tv The Eighties CNN May 19, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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richard, we will start with you, and 24 hours now on, richard, and there are still some basis questions which we don't have answers to, and the officials don't even seem to know where the debris may be. >> yes. john, you know, when you are putting it like that, you can sort of raise an eyebrow and say, gosh, how can you not know where the plane is, but that is a wider issue in aviation. to any of us who cover this all of the time, this is not at all surprising. 24 hours for a plane that is lost over a large body of water such as the mediterranean sea is not unusual. you go back to the last known position, and it will take you hours to gets a sets of planes and ships into the area, and you are scouring the water for hours for debris to which you can work backward backwards. if you are fortunate, you will find a large piece of fuselage quickly. if you are unlucky, it is days
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if not weeks. two examples, 447 was in the south atlantic and it took them four days before they found a major piece. asia, they found little pieces of debris to start with, and it took them a lot longer to find the main fuselage and the scandal if you wanted to go there, the scandal is that in the day and age, we are still having such primitive ways to have aircraft tracking and data, but it is a discussion for another day. and at the moment, i expect, fully expect debris will be spotted, and whether it is today or tomorrow, but in relatively short order. . >> yes. richard, the outstanding question is what caused this plane to disappear for it to fall off radar ash and what we know is that it was 37,000 feet when it swerved 90 degrees to the left, and it took, we understand, 360 d gregree to th
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right, and what on earth could cause a plane to do such a thing, based on your experience? >> well, we need a certain dose of not cynicism or skepticism, but a little doubt about the 90 degree turn one way, and 360 degree another, because we don't know if it is intended or controlled or a plane falling out of the sky. but it is the greek authorities and the minister of greece who is saying this, and we don't have any radar data other than that which is corroborating it, and let's hold off on that for a second, but wind back further, and you are talking about that flight level 37,000 feet, the safest part of flight in the cruise. firstly, the air traffic control in greece speaks to the pilots and everything is fine. 30 minute later at the moment they are supposed to hand over to egypt, they try and call again, and this time, the plane doesn't respond. two minutes later, it is egyptian air space, and seconds
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after that, this supposed turn, and this fall happens. what are we making of it? these are exceptionally unusual circumstances which lead to one of two conclusions, terrorism or mechanical failure compounded by the way that the plane was being flown. there is no other reason that that plane would fall out of the sky. >> our richard quest sharing his expert analysis there. and richard, you will be with us over the next couple of hours, and richard, we appreciate it. do standby for us, thank you. and now over to cairo where the plane was supposed to land, and where the passengers' families are anxious for answers. >> becky anderson there in cairo, and there is a great deal of confusion there in cairo over the last 24 hours, and statements put out that were incorrect, and retractions made and contradictory statements as
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well, and what is exactly going on there with the officials? do they have a handle on the crisis right now? >> well, it is difficult to say, isn't it? much confusion, john, still, and still more questions than answers for the families of the 66 passengers, and majority of whom were egyptian and french. we note that there were 30 egyptian passengers aboard the egyptian air flight 804 when it disappeared en route from charles de gaulle to cairo thursday with 66 people on board, and incredibly distressing for the families who gathered here for most of the day yesterday. this is an egyptair facility at the airport here. they have been taken over, we are told to a hotel overnight, but yes, clearly, very, very distressing for those who want and need information about their families. and now, the early theory of the
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u.s. government officials is that it was terrorism, and the plane was taken down by a bomb, but frankly, the authorities have no evidence to substantiate that and in fact, one source told cnn that this is based on conjecture at this point, because the plane fell out of the sky, and no better way to say it, but no smoking gun as of yet. egypt's view is that cause is more likely to be terrorism than a technical issue, and quite quick to put that statement out yesterday within 24 hours, and some might have been surprised by that, but there has been much discrepancy as to the details from authorities as they know them, anlz richard was pointing out, the greek authorities have the plane disappearing from the radar between 2:29 to 3:30 when it swerved before disappearing. so the egyptian aviation minister gave a whole other time
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line of the events as the egyptians understand, and reports, again, as we have pointed out that the debris had been found. and that search is of course sh, still ongoing, but the details have been rode back on, and they say that they have not found the debris as they understand it from the plane. and so, what we do know at this point is that the pilots on board the flight have been identified as mohammad saad cair and mohammad assam who are both very experienced as far as egyptair is concerned. so it is very early here in the morning, and just after 5:00 a.m., and we would expect the families to once again congregate here in the hope that they will get more information in the hours to come. john. >> okay. thank you, becky. >> appreciate it. thank you. we will check back with you in a short time from now, and now over to paris where the flight took off late.
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>> and now, joining us from charles de gaulle airport, and max foster, the french investigators have opened up their own inquiry here into the plane crash, and what are they specifically looking at? >> well, if you consider it is terror-related, it is the focus of things here if that is indeed going to be transpired to be the cause of this, because the airline obviously started here. so many questions about what sort of access there would have been to the planes, and the investigation is focusing on the ground crew for example and the crew on board or the passengers and what screening can be done here, and whether what they are going to find out about anybody involved in that plane, and going through the footage, and what is baffling a lot of people here, and not a lot of the analysts here on the networks are showing that effectively, it is the regarded as the safest airport in the world right now, because after the string of incidents in paris, and most recent recently in brussels, the security has been ramped up to the very highest levels here with patrol, extra cameras, and
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all sorts of extra security measures have been put in place here, and the whole idea that any device could possibly have gotten on board here is extraordinary, but it is possible. so for the possible cause of terror-related, the authorities are saying if it is transpired how on earth could anything have gotten on board here. >> and max, this is worth bringing to the viewers' attention the fact that charles de gaulle has had an issue of the radicalization in the past, and information emerged some time ago which led to a number of personnel having security clearances withdrawn, because they were found to be on watch lists. talk to us about what the authorities are saying now, and i know that you have said that they are ramping up the security there at charles de gaulle, but how confident in the processes that they have in place? >> well, very confident, and most recent ramg up was around
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brussels. you are referring there to the november paris attacks where the authorities here screened all staff at the airport, and they took away the air clearance after searching through the l k lockers and any public details out there on them, and so they were worried enough, and it was not linked to radicalization, but 70 staff were cleared of all of the clearance there, and that is seen as cautious and playing into the point that the authorities e here feel they have done as much as they possibly could in terms of the security, but they are trying to find any loopholes in the security here which may have allowed some terror-related incident to happen here if inteed that was the case. >> and if indeed that was the case. max foster joining us from paris, a paris, and we appreciate it. do standby for us. the breaking news coverage of the egyptair 804 are will continue after this break. you are watching cnn.
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. we are back with the continuing coverage of the missing egypt airliner, 804, when it went missing over the mediterranean. the search and rescue will continue, no debris yet spotted. initial reports have been proven to be incorrect. there is no evidence so far of what brought down the airbus 8320. distress signals have proven to be wrong. security violations have yet to be proven. all we know with any degree of certainty is that a plane is missing, and the searchers are heading to that part of the world are heading there.
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>> the majority of those on the plane, egyptian and french, 30 egyptian passengers of the 66 on board. very frustrating for the family members of those so much discrepancy in the last 24 hours on the details of what has happened, where they might be. much confusion and more questions than answers as we know at this point. the flight disappeared en route on thursday. and the only theory, u.s. government officials, this was terrorism. this plane was taken down, the authorities have no evidence to substantiate that. said it was based on conjucture.
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at least a glimmer of hope, that they may get better news today. frustrating for them with discrepancies to date. max. >> the questions being asked here are, if it was terror related, could there have been an incident here, could segal been the weak link, the idea is extraordinary to people that live and work in paris, and even after brussels, the security levels here ramped up to the highest level. the idea that any device could have gotten on board here is extraordinary. all the passengers came off. they were all checked and allowed back on. the whole idea of any device left on the plane is extraordinary. how anything could have gotten
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on board, what were the weak links? ground crew, perhaps. we simply don't know, no updates yet. that is the focus of the french investigation. >> thanks to all of us. now, u.s. officials, work on the initial theory that a bomb took down the flight. no smoking gun as of yet. >> tom has more on why analysts are looking so carefully at that theory. >> here is what we know about this plane. we know it took off from paris. should have been a four-hour flight to egypt. and for at least two and a half hours, everything seemed to be perfectly normal. before investigators say there was a wild gieration or dramatic event, and the plane disappeared after after entering egyptian
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air space. there are several candidates, the first one is the weather. can the wr bring down a big plane? absolutely. it has happened before. is it likely this case? no. there were no major weather at the time. structural damage? >> winds cracking, engines failing, this cruising ahead, any problem whoever. could it happen? there is no mayday call. it doesn't look president that is a likely candidate. the yet someone on the ground got to the plane, or maybe somebody on-board the plane could have been involved. it wasn't full, there were two up here in the cabib. -- cabin. and the passengers themselves,
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that is a lot of people on board the plane, any one of whom might have discontinue something, even inadvertently. this is why they are looking at the idea of a deliberate act. right now, although they must be investigating, don't seem to be offering many clues. >> we are joined by the senior analyst, and former agent. if this was an act of terrorism, where do you go first? >> well, first of all, you don't have the airplane right now to work o if tuwait until it is determined if it was a crash or delivered at, you are behind the ball. begin as if you have already determined it it was a terrorist act. where was the last place an
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explosive device could have been on the airplane? am paris. that is like saying, the last person to see the victim alive. you will have to go anywhere, in the last hours, and write a biography, not only those who had reason to work on it, but those who could have had access on the aircraft. . >> we have substantial resources in the med. cruisers, aircraft carrier task force, may be in the area. you have people off the coast of libya, you have all of this information, looking at
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aircraft, in case they get attacked by other aircraft. an aircraft breaking up in flight, like t.w.a. 800, would be the same as if a bomb happens, if they see an explosion in the air, at 15,000, the aircraft disabembleed itself. >> this plane was on the ground in paris for a few hours, and the plane may not have been fully inspected. could that be the weak link in all of this? >> absolutely, you are going to take the destination, the place where the plane took off, that is the most vulnerable.
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thousands much data buoyants, who could have had access to the airplane that is yet investigation is large. they are limited number of theories of what could have brought this plane down. i am agnostic, i am willing to admit, a lot of data is pointing to a deliberate act. the reason i am still on hold, normally, we do hear from an organization when they do succeed in a spectacular way, as we saw last night. secondly, there is no evidence that the explosive that steve was talking about, there is no one saw anything, there seems to be nothing picked up on sltd. we need to watch for physical evidence. in some ways, similar to a criminal case. we need to get the evidence. is there bomb debris. how did the plane break up snp
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any other information sitting there. and meanwhile, we haven't found debris yet. i find it remarkable. no debris is found is 24 hours. >> hold that thought. >> you disagree? >> i think julia is right most of the time. >> that is what my husband says. >> if you look back at 9/11, the taliban came out decrying the event, bin laden denied it. >> if this was, does that mean the terrorists have found ways to evade the technology? >> they may have.
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millions are getting on and off of airplanes, the magnitude of global travel, means there will be weak links, unfortunately, we are dependent on the weakest link. it is the challenge in the global environment. driving home the point this is a massive investigation. >> breaking news coverage continues from around the world after a short break. you are watching cnn. (ricky gervais) verizon is the number one network in america. i know what you're thinking, they all claim stuff like that. yeah, but some of them stretch the truth. one said they were the fastest. we checked, it was fastest in kansas city and a few other places. verizon is consistently fast across the country.
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breaking news coverage of egypta egyptair. they lost contact with the plane on thursday. 66 people on board. speculation set in on the possibility that the plane was a target of a terrorist attack. most on board for egyptian and french. >> max foster is in paris. and back to you, richard. all the indication is that debris is spread over a wide field, a ladies and gentlemen
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area of water, over the indian ocean. this recovery effort will not be easy. >> well, we don't know yet. yet to pause there. we don't know yet what debris field will be like. we don't know how the plane came out of the air. it is certainly not going to be a particular narrow field. if the plane had broken up in the air, for example, got an explosion, a bomb, whatever, mh-17 type scenario. yes, you will have a very wide spread debris field. however, if the plane came down in tact, it would have broken up on impact, the debris field will be tighter. the currents in this part of the mediterranean are not particularly strong. and any debris that is on the surface, that is where you
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start. debris on the surface will not travel that far away from the initial point of impact. we have been through this before. you start looking for debris on the surface. work backwards from that debris to the last known place of the aircraft was. we know that from where it lost radar contact, then your difficulty happens, then you go in the water to try to find the fuselage with the black boxes. we are back to pings, 30-day battery deadlines, the encouraging part here, is that it is about 1,500 feet. it is not that deep. >> earlier, we were told that wreckage had been found, only to have them walk it back.
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incredible correction to have to make, questioning the authorities in all of this. did you share concerns about competency? >> not in this case. in the case you have referred to, the vice chairman was talking about what he heard from the greeks. if anybody is to be faulted so far t is the greek authorities, it is the greek authorities that said about the swerving, we have not heard it from anybody else, and the greek authorities told the egyptians that debris has been found. i know not oar- i have a huge level of suspicion of any fact
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they hear within 24 hours of a plane going missing. the planes and the ships are on their way, it will take hours and days to find it. >> some of the experts are saying, the debris field, if they recover the flight data recorders, they may have to be recovered removely. do -- >> there is a huge effort out there, egyptians helped out by the u.s., with p 3. and the italians, and it isn't just an effort conducted by the egyptians and greeks, weather
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conditions are decent. for the families of the 66 on board. many of whom, egyptian family members, many of whom, gathered here yesterday. composed, this is a rescue effort. some are put up in hotels. the family members will be back here later on today. for the family members of those on board this plane, it is still search and rescue. significant, with all of those countries or at capac irilitcap.
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a busy environment you speak to people here, to find anything within the first 24 hours, it would have been remarkable. very difficult, i am sure, for the egyptair, who had to row back on that that as i say, the family members here, very composed. there was an infrastructure, they were hoping for news on their relatives, the
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discrepancies, a very composed situation here. when it seems they wake up this morning to find out it is still a search and rescue. if they slept at all last night. that will be a sglglimmer of ho for them. john. >> let me ask you this t an air bus flight that took off from paris, the french are involved, what do you know any looking for debr debris. >> sending a team to help with the egyptian investigation, get to the bottom, and off of their expertise. and moving in the past. all of the seasons, one of the investigation lines, of course, is this possible idea that the
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>> welcome back to our live breaking news coverage, 9:40 p.m. here on the west coast. no sign of egyptair 804, missing for 30 hours, they are canvassing the seas. they stress theories are only speculati speculation. first, other news of the day. the disappearance of flif 804, donald trump was soupding off.
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>> looks like yet another terrorist attack. airplane departed from paris. when will we get tough, smart and vigilant? great hate and sickness. >> she refuses to use the term, and it is a terrible thing, essentially, shouldn't be running for office, he doesn't have the right to run for office. i said to myself, what happened 12 hours ago. a plane got blown out of the sky. if anybody thinks it wasn't blown out of the sky, you are 100% wrong. okay? >> hillary clinton is not holding back on trump. >> joins us now. ron, we heard from donald trump. let's hear how hillary clinton
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reacted to the news of flight 804. >> it does appear it was an afsage of tororrism. it shines a light on the groups. >> her tone is different. >> you see the challenge that trump faces. what makes him appealing, he will say anything. he is unfiltered by trasdal. this is terrorism. so quickly, unequivically, and the it is not the approach that you would see, it is a reminder how different he is, and might
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be. what is the common al ity they are harnessing of politics of fear here. >> dealing with a deep hole, hillary clinton as she pointed out, are starting out today. if you are in a situation like that, in many ways, it is making the other candidate. >> let me ask you, do you think that donald trump is qualified to be president? >> no, i do not. i think in the past week,
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the temperament to be president? she is plus 21. she is about i think, the question whether or not that will be the biggest hurdles to guest over she has won the nomination. time to get on board. >> when i came out, and withdrew and endorsed senator obama, 40% of my supporters said they would never support him. i worked hard to make the case.
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>> we expect voters to disagree, with almost every national state, much better than clinton, against trump it is clear that millions of americans have growing doubts. >> it is frustration. at the end of april, it looked like bernie sanders was bringing it in for a landing democrats are getting -- the fact, won 3 million more votes than she has. she will be the nominee.
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investigator. thank you for being with us. how would the fall rate, the speed of which the plane falls to the ground, what would you learn from that? >> well, of course, the issue, was it some sort of mechanical failure or technical problem? we can't tell a lot. the signature, the signature of some sort of catstrophic depressurization, are similar. john. i don't think there is it anything definitively we can say. the plane turns left, then right, that could be either. unfortunately, we have to wait until we have more evidence. >> we had people on air today express surprise that they
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haven't found debris yet. are you surprised? >> somewhat. it is still an ocean. you would have thought now, it may indicate that aircraft went in largely in tact. a couple of days later, they found the vertical stabilizer, i am surprised. even there, they didn't know where it went in, like this airbus. i am not totally surprised. only the second day of the search. >> ella, the story being flight data recorders. >> i don't know, obviously, the
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egy egypti egyptian -- you would be over the central part of the mediterranean. this goes along with a timed bomb, if you will. the airport, at seven,000 feet. if you rush the pressure home. the forcing of maximum air pressure, on the side of your -- and then, nerve pressure it is almost like peeling a banat h.nana. we don't know a lot yet. that is one -- thank you so much
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