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tv   New Day  CNN  June 1, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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a bruising new york press conference and trump angered by the media scrutiny in the yarch ma aftermath of a veterans fund-raiser last january. this as there was real cause for concern among the trump camp. the playbook used in the now defunct trump university. also, a cnn poll of polls just released minutes ago shows trump and hillary clinton locked in a dead heat in a head-to-head presidential matchup. clinton blasting trump for the way he handled his veterans fund-raiser saying she's done more for veterans and scoring a major endorsement ahead of next week's california primary. we have the primary election like no other network can. >> reporter: we've heard donald trump go after the media many times before. i've heard it, you've heard it,
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heard it at many of his rallies but yesterday at trump tower it went to a whole new level. >> i think the political press is among the most dishonest people i've ever met. >> reporter: donald trump going off on the media again. >> what i don't want, raise millions of dollars, have people say, like this sleazy guy right over here from abc. he's a sleaze, in my book. you're a sleaze, because you know the facts and you know the facts well. excuse me. excuse me. i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. find out how much hillary clinton's given to the veterans. nothing. >> reporter: the rant during trump's press conference announced he raised $5.6 million at a january event and distributed it to more than 40 veterans charities. >> i wasn't too involved in picking the organizations, other than i gave $1 million to the marine, law enforcement marine -- >> thank you, guys! >> hillary clinton, donald trump's likely oh tonight in pp
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responded. >> bragged for moss about raising millions for veteran and donating $1 million himself but it took a reporter to actually shame him for the contribution. >> reporter: her campaign trying to draw a contrast on veterans issues. >> much of the work that i've done has meant tens of millions of dollars in increased benefits to veterans and their families as well as a personal commitment. >> reporter: this is the public getting a glimpse into trump's business tactics outlined in the trump university so-called playbook. 400 pages of training material released at part of a class action lawsuit reveals how team members were instructed to identify students whip tith the money and urged to "close the deal" on the gold elite costing mere think $35,000. the lawsuit alleges students paid their money and never learned a thing. the newly released documents
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cast light on how the university was marketed, but what they don't show is what happened in classes after the sale was made. >> i have a judge who's very, very unfair. he knows he's unfair, and i'll win the trump university case. >> reporter: and a little more about that poll that was released just a few moments ago that quinnipiac poll in a general matchup between clinton and trump in the election. it shows clinton at 45%, trump at 41%. a margin of error of about 2.5%, which shows, come november, this could be a very, very tight race. chris? alisyn? >> j.c., thank you very much. let's discuss all that happened yesterday, and will happen today. let's bring in cnn politics executive eder mark preston. cnn political analyst and host of "the david gregory show" podcast, david gregory himself. senior politics eder of it "the
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daily beast," jackie kucinich. such an agust title, kucinich, i start with you. what else do you need to see when measuring the temperament of a candidate than what we saw out of trump yesterday? the question is -- when is someone within his ranks going to tell him he has to change, or does that only happen when the people start to punish him for it? >> he said yesterday he's not going to change, even if elected. this is what a trump presidency would look like with him versus the press, but, i mean, let's be honest. this isn't about us, it's about transparency. the fact he said he would give this money and didn't do it until frankly "the washington post" started looking into where this money was. a lot of those checks were dated the same day as that story came out. >> right, but, jackie -- jackie, i think that at this point, i think it's a little bit of -- almost an unnecessary indulgence to judge the situation on the merits. of course, it's not about us. tom llamas, i know well, asked a
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straight question. the money moved -- not even an issue. >> of course. >> i'm saying it's not really about the media. it's about what happens when he's with francois hollande. you're weak. you don't know how to deal with terrorism where you are. you're weak. >> right. >> how is there any indication that's not exactly how he'll be, because he's like that with everybody else? >> the one thing i will say for donald trump is that behind closed doors, and we've heard this many times from republicans that he's met with. he actually is said to be a very reasonable person and talks like a normal human and doesn't yell and scream. maybe he'll have a lot of secret meetings. i don't know. >> there you go. and david, listen, isn't the headline from yesterday to voters, he gave $5.6 million to veterans. who cares about a squabble with the press? >> could have been the headline, had he not gone off like he did. this is probably the only agreement between trump and clinton. i don't think she put up too much of a disagreement about
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disliking the press. they might have a little comety on that. he went after the press yesterday and nobody's going to shed a tear. to chris' point, assessment. what are we learning about donald trump in the face of scrutiny, about his transparency? what are we learning about his temperament? what are we learning about his reactions to people who are not obedient and loyal to him, whether you're the press or a judge in the case, or whether you're susana martinez, governor of new mexico who doesn't show up to an event? what do you learn about the way they handles the stress of a campaign? this is what people do as voters. they take the measure of someone they want to lead them, and whether it's in diplomacy, negotiations with congress, or the temperament that comes with
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the stress and complexity of making a national security decision, donald trump is providing a's glimpse into the kind of president that he would be, and voters are going to make a judgment about that. >> mark? >> listen, i think, you know, to david's point, this could have been a fantastic story for donald trump and i think that donald trump mishandled this immensely from day one. a couple things. one is, donald trump said that this was not political in any nature, that he wanted no accolades. clearly he wanted accolades. i was there that night in iowa as that rally. i was outside, you know, talking to people in the line, in that -- >> that night did he say he'd raised $6 million? >> of course he did. the question is not that he said it, it's that he stood bike a deck clairetive question and able to step back, we didn't quite get to $6 million or raising money is difficult. >> more than that.
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he didn't like the press  exercises. didn't want to answer the questions, when, how, who, where? that's what's we do. show tell us about the money, show us where it went. that's how he operates in his own business dealings and it works in a room mano a mano, but the press doesn't just take things on gospel. >> right. he doesn't like being challenged. that's donald trump's big effort problem. i don't know how many times he's actually been challenged in his lifetime where he hasn't mind or in his own mind he thought he had won. this is a case, they had terrible bookkeeping. they weren't organized, and all he had to say from the getgo was, listen, we're trying to make this work, we're going to get the money, instead he turned it trying to take on the whole press corps. >> part is deflection. it's fine. should get a pat on the back with it. he's found a way in an ugly business to be effective. there's that. then there's what jeff bassos was talking about, that, what
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does this do to the media? if you bash the media all the time, are you setting up some type of abridgement of the first amendment? one of the most unique qualities of the first amendment here. here he is in his own words. >> one thing i think it's not appropriate that -- that -- that donald trump is doing, working to freeze or chill the media that are examining him. it's -- it's -- it's just a fact that we live in a world where half the population on this planet, if you criticize your leader, there's a good chance you'll go to jail or worse, and we live in this amazing democracy with amazing freedom of speech, and a presidential candidate should embrace that. >> what do you think of that, jackie? would you be willing to put money right now that there's a 0% chance that president trump
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would ever take action against a reporter he felt was really out of line? >> you know, he's actually said he wants to relax laws so it would be easier to sue news organizations. so it's clear that it takes, the adversarial relationship to another level. he's banned news organizations, "daily beast" reporters have been banned from his events. so it's clear he's taking this to another level, and doesn't really plan on changing, because it continues to happen. >> but, david -- >> and work. >> -- does it work? do you think, david, it has a chilling effect? it's not like "the washington post" or the "new york times" are pulling articling. he has had a chilling effect on journalism? >> not at all. he can't get out of his way in terms of how fast he wants to get to a camera or cell phone to the media and call in. look, politicians do this. he is an unconventional
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candidate running a populist movement campaign. i'd be shocked if he weren't railing against the media all the time. i mean, and, again, there's not a big well-spring of support for the media out in america. so this is a free pass in essence he gets. the bigger point is not about the press and the media at large. it's about, in many ways what he is representing of himself. the idea that when you start to embody the caricature of you, that's what's damaging. you see it with clinton as well and the e-mails. in this regard there was a question of transparency, and he made a big deal about raising money which was terrific. so just show us where the money went. so that you actually gave all of this -- what is he not doing? he's not being transparent's doesn't like to be questioned about his business back yougrou not releasing his taxes. he considers that an affront and that's what we do.
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it's not about what we do in our jobs, it's whabout what he doesn his job and it's working. >> he's amassed a big number of people who share his views. he may have an opponent in the form of -- hasn't worked on us. david french. >> right. >> and we're going to talk about it in the next block. i want to tee it up for people. we now believe -- we believe, preston needs time to get it straight, got a lot of ideas in this head. david french. so that's the guy who they say now bill kristol says may be able ta take down donald trump. how realistic? we'll discuss it. first other news with ana. don't forget the democrats. bernie sanders saying he is taking this fight all the way to the kwengconvention even if hil clinton wins in new jersey and california. by the way, clinton now picking up a big enforcement in
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california. cnn senior washington correspondent joe johns following the latest for the democrats this morning. joe? >> reporter: good morning, ana. he is making the case that this nominating process is not over when the primaries end, but the big headline this morning, jerry brown of california is one of the country's progressive democratic governors, but not a bernie sanders supporters giving a big endorsement to hillary clinton citing the fak mathematically she's so close to sewing up the delegates needed to get the democratic nomination, also citing his concern that the stakes are so high, because donald trump is the republican standard bearer. the democratic front-runner is on the east coast right now raising money in new york and new jersey where her campaign thinks they have a good chance to win the primary. the issue of party unity continuing to cause concern among establishment democrats. bernie sanders has said after the primary was over it would be up to clinton to reach out to
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his supporters. she says she's already doing that. >> i will certainly do everything i can to unify the democratic party. our campaign has been reaching out to one another. we will continue to do that. >> reporter: sanders responded to the jerry brown endorsement by labeling brown part of the democratic establishment. he continues his focus in california. hillary clinton is headed out there tomorrow. back to you. >> joe, thanks so much for that. well, new polls just out this morning reveal that hillary clinton is locked in a virtual dead heat with donald trump. we'll look inside the numbers to see what voters are saying about each of them. we'll also look at how a third-party candidate ho play a role, and who that is, next. i sleep extremely hot. i wake up and i just feel like sticky.
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all right. conservative bill kristol's mystery third challenger to donald trump has been revealed, we believe. it is "weekly standard" writer
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david french. let's look at just who he is and the effect he could have on this election. our panel, mark preston, david gregory and jackie kucinich. david french, in iraq war vet a bronze star recipient, what else do we know about him? he's nos a household name, per se? >> not a household name. from what i've seen literally in the last few minutes, erick erickson a leader in the conservative movement, his understanding this rolled out quicker than david french anticipated. he said that actually he could get behind a david french candidacy, which might give you some insight into conservative thinking, a leader in. will others follow behind? what is really important, specifically as republicans are looking for a horse to run against donald trump.
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erick writes, we watch trump fail on his own instead of providing a conservative scapegoat. in other words, let trump go out there by himself and if he fails, he has no one else to blame but himself. >> what does he offer up, mr. french, in terms of pluses and minuses for republicans or all voters? >> he's very conservative. he shares a lot of social conservative values that donald trump hasn't really expressed or, you know -- hasn't satisfied a lot of conservative voters. he doesn't have a lot of name recognition. it's not clear where his money would come from, because he would need money to run, and there would be a ballot access issue, and, you know, he'd be running against someone with, two people, with some of the most high-name i.d. in the country or in the world in a lot of cases. so to say this would be an uphill climb, i think that is understating it, frankly. >> david gregory, let's look at new polls that show the race between hillary clinton and
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donald trump. they are neck and neck in the cnn poll of polls that just came out in the past hour, but let's dive in and look at the quinnipiac polls, because this shows how voters are feeling about them. number one, clinton versus trump. what are clinton's strengths? okay? according to voters. they believe she is better prepared than donald trump more intelligent than donald trump and has higher moral standards. as you can see there, than donald trump. the flip side. how voters feel about trump's strengths? do they feel he is more honest and trustworthy than hillary clinton a stronger leader and more inspiring. what do you see there, david? >> well, i see a couple of things. one, there is, the country settles in to a 50/50 proposition between republican and democrat. we see a familiar pattern. it's an astonishing amount of consolidation among republican voters, self-identified republican vote here's have fallen in line for trump much
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more quickly than i think we would have seen. i don't think it's as equal as we see because she's still fighting bernie sanders and once hillary clinton gets nor consolidation on the democratic side she probably goes up. but, again, this is where the idea of a third party candidate can be important, because donald trump has to get into the game of addition. and he has to start building in areas where he's weak. women, minorities, and self-identified conservatives, in important states. regions of the country he has to get involved, in addition, and whether it's a libertarian candidate or conservative candidate that draws against him, even if it's 1% or 2% or as high as 10% he knows well that's ultimately going to be throwing the race towards hillary clinton. >> who does david french, mark, take from trump? i'm trying to think. we're calling him conservative. he's a very hard line social issue guy. trump is, really, not that close to him on that level, and i
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guess as jackie is saying, it's a little point of concern for certain types of conservative, but who does he take from them to beat hillary clinton? >> to david's point there, donald trump is fighting this political war on multiple fronts instead of just focusing all of his attention on taking on hillary clinton. we saw him go after susana martinez, going against republican women. whenever a detractor in the republican party doesn't get in line behind him -- >> you know, a vote for french is a vote for clinton and those types of people, would they risk that? >> every four years we talk how social conservatives might stay home, because their candidate didn't win the nomination, and that they're going to prove that republican party needs their votes. this could be one of those years, but not only just david french, of course, the name in the last 24, 48 hours we're talking about, but gary johnson on yesterday, libertarian candidate, republican, now a libertarian. william weld, republican, now a
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libertarian. he could actually take away some serious votes from donald trump. so i think donald trump -- >> not from clinton? >> no, i don't think so. yeah, okay, perhaps a little bit, but a think he could be more dangerous to donald trump, because he might be the candidate that a lot of republicans who don't want to support donald trump say you know what? i am going to cast my vote, because as an american, that's what i should do, but i can't do it for donald trump. i'm going to go for gary johnson. >> talk about hillary clinton who secured a big endorsement from governor jerry brown, a week before the california primary. why is this significant? >> he's the governor of the state. with that um cans a lot of his base, but bernie sanders isn't wrong that jerry brown is part of the california establishment. so i don't know that it makes much of a difference in this race, frankly. because we haven't seen a lot of endorsements really matter this cycle on either side of the coin. so it probably would have mattered more if he hadn't endorsed than, you know, because the question is, why wouldn't he
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endorse? than if he did. >> got it. go ahead, quickly, david. >> i think it's significant that he endorsed, because clearly there was pressure to do so. i think hillary clinton is spending more time in california, she is feeling the heat from bernie sanders and worried about california knowing b what a blow that would represent if the he were to perform there. >> panel, thank very much. great to get your perspective on this very busy day. and the global outrage over the killing of a gorilla at the cincinnati zoo continues to grow and now police focusing on the family of the little boy who fell into this habitat. could the boy's mother face criminal charges? next. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®.
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cincinnati police say they're going to focus in on the minutes before that 3-year-old boy came face-to-face with that gorilla and in particular focusing in on the actions or potential inactions of parents. the mother, of course has come under intense scrutiny in recent days, people posting online why she wasn't paying more attention to her 3-year-old boy,s that also, of course, the focus of the investigation. also happening overnight, jane goodall released a statement saying she was for the zoo's loss and acknowledged though she had not seen the entire incident, only what we've been seeing on that video she wanted to say, it looked as thoughs gorilla was putting an arm around the child like the female who rescue the child from the chicago's incident. goodall is referring to an incident where a 3-year-old boy
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fell into an enclosure, except in that case, the gorilla saw that 3-year-old boy, scooped him up. shielded him and waited until a zookeeper to come get him. a similar incident, but, of course, with a much different ending back nen 1996. alisyn? >> just amazing how this conversation continues about what happened inside that enclosure. jessica, thanks for that update. well, overseas fallujah is under siege. u.s.-backed iraqi forces are fighting to try to free the city from isis, but more than 20,000 children are still trapped in the cross fire in that city. we have a live report from the pentagon, next. (avo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety
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the fight for fallujah growing more fierce by the hour. american trained iraqi troops now trying to storm that city and take it back from isis. but they're facing heavy resistance from isis fighting back with everything from
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suicide bombers to car bombs. working to get into the center of fallujah, it's surrounded. what do we know about the progress and how the u.s. is playing a role in all of this? >> reporter: well, right now, ana, isis certainly putting up a very fierce fight defending every scrap of territory it can, because this is their last stronghold west of baghdad in anbar province. the u.s. trying to help, but thousands of iraqi citizens in fallujah may be trapped behind enemy lines, used as human shields. food, medicine, in very short supply. the u.n. believes thousands of children may be trapped in the city. the u.s. helping with air strikes and intelligence, but it's a very challenging situation. the kind of thing we began to get a firsthand look at when we traveled just a few days ago in iraq and syria. cnn was the only tv network aboard this c-17 transport jet heading from the u.s. to the
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middle east. general joseph o'tell, the man commanding the war against isis is tucked away in an off-limits secure area. this is called the silver bullet. it gives him a spot towards classified material. first stop, kuwait. temperature, 114 degrees. a u.s. army warehouse brimming with more than 25,000 weapons -- all ready to be shipped north to iraq. we also head north. landing at baghdad's airport, we board a helicopter to the green zone. the road into iraq's capital still isn't safe. we are taken into the rarely seen command center. screens scrubbed of all classified information. >> who gives that final approval for bomb release? >> the fuel to strike the target is me, the bomb release is inside there. >> reporter: the next stop is a training camp in taji.
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this base, about one hour north of baghdad is one of the front lines in the effort to train, advise and assist iraqi forces. o'tell is -- >> getting better. a lot left to do. >> reporter: next stop, an undisclosed location for our flight into northern syria. cnn photojournalist khalil abdullah and i work under the moon. the price for this trip, a signed agreement. the rules no faces of certain military personnel, no disclosing sensitive locations, no showing the terrain around the sensitive locations. no description of security teams or sensitive aircraft. it's not ideal. we push to learn more, but security remains tight. the next stop is northern syria. that's all we're permitted to say. at this secret base, american
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forces train syrian kurds and arabs. we can't show the face of the american military trainer we meet. he is cautious about a key goal. >> you think they can get to raqqah this year? >> i don't think i'd be fair if i was trying to say how long it might take, but i do think the stf have the potential to get to raqqah. >> reporter: for all of the secrecy, within hours of leaving syria, these photos emerge of other special forces advising syrian fighters near the front lines. racing, again, the key question is the u.s. in combat inside syria? it was an extraordinary trip. we began to get a glimpse what u.s. facing in some key areas, especially in northern syria. a lot of restrictions to be sure, but who is general joe votel to go on a trip like this? well, he commands the war against isis in syria and iraq.
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he's a longtime special operations soldier himself. he spent decades in that area, and once he took command, apparently he decided he wanted to go to syria and visit his men and women. we did meet military women there on the front lines in the fight in syria. i can tell you, it's fair to say, the white house, the pentagon, was taken aback at general votel's plan. you know, you're going to go to syria and you're going to take reporters? general votel apparently decided, yep, that's what he was going to do. chris? >> well, he picked the right one in you, barbara starr. a rare brand of bravery and objectivity in those situations. not easy to report there. thank you for doing it and making us look, two clear points. one what everybody says they want, for americans to train these people to fights for themselves and second, as barbara starr advised, difficult to be in theater and not be exposed to combat.
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thank you very much to barbara starr. we'll take a break now and take you from the theoretical to the painful reality. it's not just to talk about "if" with zika anymore. we have a baby girl born in new jersey with a devastating birth defect that doctors say is linked to the zika virus. what does this mean about the urgency of the outbreak here in the u.s.? next. ♪ headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable kind of mom. when pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain.
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all right. if this all checks out it will be the first reported case in the northeast united states of a baby girl infected with the zika virus. she was born with catastrophic birth defects in new jersey. so let's bring in cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen with the latest. elizabeth what do we know? >> chris, this is the first reported case in the continental united states of a baby born with zika-related birth defects. this baby was born with microcephaly, which is a small brain and a small head and other neurological birth defects as well. these are very, very serious birth defects. some parents actually choose to terminate the pregnancy. that's clearly not the choice the mother made in this case. this baby was born in new jersey, however, the mother was infected in honduras. she was not infected with zika in the united states, and actually, that's the case with everyone who's had zika in the united states. if they were bit by a mosquito
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and got zika, they weren't bit by a mosquito in the united states but elsewhere and then traveled to the u.s. alisyn? >> elizabeth, thank you, for all of that. as the zika virus makes headlines, ahead of the summer olympics in rio, a major league baseball player reveals that he came down with the zika virus before the season started. coy wire has more in this morning's "bleacher report." what do we know, coy? >> hi, alisyn. detroit closer francisco rodriguez, laid up in bed for two weeks with joint pain, body aches, headaches all because of zika. the 34-year-old says he contracted the disease in his native venezuela where he spends the off season. had blood work, how he found out he had zika. 14 saves, recently the sixth pitcher in history to record 400 saves. he's doing all right. all right, nba, almost time
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to play. the finals. oddsmakers in vegas have golden state as 2-1 favorites to repeat as champs. about this, lebron james is not happy. here he is. >> i don't get involved in all of that underdog, over per ddog whatever the case may be. stupidity. >> that's the whole potato. looking to bring cleveland its first championship in 52 years. game one tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern. ana, it's about to be on. >> you got to think warriors have momentum going in. they are fired up. >> absolutely. >> coy wear wiire, thank you so and donald trump his most vicious attack on the media and saying this is his new normal. why does he have a problem answering probing questions? next.
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flossers and dental floss. gum® brand. all right. let's start with what we know for a fact. trump bashes the media for a simple reason -- you like it. the bigger question what does it mean for him as a president? listen to what he said to people just asking him questions. >> you keep calls us the dishonest press. >> generally speaking that's 100% krenchts i disagree with that. seems your resistance to scrutiny, the kind that um cans with running for the president of the united states. >> i like scrutiny -- >> but -- >> excuse me. excuse me. i've watched you on television, you're a real beauty. when i raise millions of dollars, i don't want, have millions of people say, like this sleazy guy right over here from abc news, you're a sleaze.
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right over here. you're a sleaze, because you know the facts and you know the facts well. >> jim acosta is a beauty. we got that right, but let's discuss what this means if this man were to become president of the united states. cnn senior media correspondent and host of "reliable sources, and cnn analysis. bill, it's not new for somebody to be negative about the media, but the way he does it and why he does it is certainly more extreme than anything i've seen. >> it is. i agree with you. i don't think we've heard someone being attacked for being sleazy, dishonest, et cetera. you know, republicans have been against the press my entire lifetime, basically. >> clinton, too, by the way. >> clinton, and presidents don't like the press. obama's kept the press as arm's length but he's very personalizing. he's saying you're sleazy, dishonest. attacking integrity of the individuals, that's very
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different and sounds nixonian to me. creating an enemies list. look at you. i know you. i know what you're saying what you're doing, and i think he's going to enflame the press, actually, by doing that. i don't think it's going to serve him down the road. in the short term, he's pug anyway, ispug -- pugnacious and his followers like it. >> a tweet following that feisty news conference. saying, why attack media? so you can keep saying they are discredited when tough stories come out. it's deliberate attempt at inoculation. so, brian, to you, is that what's going on here? perhaps trump not trying to silence the press just trying to make the press less effective? >> that's a big part of it. working the refs. in a moment like this we have to be crystal clear why we do what we do as journalists. not always pretty or easy, but all candidates, all politicians and all public figures should be held accountable.
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we've got to talk about a secret here. that trump loves the press. he loves the media. the media is his lifeline, and i think it's best to think about this as the trust show. meaning a reality tv show. the best way to understand trump, he's his own tv producer, probably watches this show right now, reacting to it in realtime. uses twitter and facebook to react, calls to react and sometimes when he likes what you say he'll send a handwritten note or have one of his aides reach out. this is vintage we saw at the press conference. asked, when treated unfairly, lashes out. but treated fairly, also quite kind. it's the two sides of trump. >> bill, look into the future for us. if he becomes president trump, what does that washington press corps then look like? because he was asked yesterday during the -- >> he said, it's going to be like this. >> will you change your tone, your relationship and approach if you become president? >> he was like, i don't think so. no. >> when he feels attacked he lashes out.
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i don't think he can step back and say i got give a thoughtful answer because now i'm president. i don't think he would do that. he's an attention junkie and likes that. he likes being in the center of attention. rhine says he needs the media. he does need the media. >> he posed at his own p.r. guy before even in the game. didn't even need to do t. exactly. >> this is an interesting dynamic with the media. an easy statement. i don't think that's what's most relevant about it, rit's always about his temperament. under fire, i find it easy to stay calm because i'm not relevant, it's, wow, i'm just asking this guy questions that are obvious, he knows they're coming yet handles them this way. what happens if he deals with the head of nor countanother co you hear, in private, he's not like that. no, no. >> that's not what i hear, my experience from people who have known him over the years. where's the confidence? >> in private a lot of
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journalists are quite uncomfortable with where we are at this moment. i would even use the word horrified. i'm near in l.a., a conference, ba bassos saying onstage, the amazon ceo, feels inappropriate for trump to chill or freeze the media. i think if you were to corner 100 journalist, 99 would agree with that statement, yet, of course, he's a blast to interview, revealing to interview and giving the media the greatest story in the world. definitely the greatest story of the year, maybe the greatest story of the decade. i mean, there are so many kind of layers to this onion we have to keep unpeeling when we talk about his relationship with the press. >> and keep crying more and more the deeper you get into it. >> hillary clinton certainly isn't getting the kind of passengers, per se, as trump is getting. how does she attack trump assuming that she does go on to get the presidential nomination for the democrats? she can't beat him at his own game, bill. >> no. it's a real challenge for her, because i think she is not gifted this way in interaction
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with the press. she obviously doesn't like it. always kept it at arm's length, so not as comfortable mixing it up. i also don't think it plays well for her. she has to come across at thoughtful. has to like say, i'm reasonable. he's unreasonable and show it. can't just say it. got to show it. >> and with mccarthy, came across at -- mour urrow said -- >> risky, but the public says, he's right. >> doesn't get as many eyeballs or ratings. yesterday, she tried to take a page from trump's playbook in that she called in to cnn, and another network. she dispatched surrogates to try to counter trump's narrative, and it was eclipsed by trump's remarkable press conference. >> i got imagine this is an argument going on inside the clinton campaign now. i myself tried to argue with a couple people i know in there this is a big, big challenge for the campaign and if clinton loses, this will probably be one
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of the points people go back to. how she learned or didn't learn from trump's use of the media. i think fundamentally, trump has learned, or taught us all, it's a cable tv election. trump knows that. i'm not sure the clinton campaign knows that, but her call ins to show maybe demonstrates she's learning that. >> yet hasn't had a press conference six months. something else to keep in mind. >> because i don't think she feels very confident doing that. i mean, clearly, that's another issue for her. >> i think she'd have a hard time seeing yesterday as an up side for her, also. >> no. >> but, look, it's certainly out there. gentlemen, thank you very much for fomenting the conversation. a lot of news. new polls showing the stakes of clinton versus trump. it's a dead heat. let's get to it. the political press is among the most dishonest people i've ever met. >> instead of being thank you very much, mr. trump you make me look very bad. >> find out how much hillary clinton's given to the military,
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nothing. >> he's continuing to attack everybody. that's not going to cut it. >> i'm going to continue to attack the press. these people are losers. >> donald trump and all his bigotry is not going to stop our path forward. >> he had to get shot and killed, and why? >> the power of those animals, beyond immeasurable. >> raises a lot of questions. what is the proper response? >> the child wouldn't be here today if they didn't do what they did. there is fierce fighting on the entrance to fallujah. it will be a very bloody battle. >> used as human shields. they have absolutely no way out. >> it is definitely getting more da dangerous. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day." ana cabrera joins us in studio g. to be here. donald trump taking no prisoners and says you better get used to it. the gop presumptive nominee launching a tirade against the
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media calling reporters sleazy and dishonest for trying to scrutinize the money trail from his fund-raisers in iowa, and a high-pressure playbook used as the now defunct trump university, and the other may be about tactics. the reality, look at polls. there's the reality how things are going for mr. trump. he's supposed to be a big underdog against hillary clinton. doesn't look like it. they are neck and neck. now, this big event yesterday was supposed to be all good. it was about donald trump coming out and showing, here's how much money we raised for veterans charities instead of going to that debate that night back in january. instead he turned it into a shaming for reporters. and what did that mean and why did he do it? another big event in the campaign was that hillary clinton just got a big endorsement a week before the critical california primary. what does all this mean? let's discuss. the 2016 election covered the way only cnn can. jason carroll, live from trump
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tower, start us off. >> reporter: and good morning to you, chris. you know, i think you said it best. coming on the heels of memorial day, many thought the press conference would be an opportunity to celebrate the millions of dollars trump raised for veterans organizations, but instead, it turned into another tirade against the press. >> i think the political press is among the most dishonest people i've ever met. >> reporter: donald trump going off the rails on the media again. >> what i don't swaunt when i raise millions of dollars, have people say, like this sleazy guy right over here from abc. he's a sleaze. in my book. you're a sleaze, because -- you know the facts and you know the facts well. excuse me -- excuse me, i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. >> reporter: the rant during trump's press conference announced he raised $5.6 million in a january event and distributed it to more than 40
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veterans' charities. >> i wasn't too involved in picking the organizations, other than i gave $1 million to the marine, to the law enforcement marine -- >> thank you, guys! >> reporter: hillary clinton, donald trump's likely opponent in the general election responding to trump's public media scolding. >> he's bragged for months about raising $6 million for veterans and donating $1 million himself, but it took a reporter to shame him into actually making his contribution, and getting the money to veterans. >> reporter: her campaign pouncing, trying to draw a contrast on veterans' issues. >> much of the work i've done has meant tens of millions of dollars of increased benefits to veterans and their families as well as a personal commitment. >> reporter: this is the public getting a glimpse into trump's business tactics outlined in the now defunct trump university so-called playbook. 400 pages of training material released as part of a class action lawsuit reveals how team
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members were instructed to identify students with the most money. and urged to "close the deal on the most expensive package, the gold elite," costing mere thi i $35,000. the lawsuit alleges students paid their money and never learned a thing casting light on how the university was marketed but what they don't show is what happened in classes after the sale was made. >> i have a judge who's very, very unfair. he knows he's unfair. and i'll win the trump university case. >> reporter: and ana, a quinnipiac poll released this morning shows if the election were held today, clinton would stand at 45% versus trump at 41%, but there is a margin of error at 2.5% showing still a very, very close race. as for trump, we'll see if he has any nor say about the press. he has a rally later on this evening in sacramento, california. ana? >> but it is not a two-person
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race just yet. there is a third person, bernie sanders, still in it on the democratic side and he says he is still committed to taking his fight all the way to the convention, no matter what happens in the big primaries in new jersey and california. however, clinton just got a big brooft out west with the endorsement of california governor jerry brown. we get to cnn senior correspondent joe johns fol following the latest. >> reporter: bernie sanders continues to make the case on the campaign trail that the democratic nominating process will not end when the primaries are over, which plays well to his supporters but gives heartburn to the party establishment. meanwhile, governor jerry brown of california giving a big endorsement to sanders' opponent hillary clinton citing the fact mathematically seize so close to sewing up the delegates needed to get the democratic nomination. brown also cited concern that the stakes could not be higher. that this is no time for democrats to keep fighting each other, and he cited her
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experience in government as well as the fact that donald trump is the republican standard bearer now. sanders responded by suggesting brown is one of the establishment democrats he's been fighting against. he has said that after the primaries are over, it will be up to hillary clinton to reach out to his supporters, and she says she's already doing that. listen. >> i will certainly do everything i can to unify the democratic party. our campaigns have been reaching out to one another. we will continue to do that. >> reporter: the democratic front-runner is on the east coast right now raising money in new jersey, where her campaign thinks they'll have a good chance to win the primary. she's also doing a fund-raiser this evening in boston with music legend jon bon jovi. alisyn? >> joe, thanks for all of that. let's talk strategy now with former new york city council speaker and hillary clinton
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supporter christine quinn. thanks for being here on "new day." >> thank you. >> talk about the strategy, what hillary clinton tried to do yesterday to counter or undermine donald trump's press conference, where he raised $5.6 million for vets. one of the things her campaign did yesterday, clinton herself phoned into two networks, cnn included. her campaign host add national press call to try to sort of alert reporters to what she had done for vets versus what donald trump had. they released press statements outlining how they said donald trump disrespected vets in the past. she dispatched surrogates in key battleground states with talking points and research as trump's past disparaging comments about vets and yet, christine, all of that was pretty much eclipsed by this remarkable press conference that donald trump had. so what is the hillary clinton camp supposed to do? >> if you look at donald trump's press conference, it says a lot. in a way it speaks for itself all about why donald trump is not qualified to be president of the united states. he showed in that press
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conference a temper naament thas exactly not the temperament you want leading the free world. he showed he may want to stand up and perform against the press but he doesn't want to actually answer questions, and when he's hit with a tough question he acts like a school yard bully and calls reporters and calls people name ps. that's the opposite of a president and the opposite of what the american people have always looked for in their leader. >> donald trump challenged the press scrutinize hillary clinton's contributions to vets. we looked into that here at "new day." what we came up with, from the year the 2006 through 2011, the donations we found, made from the clinton family foundation, okay? so these are her -- her donations to vets. they total $105,000. during a four-year span before yesterday's big donation that
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donald trump made a $5.6 million, according to "forbes" magazine, $56,000. he has a big total now that he can trump it, pardon the pun, and so her donations, she didn't talk about them. they get a little lost. >> we're assuming that yesterday's press conference at the end of the day is a net positive for donald trump and i don't really think that is the case, because i think the more the american public sees of his behavior, and his temperament, and his bullying, the more questions that they are going to have, but i mean, forget his behavary moment. isn't the headline he's raised $5.6 million for vets? isn't that -- >> the headline is also, he only wrote the checks after "the washington post" asked, show me the money. and the dates, he can say
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whatever he wants. the date of when "the washington post" started asking and pushing, the checks are right after that. so unlike the contributions we see from the secretary, which came because she thought they were top notch places to support and vets needed support, these came after the press pulled back the curtain and said, oh, no. you didn't live up to your commitment, beyond that, donald trump says he didn't give the money yet, earlier, because he hadn't finished vetting. this station uncovered a number of the groups he gave money to he didn't vet, didn't check tax statements, some good, gbut som of serious questions and groups that shouldn't be funded. >> he put a lot of that to rest yesterday and put out tweet yesterday i think you have. >> probably. >> a big bet, actually saying i'm getting credit for my press conference. crooked hillary shoulden admonished for not having a press conference in 179 days.
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>> that's a fair one. candidates having been -- not for president but mayor should stand up in front of the press. >> why doesn't she? >> let's not confuse with what donald trump did yesterday with what is appropriate -- >> that is what he says we can expect now srnlg. >> is that information? telling the public how you're going to lead? no. it's standing up, doing a version of "the apprentice" in front of the national press corps nap is not dispelling information, answering questions and putting your platform out there. very different. >> should hillary clinton have nor press conferences? >> i think every presidential candidate should stand up in front of the press and answer questions. that's not what donald trump did. he stood in front of the press, put on a show and put on his vegas act. he didn't answer questions. >> happening in nmp ing iing i latest monmouth poll, neck and neck in a poll.
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in a monmouth poll. democrats won new jersey since 1992. how do you explain how close numbers are? >> look where president obama was four years ago, eight years ago as it relates to the republican nominees in each of those race. they were equally close. we're in a situation where the secretary is both running against donald trump, because she is going to be the democratic nominee, and finishing the democratic primary. that makes two races at one time challenging for voters. once the democratic primary is over i have no doubt the party's going to coalesce and you're going to see the numbers change to where they really are, which is the secretary leading significantly. >> we shall see. christine quinn, thanks for coming in to "new day." great to have you here. over to chris. we are following this situation that continues to grow around the cincinnati zoo. and internationally, outpouring of emotion about that gorilla being killed. now a new focus by the police on the family of the little boy who somehow slipped into that
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gorilla's enclosure. are they going to face charges? we have cnn's jessica schneider following developments in cincinnati. jessica? >> reporter: well, chris, the prosecutor is not ruling out criminal charges, and that's why the police are now focusing their investigation on the actions of the potential inactions of those parents. they're going to focus in on exactly what happened in those minutes leading up to when their 3-year-old son came face-to-face with that gorilla. we've all seen the intense internet scrutiny, the mother has faced the bulk of that scrutiny. a lot of posts online. a lot of people wondering and asking, where was she in the moments leading up to this and why wasn't she watching her child? of course, police will be asking those same questions. they're already asking to talk to witnesses and already asking for people who may have shot more video than we've already seen. also developing overnight, there's been a post from world renowned primate expert jane
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goodall, posting an e-mail sent out to the senate zoo director sunday. in that e-mail, sorry for what happened. expressed her sorrow but also said this -- she said it looked as though the gorilla was putting an arm around the child, like the female who was rescue -- who rescued the child from the chicago exhibit. jane goodall there talking about a 1996 incident at a chicago zoo where a 3-year-old toddler a boy, also fell into a gorilla enclosure. the gorilla in that case was a female gorilla, scooped up the boy, guarded him from other gorillas and waited until a zoo keeper could take that little boy to safety. ana? >> want to see the best in the animals. a tough situation. thank you for that report. breaking news now in the search for egyptair flight 804. investigators saying a french movie boat detected and underwater signal. they believe it could belong to one of the doomed aircraft's flight recorders. the black boxes. just picked up in the search area at the crash zone in the
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mediterranean sea. dropped off radar en route from paris to cairo last month. 66 people onboard, all presumed dead. bring you more breaking details as we get them in. and be aware of a newistic are of terrorism, a warning from the state department saying this alert is not based and a new threat, rather big, upcoming events. the tour de france, european soccer championship and catholic church's world youth day in poland will draw large crowds. the worry that could make them targets to isis-inspired attacks. shifting gears. entertainment news practically perfect in every way. disney's "mary poppins" getting a sequel. yell, british actress emily blount takes over as the legendary mary poppins, and lynn manuel miranda will star doctor doctor from "hamilton" and "in
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the heights" playing a new character. a street lamplighter named jack. "mary poppins" returns, expected in theaters christmas day 2018. >> i'll buy my tickets now. my kids will be very interested in that. >> miranda, a broadway superhero. >> phenom. i know. ♪ just a spoon full of sugar >> what i'm talking about. >> me, too! >> finally. some talent. a star! we love it, but can't do it. >> no talent. >> my kids again -- >> uh-oh. >> all right. turn back to the never trump movement. may have found its last best hope in a man named david french. so who is he and can he pose a serious challenge to donald trump? and could it all impact hillary clinton? we'll discuss that, next. everything you're pretty good at now,
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the so-called never trump movement hoping conservative writer david french can be the independent alternative to
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donald trump, and hillary clinton. so who is david french? and could he actually have an impact? let's bring in cnn political commentator former political director jeffrey lord. good to have you in the studio and former adviser for mitt romney's 2014 campaign, kevin sheridan. good to see you as well. david french. temt who he is, jeffrey lord. who is he? >> i don't know him personally. >> you know who he s. i sister-in-law do. a good conservative a writer, and i have to tell you i was waiting and waiting and waiti i to find out who is this person. i mean, with no disrespect to david french, you could nominate me, nominate my neighbor. this is just not going to go anywhere with all of the build up, a long distance from mitt romney who they were trying to get and david french. >> share criticism, mr. sheridan? was this underwhelming to you?
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was this somebody who has any possibility of having an impact? >> well, running for president take as very specific set of skills. to paraphrase liam neeson and we don't know yet if he'll have any ability to get noticed. he has no name recognition right now, but they is a good american. he's a great writer. he has a bronze star. he could be somebody that does affect conservatives and people who don't think donald trump is fit for the office to go to i don't know how you get his name out there quickly enough for that to really happen, but this is bill kristol continuing to find a place for people to go. >> something interesting about this is your man trump's response. >> right. >> which goes far beyond david french. the idea of people within his own party who aren't behind him, or aren't behind him yet. what he had to say. >> the real story is how fast we're getting together.
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now, if i have a republican that's not on my side, i -- i'm not -- why should i were particularly nice to that person? i'm not going to go after them like i would hillary or crazy bernie, but why should i be nice to that person? if i have a person that's not going to support me, i have no obligation. politically, i may be right, i may be wrong, but that's who i am. >> temperament. that's the word. it's always been the word. everything else has been noise. what you saw yesterday with him calling someone a sleaze. >> right, right. >> him mocking jim acosta, who you know is a quality journalist. >> right. >> you don't do that. your mother wouldn't be happy if you did. you wouldn't let your family, you wouldn't let kids do it but you excuse it in him. why? >> chris, here's the problem. outside of media circles, the american people, lots of them, no the to mention conservatives, really think, and i'll say this plainly. they think the media is arrogant, liberal, out of touch.
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that they are projecting not "the news" but their opinion. >> is the new mexico governor? is the new mexico governor out of touch? is the judge out of touch? >> yes. yes. >> how? >> absolutely. >> not only do you not know enough about that judge, but there's nothing on the basis of their opinion that you could say, no other judge would have done this. to say he's mexican. to say -- >> chris -- chris -- chris, the judge is apparently an illegal -- i mean, i've looked. illegal immigration activist. helped give a scholarship to an illegal immigrant who went on to get a law degree and is now a -- well, chris, he's not an american citizen, and he gets a law degree in america? paid for, you know, with a scholarship? >> not the judge you're talking about. you're talking be a the person -- >> the judge voted to give him a scholarship. >> sounded like you were talking about the judge. just want to be clear. >> the judge is clearly an
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activist of some sort. all i'm saying is how does the judge give a fair decision if he's already, you know, on the other side of the issue? >> mr. sheridan, when you examined the issue of temperament, i don't care what donald trump says about me. it puts a smile on my face, because i'm not relevant in the process. this is about testing him. that's my job. you know that. when you hear him say those things you wouldn't let your kids say them. your parents would be angry if you said them. they're excused when donald trump says them. is temperament an issue? >> it certainly is for many republicans and independents and voters all around, but i think he's somehow insulated himself, because he says so many outrageous things that he's allowed to get away with things that others don't. what i really heard yesterday was somebody who was changing the narrative once again. he went after the press. he knows by attacking the press, the press loves to talk about itself. he was going to find a sympathetic ear and many conservatives especially, who think the media doesn't always
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give conservatives, republicans, a fair shake. when he attacks them he takes the focus off of the trump university documents, and the vets' questions and hillary's counterattack and everybody's talking about the media today. >> clever. right? got the new york a.g., write off as amotivated guy. >> add the lawyers involved. one law firm paided clintons, bill and hillary, over, around a half million dollars for speeches, and they're involved in this lawsuit? i mean -- hello. >> but they're plaintiffs attorneys. that's what they do. >> chris -- >> what do you think? lawyers have a conscience briou >> these lawyers are presenting themselves as, we're objective, helping the little guy. >> they're advocates. not objecting. advocates for the plaintiffs.
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r.a.a. reasoning. rid out ad absurdum. i'm not saying not a good tactic. we're not talking about the trump documents. you know, had clinton written on them instead of trump you'd have a pocket full of them now. i'm saying when he says he's going to go after you if you don't back him as a republican he's bringing it your way like he did to the governor, like he'll do to sheridan, like he did to romney subpoena that the temperament for the president? >> we tried it governor romney's way and senator mccain's way. >> you are okay with it? you wouldn't do it yourself, i think donald trump should be donald trump is all i'm saying. we used to say in the reagan white house, let reagan be reagan. many thought in the day ronald reagan was an extremist. >> i grew up in that era. nothing like that. >> i'm saying, they didn't like him. didn't like him and brought up all sorts of reasons.
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donald trump is going to be donald trump. the american people have known him for 40 years. >> and he's also said he was going to pivot and we haven't seen it. that had would be so presidential we all would be bored and we're not bored yet. >> thank you both. sad news to talk about. that difficult decision at the cincinnati zoo to kill its gorilla harambe, making other zoos think twice about emergency protocols. will harambe's killing result in change? you both have a
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an update on the cincinnati zoo story now. police are investigating the family of that little boy who fell into the gorilla exhibit at the cincinnati zoo that, of course, led to the death of harambe the gorilla. just how prepared are zoos across the country for emergencies like this one? ron kagan is the director of the zoological society. thanks for being here. >> good morning. >> i was fascinated to read zoos around the country do perform drills all the time, emergency drills, for worst-case snare joe
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scenarios. are zoo officials preparing elsewhere for the possibility of a 3-year-old falling into a gorilla encloche jer is that one of the worst-case scenarios? >> absolutely. you never want either an animal to get out of its enclosure and you never want a visitor to get in an enclosure. so among the many types of emergencies that all of us train for, this is certainly one of them. like any other accredited zoo, we do dozens of other emergency drills every year from potential terrorist incidents to lost children, to animal escapes and things like that. >> so in those drills, during those drills what other options are there, rather than killing the gorilla, for when a child falls into an enclosure? >> well, again, every situation is different, but the three main
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efforts involve potential of immobilization. so all of us have emergency immobilization teams trained to dart animals. you also have another course of action, which happened obviously in cincinnati. so we have an emergency weapons team for when you have to use lethal force which is incredibly rare, obviously. your first course of action, though, hopefully, is to try to get the situation to calm down, and to be able to get the animal to come indoors. to release, if it has a person, or a child, to actually release it and i think they were successful in getting the two female gorillas to come indoors. >> yes. right. and by the way, part of why animal rights activists thinks the zoo may have acted hastily or too dramatically. there were incidents where a child fell into an enclosure, twice we've seen this, and the
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gorilla picked up the child, about theed tenderly, one even delivering it to zookeepers. so is there a certain amount of time zoos are, sozookeepers are trained? >> to a certain extent. the last incident 20 years ago a child fell into an enclosure in the chicago zoo. that was a female gorilla. she was frankly being very motherly and very tender. this is an adult male silverback. i want to be clear. it's incredibly unusual for a male gorilla to in any way want to be aggressive to a human being. i think clearly from the video the animal was very agitated, and my guess is, was very unusual obviously for a child to be in the enclosure and secondly, you have a lot of visitors who are yelling or screaming, and that must have made the male very, very nervous. >> yeah. >> i think he was probably
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intending to be somewhat protective of the child, but the unintended consequences of a 400-plus-pound gorilla potentially harming or killing the child, again, unintentionally, was certainly very clear. >> yeah. and you make the point, decades ago zoo be were basically like prisons. you know? animals were behind bars and it was safer then, but in the interests of becoming more humane to the animal, now they have much more sort of habitat-like enclosures that frankly are more vulnerable to people or kids getting into. so what's the answer? >> well, i am fearful that this incident will make people do what, for instance, the san francisco zoo did when a tiger got out about ten years ago. so they ended up essentially building a fortress which is not good for animal welfare and it's not good for visitors in terms of looking at nature and understanding nature.
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so there is a kind of unwritten agreement between the public and zoos. you know, just as you don't walk off a sidewalk into a road, it's very important for people to not leave pathways when they go somewhere, whether it's a farmyard and there's a corral with horses, or whether it's in a zoo. it would be very unfortunate if we turn the clock back and we build enclosures that have animals behind bars. so -- you know, this was obviously a really tragic accident. that zoo has probably had 30 million people go through that facility over the years. this is the first time anything terrible has happened. one time is one time too many, but the answer is not to build old-style exhibits. >> that's great perspective. ron kagan from the detroit zoological society. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. what is your take on all of this?
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please tweet us @newday or post your comments on chris? donald trump is making it clear. his latest tirade on the media won't be his last. but what does that demeanor actually do for the united states? does it help? does it hurt? we'll discuss with people who know, ahead.
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going at the media, nothing new for politicians. donald trump does it well but didn't invent it and more importantly says i'm not going to change. this is who i am.
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so what does that mean? what is trump's temperament and how can that help or hurt with adversaries. help us understand. bring in carl higbee, former navy s.e.a.l., donald trump supporter, and aaron david miller, vice president for new initiatives at the woodrow wilson international center, author of "the end of greatness: why america can't have an doesn't want another great president." real dose of optimism there, a.d.m., thank you very much. you wrote a piece about what donald trump's temperament being perpetually combative it mean. one of the first excerpts about it. i'll read to to the audience and we can get your response. his own campaign manager paul manafort suggested you don't thing that donald trump. he told the "huffington post," the world is a place the world can't afford to be in a constant state of counter attack where
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every challenge isn't a nail that requires a hammer. carl, what's your quick instinct to treect threact to that? >> we've had a president that has not take an firm stand, apologized and gone out and tried a limp-wristed foreign policy. now donald trump, the polar opposite. projects strength, wants peace but do it through strength and not take anybody's b.s. when people attack him he attacks back twice at hard. what we're seeing here. i think paul manafort is right. we need somebody like that coming into the oval office because the world doesn't respect us anymore. >> the plus. potential plus to the attitude. what's the potential minus? >> first, full disclosure. i voted for republicans and democrats, i work wore republicans and democrats and am not associated with anybody's campaign, chris, and not interested in running for anything. i've worked with secretaries of state and been around more than one president. the reality is, qualities that make for effective leadership, prudence, curiosity, emotional
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intelligence, the capacity to rise above personal insults and pettiness, to not allow the national interest to be defined by your own personal interests and by that i don't mean commercial or financial. by that i mean, the capacity not to have the need to insult, counterattack, and to basically have such a brittle personality you feel the need, in essence, to combat combatively. you hit me i'll hit you ten times more hard. ed world's a dangerous place. we have to kill before being killed. look at any number of presidents. fdr, even jack kennedy, prudence, restraint. eisenhower, george h.w. bush. the kinds of qualities that we need, i think, to cope with a cruel and unforgiving world. leadership is a thought experiment without literally being punctuated by these kinds of qualities. >> also i think that a lot of guys today weren't facing the
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same social media onslaught. people couldn't access something anonymously behind a computer, lashing out. the media has gotten exponentially more powerful through social media. a president is facing a completely different enemy than even eight years, 10, 12, 15 years ago. you need to soo a president willing to stand up a lot more for what he believes in. >> carl, i know your record and what you do now. one of the things that makes the s.e.a.l.s great and why they're used more and more, the special operators, is the discretion. is the wisdom. right? often special operators even older than guys out in the field. why? maturity. a lot to note when to be a hammer and when to be a scalpel. those qualities make you great. shouldn't they be reflected in the temperament of the people giving you orders? >> i think so. look at donald trump. he restraint, he oent hits if someone hits him. quality of s.e.a.l.s, the level of force we can provide in an
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instant were we need to. i see that same strength and conviction. i'll wait for you to hit me, but when you hit me i'm going to crush you. >> strength is the term you hear, whether from someone sophisticated like carl or people in the street saying i don't like the way america is perceived. >> sophisticated. >> come on. if you're not, who is? the idea you can crush my head like a coconut doesn't mean you're not sophisticated. saying we don't see strong in the world now. we seem weak, and trump shows strength. that's comforting. what do you see in that? >> you know, by and large, i see a dysfunctional relationship at times between the projection of american military force and the attainment of objectives. the issue is not whether america can be powerful. the issue is whether or not we can attach to our military power a set of sustainable goals that keep us out of trillion dollar social science projects like the iraq war. that essentially have presidents
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not creating public baselines that they can't measure up to. our current president fell into that problem with respect to the so-called syrian red line. mr. trump has already made clear that he's going to destroy isis so fast and so quickly. he's now created a benchmark most military analysts think is probably unrealistic. what do you do? you're a president with a big ego a great sense of grandiosity and you've demonstrated you want to achieve this goal. now you have to deliver. presidents should mean what they say and say what they mean. i agree, chris. but prudence and discretion, and one more point, curiosity is really important. when i was a lowly analyst at irr. phone rings. it's george h.w. bush on the other line calling a lowly analyst to ask a question about lebanon. kennedy used to call the vietnam analysts and it's that kind of
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curiosity, knowing what you don't know, and being in a hurry to find out that is critically important. i think carl would agree when it comes to operational security and planning asymmetrical counterterrorism operations, discretion, chris, particularly in this world is critically important. >> i think discretion, though, look, donald trump didn't want to go into iraq. he didn't agree with that war largely because there was no goal defined. we didn't have a desired end result. talk about being level headed, reserved things like that. donald trump is absolutely man you want his hand on the nuclear weapon. he's not going to use it unless all other options are exhausted. i think donald trump shows that discretion and proven it by lack of support for the iraq war despite of a lot of people after 9/11 that wanted to go in. >> thank you both for coming at this from different directions. no insults. well done. >> wow. >> well done. a low bar in america these days for rational discourse. you made it over easily.
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thank you, fellas. appreciate it. thanks. the battle to retake fallujah from isis intensifying this morning. scores of innocent civilians caught in the bloodshed. who's winning the battle, and what about the role of american forces? we'll discuss, with lieutenant general mark hertly, next. it's not a quick fix. it's my decision to make beauty last. roc® retinal started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinal correxion® from roc® methods, not miracles.™ what are you doingetting faster. huh? detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster.
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the battle to retake fallujah increases this morning as they have taken back the territory surrounding the city. but scores of civilians are now caught in the middle of the onslaught as isis tries to depend its turf. we'll talk more about the critical operation and the u.s. role in it with cnn military analyst lieutenant general mark hertling, sounds like good news on one front but bad news on another. we'll begin with the current fichlgt soun fight, what are your sources hearing? >> well, good morning, anna. secondly, i'm hearing it is a tough fight. all of us who have watched this fight and fought in iraq knew it
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was going to be a tough fight. fallujah is a very symbolic city. the police force as well as the population fronts have really surrounded the city over the last several months. but we have to remember that isis has been in that city for almost two years now. it is going to be a fight to the death in terms of the kinds of defensive positions isis put in place. they are using human shields and there is an unbelievably intense humanitarian crisis going on in the city itself. >> given the challenges, that there are 50,000 innocent people trap in the middle of this, including 20,000 children, i imagine that would perhaps alter the approach if you are the iraqi forces and if you're the u.s. advising the forces going in. >> not only the forces going in on the ground, but also the air support for those forces.
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when you get a targeting indicator, the iraqi forces on the ground are passing through the observers, hey, we have the target of isis forces in this building or this location, build in the aircraft or the air support, you really have to be careful if you are a coalition aircraft or u.s. aircraft in terms of hitting civilian targets. so it is not only what is going on on the ground but what is going on in support from the air. but yeah there, have been reports over the last several weeks that isis has been using up to 500 human shields, both men and children to prevent attacks by the iraqi security forces. and that is challenging for any force going into combat. >> do you think those children are also at risk of trying to be recruited by isis, given the ultimatum if you don't join us then you'll die? >> yeah, that was the initial indicator about a week ago. that the reports coming out of the city was, in fact, that isis was going to different houses recruiting men and boys saying you're fighting with us.
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and if you don't fight, we're going to kill you and they did. there are reports of executions from the iraqis that came out of the cities. we remember, there's about 2,000 iraqis in displaced personnel camps in and around the city of fallujah that were able to escape. but there are many more that weren't able to escape and they are giving reports of the kind of techniques that isis is using to attempt to recruit. not only fighters from the local population, but if you don't fight, then they use you as human shields. >> isis is using suicide bombings, rpgs, when dealing with that type of a thing, how do you get humanitarian aid in to help the people who are in dire need right now having to survive on dates we are hearing for food. >> well, first i want to address the suicide amount because i heard something for the first time yesterday through intelligence sources that isis actually used a suicide bomb fire truck. so they actually used one of the emergency service vehicles from within the city of fallujah and attempted to counter attack the
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iraqi security force counter terrorism unit with the fire truck made up like a bomb. but the iraqi government is being watched as well, the central government in baghdad. because they have to establish push packages of humanitarian assistance, food, water, propane for cooking, medical supplies, and those are all on the outlying areas waiting to be pushed in. that is a normal technique. in fact, we used it when i was there in iraq that the iraqi government would supply those kind of pieces of aid to be ready to go into the city as soon as the security forces secured the area. unfortunately, these fights are taking much longer. there have been reports of house-born explosive devices, devices inside homes that when the iraqi troops go in, the roofs fall down on top of them. they have had humvees that they have put suicide bombs in, rpgs, snipers, all sorts of things. this is going to be an extremely tough fight. the iraqi security forces said they could clear this area in two days back on monday.
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i was suspect then and continue to be suspect that is not an ambitious comment. and it's going to take much longer to secure this most important city on the euphrates river. >> thank you for your expertise. and donald trump is slamming the media. let's get to it. >> he's telling reporters that he's actually getting the money to veterans. >> i have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job. >> we all agree, trump would be a disaster. it's very hard to tell what he was going to do. >> they had no other choice. i don't believe harambe was going to give the little boy up. a fresh scandal, brazil
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faces a political crisis. do you think there's a lot of corruption in this room? >> i don't think, i'm sure. this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. welcome to "new day," it is wednesday, june 1. a new month, the same situations in the election. we have ana cabrera and that is a nice plus. donald trump is unloading on the media again scrutinizing the money trail to bring a lot of anger from trump. this veterans fund-raiser in iowa raised millions of dollars. that's what the press conference was supposed to be about, but trump wound up calling reporters sleazy, dishonest and the worst human beings he's ever met that really crowded the occasion. so he also said he could be more presidential but don't count on it. this as a judge unseals the cut-throat playbook used by his high-pressure sales team at the now defunct trump university. >> and a cnn poll of polls
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leased this morning shows trump and hillary clinton locked in a virtual dead heat. and now clinton is criticizing trump for having to be shamed. those were her words, into cutting checks for the veterans charity. clinton also scored a big endorsement ahead of california's primary. we'll talk about it all starting with jason carol live from trump tower in manhattan. good morning, jason. >> reporter: good morning to you. we have heard donald trump go after the press many times before, especially at his rallies, and he's called us losers and said we're the worst people he's ever met. the supporters love it and eat it up. trump knows that and yesterday he was at it again. >> i think the political press is among the most dishonest people that i've ever met. >> reporter: donald trump going off the rails on the media again. >> what i don't want is when i raise millions of dollars, have people say, like this sleazy guy right over here from abc, he's a
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sleaze in my book. you're a sleaze. because you know the facts and you know the facts well. excuse me, i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. find out how much hillary clinton has given to the veterans. nothing. >> reporter: the rant during the press conference announced he raised $5.6 million at a january event and distributed it to more than 40 veterans charity. >> i wasn't too involved in picking the organizations other than i gave a million dollars to the marine, law enforcement marines. >> reporter: hillary clinton, donald trump's likely opponent in the general election, responded to trump's public scolding. >> he bragged for months about raising $6 million for veterans and donating a million dollars himself, but it took a reporter to shame him into actually making a contribution and getting the money to veterans. er. >> her campaign pouncing on a contrast in veteran issues.
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>> much of the work that i have done has meant tens of millions of dollars in increased benefits to veterans and families as well as a personal commitment. >> reporter: this is a glimpse into trump's business tactics outline in the trump university so-called playbook. 400 pages of training material released as part of a class-action lawsuit reveals how team members were instructed to identify students with the most money. and urged to, quote, close the deal on the most expensive package costing nearly $35,000. the lawsuit alleges students paid their money and never learned a thing. the newly-released documents cast light on how the university was marketed but what they don't show is what happened in classes after the sale was made. >> i have a judge who is very, very unfair. he knows he's unfair. and i'll win the trump university case. >> reporter: in a new quinnipiac poll released just this morning, chris, shows it could be a tight
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race between clinton and trump if the election were held today. clinton would stand at 45% versus trump at 41%. again, it's early, chris, and you know the polls can change, but for now, looks like it could be a real nail-biter. chris? >> thank you very much. we'll get perspective from team trump, joining us is the national spokesperson for the trump campaign, katrina pearson, how are you, my friend? >> good morning, chris. good to to be here. >> here's the concern about trump's temperament. forget what he says about the media, that's low-hanging fruit, if you can't go after the media, who can you go after? but how do we know in dealing with the french president if that man says or woman says something that trump doesn't like, he won't call them a loser. where is the confidence that his temperament would change as president? >> well, i think that the american public are less concerned with the names that mr. trump would call someone and more concerned with the outcome.
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mr. trump is committed to putting americans and their families first. and people understand, foreign leaders are not going to like that. mr. trump has listed a number of reasons why the, why our economy is doing poorly yet we are continuously helping other countries and that's going to change. this is an example of not being in the media. the president of a foreign country is not a reporter. as mr. trump mentioned, many of the reporters know the facts but choose to write horrible stories about him or portray him in a negative light. that is not going to happen when mr. trump is president because we'll have the available resources to put out to the american public where the policies of the past have failed and what we want to do, so it's not going to get to the point of a temperament question because the people will be behind mr. trump. >> so you're saying he says what he says because he doesn't have the resources to fight on the facts, is that what you're saying? >> no. what i'm saying is we have the resources, for example, i've
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been watching this morning on cnn talking about how mr. trump could have had a good press conference yesterday when many of the people in this country thought it was a fantastic press conference yesterday because he was depending himself and fighting against the media. when he becomes president of the united states -- >> how was he fighting back? >> the misrepresentation of this example is the veterans char 'tis. mr. trump in a 24-hours notice decided to host a fund-raiser where he received pledged donations up to $6 million. the cnn headline not too long ago was trump campaign admits they didn't raise $6 million. but guess what? it was $5.6 million. shouldn't the headline have been, look at all the money mr. trump raised for veterans skipping a fox news debate to help people out that he wants to support? but the media headlines were saying mr. trump was pocketing the money for crying out loud.
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so of course he was upset about that. >> katrina, he created the media play and brought the vetting to him. he asked me to follow-up on it. i talked to you and cory about it, it was never done in the negative. nobody's reported on the veterans charities and the need for follow-up more than cnn, more than this show. we got drew griffin to help us out with the investigative reporting. you see mall lace in that? >> it was not 100% of the media doing this but i think it is some to say that some in the crowd yesterday asking questions were reporting this in a negative light. and it's absolutely fine and fair play to ask the questions and to get the responses that you're looking for. but at the same time, if you know the fact as mr. trump pointed out yesterday and you know what was going on, because i've been on the show talking about it taking six weeks to six months to vet some of these charities, yet three months into it they are saying, well, none of the charities received money
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when in fact they did. this money was leased months ago. >> because you're assuming what you said is accurate. in truth, if you want to know if they have the money, it's a phone call, not a months' long process. if you don't like what i say, do you call me an idiot? no. why is it okay for mr. trump to do it but not okay for you to do it with me? this is a chance, you don't like my reporter or won't call me something like that, right? why is it okay for him to do it? >> it depends. if you're attacking me personally, i might call you an idiot. but you don't do that. and we are talking about the issues and mr. trump is being attacked personally. >> how? has anybody ever said, mr. trump, you're an idiot, aren't you? nobody asked him a question to invite this kind of -- >> actually, no. chris, there was a debate where he was actually asked if this campaign was a clown, an act? of course he's been attacked
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personally by the media. and you see it in social media as well by reporters specifically. and look, it's not just mr. trump that doesn't trust the media and believes that they are dishonest. gallop tracking shows -- >> that is absolutely true. that's absolutely true. i would argue that's why he does it. i would argue that's why he does it. because donald trump loves the media more than you ever have on your best day. he loves the media. he works the media. he uses it. he appreciates its value. and it has served him well. those tactics and those skills in this election. i'm asking of it as a projected temperament. that's the only concern. i don't care how he treats the media. that will wind up coming home to roost for him or not if he wins this election, but when he deals with other people, we keep hearing from you and others he's not like this in private. he'll be different when dealing with other world leaders. where does the confidence come when we have never seen him
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treat anyone any differently than he treats opposition right snow. >> well, i think that goes to same with your peer group, it's quite obviously when mr. trump is in a boardroom with peers and colleagues he's not talking to them the way he's talking to the media. why? because they are not treating him the way the media is doing to him today. so it's all about give and take. mr. trump is a counter puncher. this is nothing new. if there is a foreign leader to sit down with mr. trump to have a discussion, chances are they are not going to be saying the same things in public they are saying in private either. the people are less concerned about what mr. trump is saying as far as criticizing his critics and more concerned about what he wants to do for the people of this country. and time and time again, what we have seen over the months is that people are getting to know mr. trump's policies better, getting to know him better and wanting to prefer an american agenda first. >> one thing that certainly did is distract him from trump
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university quotes because obviously years ago the organization was told they couldn't call itself an institution of higher learning anymore. but what do you say in defense to what came out yesterday, which in part had former employees, numerous ones, saying that trump university wasn't accredited, didn't provide a legitimate real estate education, it was selling false hope. some consumers showed up or maxed out their credit cards. this was about driving revenue not about adding to people's fortunes? >> well, i think you can also go out there and find individuals that actually were successful after attending the seminar classes. and no, this was not an accredited field. this was a voluntary seminar program to learn things about real estate. and that is what this is about. but at the end of the day, most americans are less concerned about what people chose to do and how much money they spent on it than they are about what is really happening in the country
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with regards to education. >> you don't think they care if this was fraud? you don't think they care if this was found to be a fraud? >> well, i don't think it's going to be fauound by the cour to be a fraud. when they find a chance to sue a billionaire, they sue a billionaire. that is what is happening here. >> katrina pierson, thank you for being here and not calling me any names. >> thank you, chris. neither democrat is giving any ground. bernie sanders continues to say he'll fight all the way to the convention even if he loses to hillary clinton next week in new jersey and california. meantime, clinton got a big endorsement. senior washington house correspondent joe johns has the latest on the dance. >> reporter: good morning. that line of bernie sanders continuing to make the case on the campaign trail that the democratic nominating process will not end when the primaries are over, that plays very well to supporters but gives
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heartburn to the party establishment. so governor jerry brown giving a big endorsement to sanders' opponent, hillary clinton, citing the mathematically she's so close to clenching this nomination. but sanders says the fact that brown is one of the establishment democrats he's fights against. he said after the primaries are over it will be up to clinton to reach out to his supporters, she says she's already doing that. listen. >> i will certainly do everything i can to unify the democratic party. our campaign has been reaching out to one another. we will continue to do that. >> reporter: democratic front-runner headed to the west coast tomorrow to give a foreign
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policy aggress continuing with her theme asserting trump is not ready for the oval office. she's on the east coast right now raising money in new jersey where her campaign thinks they have a good chance to win the primary. she's also doing a fund-raiser this evening in boston with music legend jon bon jovi. there you go. anger is building over the shooting death of harambe at the cincinnati zoo. police are now investigating the family of the little boy who fell into the habitat and the family is speaking out. jessica schneider is live with more on what they are saying. jessica? >> reporter: first off, the cincinnati police launching the investigation. the prosecutor also not ruling out criminal charges. the investigation will be focused on those minutes leading up to when the 3-year-old boy dropped into the gorilla enclosure and was violently yanked and tossed around by the gorilla harambe.
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the statement hassish sued a statement saying their child was just checked out by the doctor recently and is still doing okay. remember, he was leased from the hospital saturday night, but the family also saying this, we are also very appreciative for the expressions of concern and support that have been sent to us. some have offered money to the family, which we do not want and will not accept. if anyone wishes to make a gift, we recommend a donation to the cincinnati zoo in harambe's name. the family's still not speaking out or talking about the fact that they are investigated by police. they are only speaking out about the welfare of their son, the fact that he is doing okay. now in other news overnight, world renown primate expert jane goodall released an e-mail she sent to the cincinnati zoo director on sunday. she said she expressed sorrow and that she was sorry for what happened to harambe. she also acknowledged she didn't know exactly what happened. she only saw what she could see on the video. but she did say this with her
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statement saying, that it looked as though the gorilla was putting an arm around the child like the female who rescued the child from the chicago exhibit. jane goodall referring to a 1996 incident where a 3-year-old fell into the gorilla enclosure, the gorilla scooped him up and the zoo keepers rescued the 3-year-old. a much similar situation with a different ending. >> but it still puts you in a dilemma. there's a 3-year-old kid in the hands of a 400-pound gorilla and you don't know what is going to happen. jessica, thank you. there's also breaking news for you in the search for egyptair flight 804. investigators detect a signal in the mediterranean sea they assume to be one of the plane's black box recorders. it was picked up overnight by a french navy boat searching in the crash zone. egyptair 804 you remember dropped off the radar flying
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from paris to cairo last month. 66 people on board. and the death toll from flooding in texas has climbed to seven and most of the devastation is just outside houston. the city got ten inches more rain than normal for the month of may. and this video really tells the story. take a look at this. about a dozen horses having to take refuge from the floodwaters 30 miles outside the city on a porch. more rain is in the forecast today and more flooding potential later this week. ana, speaking of videos, look at this incredible video. it's going viral. this is a monster gator. >> read my lips, alligator. >> exactly. it's about 15 feet long and is just taking a stroll through a golf course near sarasota, florida. it is so big that some bystanders thought it looked like two guys in an alligator suit. then you see legs sprout out from it and they ran with
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sneakers on. >> here's a guy desperate to be a statistic. let's see how close i can get to this 700-pound man-eater. >> come on! some of the youtube commenters question whether this video is real. however, a clerk at the pro shop says, yes, this gator is real and he's a regular attraction. he's a mascot for their course. >> you look at it, i think he likes like a dinosaur. >> that is a dinosaur roaming the earth. i agree with you. >> their lineage does extend back. why do you go close to the thing that can eat you like a tostada? >> as it is strolling, it looks calm and then you forget it can swallow your whole head. >> what do you do, ana cabrera, if you are being chased by a massive alligator in. >> call crocodile dundee. >> serpentine.
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they don't run in a straight line. i learned that at the in-laws. you never know. hillary clinton has all but lined up the democratic nomination. is she concerned her perception may become a reality? that the party may not be there if she doesn't have a strong finish? that's next. ation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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our campaigns have been reaching out to one another. we will continue to do that. once our campaigns are over next tuesday, we'll begin talking in more detail about what we can do to unify the party. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders entering the final phase of the democratic primaries. amid calls for party unity, what will happen with hillary clinton and bernie sanders after tuesday? could they form a partnership? we'll discuss this with hillary rosen, and ohio senator nina turner. great to have you both here. >> hey there, good morning. >> hillary, let me start with you. when she said the campaigns have been reaching out to each other, what is the post-primary bernie/hillary plan? >> i don't think we can propose the plan but i do think that secretary clinton is sincere and
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really wanting bernie sanders' support and the support of his primary voters. he's energized a lot of people and consistently said those ideas and people are critical for success in the fall. >> nina, all the political numbers crunchers say that hillary clinton will have a nomination locked up mathematically speaking by this coming tuesday and early in the night tuesday, by the way, before even the polls close in california. so then what is bernie sanders' plan for the following day? >> well, it's what he's been saying from the beginning, newsflash, he's in this through the convention. and you know he's been saying this from the beginning when he started this race, he's only 3 democrat the polls and now look at him now winning 46% of the pledged delegates in this country. 21 contests. so senator sanders is going all the way to the convention. so nothing has changed. i want you guys to roll this
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tape next tuesday when you have me on because i'm going to say the same thing. senator sanders will continue in this race because millions of folks who already voted for him, and we still have millions of folks in this country yet to vochlt a oat. and it is not over on tuesday, it's far from over. >> here's why we say it is over on tuesday, it's the math. clinton needs 9% left of the remaining delegates. he needs 107% of the remaining delegates. there's not a poll in the world to show bernie sanders getting 107% of the remaining delegates, nina. >> are you counting the superdelegates? >> we are counting the superdelegates because that's the system he agreed to. the superdelegates are counted. >> but they are not counted until they vote during the convention. so let's be clear, he's less than 300 pledged delegates from the secretary right now. neither the secretary nor senator sanders will have the requisite number of pledged delegates before the convention.
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it will take the superdelegates to push either one of them over the top. so senator sanders is going to continue to push through. >> okay. hilary, hold on, when you hear bernie supporters say that, does that comfort you for party unity as of next week? >> you know, look, i'm going to keep the faith here and the last primary is june 14th, not june 7th. and those of us who live in the district of columbia still, i guess, want to see our vote counted, too. but i do think that bernie sanders supporters have a choice to make on june 15th. and that is going to be between promoting a -- essentially a divisive convention and helping donald trump get more of a strangle-hold and consolidating support. or consolidating behind progressive values that hillary clinton has articulated to date
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and will promise to articulate going forward. i do think that consistently these candidates have more in common than they do differences. and what is most important is making sure that our values get or are successful in the fall. i know nina and i will be talking on june 15th about how we can help our colleagues make the peace. >> okay, here's one suggestion. some people have thrown this out there and that is a combined ticket, a clinton/sanders ticket. and jane sanders, bernie's wife, was on wolf blitzer's show yesterday and wolf blitzer asked her specifically if bernie sanders would be interest in the vice presidential slot. watch this. >> how would you feel about your husband being the vice presidential nominee? >> i think what we are focused on right now, honestly we are not thinking about it, is we are looking at the presidency. and until we know otherwise, that's our focus.
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>> not a no as we see in the media. not a no, nina. so should hillary clinton pick bernie sanders as her vice president? >> well, i'm not into forced marriages. and we want to talk about the system, well, it is whoever is the nominee has the opportunity to pick their running mate. but i want to go back to something that hilary said, senator bernie sanders supporters want to see senator bernie sanders be the nominee. and this is not about solely about party unity. it's not solely about defeating mr. trump. see, that in lies the problem because the more democrats that talk about defeating mr. trump instead of talking about what democrats stand for and are fighting for in terms of why folks should be motivated to come out to vote for us, whether it's the $15 an hour increase in that minimum wage, universal health care, expanding and protecting social security, making sure that our children have a future that's not saddled with debt as they walk across
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college stages, those are the kinds of ideas and principles that democrats should be talking about if the narrative is only about defeating mr. trump, then we're in for a rude awakening. and the candidate that polls the best in terms of defeating donald trump is bernie sanders. >> nina, you always help remind us how the bernie sanders' supporrs are feeling. hilary rosen, thank you. we'll talk to you in a week. the justice for shooting an endanger gorilla was for the safety of the little boy. we'll ask the zoo coopkeeper to decode this animal's behavior. we'll talk to the man who named harambe. (vo) whatever your perfect temperature...
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welcome back to "new day." cincinnati police are investigating the family of the little boy who fell into the gorilla exhibit at the zoo. in the end, harambe was shot and killed. we'll talk to the special ed
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teacher who actually named harambe. dan, tell us about how you ended up naming harambe and the name is significant. >> well, i was running on my treadmill one morning in october 1999, and i was listening to regae music and midway through the song she described what harambe means, working together, reaching out to one another, caring and sharing, and i thought at the time, that's something i could greatly use as a counselor. i was a special ed counselor for meant dlntally disturbed kids. >> what a great message. >> yeah. when i came inside to relax and drink my coffee and read the morning paper, i saw that there
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was an article announcing a contest to name the baby gorilla. and immediately harambe popped into my mind. so that day i went to an inservice at the zoo, which the conference zoo is right next to the gorilla exhibit, so i dropped off my entry and just knew i was going to win because it was a perfect african-swahili word. >> and this gorilla was just a baby when you first met him. i understand that you over the years went with your family to the zoo and felt like the gorilla was an adopted son of yours. what was he like? >> yes, we always went with family members. everybody loves to go to the local zoo. we have a beautiful zoo. a lot of school field trips with my classes and other students. all they had to do was ask me to chaperone and i'm there. and, of course, everybody used
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the name harambe in my lessons and harambe would respond to his name. the zoo keepers were very helpful. mr. stones would take the time to explain to the kids harambe's traits. so i really preasappreciate tha. i am saddened by his loss but realize the significant impact he had on my life. >> let me turn to you and talk about the present. you were a zookeeper and wrote this on your facebook page that went viral. i have watched this video over again. with the silverback's posturing and tight lips it pretty much is the stuff of any keeper's nightmares and i have had many while working with them. explain that, what more is your expert eye seeing in that video? >> you know, he was a young, robust male. and he was doing exactly what
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males -- male gorillas do, and that is protecting his group. had it been a female that got to the child, things may have ended differently. there's no telling. but yeah, you know, you can't be complacent when working with animals as large as harambe. and seeing his posturing and the way his lips were rolled under and the way he was dragging the boy about in the water was terrifying. it's terrifying to watch. >> i wonder what you say to those people who are very angry over this. you know, there's now a petition, justice for harambe. about a half million people have signed onto that. and there's even lawmakers considering a law punishing somebody for negligence that in this instance that leads to the death of an endangered animal like this gorilla. what do you say to them? >> you know, i say i think we need to put our anger and our efforts into conservation of
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this endangered species. whether that is supporting your local zoo or sanctuary or however you can get involved is really important. playing this blame game and the social media game is toxic. and i would like to see more people put their effort into actually helping critically endangered species like the western gorilla. >> amanda, dan, thank you to both of you for joining us on "new day." >> thank you. >> thank you. this is a continuing concern. the olympics are right around the corner and supposed to be in rio. now more of an embarrassment for brazil. coming up, leaked recordings lead to a new scandal involving the people who are supposed to be cleaning up all the corruption. listen and decide.
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donald trump is blasting the media for scrutinizing his money trail of money he raised for veterans last november in iowa. and clinton is now picking up support of california governor jerry brown. and the investigation into the death of harambe the gorilla at the cincinnati zoo is focusing on the family of the boy who fell into the habitat. the zoo was forced to kill the gorilla because the boy's life was in danger. and a possible break in the case for the missing egyptair flight. a boat has possibly picked up a signal from one of the data recorders. and today is the start of the hurricane season in the atlantic. hurricane season runs through november. for more on the 5 things to know, go to for
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all the latest. well, with the rio olympics getting closer and just weeks after a vote to impeach and suspend the embattled president, brazil's new interim government is now caught up in its own corruption scandal. ivan watson has more. >> reporter: when the honor guard arrives to greet foreign diplomats at the presidential palace, so do the protesters. demanding the resignation of the brander in interim president michelle tamir. brazil faces a political crisis during a time of great economic pain. a fresh scandal this month forced a top cabinet minister to announce his resignation. the irony, this is one of the politicians who spear-headed the impeachment process against president dilma rouseff forcing
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her to step down. more than two-thirds of the congress voted in favor of the impeachment president of the elected brazilian president. but many of the lawmakers are themselves implicated in a variety of corruption scandals. do you think there's a lot of corruption in this room? >> i don't think, i'm sure. >> reporter: part of the problem is its tough to govern here. when there are dozens of political parties represented in the brazilian congress. and there's even a professional clown. ♪ a comedian who was applauded when he cast a vote for president youssef. people don't respect you. >> no. we don't have as much credibility together with the society. >> reporter: and it hasn't helped politicians credibility that several ministers in the
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new interim government also appear to be under investigation for alleged wrongdoing. the changing of the political guard in this country is still very, very complicated. the elected president dilma roussef is vowing to fight the impeachment proceedings against her. ivan watson, cnn, brazil. and hillary clinton back at home is taking on the veterans. and the veterans themselves are now taking sides. we'll bring that to you next. e . and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it.
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for flawless skin, choose to smooth. venus swirl. when i raised money for the veterans and it's a massive amount of money, find out how much hillary clinton is giving the veterans. there are people standing out there and don't know why they are there. they are there because hillary clinton's campaign sent them. >> donald trump's message, true on point? that's where he is. one of the things trump didn't like yesterday was this. a group of veterans protesting using vets for his own political gain. let's discuss with the people who matter most. we have veterans with us, one of them is a former organizer of vets versus hate, alex mccoy,
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he's a hillary clinton supporter. also is new hampshire representative retired marine al valasaro who was with him on stage yesterday. thank you for being here. >> it's a pleasure being on. >> there's a lot of differences in respect to political differences. one of the things that hillary clinton talked about is organize ing this. >> i have met many different people and have photos with all kinds of people. the fact that i have a photo on facebook with hillary clinton does not mean this is an organized campaign stunt. >> are you good with that al or not? you thought clinton planted the veterans. >> never would i want to tell a young marine you are a liar to
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his face because i researched and looked at his facebook to see how they gathered people. what they did yesterday, you have a bernie supporter who served in the army, another bernie supporter and another hillary supporter. this was a setup for trump. the money went out to veterans. they need to stop taking veterans as political upo pawns. we want to take the money to help veterans in the trenches. >> money for veterans is a qualified good. that's what it was supposed to be about, what is your problem with this money going to veterans? >> well, these are the facts. donald trump said that he had raised and that he had personally donated a certain amount of money. and it turns out he lied. donald trump was called out on it. veterans like me and other veterans across the country
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stood up to -- >> how did he lie? >> he said he had raised a certain amount of money and that he had personally donated it. that turned to it to be false. you can't spin your way around that. and the fact that -- the problem is the lack of -- before the check went out he claimed he had already donated that money. for us the issue is didn't he donate such money. this amount of money or that amount of money, we appreciate every dollar going to veterans causes. it's the fact that he demonstrated a fundamental lack of integrity. that's not the values i learned. >> this is political. >> listen -- >> it is all political. raising the money instead of going to the debate, that is politics also. >> don't you agree they should be patting him on the back? any person, whether you're a republican or democrat, you're going to raise money to help veterans that the government failed us, okay, you should be patting him on the back thanking him. instead, we are trying to find little loopholes or issues, oh,
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it didn't get out fast enough. i know we have the attorney general in many groups in new hampshire that are scamming veterans and raising money. >> it's true. you have to vet that it takes long, were the numbers right, these are number to push back. that event was supposed to be unqualified and wound up getting nasty because of mr. trump, not because people were heckling him inside. >> that's because trump tells it like it is. >> if i asked you a question right now and you didn't like it, would you call me sleaze to my face? >> i would if you were an idiot. >> how so? you would insult me personally? >> no, let me tell you something. the constitution gives me the right, my first amendment right. >> having the right to do it and then being right to do it is different. you don't behave that way. >> if somebody treats me and calls me names in public, you don't think that -- >> you're not going to insult me. >> no, i'm not finding to insult you. the way they attack donald trump
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is unsettled. they have attacked this man over and over who has done nothing good way before he was elected president, he's done so much for veterans. look what he's done for mexico. >> all they are trying to do is get the money. here's what i am talking about, you have political differences, that's okay to have differences. >> he's a marine and still a brother. i have respect for that. >> it is beautiful we're having this conversation. who is better for veterans? i took a look at clinton's page and trump's page last night, because that is what everybody says, go look at the plans. they are like identical in terms of what they say they'll do, treat the whole person, deal with the v.a., deal with this, more money for that, more money for this, how do you assess who is better for veterans? >> you can look at the history and look at the clintons. i know from marines who stood at the white house on duty there. the clintons treated the marines terrible, if it was the
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disgrace. i have some insight. my son loves the corps he's in. i know this. these democrats, and i was a democrat for many years, my grandfather is mayor al valucci in massachusetts. so i grew up with the kennedys and know the playbook of the democrats. they want to keep us republicans on defense. they don't care about the military. they make many promises. if they can, why is the v.a. all screwed up? why are we losing veterans dying? >> the v.a. has been screwed up as you know for administration after administration after administration. just as a side point. the man trump cam after yesterday saying the media is so bad, here's what happened, drew griffin did the report. >> he respects him. >> he respects him today. >> it's not about us. the g.i. bill, they do a sneaky thing in congress. they do a no-name vote and will take $3 billion out of it.
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the guys, they do crazy about it. nobody wants to talk about it or get involve in the election. we gave trump the chance on this show, clinton said, i'm not finding to let that happen. sanders said i'm not going to let that happen. trump was going at me about how he is so good for veterans and didn't speak to the g.i. bill directly and hasn't yet. that's the kind of thing that should come out. >> on behalf of the g.i. bill, the yellow ribbon program, one of the first legislators in the state changed the law in new hampshire for the yellow ribbon program because they stuck it to veterans. you have to use it. so i changed the law. as soon as you move into new hampshire, you become a resident to get in-state tuition. >> good for you. >> donald trump supports the yellow ribbon. he doesn't want to cut veteran benefits. >> he didn't say it during the interview. >> this is the problem. they are going back and forth giving mixed messages and there's no track rate of integrity. we have a politician, thank you for your service, but you don't -- you're a new hampshire
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state rep and can't claim you're not a politician. you stood up on the podium yesterday and attacked veteran standards with donald trump. >> because the politician, i'm finding to have to kiss somebody's butt for voting -- >> i'm neither. i'm a regular veteran going to school on my g.i. bill. these are issues that are important to me. and i do not work for any campaign unlike yourself. and other veterans are joining you to stand up to donald trump and to show the american people that donald trump is trying to use us. it's one thing to have politicians do the thing where they wave the flag and they say thank you to the troops, but it's another thing to do what donald trump has been doing, to use this as a shield to hide from hard questions. and that is what he's been doing. that's what he did when he dodged the fox news debate fund-raiser. that's obviously very important. but at the same time as donating a few million dollars to veteran charities, he's threatening to cut billions of dollars of funding from the department of
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veterans affairs. he's threatening to -- he doesn't even know what the g.i. bill is. this is something as my latter into the middle class, my dad who served in the navy for 25 years did before me, that is something disturbing. that someone who wants to be the next president of the united states has to spend a few weeks figuring out what the g.i. bill is? >> final point. >> first of all, we have a few percent, low percent in the marine corps that go to the left. i understand and respect that. but they lost their way. and when they lost their way, meaning we have to get the veterans in the trench that is need help. we are so focused on, why didn't donald trump get that money out in a timely manner? why don't we focus on saying thank you. more groups step up to the plate to give money. does donald trump know everything? no, he don't. does he have advisers to come in to help him on veterans issues, yeah, he does. no candidate knows every issue.
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i know that ronald reagan said 88% of the time you are not my enemy. we need to thank every republican or democrat if you're standing up to veterans. >> it is hard to believe you care about the veterans when you don't know what the g.i. bill is. >> it's a longer conversation that we'll continue to have. i respect you being on. thank you. beautiful. there's a lot of news for you this morning. the newsroom with carol costello will pick it up right after this quick break. stay with cnn. gentlemen, thank you. ...what we're building together... ...and could this happen again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than
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