tv Reliable Sources CNN March 27, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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assess and the danger that grows by the month. hey, good morning. happy easter. this hour on reliable sources we're having a special report. donald trump and the disconnect. we're going to hold up in the air and ask questions about why so many individual journalist and their news out lets discounted trump for so long. what did the press get wrong and why? news leaders and opponents all join me for a round table discussion. let's take a trip down the escalator, last june. that was the day trump entered and up ended the race against the president. ever since then, his unpredictable, out rashs comments and royal views have uprooted the g.o.p. and caused
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an avalanche. >> they're bringing drugs, crime, they're rapist and some, i assume, are good people. >> i'm going to bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. >> whose going to pay for the wall? blood coming out of her wherever. >> i don't know what i said. i don't remember. trump is good for ratings. let's talk about the quality. for too long, too many editors, tv pruetters and writers and pund nts missed trump's rise and what he meant to his reporters. we went back and watched the news coverage from the day trump entered the race and here are a few of the most memorable moments. >> look, he's going to run until he doesn't run. the big question is how long does he stay in the race?
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i think he'll be there long enough. >> this is a reality tv show star. >> i can't treat it as a serious republican platform and i can't treat it as if it's coming from a serious republican candidate. >> he's not a serious presidential candidate. i have to tell you that. i don't think we're going to see him for very long. >> every political junkie in the united states is drooling at the possibility of trump verses hilla hillary. >> that's not going to happen. if that happens i'll come on your show and eat my shoe laces. donald trump is not going to be the republican nominee. >> brian, i did unlace my shoe laces and i have them here and i'm going to put them over my desk. to be fair, the friction has not come true yet.
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the truth is when i watch those clips, i'm glad i wasn't on tv that day. i didn't think trump would actually head to the race. when i say there's a disconnect, i'm definitely including myself. you can argue the g.o.p. establishment has been disconnected. to be sure, there's been a lot of news coverage from this phenomena. we shouldn't discount the impressive coverage going on. i think we know what the dominate narratives have been. first, it was that trump was a flash in the past. some dismissing him saying he was a side show swearing jeb bush or marco rubio would eventually clinch the nomination. as candidates dropped out they swore there was a ceiling on the report. trump supporters we were told are angry and prejudice.
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it seems every news outlet is treated like an exotic species at the zoo. is this liberal bias. when i asked for feedback i got a lot of responses like this one from monica. she wrote they couldn't see their toes around their stomachs. is that it? i want to hear it from you as this hour goes on. tweet my. i'll be looks at your comments. let's set the table with this comment. david recently confessed we weren't listening carefully enough. let's listen carefully to our panel here for reactions to all this beginning with trina. the editor and publisher of the magazine. scotty hughes, the commentator and a trump supporter. will bunch, though the a trump
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support supporter. the author of the bern identity and molly, a plolitical writer. the factors that create a trump were hiding the plain site for the american heartland to all see. why weren't they seen? >> i think it's a basic failure of basic journalistic leg work getting out in the field and talking to people in places like ohio and kentucky and places that have seen massive job displacement among the white working class. i think david brooks admission was stunning but it was also pretty obvious that too much of our at least main stream news coverage is driven by columnist and pun dents not in the field and they're talking to consultants fighting the last war expecting trump to collapse
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just like herman cain in 2012. they've gone out to places like kentucky like i did back in 2009 when i did a book called the backlash for the tea party. these people are happy to talk and what you'll find a lot is you'll find real stories of people who have their jobs outsourced and have a good manufacturing job for 20-30 years and it's outsourced to mexico and china. they have lots of time on their hands and use that time to listen to rush limbaugh and watch fox news and listen to glen beck and they're very susceptible to getting madder and madder at the establishment. >> before we start using words like racist, let me bring in scotty. i want to get in detail on this but if you live in texas, do you agree with what he's saying? i did up until the last few
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lines. we're talking about this is main stream. it's all the policies effected by the rules and lawmakers in d.c. the frustration of these folks as their jobs have been shipped across the way. >> you're talking about the establishment coverage and comments early on, let's take a look from fox news. let's take a look what he said early on last summer proven wrong now. >> this is the strongest field of republican candidates in 35 r years. you could pick them and instead all our time is spent discussing
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this rodeo clown. as you get close to a decision and people say do we really want the world wrestling federation atmosphere in the oval office, i think people will flinch. >> how do you feel when you watch cable news and see things like that? >> i hope they have special seating for the convention this summer when they give donald trump the nomination. pthose words around.and throw you're unsulting mr. trump and the millions that have followed him and identified with him. the more you insult him, the more loyal they become. talk about the lack of strategy the republican party has had. it's shown in those two people's comments right there, the reason they're losing is because they two people have been the front runners and spokes person for the establishments. >> is this liberal bias of work or establishment bias of work.
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>> when you're trying to understand, your sources have to be the voters. they can't just be the people in the beltways, the consultants. they can't be making predictions based on history. they have like trump is and come along and scatter all of because there was a lot of attention. that was the last uprising of the republican base. in that case it was panelled into the conservative movent. a lot of people looked at that and suspected the kind of candidate that would do well was someone more like ted cruz or marco rubio or someone who spoke to conservative policy. trump isn't doing that. trump has an agenda and it was
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sort of i think it was there wasn't a one republican base verses the establishment. there was two. or at least there were more than one. >> let me bring adrina into the consider sags. we're talking about the train that goes from boston, new york to d.c. this idea that reporters who live in the city aren't aware of what's going on in the heart land or the rest of the country. the same idea is true when it comes to ted cruz and bernie sanders. >> i absolutely do. let me step back for a moment. the media is going to extraordinary systemic changes and has for the last two decades. we seen the obliteration of the law and trump walked easily into that.
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he -- i think we would have learned a lot more. it is the case that no question, i think we all agreed there has not been respectful coverage of the economic lives and experiences of millions of americans in this country. part of that talking to porter is the such kating consensus around certain issues such as trade agreements and corporate trade agreements all good for the workers in this country. the economic recovery has helped everyone. how you bring back real journalism. the problem is we all know news rooms have been gutted so you don't have a guy or woman covering economically laid off factory workers.
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you have people sitting in new york or washington making decisions that don't reflect so much of what's happening in this great country. >> the people decide what stories are on the front page and tend to make more money. certainly, there's lots of decision makers in the new york to d.c. region are making more and may not be entirely connect to the struggles other americans face. i think that's what you're touching on. >> bernie sanders is tapping into the very passion, anger, anxieties trump is. he didn't because two months before trump went down the escalator, bernie sanders appealed to the media and said can we do some serious coverage here and not descend into soap
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opera or trivia or world wide wa wars. >> what's powerful is he was able to rise up despite the lack of attention. they're going to say new traditional media, we're going to get what we want. we're going to raise issues we want to hear. >> this is a fascinating moment to talk. let's have everybody stick around here. stand by for me and we're going to come back later in the hour. we're going to spend time talking to two key decision makers. nancy gibbs about media snobbery. plus john on the early words.
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nick with the new york times sai says the media misunderstood the quote. thus didn't appreciate how much his message resinated. he said this is media diversity. we spent too much time talking to the senators and not the jobless. i want to put these questions to the people in charge. where better to start than one of the countries top mog sooen editors. nancy gibbs. chuck today said to you he thought a lot of people were snobs. we were wrong, the story wasn't trump. it was about the electoreigate tapped into. >> i think seldom have so many people been so wrong so
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consistently about so much. it wasn't just wrong at the outset. if you think about the first weeks of coverage, it was almost like a continue jous open aj. he can't possibly survive saying john mccain was a war hero. yes it was unrelented kovrnl but almost negative. >> that's an interesting way to put it. >> look where he is. i don't know that it was, chuck used the word snobbery. he is unlike anything anyone who covers politics or participates have ever seen before. he resembled characters we've seen before. we've seen populist ravel
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rousers before. no one has seen this combination of factors. >> i'm going to cast you for a moment as the media elite. part of the biggest magazines in the country, you have a big staff and we're both here in manhattan. what do the media elites need to learn from the trump phenomena and the idea it was missed early on. >> i think it's never a bad thing for us in our profession to accept some humility and how we go about our business partly because it's good to be surprised and fuels your curiousty. we should be curious. by no rules that have ever applied before and been so successful up to this point. that to me is the definition of
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a great story. something's happening no one was expecting and consistently underestimated. let's understand it better. in that sense, i do believe the bigger story, more important story is donald trump himself as remarkable of a character he is then why it is voters have been responding to him in the way they have. what does that say? >> when we think about initial coverage of trump, how does that happen in your news room and on the cover of time magazine? how have you seen trump coverage progress? >> we've been helped, i think, we have a strong team of
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reporters. >> he's been on the trump trail. >> i think for us, it's obvious. he was leading polls a mop after he announced. >> there's been a lot of calls lately. you seen on line people saying don't give him 106 attention and so much oxygen. some of this is targeting cable news. >> i think if we've made some sort of decision as a guild, not that that could be executed
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anyway, but we decided we know better and not going to cover someone who is drawing knethese kinds of crowds at his events. we have 24 million people watching a primary debate in august. i think it's hard to say his success is the volume of coverage he's gotten. there was a report that just compared abc world news tonight and the time they had devoted to trump and bernie sanders 10 seconds. bernie sanders is doing well. quiet apart from what's
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happening on line the media he's creating himself and extraordinary. >> sanders is the flip side of this conversation. i wonder how you justify having trump on the cover more than sanders. >> he's so far been with it more than sanders has. if that race tightens up more, what happens when you're seeing a party having a civil war in front of our eyes, that is just a remarkable thing. the coverage is the fact we're seeing something we've never seen before. >> is this a teachable moment? will you be telling the story down the line?
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>> i think what's interesting is he paved a new road. it's a combination of timing and talent and technology and a number of factors i'm not sure anyone else will be able to replicate. what he's proving is a new road will be paved. someone else is going to come along and run for president in a way that's completely different than anyone has seen before. it would probably be good for all of us as both consumers and producers of media to be less in the prediction business. i think this is something we'll learn from, i hope in a good way about letting events unfold and being expecting to be surprised. >> great to see you. thanks so much.
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welcome back to reliable sources. some new media giants have been among the most dismissive of donald trump's candidacy. the huffington post was covering the entertainment section saying our reason is simple. trump's campaign is a side show. we won't take the debate. they cover him in the politics session. they call him a racist. they aren't along. buzz feed's editor and chief released a memo saying it's okay to call trump a racist.
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let's look back at john. we went back in time a little bit to the day donald trump announced his candidacy. let's offer just a reality check. this is a reality tv show star trying to run to pump up his profile even more because he's drunk on pure ego. >> do you think we should take it back a little bit? >> what happened is the dog caught the car.
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>> they were susceptible. you're saying it started as marketing. there's some reports he was truly planning on running for president for many years. >> look. we've reported as well. from the early flirtation in the late 1980s to the comments in 2012, this has been an ambition. the phrase to make america great again. he said this is my time to do this. i've always wanted to. or whether it was deeply planned. it's been enormously effected.
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>> i've seen very aggressive coverage of trump from the beginning last summer. it's important for us to hold him to account and be aggressive. we think that's part of the roll of journalism. it's not to chronicle the spectrum and doing so with the humility and curiousty about the underlying phenomenas. to go in -- >> does that have a risk of alienating, frustrating or turning off donald trump
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supporters? many supporters believe the media is not trustworthy. >> so be it. everyone's entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts. that's what's come under attack. we're not going to fall into that trap. i think we do ourselves a disservice when we wait for the controversy. there's a lot of debate about whether they have a liberal or conservative bias. i think the truth is we have a conflict bias. donald trump has been able to use that in the course of the campaign. we need to own the fact he discovered our coverage. this didn't come out november where. the position more than anything is the combination of the polarization of the republican party. so while trump couldn't have been predicted and i agree we shouldn't get too deep.
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there are -- >> i'm curious about your point about that. around the time you wrote that book it was early on and fox news wasgainst obama as day one. the conservative media during the obama position. the president has argued that it's very toxic. it created an atmosphere and environment for trump to thrive. do you believe that's true? >> i believe that's true. you see it with fox news where megan kelly and brett, the journalist are constantly trying to defendant themselves against trump's attacks while they're busy giving him back rubs on national tv. this is what happens when you get into the business and you piece the crocodile.
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>> in november it's 4-8 years from now, every journal igs has to ask themselves. am i proud of the way i covered trump? am i proud of what i said and reported about him. you're saying you're proud what you said on day one and proud today. >> i am and i'm proud of the way we covered donald trump at the daily beast. we're tougher and aggressive and hold him to account and that's consistent with our mission. >> john, thanks so much. happy easter. >> thank you. take care. >> in a moment our all star panel back to talk about the consequences of this trump disconnect. why he's planning to eat his words next. [plumber] i need to be where the pipes are.
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cover the rise of donald trump and his hi-- of the g.o.p. >> six months ago i said i was so sure that donald trump would not be in the republican nomination i offered an entire column of news print if proven wrong. trump hasn't won the nomination but it's now a real possibility. so only to be prepared. >> i hope i haven't ruined yourester today. we're still a long way today. ted cruz, john kasich or someone else could wind up being the nominee. let's bring back our panel here. the editor and publisher of the
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magazine and molly. molly, i think you've foreshadowed. take a look at what you said about pundants. >> they're terribly goclueless w trump's going to do. american voters don't like pundans. they think we're all stupid. maybe when donald trump comes along and makes us all look like fools, people think he's done something right. >> it's one consequence to the early long headed coverage of trump. >> it's about the loss of trust in institutions and the media among other things. i think most important thing that any journalist can have is
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humility and to be early on in this campaign something was happening i didn't understand. so the response to that has to be to go out and investigate. have your eyes and ears open and be curious instead of trying to put a new reality in our old notions and pretend you saw it coming and it doesn't surprise you. i think also though, this whole conversation of how the media enabled trump on the one hand or are the media trying to out to get trump on the other hand, it's all very flattering to the media to think we have that much power. what trump shows us and what bernie sanders shows us on the other hand, it doesn't matter what we say or do. the voters have their own source of information. >> i went back and read every transcript since june.
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i went to new hampshire and talked to journalist there. everyone thought it was over for trump last sunday and july. i wonder for you, is the same true for you? is the coverage that stantds out in your mind coverage that spoke to voters on the ground? >> absolutely. i think americans would value the media more. the media is at a cross roads. this is beyond us. there's a systemic crisis around the media. will journalist be able to do the kind of reporting going into the fields and spending the time talking to people or will there be a relentless race for ratings and clicks that will distance the media more from people on the ground who want to see more coverage of their lived experience? >> do you find the same thing?
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>> we still fry our food and have big hair. it's okay. i think it's interesting she said the word and clips. i think social media has played a huge part with the traditional broadcast as well as a rise of conservative media outlets with their stories and journalist. their stories are as high as traditional media has been. that's shaped more of the election than people are giving it credit for. you don't get the media when you want to. whenever you want. you can get it from whoever you want and whoever you choose. now you have hundreds and so now it's been a competition with all these journalist. how do i get the graphic? how do i get this space and these numbers? >> let me go to will on the other branches of journalism.
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do you think trump shows the limits based on polls and what's happened in the past? >> absolutely. look at nate from 530 whose using data and analysis. he said there's no way donl trump could get the nomination. clearly as i said before, i think people fighting the last war, the numbers they were seeing for donald trump in the summer 2015 didn't mean anything because they were comparing them to herman cain and michelle bachmann. >> this has been an emotional election. people's emotions are at the floor here. reporters are slow to recognize that. sometimes we're trying to cover a rational e lengs when it wasn't. >> i think we would all do well to use some history in our
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coverage. our long time contributor use the say things like the united states of amnesia. we have been here. pat buchanan, george wallace. we have seen right wing demagogues. this is not 1968 but you know, the rallies have some overtones of that. i think history rather than big data predictive lack of humility journalism would be a great thing and help us all. >> i love you said that. after the break, i'm going to talk a bit about history. all of you stick around. we'll be right back in a moment. and multi-layered security. it's how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services - all with dedicated, responsive support. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you're free to focus on growing your business. centurylink. your link to what's next.
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recently the water crisis in flint. it's almost a self reflection for us in the news business. let bring back our panel for a few final thoughts. scotty, i wanted to ask you about this. trump surrogates or trump supporters on tv. virtually all the paid republican commentators are anti-trump. in order to represent the trump side, we went out and hired jeff lorie. has it been strange for you? what does it say about television news that they have had to go out and hire trump reporters? >> i think everybody thought they had republican commentators on their staff. they didn't realize how much divided our party is and how people were disenfranchised on main street from those they hired here in the newsroom and
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those they had on capitol hill. above the media, above politicians. as a trump surrogate, it's been a wonderful experience when i'm with the people. not necessarily sometimes within the media. just because it has not been one where i have gone on to a set and had friends on the set necessarily. >> i hear what you're saying. we saw david brooks say he has to change the way to do his job. for me, that's true for many others besides david brooks? >> i do. we need humility, as molly said. we need history. this campaign has forced the media to understand that it's not covering the full diversity of ideas in this country. millions of people are meeting bernie sanders and his ideas for the first time, broadening the spectrum, busting down politics of excluded alternatives. i would say i don't think our real problem, brian, is left/right buy as. i think it's a corporate media
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system that's been rigged against the public interest by failing to listen to the voices and people whose lives are not fully reflected in what passes for spectacle in much of the news. people would prefer to have more respectful coverage of their communities, economic lives than trump/cruz insults. >> i think you agree, katrina, but give me your closing though thought. >> if we had taken trump more seriously in the summer of 2015, you would have seen more investigative reporting of donald trump earlier on. there have been great pieces that have come down the pike about trump university, for example, that has massive allegations of fraud against it, more reported about trump's bankruptcies. early on, i think we didn't realize the seriousness of trump's appeal, it might have influenced voters. not a lot of voters but there's
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hard-core base that distrusts the media, thinks we're too liberal. some fact checking will not be trusted. i still think it's an endeavor that should have been done and would have been done, had we taken trump more seriously at the beginning. >> molly, what about you? you've been writing about this phenomenon for months. >> i love all this discussion that we're having of all the -- it's changed my conception of american politics, anxiety, fear, anger, resentment and displacement by social change and that's all well and good. we also have to remember, all those larger forces in society didn't make it happen. one person in particular who was uniquely capable of tapping those forces that i think have been with us for a long time.
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>> the perfect note for us to end on. this was a one of a kind story that's still unfolding. molly, will, katrina, scottie, thank you for being here. and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. you're an at&t small business expert? sure am. my staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. at&t can help you stay connected. am i seeing double? no ma'am. our at&t 'buy one get one free' makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers... ...and share promotions on social media? you know it! now i'm seeing dollar signs. you should probably get your eyes checked. good one babe. optometry humor. right now get up to $650 in credits to help you switch to at&t. ♪ america, let's take a break from politics this month. let's have a few bud lights and focus on what unites us all.
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