tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 1, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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good evening, thanks for joining us. breaking news, serious questions for the state department and the white house after admission that someone edited a briefing addressing secret talks between the u.s. and iran. it contradicts how the state department previously described what happened. the deleted video was originally called a glitch. what do we now know? >> reporter: anderson, this stems from a briefing in 2012 discussing secret talks about iran. the spokesman at the time for hillary clinton said there were no talks going on. a year later, these talks are revealed. john kerry spokesman jen saki says sometimes lying to reporters is necessary to protect secret negotiations, and about a month ago when a reporter referred back to the video of that exchange on a website and youtube, they found it was cut out. the current spokesman john kirby thought it was curious, had the
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legal adviser look into it. the same day of the briefing in question, the office that posted videos on the state department website got a called from an unidentified staff member in the bureau of public affairs requesting that it be deleted, several minutes of the briefing. the person checked with a supervisor saying it came from someone with authority in the state department, don't remember who. >> now no one can supposedly remember who made request to delete a portion of the video? >> reporter: i think there is selective memory going on. person that took the call can't remember who called on her behalf, neither can the supervisor. they remember it wasn't jen saki who incidentally said on twitter that she had no idea what happened and would never do something like that. the bureau of public affairs isn't huge, only a few high level people could have made such request. to his credit, john kirby found
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there was no policy in place about the deletions, put in a new policy that every video is posted with all edits disclosed. it is period, the transcript of the briefing has always been available online, the video is since restored. it feeds into this idea that the white house was not completely honest about dealings with iran. you may remember earlier this month, ben rhodes, deputy national security adviser told "the new york times" that the white house created a narrative that this didn't take place. so admittedly, they lied. >> so they have no memory of who made the request and they went to the boss, and the boss says i don't remember who we talked about. seems ridiculous. thanks very much. a donald trump gets under way shortly in sacramento, california, second straight day of revelations in the trump university class action lawsuit. secretary clinton is using tough
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words against donald trump today, calling him a fraud, saying he is, quote, trying to scam america the way he scammed people at trump u. has there been direct response from the trump campaign? >> reporter: anderson, leading up to this the trump campaign said many students were happy with the course, felt they benefitted from it. donald trump is hitting back saying i am not the fraud, hillary clinton is the fraud. crooked hillary clinton put the country at risk by her illegal and stupid use of e-mails, many missing. she hasn't been found doing anything illegal yet, you can see the trump tactic saying i am not the problem, hillary clinton is the problem. >> trump is already the presumptive nominee. why is he holding a rally in california tonight? >> reporter: he is trying to walk this fine line where he just began fundraising for a general election, he needs to raise money. because he doesn't have this war
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chest, he needs to get earned media and be in the news. i think we will see him have this vigorous campaign schedule. he can't let the media narrative be about hillary clinton and bernie sanders battling for california. i think you're going to see him try to balance his schedule, raising money, holding finance events and having campaign events. a number of donors says he has a couple of fund-raisers and having public events across california, even though he is already the presumptive nominee. >> the panel is back. megan, reading about the catch up the trump campaign is trying to do in terms of organizational stuff a more traditional campaign may have already had in place. where does that stand? >> it's a problem. they're increasingly relying on the rnc for bare bones basics,
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my colleagues jonathan martin, alex burns did a story about a top hispanic leader -- >> rnc. >> rnc. she left because she said she had issues with trump and didn't want to go and defend him. you would hear complaints from younger staffers privately that they're concerned about him as their nominee, so when you start with that, when he is looking to the party apparatus already not cohesive behind the nominee, it is a problem. he just fired his national political director that was caught in the crossfire of a fight between two top aides but also gave enough complaints to trump to legitimately fire him. trump it is not clear saw why he needed this person. he thinks he can manage some of this himself. they hired a polster, never had an announcement. talked about hiring other polster. didn't have a coms director.
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these are sort of basics. you can rely on the party apparatus to a point. when you're just fund-raising now to race initially supposed to be a billion, now trump says $500 million. these are real issues. you have a large number of party donors that said publicly they're not going to give to him, not going to raise for him. yes, he gets tons of what's called free media. tons of exposure, but that doesn't makeup for lack of bodies on the ground or makeup for voter registration or to nuts and bolts efforts. he doesn't have a daily message he is driving. that's what we saw at the press conference. he could have taken that and used it to hit hillary clinton said yes, i made good on this promise. instead, he trained fire on the media. kayleigh says yes, it is an easy
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target but may not work long term. >> gets him headlines. >> it was diversionary. >> he is easier to dump on the media than talk about the issues with the veterans money. so that was -- even people that support trump will say he needs the message she's talking about, he needs a conversation changer. i was talking to republicans saying he has the votes for people that love trump. what he needs is to bring other people in. one way to do that might be to name the cabinet. >> yet errol, you have been covering trump as a new york reporter, trump said at the press conference this is what you're going to get. let trump be trump. that was cory lewandowski's thing he wrote on a blackboard,
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seems to be what the campaign is doing. >> a number of his aides tried to convince people he will pivot, he will change. you'll hear more policy speeches, see him act more presidential. he himself has said that, none of it had any credibility. it was interesting to see how long it would last, some cases only 72 hours. what you see is what you get. there's this odd, interesting question, this phenomenon where he is running as if he is in the middle of a hotly contested primary. >> christine, yesterday hillary clinton had a message of the day which didn't address the press conference donald trump gave. did that surprise you? >> i think the issue with yesterday's press conference whatever the message of the day was, it reminds us at the end of the day donald trump is about donald trump. the only -- the numbers and dates show he gave the money, most money to the veterans groups after "the washington
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post" asked. whether or not that message is right or wrong is not the issue. the issue is he is about himself, he is about making more attention, more press, more money. >> kayleigh, it raises questions about is hillary clinton ready to run against donald trump, a guy that's able to dominate the news cycle, a guy that's nimble on his feet in terms of what he talks about, whether you like it or not. hillary clinton seemed to have a message, what that message was going to be that day, and wasn't able to adjust to comment on donald trump's press conference. >> that's right. that's why we have seen her try to replicate some of trump's tactics, calling into a show like jake tapper yesterday or tweeting today. i think she's trying to do the same. i am not sure it will work. i also find it odd that you say yesterday proved that everything is about donald trump when yesterday was about the fact he gave 5.6 million to 40 different
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veteran organizations. that falls on deaf ears when you say it was about him, yesterday was about philanthropy. >> philanthropy when forced, when they came looking for the checks. if the press let it go, rest assured those checks would not have come. the dates, "the washington post," proved that. just in the same way when veterans were trying to be vendors as they're allowed to do in new york and make a living on fifth avenue, donald trump reached out to two mayors to have those veterans kicked off fifth avenue because how could we let them be at such a prestigious address. he is about himself. he will manipulate people when it is good for himself. >> kayleigh, respond. >> two veterans were here yesterday who said he has been giving four decades. several organizations said they got calls in january they would receive money. takes time to disburse money, as
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the clinton foundation knows. 10% of clinton foundation goes to charitable giving, 90% to the foundation. >> a navy veteran lost his life savings at trump university. there were veterans yesterday showing trump's true colors. >> if donald trump is so charitable, how come they only gave $57,000 to veterans organizations between 2009 and 2013, and didn't give hardly any of his own money to his own foundation. he becomes charitable and about philanthropy when there's a camera in front of him, and like christine said when pushed on him. half the checks weren't until after may 24 when "the washington post" pushed him. unfortunately it should have been about the veterans organizations and should have been about the fact that millions of -- >> we don't know what he gave personally, haven't seen his tax returns. >> that's true. people normally of his status that are billionaires give the
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money through foundations. other people have more money than him or comparable money that he has that give. >> we are at a sad place in politics when people are scrutinizing the fact that millions of dollars went to veterans. it got there, it was because of donald trump. if you want to criticize him for that, it is sad. >> wait a minute. if a politician is using charitable donations as nobody doubts it is bad to give, but isn't it fair to ask questions, has the money been disbursed? >> sure, it is fair to ask and he gave a full accounting. no one knows donald trump's motive giving the money to veterans. you can speculate all you want. >> i am not speculating. cut it out. took four months to disburse the money. that is a fact. and also a fact he didn't decide
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to do this wonderful stuff until he wanted to throw a temper tantrum, not be part of a fox debate because megyn kelly was moderator. this is his own opportunism at the time. >> he had to vet 40 organizations. yesterday when he released -- >> let her respond. >> people were coming out, criticizing the organization. saying thank goodness he vetted them. >> that's right. we have to take a break. just ahead, national security, why one expert, former aide to general petraeus and lifelong republican came forward saying he is voting for hillary clinton. we will talk to him ahead. and what was the gorilla thinking when the boy fell into his enclosure. we will talk to the man that cared for him when he was a baby. that's why bud light has a new look... and we want to share it with everyone...
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hillary clinton tomorrow delivers a major policy address covering among other things the threat she sees donald trump poses to national security. a few national security professionals have raised concerns and some doing what they haven't done before. among them, retired colonel peter mansour, served with david petraeus in iraq, teaches and is republican and won't vote that way this time. you're a registered republican, always voted for republican for president. why are you planning to vote for hillary clinton if she gets the nomination? >> well, the problem is the republican candidate, donald trump, is not fit to be president. he would be a dangerous person in that office. he would alienate many of america's long-standing allies,
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can't be trusted on the nuclear trigger, lacks character and foundation of knowledge necessary to be an effective president. he opposes free trade among conservative economics, and would diminish the moral standing in the world with his stance on muslims and mexicans and women and all of the various ways i cannot support him as president nor would i want him in office. my conclusion is i have to vote for the person that has the best chance of beating him, i think that's hillary rodham clinton. >> donald trump says a lot of concern is political correctedness, that he's going to take the fight to isis, obliterate them, that our troops are fighting with one hand tied behind their back. what is he not understanding. >> to not know what the nuclear
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triad, he was asked about at the debate and flubbed. is it political correctness to say we should dissolve alliance with japan, south korea, allow them to develop their own nuclear weapons, and counter proliferation that's been a long-standing policy around the world. there's a lot of things he says and throws up a smoke screen, saying it is political correctness. in fact, if you look at the policies behind what he is advocating, it would be disastrous for the united states as a great power around the world. >> early on in the campaign he said his plan for isis is bomb the hell out of them, take iraq's oil, he talked about -- not sure if he said take iraq's oil or bomb iraq's oil. when he said take iraq's oil, send in u.s. troops to surround iraqi oil fields, send in people
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to extract the oil and get the oil. does that make sense to you? >> makes zero sense. 85% of iraq's oil is in the southern part of the country that is not under threat from isis. so in fact we won invading iraq to take its oil and we would be at war with iraq, not with isis. >> seems to me that would inflame parts of iraq not against the u.s., you steal their oil or take it, that inflames the entire country against you. >> if you like the iraq war, this would be the iraq war on steroids. >> you were publicly critical of trump in the last few months of the primary. the decision to go public supporting secretary clinton, did you come to that on your own, were you asked to do this by your campaign? >> no, i was not asked by her campaign at all, i had no contact with her campaign. this is a conclusion i came to on my own. you know, what do i do when now
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we are faced with reality of the republican nominee being donald trump. i can't vote for him but i think it would be dangerous for him to be president, so what is the best way to make sure he does not enter that office, i think that's to vote for the democratic nominee. if i were to stay on the sidelines, that's exactly what donald trump wants. he wants to win in a low turnout election. so i'm going to do my part to make sure it is not a low turnout election. >> colonel peter mansour, pleasure to talk to you. thank you. >> thanks, anderson. sure as he is not voting for donald trump, bernie sanders supporters are not going to vote for hillary clinton. more on making sanders her running mate. would that change minds. dan simon takes a look. >> scale of one to ten, how much of a bernie sanders fan are you? >> 110. all in. bernie or bust. >> scale of one to ten, how much
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hillary clinton fan are you? >> negative 110. i will never vote for hillary clinton. ♪ bernie, bernie, experience and wisdom not for sale. >> reporter: they're some of bernie's biggest fans, or put another way, some of hillary's biggest haters. >> on a scale one to ten, how much of a hillary clinton fan are you? >> one. >> not a hillary clinton fan. >> zero. >> could that change? here's the question. if hillary clinton picked bernie sanders. >> bernie! >> as her running mate, how much would you like to see bernie sanders chosen as hillary clinton's running mate? >> i would think that would be the most you outstanding decision bernie would make, he could bring all of the youth and the huge enthusiasm for the democratic party to hillary's side, much better chance to defeat trump. >> reporter: when push comes to
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shove. >> would you support that ticket? >> reporter: we found plenty that would come on board. >> i would support bernie sanders in any way, any position. >> 1% chance, i would vote in that situation for them. >> reporter: not all sanders supporters are willing to let go of the dislike for hillary clinton. >> you say you'll never vote for hillary clinton. >> correct. >> if she chooses bernie sanders as her running mate, hypothetical question, would you support that ticket? >> absolutely not. >> how come? >> because i think hillary clinton is corrupt. >> would it make you enthusiastic for hillary clinton if she chose bernie sanders as her running mate? >> not enthusiastic, no, i know too much. >> honestly, i am not sure i would. >> this sanders supporter isn't sure either. like so many at the rally, he feels come november he would have no other choice. hillary clinton gets the nomination, she chooses bernie sanders as her running mate.
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do you support that ticket? >> yes. >> wholeheartedly? >> well, i hold my nose and vote for hillary because she's going to be better than the alternative. there's a big difference in this campaign. i am voting for bernie sanders. if i vote for hillary or vote for anyone else, it will be because i am voting against the alternative and that's a big deal. this is one of the first elections in my lifetime that i've had someone to vote for instead of someone i am voting against. >> reporter: dan simon, cnn, palo alto, california. just ahead. did the cincinnati zoo do the right thing by killing this gorilla? what gorilla experts think and hear from the former caretaker next. and i'm doing just fine. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don't come between me and victory. live claritin clear.
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the family of the three-year-old boy dragged by the gorilla in the cincinnati zoo says he is doing well after a checkup with the doctor. the incident led to them shooting the gorilla. jack hanna and others say the zoo did the right thing, gorilla behavior can be unpredictable, that we know from other incidents in the past. take a look. >> my son fell in with the male gorilla. >> when the three-year-old fell into the enclosure in the cincinnati zoo, no one knew how the male silverback would react. at times he seemed protective, at times holding his arm. at other times roughly dragging him through the water, also banged him against the wall. the gorilla was killed, the
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child rescued before seriously injured. this is not the first time a child encountered a gorilla. a three-year-old fell 20 feet into an enclosure, lay unconscious on the ground. a female gorilla carrying her baby approached him. watch how she picked him up and carried him to safety. >> she took him to the access door where they were able to get the boy and bring him to safety. >> in 1986, a five-year-old fell into an enclosure. a silverback rushed over and instead of attacking gently car he issed him. and seemed to protect him from other gorilla before he was rescued. despite the massive size and strength of the gorilla, they're usually not a threat to humans. they're one of our closest animal relatives. live in two distinct groups. i came face to face with
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mountain gorillas in the wild in 2006 in the congo. >> every group i did headed by a silverback. because of the coloring on the back. fully grown silverback can weigh about 500 pounds. at one point the silverback decided to check us out. >> he is just testing us. just let it pass. as long as he doesn't feel like we are doing anything threatening, he will walk right by us as he did. >> visiting mountain gorilla is one of the most incredible, intimate experiences you can have with an animal in the wild, when this close and see their eyes, see how intelligent they are, similar they are to human beings. each has a unique personality, each an individual. whether in the wild or captivity, gorilla behavior is unpredictable, which is why no one knows what could have happened in the cincinnati zoo
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with a 450 pound silverback standing alone with a three-year-old child. an incredible experience to be that close to mountain gorillas in congo, rue wand a. jerry, you and others at the zoo played a big role in harambe's life, you were parents to him for about a year. what was he like as a young gorilla? >> i told everybody, he was born, he was on the small side. his mom gave up after 21 days. she was young to be having a baby. so we took him, bottle raised him. i took him home at night. i had two sons, never changed a diaper. i am getting up 2:00 in the morning changing the diaper, giving him his bottle. it was a unique experience. >> at a certain age they're too big to be handling like that, and silverbacks, adult males are incredibly strong animals.
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was he aggressive or violent in your experience? >> no. he never was violent. he was a very inquisitive, curious character. made keepers lives miserable. >> how so? was he mischievious? >> he would do things like throw the water, he would hold the doors open so they couldn't close it and sit there and look at them. they finally give up, walk off. he would close it himself. he was never mean or aggressive. i went in with him until he was seven or eight years old. then he got -- it wasn't me, he was playful, but when you get to be that size, they play rougher than we do. when they run by, hit you up side the head, your bell rings forever. >> he was reintegrated with other gorillas. after that, how much contact did he have with humans? >> dealt with him every day,
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people would have to go in, feed him, hand feed him, give him vitamins in the morning, his glass of milk. you did it through the bars, you didn't go in with him. while you were busy giving him his milk, he would stick his finger out, flip the glass and runoff, as if he did something. >> i understand a fund has been set up at the zoo. what do you hope to achieve? >> it is the harambe fund. what it is, sir, in the wild there are programs, we are raising money to send over there, people over there, we need to get them to understand to eat gorilla today or poach a gorilla today, it is not there tomorrow. what we are hoping to do is tragedy, terrible tragedy and hurts really bad to take this
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rotten bush he will of apples out, try to make a pie, see if we can do some good in his name, turn this thing around and try to help the world understand, just feel better. i am not a college educated zoologist, but i have 50 years of home schooling in the gorilla business. it is one of the most wonderful things you can ever be involved in in your lifetime. >> i'm sorry we are talking under these circumstances. i appreciate you taking the time. >> i appreciate you taking time to talk to me, let me tell the world about my boy. >> jerry, thank you very much. i'm sorry for your loss. very sad. just ahead, possible break through in the search for the egyptair flight 804 black boxes. i have a blog called "daddy doing work", it's funny that i've been in the news for being a dad. windows 10 is great because i need to keep organized. school, grocery shopping. my face can unlock this computer. that's crazy.
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there's a major development in the search for piece of egyptair flight 804. a french naval ship picked up a signal. they believe it came from one of the flight data recorders that may solve the mystery of what brought the airliner down. 66 people were on board when it crashed into the mediterranean last month.
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no terror group has claimed responsibility. joining us, former faa inspector david soucie and miles o'brien. miles, the beacon in the black box, if they have been detected, how close are they to finding that wreckage? >> pretty close, anderson, hard to predict, underwater acoustics are funny, effected by a lot of things, by temperature in versions, thermal clients that can bounce around in strange ways. a mile or two of range which means they're probably homing in pretty close. we have to caution viewers to remember back to the search for mh370 when we thought we heard pings and ended up learning they were shark tagging devices. so it sounds solid but let's wait and see. >> how long, david, before the black boxes can be retrieved then? is there a special vessel carrying robots due to arrive
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soon? >> at that depth, anderson, it is important to maintain the pressure on the box. if there's a leak in the box allowing water in or anything that might be unique after the accident, needs to be encapsulated, brought to the surface at that pressure, and slowly under scientific environments slowly release pressure, bring it out slowly so the components aren't damaged by the pressure change. >> miles, what exactly will the data recorders tell investigators? >> well, there are two boxes, one is the flight data recorder, this is sophisticated digital flight data recorder. hundreds and hundreds of channels of data parameters, just about everything you can imagine on the aircraft is connected to that box. what that system is doing. numerous hours of information about that, in excess of 20 hours. the cockpit voice recorder gives at least two hours on a loop of conversations inside the cockpit, what was the crew doing, what were they saying. were they trying to get off an
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emergency call and were not heard, what noises did they hear in the cockpit. those two things together should be able to solve the mystery, assuming they survived this. >> david, you would agree the recorders should provide enough information to tell whether it was a safety issue or terror related? >> yeah, anderson, i think it will. we looked in the accident investigation world, we look to the data recorder telling us what happened, we look to the voice recorder to tell us how it happened. those two things are uniquely different, in the fact something could look like a routine maintenance failure, but if you listen to what happened in the cockpit before that, could lead you to incendiary device or something else. the combination of two is important for the whole story. >> david, there were other crashes where recorders stopped working or data was damaged. if for some reason that's the case here, how else do you
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determine what happened? >> well, again, both. say the data recorder stopped recording or was damaged in the accident, all you have is the voice recorders to go by, there's a lot of information that can be gleaned from the audio, for example flip of a switch can have a unique audio signature to see what was going on, and be more narrative. if the voice recorder is not available, data recorder is probably the best of both worlds to have. even if you have neither of those, information from the aircraft itself, if you find the aircraft, you'll see if there's any incendiary fuel and you also are able to tell structural failure or if the engines were under power, had power going into them when they hit the water, a lot of information from three sores. >> thanks. just ahead, the killing of
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was an undocumented immigrant with a long record. san francisco is one of 300 sanctuary cities that passed laws limiting and in some cases prohibiting local officials from cooperating with federal officials. they aren't allowed to give a heads up when an undocumented immigrant is released from jail. immigration says it makes it harder and supporters say they're necessary. pamela brown did a ride along with agents in chicago to see for herself firsthand how it all plays out on the street. >> reporter: in a federal facility just outside chicago, immigration and customs enforcement agencies are looking at undocumented immigrants convicted of crimes in the u.s., preparing them for deportation proceedings. >> i went downstairs, all of a sudden i see four officers. >> reporter: they arrested alberto perez. one domestic battery conviction
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on his record, perez was arrested again last fall on a new charge of domestic >> you have been arrested twice for domestic battery. >> uh-huh. >> why should you stay here? >> if i just made a couple bad decisions, i'm not going to say i'm proud of it, because i'm not. i love this place. i love this place. and i can r this place my home. >> reporter: local authorities released perez from cook county jail, despite a request from i.c.e. deofficials to detain him temporarily or at least contact them before setting him free. which would enabled i.c.e. to pick him up from jail rather than having to search for him on the streets. >> radio check. >> reporter: we spent a day with a team in chicago and surrounding cook county, cracking down undocumented immigrant convicts. >> the more egregious criminals, the better they are at trying to abade us. >> we have a runner. >> we got him as well. >> reporter: the criminals they're going after were
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released from cook county jail, but i.c.e. was never notified because of local sanctuary laws prohibiting local law enforcement from cooperating with officials. >> frees of of liability. >> reporter: he was the driving force behind the law in cook county. i.c.e. is saying okay, we understand you don't want to honor our retainers, but can't you pick up the phone and notify us when they're going to be released? >> we have a policy that works. there have been not one single instance where someone who was out on bond committed a crime. >> denny on the right -- >> reporter: but brian mccann says his brother was never brought to justice because of the law. >> he's the alter boy, right? >> yes. he was 66 when he died. >> reporter: denny mccann was crossing a chicago street in 2011, he was killed bay drunk driver. police say by this man, sal
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chavez, an undocumented imgraduate who was convicted of dui once before. >> mr. chavez with a very high blood alcohol level, hit him and dragged him about two blocks and he died a violent, violent death. >> reporter: chavez was arrested, but just three months later, the sanctuary law went into effect and cook county released chavez on bond, without notifying i.c.e. >> i was stunned when i got this phone call that mr. chavez had been released from jail. and i was convinced he was -- because he was a flight risk, he would flee to mexico. which he subsequently did. >> reporter: new data compiled shows nationwide 378 jurisdictions that climb more than 17,000 i.c.e. detainer requests in less than two years. 447 declined by cook county alone. one such denied request was from
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juan lopez sanchez in san francisco. >> did you shoot kate steinly? >> reporter: sanchez who was deported five times confessed to shooting and killing kate steinle as she walked along the pier with her father. sanchez claims it was an accident. >> i could feel she was fighting. gapsing for every breath. >> reporter: they are suing is the city of san francisco blaming them for her death. >> in like 48 hours -- >> reporter: jay johnson oversees i.c.e. they are such a priority, these local officials argue why don't you get an arrest warrant for them? wouldn't that free them of the liability? >> that's not how a deportation works. it is not a criminal prosecution. deportation proceedings do not work that way. >> reporter: last november, secretary johnson narrowed the priorities. zeroing in on undocumented immigrants in three categories,
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convicted criminals, public safety threats, and those who recently crossed the border illegally. >> we see that reflected in the numbers. fewer deportations, but a higher percentage of those where convicted criminals and threats to public safety. >> we're letting him go on the spot. >> reporter: agents released three undocumented immigrants who did not fit the new more lenient criteria because they did not have criminal records. still many of the i.c.e. does arrest and deport will sneak right back into the u.s. >> when we were on the ride-a-long, every single one of the undocumented felons had been deported at least once, and then came right back across the border to commit crimes again in the united states. one, at least three times. how do you stop this vicious cycle when already billions of dollars a year are being spent on border security with mexico? >> more surveillance, more technology, and there's a public
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messaging aspect of this too, which is if you come here, you're apprehended at the border and you're a recent arrival, we have to send you back. that is not always pleasant, but it is something we have to do. >> what's going to happen to me? >> reporter: for undocumented criminals like perez, going back to mexico is a daunting prospect. do you think you will be deported? >> hopefully in my heart i believe i won't be, but apparently right now, my fate is in the hands of the judge. i have no family over there. i just i might end up being behind a dumpster or something, you know. s. >> we are joined now, give us a sense of how many people the u.s. government is deporting on a daily basis? >> secretary johnson says that i.c.e. deports 1,000 a day, every day of the week. and he says with i.c.e. priorities, that number is down from what it used to be in the in the case of perez who we just saw there speaking in his
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holding cell. we learned that prosecutors decided not to go forward with that second domestic battery charge, but a deportation case is still pend, anderson. >> thanks very much, we'll be right back. ily fiber. new mirafiber from the makers of miralax. it's the only fiber that supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. so unlike others, mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas. love your fiber. new mirafiber.
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our mission at clover is to highest quality dairy products. clover has relationships with 27 different family farms. the environment is who clover is. without it, we're nothing. pg&e's been a great partner. they're the energy experts, we're the milk guys. pg&e worked with clover on a number of energy efficiency projects to save energy every month. if you're part of the fabric of the community, you've got to ensure that you do things right, environment included. learn how you can save at together, we're building a better california. quick note and new details on the shooting at ucla, authorities calling it a
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murder-suicide. they will view all of them. in the wake, hundreds had to take cover until the all-clear came. classes resume tomorrow except where the shooting took place. that does it for us. thanks very much for watching. cnn tonight with don lemon starts now. trump schooled. you're looking live at donald trump's rally in sacramento, california. we're going to listen in now. >> he has tell prompters, do i have teleprompters here? no. but she's got like these minor speeches and she's going -- i saw this a couple times. we're going to win in the north, south, east, and west. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. oh boy. number one -- >> this is cnn tonight, i am don lemon. hillary clinton is wasting no time hammering her opponent on trump university. >> donald trump himself is
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