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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 24, 2016 10:00pm-1:01am PDT

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hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is cnn's special coverage from brussels live for you on the terror attacks that struck the city early this week. police have been conducting anti-terror raids all morning. one took place in fronts of our cameras. investigators sealed off streets and spent hours inside this home. they've also arrested at least six people in connection to the bombings. officials will decide in the
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coming hours if any of them will be released. right now authorities think there were five men now involved in tuesday's blast, including a second bomber at the metro station. all of this as intelligence points to isis getting ready for more attacks and soon. senior international correspondent joins me with more. lots of activity overnight european time. does that suggest there are more plots in the planning? >> reporter: it certainly suggests that they're trying to root out this extensive network an yes absolutely the fear is that there might be multiple plots that are in the works. let's get to the arrests first of all here in brussels. actually it was across the country there was six arrests in total. quite a few of them happened right in front of the federal prosecutor's office, which is very unusual. we had another two arrests in the city and one in yetta, another part just outside of brussels. so a number of those arrests, we
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don't know who they are or why they were arrested. the prosecutor hasn't given any details, but we will find out whether or not they remain in police custody. there was the raid in a neighborhood and what they had was hazmat teams going in and clearing out something in one of buildings. we don't know exactly what it was, but this is the same neighborhood where they found in one of the apartments there rented by the attacker's a nail bomb and chemical explosive. we're still waiting for details. >> the french authorities arresting someone in the late stages of a plot we understand. >> reporter: that's right. they called it the advanced stages of a plot. what's interesting they said it was not related to paris or brussels and that is concerning because what it shows is there could be individual cells working separately from each
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other. so it doesn't mean that isis is giving direct orders to all of these krcells aened thand that hardest kind of attack to stop because they don't leave any indication. they could have received orders long ago and they're working off the experience that they received while they were fighting with isis or other groups in syria or iraq. so very disturbing development there. >> a lot of concern as well about increasing failures uncovered as a result of what happened in paris and how many people should be better preparation. what are we learning about the failures in this. >> reporter: we've had two belgian ministers offer to resign admitting there were intelligence and security failures. there were a number of red flags here. salah abdeslam was the fugitive from the paris attacks was on the run for weeks, months
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really, and it turns out he was hiding in plain sight and somehow the authorities weren't able to find him. then of course we now know that the brothers were wanted by police and one of them had traveled to turkey, was deported by turkey for attempting to cross into syria. he was deported to the netherlands and turkey claims they notified the belgian authorities. a lot of questions being asked why weren't the authorities able to keep track of people who clearly should have been on a watch list. so a lot of this gets down to capacity however. remember, that belgium has the most fighters going to join isis in syria and iraq per cap i tau. so now what we're seeing is many of them are coming back and t t
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that's a huge task to keep track of these people coming back and could possibly be in the stages of planning more attacks. >> many in the world are looking in the brussels neighborhood of molenbeek. he it's home to a large population that's ripe for isis recruitments. >> reporter: this is the neighborhood that everybody in the world is now talking about, molenbeek, home to nearly 100,000 people. it has been described as one of the most dangerous hotbeds of radicalization. on the streets it feels like a normal working class neighborhood with a large immigrant population, but the problems here are beneetath the
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suff surface. when you talk to people you will often hear people say they don't feel fully belgian. they feel like second-class citizens. molenbeek mom says the younger second and third generation immigrants feel particularly marginalized. >> there's a big community in muslim that are feeling now they are not belgian citizens. the reason of that is first of all the unemployment in belgian because they don't feel that they are accepted in the society. so this is why they feel that they are not belgian. >> reporter: most people here don't want to appear on camera because they're concerned that there's a negative image being portrayed of the residents here in the media. privately though many of them will concede that there is a big
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problem with radicalization in this community, but there just isn't any trust or communication between the local community and the police and that is a huge problem for belgian authorities. joining me for more analysis is a reporter for politicalo in europe. >> reporter: salah abdeslam was captured in on friday. everyone was celebrating thinking we had caught the big fish, the last major lirnk to te paris cell, but police say they missed the opportunity by only enter gating him for an hour. >> over what period of time? >> reporter: over four days up until the attacks and his attorney confirmed that to us. so they weren't able -- our sources say they weren't able to
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get anything out of him about a future attack. >> what's so frustrating is that he's now now talking to the authorities since we had the brussels attacks, so they could have found out something perhaps. >> reporter: the belgian authorities are very annoyed with the french because they are blaming them for leaking out the information that he was planning to kill himself, blow himself up at the paris stadium and they believe that because that information got out during their interviews that it prompted the other members within the cell to act more quickly because they feared that he was talking and he might give up the plot. it was in a way they think it added more momentum to the attacks. >> is this a gang coming back to that issue of security services and different countries not working properly together? >> reporter: exactly. there isn't enough coordination between the national security forces and intelligence just isn't shared well.
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our sources after the paris attack told us that there was a reluctance to share information because information tends to trickle down to the local level. there isn't a lot of organization. they're ill equipped to deal with this kind of national threat. now they've added 400 million, but a lot of people feel like it's too late and they need the help in terms of dealing with this issue so there needs to be less fear about sharing information and more coordination within the belgians in terms of dealing with this. >> thank you very much for your insight. belgian authorities have lowered the terror threat level by a notch, anxiety is still high across brussels and so is security. phil black went to the metro station to see how people are feeling about beefed up patrols.
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>> reporter: are so many soldiers on the streets of central brussels. this now looks like an occupied city. >> it's a little bit like a feeling of war. >> reporter: an intimidating presence, but also comforting for people who are aware of the vulnerability that comes with living in an open european city. >> safe. >> reporter: it makes you safe? >> yes, yes. a lot safer. >> reporter: it can now take a long time to get inside brussels central station. the crowd shuffles slowly. everyone is watched closely as they enter. soldiers patrol in small packs. most people are here to catch commuter trains out of brussels, but the inner city metro is now partially open operating a very limited service for passengers who endure even greater scrutiny. everyone is personally searched before getting to these platforms. there's so many soldiers and police officers at the stations. the security is pretty
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extraordinary and so is the atmosphere underground. a mix of necessity and determination means these people are still riding trains across and under brussels. are the people behaving differently? >> a little bit. they are anxious. >> we all know that we're not safe anywhere. it can happen anywhere and at any moment. >> reporter: catching a train is an act of courage. the metro station is where the most people died in tuesday's attacks. with the surrounding streets open people are coming here to grieve. this woman came to sing. >> just to show that, yeah, that we never will stop singing and never will stop, yeah, doing what we do. >> reporter: there is great sorr sorrow, but some here are making
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a real effort to promote other emotions too. you see it along the road where countless hearts have been scratched into the ground with messages of love and peace. some are determined to respond to terror with hope. phil black, cnn brussels. next we'll take you live to los angeles for some of the other stories we're covering for you this area. syrian government troops are close to retaking a city held by isis. we'll see why the move is so important. plus in the race for the white house an angry and emotion al ted cruz is ripping into donald trump for his attacks on cruz's wife. stay with us. "why are you checking your credit score?"
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hello everybody. we'll head back to brussels in just a moment. now we'll look at the race for the white house which may have hit a new low with a nasty fight on the republican side. both candidates spent the day defending the virtue of their wives. >> reporter: donald trump and ted cruz are escalating their
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nasty spat involving their spouses. >> it's not easy to tick me off. i don't get angry often, but you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that will do it every time. donald your a coward and leave heidi alone. >> that after trump tweeted this image of cruz's wife. >> real men don't try to bully women. that's not an action of strength. that's an action of weakness and fear. it's an action of a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women. >> reporter: fox news angor megyn kelly joining the fray with a one word tweet to donald trump, seriously. cruz blasting trump for bringing his wife in the middle of the campaign show down. >> our spouses and children are
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off bounds. it is not acceptable for a big, loud new york bully to attack my wife. >> reporter: the attacks were first sparked by a facebook ad from an anti-trump super pac, not the cruz campaign that used an old modeling photo of trump's wife posing nude. trump insists his rival was involved. >> i thought it was disgraceful. >> reporter: it now emerges as a flash point between the 2016 candidates. hillary clinton blasted her rivals. >> cannot allow our nation to be pitting groups of people against
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one another. we cannot give in to panic and fear. it's not in keeping with our value. >> reporter: this comes as a brand new poll shows if trump and clinton face off in the general election, 56% of voters believe that clinton will win, compared with 42% who think trump will. while clinton also has an edge when it comes to who would be a better commander in chief she and trump are tied. back on the donald trump and ted cruz feud, the trump campaign is calling for the cruz campaign to direct that super pac with that facebook ad up about trump's wife, they are directing them to pull the ad and the cruz campaign responding saying they have nothing to do with it. let's bring in the assistant
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managing editor for politics at the los angeles times. good to have you with us. this is such school yard stuff. what's next? this is incredible to think this is where the republican race has got to. this is taylored made to donald trump. >> it is. there's more next. we know there are divorce records to go through. there are millions of photos out there. this is a campaign that has already been drug down into the gutter and people have gone to name calling in some of the worst ways. there's a long way to go. i would expect this to go up a lot and particularly as ted cruz tries to win over those evangelical voters who will continue to make a difference in the contest ahead. he's still in this delegate fight with donald trump. he wants to take it to a convention. this is the area where he can continue to try to hammer on trump, on values and his own family. >> why did he keep it going all day long with i think four or
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five separate appearances, he brought it up repeatedly. why not come out and say this is outrageous. he made that good statement where he says heidi is the love of my life. >> partially because reporters are asking him about it to be fair, but he knows he can get to television and every day that they're talking about donald trump and ted cruz is a good day for ted cruz because the medicimedia is only talking about donald trump. this is something that he can continue to fan the flames of a controversy and point out how much he loves his wife and i'm going to defend my wife and don't talk about my wife, that can help him in the polls going forward. >> it's possibly one of the more sort of human side of ted cruz for a lot of people who don't see him as particularly warm. >> you've seen his family be the targets. >> donald trump put out a tweet
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during the day and he said this. i didn't start the fight with lying ted over the gq cover pic. this is what some people say is a big criticism of donald trump, he can't let anything go. he has to counter punch. does he get to a point where he has to start being more presidential or is this going to be -- i think you believe this is how it's going to go? >> he's shown he's a tough candidate. anything he does he has his strong base of support and it's not enough at this point to win a general election based on what we're seeing in the polls, but at the same time there's people that defend him. he can't let it lie, but he's in one sense right. i don't think that ted cruz knew about this ad. what we do know is that the super pac that is responsible for this ad has some people that were afifiliated with carly fiorina. all these people are trying to
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mount a anti-trump campaign. they want to take trump down and the rules with campaign finance now are so squishy you don't know where the money is coming from. so trump is right in that sense, he hasn't done that. >> one of the attacks coming from ted cruz on donald trump is that he has a problem with strong women, there was the attack on megyn kelly and now this. donald trump will be facing -- assuming he's the nominee on the republican side and hillary clinton is the nominee on the democrats, he'll be facing a very strong women on the democratic side. how much of a problem will this be for him? his numbers among women is pretty low. >> it's completely low. when you think you're running against somebody that is running to become the first female president, there are going to be women who are turned off by what donald trump is doing, but there are people in america that says america is not ready for a female president. don't forget hillary clinton
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played into this a little bit in 2008 when things got tough there were poin she is talking about being a grandmother and running to make history. so i expect that will be a continued theme, particularly because it's something donald trump has a weakness on and female voters are very important to a general election. >> it will be interesting to see if it does shape up to a trump/clinton general election where he's punching this hard in the months to come. always good to speak with you. we have some sad news. garry shandling has died. he's remembered as one of the most influential comedians. police confirmed his death, but they have not revealed a cause. he is known for the tv comedies. in a 2007 appearance we talked
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with host david letterman and he took on the topic of mortality. >> you look fantastic. you're life is fantastic. you have the i don't have kids yet and i haven't had a bipass yet. you're way ahead of me. i've got to give it to you. >> thank you very much. i'm not sure that's an advantage, but you're right. >> as we get -- the age -- i don't think -- you have -- you had to fac people are in denial of it and i don't think of it often. when the pope died last year, i thought boy if he can't get out of it, that means it's going to happen. because i thought for a second god's going to say you had two good shows, you don't have to -- you don't have to die, but when the pope died i went we're
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screwed. i know it's coming. my grave stone is going do say i knew this was going to happen. >> garry shandling was 66 years old. back in a moment. mountains, and conquered highways, and now much of that same advanced technology is found in the new audi a4. with one notable difference...
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welcome back to our viewers. you're watching the cnn continuing coverage of the brussels attacks live. now police have detained at least six people in raids throughout the city and the manhunt continues. for an airport bomber still on the run. plus officials say there might
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have been a second unidentified suspect in the metro attack. investigators don't know if he's dead arror alive. officials missed warning signs before the attacks, even the interior minister admits it's a legitimate concern. cnn correspondent tried to get answers from him. >> reporter: a devastating attack, but also one that had a devastating number of warnings. of the five said to be attackers, we know the identity of three and for each of those we know belgian authorities were warned. najim laachraoui on the left here skilled in bomb making and sought since last year. ibrahim el bakraoui one of the two brothers subject of a red notice for three months before the attacks, this one for terrorism and issued in december and his brother and perhaps the most staggering twist traveled
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to turkey last june. he was deported for trying to join isis. dutch authorities saying they got an e-mail from turkey 26 minutes before his flight took off, but never mentioned turkey's concerns. it's so extraordinary the belgian interior minister reviewed the papers overnight and then offered his resignation. >> translator: people ask how is it possible that someone was released early and we missed a chance when he was in turkey to detain him. i understand that question. i cannot speak for a colleague, but for myself. i offered my resignation. >> reporter: it wasn't accepted, but he wasn't answering questions. >> there were a number of questions in which there were clear warnings about the links between these attackers and the potential for terrorism. a remarkable decision by the interior minister to not answer
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questions despite the growing evidence of information being passed to the belgian government between the links of these attackers and terrorism. the number of suspects still growing as are the ramificati ramifications. cnn, brussels. we have the executive director of the european foundation of democracy, a policy center for countering radicalization. there's been a massive failure. i guess that's by definition that there's been an attack and there were some signs before, but you can't follow every single detail. >> absolutely. clearly when you have attacks of this scale, it's clear there is -- there's been a failure of our intelligence, of not just a national level, but ability to
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cooperate among intelligence agencies across europe. >> we heard about this after the paris attacks. >> i guess that's what's making everybody angry. there are some issues when it comes to belgium because the way belgium is structured. >> there are layers of authority. >> there's a complex layer of agencies. much more complex than any other countries in europe. clearly this is a disfunctional system and probably there's been a lot of mistrust in accepting and processing intelligence that was coming from other countries. for in stance the case of turkey because it's obvious -- >> they gave warning signs about one of the suicide bombers,
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right. they said we're releasing this guy. >> yes. turkey gave more than warning signs. gave very clear intelligence and information about some of the -- two of the individuals who committed the terrorist acts. >> did they tell the wrong people or did belgium not take turkey seriously? >> not taking turkey seriously and talking to the wrong people. it's easy to talk to the wrong people in belgian, except that turkey informed the netherlands as well and the dutch authorities released one of the individuals. >> what do we learn from all of these failures? >> i hope we're going to learn something because frankly i had already hoped that today after
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9/11 and the london bombing we've learned a lot, but clearly we haven't. we are paying the price of a very bad policies in terms across europe, not just in belgium, in terms of prevention of radicalization. for too long european governments have left the field free and open to islamist organizations carrying out tasks that would usually pertain to the state. when i say islamist organizations, i don't mean islamic as the religion, but islamists on the ideology. the ideology and those groups were funded by groups like saudi arabia have been able to operate freely across europe and america. >> so it is a case of resources? we keep hearing the authorities don't have enough resources, but it sounds to me to that's
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resources they have haven't been used sufficiently either. >> i think it's a combination of both. when we have funding coming from saudi arabia, there's a lot of money coming into europe, but it's partly a result of bad choices, of selecting and engaging with the wrong groups. when i talk about the ideology, it doesn't really support integration. it promotes of division of them and us. >> thank you very much indeed. hopefully things will change. still to come this hour, fighting isis on another front. syrian troops say they are close to retaking the ancient city from the militants. the latest on the offensive coming up.
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welcome back.
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it's coming up to 10:40 on thursday night. isis appears to be on the defensive on two major fronts. iraqi army has force in the group out of iraq's second biggest city which has been under isis control for almost two years and in syria forces may soon regain control of the ancient city. it's been ten months since isis fighters overran the city and began to destroy the buildings and treasures. >> reporter: after weeks of fighting in the desert, syrian regime forces appear poised to retake the city from isis. video broadcast by syrian state media showed government troops entering the city on thursday backed by russian air power. isis militants seized control last may. they publicly executed the
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city's 82-year-old retired head of an tickties after he refused to reveal where valuable artifacts were being hidden. treasures some 2,000 years old reduced to rubble. this video was shot shot the arch of triumph. it used to frame the entrance to the city. >> when you think of the city, the first thing you picture is the arch of triumph. it makes me want to cry. >> reporter: it is located 130 miles northeast of damascus and is considered key to controlling a huge swath of desert extending to the boarder with iraq. recapturing the city now would be a strategic and symbolic victory. >> for more on the latest
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developments let's bring in our military analyst. let's start with the operation that appears to be on the verge of success for the syrian regime. should the government forces move in and take over, how does that change the balance of this war? how does it tip the equation in favor of assad? >> this is a battle the regime has to win. this is a symbolic city for them, but more importantly it puts the battle against isis. for some time now we've seen the russians supporting the syrians and the syrians retaking territory that they lost to the rebel rebels, but they haven't taken much ground from isis. it looks like it's going the syrian army's way. a lot of this is due to the massive amount of russian air power that's being delivered. we're on the verge of watching the city fall. the problem is as the syrians
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push the isis fighters back, they're going to be going into that very sensitive area and hopefully some of that will survive, but we've seen isis has no respect for these things at all. this is going to be put a lot of pressure on isis because it's going to push them back. >> with that in moo independeinn ancient city. what are the chances that isis will destroy what's left before they leave? >> that's a big fear. we've seen them do this in other places and when they with draw, if they do that, it does nothing for them, but it really hurts their cause i think in the rest of the world. it gal vannizes public opinion against them. but the loss of the city will be a tactical and strategic problem for isis because if you believe that there's a grand plan out
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there and there probably is we're trying to cut isis up into different pockets. if we can push them out of the city, if the kurds can cut off access to the turkish boarder, if the american coalition with the kurds can cut off monthsle from their supply line, now we have two different pockets of isis and once they're surrounded, no logistics, it's going to be difficult to fight. >> this appears to be the start of what will yet be a much bigger operation. u.s. and kurdish war planners believe they need three divisions to retake the city. that's 3,000 soldiers. what's the time line before they can get that kind of strength. >> i don't think we're going to see anything real happen until at least september because they've got to clear out an entire area along that valley before they can get up there. they have to take these cities and hold them and then rebuild
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the supply lines and push everything up that valley and get everything in place. they've started and they're doing this with a lot of help from the u.s. army and marines and u.s. air power being applied a lot. the kurds are helping a lot. they're going to cut off their supply lines. once again if we can sies late them it makes it easier for the iraqis when they get there. this is a long way off. >> looking at the map, when we look at these operations that are ongoing, would you say all of these operations are being coordinated among the governments and these groups? >> one would hope so. i think that's probably one of the reasons that secretary kerry and his counterparts have had a series of meetings.
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unfortunately there's some down sides of this. we almost guarantee assad to be the president because to get this cooperation we're going to have to make a deal with the russians that bashar continues in power. we're going to have to walk a fine line if we're going to get the cooperation of the russians, syrians and the iraqi, iranians to go after isis, because isis is the number one threat. the president said that. that's his number one priority. >> the military side of it is complicated. that's nothing compared to the political side of this. good to speak with you. thank you. two british men face prison time. authorities say they planned a drive by shooting targeting police, soldiers and civilians. >> reporter: the latest
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brittans. this man was the master mind of a plan to carry out drive by shootings together with a close friend. authorities say he plotted to target police, military personnel and members of the public in west london. an attack inspired and issued by one of the world's most wanted men. they grew up in the same neighborhood and attended the same mosque as infamous jihadi john. they had links to isis and he had pledged allegiance to the terror group. police swooped in 2014. they were acquitted of knowing anything about the terror plot. at the time of their arrests he
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was in sudan, but he returned to the uk intent to carrying out the plot alone. police say that extensive digital data they found was evidence that he had engaged on online recog distance of his targets. >> you like looking at police and army sites. >> no comment. >> do you enjoy the army. >> no comment. >> do you enjoy the police. >> no comment. >> reporter: he was more responsive in the trial pleading guilty. the terror plot is one of 40 that has been foiled in the uk since the deadly bombings in 2005. the british government has and continues to bolster the security and intelligence services. the threat level in the uk remains severe meaning an attack is highly likely. cnn london. authorities in france say
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they have foiled an imminent attack on the country. arresting a french national in the advanced stages of a terror plot. they carried out the raid outside of paris. we'll bring you more details on that story as soon as we get them. the arrest in france coincidences to the raids in belgian. we'll go back to where the tuesday's attacks are being remembered with tributes and how an american survivor is honoring the dead and wounded. need to hire fast?
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you're watching the special coverage of the brussels terrorist attacks. the devastating pain, that's what the families of the victims of the brussels attacks are going through right now. the survivors are honoring those
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killed and injured -- >> a better way to end what was an absolutely surreal 24 hours. >> reporter: it's impossible to have too much hugging or holding of hands right now. >> you go on survivor mode yesterday and today and today it's like oh my gosh i could have lost my child. >> reporter: this woman was in brussels ironically for a conference about country terrorism. she was leaving and for some reason decided to go to the airport a half hour earlier. >> whatever guardian angel made me change my departure time was looking over me. >> reporter: she had walked past the hour where the first bombs went off. >> people started running around the corner. >> reporter: the next three hours she was shuttled around. her mother woke up to news reports and boltd out of bed. >> we want to protect our
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children, but they're adults and they're out in the world and we can't protect them from something like this. >> reporter: after driving to paris ashley was able to get the last seat on a flight and get home. >> i feel anger at these people for trying to threaten our way of life and to hurt us and to hurt people in places that i love so much. >> that was the story of a woman who lived to tell the nightmare that she encount nerd. apologize for the sound problems there. you're watching cnn's continuing coverage of the attacks. we've got updates coming in all the time. i'm max foster i'll be back from the break with the latest news and we'll be joined from cnn headquarters to bring you the day's other stories.
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hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm max foster live in brussels. you're watching cnn's continuing special coverage of the brussels terror attacks. and we should know in the coming hours what police here plan to do with the six people arrested in connection to tuesday's bombings. they've been conducting several anti-terror raids as well, including one right in front of our cameras overnight. investigators were inside this schaerbeek house for hours.
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meanwhile, authorities think there were five men involved in tuesday's blast, including a second bomber at the metro station. one witness may have seen him. >> i saw some guy from the 524, i don't know the age, exactly age. he was with big bag on -- he was very nervous. you saw sweat. he was very nervous. and he was back and forth in the hall, back and forth, back and forth. >> cnn is closely covering this investigation across all angles. we are reporting from multiple locations in brussels and beyond, including the place de la bourse where i am right now. these arrests overnight, atika, are they directly linked to the
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brussels attacks or part of a wider crackdown? >> reporter: we don't know yet. police haven't given us any details on who these people are, why they were arrested. we should have new details, especially whether or not they will remain in police custody today. but it does seem that they're trying to sort of round up anyone who might know anything about this terror network. and i think this is the kind of thing we're likely to see in the days to come. at least three of the arrest happened right in front of the federal prosecutors office, which is very unusual. another two happened here in brussels, and one on the outskirts in jette. that is all part of trying to find, root out the network that is here. meanwhile, we do know that one of the suspects from the airport bombing remains on the run there is this extensive manhunt to find him. he is the man in a white jacket, and he wears a black hat in that surveillance video. but he still has not been identified. now the other development here
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is that police and investigators believe there was a second man involved in the bombing of the metro station. and they believe this because of surveillance video that apparently shows a man with a large bag entering the area. and there are also several eyewitnesses trying to help investigators to pinpoint who that man might be. the difficulty here is that police don't know if he actually left the metro station alive. it's really just such a mangled mess of a crime scene there that trying to determine all the identities of those people killed there is proving to be very difficult and is likely to take at least three weeks or more, max. >> and we also heard about a plot foiled in france, in paris, is that right? in the very late stages. >> that's right. this is an arrest in argenteuil. the police said the suspect was in the advanced stages of lanning the attack. here is the critical part.
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apparently an attack that was not related in any way to the paris or brussels attacks. he seems to have been working independently of those networks. what it could mean is isis isn't ordering specific attacks anymore. that its followers are simply working on their own with separate individual cells, working with their own materials, learning from what they may have already trained for while fighting in syria and iraq with groups like isis, coming back and launching their own attacks that is the most difficult kind of attack to prevent. >> investigations across multiple countries. atika, thank you. belgium's interior minister admits they may have missed the chance to stop one of the brussels attackers. many in the intelligence community say the belgians didn't follow the warning signs. nick paton walsh has more on that. >> reporter: a devastating attack, but also one that had a devastating number of warnings.
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of theified said to be attackers, we know the identity of three. and for each of those we nobelian authorities were learned. najim laachraoui on the left here, a global arrest warrant since last year. al bakroui one of the two brothers also this one explicitly for terrorism and issued in december. and his brother in perhaps the most staggering twist travelled to turkey last june. he was deported by turkish authorities for trying to join isis. to holland. dutch authorities saying they got an e-mail from turkey 26 minutes before his flight took off but never mentioned turkey's concerns. a mess so extraordinary, the belgian interior minister reviewed the papers overnight and then offered his resignation. >> people ask how it is possible that someone was released early and we missed a chance when he was in turkey to detain him. i understand that question.
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i cannot speak for a colleague, but for myself. i offered my resignation to the prime minister. >> reporter: it wasn't accepted, but he also wasn't answering questions. so there are a number of occasions which there were very clear warnings about the links between all these attackers and the potential for terrorists. a remarkable decision by the interior minister here. he is not answering any questions at all despite the growing evidence of substantial information being passed to the belgian government about the links between all these attackers and terrorism. the number of suspects still growing. as are the ramifications at the heart of power. nick paton walsh, cnn, brussels. investigators believe tuesday's attack was one of many more being planned across europe. our justice correspondent pamela
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brown explains what authorities are uncovering. >> reporter: that's plots apparently are in various stages of planning. they have been able to gather this through a combination of electronic intercepts, human sources or data-based tracking that indicates several possible targets have been picked out by isis operatives over the last few months since the paris attacks. and according to a senior belgian official we've been speaking with, investigators investigators believe brussels' isis cell was composed of two teams that was planning an even larger attack or series of attacks in belgium at a later date. >> that was pam reporting there. we're going to discuss this further now and how europe is facing threats from extremists. the brussels representative of the institute of economics and peace, a think tank that analyzes the factors that lead to peace. first of all, on the failures here, we're learning a bit more about them. what can we learn from them? >> i think we can learn that
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some procedures and some organization has been put in place, but these organizations can only work if people are willing and people are well educated and people are using this organization and procedures. we have seen some of those failures are all based, almost all based on people not using standing procedures. >> what does that mean, though, in laymen's terms? give us a practical example. >> reporter: for example, -- >> for example, when the perpetrators was removed from turkey to the netherlands and to belgium, the turkish authorities have provided this information to the belgian liaison police officer in istanbul. >> so the system worked. but they didn't follow through. >> exactly. the system worked. but this person needed a lot of time to read the report. it was not sure, put in the database. the system is in place, but people need to apply the system.
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>> that's the problem with belgium systems. there are so many layers to it. it's very complex. you have the regional and the national level. to an extent which doesn't work like other european countries. the power is shared so thinly that perhaps things get lost more easily here? >> i don't think so. i think this is just like human beings working, working with systems. this is not typically belgium. it's not because of the belgium political structure that is happening. this is systems being put in place. people need to use it. and this saul over the world. you can sort it out? better education, maybe organize the systems to make it more user-friendly. streamline it. this is all you need to do it. >> what about the pressure on the authorities and, you know, we see these massive operations taking place overnight. we know that the security services behind the scenes are working across europe. what sort of pressures are they telling you about right now? >> it's pretty clear that the belgian political system is under pressure. justice, police is under
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pressure. they need to provide us with some results. and that is what is happening right now. but this is not because we saw some flaws. this is just the system running when it's used in a good way. >> a bit of a blame game going on behind the scenes, isn't there? we've certainly seen it between france and belgium today. >> this is part of the game also. what we need to focus on is the positive parts of this investigation. it's the cooperation that is going on. and the exchange of information. it's not even being more announced, more perfected than it was after thes paris attacks in january and november of last year. >> it was meant to happen after paris, didn't it? do you think we're genuinely going through a turning point? >> i think every effect that happens in europe is a wake-up call. so after events like the one that happened this week in brussels, there is a review of the system. but it's always easy to look back at all those failures and all those analysis that were when wrong in process before
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after the attack. i mean, you always need to put it back in the context and see which information was available at the time of the analysis and that is the evaluation you need to do. to make it today, it's dubious, i would safe. >> can we be sure that this network, the network that masterminded the paris attacks and the brussels attacks is being degraded now? >> again, last night in brussels, six people were arrested. in paris suburbs also. >> we've been told they're not linked to the two separate attacks. >> it's really too early to be sure that they are not linked at all. this is an investigation within the complete framework of these anti-terror action. for example, in belgium, they say that one of the six who are arrested was somebody that was talking to the suicide bombers of the metro. so there is a link. >> thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. >> as europe tries to prevent
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more devastating terror attacks, perhaps some security lessons could be learned from airports in israel. and we'll tell you about that next. plus the race for the white house. it may have reached a new low as donald trump and ted cruz engage in a bitter war over their wive, would you believe? the latest on the republican feud, coming up. need to hire fast?
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welcome back. i'm max foster in the belgian capital where authorities are trying to prevent attacks like those that rocked the brussels airport earlier this week. some lessons could be learned from israel, where airports follow strict security protocol that is different than airports in the west. here is our oren leiderman. >> i'm here at ben gurion interairport in tel aviv, considered one of the world leaders in airport security. we're right inside the airport terminal, which is effectively right where the belgium airport take happened. just to get to this point, i've already passed through two layers of security. the first one of those about two miles away from the airport, armed security guards and a gate. and the road leading into the airport. the second one just outside the terminal. and there are two more layers of security before i get to what would be a normal preflight security check, which is
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carry-on luggage and an x-ray machine or metal detector. shlomo is the head of security for the shin bet, the israeli security agency and is now a private airport security consultant. could the belgium attack have happened here? >> of course. a public area such as arrival hall and departure of all of the most sensitive areas in airports. so we need first of all to check who is coming inside and to prevent nobody will attack or explode themselves in the public hall. for example, everybody jump on an older lady to take her mineral water. if somebody concentrate you take water from an old lady, he will never find the bomb. >> reporter: at every level of security here, agents will ask you simple questions. what did you pack? when did you pack? where did you pack? what is important to them is not what you say, be how you say it. a nervous tic, shaky hands, these are examples of red flags for them. many airports around the world
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use very advanced technology to try to find a device, to try to pinpoint a bomb. and then they use that information to find the suspect. he says the lesson here is that model should be flipped. find the suspicious person and use that information to find the bomb. oren liebermann, cnn, tel aviv. >> we're going to look at the other headlines as well today. let's check in with natalie at cnn center in atlanta. >> hi, max. thanks very much. the u.s. race for the white house is heating up as the primary and caucus season inches past its halfway point. the latest cnn poll or polls which crunches the results of six national polls show democratic front-runner hillary clinton leading bernie sanders 52% to 43%. on the republican side, donald trump remains on top at 43%. he holds a 12-point lead over ted cruz. john kasich trails in third place. now there is a very nasty fight on the republican side between donald trump and ted cruz.
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the presidential candidate spent the day defending their lives after both women became the focus of a back and forth twitter war. cnn's sara murray has the details. >> it's not easy to tick me off. i don't get angry often. but you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that will do it every time. donald, you're a sniveling coward, and leave heidi the hell alone. >> reporter: for ted cruz, the 2016 campaign attacks got a little too personal. that's after donald trump retweeted a split screen image of heidi and melania with the caption the pictures are worth a thousand words. trump's attack came after he threatened to spill the beans about his wife melania posing nude in a facebook ad, each though it came from a superpac and not the cruise campaign. even megyn kelly, a regular trump target sounded incredulous
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at trump's latest missive. tweeting seriously? and today cruz unleashed, saying trump appears to have a problem with strong women. >> donald does seem to have an issue with women. donald doesn't like strong women. strong women scare donald. now donald is scared a lot these days. donald is scared to debate. he ran way from the last debate that was scheduled. because he was scared of megyn kelly. and because he was scared to defend his policies. >> reporter: meanwhile, trump is still hammering cruz, releasing this video slamming the texas senator's recent speculate of endorsements. >> ted cruz is just like any other politician. he says whatever he needs to say to get elected. >> ted cruz is not my favorite by any means. >> reporter: as cruz warns a trump nomination could cost the gop the election. >> donald trump is a train wreck. and he hands the election to hillary clinton.
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>> reporter: a new cnn/orc poll shows trump faces steep odds in the general. 56% of voters predicted hillary clinton could beat him in a head to head battle. compared to 42% who put trump on top. while the two are nearly even on who would be the strongest leader, clinton trounces trump on her ability to relate to middle class problems and handle the responsibilities of commander in chief. >> thank you! >> reporter: a strength clinton is aiming to highlight in the wake of the terror attacks in brussels. >> cannot allow our nation to be pitting groups of people against one another. and it plays into the hands of terrorists who want nothing more than to intimidate and terrorize people. >> sara murray reporting there for us. the latest tweet in the republican twitter feud comes from trump, who says i didn't start the fight with lyin' ted cruz over the gq cover pic of melania.
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he did. he knew the pac was putting it out. hence lying ted. more film and media companies are joining a campaign to stop what critics in georgia call a license to discriminate. time warner, 21st century fox and the weinstein company joined the call thursday. they're urging georgia governor nathan deal to veto the religious freedom bill. if signed it would give faith-based organizations the options of denying services to gay people. proponents say it would protect religious freedoms. the weinstein company is planning to end plans to shoot a film in georgia later this year. time warner issued a statement saying we strongly oppose the discriminatory language and intent of georgia's pending religious liberty bill, which clearly violates the values and principles of inclusion and the ability of all people to live and work free from discrimination. u.s. president barack obama is returning to washington after ending his six-day latin america
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swing in argentina. his visits came on the anniversary of government sponsored killings at the hands of a military junta supported by the u.s. in the '70s and '80s. mr. obama conceded that the u.s. was slow to condemn the atrocity known as the dirty war. adds cnn's rosa flores tells us, the acknowledgment wasn't nearly enough for demonstrators in buenos aires. >> reporter: thousands of people hit the streets of buenos aires, argentina in what has turned into in part an anti-obama demonstration. take a look. you'll see signs that say "persona non grata" caricatures of president obama, or signs which say out, obama, out. a lot of these people are not demonstrating against president obama per se. they are demonstrating against the date that he decided to
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visit their country. you see, today is the 40th anniversary of the latest dictatorship known as the dirty war. thousands upon thousands of people went missing. many of them believed to be dead. and the united states supported the dictatorship, at least at first. >> that is why i'm so emotional. because my companions have been disappeared as other 30,000. and he didn't even name them. he didn't even say any word than. and he got the nerve to choose this day to come to this country and show up at our memorial. >> reporter: as part of his visit, president obama decided to release, to declassify military and intelligence records that are from that era, from the dirty war. does that help? does that give him a ticket into your country to visit?
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>> helps, but we all know that when u.s. declassify documents, they only do a little part and most of the information will not be available to the public. >> reporter: the demonstrators march for about a mile. and then they ended up here at plaza de mayo. this is a historic and symbolic place, this is where the mothers and grand mothers of those thousands who disappeared have demonstrated for decades, asking for justice for their loved ones. that's why many here are wondering why president obama decided to visit on such a painful day. pain that they believe in part is due to the u.s. support of that dictatorship. rosa flores, cnn, buenos aires, argentina. . we have more from brussels when we come right back, including this. >> do you feel belgian? >> to be honest, no.
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>> some young muslims say they will never be accepted in belgian society. it is a cnn exclusive, and that's next. soup and sandwich and clean and real and inside jokes and school night. good, clean food pairs well with anything. try the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. and we are theic plays) hbug and i'm jess. we are a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. "hey cortana, find my katydid video" oh! this is so good. (laughs) if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis just sketch it on the screen. i don't have a touch screen on my mac, i'm jealous of that. (laughs) you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. (laughs)
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welcome back to cnn's continuing special coverage of the belgium terror attacks. i'm max foster live in brussels for you. and police have detained at least six people in raids throughout the city. the manhunt continues for an airport bomber still on the run. authorities believe there were at least five people behind tuesday's attacks now, including a second unidentified suspect in the metro bombing. investigators don't know if he is dead or alive. plus belgium and many around the
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world are mourning the victims of these awful acts of terror. 31 people died. more than 300 people were wounded we now know. anger, alienation, rejection. it's a potent emotional cocktail, and jihadist groups are preying on those feelings to target young recruits in muslim communities in places like belgium. cnn senior correspondent has this exclusive report. >> translator: how do i explain this? it's as if someone hit me with a very sharp thing in my heart. when my brothers left, i don't know how to explain. >> reporter: ali says his brothers were among the first wave of belgian jihadis to travel to syria. he agreed to speak to us on condition we could be seal his identity and obscure his real voice. ali isn't his name. why do you think your brothers went to syria?
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>> translator: honestly, i always asked them, but i never understood why. but it is as if they felt rejected. >> reporter: 2011. farrad and his disciples in public, street evangelizing. key to the spread of their radical ideology, telling young muslims they would never truly be accepted as a part of belgian society, so they shouldn't try. he is now serving a 12-year jail sentence for incitement to hatred. and belgian authorities believe he served as key pipeline for young belgians joining isis. some killed in syria, and some now cooperating in prosecutions. this is a belgian lawyer representing not only sharia for belgium members but also families caught up in this war against isis. a client was due to stand trial for murder in syria, but the
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trial has now been postponed. he believes the government could have, should have done more to prevent the exodus. >> you know everybody was 18 years old is an adult. so the thing they are saying now is the people are 18 years old, we cannot stop them to go to syria. they know everything from everybody. when he was going, how he planned it, when he buy his ticket, but they let them go. >> reporter: ten davis paris attack, 18-year-old yasin says he was surrounded by police officers at a local supermarket and pushed to the ground at gunpoint. his friends attempting to film were threatened, he says, with arrest. >> first i was in shock. okay, what is happening, who what is happening. they already commanded me get on your knees now. and i went to my knees. i stayed for 20 minutes on my knees with my hands up. >> reporter: after more than three hours at the police station, yassine says he was
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released without any charges. at any point did you ask yourself why? >> it was from the beginning until the end. still why. why is this happening? is it because i'm look like a muslim? is it because i'm moroccan? it is my color? what is it? and even now i still have the same questions. okay, why did they really hold me on gunpoint and why did they really arrest me? >> reporter: belgians interior ministry told cnn they couldn't comment on the incident as it's still being investigated, but stress that allegations of racial profiling are taken very seriously. yassine believe there's is more at stake here than integration or social cohesion. experiences like his he believes plays right into the extremists' hands. >> kind of give those people who recruit a weapon to use in the
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way of they can look, you see those guys, or this society, it's a racist society. they don't want you here. so that's a key factor here for them. that they use. >> reporter: do you feel belgian? >> to be honest, no. because in the eyes of this society, belgian is being white. atheist, or christian. >> reporter: the deadly terror attack on the belgian capital coming just mere days after the capture of paris attacker salah abdeslam in the heart of his childhood neighborhood of molenbeek has highlighted how little penetration authorities here have into many belgian muslim communities, and the mutual mistrust. for authorities hunting out those who may have helped perpetrate the brussels and paris bombings, as well as any other isis con spiritsy, it's time to rebuild that.
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too much is at stake for the family of those who left to syria. and of those who have returned to strike terror in the heart of europe and their victims, it's already too late. cnn, brussels. >> rattled by the attack, european ministers are promising to do a better job tracking terrorists. on thursday they put up anti-terrorism plans including intelligence sharing. in december lawmakers reached a deal on so-called passenger name system that would help track the movement of their travelers, but it's being stalled in parliament. let's discuss what can be done to prevent future terror attacks in europe. a senior at the politico. you discovered something quite frightening last night, that abdeslam, the most wanted man was only interviewed for an hour over a period of how many days? >> four days. >> this is when he was talking before the brussels attacks? >> absolutely.
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it's a case of welcome to the hotel abdeslam at this time. we know he was in surgery. so there was a complicating factor. you couldn't have him under lights for 72 hours. but it does seem a very light touch to talk him to him for only one houf hour in the four days before the attacks. what the investigators seem to have done is also begun discussing chronologically the situation. so they never got to future planned attacks, even though they found him in a house with weapons, detonators and the fingerprints of others who could have been involved in the takes. we'll never know what he could have told us before the bombs went off in brussels. >> after paris, belgium didn't take -- didn't -- weren't acting quickly enough on anything that came in. >> yes. i think it's become clear now the belgians have been doing as much as they can since november to try and get on top of this situation. but they do seem to really be in over their heads. times it's a lack of skills. sometimes it's a lack of capacity. and other times you just can't
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quite pinpoint it. but they also because the systems here are so fragmented that it's really impossible to catch up this far behind the trail. >> on the face of it that the terror alert level came down. >> yes. >> what reason would there have been for that? nothing actually has changed since the brussels attacks. two guys are still on the run. >> well, if anything, what we learned or established or all agree yesterday was that the terror cell or terror cells based out of bulls have here were bigger than we previously thought. so you know that the number of people you're looking for is bigger than ever. you haven't caught any of them since the bombs went off and you drop the alert level down. is something missing in that chain of logic, and we haven't had an explanation why that happened. we can only assume they're trying to divert some resources into some other element of the investigation. by dropping the alert level down, they're able to shift the resources around. >> the greatest security around the city basically with that level, that right in the military sought?
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>> if you're on level 4, more of the military is deployed. you have things like the bag checks like we're steegt main train station, thousands of people trying to get on to their commuter train. and level 3 you have more flexibility about how you manage it. it doesn't mean you're safer but it does mean the authorities have a little more flexibility. unfortunately, we don't get a good explanation about why we have been put in this position. >> there have been lots of failures and you've been reporting and we've been reporting on them. and heads nearly rolled last night when the cabinet ministers offered their resignation, but the prime minister didn't accept them. >> yes do. >> you think they can move on from this now, or is this going to be a mill stone around their neck? the fact that they failed to spot signs from turkey, from interpol. they weren't matching things up in the way they should have done. >> i don't think the international community will let them go on this one. thing is going to be more pressure. and there is another layer to those attempted resignations. so we have now learned that one of the reasons why they weren't accepted is that the prime
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minister didn't discuss it with his coalition partners in government. in belgium, government is hugely managed. we have many bodies. it takes months for government to form. sometimes when it falls apart, the country literally doesn't have a government for a year, a year and a half two, years. and so rather than upset the delicate balance, the prime minister has decided that's too much of a risk. i'll just keep them on. the ministers have kept their jobs not because they deserved to, but because of another level of political game in belgium. >> and this blame game going on between belgium and france, feud, arguments over how this has all been handled. both sides blaming each other, actually. >> yes. >> what is the lasting damage of that? this comes at a time when those two countries are working together more closely than ever. >> i think it's a level beyond. if you take a step back from france, belgium as bilateral part next as neighbors, and you look at how europe is perceived globally by other departments. do you look towards russia and
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say that europe is strong and can't be divided? well, when you have this sort of fighting, it's difficult to do that. does the u.s. trust you with top level information and are they willing to pump resources in to save you from a tight spot? well, if you're going to behave in this way, they'll think twice about doing that. thing are long-term consequences beyond this investigation. >> ryan, thank you very much. next up on cnn, we'll take you to atlanta with natalie for some of the other stories we're covering for you this hour. syrian government troops say they are close to retaking an ancient city held by isis. we'll see why the move is so important. it recognizes pedestriansligent driand alerts you.ems. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself. so in this crash test, one thing's missing:
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well, emotions are still raw here in brussels as people struggle to come to terms with the attacks earlier this week. although authorities lowered the threat level a notch, tension is high throughout the city. phil black went to the central metro station, for example, to see how people there are feeling about increased security. >> reporter: there are so many soldiers on the streets of central brussels. this now looks like an occupied city. >> it's a little bit kind of war. a feeling of war. >> reporter: an intimidating presence, but also comforting for people who are now sharply aware of the vulnerability that comes with living in an open european city. >> well, safe. >> reporter: it makes you safe? >> yes, it makes me safe i fear, yes, yes. a lot safer. >> reporter: can now take a long time to get inside brussels' central station. the crowd shuffles slowly. everyone is watched closely as they enter.
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soldiers patrol in small packs. most people are here to catch commuter trains out of brussels. but the inner city metro is now partially open, operating a very limited service. passengers endure even greater scrutiny. everyone is personally searched before getting to these platforms. there. >> are so many soldiers and police officers at the stations. the security is pretty extraordinary. and so is the atmosphere underground. a mix of necessity and determination means these people are still riding trains across and under brussels. do you think people are behaving differently? >> a little bit. yeah. they are anxious. >> we all know that we're not safe anywhere. it can happen anywhere. and at any moment. >> reporter: catching a train is now an act of courage and defiance because of what happened here. maelbeek metro station were the most people died in tuesday's attacks. with the surrounding streets now open, people are coming here to grieve. ♪
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lisa came to sing. >> just to show that, yeah, that we'll never will stop singing and never will stop, yeah, doing what we do. >> reporter: there is great sorrow. but some here are making a real effort to promote other emotions too. you see it along the road near maelbeek station where countless hearts have been scratched into the ground with messages of love and peace. some this in this city are determined to respond to terror with hope. phil black, cnn, brussels. >> plenty else going on in the world as well. we're going to cross to natalie at cnn center in atlanta for that. >> thanks again, max. yes, isis appears to be on the defense on two major fronts. the iraqi army has forced the terror group out of several villages south of mosul. this appears to be the start of
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a much bigger operation to retake iraq's second biggest city, which has been under isis control for almost two years. and in syria, regime forces may soon regain control of the ancient city of palmyra. it has been ten months since isis fighters overran the city and began to destroy its ancient buildings and cultural treasures. cnn's jonathan mann has more on that. >> reporter: after weeks of fighting in the desert, syrian regime forces appear poised to retake the historic city of palmyra from isis. video broadcasts showed government troops entering the outskirts thursday backed by russian air power. isis militants seized control of palmyra, a unesco world heritage site last may. that publicly executed the city's 82-year-old retired head of antiquities after he refused to reveal where valuable artifacts were being hidden and
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leveled many of the monuments, cultural treasures some 2,000 years old reduced to rubble. cnn affiliate shot this video inside showing the roman arch of triumph. it used to frame the entrance to the city. now it's destroyed. >> translator: when you think of palmyra, the first thing you picture is the arch of triumph. i feel very sad. it makes me want the try there are no words. >> reporter: palmyra is located 130 miles, or about 200 kilometers northeast of damascus, and is considered key to controlling a huge swath of desert extending to the board were iraq. we capturing the city now would be both a strategic and symbolic victory for syrian forces. jonathan mann, cnn. seven iran-based hackers are facing u.s. charges for cyberattacks on a new york dam and several banks. the u.s. issued wanted notices
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for the group. attorney general loretta lynch says the cyberattacks in tuition and 2014 cost victi$2014 cost v millions of. investigators believe the iranian government contracted the hackers. just ahead, we're back in brussels with man who escaped death not once, but twice during tuesday's terror attacks. his story will give you chills. this is the first time i've worked on a surface book. and being able to use a pen like this on the screen directly with the image, it takes me back to my time as a painter. and i just can't do that on my mac. [alarm beeps] ♪
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11:53 pm
welcome back to brussels. now a german traveler says he is lucky to be alive after being at both bombing scenes would you believe here on tuesday. he escaped the chaos at the airport only to find himself in the middle of the metro blast. michael holmes talked with him about his incredible experiences. germ plan lawyer marc trainer escaped death not once but twice on the morning of the belgium attacks. he travels to belgium weekly on business. his plane landed just before 8:00 a.m. tuesday like any other day.
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but what he saw next was anything but ordinary. >> people were running in panic. but i wanted to escape from the airport. so i went through and was lucky because it was just after the explosion. and the situation was not settled yet. so i was lucky to use this confusion to get out of the airport. >> reporter: shreiner told his family he was okay and took a cab into the city. >> get off the taxi directly in front of the entrance. exactly in the moment where i live and get off the taxi, the second bomb exploded. so i was the very first to see what happened. so i saw passengers coming out of the metro. so i felt that help was needed. so i illuminated the light from
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my smartphone and went downstairs. called the people come to the light. i'll help you. here is the exit. and pushed them out of this dark, smoky entrance hall. >> reporter: dozens were killed in the attacks in brussels. hundreds more injured. marc shreiner wasn't one of them. and he isn't taking that lightly. >> this is such an extraordinary day. i flew to brussels, experienced two bomb attacks. the second one which was the first to see these horrific pictures and these burned and bloody passengers which were coming out of the smoke. and then i flew back to berlin. and i'm myself, i'm not harmed at all. so at least not physically. but i guess that i will have some work to do to overcome those experiences. >> reporter: michael holmes, cnn, brussels.
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>> just imagine. i'm max foster in brussels. we'll be back with cnn's special coverage of the belgium terror attacks right after this short break. some say "free the whales."
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for them, nothing else is acceptable. but nothing could be worse for the whales. most of the orcas at seaworld were born here. sending them into the wild wouldn't be noble. it could be fatal. when they freed keiko, the killer whale of movie fame, the effort was a failure and he perished. but we also understand that times have changed. today, people are concerned about the world's largest animals like never before. so we too must change. that's why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. there will be no more breeding. we're also phasing out orca theatrical shows. they'll continue to receive the highest standard of care available anywhere. and guests can come to see them simply being their majestic selves. inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. (mui love being able to touch the screen.
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umm, you can do things on the fly, if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis, just sketch it on there and you've got it immediately. yeah, i like that. i don't have a touch screen on my mac.
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hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm max foster in brussels with cnn's special coverage of the terror attacks here. we should know some time soon what will happen to the six people the police arrested during raids that have been going on all night here. authorities sealed off some streets with hazmat teams. they were also inside this home for hours. authorities also think five men were involved in tuesday's blast, including a second bomber in the metro station. we spoke with a witness who may have seen him.
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>> i saw some guy, 25, 24, 30, i don't know the age exact the age. he was with big bag on and was very nervous. you saw sweat. he was very nervous. and he was back and forth in the hall, back and forth, back and forth. >> meanwhile, french police arrested a man on thursday suspected of being in the advanced stages of an isis plot. cnn reporters are covering multiple angles from various places around brussels and beyond. nick paton walsh is looking into the details of the investigation and we'll hear from phil black about the heightened security of the metro. right now let's bring in senior international correspondent atika shubert. atika, intelligence pointing to the conclusion that isis is getting ready for more attacks
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soon. what more can you tell us than? >> well, i think security officials here have been concerned for a while about multiple plots in the works. but the fact that we now have somebody who participated in the airport bombings still on the run is most concerning to officials here. of course, we know that three people carried out the attacks at the airport. one of them in a white jacket and a black hat, however, still don't know where he is. security officials have put out an extensive manhunt for him. and now police are saying there was also a second man involved in the metro station bombing here. we don't have a description of that man at this point. we don't know his identity. but apparently he was caught on security video with a large bag. now what police trying to determine is whether or not he actually left the station alive. he may have been killed in the explosion as well. but it will take weeks to identity all the people that were killed in that attack. now we also know that overnight there were a number of arrests
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here in brussels. three people were actually arrested in front of the federal prosecutor's office. very unusual. another two arrested here. and then another in jette. so six people in total arrested overnight here. so that seems to indicate that they are reaching more of a network. we'll find out a little bit more today whether or not these are people who will be held in police custody, and who they are and what they might know and their connection is to the other suspects in these attacks, max. >> what about the arrest in paris? because police were very clear and prosecutors there that they think they foiled a plot, which was very near to its conclusion. >> yeah, they said this was in the advanced stages. so it looked like an take was eminent in that case. what is really frightening about this, however, according to french prosecutors, this is a man who was not connected to either the paris terror network or the brussels terror network. and that's very concerning. because this is exactly what
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intelligence officials have been warning, that interest there could be isis cells, these sort of militant cells that are operating independently of each other, plotting multiple attacks. and tease are the hardest kinds of attacks to stop because often they don't require direct orders from isis. if these are returnees from the conflict in syria and iraq that were fighting with groups like isis, they capitalize on what they have learned in training there and launch their own attacks back home. >> atika, thank you. we'll watch any new developments for you. intelligence experts say belgium missed clear warning signs, though, before these attacks. even the country's interior minnesota minister says it's a legitimate concern. nick paton walsh tried to get some answers from him. >> reporter: a devastating attack, but also one that had a devastating number of warnings. of the five said to be attackers, we know the identity of three. and for each of those we
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nobel yum authorities were warned. najim laachraoui on the left here, a global arrest warrant since last year. al bakroui one of the two brothers also this one subject also of a red notice three months before the attacks. this one explicitly for terrorism and issued in december. and his brother in perhaps the most staggering twist travelled to turkey last june. he was deported by turkish authorities for trying to join isis. to holland. dutch authorities saying they got an e-mail from turkey 26 minutes before his flight took off but never mentioned turkey's concerns. a mess so extraordinary, the belgian interior minister reviewed the papers overnight and then offered his resignation. >> people ask how it is possible that someone was released early and we missed a chance when he was in turkey to detain him. i understand that question. i cannot speak for a colleague, but for myself. i offered my resignation to the prime minister. >> reporter: it wasn't accepted,
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but he also wasn't answering questions. so there are a number of occasions which there were very clear warnings about the links between all these attackers and the potential for terrorists. a remarkable decision by the interior minister here. he is not answering any questions at all despite the growing evidence of substantial information being passed to the belgian government about the links between all these attackers and terrorism. the number of suspects still growing. as are the ramifications at the heart of power. nick paton walsh, cnn, brussels. let's talk about more how europe, belgium is facing the isis threat and failing in many places. we discovered that over the last week or so. this is a journalist with
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der morgan newspaper. overnight the people who got arrested is not really clear. what is striking is that the police in smaller belgian town had information about some of the terrorists and the information wasn't transferred. >> what sort of information? >> well, information about the background, about -- it's not really clear yet. >> something that might link them to terrorism? >> definitely, definitely. >> authorities kept saying we didn't think they were linked to terrorism. >> they should have been in the information circulation. but the information wasn't transferred. and that's i think a disease of our intelligence services. we're not -- we have not waken up to a new reality, which is much more harder and threatening than we ever knew. and it seems like our intelligence services have to wake up to that new situation.
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>> all the red tape seems to be a complete stumbling block here. the same happened to this turkish warning as well. somehow got lost in the system. >> yep, yep, that's true. and i think belgium and i think also other countries have to wake up to this new reality. this is not a long rule. this is not a loser from molenbeek. we should see it as a military attack, which it is. this is a military strategy of islamic state. they're attack europe and also other countries as part of their military strategy. >> there are increasing number of analysts suggesting this threat should be treated as a state sponsored form of terrorism. and if we did that, then maybe the systems would be better used towards isis. >> yeah, of course. it should be defined like that. it's a military because they're losing ground in iraq and syria.
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and there is a lot of indications that it's an organized military strategy. i mean they're hitting us at our weakest spot. where it does a lot of harm and it creates a lot of pain. and also it can create a lot of pain within our society. and that's their main purpose. >> so the departments of defense, the military should take a bigger role on this? if the intelligence services and the police services are caught up in this bureaucratic mess? >> i think we should learn very fast now. i think a military response, that's not clear how we it should be done. i think intelligence is now the priority. and also community building. that's also really important. because they're trying to tear apart our society. community building is also a priority. we shouldn't forget than. >> it's interesting. we spoke to a reporter who spent some time in one of the prisons here as well. saying that a lot of people are being radicalized in the prisons. but actually, that's really hard to stop. try to keep people who are
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involved in terrorism away from other people that could be radicalized is creating a real nightmare. >> it may be hard to stop, but should it be stopped. should it be our priority now. we should -- we should finance the solutions there is no other way. i mean, you can't accept that in our main prisons, guys are radicalizing. and ending up at the brussels airport or in the metro stations killing more than 30 people. we can't accept this. >> there needs to be a wake-up call. >> yes, of course. >> thank you very much indeed. emotions still very raw here in brussels as people struggle to come to terms with the attacks. although authorities lowered the threat level a notch, tension is high throughout the city. phil black went to the central metro station to see how people are feeling about all this increased security. >> reporter: there are so many soldiers on the streets of central brussels. this now looks like an occupied city. >> it's a little bit kind of war. a feeling of war.
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>> reporter: an intimidating presence, but also comforting for people who are now sharply aware of the vulnerability that comes with living in an open european city. >> well, safe. >> reporter: it makes you safe? >> yes, it makes me safe i fear, yes, yes. a lot safer. >> reporter: can now take a long time to get inside brussels' central station. the crowd shuffles slowly. everyone is watched closely as they enter. soldiers patrol in small packs. most people are here to catch commuter trains out of brussels. but the inner city metro is now partially open, operating a very limited service. passengers endure even greater scrutiny. everyone is personally searched before getting to these platforms. >> there are so many soldiers and police officers at the stations. the security is pretty extraordinary. and so is the atmosphere underground. a mix of necessity and determination means these people are still riding trains across
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and under brussels. do you think people are behaving differently? >> a little bit. yeah. they are anxious. >> we all know that we're not safe anywhere. it can happen anywhere. and at any moment. >> reporter: catching a train is now an act of courage and defiance because of what happened here. maelbeek metro station were the most people died in tuesday's attacks. with the surrounding streets now open, people are coming here to grieve. ♪ lisa came to sing. >> just to show that, yeah, that we'll never will stop singing and never will stop, yeah, doing what we do. >> reporter: there is great sorrow. but some here are making a real effort to promote other emotions too. you see it along the road near maelbeek station where countless hearts have been scratched into the ground with messages of love and peace.
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some this in this city are determined to respond to terror with hope. phil black, cnn, brussels. >> well, we'll get back to the terror attacks in brussels in just a few minutes. right now we want to find out what else is going on around the world. natalie allen joins us from cnn center. hi, natalie. >> newsroom. it took two decades, but the man dubbed the butcher of bosnia finally hears his fate from an international criminal court. also, in the race for the white house, an angry and emotional ted cruz ripping into donald trump for his attacks on cruz's wife. we'll have the latest in the campaign trail. hey sweetie, it's time.
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and welcome back. i'm live in atlanta, natalie allen. thank you for staying with us. the u.s. race for the white house is heating up even more as the primary and caucus season inches past the halfway point. the latest cnn poll of polls which crunches the results of six national polls shows democratic front-runner hillary
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clinton leading bernie sanders 52% to 43%. on the republican side, donald trump remains on top at 43%. he holds a 12-point lead over ted cruz. john kasich trails in third place. in arizona, the mayor of phoenix wants a federal investigation into the long waits voters endured in the state's primary on tuesday. some people stood in line for five hours before casting their ballots. the department of justice has not yet publicly answered the mayor's request. democrat bernie sanders lost to hillary clinton in arizona. he called the situation a disgrace. republican officials slashed the number of polling stations in maricopa county from 2012 to save money. a nasty fight has boiled over in the republican side of the race it began early this week when an anti-trump superpac posted a new photo of trump's wife melania from a gq story in 2000.
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trump countered first by threatened to spill the beans, as he put it, on heidi cruz. he then retweeted a supporters meme showing a less than flattering photo of her next to a photo of melania. an angry cruz fired back thursday. >> real men don't try to bully women. that's not an action of strength. that's an action of weakness. it's an action of fear. it's an action of a small and petty man. who is intimidated by strong women. real men don't do it. donald, you're a sniveling coward. leave heidi the hell alone. >> to that trump tweeted that he didn't start the fight, cruz did, calling him once again lyin' ted. cnn's gary tuchman went to a ted cruz rally in wisconsin to ask
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some of his supporters what they think about this latest feud. >> reporter: escaping a springtime snow shower in janesville, wisconsin, hundreds of people walk inside doors, line up looking forward to not only seeing ted cruz in person, but also his wife tide heidi, who hasn't gotten recent attention she hasn't sought. have you read what donald trump has tweeted about ted cruz's wife? how do you feel about it? >> unprofessional. >> reporter: as woman who is angry about this? >> i think every woman could be angry about that. >> it is a distraction. and not only, that when it comes to general election, if he is the candidate, hillary is going to beat up on him because the way he comes against women. . >> reporter: ted cruz made reference to the tweet. >> heidi has been in the news the past couple of days. and let me just say although the views of some might differ, i think heidi cruz is the most
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beautiful, extraordinary, generous, loving, amazing fantastic woman on the face of the planet. [ applause ] >> reporter: wisconsin resident lexy is not amused about heidi cruz being in the news. she is leaning towards ted cruz, still mulling over john kasich, but not considering the man who tweeted about ted cruz's wife. >> i think that's snag you don't do in a sixth grade presidential campaign. they don't let you put that stuff on the walls. and that is a national stage. >> reporter: when you're against donald trump or for donald trump, there is little surprise these days when he goes on one of his twitter tirades. while the cruz supporters don't much like trump calling their candidate lyin' ted, they say that outrage doesn't compare to this outrage. anne and joshua marie all brought their children so they could see ted and heidi cruz in person. their support only solidified by donald trump's tweets. >> i think by him attacking women, it has gone to a major low for him.
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and i understand donald can say lat of things and not get in trouble for it. but i think going after women and going after ted cruz's wife is totally unacceptable. >> reporter: a couple of days ago you were considering donald trump? >> yeah. >> reporter: and you're not anymore? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: and are these tweets a factor? >> i think the tweets play a part in it, yes. >> reporter: because? >> because i just don't think it's appropriately to be attacking each other's wives. >> reporter: there were quite a few undecided voters we talked to here. the tweet, at least at this rally did not bode well for trump getting any of those vote. >> his views on women, he doesn't treat women the way that -- i mean, as humans. objectifying us and objectifying ted cruz's wife was really immature. >> reporter: heidi cruz part of the conversation of this unusual campaign. gary tuchman, cnn, janesville, wisconsin. we return overseas now. isis appears to be on the defense on two major fronts. the iraqi army says it has
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forced the terror group out of several villages south of mosul. this appears to be the start of an operation to retake iraq's second biggest city, which has been under isis control for almost two years. and in syria, regime forces may soon regain control of the ancient city of palmyra. it's been ten months since isis fighters overran the city and began to destroy its historic buildings and cultural treasures. state television showed syrian soldiers purportedly entering the southwestern part of the city. in response, the terror group released its own video claiming to show isis militants still in control in palmyra. well, the man known as the butcher of bosnia will likely spend the rest of his life in prison. a special united nations court in the hague found former bosnian serb leader radovan karadzic guilty of genocide and other crimes of humanity. the court sentenced him to 40
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years. the charges stem from atrocities committed during the bosnian war in the early 1990, most notably the srebrenica massacre. nearly 7,000 bosnian muslim men and boys were executed by forces under karadzic's command. >> translator: the justice hasn't won. we should have had this trial finished before. we waited for it for too long. and many mothers are not alive to hear this verdict, although it's not really what we have expected. >> u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon hailed the verdicts as a historic result for the people of the former yugoslavia. u.s. president barack obama is returning to washington after ending his six-day latin america tour in argentina. his stop in buenos aires came on the anniversary of government sponsored killings there at the hands of a military junta
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supported by the u.s. back this the '70s and '80s. mr. obama visited a memorial park for the victims. obama, though, later con showed that the u.s. was slow to condemn the atrocity known then as the dirty war. >> the united states when it reflects on what happened here has to examine its own policies as well. and its own past. democracies have to have the courage to acknowledge. when we don't live up to the ideals that we stand for. when we've been slow to speak out for human rights, and that was the case here. >> before leaving, mr. obama pledged to declassify additional military documents related to the infamous dirty war. garry shandling is being remembered as one of his generation's most influential comedians. politics confirm the american actor comedian's death thursday
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in los angeles. the cause was not given. shandling is best known for his groundbreaking tv comedies "the larry sanders show" and "it's garry shandling show" which parodied talk shows. garry shandling was 66. we're back in brussels live as authorities work to track down terrorists. belgium is facing scrutiny with for how it dealt with one of the attackers last year. tylenol® 8hn has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®.
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welcome back to cnn's special coverage of the terror
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attacks here in brussels. i'm max foster. and here is where we stand with the investigation so far. police have been conducting anti-terror raids all night across the city. they were inside this home for hours, for example. we still don't yet know what, if anything they found there. but authorities have arrested six people so far. there is an urgent manhunt for two suspects. investigators now believe five men were involved in the bombings, including a second person at the metro station. they don't know if he is dead or on the run, though. and the belgian interior minister offered to resign over missed chance to detain one of the attackers, but the prime minister asked him to stay in the job. the belgian government is under pressure under claims it ignored ibrahim all bakroui from turkey last year. he had been sentenced in belgium to nine years in prison in 2010 for opening fire on police officers.
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>> given the facts, i think it is justified that people ask questions, that people ask how is it possible that someone was released early and we missed a chance when he was in turkey to detain him. >> reporter: well, turkey deported al bakroui to the netherlands where he was let go. european leaders on thursday pledged to fight terrorists by speeding up intelligence sharing. ministers also want europe's parliament to quickly ratify a measure to track the movement of air travelers. the connections between the attacks in paris and now brussels are complex and they're far-reaching. our tim lister has been following the threats for us and sorting out the european web of terror. >> reporter: we now know how some of this web of terror fits together. salah abdeslam at the center of november's attacks in paris was captured last week in brussels. most of his co-conspirators in paris, including his brother
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braheem blew themselves up in the attacks at the bataclan. hh he had ties to suspects in a shooting at a belgian jewish museum and thwarted attack on a french train. he was also believed to be in contact with this man, najim laachraoui, a leader of this week's brussels bombings. laachraoui including brothers ibrahim and khalid al bakroui are either dead or unaccounted for. these two, mohammed and the man in the black hat spotted by airport cameras tuesday remain on the run and are considered among the most wanted men in europe. tim lister, cnn, london. >> well, i'm joined now by a political science professor for the university of brussels. thanks for joining us. what did you make of the resignations last night, the fact that they weren't taken? >> well, in belgium we have this
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tradition that when services maker roar, the ministers that are politically responsible for these errors resign. so in this case that should have been the case. but of course this is a difficult time, terrorist threats. so it's probably not the best idea to good and switch two of the most important ministers concerned with this threat at this time. so that's one of the reasons they stayed. but well, today they have to make explanations before parliamentary commission. so i'm not sure their position is completely safe yet. certainly because other elements might still come to the surface also in the next week. >> a great deal of soul-searching in bell wrum this week because mistakes were made. bits of information did get through to the parts of the information it should have gotten through to. how will that be debated today in parliament? how are they going to come to terms with that and move on that from that? and also learn from it. >> it's a good question. i'm afraid that more elements might come to the surface.
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this morning in the belgium paper, there are already a few other elements that came to light. so they will have to be researched too. and clearly, i think this will probably lead to serious questioning of the functioning of some of our security and certainly intelligence services. >> it seems as though they're not coordinating properly. is that how you read it as well? >> for the moment, yes. but again, we have to see more details maybe the next dmarays weeks there seems to be a problem with information sharing between different service at different levels. that's what seems to be the case. >> and between nations as well there is a row going on effectively between belgium and france. >> yes. >> blame game saying you should have given us that information. you shouldn't have released that information. and that's just really disruptive. >> yes, it is. we already saw that after the paris attacks in november when
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france also very quickly pointed the finger at belgium. and within belgium, there are also politicians pointing the finger at each other and saying it's this level, it's that level, it's this party, it's that party. i don't think we really need it at this moment. and on the european level, i think we need a more integrated european intelligence service. i mean we have it but it's limited powers. this is repeated after every time there is attacks. i think we really need to go towards some kind of european vi, or at least more information sharing between national intelligence services in europe, which for the moment are still too much stuck in national dynamics hanging on to crucial information. >> they don't want the share that information, do they? no. >> thanks very much indeed, dave. as we mentioned, turkey detained, flagged and deported ibrahim al bakroui. forces captured him at the syrian border.
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they warned belgium he was a foreign terrorist fighter. cnn international correspondent arwa damon is live for us. the area from which he was deported is extradite that this information didn't get through. what do we know about his movement there's? >> well, this is what the turks are saying that he came to the country, first going to a resort town, perhaps attempting to try to pose as a tourist before eventually making his way to gazian. the city is located close to the board were syria and it's one of the main transit hubs for people trying to cross into the war zones, especially for those who potentially want to join isis as foreign fighters. and it was something in el bakroui's actions that caught the suspicion, raised the suspicions of the turkish security forces. and especially of those who work in the counterterrorism department. they surveilled him for a few days.
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picked him up, and then decided to deport him. the turks say that they notified the netherlands, because that is where he was going to be deported to, as well as belgian authorities. now the netherlands, the dutch are basically saying yes, we were aware of the fact that he was being deported a few hours before he boarded his plane. but they claim that they were not given any reason why. the belgians at this stage seemingly trying to allude to perhaps the idea that turkey perhaps should have been more forceful in communicating why they were deporting this individual. turkey, for its part, though, very adamant that they were very clear. this man was being deported because they suspected that he had come to turkey. that he had come to go and join isis as a foreign fighter. and i think the key is what lessons can be learned. clearly there was a massive intelligence failure. it's worth noting that this is not the first time the turkish
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authorities have alerted europeans to an individual who has then gone on to carry out very violent attacks in europe, to include one of the paris attackers. and turkey at this stage is really trying to come out and say look, we need to share more intelligence. we're in this together. all of us are fighting terrorists and fighting these various different terrorist organizations that exist. but the other message to europe is look, you've got to start taking our intelligence a lot more seriously, max. >> a lesson learned certainly, are watch. thanks very much indeed. coming up, we'll take you inside molenbeek. that's the suburb in brussels called the hotbed of radicalism. you'll hear why residents in that community say they feel marginalized, they feel disconnect and also rejected from belgian society. "why are you checking your credit score?"
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"well you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you?" "she says...bazang!" "ok, good one." "uh, how do i check my credit score?" "credit karma, it's free." "credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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well, authorities here in brussels are conducting an intense manhunt for two terror suspects. they now believe there were five men involved in tuesday's bombings, including a second suspect. the metro station. they don't know if he is dead or on the run, though. police have been conducting anti-terror raids overnight, even sealing off streets with teams in hazmat gear. so far they have arrested six people. some expert says belgium is a fertile ground for terror recruitment. belgium has per capita more young men going to join isis than any other european country. experts believe nearly 500 belgian men and women have traveled to syria since 2012. at least 150 have returned to belgium. nowhere in belgium is it more acute in molenbeek. the suburb is home to a large population of north african
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immigrants and suffers from a soaring youth unemployment rate making it ripe for isis recruitment. clarissa ward takes us there. >> reporter: this is the neighborhood that everybody in the world is now talking, molenbeek, home to nearly 100,000 people. it has been described as one of the most dangerous hot bets of radicalization. on the streets here, though, it actually feels like a normal working class neighborhood with a large immigrant population. but the problems here are beneath the surface. largely. the lack of integration here is striking. on the streets, you will hear arabic much more than you will hear french. and when you talk to people, you will also hear people say they don't feel fully belgian. they feel like second class citizens. molenbeek imam says the younger second and third generation immigrants feel particularly marginalized. >> there is a big community and
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muslim who are feeling now that they are not belgian citizen. the reason of that is first of all, to unemployment of in belgium. because they don't feel that they are accepted in this society. so this is why they feel that they are not belgian. >> reporter: most people here don't want to appear on camera because they're very concerned that there is a negative image being portrayed of the residents here in the media. privately, though, many of them will concede that there is a big problem with radicalization in this community. but there just isn't any trust or communication between the local community and between the police. and that is a huge problem for belgian authorities. >> our erin burnett talked to a young man who grew up and lives in molenbeek. erin asked him about the lack of community an police in the and
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why some might not tell police when young people are being lured into the isis rank. >> i know one dead. he called the bodies and say my son go to syria. he had 16 years old. >> reporter: he tried to turn his son? >> yes. and the police said what you want? >> so the police don't do anything? >> anything. >> how many friends do you know or people do you know who have again to syria? >> maybe 10, between 10 and 15. >> reporter: 10 and 15? >> yes. >> well, khadijah samori joins me now. she is a member of parliament and a muslim living in molenbeek. you have seen the change in the last few days as well. i know you've had some really awful news as well. take us through that. >> yeah, absolutely. yesterday evening, we heard the news of children in the school
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of my kids that she is dead. the family was looking for her for two days going off, hospital, everywhere, military hospital. they couldn't find her. and yesterday they had the sad news that she was one of the victims was in the metro carriage which was picked the most. she left three children. she is a muslim mother. voila. i mean, i don't see her picture anywhere, on the news. i only see pictures of foreign people, which i also regret very, very much. it's as hard for them as for us. but i don't -- i don't like the way this story is going. it's a story of we and she. and look, this is not a we and she. she is a muslim mother of three children. i'm a muslim woman living, born here in belgium a long time ago, having children going to school here. it's, again, a way of separating people instead of inclusion.
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we should fight terrorism together. and not simply. i mean, those terrorists, those criminals, they bombed people. they didn't care they were muslim or not. >> not discrimination. >> they just went there and they did it. and those criminals, those terrorists, they never set foot in a mosque. those were criminals beforehand. they came out of jail they committed crimes before. and they use religion to justify their acts. and i don't want to be part of that. >> all you're saying is this narrative, which we keep hearing of people blaming muslims for terror atake, well, it's wrong. it's wrong. i mean, it's not true. i'm not saying that there are no extremists in muslims. but there are millions of muslims. what about those other millions? of course. what is happening here is important because it hits news the heart of the european union.
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this is brussels. that's why it's important. it's going on in turkey, in ivory coast a few weeks ago. everywhere you have these terrorist easy. >> how are we going to find that narrative, though, to stop people blaming a group, an entire religion for what a few criminals are responsible for? >> i don't know. just look to people as a human being. i mean, when shot all those white young men in norway. i didn't even think with one hair on my head that now all the christians have to apologize for what he did. that's not it. that's a lunatic, a crazy, somebody who has to be prosecuted and dealt with. that's all. try to see people as people, please. even my daughter of 11 years old, she came to me. she said mom, i don't
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understand. god gives life and it's god to takes life, no? who do they think they are? an 11-year-old. understands. >> what did you say? >> i said you're right. i mean, what can you say? it's true. a human being has no right to take a life in name of whatever. that's what hurts me. it's like i'm a member of parliament. try through education, culture, try to bring people together. that's my life job. i knew when i was ten that i was going to be a teacher. i became a teacher. but now i do that really as professional in parliament. try to find inclusion and look for each other instead of separating each other. >> well, good luck with your work. and sorry to hear your news. and everyone affected, of course. >> thank you, thank you. >> we actually have a report on the woman that we've been hearing about just there. we'll have that coming up for viewers. now we'll watch in just a moment.
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well, the sad truth in brussels is that it could be many weeks before many of those killed in the bombings at the city's airport and subway are identified and the families
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involved get some way of dealing with it, at least. the life stories of the missing are emerging. we heard about one of them just before the break. cnn international correspondent atika shubert has the story of the beloved mother and teacher presumed lost in the attacks, now identified. >> reporter: on tuesday morning in brussels, students at this islamic school were waiting for class with their gym teacher. lubna, also a wife and mother to three young children. >> translator: she was supposed to start at 9:45, the school's co-founder told us, but she didn't show up. we started to worry. thought she was sick. we called and called, but there was no answer on her phone. the powerful bomb had ripped through her morning commute. her family has checked every hospital. she remains missing. it may take at least three weeks to identify those killed.
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>> translator: she was an exceptional woman. she represented the true values of islam with generosity and caring. he then corrects himself as he says she was a woman -- i'm sorry, she is a woman, an energetic woman who smiled all the time. the chairs in her home room class are still empty. many of the students haven't come back to school yet. but on the door of her classroom, you can still see her name listed, lubna. before students return, a counselor meets with teachers to discuss how to break the news to the children. what is your favorite memory of lubna? >> yeah. >> >> reporter: at the gym, children play under gold calligraphy that spells out the word for allah, the prophet muhammad. no one here can fathom how the attackers could possibly justify
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bloodshed in the name of their religion. it's simple, he says. whoever supports these people who harm so many other who paralyzes the lives of those around them with fear is not a human being. we must not support these people. we must report them. the terrorist attacks on brussels may have robbed the school of a beloved teacher. but it cannot shake their faith. atika shubert, cnn, brussels. >> i'm max foster in brussels. "early start" is up next for viewers in the united states. for everyone else, i'll be back in a moment with the latest on the terror investigation here in brussels. you're watching cnn. . .
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new terror raids and arrests across europe. investigators hunting for the two surviving brussels bombers as advanced terror plot thwarted in paris. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm victor blackwell. >> i'm christine romans. 4:00 a.m. in the east. overnight, new raids in belgium leading to six new arrests. as we learn, investigators know of several additional isis plots in europe, possibly linked


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