tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 23, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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states. imagine the excitement and jubilation he felt on that trip. the last text was on the train to the brussels airport. and then sebastian, a basketball player who we learned today had a second surgery to remove bomb fragments and the american mormon missionaries. one witnessed the boston bombing and now this. they're all in our thoughts and prayers. thank you for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. john berman here for anderson. the reasons why americans are being warned travel to europe and face the possibility of more terror attacks. a state department alert came out last night and raised a lot of eyebrows. now we know the thinking behind it and some of the intelligence and other evidence that went into it. the assessment, paris wasn't the first. brussels won't be the last attack isis might have some store. might have broader and bigger plans which is why in the search for answers and fugitive
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suspects in the killing of 31 people yesterday and the wounding of 270 more we'll focus heavily on that. reporting on that, pamela brown. you are getting new information that there may be more attacks in europe. what are you learning? >> that's right, john. counterterrorism officials are very concerned about imminent attacks in europe. this is based on a combination of electronic intercepts, human sources and database tracking that indicates several possible targets have been pick eed out isis operatives since the paris attacks. and the officials say there was chatter before the brussels attacks indicating something was about to happen but nothing specific enough to indicate where and when these attacks were going to take place. but we know that abdelhamid abaaoud involved in the paris attacks boasted about 90 operatives to a confidential witness interviewed by french police. they believe several of those people connected to the paris
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attacks and brussels attacks are still floating around europe. they still want to launch attacks. they've had these plans in the works. because of that one counterterrorism official i spoke with today said there's a constant drum beat and fear another attack is going to happen. >> any specificity in terms of the sites targeted? >> there wasn't specificity in terms of what my sources have told me. there have been targeted picked out but with the specific brussels attack they didn't know that they were going to attack a terminal and a metro station. they just knew there was a list of targets. if they had known, they would have prevented the attacks from happening. you can also get some clues from that state department alert sent out yesterday urging u.s. citizens traveling to europe to avoid crowded places, including sporting events and places like we saw yesterday that were attacked. >> also new information about what intelligence officials are saying in the threat versus europe, versus the threat in the united states. >> that's right.
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so most of the estimated 17,000 foreign fighters in syria are europeans who have this ready made support network in europe that we saw with paris and with brussels. that network is dedicated to the jihad cause. officials i've been speaking with said even if a foreign fighter made it to the u.s. during the visa waiver program there wasn't be that integrated support like there is in belgium, france and germany. also when foreign fighters return to the eu zone, they aren't necessarily checked against the terror watchlist and from there they can hop from country to country. there's still a lot of concern about that and also lack of information sharing. >> lack of information. along those lines, pamela, you have new information about one of the bakraoui brothers deported from turkey to the netherlands last year. what can you tell us? >> turkish authorities came out today and said one of the two brothers who blew himself up at the airport was deported from
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turkey last year and because for terrorism reasons the turkish president reportedly said that he was sent back to belgium last june because they had indications he was a foreign fighter. they said they alerted belgium to that but didn't do anything about it. and the other brother at the metro stop had an interpol red notice that was issued just this past year, john, for terrorism charges. so the big warning signs but today the belgian prosecutor came out and said they only knew these two brothers were connected to violent crimes, not to terrorism. clearly there's this big d disconnect here with the information and also a big question of how they were able to operate under the raisar after belgium was under such high alert after the paris attacks. >> certainly not what the officials in the united states like to see. pamela brown, thank you very much. more on the pieces of this latest attack that give authorities to suspect that it could be just one of many. there is, of course, the paris
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fugitive, his suspected role in these attacks. now the dead suspected airport bombmaker and his ties to paris. with the threat of more attacks to come, traces and moving parts to any other is vital. the missing man in white. the one in the hat on the right right there. cnn's clarissa ward has that angle. authorities still on that hunt for that man. that guy in the hat there. are authorities saying they are any closer to finding him? >> well, that's the million-dollar question, john. so far authorities are not saying anything at all. they are being extremely tight-lipped, reluctant to share any information, particularly with media, anything that could jeopardize the search. the manhunt primarily focused on this man, as you said. we've seen that's surveillance photograph over and over again. he's the man on the far right. he is wearing a white or light jacket, a cap and glasses,
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potentially trying to disguise his face. what's most distinctive when you look at that photograph, the two men in black, the two suicide bombers are both wearing one glove on one hand. those gloves likely used to conceal the detonator. but the man in the light jacket is not wearing any glove. that would appear to indicate that he did not intend to blow himself up. we do know that in his suitcase there were larger, more potent explosives. that suitcase did not detonate but we don't know if there was a problem with the detsinator or he somehow got cold feet. a lot of moving parts here. what we do know is belgium's prosecutors said today there are a number of people who are still on the loose at large, possibly armed and dangerous and authorities don't seem to know yet, john, just how wide and deep this terror network stretches. >> it was a major development today.
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that's the second suicide bomber at the airport. a second one of the suicide attackers has been ideified as najim laachraoui. linked to the paris attacks and perhaps to the explosives here as well. what more do we know about him? >> well, this is very important, john, because he was absolutely the focus of the manhunt as well. we know he's 24 years old. born in morocco. we also know he traveled to syria in 2013. there was an interpol red alert out for him. and he was known essentially for his expertise with explosives. his dna was found in that bomb factory that police happened upon in a raid recently. so clearly a very dangerous man up until now it hadn't been known where he was. now we do know that he was blown up in these attacks. but we're starting to see the overlap between the brussels plots and the paris plot. we know that he was spotted, this man laachraoui, back in
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september of last year he was stopped at the austria/hungary border with salah abdeslam, the other paris attacker who was captured here last week. we also know he was wiring money via western union to the cousin of abdelhamid abaaoud, the ringleader of the paris attacks. essentially layer upon layer connecting the belgium plots to the paris plots and raising important questions about how it is that belgian authorities were not quicker to find these guys, john. >> these are really direct connections. also investigators uncovering key clues around the house, the apartment where these men were staying prior to the attacks. what did they find? >> well, in addition to finding isis paraphernalia and nuts and bolts and screws, metallic objects used as shrapnel in homemade explosives they found large amounts of explosives, more than 30 pounds of this tatp. you have been hearing this a lot
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because this is the bomb making material that isis has been using. and isis and its operatives in europe have been using a lot. and that's because it's largely easy to obtain. it can be found in over-the-count ir things. peroxide agents, hair bleach, nail polish remover. they happened upon a bomb making factory. it's not clear was laachraoui the sole bombmaker, can we all breathe a sigh of relief he's been killed or has this expertise been disseminated into larger groups of isis operators who may be still at large and still easily able to get their hands on this bomb making paraphernalia. >> that is one of the most important questions we're facing, clarissa. clarissa ward, thank you so much. even as new information comes to light about yesterday's bombings, we've begun seeing video of the very immediate aftermath in this case taken by a father, a taxi driver who rushed to the airport terminal
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in search of his son among the dead and wounded. you're going to see exactly what he saw which can be very tough to stomach, let alone watch. it is however, the clearest window into the very worst of humanity at moments like this, as well as the very best. the first thing you hear are the screams. [ screaming ] presumably the wounded crying for help. debris is everywhere making it hard for rescue workers to get around. fires still burning from the blast. bodies buried under the rubble.
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>> the taxi driver who shot this video reaches the food stand where his son worked only to find it deserted. outside the terminal, survivors wait for help. those who are able lend comfort to the wounded. though many inside did not survive. amid the wreckage and debris, a single flower, perhaps a welcome home for an arriving passenger now buried among the shattered
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remains of this terror attack. and all of that at least one welcome development. we have learned the taxi driver's son was eventually located alive and well. just ahead our panel of experts on all the developments today. there's been a great many. later more on the state department travel alert and what it means with summer vacation season coming up and millions of americans planning to fly overseas. ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. and i didn't get here alone.
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the state department warning americans about traveling to europe. manhunted under way. more attacks possible as pamela brown just report at the top of the show. and new information coming in all the time. it's only natural to ask a lot of questions. how widepred is the threat? what are counterterrorism agencies doing to identify and deal with the threat? what more could be asked of them and what should people do when they travel or do in their daily lives. joining us are people with answers.
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paul cruickshank, former senior federal homeland security official julia and former cia officer bob bahre. and paul cruickshank, you've been working your sources all day. give us the latest on what you are learning. >> this manhunt going on for the individual who is on that cctv footage from the right of the screen. >> the man in the hat. >> in a jacket. they haven't identified him yet. obviously concerned that he could launch some sort of follow-on attack. concerned other members of the cell could launch an attack. the paris attacks. this is the same network, same cell behind both attacks. some of the paris attackers that's survived were planning another big attack just a few days later. that was thwarted. there's always concern there could be follow-on attacks. people could get ahold of kalashnikovs or explosives. >> that's man in the hat, is he the key or more people looking at also?
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>> he's one of the missing people. there are others linked to this wider network. maumd abreenny. part of this same network, same isis cell. it's believed this goes up to the isis senior leadership that they dispatched this group of operatives for the express purpose of launching an attack against paris and an attack against other targets. the overall commander, muhammad belkai was killed. and salah abdeslam arrested. this plot could have been twice as bad. they managed to get abdeslam, belkai and another individual. not as many attackers as originally planned. >> julia, the threat is not over. the state department doesn't think it's over issuing this travel alert. based on what you are seeing
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inside belgium with what the belgian officials are doing and europe wide, do they have a handle on this situation? >> i do not think they have a handle. i'm not sure when they will have a handle. one of the reasons why the state department has issued this vague but very different kind of report is, i think it would be negligence to not do so at this stage. we'd be delusional to think the attacks in paris, guys going into hiding for four months, then arrests and another series of attacks was all they had planned, right? the network that has to exist to make all of those things operational and successful is much more expansive than the guy in the white hat or guy we arrested on friday. we have to base this on the assumption that not only are there more people involved but they are now on the run. they are defensive. they feel they are -- they could be disrupted and they would rather die in a suicide attack than be detained in jail. >> things are happening at a
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furious pace. belkai got killed. abdeslam in custody. there's a cascade of events. >> they are related. they are responding to the cat and mouse aspects of terrorism and kourncounterterrorism. after the arrest last week and the fact he was captured alive and is, therefore, talking, or officials are saying that he's talk, that hastened the pace for them to do an attack. you have to remember, these are suicide bombers. failure to them is detention. it's getting detained. failure is not death. so all they want to do is make sure they can execute their suicide plans. >> bob bahre, one of the major developments today was the idea that najim laachraoui, the man believed to be one of the bombmakers for the paris attacks, perhaps making devices for the brussels attack as well, that he is dead. he was kills. one of the suicide attackers at the airport. how significant is that because
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there seems to be a division of opinion here. some say, well, on the one hand it shows how ges prat they are if this man with -- one of the bombmakers, one of the more precious assets isis might have. if he killed himself, it shows they were desperate or shows there may be more bombmakers. >> there are more bombmakers, absolutely for certain. we've been tracking this technology since the '80s. it rose in iraq in 2004. there's a palestinian that showed up and taught the iraqis. and from there it's been further disseminated. paul and i were talking before about it's best if you can get to a place like iraq or syria and test these things at a range, which they're doing. but as far as this master bombmaker, if we get him, the threat is over. no. tatp, hydrogen peroxide and acetone bombs are very, very easy to make. seriously, i could walk you through it in a day and if you were careful and listen and paid
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attention to the security protocols you can make a lot of these bombs. and losing one bomber isn't the end of the story. as juliet was saying, there are a lot of networks out there. we're just looking at the paris attackers, the 13 november attackers who have now been hit again in brussels. but there are more cells out there we don't know about. the europeans, let's be frank about it, have failed utterly in getting inside these communities, mainly north african origin. they don't know what's going on. and the united states all these years has depended on our european partners to tell us and they don't know. they are way behind the curve, and it's a good idea to warn americans if you go to europe, there's a good chance, not a bad chance, you'll get caught in a terrorist attack. we don't know where it's going to be or when but there's a good chance. >> the fact he was willing to kill himself indicates there are more people who can do exactly what he can do out there?
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>> there are hundreds of them ready to die, martyrdom. call it a death call, a virus. or they are fighting for orthodox islam. it doesn't matter what name we put on it. terrorists, that's fine. but there are a lot of people. an unlimited amount of people willing to die either in iraq or syria or in europe. >> paul, i want to go back to anotr one of the developments. we're learning what's was discovered near this apartment where these men had been holed up. a computer. a lot of bomb making materials. on the computer was a message one of the brothers wrote. it said he was in a hurry. no longer know what to do being searched for everywhere. no longer secure. also made reference to the fact he was worried he'd end up in a jail cell next to someone we don't know but we can assume it was abdeslam. >> they assume it was salah abdeslam and they believe that this cell accelerated their plans when salah abdeslam's hiding place was raided last week by belgian authorities.
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did they already have plans in the work? and salah abdeslam was going to be part of that, they believe. part of a bigger attack. when they were going to the international airport in brussels from their bomb factory in schaerbeek, they were picked up by a taxi driver. they couldn't fit those explosives into the taxi. they had to leave a bag behind. that's why they uncovered all these additional explosives. half of the team were arrested or killed. this could have been spectacularly more huge. they thwarted half the plot. >> what is life like for abdeslam in custody by belgian officials right now? >> they don't torture there. they're going to question him. my question, though, is how much did he know? i found these people to be their trade craft is pretty good. they stay off the phone and off the internet. and giving abdeslam, the most
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wanted man the plans for their future attacks is unlikely but we're going to wait to see. clearly, though, under questioning, he didn't give away the plot against the airport or me metro. he was advertised as a key to all of this. i just don't believe it. they compartment information. they regenerate leadership. they regenerate suicide bombers at an amazing rated. >> paul cruickshank, juliette and bob baer, thank you. more details on the bombs bob said are so easy to make. they are making their designs even deadlier. the men who carried out the brussels terrorist attacks, a look at the streets where they lived and were able to hide in plain sight. that's ahead. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant.
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together, we're building a better california. tonight, belgium is a country in mourning and on high alert with an intense manhunt under way. over the past 24 hours, authorities have begun to tie yesterday's deadly bombings in brussels to those in paris four months ago. direct links. many threads that run through neighborhoods known as hotbeds
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of muslim extremism. immigrant communities wrecked by crime, isolation and poverty. one paris attacker abdeslam was captured last week, he was hiding out near the neighborhood where he had grown up. no one turned him in or tipped off police. emma, you've been working so hard doing a lot of reporting on these neighborhoods. what are you learning? >> well, when you speak about neighborhoods like molenbeek, which has emerged as a nextis in the paris conspiracy and now the conspiracy to perpetrate this recent outrage, it isn't just molenbeek. you're talking about bubbles of extremist cells that have shown they can move outside of where the authorities have typically been looking for them. neighborhoods with high concentration of belgians of moroccan origin, muslim, belgian. what you are seeing is all these neighbors have in common. high unemployment,
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disenfranchisement. that often leads to the criminalization of these young men. they end up in gangs. most of the key characters, the abdeslam brothers and bakraoui brothers were in crime. a horrifying carjacking where they were waving around kalashnikovs, a violent act of criminality. these are the young men the networks are going after, taking advantage of the morass. and the problem is that the authorities don't have penetration into these communities. when we talk about these communities not giving them up, it isn't just because the entire community is implicated. that's a simplistic reading. the community doesn't trust the authorities can keep them safe. so many people we've been reaching out to don't want to talk us to or appear on camera. they don't want to be quoted because they sore scared of the ramifications from isis here in a european capital city. >> in the united states, in some
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cities and some neighborhoods we have community policing where cops build relationships with people in the area. is there any such thing there or just an adversarial relationship between the police, law enforcement and these communities? >> there have been attempts at it but they haven't really been incredibly successful. even before these attacks the belgian interior minister admitted, i put it to him. we've been speaking to third, four th generation belgians of moroccan origin. they don't feel belgian. they feel marginalized. this is a community at 40% unemployment, far beyond the national advantage. even he admitted there was more work to be done. at the moment it is an entirely adversarial relationship. but at the same time you're carrying out house raids, searches. you are in a race against time in this manhunt. it's difficult to balance these two competing priorities to bring the community on side while having to essentially use very blunt instruments to go in
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as deep as you can to find these people. >> working around the clock in brussels, thanks so much. we've been talking about the dead bombmaker. more on the kind of bombs he made. authorities fear they could be the first of a new generation, smaller, deadlier, harder to stop. cnn's brian todd explains. >> reporter: it has experts worried. the idea the terrorists in the brussels bombings have managed to develop a new type of device, one that combines the portability of a suicide vest with a more powerful explosive in a suitcase. what kind of flexibility does it give them to be able to pack something with the explosive power of a car bomb into this? >> this is certainly gives them a lot of flexibility. >> reporter: this photo shows the three men pushing suitcases on carts believed to be the bombs. two of the men are wearing only one glove each. investigators tell cnn they think it's possible that each man's glove hid a detonator.
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what kind of explosive did they use? one possible clue is what police later found in an apartment raid. >> 15 kilograms of explosives, tatp, astone, 30 liters of hydrogen peroxide, detonators. >> reporter: tatp, a peroxide based very unstable explosive that packs a nasty punch. this video shows tatp combusting just from a tiny film canister. >> tatp is one of the most sensitive explosives known to the bomb tech community. >> reporter: it's so delicate, experts say, that just trying to make a bomb with tatp can be deadly. but if a terrorist is successful in making one, he has another advantage. >> it can be more dangerous because it's difficult to detect. >> reporter: bombs that are difficult to detect. easy to make. combining massive explosive power with enough maneuverability to navigate
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through a crowded expert. a tactic so good experts fear it will be repeat td. >> the number of casualties is usually high. and the effect the terrorists want to achieve as a result is also very high. >> reporter: does this kind of bomb, these kind of tactics mean that passengers will be screened at the entrances to airports? rafi ron says that would create long lines of passengers at the curb and they might be exposed to bombings or drive-by shootings. what's this is going to require, he said is more law enforcement officers roving near the entrances and near the ticket counters using detection dogs, behavioral screening mthss and other measures and even that may not prevent attacks like the ones we saw in brussels. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> our thanks to brian for that. just ahead, new information on the basis for and impact of the state department a travel
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between the brussels and paris terror attacks and about the thinking behind the travel alert the u.s. state department issued last night. kourn counterterrorism officials say evidence the deadly terrorist attacks in brussels were not the last isis has in store across europe. more aimed at soft targets, airports, train stations, are likely coming. here's elise labott with more on why the state department is now urging caution. >> reporter: with officials warning isis is on the loose and a massive manhunt under way, the state department is taking the rare step of urging americans to think twice about traveling to europe, warning that terrorists, quote, continue to plan near-term attacks throughout europe. targeting sporting events, tourist sites, restaurants and transportation. a dire assessment ahead of the summer travel season. a former house intelligence chair says such a dramatic warning is likely the result of
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alarming intel pointing to the possibility of more terror. >> what's they know is that probably brussels was not the only target set. paris was not the only target set. there are likely other target sets in europe. >> reporter: isis fighters, many trained on the battlefields of syria are returning home to carry out their jihad in the west. sometimesinfiltrating the influx of migrants. brussels has important symbolic value and has emerged as a hub for jihadis planning european attacks. the paris attackers capitalizing on lax security crossed into france from brussels. and the weapons used in the charlie hebdo attack last january were also smuggled from across the border. steps to shore up security not coming fast enough. >> europe is a europe without borders and brussels as the capital of europe is centrally located. that means that it is perhaps a
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platform where people come, meet, arrange, plan and that kind of thing. >> reporter: intel experts say belgium remains ill equipped to tackle the problem. >> noon different police districts. some don't speak the same language. they have a hard time sharing their signals intelligence is very old. >> reporter: the european union with no common defense or intelligence body has failed to share vital intel with belgium and the u.s. >> we're likely to have more plots. that doesn't mean they will succeed. we need to scale up extremely quickly the european response. >> elise labott joins us. how rare of a step is issuing a travel alert like this one? >> it's very significant, john. extremely rare occurrence. when you think of how many americans travel to europe, the state department agonizes over having to issue these warnings, particularly ahead of the summer vacation season. to say to all americans
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traveling to all of europe is risky. essentially hunker down, avoid going to public places. they know many americans are going to cancel their plans and how damaging this could be to the european tourist economy. just a reflection of how concerned they are. they know isis is planning attacks and there isn't enough evidence to thwart them. they have a responsibility to sound the alarm bells as sorry as they are to do that. secretary of state john kerry traveling to brussels on friday. not just to offer condolences but to meet with european union and belgian officials about how to counter this threat, including sharing information about these plots that are going on. >> a lot of work to do on that front. elise labott, thank you. the past two days have been agonizing for the families whose loved ones were in the wrong place at the wrong time yesterday. 31 people were kills in the brussels attacks. more than 200 people wounded. some gravely. and then those whose fates are
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still unknown. they are missing. their loved ones desperate for answers trying to hold on to hope. alexander penzowski was at the airport with his sister waiting to fly back to new york. he was on the phone with their mother when the bombs went off. the phone line dropped. they haven't been heard from since. frebds and relatives have pleaded for information. we love you. let us know you're safe. another says we still have the hope they might be with somebody. andre adams was also at the airport with his wife danielle. they were waiting for a flight to miami. both were missing after the blast. their daughter gigi pleaded on facebook for any news. every tweet, ping, gold ring has us trembling just in case. then she posted this. my mother is found in hospital in flanders, still no news of my father.
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79-year-old andre is still missing. bart migham texted his girlfriend on the way to the airport. he was on his way to visit her in georgia and was supposed to text her a picture of his boarding pass. but emily never heard from him. when she calls his phone, there's no answer. >> these last two days have been something i never thought i would feel. it's been the worst days of my life. i just -- i guess i didn't know how much one person can love another until you just don't know where they're at. i'm just hoping for a sign of some sort that he's okay. >> reporter: bart is a marketing student in belgium. he's 21 years old. david dixon texted his aunt to tell her he was safe after the explosions at the airport. but then commuted to work on the metro and hasn't been heard from
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since. froe friends and family have been desperately trying to find him. they fear he was caught in the second attack. his partner has been driving from hospital to hospital trying to locate him. alean was also travelogue the metro during tuesday's attack. 29 years old. the brussels resident has been missing since then. we're despratsly looking for her. should you have any news, please give a sign. 24-year-old nursing student sabrina fazol's phone was found near the maalbeek station. she has a son staying with his grandmother until she is found. >> our heart goes out to them and hope they get good news soon. turning to the republican race for the white house. a strange twist in an already unusual election. just when you thought the presidential limbo couldn't get any lower, donald trump and ted
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cruz get into a fight about each other's wives. how an old nude photo shoot featuring melania trump somehow became part of a presidential election. that's next. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill.
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threat to his rival ted cruz. one that is as vague as it is foreboding. he's going to spill some sort of unknown beans about ted cruz's wife. this is a twitter feud that's spilled into the television air waves and seems to have started with a facebook ad showing trump's wife nan old photo shoot, sans clothe. these are presidential candidates embroiled in the latest bit of bizarre banter that's become the hallmark of a very strange election year. sunlen serfaty reports. >> reporter: the donald trump/ted cruz feud is getting personal. with each of their wives now being drawn into the fight. >> she is used to dealing with bullies, and donald trump doesn't scare heidi remotely. >> reporter: trump calling foul, claiming ted cruz for a controversial facebook ad featuring his wife melania. the gop front-runner tweeting lying ted cruz just used a picture of melania from a gq
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shoot in his ad add, be careful lying ted or i will spill the beans on your wife. the ad uses one of melania trump's modeling ads from laying across trump's jet wearing nothing but heels and jewelry. superimposed the text, meet melania trump, your next first lady. or you can support ted cruz on tuesday. the ad was aimed at mormon voters in utah ahead of tuesday's caucuses and produced by an aenti-trump superpac. the american strategist behind it taking full responsibility. >> donald trump is throwing stones in glass houses here. he doesn't have a leg to stand on. >> reporter: cruz denies being behind the ad and the texas senator was angry about the allegations and the threat against his wife. his displeasure on full display in his aggressive pushback today. >> it reveals a lot about
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character. reveals a lot about class that donald's instinct is to try to attack my wife and sully her. and that's should be beneath donald. >> reporter: on the campaign trail today, even heidi cruz getting into the mix. >> that didn't come at all from our campaign. >> reporter: denying there's anything to spill the beans about. >> most of the things donald trump says have no basis in reality. >> reporter: while her husband borrows a line from "the american president" to punch back at his rival. >> you want a character to debate, you better stick with me because sydney ellen wade is out of your league. >> if donald wants to get in the character fight, he's better off sticking with me because heidi is way out of his league. >> reporter: lying ted cruz steals foreign policy from me and lines from michael douglas, just another dishonest politician. >> sunlen serfaty joins me. the campaign put heidi cruz out
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front and center to deal with this shows how seriously i suppose they are taking it. >> absolutely. heidi cruz is very visible on the campaign trail. out stumping for her husband, holding solo events but rarely speaks directly to press holding these gaggles with press answering questions. today she took questions from press about this and really pushed back on the allegations as you heard in our piece. same coming from ted cruz. an aggressive pushback from him. aides say he was angry like any husband would be if something was untrue and being said about them. he personally tweeted the first response last night. he tweeted it out from his iphone last night during election night while results were coming in tweeting about donald trump being a classless, in his words. so very clear the cruz campaign wanting to not let this linger out there. wanting to address it head-on. >> a public fight. donald trump doesn't give much up. coming up in our next hour -- back to our top story.
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much more serious stuff. the latest on the brussels investigation. the manhunt intensifies. disturbing new questions lingering about the possible threat of more attacks that could be to come. the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself. so in this crash test, one thing's missing: a crash. the 2016 e-class. now receive up to a $3,000 spring bonus on the e350 sport sedan. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be.
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good evening. in this hour, the grim possibility that what happened in brussels and before that in paris, part of a larger plan and that new isis attacks are actively being plotted and could be in the pipeline. that assessment forming some of the basis for the state department travel alert that came out just last night. it raised a lot of eyebrows and now the intelligence that went into it is also raising a chill. the latest from cnn's justice correspondent pamela brown who joins us from washington once again. what are your sources telling you about potential other attacks in europe? >> reporter: counterterrorism officials are very concerned about imminent
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