tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 21, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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presidential primetime event tonight. the final five candidates tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. anderson cooper and i will be back for that. in the meantime, thanks for watching. up next, erin burnett live from cuba right now. good evening and welcome to a special edition of "outfront" live from cuba. i'm erin burnett in cuba on this historic day. president obama the first president in nearly 90 years to visit this island nation. donald trump delivering a major speech to the largest pro-israel lobbying group in the nation, aipac. trump calling himself israel's strongest supporter, promising to dismantle what he called iran's terror network. getting his greatest applause for this. >> when i become president, the days of treating israel like a second-class citizen will end on
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day one. [ cheering and applause ] i will meet with prime minister netanyahu immediately. i have known him for many years, and we'll be able to work closely together to help bring stability and peace to israel and to the entire region. >> donald trump's comments continuing as he said he would not treat israel like a second-class citizen, something he alleges president obama is doing right now. donald trump speaking just moments ago. ted cruz going to be giving his crucial foreign policy speech in just a few moments. we'll be bringing that to you live. all coming on a day that president obama was cementing his foreign policy legacy, something that is central to where i am right now, cuba, where he is trying to normalize relations with this country. something donald trump and ted cruz disagree with. today, barack obama met with the cuban president. they had a press conference and took questions from the media. the first time the cuban
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president has ever done that and president obama made a bold prediction. >> the embargo is going to end. when? i can't be entirely sure, but i believe it will end and the path that we're on will continue beyond my administration. >> that embargo going to be lifted. the president sharing the stage with raul castro, who became visibly upset when he was asked by jim acosta about political prisoners in cuba. >> translator: what political prisoners? give me the names or when the meeting is over, you give me a list of the prisoners and if there are those political prisoners before the end of the night, they will be released. >> a pretty incredible moment getting visibly anger and aggressive there when jim asked that question. that is the first time raul castro, of course, jim, took
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questions from the press. when he first called out and i heard your name jim acosta, i was not surprised. you, of course, are a cuban american. he was visibly angry at that part of it. >> that's right, erin. he didn't like the question, but when you talk to white house officials, they say the fact that the question was asked is progress. >> i'm going to interrupt you. i'm sorry. we're going to get back to jim in just a moment. but right now, i want to go to ted cruz. i promised you he would be speaking. we'll be back in cuba in a moment. let's listen to ted cruz. [ cheering and applause ] >> on wednesday night of this week in synagogues across the world, jewish people will read the purim, the miraculous rescue
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of the jewish people from the hands of a wicked persian king. when the evil doer haman plots to kill the jews, he describes them as a nation who is scattered and spread out. the jewish people at time were divided amongst themselves and the lesson is when the forces of good are divided, evil can prevail. but when we come together in unity, together we can defeat tyrants. today, we are reliving history, facing a similar time of challenge for america and for israel. but today, i give you a word of hope. in the next few months, we will
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bring this country together first by unifying the republican party and then by reaching out and building a coalition of young people and hispanics and african-americans and women and blue collar workers and jewish voters and reagan democrats. [ cheering and applause ] which will lead to a commanding victory in november that unifies this country and brings us together. [ applause ] and standing together, america will stand with israel and defeat radical islamic terrorism. [ cheering and applause ] i want to thank the delegates, the over 18,000 people here, the 4,000 young people, the leaders of the pro-israel movement who are gathered here today. you will play a critical
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leadership role in making this happen and bringing us together. indeed. just today, my colleague lindsey graham very kindly hosted an event for me here, which should allay any doubts anyone might have that the god of abraham, isaac, and jacob can still do miracles. [ applause ] i want to begin by asking all of us to remember taylor force, a texan who hailed from lubbock, an eagle scout, a west point graduate, an army veteran on march 8th, he was stabbed to death by a palestinian terrorist in israel. the terrorist didn't ask for his passport. influenced by the relentless campaign of incitement that has
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fostered genocidal hatred towards jews, all he cared about was injuring as many people as possible. at least ten people were wounded. the brutal murder of taylor force is another reminder that america and israel are in the fight together against radical islamic terrorism. [ applause ] we need a president who will be a champion for america, and we need a president who will be a champion for israel. [ applause ] in my time in the senate, i have endeavored to do both. in the four years i've been serving in the senate, i've been privileged to travel three times to the state of israel. i had the great privilege of seeing a hospital in northern israel where they have treated over 1,000 refugees from syria
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wounded in that horrible syrian civil war, have done so free of charge, showing the heart and character of the people of israel. [ applause ] when the nation of iran named as their ambassador to the united nations a known terrorist who participated in holding americans hostage in the late 1970s, people in washington said there was nothing we could do. well, i was proud to introduce legislation barring him from coming to america. that legislation passed the senate 100-0. it passed the house 435-0. and it was signed into law by president obama. [ applause ] when israel was facing relentless rocket attacks from
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hamas and the prayers of all of us and people across the world were with israel, prime minister netanyahu powerful observed we are using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they are using their civilians to protect their missiles. i entirely agree with prime minister netanyahu as hamas would place rockets in elementary schools. they placed their headquarters in the basement of a hospital, and i would note that hillary clinton in 2014 explained this as follows. quote, hamas puts its missiles, its rockets, in civilian areas. part of it is because gaza is pretty small and its densely
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populated. madame secretary, with all respect the reasons missiles are in schools is not because gaza is small. it's because terrorists are using schools as human shields. [ cheering and applause ] and in response to this atrocity, i was proud to join with new york democrat kirsten gillibrand in authoring a resolution in harboring missiles in schools as a war crime and that passed. we saw the obama administration cancel civilian airline nights in the nation of israel. when that happened, i publicly ask the question did this
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administration just launch an economic boycott on the nation of israel. [ applause ] the administration does not ban flights into pakistan, does not ban nights into yemen, does not ban flights into afghanistan. did not ban flights to the ukraine. so why exactly was a dis disproportionate sanction put on israel because a rocket fell near one of the safest airports in the world? why was that time to coincide with john kerry arriving in the middle east with $47 million for gaza that would inevitably end up with hamas terrorists. when i asked that question,
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within hours the state department was being asked is this an economic boycott of israel. the state department said that question is ridiculous. we refuse to answer. i responded, fine. i will place a hold on every nominee to the state department. shortly thereafter former new york mayor michael bloomberg rode a civilian airliner from london to tel aviv demonstrating it was safe to fly to israel. [ cheering and applause ] and as a result of mayor bloomberg's efforts and my efforts and that of millions of others, the heat and light of attention became too much on this administration and within 36 hours this administration lifted its ban on civilian flights to israel. looking forward as president, i
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will lead very, very differently from the current administration. [ cheering and applause ] imagine just a few years ago if i had come to an aipac conference and suggested that the prime minister of israel was going to come to america, address a joint session of congress, and he would be boycotted by the president of the united states, the vice president of the united states, and every member of the cabinet. that would have been dismissed as crazy, fanciful, that could never happen, and sadly that's exactly what did happen when prime minister netanyahu came to address congress. [ applause ] in a similar vein, my leading republican opponent has promised that he has president would be neutral between israel and the palestinians. well, let me be very, very
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clear. as president, i will not be neutral. [ cheering and applause ] america will stand unapologetically with the nation of israel. [ cheering and applause ] so what does that mean specifically? let's start with today's persian king, the nation of iran. both hillary clinton and donald trump have said they would maintain this iranian deal, although donald would, as promised, negotiate and get a better deal. well, my view is very different. on the first day in office, i will rip this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal to shreds. [ cheering and applause ]
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this agreement gives over $100 billion to the ayatollah. that dwarves the $3 billion in military aid we give to israel each year. it is fundamentally immoral. if i am president, on the first day we will reimpose sanctions on iran. in a mockery of this iranian nuclear deal, iran has continued with missile tests, including launching a missile with the words printed on it in both hebrew and farsi israel should be wiped from the earth. here my words ayatollah. if i am president and iran
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launches a missile test, we will shoot that missile down. [ cheering and applause ] and in january 2017, we will have a commander and chief who says under no circumstances will iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. either you will shut down your nuclear program or we will shut it down for you. [ cheering and applause ] a year ago when prime minister netanyahu addressed congress, i was honored to join a panel discussion in the senate about this disastrous iranian deal. not a single democrat was willing to join the panel, to
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sit alongside someone who witnessed the horrors of the holocaust, who brings a moral weight and gravity second to none. it was both powerful and humbling, and i am convinced after this election the american people will stand and say together never again means never again. [ applause ] on my very first day in office, i will begin the process of moving the american embassy in israel to jerusalem, the once and eternal capital of israel. [ cheering and applause ] now i recognize for years a whole lot of presidential candidates, both republicans and democrats, have said that. indeed, i recognize some
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candidates have said that standing here today. here's the difference. i will do it. [ applause ] and as president, i will do everything in my power to ensure that anyone who provides financial support to the bds movement, including schools and universities, will lose any access to federal funding. [ cheering and applause ] and to the extent that they have engaged in illegal behavior, they'll be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. all of us here understand that israel is not the barrier to peace.
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it is the palestinian authority in a so-called unit government with hamas that celebrates the murder of women and children and incites and even compensates the terrorist attacks. if the palestinians try to push through a united nations resolution to unilaterally declare palestinian statehood, america will veto that resolution. indeed, i tell you today i will fly to new york to personally veto it myself. [ cheering and applause ] now, some have asked, why on earth did a cuban american texan become one of the leading defenders of israel in the
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united states congress. well, i would say there are several reasons. first of all, i understand that standing with israel benefits aerica. [ applause ] israel is a liberal democracy that shares our values. israel is a steadfast and loyal ally and our military aid to israel is not charity. it is rather furthering the vital national security interests of the united states of america whether it is missile defense from iron dome to david sling or intelligence or military cooperation. israel provides an enormous benefit to keeping america safe and protecting us from radical islamic terrorists. [ applause ] but on a very personal level, for me, much of my view of israel is framed by my family
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story. my father was born and raised in cuba. as a kid, he fought in the cuban revolution. he was imprisoned. he was tortured. my father fled cuba in 1957. when he came to america, he had nothing. he had $100 sewn into his underwear and he washed dishes making 50 cents an hour. he paid his way through school. he went on to start a small business. when i was a kid, my dad used to say to me over and over again, when i faced oppression in cuba, i had a place to flee to. if we lose our freedom here, where do we go? and i will tell you it is an incredible blessing the to be the child of an immigrant who fled oppression and came to america seeking freedom. there is one other nation on earth like the united states of
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america that was created as on oasis, as a beacon of hope and that is israel. it is a beacon of light to the world. [ cheering and applause ] and all of us here understand, as ronald reagan did, that peace is achievable only through strength. this is what israel understands when you are surrounded by neighbors who would drive you into the sea. somehow you don't have time for political correctness. [ applause ] weakness is provocative. appeasement increases the chance of military conflict.
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indeed, i believe this iranian nuclear deal is munich in 1938 and we risk once again catastrophic consequences to allowing a homicidal maniac to acquire the tools to murder millions. [ applause ] the way to avoid conflict is to stand up to bullies, and it is worth remembering that this same nation, iran, in 1981 released our hostages the day ronald reagan was sworn into office. [ cheering and applause ] that is the difference. a strong commander and chief can make. together, standing as one, we can and will do it again. thank you. god bless america.
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>> ted cruz with major, major applause there at his speech at that crucial aipac conference, talking about israel. also, of course, talking a little bit about cuba where i am tonight. i want to go straight to donald trump supporter jeffrey lord. donald trump spoke moments ago at aipac ahead of ted cruz. ambassador orren, at times these speeches are competitive. ted cruz says the difference is everyone says they'll move the embassy to jerusalem and i will do it. who gave the better speech? >> reporter: i have to say they all gave outstandingly pro-israel speeches. in israel, i'm the person who has to explain what's going on
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behind us and it's been difficult for me. they keep on asking in israel what are donald trump's policies. i have to say the three hardest words any politician can say is i don't know. tonight, he gave his first presidential speech on issues relating to israel and the middle east. he was unequivocal in all positions. as someone who represents israel abroad, he basically gave all the talking points, whether it be moving the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem to holding the palestinians accountable for terror. everything. it makes my job easier. it probably makes republicans jobs harder because now they have a candidate who comes out very specifically on policy issues. >> and before i talk about who means it. from your perspective, do you trust donald trump that he means it? ted cruz has been saying these
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things for quite sometime. donald trump on the iran deal last august, for example, says others want to rip that deal up. i would take a bad contract and enforce it and try to do better with what i have. tonight he has unequivocal that he would get rid of the deal. do you believe everything he said in his speech just moments ago? ambassador orrin. >> for me, hi. i have no grounds for not believing what he said. again, it's not my position as an elected official of the state of israel. again, he was very, very specifically on the policy issues as was ted cruz and hillary clinton earlier today as well as kasich. the differences are, though, the republicans are calling for moving the american embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. they're talking about either
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dismantling or more strictly enforcing the iran nuclear deal. something hillary clinton didn't talk about today. these are the differences the audience of 18,000 behind me are going to be very attuned too. >> obviously, he's an elected official now in israel, but what he just said is donald trump just made republicans job harder because he said all the things he needed to say about moving that embassy, about recognizing jerusalem, about the iran deal, about the palestinians. ted cruz just gave a speech that got a very strong reception in that room, but his job just got harder, didn't it? >> not really because trump is just words on this. look at what else donald trump has said today. he wants to walk away from nato after a 67-year u.s. commitment there. donald trump will absolutely betray our ally whether that ally is israel or other allies.
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he wants a deal. he sees a moral equivalence between israel, a western style liberal democracy, and a terrorist organization, hamas. he will pressure israel to get a deal. he doesn't see this broader crisis we have with radical jihad and islamism that is sweeping across the region. he buys into the foreign policy establishment view that if you force israel into a two-party solution, that magically solves other problems in the middle east and elsewhere. looking at jihadism, everyone realizes an agreement is not going to solve these problems. donald trump gave a speech, but he also bragged about how brave he was to be in a parade. his deeds certainly wouldn't match his words. >> jeffrey lord, i'm holding up something that i've never been able to hold up before.
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these are prepared remarks by donald j. trump. this was a very significant speech for him, and he pretty much stuck to them. how significant is that? >> well, i've been trying to say for a long time here that successful presidential campaigns begin to mimic the office of the presidency itself. every candidate who is on that path, as donald trump most assuredly is, requires presidential style addresses. that's exactly what you heard tonight. he has a foreign policy team led by a superb united states senator, jeff sessions. i'm not in the least surprised here. he is strongly pro-israel. he goes through some of the background. i couldn't disagree with chris more on this. i mean, he is a man of his word. he takes action. that is one of the reasons why the american people respond to him because they know he carries
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through. >> all right. thanks very much to all of you. please don't go anywhere. you're going to be back with me later this hour because we have a crucial event. all the republican and democratic candidates are going to be on cnn tonight. the final five is what we're calling it. it airs at the top of the hour. next, president obama trying to cement his foreign policy legacy today also right where i am here in havana, cuba. you're going to see brave women, brave women that have been protesting. my special report on cuba's ladies and white and the human rights abuses in this nation. and a cuban baseball family. he left on a boat to follow his american dream. i was there when he reunited with his loved ones for the first time in years. we're live in cuba after this. ♪
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what's in your wallet? welcome back to havana, cuba. president obama in a major moment for his foreign policy legacy following through on a big portion of it. in his words, getting the ball rolling on normalizing relations. he says he is going to lift the embargo and he wants to make it so that whoever follows him in the white house, if it is a republican, ted cruz, donald trump, john kasich, would not be
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able to turn back the clock on changing the cuban situation. the president shared the stage with the cuban president raul castro today. an unprecedented joint press conference. the cuban leader has never done that. in the unusual position of having to listen to the media and respond. the president laying a wreath at the memorial of jose marti. jim acosta joins me again. jim, when you hear the republican candidates right now in washington talking about israel, ted cruz talking about how his father came from here, cuba, to pursue american freedom, they want to undo what president obama was here in cuba today to do. >> reporter: that's right, erin. president obama is indeed putting his foreign policy doctrine to the test.
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an adversary is finally showing some signs of progress, even though they're not answering all of our questions. it's a sign that decades old enemies can one day change their tune. that's the u.s. national anthem being played on cuban soil. as president obama joined the island's ruler raul castro in havana to close out this final chapter of the cold war. while there were the usual diplomatic gestures as mr. obama signed a book to remember jose marti, the president also delivered a tough message to the cubans. >> we continue to have some very serious differences, including on democracy and human rights. president castro and i have had very frank and candid
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conversations on this. >> reporter: raul did not answer the question on why his country holds political prisoners. >> why do you have cuban political prisoners? >> translator: give me a list right now of the political prisoners so i can release them. what political prisoners? give me the names. >> reporter: the president is going around congress to weaken the embargo, loosening travel restrictions on americans who want to see the island and encouraging business. jose, a former political prisoner, says the president's visit can provide a much-needed push. he's calling on the president to think of reagan. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> reporter: and demand that age old barriers start coming down in cuba. >> translator: we have to tear down many walls, he tells me, so
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that the cuban people can live with dignity. >> reporter: at the end of their news conference, president castro tried to hold up president obama's hand, but mr. obama didn't seem to share the same enthusiasenthusiasm. the president will deliver an address to the cuban here tomorrow. mr. obama will call for an expansion of human rights here in cuba. he'll be talking in a baseball game between the cuban national team and the tampa bay rays. getting back to that question of castro of political prisoners, i asked the deputy national security adviser ben rhodes about that. he said he's shared nu ed numer lists of political prisoners. castro's government seems to say
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the political prisoners are there for non-political reasons. there seems to be an argument whether they're in prison for political reasons. >> human rights, the issue front and center, even as air force one was landing right here in havana. a mass arrest in havana. women detained after marching to support their loved ones who have been jailed for political opposition to the castro regime. it all began at the church of saint rita, where the women known as the ladies in white, gather every day sunday to protest. this week dozens carried their palms from palm sunday service. these images are disturbing. but it's not the first time these women have been arrested. >> translator: they put me in jail for six hours, she tells
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me, until midnight without close. >> reporter: she goes on to say she was left in an unknown place and had to walk on her own feet back home. she says i want this to finally end. a painful prize, daisy and her daughter pay again and again. they haven't seen their son and brother in more than a year. they say he was targeted because daisy is a known protester against the castro regime. amnesty international says 700 people are arbitrarily detained here every single month. president obama is trying to help. he wrote the group a letter, promising to raise their cause with cuban president raul castro. president obama was asked directly about the white ladies arrest today. his answer, engage with cuba. >> i think if you meet cubans here and cubans meet americans
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and they're meeting and talking and interacting and doing business together and going to school together and learning from each other, then they'll recognize people are people. and in that context, i believe that change will occur. >> reporter: daisy and her daughter want president obama to stand up for freedom. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> reporter: she tells me they're marching for freedom first, for the political prisoners, for the freedom of the country of cuba. treatment of protesters like the ladies in white is part of why some, including presidential candidate ted cruz, oppose president obama's cuba deal. >> my dad was born and raised in cuba. as a kid, he fought in the cuban revolution and he was imprisoned and tortured. as a teenager, my father found himself on the floor of a cuban jail cell covered in mud and
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blood and grime. his nose was broken. his teeth were shattered out of his mouth. >> reporter: the ladies in white told us they spent eight hours in custody even as president obama and his family arrived in havana and toured the old city. they're still hoping he'll meet with them tomorrow when he talks to dissidents. the daughter says we've faced 46 sundays getting punched. they are just desperate to have their lives change. they spent eight hours in jail. right before the show, i spoke with the white house communications director and i started by asking her if president obama plans on meeting the ladies in white dissidents. >> he's going to meet with a group of dissidents, a group of people whose voices he believes should be heard.
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this is an important part of our dialogue with cuba. they agreed today to have a human rights dialogue that secretary kerry will lead later this year. there's a road that we need to continue to travel on these important issues. >> i spoke to several of the ladies in white before they were arrested and one of them said to me she would welcome president obama's visit except and the words she used were he's going to see a whitewashed and prepared cuba. he's not going to see the real cuba and that made her feel concerned that things would not change here. do you worry about that? >> nobody is telling the president who he can and can't meet with. that's why we're meeting with a group that has spoken out and said things not in support of the regime tomorrow. but the fact is there has been a lot of significant change over the past couple of years in part prompted by the president's change in policies. the fact family remittances can
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be sent. that allowed money to come back. they allowed people to come visit. that's changed some of the perspective. 1/3 of the people in cuba are self-employed. they're not dependent on the government. >> when you talk about the change in the economy, that's what a lot of this is about. president obama said that embargo is going away. critics say that's a bad idea. that gives a lifeline to the castro regime or whoever they want to replace raul castro. the president is sure that lifting the embargo is the right thing. why is he sure that's the right thing to do? >> so are 37 members of congress who travels right here to cuba with us. the tide is moving in one direction for bringing more economic opportunity to cuba. the president is positive that's the right change because for 60 years our policy wasn't working. and we believe if there is more internet access, if the cuban people can engage more, if cuban americans and american people
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can come visit cuba, that's going to bring the kind of dialogue and change that's needed in this country. it really has to come from here. it's not something we can institute on any country, including cuba. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. thank you, erin. >> and outfront next, there might be no one happier to be here in havana tonight than deron. he left everything behind, defected from cuba. he's back. i went along on his emotional journey. [eerie music] i am the ghost of cookies' past...residue. gross. well, you didn't use pam. so it looks like you're stuwith me! bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. that's why there's pam.
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♪ ♪soul radiation in the dead of night...♪ ♪love in the middle of a fire fight...♪ ♪ ♪honey gotta strike me blind... ♪somebody gotta save my soul... ♪baby penetrates my mind... ♪ ♪ [cheering] ♪and i'm the world's forgotten boy...♪ ♪ ♪the one who's searchin'... ♪searchin' to destroy... ♪ ♪and honey i'm the world's forgotten boy...♪ ♪
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an extraordinary day here in havana. history in the making. and there's still more to come because tomorrow really the main event honestly for a lot of cubans we've talked to, the president going to a baseball he feared he would not see his loved ones for decades. a had a chance to talk to him about his homecoming. 28-year-old dayron varona has
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never dreamed he'd be the lead-off hitter for an american major league baseball season playing against the cuban national team. wow, he tells me. it's amazing to be back here. this morning cuban fans showed up to watch varona practice. he's the rays only cuban player. he left the country on a 12-hour boat ride with only four other people. it was a decision that i made, he says, and i got to the u.s., and i am making my dreams come true. an emotional varona returning to his home country, seeing his only sibling, his sister, for the first time since he defected. when i asked her what it was like to see her kid brother again, she lost control. i can't. i'm sorry. i can't. baseball is a national obcisisen here. there's a dark side. players like varona end up
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defecting to the united states and often do it under incredibly dangerous circumstances, even smuggled in by drug cartels. the players are leaving cuba and giving up their citizenship in exchange for opportunity. varona who once made about $4 a month playing baseball in cuba signed a multimillion-dollar dool with the raise. the u.s. and cuba signed a new agreement which means players will no longer have to defect in order to play ball in america. varona's teammates are proud to be part of this moment in history. >> he's a great teammate. real passionate and enthusiastic out there. >> first baseman james loney predicts a lot of emotion in this stadium when varona walks on to the field. >> a tear in your eye tomorrow when they stand up for him? >> i think so. >> as he gets ready to leave cuba, he won't stay away for long. do you think you'll ever come home if this is home? yes, i think i will, varona
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says, when it's a possibility, yes, i will come back. incredible to watch that moment. our entire crew had tears in our eyes watching that. we cannot wait to see that game tomorrow and share it with you. "outfront" next, donald trump giving the biggest speech of his political career. did he do it? did he sound presidential? oks r. volkswagen believes safety is very important... so all eleven models come standard with an intelligent crash response system... hmm. stability-enhancing systems... hmmm... ...and equipment for two child seats. hmmm... for those who take safety seriously. like we do. the volkswagen safety in numbers event... is happening now! get a $1,250 volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on new 2016 passat models.
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speaking tonight in front of nearly 18,000 people at the annual washington gathering of the largest pro-israel lobbying group. cruz left the stage moments ago. the fourth presidential candidate to speak before the american israel public affairs committee today. the only candidate missing from aipac is also the only jewish candidate, bernie sanders. back with me, jeffrey lord, a donald trump supporter. look, i want to get to this slam by hillary clinton and ted cruz for his previous comments he was neutral on the israeli-palestinian issue. he also had something different to say tonight about iran. let me play briefly what he said. >> my number one priority is to dismantle the disasterous deal with iran. second secondly we will totally dismantle iran's global terror
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network which is big and powerful but not powerful like us. >> he's going to dismantle that iran deal, christian. that's going to be a top priority. of course, he's been slightly less clear on that in the past. last summer saying, referring perhaps to ted cruz, also to marco rubio at the time that others would rip up the deal. he didn't like it but could find things in any contract and would actually enforce it. do you think he's changing his position? >> he is. he changes his positions daily. he says this now. he said today he talked about the u.n. stopping the u.n. from forcing a deal on the israelis and palestinians. but who knows. he may think if a deal makes him look good as president he will enforce it. he's someone easy for the bad guys of the world to game. people were laughing at him at one point in the speech. he said he knows more, he's looked more and harder at the iran deal than anyone. that was a big surprise to people in the room. i'd say everyone in that room
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including the janitors knows more about the middle east than donald trump does. it's fairly laughable the frequency which he changes his positions and naive statements are quite stunning. >> laughable, naive, stunning. jeffrey lord? >> well, with all due respect to christian, whom i really do greatly respect. i've seen him over the years on television. i think he's terrific. >> it's always a bad preamble, with all due respect. go ahead. >> there you go, with all due respect thus speaks the establishment and elitism. american citizens are a bunch of dopes out here and whether it's of us, we're idiots and not as - sophisticated as the folks who really know everything. of course they know everything so much that we're in these problems to begin with. i would just say -- >> domd trump is taking the establishment position by saying that the united states should basically force israel and the palestinians to make an
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agreement by saying that the problems of the middle east would be solved by this agreement. donald trump is siding with the establishment with ted cruz says is we should be smart at negotiating. be smart, not say we'll be smart which is what donald trump says but be smart. realize the palestinians with hamas in their government will never accept a two-state solution with israel. donald trump is siding with the council of foreign relations ntd hillary clinton and barack obama. >> a quick final word to you. >> would make an excellent vice president. i think ted cruz would make an excellent vice president. and you know for the -- he was asked -- donald trump was asked by wolf blitzer if that were a possibility and he said there have been crazier things. >> all right. thank you both very much. thank you all so much for joining us. i'll see you back here tomorrow night from havana, cuba. we'll show you a beautiful havana mansion that only costs
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$40 a day. the final five candidates' interviews on cnn starts right now. we're talking to all the remaining candidates in the race for the white house on the eve of more crucial contests. >> it's an unprecedented moment. hours after hillary clinton and donald trump launched high-profile taexs against one another on foreign policy. >> tonight, from the nation's capital, the final five presidential candidates on volatility around the world. >> we need steady hands. not a president who says he's neutral on monday, pro-israel on tuesday and who knows what on wednesday. >> i think i'm very different than hillary clinton. she doesn't know anything about my policy. she wouldn't know anything about it. her policies, obviously, didn't work. all you have to do is look at libya. >> closer to home, questions on a turbulent campaign. >> you want to beat donald trump, the way to do it is beat donald at the
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