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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  March 27, 2016 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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where are we and why are we here? >> you tell me. well, the criticism that you hear of ted cruz's wife is what it took for him to really get upset. ton donald trump could insult everybody else in the universe and cruz looks the other way. now it gets down to his actual family and he gets annoyed. none of this stuff has seemed to fall out on donald trump so far. he's been the i'm rubber you're glue candidate. everything sticks to everybody else. at the same tie you hear from his supporters about trump's vulgarity. his willingness to, i heard from voters in the south. they didn't like him swearing and things like that. so when it gets to the level of sex scandal, there are republicans, sort of traditional republicans that sense a propriority is offended.
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>> and the risk for cruz is that as we have seen all along is when you start clinging mud with donald trump you get dirty. you saw that with marco rubio. a different level of attack but something that cruz has to worry about. it's also a risk of going out and trying to kill this national inquirer story which is unsubstantiated tabloid report but by talking about it, elevated into the political discourse so it's not clear how this plays out but i don't think it's a clean victory for cruz by bringing it up and trying to blame it on trump. >> one of the things that we learned about donald trump is that he is not going to be a candidate that is going to pivot toward the general election and try to look presidential in the tra tigsal sense. there's been two moments where he had an opportunity i think to stand up and look presidential, the violence in chicago after one of his rallies and this moment where the super pact put
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out this web add. they spent like $300 on it. this was a moment where he could have come out and said families are off limits. i don't want anybody's wife to be gone after. instead he took a very different approach and that's going to be donald trump and if we're waiting for these moments where he's going to take the high ground that moment may not exist. >> if you're hillary clinton you're thinking this is great for me and number two, what is going to happen in the general election. if she ends up being the nominee, you can 100% bet now if she wasn't already counting on everything that ever happened with bill clinton coming up again in the form of a million adds. >> it does show trump's problem with women voters too. that cnn vote last week had 74% of registered women voters view him negatively. that's a huge problem for him in a general election. >> let's look at that. this has become a discussion especially after he retweeted the unflattering photo of heidi
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cruz. this is trump's problem with women. with female registered voter across the board, 73% have an unfavorable view. trump tweeted yesterday this is our fault. the media is so after me on women. wow this is a tough business. nobody has more respect for women than donald trump. that may well be the case now. mr. trump is entitled to state his opinion but one of the problems is -- he says this is just entertainment but listen here, he has a history of say things that are pretty offensive. >> a person who is flat chested is very hard to be a ten. >> we could say politically correct that look doesn't matter but the look obviously matters. you wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful. >> would you turn gay. >> you drop to your knees. >> that's a pretty picture you dropping to your knees.
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we're all a little chubby but rosie is worst than most of us. she is a very unattractive person. >> you'd have more kids. >> i think so. >> i won't do anything to take care of them. i'll supply the funds. >> there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her where ever. >> that's the candidate in his own words and again a lot of that predates the campaign. he can explain it away if he wants. that was just entertaining. you are accountable for anything you have said and done? >> sure it's the women voters that decide how to take those apart and he can say why are you taking this so personally? this should be about things i'm proposing to do for the country and not my analysis of people's appearance and some people sympathize with that but the polling is pretty clear. women have chosen to take this personally. women have chosen to take this
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as an attack on women broadly. not on a few individual women and i think to the point about hilary chin on the, she has not gotten a lot of mileage so far in this campaign out of being a woman candidate. she has tried. she talks about it so much more than in 2008. she has talked a lot about being a path breaking candidate and being the first woman president and in the democratic primary women voters haven't seemed to respond to that strongly. >> it's going to be superb. they're not only admitting in the republican primary. that is over and over again by hilary's super pact and the hilary campaign itself. we'll see how that plays out. >> one of the big tests for trump and whether he can maintain this will be when he says things about hillary clinton as a woman on stage next to hillary clinton. that's been the third rail for male candidates. will that hold up?
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i don't know the answer to that but i think it will be a fascinating general election. >> there's no debates on the books right now. >> but on the completely separate from whether or not, of course by these it should be great for her if she ends up being the nominee. but the trump factor is a little bit different because he can take these very uncomfortable situations whether they're true or not true and turn them on the candidates themselves and hillary clinton is not going to be comfortable relit jating all of her husbands and the implications in that and if things go generally the way this has gone today it may be very uncomfortable. >> he says if you come to me i will not deescalate. i'll escalate. john kasich cannot guarentee a wisconsin win. well can he survive a wisconsin loss? y to direct. thank you, we'll call you.
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>> wisconsin is april's big early test in primary politics. donald trump far away in the lead with 742. ted cruz in second. marco rubio is out of the race but his delegates might matter. wisconsin can be proportional but could go winner take all. what would happen if donald trump took them all? well he would start to pull away heading to the next contest in his home state of new york. that will be a big deal for trump momentum but what ted cruz hopes is wisconsin goes the other way and he wins them all so that he can close the gap and the question is can he build on that? and there's a country where you woen think the tea party candidate would be the strongest. he hopes it ends up that way because he knows the stakes. >> a victory here in wisconsin will impact each and every primary coming up after this.
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>> it is, you were just in wisconsin, this is a very interesting moment in the sense that it's one state, nine days to get to it. there's a build up and essentially they had two weeks out there in one state. often you would say it's just one race but it could be a defining state. >> it is and there's a ton of money into the state, trying to stop him. it's been really fascinating. donald trump took last week off the campaign trail even though wisconsin as we would talk about a is a huge state for him. he's not necessarily a lock. it's going to come down to cruz and kasich could pull out far more support than donald trump and donald trump is going to do better in the western part of the state and if he does well up there and kaisch and cruz get the college educated vote donald
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trump could end notorious but not because he's been working hard. >> at the beginning of this campaign there was a guy named scott walker that was early the front runner. people thought he was going to win iowa. he happens to still be the governor of wisconsin and indicated maybe he'll get involved. when he got out he took a shot at donald trump so it's safe to say he will not be for donald trump. most of the cw in this campaign would tell you well the establish doesn't work, endorsements don't work. could scott walker help? >> part of the problem for scott walker is he's not very popular anymore. so having gone away. scramble to catch up since he has gotten back. he has indicated he may or may not endorse. i don't get any strong signals, there's nobody in the race he's dieing to get on board with and that's part of the problem is that the nontrump choices are seen not just by walker but by a
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lot of people as so fatally flawed that it's hard to want to jump in with both feet so i think this is very much in the air and we're going to learn a lot from the results. >> the more interesting voice in wisconsin is paul ryan that has come out quite forcefully in trying to set up a counter narrative to trump without disavowing trump without name but it's clear what message he is sending but this could be the ultimate test of the influence of the establishment. you have scott walker and paul ryan that said that republicans should take another path and voters in their home state could be decisive in pushing trump closer to the nomination. >> here's something that governor walker said that some people think is a reference. i think if it's an open convention it's very likely it would be someone that's not currently running. i assume governor walker doesn't think that means him. you never know. although you never know but there are people and ryan has said no, no, never to oh well
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we'll see what happens. there's people that thinks that if the current field manages to stop trump that everybody is going to be bloody and it would be somebody new at the convention. with a mischief is the governor playing there. >> remember paul ryan said never to house speaker. look where he is now. and he certainly is, if you had to make up a spectrum, john kasich is close to the paul ryan end. >> it's hard to see how the scenario works out. even if they say we have paul ryan. >> it hasn't happened yet. >> if something and it's and how do we mess this up when we could
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have had someone like scott walker. he left the campaign so early and there's a lot of people. >> he ran out of money. >> he ran out of money and his campaign was structured in a way that was unfeasible and he was there and we start out with so many well qualified candidates and i think that -- >> that's the disruptive force of trump. and governing class and yet his people are saying i don't like to win wis but i'll do okay and get delegates and then i'll move to the east which prolongs the three way race which benefits
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trump. >> that's the real challenge. >> yeah it's for john kasich. >> in part because he's from the midwest. and as only had ohio in his win column. and voters are not backing you should not be the nominee. that's not a democratic process. >> you should be the choice of the republican establishment given his views. because of the fact that they don't think that kasich can win. and that is yet and the other thi thing. >> and a little bit more to come. ben carson, that's right, ben carson's return.
5:48 am
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we'll get you out ahead. >> ben carson this week. he's going to be in a certain kind of voter and particularly christian conservatives except he's not the most enthusiastic surrogate. as we saw this week he still feels a little bit like trump needs to tone it down. he doesn't like some of the things that trump is saying. so he's not 100% enthusiastic. >> fun to watch what the
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candidate meant to say. >> the nuclear security summit is coming to washington. a zillion world leaders will be meeting with president obama and talk about isis and nuclear security but they'll also be talking about behind the scenes is donald trump. this say subject of fast nation for world leaders. it kept coming up with news conferences and town halls during president ball balm's cuba and argentina visit. it's not something. is he going to get the nomination? could he win? what would it mean for foreign policy. that would be a big kind of off mic discussion. >> we'll see if there's any open mics. watch that as it plays out. >> republicans in the house and
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senate. and members running in swing and bob doyle from illinois. the folks embracing him are very conservative members. people that met with him last week and the folks taking the paul ryan approach criticizing on select issues and that includes a lot of senate republicans are up for re-election including last week in wisconsin. he said that trump could help him in the northern part of that state by driving out supporters and he would support the nominee. it's what it means at the top of the ticket. >> by the time presidential primaries make their way to california it's usually an after thought. but among republicans there's a lot of focus on how to scoop up as many delegates as possible in june. california holds 54 contests in
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one day. each congressional district offers three delegates plus the overall winner. they're just as valuable as republican areas and as the great political writer in california put it you could have ted cruz in liberal san francisco and donald trump in compton which would be a really fitting ending to this crazy gop race. >> crazier and crazier as we go. i'll close on more of the tensions between camps cruz and kasich and they test. they argue that kasich gives them a clean shot at beating trump? of course they say no way but he's trying to make up ground there and it's imperative that he scoop up new delegates and team kasich should cruz should focus elsewhere and let team kasich have a shot at trump.
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and if he wants to contest for the nomination at an open convention. those tensions underscore a key question in the race. it's if cruz and kasich continue to compete in the cases. when a and b align to stop c, chances are neither a or b get the prize themselves. that's a tough pill. a tough reality for either cruz or kasich to swallow. for now expect the current state of play to continue which likely helps trump. that's it for inside politics. thanks for sharing your sunday morning. happy easter. up next, state of the union. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. what if there was a paint that made you look at paint differently question everything you know
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