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tv   New Day  CNN  April 14, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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we will have the scoop for you. donald trump's campaign manager will not be prosecuted for grabbing that reporter's arm. and ted cruz last night accusing trump staff of acting like thugs. we have this race covered from every angle. let's begin with our senior correspondent, joe johns. what do we expect, joe? >> reporter: good morning, alisyn, big stage, big city. the candidates prepare for a face-off with everything on the line in brooklyn. >> i am so glad to be back in the bronx. >> reporter: rivals hillary clinton and bernie sanders hosting dueling new york rallies ahead of tonight's cnn presidential debate. sanders revving up a massive
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crowd estimated by organizers to be above 27,000. sanders receiving a rock star welcome with celebrities before he went after secretary clinton. >> our differences with secretary clinton go beyond how we raise money. it goes to an issue which the media doesn't cover, and that's our trade policies. >> i was honored to be your senator for eight years, and if you will give me the honor of your vote on tuesday, we will continue to make life better. >> keeping her attacks on the republican hopefuls. >> one of them deny agreats new
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york -- >> the high stakes debate becomes as the heated words between sanders and clinton intensifies. >> reporter: accusations from the sanders campaign that the primary process is weighted in favor of hillary clinton. the candidates also spent wednesday talking about a number of large endorsements they got as well as reaching out to organized labor, hillary clinton meeting with al sharpton's national action network, and bernie sanders expected to be there today. chris, to you. >> joe johns, thank you very much. they told us the insight set was not available for this morning's show. another major development in the
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campaign. bernie sanders is striking back political establishment but in a different way, so we went to the big event he had at the famous washington square park here in new york and we got to talk to the senator moments before he took the stage in what may have been his most important rally to date. here's a sample. >> we in this critical moment in american history need a vision to address the many crisis that we face. it's time to think big. it's time to think boldly. it's time to make this country to become what i think most of us know it can become. >> in the crowd tonight, the people were saying the status quo is not enough and incremental change is not enough, why? >> because the crisis is so severe that just moving along little step by little step is not enough. look, we have a middle class
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that has been declining for years, and grotesque levels of inequality, and a criminal justice system which is broken. we have climate change which is threatening the existence of the very planet if we don't transform our energy system. those are issues of unbelievable consequence. we need bold action now. >> the push back is that progress is incremental. >> that's not what the debate is about, chris. the debate is about whether we are going to have millions of people starting to exercise their democratic power, stand up and fight back to a political system which is now controlled by a small number of wealthy campaign contributors. that's what it's about, we go along with the same old, same old, or do we bring millions of people into the process and
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start doing what the american people want and not what big money interests want. >> bernie sanders is from brooklyn and to be in washington square park which i know you came through as a kid and as a teen, and to be here tonight with tens of thousands of young people shouting your name and believing in you, what does it mean, from where you came from and where you are tonight in the same place? >> i grew up in brooklyn from a family that did not have a lot of money and standing tonight in support of thousands of people is a humbling experience and a moving experience and i will do everything that i can to make sure i do not let these people down. >> they say they want to win here in new york. polls are trending down, and some have you between 8 and 13 down. do you think you can win in new york? >> i do. i think, as i said many times
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before, we do well when the voter turnout is high. if a lot of working class people that traditionally might not vote get involved in the campaign, and if young people who have never voted before get involved in this campaign, come out and vote, and yeah, i think they can win. >> last question. the big test is tuesday. there's been a lot of hot talk. what do you expect on the stage tomorrow night? what is going to be different? >> i think it will be a good debate in which secretary clinton and i discuss the very strong differences of opinion that we have about how we go forward in this country, and if that takes place i will be very happy and i am confident the vision i am bringing forth is a vision that will be supported by the vast majority in new york. >> thank you very much.
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good luck tomorrow night. let's bring in the host of the david gregory podcast, creative, david gregory. nice. and cnn politics executive editor, mark presston. last night bernie picked this site on purpose. the washington square park arch is a famous new york monument and on it is inscribed let us raise a standard that the wise and honest can repair to. he said that is meaningful to him. that's what this campaign is about, david, we need a new standard of action and revolution doesn't mean hostility towards government in his words, there has to be huge change. can he make that happen? >> if he can do a couple things.
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the kind of enthusiasm last night, 20,000 people coming up, it's tremendous. it shows how he has become and the unprecedented nature of insurgeon see. the big test, the debate tonight, but really next tuesday is aboutan he gro fhe is. the converted, they are not the test. it's otherdemocrats, the independents can't come out because in this closed primary, he has to show that he is able to actually grow, and we are not necessarily seeing that despite the enthusiasm we are seeing. >> let's talk about the split screen last night. he had 27,000 in washington square park, and hillary clinton also had a crowd, 1,300, but
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certainly a fraction of what he had. what does that say will happen in the primary on tuesday? does that mean the polls suggest she is leading like 12%, that we could be in for another upset. >> i was at hilary's rally last night, the people told me they had liked her as senator and they like the fact she is running for president again. these are people who are routine voters and they will go to the polls. she has a bunch of sure bets there in the bronx and throughout the state and particularly with minority voters. i was talking to a young african-american man last night and he told me bernie sanders is not speaking to issues that african-americans can relate to, and these pie in the sky, his
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words, ideas, they are just too much right now, where they may not be attainable. that's what hillary clinton is offering them. >> preston, it seems like hillary clinton is up 200 delegates and they are doing well and the math is in their favor but they have not been able to make the adjustment to deal with the emotion, and usually if you are the front runner, people want you more by definition, and it doesn't seem that she is winning the passion campaign. >> first of all, she is not inspirational in the way that bernie sanders is, which i think has caught all of us sitting here by surprise and who thought somebody in his 70s would draw 20,000 out to a park, and many were between the ages of 18 and 25. hillary clinton will acknowledge herself she is not a good campaigner. her argument is that she's a leader and knows how to enact policy.
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bernie sanders on the other side, while he is behind in the delegate count and while she is the leader, i think it's important in the race for a couple things for democrats. one is you kind of need that inspirational character to try and get your base energized at this point, and for those who want bernie sanders out of the race at this point, in many ways that's a mistake, if you go back to 2008 and look at the fight between barack obama and hillary clinton, it was very important for the democratic party and very important for barack obama when he went into the general election because you saw a democratic base that was energized and didn't have a fall off in the summer. >> what happens tonight? are both candidates coming to the debate where they want a knockout punch or do they elevate the tone? >> i think it's different. bernie sanders has a shot here. he got something he needed. he had a rough patch with the "daily news" interview. even on his signature issue, how
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you would break up the banks, you have two different visions of that. there will be more specifics. obviously wolf blitzer will push on specifics, and he gets a shot at the title here and he has all the enthusiasm and all this oxygen to try and wound her and reach new voters, more democratic voters who he will feed. i think the clinton campaign has been irritated enough by what sanders represents she may want to take him down in a couple areas, and most of the night she wants to pivot away from sanders and say it's over and wants to focus on the republicans. >> tricky play. if you go at sanders, what do you say, don't hope? don't aspire? don't dream? tricky. mark is right, that crowd last night, definitively very young. who knows how many will come out to vote, not to kill the hope
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myself, but he also got something yesterday that was huge, he got the transit workers local 100 union, and i know that sounds like inside politics but it isn't, and that's 60,000. unions are smart about how they go to it. how big of a deal is that? >> it is a big deal, particularly at the time it happens. the timing of this sort of -- it reemphasizes bernie sanders's message, i'm for the workers and people, and this spat with verizon -- >> he has the head of verizon coming after him yesterday. >> that's good for bernie sanders. that bolsters his campaign. >> panel, stick around. we have a lot to talk about on the other side as well and developments with trump, et cetera. a little surprise coming up for you on "new day," bernie
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sanders wife, jane, will join us in the 8:00 hour. and bernie sanders and hillary clinton go face-to-face in a cnn democratic presidential debate here in brooklyn. tune in tonight here at 9:00 eastern only on cnn. and then trump's war with the rnc reaching a boiling point. he has one less thing to worry about this morning. sources telling cnn his campaign manager will not be charged with assaulting a reporter. senator ted cruz was getting personal at the cnn town hall last night, he and his wife and daughters by his side. let's go live to pittsburgh with more. >> reporter: it's a different kind of victory this morning for the trump campaign finding out they no longer have to face the charges on the campaign manager. they are trying to do more d.c. outreach and pivot to trying out a more traditional campaign.
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sources confirm to cnn trump's campaign manager will not be prosecuted for battery. fields, who could see defamation charges against corey lewandowski. on the campaign trail, tense moments outside a trump rally in pittsburgh. police and riot gear tried to keep the peace. inside, the frontrunner intensifying his war with the gop. >> it's a rigged system, folks. >> doubling down on claims his party is conspiring to block him from the nomination. >> the bosses and the establishment and the people that should not have this power took all of the power away from the voters.
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>> republican party chairman firing back. >> the rules are not being changed in order to injure or benefit anybody. they are what they are. >> ted cruz railing against trump tactics. >> they are acting like union boss thugs and i spoke to the chairman of the republican party in colorado, and trump supporters put out his phone numbers and he got death thets and trump supporters were telling supporters to go to their house and bring their guns. violence doesn't belong in democracy, and the trump campaign encourages it over and over again. >> and on a lighter note, cruz' wife shared how the couple met but it was their 5 and 8 daughters that stole the show. >> it features all the dads running and playing games -- >> my favorite. >> your favorite was she got to
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dress up dad in like this pink boa and big goofy-looking underwear -- >> that was on video the whole time. and that's a class video they are sending out to all the parents. >> a pretty cute moment there. the democrats are going to be together, and we are going to see all the republicans in the same place, donald trump and ted cruz and john kasich are supposed to speak tonight at a dinner in new york. watch out for that. >> we just told you that donald trump's campaign manager, corey lewandowski, off the hook for grabbing that female reporter's arm. what does this and trump's war with the gop mean for trump's campaign? our panel will be here to discuss right after this very quick break. actions. they speak louder.
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team trump no doubt breathing a sigh of relief this morning with word that prosecutors will not charge campaign manager, corey lewandowski, with battery after that incident with a female reporter last month in florida. let's bring back our panel. david michelle fields was the reporter and showed pictures of bruises and tried to prosecute and that is not going to happen and she tweeted out last night, for those asking office of the prosecutor asked two weeks ago if i would be okay with an apology from corey lewandowski and i said, yeah, but have not heard back about it. does it go away now? >> you can't erase these things, but largely, yes. certainly a distraction at least if not worse in terms of how it was handled and it would be appropriate to apologize to put
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it behind them. trump supporters would say, look, he's a guy that is loyal and stuck with his guy. law enforcement was involved and made a judgment and now we can get on to other things about the delegate fight and focus on winning in new york. trump has been hurt by self inflicted wounds and two weeks leading up to wisconsin a big loss and then two weeks before in new york, so he has been in a vacuum where he has been hurting a little bit and can do himself good by winning here. >> he has been a one-team game. not because of what happened with michelle fields, and corey lewandowski said he didn't grab her arm and this is about something else, and now no prosecution, and manafort is in, and he was a campaign manager. they made changes there, whether they are next to lewandowski or on top of lewandowski, it depends on who you talk to.
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he's not bringing if guys who are mandated to change the system. these are deep-rooted system back-room dealers. what does that mean for the image of the team? >> this is exactly what he needed. donald trump prides himself on hiring the right people and putting the right people in place so he can get things done and win and that's how he presents himself. that's what he is saying, somebody like paul or riley, they worked at the rnc so knows the inner workings about that and that has clearly been a problem for donald trump. this is a step in the right direction for the donald trump campaign. they did not have eyes or ears in washington. >> let's talk about whether or not delegates are being intimidated. there are all sorts of delegates saying they are getting frightening e-mails and such. let me read to you an e-mail. this is the seventh district
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chairman, this is what he says he received. this e-mail. hi, tom, you know traditional burial is polluting the planet. tom, good luck becoming a delegate. we are watching. this is frightening. these are sort of mafia tactics. what is going on here? >> i think a couple things are going on here. you have a situation where the discourse in politics is not only gone in the gutter on the highest level, and we are seeing supporters who are engaging in this kind of tactics and intimidation that we necessarily haven't seen, or if it did occur in the past it has not been to the level that we are seeing right now. it's really unclear if that would ever happen. quite frankly. but you do have to be worried about it in some respect. we saw ted cruz really try to
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seize it as a campaign issue -- >> ted cruz are saying these are the trump people who are intimidating the possible delegates. >> correct. >> this is not the kind of thing, you have an obligation and you have a campaign you stand up and say here is the deal, i don't support this and i don't want anybody loosely in my name or my supporters doing anything that is that violent or intimidating, that's not how we do business in this campaign and what we stand for, and you have an obligation and opportunity to tap it down instead of playing cute with this kind of stuff where it may be happening but you don't know about it. >> that's what leaders, do, right? >> leaders set a tone and have to be held to account for that tone and mandate. i want to go back to the trump moves for one more second. i don't think it's as simple
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that i hire people that will help me win, and you are against the machine, and like sanders say i will not play the rich and poor thing anymore, and paul manafort has a history of doing the types of things trump says he will not have happen in government anymore, and is that hypocrisy? >> his supporters want him to win. >> but he said he will not allow the toxic -- >> do you think bringing those two will dispatch trump supporters? >> no. >> what did trump say about being a nice guy? once i take a couple people out then i can be more presidential. the idea that donald trump and new york city is not part of the new york city establishment is kind of laughable. in this case, too, he's got the
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inside game and outside game and going to rail against the establishment and bring in insiders to do what he has to do to win and i think he will play both sides of the street. >> panel, thank you and great to have you out here with us. let's change to another big, big moment that came out the right way. it was show time again in l.a. kobe bryant had his last game last night, right? you go out with a whimper and go out with a roar? no, kobe and his last game, and there he goes out, 60 points. what a way to be remembered. the bleacher report brings you that and another huge piece of history in basketball last night with the warriors when we come back. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready.
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good to have you back with us here on "new day." what a way to go out. kobe bryant putting on a show for the ages last night, and we have more in the breacher report. i know hometown fans couldn't careless about the final score. such an epic night. >> what an epic performance,
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makayla. epic going out scoring 60 points and the atmosphere at the staples center last night was absolutely electric. >> for the final time with 24 off the floor, five-time world champion, kobe bryant. >> kobe had his eyes set on going out in style all night. took a career high 50 shots and it was vintage kobe in the fourth, and jay-z, and jack, all the celebs in the house going crazy. down one, pulls up and knocked down a game-winning jumper one last time. lakers win, and kobe finishes an amazing career with an unbelievable 60-point performance. >> no words to describe how i feel about you guys, and thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. god, i love you guys. from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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and -- what can i say? >> if steph curry may have taken 50 shots last night he could have scored 100. breaking michael jordan bulls' all-time record. he didn't even play in the fourth quarter. curry, the first player in nba history to hit 400 threes. the saying are records are meant to be broken, and i don't think 73-9 is going to be broken. andy, thank you so much. what a night. bernie sanders attracting massive crowds in new york city last night. can hillary clinton match that enthusiasm? we're going to talk to a local
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tonight is the night. democratic rivals, hillary clinton and bernie sanders set to battle it out here in brooklyn. a lot on the line with the critical new york primary just five days away. joining us now is bronx president, a clinton supporter. good to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you for coming to the great set with us. >> in new york, and a big battle and everybody is excited. >> what does hillary clinton need to do tonight to insure a victory on tuesday? >> what we have been doing and what she has been doing is letting new yorkers know she can identify the problems and come up with real solutions and she's a great debater and can talk about the issues. we had her last night in the bronx, and on tuesday i think
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she will do very well in the state of new york. >> let's talk about what happened last night. there was an interesting split screen where bernie sanders was in washington square park and had 27,000 supporters there, and a rock band and celebrities and hillary clinton was at a community center, also a enthusiastic crowd but a fraction of his size, about 1,300 supporters. does that enthusiasm gap worry you? >> bernie's crowd is impressive, but what we saw was elected officials and community leaders and district leaders and precinct leaders putting out the vote on tuesday, and bernie sanders had a concert and we need the party to be united so we can have that kind of enthusiasm. >> i don't believe bernie sanders thinks his supporters should pivot to hillary clinton.
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he's in it to win it. >> in new york we know her and in the bronx we know her, and we know creating jobs and economic development and health care and emigration reform, and it has been hillary. we trust her and as the commander in chief we know she's the best person in foreign affairs. and so we are going to get a resounding victory. fplt something that was said last night at bernie sanders' rally. by a man that describes himself as a health care activist and the husband of lisa ling and used profane language that some took as an insult to hillary clinton. let me play it for you. >> i agree with secretary clinton that medicare for all will never happen if we have a president who never aspires for something greater than the status quo.
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medicare for all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate democratic whores who are elected to big pharmacies and the private industry instead of us. >> what do you think of him using that language? >> it's disgusting. when you think of health care, hillary clinton has been there and the champion of health care and she will continue with barack obama's health care, and she wants to build on it, and to use that type of language is sexist and disgusting and has no place, certainly not in our democratic primaries, and we need to keep it about the issues the way we have been doing it and then unite as a party. >> he did apologize. i want to say, he said i am very sorry for using the term whore to refer to some in congress who
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are beholden to corporations and not to us. he was not referring to hillary clinton. >> i am glad he dialled that back. we need to keep it that way. >> you were on the famous subway ride with hillary clinton where she had a few swiping errors. do you think it's funny that the legs this subway ride has had? >> it has much to do about nothing. you know the turnstiles need a little help today. it happens on a daily basis. >> constantly. she handled it with grace. >> thank you. russian fighter jets buzzing a u.s. navy destroyer in the baltic sea. what is behind russia's provocation? how is the u.s. responding? all that, next. there are two billion people
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getting too close to the "uss donald cook" multiple times this week and postured an attack. we have more on this and the reaction to it. >> makayla, this morning russia defending the flybys, and you look at the pictures and you see why the crew of the "uss donald cook" and the u.s. military as a whole alarm, and the u.s. official described the fights as runs without firing weapons and the pilots took the same path if they would have had they been attacking the ship. to be clear, russia has been conducting things like this, and it's clearly intended as a warning and a message to the
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u.s., but the real concern of the u.s. officials i speak with, these flights are so close and the margin of error is zero and they fear a mistake in one of these flights could lead to something dangerous and potentially deadly and they are taking it very seriously. >> as they should, and thank you very much for that. donald trump not backing off his claims the republican party rules are stacked against him. will the blame game help him or hurt him on primary day next week? (avo) i've always been a dog person.
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it's getting worse. donald trump's war with the gop, that is. it's intensifying. both sides digging in their heels and trump claiming the party's rules are going to keep him from winning. the rnc not having it. let's discuss with our cnn political commentators, a former george w. bush white house staffer, and hoover, you support kn no one. >> a modernized gop.
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>> haley barbour -- >> my friend haley. >> i believe he incapsulates it well. it's not haley barbour. who is it? oh, this is what henry barbour. i didn't hear donald trump complaining when he got 100% of the delegates in florida but only 40% of the vote, so when the system works to his advantage he likes it, and when he loses, it's a rigged system. >> there are real problems organizationally within the republican party and in my state of pennsylvania, when you run for a delegate, it has your name on there and doesn't say who you are for, so everybody has to guess. the delegates themselves are loyal to somebody else, that's a problem here. i think donald trump is bringing a lot of attention to this. >> he's making it sound like it
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was done to him on purpose. >> it is being done -- when you saw that tweet from the colorado republican party that said, you know, #nevertrump, we won. >> the argument the trump people are making is that the population of voters should correlate to the proportion of delegates they are earning, and so if we are getting all of the popular votes we should get the delegates. well, let me tell you something. there was a report and what they analyzed all the population vote and delegation vote, and trump has gotten 45% of the popular vote -- >> hold on, hold on. it's called math. he's doing better. >> he's doing better.
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>> it's called math. >> you have to cite the sa statistics. trump is benefiting from this system, actually, and even as he decries it's unfair. >> there was an ex-colorado gop chair on your air the other day, and you can't complain about the rules because the rules have not been manipulated and been here since 1912. 1912 was the year teddy roosevelt said the rules had been changed to steal the nomination from him. so i don't think that's a good example. >> the victimization of donald trump, is that helping him if it does go to a convention? poking the eye in a lot of these delegates. a lot of them are going to feel like i have been rejected by him? is it the best move right now? >> once again, he is calling attention to a problem. he's been doing this in other areas that a lot of people never thought of or don't pay
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attention to and he is getting a lot of response from people who feel -- the guy in colorado that burned his registration on youtube, getting a lot of positive response. >> i don't think it helps him, by the way. he is saying i am an outsider and everybody is corrupt. >> another major optics issue. corey lewandowski, not going to be prosecuted. he says he did not grab her arm and it's over otherwise, and what is your read on trump saying i am not going to go into the system, it's a bad system and i will change the system and then hires two guys who are all about working the system no matter how dirty it gets. now he just hired a second one. is that campaign changing and if so the right way? >> the campaign is changing along the lines of becoming more of a mainstream republican
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consulting class operation. rick wiley is the elite consulting class in washington, and on the one hand donald trump is demonstrating maturity and he has to know somebody that understands the mechanics of the system. who knows what he does after that. that's what it demonstrates to me, maturity as a candidate that is serious about winning. >> do you get what i am asking? >> i do. people would say he doesn't have a position on this or these kind of people, that evolves and paul manafort, and this is the exactly kind of guy you have to have in a winning campaign, somebody who is a convention manager and who knows the name of their first, second and third wife and everybody about them and that's what you have to have and this is a good thing. >> if you don't get to 1,237. that's the majority you need. 50% of the delegates -- >> the rnc guy said if he gets
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to 1,100 he can pull it out. i think what he is saying, not that the rules have changed but momentum builds and when you get that close. >> that's the question, is he compromising his own momentum by attacking the party that will be instrumental? >> i don't think so. >> no. >> really? >> if cruz can't put it together on a second ballot, whthat's wh you get the chaos. if neither can get it done on the first, then who will be the third. >> thank you very much. anything else you want to give nbc credit for -- >> cnn, cnn, cnn. >> we are following a lot of news here. we have a great preview of tonight's debate and a inside scoop on what you will hear, so let's get to it. >> the bernie i am endorsing, he has been in the battlefield.
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>> our differences go beyond how we raise money. >> we can start building relationships a few weeks before a vote. >> i don't think that there is any doubt we're going to win here in new york. >> i love my protesters. we have the biggest crowds and the most loyal people. >> we are not interested in behaving like union thugs and donald trump needs to learn that. >> the republican system is a rigged system. >> he's unhappy he is losing at the polls. >> folks, those days are over. a stunning victory. the golden state warriors make nba history. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota, and michae
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michaela. >> chris and i are in brooklyn at the brooklyn navy yard, the site of the democratic debate, and michaela is in the wind free studio. the rivals are coming face-to-face for the first time in more than a month and it will be the last time before tuesday's primary, and both candidates drawing big crowds at dueling rallies last night, and so will the rhetoric we have seen on the campaign trail be onstage tonight? and then donald trump, his campaign manager will not be prosecuted after allegedly grabbing a reporter's arm. this has trump ramps up his attack on the republican party. now, texas senator ted cruz making waves as well accusing trump's campaign of acting like thugs while also showing his softer side at a cnn town hall last night. a lot of angles, and guess what?
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we have them all covers the way only cnn can. let's go to joe johns inside the debate hall here in brooklyn, not next to the water with the wind whipping, joe. >> yeah, feels pretty good, chris. this is the big stage where it all happens at a critical time for both of these candidates. hillary clinton has been leading in new york by double digits for weeks and weeks. if you had any doubt about the support for bernie sanders, you could look no further than the enormous rally he held last night in greenwich village. >> i am so glad to be back in the bronx. >> rivals, hillary clinton and senator bernie sanders, both hosting dueling new york rallies ahead of tonight's cnn democratic presidential debate. sanders revving up a massive crowd, estimated by organizers to be above 27,000 in washington square park. ♪
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sanders receiving a rock star welcome with celebrities before going after secretary hillary clinton. >> our differences with secretary clinton go beyond how we raise money, it goes to an issue in which the media doesn't cover, and that's our disastrous trade policies costing us millions of jobs. >> i was honored to be your senator for eight years. and if you will give me the honor of your vote on tuesday, we will continue to make life better! >> keeping her attacks on the republican hopefuls. >> one of them donogreats new
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york values. and one wants to build walls and i want us to build bridges. >> tonight stakes comes as the heated war of words between sanders and clinton intensifies. >> i have my doubts about the kind of president she would make. >> it's not a democratic way to carry out an election. >> in the closing hours before the debate, the appeal to new york's diverse population of voters continues, and bernie sanders will be speaking before the national action network headed up by reverend al sharpton and hillary clinton spoke there yesterday, chris. >> joe, thank you very much. an impressive new york homecoming for sanders, telling a huge crowd, just moments before he took the stage, what could have been his most important rally to date. and the question for him was,
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why is this the time for d decisive action. >> we need a vision to address the many crisis that we face. it's time to think big. it is time to think boldly, and it's time to make this country become what i think most of us know it can become. >> in the crowd tonight, the people were saying the status quo is not enough. incremental change is not enough. why? >> because the crisis are so severe that just moving along little step by little step is not enough. look, we have a little class that has been declining for 30 years and grotesque levels of inequality and a criminal justice system that is broken and we have climate change which is threatening the existence of this very planet if we don't
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transform our energy system and those are issues of unbelievable consequence and we need bold action now. >> the be push back is that progress is incremental -- >> that's not what the debate is about, chris. the debate is about whether we are going to have millions of people starting to exercise their democratic power, stand up and fight back to a political system, which is now controlled by a small number of wealthy campaign contributors. that that's really what it's about, do we go with the same old same old politics, or do we bring millions of people into the process and start doing what the american people want and not what big interests want. >> with bernie sanders vying for an upset in new york, he just received his first endorsement from a senator. oregon senator joins us from
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washington. >> good morning and it's great to be with you. >> great to have you with us. so you are the first senator to endorse bernie sanders. why did you wait until now to do so? >> certainly the timing is just right for oregon. the ballots go out in about two weeks. we vote my mail so the ballots will be on peoples' kitchen counters for about three weeks and then we will get to weigh in on the national debate. >> senator sanders, as you know, was in the house for 16 years. he has been in the senate for about nine years. why do so many of your senate colleagues -- why are they endorsing hillary clinton rather than senator sanders? >> well, certainly when most of them made their endorsements early in the campaign, they did not anticipate we would have a viable competition, so i have a little bit of an advantage in that sense of having planned to make my endorsement at the point it was relevant for my home state. i will tell you, the way that
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his message, his bold and strong call for action to restore a healthy political system and an economy that works for middle class america has gained traction and the grassroots in a powerful and sweeping way. >> senator, yesterday we saw these duelling rallies in new york, and senator sanders had one with about 27,000 people in washington square park, and you just saw a piece of it in our reporter's package there, and many of those people, it has been argued, are independents or they are young, maybe first-time voters, so how does he translate that enthusiasm into a win on tuesday? >> well, certainly those folks are the ones who are going to talk to their friends and they are going to be knocking on doors and they are going to be calling on others to act. here's the thing, these big issues facing our nation,
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whether it is the ability to have a living wage job or taking on climate change, young americans are cynical about where we are headed and want to see us change directions. it was sanders out there early and forcefully calling for us not to build a pipeline for tar sands in canada, and saying if we are going to save the planet for global warming we have to leave 80% of the fossil fuels in the ground, and the same on trade, if we are trading with folks directly, of course the tpa factories are going to move overseas, and when you go to your boss and say we need a little more on the benefits or pay to get by, they will say too bad because we might follow the other companies to go to malaysia or vietnam as anticipated in the tpp. these bread and butter and big
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moral issues facing us, saving the planet, sanders has articulated a vision. we have two serious and capable candidates with great minds and hearts, and either one of them is going to be 100 times better than the candidate coming out of the republican circus. >> senator, i want to ask you about something that one of the speakers said at bernie sanders last night. he is a health care activist and also the husband of cnn's lisa ling and he used profane language in describing medicare that some thought was aimed at hillary clinton. let me play that for you. >> i agree with secretary clinton that medicare for all will never happen if we have a president that never aspires for something greater than the status quo. medicare for all will never happen if we continue to elect
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corporate democratic whores who are elected to figure pharma and the private insurance industry instead of us. >> in case you couldn't hear that well, he said if we continue to elect corporate democratic whores, and then the doctor did apologize for that language and he apologized for use the term whore to refer to some in congress, and it was insensitive. do you think it's bernie sanders obligation to shut down that language when it happens at one of his rallies? >> it's inappropriate, and it's insult rather than analysis and dialogue and policy, that they will pull people back. we saw early on where bernie sanders said all of these attacks on hillary clinton based on e-mails, totally
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inappropriate and not relevant and took the higher there, and hillary clinton has taken the high road, and we want to see our candidates present their visions in a clean way and both of them are incredibly capable and whoever wins, they will have to go arm and arm, and i think they will but they have to go arm and arm into the battle in november. >> senator, as you know, donald trump has been railing against the system, the system of delegates and he says the system is rigged, and it's not democratic. interestingly, jane sanders, bernie sanders' wife was on yesterday and echoed that sentiment a bit. let me play you what she says. >> you have to admit the way they are doing things in super delegates and how delegates are put out there doesn't make a lot of sense to the average person. >> you are not saying, yes, it's
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rigged? >> no, we are saying it's wrong. we're saying it's not a democratic way to carry out an election. >> i am sure that jane sanders would not appreciate being compared to donald trump and she will be on our program later on, but is she right? is there something terribly wrong with this system? >> well, it's very ironic, isn't it, that the democratic have super delegates and wish they didn't and the republicans don't and wish they did have them to straighten things out. the rules are reshaped after each election to create a better system for the future and the circumstances of the races change and it seems out of sync. i have had 20 town halls since january and people come out and say, really, all these super delegates, mean that much concentration at the top and does that fit the profile of the democratic party? i have to say, they have a great point. >> senator, thank you so much for being on "new day." great to have you. >> you are welcome.
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coming up on "new day," as i said, bernie sanders' wife, jane, will join us live in our next hour, so stick around for that. we are just hours away from the main event. bernie sanders and hillary clinton face-to-face in a democratic presidential debate here in brooklyn, tune in tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. take it away, chris. let's turn to the republicans now. senator ted cruz showing a softer side at the cnn town hall last night and going after trump's team calling them thugs in the war for delegates. meantime the legal trouble involving trump's campaign manager is going away. and cnn sarah murray live in pittsburgh. what do you have? >> reporter: good morning, chris. the trump campaign is going through a pivotal moment where they are transitioning to a more traditional campaign and now they have another distraction off their plate, a victory of
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kinds as they find out corey lewandowski will no longer face charges for battery. sources confirm to cnn trump's campaign manager will not be prosecuted for battery, following this altercation with reporter, michelle fields, in march. fields who could see defamation charges against corey lewandowski. the prosecutor asked two weeks ago if i would be okay with an apology from corey, and i said, yeah, but haven't heard back about it. on the campaign trail, tense moments outside a trump rally in pittsburgh as hundreds of angry protesters clashed with trump supporters and police in riot gear tried to keep the peace. inside the frontrunner intensifying his war with the gop. >> it's a rig the system, folks. >> doubling down on claims his party is conspiring to block him from the nomination.
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>> the bosses and the establishment and the people that should not have this power took all of the power away from the voters. >> republican party chairman firing back. >> the rules are not being changed in order to injure or benefit anybody, they are what they are. >> at cnn's town hall, ted cruz railing against trump's tactics and accusing his supporters of threatening delegates. >> they are acting like union boss thugs and i spoke yesterday to the chairman of the republican party in colorado. trump supporters put out his home address and phone numbers and he got thousands of phone calls and death threats and trump supporters were saying to go to his thousands and bring their guns. violence doesn't belong in democracy. the trump campaign encourages it over and over again. >> and on a lighter note cruz' wife showed how the couple met, but it was their 5 and 8-year-old daughters that stole the show. >> the daddy and daughter picnic
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at school, and it -- >> my favorite. >> your favorite was she got to dress up daddy in this pink boa and these big goofy looking -- >> underwear. >> and it was on a videotape the whole time, and now its a class video that they are sending out to all the parents. >> oh, really? >> now, donald trump is back to his late-night twitter habits. he took to twitter last night to say colorado did change their rules. this is a state where ted cruz spoke at the convention and swooped up all the delegates there, and he will not let go of the idea that the system is stacked against him. >> we will be dealing with the state of play on the republican and democratic side, but another big story this morning, and actually two of them. you will love this. >> you will love this, because
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you probably felt vibes coming from the left coast of this country, the west coast was popping. this is what people are buzzing about, another big story. a hollywood ending. the lakers' kobe bryant final game after a 20-year nba career, and he gets 60 points taking a career high 50 shots in last night's game and topped it off by hitting that game-winning shot. he had to share the glory with the now winningness team in nba history, and the golden state warriors winning their 73rd game of the season. steph curry did not even play in the fourth quarter and they were able to rule like that. some are saying this could be the greatest season the nba has ever had. alisyn, i know you have commentary. >> you know, i do. i have so much to say about it, so i am just not going to say
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anything. we don't have time, and we will get back to politics, but michaela, thank you for those great highlights. >> highlights? it's history! >> history in the making. so ted cruz accusing trump's team of threatening delegates. how is trump responding? we will ask one of his close advisers coming up. more history. ♪ dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection,
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good news for the donald trump campaign. of course it's a story they never wanted out there in the first place. sources tell cnn campaign manager, corey lewandowski will not face any prosecution for an incident at a rally last month. that's one issue swirling around the campaign. so let's welcome michael counsel. corey lewandowski said the allegations were never true and he did not grab or manhandle
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fields. the right decision was made and he is clearly not going to be prosecuted. end of story. >> the campaign shake-up -- >> before we go there, what is interesting, if you look to see how the media played the corey lewandowski matter, all it really was designed to do was to stop talking about what mr. trump really wants to talk about which is the important issues, the economy, jobs, and that's exactly what they are doing also with the whole rigging nonsense. mr. trump made his statement and that's what he believes, and many people believe it, and the will of the people are not being meant and what are they looking to do? looking to turn around and take away from his mantra, make america great again, jobs, economy, national security and the lewandowski matter was the same thing. >> ted cruz campaign manager is accused of grabbing a woman and throwing her on the ground and not the first time he is accused of it, are you saying you would not say anything about it?
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>> would not say a word. we're above that. >> with a straight face -- >> with a straight face. >> there's a little smile. i will take that. changes at the campaign that we saw, the mantra of the trump campaign, is this system stinks, and you are hearing it now and you are saying this is terrible, and bring in manafort and he is as much of an insider as you can find, and bring in walker, and as much of an insider as you can find. hypocritical? >> no, donald trump wants to win and he sees forces coming against him. on the very first show i did with you, all that trump had said and i repeated his words, he wants to be treated fairly. he doesn't believe he is being treated fairly, so what is he doing? he does what any great executive would do, you bring in people that can help the cause, and he wants to be the president, so he is bringing in individuals who have real history and understand
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the process and how to deal with it. >> but you said you want to clean up the game. why show -- >> the only way you can clean up the game, you actually have to have the right to clean up the game. he needs to be the president of the united states of america in order to clean it up. it's interesting, the head of the rnc should do what? he should turn around and reach out to the other party leaders and say this is not good for the party. donald trump is by far the most relatable candidate to the american people and it has shown with his millions of votes the number of people that come to his rallies, and the number of votes that he has greater than everybody else, and why would he not come in and say, guys, this is enough. you are spending $70 plus million in attack ads to attack a person, and you are not doing anything to reunifying the problem. >> you believe there's a concerted effort to come against
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trump? >> i believe you believe it also. >> no, trump brings a lot of heat and, two, he is the frontrunner. i don't see the system being rigged against him, the rules are what they are. >> the rules were recently changed, weren't they? >> where is any proof anybody rigged it against trump? >> look at what they are doing. you are talking about secret meetings between party members and these super pacs, and anybody that believes the super pacs are in in the hands of the candidates, they are lying to everybody and themselves, and the person running the super pac happens to be the candidates best friend since the age of 5. donald trump is not taking money because he wants to avoid the appearance that the other ones
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clearly don't care about. >> you don't have a super pac, but you are taking money now. >> are you talking about the sale of the hats? >> fine, there are contributions -- >> you are not talking about $70 million across the board that wants to turn around and attack one individual. that's an enormous amount. and they say ted cruz with his nonsense, donald trump is nervous. donald trump does not get nervous and has been down this road before. ted cruz doesn't know what it means to be the head of a $10 million company that the man has built over years. >> ted cruz says he does get it and donald trump deserves more credit for being somebody that can play dirty and he says you encourage violence at your rallies. >> again, rhetoric by ted cruz and others in order to digress against mr. trump's mantra. again, donald trump is the only
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one who mathematically after new york is going to be able to win. why is the party not unifying around a winner? what they are doing is just turning around and they are just trying to get to this brokered convention, and stop trump, never trump, and all the various different groups. what is the point? the point is to keep donald trump away, right, not get to the 1,237 to have the brokered convention so the party can bring somebody else. >> what does he do to unify it? >> what he does, he brings in guys like manafort, and -- >> those guys are unifiers? >> no, but they will help him get to the 1,237 and we never get to a brokered convention. >> is that what you think happens? >> that's what i hope. >> you hope or think? >> i think if trump wins new york, he is 399 delegates short of the 1,237. this is his hometown, right? the northeast, florida, this is
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hometown advantage. if he does well in the next five states and then california, he'll get to the 1,237. >> michael cohen, good could have you back on the show. >> always good to see you, chris. bernie sanders and hillary clinton on the other side of the ball, and having their own tension and it comes to a head right where we are. you have the high stakes new york primary, and tonight the big cnn debate. the talk has never been hotter, so we will talk about it with somebody who is going to give a unique perspective on new york. the first lady of the city of the new york. at if a million pee download the new app? we're good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we're not good. we're total heroes.
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shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. democratic campaign could make for debate fireworks tonight between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. sanders has won eight of the last nine contest and drew 27,000 supporters to his rally last night, so can clinton close the enthusiasm gap? joining us is new york's first lady, chirlane mccray. she has endorsed hillary
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clinton. great to have you here. >> thank you, and it's great to be here. >> tonight, after the past couple of weeks on the campaign trail where the rhetoric has gotten more heated, what do you expect the tone will be? >> i think the tone will be respectful but i think bernie is getting a little desperate so i expect we will hear the volume be pumped up a little bit. hillary is a great candidate and battle tested and i expect that they are really going to be addressing serious issues tonight. >> it's interesting to hear you say bernie is getting desperate and we hear that from hillary clinton supporters and he has won eight out of the nine last battles, and last night he had an enthusiastic crowd. >> i don't think there's an enthusiasm gap, and i am happy
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to see the enthusiasm and all the support from the people and it shows they are engaged and involved, and hillary has a commanding lead and has more states and votes and doing very well. i have no doubt, and you may not have seen those people out there last night but she has a bold vision and people are ready to support her. >> there's a poll that suggests she is struggling still with some demographics and that's young women. there's a new poll showing women under the age of 45, 65% of them go to sanders and 31% go to hillary clinton, and how do you explain that? >> that's just one poll. polls go up and down and change, and i have not seen that. hillary clinton has so many young women supporting her, and just last week there was a room
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with so many young women supporting her. hillary clinton lived her life as a daughter and mother and granddaughter who is really fighting for social justice issues and gender equity issues like pay equity and family leave, and safe streets and a safe workplace, and she's the candidate they need to vote for. >> senator ted cruz was part of a cnn town hall last night with his wife and two young daughters and during it he took a swipe at your husband, mayor bill de blasio, so let me play that and get your response. >> when i talk about new york values, what i'm talking about are the liberal democrats who have been frankly hurting the people of new york over and over again. i'm talking about people like bill de blasio, one of the first acts he did when elected mayor was go to harlem and try to shut down charter schools educating
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low income african-americans and hispanics because he was in hock to the union bosses. >> you want to respond to that? >> ted cruz is confused. he doesn't even know who he is running against. >> you don't -- the idea that he talked about new york values and that your husband personifies them, what do you make of that? >> new yorkers already told ted cruz to go home. >> enough said? >> enough said. >> i want to ask about what is going on in your household. you have two teenage or older children, 18 and 21, and i am curious about the conversations you are having with them about this whole election season and campaign. it seemed as though in an interview with a blog you have done, they might have been leaning towards bernie sanders. what are those conversations you are having with your kids?
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>> those conversations are quite lively. we raised them to have a lot of opinions and they do, and so many opinions about all of the issues and i am happy they are so engaged and other people like them are engaged. i don't speak for them, but i know they will be voting and making their decision, and it will be the right one for them. >> do you think they are sanders supporters? >> i am not speaking for them. >> i see no comment on what is going on. >> no comment, yes. >> thank you so much for being here and sharing with us. great to see you. >> thank you. the tone as we talked about, getting nastier on the democratic side, and will tonight's debate be civil? we will speak with the head of the democratic party, next. aw, . shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the discover it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great! (both simultaneously) thank you. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness.
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heated, and they tend to get nasty as you get closer to the end, and that is happening on both sides of this race. what does it mean to tonight's flash point, the big cnn presidential debate between sanders and clinton. debbie wasserman schultz joins us now. good to have you with us this morning. >> thanks, chris. good to be with you, as always. >> what is your thought it's gone to somebody that lost their campus or hillary playing
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it straight. >> while certainly it's understandable as you get closer to a significant primary contest that it's going to get a little more edgy, so to speak. my guidance, my caution to not only the candidates but their supporters is to really make sure that we continue to have the robust and substantive discussion on the debate stage, and i am so proud of both of them, the idea they have to move our country forward and reach the middle class. on the other side, i really want to run down to the drugstore and get donald trump a pacifier, because all we hear on the other side is whining about the rules and process and they are going to take something away from me. really, the american people, the people casting their vote for president they want to hear
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about the ideas each candidate has to make sure we can help them succeed, and that's what i am confident we will hear from our candidates tonight. >> one of the big issue on both sides of the race, the system stinks and it's rigged and how the parties function, it all needs to change. you are hearing that from the sanders camp as well. something else you heard, not from sanders but from somebody speaking before him at his big rally last night, the phrase democratic whores, and that raised a lot of eye brow, and later on twitter he said i was talking about different democrats in congress, no reference to hillary clinton, and he said i apologize for this being insensitive and the tweet is up on the screen for those at home now. what is your take on this tone? >> i certainly don't know the person that made that outrageous
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and inappropriate comment and it's good that he recognized it was outrageous and inappropriate and reigned it in and apologized. we need to make sure on our side of the aisle, that's the side of the aisle that i care about the most, that we are sticking to the ideas that our candidates have because when we get to the general election in november, as we go through that general election campaign, we are going to win this election, because like in the last 5 out of 6 elections, the american people stand with us and they want somebody to stand with them as well and they want a good education and not going to be paying it off until their 50s. you want to hear about a system that is rigged, our candidates are talking about helping more people reach the middle class.
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>> the integrity of the process matters, whether it's tone on the campaign trail or what is going on with the convention structure. there are allegations that delegates, specifically super delegates are getting messed with on your side as well, and supposedly there's a website that is connected to supporters of bernie sanders, and supposedly putting out tphapnamd addresses, and the concern is this a harassment dynamic going on. what is your take? >> it certainly is completely fine, because super delegates are up for grabs, so to speak, all the way until we get to the convention. there's going to be -- as always, a fierce effort to make sure they can win -- that candidate supporters can win over those unpledged delegates because they can decide all the way up until they get to the convention, and using tactics that border on harassment and
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feel like stalking is really something that i hope, you know, our campaigns really condemn and that we make sure that their supporters enthusiasm is fantastic, and making sure we have appropriate contact and outreach is just great, but intimidation is not okay and i am not suggesting that that's occurring right now, but i think we need to make sure that we are careful about how we persuade, so to speak. >> quickly, do you think there's now a better chance that you are going to wind up with a contested convention? >> i don't. i still think that we are likely on track as we go through the rest of the primary and caucus season to result in an election at the end that will make -- that will have a presumptive nominee, that becomes the presumptive nominee prior to the
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convention without the need for super delegates and will have the majority of unpledged delegates go into the convention, so i do not think we will have a contested convention. >> interesting. thank you very much and it's good to have you with us on "new day" as always. all right, so let's get back to mich in the studio. >> it has been years for mothers. in a cnn exclusive, our cameras are there as those mothers are learning that their daughters are still alive. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®.
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now to a cnn exclusive it's been nearly two years since boko haram kidnapped more than 200 school girls from their school. now they have released video showing 15 of them alive. our senior international correspondent live in nigeria. she and her videographer were there. and i understand you show these anguished mothers their girls on video for the first time. >> reporter: yeah. it was just so overwhelming for them. this video as we understand it was filmed as proof of life by boko haram as part offengoing
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negotiations. between them and the nigerian government. once we had it we knew we we needed to go back or as close as we could get to show them that finally there was a glimmer of hope. take a look at this michaela. lined up against a yellow wall. 15 girls only their faces showing. a man asks was your name? is that the name your parents recognize? where were you taken from the voice asks? the date they say is the 25th of december, 2015. this video was obtained by cnn from a person close to the negotiations to get these girls released. for the parents it is finally a glimmer of hope these girls are still alive.
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two years ago we met mary and -- on our visit. we asked if they recognize any of the girls in the video. they lean closer. another girl is identified. one by one they name all 15 girls. but one mother realizes her daughter isn't there. the off camera voice asking the questions is familiar to cnn as that of boko haram spokesperson. a source close said the video was provided by a terror group as an asked for show of good faith.
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nigeria's -- they have received the video but are still reviewing it. >> you started the video. you follow the questions were asked in a rather very controlled environment. after two years in captivity the girls in the video were under no stress whatsoever. there has been little transformation to their physical appearance. >> is your government negotiating with boko haram for the release of these girls? >> well there are ongoing talks. we cannot ignore -- we cannot ignore leads. but of course many of this investigations are, you know, are -- cannot be disclosed, you know, openly because it would
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also endanger the negotiation. >> we took the video to a classmate of the girls. she had been at home with family the day the other girls were kidnapped. for her safety we're not showing her face or using her name. she told us there is no doubt kne these are some of her kidnapped classmates. >> watching the video i'm reminded how we used to play together, how we yoolzed to do chores. your homework. >> she says seeing her friends again will likely give her nightmares. >> sometimes still if i hear news about them i have bad dreams and i wake up crying. >> the video ends with a girl addressing the camera with a message to the nigerian government. we are all well she says pointedly. perhaps suggesting girls not seen in this video. she then delivers what sounds like a scripted plea. urging the nigerian government to fulfill unspecified promises.
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for the mothers of these girls rapidly becoming women far from home the video is overwhelming. they say they just want someone to bring their daughters home. >> that anguish is palpable. you can feel it. there's been so much speculation. so much rumor surrounding the location of those girls. is there any indication they are getting any closer to figuring out exactly where they are? >> reporter: that is the heartbreak of this michaela. most of those sources we're speaking to the in nigerian military and security services say they have a pretty good idea of where they are. given how much territory they have taken back from boko haram. it really is the forest fortress that is one of the only locations that they believe those girls can still be. and it has become the center of much of the military activity being carried out. but they can only go so far and so slowly.
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because even though these girls are such a huge bargaining chip for boko haram, the worry is that at any point it might trigger some of kind of retribution. for the families, it is this -- the horror of knowing that we want you to go in and get these girls but at the same time what can happen if you take this too fast. >> such deep ramifications. thank you so much. excellent reporting and thank you for that. back here at home we're following a lot of news, including a preview of tonight's democratic debate on cnn. let's get to it. >> -- captions by vitac --
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all right. well how beautiful, right? >> inkr ebl. >> who's luckier than we are? nobody. good morning, welcome to your "new day," it's thursday april 14th, 8:00 in the east now. alisyn and i are at the brooklyn navy yard at the very sophisticated sounding dugal greenhouse. different when you are sitting on the docks hit by river spray on your backs. >> surf was up here. >> usually in this situation on
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the dox you got trouble but not right now. this is the site of the big cnn debate. and to be clear the rivals drawing thousands of supporters in duelling rallies last night. will they sling mud at each other the way they have been talking about each other the last few days? that is the big question. we have insight on the process ahead. >> and donald trump's campaign manager will not be prosecuted. this as trump's war with the republican party heats up and ted cruz accuses trump's campaign of acting like thugs. cruz at the same time showing a softer side with his family and his young daughters at a cnn town hall last night. we'll bring all of that to you. we have this race covered from every angle. let's begin with senior washington correspondent joe johns inside the debate hall. how's it looking joe? >> looking pretty good, quite frankly. this is the big stage where it all happens tonight at a critical time for both of these
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candidates. hillary clinton has been leading in the polls for weeks and weeks in new york. but few you had any doubt about the kind of support bernie sanders has just look no further than that enormous rally he held last night in the city. >> i am so glad to be back in the bronx. >> reporter: rivals b hillary clinton and senator bernie sanders oh both hosting rallies ahead of tonight's cnn presidential debate. sanders revving up a massive crowd, estimated by organizers to be above 27,000 in washington square park. ♪ receiving a rock star welcome with celebrities before he aggressively went after secretary hillary clinton. >> our differences with secretary clinton go beyond how we raise money. it goes to an issue which the media doesn't cover. that is our disastrous trade
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policies which are costing us millions of jobs. >> clinton making the case to voters in the bronx urging them to back her over sanders. >> i was honored to be your senator for eight years. and if you will give me the honor of your vote on tuesday, we will continue to make life better. >> and keeping her attacks on the republican hopefuls. >> one of them denigrates new york values. mr. trump wants to set americans against each other. he wants to build walls. i want us to build bridges. >> tonight's high stakes debate comes as the heated war of words between sanders and clinton intensifies. >> i have my doubts about what kind of president she would make. >> and accusations from the sanders domain the primary process is weighted in favor of clinton. >> it is not a democratic way to
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carry out an election. >> in the closing hours before this debate, the appeal to new york's minority voters continues. bernie sanders reaching out to reverend al sharpton's national action network today. hillary clinton spoke to them yesterday, chris. >> all right joe, thank you very much. so they had these big rallies here yesterday. the democrats did. bernie sanders back here to his brooklyn home. that is where we are right now. this is where he grew up. he says that he had his most important event ever last night in new york city's washington square park. he says that he believes he can pull off an upset if -- if. listen. >> i grew up in brooklyn in a 3 and a half room rent controlled department with a family that did not have a lot of money. standing here tonight with the support of so many thousands of people is a very humbling experience. a very very moving experience.
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and i'm going to do everything that i can to make sure that i do not let these people down. >> they say they want to win here in new york. polls are trending down. some still have you somewhere between 8 and 13 down. do you think you can win in new york? >> i do. i think, as i said many times before, we do well when the voter turnout is high. so if there is a large voter turnout. if a lot of working class people who traditionally might not vote get involved in this campaign, if young people who maybe have never voted before get involved in this campaign and come out and vote, yeah i think we can win. >> last question. the big test is next tuesday. the test before the test is tomorrow night, the big debate. there's been a lot of hot talk. what do you expect on that stage tomorrow night? what's going to be different? >> i think it will be a good debate in which secretary clinton and i discuss the very strong differences of opinion that we have about how we go
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forward in this country. and if that takes place, i will be very happy and i'm confident that the vision that i am bringing forth is a vision that will be supported by the vast majority of the people in new york. >> it will be different than what we've been hearing the last few days? >> well, tell you about it tomorrow. okay? >> senator thank you very much. the senator's better half, his wife jane sanders is joining us now to talk about tonight's debate and take us inside the sanders campaign. she also has strong opinions about the democratic primary process. good to have eojoining us this morning. >> good to be here, chris. >> so the tone. the tone has changed. people more edgy. they are more direct. they are saying more critical things. hue do you feel about that and how do you think it is going to be made manifest at the debate tonight? >> well we're in new york. a little more edgy, a little more direct. i don't think that it is an aggressive tone. i think what we are trying to do
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is show the contrast between a bold vision and incremental change. between -- on p each one of the issues there is a real stark difference between the candidates. and that is why bernie is running, to offer a different vision. so we have talk about that in contrast. the views on trade. on climate change. on fracking. on higher education. the list goes on and on. that is what i hope will be the focus of tonight's debit. debate. on the issues. >> i was there at washington square park. you were not there yet when one of the introductory speakers used this phrase, "democratic
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whor whores" and -- >> i'm sorry i didn't hear it at all. a strange choice of words. and i can't imagine anyone was speaking about secretary clinton that way. i don't know who said that. >> it was dr. hong. he would later put out a tweet saying i was talking about members of congress. i apologize. it was insensitive. how much responsibility should have the campaign have for what comes out of surrogate supporters online, etc. >> well i think all campaigns really need to take some responsibility for what surrogates say. a mischoice of words is not as important as trying to carry out a strategy of trying to disqualify people or trying to make them seem less than. so i think there is a lot of that to go around. >> jane, what do you make of the suggestions that a website connected to sanders supporters is going after super delegates
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trying to pressure them into changing their votes. do you know anything about that. you do put nit weight in. >> i don't put any weight in it. it's interesting. super delegates have not voted yet. the media keeps pointing it out as though that is the delegate math we cannot pass. the fact is the convention is coming up in philadelphia and we don't think that either candidate will have the required number of pledge delegates to be able to have the anonymounomina. so of course people are talking to super delegates. but more importantly -- bernie has not reach out a lot for endorsements. as you have seen. we're looking for votes from the people. he's got the momentum. he's won 8 out of the last 9 contests. and we hope to do well in new york. and if the crowds are any indication, we are going to do quite well. i think that what we need to do is to allow the super delegates
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their given that ability to use their judgment. if bernie keeps on winning and winning each state and the polls keep on showing that he can do much better and it's been showing that for the last couple of months. and we don't expect that to change. we expect it to be even better. he's doing much better against the republican candidates. so we think that the super delegates will give it a thought. they want to win. and if we've got the momentum and we've got the ability to defeat the republicans, i think that might happen. we'll wait and see. >> what do you think of the system? do you think the system is fair? or do you think it is "rigged" to use the trump word of the moment. >> i think it is design eed bad. i don't like the fact -- i don't think it is rigged. i don't think it is designed in anybody's favor. i just don't think it is very
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democrat. the fact -- democratic. a lot of people here in new york, unless they registered as democrats last october, they are not going to be able to vote. that is crazy. we're bringing in so many people into the party and yet the party is slamming the door on those voters. they are not allowed to participate in this primary. that is not a good long-term approach. and then each one, you know, chris, every single one of the states has a different way of carrying out their elections and figuring out how many delegates and how they become delegates. i think we need a more systematic approach that honors one vote, one person. and lets democracy work a little better. i hope that changes in the near future. we knew those were the rules going in. we had nothing do with setting
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them up. but we're playing by them and we're not complaining. >> if you are bringing in more voters, they have a much more abbreviated time schedule but i take your point about the different states and systems. i'm talking like you are a the pundit or campaign official but you are wearing a couple of hats. a wife, a mother, grandmother. last night at washington square park, to have your husband standing under the washington arch that you know he'd visited a lot and you visited a lot growing up here. you're from brooklyn also. under the great words of washington saying let us set a standard that the wise and the honest can repair too. what did that mean to you last night. the senator suggested this was the most important rally to date. why? >> i think because we are talking about the issues. not just the issues but in a context of principle. that we are bringing so many people into the democratic process. we are trying to reinvigorate
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our democracy. and to do it in a positive issue-oriented way . to feel the support in this city, where we grew up really meant a lot to us. as it did in the south bronx when 18,000 people came. and in coney island the other day where thousands of people came. this is the most important one to date. tomorrow we'll be -- not tomorrow. sunday we'll be doing prospect park in brooklyn. we look forward to a large crowd there too. but the feeling, the optimism, the commitment to the future that we get from the crowd is amazing. it is a very good harbinger for the future of america, that they want a country that belongs to all of us. take the power out of then hands of the lobbyists and the corporate interests and put people back at the center of the focus of our government.
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it is humbling. and exhilarating at the same time. >> jane sanders, certainly a lot of energy in the crowd last night. it is so interesting. two people grow up in brooklyn. you still have the thick accent. bernie sounds like another guy from vermont. thank you very much for being us with on "new day" this morning. >> thanks chris. all right we are just hours away from this big event tonight. hillary clinton, bernie sanders, they have been saying a lot about each other. what will they say to each other in this last face-off before the big primary. tonight here in brooklyn, 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. >> okay. on the republican side, some relief for the trump campaign as they gear up for a contested convention. sources telling cnn that trump's campaign manager will not be charged after an altercation with a reporter. meanwhile senator cruz accusing trump's team of acting liking
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through thugs to score delegates. >> reporter: the trump campaign has a lot on its plate right now. trying to staff up and expand. donald trump is going to war with the rnc. but now they have at least one less distraction as it looks like trump's campaign manager will not be presidented after that run in with a female reporter. >> sources confirm to cnn trump's campaign manager will not be presidented for battery. follow this altercation back in march. fields, who could see defamation charges against lewandowski tweeting, prosecutor asked two weeks ago if i would okay with an apology from cory? i said yeah but haven't heard back about it. on the campaign trail tense moments outside a trump rally in pittsburgh has hundred of angry protesters clash with supporters. police in riot gear try to keep
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the peace. inside the front runner intensified his war with the gop. >> it is a rigged system, folks. the republican system is a rigged system. >> and doubling down on claims his party is conspireing to block him from the nomination. >> the bosses and the establishment and the people that shouldn't have this power took all of the power away from the voters. >> republican party chairman reince priebus firing back. >> the rules are not being changed in order to injure or benefit anybody. they are what they are. >> at cnn's town hall, trump's main rival ted cruz raling against trump's tactics and accusing his supporters of threatening delegates. >> they are acting like union boss thugs. i spoke yesterday to the chairman of the republican party in colorado. trump supporters put out his home address and phone numbers. he got thousands of phone calls. death threats. trump supporters were telling supporters go to his house and
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bring their guns. violence doesn't belong in the democracy and the trump campaign en -- >> and another note cruz's wife shared how the couple met. >> it really was love at first sight. >> caroline's dad/daughter picnic at school which featured all of the dads running and playing games. and -- >> my favorite. >> your favorite was she got to dress up daddy in this pink boa and big goofy looking. >> underwear. >> underwear and. >> -- and i was on the video tape the whole time. and now it is a class video that they are sending out to all the parents. >> oh really? >> reporter: ted cruz hit trump hard last night about the way trump has been complaining about the process, particularly if colorado where cruz scooped up all of the delegates. but trump was back at it on twitter saying colorado changed the rules and even encouraging his supporters to protest the colorado gop. back you do alisyn. >> sara, so interesting to see
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the candidates with their kids. some things you just can't control. so those were great moments. thanks so much for showing us that. let's go back to michaela now in the studio with some other news. >> imagine your three if you were ever to do that alisyn. that would be a sight to behold. >> i was imagining -- >> i know you were. couple of headlines here. the obama administration is planning to file a formal diplomatic froets an apparent provocation by russian jets over a u.s. naval ship. they simulated what appeared to be an actual attack. chief national security correspondent jim sciutto is live in washington where i'm sure there is a lot of consternation over this. >> as close as you can get without actually hitting. russia defending the flybys claiming the pilots observed all safety measures. but you see why the crew of the
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u.s.s. donald cook and the military expressing alarm. a u.s. official transcribed the flights as strafing runs without firing weapons. those pilots took the exact same path they would have had they actually been attacking the ship. russia's been conducting flights close to u.s. warships and aircraft within increasing frequency but here closer than ever before. russia subs also sailing close to u.s. and nato ships and ports. clearly intended as the message to the u.s. but the very real concern of u.s. officials i speak with is that these flights are sclose the margin of error is zero. they fear a mistake could lead to a dangerous potentially deadly encounter. >> serious intention behind that. jim thanks. let's head back to chris and alisyn in brooklyn. the crew wanted me to ask you if i had helped do your hair this morning because of the whole --
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but i told them it wasn't me. it was just natural. >> high velocity. the deflying gravity look. >> that's od mick. also just said it looked fine. hmm what's that in my back? we got to know the republican candidates a lot better through the town halls. talking to the audience. having family there. what a combination. trump's sons came to his defense. cruz's daughters stole the show. do you want highlights? of course you do. we'll give them to you but first i got to deal with my hair. the future belongs to the fast. and to help you accelerate, we've created a new company. ♪
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republican rivals returning to the campaign trail today after three nights of town hall. it was a chance to see them if a completely different light long with their families. we have tara setmayer. and kayleigh mcenany. tara, we have learned that corey lewandowski, trump's campaign manager will not be prosecuted for the altercation that he had with michelle fields. that reporter, michelle fields tweeted out for those asking, office of prosecutor asked two weeks ago if i would be okay with an apology from corey.
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said yes. but haven't heard back about it. does this go away now? is there any lingering effect from that episode? >> i think this goes away now. at this point. unless, you know, the trump campaign somehow continues to bring it up. which i would think would be not a good idea. and i really think it would have gone away if lewandowski had just apologized in the first place. it was reported that's all she asked for. that he talked to her editor the night of the incident and he said oh i'm sorry i didn't know it was one of yours. then apparently the apology was not acceptable apparently in the trump campaign they believe if you apologize that makes you less of a man or something like that. but he refused to apologize. it's collated and then they cast dispersions on her character. it was untoward and a lot of us felt was unnecessary. hopefully everyone can move past this. michelle fields is getting death
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threats. people threatening to slit her throat. i'm hoping we can move forward. >> we will move forward and onto the new polls. these are the new washington post abc news polls. 67%. is this a problem? >> no. because donald trump came into the race with historic unfavorables. he came in in fact with net unfavorability more than any presidential candidate since 1980. the media said he has no chance. he moved the numbers and is now the presumptive nominee and the front runner. and i maintain that he will also likewise move those numbers in a general election and also worth mentioning hillary clinton doesn't have extraordinary favorability ratings either. >> his numbers are better.
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so he along with republican voters unfavorables, 42% is close to cruz's which is 38 and kasich is 40%. >> if we're talking about a general though, his historic. no candidate has ever been elected with negatives the way trump has them now. especially with his negatives among women. you have to remember he has a hundred percent name idaho. so there is not much room for him to grow or people to get to know him. people do know him and women in particular do not care for him at 73%, 74%. that is a difficult number to move and he did that would have to be a dramatic swing. the republicans can't win a general election with just republican voters. they have to bring in others including women who make up over 50% of the electorate. donald trump would be a disaster for us in a general campaign. >> let's talk about the families. we saw them on display, the candidates with their families this week at the cnn town hall. last night was ted cruz and his young daughters who, you know, you never know what's going to
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happen when you have young kids on stage with you. so watch a few moments of this. >> katherine is tweet. caroline is rascally. katherine is like mer mommy. caroline is like her daddy. poor girl. she had 11 of her classmates come over and their favorite game at the sleepover party was attack the daddy. and i will tell you, having 11 six-year-old girls dressed as disney princesses attacking -- and it's out of "lord of the flies." they're terrible. and she gives these hugs she calls marshmallow hug. and she goes daddy, who you do love better, me caroline? at the -- your favorite was she got to dress up daddy in like
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this pink boa and these big goofy looking under wear. >> i swear it was on a videotape the whole time. >> uh-oh. >> and now it's a class video that they are sending out to all the parents. >> okay. ted cruz in a pink feather boa and underwear. i wish i could unsee it but i can't. do you think these are moments? how do you think these play with the voters? >> these are great moments and this is a extraordinary week for the republican party. because it is no secret there's been a lot of controversy on the campaign trail. and this week to see ted cruz with his daughters and to see him humanized and donald trump and see this beautiful woman that's raised, strong woman. and likewise to see kasich and how he's just an average guy and it humanized the party. it was needed. >> thanks so much for being here. great to talk to both of you. on the democratic side, bernie sanders wife expressing frustration with the primary process that has sanders winning many states but gaining little
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ground with delegates. so up next the clinton campaign responds to that. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. wwhen systems can help sense your surroundings. and when cameras change your perspective. that's the more human side of engineering. experience what a lincoln can do for you at the lincoln spring collection event. right now lease a 2016 lincoln navigator for $599 a month,
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all right. let's talk about tonight. what is the tone going to be like? bernie sanders said this to us last night. he wants to talk issues but will not tolerate being run down as unqualified. what will clinton bring tonight? e --. brian fallen joining us.
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always a pleasure. going into it. he's been saying things that are more edgy. more sharp. your ties are too close to wall street. you can't turn around and make real change when you are so tied to the people who are the problem. >> we've come a long way in this campaign. senator sanders started out in the beginning of this campaign saying he wouldn't resort to negative attacks now in just the last five or six days alone we've seen him question her credibility. if that doesn't add up to a personal attack, i don't know what does. but look i think that the contrast you are going to see on display tonight is the one that will loom large in the mind os new york democratic primary voters. which is who can get the job done? who --. we're going look back at the new york "daily news" editorial interview that both candidates sat for and answered the tough questions and it was clear in bernie sanders interview he just didn't come to play in terms of
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having the facts at his disposal. hillary clinton did and you saw that with the endorsement tham came out with yesterday. we're going promote that as much as we can. >> the other way to look at it is the reason she got the endorsement from the tabloid is the "daily news" was evident in how they conducted the interview with sanders, that they were going after him in a way they didn't go after clinton and the clinton campaign has spun his answers to make them look less competent. >> i think spotlight shines brightener new york than anywhere else. i think he's gotten away with a lot of loose claims and the "daily news" called him out on them. i think the questions were fair and tough questions to both candidates and quite frankly he just wilted under the spotlight. he's not used to that level of scrutiny. but he's getting it here in new york. >> sanders says look at the crowd last night. how much bigger it was than clinton's in the bronx.
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to be fair the venues were very different. you probably couldn't have come accommodated the same crowd. that's why he says they are going to win here in new york. >> no doubt he had a great event and he's bringing a lot of people into the process and that is a good thing overall for the party. so we tip our cap to him in terms of the enthusiasm he's generating. but we're concerned with one crowd measure, which is who shows up to vote and in highest turnout elections we've had throughout the process, that is where hillary clinton actually tends to win. and if you look at the popular vote across all of the contests that have taken place to date she's beating him by about 2.4 million votes when you tablet everything that's taken place to date. so that is the numbers that we are looking at. crowd size is nice but when it counts next tuesday we'll come out on top. >> how certain are you that you can close this out and go into a convention with the presumption, meaning that you have reached
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the number of pledged delegates, not super delegates. >> there is a zero percent chance that hillary clinton will not clinch this prior to the convention. it absolutely will happy. we'll reach the number of 2383 delegates you need to clinch the nomination. >> how can you be so sure? it would mean winning a percentage of delegates she had not won -- >> we think we're on a good trajectory when you add up the delegates she's got a lead of about 200 over senator sanders. we expect to gain even more delegates even in those contests in may. and when you combine that with party leaders and election officials that serve as super delegates we think we'll reach that number probably, possibly by the end of may if not after
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california. >> what do you do if you get to the convention. even if you do have a presumption as we're suggesting. what do you do with bernie's movement? he's not a fringe candidate. he's not a spoiler. he's in the thick of it. and these people feel that they have a very different agenda than the clinton campaign is laying out. how do you incorporate that? >> i think we're in the final phases of this nomination contest. and the reality is starting to set in the in terms of the daunting delegatemaththe sanders campaign faces. so feelings are raw at a point like this. but i think it will behoove both campaigns in the closing weeks to come together and make sure that we recognize the high stakes that will be on the line in this general election. and i think that in general people will see, supporters of both candidates will see that we need to come together and elect a democrat. because the prospect of donald trump as president is just too much to take.
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here is thursday's edition of the five things to know. hillary clinton and bernie sanders gearing up for tonight's cnn democratic disagree debate in brooklyn. just five days before the new york primary. >> on the republican side, donald trump's campaign manager reportedly will not be charged for ab altercation with the reporter. and ted cruz accusing the trump campaign of using intimidation tactics on delegates. >> and russian jets strafing a ship multiple times in the baltic sea. a texas judge sentenced the
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affluenza teen to two years. after he violated probation and fled the country following a drunk driving crash that killed four people. the lakers kobe bryant capping his 20 year career scoring 60 points. also the golden state warriors broke the nba single season record for wins. 73rd victory. more for on the five things visit "new day" >> ahead what can we expect when hillary clinton and bernie sanders go head-to-head tonight? that's up next here on "new day." also, adventure is changing in a new video series cnn digital studios dives into the designs and innovations that let us experience the world in thrilling new ways, that are changing our notion of adventure. >> the latest suit we are building right now is called an exo suit. like a crab shell.
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we are just over 12 hours away from the cnn democratic presidential debate. live here in brooklyn. and the stakes could not be higher. joing us to discuss everything is our cnn political commentator bakari sellers and bernie sanders supporters jonathan --. he's the auto over the essential bernie sanders and his vision for america. thank you forring with here. >> let's start with something
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that happened last night. there was a speaker at this big bernie sanders rally. there was something like 27,000 people. and one of the speakers, dr. paul son. he describes himself as a healthcare activist. and used really over heated language that was profane and there was an excuse as to whether or not it was referring to hillary clinton. let me play it for you. >> i agree with secretary clinton that medicare for all will never happen if we have a president who never asfipires f something greater than the status quo. medicare for all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate democratic whores who are beholden to big pharma and the privacy insurance industry instead of us. >> okay. he said corporate democratic whores, if we continue to elect
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them. he apologized after that. he said i'm very sorry for using the term whores to refer so some in congress. it was insensitive. then just in the past hour bernie sanders put out a a tweet about this. he says dr. son's was inappropriate and insensitive. there is no place for that. is that too belated? >> i think the language was inappropriate. as democrats we have come on many of these shows and raled against donald trump for his language and the party's language. third grade civics student can watch. i have a hard time believing maybe he was talk act the other presidential candidate. i think he was referring to hillary clinton. it has no place. is that an indictment on bernie sanders and his campaign? we should move forward and i think the campaign needs to simmer down just slightly.
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>> dirty pool. talk -- this website that's connected to supporters of bernie sanders. going at super delegates. is this the type of campaign that senator sanders says he wants? the answer is no. but is it happening anyway? >> no. and bernie sanders came out right away with a tweet that alisyn read and said it is inappropriate. and there's been heated language on both sides. it is a primary. people for passionately about it. the speaker i believe was talking about the congressional democrats in general and the influence of money in politics and the way it shapes health policy. defeating them and getting money out of politics. the kind of thing that hillary clinton gets all of the money from goldman sachs, pharma. the big gas oil and coal industry. that is the money that's flowing to clinton. but there is no place for that kind of language. and bernie said no place in my campaign. inappropriate. let's move on.
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>> the irony in this whole discussion, if -- we have to add context. before it was obamacare. the person fighting for single payor healthcare was hillary clinton. and the fact of the matter, let's go back to 1992. the chips program -- >> incorrect. hillary clinton never supported -- >> -- how six million kids got healthcare. hefalse.ry cli one of the reasons hillary care failed aside from being secretive and not open was same with obamacare has its weaknesses. they refuse to get rid of the insurance industry and the drug companies. they would not battle for them.
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which is different from bernie sanders proposal. it is not true. hillary clinton has never supported single payor when she was in the white house. and be built on the affordable care act. >> what is the tone tonight? given the heats discussion among surrogates and candidates what are we going to see tonight? >> i think you will see a third person on the stage tonight. that's going to be donald trump and ted cruz. i think hillary clinton is going to direct a lot of messaging towards donald trump and ted cruz because i think people understand that now we're moving into the realm where there is a battle for the seooul of this country. >> i think what this is first a battle for the soul of the democratic party. it is bernie sanders who wants a political revolution versus moderate democrats who support iraq war. and one thing i hope comes up is reference to goldman sachs. lets remember that goldman sachs was just forced to accept a plea, $5 billion for mortgage
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security fraud during the worst economic crisis we've had in our lifetimes. hillary clinton still is not willing to even show the transcripts of her $225,000 per speech. let's finally get those transcripts 70 days later. >> tax return, i know. >> great to have you here. we'll all be watching tonight. that does it for us here. the good stuff next. ♪ in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the loweaxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready.
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time for the good stuff. a child with special needs. cerebral palsy and epilepsy. got something every other kid gets to do regularly. enjoy a bike ride. she entered him to win in a bike parade but unfortunately someone else won the bike who was also very worthy. a stranger stepped in and did something very unexpected. >> nobody wants to see a child --. so i thought we should try to do something for him. >> with her family business she was able to buy maddox his very own bike. >> so happy this summer taking bike rides and just knowing that
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we can do that now. is awesome. >> it gets better. the community is now raising must money to get another adaptic bike for a little girl in the neighborhood. you're gonna have to join me later for some lunch. i'll be waiting for you. you have have a great day. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac --


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