tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 5, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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paul rye an drops a bomb on donald trump. the house speaker is just not that into trump. not yet anyway. he says he can't support his own party's nominee. trump says he can't support ryan's agenda. who will come out on top in this latest battle in the gop's civil war? can the party be saved. hillary clinton has more than just bernie sanders to contend with. the fbi interviewing her closest aides. soon they'll interview clinton herself, as she battles to seal the deal with the democrats. liston the interview that's turning the gop upside down tonight. jake tapper's exclusive
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interview with paul ryan. >> you have said you will support the republican presidential nominee, now you have a presumptive nominee, donald trump, will you support him? >> well, to be perfectly candid with you, jake, i'm not ready to do that at this point, i'm not there right now, i hope to, though, i want to, but i think what is required is that we unify this party. i think the bulk and the burden on unifying the party will have to come from our presumptive nominee. i don't want to underplay what he accomplished. he needs to be congratulated. he inherited something special, that's very special to a lot of us. this is the party of lincoln, of reagan of jack kemp and we don't always nominate a lincoln and a reagan every four years. we hope our nominee aspires to
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be lincoln and reaganesque. that that person advances the principles of our party. i think what is necessary to make this work, for this to unify is to actually take our principles and advance them, and that's what we want to see. saying we're unified doesn't in and of itself unify us, but taking the principles we all believe in, showing there's a dedication of those, and running a principled campaign that republicans can be proud about. that's what it takes to unify this party 37. >> you're saying you can't support or endorse him right now? >> yeah, i am basically saying that, look, i'm -- i thought about this two days ago, i thought actually, this was going to go to june 7th at the least. probably to a convention, this is all pretty new for us, at this point. i think he needs to do more to unify this party, to bring all
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wings of the republican party together and then to go forward and appeal to all americans in every walk of life, every background a majority of independents and disearning democrats. and so, i think conservatives want to know, does he share our values and our principles on limited government? the proper role of the executive. adherence to the constitution, there are lots of questions that conservatives are going to want answers to, including myself. i want to help unify this party, we have to unify it, i think, for us to be successful, for us to have a campaign that republicans are proud of going-forward that can go and appeal to a vast majority of americans. >> mr. speaker, you're casting this in characteristically optimistic and positive terms. what you're saying is a fairly dramatic announcement that the speaker of the house cannot as of now support his faert's nominee for president.
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is there something specific that he has done or said that has brought you to this moment? >> well, like i said, i hope to support our nominee, i hope to support his candidacy fully, i want too do that, right now, i'm just being candid with you, at this point i'm not there right now, the question is, can our presumptive nominee turn things around, unify and have a different kind of cadence going-forward. it's time to go from tapping into anger to channeling that anger into solutions. it's time to set aside bullying, to set aside be littlement and appeal to higher aspirations, what is good in us, and to lead a country and a party to have a vast majority of americans enthusiastic about choosing a path. that's why i feel so strongly about the chance and the choice and the opportunity we have in front of us. for this to work, our
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presumptive nominee needs to unify the party for the party to be unified. >> do you think it's possible? >> we're not there right now. yeah, i think it's possible, but we're not there right now. it is possible, and we better get on with it, i think we need to be honest with each other about these things, i think we can beat hillary clinton. yes, i think it's possible. it needs to be possible because so much is at stake. >> you don't think the damage has been done -- >> the nominee has a bit of work to do. >> you don't think so much damage has been done that it's almost as if it's a lost cause. >> hearing people like mitt romney, ted cruz the other day, call donald trump a pathological liar on the eve of donald trump winning it all, donald trump was attacking his father and suggesting that rapheal cruz may have played a role in the kennedy assassination. it doesn't seem like there are going to be -- it's going to be possible to build that many bridges.
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you disagree? >> i'm familiar with the points you're making, that is why among other reasons, basically as a conservative, i wab the to see our conservative principles will be champions, will be run on, will be represented and brought to the public and the country in a way that's appealing for us to be successful. we're not there yet, but this man is going to get the nomination, because he earned it, he deserves it. he won the vote. more importantly, those of us need to learn a few lessons here, there's a bit of humility that each of us need. he tapped into something in this country that was powerful. people are sending a message to washington that we need to learn from and listen to. at the tame time, now that we have a presumptive nominee, i think it's important that there's a demonstration that our standards will be beared, he will advance our appreciation for limited government, for the
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constitution, for the proper role of the executive. for the principles that built our party and this country, and how we're going to offer solutions, run a campaign that republicans can be proud of, and americans can be proud of. looking back on the primary campaign, i think there are instances and episodes that question that, that's why i at this point am not ready to jump in, i hope we can get there, and that's my goal. >> well, the political world is reeling tonight over that. here to discuss, mark preston, cnn executive editor. the speaker says he can't get behind donald trump, at least not yet. have you ever seen anything like this? >> no, and i think we have to stop for a moment. this campaign has had a lot of white noise, a lot of rhetoric, there have been really defining moments this is one of those defining moments. him coming out there and saying this about donald trump is interesting. trump's reaction to it is more
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interesting, trump could have used this opportunity to force speaker ryan into his tent. however, he chose to push paul ryan away a little bit. and now we have this civil war that's going to continue. >> lett's take a look at donald trump's reaction. i'm not ready to support speaker ryan's agenda. perhaps in the future we can come to an agreement about what is best for the american people. they have been treated so badly for so long, it's time for politicians to put them first. okay, so it is a power struggle. who wins this power struggle? or can they both win? or do they both lose? >> i think donald trump would have been more successful to come out and say, speaker ryan is absolutely correct, in what he says. we're not going to agree with everything, that speaker ryan. >> you're asking donald trump not to be donald trump. >> there have been a lot of questions about donald trump, can he be presidential. you don't have to agree with me
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on everything, you have to agree on most things, ronald reagan said. you have to serve as a bridge for those who don't think donald trump should be their nominee. >> is this a calculation on the part of the speaker? >> there's no question, his motivations are going to be questioned, he's very young, he was on a ticket already, he was the vice presidential running mate for mitt romney. look, he's the speaker of the house, he's steps away from being the president, right? he's in that line of succession. paul ryan is a disciple of jack kemp. he was known as being the compassionate conservative. >> more inclusive, big tent conservative. >> let's reach out to the poor, minorities, we don't have to have hateful rhetoric. >> about the border wall, stopping immigration from banning muslims from coming into
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the country, that doesn't play with paul ryan? >> it doesn't. >> paul ryan said something along the lines, that's not where we are as a party. that's not to say that paul ryan season the extremely conservative, he is. it's just that he and donald trump are literally 180 degrees apart. >> is paul ryan misreading the party right now? and does donald trump damage the party in the way that paul ryan wants the party to go? >> i think it's still too early right now, i think that -- >> that's two questions. >> right. >> i understand that. >> we are seeing divisions in the republican party now. we're seeing friends become enemies, where they're taking up sides, the anti-trump moment, and then there's the let's fall in line movement. look at mitch mcconnell, he got behind donald trum. . bee grudgingly. at the same time, we see paul ryan the leader of the house republicans, he goes the other
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way. i think there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. >> highs facing the battle of his life in arizona. what does this mean for the gop house and the senate races down the line, does it make it harder for them? >> they're probably going to lose hoigs seats only. if you're looking at the senate, you're looking at states such as ohio, new hampshire, wisconsin. all states right now, pennsylvania, where these candidates could be in trouble if donald trump turns out to be a bad leader at the top of the ticket. >> you kind of know what you're talking about. >> if you just make it up and nobody catches you, it is not a lie. >> thank you, i appreciate it. some conservatives are singing the third party blues, is it too late for another candidate to enter the race, and who would take up that challenge? if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis,
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paul ryan telling cnn that he is not ready to support donald trump as the gop's nominee. here to discuss that is spokesperson for conservatives against trump. and kayleigh mcenernie who is supporting trump. your organization has been calling for a third party nominee for weeks now. >> we haven't exactly been calling for a third party candidate. we said we are pursuing a number
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of different options, we've been studying strategies and a number of different options for many weeks now. and we're not going to at this point reveal our full strategy via the media, but i expect that -- our objective up until now was to stop donald trump from getting the nomination. by the way, he is still the presumptive nominee until he's ratified at the convention. we still have two months, anything could happen from now until then. i assume he will be. our focus has been on that up until now. >> does this help your cause? >> what? >> paul ryan's comments. >> i think that's the first of many that we have heard or we are going to hear throughout the last 48 hours. it's clear the most significant. there's a reason why he's doing that. i think he's hearing great concern from his members.
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that's what we're concerned about, we're concerned about the country first of all, and having someone who doesn't represent our core values, who probably would have run in the democratic party had he known that hillary was going to be in such legal trouble now. he hasn't shared our values and he was a donor to hillary clinton, it doesn't make any sense for him to be the standard bearer of the party of lincoln and reagan. >> paul ryan says that he cannot endorse donald trump now, he says, but he hopes to be able to do so. what about you? is there anything donald trump could do or say to convince you're group he's a candidate for the conservative party? >> i don't know how you change -- you can't change character, you can't change -- you don't know where his ideology is from month to month, year to year or hour to hour. i don't know how you change that. that is who he is.
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there's no question that he got 10 million votes in the primary, but 15 million people voted for some other candidate. that's a significant problem, and he would enter -- >> if you care at all about conservatism. i heard you say you care about the country. i believe you do, if you really and truly care about the country. do you not care about preempting hillary clinton to get into the white house, to continue obama care, to shut down the coal industry in her own words. do you not care about those things? moving this country further and further left? >> of course i care, and anybody who knows me knows i've been in the trenches of the conservative moment for decades now, and i have never waivered in any of my positions, i can tell you anybody in our group, we're united on one very particular thing. we're united that we don't think that donald trump is the person who should be the standard bearer of the party. none of us is going to vote for
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donald trump or hillary clinton. >> why did you take this -- >> hold on a second kayleigh. you don't know who i took a stand against. >> were you standing against john mccain because of his spord for cap and trade. did you have a never mccain movement? if you did, i never heard from you guys. did you have a never romney movement? >> kayleigh, hold on a moment. we haven't met each other yet, i'm happy to meet you. i am somebody who was in politics for many, many years with senator jesse helms, that's as conservative as you get. and then i took a hiatus and i got married and i have been raising five kids. very been a mom and a wife for the last 20 years and i have been in and out of the circles, working in the trenches. i have not been public like you have been for the last several years. >> to her point then, why now debra? what is it about donald trump?
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>> because now i thought -- all of those republican voters who are going to vote or who are voting for donald trump. what do you say to them. >> we know those people, they don't want to vote for hillary clinton just like we don't want to vote for hillary clinton, i think that some of them have been duped. i think some of them have probably not followed donald trump as long as i have. and i think they don't know what they're getting in donald trump. he's entertaining, he had a successful tv show, and i think they like those things. there's so much more that has not been vetted. >> i'm desperately trying to understand how one can rationalize being so never trump having been never romney or never mccain. it's being used as a shield. if you're really conservative, you would have taken a stand against those guys. >> you don't know who i have supported. i voted, i have always voted at
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the end for the republican nominee. you cannot -- >> there's never been a never romney movement, a never mccain movement. >> you cannot compare them to donald trump. >> yes, you can. >> they don't have -- romney, mitt romney, governor romney has nothing in common and trump has nothing in -- >> governor romney gave the blueprint for obama care. >> even on rhetoric and on tone, i know that people think it's not important -- >> just character. >> you can't compare mitt romney and donald trump or john mccain and donald trump. >> none of our -- up until now, we have -- >> hold on. i'll let you get it, go ahead. >> the big difference between those -- >> she's been on for several hours -- >> the voters feel the party failed them. every single exit poll shows a majority of the voters believe the party failed them. >> debra, go ahead. >> donald trump has not been a
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republican, he's been more -- much more in the democrat party, he's the biggest insider in the race. he's been indebted to banks and politicians, making deals with banks and politicians his whole life, and he has his contributions to the clintons and all the way down the line to a bunch of democratic candidates. shows where his heart has been. and he's done, he himself says anything to make a deal. you have not seen that in the other candidates, he is someone who has disparaged just about every group, and you kayleigh as a woman, you would be more concerned about that, we can't win this election. 50i78 not going to win the election as a republican at all costs. who are we supporting? it's not just the republicans need to win, the country needs to win. >> that has been. >> this is somebody who has denigrated just about every ethnic group out there from latinos to muslims to women, to
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handicapped to -- >> no, you're -- that's the media narrative that you are saying, people don't believe it. >> romney never did that, neither did mccain. >> it's not just the media narrative. these are words that have come out of donald trump's mouth. >> the media has been with him. >> stu stevens came on and called donald trump a bigot. you have people -- >> kayleigh. >> the voters see through this facade of donald trump, they said, we like this guy, we support him, we're not going to buy this characterization, we're not going to buy what you're trying to make him into, we see through it many i'm so proud of voters for seeing through it. >> you've had a couple hours on tv tonight, let me get a vote in edgewise. donald trump has been in large measure a creation of the media. nobody believes you when you say the media criticizes him all day. that's not true.
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he's had unbelievable support from talk radio from the very beginning and from certain news channels who have pumped donald trump all day long, and that's one of the reasons that conservatives have been duped, these are some of the shows they listen to. some of the shows i used to listen to, they have been singing his praises and playing his rallies nonstop from the very first day of his campaign. something we've never seen in campaigns before. >> that's going to have to be the last word, i have to get to the commercial break. thank you debra, thank you kayleigh, appreciate it. new investigations into hillary clinton's private e-mail server used when she was secretary of state. we've seen a thing or two. or te ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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>> we know the fbi has reached into the innermost -- of hillary clinton's inner circle. they've now interviewed some of her aides, we're told, some of her closest aides have made a trip to the fbi office just a few blocks from where i'm sitting to do these interviewed, that includes huma abba dean. still left to be done is an interview with the secretary of state herself. we expect that will take place in the next couple weeks what all this means, it indicates the fbi is close to wrapping up its probe, which is a big moment. we are told that at this point. you know, they hope to finish this up in the next few weeks, certainly in time for the democratic convention. >> are charges expected to be filed? >> not at this point, don. we're told that investigators have not found evidence to support the idea that she
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knowingly or willfully violated a federal law. that's not to say that they think what she did was fine. they clearly believe this server, this private server she set up, was not an appropriate way to handle sincetive and classified information. the problem the fbi faces, they have to face a threshold to bring charges to show had he willfully violated the law. >> has she redeceased a statement? >> she did. >> her campaign issued a statement. from the start, hillary clinton has offered to answer any question questions. we are confident the review will conclude that nothing inappropriate took place. the final decision on whether to bring charges in this case rests with loretta lynch, the attorney
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general. >> two months away, clinton is focusing on trump on one side, sanders on the other side. now this fbi interview in the coming weeks, what can she do to keep the attention away from her e-mails? can she do anything? >> i think she has to do what she's always done. if she were new to a scandal coming after her, or evolving over time, she would be in real big trouble. let's be honest. the ben gasdy special committee. they were in there, looking for something, they started with the e-mails, the e-mails were about benghazi, then it became something with the clinton foundation, they've been on a search to nowhere for quite some time. you heard congressman cummings talking about this ad nauseam. you've heard republicans say the special committee was designed to derail her presidential candida candidacy. here they are now, they haven't been able to find much through
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the special committee. we'll see what the interviews turn up, we don't think it at all, she's thinking like someone who has something to hide. hillary clinton set up this private server because of what she experienced while she was in the white house as first lady, because of what she knew happening throughout the federal government. we still see hacks from the white house on down. when i was a capitol hill staffer, i got the notice from omb, some of your information may have been hacked into. look for i.d. protection. these are types of things that happen. >> i think angela basically -- you believe it's a witch hunt, right? >> absolutely, i think it started with the benghazi special committee, 100%. >> even if the investigation is closed, is it too little too late? >> i want to say, this is an interesting standard. the standard that hillary clinton had to knowingly be violating classification law for this to be a problem.
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at least a legal problem. in ignorance of the law. >> you can't believe ignorance of the law is what you're saying. >> she's secretary of state, i don't care if she knowingly or unknowingly put classified information in jeopardy of being hacked. i think it's a real problem, it's a judgment issue, i think it's serious, i think republicans would be smart. let this play out. let the media look into this, legally i think the best thing the republicans could do is step aside. you don't want it to be a witch hunt. when has it ever worked for republicans to get the clintons on a scandal, politically. >> do we know if she mutt classified information at risk or is that what they're trying to figure out right now? >> that's one of the things they're trying to figure out. now we know, that there are thousands of e-mails on this private server. >> retroactively. >> that should never have been on there.
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here's the thing, i mean, classified information is classified, it doesn't matter if it was labelled or wasn't labelled, it's just classified. the clfrn defense has been, when this was sent or received, it wasn't labelled as such. this is not the way to handle classified or sensitive information. is this is a political problem. what i think republicans are hoping, is that this was also a legal problem, what we're addressing, it may not be a legal problem. it probably will still be a political problem. >> the political problem that trump will capitalize on. >> here's the issue, i worked on the homeland security committee, i'm well aware of not only classified but sensitive, unclassified, there are all of these varying levels and they're confusing. not only are they confusing on the homeland security committee. they vary from government agency to government agency. if she received material, that was not classified at the time, but later classified, that
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creates a whole other standard and issue. it's very challenging waters to navigate. folks have said over time, we have to deal with classification throughout the federal government period. >> doesn't that bolster the other side's argument that there never should have been this server anyway? >> that's to say -- >> what's classified and not classified, it would be a government problem not a hillary clinton problem? >> i think that's fair. the challenge is, hillary clinton being supposed, there are hacks, they happen, they are still happening right now. was it the best thing to do? she herself has said no, it has been the biggest headache she could ever imagine. the other issue is, other secretaries of state have done the same thing. other folks in the cabinet and in the federal government. >> that's not exactly true. what secretary clinton did has
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never been done. >> i didn't mean the server, i meant private e-mail. >> secretary powell used private e-mail and condoleezza rice did not use e-mail at all. what she did is unprecedented that's the reason why they're looking at this. >> thank you, guys, i have to get to a break. >> donald trump says he loves hispanics, he has a funny way of showing it. we'll show you. ♪ ♪ does nobody use a turn signal anymore? ♪ but i've managed.e crohn's disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing.
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donald trump is whipping it up at taco bell today. maria cardon and host of yn condition's united shades of america. do people call you lemon? >> yes, don, sometimes they call me lemon, lemon, lyman, we're almost cousinsp. >> good evening to all of you. today, cinco de mayo. i want to begin by showing you
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this tweet from donald trump. happy cinco de mayo, the best taco bowls are made in trump tower grill. i love hispanics. what do you think? are you offended by this tweet? >> you know, don, the stuff that he has said from the moment he burst on to the scene. >> do you see kamal's face. >> he announced his presidency, calling mexicans rapists, criminals and drug at ikts, i looked at this and had to laugh. i was surprised he didn't have a so many prayer row on, he didn't have a long mustache on, and he didn't have a bolero jacket and start singing mariachi songs. in the bar that trump has set for himself. this is tame. i think it symbolizes the fact that he absolutely does not get latinos in this country.
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does not care about latinos in this country. and we're going do see the effects of that come november, during the election. >> kamal stand by, you're making that face. what do you think of this tweet? >> no, it didn't offend me at all. there are tons of people out there drinking and having marguerite toes, they don't even know what cinco de mayo is about. he's a great marketing guy, he was just slowing a picture. his connection, when he first announced his campaign. he just -- i think he just takes very little common sense to know that mr. trump doesn't think that all mexicans are rapists or criminals. there is a big big problem. two weeks ago i was in trump tower, he -- we were there, and he treated us all nice. i had the opportunity to talk to his director of security, 15 or 20 minutes. the nicest guy. i don't have -- i know a few people like him, he's tough, very disciplined. >> go ahead kamal. you have been holding it --
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>> what? >> i mean, come on, man. you can't have the -- he's like sort of reminding hispanic and latino people, i still don't like you. do you remember the thing about rapists and murders? i don't like you. >> that's exactly right. and again, it just underscores the disrespect the fact that he wants to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. the fact that he wants to put up a wall and make mexico pay for it. the fact that joe arpaio endorsed him. he has all of these proposals that scream anti-immigrant, anti-latino. >> are you reading too much into that? it was meant to be funny? >> no. i don't need to read anything into that. i'm reading everything into everything else. >> erin burnett spoke to trump
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today and asked him about this tweet? >> that's the difference between my father and a regular politician. he can be fun. he's eating a taco bowl, it happens to be cinco de mayo. versus all the other politicians out there who have three lawyers and 12 pundits. that's my father being himself. he has a tremendous personality, he's a fun guy. i saw that come across, i was laughing, and i retweeted it right away. he was having a lot of fun, and i think the authenticity has won the day in this election. people are looking for an authentic candidate for the first time in history. >> is it fun or offensive? >> no, i actually agree with eric, this screams authenticity on behalf of donald trump, that's the problem, that he does this, and he thinks it's funny. and like i said before, this isn't as offensive as everything else he's said and done, he's
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set the bar so high for himself. it made me chuckle. but it does underscore everything that he has said and done up until now that disrespects latinos, that shows them that he does not care about them. he wants to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. everything else i said up until now. >> that's a lot for one tweet with a bowl of food. i mean, carlos. it immediately went viral on twitter, i got it in my twitter box, instagram, facebook, text. do you think -- do you think this is trump being politically incorrect? >> no, he's just having a taco bowl saying happy cinco de mayo like everyone else. i don't find it offensive, i'm from mexico, i was born and raised over there. it doesn't mean much to me, most people don't know what it means.
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>> if he's not offended as a mexican, then why are you guys offended? >> i'm offended as a human. i took a bigger look at this. i think that like. taco bowl is not authentic mexican food. >> exactly. >> they don't even serve them in that restaurant. he got it from his -- none of it makes sense. it's imperically not true. >> someone eating chips and salsa or drinking margaritas on cinco de mayo or coronas. >> i'm not voting for them to be president either. >> stand by, maria, i'll let you respond on the other side of this break. . "come in, come in" when you airbnb, you have your own home. make your bed. cook. you know, the stuff you normally do. ♪ wherever you go... ♪ don't go there. ♪
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candidates scrambling to appeal to latino voters and this sunday, united shades of america takes a look at the latino experience in the u.s. >> like many latino families in america, this household has a mix of statuses, the parents brought their two daughters across the border when they were children. the two boys are automatically citizens because they were born in america. get it? >> you're about to graduate?
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>> yes. >> are you excited? >> yeah. so what are your hopes for going to college? what do you hope happens? >> just helping others, is what i really want to do, when i get my college degree. because growing up, trying to learn english, it was difficult, but then since i was retained in first grade because i didn't know that much english. >> they held you back, not because you weren't smart, but because you didn't know english? >> yes. >> she's going to college soon. how does it make you feel? >> i feel excited, but worried because he decide to go away many. >> you want to go to college with her? >> no. >> you just want her to go to college in there? >> very cute family, back with me now. w.kamau bell. that was a clip from united shades of america. you visited in latino
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neighborhoods in los angeles. you sat down to dinner with this family, so what did you learn about latinos in america. what is the difference between -- i'm going to put this -- between this -- people sending me this on snap chat than what donald trump did. >> the person who sent that snap chat isn't running for president. unless that's their way of announcing. or unless you're friends with donald trump on snap chat. >> what is this teaching you? what is it teaching you? >> on some level, what donald trump has said throughout all of these appearances. and the way he talks about latinos, he doesn't understand latino americans or latinos in general. i don't either. i went and talked to them. and came away with an understand. i didn't assume that because i ate a taco bowl i could say, look, i love you. i sat down and had conversations with them, that's the difference. >> what did you learn? >> a lot of times in the news,
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when we talk about latino americans. the fear of deportation immigration. they live with that fear, they're not afraid of it, they're living in the truth that we're going to be fine. >> we are good people, we're working hard, the numbers are on our side, and they live with a lot more joy than i was expecting. >> the family is on camera, even though they probably shouldn't be. i don't know i would have that bravery. >> maria, a lot of stereotypes about latinos in this country. they've become a key issue in the presidential primary. what role will latinos do you think will play in the general election? >> i think they're going to play an outsized role. in 2012, everybody talked about how historic numbers of latinos went to the polls. yes, we did, and we helped elect president obama twice. but in 2012, our participation rate, the latino participation
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rate was only 49%. i guarantee you that they will be a lot higher this time. and it will be in large part due do the offensive nature and the discriminatory nature of donald trump's candidacy, and to kamau bell's segment just now, and i can't wait to see the whole thing, he looked at a family that is mixed status, and kamau, you said they feel like they'll be fine. if donald trump becomes president, they won't be fine. because if he goes and deports 11 million undocumented immigrants, that family is going to be split up. and that's what we're going to be dealing with. major families that will be split up, moms and babies ripped from each other's arms and that's what we're dealing with. >> what are you hearing of someone who supports him? >> i know a lot of mexicans who support him, business owners, very successful people. it's just common sense, it's the law. i know it's complicated.
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emotional. i have family and friends that have been in that situation. i think it comes down to self-accountability. i come this this country illegally. there have been consequences. you have to be prepared for it. it's time to go. big companies, businesses took advantage of your labor. well, you also got paid. you have to respect the law. remember 16 years ago, i was making a line at the u.s. embassy, waiting for my turn with my paperwork, you have to go through the process. you have the opportunity others don't have. it's not my fault, it's the law. it's a no-brainer. >> you know, that's -- >> i want to ask you, though. today reince priebus gave his annual cinco de mayo message. how much significance would you attach to the speech today. >> to cinco de mayo? >> there was no longer a line welcoming immigrants to america?
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>> well, i don't think i understood the question. >> reince priebus gave his annual cinco de mayo message from the rnc, it no longer included a line welcoming immigrants to this country do you find that significant or no? >> no, no. it doesn't mean much to me, cinco de mayo, i don't think mr. trump loves me more because he posted a picture. he -- you know, all these racism stuff, that he's accused of, i don't think -- you know, he's a very intelligent man. he's a very successful man. somebody like him cannot have that point of view. you know, discriminating, racist, i don't feel it like that. >> take his word for it. >> he's trying to do the right thing for the american people. >> take his word for it. >> i appreciate it. you can catch the united shades of america sunday night at 10:00 eastern. (announcer) need to hire fast?
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because your laundry can wait! keep those sweatpants on! order another pizza! and watch on! [ cheering ] don't wait a whole year for xfinity watchathon week to return. upgrade now to add the premium channel of your choice so you can keep watching. call or go online today. >> i will see you back here tomorrow. >> thanks for joining us. i heard my colleague say, we are running out of adjectives. paul ryan, the speak of the house, the man who will previde over the republican national convention, said he is not ready for support donald trump. take
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