically about aids and the 1980s. but first, mortgage rates inched up this week. here's your look. sfx: rocket sfx: rocket blasting off sfx: (countdown) 3, 2, 1 rocket cleans so well, it keeps your underwear cleaner. so could wear them a second day. charmin ultra strong. it's 4 times stronger, and you can use up to 4 times less.
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it was violent. there's no other word for it. this is the chicago event last night. this was just after the announcement came that the rally playing for donald trump's campaign had been canceled. you see here one of the many scuffles there in the crowd. some people were detained. a couple of police officers were hurt in all of this. and this morning there is a rally planned just outside of dayton for 10:00 a.m. eastern. now, hector duran was at the rally you were looking at there and he's with us by phone. while we're talking to him, i want to play some of the video as well that hector took while hi was there. hector, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> when you saw this starting to -- this violence starting to break out, what did you think? what did you feel? >> i think it was more kind of
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-- i don't want to say i expected it to be kanlsled but i knew there wouz ld be tensions that would be high. i'm not a trump supporter or a nontrump supporter. w i was just on the fence. i decided to go. >> you said you were on the fence. you said you did not expect it to be peaceful. why did you expect it not to be peaceful? >> just from previous rallies that donald trump has had, a lot of the rallies are not peaceful in chicago. i wasn't shocked. >> certainly we haven't seen anything like thissed a the donald trump rallies. did you get the sense while you were there that some of this violence or some of these clashes were organized or did it happen kind of organically on the spot, spontaneously? >> there might -- there might have been some organization to
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it. i don't think their intention was to get violent, but, you know, i think they -- i don't want ta-to-say they do what they have to do, but that's essentially what they did. >> what conversations did you over hear amongst people as you were still maybe in the arena or exiting it? >> there were people that as it was starting to clear out, there were people throwing chants like build that wall was a chant for the trump supporters that they did have, and then there was still like -- i think they were uic students who were on the ground. they were chanting bernie. so they were protesting trump and being on the side of bernie sanders. and then just -- they were talking about how, you know, they've never seen anything like this at any presidential debate and how the atmosphere was pretty crazy going on. >> how long did it take, will it me ask you that?
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how long were you in the arena before this broke out? >> actually we were -- we were probably the second to last batch to get in to the arena before they were sold out of seating. and then probably as soon as we got to our seats, it was announced it would be canceled, the rally was. we were still hanging in there for about -- we were in the upper balcony for 30 minutes, 35 minutes. we were watching until chicago police kicked us out. >> what happened once the police -- and we see this video here once the police came into the arena? what happened at that point? >> it was still getting outside. the protesters were outside. not as much clashes on the inside as there was on the outside because the protesters were held on their spot on the block. >> were you frightened at any point? >> probably not frightened but
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worried. i'm on crutches and i can't get hit in the leg. i'm recovering right now. i was worried about getting hit by anyone. >> there was no violence next to you. >> no. >> the closest is what we saw you videotaping? >> yes. >> with your phone? >> yes. >> okay. and, hector, last question. whal kind of -- were there any conversations about politics while you were there about people who did support trump, who didn't support trump. what conversations were you and your friends having? >> conversations of other people, it was very -- civil between trump supporters and the protesters. they were very civil outside from what i was seeing and what i was hearing. and between me and my friends we talked about whether we had never seen anything like this before, whether in person or on tv. >> last question here v you made up your mind about who you're going to vote for and did this influence you in any way?
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>> you know, i don't want to say it influenced me, but i don't think -- maybe bernie sanders or clinton. i'm still kind of on the fence between one of them too. >> okay. well, hector duran, we appreciate the video. we appreciate hearing your voice and perspective since you were indeed there. ing that you so much. and glad that you're okay. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> thank you. in about 2 1/2 hours from now, donald trump is scheduled to have a rally just outside of dayton in ohio. will it be a repeat of the tensions, protests, clashes? let's bring in cnn politics editor mark preston. of course, they're hoping it won't happen. donald trump is having secret service protection and there will be security. i wonder with the people who are gather behind you, what are the conversations they're having about what they saw in chicago last night? >> reporter: well, victor, i
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think people are very much hardened. these folks who have been here, they're clearly donald trump supporters. some of them have said they've been at previous rallies inned a joining state here and they've been seeing protesters come in and interrupt. now, they say the protesters have a first amendment right to do so, but they don't have the right to stop donald trump from talking to them and spreading his message and talking about how he would be as the next president of the united states. the violence, though, certainly is going to be interesting to see if it takes a turn on how people view this campaign going forward. i think what you're going to see, though, victor, is on both sides. you'll see the diehard donald trump supporters being even hardened toward the message. the question is those people who are on the fence who are looking at him, who might like his message at this time, are they a little concerned about the violence and what they saw, for instance, last night in chicago. >> mark, we know the people who
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attend these events are not always donald trump supporters and in what we heard from hector in his previous conversation with christi, sometimes they're not anti-trump. they're there for the show, to see it. trump said this in st. louis yesterday. this is a quote. from my standpoint it makes it a little more exciting, speak about the protesters, and it gives me time to think about where i twooblt go next. it's beautiful. it's like intermission. and the guys near the event, they see some pretty good stuff. how many of the people from -- you've been to these rallies and convenience before. how many are there for the show, for the potential of what we saw in chicago? >> reporter: there's no question there's an element of folks coming out to see donald trump because it is quite a spectacle and in many ways historic. but i've got to tell you, having followed donald trump around a bit this campaign cycle, it is different. we're at this stage of the campaign where we're seeing voters actually engaged at a
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higher level. folks walking in, you see them behind me. they're being handed signs and paraphernalia. they're taking it readily. they really seem to be very much supportive of donald trump at this time. go back to iowa in january when donald trump was holding rallies there. you had a lot of folks who would come just to go and see what it was like. many of them were democrats. i think at this point in the campaign just a few days before ohio will vote as well as several other states. i believe you'll see folks coming out who are voting for donald trump. >> cnn's mark preston outside of dayton ohio at this hangar where the trump plane will pull up close to 10:00 eastern. that will be the first event of three for donald trump today. mark, thank you so much. let's take you back a few days to when dozens of students were kicked out of a trump rally
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in georgia. it was the valdosta area a few weeks ago. >> reporter: the front runner did not remove them, didn't order them to be removed. those involved don't agree with that. we're going to talk with two of those students who were there in just a bit. >> plus, we're one day away from the cnn dej caratic town hall in columbus, ohio. hillary clinton is today apologizing for praising nancy reagan for one specific reason. the why the comment she made about the former first lady is causing backlash.
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we're shocked that somebody could be loose with the facts or distort someone's record. shocked. how can you be shocked? this is the guy, remember, who was sure that i was born in kenya. >> all right. that was president obama yesterday mocking republican establishments. during that speech to democratic donors, president obama argued that trump's past should have served as prologue. joining me now cnn political commentator maria cardona, a hillary clinton supporter and
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amiki. i want to get your reaction at that now canceled donald trump event. >> victor, we have a long history of peaceful protests in this country. we would be nowhere if we were a country that had no protests. we achieved major legislation as a result of peaceful protests. i this i the problem with donald trump events is he doesn't realize he's a power figure now. so he should expect this. he has created it. president obama is right. the establishment, the republican establishment has fueled this by playing into the instincts of a lot of these voters in allowing this type of racist bash. you have younger people and bernie sanders supporters coming out there. they're feeling not just unheard, but disrespected and afraid of what the consequences of a potential trump presidency
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are. >> let's get for you -- i want to jump in here and put up on the screen what the bernie sanders campaign tweeted out yesterday. he tweeted, we do things a little different in this campaign. we bring people together, #bernieillinois. we have video and some of the protesters holding up bernie sanders signs chanting "bernie, bernie." what is senator sanders' responsibility now? he tweeted out obviously what his campaign does, but does he need to speak specifically about this to his supporters today? >> well, i think it's up to bernie sanders so set the tone, and he has. none of those supporters were inciting violence. they were there to send a message to donald trump and they have every every right to and i encourage people to use their voice effectively but i also encourage donald trump to tone it down, tone down the rhetoric. he's lit rahelly been calling
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for violence against reporters. his own staff has assaults reporter as tlnld's police reports out. this is a major problem in the donald trump campaign. it's not bernie sanders', hillary clinton's responsibility. these are people who feel like they're being disrespected. you have muslims in the audience who are saying they were afraid for their lives. people praying. >> let me interrupt. it seems a bit consistent to say that bernie sanders or other candidates that they don't have the specific responsibility to speak to voters that way and expect donald trump to tone down the rhetoric or speak direct throw his supporters. just as the onus is on donald trump to speak to his supporters to tone down the rhetoric, isn't it up to bernie sanders' to speak to his supports as well? >> i think the donald trump supporters are different. they come in and punch people.
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bernie sanders supporters are literally praying in the audience. there were muslim men on the floor praying to send a peaceful message. there was quite a difference in strategy between the two audiences. bernie sanders has called for people to unite and to peacefully use their rhetoric in response to donald trump. but, you know, is it his obligation to tone down the violence on the right? no. but i think it's duchonald trum obligation. i'm glad they shut down the event. >> maria, i want to come to you. i want to talk about some comments for which hnlt haillar clinton has apologized for nancy reagan's work as it relates to the aids outbreak in the 1980s. watch and listen. >> it may be hard for your viewers to remember how difficult it was for people to talk about aids back in 1980s
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and because of both president and mrs. reagan, in particular police reagan, we started a national conversation when before nobody wants to talk about it, do anything about it, and that, too, is something i really appreciate with her very effective low key advocacy. but it penetrated the public conscience and people began to say, hey, we have to do something about this too. >> there was major backlash after those comments, maria, from the human right campaign, glaad. they say the reagans did not act quickly enough, did not advocate for people with suffering with this then new disease. ronald reagan didn't utter word or acronym aids until 19856789 clinton did release this statement. while the reagans were strong, i misspoke about their record on hiv and aids.
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for that i i am sorry. first, how does something like this happen? it wasn't like a quick equip that was inaccurate. she went on to describe something that just did not happen. >> you know, i think that this is a situation and a circumstance where we have to look at the context. hillary clinton was at nancy reagan's funeral, and i think she was trying to find ways to honor her life's work. and, yes, she misspoke and she talked about something that was not true and it was hurtful to a lot of people, but also to her credit, she acknowledged it, she took responsibility for it, she apologized for it, and i think that that is going to be enough and she reacted to the backlash because a lot of herr supporters are those lgbt activists, so i think you have to give her credit for that. and then you have to look at her record. her record is one for fighting for aids prevention from the time that her husband was nominated at the dnc convention
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in 1992. it was the very first time they were talking about this. >> i don't think anybody is questioning her record, maria, and all of it is recorded. it harkens back to 1988 where her plane was on fire and she was hurried to a car and there's video of a welcoming ceremony. >> well, but, again, i think that people have to take this in terms of where she was and the context that she was making these remarks. she wasn't talking about herself. she wasn't doing anything to sel self-grandeurize her campaign. she was much loved by many people and i think people are going to cut her some slack for that. again, her record on this is
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important because in her own record it hadn't been one for fighting for aids prevention and making sure it was a conversation that was had when she had positions of power, then i think the backlash would have been warranted and i think this would have been much more of an issue than it should be. i think she apologized for it and i think we're going to move on to other issues. >> she released that apology and straight out said, i'm sorry, which is not something you hear often. maria cardona and nomiki konst, thank you for being here. >> thank you. we're talking to two students who say that's exactly what happened to them.
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problems with protesters, nothing new necessarily for the donald trump campaign. about 30 students, though, tried to attempt a trump rally in georgia last month. they were kicked out before it even started. i want to share this video with you. this is the video of this group of 30 to 40 being escorted out of this vent. two of those students are with us. we want to talk to tatum but first, mia. thank you for being with us. i want to ask you. as i understand it, you said you would sit there in silent protest. help us understand what happened when you were there. >> first of all, thank you for having me this morning and
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second, i need to quickly clarify the fact that we were not -- we were no protesters. our golfs not to protest. our goal was not to disrupt but sit there and be at the rally because we had permission and tickets and we wanted to stand? solidarity in regards to our lack of communication and poor communication with our university and the fact that we did not agree with donald trump coming to our campus and our university. >> but if not agreeing with donald trump being there, is that not protesting in someway? i guess i'm trying to clarify why you were there. >> it wasn't a protest because we weren't out -- we weren't out wardly doing anything to show the fact that we didn't agree with him being there because that's his right to be there and we respected that, so our golfs to listen to what he had to say point blank period.
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but there has been some communication issues with administration in regards to booking the p.e. complex or any other issues or matters at hand so our presence was to be as a unified front. >> so it had to do just as much with the university, am i understanding that tatum, it had to do as much with some upset you have about the university as much as it did with donald trump? >> yes, ma'am, i would definitely agree with that. >> there is also a discrepancy here about why you were escorted out. i know that the trump campaign has said they didn't even know the incident happened, that they weren't the ones that said they needed to order you out, but then we do also hear from the police chief who said i pemp pe
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pemplly asked the trump campaign why they were escorted out. help us understand, did you witness anybody being disruptive? >> myself personally, absolutely not. the friends and people i was surrounded by, we participated in the rally. we sang the pledge of al allegiance. we were participating in the rally. we weren't using profanity, as far as i know. i didn't hear anything and to be honest, had i heard something i probably would have been like not now, this is not the place because i knew that would be grounds for removal from a rally because that is technically being disruptive, but as far as i know, as far as i witnessed, there was no profanity being used. >> mia, let me ask you, what reason were you given your group was escorted out of the rally.
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>> we initially weren't given a reason. what happened is we were standing there, and the second wave of students came to join us and we were roughly pushed out saying get out now by the georgia burro of investigators, secret service and police department and every time we tried to ask why with reare we made to leave? we were forcefully removed. the first reason given is this is a private event and i asked the my classmates to say show them the tickets. we showed tickets. a police officer left and came back to give us some other reasons and the ultimate reason is it's a private event. it was said we were being disruptive, even though we were not and we were asked to leave. the cursing was brought up to us, although, i didn't hear anyone cursing but that type of passion or excitement is normal
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at rallies and events of excitement in american culture, so i'm not even sure why that was brought up but definitely was not coming from us. >> i only have a second left but tatum, as you've gone through this, if you could talk to donald trump, i mean, if you were there and wanted to hear something from him or tell him something, what do you want him to know? >> that's a wonderful question. if i had 15, you know, 20 seconds to speak to donald trump, i would really kind of like to get into his head, wonder where the phobia, where the hate that his campaign has been founded on, where does that spawn from and what can we do as americans, what can we do to combat that and change that so that everyone, you know, we could have a president we're not afraid of that minorities and, you know, lgbt are not afraid to
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live in the country because of the president that we have in place. you know, i just want -- if he wants to be president, if he wants to represent me, then i think he needs to think like i do, love people like i do, treat people like i would, and that's really what i would have to say to him. >> tatum and mia, appreciate you both for being here. victor? >> let's take a live look at the people outside of dayton, ohio. i believe the name of that area is vandalia, ohio where donald trump will host the first rally after the cancelled rally of chicago scheduled for 10:00 eastern. getting a lot of attention from candidates ahead of tuesday's crucial vote. governor john kasich will be there with hillary clinton, bernie sanders in nearby illinois and ted cruz giving missouri some attention today trying to block trump's path to the nomination. marco rubio campaigns in his
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home state of florida. we will take a quick break and be back at the top of the hour. ♪ the roles you play in life are part of what make you, you. and you're not going to let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure with nutritious calories, 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. come on grandma! giving you the strength and energy to get back to doing... what you love. from the #1 doctr recommended bran. ensure. always stay you.
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trump, trump, trump, trump! >> i met with law enforcement, i don't want to see anybody hurt, don. i met with law enforcement and i think we made a wise decision to cancel. >> political discourse should occur in this country without a threat of violence. >> there are consequences. >> that is some of just a little snippet of some of what happened at a trump rally that ended up not happening. you heard trump say he was cancelling it because we wanted everybody to be okay. we're so glad to have your company. >> just a couple hours away from the next rally scheduled outside dayton, ohio, it's scheduled for
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10:00 eastern. already you see people crowding into this airport hanger. last night, you look at the video unbelievable. the crowds in chicago were not so civil. dozens of protesters clashed inside and outside of the university of illinois and this morning trump responded on twitter calling demonstrators thugs who shut down their first amendment rights in chicago. >> this as chicago is getting readily to hold a primary on tuesday. cnn politics executive mark preston, ron brownstein breaking it down for us and phil mattingly live outside dayton, ohio where trump will be holding a rally but we want to begin with jeremy diamond. jeremy, you were there at the event last night. help us understand what happened. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. last night was a pretty chaotic scene. you had hundreds of protesters
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packed into this planned donald trump rally in chicago at the university of illinois and you had all of these protesters revving up to stop donald trump, prevent him from spreading his message and succeeded in that getting the rally cancelled. it was a pretty messy scene where you had fistfights between supporters and protesters but a lot of chanting, a lot of taunting between the two sides and the chicago police saying that, you know, they could have kept this under control, that the trump campaign did not consult with them before cancelling the event. they had 200 police officers stationed outside of here. listen to the what the interim police superintendent said last night. >> the chicago police department had no role, we were not consulted or provided in opinion as to whether or not the event should be cancelled. in fact, i can tell you we did
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assure the trump campaign that we had more than adequate resources outside the pavilion and that we guaranteed them we could provide safe access and exit for mr. trump. >> and there you have it. that's the chicago police interim superintendent. there were five arrests you skp said and two injuries including one police officer that suffered an injury due to a bottle that hit his head. that got a little messy last night. one of the people arrested, as well, was a cbs news reporter and so that kind of speaks to the situation last night and the tensions there. trump now scheduled to move forward. he's speaking twice in ohio today and tonight will be in kansas city, missouri, missouri and illinois of course and ohio. all voting on super tuesday in the coming primary contests. >> jeremy, before we let you go, i got a quick question here, the
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interim superintendent said the chicago police department could have kept this under control. why did they control it after the event was cancelled, we saw the video of the officer hit in the head there and people on stage and those weren't uniformed officers controlling that man on stage. did they take control at some point? >> well, what the superintendent said was that actually the chicago police was responsible for securing the area outside of the venue. they had 200 officers stationed outside. inside the venue, you had a private security and also had university of illinois chicago police. they were responsible for controlling the situation inside and there were several fights that broke out but ultimately succeeded in getting everybody outside of the venue within 20 minutes. so that's as far as that goes. >> some clarity there. jer my diamond, thank you so much. >> we're just a couple hours now from donald trump's next scheduled rally in ohio. dozens of people are already lining up to seat republican
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front runner. in front, cnn's fill mphil matt says some people were lined up for, gosh, for seven hours just to get in. phil, i'm wondering, what are the conversations you're hearing from people regarding what happened last night in chicagoc walked up and down the line, some arrived at midnight, some people at 1:00 a.m. and while most people were talking about what happened in chicago. there it was a lot of frustration. there was a lot of anger. the perspective from trump supporters echoes what donald trump swetweeted this morning. donald trump's first amendment rights and trump's first amendment rights were violated and protesters were thugs and don't represent people that are -- should be out there fighting against donald trump. that's what you're hearing most from the people in line right now. one of most interesting elements
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of everybody that i talked to this morning, christi is a number of them said we weren't sure we were going to come to the rally until we saw what was happening on tv last night. that clinched it for us. you heard what donald trump said over the last 12 hours, he thinks this might energize supporters and at least here, that appears to be the case, christi. >> so you're there, we can see the people behind you. what kind of security presence do you see? >> it's a big presence and in talking to local officials leading up to the event. one major difference between this location and what you saw last night is this location. we're in an airport hanger off the dayton international airport. when you look at the authorities involved, secret service is involved with donald trump's vents, you have two local police departments, and the dayton police department and then you also have the airport police department as well. something to keep in mind, 80,000 people on average show up
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every summer. they know how to handle big events and have done so. they feel comfortable about where they are. that said, they are expecting protesters. they are prepared for as many as 10,000 people to show up. they can't fit in here. christi, they feel comfortable about where they are now but obviously, everybody aware of what happened. >> the people said what they saw yesterday in chicago, that's part of what brought them there. are these people that support trump specifically or are these people that support the first amendment and want to see what's happening? >> reporter: trump supporters through and through, christi. you can tell by the hats and t-shirts and buttons. these are people attached and dedicated to donald trump and their anger, their decision to come out is driven by their perception that people are trying to shut down their candidate, to shut down their guy they want to lead the
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country. that's why they are coming out more than anything else, christi. >> phil mattingly live there for us. appreciate it. thank you. >> let's bring in mark preston and cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein. good to have both of you. i want to play for the viewers just joining thus morning, what donald trump told cnn's don lemon after the rally, he was asked if he would take back anything he said during the campaign. watch and listen. >> we have had great success. we have had -- we have fantastic support and we have fantastic supporters. we have said wrong things when people were wrong. when people were wrong, we have said some very, very strong things. now getting back to before tonight, when i talked about illegal immigration, i have no regret whatsoever. if i didn't bring up illegal immigration, it wouldn't even be a subject of the campaign, don. >> so ron, i want to start with you and a tweet that you sent
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out last night and you referenced the second civil war, which is the title of your last book. you said it seems ominously l literal tonight with the rally. >> first, look, donald trump has a right to address supporters and supporter haves a right to go hear him speak without fear of intimidation or violence but protesters always have a right to be there, as well and there is a clear context for this, victor. there are months of pattern confrontation and violence at many trump rallies, not all but a steady progress of them and mr. trump has frequently made comments that have seemed to either exonerate or actually insight the violence. we seen a trump supporter th ee marvelled at the punch. >> the underlying issue beyond
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comments about violence is the message itself and campaign. as david garrigan said yesterday, there are elements of the trump message that are as divisive as anything we've seen in a long time. in this country 30% of the electret is non-white and 40% of the population and the images that we see in these confrontations at the trump rallies repeatedly are essentially white trump supporters scuffling with protesters who are usually african american or latino and so, you know, there is a real challenge here, i think, for -- and i think trump's comments are more characteristic than encouraging about taking some responsebili responsibility for a larger message that works to bring the country together, rather than tearing at the seams, which is what we are seeing now. >> let me come to you, mark, with the mood of the event as we see people file into the airport hanger behind you. give us an idea of what you're
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hearing, feeling there from the crowd. >> well, victor, what you see behind us is them going through one of two entrances to try to get these thousands of supporters in but way off to my right is that this line zigzags all the way through the parking lot. we still are a couple hours away from the rally but the line is building and building and building for several hours right now. talking to folks in line, i think, phil mattingly really capitalizes it perfectly. tokes a folks are frustrated folks are going in and stopping donald trump from talking about what he would be like as president. these folks want to hear donald trump. now, several people that i spoke to just a short time ago told me that they were glad that he had cancelled that rally last night and the reason being is that they said it showed that donald trump is not insighting violence and wants to ensure people are safe. having said that, there are
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others in line that said listen, if protesters are going to get in our face, we'll get in their face. this is the political discourse that has traended downward. >> after what we heard from donald trump saying that no one has ever been hurt at any of his events and that they are love fests but we see the images we see from north carolina and from chicago and other places, i mean, i'm just concerned that if there is a protester in that crowd, what the expectation is that this crowd, how will they respond? >> this has been waiting to happen. i think mark would agree. there is a charged atmosphere at trump rallies unlike anything i've seen. i've covered nine presidential campaigns and i think there is kind of this sense of collision. this comes at an extraordinary moment. donald trump on tuesday could put himself in an insurmountable
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position. he is on the brink of putting away the nomination, even as the polarization around him is rising to astounding heights. this say moment to the party. candidates blinked at the opportunity which asked by jake tapper to criticize him. they did have stronger statements, some of them yesterday but this is i think an -- this is coming at really a pivotal moment for the republican party in 2016 and perhaps long beyond. >> all right. ron brownstein, mark preston there. donald trump said he doesn't mind the loud, as he called it, any candidate minds the shouting back and forth but violence is something we haven't seen this cycle or for sometime. thank you both. >> thank you. >> all right. we of course, will play more from donald trump in just a few minutes and just ahead, we'll talk to the panel about whether politics, in politics these
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words actually have consequences. is there a direct correlation between what we hear from donald trump and what we're seeing at these rallies. muddling through your morning is nothing new. ...your nose is the only thing on your mind... ...and to get relief, anything is fair game. introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. powerful relief from your most frustrating nasal allergy symptom* ,all day and all night. hasn't your nose been through enough already? try new rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no more® (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok.
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if you strip, romance will follow. crest whitestrips remove years of stains. try whitestrips and see what... ...stripping can do for you. live images here of the people filing into dayton, ohio there. the airplane hanger where donald trump will be speaking in just about an hour and 40 minutes. this is in vandalia, ohio, on the heels of what we saw last night, violent protests, five people arrested, two police officers injured in a trump rally that donald trump eventually went ahead and cancelled because he said he didn't want anybody else to be hurt. now, donald trump did speak to cnn's don lemon after that v violence last night. >> he talked about his decision to cancel the rally and asked if
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he would take back anything said during the campaign. >> well, i got to chicago a couple of hours ago and we had 25,000 people scheduled for tonight. we'll have a lot outside and inside, a tremendous gathering of real supporters and at the same time, we had protesters outside, which was probably 2 or 3,000 and i met with law enforcement. i don't want to see anybody hurt, don. i met with law enforcement and i think we made the wise decision to cancel. now it's pretty well broken up and no major problems and we made a decision, even though our freedom of speech is violated totally, we made a decision not to go forward. i don't want to see anybody get hurt and you would have had some people possibly getting hurt or beyond and so i made the decision in conjunction with law enforcement not to do the rally. we postponed it. >> do you think -- protesters have been expected tonight at your rally, was your campaign
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prepared for this? >> i think we were prepared but you can be prepared as you want when you have thousands of people, you don't want to see a clash and there were minor clashes but -- >> you saw the pictures of what happened inside the rally. what do you make of what you saw? >> well, i think it's a divided country. i think we have a very divided country, don, and it's been that way for a long time and it's very sad to see. it's divided among many different groups and frankly, it's terrible. you look at a lot of people are upset because they haven't had a salary increase in 12 years. you look at the workers of the country, our jobs are being taken away, jobs are being sent to mexico and other countries and our factories are closing. we have a lot of problems and we don't have a real unemployment rate of 5%. probably closer to 25%. >> mr. trump, with all due
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respect, you think -- >> as people give up looking for jobs, don, all of a sudden they are considered employed statistically so -- >> do you think that's what cause that directly -- >> at the same time -- >> say it again. >> do you think that caused the scuffle directly tonight -- >> i think -- >> fighting over jobs -- >> i think it's largely economic. if you look at african american youth, they have a 59% unemployment rate, 59% and it's -- yeah, i think it's largely economic problem, absolutely. >> do you think it has anything to do with the tone that some have said that you set by telling people to get them out or punch them in the face or they should be taken out on the stretcher. do you think -- >> we had some -- >> what happened tonight -- >> no, i don't take -- i don't take responsibility. nobody has been hurt at our rallies and i've had 25,000, 35,000 people, more than that. we had one the other day 25,000
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in florida and we've never had anybody hurt or certainly seriously hurt. we had -- i don't know if we had anybody hurt so we've had a tremendous large number of rallies and massive numbers of people, nobody close in terms of size and great people but we will have protesters stand up and be very, very abusive, unbelievably abusive and in some cases swinging and punching and swinging and not a good situation and i think we can overall, i think we've been very mild with protesters and some will stand up and usher them out. it's not me that ushers them out, it's the police force and the police have done great jobs. until today we never really had much of a problem. >> all right. let's bring in chicago tribune reporter jeff right in the middle of this. he's joining us by phone. good morning to you and we
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appreciate you getting up early and speaking to us. >> thank you. >> we heard from donald trump that it was the protesters who were violent and some of his supporters who then fought back. was pretty one-sided at least on how this was initiated. is that what you saw from your vantage point? did you witness? >> i was basically outside for the whole afternoon and occasional screaming, you know, protesters walking by the trump supporters waving to get in the event with signs. some of the trump supporters shouting back, build the wall. the protesters swelled after another group arrived at 5:00 as people were still waiting to get in and then, you know, when the event was cancelled, it was kind of a vinegar baking soda type thing. they let everybody ride out and you had both sides really mixed in and you saw a lot of trump supporters kind of walking through a gauntlet of, you know,
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protesters as they left and that's when we saw some violence that took place. >> so we saw some video, some signs there, bernie sanders supporters shouting bernie, bernie holding up signs. how many of them were there? we're seeing two or three of 100, are we seeing all of the bernie sanders supporters? >> there was people definitely vocally probernie people kind of mixing it up out there. i couldn't give you a number. i mean, i probably witnessed, you know, a good hand full of different skermishes but it seemed like a bernie sanders type crowd among some of them. you didn't see any hillary aero campaign signs but there were bernie sanders folks out there definitely. >> we saw the video of the officer bleeding from the head. jeremy diamond says he was hit with a bottle. did it seem like the police at
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least outside from what we're told, chicago police ran security outside, university ran security inside, that they were prepared for the crowd, prepared for what unfolded or they were caught off guard? >> i mean, they appeared pretty prepared to me i covered a lot of the laquan mcdonald shootings and police had horseback cops on hand and kept the protesters separate until the discharge of rally attendees came out and that's when things kind of took a stand. at one point on the other side of the highway there, everybody started running and that's when i think the police was injured and there was a mixup and briefly a hand full of protesters that went on the highway and shut the highway down for five minutes. to me, other than this flare up, it seemed like they had things
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under control and after that things really kind of calmed down at that point. one thing that was kind of interesting is you did see a lot of the crowd shouting 16 shots and a coverup and calling for the resignation of the cook county state's attorney and that again is echoes of the laquan mcdonald shooting. >> so this was a combination -- >> sometimes the protests included there. >> as is common in large events, people come with different reasons to protest and from your reporting, that's what we're seeing in chicago. chicago tribune reporter jeff ziezulewicz. thanks for spending time with us. >> you, too. want to tell you about flooding fears happening today across parts of the south. water at record levels and torrential rains are still falling and this has now become deadly. there's always a cause for celebration.
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two men that share the title of ceo at chipotle had their salary cut in half. they both took home $13 million each. the chipotle bosses got ba base sallies but didn't get as many stock awards. >> so $13 million after the cut. >> yeah. >> wow. >> north korea last contact with one of the submarines they think it may have happened off north kor korea's east coast during a military exercise. they say the u.s. military was
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watching the subwhen it stopped and think maybe when a drift at sea or possibly sunk at this point. >> a south african teen vacations with his family found a piece of plane debbris that could belong to flight 370. he found it in december but his family only contacted officials when a different piece was found last week in mozambique. they are investigating whether it did in fact come from mh 370. the flight did appeared with 349 people on board. >> let's talk about marco rubio. he's in florida today campaigning. can a win in his home state of florida give his campaign the boost it needs to keep going? >> plus, beyond politics, watching the heavy rains causing record-breaking and deadly floods in the southeast and it's not over yet. more storms could hit the area. (avo) how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real turkey and
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donald trump's republican rivals are pushing back against the candidate over the chaos in chicago arguing that trump's rhetoric on the campaign has encouraged and emboldened supporters to become violent with protesters. >> political discourse should occur in this country without a threat of violence. without anger and rage and hatred directed at each other, we need to learn to have disagreements without being disagreeable, to have disagreements while respecting human beings on the other side. >> when you have a presidential candidate according to the polls and delegate count, the front runner of the republican forty going into rallies and basically
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telling his followers, you know, in the good old days people that do that leave on stretchers, i think there is consequences to that that he should own up and take responsibility. >> we got with us justin, republican strategists and former spokesman for jeb bush. good to have you with us this morning. i want to start with what we have from the trump campaign. they don't want supporters to touch protesters and don't support violence, what do you say? >> i think really if you want to look at last night, what happened in chicago, what were the protesters doing there? was their goal? what were they trying to accomplish, supporters of donald trump should be allowed to hear donald trump while speaking without being disrupted.
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i would say the same thing about a bernie sanders rally and the hillary clinton rally, i would say the same thing about president obama. disrupters or protesters should not be allowed to shut down an event. they started cheering when they found out donald trump wouldn't be there. >> let me step in with two things, the same document that guarantees freedom of speech guarantees the right to peaceful protest and the campaign decided to shut down the event, right? >> apparently, yes, the campaign did decide to shut down that event, however, the protesters we need to look at, was their goal to shut down the event? and listen, the first amendment applies to everybody. the first amendment applies to the people that went there to listen to donald trump. it applies to donald trump and i start to get nervous when groups of americans try to shut down free speech. we should allow for more free speech in this country and there is a way to do it where
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protesters can have their say and donald trump and donald trump supporters can have their say and i say the same thing about bernie sanders and hillary clinton and the same thing about barack obama. i wouldn't want any group of protesters to shut down their speeches, either. >> in cedar rapids, there is from trump, there may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience so if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, knock the hell, i promise you, i'll pay for the legal fees. does that sound like a candidate not promoting violence. >> if i were a candidate, i would not have said that and i think that's the kind of thing -- >> is he -- >> say more -- >> is he promoting violence? >> is he promoting violence, no. he's expecting everyone, if you look at what the campaign is telling people, what they are
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saying they are telling people, don't touch people, don't do these things, don't touch the protesters, that campaign is not promoting violence but that's a comment i don't endorse and i don't think he should have said. >> he explicitly asked them to knock the crap out of them. we'll let the watchers make the determination. >> of course. >> just yesterday in st. louis trump said it gives me time to think about where i want to go next. it's beautiful. it's like intermission and the guys that are near the event, they see some pretty good stuff. i mean, as you move forward, what's your degree of comfort with some of the rhetoric that we're seeing specifically out of donald trump himself but through a larger degree during this campaign? >> sure, yeah, great question. i think that there shouldn't be any, no candidate for president should be encouraging violence, shouldn't be encouraging supporters to do that but again,
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at the same time, i think it's important to keep in mind protesters trying to disrupt or shut down political campaign events, who is provoking where they are telling supporters not to touch the protesters but protesters coming to shut down free speech. that needs to be kept in mind. >> you were the former spokesman for governor jeb bush. we know he's meeting with the three candidates other than trufr, cru trump, cruz, rubio and kasich. he's one of the few that has not endorsed. >> yeah, you know, that's a very personal decision for governor bush whether he'll endorse or not. certainly his endorsement would carry a lot of weight. he was a very popular governor for eight years. he said a number of times during the campaign he considers marco rubio a friend and there is
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respect and admiration and whether he comes out and does an endorsement, we'll have to wait and see but it's getting late so we'll see if he does one. >> justin, so good to have you this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> sure. stay close because we're taking you live to new orleans where there is massive deadly flooding in louisiana. and across the southeast. thousands of people forced to leave their homes this morning. also, we're just a day away from the cnn democratic town hall. bernie sanders and his supporters seem to score a big victory in ohio. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. we broabout this new car. to get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw.
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44 minutes after the hour and four people have been killed as storms hit louisiana. 400 homes are flooded across the state of mississippi. >> water levels we understand still dangerously high. cnn's nick valencia joining us live from new orleans. nick, what are you seeing there? >> good morning. this region is hammered by rain. three people's lives claim, four of them here in louisiana. from texas to tennessee, thousands of residents across six states have been effected by historic rainfall this woman had to be carried out of the water after driving her car into a flooded rode no memphis. the state's governor called the national guard. >> obviously, this is a serious weather event, serious enough the entire state has been declared an emergency. >> reporter: tara morris shot
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this video in west monroe of a houseboat that brooke loose and floated away. there was nearly two feet of rain in the worst parts of the state. >> we weren't prepared for none of this. >> reporter: sheriffs in hammond, louisiana, went door to door by boat to rescue. more than 100 people had to be evacuated due to the rising flood waters. >> if y'all need anything, call 911. >> reporter: with more severe weather in the southeast, flash flooding will remain throughout the weekend especially for south and coastal mississippi. >> in mississippi, two boaters on a fishing vessel are still missing. they were last seen on thursday morning. the search will continue later this morning. victor, christi? >> nick valencia, thank you so much. >> still ahead, donald trump set to headache his very first appearance in just a little less than couple -- well, i guess
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about an hour and 15 minutes now. >> yeah. >> violence erupted at his chicago rally overnight. how his democratic rivals now are seizing this as an opportunity to talk about his campaign's rhetoric. >> israel's military are conducting more air strikes, we'll tell you who they are targeting. humanitarian crisis in ukraine is disappearing from headlines. people are still suffering how. how the jewish communities have come together to take on poverty in a struggling nation. >> political unrest and decline have hit ukraine's poor hard. residents struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy but thousands of elderly, young and displaced families can't afford the basics. >> they really do not have any other chances, and it's really challenging. >> reporter: winter presents the
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washington. >> well, let me say that bernie sanders himself really weighed in on the issues in chicago and he talked about it a little bit last night and almost lecturing donald trump about how he should handle this controversy. listen. >> rallies and events are part of american democracy. i do not want to see people man handled or beaten up or afraid to go to a rally and i hope mr. trump speaks out forcefully and tells supporters that is not what the american political process is about. >> reporter: hillary clinton also talked about it in a statement she put out invoking what happened at the charleston ma massacre. she said last year in charleston, an evil man walked into a church and murdered nine people. the families of the victims came together and melted hearts and the confederate flag came down.
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that should be the model to over coal painful divisions in the country. the democrats have a lot to say about what went on in chicago last night. >> it's interesting, hillary clinton, i mean, she's not had an easy week and probably dare i say, you know, she might be thankful we're turning the tables here a bit and looking at something else after comments she made about nancy region that didn't sit well with some people. >> reporter: it did not sit well and there are a lot of people in the from geese sieve side that say hillary clinton should have known better so what happened was she did an interview essentially saying among other things that nancy regan and the regan administration back in the day helped create a national conversation around aids and hiv when in fact, the people on the aids and hiv track say the regan
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administration really was very slow to come to the table on this controversy. so hillary clinton was forced to put out another statement clarifying the regans did not in fact do all that she suggested they did back in the day on aids and hiv, christi. >> yeah. and did come out and apologize for those comments, as well. should point out hillary clinton is in ohio today with kasich and trump. joe johns, thank you so much. we appreciate it as the campaign continues. don't forget to tune into the cnn del nrks nrkcnn democra town hall. >> donald trump cancelled that event last night in chicago after the clashes between protesters and supporters but take a look here. live pictures as the crowd here in ohio in this hanger continues to grow.
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thousands of people there waiting for donald trump. he's expected to arrive and speak at 10:00 eastern. we're told the first person got in line to get inside the hanger at midnight, nearly nine hours ago. we'll of course watch this rally and bring it to you live, at least a portion of it. stay with us. ld makes you wish.. could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better. for crash survival, subaru has developed ours most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not toyota. not ford or any other brand.
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actually motivated some of the people there today to show up. >> yeah, trump is scheduled to be there at 10:00 eastern, about an hour from now. we'll be back at 10:00 eastern. but right now stay with us for smerconish. ♪ ♪ i'm michael smerconish. it's getting scary out there. is this a presidential race or uncivil war? in chicago last night, angry confrontations between supporters and protesters at a donald trump rally, things quickly spiralled out of control. police had to intervene. the event postponed. and now, you're looking at a packed trump rally in ohio that begins in about an hour, unprecedented heavy security, five law enforcement groups
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