tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN May 3, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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the indiana primaries will get under way in just a matter of hours, and donald trump and hillary clinton are each hoping to knock out their opponents. >> plus leicester city wins its first premier league title, its first title of any kind in 132 years. and later, nasa has discovered three more planets with remarkable similarities to the one we call home.
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hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church, and this is "cnn newsroom." in just a few hours from now, voters in indiana will cast their primary ballots, and the results could be a turning point in the u.s. presidential race. it's all happening in a state in the midwestern u.s. that's known for its farmland and for being a republican stronghold. 57 republican delegates are at stake, and 92 for the democrats. well, the latest cnn/orc national poll isn't encouraging for ted cruz's hopes to stop donald trump. the republican front-runner leads cruz by double-digits with 49% support. trump also generates the most enthusiasm among republican voters. 39% say they would be enthusiastic if he won the nomination compared to technical at 21% and john kasich at 16%.
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indiana's governor, mike pence, says he's backing cruz in the primary, but he will support whoever the republican nominee is. the two campaigned together mond monday. at one stop, some trump supporters confronted cruz. >> donald trump is a new york liberal who will take away your second amendment rights. this man is lying to you, and he's taking advantage of you. and i would encourage you, sir -- look, i appreciate your being out here speaking. if i were donald trump, i wouldn't have come over and talked to you. i wouldn't have shown you that respect. in fact, you know what i would have done? i would have told the folks over there, go over and punch those guys in the face. that's what donald does to protesters. >> trump meanwhile is looking to put an end to the republican race with a decisive victory tuesday. >> i just want to thank you all. if we win indiana, it's over. it's over [ cheers and applause ] >> they're finished. they're gone.
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they're gone. >> although the crowd was appreciative inside a trump rally in south bend, there were protesters outside. hundreds of people held signs denouncing trump or spewing hatred. cruz's running mate, carly fiorina, took a tumble off the stage. it happened while she was introducing cruz at a rally. cruz didn't seem to notice fiorina fall has he shook hands with people. but trump later seized on the moment. >> carly's perfectly nice. by the way, she fell off the stage the other day. did anybody see that? and cruz didn't do anything. i was -- even i would have helped her, okay? she just went down. she went down a long way, right? and she went down right in front of him, and he was talking. he kept talking. he didn't even look like -- that was a weird deal.
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>> and on the democrat side, the race is tightening in indiana. bernie sanders is narrowly trailing hillary clinton in that state's primary but vows he will not back down. >> reporter: barnstorming indiana. bernie sanders is taking a page from donald trump's playbook, blasting the democratic primary process. >> when we talk about a rigged system, it's also important to understand how the democratic convention works. >> reporter: sanders sharply criticizing the influence of super delegates. >> it's the way the system works is you have establishment candidates who win virtually all of the super delegates. it makes it hard for insurgent candidacies like ours to win. >> reporter: sanders faces a steep deficit in total delegates and is trailing clinton by eight points in a new cnn/orc national poll. he's looking to regain some momentum with a win in the hoosier state tuesday.
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>> we're going to fight for every last vote. >> reporter: indiana polls show a tight race with clinton holding a four-point lead in a new "wall street journal"/nbc news/marist survey. >> i'm trying to say, look, i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do so you can hold me accountable. >> reporter: hillary clinton campaigning in kentucky, which holds its primary later this month, talking up her plan to revitalize coal country. >> it's taken a huge hit. >> reporter: clinton's remarks coming on the heels of these comments during a cnn town hall in march. >> i'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean, renewable energy as the key into coal country, because we're going to put a lot of coalminers and coal companies out of business. >> today she said she'll put her husband in charge of the effort to bring -- >> i told my husband he's got to
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come out of retirement and be in charge of this. he's got more ideas a minute than anybody i know. >> reporter: with clinton closing in on the democratic nomination, she's looking more and more toward the general election, and republican front-runner donald trump. >> we cannot let barack obama's legacy fall into donald trump's hands. >> reporter: another sign the democratic momentum has shifted, clinton outfund raised sanders, if just barely for the month of april. the first time this year her campaign has bested sanders in any month. president obama used sanders' favorite fund-raising talking point. >> our average contribution is $27. >> reporter: to inject some lef ith at his speech at the white house correspondents' dinner. >> bernie, you look like a million bucks, or to put it in terms you understand, you look like 37,000 donations of $27 each. >> reporter: and poked fun at
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clinton's struggle to appeal to younger voters. >> hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for facebook. dear america, did you get my poke? is it appearing on your wall? >> reporter: joining me now from washington is democratic strategist joe lestingi. joe, thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> let's start with the indiana primary. what are the chances that sanders can perhaps pull off a surprise win like he did in michigan? >> i think the chances are smaller and shrinking by the day. bernie sanders has put forward a really good campaign here. he's charged the narrative win the democratic party. he did have a surprise in michigan, but all that momentum has seemed to stop in recent days and weeks where hillary has come away with some big wins. as we roll into these final states, the math just isn't there for him unfortunately. i voted for bernie. i thought bernie was a great candidate, but it's just not in the cards this go-around for him. so i think what we're looking at
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in indiana is a closer race than probably hillary would like, but nonetheless, she will emerge victorious at the end. >> i do want to take a look at this. a new cnn/orc poll among democrats shows a 23% -- that's nearly a quarter of the party think that that party is divided and will stay that way. so will the party be able to unite after it has a nominee? is that what it's going to take? >> absolutely. this has been a contentious primary, but it has been nothing like 2008 was. in 2008 at this point in time, i believe hillary was closer to barack in actual delegate count. at that point in time if you recall, there was a big fight about where all these hillary supporters were going to go. she had more votes than barack did and actual vote counts for primaries. she had won more states. in the end we all came together. in this cycle this year, nothing is going to unite the democratic party better than donald trump will. so i think we're looking at some
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mending at the convention. people's voices will be heard. as we roll into november, we'll have a united party going forward. >> i do want to play you some video from outside hillary clinton's event in west virginia. let's just have a quick listen to that. now, if you can't make that out, those are protesters shouting "hillary go home. we want trump." now, we know in the general election, west virginia is typically a more republican state. can we expect to see a lot more of this if clinton is the nominee? >> i think what we're going to see with this -- with these kind of protests, we're going to see these in a lot of states that are very angry and are getting hurt very badly economically. so you're going to see it in some southern states. west virginia, which has been a state that the clintons have campaigned in a lot during their tenure in politics, has gone the other way. things there -- i do a lot of work in that state. things there are not going well.
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coal has been a problem. i think hillary is going to goetz on the fastest jet possible and probably never go back. it's a state that loves donald trump, and getting over that hump in the primary is not necessary. when we get to the general election, she's got a whole bunch of other states to build that math to 270. west virginia just isn't one of the one she needs. >> of course as we've been pretty much leading on to here, it's looking more and more likely that this will be a fight between trump and clinton. and most would agree she will wipe the floor with trump on foreign policy. but what's the strategy for clinton overcoming the mass appeal of trump and how is she planning on winning over bernie sanders' supporters? >> i think you're going to see this happen in two phases. the first phase of the democratic is going to be to reassure them about what we stand for as a paerts, about our inclusiveness, about fighting for equal rights for women, the right to choose and public education, science funding, thing as long those lines that haven't been discussed a lot
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during the primary sector because bernie has dominated those issues. he's been talking about free college, free health care, all of these different things that the left has been very happy about. now as we roll into the general election, hillary is going to talk more about those, make the base happy with those positions, and understand that it's either her choices here on these issues or the opposite, which is donald trump, which is going to be to eliminate all of this. get rid of public education in this country and the department of education. set back progressive taxes. set back health care, undo obamacare, and let's just go back to what he's been saying about women for the past, i don't know, 20 years and say what that means for women's rights. these are things she's going to talk about as we roll into the general election, and it's going to be hard for him to run away from his record. >> joe lestingi, great to talk with you. >> it was great to be here. thank you for having me. from politics to sports, leicester city has pulled off one of the greatest seasons in football history. in just a year, they went from
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worst to first in the english premier league, and the title was theirs once second-place tottenham drew against chelsea on monday. the fans are ecstatic, of course, having waited 132 years for this. and here's what a few of them had to say. >> we had dreams and this was above it. >> to come up all this way, i can't put it into words. >> this is the most beautiful thing about our city. you bring a lot of players from different nations, different parts of the u.k. together. they gel in a way that no one else expected. >> and our christina macfarlane has been following the foxes in leicester, and she joins us now from there. so, christina, you've been with the fans the morning after the night before. what's the mood? >> reporter: that's absolutely right, rosemary. you can probably hear behind me
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the cars are coming alongside the road here outside the stadium and have been tooting behind us all morning because the party is continuing. we were in the thick of it last night and fans were telling us it was the greatest moment of their lives. a lot of them also telling me how much they won last night. some fans winning 8,000 pounds, some fans winning 10,000 pounds. of course the bookies paid out a record 36 million yesterday for the lucky fans who managed to buy one of those bets at the beginning of the season. i just want to draw your attention to some of the papers on the headlines this morning after this incredible sporting triumph. on the guardian here, we have the picture of richard iii. of course reburied here in leicester a year ago on the front page of the sun, blue don it. and on the back page of the daily mail. this is particularly apt, rosemary, because there's been a bit of video that's been going around on social media of jamie
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vardy and all the players celebrating at his house here in leicester on the verdict of that final whistle last night. have a watch. [ screaming ] >> reporter: as you can see, euphoric scenes there, rosemary. i wish we'd been a fly on the wall inside his living room last night. instead, we were out with the thousands of fans who poured out to the city center to celebrate. it's been an incredible 24 hours. >> definitely, yeah. what a celebration. and it just keeps continuing, doesn't it? so christina, how is this win likely to transform the club in terms of future prospects and finances? >> reporter: it's interesting, rosemary. you know, leicester city have only been the sixth club in premier league history to win the title. next season, of course, they're going to be playing champion
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league football in europe. now, with the combined earnings of the winning the premier league, champions league participation and match state revenue, they stand to pick up a windfall of $222 million for their exploits this season. i think the biggest legacy that we have seen in the past 24 hours is that leicester city have brought the romance back to football. that's why they've picked up so many fans, not just leicester fans but fans across the world because they have proved that you don't need money. you don't need to buy the biggest teams to be successful. and that will be their lasting legacy, i'm sure. >> yes. incredible. and we will continue to watch this as the fans get more and more excited. christina macfarlane joining us there following the leicester fans. appreciate that. well, u.s. secretary of state john kerry says there has been some progress in talks to restore a cease-fire in syria. continued violence in the city of aleppo has exacerbated the
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frailty of that truce and put a strain on the peace talks. kerry called last week's attack on a hospital there unconscionable. the u.s. and russia are working to extend the cease-fire to include aleppo. senior international correspondent joins us now from moscow where the u.n. special envoy for syria will meet with russia's foreign minister in the coming hours. what can we expect to come out of that meeting? >> reporter: well, there wasn't much progress announced in concrete terms from the meetings that john kerry had with those arab diplomats and with arab figures and with staffan de mistura in geneva yesterday. but the u.n. special envoy is coming to moscow. he's going to be meeting the russian foreign minister in about three or four hours from now. there's going to be a news conference later on in the afternoon as well. they're going to spell out
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hopefully what progress, if any, has been made. of course, the big issue is what pressure russia is going to be able to bring to bear on the syrian government to end its fighting in and around aleppo. there has been in the past ten days or so a huge upswing in violence in that city despite the fact there's been a cessation of hostilities more or less holding around various other parts of the country since it was implemented several weeks ago. the question, though, is whether russia is able to put pressure on the syrian government at this point and whether it is willing to as well. so hopefully some of those questions are going to be answered later on this afternoon at that press conference with staffan de mistura and the russian foreign minister here in moscow. >> when we look at this situation, what does russia realistically want to see happen here? >> reporter: i mean russia's objectives from the beginning have been pretty clear. it wants to support its main ally in the arab world, prevent
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the syrian government from falling. it sees the regime of assad as protecting russia's interests in syria first and foremost. it's got military bases there, it's got economic interests. but also it sees syria as a sort of foothold that it has in the wider middle east and it wants to preserve that and not let regime change take place there. so that's the fundamental problem when it comes to the diplomacy, the peace talks between the various sides, between the united states and russia and the various syrian factions as well, the various arab countries involved in this conflict. all sides back different horses in the race, if you like. the saudi foreign minister yesterday in geneva, after meetings with john kerry, said that he wanted to make sure that the syrian president, bashar al assad was ousted from power whether by diplomacy or by force. that's something the russians are diametrically opposed to as i've mentions. that's the basic fault line.
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what will be the future of bashar al assad and that has not been decided as yet. >> 10:18 in the morning there in moscow. thank you for that report. we'll take a very short break here. still to come, a brazilian boxer is fighting against all odds. we will look at his rise from the mean streets of rio for a shot at olympic gold. back in a moment. is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones.
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the olympic torch will soon arrive in brazil, beginning its trek around the country before the 2016 games in rio de janeiro. the torch will start its 95-day journey in the brazilian capital, then pass through more than 300 towns, cities, and villages. about 90% of the country's residents live along the torch's route. well, boxer roberto cass toadio is fighting to be one of the 10,000 athletes competing in the games. he grew up in one of rio's most dangerous neighborhoods and
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never dreamed he may one day represent his country. shasta darling ton has more on rober roberto's journey for olympic gold. >> reporter: he can take a punch or two. after all, the olympic boxing hopeful learned on the mean streets of rio, where he survived the worst. i lost my father when i was 14, going on 15, he says. he was killed by local drug traffickers. but he found an outlet for his rage. a fight for peace. it messed with my head, he says. i wanted revenge, and boxing helped me get through it. that's where he met his future wife, alexandra, also a young boxer at the time. now living in a small apartment in the violent area where they both grew up and raising their own daughter, hillary. i have to study, help at home and go to university, she says.
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boxes got him off the streets and won him a wall full of medals, but he's never far from where he started. we're up here on his roof. we can't go out on the street. that is a neighborhood controlled by drug gangs. they're out. they're armed, and they don't want to see a camera. with his inspirational story, he came the poster boy for luta sports wear. they provide everything from help at school to job training. >> there's a lot of stuff going on around. if you've got problems at home and so on. if you get through, like a good fighter, you don't give in and don't quit, whether that means winning a competition or staying in school and getting a diploma, we're all inspired by that. >> he hopes to be one of the lucky few, competing for a spot at the 2016 olympics at a recent
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qualifier right here in rio de janeiro, cheered on by family and friends. he didn't win this match, but like a good fighter, never giving up, ready for the next. shasta darlington, cnn, re joe de janeiro. and we turn now to a political argument that escalated quickly and violently. take a look. those are turkish lawmakers fighting after a heated debate over changes to their constitution. members of the ruling and opposition parties jumping on tables, throwing punches, and this aired on live tv monday. they're arguing over whether lawmakers should continue to be immune from prosecution. another session also ended in violence last week. still to come here on "cnn newsroom," a skreecond grim act
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a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. it is time to check the main stories we've been following this hour. u.s. voters will cast their ballots in just a few hours in indiana's crucial primaries. democrat bernie sanders and republican ted cruz are hoping to stop their party's front-runners, but a new cnn/orc poll shows most voters believe hillary clinton and donald trump will face each other in the
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general election this november. leicester city has won the english premier league, and the fans are thrilled. after decades of irrelevance, the foxes secured the title when tottenham drew against chelsea. their improbable run to the crown is being called sport's greatest ever underdog story. a jury has ordered johnson and johnson to pay $55 million to a woman who says the company's talcum powder caused her cancer. she and hundreds of other people say johnson and johnson did not adequately warn them about cancer risks. and an amazing rescue in kenya. the red cross says a young girl just 1 1/2 years old has been found alive in the rubble of friday's building collapse in nairobi. rescuers say she was buried for 80 hours, wrapped in a blanket inside a bucket. incredib incredibly, she appeared to have no physical injuries.
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she is being treated for dehide ration in hospital. on a remote pacific island, a terrible act of protest. a 21-year-old somali woman set herself on fire at an australian-run detention center. she is now in critical condition at a hospital in australia. it's the second recent act of self-immolation but a refugee on nauru island. the iranian who burned himself there last week died just two days later. senior international correspondent ivan watson has been following this horrifying story. he joins us now from hong kong. so, ivan, what does this desperate act tell us about conditions there at the detention center? >> reporter: well, the united nations high commission for refugees says that it's time to basically end these controversial australian offshore detention centers. it says that in the wake of these two cases of self-immolation, one of which ended up in the death of the
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23-year-old iranian who set himself on fire, that it is time for all of the some 2,000 residents of these two detention centers to be immediately moved to more humane conditions. they went on to write, quote, there is no doubt that the current policy of offshore processing and prolonged detention is immensely harmful. arrangements in both countries have proved completely untenable. the cases here on the island nation of nauru, you had this 21-year-old somali refugee woman who had just last week been moved from australia to the detention center in nauru, who set herself on fire on monday. she was flown back to australia for emergency medical treatment. last week, you had the 23-year-old iranian who set
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himself on fire. as unhcr officials were visiting the detention center, and though he was somewhat later flown to australia for emergency medical care, he did not survive those horrific injuries. rosemary. >> ivan, the critical thing here is how the australian government is responding to all of this. >> reporter: that's right. and the immigration minister has come out, and while lamenting these terrible cases, he also has started to put the blame for these cases of self-immolation on the activists and the advocates who are very critical of this controversial offshore detention policy. take a listen to an excerpt of his statement. >> it is of grave concern that this person would resort to such an extreme act of self-harm. i've previously expressed my frustration and anger frankly at advocates and others who are in
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contact with those in regional processing centers and who are encouraging some of these people to behave in a certain way, believing that that pressure exerted on the australian government will see a change in our policy in relation to our border protection measures. >> reporter: it's important to note, rosemary, that in addition to the unhcr, the highest court in papua new guinea has also ruled that in offshore detention center on that island is considered unconstitutional and is calling for its closure as well. rosemary. >> ivan watson, many thanks. well, a brussels court is expected to deliver a verdict tuesday on a group of terror suspects. 31 belgian nationals allegedly left brussels to join terror groups in syria between 2012 and 2014. among them, najim no, sir ra which. he is believed to be one of the
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suicide bombers who struck the brussels airport in march. prosecutors may ask that his case be transferred to the ongoing investigation into those attacks. our erin mclaughlin is live in brussels. she joins us now with more on that. so how is this likely to play out? what verdict is expected here? >> reporter: well, we are expecting verdict and sentencing shortly here, rosemary. but it's worth pointing out that belgium has more foreign fighters per capita than any other country in europe, and many say that is due in large part to the kind of alleged recruitment network being prosecuted here in brussels today. now, as you mentioned, some 32 individuals have been indicted. of those 32, ten are alleged recruiters, and 22 are alleged
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foreign fighters according to court documents, many of these men are young, born in the late '80s to the early '90s, many from poor neighborhoods in brussels such as molenbeek. about seven of these individuals are being tried in absentia. there are international arrest warrants out for them, and some believed to be dead, including 25-year-old najim laachraoui. he's believed to be one of the suicide bombers from the brussels airport, that tragic attack that happened on march 22nd. he's believed to be part of this wider network of some 60 individuals that have been indicted, called the zirkani network, who is also being tried, although tried separately due to a prior conviction. rosemary. >> erin mclaughlin, thanks so much for that. we'll know you'll continue to follow the verdict and the sentences there. appreciate it. well, five years after u.s.
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navy s.e.a.l.s killed osama bin laden, some people say it did nothing to make america safer. cnn's peter bergen was given unprecedented access to the white house to talk about the mission. he asked the president what it accomplished. >> reporter: has killing bin laden made us safer? >> yes, but it obviously does not solve the problem of terrorism generally. i think what we can definitively say as a consequence of not only killing bin laden but also going after systematically the leadership infrastructure of al qaeda, that although you can never say they pose no danger to us, their ability to mount large-scale operations was greatly diminished. >> and we have a new look inside the president's inner circle as he ordered the mission and prepared to tell the nation bin
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>> the attack on the american people and our history, the images of 9/11 of seared into our national memory. nearly 3,000 citizens taken from us, leaving a gaping hole in our hearts. on that day, no matter where we came from, what god we prayed to, we quickly learned that 9/11 -- >> extraordinary footage there. we'll take a break here. but still to come, scientists have discovered new planets that could hold the potential for life. more on these earthlike worlds
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astronomers have discovered three new planets once again raising speculation about the potential for life outside our solar system. the planets orbit an ultra-cool dwarf star about 40 light years away. scientists have determined that their sizes and temperatures are similar to those of venus and earth. two of the planets orbit very close to their host dwarf star, meaning they're likely to be uninhabitable because of radiation, and the third outer planet is further away, but it's too soon to tell if it lies in the so-called habitable zone. our pedram jaf hairy is here. this is cool stuff, isn't it? so it's possible but unlikely? >> it's the age-old question, right? everyone wants to know do we have other planets? you speak to a lot of astronomers and scientists and
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they tell you there's got to be life elsewhere besides earth. when you look at logic and you do the number and the math, it really lends itself for life being vibrant everywhere across the universe. we'll break down exactly what these mean and what comes down from all of this because it is fascinating to the question is there life out there? you take a look at the kepler scientists, nasa scientists in particular have estimated that planets that are orbiting another sun besides ours, there's about 50 billion of them. about 1% are estimated to be habitable. that gives you about 500 million exsew planets in our galaxy alone. when you go outside of our galaxy, you look at the universe in particular, scientists are estimating about 100 billion of these planets that are potentially outside of our universe, outside of our galaxy within the universe. you look at the numbers here, that number right there, that's 50 quintillion, that's 18 zeros following that number. that's how many planets
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potentially could be habitable across the universe as a whole. that kind of answers that question. that's why sintists think, yes, more than likely there is life out there and a lot of it, but out there is extremely large. that again puts it in perspective just a little bit. i want to show you what's happening here because speaking of nasa, they released a fascinating study related to weather on monday. it talks about lightning strike density across our planet. fascinating new study about the lightning capital of our world. we know lightning capital in the united states, on the right corner of your street, lakeland, florida. we get about 100 strikes, 100 thunderstorm days every single year. ft. myers comes in with over 90 thunderstorm days every single year. western u.s., portland, oregon, seattle, washington, just a handful, almost a week or so of days per year do they see thunderstorm activity. now, previous to today, studies have suggested that central africa was the lightning capital of the world. the most recent study takes that into northern venezuela. the reason is fascinating because if you go in for a closer look, there are the andes
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mountains. the lake across this region of northern venezuela, the mountains, as the air comes down and sinks right above the very warm waters of this particular lake, you get a prime location, the only location on earth where you have 300 days every single year where thunderstorms abound. remarkable. they've done a study to show this and it is pretty cool to see that there's hot spots around our planet that produce inclement weather, one of which is in a very remote area across northern venezuela 300 days a year with thunderstorms. >> wow, unbelievable. >> tough place to maybe get some sleep there. >> totally. i want you to stay around because i want to get your reaction to this next story. a starbucks customer is suing the coffee chain for $5 million, saying its cold drinks have too much ice. the lawsuit claims starbucks is deceiving its customers by advertising the size of its cold drink cups rather than the amount of liquid customers actually receive.
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a starbucks rep responded to the lawsuit saying customers understand and expect that ice is an essential component of any iced beverage. and it is ridiculous, isn't it. what is wrong with a customer saying, could you please put less ice in my drink? >> you know they would, no problem, right? >> totally. >> i'm just wondering how many million dollar lawsuits i can get from the half empty bags of chips i've eaten my whole life. >> it's going to open up the floodgates and everyone is going to start if the courts decide, yeah, we'll let this through. we'll see. all right. let's take a very quick break here. still to come, u.s. president barack obama has to be one proud papa right now. his elder daughter has made a big decision about her future. we'll explain when we come back. neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones.
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♪ so this next story falls in the category of no small achievement. a long island, new york teenager who got national attention for being accepted to all eight ivy league colleges in the u.s. has decided which one she will attend in september. augusta broke the suspense monday, surrounded by college-bound classmates. she unzipped her hoodie and
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revealed she will go to harvard. >> i came in with an open mind, so i didn't really base my decision off of what others have done. i based my decision off of what i saw myself doing at a college, and i saw myself doing great things at harvard university. >> congratulations. earlier this year, the young high achiever attended the white house science fair where she met harvard law school alum, president barack obama. and president obama and first lady michelle obama both attended harvard law school. now their elder daughter will follow in their footsteps somewhat. malia obama has been accepted to and has decided to attend harvard college. she will begin in the fall of 2017 after taking a year off, a gap year as we call it. and that will make malia obama a member of the class of 2021. so let's talk more about malia obama and the children of presidents with hiss torian fergus bordwic.
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thank you, sir, for talking with us. >> thank you, rosemary. thanks for having me on. >> so, malia obama will eventually head to harvard after enjoying a gap year. how has her time under the glare of the media spotlight compared to kids of other u.s. presidents, and how much privacy can she expect to experience going forward? >> well, in fact, i think the obamas have been very successful at sheltering malia and her sister from the unblinking glare of the media. they made it very clear -- the obamas, that is -- earlier in his presidency that undue intrusion on the family wouldn't be tolerated. on the whole, the media have respected that. >> what is malia likely to do, do you think, in her gap year, which is very -- it's a different thing for americans. in australia and across europe, a gap year is a common thing. i did it myself. but in america, it's not common. so what sort of pressures will
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there be to do something spectacular during the course of that year before she heads off to harvard? >> well, gap years are becoming increasingly common in the united states, and harvard in fact, in its admission letters, encourages students to take a gap year. what will she do during that gap year? it's pretty much anyone's guess, i think. i'm sure she will try to fly as much under the radar as possible, and i'm sure she will try to live a life as much like that of her peers as possible. the obamas have not encouraged their children at all to crave the spotlight, and i don't think malia will either. >> and just very quickly, life at harvard should be pretty cozy for her, shouldn't it, because there's a lot of kids from leaders around the world? but what can she expect to experience there in terms of
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privacy specifically? >> well, ultimately not much. but i think as soon as the obamas leave the presidency, the media's craving to focus on the children will quickly pass. i think that's been true of virtually all other presidential children. probably when she arrives on campus, there will be a battery of tv cameras and print reporters waiting there for her and trailing her to her dormitory room, and if they can, watching her lift all her bags up to whatever floor she's living on. and i'm sure it will be a headache and an embarrassment for a while. but it will pass. bear in mind that there will be another president in the white house by then, and we here in the united states will be preoccupied with that president
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