tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN March 27, 2016 1:00am-3:01am PDT
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judas, but at least we can have some empathy for him. . hello, everyone, i'm coming to you from brussels. we want to welcome everyone to the unfolding developments in belgium in the aftermath of tuesday's terror attacks faycal cheffou yet, another name is emerging as a key cog in the terror operation that took 28 lives on tuesday. authorities calling him isilfee. they're not describing his involvement yet faycal cheffou
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while people mourn the lives lost, it remains a city on edge faycal cheffou security concerns led to organizers canceling a peace march planned for today faycal cheffou -- there are important inquiries going on. we need police capacity all over the country:it's our main priority to let the police in the best circumstances possible do this inquiries.
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>> reporter: italian police tweeting a picture after arresting an algerian national. police suspect he forged residency documents related to the attacks. the man was already wanted in belgium. police say he was involved in illegal immigration connected to the paris attacks last november. as more families begin to learn the fate of their loved ones involved in tuesday's attacks, two u.s. parents are now at their son's bedside in brussels. the missionary has second-degree burns and shrapnel wounds. citeme >> reporter: proud parents show a photo of their family. tears of relief and worry. their oldest, joseph dresden, of at the airport check-in exactly where the bomb went off. >> he's the oldest of five kids. and he was -- he's just been --
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driven since he was born. he's taken care of all of us. he's responsible and kind, loving. >> reporter: joseph called his parents from hospital. his voice was calm. and then he sent them these photos. >> it was devastating. >> reporter: he's being treated for second-degree burns to his hands, face, and head, with surgery for shrapnel wounds on his legs. >> it's a long trip. yeah. >> reporter: when you first saw him? what did you think? what did he say? >> his eyes were beautiful. you could see through all the burns and his injuries that it's still his same soul and heart in there. he's going to need time to rehabilitate and heal on the outsi outside, and i'm sheure with hi
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emotions, as well. >> he's got bandages on his face, but he's got pretty blue eyes. just thankful and excited to see us. >> reporter: joseph was a few months away from the end of his two-year missionary tour to europe when the bombing happened. he described the scene to his parents. >> it was horrifying, what he went through. he -- he remembers the blast. it knocked him out. he was very scared and hiding. then he went in to helping those around him, looking for his three missionary colleagues to help them. >> reporter: i asked what they thought of the terrorists. >> i don't understand it. i just know that there's so much more good and love in the world that tell always win. >> reporter: joseph has more surgery and treatment to go through. his family can't take him home yet, where his brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting to
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see him again. cnn, brussels. over the last few days, thousands of mourners have made their way to the make shift memorial behind me. among those paying respects, a belgian high school teacher who said his wife once taught one of the suicide bombers who struck the airport. >> in fact, she found an e-mail she received from him. she remembers that he was very kind, very religious certainly. and brilliant. and a nice guy. so that's very frightening. the scope of this plot just seems to get bigger and bigger, doesn't it? more suspects coming out of the woodwork seemingly every day. helping us break this down, senior e.u. correspondent for politico. great to have you back, ryan.
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>> good morning. >> reporter: we've had arrests in france, belgium, of course. now the latest, italy. just speak to the breadth. >> don't forget the guy picked up on the platform in germany. we're starting to see coordination, movement. that's a signed of movement as we go into the fifth day after the bombings. >> reporter: speaking of coordination, news about warnings not getting through on the metro. >> even though a decision was taken to go level-four alert to shut down the metro, the message never got to the metro operators. they didn't have a chance to shut down the metro. the people in the mercedes didn't have the chance to get out. >> reporter: that speaks to the breakdown of communication overall. >> when you hear from the administrator, one of the better erchlers, his reaction on camera, asked about that, well, that was the job of the regional government. unfortunately, that doesn't help the families of the people who died in that metro station. >> reporter: speaking of families, easter is an important time here in belgium for a lot
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of people. and families are going to be gathering. when you look at -- we've talked about this the last few days. that once the faces and names of the belgian victims come out, people here are going -- it's going to be brought into stark reality for people who never thought this would happen here. what are you expecting? >> i think this is the first chance a lot of families will have to get together and reflect as a group. so they'll be asking questions about what do we want belgium to become. how did we perform. we'll see crystallization as people come out of that time of reflection. maybe they'll decide to stick together and back the government. maybe they'll be angry about how the government performed. there will be discussions today. >> reporter: talking to people yesterday, there seems to be a growing anger about what has not happened. what the failures are. there was going to be a big march today, people were going to be walking through the streets, going to be here. and it seems so tragic that this was a march that was to show that we are not cowed by
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terrorists. that we are together, we stand united. it's been called off because of security concerns. >> exactly. the march against fear canceled because of fear. so i think some people are going to gather anyway. the government admit it can't stop you going on to the streets, but it's urged people, urged the organizers to contain. it the fact that we're on this balcony now rather than on the place. that's because they've cleared the space. they know people will be there, and they'd rather have them in plain sight than winding alleyways. it's not a great sign. if your big stand against continuing -- for continuing your life can't go ahead, then that raises questions about how it will go ahead. >> reporter: yeah. and i've been to many, many war zon zones, as you have. it's so -- i took a photo yesterday because it was incongress to have an armed
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guard outside the cafes in the main square in this beautiful city. >> if anything, we're blase about that now. compared to the terror lookdown in november, this is very low key. we couldn't get into a supermarket without having bags searched in november. you can pretty much walk right in these days. we had armored vehicles and men with guns in much larger guns walking around in november. not so much now. people are starting to wonder, why did you need it when there wasn't an attack. now that there has been an attack, and you think there shouldn't be a march because there could be another attack, where are all of the people protecting us? >> reporter: it struck me, too, when the terror alert went from four to three when there are still suspect out there, did it surprise a lot of people? >> it didn't surprise us really because that happened in november, as well. everything went from being shut down to working again, though none of the suspects were caught. salah abdeslam was caught four
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months later, not during the terror lockdown. eventually a city comes back to life. as well, at level three, authorities are more flexibility about where to position resources. my gut feeling, just my gut feeling, i don't have proof of this, it is that they needed that flexibility. they had to dial it down in order to give themselves that flexibility. the situation on the ground doesn't feel so different. >> you know, it's interesting, we've also talked a lot about how belgium per capita has the most fighters going on to fight jihad in places like syria. do you think despite that statistic that belgians in many ways didn't think this would happen on their turf, in their city in. >> yes. i think that belgians like to keep to themselves. they really take pride in being the people that you can get along with. they take pride in being the pro-europeans, not the ones who argue, tit-for-tat like many other governments do. this is the most cosmopolitan city in europe.
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half the population was born outside of belgium. in a way, they think why is this happening to us. at another level, nobody's surprised because it's obvious it's a diplomatic capital, home to nato, home to all of these radicalized young people. it's obvious that this would become a target at some point. >> thank you very much for joining us. and you know, if you wanted to drive home the links between the country and isis, i saw on the north american today a belgian jihadist on line praising attacks from syria, and then executing a prisoner. we're going to take a short break. when we come back, we'll look at the other stories making news, including a big night for the u.s. presidential candidate, bernie sanders ahead of the caucuses in the american waste that are giving him reason to smile. also, protesters in north carolina say a newly passed state law discriminates against
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transgender people. and several major corporations warn it could cost the state some big business. much more to come after the break. i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear?
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welcome back. i'm george howell in atlanta. we will have more from my colleague, michael holmes, in brussels in just a moment. first, other news we're following around the world -- breaking news in syria. the country's military has retaken the ancient city of p palmyra from isis control according to syrian tv. government forces had the support of air strikes. the militant group took the key city last may and destroyed many of the temples at the site. it has been described as an irreplaceable loss to the history of civilization. p palmyra has key routes leading to the self-declared capital of raqqah. across the border in northern iraq, thousands of families have fled their towns. this as iraqi government forces tried to push isis out of villages. officials say the families are being given humanitarian assistance. isis has been losing territory
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in iraq, and the country's military says it is making progress south of the key city of mosul, still in isis control. america's choice, 2016. among democrats, voters in the state of alaska, the state of washington and hawaii have all weighed in on saturday. we're awaiting results from hawaii. the caucus tallies from the other two states gave bernie sanders good reason to smile today. with 101 delegates at stake in washington state, sanders snagged 72% of the votes. in alaska, he won more than 80%. hillary clinton is still far ahead of sanders in the national delegate count. right now she holds more than 70% of the delegate votes that she needs to win the democratic nomination. still, bernie sanders has reason to smile. he's optimistic. he told supporters in wisconsin the trend is moving in the right
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direction. >> we knew things were going to improve as we headed west. [ cheers ] last week, we won utah with 78% of the vote. we won idaho with 79% of the vote. we condemns abroad with 67% of the vote. [ cheers ] we are makin significant inroads in secretary clinton's lead, and we have with your support coming here in wisconsin, we have a path toward
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victory. [ cheers ] >> reporter: more information now. bernie sanders may have even more reason to smile now that we understand that he has won in the state of hawaii. in the presidential preference vote there. 70% of the vote. we'll continue to monitor the details coming from hawaii. again, it seems that bernie sanders has won there. and now a new twist in the republican presidential race. it is emerging in a gun rights petition. more than 22,000 people have signed the call demanding that guns be allowed into the party's convention. presently, the venue for the convention in cleveland forbids weapons inside the facility. this comes amid war bess security at the july -- worries about security at the july convention and worries that riots could break out if he does not get the party nomination. this year's presidential town halls and debates have prompted many viewers to shake their heads at a range of different emotions, anger to
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frustration, amusement, even disbelief. now cnn's brian stelzer shows how one neuroscientist is studying viewers' brains as they try to take in the political spectacle. >> they're small metal disks that are going to be directly touching your scalp. sampling electrical activity. >> reporter: this is your brain on presidential debates. sam barnett is measuring brain activity as viewers watch the most popular show of the season. the 26-year-old is a hedge fund ceo by day and a ph.d. student by night. >> a whole field of research that is really trying to make science fiction a reality. >> reporter: he's studying neuroscience. we're in watching the debate. what are you trying to measure from people's brains? >> we're try to get a sense of where their waves are going to see what content is driving people to feel similarly about certain topic. >> reporter: in a room filled with equal numbers of
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republicans, democrats, and independents, barnett starts to study the data. >> the introductions were mild overall. >> reporter: he quickly notices one thing -- everybody's brain seems to agree on, donald trump. when trump's on the screen, i see the data shoot up. what does that mean? >> he's at 35.9 when the other candidates are in the 20s. >> reporter: seeing trump's face, hearing his voice lights up the brain. >> the fact that he can make everyone feel on a fundamental neuro way is interesting. they might consciously disagree, but something in their brain is ticking the same way when it's happening. >> reporter: maybe it's his unique television skills, perfected on nearly a decade on "the apprentice." democrat or republican watching the debate, when trump's on the screen, suddenly your eyes are wide open, you're paying more attention. >> yes. everyone in the is sharing some kind of neurobond. everyone is kind of feeling the
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same kind of attention, same kind of underlying passion at least. >> reporter: afterward, analysis found that trump-led engagement among democrats, republicans, and independents, as well as women in our focus group. he trailed marco rubio above men, but only slightly. while trump night want to be compared to a four-legged animal, barnett says there's no denying his appeal. there are other things you would compare this heightened engagement to? >> dogs have been known for a long time in advertising as this popular kind of fog include, and people of all different walks of life like seeing a dog in a commercial. it's cute, engaging, interesting. similar to donald trump. >> reporter: trump was more engaging talking about educat n education. >> we see this as stronger for john kasich. >> reporter: trump was best overall at getting the focus group to focus on his words. no wonder ratings rise when he's speaking on the air. barnett uses the method to study
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advertising, and he's applying it to his hedge fund investment, as well. in the not-too-distant future, he expects campaigns to be strapping these contraptions on to people's heads to learn more about their neuro reactions. >> i would imagine that people would learn and this would continue to shape more effective messaging in the future. >> when your brain is aglow with enthusiasm or you're shaking your head with a headache there, you will get a chance to exercise the brain waves through days from now. cnn will host a town hall for the republican candidates. you can see it live wednesday morning at 1:00 a.m. in london, 2:00 a.m. in paris. only here on cnn. a series of bills considered discriminatory against gay and lesbian communities have several u.s. corporations threatening action against the states of georgia and north carolina. cnn's nick valencia has details on why and what's at stake. [ chanting ] this is not over!
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>> all these people are upset, angry. they have been left out of the democratic process. >> reporter: this week outside of the governor's mansion in north carolina, protests and arrests. the demonstrators are opponents to a newly passed state law that they say is devastating to the civil liberties of transgender people. the law strikes down a recently passed ordinance this charlotte that would have protected trans people and allowed them to select the restroom of their choice depending how they identify. republican lawmakers like senate pro tempore were furious at the legislation. >> allows grown men to share bathrooms and locker facilities with girls and women. >> reporter: in a special session, sole three consider the bill, republican -- solely to consider the bill, republicans passed the private securities and facilities act. it means transgender people in the state of north carolina must use the restroom related to the
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gender on their birth certificate. north carolina's bill, signed into law wednesday, is the latest in a string of states attempting to pass similar and tie lgbt legislation. >> in the courtrooms, you're seeing folks get their religious beliefs persecutesed against. >> reporter: in georgia, the controversial bill passed by the state house and senate is called the free exercise protection act, one of the several religious liberty bills that have surfaced across the country. governor nathan deal has until may to sign it into law. senator mike crane is one of the bill's most adamant supporters. is this legislation a direct result of what the supreme court did last year in legalizing same-sex marriage? gay marriage? >> i think it's a result of many things, but that was just another catalyst, i believe. >> reporter: many blue-chip businesses around the nation say there will be major financial consequen consequences to republican efforts in georgia and north carolina. disney and marvel studios have threatened to abandon production in georgia if the governor signs the bill into law.
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the nfl says it could have an impact on when atlanta is selected as the host of the 2019 super bowl. in north carolina, the nba says because of the new law, it may pull the all-star game from charlotte next year. six major conventions have considered relocating if the governor signs the bill into law. atlanta's convention and visitors bureau says it could cost the state up to $6 billion. we should mention that the parent company of cnn, turner, has joined a laundry list of big skroerch corporations to speak out against the convention. ahead, our live coverage from brussels continues after the break. many of the victims of the terror attacks were foreign nationals. cnn spoke to a spokesman for the belgian foreign ministry who explained where everything stands now. stay with us.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i'm michael holmes here in brussels. as the city of brussels tries to find a way forward from all of this, police making a new breakthrough in their investigation. authorities charging a man with terrorist murder among other count, although they won't yet say exactly what part they allege he had in the bombings here. the search continues for other suspects as authorities try to unravel the complex web that orchestrated tuesday's attacks.
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italians police say they have arrested an algerian national suspected of involvement in both the brussels and paris attacks. the victims in brussels came from all over the world. citizens of the united kingdom, china, france, and the u.s. confirmed to be among the dead. some 40 nationalities involved in all. a spokesman for the belgian foreign ministry spoke to our alexandra field about the victims. well, we have one big advantage here in brussels, is that almost all countries are represented in the capital. it's a huge diplomatic capital. we have the european union and nato here. the contact with different countries is rather easy, and we have established already during other crises direct lines with them. so we have been able from moment one to get in touch with more than 100 embassies in brussels. >> reporter: is it more difficult to identify victims
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because they come from so many different countries? >> i think it's difficult issue in general. people are in transit, people are found without any documents. people have been severely wounded, so it's very difficult. i don't think it's more difficult to identify foreign nationals than belgian ones. >> reporter: what role are the embassies taking as far as communicating with families of the victims or providing support? what's the relationship here? >> so the embassies' role is to inform the families through the local authorities in different countries. our role is to be sure that they get the correct, 100% correct information from us. that's why it make take some more time to give them the information, but we want to be 100% sure, and so we have been
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basing ourselves on the information we are getting from our disaster identification team and from the ministry of public health. >> what do we know about the victims now? can you give me a breakdown? >> 31 are -- is the total. three suspected. and then a number of unidentified still. and the number of belgians. so but we are able to confirm for the moment, 20% sure, 11 foreign nationals from eight nationalities. >> reporter: how many americans? >> for the moment we are able to confirm two americans among the deceased. >> reporter: when we see 31 are deceased, how many more, is there a handle on how many more have not been identified at this point? >> so for the moment, the number is 31. so -- >> reporter: expected to go up? >> this number could go up
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because there are some people still in the hospital fighting for their lives. >> reporter: 31? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: is everyone -- everyone that's alive has been identified at this point? >> not yet because some people are in a comb amp so we industrial to -- coma. so we still have to identify people that are wounded. >> reporter: do you know how many people sfwfall into that category? >> i don't give you the numbers because it's public health. sorry. to find out how to help the victims of the brussels attack, our "impact your world" team has gathered some ways to offer support. head across to the website at to find everything you need. these attacks have exposed just how difficult it is to protect large crowds. open places like airports and train stations are known as soft targets. cnn's evan perez explains why they're so vulnerable.
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a soft target is a place where people gather such as an airport, train terminal, even a stadium where before they get through screening, they are essentially unprotected, they are prime targets for terrorists. what we've seen from al qaeda and isis is that they train to attack soft targets. they know that these are places where people are going to be gathering and where they'll be unprotected. we saw this in the paris attacks where a couple of the suicide bombings happened outside of the stade de france in brussels and the metro station. one of the things that authorities worry about after an event like this in brussels are copycat attacks. people who think about doing something and get inspired. that's one of the reasons you see an natured presence of police in places like times square, in places like penn
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station. you can only keep the increased presence for a few days. it's intended to make sure that you show an increased vigilance, but then the harder work begins behind the scenes. wherever you put the security cordon, there is still going to be a line. a line is always vulnerable. the u.s. has a very robust system whereby they do sting operations to try to find these people who are on line, who are talking about carrying out attacks. it's a controversial tactic, but so far, it has prevented a lot of attacks in the united states. in other countries, they're starting to copy that formula to try to do the same thing. when we return after the break, pope francis celebrating easter sunday mass. live pictures we can show you now. thousands of christians in vatican city. more on the pope's message of hope next. "credit karma says my credit score just went up!"
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welcome back. i'm george howell. it is easter sunday in many parts of the world. celebrating the they christians believe jesus rose from the dead. pope francis is celebrating easter sunday mass. these live pictures presently at st. peter's square in vatican city. security is tight there after the deadly bombings in brussels. at an evening easter vigil mass saturday, the pope condemned the attack and urged christians to remain hopeful. the pope also said that people who carry out terrorist attacks are violating god's will. to northern iraq where a turkish soldier was killed by stray missiles from isis. happened as kurdish peshmerga forces were fighting the terror group. the missiles land at a base where troops were deployed.
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turkey retaliated with air strikes. >> translator: all the bases that caused the killing of our martyr lieutenant were destroyed with turkish air forces as part of our engagement rules. as long as the elements posing a threat for turkey on the line remains there, turkey's military presence in the area will continue, and will continue to maintain our presence that would respond to possible threats against our borders even further south. >> turkey says its troops are in northern iraq to help train iraqi forces, but iraq's government has accused that country of trying to extend its influence in that region. on to nigeria. the country will send some parents to cameroon to find out when two would-be suicide bombers came from their town. state news says the girls planned to attack a village in cameroon, but vigilantes stopped them on friday. one girl claims that she was among the 276 schoolgirls
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kidnapped frtwo years ago by bo haram. authorities hope to identify some of the girls. the abduction sparked worldwide outrage and the "bring back our girls" campaign. switching to weather. parts of the united states will be waking up with a very dreary, wet easter sunday. our meteorologist, karen maginnis is at the international weather center with the soggy news. >> yeah, it is going to be soggy. as a matter of fact, some of the computer models are saying one to two inches or between about 25 and 50 millimeters expected. there you see that sweep of moisture right across the panhandle of florida and into the carolinas, accompanying by gusty winds. could see the potential for some isolated severe weather. across the interior west as well as the west coast, we see the snow levels lower across the cascades and siskiyous, even into the northern rockies. it is apparent that even though
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it says springtime on the calendar, it is far from it in some areas. we will see some blustery conditions in the southwestern united states with some pretty strong wind gusts expected there. these are the forecast highs that we're looking at. in denver, a whole lot warmer than it was just 24 hours ago. expecting a temperature around 47. 53 degrees the expected high temperature in new york. don't be fooled. some of our computer models are saying that as we go into the beginning of april, it is going to be a shock to the system because temperatures are going to be dramatically colder. here's a view. this across northeastern nevada. we could see several feet of snowfall or about 60 centimeters in isolated areas. so a very vigorous and dynamic weather pattern across the western u.s. and speaking of dynamic, included in the greater london area, we could see wind gusts here right around 50 to 60 miles
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per hour or just about 100 kilometers per hour. there you see the wind gusts reported over the past 24 hours, close to that 100 kph being reported there. still a dynamic situation in store as one area of low pressure after another sweeps in across the united kingdom and into ireland. also along the southern edge of this, this is what will pick up the moisture. i looked at all the reporting stations in france, and for the most part, everybody generally speaking under about five to ten millimeters of rainfall. on the low side. most of the area seeing a lot less than that. thunderstorms and some blustery conditions in store for london as we go into the next 24 hours. take a look at this. in rome, should be a gorgeous sunday afternoon. we've seen some of the pictures out of there. kiev looking at very cloudy
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skies and a temperature around 9. the past 12 hours, we see the moisture that's swept in across western europe keeping it unsettled. george? >> thank you. next, we take you back to brussels. and my colleague, michael holmes, there live. and a report on the psychology of terror. what terrorists are trying to accomplish and why experts call it a failed strategy. need to hire fast?
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welcome back. to our viewers around the world, i'm george howell. we're wanted to go breaking news across the u.s. campaign trail. voters in three states weighed in the u.s. democratic candidates, and bernie sanders has won all three. in the state of hawaii, sanders roundly beat hillary clinton there with 70% of the vote. in washington state, he won with 73%, 101 delegates. in alaska, he won with more than 8 % of the vote. -- 80% of the vote. hillary clinton is still ahead in the national delegate kaunt. back to our coverage of brussels. the city still very much on
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edge. security concerns canceled a peace march set for sunday. more security sweeping the country that remains at a high terror alert. michael holmes has been in brussels covering the aftermath for some time. michael, i want to ask you, i watched your interview with ryan heath of politico. he said the march against fear has been canceled by fear at a time when solidarity is so needed. what are your impressions about that? >> reporter: that struck me. that's why i ask good that. you've got a march against fear, march of solidarity, a march that was totally designed to say we will not be cowed by fear, we will not be ruled by terrorist. because the police said they didn't have enough manpower to protect those who are marching because the police are out doing other things, trying to track
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down suspects and the like, they called it off. how alleged is that, that a march against fear is called off because of a fear of terror? authorities had a lot of security concerns about the march. it's a very sad thing. you know, around belgium, the overwhelming feeling i've had from locals -- we've been talking to a lot of people, when we were on the square the last few days, people were always coming up to us and talking to us. still stunned, of course, by what happened. they're also apprehensive about those who are still at large and worried that something else could happen. there's anger about lapses in security, the message that never got through, making people angry now. when you go around the city, you see troops that we were talking about before. you know, i took a photograph myself of heavily armed soldier in camouflage standing outside
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of a cafe on the main historic square in this beautiful historic alaska. a beautiful city of old buildings and alley ways and cobblestones. to have soldiers walking up and down in full gear is just such a sad thing to see i think. the businesspeople tell us it is super quiet at the moment. even locals are not going out. and one other thing to remember from a purely economic standpoint, it's cold and windy here today in brussels. we are going into summer, and it's a tourist season. and a lot of people have worried that they're going to have bad summer here in brussels because of what's happened. the city tainted by what it's seen. it's changed the psychology of the people who despite, and this is something else we're talking about, despite the country having a link with extremism in -- inside its own population,
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nothing bad has really happened here. it has now, and i think that's brought it home to a lot of people. and there's a real, i don't know, real sadness here that the country may have changed. there is a psychology, though, behind terrorism. and our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta, has been looking into that. i want to show you his piece here. have a look. >> reporter: make no mistake, stramp a strategic war -- terrorism is a strategic war against our minds. it's weapons, fear, panic, and most importantly, an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability. if we feel vulnerable, we'll be in constant fear. and that's exactly what they're trying to achieve. bombs are set off in places where we gather. the message -- we will find you where you work and play. shooting unsuspecting innocent
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peop people. the message -- there is nowhere to hide. videos revealing the horrors of rape, mass murder, and beheadings, even beheadings carried out by children. the message, no one is immune. in fact, following a terrorist attack, studies shoto's the most vulnerable of us who will suffer longest. especially those with personal histories of trauma. though almost everyone will be anxious for a few weeks, the vast majority will prove resilient. in this regard, terrorism is failed strategy because research shows that terror often backfires making nations stronger as citizens band together and angry countries join rank to fight back. [ gunfire ] history has also proven terrorism only works if we allow ourselves to be terrorized. >> dr. sanjay gupta there. and a good point. there is that resilience here, too, that unity if you like in purpose against terror. but still a very sad, and as i
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said, apprehensive city. george? >> michael, that march against fear canceled. but is there still a sense that people will still come together despite the fact that it's been canceled? >> reporter: you know, i'll almost guarantee you that. as i say, it's easter, cold, and still in the morning here. and there's not many people down behind me in the place de la bourse. i will guarantee that by this afternoon there will be several hundred people down there as there have been for the last few days. they have cleared the square of the media. we were down there for the last few days, of course. they've cleared the square. they've moved some of the memorial that is down there off the main roadway because they want to reopen the roadway eventually. but the vast bulk of the flowers and message are still down there, outside of what is the old stock exchange here in brussels. and it was interesting today. we saw people there going through and selectively picking things out of where the flowers
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and message are. and i sent one of our producers to find out what it was. it's the archivists here in brussels. they're going through and picking out messages and things that they see as symbolic. and they're putting them away for posterity. they're going to keep them as a piece of belgian history going forward, george. >> i found it poignant, you have certainly seen your share of war zones. i found it interesting when you pointed out how striking it is to see the militarized streets in a european capital. we'll continue your monitor in brussels. we appreciate that, as well. thank you. wild have more from brussels at the top of the hour. thank you for watching. i'm george howell in atlanta. we leave you now with these images of the memorial honoring the victims of last tuesday's attacks. this is "cnn newsroom." well, it was nice to see everyone. i just wish it had been for a better reason.
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hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, i'm michael holmes coming to you live from brussels with our continuing coverage of the terror attacks. another advance into the expanding investigation in brussels where terror attacks took 28 lives on tuesday. authorities are calling him f faysal c. and charging him with terrorist murder. they're not exactly sure how he
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was involved yet. brussels still in mourning. there's a feeling of unease here, as well. security concern led organizers to cancel a peace march planned for later on sunday. belgium's interior minister addressed the ongoing operations in the country, as well. have a listen. >> we are still all over the country in threat level there. there are important inquiries going on. for these inquiries, we need a lot of police capacity all over the country. it's our main priority to let the police in the best circumstances possible do these inquiries. that's the reasons why we invite the citizens tomorrow not to have this -- to demonstrate, not to have this manifestation
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tomorrow. >> reporter: the investigation surrounding the attacks extending well beyond belgium. in the last day, we've heard that italian police have tweeted out a picture after arresting an algerian national. you see that tweet there now. authorities say that heordency the brussels attacks. the man was already wanted in belgium. police say that he was involved in illegal immigration connected to the paris attacks last november. as more families begin to learn the fate of their loved ones who are caught up in tuesday's horrific attacks, two u.s. parents are now at their son's bedside in brussels. the 20-year-old mormon missionaries in hospital with second-degree burns and shrapnel wounds. we have more as simon moulson talked with his parents. >> reporter: proud parents show a photo of their family. tears of relief and worry. their oldest, joseph dresden,
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was at the airport check-in exactly where the bomb went off. >> he's the oldest of five kids, and he was -- he's just been -- driven since he was born, from the time he's stepped up and taken care of all of us. he's responsible, kind, loving. >> reporter: joseph called his parents from hospital. his voice was calm, and then sheent these photos. >> it was devastating. >> reporter: he's being treated for second-degree burns to his hands, face, and head, with surgery for shrapnel wound on his legs. >> a long trip. yeah. >> reporter: when you first saw him? what did you think? >> his eyes were beautiful. you could see through the burns and injuries, it's still his
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same soul and heart in there. he's going to need time to rehabilitate and heal on the outside. and i'm sure with emotions, as well. >> eyes and smile. he's got bandages around his face, but he's got pretty blue eyes. and just thankful and excited to see us. >> reporter: joseph was a few months away from his missionary tour to europe when the bombing happened. he described the scene to his parents. >> it was horrifying what he went through. he remembers the blast that knocked him out. and he was very scared and hiding. and any women and girls around him, looking for his history missionary colleagues to help them. >> reporter: i asked what they thought of the terrorists. >> i don't understand it. i just know that there's so much more good and love in the world that tell always win.
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>> reporter: joseph has more surgery and treatment to go through. his family can't take him home yet where his brothers and sisters are wait to see him again. cnn, brussels. >> reporter: the city remains at a high terror threat level. security protocols have taken hold of a city deep in mourning. ryan heath, senior political correspondent for politico, joins me to talk more about this. easter is an important time here in belgium. and i know that your reports have been out and about. what have they been seeing? we've been listening to the bells toll, services underway. >> absolutely. there's not that many service that's run two or three times a day in belgium, like a lot of countries. church attendance has been down for years. it's become a quiet, humidity-drum place around the churches. today there's more people than normal. and they're there without security. that is a level of defiance,
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saying we're not going to change the way we live, and we'll uphold traditions. >> reporter: at the same time, this march, a march against fear was meant to be held today. the police said we don't have enough cops because they're out doing other things connected to the terror attacks. we can't protect you. will you call it off, and the organizers did. >> reporter: >> yes, that's symptomatic of the way that belgium tends to operate. the organizers were belgian, they are politically aware people. but they're not major event organizers. the belgian system tends to work that people get together and they compromise. they talk and walk out of the room. when they had two opinions going in, they leave the room with one opinion going out. that's what happened around the rally. effectively, the belgian state said we can't guarantee that people are going to be safe. and the organizers have said, well, we don't want to take that risk. >> how sad. this was meant to be a solidarity against terrorism. it stopped because of fears about the terrorists. >> at one level, it's great and
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practical. the state is being honest and transparent. they're saying we're not going to be able to protect you. at another level, that's sad. that's what the government and authorities are there to do. >> and you live here, and it seems remarkable that we were walking here this morning, past a big military truck outside of a chocolatier. and people standing out of a cafe where people were having a beer and coffee. how does that feel? >> it's become too familiar unfortunately. we had people on the streets in november actually. and you would pop into the shops, buying milk. you would turn around and there will be two men with semiautomatics slung over their shoulders. nice to see you, off on daily erra errands. less so this time of. not the columns of tank going
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past the office in the street. what we were seeing in november. >> reporter: more to the developments now. what do you make of the arrests that we've seen in germany, france, and italy, as well. this web and how broad it is. >> what it clearly says, this is a cross-border terrorist cell or cells. and further information, not confirmed at this time, but a map was found in athens that had details of the brussels airport and one of the people who rented the apartments had previously been linked back to the paris attacks. we'll find out more about that during the course of the day. this is happening in many countries. now the authorities are tracking that down. we're seeing cooperation, not yet the result, but they're on the trail. >> reporter: we've seen criticism of those gaps in counterterrorism cooperation. warning signs that were not passed on and the like. and even -- over the last day, we heard a warning to the metro after the airport attacks that
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never got through. >> yep, absolutely. you have amazing situations where people know about potential contact between salah abdeslam and his cousins and his other associates. just never gets passed on to the federal authorities. yesterday with the metro, we were obviously concerned about why was the metro continuing to run after that first bomb. it ran a normal service for 73 minutes. what we learned when the minister spoke to parliament was there was an order at 8:50, nearly an hour after the attacks, to shut down the metro. what the metro operators say is we never got the message, nobody passed the message on. now there's a blame game between the federal and regional government and metro operators who could have taken the decision themselves. >> reporter: emblematic of a broader structural issue that's going on and is going to be addressed, one would hope. great to have you here again. thank you for joining us. belgium has become western europe's biggest supplier of jihadists, we reported on this. some people who live there tell us why that is.
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>> the youngsters are born in belgium, and even fathers and mothers are born there. yes, there are some cases, some problems, young people find that they have chances in our society. >> we have to resolve here with the young muslim boys and girls because they are all boys and girls. that is something not to forget. all the people who went to shia are belgian people. they were born here, they live here. this is the one where you were raised. this is the country where you have been fed. this is the country where you went to school. this is the country where you had friends, practice your sports. why all of a sudden you don't feel belgian? [ speaking french ]
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when we come back, we'll look at the other stories making news around the world. syria says its army has retaken the ancient city of palmyra from isis. why this could be a key accomplishment for political and cultural reasons, up next. also, voters in three u.s. states weigh in on the democratic presidential candidates, and now bernie sanders says he's on a tear. for a limited time, you can get a great deal on this passat. wow, it looks really good... volkswagen believes safety is very important... so all eleven models come standard with an intelligent crash response system... hmm. stability-enhancing systems... hmmm... ...and equipment for two child seats. hmmm... for those who take safety seriously. like we do. the volkswagen safety in numbers event...
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visit to learn how to save on your treatment. talk to a headache specialist today about botox®. welcome back. i'm george howell in atlanta. we'll have more from brussels in a moment. first, breaking news in syria. the country's military has retaken the ancient city of palmyra from isis control. this according to syrian state tv. government forces have the support of russian air strikes. the militant group took the key city last may and destroyed many of the temples at the site. it's been described as an irreplaceable loss to the history of human civilization. palmyra has a key supply route, many leading to the isis self-declared capital of raqqah. now across the border and in northern iraq, thousands of families have fled their towns. this as iraqi government troops
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try to push isis out of more villages there. officials say the families are being given humanitarian assistance. isis has been losing territory in iraq, and the country's military says it is making progress south of the key city of mosul which isis still controls at this point. america's choice, 2016. and in the race for the white house, democratic voters across three states weighed in on saturday. the caucuses and the tallies from alaska and washington gave bernie sanders reason to smile. now the latest from hawaii. sanders roundly beat hillary clinton there with 70% of the votes. in washington state, he won 73%. 101 delegates up for grabs there. and in the state of alaska, he won more than 80% of the vote. hillary clinton is still ahead when it comes to the numbers ahead of bernie sanders in the
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national delegate count. right now she holds more than 70% of the delegate votes needed that she would need for the democratic nomination. in a written statement to his supporters in hawaii, bernie sanders expressed gratitude and hope, saying his campaign now has strong momentum and a clear path to victory. just before the news broke about his win, he focused his attacks on the republican candidates. listen. >> the reason that this campaign is doing so well is that we are doing something very unusual in american politics. i know my republican candidates think that what elections are about are attacking each other's wives. [ boos ] or behaving like they were 10-year-olds in a food fight at a cafeteria.
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and these republicans, let me tell you, are not just an embarrassment for the american people, they are an embarrassment for sane republicans. >> amid the name-calling, acrimony among republicans, a new wrinkle in the republican presidential race. more than 22,000 people have signed an online petition demanding that guns now be allowed into that party's convention. right new the convention in cleveland bans weapon inside the facility. this after worries over security at the july convention and concerns given donald trump's concern that riots could break out if he doesn't get the party's nomination. this year's presidential town halls and debates have prompted many strurs shake their heads -- viewers to shake their heads in a range of emotions. there's been anger, frustration, amusement, even disbrfl. we show how one -- disbelief. we show how one neuroscientists is studying viewers' brains as
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they try to take in the political spectacle. there are small little metal disks that are going to be directly touch willing your scalp, sampling electrical activity. >> reporter: this is your brain on presidential debates. sam barnett is measuring brain activity as viewers watch the most popular show of the season. the 26-year-old is a hedge fund ceo by day and ph.d. student by night. >> my whole field of research that is really trying to make science fiction reality. >> reporter: he's studying neuroscience. we're in here watching the debate, and what are you trying to measure from people's brains? >> we're trying to get a sense of where their waves are going. to try to see what content is actually driving people to feel similarly about certain topics. >> reporter: in a room filled with equal numbers of republicans, democrats, and independents, barnett starts to study the data. >> so the introductions were mild overall. >> reporter: he quickly notices one thing everybody's brain seems to agree on, donald trump.
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when trump's on the screen, i see the data shoot up. what does that mean about trump? >> you see he's at 35.9 when these other candidates are in the 20s. >> reporter: seeing trump's face, hearing his voice lights up the brain. >> the fact that you can make everyone feel at least on a neuro, fundamental paway the sa, something in their brain is ticking the same way. >> reporter: maybe it's his unique television skills, perfected during a decade on "the apprentice." what you're showing here is that when you're a democrat or republican watching the debate, when trump's on the screen, yourriyour eyes are wide open. >> everyone's feeling a bond, everyone's feeling the same attention, underlying passion at least. >> reporter: afterafterwards, i
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found that trump led in independents, republicans, and democrats and women in our group. he trailed marco rubio behind men, but only slightly. while trump might not want to be compared to a four-legged animal, there are other things that are similar in their appeal. >> dogs have been known for a long time in advertising as this very popular kind of fog include. people of all walks of life like seeing a dog in a commercial. it's cute, engaging, interesting, and they feel similarly about donald trump. >> reporter: trump was more engaging talking about immigration than, say, education. >> this is one of the questions trump didn't perform as well on. we see this stronger for kasich. >> reporter: trump was best overall at getting the focus group to focus on his words. no wonder ratings rise when he's speaking on the air. barnett uses this method to study advertising, and he's applying it to his hedge fund investments, as well. in the not-too-distant feature, he expects campaigns to strap
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these to people's heads to learn more about their neu neuro reactions. >> i would imagine people will learn from this, and this will shape more effective messaging in the future. >> so it f your brain is aglow about a candidate or you have a headache, exercise those brain waves three days from now as cnn hosts a town hall for the republican candidates. you can see it live wednesday morning at 1:00 a.m. in london. 2:00 a.m. in paris only here on cnn. a series of bills considered discriminatory against gay and transgender communities has several major u.s. corporations threatening action against the states of georgia and north carolina. cnn's nick valencia explains why. [ chanting ] this is not over! >> all these people are upset. they are angry. they have been left out of the democratic process. >> reporter: this week outside of the governor's mansion in north carolina, protests and
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arrests. the demonstrators opponents to a state law that they say is devastating to the civil liberties. transgender people. the law strikes down a recently passed ordinance in charlotte. it would have protected trans people and allowed them to select the restroom of their choice based on how they identify. >> the adoption of the ordinance by the city council of charlotte was crazy. >> reporter: republican lawmakers like senate pro tempore phil burger were furious at the legislation. >> allows grown men to share bathrooms and locker facilities with girls and women. >> reporter: in a special session to consider the bill, lawmakers passed the public facilities privacy and security act. it means transgender people in north carolina must use the restroom related to the gender on their birth certificate. north carolina's bill signed into law wednesday is the latest in a string of states attempting to pass similar anti-lgbt
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legislation. >> in the courtrooms, you're seeing folks get their religious beliefs persecuted against. >> reporter: in georgia, the controversial bill passed by the state house and senate is called the free exercise protection act, one of the several religious liberty bills that have surfaced across the country. governor nathan deal has until may to sign it into law. senator mike crane is one of the bill's most ad vaamant supporte. is this a direct result of what the supreme court did last year in legalizing same-sex marriage, gay marriage? >> i think it's the result of many things. that was another catalyst, i believe. >> reporter: many blue-chip businesses around the nation say there will be major financial consequences to republican efforts in georgia and north carolina. disney and marvel studios have threatened to abandon production if georgia signs it into law. the nfl says it could impact on when atlanta is selected as the host of the 2019 super bowl. in north carolina, the nba says because of the new law, it may
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pull the all-star game from charlotte next year. six major conventions have considered relocating if the governor signs the bill into law. atlanta's convention and visitors bureau said the decision could cost the state up to $6 billion. we should mention that the parent company of cnn, turner, has joined a laundry list of big corporations to speak out against the legislation. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. also in the u.s. state of georgia, an 18-year-old man has died after being stabbed in the neck in what police are calling a foolish brawl. now, nine people, most of them high school students, are all facing murder charge. here's mike miller from wjbf. it's not going to be tolerated. when you talk about senseless killings, all murders are bad. but this is the epitome of a senseless homicide. >> reporter: it's a street brawl gone deadly. one involving dozens of teens and adults including parents.
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it's something that sheriff richard roundtree has never seen before. >> any time you have a parent driving a child to any location for the purposes of fighting, there's something wrong. there's something wrong within our community, something wrong within our culture, something wrong within our society. >> reporter: the disagreement started weeks ago at glen hills high school. officials say two of the girls involved were fighting over a boy. >> school had an administrative hearing around the altercation between the two young ladies. after that, this situation continued to escalate. it got to the point where people start ed choosing sides. >> reporter: roundtree says the video is useful to investigators because a lot of witness statements contradicted what happened in the video. the clip and this photo have been all over social media the past few days. something that has surprised the sheriff. >> not only are we engaging our
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young people in this type of behavior, you know, they're promoting it. they're celebrating it via the social media site. and that's disturbing. >> goodness. that was mike miller from our quilted, wjbf. it's still unclear if any of the people accused have hired attorneys. cnn has been unable to reach any family members of the people facing charges in the case. we'll continue to follow the story, of course. you're watching "cnn newsroom." still ahead this hour, we are live in brussels with our continuing coverage of the bombings there, including a look at why large crowds of people are so vulnerable to terrorist attacks. and what countries are doing to protect them, ahead. why do some cash back cards keep throwing obstacles at you?
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and welcome back to cnn special coverage of the attacks in belgium. i'm michael holmes on a cold and windy day here. more suspects, merging at home and abroad in connection to tuesday's deadly attacks. belgian authorities have charged faysal c. with murder among other count, but they're. saying exactly what role he may have played in the plot. italian police say they, too, have made an arrest. they apprehended an algerian national on suspicion that he forged documents for the operatives in the brussels attacks. what's more, that man was already wanted in belgium on suspected links to the paris attacks back in november. the victims in brussels came from all over the world. citizens of the u.k., china, france, and the u.s. all
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confirmed to be among the dead. 40 nationalities in all were affected by the tragedy. a spokesman for the belgian foreign ministry spoke to our alexandra field about the victims. well, we have one big advantage here in brussels, is that almost all countries are represented in the capital. it's a huge diplomatic capital. we have the european union and nato here. the contact with different countries is rather easy, and we have established already during other crises direct lines with them. so we have been able from moment one to get in touch with more than 100 embassies in brussels. >> reporter: is it more difficult to identify victims because they come from so many different countries? >> i think it's difficult issue in general. people are in transit, people are found without any documents. people have been severely wounded, so it's very difficult.
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i don't think it's more difficult to identify foreign nationals than belgian ones. >> reporter: what role are the embassies taking as far as communicating with families of the victims or providing support? what's the relationship here? >> so the embassies' role is to inform the families through the local authorities in different countries. our role is to be sure that they get the correct, 100% correct information from us. that's why it make take some more time to give them the information, but we want to be 100% sure, and so we have been basing ourselves on the information we are getting from our disaster identification team and from the ministry of public health. >> what do we know about the
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victims now? can you give me a breakdown? >> 31 are -- is the total. three suspected. and then a number of unidentified still. and the number of belgians. so but we are able to confirm for the moment, 20% sure, 11 foreign nationals from eight nationalities. >> reporter: how many americans? >> for the moment we are able to confirm two americans among the deceased. >> reporter: when we see 31 are deceased, how many more, is there a handle on how many more have not been identified at this point? >> so for the moment, the number is 31. so -- >> reporter: expected to go up? >> this number could go up because there are some people still in the hospital fighting for their lives. >> reporter: 31? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: is everyone -- everyone that's alive has been identified at this point?
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>> not yet because some people are in a comb amp so we industrial to -- coma. so we still have to identify people that are wounded. >> reporter: do you know how many people fall into that category? >> i don't give you the numbers because it's public health. sorry. the story of another victim now. a professional basketball player for the belgian club. he suffered severe wounds to his legs in the attack on brussels' airport. wounds that could easily have killed him. he said it was the drive to see his daughters again that allowed him to survive. >> translator: first i was hurt by a bullet or something, or debris at the hip. i fell, and when there was a second explosion, i was on the ground. i kept telling myself i'm going to get through this. i'm going to get through this. i'm going to get through this. then when they put me in the ambulance, i knew i would be okay. i was going to survive. it was a nightmare, but i was going to live another day. i'm alive. they didn't get me. i'll see my two girls again, and
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that's what counts. a powerful account there. it's unclear at the moment how his injuries could affect his playing career. he says he wants to stay positive. these attacks have exposed how difficult it is to protect large crowds, open places like airports and train stations. they're known as soft targets for obvious reasons. cnn's evan perez explains. a soft target is a place where people gather such as an airport, train terminal, even a stadium where before they get through screening, they are essentially unprotected, they are prime targets for terrorists. what we've seen from al qaeda and isis is that they train to attack soft targets. they know that these are places where people are going to be gathering and where they'll be unprotected.
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we saw this in the paris attacks where a couple of the suicide bombings happened outside of the stade de france in brussels and we saw the airport and the metro station. one of the things that authorities worry about after an event like this in brussels are copycat attacks. people who think about doing something and get inspired. that's one of the reasons you see an natured presence of police in places like times square, in places like penn station. you can only keep the increased presence for a few days. it's intended to make sure that you show an increased vigilance, but then the harder work begins behind the scenes. wherever you put the security cordon, there is still going to be a line. a line is always vulnerable. the u.s. has a very robust system whereby they do sting operations to try to find these people who are on line, who are talking about carrying out attacks. it's a controversial tactic, but so far, it has prevented a lot of attacks in the united states.
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in other countries, they're starting to copy that formula to try to do the same thing. police found 15 kilograms of the explosive tatp in a house used by two suspect behind tuesday's attacks. nick valencia went to the u.s. state of alabama for a crash course on explosives and got a firsthand experience on how these bombs are made. fire in the hole! >> reporter: in alabama, elite members of law enforcement agency was around the world prepare for the worst-case scenario. it's state-of-the-art training against global terrorism. >> it's all about saving lives. >> reporter: for yoris, this hits close to home. he's a brussels police officer and k-9 handler, ironically sent to the u.s. for training as his city was hit. had he been in belgium could he would have likely been guarding the subway during the attacks.
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>> with the knowledge we have here, we can share that with the rest of the world who also wants to make it a better world. i think that's one step in a good direction. >> this is good to know that they're using all over the world. >> reporter: ryan morris founded the company trip wire in 2005. he says the lessons are critical in the fight against isis and beyond. >> the explosive side, deck cords, dynamite, c-4 and that nature doesn't bother me. the things that bother me are stuff you can make in your house, a garage, anywhere. >> reporter: we found out firsthand what he meant. >> go ahead, grab some ammonium nitrate. >> reporter: how much? this cup? he shows how in a matter of minutes anyone can make this kind of explosive. >> i'm holding two volatile bombs in my hands this. has three components to it. this has two components to it. we're going to just put it on the ground so you can see what it does. three, two, one -- fire in the hole! [ explosion ]
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>> reporter: what i found absolutely terrifying about this entire experience is just how simple and easy to say make an explosive using ordinary household products capable of inflicting massive casualties. [ explosion ] it's these explosives training courses that are crucial to stop the chaos. the course is a matter of listen -- of life and death. cnn, alabama. there's a new effort underway to help thousands of migrants along the greek/mva border. many are saying no thank you to the offer. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast.
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2:44 am
[ applause ] you hear the crowds and see pope francis here. the live pictures at st. peter's square where the pope in the popemobile is celebrating easter sunday mass with the masses there. it is a day celebrated in many parts of the world. the day that christians believe that jesus rose from the dead. security around vatican city is tight, though, after the deadly bombings in brussels. on to nigeria now. the african nation is something some parents to cameroon to find out when two would-be suicide bombers came from their town. cameroon state news said the girls planned to attack a village in cameroon, but vigilantes stopped them on friday. one girl claims that she was among the 276 schoolgirls kid p kidnapped from the group boko haram. authorities hope some parents can help identify the girls.
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their abductions sparked worldwide outrage and the "bring back our girls" campaign. in northern iraq, a turkish soldier was killed by stray missiles from isis. it happened as kurdish peshmerga forces were fighting the terror group. the missiles landed in a base where turkish troops are deployed. turkey then retaliated with air strikes. >> translator: after liasing with chief of general staff, all the bases that caused the killing of our martyr lieutenant were destroyed with the involvement of turkish air forces as parts of our engagement rules. as long as the elements posing a threat for turkey on the line remains there, turkey's military presence in the area will continue, and we will continue to maintain our presence that would respond to possible threats against our borders even further south. >> turkey says that its troops are in northern iraq to help train iraqi forces, remember's government has accused that country of trying to extend its influence in the area.
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on to greece now where officials there are working to move thousands of migrants from a makeshift camp along the border with macedonia. some 12,000 men, women, and children are camped there. their hopes of getting further into europe. they were stopped when macedonia shut down its borders. now the greek government is trying to move the migrants to shelters. >> translator: there's no way we will go to other companies. we didn't come to camps to escape from hunger. we are escaping a war. we didn't come here to stay or is fun and eat and drink like animals in the other camps. we came looking for a new life and new hope. >> greece is also working to turn back new migrant arivals under terms of a new agreement reached between turkey and the e.u. let's now talk about the easter forecast, and it's looking rather wet in parts of the united states. meteorologist karen maginnis is at the world weather center with more on that. karen? >> yes, it looks like quite a
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soaking in some areas all the way across the panhandle of florida. and in through georgia and the carolinas. we see these waves of low pressure move right along the frontal boundary. how much rainfall? one or two inches. could be isolated, heavier amounts. across the west, kind of a dynamic situation here where you thought that the better part of winter was behind you. no, we still have some of that late winter, early spring snowstorms that across the interior regions of the west. we'll expect snowfall levels to be dropping, but not just here. also across the spine of the cascades and siskiyous. wet weather even as far south as san francisco. but gusty winds all across the southern great plains and into the desert southwest expected in the next 24 hours. some of the wind gusts around 60 miles per hour, about 100 kilometers per hour. look at the temperatures that we're expecting.
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not so bad considering it's kind of a dreary forecast across the florida peninsula. temperatures are in the 80s. we'll look at readings faring a lot better in central colorado where yesterday the snow fell. here is the anderson creek fire. here is oklahoma, kansas. already in excess of 400,000 acres burned. no fatalities, no injuries. this is cattle area, and they've had a number of cattle that have died. and a number that have escaped because of this impressive fire that we've seen being fanned by the very dry conditions and the winds that have been blowing. speaking of wind, take a look at some of the wind reports. for london, you could expect the winds gusting as high as 60 miles per hour. there is a yellow alert as deep areas of low pressure continue to rotate around. so for western europe, it's going to be blustery and wet. as we saw the pictures out of
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rome, george, it looks pretty good in the forecast this. back to you. >> good easter in rome at least. karen maginnis, thank you very much. you're watching "cnn newsroom." still ahead, a poignant tribute to the victims of the horrific attacks in brussels. some of the world's most iconic landmarks now monuments of support. their special displays for belgium as "cnn newsroom" continues. oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... ...even deep wrinkles. "one week? that definitely works!" rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena®. "see what's possible." incredible bladder prthat lets from always diyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise.
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2:53 am
welcome back to cnn special coverage of the attacks in belgium. i'm michael holmes here in the capital, brussels. as grief engulfs the city, it is clear why attacks like tuesday's are so shattering. there is also a psychology behind terrorism. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta explains. >> reporter: make no mistake, terrorism is a strategic war against our minds. it's weapons, fear, panic, and most importantly, an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability. if we feel vulnerable, we'll be in constant fear.
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and that's exactly what they're trying to achieve. bombs are set off in places where we gather. the message -- we will find you where you work and play. shooting unsuspecting innocent people. the message -- there is nowhere to hide. videos revealing the horrors of rape, mass murder, and beheadings, even beheadings carried out by children. the message, no one is immune. in fact, following a terrorist attack, studies show to's the most vulnerable of us who will suffer longest. especially those with personal histories of trauma. though almost everyone will be anxious for a few weeks, the vast majority will prove resilient. in this regard, terrorism is failed strategy because research shows that terror often backfires, making nations stronger as citizens band together and angry countries join ranks to fight back. [ gunfire ] history has also proven terrorism only works if we allow
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comcast business. built for business. good morning, thanks for being with us. i'm alisyn kosik for. >> i'm victor blackwell. happy easter to you. we'll take you do vatican city in a moment. in brussels a peace march is canceled. >> and bernie sanders adds hawaii to the list of wins sweeping this weekend. he also won caucuses in alaska and in washington state. this morning the votes are still being counted in hawaii. but so far look at the numbers.
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