tv Wolf CNN May 31, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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price. there was really, these people, i honestly don't know, you know, i can't go any farther than that, ma'am, i wasn't there. i wasn't standing in the shoes and for me to make a decision would be totally wrong at this time. >> i understand, jerry, and i do appreciate you being on the program. thank you, jerry stones, a former caretaker of harambe. thank you all for watching "legal view." stay tuned. wolf starts right now. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. we want to welcome to our viewers around the world and in the united states. donald trump released details of the $5.6 million including the $1 million out of pocket contribution from himself. he went on the warpath against the news media. listen to this. >> this is my check for a
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million dollars. we have many letters from the different groups thanking us very much for the money. and they didn't ask, and i didn't ask people to be here. i could have asked every one of the groups who hillary said, donald trump didn't give the money. nobody gave this kind of money. i gave 5, $600,000. i wanted to do this out of the goodness of my heart and not with the pressnd everybody is going, where did it go? who did it go to? >> donald trump is doing this from the heart. you're focused on the way he's raising money and you're not looking at the 22 veterans that are killing each other every day. you're not concerned about the thousands of veterans that are on wait lists. look at his plan on his trump web site. he talks about medical costs. he talks about fixing the v.a. he talks about competition. >> i would have given this, just so you understand, until i was criticized. so i took, i'm the only one in
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the world that could raise $6 million for the veterans and have uniform applause by the veterans groups and criticized by the press. yes. i made a speech and during my speech, i said, let's raise money for the vets and turned out to be a lot of money, not a little money. >> all this started back in january. that's when donald trump held the event in iowa instead of attending a debate. at the time, they cracked $6 million. today, he put the number at $5.6 million and trump raised new questions and included where his $1 million pledge was going. today, he said his full million dollars went to the u.s. marine corps law enforcement foundation. let's bring in jim acosta. our senior white house correspondent front row seat and drew griffin is joining us, our cnn senior investigative correspondent. quite a performance by donald trump today going after his
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critics. stipulating, announcing where all the money was going. certainly went after the news media. hillary clinton. give us a sense of what it was like inside. >> well, wolf, it was vintage donald trump. it was nasty, went after his critics in the news media and called them all sorts of names and a colleague of mine at abc sleaze yy and a sleaze. and this was donald trump not wanting to answer some of these questions, wanting to take the credit for raising all these money for the veterans groups but then asked some of the questions, sort of brisled and this all started back in january. skipped that debate and announced he had raised around $6 million but then the questions began. and the reason why the questions began was there wasn't a lot of information forthcoming from the trump campaign where this money was going, how much had been actually raised. where did the totals stand at
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that time and in the last few weeks, corey lewandowski said around $4.5 million and not quite $6 million and then contradicted the campaign manager and said it was between $5 million and $6 million. and of course, said during the news conference, it was $5.6 million. but as the questions came in, mainly about why donald trump was attacking the news media simply for asking these questions, the republican presumptive nominee got very nasty. here's what he had to say. >> when i raise money, for the veterans, and it's a massive amount of money, find out how much hillary clinton has given to the veterans. nothing. and then i see a few guys standing out there. they don't know what they're there for. they have no idea. they're there because hillary clinton's campaign sent them. and actually, i think it was one of you found it was hillary clinton's campaign but i wasn't surprised. i don't want the credit for it. but i shouldn't be lambasted.
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>> now, donald trump was saying during the news conference he doesn't want to get the credit for raising all of this money for the veterans group but as you know and as our jeremy diamond was asking the question, trump held an event where he skipped a republican presidential debate and held an event to highlight the fact he was raising this money. so over the course of the last several months, as this issue has come up, he has been saying, look at what i've done. and it has been something that he's been trying to cast as a positive for his campaign and of course, wolf, who could argue with raising money for all of these veterans groups. if you look through the list, they're among the finest veterans organizations in the country but at the same time, when you're a presidential candidate and you're doing something sort of unconventional and that's raising money for outside groups during the course of a campaign, questions will be asked, wolf. >> let me bring drew griffin in, doing a lot of reporting about this. what do we know about these veterans organizations that donald trump listed today? >> wolf, generally as jim said, they're well thought of. especially the group that donald
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trump himself signed a $1 million check to. that is the marine corps and law enforcement officers foundation. a group that actually gives money to the children of fallen marines and fallen federal law enforcement officers. they're very, very good on the books. but one of them did catch our eye and this was the foundation for american veterans. we pulled the 90 records. these are the tax records that donald trump today said he didn't look at and they show a charity that's very much upside down. a charity that's given almost all of its money to professional fundraisers over the last years and in fact, in the last 6 years since 2010, foundation for american veterans gave $27 million to a professional fundraiser and that fundraiser is now under investigation by the michigan attorney general and according to the michigan attorney general, this foundation, which got $75,000
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from donald trump today gives less than 10% of its proceeds to actual charity work. so in one case, we find a very, very good charity. and in another one, we find a not so good and i would say, even a bad charity, wolf. >> $75,000 going to the one charity, a foundation for american veterans. any other examples that stand out over there? either really, really strong or really, really weak? >> we're just taking our time going through them. of course, fisher house is one that time warner and cnn has supported over the years. the navy seal foundation, bob woodruff, our colleague at abc. his foundation that helps veterans got $75,000. those are wounded veterans. and definitely very, very good causes being supported here. but unlike donald trump, we go through the list one by one and check the tax records. just to make sure that everything is on the up and up. >> drew griffin reporting for
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us. thanks to you. let's discuss this. our chief political analyst, gloria borger joining us from new york. our chief political correspondent, dana bash and malika henderson and david chali chalian. gloria, what was different about today's news conference with donald trump because we've all seen a lot of news kfrnconferen with the presumptive nominee? >> you know, and we've also heard donald trump criticize the press before, but i think what was really different about this, wolf, was the level of invective and the sense that even as the presumptive nominee of the republican party, this kind of scrutiny about the donations is unwarranted. and i think if you're a candidate for the president of the united states and you're the nominee of a party, you have to expect this kind of scrutiny. after all, it's the kind of scrutiny the president of the
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united states gets whether you like it or not. this is what we're paid to do as a free press. and i think that the sort of personal attacks that we saw coming against journalists and even, you know, he still continued against some fellow republicans there was really noteworthy because now, wolf, he's going to be the nominee of the republican party and as he says, he's not going to change and the question is, how will the public respond to this? >> he said he's going to continue doing what he's doing. i want to play a little clip where he went after the news media's coverage of this specific issue. >> i think the media is, frankly, made up of people, in many cases, not in all cases, are not good people. the bad part about the dishonesty of the media is that people like me will be inclined not to do it anymore. the press should be ashamed of
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themselves and on behalf of the vets, the press should be ashamed of themselves. they are calling me and they are furious. >> what's his strategy here? because a lot of politicians often go after the news media, we remember that over the years but what is he trying to achieve? >> we're an easy political hit. no love lost for people out there, the media at large. that's just a fact. it's true talking about democrats and republicans but much more so for republican candidates. but in this particular situation, truthfully, i'm not sure that that's, there's a political strategy. i think he was just, he seemed to be just angry and lashing out at reporters who asked him questions that got him to this place, holding a press conference the day after memorial day to explain where the money that he had pledged had come from, and where it was going. but, you know, if we were watching a more conventional
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politician, they would have come out to this press conference and said, guess what? you know, it might have been bumpy and i did this whole rally back in iowa and a very kind of last minute way. but at the end of the day, the good news is, we made sure we got $5.6 million. we're making sure that the money is going to the right places and this is a great day for veterans. which it is. and instead of that kind of story, he lashed out at us. >> he was giving $1 million. that million dollars going to the u.s. marine corps law enforcement foundation that honored him and pointed out a year ago and deserves only praise for all of this and does deserve a lot of praise for raising all this money. but sometimes, it gets the sense that maybe he doesn't understand or appreciate the role of the news media and vetting and vetting and checking. >> that's right. that is our role, to vet him, to ask him hard questions, he doesn't seem to like that. he seems to have an emotional
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response often. he seems to get his feelings hurt very easily. i think one of the reporters asked him whether or not he could be this thin skinned and be the leader of the free world. it seems like this has been his strategy so far. i think it was david axelrod that said they're x-raies of a candidate's soul and now we see that with donald trump. the phrase, beneath the dignity of the office in some ways come to mind when you see this press conference. it was a phrase and sort of an attack that obama faced when he would go on talk shows. i think he wore jeans in the oval office in 2009 and conservatives had a real problem with that. and i think conservatives are also losing some sleep over the behavior of donald trump. he just seems not to behave rationally in some instances. as dana said, it would have been easy to come out and say, this is what i did. i raised this money. i think some of the questions came about because he didn't give the money when he said he gave the money and that's what
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the press was asking! he us . >> he went after hillary clinton. i'll play a little clip for you. >> i have been thanked my so many groups. great veterans groups and outside, you have a few people picketing. they're sent there by hillary clinton. >> he says that some of the protesters, some of the vets organizations that were outside were sent by hillary clinton. >> that's right. and i just saw my e-mail. american crossroads and republican group blasting out saying, did you catch that hillary clinton veterans on press conference? no, she didn't hold one. so clearly, republicans are on board with this notion of drawing a contrast on the issue. two things, one, i just have never seen a presidential candidate really suffer from either party in going after the press. i think it works politically for them and so i don't think he loses a single vote today because he decided to be mean to the press. i don't think that will hold much water with voters. i think, and gloria touched on this, wolf, to me, the big
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takeaway of this news conference was he said, i'm not going to change. and this has been the big question about donald trump because here's a guy who looks like he wants praise and credit for winning the republican nomination race instead of going full force to try to win the general election. obviously, he's building an operation to do that and out and about campaign but said he's not going to change but the electorate does change. you do see candidates adapt from the nomination season to the general election and said that's not going to happen and a big thing to watch because i think it may be difficult for him to continue along this way all the way through to november. >> everyone stand by. you're not going away. we're going to continue our analysis of what's going on. a dramatic day. we're also going to be hearing directly from a senior trump campaign advisor who's standing by live and later, jane sanders standing by also live to talk
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about her husband's campaign. their plans after the california primary which is a week from tomorrow. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®.
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$5.6 million and took aim at the critics specifically to the news media as he praised of the amount of money that was raised in those donations to various veterans groups. joining us now is ed brookover, a senior advisor to the trump campaign and thank you very much for joining us. >> good to be here. >> and how much is donald trump personally involved in deciding which of these 30 plus veterans organizations get the money and how much they get and how much does he lead to his staff? >> he gets very personally involved. he takes the veterans issues seriously and from day one of the process, he's been running it. >> the $1 million he personally contributed, the entire amount went to the u.s. marine corps law enforcement foundation group he
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he's. >> he's saying nobody should be fooled by the stunt that completed under immense pressure, the truth is throughout this campaign and his entire career, he's shown veterans an incredible amount of disrespect. your reaction. >> i think that's a reaction of a tired politician doing things the old ways. donald trump has been very supportive of veterans his entire campaign. has a plan to improve care for veterans across the country. >> anything else you want to say? >> no. it's just, mrs. clinton hasn't stepped forward with something which is new and different than the failed old policies of the past. >> let's talk about trump university. they're coppiming out with documents. he was asked about it at the news conference, trump university no longer exists. let me play what he said. >> judge has been very unfair and a bad judge and very unfair and i will win the trump university case and am as far as
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some is concerned but will win the trump university case and i don't care. why? because i don't care. a judge is very, very unfair. and you'll see it in court documents but i have a judge who's very, very unfair. he knows he's unfair and i'll win the trump university case. i could have settled it. i just choose not to. >> earlier over the weekend, he also specifically went after the judge in the case. i'll play the clip for you. >> i have a judge who is a hater of donald trump. a hater. he's a hater. his name is gonzalo cureo. we happen to believe he's mexican. which is great, that's fine. i think the mexicans are going to end up loving donald trump when i give all these jobs. >> why does he need to make it personal about the judge? >> i think he feels the judge came after him. this judge was granting the
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class action suits, brought the suits together which we think are unfounded. >> he hanlt formally, we've done checking, asked the judge to recuse himself. >> he hasn't. but that's up to the lawyers. i'm not familiar with the legal machinations going on here but we feel the judge has not been treating this case fairly from day one. >> but just as an american. >> under the dual citizen. >> he was born here in the united states and a u.s. judge. you understand people are saying he's specifically accusing him in a bad way of being a mexican and suggesting perhaps he's not an american. >> i don't know that's what he was suggesting and i do know that from day one with the case brought, we felt it was not a good case and should have not been allowed to reach the stage it has. >> and getting back to the veterans donations. you worked with the news media for a long time. you know our responsibility in vetting and checking and making sure that holding politicians
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whether they're liberal or conservative democrats or republican, holding them accountable. why is donald trump going after the news media? >> i think on this case, when it started early, the first questions of this, march 1st, less than six weeks after the event. >> they raised $6 million but wouldn't expect normal journalists to say, that's nice, $6 million. where did the money go and for months, they couldn't say where the money went. >> i bet you go to the foundation or the gates foundation. four or five months is a very fast vetting process. we met the foundation others may not meet. >> shouldn't they explain that more specifically? still vetting, checking? it looked as if they were holding back, not providing the information and only reinforces the notion among the news media, serious journalists to dig harder. >> we had mainstream media outlets calling us shady and uses terms to refer to this when it was not out there yet. >> he wants the media to
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impressively review the clinton foundation. >> he would like that. >> and benghazi and that. that's the role of the news media, to go after politicians, in a very constructive way to hold them accountable. that's what we do. >> and i think he gets that. in this instance, he went beyond the pale. >> but too far in the news conference and started to call journalists sleazy? >> he was certainly has been very frustrated with this process. >> that came through. >> that came through. >> yes, it did. >> he's now the presumptive republican nominee and you've worked with politicians for a long time. but don't you think he has to hold himself to a higher standard? he calls guys journalists sleazy and he's the republican nominee. he's got to have a different standard, don't you think? >> donald trump has been following his instincts by being who he is. the american public is responding to him. >> when he said he's going to continue doing what he's doing, be assertive, very, very tough on the news media.
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calling out people by name, and being derogatory, you think that's a smart strategy? >> i believe he's going to do what he says and be aggressive, continue to represent what he thinks the people want. >> the senior advisor to the campaign. thank you, ed. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. these are live pictures we get of bernie sanders campaign out in california. earlier today, donald trump took swipes at bernie sanders and the democratic rival. hillary clinton, bernie sanders' wife, jane sanders, standing by live. we'll see what's going on right after this. (vo) whatever your perfect temperature... you'll enjoy consistent comfort with the heating and air conditioning systems homeowners rank number one. american standard heating and air conditioning. a higher standard of comfort.
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donald trump unloads on the news media taking a swipe at democrats in the race for the white house. held a news conference to announce that a january event. lashing out at reporters and the drawn out primary season. >> we have no idea what's going to happen on the democrat's side but there's certainly having difficulty. i don't like to see people having difficulty but if anybody has to have it, let it be them. >> joining us is jane sanders, the wife of senator bernie sanders, thank you for joining us. >> good to be here, wolf. >> i don't know if you had a chance to watch trump's news conference but what's your reaction to the news media and criticism of the democrats? >> i didn't really watch it. i saw it in passing a little bit and pieces. you know, i mean, i think he's used to the news media quite
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effectively by acting, some would say inappropriately or just in a very annoyed way. he seems to get coverage by being the way he is, so i guess it's working for him. i don't think it's working for the american people. >> it's worked so far for him and said he's going to continue that same strategy going forward. you must be disappointed though that jerry brown, the governor, endorsed hillary clinton today saying this, quote, this is no time for democrats to keep fighting each other. the general election is already begun. hillary clinton with her long experience, especially as secretary of state, has a firm grasp of the issues and prepared to lead our country on day one next january. i want to be sure that it is hillary clinton who takes the oath of office, not donald trump. what was your reaction to jerry brown's endorsement? >> well, not surprising. i mean, throughout the country, bernie has had to take on the governors, the senators, the
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democratic establishment in each race. he's won 20 states and there's a number of them up this week, this coming week that i think he'll win as well. california may well be one of them. and that's why he's weighing in from the democratic establishments. bernie is going to be quite ready as well and one of the things that is surprising, maybe i shouldn't say surprising, but it's because it's been consistent. everybody has said since the day he announced he was running, until today that he doesn't have a chance, whether he won a string of eight in a row or five in a row, it didn't matter. always the second sentence was, but he doesn't have a chance, but the presumed nominee is hillary clinton. so we've heard that for a year and we'll hear it for another week. but i think that you'll see he's won quite handily recently and there are a number of states.
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montana, south dakota, north dakota, new jersey, puerto rico, california, that are, they need to have their voices heard. and as a democrat -- >> i'm sorry for interrupting. they will have their voices heard a week from today. there's no doubt about that, but given the nature of the system that the democrats have proportional delegate allocation, even if he wins, they'll almost equally, assuming it's not a landslide, almost equally divide up the delegates and no way he could overcome the deficit he has right now, especially since she has so many more super delegates. >> well, i think cnn and namsnb should listen to the dnc, don't count the super delegates until they actually vote. you don't count the pledge delegates until they actually vote. so yes, he's 272 votes, pledge delegates behind secretary clinton and it is a steep climb.
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but the fact is he's won a number of races. a number of elections by large margins, by 75, 82, 86%. we'll have to see what happens on tuesday. it's tough but it's doable. you don't quit before the final vote is counted. the democratic governor, one of the things that surpries me about jerry brown is that we have, bernie's election brought in many, many more people into the democratic process. a lot. close to a million people registering in this election that hasn't been registered before and will help the down ballot races that are next tuesday. >> i noticed over the weekend in a tv interview, didn't rule out the possibility that if hillary clinton does get the democratic presidential nomination, and she asked him to be his running mate, he didn't rule that out. how would you feel about your husband being the vice presidential nominee?
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>> i think that what we're focused on right now and honestly, we're not even thinking about it is the looking at the presidency. bernie's whole focus, his work, his life's work is to be able to do as much as he possibly can to help the working people of america. he's done that as the senator of vermont and done it now as the candidate for president. he's moved the entire agenda, you must admit. so the best place for him to be is the presidency and until we know otherwise, that's our focus. >> there was a dramatic moment on the campaign trail. you saw it yesterday. senator sanders was speaking a rally in oakland, california, where at least four protesters try to rush the stage that prompted the u.s. secret service to jump into action. how worried are you about those kinds of incidents?
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i'm sure you were. >> well, the secret service are fantastic. i mean, they are just unbelievable in terms of being aware and protecting him. so very thankful for that. i think, i heard it from breaking news and i called up the, i didn't see it. so i called up the campaign and said, what's going on? they said, everything's fine. so there was only maybe 60 seconds of concern. >> yeah, but it's pretty dramatic. i've covered the white house and seen the secret service in action. you're a spouse of a presidential candidate and you get nervous, understandably, so key words, everything was fine. jane, thanks so much for joining us. jane sanders is the wife of senator bernie sanders. we'll see what happens next tuesday and you're absolutely right, not just california but several contests coming up a week from today. jane, thank you very much. >> thanks, wolf. bye-bye. >> later today, hillary clinton
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will join jake tapper live to talk about the campaign in california. donald trump's financial contributions. the veterans groups. his policies. that airs live 4:00 p.m. eastern on the lead with jake tapper later today. up next. more on the breaking news. donald trump falls out. hillary clinton. news media, republicans aren't ready to back him as their nominee. we'll be right back with much more coverage. allergy relief.® for pl and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®.
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to learn more. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. donald trump blasting the news media for a heated press conference. his plan was to announce the accounting of the $5.6 million in fund raising for veterans groups here in the united states. spent a lot of time launching an all-out assault on the political news media, if you will, calling
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a political journalist, not all of them but many of them were sleazy, di honesshonest and amo worst human beings he's ever met. our chief political analyst, gloria borger, and david khal yon a ian. no matter what he said or how outrageous people seem to think it is, doesn't seem to hurt him politically. what about the donations that veterans groups, the new revelations about trump university and going to have a significant impact? >> look, with donald trump supporters, wolf, i don't think so. the questions about trump university have been out there and they will continue to be out there and we're going to learn much more about that in the days and weeks to come. i think with veterans groups, trump supporters will be with them. i don't think it's a matter of those people because he's got a
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solid base of support as we learn during the primaries is not going anywhere. i think the real question is, as you broaden those who trump needs to support him, the so-called persuadables and we have yet to get any real indication at this point about how many there are out there, but i would submit there are a lot and they will be looking at trump and at hillary clinton, i might add, through a different lens. because they will be looking at them through the lens, is this the person i want in my living room every night? is this the person i can trust to send my child to war potentially? it's a very personal vote for the presidency and i think you start looking at a candidate very differently. and when you see someone kind of lashing out, the question that some of those persuadables might have is, wait a minute, is that somebody i really can trust with these important things?
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and so we're just going to have to see how it plays out. >> and they play out during the republican primary contest and have to bring in a lot of other people into that discussion as well. and he does have high unfavorable numbers right now but raising $5.6 million for veterans including a $1 million personal contribution, he made that contribution that went to the u.s. marine corps law enforcement foundation with average americans, sounds pretty impressive. >> it does sound pretty impressive. he raised a lot of money. gave some of his own money and tend to see very rich people give lots of money to charities and he certainly should be commended for that and everybody who gives to charities. but i do think his behavior in that press conference, i think, is going to set off another round of hand wringing among a lot of gop folks and going to underscore one of the arguments you see from the hillary clinton
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campaign which is this idea he doesn't have the temperament to be president. you saw from a top aid tweeted out, close your eyes and imagine if you will, donald trump in the white house after seeing this president. i do think it goes, again, to gloria's point of the kind of test and questions that average voters are going to make. we'll see, i think, a cool lesson of most republicans because that's just what happens with party identification but i think these other voters are going to raise questions. >> but we should be careful about what the answers should be to the questions because to some, lashing out is in the eye of the beholder. to some people in this persuadable universe, it will be seen as strength which has been a calling card for him. so i agree with gloria entirely that voting for the president really is a personal decision and a very emotional one. people really do get exactly what gloria is saying.
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i just think looking at today's press conference, there will be a universe of people who see that as strength, not as hindrance for him and that to me is what's work. >> the news media not popular to begin with. >> no, we're not. and by the way, this has worked for candidate after candidate, no matter what party. but it worked for donald trump during the primaries and it worked for other candidates, ted cruz comes to mind during the primaries and attacking the media is an easy thing to do. we're easy targets. and i think that, you know, that trump will continue to do it. but getting back to a point we made earlier in the program, wolf, what donald trump said today that i thought was so important was that he's not going to change. there are all these people talking about, he's going to be more presidential. you're going to see a different donald trump. this is donald trump. like him or don't like him. and this is donald trump and
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this is the person that you will be voting for. so either you see what you saw today is a show of strength and taking on the evil media. and something you ought to be concerned about. but i think what you see with donald trump and that's part of his appeal, actually, is what you get. >> let trump be trump. a lot of his advisors wanted him to do. it's got him this far and beat 16 other republicans including a lot with gubernatorial senatorial experience, so as he said, he's not going to change. more to assess right after this.
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these people are losers. he's trying to -- trying to make you -- trying to drive you a little bit nuts. if they do in indy, assuming it's decent, which i don't think anybody with a reputation would do it because think'd look like fools, but what you are going to do is you lose the election for the republicans and, therefore, you lose the supreme court. therefore, you will have a group of people put on the supreme court where this country will never, ever recover. it will never, ever be the same. >> that was donald trump at his news conference dismissing the
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idea of a third party candidate, one pushed by the conservative editor bill kristol of "the weekly standard." let's bring back our panel. david chalian still with us, nia-maleka henderson. he's teasing there's someone out there to be a viable third party candidate. we haven't heard that yet. >> we haven't yet. we keep waiting. we did already get a preview of if indeed somebody does emerge how donald trump frames that person. you are on a fool's errand. he said a fool because it's not anyone with an upstanding reputation because they wouldn't do something so foolish. you can already hear how donald trump frames this person when the name emerges. listen. you were just talking a little bit bago there's going to be had wringing in circles over trump's candidacy. right? that's not dissipating so quickly yet and this is a
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waiting the vehicle. we ole see if it has legs or not. it seems to me it is really late in the game to have a substantial impact. >> mitt romney has already said even though he doesn't like donald, he is not interested in being a third party. ben sass from nebraska, he says he is not interested and other names and david's right. in texas, for example, you can't get on the ballot unless you have a court order and you appeal that earlier deadline. >> exactly. it's expensive. there's red tape. and even if you got somebody great starting at this late date would be a problem and the problem here is they don't have anyone, right? talking about this for months and months and months and no one emerged as someone who would want to do it. so that's a problem. but i think with his kind of linking the independent candidacy as he called it, an indy, an independent candidate, leaking it to the supreme court, i think he's sort of speaking the establishment lingo there
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and essentially saying you guys got do get behind me otherwise we'll put the supreme court in jeopardy and this from a guy threatening the republican establishment with his own independent third party run, now he's speaking in really i think underscoring a lot of things from other republicans saying that the independent run would be damaging. >> jerry brown, the governor of california, endorses hillary clinton. presumably he's a popular governor and could help her. >> he can popular governor. could help her. the endorsements this cycle seem to be overstated and important in terms of a narrative hillary clinton likes to tell because he claims to be the bernie sanders guy in the '92 race against bill clinton and so jerry brown was the ravel rouser and hillary clinton can take son some of that trying to stave a sanders surge and charge in california in the last days of the campaign. >> you heard jane sanders, wife
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of bernie sanders, say to me if he gets 67% of the remaining delegates out there, he could get more pledge delegates than hillary clinton. that's a high hurdle. >> anything can happen. bernie sanders was at the warriors game and surprised they came back from the 3-1 deficit. anything can happen. that's what they're thinking and telling their supporters. we have tuesday. we'll see how he does in california and how hillary clinton does in new jersey. she could wrap it up in new jersey. i think she needs like 70 more delegates or something like that. she could wrap it up even as people in california are still going to the polls. >> do you think that's realistic? >> i do that she goes over the top before the california polls close, yeah. >> we'll see what happens. thanks very much. an important note. later today hillary clinton will join jake tapper live that's at 4:00 p.m. eastern on "the lead with jake tapper" only here on cnn. also coming up, our coverage continues of that heated news conference by the republican presumptive nominee donald trump.
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unleashing on the news media, insulting some journalists in the process, giving a hint of what the press can expect if he wins the presidency. and a lot of news coming up. (vo) whatever your perfect temperature... you'll enjoy consistent comfort with the heating and air conditioning systems homeowners rank number one. american standard heating and air conditioning. a higher standard of comfort.
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hi there. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you so much for being with me on this tuesday. you're watching cnn. we begin with a rather extraordinary day on the campaign trail. the headline should have been donald trump finally accounts for nearly $6 million raised for dozens of veterans groups. boom, done. the who, the what, the how answered. but instead the headline became donald trump unleashing on the media. in perhaps the most heated news conference he has had since launching his campaign a year ago. for months and months journalists including
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