tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 14, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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good evening. 9:00 p.m. winner take all florida and ohio. we are fast approaching super tuesday part 3 which unlike "jaws 3" and godfather part 3 promises to be a compelling sequel. before the most compelling story line is donald trump. we begin with that and cnn's jim acosta. >> reporter: one day before what's likely to be the biggest super tuesday yet, donald trump just wants his critics to feel the love. >> lovefest. >> reporter: as more protesters
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were removed from another trump rally, this time in north carolina, he blamed democrats for the chaos at his events. >> democrats are seeing what's happening, and they try and disrupt what's happening. it's not a big deal. they stand up and shout for a few seconds and get whisked out. >> reporter: trump told wolf blitzer the media is also at fault for hyping the violence. >> there's not much violence. let's not even use the word violence. there's very little disruption. >> reporter: sarah palin had choice words for the demonstrators labeling them thugs. >> what we don't have time for is all that petty punk-ass little thugery stuff. >> reporter: but after a nir riot when trump cancelled his rally in chicago, that protester who tried to confront trump in ohio -- and the police pepper spraying demonstrators in kansas city, the other republican candidates are worrying their party could face a grim future.
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>> if donald trump is the nominee, we're going to lose. he's inciting anger and frustration. >> reporter: republicans may not have much of a choice if trump sweeps the five big states up for grabs tuesday. slowing trump's moment num florida won't be easy for marco rubio who is predicting an upset win. >> tomorrow is the day. tomorrow is the day we're going to shock the country. >> reporter: looking much better in his home state is ohio governor john kasich. he's also railing against trump with the help of former gop nominee mitt romney. >> leadership is not encouraging a toxic environment where we blame one group because of the failure of another. this country is not about us tearing one another down. or having fist fights at campaign rallies. >> bimbo, dog, fat pig. real quotes from donald trump about women. >> reporter: an anti-trump superpac is piling on with this ad portraying him as offensive
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to women voters. >> if donald trump is the nominee, he is a disaster. >> reporter: ted cruz is in agreement. he just differs on how to stop him. arguing kasich and rubio just don't have a shot at the nomination. >> with kasich, it's mathem mathematically impossible. he knts beat donald trump. a vote for john kasich or marco rubio is a vote that's thrown away. >> jim acosta joins us now. the stakes are enormous for the republican candidates tomorrow. >> that's right. they are enormous. rubio win in florida, although it may not be very likely coupled with a kasich victory would rewrite the narrative of this campaign signaling that trump may not have the delegates necessary to clinch the nomination. if you look at it from the opposite direction, a clean sweep for donald trump would clear away much of the field leaving a wounded ted cruz all by himself as the last anti-trump candidate standing. donald trump is feeling the
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pressure in ohio. he just wrapped up this event at the youngstown airport. he went after kasich. said he can't make america great again. donald trump certainly knows what's at stake here. he cannot beat kasich in ohio, it becomes a muddle after that. who knows how long all this can last. it could go on for several months, into the summer, if it isn't ended decisively. >> more on donald trump. the claims he makes and how they square with the facts. the guy that rushed the stage on saturday. afterwards trump accused him of having links to isis showing him holding an assault rifle with an isis flag and arabic music. the video which uses footage from the 20-15 anti-racism protest did show people stepping on the flag and was obviously doctored. here's what's trump said. >> okay, you just -- look. well, was it a hoax that he's
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dragging the flag? that looked like the same man to me. he was dragging a flag along the ground and playing a certain type of music and supposedly there was chatter about isis. what do i know about it. all i know about it is what's on the internet. >> the man's arrest report makes no mention of isis ties or terrorism. he is out on bail which certainly suggests whatever else he is he's not a terrorist and this is not an isolated occurrence. donald trump saying something that turns out to be untrue. here's tom foreman with a quick reality check covering just a single day. >> reporter: one day, three rallies, four interviews and enough questionable statements to cover them all. trump on violence on the campaign trail. >> how many people have been injured at my rallies? zero. zero. >> reporter: false. certainly most of his rallies are peaceful but the pictures lately are indisputable. no serious injuries, but people have been hurt. >> and i don't condone violence.
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>> reporter: perhaps that's a matter of opinion. >> i'd like to punch him in the face. knock the crap out of him, would you? >> reporter: trump on a quarter of the world's 1.6 billion muslims who he says want to go to war. >> something like 27% are really militant about going after things. >> reporter: false. intelligence analysts say more like a tiny fraction of 1% who are interested in jihad. trump on the iran nuclear deal. >> we give a terror nation, iran, $150 billion. we get nothing. >> reporter: false. even if you put aside the down sizing of their nuclear program,u ran will merely get access to its own assets frozen o overseas, not u.s. taxpayer money. >> reporter: trump on a lawsuit over his business school. >> they are trying to get money. i don't settle cases. >> reporter: false. trump has settled some lawsuits,
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and -- >> i never went bankrupt. >> reporter: that's true in his personal finances but false for his casino businesses which have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. many politicians, including trump's republican and democratic rivals sometimes make deceitful statements. but in speech after speech, debate after debate, trump has made many statements that's are also or misleading. and it happens when he goes after his opponents too. trump on marco rubio. >> he's weak. very weak on illegal immigration. wants to give amnesty to everybody. >> reporter: false. rubio helped draft legislation to let those who entered illegally earn citizenship but that's not blanket amnesty, and it's certainly not for everyone. trump on ohio governor john kasich -- >> we have a man that voted for nafta. nafta's destroyed ohio. >> reporter: false. ohio and the rest of the rust belt has suffered but widely
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disagree about whether nafta is to blame. many saying the recession is more at fault. trump on ted cruz -- >> he was a canadian citizen until 16 months ago. >> reporter: cruz was born in canada giving him automatic citizenship. which he says he was unaware of most his life and has renounced. but cruz also had an american mother making him a u.s. citizen. which trump fails to mention. and trump on the polls -- >> i lead with hispanics, with women, i lead weith very well educated. >> reporter: maybe in small parts of some places but over all, no. a single day all those falsehoods and accusations. >> that's is politics. i say bad things about people and they say bad things about me. >> reporter: and this is true. for trump, it is working. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> let's talk with our panel. ross, it is interesting. we've all done interviews with trump and challenged him on
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facts. >> i haven't, but -- >> i have. it's -- i've never really interviewed anyone quite like him. he's a brilliant marketer. in real estate, i guess it's normal to inflate numbers and trumpet things, no pun intended. in the world of politics you rarely see someone do it as regularly as donald trump. >> in defense of donald trump, i'd say about 50% of what we just saw in that clip is actually normal politician speak. like nafta destroying ohio. economists debate but politicians say things like that all the time. same with the attack on rubio being amnesty. the other 50% is a mix of what you are describing. it's that's art of the deal, say something big and work out the details later. and a kind of people have compared it to like chain e-mails on the internet where he's telling a story he's heard
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somewhere, the guy being in isis. he tells the story about the american general in the philippines using -- and that's, i think, that is what is unique to trump. this sort of i've heard something somewhere, it fits my narrative. i'm just going to spit it out. >> or i retweet it, which is what's occurred with -- i think the one sentence that you might not want to hear from a presidential candidate is, all i know is what is on the internet. which is, i believe, what he said. >> that's all i know. to be honest. >> kayleigh, we've all spent time with his supporters. this doesn't have much impact on them. it seems to feed a belief on the part of his supporters that the media is out to get donald trump. >> ross said he does speak off the cuff, organically. that's what people like about him. ordinarily when a politician speaks he's poll tested several of the worlds like rubio who felt that con man resinated with the voters so he repeated it.
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they don't like the rhetorical flourish, the soaring prose. they want someone to speak like they'd speak at their dinner table even if it means occasionally you are fact checked and wrong about what you said. they want organic and real. >> it would be one thing if trump acknowledged he was wrong when caught out. he never does. he just doubles down and gives some answer like, i heard it somewhere. it was on the internet. and these are not just -- these lies also have a pattern to them. it's the demonization of vulnerable groups of people. and this has an impact, right? it had an impact when a homeless man was beaten in boston, when a basketball team composed of minorities was yelled at by the opposing trump team when yelling trump, trump, trump. it's one thing if it's just your crazy uncle. it's another thing when you are the likely republican presidential nominee. it has an impact on the country. >> words matter. and for some reason in this
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campaign, donald trump's words haven't mattered until recently. and i fault a lot of conservative media, a lot of people in the media that in the beginning gave trump a pass on a lot of things he said because, i don't know. they'll have to explain themselves later on. but the fact that from the very beginning, donald trump has been spewing out nonsense and things dishonest and flat-out untrue. but he got away with being thoroughly vetted the way he is now. that allows this cultive personality to build to this juggernaut that we don't know what's to do with ourselves because people don't want to hear it. they are more emotionally invested. by acknowledging donald trump say fraud, a snake oil salesman, lies about these things, speaks out of both sides of his mouth. if they say, oh, my goodness, this is someone i supported? then people dig in. and he understands that and uses that brilliantly but it's frightening to those of us where facts matters. out of your words, your heart
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speaks, so does your words. when he comes out and says these things willy nilly and takes no responsibility whatsoever, that should be concerning to anyone who wants to put this person in the oval office with the power of the presidency behind him when he doesn't seem to care about -- >> the normal place to litigate that is in the news media, which i've had the same experience you have. i have the good fortune of having an interview scheduled with him the day president obama released his birth certificate. >> i talked to him after he claimed his team was there. there's no evidence he ever sent any team there. our reporter talks to anybody in hawaii who any investigative person would talk to and there was no detective from donald trump. and donald trump kept saying you'll see what we found. they never found anything. >> he swats back in interviews and then you have -- how much time do you have? you are out of time. if it's not litigated in the
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media, they are usually litigated on the debate stage and his rivals let ten debates go by before they decided to attack him. now that they know donald trump is a threat he was pressed on waste, fraud and abuse. not enough to save social security and he talked about we'll build military contracts and i self-fund my campaign. what does either of those have to do with social security? >> with all due respect, he's got more than $7 million in donations which he himself has solicited hoswebsite which we all know and he's not giving money to his campaign. a couple hundred thousand. he's loaning millions to his campaign which he can get paid back. >> if you are trump, right? the pitch he's making is i'm not bought by one of these big donors. and you come back with that narrative and say you have been taking money and self-funding in these different ways. it doesn't undercut, i think, his underlying pitch. and that's part of -- it's the
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same thing -- >> bernie sanders style fund-raising. this is from the ground up, not the top down. >> that couldn't possibly be less true. the bernie sanders is funding his campaign with small contributions. donald trump is funding his campaign by donald trump. >> they are individual donations from the bottom up. the $7 million, those aren't top down. >> that's not self-funding your campaign. that's the kind of double speak -- >> it's completely difference from what marco rubio, ted cruz and john kasich -- >> the mainstream media is far from perfect but we're -- there has been effort for now decades to delegitimize the mainstream media on the right. when the mainstream media says climate change is happening, we're seeing that in the unwillingness of trump supporters to believe something even after fact checker after fact checker says they're true.
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>> we'll have more with our panel. just ahead y super tuesday 3 could be pivotal in the democratic race. what's at stake for bernie sanders. and hillary clinton is about to speak in charlotte, north carolina. also ahead, the latest on russia's decision to begin withdrawing troops from syria. plus a cnn exclusive. a rare look at the devastation inside the country. one of our reporters, clarissa ward, risked her life going undercover and witnessed an air strike. we'll be right back. if you misplace your discover card, you can use freeze it
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the democrats making a final push today. bernie sanders campaigning in ohio, north carolina and st. charles, missouri. hillary clinton on stage in charlotte, north carolina, also stumping in illinois and florida. one last chance for both to make final pitches hours before the polls open on a day that could be decisive. here is brianna keilar. >> reporter: the final push to another big tuesday. >> i hope very much that ohio will be one of the states to lead this country forward toward a political revolution. >> it is time for us to unite as a country. end deviceness. because we have work to do. >> reporter: as voters in five states prepare to go to the polls tomorrow, the clinton campaign is eyeing the contest in the industrial strongholes of ohio, illinois and missouri after bernie sanders' surprise win in michigan last week. >> a few weeks ago, people were
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saying, bernie sanders winning ohio, no way. well, guess what, we have a good vote tomorrow. people come out. we're going to win here in ohio. >> reporter: clinton is trying to convince voters she hears their frustration. >> i've always been told when i talk to you, i should talk in a very calm and measured voice. but i am so worried about our country and what could happen if we don't band together to elect a president who can represent all of america. >> reporter: both candidates are trying to rally voters by taking swipes at donald trump, making these charges at cnn's town hall. >> what trump has done is like a case of political arson. >> donald trump is a pathological liar. >> reporter: they took questions from ohio democrats. >> there are documented cases of innocent people who have been
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executed in our country. >> reporter: including ricky jackson, a man who spent 39 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit. he asked clinton about her support for the death penalty. >> given the challenges we face from terrorist activities, primarily in our country that end up under federal jurisdiction for very limited purposes, i think it can still be held in reserve for those. >> reporter: and sanders quizzed about his ability to reach across the aisle. >> who is the person that is closest to you with whom you disagree the most on politics? >> reporter: his answer, surprising for a candidate who made environmental concerns a focus of his campaign. >> one of the most conservative members of the senate is a fellow named jim inhofe from oklahoma. and jim is a climate change denier. he is really, really conservative. but you know what?
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he is a decent guy, and i like him, and he and i are friends. >> i'm sure the clinton campaign would love to stop sanders' momentum tomorrow. this could be a pivotal moment for both campaigns. >> that's right. it could be if bernie sanders does well. what keeps him i havably viably in the race. her campaign is worried looking back to michigan where there was that big upset, bernie sanders winning. they afraid in missouri, illinois, ohio, these other industrial states that his message about her work for nafta could resonate. bernie sanders is still trailing considerably in the delegate count. unlike on the republican side, these contests tomorrow are not winner take all. so his ability to narrow the gap level and catch up to clinton is really seen as very difficult for him but you talk to his aides, they say win or lose tomorrow, he's still going to be in this all the way to the
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convention in july. back with peter beinart, gloria borger and john king. does sanders victory in michigan auger trouble for hillary clinton in some of these other industrialized states. >> they obviously hope it does in missouri and ohio. they believe that trade message is what really worked for him in the state of michigan and they believe that it's going to work for them in those two other states. potentially also in illinois. sanders has been clever in tying hillary clinton to rahm emmanuel who is very unpopular in the african-american community, the mayor of chicago. so -- but they're not as helpful about illinois, obviously, as they are about missouri. that is their sort of state with their largest hope of winning. and picking up a lot of delegates in ohio, too. >> if he keeps getting killed among african-americans and latinos, particularly important in florida, it won't matter if he wins a small victory in a state like ohio.
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you saw he came out with fewer delegates because hillary clinton destroyed him in mississippi. you can't win a democratic nomination unless you get a healthy share of the african-american vote. and so far, although a little better in michigan, bernie sanders still hasn't gotten over that hump. >> after earlier in the show, i showed the map. a bunch of sanders supporters in oregon, washington and california were saying, hey, wait. when he gets out here, he will win big. he may, but it may not matter. the reason tomorrow is so important is she's inching away, pulling away in the delegate math, even though he gets a proportionate share. he needs -- if he can win two or three midwest states, that would change the conversation in the democratic race. even though she'd lead in delegates. that would change the psychology of the race. if he just gets one, it's good for him. he's not going anywhere. but her math becomes pretty
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overwhelming. >> they are also ratcheting up their rhetoric against donald trump. we've heard hillary clinton calling donald trump bigoted, accusing him of political arson, essentially inciting mob violence. bernie sanders saying he's a pat pathological liar. is that a smart move? >> doesn't hurt. >> if you are trying to motivate the african-american part of the party. >> you have a race going on divisive in the republican party. you want to point out the likely republican nominee is somebody they should despise, which is what they are both doing. >> this will be particularly important for hillary clinton if she's the nominee. can she bring out the young people and the african-americans that barack obama brought out. she's not as inspiring as obama, but the great thing about running against a donald trump is he really makes the case for turning out for you. >> no reason for sanders, no matter how he does in these states, assuming he's not
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getting the nomination, there's no reason for him to drop out before the convention. >> he has the money to stay in, an energized base. he believes the rigged economy is important to him. more liberals -- there's no reason to get out. there's a question, though, he's been very tough, even tougher since michigan because he sees there's an opportunity in the midwest. if he has a convincing night does he step back a bit or not? that's a question. >> and he would endorse her. eventually that will be a united party whereas on the republican side, not so much. >> more to talk about, including marco rubio in florida where he's hoping to win -- to turn win or go home into go home and win. we'll be right back. doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear.
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sign that rubio faces the toughest test of his campaign. more from randi kaye. >> and the next president of the united states, marco rubio! >> reporter: florida senator marco rubio on the eve of super tuesday still digging deep for momentum in his home state. >> no doubt an important day for us and for me and my campaign. >> reporter: hundreds packed this gymnasium at a christian school where rubio supporters say they're praying for him. >> why do you think there's still hope for him given that he's only won three contests? >> i think god can make anything happen. i believe in miracles. >> would it take a miracle for him to win, do you think? >> maybe. >> reporter: many here don't believe rubio has given up and neither have they. this is do or die for marco rubio at this point. are you hopeful? >> yes. i'm always hopeful. that's the whole point of this campaign. that's one of his messages. stay hopeful and keep going.
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>> reporter: kathryn ford likes rubio because her family is from cuba, too. >> i love his stance on immigration. my mom and family are all from cuba. their dream was to build a life here. his stance on regulating it but still having that dream out there for people that want to do it legally is, i think, a great message. >> reporter: while some polls show trump leading rubio in florida, his supporters aren't paying much attention. >> he's always been behind the polls. it's kind of like which poll? >> and you think he can always pull it out? >> he has. because people when they meet him and really listen to the issues, then they support him. >> reporter: rubio has said he plans to hit the road and keep campaigning after florida. but if he doesn't win his home state, his campaign could have a tough decision to make. would you want him to drop out if he doesn't win florida? >> depends on how he does. i've never thought about that, quite frankly.
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>> because you want him to win. >> i want him to win. >> i don't think he should drop out. god can make anything happen. >> reporter: what if he doesn't win florida. would you want him to drop out? >> i want him to stay in but that's his decision. and i think that he will make the right decision. >> reporter: regardless, his supporters are split on whether or not they would support the republican nominee if it's donald trump. >> if donald trump is the nominee, would you support him? >> no, i would not. >> you would not vote republican? >> no, i would not. >> would you stay home on election day? >> yes, i would. >> if donald trump wins the nomination, could you support donald trump? >> i would support the nominee. >> did anyone tell you they'd vote democratic if trump was the nominee, not rubio? >> yes, one woman told me if donald trump is the republican nominee, she would vote democratic but only if bernie sanders is the democratic nominee. she would not vote for hillary
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clinton, she says. in no way are his supporters ready to count out marco rubio. they still think he can win his home state of florida on super tuesday. he's been working hard in southern florida, what's he calls home. he thinks that will help balance out donald trump's popularity. he's also been working in the i-4 corridor. a large population of puerto ricans. he won puerto rico. he's hoping that would also possibly help propel him to a big win on super tuesday. we'll find out tomorrow night. >> randi, thanks. coming up, more on donald trump and the possibilities of what may happen tomorrow. we'll also get a report from our clarissa ward on the ground in syria. we'll be right back. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to her current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently.
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chicago. >> let's address yesterday, should we? >> [ bleep ]. >> the people that came there were so nice. they were taunted. they were harassed by these other people. my people are great. it's these people that are the problem. i hope these guys get thrown into a jail. do we love our protesters? right? we love our protesters. get him out of here. get him out. >> the republican front-runner has denied there's violence at his events and even called them a lovefest. joining me daryl scott from the new spirit revival center in cleveland heights, ohio. back with us is ross douthead.
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you introduced donald trump at the rally a day after the violence in chicago. he said he should get credit and not scorned for how he handles riots at his rallies. he's encouraged others when somebody throws something to punch them. he's considering paying the legal fees for a guy to sucker punch an african-american man at his rallies. do you really believe he's a unifier after all of that? >> i believe a lot of mr. trump's comments are overblown. >> how is it overblown? >> he says a lot of things people think. the climate of america, in fact, the climate of the entire planet is if we go to a public event, the people that attend public events do not want to be disturbed. there's a potential for violence there. if you are at the movie theater and somebody starts making noise, you tell them to be quiet. if they don't, it can escalate. >> does a usher come out before
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the movie and say by the way, if somebody makes noise, feel free to punch them. i haven't been in a movie where that's happened. >> listen, you live in america, if you are in a public venue, a play, wherever, someone begins to disturb, it can irritate you to the point of -- it can be an escalation in physicality. >> right, but those are our darkest -- our deepest like hostile emotions. should a leader be enkwourcoura that. >> here's the one thing i don't see. i don't see donald trump supporters going to hillary clinton or bernie sanders rallies, ted cruz rallies holding up trump signs trying to disrupt and prevent them from hearing their candidate. trump supporters are not disrupting each other. >> right, but you are -- >> it's outside influences coming in. outside influences are coming in. >> you are assuming that those are -- >> -- and trying to disturb -- they are holding up bernie sanders signs --
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>> black lives matter protesters have disrupted hillary clinton and bernie sanders. but you haven't seen the same kind of -- >> and they were removed. but when you see them disrupting hillary clinton or bernie sanders, they are isolated events. with trump it's a regular event. he expects protesters and it can get aggravating. the trump people come to hear trump. not someone that gets up that morning and tells themselves i'm going to intentionally go to disrupt a trump meeting. that's wrong right there. >> of course. political discourse, no matter what the opinions expressed, should be -- >> disruption is another. >> ross, what do you make of this? >> there's a cycle going on. trump faces protests unlike any other candidate. and it's not bernie sanders sending his people. but it -- >> no, it's not. >> but it san organized left wing movement at this point. you saw it play out in chicago. >> do you think trump bears any responsibility?
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>> of course. it's a cycle. one of the dangerous things about the trump candidacy is that it encourages further radicalization on the other side. so trump says something, trump creates a climate. trump talks about how protesters should be punched and so on. that encouraging more protesters to come out and encouraging essentially, if you think about this on college campuses, i imagine the trump phenomenon is creating many converts to left wing protest movements which, in turn, may then go protest trump, gets on the news. trump looks like he's getting shut down. his supporters dig in and so it goes. >> this is escalating potentially? >> i think it escalates if trump is the nominee. it's the pattern you see in many countries around the world and in the american past. we haven't seen anything like it in our politics since the 1960s. but this kind of radicalization, counterradicalization is -- and it's happening on both sides.
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trump and the people reacting. >> reverend scott, the head of the naacp essentially said donald trump's rhetoric is racist. you said that donald trump is not an agent of hate. he's an agent of change. you introduced him saying, i asked mr. trump some pointed and direct questions about race and race relations. i received very direct answers and erased all of my preconceptions. protesters call him racist and bigoted. where's the disconnect from the man you know and his critics? >> we've had several conversations with donald trump and his private office about matters pertinent to the black community. the minority communities in general. we talked about police brutality. he said something i found insightful. i don't know why police shoot to kill. if they want to disable someone, why don't they shoot to wound? we talked to him about black lives matter. he says he believes the reason there's a lot of crime in the inner city is because of lack of
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employment, because of economic distress. he said who can build better than donald trump? >> so he convinced you? >> what do you mean he convinced me? i'm not stupid. >> he's not in any way racist or bigoted? >> i've had several conversations, a lot of personal interaction. he's not a racist or bigot. the first time i talked to donald trump, i challenged him on that. that was over five years ago. i said there's a disconnect between you and the black community. there's word on the street he's a racist. he said i'm about the least racist person. i work with all kinds of people in all walks of life. when i go to trump tower, when i see the demographics of his organization and i see that he has a very high minority representation, and just my interaction with him. he's not a racist at all. it's a tag people are putting on him to try -- it's political. they are using that as a political tag. >> daryl scott, good to have you on.
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russia announces it's going to start withdrawing forces from syria. a rare look inside the devastation in the country. clarissa ward went on the ground. ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion
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phone with russian president vladimir putin after he announced forces are withdrawing from syria. he said they have achieved their goals in the country. that announcement comes nearly five years after the devastating war in syria and six months after russia began air strikes in support of the syrian government. in the phone call, president obama and putin spoke about the next steps to fully i am pli nent a nationwide session of hostilities. the white house says that it undermines that effort. our senior international correspondent clarissa ward went undercover to witness what has scarred northern syria. she's the first western journalist in many months to get into the region, much of which has been reduced to rubble and regime bombardment. i'll speak with clarissa in a moment. first, her exclusive report. >> reporter: moving through rebel-held northern syria is difficult and dangerous. as foreign journalists in area
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with a strong jihadist presence, we had to travel undercover to see a war few outsiders have witnessed. the city of idlib is the only provincial capital under rebel control. this was the courthouse until it was hit by an air strike in december. dozens were killed. this 40-year-old told us he was inside the building when it was hit. his arm was smashed but he was lucky to survive. >> translator: the russian planes target anything that works in the interest of the people. the goal is that people here live a destroyed life, that people never see any good, that they never taste life. this is the tax of living in a liberated area. >> reporter: an hour later, we saw that tax for ourselves while filming in a town nearby. we heard the scream of fighter
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jets overhead. moments later, a hit. there was just an air strike here in the town so we're driving very quickly. it's not clear what was hit but there are still planes in the sky. arriving on the scene, our team found chaos and carnage. volunteers shouted for an ambulance as they tried to ferry out the wounded. for many, it was too late. a woman lay dead on the ground, a jacket draped over her, an attempt to preserve her dignity. russia has repeatedly claimed it is only hitting terrorist targets. this strike hit a busy fruit
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market. >> translator: this is just a civilian market. this is not a military area. >> translator: there are no military installations here or anything. it's a market. look! it's a market. a fruit market. is this what you want, bashar. >> reporter: we couldn't stay long. often jets circled back to hit the same place twice. it's called a double-tap. [ sirens ] >> reporter: we've just arrived here at the hospital where they are bringing the dead and the wounded from those three strikes which hit a park and a fruit market. we don't know the exact number of casualties there but the scenes of devastation, blood on the ground, dismembered body parts and the injured and dead that we've seen arriving here indicate that this was a very bad strike indeed. among the injured brought in, a young boy moaning in pain. he died moments later.
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the strikes on this town that day killed 11 people. among them , a woman and two children. rescue workers wasted no time in clearing away the rubble. in this ugly war, massacres have become routine. >> clarissa ward is joining us now. first of all, just being there -- you've been there before but to see firsthand reports from western reporters, what was it like? >> that what is exactly it. i was so frustrated looking at these grainy youtubes and doing skype interviews. i wanted to get a et abouter sense of what it was like to be under the bombs and what kind of significant difference there was since the russian intervention began last september and the last time i visited aleppo back in 2012, i really told myself, there's no possibility that things could get worse than this. this is already as bad as it gets, as bad as i've seen in my ten years of covering war. but to come back this time to
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see the scale of the impact and the devastation that these more sophisticated heavier russian bombs have been making to see the relentlessness with which they have been targeting, things that are very clearly civilian institutions, hospitals, courtrooms, it just was staggering and you realize that there is, in a sense, a war against every day life going on here. >> i'm so glad you were able to bring that report for us. thank you. >> thank you. all right. we'll be right back. getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies. whfight back fastts tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies! only from tums
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we'll see you again -- just hours ago until the vote that could decide everything and listen to the republican rival. >> you know how many people have been hurt at our rallies? i think basically none other than somebody got hit once but there's no violence. >> one difference between this and a donald trump rally is i'm not asking anyone to punch you in the face. >> hold up your bernie sanders sign. don't worry. you're not going to get beat up at my rally. >> this is
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