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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  March 27, 2016 3:00am-5:01am PDT

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comcast business. built for business. good morning, thanks for being with us. i'm alisyn kosik for. >> i'm victor blackwell. happy easter to you. we'll take you do vatican city in a moment. in brussels a peace march is canceled. >> and bernie sanders adds hawaii to the list of wins sweeping this weekend. he also won caucuses in alaska and in washington state. this morning the votes are still being counted in hawaii. but so far look at the numbers.
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so far as the landslide. 70%. thanks in part for heavy turnout reportedly close to 2008 levels we saw there between clinton and then senator obama. also a high profile endorsement helped sanders sanders will. washington state the biggest prize of the date with 101 delegates at stake, sanders taking 72%. and in alaska he won more than 80 percent. despite a shutout on saturday, hillary clinton is maintaining her lead in the all important delegate race. >> the latest cnn estimate has clinton with 1733 delegates. sanders with 1309. the estimates include both pledged and super delegates. suzanne malveaux has more on how bernie sanders is looking to keep the pressure up.
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>> good morning. well, it was 142 delegates at stake over the weekend. bernie sanders coming in with a victory in alaska as well as washington state. the caucuses there a big win for him and all a part of in strategy to pick up those delegates as well as pick up the momentum, leading to contests in much bigger states. more significant later on. the senator celebrating here in madison wisconsin before thousands and thousands of fans. >> we knew, we knew from day one that we were going to have politically a hard time in the deep south. that is a conservative part of our country. but we knew things were going to improve as we headed west. and last week we won utah with 78% of the vote. we won idaho with 79% of the
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vote. and we won democrats abroad with 67% of the vote. >> campaign vows it will go to the very end. they are talking about going to bigger states and trying to win in those critical states. here of course wisconsin and moving on to new york, new jersey, pennsylvania and of course the big prize, california. far from clear whether or not that is possible but in speaking with aides, thebz yes he'll take it all the way to the democratic convention. >> suzanne, thank you so much. and let's talk about last night and overnight. cnn political commentator and anchor for time warner cable news, aerial louis. errol louis. three win. does this dramatically change the narrative of the race? >> unfortunately for bernie sanders it does not. it is a couple of hundred delegates and that is really good to have but that doesn't nearly come close enough to
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really meeting the challenge he has. which is that if he wants to win by winning more of the delegates, he has to win by 2/3 in every remaining stereoty ini. the time is running out. it doesn't change the underlying dynamic of winning the nomination. on the other hand bernie sanders clearly man planning to arrive in philadelphia at the democratic convention with a lot of pull, with with a lot of delegates, with a lot of requirements that he can then put on hillary clinton and the convention as whole. so he's a political player. no doubt about that. he certainly succeeded there. >> in the past sanders has won states that is majority white. washington being one of those states. hawaii and alaska also have sizable minority populations. are we seeing a turn here in his appe appeal? >> i don't know if i would put it that way victor. there are minorities and
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minorities. >> there are minorities and minorities -- bumper sticker. >> native americans and pacific islanders and alaska are very different from, say, you know, fifth generation black democratic leadership in the bible belt. it is a different kind of relationship that hillary clinton has with them. and in the case of alaska and hawaii in particular these are areas that are, you know, pretty far off the beaten trail. i don't think either candidate campaigned in either of those states. >> some of the counties in washington have considerable amounts of latino voters. >> washington is a another story. washington is a different story. put a i side hawaii and alaska. washington is a different. seattle is a progressive hub and long has been and ha's bernie sanders -- you know, put race aside and ethnicity. that is bernie sanders kind of
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crowd. a lot of young people. a lot of progressives. you have some universities. you have the whole sort of, for back of a better word, microsoft complex. the tech complex out there. all lines up for bernie sanders. if he could have a lot more washington states he'd have a lot more brighter future. >> let's put this many the context of aside from what bernie sanders won last night. what hillary clinton lost. why is she losing by these huge margins out west? and for some part in the center of the country? >> these are in many cases, this is a replication of 2008. where the obama appeal was what people were looking for. one way to think about it victor is that if you are a democrat in some of these deeply very red states in the middle of the country in kansas and idaho and
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so forth. you are not part of anybody's establishment. you are going against the grain in your locality and that is the kind of person who is going to be attracted to a bernie sanders, not necessarily a hillary clinton. hillary clinton has to figure how to wring those folks into the fold. not because she's going to win idaho if she's the nominee. n but because this progressive wing has made clear they want an alternative to her. either bernie sanders himself or the policies that he stands for. >> we have you here to talk about the democratic races but we're going to do have you back in the next hour to talk about all that's happening with the republicans as they look ahead to wisconsin on the fifth. errol louis. thank you so much. >> also bernie sanders joins -- ahead on "new day" a planned peace rally in brussels is canceled over security concerns. we're going live to belgium for
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the late ers on the investigation. >> and the victims in the attacks in brussels, came from all over the world. a young missionary from utah among the wounded shares his story. and these are live pictures from the vatican as pope francis celebrates easter. holding vigil prayers. he's standing on the balcony of the bas kah to give his blegsz 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients
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turning now to the terrorist bombs in brussels and a peace march that was scheduled for today in the belgian capital has been postponed because of concerns over another attack and the possibility that that could happen very soon. police are moving as rapidly as
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possible to identify and apprehend everyone associated with last tuesday's plot, of course. that includes the arrest in italy of an algerian national suspected of supplying fake documents. another man identified by the authorities has been charged with terrorist murder. officials are also clarified the death toll. 14 killed in the airport blast. 14 died in the metro attack. three suicide bombers died. bringing that number to 31. roughly 300 people were wounded. all but four of the dead victims have been identified. they included an american couple. whe >> when i hear their voices it just tears me apart. i start crying and then i start having seizures. and then when i found the news
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out that, you know, they had found him and he was passed away, i just totally blanked out and started crying. and went straight into a seizure. >> our michael holmes is live this brussels with the latest on the investigation. michael it was during this show yesterday that we learned of the charges against this person faycal c and learned his name. >> reporter: he was already known in brussels as the militant activist. a man who had already been campaigning for extremist causes but hadn't broken the law in doing so. although he had done time for criminal activity, it is fair to
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say this was no angel even before the arrest. all part of the sweep we've seen in recent days. a number of raids rounding up suspects. and this algerian national arrested on suspicion of being part of a network producing fake residency documents, and that man was already wanted in connection with the paris attack. >> on this easter sunday, michael we'll get back to you in a moment. thanks so much. let's dig a legaler deeper on this. joining us to discuss more about where the investigation goes from here. counterterrorism expert joseph ruffini. and cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes. we know belgium's terror alert is at three now. which seems a little strange to me. it was moved from 4 to 3 on friday. yet it seems that that everybody
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is on high alert anyway. especially with the fear of another attack. >> well this is the way it always works, alisyn. is once an event goes down. once there is an attack all the terror alerts go back up to the higher numbers. and it is inevitable it is going to come back down again. normally when you get event like this week in belgium it is going a little while before another happens. and nobody can stay at that high an alert level for that long. i think this is an example of the new normal until such time as isis can be taken down. >> has there yet been confirmation that there is an actual direct connection between the arrest of the paris bombing suspect salah abdeslam and the brussels attack several days later? and how successful do you think investigators are going to be in talking with abdeslam?
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>> first of all allison, i don't think we know yet. i don't think they may ever know that there is a direct connection between the second set of attacks following the arrest of abdeslam. as far as him talking or cooperating, i think we don't know that is an actual fact. even the things that he said may have been deliberately false information that he provided. we don't know if his arrest accelerate an already ongoing attack plan or whether it was in the works anyway and it was going to happen with or without him. i don't think we have the answers to those questions. i don't have a high confidence level that anything he provided the authorities had any real value in the long run. >> is there anything that investigators can do not just to get information out of abdeslam but also faycal c as well. they have these guys in custody. is there any way to get any kind of intel fa them?
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any nuggets at all? do they have resources at their fingertips to get that information? to glean it? >> not really. they will have the so called pocket litter whatever they had when they were arrested or if if they get a laptop or cell phone. but as we've seen in all of these series of attacks going back to even paris a year ago, that, you know, when they go onto the next suspicious address, it is like they are amazed that they actually find subjects there or that people there start shooting at them and they have more people to arrest. and it just seems that each of the subsequent attacks have come as a surprise. they didn't know that attack plan was in progress. they didn't know who was going to do it. or in some cases they have known all along that these people are suspicious in their country and should be watched and should be, you know, on some high alert level. and just aren't. and, you know, almost nothing is done until the actual attack
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happens. >> what do you think is going to happen in the coming days? do you expect to see more arrests? or do you think the terrorists have just gone underground for now? >> i agree with what tom said. and with these cells it is very hard even with the best intelligence to ferret out how many are in one cell. is there more than one cell. it is my understanding this was a fairly large cell doing both of attacks in november and here. there is an entering dynamic here. it's does a lot of recruiting on social networks. every time there is an event like this they get millions of dollars of free publicity. no matter how many people isis kills or really if the attacks aren't as successful even as they expected just with the publicity, with the constant
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seeing of the attacks and carnage on tv. that enables them to be a do a better job and quicker job of recruiting on social media. so there is a lot of interesting moving parts here. >> tom fuentes, joe ruffini. thanks so much. live pictures from vatican city. pope francis celebrating easter sunday. also this morning, syrian forces recaptured the city of palmyra from isis ement... may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. for over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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welcome back. we want to take you live to the vatican. pope francis you see him there speaking to thousands on this easter sunday. this a day after the pope delivered a message of hope at an easter vigil. he said the terrorist attacks in brussels should not imprison us with pessimism. let's go to rome and talk to john allen with more. tell us more about the pope's message. >> reporter: hi there allison. happy easter to you. so the pope day delivered his traditional blessing to the city and to the world. which is what popes always do on easter. which of course is the holiest day in the christian calendar. the day christians recalled the resurrection of christ from the dead. and it is traditionally a kind of 360 degree review of the global situation. and as you indicated, trying to eject a note of hope in what is
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often a fairly pessimistic landscape. the pope talked about syria, the need to bring peace to that conflict and the rest of the middle east. he made reference to iraq and yemen and libya. of course four catholic nones were just murdered in yemen. he talked about the conflict in the ukraine. in generally. he talked about the realities of brutality and violence around the world. the realities of poverty. he talked about those who were dying for the faith. the realities of persecution of christians and muslims and jus and others who are being killed out of religious hatred. ultimately evil and violence does not have the last word but ultimately the love of god will prevail and i suppose particularly in the context of
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brussels and paris, that is a message that the world is perhaps especially today hungry to hear. >> we could all use a little hope at this point. were there any security concerns ahead of today's easter mass? have you seen anything out there? >> well, the vatican has said clearly it is not going to be paralyzed by fear. that the pope will continue his regular easter calendar as normal. but clearly when you walk around the vatican, you can feel a beefed up security apparatus. there are more of the italian military police on dmoimt in the areas around the vatican. inside the vatican the security screenings have been stepped up. i suppose like everybody else they are trying to strike a ambulance between taking realistic precautions but not handing the terrorists a victory
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by allowing life to come grinding to a halt. >> certainly doesn't hurt to be smart and safe in this timed reality. john thanks so much for joining us. happy easter. ahead we'll go back to belgium to learn the latest about the people arrested across europe and we'll talk about the victims of the attacks. also donald trump shares his foreign policy vision, including who a president trump would consider allowing to develop nuclear weapons. that discussion is ahead. i love to take pictures that engage people
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usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ready for a news alert? we just won the state of washington. >> and the crowd goes crazy. bernie sanders breaking the news of his big win in washington to some very happy supporters last night. >> sanders swept all three democratic caucuses saturday. including wins in hawaii and alaska. the race moves now to wisconsin. democrats and republicans will hold primaries next tuesday. >> also new this morning, syrian
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forces have recaptured palmyra from isis. the victory comes ten months after the terrorist group gained control of the city and began destroying ancient ruins. the army has been chases forces out of palmyra for the past week and dismantling the bombs they left behind. >> in brussels a peace march has been called of for today. the fear of another attack too great. authorities arrested an algerian national suspected of supplying fake documents to the attackers. another man identified only as faycal c. has been charged with terrorist murder. our michael holmes is live in brussels with the latest there. and michael, we still see just over your shoulder there that there is that memorial that's been built. we are just a few days out since that attack. less than a week. how is the mood there this morning? >> it is easter of course. and easter is well marked here
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in belgium. and people have been going to church and they are starting to come down now to the plas de la bourse behind me. the police asked people not to come out for that march. organizers did cancel it. it does remain to be seen if a lot of o people will turn up here. authorities said they had security concerns because they have so many police involved in the actual investigation and they couldn't secure the march. so you have this ironic situation where a march designed to show defines to terrorists and send a message has been called off because of fears brought about because of those very terrorists which is a sad thing. around the square this morning we saw military vehicles blocking vehicle access to the square. you have a sad and strange site of armed soldiers patrolling streets and squares, standing guard outside of cafes.
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it is quieter than normal here. and businesses are hurting and fear a hit to the country's tourist industry. fair to say people are still stunned and apprehensive with those suspects at large. as you say many people fear they could be another attack. and there is also a sense of growing anger victor at the security and intelligence lapses that have been revealed. we heard just overnight that a message was sent after the airport bombings to the metro to shut it down. they never got the message. another lapse that has to be dealt with as they really overhaul the structure of counterintelligence and how they talk to each other here in belgium victor. >> and the worst possible response after 300 people injured. so many killed there and now hearing that the metro was supposed to have been shut down may be an insult to some of those families after losing or suffering in the way they have. michael holmes. we'll be back with you
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throughout the show. >> belgium officials have clarified the death toll in the brussels attacks. in all 28 innocent people were killed. 14 at the airport. 14 at the metro. and three suicide bombers also died. >> more than 300 people were wounded. among them a group of mormon missionaries from utah. the parents of one injured young man spoke with us. >> reporter: proud parents show me a photo of their family. tears of relief and worry. their eldest, joseph, was at the airport check in exactly where the bomb went off. >> oldest of five kids. and he's just been my buddy since he was born, you know? from the time he was little. he's responsible and kind and loving.
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>> joseph called his parents from hospital. his voice was calm and then he sent them these photos. >> it was devastating. >> he's being treated for second degree burns to hands face and had and surgery for shap shall nel wounds on his leg. >> long trip. >> when you first saw him. >> >> oh amazing. >> his eyes with are beautiful. and you could see through all the burns and injuries it is still his same soul and heart if there. and he'll need some time to rehabilitate and heal on the outside. and i'm sure with his emotions as well. >> eyes and smile. he's got bandages all around his face. these pretty blue eyes and thankful and excited to see us. >> joseph was just a few months away from the end of his two year missionary tour to europe when the bombing happened.
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he described the scene to his parents. >> it was horrifying what he went through. he remembers the blast. it knocked him out. and he -- he was very scared, and hiding. and then he went into helping those around him and looking for his -- his three missionary colleagues to help them. >> i asked what they thought of the terrorists? >> i don't understand it. i just know that there is so much more good and love in the world that it will always win. >> reporter: joseph has more surgery and treatment to go through. his family can't take him home yet, where his brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting to see him again. cnn brussels. next on "new day." donald trump lays out his foreign policy plant. he's talking nuclear weapon,
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israel. and potential halting oil sales, saudi arabia. also ahead. protesters in north carolina say a newly passed state law discriminates against trans gender people and sever major corporations are warning it could cost the state some big business. u. wow, it's nice. let's check it out. do any of you have kids? i do yes. this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent's see how their teens are driving. oh, that's smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car? (laughter) cause that could be useful. this is ahead of what my audi has for sure. wish my beamer had that. i didn't even know that technology existed. i'm not in the market for a car but now i may be.
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and japan developing their own nuclear arson analysis. refused to say he would not spy on world leaders and he said he would use -- based on whether or not countries have been friendlies to the u.s. let's talk more. time warner cable. political anchor errol louis and donald trump supporter, kayleigh mcenany. kayleigh starting you on south korea. donald trump says he's considering possibly pulling out troops. also considering possibly allowing them to develop their own nuclear arsenal. with kim jong un to the north working to develop miniaturized nuclear weapons, does that not greatly destabilize the peninsula if a trump administration would allow south korea to develop their own nuclear arsenal. >> i think it is at least worth talking about. we signed the nuclear non
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proliferation treaty but a lot has changed since that was signed. you have now bad actors have who have acquired nuclear weapons in violation of the treaty. north korea. iran many would argue is now closer to the a nuclear weapon. so i think it is at least worth asking. is it in the united states strategic interests? is it worth allowing them to develop nuclear weapons so we have someone else there to fight back in the event of a nuclear war not just relying on the yietsz are, it is a question worth asking. it is not for sure but at least worth put okay the table. >> let's talk about nuclear and the troops errol. counting the numbers of times u.s. military has had to engage in exercises with south korea, what do you think about the idea
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that was put forth t possibility of pulling troops from south korea unless they pay more or commit more of their own? >> it is remarkably short sighted and i think the alarm you are going hear and certainly from academics and anyone with a sense of history is that you -- it is -- it runs counter to 80 years of american foreign policy and success to talk about not nurkzing not only south korea but also japa with a madman in the north is so reckless, is so counter to american interest. that, you know, it is a discussion worth having and i look forward to the in next debate where we with hear from
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trump. to see it happen in asia as well. it is a very unusual approach. and so we'll give him credit for bringing something new to the debate. but again, counter to 80 years of proven success. >> and i'm sure that is going to come one this town hall that's happening in wisconsin on tuesday here in on cnn cnn. let me ask. there is a lot here kayleigh. one of the times we're hearing donald trump speak at length. and his ehe said his approach would be base on how friendly they have been towards us. he'd also reconsider some american alliances. if these countries are not willing to pay in cash or in troop commitments. are there not some places that the u.s. should be regardless of if the country is able to pay, if the country is able to commit. it is just in americas interest
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to be in that region. >> there are some for sure and i think donald trump is making the point when he says he's going to be there for nations that are friendly to us. he's going to be there for the united kingdom. the way they were there for ous. for zrael, the way they have constantly been there for us. however the united states disproportionately has a foothold in areas and a lot of times we don't see a same level of commitment. i don't think that means throwing allies under the bus but i think it does mean recessing how much we're giving financially to nato and having some other countries step up. because the united states at the end of the day we can't be the police power of the world. we have to have allies step up. so i think he just wants to rea i assess the amounts the united states is putting and investing into the world. >> in some of these countries is it not true the eyes is theunit there because those governments are not functional and they don't have the resources and
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there are shadow government whose take control so the u.s. has to be there to keep abay forces that would work towards attacking us in the u.s. so is it possible to even judge based on how much a government pays how much a government commits if that government is effecti effectively null, if that government cannot commit or offer funds or troops? >> they might have to go into -- if other people don't step up to defeat isis the united states might need to step in. however it is worth look at what's happened over the last decade where we've gone in, we've toppled madmen, we've toppled dictators and we've only made ourselves weaker by doing so. i think donald trump wants to look ip ward and for the first time put america first. that means not toppling dictators around the world. putting americans first. that means sometimes leaving a strong man in a place like libya and not allowing isis to move
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in. it is not isolationism. it is america first. we'll be there when we have to be there but at the end of the day it's got to be american lives first. >> a lot to cover and we'll certainly cover more of what we're hearing from this. kayleigh, errol, thank you both. later we'll be talking with brian stelter from reliable sources. he has about how the media has contributed to t rise of trump. one element we're going to talk about is this answer about israel and a two state solution. one answer given in the morning, a different answer given in the evening. we'll talk about that later. also this programming note i mentioned just a few moments ago. the three remaining republican candidates on tuesday. they will be in milwaukee for a cnn town hall. prime time event will be mottereded by cnn's anderson cooper.
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now that bernie sanders has swept the caucuses this weekend. should hillary be worried? we're going to talk to supporters from both campaigns straight ahead. plus heated pretties of a wave of anti-gay legislation in the south. what's at stake? that's next. ♪ the intelligent, all-new audi a4 is here. ♪ ♪ ain't got time to make no apologies...♪ in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades,
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the law would have selected stranz people and allowed them to select the restroom of their choice based on how they identify. republican lawmakers were furious at the legislation.
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>> allows grown men to share bathrooms and locker facilities with girls and women. >> in a special session, solely to consider the bill, republican lawmakers passed the public facilities privacy and securities act. it means trans gender people in the state of north carolina must use the restroom related to the gender on their birth certificate. it is the latest in a string of states attempting to pass similar anti-lgbt legislation. >> in the courtroom you are seeing folks get their religious believes persecuted against. >> the bill is called the free exercise protection act, one of the several religious liberty bills that have surfaced across the country. governor has until may to sign it into law. >> is this legislation a direct result of what the supreme court did last year in legalizing
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same-sex marriage. >> i think it is a rouflt many things. but this was a catalyst. >> many blue ships around the nation say there will be major effects. the nfl says it could have an impact on whether atlanta is selected as the host of the 2019 super bowl. and in north carolina, the nba by as because of the new law it may be the all-star game from charlotte next year. >> six major conventions have considered relocating from georgia if the governor signs this bill into law. the decision could cost the state up to $6 billion. and we should mention that the parent company here of cnn has joined the laundry list of big corporations to speak out against the bill. victor, alisyn. >> you really wonder if the vernor is going to think twice
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with all this pressure. once you throw money in to the picture it makes someone look twice. >> we'll see what these two states decide. coming up big day out west for bernie sanders. next hour, how wins in three state this is weekend effect hillary clinton's delegate lead and what to expect next. >> also ahead our coverage of the terror attacks in brussels continuing. a peace march is canceled over security concerns and where the man hunt for the bombing suspects continues. more "stay" per roll.
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that was dramatic. >> it is. i say it calls for it because as the big out. both top seeds going down. >> more on this bleacher report. we're getting close. >> down to it. six teams left. final four by the end of today and yesterday not a good day to be a one seed. oklahoma knocked off oregon and the top overall seed in the tournament kansas upset by villanova. villanova wins 64-59. they are heading to their first final four since 2009. and consist fans still trying to comprehend what just happened. check out this tweet in lawrence
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kansas. two more games on tap today. virginia taking on syracuse. then wire going to get north carolina taking on notre dame. and before we levy to i i am number one in the --. >> i love how the teleprompter says ad lib bragging. >> that's what that was. i nailed it. >> yeah. you did it well. next hour of your "new day" starts right now.
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good morning everyone. >> happy easter to you. we're beginning with the dominating performance by bernie sanders in this weekend's democratic caucuses. the vermont senator going 3 for 3 in hawaii and washington and alaska. >> bernie sanders grabbing about 70% of the vote in hawaii. in washington the biggest prides of the day with 101 delegates at stake. sanders got 72%. and in alaska, he won more than 80%. now while celebrating his big night sanders told his supporters the political winds are ashifting. >> we have i think it is hard for anybody to deny that our campaign has the momentum. you are the momentum. look around you tonight.
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and what we are seeing and what momentum means is in state after state, huge voter turnouts. >> despite a shutout on saturday, hillary clinton is maintaining her lead over bernie sanders in this all important delegate race. these estimates include both pledged and super delegates. >> for more on bernie's big day let's talk with eric bradner. good morning. big night. explain how sanders, how is he able to run up those big margins. >> this was sort of sanders geographic counterpunch to hillary clinton in the south. he's all along argued these western caucus states where party activist, loyalists play a
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sort of bigger role. the people further to the left, would be where he would really run up the score. and he did that. perhaps by surprising margins, especially in washington a state that both campaigns had really spent a lot of time focusing on. so this is the part of the race where the map shifts in sanders favor a little bit. with western states coming up, they are rural, they are largely white. and so he's going to have to repeat this performance. but he's going to have to do it a lot. the race goes back east here after wisconsin and he's going to have to beat hillary clinton up and down the east coast. and just like washington he's going to have to run up similar margins in oregon and california if he's ever going to catch her delegate lead. so this is a part of the race that sanders has been waiting for though. he knew he would co-well in the west. if he could just survive the south. so he was really -- his campaign
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has sort of identified these contests as three he could pick up and he did by a big margin. >> is it even possible for him to have a repeat of last night? math doesn't lie. hillary clinton has the sizable lead in the delegate count. do you think the sanders campaign is going to go ahead and fight all the way to the convention for the nomination at this point? >> they say they will and after wins like this it is hard to argue that he needs to drop out right away. but you make a great point. at this stage of the race, sanders basically has to do what barack obama did in 2008. he has to start winning states in sort of a surprising fashion. and then he also has to argue to super delegates there that they should sort of follow the will of the voters in their districts and in their states. and abandon hillary clinton or at least back off their pledge to support clinton even if they don't endorse sanders. now, for the guy that's been
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running the anti-establishment campaign, telling the establishment to give up its power is a tall task. but without doing that there is no real path for him to get to the nomination. >> i hear you. eric bradner. thanks so much. >> new. for analysis now. cnn political commentator and democratic strategiest maria and nomi nomi nomiki kanst. i'm sure you heard what eric just said there. that he's got to convince the super delegates co-abandon hillary clinton, defy that allegiance and come to his side? can he do it? will he soon? >> i think he has to do it. there are certain rules in the dnc or advisory rules. but the super delegates to have to reflect the will of the voters. and the problem here is no matter who would have run against hillary clinton they
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would have faced this dilemma. she had 290 super delegates not just pledge but endorsing her. and now they have to -- these people have to reflect the voters will. if you think about it, one super delegate equals 10,000 voters. that is a huge margin there. and with the numbers that bernie sanders has been winning in the last five out of six states they have to start looking at those numbers and saying we need to answer to the people. i understand hillary clinton has this -- she likes to say she's winning the popular vote but that marge seasin is closing. she's got to start looking at these numbers and saying it is not just about the white vote anymore. >> these are big margins. why is hillary clinton in these states -- we've discussed at length why bernie sanders lost by such large margins in louisiana, in south carolina, in florida in the is southeast.
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why is hillary clinton losing so big in the west and in the center of the country? >> well i think right now what you are seeing is exactly both what the clinton campaign had expected as well as the sanders campaign had expected. this is terrain that has been always more favorable to bernie than to hillary. it is a very progressive electorate. majority white and these are things that have been expected. right now what we're looking at though is the math. and the math is still very much in hillary clinton's favor. and in order for bernie sanders to really close the gap both in the more than two million votes that hillary clinton is ahead, as well as 230 pledge delegates that she's ahead. he's going to have to win the upcoming primaries, which again, caucuses were much favorable terrain than primaries for been. he's going to have to win the remaining large states that are primaries by these same margins.
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>> let's look ahead to wisconsin. april 5th. sanders has won michigan to the east, minnesota to the west. clinton has won illinois to the south and southwest there, iowa. nomiki, can he win wisconsin? seems like this is possibly a toss up. >> i think they are investing a lot of energy in wisconsin, the sanders campaign is. you saw him speak -- >> that wasn't a yes. >> yeah absolutely. okay there's a yes for you. he's doing well in these o states and something to keep in mind is these the are states that democrats win. unfortunately the states hillary is winning by wide marges are not states the democrats win in general elections. >> florida barack obama won florida twice. >> true. it is a swing state. south carolina -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> but the rest of the math is not looking favorable. and that is a real problem for hillary clinton. and just to push back on that
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all white vote count. hawaii is not an all white state. neither is alaska. he's doing very well with native americans. he's doing very well with latinos. very close in arizona and nevada. so these aren't these old classic white states everybody keeps saying. he's doing very well and those margins are closing. >> maria, let me come to you with some reporting in the washington post about sanders going to sharpen his criticism of hillary clinton ahead of the new york primary. now the clinton campaign it's been telegraphed he wants to pivot towards the general election. how does she walk that line of fighting what still could be a rough primary without alienating his supporters? >> first it is disappointing to hear that the sanders campaign is planning these personal attacks against hillary clinton. but i think what she's going to
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do is continue to focus on the prize and the prize being winning the nomination, which again she has the math to win. and secondly to focus on the bigger prize i think for democrats in general, which is making sure that we beat whoever the republican nominee is. and at this point it looks very likely that that is going to be donald trump. i love it when bernie sanders turns his fire on donald trump. i think that is great for the party. i think that is great for the country. it will be very zpoi disappointing if the only way he thinks he can win new york is by going after clinton personally. it is something he's said heath not going to do. and clinton is not going to go personal against him. because she does need his supporters. and as you have seen nobody from the clinton campaign is looking for bernie to get out. and i've always said he's good for her. the math is in -- >> one unifying figure for the sanders supporters and the clinton supporters and that is
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donald trump. and we've seen senator elizabeth warren tweeting out there are bigger fish to fry. i'm paraphrasing here. thanks very much. later this hour we'll take a look at the gop race and donald trump's foreign policy plan as shared with the washington post. also this programming note, bernie sanders will join jake tapper on state of the union today at 9:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. >> also ahead on "new day" a peace march in brussels has been canceled because of security fears. could more terror attacks be imminent? we're going there live for an update on the mood of the city and the man hunt for bombing suspects. plus southeaste syrian forces are have captured palmyra. >> also the pope just completed easter celebrations there in vatican city. a live report straight ahead on his address to the city and to the world.
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quarter after the hour, a peace march scheduled for today in the belgian capital had been postponed due to concerns that another attack could be immin t imminent. the investigation so far has led to the arrests of an algerian man in italy. he is suspected of supplying fake documents to the brussels attackers and in brussels a man identified as faycal c. has been charged with terrorist murder. michael holmes is live in brussels with the latest. also i hope you can touch on the mood there. because behind you there b have been these flowers laid there. moments of reflection. i wond fer if it's changed on easter sunday what queer swe're in that square? >> easter sunday marked here. it means a lot here to people in belgium. and they have been at the churches today. and they are starting to come
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down here to the square. it is more in the dozens than the hundreds as in past days. you mentioned the parade. and people were trying to get together to have this peace march today. a march of solidarity. and then the police asked the organizers to cancel it. and they did. authorities said they had security concerns and the problem was they have so many place involved in the investigation there weren't enough to secure the marches. so you have this sad irony of a march designed to show defines to terrorists to send a message to them called off because of fears from the very terrorists, the ones still at large. around the square this morning we saw a lot of military vehicles blocking vehicle access to the square. and this very sad and very strange sight in this beautiful city of armed soldiers patrolling historic streets and squares. took a photograph of one
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standing guard fully armed in camouflage outside of a cafe. the streets it had to be 15id have been very quiet the last few days and locals tell us that people are just staying home. businesses fear they are going to take a hit as summer season and tourist season approaches. we went out to dinner a couple of nights ago. we were the only ones in the restaurant. the people are still stunned and also apprehensive because as i said there are still suspects at large despite the arrests and there is also that element of anger at the government and security and intelligence lapses that have been revealed by all of this. >> michael holmes in brussels. as we saw from a shot a couple of moments ago that although that peace march was postponed there are people who are coming for a moment of reflection and to pay their respects to the people who were injured and killed in those attacks. michael this sow much. let's go a little deeper and find out where the brussels investigation goes from here. joining us counterterrorism
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expert joseph ruffini. the author of "when terror comes to main street" and cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes. good morning both of you. tom let me start with you and ask you this. i'm a little confused. it kind of makes you scratch your head. belgium's terror alert was level was lor was lowered from 4 to 3 yet they think there may be another attack. explain that for us. >> i think they just feel they can't keep that alert level at those high levels indefinitely. they don't have enough information to go on to keep it up but they don't have enough information either to cancel it all together. i think it is really more of a political reason to lower it than an actual reason that it is safer or they feel that the streets are safer at this moment. they still don't know what they don't know. and they are well aware of the fact that people are running around that pose a threat. and they don't even know who
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they are yet. >> joe, what do you think is going on with this terror network. do you think it's been broken up. do you think it's taken a big enough hit that they are going to have trouble regrouping? or have the terrorists just gone under ground for now? >> you know, we are going to have to wait and see how this plays out. if isis is exercising good security it is going to be very hard to find out if there are other cells being activated. normally they would have no knowledge of any other sleeper cells or other operational cells that were planned and that is done suspensi done intentionally so when they are picked up they can't say anything about what they know because they don't know anything. so as tom said we're just going to have to let this play out. we're going to see if some of these folks do talk. and we're just going to so to see what happens in the days to come. i think in in day and age
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between isz and al qaeda, boko haram and al shabaab. and we just need to be prepared. especially in this country. i think americans get the feeling that we are aimmune to these type of attacks and we need to be vigilant and not paranoid we need to teach americans what to look for. >> they have faycal c. and salah abdeslam in their hands. do they have any lerj to get any information out of these guy. >> as tom said, they can question them. they are certainly not going to torture them. or i assume so. it is regular interrogation techniques and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. and frankly not being in the room where the interrogations are taking place it is very very hard to say if anybody is cooperating or we're getting any intelligence and remember allison there is a difference
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between what we call intelligence and actionable intelligence. we can know where somebody is. for instance, the finance minister of isis that we just killed last year. knowing where he is and being able to take him out are two different things. so they are looking for actionable intelligence. can we find out enough to break that cell up before they execute the mission? >> thanks so much for coming on this morning. and thousands of people in st. peter's square this morning as pope francis just wrapped up easter celebration at the vatican. we're going to go there live for highlights. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. would you trust me as your financial advisor? i would. i would indeed. well, let's be clear here. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] [laughs] no way! i have no financial experience at all. that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro, you just don't know. find a certified financial planner professional who's thoroughly vetted at
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pope francis delivering his messaging and blessing. he spoke about the paris attacks and belgium at easter individualem and also said it should not imprison us with pessimi pessimism. >> dellia, was his message today similar to what it was yesterday? >>ia, was his message today similar to what it was yesterday? >> yes allison. the easter message happens around events of the world. and on people's minds are the dramatic events of brussels. and the pope made reference to the victims of the terrorism calling it a brutal and blind
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violence. he also remembered armed conflicts throughout the world. and basically every country experiencing war at this time. he mentioned syria, iraq, yemen, libya. and many other countries besides. saying that today is the great day of hope. today, of course, easter is the resurrecti resurrection. and symbolic for christians of the good winning out over evil or life over death. so this is the pope's main message at easter time. and to those countries and those people who are affected by war and by violence. allison the pope also made reference to refugees, those who are displaced because of war. the great mass of migrants we see coming through europe and other countries around the world. on holy thursday we saw him washing the feet of refuges. not just catholics. not just christians. hindus and muslim as well.
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by now a message we are used to seeing from pope francis with a special message of hope for those effected by terrorism. >> you are there. are you seeing any extra security concerns ahead of the easter mass there at the vatican? >> reporter: there has been beefed up security. that's happened before. after the paris attacks an increase in security. but of course this being one if not the most particular christian holiday. it is a time when pilgrims from all around the world come. the vatican people can feel safe and move. certainly an increased security awareness here. >> all right. delia. live from rome. thanks very much. and happy easter. >> thank you. and to eo. to politics now. a big night for bernie sanders. but will the senator be able to
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watch up the hillary clinton's pledged delegate lead? >> plus syria claiming it's recaptured palmyra city from isis militants. ♪ in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at
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imagine life with a lower a1c. are you loving your numbers? there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. you're ready for a news alert. [ cheers and applause ] we just won the state of washington. >> and it was a big night for bernie. bernie sanders breaking the news to very happy supporters last
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night. >> he swept all three democratic caucuses on saturday. the race now moves to wisconsin. democrats and republican wills hold primary next tuesday. all but four of the 28 people changing gears now to what's happening in belgium. all but four of the 28 people killed in tuesday's attacks have been identified. among them are justin and stephanie shultz of tennessee. they were at the airport when those two bombs went off. and new video of the algerian man caught in italy and suspected of helping those terrorists. michael holmes joins us live from brussels. we know as you talk about this video we know there was this peach march scheduled to happen today in brussels called off because of fear of another attack. do we know if authorities have or are they saying whether or not they have solid intelligence that another attack is imminent? >> no. i'll tell you about that. the police say basically they
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have got so many officers out on patrols and out securing the city. and also involved in trying to catch the people at large, that think just didn't have enough officers to try to secure that march. so ironically you have a march designed to show defines to terrorists and send a message defines defiance. i want to bring you up to date on a couple of the suspects. faycal c., he has been charged with terrorist murder. and also being a member of a terrorist group. he was arrested outside of the office of the belgian prosecutors. what he was doing there we don't know already. he was known as the militant activist. campaigned for extremist causes and had done time for criminal activity. it is fair to say he was no angel before his arrest. i want to tell you about another
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suspect now. you remember the man who was shot at the tram station on friday. and then remember the arrest of a man in france who was said to be in the advanced planning stages of an operation. that man is now being linked with the man shot at the tram stop here in brussels. so you can see this web that is developing. these suspects that have been brought together and picked up and then linked to each other. you mention the algerian man and the video of him. what we know about him is he was picked up in italy in the southern city of salerno on suspicion of producing fake documents linked to the attack. but he was already wanted in belgium in connection with the paris attacks. so a significant arrest there, victor. >> michael holmes from propulse.
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than -- brussels. thanks so much. syrian media reporting government forces recaptured the ancient city of palmyra from isis militants. the site is revered as home some of the world's oldest and best preserved ruins whiruins. thanks for coming on the show today. before we talk about syria, let's talk about the situation in brussels. how concerned are you that as we see the threat level go from four to three in belgium that there are other terror attacks being plotted at this moment? >> certainly very concerning allison. good morning and happy easter. second on attacks in europe we're going continue to see the disconnects between transfer of intelligence between various countries and the ability to fight the terrorist network
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across europe. not just in belgium but in other countries there. i think we'll continue to see certainly the planning for and hopefully the stoppage of any execution of attack. but the cells are there. so the police and the various security and intelligence forces of europe have to continue to be on alert for a very long time. this has been something that's a been brewing for quite a while and i think we are going to see the aftereffects of all of these plotting and networking that's been happening over the last several years. >> let's talk about the significance of palmyra being taken from isis. first of all can syrian forces even hold on to it. >> great question and i'd say it is not jurs syrian forces. they have had a significant amount of support from russian air power. by the way the same russian air power we were told my mr. putin was leaving the country. just this week alone there have
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been 40 air strikes over the city of palmyra. and specifically over hams. while the emphasis today will be on palmyra, the ancient city with all the antiquity, what you have to do is see the importance of homs, where palmyra is on the east east earn east earn eastern.ern eastern eastern. -- what they are really attempting to do is consolidate their gains over the last several months with the help of russian forces to get to other places --. >> with isis being pushed out of palmyra is there a concern isis could be more emboldened. they are losing territory in
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iraq too. is isis going to feel more emboldened to take riskier moves to commit even more atrocities. more terror attacks in something maybe we can't even think about at this moment to show that their powerful. >> i think you are going to see certainly isis is going to attempt to keep up their propaganda but it will not be in syria and iraq. they are losing there. so you will see that transfer to other places. specifically going back to your very first question about belgium. specifically europe. they are looking to expand their caliphate or brand all over the world. we've seen that and many intelligence sources have said that we're not just going to see them in iraq and syria but the expansion in africa and other parts of the middle east and europe and perhaps they are going to attempt to get into north america as well with some
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types of attacks. >> and the key is for authorities to be more proactive than reactive. something we're sensing that is happening here. >> certainly that is true. i think what you have seen in the united states is very good intelligence sharing between states and the federal government. very good protection on our ports and entry ways but in europe with over 40 countries in europe speaking 70 different languages and the disconnects between federal official, local and state officials within europe, you are going to have some challenges sharing that information across the various countries within the european land mass. >> general hertling, thanks for your analysis today. >> thank you. still to come. what many voters have been waiting for. trumps views on foreign policy. the answer he gave to a question on israel in the morning and the different answer he gave later that too day to the same question. also trumps said he'll bet hillary clinton. many times. how he's responding now in the
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43 minutes after the hour. donald trump is making headlines over a wide ranging interview on foreign policy with the "new york times." in it trump gave two pretty different answers when asked whether he would seek a two state or one state solution in israeli. in the morning part of the interview trump responded "i'm not saying anything. what i'm going to do is i specifically don't want to address the issue because i would love to see if a deal could be made. then in the evening portion he
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said this i support a two state solution but the palestinian authority has to recognize israel's right to exist as the jewish state. eric bradner, good to have you back. it was important enough to donald trump turned to a teleprompter at apec. because he knew he had to get that right. and now with the conversation with the "new york times" it seems to be maybe vacillating here? >> right. donald trump -- it was fascinating to see him use a teleprompter by the way. because he had spent a full year on the campaign trail bashing them. but he has the salesmen like quality to never quite commit to anything. walks up to the edge and then throws his hands up and says it doesn't matter. what trump is presenting is strength. this idea that he can lead via his credibility. by channelling his competency into good deal-making.
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even if he isn't really laying out the prompts of what those deals would be. this is a trickier subject than a lot of the issues. it is --. so yeah. he's trying to navigate choppy waters and he's taken some blowback but just like anything else, policy inconsistencies or refuses to get too specific doesn't hurt him. >> what these countries can off offer, you have seen him talk about relationships in terms of how he's addressed putin.
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going back to that 60 minutes appearance and a how they had a chummy set of exchanges there for a while. a lot of what he's offering is again the sense of capability, credibility, competency. looking for, you know, just like any deal. he's looking for other countries to sort of have something to offer. he doesn't want the united states to be sort of leading the world and carrying the entire burden. so i talked about nato too and in united states backing its role out of nato which really led to him taking fire on the chain trail. >> a lot of criticism this week. i want to turn some of the tweets in the polls this. polls showing donald trump is not going to do as well a against hillary clinton as he says he will. he says don't believe the fox news poll. just another phony hit job on
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me. i'll beat clinton easily in the general election. polls found her ahead. monmouth, bloomberg. what's going on here? and more importantly, does this matter to trump supporters? >> for trump himself you live by the poll, you die by the poll. he loves talking about his numbers in the republican contest. so now it is sort of inconvenient that poll after poll after poll is showing this. his supporters don't seem to care because they buy his argument that he has not yet turned his ire towards hillary clinton. he hasn't hit her hard what. 's fascinating that polls also show these are two of the most unpopular potential nominees in modern history. donald trump's unfavorable ratings among the general are sky high.
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hillary clinton's are high enough to be alarming. so it really sort of portends to a negative general election. where both of these candidates would be trying to just drive the other ones' unpopularity, you know, sky high. >> and bring each other down. that is pretty much the case for most of the candidates still in the race. eric, always good to have you on the show. >> thank you. cnn hosts the three remaining republican candidates on tuesday. moderated by cnn's anderson cooper. tuesday 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. also ahead on "new day," more on donald trump. but we're going to be asking this question: did the media contribute to his rides? before you answer we're going to
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brian stelter. your show today examining the media and it's impact on the rise of donald trump. >> we wanted to go in depth. art is now imitating a light. the show so we're already at t point now where it's coming into fiction but in the nonfiction world we're trying to take a look at not just the quantity of coverage. there's been a ton of coverage of trump but the quality of coverage. in the real world it's only been until recently that there's been a concerted effort by big news organizations to examine why trump receive sod much support. so we're calling the disconnect between some of the press coverage and some of the public support for trump and what i have been seeing lately, you have probably been seeing this too, more and more self-assessments or self-reflective pieces by
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journalists. there's one we had highlight. he goes through a number of reasons why the media helped make trump but then missed trump support. we were oblivious to the pain among working class americans. media elites right at a talk about your diversity diversity but we also lack economic diversity. we spend too much time talking to senators and not enough to the jobless. there's some truth to that statement. we'll dig more on reliable sources today. there's been a lot of impressive coverage of trump an bernie saners on the slip side but too often too much of his support was dismissed early on. >> the media wrote him off at the beginning. not writing him off anymore. thanks so much. >> that's right. thanks. make sure that you catch his trump and media special on
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64-69. jayhawks tried to tie it up but ended upturning over the ball. >> happy easter. >> enjoy this sunday. inside politics starts right now. bernie sanders engineers a three state saturday sweep. >> don't let anybody tell you we can't win the nomination or win the general election. we're going to do both of those things. >> but does momentum mean any big shift in the delegates? plus the republican race goes tabloid. >> donald has demonstrated he is willing to attack anyone and everyone and truth does not matter to him. >> and the brussels terror attacks put the commander and chief question front and center. >> if mr. trump gets his way


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