tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 25, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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this sel this in her campaign. >> thank you so much for being with us. i'm brianna keilar. thank you for watching. outfront next, breaking news. a u.s. official confirms to cnn that the brussels suicide bombers were on a u.s. counterterrorism watch list. this news just breaking. our live report coming up. an outfront exclusive tonight. he was the world's most wanted man. you're going to go inside the alleged hideout of the suspected terrorist attacker salah abdeslam for the first time. ted cruz accuses donald trump of planting a tabloid story about him. let's go "outfront."
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>> good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett live from brussels. breaking news. officials confirms to cnn that the brothers who blew themselves up at the brussels airport and on a subway train were both on a u.s. counterterrorism watch list. ibrahim el bakraoui was on the list before the paris attacks last november. his brother khalid was added soon after the paris attacks months ago. this comes on a day of major terror raids across this city. at least nine people arrested, including one man shot and dragged off by police at a local tram station here that i went to see. in germany today in an extraordinary stroke of luck, extraordinary stroke of luck, a 28-year-old moroccan man described by police as lingering at a train station. turns out he was not supposed to be there.
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his passport was banned. they looked at his cell phone and they found a text message between him and one of the el bakraoui brothers. a time-stamped message from three minutes before the bomb exploded inside a subway car. that message with just one word. end. this as "outfront" has obtained this exclusive video. we're going to show you inside the hideout of sal ah abdeslam. we begin "outfront" tonight with pamela brown. the suicide bombers being on a u.s. counterterror watch list for months and that was the shortest time. what more can you tell us? >> that's absolutely right. ibrahim el bakraoui was actually on a u.s. watch list before the paris attacks or his ties to terrorism.
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turkey deported him last summer because they believed he was a foreign fighter. he was added to the tie database here in the united states. his brother coo lekhalid was ad the watch list after the paris attacks after his alleged involvement in the attacks by paying for the safe house as we know. all this sort of raises questions, erin, because we heard from the belgian prosecutor shortly after the brussels attacks that they only knew about the brother's involvement with violent crime, not terrorism. yet here in the u.s. they were on the radar for terrorism even before the paris attacks, at least for that one brother. erin? >> it's incredible, pamela, your reporting. to be on a u.s. counterterror watch list, people who are belgians and belgian people didn't know about it. then the significant arrest of a man in germany today of a man
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who had a text message from one of the bombers. he was lingering at a train station. this is almost too hard to believe. >> it makes you wonder how many more like him are out there. that was a stroke of luck. he was just questioned during a routine stop at a train station. it turns out he was a delinquent. he was wanted in a couple countries in europe. police did some more digging and then saw these text messages on his phone just a few minutes before the last blast saying end in french. then also the name of one of the suicide bombers in that text message on his phone. in fact, in addition to that investigators have learned that he went to the hospital for an unspecified injury at the same day that salah abdeslam was captured. all of this is making investigators believe, erin, that he was tied to that brussels network. again, how many more like him are out there in europe? that is why there is this frenzy
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going on right now to round up more people. >> all right, pamela brown. thank you very much. and also breaking tonight. officials scrambling to connect the men they have arrested over the past 24 hours. nine of them to other potential terrorists here in brussels and beyond. as that arrest in germany shows today, it could be terrifying large of a network. it is difficult. it is a dangerous mission as they try to unravel the this most deadly terror cell. >> reporter: security forces taking over brussels schaerbeek neighborhood, an assault by heavily armed officers. loud explosions. once quiet streets now the focus of the war on terror. today it led them here to this tram stop where in a dramatic confrontation they shot a man. a witness tells me we heard a shot. it was the police that shot in that direction to my right. we saw a man on the right in
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front of me. he was on the ground. at that moment, the police dragged him and put him in an balance. police demanded his backpack. the bomb squad moved in to check the bag. this is where the man ended up. hours later, his blood still on the ground. today's shooting only about two miles from the schaerbeek apartment where a taxi driver told police this is where he picked up two of the men in brussels' attacks. today shots outside her home. a day she never thought possible. she tells me, i live in fear now. i live in fear now. not before. maybe things will calm down, but she tells me, i think it's just the beginning. secretary of state john kerry arriving here in brussels to meet with belgian and u.n. officials this morning. a memorial at the airport to
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honor the victims of the horrific bombings. for kerry, the attacks are now personal. americans, of course, we now know are dead in these horrible terror attacks mehere in brusse. do you consider this an attack against america. >> whenever americans are killed, of course. >> reporter: four days after the bombings, the people of this beautiful old city are afraid of more attacks, watching raid after raid, and trying to mourn. it's so sad, says lydia. just sadness. outfront now, political senior correspondent ryan heath. he lives here in brussels. the stunning thing, the stunning breaking news tonight that these two brothers were on the u.s. counterterror watch list. we already know some of these bombers, two of them were on an int interpol list. this is something on a u.s. counterterror list the belgians
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didn't know. >> this shows the incompetence and these gaps are not just a belgian disease. it says we need to be worried. if this is happening now with in this one instance, we're starting to loop in germany and france. we're relying on strokes of luck across all these different geographies. what else is out there? it's time to start doing a clean out. >> what do you make of this story out of germany? it's almost impossible to believe you have a young man loitering on a subway platform. they said you're lingering. they check his passport. he's wanted for robbery. they check his cell phone and he has text messages from one of the bombers three minutes before the bomb. >> it's going to raise more quiz around controlling the borders. there will be political questions to answer above and beyond these terror incidents come monday morning, but what it
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also tells us is that we simply have to do more coordination. you can't allow for these situations to happen by luck. you have to have more systematic ways of checking. isis, these situations, it's not a foreign policy issue that you can dump in the corner in the middle east. it's now a domestic issue. it's not just a belgian issue. it's not just a european issue. it cuts across all the different policy levels at different levels. >> i want to bring in bob baier. this news literally breaking at the top of the hour. pamela brown discovering that the two brothers were on the u.s. counterterrorism list. brussels apparently didn't know. >> the europeans are not taking this seriously. that whole conflict in the middle east is moving into europe. they have to combine databases. they have to take police techniques and change them. they're just not ready for this, what's coming their way.
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i think the fact that this network, the paris network and the brussels network, was operating almost in the open in safe houses, automatic weapons, explosives, walking around europe without border checks and id checks, the europeans have to change the way they do business or there's going to be a lot more dead people. >> if people think this is something limited to neighbors where they say there's a lot of young muslim men -- one of these safe houses, i was talking to a woman hewho's lived here almost0 years. she lives around the corner. these men are hiding in plain sight. it's not as if they're in some area that's closed off. people don't realize that. these are middle-class neighborhoods and they're very diverse. >> you go to that safe house, the last place that salah abdeslam was in, there is a
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pharmacy there, there's a school down the road, there's a garbage depo. this is a heavily trafficked area. people can see what's going on in their neighborhood if they have their eyes open. >> thanks to both of you. you're going to be with me because when ryan mentions that house where salah abdeslam, who was perhaps the one who caused a trigger here, the most wanted man in europe, that's where they caught him. you're going to go inside that alleged hideout. we're going to show you how he lived and evaded capture for four months and the blood of capture. an american teenager just a few feet from the bomb that exploded in the brussels airport. you're going to see the emotional reunion with his parents. >> let me be clear. this national enquirer story is garbage. it is complete and utter lies.
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we are following breaking news tonight as i come to you live from brussels where tonight we have exclusive new video for you of the apartment where it's believed the alleged paris attacks salah abdeslam was hiding and captured just days before the brussels attacks. now, this apartment is less than two miles from where i'm standing tonight, and as we drove through the neighborhood and passed it, it was quiet. absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. just a regular middle-class neighborhood. then though we saw the broken windows, and what you're about to see now for the first time is the safe house where a massive raid took place. >> reporter: down these concrete stairs into a basement, a small room cluttered with clothing, tarps, electronic equipment, a rare view into the hideout of a terrorist. salah abdeslam, the key
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surviving suspect in the paris terror attacks, had been on the run for four months. the most wanted man in europe escaping capture. this exclusive video obtained by "outfront" was recorded the day after salah abdeslam was captured. pizza boxes and other food delivery containers, clues as to how long abdeslam lived here. the room contained no furniture. the hallway, blood on the floor. elsewhere in the apartment, shattered claglass. abdeslam shot in the leg trying to escape had sprinted into the street out of the apartment when officers shot him. captured say authorities not because someone turned him in, but because abdeslam made a
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mistake using a cell phone the police were tracking. in the wake of the brussels attacks, police arrested nine people in the last 24 hours. a stepped up response to attacks, but the inability to capture abdeslam for so many months in belgium highlights the challenge security forces face here. molenbeek is a working class neighborhood, an immigrant community home to many law-abiding muslims, but it represents a separate culture to the larger european one it resides it. >> it is true that there is a small but not insignificant fringe in brussels, in belgium, that does sympathize with isis, offering the terrorists opportunities to get some kind of help. >> reporter: security officials have long known that the local communities will be key in working with terrorism officials to identify the terrorists,
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especially those who travel to syria and then return to europe, but erin, that video certain shows therecertainly shows there's a lot of work to be done. >> nick paton walsh back with me now. ryan heath of politico and former cia operative bob baier. when we got this video, the person who shot it was so afraid of what might happen they don't want to be named. i'm not even going to say the gender of the person because they're so afraid of what the repercussions might be. these raids aren't happening in derelict places. it's a middle-class neighborhood. tonight for the first time the exclusive footage from the morning after the raid from inside this building. you can see police burst through the windows on a deck.
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glass is everywhere on the deck and inside. then a giant pool of blood clotted in the hallway. that's what you see right here. let me ask you, nick paton wa h walsh. this is evidence of what happened here. there was clearly evidence someone was shot and ran. >> bear in mind when you talk about the person who gave you this video and what you see inside there is evidence of the community assisting this man in hiding out. this clearly is a community willing to support this individual, to potentially make feel deeply afraid, the person, who assisted in you obtaining these pictures. there's certainly some demons that must be confronted here. >> you see in this first part of the video the door there with the police tape on it. you'll see more in a moment, but also the fingerprint dust.
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this was the morning after this raid. you can see evidence that the police were in there trying to do everything they could, but all you see is evidence was standing at the window, blood and running. >> this doesn't look like a man who was on the run. this looks like a man who got a lot of help and was there for sometime. >> let me play the second part of the video here. you've got the fingerprint dust, as i said. then the trail of blood leading to the basement. this is where the most wanted man in europe was essentially what we're calling his lair. this seems to be where he was sleeping, where he was spending his time. a door covered in police fingerprint dust and tape. when the door opens, there's a chair and piles of stuff. we don't know if this stuff is his stuff or the person who has this apartment actually had in there. pizza boxes, other food remains. evidence that abdeslam was getting food from outside somehow with somebody's money.
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somebody clearly was involved in his day-to-day existence, and that's something that's a crucial point. >> this isn't the europe i know. they defended this place with automatic weapons, to fight it out with police to defend a safe house. the fact they lived in the middle of a middle-class community, it's extraordinary. what it tells me is there's a large immigrant community in brussels that the police have no idea what's going on. whether they're committing common crimes or terrorism, they don't have a good handle on it. the belgian police didn't see this coming. they were not prepared for it organizationally. they're behind the curve on this, and it's scary. again, it's scary, erin, because these people who have set up here can get on airplanes and fly to the united states. they could have just as easily come here and set up in a safe house, made their explosives,
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and attacked american targets. i think that's what we should think about as americans. >> of course, as you look at this video, nick, it's very chilling because you have the warning today of one of the belgian senior leaders of isis or whatever they might be putting out a video. we told you we were going to do it. we did it, and we're going to do it again. yet, they did succeed. when you look at a hideout like this, you say how many more hideouts like this are there in this city? >> that is not a man on the run there. that bicycle sat there. a tool kit, freshly put bananas. is the trash being kept indoors? >> like why was the food there. >> bin laden's lair, you got a snapshot of the individual. we refer to them as monsters, but still a choice of pizza, an
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intimate life of their own hiding out in the basement there. these are still people capable of acts quite as disgusting as we've seen in paris and brussels. >> they say he was still living there, as nick says, in the most chilling way as a human being, eating his pizza, finding a way to go to the bathroom in that small apartment. >> with impunity and operating with automatic weapons and explosives. how many more networks -- you can be certain there are networks that aren't connected. they're not connected with metadata. they're not calling each other. they're compartmented. as the islamic state loses ground in iraq and syria, the way they're going to react is by striking europe. >> i thank you all for much.
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outfront next, a utah teen who survived a brush with death in the airport bombing. our camera is there for the emotional reunion. ted cruz lashing out over a salacious tabloid story. >> so donald when he has losing, when he's scared, when republicans are uniting against him, decides to pedal sleaze and slime. ful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. you can get a great andeal on this jetta., it drives great... volkswagen believes safety is very important so all eleven models come standard with an intelligent crash response system... hmm..... .....and seven stability-enhancing systems... hmm... ...for more confidence... on road trips. hmmfff... hmm... for those who take safety seriously.
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breaking news tonight. cnn confirms two americans are among the victims of the brussels massacre, others with ties to the united states are also confirmed dead tonight. their loved ones are trying to come to grips with something that is unimaginable, something you could never comprehend happening to you. >> it's been the hardest day of my life. >> reporter: hope is now heartbreak for emily. her boyfriend and belgian native is among the 31 people killed in tuesday's attacks. his family identified the 21-year-old's body friday.
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>> i'm going to miss the fact that he was my best friend, and i just felt like i could have spent the rest of my life with him. i always told him this at the end of our phone calls. bart is always in emily's heart. >> reporter: the horrific news delivered to pinezowski family as well. in a statement, the family said we are grateful to have closure on this tragic situation and are thankful for the thoughts and prayers from all. this as secretary of state john kerry made a sobering announcement. americans also among those killed. >> the united states i want you
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to know is praying and grieving with you for the loved ones of those who have been very cruelly taken from us. >> reporter: a senior u.s. official confirmed two americans among the victims, but their identities had not yet been relea released. some families are still waiting for word tonight, like those of justin and stephanie shults from tennessee who are still missing. they were dropping off stephanie's mother carolyn moore at the airport. she survived the blasts, but says she has still not heard from her daughter or son-in-law. an emotional reunion for surviving victim mason wells and his parents. wells a missionary from utah is suffering from severe burns. this is the third terrorist attack he has survived. he remembers this one vividly. >> i was looking down and a huge blast came from my right. i believe my body was off the ground for a moment. a large part of the right side
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of my body got really hot and really cold. i was covered in a lot of fluids, a lot of blood, and a lot of -- a lot of that blood wasn't mine. >> reporter: in the coming days, we should learn more names of those killed. belgian authorities are continuing to identify remains. you can imagine their work incredibly difficult considering the scope of this tragedy. >> thank you very much. and more breaking news tonight that offers yet another reminder for americans about how random and horrific isis attacks can be. sources confirming to cnn that more than two dozen people at a football game in iraq were killed in a suicide attack. the bomber blowing himself up in the middle of a crowd at a soccer stadium. the united states is still on its way to defeating isis. secretary kerry, thank you so much. >> pleasure. thank you.
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>> americans of course we now know are dead in these horrible terror attacks here in brussels. do you consider this an attack against america? >> whenever americans are killed, of course. >> so you do consider it an attack on america. do you think americans were targeted? >> i think it's an attack on america, it's an attack on europe, it's an attack on people who were here that weren't killed because it is an attack on everybody's ability to move freely and move without fear and that's what the terrorists want. that's why we have to continue, as we are, to go after daesh with full determination to destroy them. i am confident we are going to. >> are you concerned about attacks on american airports, american metro stations, attacks like the ones we have seen which intelligence is saying are linked to isis headquarters, which is a different profile from san bernardino? >> let me put it to you this
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way. law enforcement and intelligence community people have to get it right to prevent an attack every minute of every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. if somebody wakes up one morning in their apartment and decides they want to go out and kill themselves and take some people with them, they can most likely find a place on a subway, on a bus, in a market somewhere to do it unfortunately, but i am convinced that we are slowly and steadily deteriorating daesh's ability to recruit, its ability to prosecute its ideology, and over time we are going to get back to a world where we feel that we can travel with impunity and feel safe. >> so what about the young man who said i know so many people
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going to isis. i asked him why he didn't go. he said, well, i have a brain, but i understand. >> as daesh continues to get beaten, as its leadership continues to be decimated, i believe the attraction is going to be reduced. i think you will see a lot fewer people believing that as a narrative worth associating with or putting your life on the line for. >> will isis still be a threat when you leave? >> i think we are going to put a huge dent in them in the course of this year. there is no question in my mind, but it's going to take a number of years probably to reduce the impact of the ideology of people who will continue to carry an anger or a willingness to engage in some kind of act individually as a lone entity. even though we destroyed the core of al qaeda, and we did, al
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qaeda dispersed. there are al qaeda operatives out there who continue to represent a threat, but they don't represent a complete shredding of the fabric of your life. and that's what we've been fighting respect to daesh because if you left daesh unattended to and you didn't go after them, the results would be absolutely devastating. i think people have come to that conclusion, which is why there isn't one single country anywhere that supports daesh. daesh is isolated. that's why i can say to you with such confidence we will destroy it. >> secretary kerry, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> outfront next, an amazing story of survival here in brussels. you're going to meet a woman. she was separated from her husband as she tried to protect her four children during the airport attack. that woman will be my guest tonight. the fight between ted cruz and donald trump got even uglier
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tonight, an amazing story of survival coming out of the deadly terror attacks here in brussels. minutes feeling like hours for my next guest, seconds feeling like minutes. mother of four separated from her husband at the airport. she came under attack and she's with me now. you had gone into the airport with your four children. they're all eight and yurnunder very young children. your husband was parking the car. then what happened? >> we were at the check-in. unfortunately, we had this problem. we had to take another paper. we went to another entrance. when the bomb exploded, we were a little bit far away.
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i mean 20 meters, i think. then just had to hide my kids. we tried to be in a safe place. >> i know you grabbed your children, but you said it was your 8-year-old son who started yelling salah, salah. >> yes. he was worried about this area station. i don't know why, but he was sure that it was a terror attack. >> he knew that was the terrorist who had just been arrested. >> indeed, myself, i didn't think about. after that, we just thought we have to be in a safe place. >> how did you take your children -- there were people there who were dying, who were injured, and you were trying to take your children away for safety. you must worry about that for them now forever, those images in their head. >> yes.
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i just remember my kids and the eyes from my kids. i don't have a lot of images. maybe they have. i'm a little bit worried about, but i don't have images. >> your husband in some of the video playing on television, you can hear him screaming your name, but you didn't hear him there. he thought you and your four children might have all been dead. >> for him, it was a terrible moment because of course maybe 10, 20 minutes, i don't remember exactly the time, but these 10 minutes looking for all your family and going into the airport and everyone was going outside. for me, it was just -- we wanted
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to go. he was inside and searching for us. >> you found him and it was a wonderful reunion. you are so lucky i know to have your children and your husband. thank you for sharing your story with me. >> thank you. >> thank you. outfront next, u.s. politics. ted cruz blaming donald trump for a salacious tabloid story. >> with this pattern, he should not be surprised to see people calling him sleazy donald. >> tonight, trump firing back. we could do some thai. ooo... how 'bout sushi, eh? (dog yawns) no, we're not having barbecue... again. (dog groans) why? because you're on four legs, and i'm on two... and i'm driving. that's why. (dog whines) sushi it is. lease a 2016 lincoln navigator for $599 a month only at your lincoln dealer.
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today, people are concerned about the world's largest animals like never before. so we too must change. that's why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. there will be no more breeding. we're also phasing out orca theatrical shows. they'll continue to receive the highest standard of care available anywhere. and guests can come to see them simply being their majestic selves. inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. here's the plan. you want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like you're trying to wrangle a hurricane. the rest of the time, they're asleep. then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. and it's the worst 19 minutes of your career. but you don't sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. and when the best offer means you're moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. but you pretend it's not so bad. and years later at thanksgiving, when one of them says what he's thankful for most, is this house, you realize you didn't plan for any of this you wouldn't have done it any other way.
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with the right financial partner, progress is possible. breaking news in the race for the white house. ted cruz blaming donald trump for a salacious story in a tabloid magazine. trump, however, says he had nothing to do with the story. >> reporter: ted cruz breathing fire at donald trump today. >> donald trump may be a right, but i have no desire to copulate with him. and this garbage does not belong in politics. >> reporter: in a hastily arranged press conference today, the texas senator bringing up unprovoked a tabloid story about him, accusing donald trump of being behind it, but not offering any proof. >> it is complete and utter lies. it is a tabloid smear. and it is a smear that has come from donald trump and his
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henchm henchmen. >> reporter: trump today responding in a statement saying, i had slug nothing to do with it. did not know about it, and have not as yet read it. trump's attacks include a tweet threatening to spill the beans on heidi cruz and a retweet of a split screen image of his wife cruz looking to frame this as a pattern for trump. >> strong women scare donald. >> this isn't the first time trump has stirred up controversy with his comments about women. from his criticism of fox news anchor megyn kelly's debate moderate ago. >> she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her wherever. >> reporter: and his comments to rolling stone about former rival carly fiorina's appearance saying, quote, look at that face. would anyone vote for that? >> i think women all over this
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country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> reporter: to his assortment of digs at hillary clinton. >> and hillary who has become very shrill. you know the word shrill? she's become shrill. >> reporter: the latest cnn/orc poll shows while 59% of republican women have a favorable view of trump, 39% have an unfavorable view. his unfavorable view jumps to 73% nationwide revealing how much of an uphill climb he could face in a general election if he emerges as the nominee. you can see how remarkably aggressive ted cruz was today here at his press conference. clearly very affected by all of this. he also went after donald trump for being absent from the campaign trail this week. he said donald trump is sitting in trump tower hiding out, essentially picking twitter fights. we know donald trump will return to the campaign trail next week.
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>> all right. sunlen, thank you from wisconsin tonight. outfront now, former republican candidate and former governor of arkansas joining me, mike huckabee. thank you for being with me tonight. technically on this one it seems trump was hit first. an anti-trump superpac ad was the first to do this using a suggestive photo that mocked trump's wife melania. then trump retweeted a tweet that had a side by side. an unflattering photo of ted cruz's wife compared to his wife melania. did donald trump cross a line with this one, governor, do you think? >> well, i think everybody is crossing some lines here. ted cruz's pac should never have run that photo. the modeling photo of donald trump's wife who wasn't his wife at the time. it happened 15 years ago, before they were married. and she was a model. donald trump should not have
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responded with, you know, the side by side photo. i think wives should be off limits. i think children ought to be off limits. it's hard enough for the candidates, but to inject the families, whether it's the wives or the kids or brothers and sisters, frankly having been in this arena for 26 years, i find this the most deplorable part of it. i think we all ought to say there are some things that we just don't do. there are certain places we just don't go. >> and it would seem families should be one of them. governor, donald trump, though, has changed the game. he uses social media and twitter. he's made this campaign much more casual and often that's meant much nastier and lower in terms of dialogue. he retweeted a controversial post about jeb bush's wife that said jeb bush has to like the mexican illegals because of his wife. columba bush is a naturalized
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american citizen. if my wife was from mexico, you know, i would feel the same way. here he is. >> i don't regret anything. it was a retweet. it wasn't me. i wouldn't say that he would. if my wife were from mexico, i think i would have a soft spot for people from mexico. i mean, is any of this okay because some of the time it seems, governor, they hide behind the retweet. i retweeted. that's not the same thing as actually tweeting. a retweet does not indicate endorsement yet it's still coming from his twitter account. >> yeah, i think when you retweet something, essentially it's like repeating gossip that you don't know whether it's true or not. it's just better not to go there. there are plenty of issues for us to talk about in this campaign. especially in light of what's happened in brussels where you are right now. i think we need to be talking about the threat to americans.
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we ought to be talking about our economy fall apart. and when we get down into, really, some nasty and unfounded things about family members, it, frankly, demeans the entire political process and causes people to just not even want to go vote. and that's not healthy for this great republic of ours. >> and i have to say, i agree with you on this issue of what's happened here in brussels. you are meeting people who have survived something horrible, gone through something horrible, a terrorist attack. lives ruined. and yet the discussion in the u.s. political election right now is people tweeting out pictures of whose wife is hotter. i have to say, frankly, it's very embarrassing being here and having to talk about that. how do we change this? how do we change this in the united states? >> well, one of the reasons this continues to be effective is because everybody talks about it. i mean, we're talking about it.
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i don't know how to fix it other than everybody just sort of has a pact and we just say, we're not going there. it's not healthy for the country. it's not relevant to the election. and we're going to focus more on the substantive things that really do matter like people getting blown up in an airport because they were simply trying to go on vacation. that matters to everybody because we don't know. we're going to be in the airport the next time, in the next place that happens and that scares the daylights out of everybody. that's why these issues really need to be talked about a whole lot more than photos and allegations of spouses, especially that are unproven, untested. i was almost glad to see, quite frankly, the award given to hulk hogan against gawker. i thought it was great because i think if there could be more pushback when people go into salacious, unfounded stories
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about other people, there might be a little more discretion applied. >> very fair point. thank you, governor. i appreciate talking to you. >> thanks, erin. more of our breaking news coverage from brussels next. ♪ ♪ for your retirement, you want to celebrate the little things, because they're big to you. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade®.
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thanks for joining us from belgium. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. john berman in for anderson. we have breaking news. officials tell us the two brothers who blew themselves up in brussels were on a u.s. terror watchlist. one was on it even before the attacks in paris. and that's not the half of it. in the last 24 hours, we've seen raids and arrests in france, germany and belgium. explosions, gunfire, police intelligence and counterterror forces working at a fever pitch trying to prevent attacks that u.s. intelligence indicates are in various stages of planning, including one that french authorities say was in the advanced stages. we also learned of u.s. raids
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