tv Smerconish CNN March 26, 2016 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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we'll continue to get the latest on the breaking news as a manhunt continues across europe. >> don't go anywhere, smerconish starts now. ♪ ♪ i'm michael smerconish, were americans like this 19-year-old missionary the intended targets of the attack in belgium. i'll ask the head of the nsa and cia and ted cruz says claims of marital infidelity are garbage and blames donald trump and can the phrase vote for trump be considered hate speech? yes is the answer according to students that you'll meet from emory university. but first, just when you thought it couldn't get any uglier, a presidential race that has already included references to
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the size of a candidate's manhood, it devolved further with unsubstantiated claims of infa te infid dellty, rather than ignore it. >> let me be clear, this "national inquiry" story is garbage. complete and utter lies and a tabloid smear and a smear that's come from donald trump and his henchmen. >> trump said i have no idea whether or not the cover story of this week's news in "national inquiry" is true or not, i had nothing to do with it and have not read it, unlikelying ted cruz i do not surround myself with political hacks and henchmen. how did we get here? twitter.
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earlier after threatening to quote spilling the beans with something having to do with cruz' wife heidi, heidi and his own wife with the nasty headline no need to spill the beans, the images are worth 1,000 words. too much for cruz during the debates had mostly taken the high road. cruz came out swinging. >> donald does seem to have an issue with women. donald doesn't like strong women. strong women scare donald. real men don't try to bully women. donald, you're a sniveling coward and leave heidi the hell alone. >> in a week where 31 lost their lives to isis, much of the debate on the gop side of the isle is consumed with personal attacks among the front runners. joining me now, three conservative women, senior writer from the federalist,
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conservative blogger crystal wright and conservative opinion writer for "the washington post", jennifer ruben. there is nothing in this piece of substance, nothing that is substantiated, should ted cruz have even responded to it? >> i think ted cruz partly responded because he's angry about it, and secondly, he responded because rumors float around in politics, right, but only one candidate is besties with the guy that owns the "national inquiry" and a trump supporter came on air and dropped it live on tv so everybody feels licensed to talk about something completely unsubstantiated so ted cruz i'm not really down with that, i'd like to talk about this. >> jennifer, haven't we learned about this cycle? you can ask marco rubio that donald trump is the one who benefits any time the conversation is on something other than issues. >> absolutely. i think what happened this week was that donald trump saw some polls he didn't like. ted cruz is clearly making some
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progress in wisconsin. his comments on foreign policy, i think, by donald trump were not very effective. ted cruz cut into those talking about surveillance in muslim communities but also talking about the problems that ted cruz that donald trump would have for example withdrawing from nato. so suddenly, the conversation turned to something that donald trump wasn't good at which was substance or the polls going in the wrong direction, so what does he do? he throws a lot of dirt up in the air. does his gorilla dance, the press plays along, picks up on this and as a result, we're off to the races talking about this sort of thing rather than serious issues. i also think that ted cruz is actually telegraphing to two sets of audiences. one is the general public but also are those delegates and those delegates are probably going to decide the nomination of the republican party and talking directly to the delegates saying this guy is
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going to be horrible for the party and lose by a landslide. he has a woman problem. the republican party is going to be on defense and he's talking to them. i think that's what he has to do as he proceeds down this two-track process. >> crystal, i asked on my website this week whether spouses are ever fair game. nearly 2,000 people cast a ballot and 73% of them said no. now here is my question to you, it's easy for us to say leave the spouse alone. do you think we mean it or do you think that it does have an impact when there is, not in this instance apparently but when in fact there is an issue pertaining to a spouse. >> i think spouses, wives should be off limits but let's remember who started this, the dump trump pack that ran an unflattering ad
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p featuring melania when she posed nude. when trump's opponents attack him, he's somehow to blame. it's plausible to say donald trump didn't have anything to do with the "national inquiry" as ted cruz doesn't know about the ad featuring melania. >> hold on, the only name -- >> hold on -- >> roger stone, he's best friends with the guy that owns -- >> roger stone -- >> i'm happy to mention -- >> wait -- >> okay. >> ladies, wait, wait, i want crystal to finish and mary kathryn, i want to hear what you have to say. >> a, roger stone was fired from the trump campaign. last year they parted ways. b, katrina pierson who is donald trump's blacks conservative spokeswoman was allegedly featured in the "national inquiry" smear piece. i don't know why donald trump would leak a story about, that would involve his spokeswoman. i don't think donald trump had anything to do about this. i think what everybody is upset about, when you call donald
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trump voters and supporters stupid, this is what happens. >> nobody is calling -- >> every day -- >> hold on -- >> mary kathryn. you respond -- >> in the establishment calling donald trump voters stupid, mary kathryn. >> no one in this segment has done that, crystal, so if you would stop talking about it, we can move on to what we're talking about, this melania trump ad that is a real thing on the sleazy side of politics. donald trump doesn't both tore look up who put out that tiny facebook ad about his wife. he goes straight to nasty direct attacks on heidi cruz and starts retweeting -- >> defended his wife. >> saying ha, ha, heidi is ugly. >> i don't believe putting heidi next to melania. >> he is not -- >> here is the -- >> gutter -- >> get out of the gutter -- >> jennifer. >> people that support donald trump allow him to attack and
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counter attack with any rules that he -- >> here is just what you said. no -- >> observes most standards -- >> of donald trump. >> he observes -- >> jennifer, take the floor. i want to hear your thoughts. >> all right. if everybody would be able to stop cross talking, we could hear one another. listen, donald trump attacks ted cruz because he wants to attack cruz. he isn't hurt that his wife has been attacked. he uses these incidents as excuses to redirect attention towards himself. this mayor that put the ad has nothing to do with the trump campaign, has nothing to do with the cruz campaign, is an independent broker running around on her own. we can debate the merits of what she did or not. it's clear not even the trump campaign i think when pressed would think liz is working for ted cruz -- >> what's clear, jennifer, i'm not sure it's clear ted cruz didn't know about that ad. >> that's ridiculous. you have know -- >> i want to show all three of
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you poll results about donald trump's standing among females regardless of who shot john, these numbers tell a story and the story they tell is that 73% of all female voters have an unfavorable image of donald trump. if you then look at the internals on republican women, it's a pretty staggering nearly 40%. so the question, mary kathryn, how can he overcome this if he should become the standard bear and compete with hillary clinton. >> i think donald trump has shown an ability to overcome bad polling during this part of the race, so i don't put much past him. this is a serious obstacle and becomes more serious when he shows that every time a woman confronts him, he's happy to go after them on twitter or go off half-cocked in a press conference and it gets worse and worse all the time. >> crystal, hillary clinton must be loving this. i have a montage. i'm not going to take the time
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to show it. i'm sure you've seen the different statements he's made and if you string them together, it's an ad against trump that writes itself. explain the scenario in the fall where he could win. >> i agree with mary kathryn. i don't agree with everything. the party and donald trump has a problem with women. that said, what i would like to see the republican party do and candidates left in the game, where are these great conservative women as s surrogates. you seen -- >> carly fiorina is one. >> hold on, jennifer. >> carly fiorina is one. >> hold on, jennifer, i'm agreeing. all of us could be great surrogates. >> we're not surrogates, we're independent journalists. >> you want to start crossing over me, i'm actually trying to make a point i think we can all agree. our party, whether you're talking about the halls of congress, the rnc or other groups, our party is good at having white older men talk
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about pro-life issues, women's issues and that's why mitt romney lost the woman vote in 2012. we need to do better whether it's donald trump, ted cruz, john kasich. carly fiorina is one woman. all of us should be talking about -- >> i think you're in a time warp. i think you're in a time warp. we have a very diverse candidate pool that we started off with. we have women like -- >> i don't name call, jennifer. i don't name call -- >> all right. >> one last thing -- >> i'm glad we solved this. >> we have a problem when donald trump supporters on air make excuses for his behavior and when some of them, women themselves bring up up substantiated stories on air so this gets into the main stream. >> that's a problem. >> thank you-all three for being here. >> i don't think all women should be put in a box. >> thank you-all, to be continued. i should point out that none of this is substantiated and the women referenced, they all say it is garbage. tell me what you think.
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tweet me at smerconish and i'll air some throughout today's program and tune in this tuesday 8:00 p.m. when anderson cooper moderates a town hall with the three presidential hopefuls live from milwaukee one week before the wisconsin primary. still to come, were the isis bombs in belgium targeting american victims? and what's being done to prevent future attacks? also, why are so many of these terror attacks in brussels, the boston marathon and september 11 committed by teams of brothers and trump's inspiring a huge surge in voter registration this year in my home state of pennsylvania, but are voters for him, against him or gaming the system? no one's the same without the game of football... like @pigskinsusan15, who writes, "now my boyfriend wants to talk on sundays. just so many words." your boyfriend's got it bad. maybe think about being single until the start of the season.
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trustit powers...sher with cascade platinum. (politely) wait, wait, wait! you baked-on? dish issues?onna work. ...through... your toughestuck-on food. better than finish. cascade. don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. this week in brussels, isis hit soft targets and 31 people were killed including two americans and at least 14 americans were injured, one of
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them this young mormon missionary recovering from burns. three bombs exploded near u.s. airlines raising the question were americans targeted? michael hayden is a retired air force four-star general, the only person ever to have headed the cia and nsa and new book is playing to the edge, american intelligence in the age of terror. general, is it possible america was targeted in this attack, this is as close as they can get to us right now overseas? >> it's possible, michael. at the strategy level laying this out, killing americans would have been viewed as an added good but what they wanted was maximum impact. they wanted the largest number of casualties and they did it in a place, michael, in an airport in this particular airport in which so many people have been. so this is an attack that gets felt by a whole lot of people.
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that's the impact they were looking for. >> are the belgiums up to the task, or does the united states need to step in and coordinate intelligence gathering in that part of the world? >> the belgiums apparently are not up to the task, certainly not up to the task at the moment. i don't know that that reality drives the second point that you made, michael. we need to help, we need to offer. you have european institutions that might also put their shoulder to the wheel here but clearly, michael, clearly, we need better intelligence when it comes to what is now not one off, not lone wolves, not self-radicalized by a mature terrorist network in the heart of europe. >> salah abdeslam was captured four days before this attack in the same neighborhood where he grew up. does that speak to a lack of will, lack of resources, lack of intelligence?
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where is the failure? >> several has come to my mind. number one, lack of competence, number two, lack of resources. no question about that and then third, michael, this is probably very important. he was in a neighborhood in a neighborhood in a community that by in large was radicalized. we got radicalized individuals here in the united states but we don't yet have radicalized communities. this is a community in general felt hostile to the host nation and the host nation government. >> well, general, to that point, senator cruz used the word choice, patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods and criticized. i think i understand what he was saying to ray kelly's work. do the belgiums, do the americans need to institute that type of measure? >> look, i was fully in support of what commissioner kelly did in new york and in the book i talk about the liaison
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relationship cia had with nypd but also make the point that new york was a special case. it was a one off. it was a city in america but in many ways not of america. one-third of the city's population was not born in the united states and i make the point i would not transfer the new york lessons to cleveland or to chicago or to other cities. the danger we have here, michael, if we do this badly, will create something that doesn't yet exist, radicalized communities. >> general, water boarding did not take place on your watch. you were at the nsa, not even at the cia but when you get to the cia, you nevertheless become quite a defender of techniques generally. is this guy not the ticking time bomb case if there were ever an instance where enhanced interrogation is necessary, isn't this attacker in custody
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for four days before who occurred and even now? >> well, michael, let's start with basics. let's start with the premise he should have been interrogated. according to the public record, it appears as if the belgium police only spoke to him about an hour or two in the four days they had him in custody and even then, they were asking him to look backwards towards the paris attack rather than trying to gain information forward about potential dangers in belgium. michael, right now, american military forces, cia, are confined to the 19 techniques in the army feldmield manuel. quite an extreme technique and illegal in the united states, no one, no same person can claim that the 19 techniques in the army feud manuel exhaust the legitimate techniques that people could use to keep itself safe. so yeah, i for one would be willing to explore what more
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could we do to get a terrorist, this guy was a known terrorist out of a zone of defiance more into a zone of cooperation. >> including water boarding? >> i don't know that, michael. it's off the board. let me be candid. if a future president wants to water board, somebody will have to do it himself because the people at cia that did this in good faith consistent with the legal judgment they had been given did it to protect america, they frankly have been hung out to dry for the last six or seven years. >> general hayden, thank you for being here. >> thank you, michael. seems more and more we see brothers in arms in terror attacks, literally brothers. look at this picture. these men attacked the airport in brussels. the man in the middle is salah abdeslam and his brother ibrahim
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and tsarnaev brothers bombed the boston marathon and three sets were among the 19 hijackers on september 11. joining me now, mia bloom the co-author of all in the family of primer on terrorist siblings and a professor of communications at georgia state universi university. what other family relationships do you see repeating themselves? i know you noted 30% of terrorists seem to have a family connection. >> actually, the study originally conducted by the new america foundation found in excess of one third of foreign fighters were connected by family connection. we noticed this originally dr. john and i when we wrote the piece in 2013 after the boston marathon bombing, we went back into the files and we were able to go back to the 1980s to the provisional ira and the price
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sisters and a number of brothers and sisters that were in terrorist groups across a variety of groups. it's not just recently and certainly not just the jihad groups. the jihad groups, however, have perfected this and part of the reason is that these high-risk missions require trust and commitment and when you're working with a family member, that's an automatic given. you trust that person and you're committed to them. you don't want to let them down and you don't want to let the group down. >> professor, do they typically stick together at the time of an attack or do they go in separate directions and involve themselves in different as seconds of the operation? >> i think exempt for tsarnaev, one thing i'll notice. they will send one sibling to the airport and one to the metro. we saw this in 2005 with the sisters who were chechen. one went to the airport, one went to the subway.
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part of the idea is there might be a concern at the very last minute, two brothers will have such great affection for each other that they may at the last-minute change their mind together, whereas if your brother is at another location, you're assuming he's going to carry it out or your sister will carry out the operation and you have to. it's kind of pressure. >> right. in other words, you don't want to let down your sibling because you're in charge of the airport, they are in charge of the metro station, you presume they are carrying out their quote responsibility and therefore you have added incentive to do likewise. >> precisely. and in fact, at bataclan, one went to a cafe, the other brother dropped off at the stadium. but because he got away, we don't have that example now. >> in regard to september 11, one of the three pair of brothers, one had to plead with bin laden himself to allow him to carry out the quote unquote
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mission with his sibling. >> you know, this is again, one of the things where we are very often seeing an older and younger sibling where the older sibling gets involved first and pulls the younger in. this is very likely to have been the case. we also saw in places like pakistan where we've been studying children involved, that children get involved as brothers or cousins where the older one pulls the younger one in. this dynamic is happening with regularity and increasingly seeing it more and more. >> to state the obvious, professor, it's harder to i'm pregnant from a law enforcement standpoint and can carry out double the damage, that's the issue. >> absolutely. because if you're calling your brother or sister ten times a week, it's not going to look suspicious whereas if you're calling a stranger in pakistan ten times a week, you will be suspicious. that's the behavior that falls under the radar screen when it's
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siblings and not when it's collaborators. >> that's really some fascinating analysis. mia bloom, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me, michael. just ahead, record numbers of voters in pennsylvania are changing parties for the primary. now, is that good or bad news for donald trump? and guess which candidate's name scribbled in chuck on a sidewalk and buildings caused a campus protest and what does that mean for free speech rights? ♪
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parties to help or hinder a particular candidate. some callers registered republican to vote for donald trump, some to vote against him and some to boost his candidacy because they think he's the weakest. i changed from independent. record numbers are switching. 70,000 so far and more than 70,000 to the dems. so what is it all about? joining me now, dr. terry madonna and public affairs at marshall college and republican congressman lou, a gop member from pennsylvania's coal country and a trump supporter. let me begin with you. numbers seem startling. are they unprecedented? >> yeah, it looks like they are. i mean, we had an uptick of course in republicans registering democratic to vote
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in the big 2008 democratic primary in thi state. a primary in which then senator obama lost to then senator clinton by 10% take points when the democratic turnout gone up went up all the indications are we're going to see a huge republican turnout in the primary on april 26th in this state just as we have seen large turnouts in republican events and primaries and caucuses and the other point i would make is you're absolutely right. there is strategy voting going on. people changing registration to vote for trump, to vote against tru trump. it's very complicated. these numbers are huge and scattered throughout the entire state. >> terry, you know donald trump would say look, they are all joining the gop to vote for me but a poll you commissioned has an interesting result.
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we'll put it up on the screen. it shows john kasich in the common wealth within three points of donald trump. maybe john kasich is the one whose the beneficiary. >> i don't think there is any doubt some are registering to republican to vote for kasich. basically what happened after rubio marco rubio dropped out of the race, michael, kasich was in a sense the beneficiary of that change. he picked up a fair number of that vote and there has been a kasich surge down in the voter rich suburbs in philadelphia where the voters there tend to be more the republicans more moderately conservative. he's picked up votes in a variety of other counties. trump is doing very well in the western part of the state in the old mining and mill towns amoss the demographics we've seen in michigan and other states. >> let me ask -- >> white blue color -- >> let me ask congressman whose
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district i know well because my parents were born and raised in your hometown. you endorsed donald trump. >> that's right. as you know, michael, i've been battling the problem of legal immigration since i was mayor. just as frustrated as most people around the country. i think what really pushed them over the line and trying to hijack and from the people speaking out against washington, i could tell you this endorsement didn't help me in washington but i could sleep at night. >> a versus trump and as of now she hammers him 46 to 33%. she, too, has roots a little
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north of where you are. >> she does, what i've seen, michael, blue collar hard working people. labor union members that told me there is no question they are switching parties or going to go in november and vote for donald trump. i haven't seen this organic grass roots from democrats and republicans at least here in my part of the state ever in my lifetime. >> and yet, dr. madonna, it's john kasich who not only does well in pennsylvania, which theory could be a swing state but let me show you a national survey of different republican candidates against hillary clinton. she beats trump. she beats cruz. she loses to kasich. k kasich is the only one. kasich is the only one who beats her. >> yeah, these polls will vary. the national polls now and, you know, i've done them in the past
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are not predictive of what will happen in the fall. one of the problems that this campaign is producing is the high negatives for example, trump's negatives nationally are well above 50%. clinton's negatives are above 50% in the poll that we just did. this is a mean, ugly campaign and it's going to drive the negatives up for both candidates. but we're going to have to wait and see. it will depend on the enthusiasm. this is going to be a turnout the base energized voters election. it's going to be very, very unusual at the moment it looks like we could have a very substantial turnout next fall on november 8. >> congressman, you are dismissed to go over and get a hot dog at jimmy's lunch. [ laughter ] >> thank you, terry -- >> i'll get one for you. >> thank you. so what do you think of this party switching? tweet me your thoughts. still to come, how did some
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writing on a georgia campus in chalk fuel student protest? why some students are claiming trump 2016 is a trigger face. pf. . . phasface. eface. ace. phasece.e. . these are the hands, the hands that drive commerce, that build business across borders. these are the hands of pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. these are the hands that sew the seeds of business growth, that weave the data, and find the perfect spot to thrive. these are the hands of pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce.
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. listen to this quote, i thought we were having a kkk. i was fearing for my life. that's what one said this past week, why? the sudden appearance of chalk writings all over campus walkways and buildings and what did these inflammatory words say, vote trump or trump 2016. dozens of students found this cause to protest and several paid a call on college president james wagner. afterwards, wagner released a statement which in part said this, the students voiced genuine concern and pain in the face of perceived intimidation. i cannot dismiss his and presentation of feelings and
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concern as motivated only by political preference or over sensitivity. there's been a lot of campus activism recently about trigger words, sensitivity on ethnic issues even in the cafeteria menus but this is the first time can kndidate is a flash point. three students, helped organize the protest and zack hudack the editor of the "emery wheel." he wrote a piece warning the student protesters may be endangering freedom of speech including their own. they are joaniining me now. help the rest of us understand the fear that this caused. >> right. i just want to first start off by saying thank you for having us on the show and having the opportunity to clear the air about what is being said in the media today. first, i want to make it known
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that this is not about chalk. and that is the media saying it's about but it's not about chalk. secondly, i want to make it clear that we are in no way advocating for censorship. we are not trying to strip people of their first amendment right. we're in favor of freedom of speech and actively participating in. >> let me ask a question, if i might, i understand there is a procedure for chalking on college campuses including emery. you got to get permission in advance. in this case, they didn't. whoever did it. let me ask you this question. what if a trump supporter on campus approached the university and said i would like to draw on sidewalks, trump 2016. should they have been given permission? >> here is the thing. to address your question specifically, right? yes, student organizations where you are able to be held accountable that is the way in
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which this usually happens. however, what we're talking about is not one incident, right? this is a really easy way to pigeon hole students and marginalize communities. we're talking about an entear history. our #1969 refers to the fact that in 1969 black students at emery made a similar list of demands to emery to try to truly bring community and this point of pride for emery as a community of care and somewhere where we can embrace diversity and embrace difference and have conversations about that and since then, you know, we have not seen a lot of change and further more, we have seen a lot of specific visually racily charged things that have happened to students at emery. so we're talking about instances where a historically black fraternity has a house on emery's campus and cotton is thrown on their lawn in
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reminiscent of slavery. we're also talking about consistently having cannons from other fraternities pointed at this historically black fraternity house and the n-word shows up on the library and tennis courts and engraved -- >> i understand, right. i understand. but in this case, the "n" word wasn't involved. zack, let me say congratulations. you're the brand-new editor of the campus newspaper and here is part of what you wrote on this. institutionbly prohibiting an ignorant idea does not ignore it far from the moderatingfects of public scrutiny, the best way to destroy an idea is to confront it. it sounds to me like you're worried there is an over reaction here, zack? >> not so much an over reaction. what i've seen over the past few days over this week as the stories unfolded is i can say with confidence that the fears
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and the pain that these students and specifically these protesters have been feeling is completely genuine. there's no over blowing. these are genuine concerns. the name trump has come to mean something that in my lifetime is presidential candidate's name is never meant and we have to acknowledge that. i nonetheless must maintain that freedom of speech has to remain paramount throughout this. >> zack, this is the writing of a person's name running for president not in a hateful way and written in chalk that's going to wash off with the next rainstorm that you have in atlanta. >> can i make something clear? >> zack? can you respond to that? >> yeah, i honestly think this entire thing has been good without the chalk, we wouldn't now have this conversation and we have to remember that there is a chance that donald trump is going to be president, and we
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can't say that students can't support him, let alone that they can't chalk his name. >> i appreciate all three of you being here and i wish you-all good things at emery. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up next, you want to hear my personal theory of where donald trump gets his whole campaign strategy from. yeah, "seinfeld." and you're best and worst tweets like this one. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies! only from tums thiand being able to use've worked oa pen like thisk. on the screen directly with the image, it takes me back to my time as a painter. and i just can't do that on my mac.
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testing, testing... 1, 2, 3, 4... ♪ ♪look out honey... ♪because i'm using technology...♪ ♪ ♪ain't got time to make no apologies...♪ ♪ ♪soul radiation in the dead of night...♪ ♪love in the middle of a fire fight...♪ ♪ ♪honey gotta strike me blind... ♪somebody gotta save my soul... ♪baby penetrates my mind... ♪ ♪ [cheering] ♪and i'm the world's forgotten boy...♪ ♪ ♪the one who's searchin'... ♪searchin' to destroy... ♪ ♪and honey i'm the world's forgotten boy...♪ ♪
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6:52 am
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recall this classic episode from season five. >> every decision i've ever made in my entire life has been wrong. my life is the complete opposite of everything i want it to be. >> uh, george, you know, that woman just looked at you. >> what am i supposed to do? >> go talk to her. >> elaine, bald men with no jobs and no money who live with their parents -- [ laughter ] -- don't approach strange women. >> well, here's your chance to try the opposite. if every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right. >> my name is george. i'm unemployed and i live with my parents. >> i'm victoria. hi. >> think about it. trump's campaign style is all costanza-like, opposite behavior. he's questioned the heroism of a former p.o.w. and standard bearer of his own party, fought fox news and its most ascendant
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star, megyn kelly, including questioning her menstrual cycle, picked a fight over immigration with the pope himself, mocked a disabled reporter, incorrectly cited a bible verse while courting evangelical christians, promised to be an honest broker in the middle east, instead of reflexively siding with israel, refused to release his tax returns, conducted press conferences while accepting victory on primary election nights, and he has assured us of the size of his manhood. the "seinfeld" episode was the brainchild of writer andy cowen. he told me that he, too, sees the parallels between george costan costanza's willingness to criticize george steinbrenner while applying to work for the yankees and trump's battles with roger ailes, the head of the gop's primary oracle, fox news. so, what's the end game here? well, unless there's some shrinkage in his numbers, trump could soon be celebrating festivus at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, and any talk of his being the master of his domain
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might be a reference to the white house. as i like to say, you can tweet me @smerconish, if you can spell my last name. here's what's come in during the course of this program. thomas says, "smerconish, i was raised by two moms and an older stf. laugh out loud, your last segment was like a flashback of a family road trip." i think it reminded us of a lot of people's road trips. and then "smerconish, the national enquirer paper is what you find in the bottom of the cage for the feathered guest at bernie sanders rally." great comment. i imagine we've all seen the image of the bird landing on the podium of the sanders rally last night. and abu says "in world war ii, our young men stormed the beaches of normandy. today our kids are afraid of chalk. problems of common core." i thought it was a great segment, good conversation among those three promising students. hey, happy easter, everybody, to
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those who are celebrating. i will see you back here next week. of the nfl, and i want to remind you that no one's the same without the game... like @squirrelgirl52 who writes, "no football on sundays has left me with a lot of free time. "so i've constructed a small sanctuary for local squirrels. it's a safe haven where they can meet and fall in love and..." ok, i'm going to stop reading right now. you might have some issues that go beyond football's help, but try watching the nfl draft. see if that helps. maybe watch with a friend... or doctor.
6:57 am
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7:00 am
always so grateful for your company. welcome, everybody. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 10:00 on the east coast. welcome in to "cnn newsroom." we start with breaking news this morning. >> a suspect has been arrested in connection with the brussels terror attacks this morning. fakal c. is what he's being called, formally charged with participation in terrorist activities. >> let's bring in cnn victor tim lister and correspondent michael holmes. tim, what else do we know about faycal c. and potentially others who were arrested? >> reporter: altogether, victor, there were nine arrested over a 24-hour period, of whom several have been released --
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