tv New Day Saturday CNN April 16, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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you, there's nothing you can do to let them go. i don't care how strong you are, how big you are. >> attacks in the u.s. are relatively rare. in 2007 a siberian tiger named tatiana escaped her enclosure at the zoo and taked three people, the tiger shot dead after the mauling. sig freed and roy were performing in las vegas. halfway through the show he lunged and bit him in the neck
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dragging him around by the neck. he was subdued. this is creating controversy and conversation about the ethics of keeping them in the night houses. experts say the cats are most active at night. so putting them in these tight enclosures when they're supposed to be more active is very stressful and it's not just that but the tactics used to get them to duo into the enclose euros. often we hear of zoos withholding food to get them to comply. a lot of conversation and ethics about it. >> thank you so much. as he was just talk, animal rights group peta has responded to the incident, quote, hopes that this incident will save e human lives in the future.
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that's what they were conferring about. we're going to be joined by a tiger expert and host david samoi as well. new this morning just two days before the democratic primary in new york, bernie sanders is not in the state campaigning. in fact, i think it's three days. he's not in the u.s. at all. sanders has been in vatican city attending a conference on social and economic justice. we learned this morning he met with the pope. he talked climate change, the economy. listen to what he told cnn international correspondent ben wedeman. >> i wanted to let him know of how appreciative i was of the extraordinary role he is playing throughout the world in raising consciousness about massive levels of income and wealth inequality, greed such that the
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top 1% now owns more wealth globally than the bottom 99%. >> all right. so neither democratic candidate is in new york. you see sanders is in vatican city. let's bring in maria cardona who is a hillary clinton supporter and democratic bernie sanders supporter nomiki konst. i think we have the numbers we can put on the screen. $205,617. why did this take so long if this is kind of a no bold headline return? >> what we're seeing is he's very much like the average person. when they're busy they prepare taxes on their own and he released them during the tax
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season. and what better way to call attention to the fact that hillary was hosting a $253,000-a-plate dinner last night for the dnc which is giving money to the campaign in very curious ways. what better way to show what bernie sanders makes in a year is what hillary makes in an hour giving a speech. so this is a tale of two campaigns here. you have bernie sanders who is a man of the people, his campaign is funded by the people, and you have hillary clinton who we now learn has made $11 million in 2014 alone from giving wall street speeches and we have now learned she's giving $570,000 to her campaign. my question is in what way is she circumnavigating campaign finance laws. there are campaign laws for wall street. giving speeches, $150 million from the cluntons alone off wall
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street speeches. is this really a creative way to sell the lincoln bedroom? >> there are a lot of accusations. >> those are important right away. let me make it quick. >> all right. let me go to the numbers because those numbers are facts. $205,715 made by the sanders. let's put up, guys compares to $28,336,212 for the clintons. this d this disparity, does this help with your fight. the sanders made 1% of what the clintons made in 2014. >> no, not at all. what we're seeing is the voters are judging her on her record, on her accomplishments, on her proposals, on what she has done
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in terms of moving forward, breaking down economic barriers for everyone who wants to have a chance to meet the american dream and, frankly, what she talks about is she has been blessed and how she has had all of these opportunities, she has fought for those opportunities for others, and that -- those are the messages that are resonating, and clearly they're resonating more than what bernie sanders' is res nagt. she is 220 pledged delegates ahead of bernie sanders. and all of the accusations are just laughable and they underscore the fact that he is losing and it's kind of desperation times for them, focusing on thiess distractions opposed to the messages that voters are responding to that are coming from -- >> maria let me ask you this. there will now be a shift of whether hillary clinton will
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release the transcripts of speeches she delivered to goldman sachs. will she? >> why don't we wait until bernie sanders releases multd. years, 15, 20 years. >> is she changing the rules now? >> can i say this? thank you. >> we'll bring it back to you. >> of what hillary clinton has released. again, all of it is a distraction which ujds scores the fact that bernie sanders' implicit accusation here which she was bought and paid for by wall street is also laughale because as we saw in the debate where dana bash did a great job in asking very pointedly to bernie sanders can he point to any proof, any proof whatsoever that she has done anything to favor wall street and he was not able to come up with one example. >> let me come to you. many candidates, not all because we're waiting for donald trump's returns, many have released more than a single year's return.
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is one year transparency? >> he's going lease more on monday, simple as that. regardless of that, this is a false equivalent. taking money from wall street, hundreds of millions by giving speeches to wall street is not what democratic values are about. this is about julkt, character, principle. and if you're going to go out there and fight against wall street while you're taking hundreds of millions of dollar, that's just dishonest, flat out, so to say his claims are dishonest when they've been investigative, some of the investigative are pulling that up. that's the proof. further to the point to go back to the proof -- >> the proof of what? i need the end of the sentence. the s. echlt c. shows it. >> what will it compromise? >> it's not just her record.
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it's her rhetoric. last night she had a fund-raiser, 3g $53,000 plate fund-raiser. >> for the democratic party. >> that doesn't mean anything. >> yeah, it does. >> maria, you're a super delegate. you know very well how the dnc is run. >> the dnc raises a lot of money for the candidates. frankly, bernie sanders has not been able to do the same thing. >> that is not true. >> we've got to to wrap this up. know me key, i'm giving you the last ten seconds. >> maria says clinton is doing so well. why did they approve of her by 54% and nowing this many months later it's 36%. >> she's winning. those are the facts. >> 200 pledged delegates. programming note, ladies. bernie sanders is on state of the union. he'll answer more of the
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questions himself tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. i love having these conversations. we never have enough time for them. nomiki and maria, thanks. we'll have you later throughout the show. all right. donald trump is launching fresh attacks against the republican party establishment, what he is saying about the gop and bernie sanders is making headlines. >> plus a second earthquake rocks japan, killing nearly two dozen. we have a report on the destruction. later, a close encounter between a navy destroyer and russian fighter jets raises some alarms. >> it is reckless, it is provocative, it is daerngerous,t is unprofessional, and under the rules of engagement, that could have been a shoot-down. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena
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15 minutes past the hour, so glad to have you with us. donald trump picking up an endorsement from the "new york post." remember that paper from a few memorable trump covers? we have them here for you. first of all. cruz-fied. don voyage. or taking it further, "size matters." this wasn't a ringing endorsement. it almost had conditions attached to it. ben ferguson and errol louis. good morn dwroug gentlemen. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> with the endorsement the post says they're expecting a pivot. i want to read part of this to
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you. should he win the nomination, we expect trump to pifbt, not just on the issues, but in his manner. the peeft-pivot trump needs to be more presidential, better informed on policy, more self-disciplined and less thin-skinned. let me ask you, errol, when you read that, what is the like likelihood that donald trump is going to suddenly transform himself when his address changes from novgs to pennsylvania avenue? >> yeah. i have a hard time believing they're serious about this. donald trump is going to turn 70 years old this year. he's had great success not just in the political world but the business world with the way he acts. there's not a whole lot of presidential bafb or being well informed with just saying acting on your gut. i'm not sure why he's supposed
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to turn and walk away from all the things that bring him a lot of success. i think the more interesting thing is how can you go this far with these qualities and these traits that the "new york post" says they're a little bit worried about. >> but isn't that what everybody has been asking, is how is trump able to say what he says, ben ferguson, without seeming to lose the support, particularly of these loyal, loyal fans and votes? >> i mean, look. donald trump has the best supporters that you can get. there's nothing that he can say or do that turned them away from him. literally when he said he could walk out in a street and shoot a man in new york and none of his supporters would leave him, he's probably telling the truth. it may be the most truthful part of the campaign cycle. we know how this story ends. he said in miami and his campaign said in miami when we were having that debate in miami that he was going to be more
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presidential starting at that point. it lasted about 35 minutes and then he went back to being the normal donald trump that he is. he insults, he antagonizes, he puts people down, and he's a bully. and i don't see him pifbting from this. he's been doing this for as long asia've known he's existed. the idea that he's going flip a switch and become presidential. incredibly naive. this is who he is and he's going to stay this way. he'll probably get worse when he's president because you can get away with whatever you want to. >> well, that's debatable. >> my point is this. if he's the president of the united states of america, no one can interrupt you at that point. no one can really trash talk back at you, at least in this country. he'll do this on a bigger stage with a bigger microphone and he'll do it to other world leaders. >> if he makes it there and that's part of the conversation as well as he ease continues to
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lash out particularly at the gop establishment here. he says he feels soer for bernie sanders. let's listen here together. >> he wins, he wins, he wins. he keeps winning, he keeps winning, week after week bernie is winning. and then i listen to the pundits, and tonight bernie sanders won again for the seventh or eighth or ninth time in a row. okay. you know what? that's okay. i feel soer for him in a way. he wins and then you listen to the pundits, but he can't win. you know why? because it's a rigged system, folks. >> what do you make of him using bnsz bernie sanders to make his point about what he calls the rigged system? >> the word "rigged" is the real problem here. the rule are the rules. bernie sanders is in a parallel
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situation that the need to get delegates appears to be out of reach or there are scenarios where it will be out of reach no matter how many states you win. just as donald trump has won lots and lots of states and a fair amount of delegates, that final prize may be out of his reach as well. i think it's terribly misleading and quite irresponsibility going back to your earlier point to sort of look at the rules as they have existed for decades, to look at the rules he knew going into this contest and then say it's rigged. and to use his platform and tell millions of people that something untoward or possibly illegal is going on when nothing could be further from the truth. if he doesn't have enough delegates, he doesn't have to become the nominee. it's that simple. >> ben, do you agree with this? they're watching and going does my vote matters? if i go to the polls, what does it matter.
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the delegates are going to come in and do what they want to do. >> what it shows is donald trump is a weak candidate. he said that mitt romney was a loser. he said john mccain was a loser. those words were able to wrap up a nomination long before this date on the calendar. if they're loser and they were able to secure a nomination with the same exact rules donald trump is saying to deal with, what does that say about donald trump? the problem is he's afraid people are going to call him a loser and he's not going win the nomination. his campaign on ground has been very disorganized. almost nonexistent in some states. instead of taking accountability for that he's going to say it's rigged. but donald trump has a problem. he has a problem on the ground game. let's also look at one last thing. he said his campaign was working on delegates.
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instead of them going to washington state, they were going to washington, d.c., vice versa. does that mean you have a rigged system? it mean use have no idea. it's really sad he says it's rigged. >> all right. ben ferguson and errol louis, we always appreciate you coming in. thank you. we're going to take you live to tokyo with more of these really heartbreaking images. also, a monster tornado touches down in oklahoma. we have the video from the storm chasers, and we'll have it for you in a moment. oven to help kep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle.
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we're going to take you to japan now. a massive rescue is under way. >> the latest struck early this morning. this is the monster impact, this moment of impact here measured at 7.0. at least the 23rd person now, we've learned, has died as a result of this quake. it comes on the heels of thursday's 6.2 earthquake. nine people were killed in that. >> hundreds have been evacuated. we know the biggest fear is the score of people trapped. south korea and britain have pledged their support. cnn's andrew stephens is in tokyo with the very latest where i understand they actually felt it in tokyo there. but what is their most urgent need? do they feel they have the resources to get to those people
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they fear to be trapped right now? >> yeah. we must remember this is not an uncommon thing in japan. this is an earthquake-prone area and the yap niece authorities are throwing a lot of people at the rescue attempts. they've increased the people to help to 25,000. 5,000 already on the site around cu kumamoto. for the moment the death toll is at 23. it doesn't sound particularly high given the force of this earthquake but it may raise. local media reporting dozens may be trapped under the rubble there. that's what we know at the moment. certainly there's a lot offest going through the search and rescue at this stage. very much a search and rescue mission. i should point out the conditions are deteriorating
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very rapidly. we're talking herb, heavy rain sweeping in and of course with any big earthquake there's big aftershocks. these are big. we'remagnitude 4, magnitude 5. if you go back to thursday's that was a magnitude 6. on top of that two days later you get a tremor which is 15 time more powerful. buildings which were already structurally weaken vd collapsed and we're getting these aftershocks. at the moment it's pretty much search and rescue. 23 dead. dozens more expected in the rubble and the conditions are deteriorating. it is a race against time like any earthquake. it's important to get to the survivors while they're still alive. >> we can see that coming in here, for instance, this bridge
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watched out, you wonder how they can get to those people and get them to safety. andrew stevens. thank you so much. a trio of tornados swept through oklahoma. storm chasers captured this twister. look at this thing winding through texas county. the area's been hit by strong winds and monster hailstorms over the past few days. >> wow. ahead we've got more on our developing story this morning. the fatal tiger attack at palm beach zoo. the questions surrounding what went wrong. we'll try to get answers this morning. >> also more politics. bernie sanders visits the vatican and meets the pope. you're going to hear what he's saying since that meeting now.
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so grateful to have you with us today as we follow this developing story out of greece right now. 6:34 is the time. pope francis on the island of l lezbo this morning. this is some of the newest video we're getting in here. >> we understand, the pope understands some may face deportation. the meeting is not to criticize those. it's to honor those who tried to cross the mediterranean sea.
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>> now, before the pope tuque off, he had a meeting with democratic candidate bernie sanders. sanders said he hoped it would happen. our ben wedeman got a chance to speak with sanders including the issues where he and the pope do not see eye to eye. >> it is no secret that my view on women's rights, on gay rights, on contraception is different than the church's, but i this in this world what we have to do is work with people when we can work with them, and his leadership in terms of the need to create a moral economy, the need to make sure that we transform our energy system so as to prevent climate change from wrecking havoc on this planet has been extraordinary. you work with people in those areas where you can, when you disagree, everybody know as what the disagreements are, and let's work together where we can. >> certainly in the reporting leading up to the conference yesterday, there was an
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indication that there's an element within the vatican that has felt the bern so to speak. >> that may be the case. if so, i'm honored and pleased by that because the truth is i think it's fair to say there have been few members of the senate if any who have been more outspoken on the role the pope is playing not only for economic justice but talking about the need to create a moral economy. what we talk about right now, where some have so much and some is little is certainly immoral, and the climate change. if we don't address the cry circumstance i worry very much about the world we leave our kids and grandchildren. >> what about the others running in this election and lead-up? none of them were invited. hillary clinton, ted cruz,
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donald trump. >> you'll have to ask them and you'll have to ask the vatican. >> now there has been some talk that you abandoned the campaign trail to come over here to rome. how do you respond to that criticism? >> if anyone has followed me in new york, we've been doing rally after rally after rally. we had 27,000 people at washington square park, we're going back to do another rally tonight. with ee going to be doing hard work the next few days. we'll have talked to over 100,000 people in upstate new york, almost every borough in the city of new york. we've been working very hard. but i feel getting this invitation to the vatican, giving my enormous respect for the pope is something i could not refuse. >> he brought up that question, a lot of people are wondering what does this trip mean for the voters in new york. >> is it consequential. let's deal with cnn political
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commentator errol louis. we know particularly that northeastern catholics that live in that area of the country tend to lean more democratic than republican more than other parts of the country. do you think this will be consequential, there will be some result favor tobl the sanders campaign for having made this trip to vatican city during the new york primary campaign? >> you know, we're all scratching our heads here, victor, honestly, because while it may help him, i don't know that it will help him in the traditional way that you outlined. you meet the holy father and the catholics back home might give you a second look or think you're one of them or think you're in line with their values and maybe they're a little more inclined to vote with you. that's really not the way it works. in a lot of ways the pope has come to stand as sort of a progressal figu aive figure.
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we had our mayor, mayor bill de blasio travel. it was sort of like putting a little gold star on somebody who i think was already associated with a lot of those issues. but as far as simply attracting catholics, it just doesn't work that way and it really hasn't for a while now. >> let's check the inverse. we know that hillary clinton is in california while bernie sanders is in rome but he has the ground to make up. "wall street journal" polls show he's 17% behind. will there be impact? >> on wednesday morning they may be kicking themselves and wondering if there were maybe a couple more appearances they could have made. that's if it's a close race. we did our own poll, new york one did about a week ago. at that point all polls are sort of a snap shot. he was down by 12 to 14 points. other polls suggest he is not closing that gap in a way that's
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being picked up by the polls. unless he has a surprise coming, he's got a lot of ground to mang. those rallies that he mentioned, they're really quite extraordinary. he said 20,000 at washington square park. i've heard that the estimates were twice as many in that vicinity. he's generating quite a lot of excitement. he certainly did at the debate. we may get a surprise on tuesday. >> you're with us for a bit more this morning. we're going to turn to hillary clinton in just a moment. thanks so much. he christie? >> ahead on "new day," we have this close encounter between a naval sub and russian jets. we'll look at how close they came to being shot down. later, two years after girls were kidnapped bykidnapped.
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well, russian jets fly within 30 feet of a u.s. destroyer in the baltic sea, and secretary of state john kerry says they could have been shot down. take a listen. >> it is reckless, it is provocative, it is dangeros, it is unprofessional, and under the rules of engagement, that could have been a shoot-down. so people need to understand that this is serious business, and the united states is not going to be intimidated in the high seas and with respect to our freedom of navigation. >> so is russia a threat to the
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u.s. military and should we expect more? so good to have you with us. i wanted to ask you. we hear that it's reckless, that it's provocative. what was the intent first of all? >> you know, there are a lot of things going on. this area is fraught with a lot of problems. i mean you're in the baltics. the russians have an enclave which is 43 miles from where this happened. they have been pouring equipment and personnel into that area. it's becoming more and more militarized. the united states is putting in its own forces that are going to be rotating and going into that area to the baltic countries, et cetera. so you have a lot of firepower, a lot of potential for problems. but i think what they're trying to do is they're really keeping the west off balance or keeping
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nato off balance. in conventional weapons and forces, they don't have as many as let's say the nay tall forces in total, but what they can do is make nato wonder, could they, could they really, could russia actually attack the nato country like some of the baltic nations, could they do something dangerous. that in itself, just that unpredictability and using that can be very effective. they also score poibltss domestically in russia because russians think president putin is socking it to the west, they're actively testing nato, seeing how nato reacts. there are a lot of things going on. actually i saw the russian media using this by quoting the chinese by saying that the united states was humiliate. so there's a lot of messaging and a lot of scoring points
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right now in a very dangerous situation. >> all right. jill dougherty, we certainly appreciate all the background there. thank you so much. >> okay. ahead on "new day," a cnn exclusive. two years after girls were kidnapped by boko haram, new video shows some of them alive. you'll see it here. and you'll see some of the emotional reactions from some of their mothers.
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a firefighter was shot and killed when whent to a home to try to help. another was shot. there was also an innocent bystander who was also shot. a private funeral today for ex-nfler will smith. hundreds of friends and teammates paying their respects. meantime they have demanded the new orleans police department pull out of the murderer investigation. lawyers for cardell hayes says they have concerns about how evidence was handled. singer cyndi lauper is going to perform but is donating her
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money to the lgbt chunt. she says she plans to turn her show into an entire day to build public support to repeal that law. you know, the nba is at the center of the firestorm in north carolina, the so-called bathroom law as well. >> andy scholes has more on what may happen, on what may happen. >> absolutely, guys. whether it gets moved out of charlotte is a heated topic of debate since north carolina passed the law last month. adam silver says there's no plan to move the game yet but the law is very problematic for the league. silver spoke with the league after the board of governors meeting. he said they did not discuss moving the game during the meeting as a threat would not be
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helpful in trying to encourage change. >> the best role is constructive engagement, not setting deadlines, making ultimatums but working with the private sector and the government to effect change in north carolina. >> last month the atlanta city council introduced a resolution to move the game to philips arena right next to us here at cnn center. the game's not until february of 2017. so a lot of time. >> a lot could happen. no doubt. andy, thank you so much. we appreciate it. ahead, we've got more on that tiger attack. the fatal attack at a florida zoo in palm beach county. we're going go back to florida for an update on this still developing story. >> also, the death toll is rising after a devastating quake in japan. the latest images we have coming up for you this morning and all the news in the political arena. stay close. one week.
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♪ zookeeper and officials are trying to figure out what went wrong. >> listen to this. this is how one person described aftershocks after two deadly earthquakes battered japan and right now rescuers are trying to frantically dig people out of the rubble. and major coming up in a few days. new york will prove crucial. donald trump dominating the field in that state but is this a tight state for the democrats, tighter than the latest polls show.
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>> i want to wish you good morning. it i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell. this morning we're starting with what's happening with florida. ahead this hour we're going to nigeria, this grim milestone and still a shred of hope. outrage two years after boca rah han kidnapped 200 schoolgirls. >> i try to put myself in the place of the parents. this video obtained, proof of life-video showing some of the girls may still be alive. we're brought emotional reporting as mothers of these girls see this video for the first time. >> translator: sometimes still if i hear news about them i have bad dreams and wake up crying. >> there are calls to rescue those girls and so are demands for accountability.
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you're going to see much more of this in just a little bit in an exclusive report. we're a few days away from the primary and polls show donald trump is dominating in his home state. >> they more than double his next rival governor john kasich. kasich seems to be shaving away supporters from ted cruz. is the support for trum tlp as strong as it is closer to the city? i read in upstate new york there are some challenges. i mean trump is ahead, but the gap, that kasim in some areas is not as broad as it is to new york city. >> reporter: again, that's right, victor. donald trump, of course, is focused and still complaining on the nominating process itself
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taken to the pages of the ball street journal and campaign trail to vent his frustrations. >> we have a rigged system. the republican system is rigged. they changed the system. they said they didn't change. they changed the system. and they went to a deal where the bosses pick the delegates, and the people never got to vote and the people didn't know in colorado that their vote was being taken away from them. and let me tell you, you have some angry people in colorado right now. >> reporter: now, the republican national committee firing back and saying that this system is not rigged. in fact, the candidates have known about the rules for months now. in fact, this is the same process, they say, that they used to nominate abraham lincoln way back in 1860, so there shouldn't be any surprises here. tez who won the delegates in colorado, he's also weighing in on why he thinks donald trump is complaining so loudly.
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>> it is not surprising when a candidate loses 11 elections in a row, he's unhappy about it, so he complains. and that's fine. >> now, ted cruz predicting a 12th victory today in the contest in why. in fact, he's not going to be here in new york, he's headed out there. and there's no surprise why, guys, donald trump in the latest "wall street journal" poll up here with 54% support. john kasich at 25%. ted cruz lagging at 16%. so he's going to look for happy news in wyoming and donald trump despite complaining so loudly doing very well here. in fact, he might be able to pick up all 95 delegates up for grabs. a winner-take-all situation and a possibility for him on tuesday. and, victor, i just have to say, i have been on the trail and i have been looking for my pocket square. you said you were going sejd me one. i haven't seen it yet. it might have been because
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haven't been back in the office. i'm hoping to get it. it's on its way to you. it's coming from outside the kun terrorism i didn't want to tell viewers that but i'm telling you. >> awesome, man. >> always watching the pocket square. >> you're becoming a fashionista. >> it's not me, it's not me. >> as long as he doesn't try to dress me, i think we're safe. lashing out as a so-called rigged system seems to be the new strategy for donald trump. he laid out his argument as chris just talked about there. but listen to this. said in part, responsible leaders should be shocked in part that party officials can simply cancel elections in
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america if they don't like what the voters may decide. so good to have you both with us. good morning. when we talki about the new strategy and callinging it a rigged system, is anybody really latching onto this? >> you know, this is part and parcel of the larger argument he makes that the system has been working against the american people, so i think it does in that sense with the residents. i notice yesterday the national republican committee was on cnn air and said this system had been in place for a hundred years and a former colorado chairman cited the 1912 republican convention. i went back and took a look at the 1912 republican convention and theodore roosevelt was saying literally that the republican national committee had rigged the system. so, you know, i do think that there might be a bit of a problem here, a pr problem at
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the least. >> let's talk about what reince priebus said, the rnc chairman. he said this on wolf blitzer's show. delegates on the floor choose a nominee after the power by the voters. this is a very normal system we've been using for many years. i'm wondering, ben, is it normal? does it in some regard -- does it ignore the electorate? >> look. states have the right to decide how they want to do their elections. that's what's great about each state being different. that's the reason why a place like iowa is so important because of the way they do things there. it is also different in every state. a great example of this is when donald trump was down in florida. he wasn't complaining about it being a rigged system when all of the delegates went his way. why? because he won that election. you could make the same argument in texas where they decided there instead of a winner take all that they would be proportional. >> are you saying that if he wasn't losing in these states, he wouldn't be making this
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argument? >> yes. and i think that every state is different. you could literally make the argument that people in florida were disenfranchised using trump's logic because he did not win every vote in florida, right? he won the majority and got all of the delegates. he wasn't complaining then. ted cruz could have cried foul and said it's not fair i didn't win all of them in my home state. guess what, he didn't say that. why? everyone knew what the rules were when you got into it. if you didn't like the rules when you got into it, that's your own fault. he's being beaten on the ground and they're voting more against him than for him and that's why he's upset. >> the problem is when the district votes for donald trump and delegates are appointed, what we're seeing in some cases is the delegates actually favor
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someone else. i eat vote for him because they're bound to but on challenges or a second ballot, they're go for someone else because they weren't for donald trump in the first place. they're opposed to it. therein lies the problem. >> i want to get to -- go ahead. >> anybody can run for a delegate. you know that. ronald reagan ran into that on his last time. >> some of these delegated are appoi appointed. >> let me be clear. donald trump is complaining for one reason. it's because he's the weakest republican moderate we've seen. mitt romney was able to capture the nation by this point in the calendar. so was john mccain. he call both of them losers. >> let me get to something else, gentlemen, if i could, please, as we talk about who's standing where. when we look ahead to tuesday and talk about new york, ben ferguson, ted cruz, the
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candidate you're supporting is in third place. what happens to him if he places third in new york? >> it will basically change nothing on the overall map of this election and the reason why is you're supposed to win your home state, to quote donald trump. he said marco rubio had to drop out if he couldn't win big in florida. ted cruz would have to drop out if he couldn't win big in texas. i'm not surprised that donald trump is doing well in place where he has been a liberal his whole life, supporting people like chuck schumer. >> the new york post is endorsing donald trump. they had what almost seemed like a mandate or ultimatum that was attached to it. i want to read you this. the verbiage is a little
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perplexing. not just his issues but his manner. trump needs to be more presidential, more politician, less thin skinned. what do you make of an endorsement and how closely is donald trump going to listen to something like that. >> the endorsements are never perfect. they're further along than when they said trump was an embarrassment and now he's a better candidate. they've come a long way and good for them. to ben's point, a republican nominee like him needs to carry new york. you've got be able to carry the northeastern united states. that's what made ronald reagan the president of the united states. that's what defeated barry goldwater. if you -- >> gentlemen, we can't hear you -- >> this is important. >> ben gorks ahead real quickly. >> if you're saying that the
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republican nominee must win new york to win the presidency, the majority of conservatives would say that is not the conservative values that the rest of the country has, jeffrey. what i'm saying is barry goldwater was a very weak kaechblt you should know that. you worked for ronald reagan. >> you're saying -- >> gentlemen, i'm sorry, we've run out of time. this has been a spirited conversation and we appreciate it. we'll talk more in the next couple of hours. thank you very much. coming up in the next half hour, the democratic side. will bernie sanders's trip to the vatican help or hurt his race or have any effect at all? we'll talk about that. also the crucial primary is on tuesday. the delegate stakes could not be higher. we've just detailed why. it could all come down to new york.
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special live coverage right here on cnn. let's take a moment and go live to greece. pope francis is speaking to a group of syrian refugees. he's speaking to a crowd right now and a little later he'll be laying a wreath in memory of those who died trying to reach europe. we all remember that image of the young boy who was found on the beach that really touched a lot of people and highlighted the trek and the difficulties of escaping syria and trying to find some refuge in europe, the pope now speaking to many of those ref ju gees in just a moment. now back to the story we're following all morning. the zookeeper in florida who was mauled by a tiger. we're going to go live to palm beach we know zoo officials are trying to figure out what happened here. also, the death toll is
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still climbing in japan after two strong earthquakes hit the same region. right now officials are trying to evacuate tens of thousands of people. also, more of this incredible video. this is oklahoma. several storms, severe storms spawned tornados here. we've got this video from storm chasers. you're going to see more in a moment. ♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) the twenty-sixteen subaru outback.
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malayan tiger. >> stacy con wierz was very skilled at handling the tigers. she was labeled the tiger whisperer. is there any indication at this point what prompted the attack and are their cameras in that area where it happened that might be able to shed some light on it? >> reporter: christie and victor, no clear indication yet as to why exactly this happened. you know, big cat experts tell us that it's really difficult to tell when things like this happen exactly kwhie. it's very possible the tiger was responding to some kind of stress. it's also possible it was simply being playful and didn't know its own strength. regardless, what happened to the people here is heartbreaking. tragedy at a palm city zoo.
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38-year-old stacey konwiser was prepared for a scheduled tiger talk, an informational event for zoo visitors, when something went wrong. >> this was a tiger that was very familiar with stacey and she was very familiar with the tiger. >> reporter: the zoo was evacuated. getting to the victim was not easy. the animal was tranquilize and they had to wait for the drugs to take effect before reaching konwiser who later died at a hospital. >> my name is stacey konwiser. officials at the zoo where her husband also works as a trainer said konwiser had lotsf experience handling the tigers and did not do anything unusual as she worked in the closure. >> the love that you have for the animals, you don't get into the business without the love and understanding the dangers that are involved even more.
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>> reporter: officials have not identified which of the four but they say it's a 13-year-old male. the tiger's condition is unknown. the zoo only saying it's been contained. >> that's a powerful animal and if they get ahold of you, there's nothing you can do to let them go. i don't care how strong you are, how big you are. >> reporter: attacks by zoo animals in the u.s. are relatively rare. in 2007 a siberian tiger named tatiana escaped her open air enclosure at the zoo and attacked two people. buy was killed. the tiger shot dead by police after the malling. siegfried and roy were porping and halfway through the show
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mantecore big roy and drug him around by the neck. man tell core was subdued. roy survived. it's very difficult for them to move around especially when they're most active at night, christie. >> boris sanchez, thank you so much. >> still to come on your "new day," we're going to take you to the earthquake where they're frantically working to rescue people. it's the second in just a few days. details on why there are also -- there's also this race to evac yates thousands of victims this morning. and just a heartbreaking moment here as pope francis met with syrian refugees. this is just a short time ago. look at this. a little girl collapsing at his feet sobbing as she clutched his ankles. we'll talk about it. stay close. what if one piece of kale
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video shot of one of the earthquakes between the major 6.2 on thursday and the 7.0 on friday, and we understand there are still aftershocks that are still happening after friday's. >> because of that they're trying to get out of there because of the death toll quake. 23 people now confirmed dead. many more feared trapped under the rubble. >> we've got video to illustrate what people went through. this is surveillance video from inside an office building the moment of that 7.0 earthquake on friday. and listen to the sound of the earthquake in this next clip.
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let's go now to andrew stevens and the urgency and massive evacuations after these aftershocks continue. >> yeah. nearly 100,000 people are being evacuated, victor, from their homes into the relative safety of kumamoto city, which is the main city in the prefecture which has been badly hit. the city itself is seen to be relatively stable, parts of the city are, and that's where they're moving people into schools, into sports complexes, into community centers, places like that. just going back to that video, it does give you a good idea how terrifying it is even though they live with this threat virtually on a daily basis, but
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to have that happen to you, it gives you a taste of what it must be like to be in something like that. that also applies to the rescues as well. think about it. you've got up to 25,000 from the japanese self-defense forces persz knell heading in that region. they're there on a search and rescue mission and also to look after the people who are being evacuated. those are the sort of conditions they have to deal with, these massive afterschocks, 4, 5 magnitude as they search through buildings that are badly damaged, obviously balanced precariously, collapsing at any moment. they're calling that a race against time. it's getting to people as quickly as they can. they're saying they think there
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are still dozens. if you look at the combined earthquake on thursday it's a total of 35 at the moment with dozens more still trapped umds neath. another thing to be aware of, christie, is there were big, big land slides in the hilly areas around those towns where there are villages so there is still some concern that some of those villages could have also been damageed by the landslide. with more rain coming tonight, the landslide or landslide threat is only going to worsen. back to you. >> andrew stevens reporting on friday's earthquake, the death toll up to 26 when you add in thursday's numbers of 35. andrew stevens in tokyo. thank you so much. can you imagine being close enough to film this thing? this was severe weather in the
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texas panhandle as storm chasers captured the twister winding through texas county, oklahoma. three tornados touched down yesterday. they vd been suffered through pounding winds and hailstorms. >> big new york primary a few days away and hillary clinton and bernie sanders seem to be as divided as they possibly have been at this point is. that division hurting the party somehow and what must sanders and clinton do to get on the same page and unite the democratic party. also, pope francis meeting with refugees in greece. we took you to a live picture in greece. but look at this. this young girl collapsed on her knees in front of the pope and sobbed. we'll take you back to this moment. the pope reassuring everyone that the world has not forgotten them. >> that is a powerful moment there. by the way, here is a look at this week's mortgage rates for you.
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prudential. bring your challenges. 33 minutes past the hour and the pope did meet with bernie sanders. it was not scheduled ahead of time. sanders said he hoped it would happen. our ben wedeman spoke with sanders on the issues where he and the pope do not see eye to eye. >> it is no secret that my view on women's rights, gay rights, and contraception is different
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than the church's, but i think in this world what we have to do is work with people when we can work with them and his leadership in terms of the need to create a moral economy, the need to make sure that we transform our energy system so as to prevent climate change on this planet has been extraordinary. you work with those people in areas where you can. when you disagree, everybody knows where the disagreements are, and let's work together where we can. >> certainly in the reporting leading up to the conference yesterday, there was an indication that there was an element within the vatican that has felt the bern so to speak. >> that may be the case. if so, i am honored and pleased by that because the truth is there have been few member os testify senate, if any, who have been more outspoken in support of the role the pope is playing in the fight for not only economic justice, but talking about the need to create a moral
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economy. what we have now where so few have so much and so many have so little in my view is not only immoral but unsustainable and certainly in terms of climate change if we don't boldly address this crisis. i worry very much about the kind of planet we'll be leaving our kids and our grandchildren. >> what do you suppose the others running in this election, new of them were invited. hillary clinton, ted cruz, donald trump. >> you'll have to ask them and you'll have to ask the vatican. >> and now there has been some talk that you sort of abandoned the campaign trail to come over here to rome. how do you respond to that criticism? >> if anyone has been following me in new york state for the last week to talk about abandoning anything, we've been doing rally after rally after rally. we had 27,000 people out at washington square park. we're going back to doing
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another rally. we're going to be working hard for the next few days. we'll have talked to over 100,000 people in upstate new york in almost every borough in the city of new york. we have been working very, very hard but i did feel that getting this invitation from the vatican, given my enormous respect for the pope is something i could not refuse. >> let's bring in cnn political commentator errol louis. you heard that from bernie sanders after he spoke with pope francis. how does he turn that or can he turn that into something beneficial for the primary? >> if there's anybody in new york who didn't understand that bernie sanders cares about climate change, that would pub. through the intense media environment and let them know that. i think that was his aim here. he is a catholic and religious
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spiritual leader but politically speaking he's sort of the gold standard when it comes to progressive values when they're talking worldwide. i know bernie sanders wants to be associated with both of those issues and this is a way to, i guess, make sure this is the last voter he can get. now, a lot of political strategists are saying this is guilding the lily, that he's just kind of re-emphasizing something that's his brand and his alone really compared to hillary clinton. but this was the decision he made and we'll see how it works out on tuesday. >> these one of two headlines sanders is making this weekend, his second, the taxes. releasing the 2014 tax return. let's put up the numbers wchl learn that he and his wife jane sanders earned in 2014 unadjusted 205, $617. compare that to what the clintons made in 2014,
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28,3336,$28,3336,212 $28,3336,212. does that disparity resonate with the disparity of residents in new york? >> i tend to think it won't. there's a real sense that, gee, whiz, clinton made ten times more than bernie sanders. >> more than 100 times. >> see? in fact, this is my point, victor. there are about 125 million households in the united states. the median income is about 250. half the households or most can only dream of making $200,000 that bernie sanders makes. the $28 million is almost unimaginable. >> you're saying at some point you're just saying numbers. after you get to $20 million, it doesn't matter? >> i would think after you get pretty far above $100,000, most
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say, look, they're all rich. what's the problem. either you're got a private jet or flying first class. no big difference to me. what are you going to do for me. that's what they're focusing their opinions on. >> we'll continue the conversation throughout the morning. they you very much. new video of girls after they were abducted two years ago may indeed be alive today. these videos shared in an exclusive interview by cnn with the mothers of these girls. that's coming up. show me movies with romance.
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well, boko haram, not isis, is now the world's deadliest terror group. this is according to the global terrorism index. the terrorist group is response for more than 6,600 deaths and 450 attacks in 2014. >> they saw an increase in terrorism, up 300% over 2013. now here, people are taking to the streets to mark two years since over 200 girls were killed by boko haram. >> their abduction sparked an international call for their return inspiring the hash tag #bringbackourgirls. >> there is now this new video released by the terrorist group and provided to the nigerian government and it shows that some of those girls are alive.
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those images were shared with the mothers of the missing in this exclusive interview. >> reporter: lined up against a yellow wall, 15 girls, only their faces showing. an off-camera voice asks each girl what's your name. is that the name your parents recognize? where were you taken from, the voice asks. chibok school and the date they say is the 25th of december, 2015. this video was obtained by cnn with a person close to negotiations to get the girls released. for the parents it's finally a glim ore f hope these girls are still alive. two years ago we met mary and ala after a trip after the
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abduction. we asked them if they recognize any of the girls in the video. >> they leaned closer. another girl is identified. one by one they name all 15 girls. the other realizes her daughter isn't there. the off-camera voice asking the questions is familiar to cnn as that of a boko haram spokesperson. they said the video was provided by the terror group as an ask for show of good faith. nigeria's information minister told cnn they have received the video but are still reviewing it. >> if you study the video, you find out the questions are asked in a very controlled
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environment. we're bait concerned, too, that after two years in captivity, the girls in the video were under no stress whatsoever, there's been little transformation. >> is your government negotiating with boko haram for the release of these girls? >> there are ongoing talks. we cannot ignore leads. but, of course, many of these investigations are, you know -- cannot be disclosed openly because it could also endanger, you know, the negotiations. >> we took the video to a classmate of the chibok girls. we're not showing her face and
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not using her name. she told us there's no doubt these are some of her kidnapped classmates. >> translator: these two were prefecs. watching the video, we used to play with each other, do chorus. >> she said seeing her friends again will give her nightmares. >> translator: sometimes if i hear news about them, i have bad dreams and wake up crying. >> reporter: the video ends with a girl addressing the nigerian government. we are all well, she says pointedly, perhaps suggesting girls not the video. she reads from what sounds like a scripted plea. for these girls rapidly becoming women far from home the video is overwhelming. they say they just want someone to bring their daughters home.
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>> it's unfathomable when you think about it. >> when you watch that mother weep because she does not see her daughter. i mean even that message, it ends where the girl says we are all well. not having that proof of well being, heartbreaking. thank you, nema for that report. >> i want to show you another image that's heartbreaking. pope francis meeting with syrian refugees. look at this little girl weeping at his feet. >> yeah. and the pope there at this camp in lesbos telling the syrian refugees that you have not been forgotten. we'll take you to this moment and tell you more about how it happened. those who define sophistication stand out.
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little girl within the last couple hours. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: it's such an emotional impact inside maria camp just behind me. that is a refugee and detention center and it's just supported to hold 2,000 people but there are many more and as you saw, that one little girl completely overwhelmed when pope francis came, collapsing at his feet in tears and she wasn't the only one. an adult man broke out into tears asking to be blessed and another woman kissing the pope's hand and slipping him a message. in fact, so many people wanted to talk to him and tell him what was happening in the camp, what wasn't europe accepting them? and he in turn gave a message saying he wanted to be there. take a listen.
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[speaking foreign language]. >> translator: i wanted to be with you today and tell you that you're not alone. in the past months and weeks you have suffered a great deal searching for a better life. many of you have been forced to flee from conflict and persecution above all to say you're small children. you have dawned a lot of sack fashions for your own families. the pain of having left behind everything that was dear to you. something hard to do without knowing what's the future holds.
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>> reporter: this was a concerted effort by the pope to really sit down with refugees. he had lunch with a number of selected refugees talking about the issues they were facing and he did it not alone. also there was the head of the orthodox church. and they made a point to say they wanted to lend all of their voices, this religious unity to speak for the refugees to call attention to their plight and this was really the purpose of the meeting. incredible emotional scenes and even though he was only here for a few hours, it's clear he's had a significant impact, christie. >> atika shubret thank you for bringing us the latest from greece. coming up on five minutes before the top of the hour, a maryland firefighter is shot and killed in the line of duty. his name is john ulmschneider.
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the person he was there to help shot him as he was trying to enter and another firefighter was critically injured and an innocent by stander was shot. the nba for now is staying put in north carolina. the league will keep the game next year, the all-star game in charlotte. this comes after a potential threat to yank the event because of the state's controversial bathroom bill but they said what good would it do to move the game now, they had maybe some constructive rule to play. this law makes it a crime to use the bathroom that does not match one's gender assigned on a birth certificate. the bill discriminates it's said to discriminate against the transgender community. news from both camps. >> it's coming up on the next hour of your "new day" starting after this short break. zulu-6-9er...
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don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to be with you. we got a lot going on. with politics we got the runup to the new york primary on tuesday. there are delegates being chosen in wyoming. bernie sanders met with pope francis and that happened overnight. we'll hear from bernie sanders in just a moment but first, we're starting with a tragic story out of west palm beach, florida. >> yeah, an experienced zoo keeper was mauled to death but a tiger as she prepared for a live tiger show, in fact. >> right now, officials are not sure what went wrong yesterday afternoon when that tiger attack
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but we know there is an investigation underway and the zoo says it will remain closed for the weekend. we've got our boris sanchez outside the zoo. do we know what happened in the moments leading up to the attack? >> we don't right now, victor and christi. that's certainly what investigators are looking closely at to determine why this happened. was the tiger pro fovoked or be playful? we can tell you the zoo is, as you mentioned, closed and investigators are studying to figure out what it was that happened during this preparation the zoo keeper stacy konwiser was about to give. she was in charge of four tigers here at the palm beach zoo, three males and one female. one of the males, a 13-year-old simply attacked her at 2:00
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yesterday. it took some time for them to get to her because the tiger had to be tranquilized. it took time for the drugs to get to the tiger. sadly, she didn't make it. the tiger was tranquilized. the future for him is not clear. the zoo remained tight lipped and says it is with great d sans the palm beach zoo mourns the loss of our lead keeper stacy konwiser. at no time was the public at risk or did the animal escape. she was planning for the exhibit. there was no zoo goers around there. the zoo was immediately shut down. incidents like this spark continroversy and one of the groups speaking out against the way that these animals are kept,
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of course, is pita. they put out a statement saying quote, we hope this incident will save human lives in the future but making zoos everywhere reconsider the confinement of big cats and other wildlife. that's in reference to these night houses where the animals are kept really where this incident happened. it's where they sleep and are given food and very controversial partly because of the way that zoos get the animals to compile with going into these enclosures. big cat experts tell us that these animals are most active at night and so to force them held without food and other tactics are forced them into going into tight closures. >> long-term questions that need to be answered. boris sanchez for us there, thank you. >> let's talk to animal planet's dave about this. i want to know your thoughts upon hearing this news. >> obviously, my heart goes out
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to her. i handled big cats myself. we know this is a risk we take on we do something we're so passionate about. it's really sad. >> when you say you know this is a risk, is there any point when you're with an animal you can sense perhaps the energy as changed and there might be a danger? >> as a handler, that's your job. your job is to read the animal's body posture all the time. tigers aren't mysteries or secretive where they want to communicate with their body and noises and will tell you whether they are comfortable or uncomfortable and it's your job to continue to find ways to make them comfortable and assess safety. >> as we look at the investigation, was she alone in this area with the tiger? are there cameras in this area that might be able to help determine exactly what happened? >> i don't know any of the
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details on that -- >> usually, i guess, are there cameras in an area like this and would someone be left alone with a tiger? >> it would be unlikely. the zoo is an acredited zoo and would have safety procedures and one of the safety procedures is you always have to have a backup, somebody with some of the safety precautions, some of the safety tools you need would be there over her shoulder but in the end, when you're in really tight quarters like the evening quarters for a tiger, it happens really quickly. >> a lot of people might be wondering, too, what is going to happen this to tiger? >> they have to assess how capable they are of this tiger becoming a non-contact tiger, meaning, most zoos that you go to they have outdoor play enclosure and indoor safety and go in and out based on their hunger. they get fed in one area or
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another. in my opinion, it's a more full life to have contact because you can challenge their brain but once a tiger killed somebody, you probably would be unethical to continue to let them be a contact tiger. if you're going to be a zoo exhibit tiger for the rest of your life, and do that safely, we're not learning anything new this tiger killed somebody. they are capable of doing it. so i think if they can't -- if they can't safely have a non-contact tiger they might have to think of another home for that animal or something worse. >> okay. we just wanted to get out there that pita has spoken out about keeping big cats in zoos saying they need to roam wild. i have ten seconds, what is your thought on that, dave? >> it's an unrealistic view. everyone would love the perfect
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world but there are so people like this girl that lost her life are taking care of them. >> thank you for taking the time to talk to us. >> thanks for having me. >> certainly thoughts going to the girl's family and to her family at the zoo. i mean, this is jolting for everyone. >> all right. turning to japan where thousands are fleeing as the death toll continues to rise from a second earthquake that happened this morning. >> at least 26 people are now confirmed dead. that's a new number in the last hour here. many more ocho feared deare fea >> this is surveillance video from inside a building. this is the moment the 7.0 quake struck. the pictures are remarkable but now listen to this earthquake.
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you hear the growing rumble and rattling inside the room. let's go to andrew stevens who we understand some people felt that earthquake that far away and tell us about the evacuat n evacuations happening right now. >> first of all, victor, yes, tokyo is nearly 600 miles away from the island to give you an idea of the strength of the tremors down there. in 1995, there was a big earthquake butle less powerful. there was a big earthquake in a build up area. nearly 650,000 people lost their lives. in 2016 today we got a much bigger earthquake but the death toll is standing around 26. there are dozens, we believe, being told by local authorities
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still under the rubble but not going to have the same catastrophic effect on the lose of human life that we would have seen had it been a much more built up area. having said that, though, victor, the japanese authorities are throwing 25,000 personnel from the japanese defense forces into that quake zone just to try to get people out and also, obviously, the shelter for people who lost homes or in fear of losing homes. a lot of homes are uninhabitable. 100,000 people have been evacuated in shelters around the main population centers in community centers, in sport centers, in school so they are spread out across the area. they have to be fed. they have to be looked after. if you go to a convenience store in the main city, you will not
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find food on the shelves. we've seen pictures. that is why the authorities are sending people down there to deal with this situation. what makes it worse, of course, as with any big event, you get aftershocks. we're hering five magnitudes, four magnitudes and on top of that heavy rain forecast, that has the potential to loosen areas which are already prone to landslides. we've been hearing reports of landslides. it's still a critical situation down there at the moment. >> we've seen the stunning pictures of the landslides with roads washed out and a car teetering on a cliff created by that washed out road and mudslides there. unbelievable pictures coming out of japan. andrew stevens in tokyo, thank you so much. >> want to tell you this morning about pope francis in greece on the island of lesbos.
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you're speechless when you see this little girl weeping and wonder what is she saying to him? is she pleading to him for? earlier, we should point out the pope tweeted refugees are not numbers, people who have faces, names, stories and need to be treated as such and we see him doing that there today in that refugee camp. much more ahead on your "new day." we're just getting started and will turn to politics and the tone of the race between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. you saw it heat up on thursday night here on cnn during that debate. there are new attacks making headlines this morning. we'll have those. the gop, big fight for delegates, trump launching fresh attacks against the republican party. we'll get reaction for you. also, this disturbing story out of maryland, a firefighter
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responding to a home to help a person, that person then turns a gun on the firefighter, kills that person. others were shot, as well. was this an ambush. ♪ dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for poweul flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. the #1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow.
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. just three days before the new york primary. the results for the primary and this could be important. bernie sanders and hillary clinton are not in the states returning from the vatican later today after attending that conference on the economy and meeting with the pope overnight. clinton is in california attending several fundraisers. both have not been playing nice anymore attacking on taxes, speeches, much more. let's bring in now the mayor of miami beach and hillary clinton supporter and political strategist and author of the essential bernie sanders and vision for america, obviously
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bernie sanders supporter. good to have both of you this morning. >> good morning, victor. >> i want to start with the big headline and start with you on this, phillip. bernie sanders in 2014, he and his wife jane pulled in about $206,000. you see the numbers, the break down there. compare that to hillary clinton and former president clinton's income in 2014. $28,336,212. does that compromise her message of fighting for the middle class for those who need that help, this disparity of 100-1 as it relates to income? >> i think first of all, the fact that secretary clinton and president clinton were so transparent at releasing tax records is the right thing to do. listen, secretary clinton's husband was the most popular two-term president of the united states of america and all forms presidents go on speaking tours and do very, very well. what's most important, you can't
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get the tax returns from previous years from senator sanders. i think during the debate what he said is his wife is very busy, he couldn't get to it. i would like to tell senator sanders, a financial wizard there is an organization out there called h and r block and they will actually get your previous tax returns, help you do that, bring it to what's called a copy machine, make copies for you -- >> all right. we get the point. >> -- and bring it out to everybody. >> let me get to jonathan. if there is no big, bold headline, why did he wait so long after months and months of calls to release them? >> the mayor, of course, did not answer your question, victor. he read from the talking points the clinton campaign. the clinton campaign throughout this campaign tried to avoid the real issues. they want to throw out things that are really irrelevant and don't want to talk about hillary clinton's vote for the iraq war and the fact she's received $225,000 from goldman sachs that she's a wash in corporate money,
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that she receives money prom oil and gas interests contrary to the idea of combatting climate change. the truth is to your point about their wealth, they are part not just of the 1% but one-tenth of 1% and your lead into this piece, basically exemplified the entire debate. bernie sanders goes to the vatican to talk about the crisis facing all people. the crisis that partly the clintons brought on by bad trade agreements in this country. - on the other hand, hillary clinton travels out west to california to hob knob with the 1%, the -- >> let me jump in here because you started your answer by saying mayor lavine didn't answer my question, you didn't either. why did it take so long to release the tax returns -- >> jonathan, you're a biographer, you should know the answers.
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>> not biographer, collection of his wonderful speeches over the last 30 years -- [ laughter ] >> which shows this is a man of principle that hasn't changed positions based on polls at all. to your point, nobody doubted bernie sanders was a man of modest means. i had to ask for an extension of my taxes because i've been traveling, following bernie. est a presidential candidate. they simply didn't have time. want to hold him awe continuable for that? fine. >> it's a great -- >> i have to wrap this up early. i understand we have a bit of breaking news. thank you both, we'll continue the conversation. >> thank you. >> thanks, victor. yeah, we are getting some breaking news, victor. the pope, as we understand, as we have seen him in the refugee camp in greece today just got on his plane with 14 refugees that he is taking back to rome with him. we'll have more for you in just a moment.
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again, the pope just was with refugees this morning. we saw video of that child who collapsed at his feet in tears. obviously, he walked through this refugee camp. people are pleading with him. 14 people now next to the po pope's side on the plane and head k baed back to rome with h. we're back in a minute with more. man: dear mr. danoff, my wife and i are now participating in your mutual fund. we invested in your fund
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is the pope will take 12 people, 12 refugees with him back to from the director and i'll read it to you, the pope desired to make a gesture of welcome regarding refugees accompanying on his plane to rome three families from syria. 12 people in all including six children. these are people in camps in lesbos between the agreement between the european union and turkey. all the members of the three families are muslims, two come from damascus, one from another area, as well. their homes have been bombed. the vatican will be maintaining three families. we also know this isn't the first family invited into the vatican, the vatican parish first adopted taking refugees in september of 2015 but the pope after tweeting out that
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refugees are people has not just adopted, i guess, 12 additional people, three families. live pictures hear of the papal plane about to take off with this unexpected decision, at least on our part, maybe this is something planned on their part to take these three families back to the vatican. >> that's what i'm wondering. i'm wondering if there were conversations prior to the pope getting to the refugee camp with some of the leaders. he had had meetings this morning with some of the leaders there in greece talking about people who he might want to take back. are these three families identified earlier? is this something that happened randomly? >> it is a stunning decision, either way. >> it is. can you imagine one minute sitting in a refugee camp and have no idea what's going to happen to your feature and the next minute, you're on a plane with the pope going to rome. i want to show you pictures from awhile ago when the pope is
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walking through that refugee camp. atika shubert is here talking about how people were falling at his feet, crying, reaching out to touch him. anybody looking for hope. it's not just a refugee camp but detention camp. what is stunning about this turn of events, if you put yourself in their shoes, here your home has been bombed. you're trying to get to europe. you're stopped in greece and at this refugee camp with people you don't know wondering where perhaps your next meal will come from, what is the future of your children as we saw really if we can pull it up, the picture if you're just joining us of this little girl who fell at his feet sobbing. of course, we could not understand what she was saying. i wish we could. here are her cries.
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>> here it is. >> you wonder if an image like this, if cries moved the pope to say come home with me. we do not know this little girl is one of the six on the plane but we are waiting to hear. >> you look on the right side of your screen. these are live pictures of the papal plane as it prepares to take off after this visit to greece. the pope laying a wreath there in the waters to memorialize and honor those who lost their lives in transit leaving syria, looking for refuge in other countries across europe and i want to read for you the tweet from pope francis this morning. really encapsulates his sentiment as he traveled here to meet with the refugees. he tweets that refugees are not numbers. they are people who have faces, names, stories and need to be treated as such. you see that on the left side of your screen, apologies for the size but we want to keep the
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picture on the right side showing what will be another change for the 12 people on that plane. they went from being families living in syria, living normal lives to now being refugees seeking safety and comfort and now going to vatican city with the pope. >> we know they will be, as victor said, that the vatican is taking responsibility not just for bringing families in but maintaining the three families. we don't know how long they have been there or what their trek was like to get to that refugee camp but we've seen the pictures. again, here is the plane as it's getting ready to take off and i look at that, victor, and cannot help but wonder what is going through the minds of these people? we know six children, 12 people in all. are the parents sitting on that plane with their children finally for the first time in months feeling like i may have a
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chance? there is a hope here. they may be feeling hope for the first time, which is something the pope was determined to make known when he was there. he wanted these people to understand that they, as victor said, were not forgotten, that there is hope, that there are people thinking about them, that there is a place for them in the world even if they cannot feel that place right now. these people, as you said, they are going to another new environment. they are going to rome. they don't know what's ahead of them but certainly very possibly for the first time in months they are feeling safety. >> again, this is not the first family adopted by the vatican parish. we know there was a family adopted in 2015. discussions of adopting additional families and we, again, doesn't know the i identities of the people. we know there were three families, six children. two of the families from damascus. the plane soon to take off here but the pope has made calls to
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governments across the world, national governments, even small municipal governments to take in and welcome the families here across the united states, the plan to bring in thousands of refugees from syria has been a hot potato literally. >> very controversial. >> separated along political lines. >> yes, because there is questions about the intent. >> and the ability to vet the families. >> the pope sitting aside saying these are people with families. the plane set to take off in a few minutes on the left side of your screen. you're seeing the pope greeting many of the syrian refugees here at this camp in lesbos and there were many, as we were told by atika shubert emotional moments.
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not just the young girl collapsing but a man that wept there after the pope and a woman who slipped a note into his hands. we don't know if any of these individual syrians who spoke with the pope, individual an in this case were on the plane but we'll learn about how it was organized, if it was something planned with the organizers of this camp, with the greek government or this was something that was sporadic. the pope was moved in the moment to say i cannot leave you here. come with me. we'll take a quick break and tell you more as we try to learn more about the pope's decision to bring 12 syrian refugees from this camp on the papal plane and take them back to vatican city. keep it here on cnn.
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we're still following the breaking news that's happening in lesbos greece as the pope's plane takes off. he has taken 12 syrian refugees from that camp back to vatican city with him. we know that there are 12 people in total from three families including six children. we have reporters across the globe getting more details on the decision to take refugees back to the vatican and who they are. we'll get to that as soon as we can. meanwhile, we have to delve into the politicitical arena. they need to pick up every delegate in the race.
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ted cruz, however, picking up delegates, such as the 34 he took in colorado and because of that, this system is rigged he said. let's talk about this process. scotty hues and cruz supporter steve with us. thank you both. scotty want to start with you. trump prides himself on being a deal maker so to speak. is there any indication that cruz might be out dealing him this time around? >> absolutely -- >> i'm sorry, scotty, go ahead. >> no, because mr. trump is still winning. he's still win income delegates and popular vote and state numbers. there is not any category mr. trump is not winning. the cruz campaign did a fabulous job of being politicians. we know that. senator cruz started back in january of 2015, building his delegate team. congratulations. but what this campaign is
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exposing is that the politicals have written the rules so they keep themselves in office and not let a chance of an outsider or fresh blood ever getting into the system. senator cruz just confirmed that he is a politician by winning in cases where politics win. >> listen, we have -- >> donald trump -- >> we have a statement -- i'm sorry, go ahead steve, go ahead. >> donald trump is losing, losing, losing for the last two weeks. a massive loss in utah. he lost colorado because we out worked him and defeated him there. he lost north dakota and that huge loss in wisconsin. now we're going into new york. you know, i have to apologize geeapologize, scottie. i heard him say we'll win, win, win. i didn't realize he was saying he'll whine, whine, whine until america is tired of whining. he refuses to and -- >> bernie sanders with a lot of
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pressure released tax release of 2014. why will donald trump not do the same? >> why does he have to? he doesn't legally have to. he's disclosed evening he legally has to to bound by law -- >> he ethically has to -- >> but scottie, let me ask you. when everybody else has done so, is it then not a target on the wall to him being one of the only ones that has not? >> but i think it also shows that he has to submit to everybody else's depends and that's not how mr. trump does this. he doesn't have to submit to politicians saying you have to do how we do it. he doesn't play those games. that's the reason people don't trust politicians today -- >> that's bogus. >> we only have a couple seconds left and i'm sorry because i know it's been short but steve, i want to give you a chance looking at the numbers. your candidate cruz is in third place in new york as we look ahead. what happens if he comes in third? does that change the game.
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>> everybody expects donald trump to sweep new york, win new york, take all 95 delegates. if he doesn't take all 95 and gets under 50%, time for donald trump to get out of the race because he keeps losing -- [ laughter ] >> donald trump -- >> that's laughable. >> he did not release tax returns because he doesn't want the voters to see how much he gave to michael bloomberg's gun -- >> i appreciate your voices and i know it's short. we had a lot of news happening this morning. thank you both for taking the time to be with us. >> ahead on "new day" more on the video released by boca haram of the nigerian girls. it's been more than two years since they were abducted. proof they are alive and an activists trying to bring those girls home. ♪ ♪ ♪
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coming up on 17 minutes before the top of the hour now and it's been two years, two years since more than 200 nigerian school girls were kidnapped by the terror group boca haram. >> you cannot imagine what their families go through knowing and believing them to still be alive this is a disappearance that ignited this global bring back our girls hashtag aimed at finding young women. we need to point out this is some of the video that just surfaced recently that is a proof of life video showing a government's belief these girls are indeed still alive or the ones we see here in the video that we know 57 girls did escape, these still missing, however, cnn exclusively shown this video.
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it was released by boca haram and we do want to talk now to iv ivonne. i want to thank you so much for being with us. thank you for your efforts, certainly. help us understand why you believe the nigerian government has not been able to find these girls. >> well, i think what we've had was initially the lack of political with and lack of prioritization so we lost a lot of valuable time at the outset. the first 48 hours is significant after a kidnapping. we lost a lot of value time right at the outset and for administration that came on a year later, it's obviously
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created a lot of problems because we know that the girls are probably broken off into different smaller groups now and so i think the fact they have actually probably spread out across various parts of nigeria into neighboring countries creates a complication makes it much more difficult. >> you talked about 57 girls that escaped. what do we know about the life they are living? >> well, we know some of them are actually here in the united states studying, and really trying to put the pieces of their lives back together. there is an additional group in nigeria and studying at the university college there in nigeria, as well. i mean, these girls are courageous, focused on making sure their lives accomplish exactly what it is they would like to see happen for themselves and so they are doing very, very well in school and just trying to pick up the
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pieces of their lives. they are also significantly, not just survivors of the boca haram insurgency but advocates and are demanding that their sisters be returned by boca haram. >> we're showing pictures here, ivonne, i believe these are mothers looking at pictures of their daughters, people you talked to. help us understand their stories. >> as a second year anniversary of coming up, i was trying to think of a way to try to awaken the conscience of humanity because a lot of people have moved on from this story but the reality is that for the majority of mothers and fathers and family members living and dealing with this on a daily basis, this is still very much real because we know that 219 of these girls have not been returned. i met -- i was fortunate enough to interview and discuss some of the pain and reality of the
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lives of three of these mothers and those are the pictures you see there. just really asked them questions about what their lives have been like over the last two years without their daughters and all of that essentially was comprised in a photo essay entitled "letters to our daughters, hope endures" and chronicles what these mothers would like to say to their daughters and what their lives have been like -- >> we only have a couple seconds, but what do these mothers want to say to their daughters? >> to hang on and hold on. these are mothers who have incredible faith. unparalleled faith and essentially said hang on, be strong, god will get you out of this. if there is nothing you can do specifically, please pray for them. that's what they wanted me to convey. >> evon, appreciate your efforts and taking time to talk with us and wishing you the very best. thank you. >> thank you very much, thanks.
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assets. that's just playing games with money which means a crash will be coming. here is the thing, donald trump agrees. they don't agree on a lot but this, they said the u.s. is in for a massive recession. that's jason johnson and politics editor and when we look at this, a lot of people look at donald trump and think there may be more credence to what he says opposed to cruz. what credence do you put in the candidate's prediction of the u.s. financial future. >> there is an actual skill set and the time of year we're in. usually, if you are challenging the party, you say hey, everything is going bad, everything is going bad, time for a change. makes sense for republicans to say the economy is getting worse the on a practical level, you trust donald trump more than ted cruz. most polls show repub clican
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voters trust trump more than cruz. if anyone makes a guess, trump would be a better candidate. >> it certainly had people asking questions and fareed zakaria spoke with chairs including the current that said they do not have fears of a recession coming. >> yeah, that's the thing, they are going to make this prediction because they are republicans and that's what you have to do if you want to challenge the party. if somebody knows, trump would know more but that doesn't mean he's correct. i don't think there is an indicator the economy is in bad shape but if we look at the fed and interest rate, they are not vacillating in the way heading for a crash or difficulties. >> not growing at the rate people expected them to grow. >> exactly. >> however, what you're saying is we're not seeing any red flags that were ready for a crash. >> no. we've also seen in our general economy, we've seen the unemployment rates and housing prices go up and housing sales go up. those things tend to be on the
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ground. nobody running for president right now as republican is going to say, the economy is great because that helps obama and hillary. >> let's say it's fear mongering, does it work to a degree? >> it never has in the past. you can say the economy is bad but if people don't feel and it can't contranscribe by it to a particular party, we've gone through eight, ten years of a bad economy. many don't know if they can trust republicans or democrats. >> there is skepticism all the way around. >> exactly. i don't think the fear mongering works. >> bernie sanders agrees with the pope on his plans for the economy. let's listen here. >> so i am just so excited to be here so proud to be here with other like-minded people who are trying to do our best to create a moral economy. >> the idea of a moral economy basically saying even though it's working, it's not working.
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>> right. exactly. >> what do you think about his stance and politically, will it do anything for him? >> this is our probably weekly reminder bernie sanders is a socialist and not necessarily a democrat. he's always been arguing for these issues. it's a good look for him to be an event at the vatican. it's a place to get a bigger meg phone for the system and most americans agree we wish we had a more moral economy but that may not be how capitalism works in the united states. >> lastly, you know, we know donald trump is going to be speaking and talking about this rigged system of delegates. how much potent is in the argument? >> it's strange for him to be complaining. >> i don't think it's a very strong argument. donald trump is not lead with
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more delegates. hit the books. make your team do their job and win the delegate fight. i think this wining he's is unseemingly for a guy by far and away and the likely nominee for the republican party. >> jason johnson always a pleasure. thank you. >> all those candidates are on the move today. bernie sanders will be heading back from rome. we know ted cruz will be speaking to the wyoming gop convention later today as they choose 14 additional delegates to go to the national convention. donald trump speaking in just a few hours in new york and we'll see if he doubles down, triples down. >> ahead on "newsroom at 10:00 a.m., smesh conniche is corconi next. stay close. s today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades,
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♪ ♪ i'm michael smerconish a really big story has just broken. the saudis are threatening billions in u.s. investments in american courts to hold them responsible for 9/11. is the saudi action driven by their concern that the 28 kroous crucial pages from the award may finally be released. the co-chair from that committee is here and donald trump is angry saying the delegate system is rigged to ignore actual voters. does he have a point? plus, behind the scenes in the gop delegate fight, i'm going to talk to sean spicer, ted cruz' delegate wrangler and two members of the rnc rules committee. but first, stunning news today on the front page of the
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